The Forgotten Princess

by Shaddeluim

First published

An Alicorn lost in time and in memories, is finally found by none other then Twilight and her friends. But the forgotten Alicorn has also forgotten herself.

There is a princess that no one knows of—well, more correctly put, no one remembers. There is but a mention in a lone history book, written by an unknown author, and Princess Twilight wants to know more.
Now, not only is the Lost Alicorn remembered, she is found! But that is only the beginning... Because complications arise when the Lost Alicorn can't remember herself.

Import Note: After many years this story just sitting here, and me going on to different projects, I have decided to cancel this story. For the simple fact, other then my inactivity, this story wasn't going the way I originally wanted. For those who actually were enjoying this story, and for anyone who's curious, I'm going to be redoing this story entirely.

Prologue (rewritten)

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Long ago Equestria was ruled by two Alicorn sisters: one of the sun, the other for the moon. Then one became jealous of the other's popularity and tried to become the only ruler and bring internal night. But the one sister wasn't successful and was banished to the moon. A century later another Alicorn is born, but things are not all well for this Alicorn. A shadow demon begins to speak with the young Alicorn and slowly begins to corrupt her with its evil. Seventeen years after the new alicorn's birth, the demon engulf her with its evil. With her new nightmarish form the young Alicorn lays waste to Canterlot. Before the demon and its new puppet could spread their destruction across the rest of Equestria, the princess of the sun fought back. The demon was too strong for the princess and almost one the day. Then the Captain of the royal guard, wielding the lost element, stopped the demon and its Alicorn puppet by freezing them in mystic crystal. To this day the Alicorn and the demon are frozen in the crystal in an unknown location, no one remembers this day, for there are no records of this happening.

Twilight sat there, in the Canterlot library, pondering on what she read, and how this scroll came to be. All she has as a clue to who wrote the scroll was an emblem on the bottom right hand corner. It was flaming wooden round shield, Twilight checked a book full of the family crest of Equestria and couldn't find it within the book. The scroll was a complete mystery, with no other option Twilight decided to do some research on the contents of the scroll. After an hour of reading history book after history book, she finally found what she was looking for. A lone history book, dating back to the time the scroll said the Alicorn lived.

"It seems like the book goes into more detail about what happens then the scroll does." Twilight said to no one in particular.

"Really, what does it say?" Spike asked.

"Well the book says many things that the scroll doesn't, like the names of each pony mentioned in the scroll. The book also mentions what the demon called it self, as well as what happened to the crystal!" Twilight said with excitement. "It say's here that the crystal was hidden somewhere in the castle to keep it safe from any evil doing ponies." Twilight said continuing reading the book.

"We should show the others this." Spike suggested.

"Spike, your right we should get the girls and find this secret room." Twilight said running out the library door in search of her friends.

CH.1 The Crystal (Rewrite coming soon)

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Twilight Sparkle ran out of the Canterlot library to find her friends somewhere in the city, she practically ran all around Canterlot looking her friends. When she finally found them they were at Rarity’s favorite cafe, why she didn't look her first she’ll never know.

“Hey Twilight, what’s going on?” Rainbow Dash asked upon noticing Twilight Sparkle.

“Guys I just found out that there’s a secret room holding an Alicorn frozen in crystal somewhere in the castle.” Twilight said quickly.

“An Alicorn frozen in crystal….darling I think you've been awake too long.” Rarity said not believing Twilight.

“I don’t know, I think it’s worth looking into.” Applejack said supporting her friend.

"I agree with Applejack, that and it’s better than sitting around here and doing nothing." Rainbow Dash said flying a foot or two in the air.

"Then its settled well go look for the secret room that was mentioned in a history book I read." Twilight said walking towards the palace with her five friends close behind.

The group of friends quickly made their way to Canterlot Castle, on their quest to find the mysterious Alicorn within the crystal. Upon arriving at the castle the friends split up into three groups of two, figuring it would be the fastest way to find what they're looking for.

"So, Twilight do you even know what we're looking for?" Rainbow Dash asked not entirely sure why she agreed to something so boring to begin with.

"Not exactly, but I figured it would be a secret passage behind a banner or a book case, something around those lines." Twilight said stopping to look behind a banner.

"Great how do we expect to find this secret room if we don't even know what we're looking for." Rainbow said quietly to herself as she leaned up against the wall. Then something unexpected happen the wall she leaning up against moved slightly inwards creating a loud grinding sound.

"Or it could be behind a section of the wall." Twilight said in disbelief.

"I'll go get the others!" Rainbow Dash said excitedly as she flew off.

Twilight didn't have to wait long before Rainbow Dash came back with the rest of the main 6, by then Twilight forced the door all the way open and was ready to descend down a set of staircases into the darkness.

"Do we have to go down there?" Fluttershy asked being her usual self.

"Yes, unless you don't want to know what's down there, but that would be silly." Pinkie Pie answered.

The Mane 6 began their trek down the staircase and into the darkness below; their only source of light was a common light spell erupting from Twilight's horn. The trek down the stair case was a long one no pony was sure when it was going to end, that is until Fluttershy accidentally hit a rock with her hooves, sending the off the edge of the staircase.

"Sorry every pony." Fluttershy said quietly upon doing it, just then the rock could be heard hitting the floor below.

"Two seconds!" Twilight yelled out excitedly.

"What now?" Applejack asked not sure what Twilight was referring to.

"The rock took two seconds to hit the ground, meaning we're not too far from the end of the staircase." Twilight explained further.

"About time!" Rainbow Dash said impatiently.

"I'll have to agree with Rainbow, it has taken a great amount of time to get here." Rarity said agreeing.

The group of friends quickly made their way down the rest of stair case. When they reached the bottom however, they wished they didn't come down without a proper light source. Twilight began to walk around looking for anything that could provide more light then her and Rarity's horns could. While doing this Twilight somehow caused a train reaction, which for some unknown reason caused a fire to light around the edges of the room they were in. The group of friends stood there in awe of what was in front of them; there on the wall opposite of the stairs sat a very large green crystal with what looked like a figure of an Alicorn within it. The wall behind the crystal was a row stained glass windows, each one depicting the history of the Alicorn that was frozen in the crystal in front of them. From the events of early childhood to the event that trapped her within the crystal. But something was missing in this Alicorn's history, her birth there was no stained glass window about her birth.

"Well Twilight I believe I owe you an apology." Rarity said bringing her friends back to the task at hand.

"So how are we going to get her out of there?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

"Remember reading that an Alicorn was the one who put her in there, so maybe an Alicorn can get her out." Twilight said as she got ready to release a blast of magic towards the crystal. Her horn began to glow as it charged a magical blast; once it was ready Twilight released it on the crystal leaving only a small crack on its surface.

"What are you six doing down here....and more importantly how did you find this room?" Princess Celestia asked them sternly. Twilight turned around surprised to see her former mentor behind them, but what really surprised her was the sternness in her voice.

"Princess Celestia? We discovered this room through a history book that mentioned that Crystal over there..." Twilight started before getting cut off by Celestia.

"You had no right to go snooping around in affairs you don't understand." Celestia said a little harsh.

Twilight began to defend her actions to the Princess, while that went on Fluttershy noticed something going on with the crystal that no pony seemed to notice. The small crack that Twilight left on the crystal began to grow by the second; eventually the entire crystal was covered head to toe in the cracks.

"Excuse me but...." Fluttershy began before one of the two Alicorn Princesses cut her off rudely, so she tried again. "The crystal it's...." She started once again, and again gained the same result. Before Fluttershy could try to turn every pony’s attention towards the crystal again, it exploded from the inside out sending pieces of green crystals across the room. The blast from the crystal not only managed to attract the attention of every pony in the room but also managed to destroy the stained glass behind it. All the ponies in the room slowly walked towards the place the crystal once stood, now in its place laid the Alicorn that was once trapped in the crystal.

"Rainbow Dash, go and get some of the guards and bring them back here." Celestia ordered, in response Rainbow Dash gave a quick salute before flying out of the room at top speed. "Now as for the rest of you go get some sleep I'll explain everything soon enough." Celestia said turning her attention to the other five friends in the room. They did a quick nod before leaving the room themselves, Celestia turned towards to unconscious mare lying on the floor.

'Welcome back Aurora' Celestia thought to herself as two Pegasi guards appeared in the room. But there was something no one noticed as the crystal exploded, a black figure that looked like it was made the embers of a leftover fire floated in the far corner of the secrete room watching the every movement tacking place within it.

Ch.2 A waken

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A mare with a black mane and tail, with red streaks running through both the mane and tail, lay sleeping on top of a bed within a room. The mare's light brown fur gently swayed as she awoke from her deep slumber, her now open red eyes began to scan the room she found herself in. All the room contained was an oak wardrobe and a dresser with a mirror resting above it. The light brown mare steadily stood up only to collapse back onto the bed felling a dizzy; she slowly tried again once the dizziness subsided.

'Owe my head, that was one crazy dream.'The mare thought to herself as she slowly walked towards the nearby mirror.

Half way to the mirror realization struck her, she had no idea where she was or who she was. She instantly quickened her speed so she may reach the mirror quickly. She looked at her reflection upon reaching it, the first thing she noticed was the unicorn horn upon her forehead, and the next was a pair of wings sticking out of her back.

The brown Alicorn sat there staring at her reflection like she was trying to remember something important but couldn't for some unknown reason. Then she noticed something in the top right hand corner of the mirror, it was another reflection but it wasn't one of another pony though. It was one of a black shadowy creature; it had an ember effect to it like it was from a fire of some sort. The strange shadow like creature was beginning to creep out the Alicorn, and just when she thought the creature couldn't get creepier two evil looking eyes opened in the middle of the creature.

"What!" The Alicorn said surprised while quickly turning around to look at the corner of the room the creature should have been, but she found no trace of the said creature.

A little creeped out and bothered about how the creature had disappeared as fast as it appeared, what really bothered her though was the fact that the creature seemed familiar somehow. The Alicorn turned her attention back towards the mirror to only be drawn away from it immediately afterwards. A door she failed to notice upon her waking up was wide open, and standing in the door way were two Alicorns. The brown Alicorn continued to look through the mirror, this time not to look at herself, but at the two strangers standing behind her.

"Aurora?" The shorter of the two asked causing the brown Alicorn to turn her head slightly towards them in response.

Somehow that name got the Alicorn's attention; it sounded familiar to her but was unsure why. Thoughts began to run through her mind, trying to figure out if these two strangers actually knew her or not and if they did how. She was quickly brought out of her thoughts when one of the strangers began to speak again.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is Princess Celestia ruler of Equestria." Twilight said introducing herself as well as Celestia.

"Yeah nice to meet to explain why I can't remember anything about myself?"

"We have reasons to believe that upon your release of the crystal you lost all of your memories about yourself and any pony you came in contact with." Celestia answered calmly despite how rude the Alicorn before her was being.

"Right that stupid crystal I was trapped in, oddly enough that’s the only thing I remember about my life, being trapped in that stupid crystal. Why did you call me Aurora is that my name or something?"

"Yes it is....well your full name is actually Flaming Aurora, you always liked being called Aurora though." Celestia answered once again, showing that she knew the most about her.

"OK do you know me?" Aurora asked trying to confirm her suspicions.

"That is something that has to be answered at a later date, now if you two well excuse me I have a sun to rise." Celestia said walking out of the room.

'If that wasn't trying to avoid a question then I don't know what is.' Aurora thought to herself before turning for attention to the purple Alicorn before her.

"OK on to more important matters.....Princess Celestia wanted me to see if you wanted to go to Ponyville with me." Twilight said.

"Do you mean to stay or to visit?" Aurora asked needing a few more details.

"To stay, she thinks that you may be able to regain some lost memories there with the help of me and my friends." Twilight answered.

Aurora sat there for second trying to decide if she goes with Twilight, a pony she just meet today, or to stay here, where ever here was. Aurora took a deep breath in before giving Twilight her answer.

"I guess I'll go with you, it's better than staying here in this boring old room." Aurora said lowering her head a little.

"OK then fallow me." Twilight said leading Aurora out of the room.

Aurora began to look around her new surroundings; every detail of the halls intrigued her. The numerous banners that hung on the walls each one with a different imagine upon it. She would be focusing more on her surroundings if it wasn't for a headache she had since she woke up from her slumber. Then she began to wonder, how long has she been disconnected from the world and how much did she miss.

"Hey Twilight?" Aurora asked knowing that if anyone would know the answer to her question it would be her.


"Do you know how long I've been a way?" Aurora asked not entirely sure if she wants to know the answer or not.

Twilight stopped for a moment to calculate the number of days, months, and years. After a good minuet or two later, Twilight finally had an answer, the only problem was that she wasn't sure how Aurora would react to the news.

"You've been gone for more than 900 years, and to be more accurate I'd say about 950 years ago, give or take a few years of course." Twilight said slowly preparing herself for any negative reactions to the news she delivered. She found herself surprised a second later, Aurora had taken the news well and seemed to be unaffected by the fact she was gone for so long.

"Thank you Twilight." Aurora said quietly as she began to walk down the hall, hoping Twilight would fallow.

"Aren’t you upset about this?" Twilight asked unsure why Aurora took the news so well. Aurora stopped in her tracks upon hearing Twilight's question; she took a moment to think about Twilight's question. She turned around to face Twilight eye to eye, She took a deep breath before she finally ready to give an answer.

"Well yeah....It's just that I'm choosing not to dwell on it.....mostly because I can't remember anything that far back, but that’s beside the point. Right now the best thing I can do is to keep moving forward and hope that my memories from my life before the crystal returns to me, until then I'll make new ones along with any new friends I come across." Aurora answered turning back around to continue her walk down the hall.

Twilight smiled as a response to her answer, she quickly caught up to Aurora and continued their walk down the hall. A few minutes later they found themselves walking out of the castle and unto the busy streets of Canterlot. Aurora once again found herself looking around her new surroundings; she looked at all the different shops and restaurants as they passed them. She looked at the at all the different ponies they passed as well, and by the looks of the city was mostly made up of a bunch of stuck up and selfish unicorns. Aurora decided that the best course of action was to try to avoided anything to do with the unicorns of the town, but that would be hard considering the fact that very pony in the area has taken a notice of her as soon as she walked past them.

"Hey Twilight....why is every pony staring at me like that?" Aurora asked taking notice of the staring unicorns.

"I'm not sure....but just in case I think we should get to the train station as fast as possible." Twilight answered while quickening her speed, with Aurora quickly matching her speed.

They continued their fast walk through the streets of Canterlot until they reached the city square, for some reason Aurora felt uneasy about the city's square, like she knew something bad long ago has taken place there. As a response to this unnerving felling Aurora stopped right before entering the said square, she looked around the city square before her. She could see the different shops, restaurants, and unicorns walking back and forth between two unknown destinations. Aurora's eyes came to a halt upon seeing a fountain resting in the middle of the square, it was made from marble as well as gold, and the main part of the fountain was a statue depicting an earth pony getting ready to charge into battle. Under the marble hooves of the statue were four golden water jets, each one pointing in a different direction. The water coming out of the water jets was crisp clean water flowing gently at an upward arch into the water below. Aurora was, for an unknown reason, flooded with lost memories of the night of her imprisonment in the crystal.

Twilight quickly noticed Aurora was no longer beside her, she looked back to see if Aurora was behind her or not. What she saw was Aurora with a look of despair and sorrow. Twilight quickly went to the side of her fellow Alicorn; she gently tapped the shoulder of her depressed friend. Aurora slowly looked towards Twilight with tears in her eyes, she remembers everything of that night; the night of her imprisonment, the night that she hurt thousands of innocent ponies, the night that she was erased from the history of Equestria.

"Aurora what's were fine a minuet ago, and now you look like your about to cry." Twilight said a little concerned.

"I'll tell you on the train, I just need to think about this first." Aurora said walking towards the nearby train station, but before they left the Square Aurora looked back towards the fountain. For some reason the Earth Pony the statue was depicting seemed familiar somehow, that's when she noticed a plaque at the base of the statue.

It read 'Blazing Armor the Trustworthy: Hero of Equestria'

Ch.3 The Memory

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A multi-colored train slowly makes its way down the mountain pass leading down to the town of Ponyville, from the capitol city of Canterlot. The train itself is something that is seen at least once a week in the upcoming stop of Ponyville, but the train isn't the only thing returning home on this stop. Within one of the many multi-colored train cars were two Alicorns, one being Twilight Sparkle the other being Aurora. Aurora sat across from Twilight in an isolated part of the train; they quietly sat there each one doing their own thing. Twilight was reading the history book that she used to find out about Aurora, while Aurora herself was looking out a nearby window that happen to have a clear view of their destination. Twilight slowly lowered the book she was reading to look at Aurora, she silently observe her new friend, something caught her eyes almost immediately, it was Aurora's cutie mark. It was a little unusual; it was a lightning bolt with layers of different colored flames running up the middle of it, right next to the flaming lightning bolt was a flower of red and orange. Each pedal of the flower almost looked like they were signal flames, like that of a candle or a camp fire's first flame. Curiosity began grow within Twilight; every part of her mind was trying to figure out Aurora's special talent could possibly be.

During this thought process, something popped in her mind, something that both she and Aurora forgot. Twilight quickly but gently closed the book she was once reading, she slightly re-positioned herself so she could clearly see Aurora's face. Aurora's face showed little emotion or any indication of thought, but the little it did show was worry and a slight expression. An expression that somepony would use when they were trying to remember something important, or maybe trying to forget something sad. Twilight looked out the window towards her home of Ponyville; she could see the entire town from where they were currently on their train ride. She looked over to her place of residence, her quiet little tree/library on the other side of town.

"That tree over there, on the other side of town, why is it there?" Aurora suddenly asked bringing Twilight out of her memories of her home.

"It's the library, as well as my house." Twilight answered a little relieved she didn't have to start the conversation herself.

"It seems familiar somehow, but it's only the tree nothing else....why is that?" Aurora asked turning her towards Twilight, waiting for her answer.

"Maybe because you've seen the tree before....I'm not entirely sure why to be honest." Twilight answered, Aurora's mood changed from the neutral felling she had felt all day to the felling of sadness or maybe it was disappointment. "What was it that you wanted to tell me back in Canterlot?" Twilight asked felling it was the best time to ask her.

Aurora's mood changed once again, this time it was clearly sadness. Aurora lowered her head slightly, and her ears flopped down to the sides of her head expressing her current mood. Twilight clearly saw that Aurora wanted to forget whatever it was she wanted to tell her, all she could do in response was wonder what could be so bad that she wanted to forget.

"It was a memory of what happened on the night of my imprisonment in that stupid crystal." Aurora answered with a bit of bitterness upon mentioning the crystal.

"What was it that you remembered?" Twilight asked not wanting to force her to relive an unpleasant memory again.

"What I remembered was..... was something I could live without, but when it came to was like a vision or something along those lines." Aurora explained.

"Are you willing to tell me what you saw?"

Aurora shifted in her seat slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable about the current subject, mostly because she had no idea what Twilight's reaction would be. She lifted her until her eyes were staring right into Twilight’s; she took a deep breath before she slightly nodded yes.

"It happened in Canterlot Square, the building surrounding the area were up in flames or destroyed. There were a few guards escorting a few Unicorns out of the area, a few of them were carrying injured ponies out of the area as well. I was standing in the middle of all this, a few guards lay at my hooves, but there was one guard that wouldn't fall. He had the same color fur and eyes as me, he held a sword in his mouth not want to give up. I was about to hit him when....Princess Celestia landed between me and the guard, for some reason I was exactly the same height as her. That's when Celestia told me to stop and think about what I was doing, but all I did was laugh in her face. Before Celestia could do anything I charged her with great speed, I sent her flying backwards a few feet as a result. But after that everything was a blur, I could tell that I was winning our fact I nearly killed Celestia a couple times. The only thing that kept her alive was her magic, I seemed to have better strength and seep but she had better magic. I was just about to release the death blow when I was hit by a magical force, I slowly began to be covered and frozen by that crystal I was imprisoned in. But before I was completely frozen, I felt a great evil try to leave me, and could see the face of Celestia as I was being frozen in the crystal. Right before I was completely frozen I said one thing and one thing only; and that was 'why?'." Aurora said explaining the memory she received.

"Wow....I knew what happened through the history book I'm reading, but I didn't know most of the details." Twilight said a little surprised on what Aurora has said to her.

"It's something that is going to hunt me for the rest of my life, I only wish is that I find out what came over me to do such a thing." Aurora said turning head away from Twilight to the landscapes that the train was passing.

"Maybe we'll find out when you gain the rest of your memories." Twilight said wanting to bring Aurora's spirits up a little.

"Yeah maybe, I'm kind of tired right if you don't mind I'm going to take a little nap. Wake me when we get there." Aurora said lying down with her back turned towards Twilight, as an attempted to get comfortable.

"Alright, I'm just going to continue reading that history book I mentioned earlier." Twilight said picking up the said book. Twilight grew a little curious about some of the events that happened in Aurora's memory; one that stuck out the most was that magical force that hit Aurora before the crystal began to grow around Aurora. She couldn't figure out what it could be, she ruled out it being the Elements of Harmony or a crystallization spell. So what could it of have been, this was something she had to do some research on. Twilight looked out the window to see where they currently were.

'We're almost there....I should wake up Aurora.' Twilight thought to herself, she looked back towards the now sleeping Aurora. 'I'll wait until we get there, she needs her sleep' Twilight thought deciding waking Aurora wouldn't be a good idea.

Ch. 4 Research at Twilight's (edited slightly)

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Three Weeks Later

Aurora lay in her bed within her newly built home. It was a simple two story building; it had a bedroom, living room, kitchen, and of course a bathroom both up and down stairs. The bedroom took up most of the space on the second floor, at the far end of the room was the closet, it was nothing special but it served it’s purpose. Between the closet and staircase was an oak dresser with mirror above it, across from the dresser was the bed that the sleeping Alicorn currently occupied. Aurora tossed and turned from the dream she was currently having, or was it a memory?

Aurora awoke with a fright, she quickly looked around the room as if she woke up in an unfamiliar location. Her eyes fell on the mirror across from her bed, she stared at herself intently as the memories of the past three weeks came back to her. Once her mind settled down from the nightmare she just experienced, she got out of her bed and made her way to her upstairs bathroom. Once in the bathroom she looked at herself closely in the mirror, that’s when she noticed her mane.

“Dang it....the red streaks in my mane are fading, I’ll have to get them dyed again.” Aurora said to herself while brushing her mane down. Then realization hit her, “Wait, my red streaks are dyed! Should I get them dyed again, or do I let them fade a little more?” Aurora asked herself. Stood there awhile pondering on the question she just asked herself, she was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a knock coming from her front door. Aurora trotted over to her bedroom window, and popped her head out to see who was there.

“Pinkie Pie?” Aurora asked surprised to see the pink mare at her front door. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have work to do a Sugarcube Corner?”

“No, it’s my day off, and for what I’m doing here. I’m here to invite you to your very own ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party!” Pinkie Pie said in her usual hyper way.

“A welcome party? Pinkie I've already been here for three weeks now, I’m pretty sure I don’t need a party.” Aurora said trying to get Pinkie to change her mind.

“Sure you do, everyone needs a party once and awhile.” Pinkie Pie said

“There's no convincing you is there?” Aurora asked lowering her head a bit in annoyance.


“Fine.....I’m assuming it’s at Sugarcube Corner later today.”

“You guessed right, I’ll come get you when it’s time.” Pinkie Pie said bouncing off towards some other pony’s house.

Aurora brought her head back through the window, she let out a quick sigh before heading down stairs. Once down the stairs, she made her way to her kitchen and silently began to make herself some breakfast. Aurora stopped what she was doing and looked around the room, something was off, she may not know what it is, but she knows something is going on. Aurora levitated a nearby apple to her, deciding that staying in her house wasn’t the best idea at the moment. She began to walk towards her front door, but stopped halfway through her living room. There wasn't much in the room, just a table and few pillows to sit on around it. Aurora stared at the room in front of her, she took a quick bite of her red delicious apple.

“Rarity is right....‘gulp’....I need to decorate in here.” Aurora said swallowing mid sentence "Maybe a vase would help." She said as she turned back towards the door, in an instant Aurora dropped her apple and fell on her but. There standing in front of her was a young filly. Aurora studied the filly from where she was sitting, the looked no older than a year, and was completely covered with a shadowy smoke. The only things Aurora could visibly see were black wings and horn, and glowing blood red eyes that seemed like they were staring right into her soul.

“Um....Hello.” Aurora said as pleasantly as possible. The filly made no response at all, it just stood there staring showing no emotion.

“Alright did you get you get in here?” Aurora asked receiving no answer from the filly. Aurora slowly levitated her apple back towards her, she watched the filly to see if it would react to this at all. The filly turned it’s head towards the door and hissed before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Before Aurora could react to what just happened, a knock could be heard on the door. Aurora got up and walked to the door to greet her guest.

“Twilight! Just the mare I wanted to see.” Aurora said with great excitement, after seeing who was behind the door.

“Really?” Twilight asked surprised.

“Yes, something strange is going on in my house.” Aurora answered.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked.

“I saw this thing earlier.” Aurora said glancing behind her in case it reappeared.

“What did it look like?”

“It was like this smoky ember thing with red eyes that was in the shape of a filly, and now that I think about it it’s not the first time I've seen it either.”

“Come on, we need to go do some research.” Twilight said heading back to her tree library with Aurora close behind. It was a short distance from Aurora’s to Twilight's, and they got there with little to no distractions. That is if you don’t count Pinkie as a distraction.

“Pinkie for the last time I don’t want a party especially at my house!” Aurora said getting a little irritated with the pink mare.

“Oh come on, you already said you were fine with it, and I have the time I just need the place.” Pinkie said popping out of a pile of books, for no apparent reason.

“Why not your place, Pinkie?” Twilight asked looking through her books.

“I got it, we’ll have it at Applejack’s.” Pinkie said extremely excited completely ignoring Twilight's question.

“Fine by me.” Aurora said under her breath. “Hey Twilight.”

“What?” Twilight asked taking a second away from her book search.

“Why were you coming to my house?” Aurora asked quickly skimming through a random book.

“Oh I almost forgot, thanks for reminding me.” Twilight answered levitating a scroll over to Aurora. Aurora took the scroll with her own levitation spell, she looked at the seal puzzled. The seal was that of the royal pony sisters, but it was different from the seal Celestia would normally use.

“Who's it from?” Aurora asked after determining that it was letter meant for her.

“It’s from Princess Luna.” Twilight answered picking up another book and skimming through it.

Aurora slowly opened the scroll, being sure that it wasn't a prank from Rainbow Dash. She looked upon the letter, and silently began to read.

Dear Flaming Aurora,

It has come to my attention that you are experiencing some memory problems, as well as a few nightmares. A Princess of the night and the safeguard of dreams of all our subjects. We would like to help you through your nightmares and hope to find the cause of said dreams. If you wish the discus this matter further, meet us at the Canterlot Library tomorrow at noon.


Princess Luna

Aurora put the scroll down on a nearby table before turning to see what Twilight was doing.

“What did Princess Luna want?” Twilight asked going through a stack of nearby books.

“She wanted to see me about some nightmares I've been having lately....Twilight?” Aurora asked.


“When did you receive this letter?”

“This morning, why?”

“Just checking.” Aurora said scanning a nearby book self. “Hey what book are you looking for any way?” Aurora asked picking up a book that caught her attention.

“I’m looking for three actually, two of them I've found but I’m still looking one of them.”

“Is it ‘Ghost, Goblins, and Ghoulish figures’?”Aurora asked showing the cover to Twilight.


“Really? Because I found what I saw in house in this book.” Aurora said opening the book to the page she found it on.

“Let me see.” Twilight said as she began to read the page. “It says here that it’s a Shadow Demon of some sort.”

“Some sort? It sounds like it doesn't know what it is.” Aurora said plainly.

“Well it says it could be one four Shadow Demons, now the book doesn't go into great detail about said demons.” Twilight said.

“Does it at least list the four Shadow Demons?” Aurora asked.

“Sadly no, but it does list a few books that goes more in detail about the Shadow Demons. None of which I have currently.” Twilight said admittedly.


“Well out of all these books I only have one, which is currently under loan to a friend of mine.”

“Do you know when your friend will bring back the book?”

“Sorry but I don’t” Twilight said apologetically.

Before their conversation could further a knock could be heard at the door, Aurora slightly jumped at the sudden sound while Twilight slowly walked towards the said door. Twilight door revealing the pink party pony herself,

“What’s going on Pinkie?” Twilight asked pretty sure she already knew the answer.

“The party is already starting and you two aren't there!” Pinkie said practically yelling.

“How could we if we didn't know the time, or the place for that matter.” Aurora said a little annoyed by the pink pony’s presence.

“Oh, OK then. Follow me to Sweet Apple Acres.” Pinkie said bouncing towards the party location.

“Great. Let’s get this over with.” Aurora said following the party pony with Twilight by her side.

In the far corner of the room the two Alicorns were once in, a small smoke cloud with evil red eyes observed the now empty room. It slowly slithered it's way out of it's dark hiding spot, as it moved across the floor it slowly began to take the form a young alicorn filly. The smokey figure of the filly began to look around the room as if it was searching for something. It's search was complete as it's evil red eyes fell upon the book Twilight and Aurora were once reading.

"So they want to know more about me and my sisters, I can't have that now can I?" The smoky figure said. The figure's voice was that of pure evil, it was filled with hate and deceit. But at the same time it sounded innocent like young filly would. "Not when I'm so close to completing my evil plan......I really need to gain more power, this form's voice is going to drive me crazy." The figure said dissipating in to the air.