> The Happy Little Changeling > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Week Early: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is almost a year later. The time is here for what had been enjoyed and a birth is imminent, I knew since I had been there, they had confirmed it even though my Pinkie sense had already told me, which is why I had been up and about, thus meeting them. Now, I knew it should have been at least a week remaining to the delivery. Yet, knowing my Pinkie senses, the signs were clear, she was apparently due later today. I had learned to trust my senses blindly, in part because they only work properly when I trust them, besides, I had ruined a perfectly happy day for Twilight over the matter, at least once. No point grabbing for what you know isn't going to come, while grabbing for it? Knowing time, I had bounced out of Sugar-Cube Corner early. Though the first I met on my way out is Rainbow Dash, what a coincident? Yet it is convenient. “Would you summon our friends? Tell them to be at Ditzy's home as fast as they could?” I just informed her. “Since you're the poni saying it. Whatever for? I guess I better hurry?” she then responded, somewhat confused since we had not exactly had a reason to go there, and en masse at that? “You'll see when you get there!” I merely told Dash, who flew off without hesitation. Knowing Dash, she is fast, so even if she is dragging her wings in the mud, she would still be there before the rest of us. Now, since I had this in line, I turned towards the next on the list, the Zebra known as Zecora. The problem is that she lives, where noponi wanted to go, me included. Who'd go there voluntarily, for no reason? It is the darkest of all places, for all I knew. Yet, in this case, I felt it was wise to have Zecora on the spot, thus bounced off, eagerly giggling. I'm the element of laughter, I had been told while still a little filly, it was the way to handle fear. I did live up to it. Following the dark and forsaken path, shadows looming right and left, the giggles were all standing between me, and anything I was happy never to see, feel or in any other way experience. Besides, it was feeling like a merry time, even if I felt a pain coming on, if not mine. I had managed to get to the spot, and her hut sure stood where I knew it was to be. Thus I stepped forth, knocking on her door. There was sounds, a voice chanting? Mumbling, incoherently sounding words I couldn't grasp. Then the door came up, and her face is outside. “And what may you need, is it urgency of speed?” she just blurted out in her usual rhyming and sing-song voice. “It is a birth, with which your help may be required. It is a sense I can't put my hoof on, it is just screaming out for help!” I responded. With that she was slipping back into her hut, picking up what she thought may be of use, before she hasted out, leading me back, out of the forest, as I bounced after her. Once the forest was cleared, I take the lead, showing her where it is, where she may be of great assistance. Finally making it, just in time, just before Dash had rounded up the friends, thus leading them to what I had urged her. > The Wait and See: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once on the scene, Silver Mane opened the door, as I lead Zecora in. “I take it Ditzy is home. She would by any chance be close to her giving birth?” I asked. “We had expected this in a week's time, but it was premature, she is resting, waiting. If you could help, I'm sure it will ease this passage of her delivery!” Silver replied. “Just as I expected!” I responded, just nodding to Zecora, as she walked to the bed room where Ditzy lay prone on her back on top of her bed. “Graces, somepony could help. You've always been there, whenever something important, or a crisis is at hoof!” she blurted out. That's when the second part of our group came, lining up along the wall of the room, Flutter still stopping by the side of the bed, looking at Dizty where she lay. “Dash, fetch fresh cloud water, if you'd please hurry?” Flutter then directed, with the authority of somepony experienced with assisting births. “Ok, cloud water, I can fix that!” Dash pointed out, before we saw her dash out through the door. This is when I noticed, Dinkie sat by the side of the door, looking intently with curious eyes, as Dash burst out for the cloud water. Rarity sat on the other side of the bed with Silver close by, both eagerly following as the scene unfolded. Even if it was obvious that Silver had an invested interest in how this was to turn out. Behind Flutter, and beside Zecora, Apple Jack waited, for whatever way she could assist, since she did have experience with deliveries as working on her farm did take her into contact with this on a regular basis. Since I did not have much of import to do, other than keeping little Dinkie company, I had joined her by the wall, just content looking. It isn't every day I overlook a delivery? As the minutes came ticking by, but nothing seemed to want to happen, I guess Dinkie was glad to have me by her side. Making silly faces, giggling away, just to keep her happy. It is who I was, and what I do, after all. It isn't as if we could just have her run off, to whom, to where? For how long? Then Dash came back Carrying the cloud, dripping with fresh water, as she carried it to where Flutter stood, waiting. I could clearly see her washing her hands, just as the event hit, which was strangely convenient, it just had to happen at exactly that moment? I guess it is how life has it? It couldn't do it any other way? > Delivery: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I moan, as the first actual sign of what was up hit me. Giving birth isn't the rosy situation they all wanted you to see. There is pain, and the risks, if it had not been handled properly. There still are risks, you can't prepare for everything. Simple as that. Now, at least I'm not alone, even if I'm the pony to bear the load of the burden here. I feel them behind me, by my side, waiting on me, hoping everything will go all right, just as I am. I apparently did have more, and better friends than I had known, and dared to hope for. Ofhorse, there it is again, the pain. I had felt it once earlier, only moaning is response. It was stronger, sharper, then the first. More insistent, as if it wanted to tell me something. Even if the pain itself made me try to ignore it, there is no way around it. Just through it. I have to deliver. I had to give birth, and now. I had little time to think. Maybe it is as well, no time to think now, that was a year back. When she came back from the games. She had enjoyed the games. I had been so happy for her, and to see her coming back. Should I have been thinking of this moment, back then? If I had, there had been no foals in the world, and we would never have been here? I did not give in to such depressing thoughts. As the next wave hit, I tried to think of how proud I had been, when I gave birth to my very own little Dinkie. I certainly had been, and I'm still proud of her, knowing I will stay like this. “Push” Flutterer urged, and I tried to comply and do as she told me. I knew why she was here, she wanted to help me, give me some advances of the experience she had. I appreciated it, the best I could, through the pains, coming back in waves, just as the pleasure had, a year back. What a strange thought and coincident? ”Push harder, when it hit again!” Flutter instructed me, a few minutes later, just before the next wave hit. “Dialation is starting to show!” Apple Jack announced, and sure it was. The next time, and I moaned as the dialation increased. By the feel of it, I got more dialation with each time, and pushing just a little bit more each time. Yet, the pain of it all was not helping. I should have known, since I'm already a mother. Then I looked at Dinkie, where she sat by the door, and I knew it was all worth it, no matter how much it hurt, and how intense the pain would before this was all over, because I knew it would be over. “Full dialation, and that's her head!” Apple Jack announced, just after the pain lessened. Then the head popped out with the next push. Her shoulders were out, along with half of her body with the next? The delivery was starting to go easier on me, as more than half of my fillie now had emerged. I could feel her arms slip out, just before her hips came out, and with that, she simply refused to stay contained and found herself on the bed. I noticed how Flutter shy cut the cord, and washed off my foal. I felt such an intense relief as it had all been worth it, and this phase was behind me. As painful as the delivery had been, the joy of my foal just washed it all right away. I couldn't hold onto the pain, had I tried to, which just never was who I am, or who I had been. I hear a singsong voice, knowing it was Zecora. What she said, I had no idea, assuming it was some ancient blessing from her homelands? Or it was a chant she did, for some good reason I just couldn't come up with, but refused to ask. > The Aftermath: 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Flutter Shy had washed off my foal, there was a jubilant sensation, and they all cheered. Ofhorse, it is mine and Silver Manes. It's ours. I'd love her all the same. Zecora carried the foal over to me, she is due for her first meal, now since I had finally managed to give birth to her. “Congratulations, Ditzy, it's a healthy little fillie!” she just said, before they all came over, one by one, congratulationing me and Silver to the healthy foal, before the all left us to enjoy the moment. That's when I looked closer. Rthe golden mane and tail, easy to see. Once she looked at me, I see the clear emerald pools, she truly is an amazing foal, by the looks of it. “You've got a sister, or a half sister, if it is to be entirely correct!” I told Dinkie. “Can I see?” she responded. “Sure. You can as well see her now, it's not as if she'd go away. She's your sister after all!” Silver pronounced. “Mom, she isn't a Crystal type poni, is she?”Dinkie enquired with curious tones to her voise. “That's not very likely, though the golden mane is a curious detail, if that's what you mean? We'd have to see the Canterlot hospital to conferm, if it is actually worth the effort!” I pondered in response, not that I cared either way. “Maybe we'd call her 'Goldie Look'?” Silver suggested in a teasing tone, as if it was more a joke, but it made sence, all the same. “Goldie Look Doo? Just wait and see what'll happen in a few years, as she get to school. I guess Cheerlie would find her adorable?” I pondered. “With you as her mother, it's a given. I have seen all I need to see, Dinkie is turning out great, so why shoulnd't Goldi be too?” she responded. “You better feed her!” Flutter Shy stated. “Yes, you're right!” I just responded. Placing Goldie Look on my chest, then waited for her to find it. Knowing it wouldn't be all that long, and Shy was right, she soon found, what she needed. The nibble was waiting for her, and I knew it, once it was pointed out. I guess I'm still just the ditzy derp they made me out to be? No, I'm more then that, or Dinkie wouln't be here with me, and neither would Silver, for all I knew. From what I felt, only made me certain, just why I love being a mother so much, all over again. As if I hadn't known it before, with Dinkie by my side. It is my little foals that makes my life worth living. I may not be as extrovert and outgoing as Pinkie Pie, but at least I can still make someone happy. Just feeling Goldie feed alone, and I'm in heven. All the pain had been sucked right out of me, just by the instant she found my nibble. Had it really felt this good, the few years back? Since it certainly wasn't my friends that made the difference. It had been Dinkie, back then. I still do love her, just as dearly, and I always will. One by one, they filed out, leaving me to tend to Goldie. Guess they felt they weren't needed, right now, and thus would be more appreciated slsewhere, and I couldn't blame them, they had done what was needed, and it is finished. “I'll throw a party for Goldie, when you have the time!” Pinkie Pie stated, true to herself, just before she left, as the last of the ponies, leaving. Then Zecora left, her service finished as well. There had been no complications, but I'm still grateful she was here, just in case. This leave me with just Dinkie and Silver. They soon left the room too. Good thing Dinkie doesn't need to feel lonely right now, Silver will be there for her. > Cellebration: 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”Maybe a small cellebration is in order?” I asked, as Silver had just woken up. “Soiunds like fun, what did you have in mind?” she responded. “How about we go to the Sugar Cube Corner and have brreakfast, for starters? Wake little Dinkie up, it's about time, anyway!” I pointed out. “We couldn't leave her out, sleeping, while we have a party, as small as it may be!” she just responded, with a small giggles in her voice. I hear her walk into Dinkies room, before she placed a hand on her shoulder. “Wake up, Dinkie, we're going to have breakfast at Sugar-Cube Corner. I'm sure Pinkie Pie have some delicious Muffice for us!” she teased. Ofcause, mentioning 'Muffins' in her presence always got her allert, unless she was more dead then alive, this is no exception. Besides, it was close to the time we would have woken her up, anyway. “Morn' You didn't by any chance mention Muffins?” Dinkie enquired. “Yes, I believe I did, and you better get out of bed, or you can't have any?” Silver pointed out. “Oh yes, Muffins at Sugar-Cube Corner!” Dinkie pronounced happily with giggles all over her voice. Several minutes later, I closed the door behind us, everything prepared, and the bits in the saddle bags. The walk is fairly uneventful, but the sun is up, thanks to Rainbo Dash, it was even a rainbow on the sky. She always did a good job. I guess we all love her, for how well she does her work. It is after ll in our best interest. Once there, I push the door open, greeted by the chim, and the smile on Pinkie Pies face, just like always. I guess she still love seeing me in? “Hiya, Ditzy!” she greeted me before the rest of the family had gotten into view. “Hi, Pinkie!” I responded. “Hi, Dinkie and Silver!” Pinkie chimmed the moment she saw them inside, just behind me. “Hi, Pinkie!” Dinkie and Silver chimmed in, in chorus. Naturally, they were both expectsnt, this was a special occasion, and we had intended to fiest on Muffins for breakfast, nothing we did every day. Before I had the time to open my mouth, Pinkie Pie was filling a tray with an asortment of Muffins, including the once I favoured, she knew me better then to need ask. I noticed Dinkie and Silver lighting up, as they saw what Pinkie placed on the tray. Apparently, their favorites were also included. “I guess I know my favorite customers choice of Muffins?” Pinkie announced proudly, as she noticed our combined approval. This time, she apparently had chosen a tray on wheels? Three plates stuffed with Muffins, to start it off, then the Tea and Juice, Orange, naturally. > Flash-Back Deck Stacked: 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She had told me, she wanted to experience what she gave me. The mean I had to do what she did to me, for the emercion to work. She couldn't do it to herself, since distractions may ruin it. Besides, she had done it to me. “I guess I could try, if you think it would work?” I had agreed. “it is the only way. I need to know what it ffeels like. I felt you loving every moment of it. Now I desire to feel the very same emotions, with you. I could draw up the idea for you, so you know when and what to do?” she had told me. Once she had drawn the picture for me, I had nodded. “I guess this should be some fun. I'm just not used to anything like it. I'm a pegasus, not a unicorn, you know!” I pointed out. She just nodded in agreement, knowing the truth of it. There is no way to refust it, after all. I'm not even known to be amogn the better of pegsi? I did not mind. I already had all I need, my desires fulfilled. A daughter is all I had ever hoped and dreamed of. Now I have her as my lover, and the foal is due in but a few more weeks. “You'll have to pull the magic, as the unicorn among us!” I just pointed out. “That was the idea, and I guess I may have to improvice in interpretting where in the process you are, in order for this to be as enjoyable as it was, last year!” she just agred. “Then we could as well get this going? I'm curious to see how this will work out!”I proclaimed. “I know!” she responded, as her horn now glow as she did the first change. She calmly sat down on the small shair beteen the bed and the wall, facing the bed, as we had agreed upon. This far, it all looks as if it was going as planned, and excitement was slowly climbing, even before we had actually gotten into the game. “Here goes!” I mumbled, as I pick up her right hoof, before I slwly lick it, from the top of her hoof, starting from th side, then moving back and forth, slowly covering it all the way don to the rim, only now I felt frisky, continuing with the sole of the hoof, before gently pressing it onto the newly pollished floor, in the spot I had intended to place it. Now I stated with the left hoof, licking it, just like the first, from side to side, back and forth. There is this strange sensation, my saliva did feel thick but slippery. I guess this was merely exciting me more, but what it did to her hooves? The same as it had done to mine, the first time? I could see her right hoof where I had left it, if I was looking in the direction. It's glistering, as if it had been polished, but I couldn't see the deeper effects. Aside from the rubbery elasticity, it had also made the hoof stick to the floor, and then made it fuse completely. Since she had made the spell, it is entirely out of my hooves. Maybe it is the way she ha expected it, and secretly desired it. By the looks in her eyes, she had realised the potential of the spell, first as she set eyes on me, then used it in order to excite me, while my hooves had stuck to the floor just this way. Once I had licked her left hoof, the way I had with her right, I simply pressed it to the floor, as wide apart as I felt comfortable with. Then I pushed the chair aside and out of the way, while I helped her up to a standing, before I licked her lips, looking at just how shiny they are, glistering just like her hooves? Then I moved around her, and ended up behind her, bending forwards, before I slowly lick along the line of her crack between the orbs of her rump, from just under her tail forwards to her mound, then doubling back to the right, only to continue back on the other side, all the way back to her mound, once more. Stopping only to slide my hoof along the crack, making sure she knew I had managed what she was asking me for, even if she could't make a peep to tell me if it had worked, thus I was left to feel my way, knowing merely bu touch if I had made it.