> MLP X Pokemon Adventures in the Equestria Region Episode 7: The Crystal Empire! > by trahzo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part 20: Crystal vs. Chrysalis! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Querxov was playing with his beloved Cherubi who is in fact, close to evolving he played with her while they were on a train to the Crystal Empire, then a strange man who looks like your local boot leg salesman walk up to him! "Hey there kid!" "I'm 17, so I'm not a kid." "Whoa, sorry for making you snap, but would you please take these items? I don't need them anymore & I'd be more than happy to let you have'em free of charge!" He then handed Querxov the 18 plates, the Lusterous Orb, Adamant, Orb, Gresies Orb, Red Orb, Blue, Orb, Jade Orb, The Azure Flute, 2 Soul Dews,the Dark Stone andLight stone, the Pokeflute, A Poketch, A C-Gear, A Pokenav so he doesn't have to use his regular town map anymore, a fame checker so he can learn about all the famous people around the Equestria Region, a Pokegear, and finally 51 Masterballs! Man this feels like one of those shorts where the narrator gives Goofy way too much stuff! "Farewell child!" Then he walked away! The train finally made it's stop when Querxov finished organizing all the stuff he was given! As soon as he exited the train, what he saw took his breath away, the most beautiful, amazing, and sparkly empire he's ever seen! The Crystal Empire...then he noticed the explosions! "What the?" Querxov sent out his Chatot to take a look at the situation! Chatot came back with startling news! "Rah, Querxov, the Crystal Empire is under attack by Team Disharmony, Rah!" "Thanks for the info Chatot, now return!" He then got out his bike and rode towards the danger! Disharmony grunts & Crystal Soldiers clashing on the land & sky! He noticed that there were 3 people in the middle of the city getting ready for a battle! "You witch!" "Oh, why thank you! Hello hubby, how's she been treating you?" "Jack off why don't you!?" "Haha, looks like you 2 are still mad at me after that wedding disaster, but now I intend to take over all of the Equestria Region alone, by finding the Legendary Yveltal & banishing the Legendary Ho-oh & Moltres! There is nothing you or the others can do to stop us, no-one would want to stand-up to us after we take there friends and love away!" "You wont get away with this Team Disharmony! Besides, you losers are total pushovers!" "Who dare..." She was cut off when a hard punch connected with her face! Oh! *Thud!* "Hey!" Said Querxov "Hello?" said Cadence and Shining Armor with such confusion. "Grr...You'll regret that punch child!" said Queen Chrysalis! "If I didn't regret letting my Uncle Gaylord fall into a pool filled with Carvahnas, Sharpedos, & Eelektoross! what makes you think I'm going to regret trying to take you guys down?" "You let your Uncle die?" "Yeah, in fact, the whole family agreed that he was a horrible person and letting his favorite family memeber kill him would be what he'd least expect from us!" "..." An awkward wind blew across the Empire when everyone heard him say that! "Anyway, i'm taking you down like the time I took down this sign in my home town, so I could have all the free Icecream to myself!' "Are you sure you're not a villain?" They all asked. "No, I just went insane after Elementary School, because of all of those dang bullies!" "..." More silence and wind! *You are challenged by Team Disharmony Boss: Queen Chrysalis! Queen Chrysalis sent out Purugly!* "Go and get 'em Garchomp!" *Garchomp's Garchompite is reacting to the Mega Bracelet! Garchomp Mega Evoleved into Mega Garchomp!& "Use Draco Meteor!" *A Critical Hit! Garchomp's Special Attack fell! The foe's Purugly used Ice beam!* "Quick, side-step to the left and use Crunch!" *The foe's Purugly fainted! Queen chrysalis sent out Toxicroak!* "Garchomp return! Go Xatu! Use Psychic!" *It's super effective! the foe's Toxicroak fainted! Queen Chrysalis sent out Zoroark!* "Xatu, get back! Go Machamp!" "Grr...you have a counter measure for every Pokemon that's sent your way!" "Hey, I always make sure I got the Pokemon to beat my opponents!' Hey, that's the narrator's job to choose what happens you got that! So anyway, with Querxov beating Chrysalis, the soldiers were given lots of confidence to win! They were winning the war, the Disharmony grunts were all dropping like flies and retreating! "Heh, look at your troops, they are running away!" "You will regret this, I can assure you! We will meet again! return Zoroark!" The battle was cut short and she ran off with her grunts! Everyone rejoiced at the victory, the children, the soldiers, the old people, the adults, your next door neighbor, your angry neighbor, the neighbor you suspect is gay, and even your therapist if you're a reader who with lots of problems and I hope you get well soon! They all cheered for Querxov, Cadence, and Shining Armor! Then a Pink colored woman with pink, bouncy curly hair, and blue eyes walked into the middle of the crowd. "Hey, you know what this calls for? A victory party!" "Hey, your that lady who fired out of a cannon, well I thank you for helping me, but why would you use a cannon?" "I apologize for that, also how come you are able to recognize me when you see me & not the champion?" "What do you mean?" "I'll tell you after you beat me in a battle, but now, IT'S TIME FOR A PARTY!!!" Then the crowd roared, hoisting the hero up and throwing him into the air with the Pokemon who assisted him in this chapter! > Part 21: Breaking the Ice! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He was given info that the woman he met earlier used Ice-type Pokemon so now was time for Querxov to get his revenge for what she did to him! He walked into a very small shack, that said Gym on it. "What kind of Gym is AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" He fell through a trap door! he was sliding down till he fell out of the other end and into a ball pit! He was in the MLP equivalent to Chuck E' Cheeses! "Oh, hello!" Said a woman who popped out her head next to him!" "Ah!" "Ah!' "Okay, you are seriously weird! I'm sorry if your parents dropped you when you were born." "Aw thank you for being concerned, but now come-on, we gotta get on stage for the Gym battle!" So they walked to the stage to battle, then a clown ran to the front of the stage to announce it. "Hey everyone, the Gym Leader is going to battle the hero!" So the kids & their parents gathered to watch a spectacular event! *You are challenged by Gym Leader Pinkie Pie! Gym Leader Pinkie Pie sent out Beartic!* "Go Excadrill!" *The foe's Beartic used Icicle crash! It's not very effective!* "Excadril, used Drill Run!" *It's super effective! The foe's Excadrill fainted! Gym Leader Pinkie Pie sent out Abomasnow! Abomasnow's Snow Warning Ability activated! It started to hail!* "Excadrill return, go Medicham! Use Drain Punch!" *Abomasnow's Abomasite is reacting to Pinkie Pie's Mega Earring! Abomasnow mega evolved into Mega Abomasnow! It's super effective! Abomasnow's HP was drained! The foe's Abomasnow used Sheer Cold! It's a 1-hit KO, Medicham fainted!* "Return Medicham, go Steelix! Now use Iron Tail!" *It's super effective! The foe's Abomasnow fainted! Steelix was buffeted by hail!* "Aw, I'm down to one friend now!" The place then went dark, and once they turned back on, Pinkie Pie was a one woman band with 10 instruments! "Okay, you just now out weirded my girlfriend." Querxov said as he face palmed. *Gym leader Pinkie Pie sent out Vanilllux!* "Steelix, return, lets do this Sirocco the Charizard!" Oh, Sirocco was given lots of applause for being a fan favorite by the children! "Hmph, that's right kids, give it up for my buddy Sirocco!" "Okay okay okay buddy, come-on, time is candy!" *Sirocco's Charizardite-Y is reacting to the Mega Bracelet! Sirocco mega evolved into Mega Charizard-Y! Charizard's Drought ability activated! The sun's rays turned harsh!* "Sirocco, use Fire Blast!" *It's super effective! the foe's Vanillux fainted! You defeated Gym Leader Pinkie Pie!" "Oof, that was fun!" The children were then giving our hero standing ovations! On a side note, my step-mom is such a control freak, I'm actually typing this story at school because my mom wont let us use the computer unless it's for school! Now I can only type these stories on other computers or on my PS3! I so really hate her and my step-grandma! Man, you know I plan to disown my own family when I move out! my step-mom says I'll thank her later, yeah right! it's just as Dan from Dan Vs. said: "Why would you raise a kid that will one day grow-up to resent you?" I really resent her! I hate how my sister takes their side! I bet you hate your family that much as well! "Whoa, the narrator really hates the women in his family, he didn't even complain once about the men in his family!" Commented Querxov "Yeah, but hey, since were in his story, we are obligated to take his side! Alright, here yah go, bits, TM, and the Badge proving you have beaten the Crystal Empire Gym!" "1 left & I'm all set to go to Canterlot castle to challenge the Champion!" "Yay! Now I must go, it's almost time for me to report on the war that took place here to the other Gym Leaders, bye!" Then she bounded off. the crowd then departed to go back to having fun with their families. Princess Cadence, Prince Shining Armor, and their daughter Princess Skyla were the ones remaining! the walked up to Querxov to speak with him. "You're right momma, he does look like the man of prophecy!" "How come we never saw it before!" "I know, he's the one we've been waiting for!" "What are you 3 talking about?" "Come with us to our castle!" > Part 22: The Legend! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Querxov followed the royal family to a basement level of their castle to find a mural that looked exactly like him! "Wow, it's...it's completely accurate!" "Yes, legend has it that an adolescent at age 17 would save us all from the return of Yveltal! It says that the man of prophecy doesn't wear deodorant, is sorta stupid, has never had sex before, his eyes always twitch when he talks, and that he's a Pokephile!" Shining Armor explained. "Okay, only half of those thins are true about me! Including the Pokephile part, but still, I'm the destined hero?" "Yes, you are the one who'll use his power of friendship to power-up the Elements of Harmony & bring back the 2 legendary phoenixes of the Equestria Region Ho-oh & Moltres!" "It also says that you're partner & wife is a Serperior!' "Listen-up, Jenny, is not my wife!" "Are you sure? She sure seems to see it that way!" Cadence pointed out. Querxov looked next to him to see Jenny nuzzling him! "Jenny, you know I have a girlfriend right?" "The legend also says that you'll have 2 wives, a Pokemon and a human!" "What else does that legend about me say?" "Well, it says here that you'll legalize Pokemon & humans to be married!" "(Oh-Arceus, what the hell?)" "It says here...that you'll lose your verjinidy to Serperior...what's a verjinidy?" Asked Skyla "Y-you'll learn when your older sweetie!" "Bu..." "When you are older, uh gurads, can someone bring Skyla to her room?' "I got it!" Said Flash Sentry. "You know, this prophecy is saying so much embarassing & awkward stuff about me, I better just be off." "No wait, here's some positive stuff about you! It says that you'll be the greatest Pokemon Master in history!" "Greatest in history you say? Heh, guess this legend isn't all that bad. I will save all of the Equestria Region, but I wont marry Je..." he was cut off after Jenny suprise kissed him, Querxov tried reaching for her ball, but Jenny was wrapped around him, so he couldn't escape. Meanwhile in the mountains that have a great view of Ponyville... "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT KID BEAT US!!! No matter, we got all the Disharmony we need inorder to reawaken Yveltal! Quick, to Appleloosa's underground! You, scientist, is the project ready?" "Yes, come on in you 8!" Then 2 assistants with 6 women walked in "May I present to yo: Elkraps Thgliwt, Hsad Wobniar, Eip Eiknip, Yhsrettulf, Ytirar, Kcajelppa, and Ekips AKA the Reverse 7!" "Yes, evil clones of my sworn enemies! Now alert everyone that all of us are moving out!" "Yes your higness!" Meanwhile in the Cloudsdale Gym... The doors suddently burst open! "Hello, it is I Officer Looker of interpol, I must warn you that everyone in team Disharmony is planning on attacking Appleloosa! I am here to request that I join in the fight!" "You may! Now I must write letters to our allies, especially "him"!" Said Princess Celestia "Him? You mean my greatest rival?" asked Pinkie Pie! "Yes! Electroman!" "We can't let them get to Yveltal! the fate of Equestria is now upon us! Everyone, get a good night's sleep, we must all fight at full power! This breifing is adjourned!" Meanwhile... "(Time for round 2 boy!)" Xeenam thought. To be continued...