> Rearity's Fashion (Alt Nick) > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had been sent an invitation, to take the entrance test for Rearity herself. This was in large part; since I had been applying for the spot, to be under her wing, as it were. I desire to learn fashion from Rearity herself, sounded simple enough a dream? If my dream was valid, or a mere folly; is now up for the toss. If I can pass her test, I am supposedly in. I had been told; I was to have at the very least a year under her wing, unless I was crumbling under the pressure she was to put on me. Aside from pressure, from any other source that may be present, at any and all given time. Of course, I guess that's a fear; faced, fazing many a young apprentice, not just under Rearity. The same goes for all masters, who stand on the top; if they bolted up there, on their own; I guess this may be even more severe, which is how Rearity claimed her prize. I stand alone. Rearity's critical eyes a heavy burden, as the full force of the light from the sun burning my light pink skin. I am not to crumble; that I had promised myself. What were I to do? She had given me precious little to go on. Or the word coming to mind was nothing. I had seen bolts of cloth, along with other materials, threads and what other materials may possibly be used? Aside from cloth, I could clearly see leather. Buttons, sippers, threads, along with numerous things I'm not entirely sure, just what they are. I had imagined, I was to be judged; solely on what I made, but now. I fear there is more to the point, the stake, as high as this. What was she possibly going on? Was I alone with her? There had to be a reason, possibly other than not really trusting anyone to know, what to look for? Or how to detect, what she was looking for. I had come; wearing but the top and skirt, a tightly fitting suit, crafted out of shiny silk. I had chosen them, partially for the close fit, but also; because I figured they were to be classy enough, not for her to dump me on the streets, outright. Or to have me stand on a podium, as the laughing stock of the year? I had chosen a deep purple, in part because I deemed it to go well with my skin. However good the suit looks on its own, if the colours clash; I'm out the window, I knew as much. For a moment, I had been gaping at the precious fabrics. Not just mere silks. Just as the threads, even if I had seen silk; amongst them, there was both gold, and silver. Then it struck me, as I had a final moment of uninterrupted time; the fabrics are not just mere fabrics, these are of a quality beyond hopes. Now, were I to just craft the suit out of the materials; outright on free hands, or was I to dare a look into some book of patterns? Then I saw the dummies, standing in line, awaiting to serve. Not mere dummies, just as I should have expected, it had been way below her. That's when I felt it, even if I had not realized; just what she was doing, her fingers pressing my skirt down from behind. Was she just testing, what I was wearing; or making a point, as to fit or style? For a moment, I feared she had seen a flaw; ready to have me out the window? Only, nothing happened. The next moment, I feel something; it was clearly pressing firmly to the small of my back, the edge of my spine, to be more exact? Whatever it was; she had a reason, even if it escaped me? I just stay quiet, not making a scene or even rising an eyebrow. Just focusing on what I had at hand, fabrics. Then I simply made my first move; as my hands reach out, grabbing hold of a fabric, black as night, shiny, or glistering, more to the point. Only to my surprise; I could feel no threads in the material, and I knew it is no leather, or skin. There was an odd, off beat sense to the material; not just the colour and how it looks, but the sensation under my ever watchful fingers. I was to fail, or pass; but now was not the time for fear, or to falter, no time for hesitation; once I was making my move. “Interesting choice!” she giggled. I did not show any emotion. “Now, if you know how to handle that, and what to make out of it?” she then suggested. Question is, what am I going to bind the edges together with; since the material wasn't going well with the threads of common use. I blinked, then looked around; as I moved to a table with a dummy looking at me. Maybe it was an easy choice? She had not asked if I knew what it was, or what I thought I was going to do with it. Just as she had not asked if I knew how to use it, or anything along these lines; she had stood quietly in silence. Was she intending to freak me out, testing if I could take the pressure? There was a hyped giggle from just over my shoulder, just after the instant I had felt an odd draft; just not able to pick up, on what it had been, or what it came from. It had been from out of the blue, as it were. If I am to work fashion, I couldn't just make a skirt and regular top? How was I to make this special enough for her to even spare an instant of her time; just looking at it, or excite her, nonetheless? > The Examination: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had apparently passed; I just wasn't told, not yet. I guess she was hoping for me to fail on my own; even after I had managed, what she pulled over me? What I had realized, is that I had apparently a tail. Since I had not freaked out; but rather just continued on my assigned work, I had passed the initial test. It's not easy, you may say; and it is true. It's not supposed to be, after all. Of course she had forced me to change the initially planned design. I can't wear the skirt; unless I make adjustments, in order to leave room for the tail she just gave me. A two inch thick tail doesn't just go through the fabric of the skirt I had intended to make; and which that, I had been forced to improvise. I guess the element of improvisation is a part of her test? I had started out, just checking how the material chosen was stretching around the dummy provided; it is a first step in making my dress fit on the intended target body. For a moment, I was trying to stretch the material around the body of the target body; then I lean towards, just how many seams a skirt would require, in order to have the intended fit. Thinking back at what I had been wearing; I came to a conclusion, four seams seem to be the ideal compromise between the fit, and the effort in creating the intended garment; considering the amount of lost materials. Somehow, I had the feeling she was watching me intently; but then I felt a smile slowly growing onto her lips, spreading out over her face as I got into my work. Of course I was enjoying what I was doing, not just because of the great materials supplied, but also; because it is what I enjoy doing in the first place. At least, it is what I used to enjoy doing; and I had to confess, I still do enjoy it, this far. I may not know, just what she was to through at me, later on; but first things first. Right now, I am enjoying it. Cutting the quarter inch thick material aside, I soon managed to press the finished parts onto the dummy, feeling it coming together fairly well; no gaps, and no unevenness to bother me; hoping she thought I had been on target, close enough for keeping her confidence. “That does start to look interesting!” she pointed out; as I had figured out, just how to work the seams of the dress I'm working on; even though I'm still a way behind, on how to make the new and special adjustment. “Thanks!” I pressed, just as I finally managed to finish the final seam; thus completing the original design, pulling it off of the body of the dummy; before examining the seams, in order to see how well I had managed to get, what I had originally set out to do. Since the seams not only looks smooth, but feels smooth, both inside, and out; I guess I had managed the initial target accomplishment? Not that I was about to ask, right now, in part; because I had to make a few minor, and a rather large adjustment, in the last moment. First I simply added the hole intended as exit for my tail; since I had imagined I was to wear it. Then I cut out the material, intended to make the hole more than just a cut out exit. The first part is the rubber that goes around the tail; I decided on a two inch width of the strap, not including what was to integrate with the skirt where the hole had been cut out. Then I placed the material around the hole, making the initial seam and fusing it into place; making it a single garment. Then I cut out, what I figured was to be required; in order to reinforce the garment, in order for this in particular; holding together for long-term use, even if it was to be slipped on, or off; when one was in a hurry, and had little to no time, caring for the skirts durability. I managed to put this into place, making the seam, before I had gotten anywhere further. Then as it is a solid mass, after the final seam; I guess it had been completed? Now I moved over to the next step of my project, the top. Cutting out the details, patch by patch; pressing them onto the dummy, seeing as they kind of stuck into place, for the time it takes me to create a seam; thus fusing patch by patch together, until I had completed the entire top. Looking closer; the top was to reach from the lower edge of the rib cadge, all the way up my neck, and cover both my jigglies, including my nibbles; that incidentally were showing fairly aggressively in the chosen material and the hue it was; but also a handful of inches along both arms. Naturally, I had chosen to work with the same material. Not just in order not to need to swap, but I felt comfortable with what I'm working with. Something came over me, and I chose to take the chance; risking it on a pair of gloves. Cutting the patches required, only now I was working on a light pink; almost passing for a skin tone, on my part. Patch by patch coming into place, seam by seam; holding the garments together, as it slowly fused to the two separate garnets. Just a pair of gloves, as it were; but it did complete the suit. Only now, I chose to allow it to be considered finished and complete. > A Room for Me: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”I like the suit; now I'd like to see you wearing it, for an entire day. I'll make you fail yourself; or demonstrate, just why this suit is worth wearing. If it holds together, doesn’t make you uncomfortable or leave any other marks on you; I'll take you in!” she told me, with an amused smile on her face. Maybe I should have run off, right then and there; but I couldn't. My pride and desires hold me in place, I can't leave now and I couldn't allow her getting to me, even if she promised me consequences I had not contemplated or foreseen. “I will not fail you. I'm looking forwards to learn everything you have to pass on to me!” I simply responded; not quite managing to keep the grin out of my face, or hiding my pride. “I'm looking forwards to it. Not that I'm giving many chances. If I do take someone in, I'm expecting something to at least equal me, when all is said and done!” she merely pointed out; leaving me with a strange feeling, as if I had been both cursed, and blessed, all at the same time; as if it had been both a threat, and a promise. “Then I will see you, early tomorrow!” I stated; in a self-assured manner, looking forwards to what she had to offer. Of course, what was I to do; for the rest of the day. It isn't all that late, not just yet. The sun still up, so I couldn't just go to bed. I have an entire room to explore, but that couldn't take all that long. “Yes, and sleep tight!” she just put forth; before she left me, looking after her where I stood by my still closed door. As I saw the last of her shadow disappear behind the corner, I turn towards the door. I managed to push it up, feeling it slide to the right and left. Apparently, it is a sliding door. I enter the room, only to be greeted by the small room; looking to the right, where my bed had been waiting for me. A leafy spring green had been chosen for me, but the same rubbery shine as my suit. It is iridescent; only the quilt is half by half transparent, so that my sleeping body would be seen clearly through the material. Both the three pillows and the bed sheet under is a solid opaque green, and otherwise identical in colour. Light coming down from overhead, but I also have a light by the bed, aside from the lamp by the small desk under the window opposing the door. A green material, most likely rubber is passing for curtains; currently keeping the light of day out, while protecting and shielding me from praying eyes, as well as the glare of night. The desk is apparently made out of massive beech wood; reaching from wall to wall, and reaches three feet into the room. There is a bookshelf on the right wall, reaching all the way up to the ceiling; with room for numerous books, but now only a single copy of an old book is adorning the centre of the second of three shelves. To the left, I find the space under the desk, where all materials and equipment were to be kept, but all three shelves are empty. Between the door and the bed, a nightstand was hiding, holding up an even square foot. It had been crafted out of the same beech wood as the desk. I felt honoured, as I looked at the expensive and delicate work. I could place the clothes I was to wear the coming day, but right now, I had nothing but what's on my back, and I'm obligated to wear it until after she had seen me the next day. Then I noticed the two twin doors on the left hand of the room; a double wardrobe, the doors were crafted in such a manner as to allow fresh air to pass into the room. An intricate, but genuinely thought through and functional ventilation. This wouldn't just keep the clothes and garments within fresh, but giving the room a fresh air all day. I imagine the suits could be placed into the wardrobe, without entering the room, or even casting as much as glace at what's in my room. If the wardrobe was intended to hold the garments I created here during my stay, or if I'm to buy clothes I could wear; she had not told me as of yet. The wardrobe still is empty; I guess the sound of the passing air could have told me that, if I had been here a few weeks. The inside of my wardrobe; as of yet undiscovered, is the same pink as my gloves. Looking down; the floor of the room in which I live is black, the same glistering black as my top and skirt. It's smooth, shiny and slippery to the touch. Whom ever had lived here before; probably over a year ago, but that's not my problem. I enjoy the room; no sign of anything to worry about, as far as I could see. I had spent the better part of an hour, just examining the room; I felt I had to make it mine, and examining it was the first step in the process. At least it is my impression, and I like to know the room; since I had intended to stay here. Not just a day, or a year; but maybe as long as the better part of a decade. I take my apprenticeship seriously, and why not. This is my life's choice, after all. In the end; I sit down in the chair behind the desk, just leaning back. Picking up the book left for me, but decided on taking it with me to the bed. It's more comfortable and convenient to lie down in bed, reading; than siting by the desk. Once in bed, I have all the comfort and convenience. I need not leave the desk to go to bed, just place the book aside and fall asleep. I turned the light on my desk off, before I take the book with me to the bed. I slip the quilt aside, feeling how sift it is to the touch; even if it isn't a quilt like any I ever had, or even been close to in my life. I guess it is something to get used to. Had she taken me to this room; because I chose the black rubber, to craft my suit out of? > A Morning, and a New Life: 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had just red a few pages the other night. I had pushed the book aside; placing it on my nightstand, before I fell asleep. Waking up early, not quite sure where I am; but soon recognizing the room, in which she had deposited me. My room, my home. This is where I am to spend the free time, each and every day; from now until I'm graduating, or she pushes me out, if I fail; for whatever reason. I momentarily push all thoughts of the future aside, just enjoying how fresh I feel after a night's sleep. I had apparently slept much better than I had expected in my bed. If it is the suit, or the bed; but I feel rested. Pushing the quilt to the side, feeling it stop by the wall before I sit up; placing my feet on the floor. It's smooth and slippery, and as I look down; it's still the same shiny black, almost as it had been covered by an inch of water. As I look down at the floor, where my feet had gathered, I see the same smooth surface as I feel under the soles of my still bare feet. Of course I keep the nails of my toes cut short, and filed down smoothly; while I never cared to polish them or add colour with a varnish or lacquer. Why bother? They are too small, and you never really do see much of them; unless you are bare foot. I have no particular problems with my small girlish and well-rounded feet as per see. I am neither proud of them, or particularly dissatisfied with them. My skirt is exactly what I had made it into, a solid and seamless garment, crafted out of smooth and shiny rubber. I had included the white panties, but they are just as smooth as they were the day before. The one strange thing to stick out, is the tail she gave me the day before. Something to get used to, but nothing that I can permit to get in the way; even if I guess it could prove useful, if I do learn how to use it to the full extent at any time. Was the gift a thoughtful one, or a test for me; in order to see how I handled the change in my situation. She had forced me to change my previously fairly simple designs, after all. I had made myself a skirt with integrated panties, and a top to go with it. Only then I had made myself a pair of gloves, as an afterthought. Yet, I had ignored or overseen my feet entirely; for whatever reason, even if it may be a slight oversight on my part. Looking around, the floor is merely smooth and covered with that latex polish; maybe I don’t need to wear any footwear, and why would I need to hide my feet in shame. I carry the bock to the desk and sit down, reading several more pages in the book apparently left in the room for my benefit, or if it was a mere oversight. Yet, I do find the book interesting. If it is worth my time, or if it is a part of a test, who’s to say? Of course there are beautiful engravings illustrations, scattered throughout the pages of the entire book. Not more than could have been motivated; but they are there for a reason, other than beautifying the book in general. The book doesn’t explain my situation, or the means she had used in order to adorn me with the tail I am to live with from now on. What I see, are girls prancing around in beautiful and oftentimes creative and always perfectly crafted suits. I guess I could seek inspiration in the tale I have before me, just as much as mere entertainment from the story I had been left with. Naturally, there is another challenge before me; I need to focus on what I have before me, while I leave enough free to think ahead and to be prepared for anything out on the right and left hand at any moment. This is after all the field I had chosen for myself, and it would never do to ruin the next creation; merely due to not foreseeing; what was just one step too far out of sight. I closed the book, placing a clean sheet of paper as a mark. If it is a prediction, or if it is due to hearing a sound too quiet to pin down exactly; but I had closed the book carefully, at the page I am currently at. There is a beautiful engraving on the second page of the look-up. Maybe the better reason would have been, in order to save the joy of seeing the image? Only now, I am utterly certain I do hear the sounded of steps closing in on my door. The door to the room in which I live; where I sleep and study, when I don’t have her eyes upon me. “Clip, clop.. clip, clop!” her steps sounded like; until she stopped, just before my door and gave it a quiet, yet decisive knock. I rose from the chair, quietly and walked to the door with measured and dignified steps; no point in hurrying and I imagine I need to maintain the style to dignify my stay and position as her apprentice. I don’t know exactly what she is looking for, which means I could take no chances. “Good morning!” I greeted her, as I see her face behind the door. “Good morning, my new apprentice!” she responded, as she turned on her heel and continued towards the dining hall. “You slept in the suit, I take it!” she added, as she continued towards the intended destination. “Yes, but of course!” I responded, with little more than a moment to contemplate; just enough not to sound too eager, and not enough to make me sound ignorant or irreverent in any manner. “If it helps you to sleep, it would give me more to go on; when I judge the quality of your first work for me!” she pointed out in a light and approving voice, as she continued down the hall. As I follow her just one step behind, I used my right hand in order to examine the skirt and the left hand along the top. I could find no seams, and the material is just as smooth as it had been the day before; there are no signs of wear and tear, just as there are no signs of complications with the designs. Unless you consider the emphatically emphasized nibbles, as a designer’s flaw; that is. “I certainly did sleep well, better than I had been expected!” I proposed, as a response. The bed I had been sleeping in does feel comfortable, and the suit I had crafted the other day had not had any influence to the contrary either. As a matter of fact, I barely did feel the suit right now. --- --- --- > Improvisation and Improvement: 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I finally had the time to make a new examination of the materials at hand, I realized that the book had given me a few explanations to what I have before me. Some of these materials are enhancing and emphasizing the details, while others are smoothing them over. Had I chosen the exaggerating material for the top? While the white panties are smoothing over everything entirely. At least, I can say that I had managed to sleep as I wore the suit. Running around, in order to wear down and challenge the suit is a pointless waist of my time; knowing it should take more time to see how well the suit is made, while I could have practiced my craft and draw up a few more designs now. “I see that you are eager to try your hands at your craft! Go right ahead, I need to see you at work, in order to see how you are doing, and where my advice and instructions will make a difference!” she pointed out, directing me towards the material room. “I am here to learn, and to gain experience from you. In order for you to help me, you need to see me working, and I need to work in order to develop my craft!” I responded. “Exactly! I will help you with advice, as I see fit; then I expect to see you specialize, as you develop your craft. I have numerous fabrics and materials, you can use as you see fit in order to see exactly where you can thrive, and what you should leave behind for others to pick up!” she prompted. “I noticed that; and I have started out exploring a few of these materials, which I have started to enjoy Royally. I am going to explore the uses of each and every one of them; and explore what I am good at, as I go along!” I responded. “I will keep an eye on your work, and slip in pieces of advice where I feel they would help your development!” she promised, as she took a step back and moved out of sight. “This is going to be fun, I just hope I am not taking chances on my apprenticeship now!” I thought, quietly with a grin on my face. “If I remember correctly, this material should be perfect for a night suit. I do love the texture under the tips of my fingers!” I reflected. With that, I picked up the bolt; cut up the material and placed it on the dummy and sealed them together into what may look like a bathing suit. I see a liquid smoothness with a joyously glistering with just the right shimmer to it. The seams eagerly melted away as I worked it over. I can see no details or features under the highly elastic material, just the way I had imagined it. Of course, the suit may be fun to swim in; just as it may be scary or exciting in a few other cases. I will simply have to explore the use of the garment, when I have the time to examine my reactions. For now, I leave it in place, while I consider my next move. “I will give you a few more Mannequins, so that we can see your work compliment one-another!” she pointed out, as she placed a handful of dummies beside the first one I had been working on before. “Thank you!” I responded; as I see the new dummies lining up, side by side. The first dummy had apparently been my size, and made suits that were fitting me perfectly. At least, it is my initial impression; while I guess I could have been mistaken. “Interesting, that dummy give me the impression she wants me to make a suit for her next!” I reflected, quietly under my breath. Naturally, I have no idea as to whom the last two dummies would be. For now, I don’t know if it would matter who they were, if they are people rather than blank dummies right out of the factory line. “Since she made the point, I will have to make her a suit by that design right away!” I thought; as I cut out white rubber and placed it onto the dummy, looking like her and fused the material together in the same design. Naturally, the suit does look identical to the one I had just made for myself, which was intentional. Then I picked up a bolt of red and black rubber respectively, before I cut out the material in order to prepare a pair of boots. Carefully fusing the material together in place for two pairs of boots each, and two more pair for the third person of which I know nothing at this point. Maybe she will let me know whom she is, but that isn’t all that important right now. I can afford to ignore it for now. “I imagine she would tell me, if and when it is becoming important enough that I do know!” I pondered, winking at the thought with a grin. From what the book had indicated, these boots may be excellent suction-cup boots, while I may consider a few additional alterations along the development process. I left the alterations undone, for now; focusing on the next move in the process. Either she wanted this suit in particular, or she wanted to try out samples of my suits by herself on her own. I can’t be certain, before she told me either way; yet I chose to make a few duplicates for her to enjoy as I went along, starting with the boots. “Hope she will enjoy wearing them, they are after ll looking as if they will be fitting her; judging by the shape of the dummies she gave me to work on!” I considered. If she did not know what materials I am putting into these suits; she is in for a shock, when she is slipping into the suits. Of course, all going by what I thought I remembered for the book; assuming it had even been intended to be informative in the least in the first place, which I am not entirely sure of by myself before I ask her. Yet, it had been very inspirational, this far. Maybe that was all she had intended in the first place? The next idea involved the black rubber, which I soon managed to cover the body of the three different dummies; whereupon I fused the parts together in order to seal the suits into a single piece. For the sake of experimentation, I applied a valve over the belly bottom and a zipper along the entire spine of the final suit; the one I have no idea as to whom it may be. With all the dummies covered, even if I could craft gloves for them; I proceeded towards the next step in finalizing the boots as I had intended them. I managed to find the polishes I had in mind, and carried them back to my work space. I covered the top of the boots with the hardener, before I applied the elastic gel under the sole of the boots; in order to enhance them to the intended functionality. As the rubber of the boots is absorbing the clear gel, I can clearly see how it is changing along the intended lines as it is saturated. I choose a clear rubber to place over the original; before I repeated the process once over and polished it to a new level of glistering, and left them on the dummy in order to set properly. There is what appears to be a skin-tone rubber material, which I picked up; once I had gathered all the previously used materials and stashed them back in their respective places, before I continued with the gloves I intend to make. At this point, I had realized, just how much I am enjoying the ease with which I am cutting the material and splicing it onto the dummies, before I fuse the slices into a single garment. Once the gloves had been completed, I applied the bright, iridescent gel at the edge of each finger of the gloves, one by one; until I had completed the process for each and every one of the three pairs, one for each of us. I enjoyed assuming there is a third person who will enjoy wearing the suits as I made them even if I had never been told that there is in fact a third individual who is to wear the suits. I apply a white gel in order to cover the entire palm of the hand of the glove, thus creating an improvised suction-cup for, only to notice that the rubber is adjusting towards the intended form as I had completed the process of saturating the rubber. Once I completed the suction-cups, I move up and apply a clear gel to the tip of the fingers and thus form what slowly start to look like nails, growing to the desired shape and length. With skin-tone rubber, the clear nails are the natural choice for me. The nails grow hard and shiny, as I complete the process. “I am going to try out a suit right now!” she pointed out; as she replaced one of the dummies in her size and likeness with another one, identical to the once she brought with her. “Go right ahead, I have just completed the ensemble; then you could get a closer experience of the suit and my choices!” I suggested; as I undressed one of my dummies, while I was at it. I could see her going towards the closest room, with privacy for what I knew she had in mind; following her example, walking to the next changing room with a fresh suit. With the white suit, pink gloves and black boots; I entered the small room, before I step out of the skirt and pull the top over my head, before I slip the gloves off of my hands. She may have chosen the black boots too; not that there is any difference between the two pares, aside form the obvious, one is black and the other is metallic bloody red. I climb into the white suit from the entrance in the neck, slipping my hooves through and my hands shortly there-after. At this point, I step into the boots; before I pull the gloves on, right and left and feel the slippery material sliding over my skin until I have all my fingers correctly into place. In shock, I notice how I can’t really feel my body at all; even if it had been the original intent from the get-go. It is as if my body had turned into pure rubber, as opposed to the living flesh it had been and still is. I could hear the pronounced squeaking noises from the boots on my hooves as they glister, while I barely see where the glove ends, even if I knew it was at the elbows. The inch long nails should be quite useful in my work, even if they are looking stunning and fabulous as they glister in the light. Feeling every little detail under the tips of my fingers will be exceedingly convenient as well, considering how much it may help me in the line of work unless I injure myself; in which case it will be much more painful in the process. If the suction-cups are going to help me will be very curious and interesting to explore in the coming few days ahead. At least, I imagine it should be. --- --- --- > An Episode with a new Suit, and a new Experience: 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had changed into the suit I had just completed, and she had put on her very own version of it in her size. As strange as it feels to wear it, I am still proud to see that she actually is wearing it as I see her next; while she could have changed her mind at any moment, and for any reason. If she had chosen to change her mind, I hope she would have explained her reasoning; if just for the help it may have given me in my pursuit. “It will take me several days to get used to wear this ensemble, but I am certain I will enjoy the experience more than I had been hoping I could have enjoyed wearing any suit I had been offered to wear!” she stated, with rising excitement to her voice as she beamed of a smile at me. “Are you referring to the experience of not feeling your body, while you have enhanced sensitivity in your hands and fingers in particular? I am struggling with that particular experience too, maybe I should create the garments for two entirely separate ensembles in order to get around these issues?” I responded. “The fact that I can’t feel my body is a bit unsettling all by itself; but the contrast of the sensitive hands, and these squeaks from my hooves as I am walking around certainly does add to the effect. Yet, all by themselves; I could predict interest from large groups of customers, if I could have enough suits available for the sale!” she pointed out. “Then I may as well get started, in order to see if I could produce a full ensemble of each; for you to put on sale, as soon as possible. I did enjoy crafting these suits; and I expect to enjoy producing many more, just like them in the future. I did have some help from the book I was reading last night, it helped me recognize the proper materials for these suits, which I guess you had already figured!” I put forth, enjoying the reactions she had been demonstrating this far. “It is both fortunate, and fortuitous that the book did end up in your room; I hope you enjoy the entire volume as you are at it, I used to love the book as I started up my boutique all these many a years back!” she responded. “Then you knew of the book, and know what it is? I am going to read it and enjoy it every moment I am on my room and free from work here; while I may consider a few ides mentioned in the book and implement them in my designs, and draw up a few sketches while I am on my room, starting tonight!” I prompted. “Yes, I have a reasonably good image of what book you found at your room. If you enjoy reading it, and can learn from it or find inspiration within the story; by all means, please read the book. You can as well keep it, throughout your stay; at least as long as you are benefiting from holding on to it!” she promised me openly. “Then I will hold on to it, and keep reading, but right now I think I have a job to take care of!” I responded; with a delighted grin all over my face, as I continued towards the set of dummies in my corner of the shop. Do I make suits as ensembles, or a one piece? For now, I think I will start out with the easier option; making the ensembles out of several separate garments. Making a set of white boots to go with the suit had been a simple task; so I made a set of full-length stockings with a sipper all the way down to the knee, just for the fun of it. Only then, I applied a stiff gel over the entire stocking, with the hard and adamant gel covering the hoof in order to make them as far as I dared to go. I left these on their respective dummies, and with the zipper all the way up. As I had finished the stockings, I moved up to the gloves and made a pair of soft and elastic once that barely covers her hands, before I made the full-length gloves to go with the second pair of stockings. Just to top it all off, I completed the ensemble with a mask to cover the entire face. Then I had to make a complete hood for the second option, with the zipper in order to make it easier to put it on and to take it off; in the morning after use. With the suit, the stockings and gloves the ensemble is complete with the hood as the final part. Since I already do have gloves and boots, that could go with the next suit I had in mind; I started out with the body. Cutting out the skin-tone rubber and applying it onto the dummy; before fusing the rubber and fusing it together into one complete suit, only to apply the zipper along the entire length of the spine and placing a valve onto the belly button. Naturally, I made the adjustments to leave room for my tail as well; in order for it to fit me in my current situation. The suit would be entirely pointless, if I can’t wear it; for something as silly as a tail I had been gifted with. I chose to assume that I will keep the tail, even after I leave her apprenticeship; if the tail is her personal gift, or part of a long-standing tradition she is merely extending to me. After I had completed a grand total of four skin-tone rubber suit of the sensitive variety, I applied an elastic gel to the entire mound, and the nibbles; before I finished by applying it to the rear orifice as well. Now I apply a hard and stiff gel over the nibbles, orchid and around the rear entrance, before I applied the thrice coarse gel and finally a clear and glistering gel over the mound and area around the nibbles for a nice and exciting effect. With the body completed, I make a new pair of full-length gloves to the same design, but with a zipper that reaches down to the elbow and apply a contraction gel to the entire glove. Instead of just boots, I now make full-length stockings with the zipper and extra tight. As an extra detail, I apply the red rubber for the hooves, though. As a finishing piece, I made the mask and hood, applying the stiff gel to the lips, then the elastic, the red and the glistering gels in turn. I apply the coarse gel on top of the previous, only after I had applied the gel that made my lips contract upon contact; instinctively and instantaneously. After lunch, I completed a new mask, and hood for myself. These are white, but with the sensitive red lips and thus prepared in the same manner. The hood and mask are made with the eyes closed, for me to ignore what would otherwise have distracted me from the moment. I made a new skin-tone body, with the difference of ignoring the details I had place an effort on before. On top of the mound, I applied rubber to give the impression of the male counterpart in place of my orchid. If this would work or not, is what I am about to discover, when I am exploring it later at night. The rubber is covered with a new layer of white rubber, leaving me with the same featureless fluid appearance as the first white suit has. Once the suit is finished, I had made one for her, just in case she wanted to try out out on her own. For some reason, I had the impression that she wanted to examine and explore every suit and ensemble I crafted; which means that I had to make her one of everything. If she enjoys the suit or not isn’t the issue, I still had to make a copy of her as well. Once I had finished the final garment of the day, I undress all the dummies that wear any of my suits and take them with me to my room; hanging them up in my wardrobe. With a copy of each and every suit I had made during the day, she can examine and explore the suits as she pleases in her own good time. I know she will explain what she thinks of them, as she got to them. --- --- ---