> Rainbow Dash and the Pudding Cup > by Flames173 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Well played pudding, well played > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was one of the coldest, no, the coldest day ever since Equestria's founding. It was too cold really for any pony to go out and direct the cold clouds away from civilization. Rainbow Dash in particular was at home, struggling with one of life's most cruel tortures. Opening a pudding cup. "I swear to Celestia, if you don't open for me, I will send you to the depths of tartarus!" Rainbow Dash promised the lifeless cup, slamming a hoof on the table. The pudding cup trembled at the threat of damnation. "Now open!" She grabbed it with her front hooves, slipped one under the little flap a little ways, and pulled as well as she could. She changed her grip so she held it with both hooves, then she bit the flap and pulled her head back, but to no avail. "I curse whoever invented these. Maybe Lyra was right, maybe life would be easier as a human." Rainbow pondered for a moment, then, as if it would help, she bit the flap and pulled again, trying to surprise the cup. When she gave up, she threw it at the nearest wall in rage. There was a light crushing sound as the plastic of the cup folded and creased over itself. Rainbow Dash walked up to the pudding cup and looked at it sceptically. "You know, this could all be avoided if you'd just open." she said calmly. Rainbow attempted to open it, gently this time. Still, the trivial object refused to give the sporty mare her dream, of eating pudding. She suddenly got a devious idea. She trotted over to her sliding glass door and unlocked it. The quiet click it made echoed around her near empty abode. She set the pudding in the small pile of snow outside. "Now, I'll let you back in when you decide to open." she said. Rainbow shut the door and locked it again. She sat on her couch and took out her remote. She was about to hit the power button when her phone rang. She walked up to it, and waited a few seconds before answering. She always does that, just so she seems like more of a busy mare than she really is. She looked at her caller ID as she took the phone of it's receiver. "Yo Soarin, whats up?" the pony on the other line asked. "Hey R-rainbow, you w-wanna come over?" Soarin asked. Rainbow Dash squealed for a second before she coughed and got regained her cool. "Sorry, I uh, stubbed my hoof. Anyways, I can't, it's too cold, my wings would freeze before I took off." she said. "Oh, all r-right." Soarin said, disappointed. He never even got through before, she was always practicing for the wonderbolts, or doing stuff with her friends whenever he had the chance to call her, and now, he got through, and she can't come over because of the weather. "You need anything else?" Rainbow Dash asked. "No, I'm good." "All right. Bye then." "Bye." Soarin hung up. His voice choked as he did so. "Why does it have to be so cold?" Rainbow Dash cried. She wept lightly into her hooves then went back to check on her pudding. "So, will you open now?" she asked it as she picked up the inanimate cup. She lightly tugged on the tab to try and open it. Still, the cup refused to open. She shook it, containing her anger a little better than before. As it jiggled, the pudding seemed to laugh at her. She took it back into her kitchen and set it on the counter. "All right, you're getting on my nerves now. I'm starving and I want to eat. Just open now and I promise it will be quick. Deal?" She took out a spoon and held it in her hoof. She held the cup still and slid the spoon's handle under the 'easy open' flap and she pushed the spoon as hard as she could. Her grip slipped and the spoon slid out of it's position and was sent flying down the counter. Several clouds down from Rainbow Dash's, Fleetfoot heard a string of obscenities from the Wonderbolt wannabe herself. "Whoever that is better hope no foals are nearby." The pegasus said before returning to her nap. "What do you want? Money, a st-" she was about to suggest getting the thing a stallion before thinking of something. I should check it's gender before I suggest getting it a stallion. Maybe it's male, maybe not. She turned the cup around in her grasp. "I could get you a stallion, or a mare. I'll get you anything you want!" She stared at the pudding cup and it stared back at her. "What? Me? No, no no no, anything but me, I may be single, but Soarin and I, we, dear Celestia I'm coming down with a case of psychosis." She figured she contracted the mental illness because of starvation, and eating the precious pudding would be the cure. In a state of hurried panic, she bit the flap on the cover and ripped it back. Her ears were greeted by the sweet sound of tearing. It felt like victory. She looked at the pudding cup in her hooves with a grin, then she realized something terrible. The lid of the pudding cup, was ripped in half. Her smile instantly turned to a look of pure hatred. "Well played pudding, well played." she said simply before deciding to stick the spoon in the partially revealed pudding. Then, her phone rang, she glanced at the display, and saw that Soarin was calling again.