> FuzzyFurvert's Futa Featurettes > by Fuzzyfurvert > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pinkie Pie's Moral Conundrum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parties By FuzzyFurvert Pinkie yawned wide enough to make her jaw pop hard enough she felt it in her ears.  The sun had long since set and another day of bringing smiles and throwing parties was coming to a close.  She’d managed four birthday parties, two business grand openings, three baby showers and a rave.  By no means a record for a party pony like herself, but it had been a busy day. Sugar Cube Corner was quiet as Pinkie climbed the stairs to the upper level where her bedroom was located, the well worn floorboards still warm from a day of baking and serving the folks of Ponyville.  Pinkie could hear the twins snoring in their room as she took a quick potty break in the adjacent bathroom.   She washed the grime of the day away with hot water and her favorite bubblegum scented soap.  Pinkie grinned at herself in the mirror, giving herself a wink before flipping off the light. The boards at the end of the hall before the stairs that led to her loft in the cupcake were extra squeaky, so Pinkie tip-hoofed across them as quietly as she could so that she didn’t wake the Cakes. “Mmmmm… yes!” Maybe the Cakes weren’t asleep. Pinkie froze where she was and glanced at the door to Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s bedroom.  The lights were off.  Maybe she’d just imagined it.  Her imagination was always coming up with fun and funny stuff! “Uuungh, you’re going so deep!” Nope, not her imagination.  That was DEFINITELY Mrs. Cake’s voice.  Pinkie knew that voice like the back of her knee!  She’d heard it for years, though not the particular tone it held now.  Pinkie swallowed and stayed still.  She wasn’t sure if she should just stand there or keep moving. There was a little puff near Pinkie’s head and a tiny Pinkie Pie with cherubic cheeks and a miniscule halo appeared.  “Pinkimena Diane Pie!  Don’t just stand here eavesdropping on the Cake’s private times, get up to bed like a good pony.” A second puff on the other side of her head announced the arrival of a second miniature Pinkie, this one bedecked with curling ram’s horns.  “Don’t listen to that nancy, Pinkie!  The Cakes are having a party and you are all about parties!  Go over and peek through the keyhole!” Angelic Pinkie crossed her arms in front of herself and rolled her eyes at Devilish Pinkie.  “And what is she going to see, dumb dumb?  The lights are off!” The was a quiet clicking noise and light flashed under the edge of the door.  Mrs. Cake moaned softly as their bed started to creak rhythmically.  Devilish Pinkie smirked.  “They aren’t off now!  Go get an eyeful Pinks!” Pinkie flicked her eyes back and forth between her tiny doppelgangers, her ears drooping.  “Um…” “Oh my Celestia, you are a beast tonight!  I don’t know what’s gotten in to you, but I like it!”  Mrs. Cake’s voice carried into the quiet hallway. Angelic Pinkie blushed.  Devilish Pinkie wiggled her eyebrows and gestured at the keyhole.  Pinkie sighed and bowing to her baser instincts, leaned over to look inside. The Cake’s bedroom wasn’t very large, but it was packed with the memories of a long and happy marriage.  Their bed dominated the floor space and was piled with colorful sheets and plenty of pillows.  The bed itself was dominated by its dual owners.  Mrs. Cake - ‘Cuppy’ to her friends - was laying on her back, her generous hips covered most of the width of the bed, while her husband, Mr. Cake - ‘Carrot’ to his friends - sat astride her.  The pair moved together with the unhurried motions of long practice and loving familiarity with each other’s bodies.  Mr. Cake glided up and down and made small thrusting movements with each downstroke.  Mrs. Cake held him steady with her ample thighs while her forehooves pressed her teats together. “Holy chips and salsa!  Is Mr. Cake getting pegged while tit-fucking Mrs.Cake?”  Devilish Pinkie wedged herself between the door and Pinkie’s muzzle to get a better view. “Um… I don’t see Mrs. Cake wearing a strap-on…”  Angelic Pinkie found herself some room by Pinkie’s eyelash.  “Damn, that’s hot!” “Um, guys… I don’t think we should be peeking in on them…”  Pinkie whispered to her two imaginary extensions of her moral code.  Angelic Pinkie and Devilish Pinkie both shushed her and kept watching. The Cakes kept moving slow and steady.  Pinkie could hear Mr. Cake grunting quietly with each thrust.  The two shifted slightly after a moment and she could see why.  Mrs. Cake didn’t need a strap-on.  At seeming odds with everything she’d ever thought she knew about the older mare, there rose a rather thick slab of salami right from her crotch.  There was no telling how long it might have been, but from across the room, it looked as wide around as her ankle. And Mr. Cake was taking it like a pro. The massive blue prick was buried firmly into his backdoor.  He impaled himself on it a little deeper with each buck, his own mustard colored meat slipping between his wife’s giant teats as he did so.  Clear pre-cum coated Mrs. Cake’s teats and belly.  Carrot’s face was flushed and he looked close.  Cuppy wasn’t far behind. “Ooohh… Carrot dear!  Just a little more…almost there!”  Mrs. Cake grunted, her eyes clenched shut as her body started to shake. Carrot bit his lip as pushed down and forward harder, the head of his shaft popping out from between his wife’s tits before shooting a spray of white fluid over her soft coat.  The cock inside him pulsed and he groaned as it started to fill him. Devilish Pinkie smiled.  “Aw, that’s soooo romantic.  They came at the same time.” Angelic Pinkie nodded vigorously.  “Yeah, Mrs. Cake can really lay some pipe, huh Pinkie?” When Pinkie Pie didn’t answer, the two tiny manifestations finally took notice of the empty hall. “Now where in the hay did she go?” Angelic Pinkie looked around and then up towards Pinkie’s bedroom.  “My guess is she went to bed.  I think I can hear her masturbating from here.” “That pony really needs a boyfriend.”  Devilish Pinkie sighed. “Or a girlfriend.” “Or both!” > Three Week Dryspell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio glanced at the clock, slipping off her headphones and shutting off the audiobook disc she was listening to, and dropped them onto her slight chest. 3:04 am. She could faintly hear Aria’s Xbox from down the hallway past Sonata’s room in the small apartment they rented together. She tossed the discplayer aside with a groan and slid off the bed. Her purse—and destination—lay on the desk across her room. When she got there, she fished out her cell. Friday night—technically Saturday morning now—and Twilight was still at the live Ogres & Oubliettes game. This would be the third week in a row they’d not had any alone time longer than a few hours. Therefore…they’d had a whole lot of less sex. The blonde grumbled irritably, flipping open her phone to her contacts list. Twilight had offered—multiple times—to skip out on the game at Sunset’s, but Adagio had had her own homework and home-hunting to do. Besides, after the fiasco at the high school and the uncomfortable summer without her powers and getting ready for college, Adagio was hell-bent on making this relationship work. She did not want to spend all her time in Twilight’s pocket, which made her pretty stubborn about things like moving in with Twi in the coming months, or forcing Twi to bail on OnO games to hang out with her instead. It was a decision Adagio had slowly come to regret the past week. It didn’t help she’d started listening to one of her old favorite Radclyffe books earlier that evening, leaving her sexually frustrated at three in the morning. She looked over that her nightstand drawer where her little blue toy was hidden, but why use a toy if she could have the real thing? Adagio typed out a quick text, her barely won independence screaming at her to not hit send, but she was at the point of pounding her face in the wall from pure need. She hit send. About twenty minutes away at Sunset’s place, Twilight’s phone beeped. After Adagio’s constant harping, she’d finally managed to remember to turn it on and bring it with her everywhere. She fished it out of her pants, listening with one ear to Pinkie while she glanced at the screen. Is the game over, Twi? Twilight smiled softly and fumbled tiredly with the keys. Yeah. Just chilling out with everybody now. I thought you were asleep. Whats up? Twilight’s eyebrows rose as message after message started flooding in. Pinkie leaned over, distracted by the beeping. “What the hay, Twilight?” “It’s Adagio. She’s still awake for some reason.” Twilight opened the messages, a grin spreading over her face. I’m using the ‘the pussy card’ I Want Sex Now Twilight flushed and stuttered, clearing the last text with a swipe of her thumb. Pinkie Pie and the others stared at her as she started gathered up her stuff from around the big main table. “What’d she say?” “Nothing! S-Sorry. I...uh...I gotta go. See you guys next week.” Twilight managed, avoiding direct eye contact with her friends. “Um, Dash, are you spending the night here?” “I was thinking about coming home…” Dash replied with a raised eyebrow. “Is that a bad idea?” “Yeah…please don’t.” Twilight advised, already walking towards the door. She reached down into her pocket as the phone beeped again with another message. Behind her, Pinkie and Dash were already laughing hysterically. I’m on my way to your house. If I fall asleep before you show up, there’ll be hell to pay. Twilight snorted with laughter, closing the door behind herself, and jogged across the dark yard to where her car was parked. She only broke three speeding laws on the way home. Adagio’s scooter was parked by the mailbox and the living room light was on when she pulled into the driveway. She pushed open the door to see Adagio standing on the other side, fists on her hips and bare foot tapping. Dagi was wearing only a T-shirt that she had nicked from Twi’s closet and had her hair loose in a golden cloud that framed a pretty, if pouty and petulant, face. “You move too slow.” Adagio growled. “What? It’s been fifteen minutes!” Twilight protested, trying not to stare at the Siren’s thighs as she stepped inside. “Pffft.” Adagio reached forward, grabbing a fistful of Twilight’s shirt. She yanked the other girl towards her and slammed the door shut with her other hand. She pressed up against Twi, lips on hers, tugging Twi’s shirt out of her pants before the girl could even toss her keys onto the counter. The keys fell with a thunk to the hardwood floor and she grabbed Adagio’s ass in both hands, groaning into the hungry kiss. Adagio was completely bare underneath the shirt, her flesh firm against the pressure Twilight applied. Their tongues tangled together as Adagio ran her hands up and down her abs, Adagio’s pelvis grinding into her. The kiss broke and she pulled Twilight’s shirt over her head, knocking Twi’s glasses askew. Adagio quickly pulled them off, leaning over to set them on the counter next to where the car keys were supposed to be. Twilight groaned, fingers prying her cheeks apart and slipping in to caress Adagio’s sensitive back end. “You know, normally, I don’t have to worry about my mostly naked girlfriend trying to strip me before I’ve even took my shoes off.” Twilight’s mouth clamped shut when Adagio turned back and shot her a look of pure animalistic lust. Adagio didn’t say anything and ran her hands over Twilight’s shoulders, knocking the straps to her bra off them. She got up on her tiptoes and took Twilight’s earlobe in her mouth. She pressed her weight against the taller girl to push her up against the wall, causing Twi to grunt softly when she hit the door. Twilight’s hands ran over Adagio’s butt again, squeezing softly. Dagi wrapped her leg around Twi’s and pressed her lower body against Twilight again, moaning softly when she felt Twilight’s growing erection. “I said I’d skip today.” Twilight muttered quietly as Adagio bit into her neck. “Ah!” “Mmph.” “What?” Twilight chuckled breathless while Dagi kissed where she’d bitten. “I know. But…” Adagio wriggled a little in Twilight’s grip, sending sparks up pleasure up through Twi’s groin. “But?” Twilight leaned over to kiss down her jawline to her throat. Adagio wriggled more as Twi bit into her neck and suckled gently. “Mmm…I didn’t…want…to steal you away…just for…sex…” Dagi replied between gasps. She reached down between them and ran her fingers over the bulge in Twilight’s pants. “G-Goddess…do it anyway!” Twilight locked her knees, running her hands up from Dagi’s ass and under the shirt she was wearing. “I could stand to miss more OnO games for this. For you, my sweet siren.” “But…Twilight, it’s not fair to your friends, is it? I don’t want to be the crazy girlfriend who comes between you and your friends.” Dagi unzipped the pants that still contained Twilight and then started fumbling with the button. “But would it kill you to wear more skirts? No one is going to notice anything odd down here and it would be so much faster!” “You’re not a crazy girlfriend. I can make time for you instead of gaming, Adagio. Seriously.” Twilight inhaled sharply when her pants came undone and her girlfriend’s cool fingers wrapped around her through the thin cotton panties that were straining to hold all of her. “I-I’m just paranoid about it, ok?” “All right.” Adagio moved her hand, pulling the pants down to Twilight’s thighs. She kissed down Twilight’s shoulder, the hand not kneading the cock snaking around to unhook Twi’s bra. The taller woman closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the door while Adagio pulled the bra off her and trailed little kisses down her chest and stomach. Dagi kept slowly working Twi’s pants down her legs as she went. Twilight worked her feet out of her shoes, helping Adagio remove as much of her clothes as fast as possible. When Adagio squatted to remove Twi’s slacks, she dug her fingers into the cloud of her lover’s hair, moaning when her panties where pulled aside roughly and Adagio’s tongue licked the very tip of her exposed dick. One of Adagio’s hands braced on her thigh and the other wrapped around the base of Twilight’s penis, Dagi’s tongue tracing a path around the tip. She drew the first couple of inches of thick cock into her mouth, sucking hard, and made Twilight groan in pleasure. She pulled away and licked down the full length to where it merged with Twilight’s crotch, then back up to the flared tip. When she went down again with the dick caught in her mouth, her hand around the shaft moved up in time, milking it. Twilight trembled slightly, trying her best not to thrust into her girlfriend’s mouth and just let Adagio move up and down the length, not quite taking all of it into her mouth. Adagio stopped after a moment and pulled her mouth away to licked the tip with the flat of her tongue. Twilight shuddered when Adagio looked up into her eye like that and took a deep breath. She almost jumped at the sensation when Adagio took her to the hilt, pressing her nose into Twi’s lower abdomen while her throat muscles worked. Adagio held Twilight in euphoric bliss like that for a long moment, then slowly drew away only to dive back and do it again. “Jeezus, Adagio…” Twilight felt herself thrust involuntarily into her girlfriend’s mouth, causing her to gag and cough for a moment. She pulled back quickly, saliva and pre-cum making a wet sucking noise as she did. She slipped free of Adagio’s lips, massaging her scalp through Adagio’s curly mass of hair, and smiled apologetically down at the shorter woman. “Sorry.” Dagi stood, tilting her head to the side. “You don’t have to apologize if I never said I didn’t like it.” She yanked her too cute librarian down against her, swallowing the quiet whimpers she was making, and plunged her tongue into Twi’s mouth. Twilight reacted immediately, the back of her head contacting the door with a dull thud, and her trapped cock throbbed between their bellies. She captured Adagio’s tongue in her teeth sucking at it the same way she’d just been touched, and she could taste a hint of her own flavor. That made the smaller girl writhe and moan, Adagio’s fingernails scratching lightly over Twi’s back. Twilight let her hands slide down the curve of the skinny siren’s spine, lifting the shirt up. Their heated kiss ended so she could tug the t-shirt over Adagio’s head and huge mass of golden curls. Twilight bit her lip, looking down at the swath of smooth, creamy skin that covered her girlfriend’s small breasts, flat tummy and wide child bearing hips. She slanted her mouth over Adagio’s again, kissing the girl hungrily, and turned them around so she had the siren pressed against the door. Twilight’s lips trailed down Adagio’s throat, kissing the dip where neck met shoulder. The dark haired girl nipped there, making Dagi jump and gasp pleasantly. She ran her hands down over Adagio’s waist and on to the swimmer’s full thighs. “You’re so beautiful.” Twi whispered in Adagio’s ear before leaning away to follow her hands’ progress with her eyes. Adagio shook her head weakly, gasping softly when Twilight reached up and tweaked one of her nipples and kneaded her breast. “You don’t know how often I wanted to come over to your house and get you naked, roommates be damned. I need you like a drowning man needs air.” “Probably as much as I’ve wanted you to?” Adagio guessed, looking up into Twilight’s deep magenta-colored eyes. Her hair was falling around her face wildly and Dagi could feel her lips were red and bruised from the forceful kisses. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot, Twilight. I need you just as much.” Twilight placed a soft kiss on her mouth and ran her hand down Adagio’s stomach toward her sex. “Let’s make up for lost times, ok?” Adagio nodded and lifted her leg, wrapping around Twilight’s knee again as she was touched. She was damp and dripped against Twi’s fingers as they slipped passed her mons to press against her clit. She jumped from the sensation and rocked forward, moaning softly. Twilight’s fingertips circled the bundle of nerves and flicked over it, making her cry out louder and knock the back of her head against the door. Adagio dug her fingernails into the taller girl’s shoulders, scraping down Twi’s spine. Her lover’s finger slid down the wet line of her and back up as Twi’s thumb played with her clit. Twilight took her nipple and sucked, slipping her finger inside Adagio at the same time. She groaned low in her throat, eyes fluttering and moved her hips to take Twi’s finger further in. Twilight laved Dagi’s nipple with her tongue and reached around to grip her ass again, another of Twilight’s fingers slipping inside her there and she whimpered in faux protest. Twilight pretended to ignore Adagio’s mewling, her mouth wandering down her girlfriend’s abs, and pressed damp kisses against her skin. Dagi’s quiet moans caught in her throat when Twi’s tongue replaced her thumb against Adagio’s clit. The shorter girl’s body shook gently and she raised her leg, placing her foot on Twi’s shoulder to give her better access. Twilight ran her tongue up and down damp lower lips, circling Adagio’s clit and sucking her folds into her mouth. Adagio covered her mouth with her fingers desperately and rocked her hips forward, whimpering and begging Twilight to keep going as Twi’s fingers probed deeper. She screamed against her palms as her orgasm began to climb. She moved her hips forward, Twilight dipped her tongue into the swimmer’s opening. Her hips jerked again and she slid slowly down the door when Twilight moved away to let her collapse. Her muscles tightening and quivering from front to back in a repeating wave of pleasure. Twilight wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, watching the siren twitch against the floor in a growing wet spot. Her dick throbbed at the sight of the woman she loved in washed out bliss and she reached down to stroke herself idly. “You know...I would have thought I would have popped first. Guess all that exercise you’ve had me do has helped, huh?” “C-can’t hear you...still cumming…” Adagio peeked through her lashes at her girlfriend, smiling sweetly. “Needed this soooo bad…” “We’re not done yet.” Twilight leaned forward and grabbed the blonde’s waist, standing up swiftly. Adagio yelped softly as she was hefted off her feet. “Wh-Where we goin’?” Dagi mumbled into Twilight’s straight hair as the librarian struggled to get her into an over-the-shoulder hold. “Bedroom.” “Oh.” She turned her head and kissed Twi’s neck and shoulder. “Okay. Let’s see if you can make it there, pudgy.” “Hey now, I can do more than a single chin up now. I might not be as athletic as you...” Twilight grunted, walking carefully through her house, careful not to bump into anything. “But I’m starting to get pretty fit.” “I haven’t seen you do any of it.” Adagio retorted before blowing in Twi’s ear. She yelped again when a hand smacked against her ass. “What the hell?” “We’re not all lucky enough to be naturally skinny and muscular. Show a little compassion!” “Hey, you can’t just spank me! It’s not my fault you’re naturally inclined to pudge out. Besides…I like your thick thighs.” Adagio giggled. “And I guess I can admit you’re stronger now. You still spank like a limp wristed wet noodle, though.” She howled when her ass was smacked again, this time hard enough to tingle. “Yeah! That’s what I’m talking ‘bout!” “Freak.” Twilight teased. “You know you love it. Don’t you spank me again until I tell you to!” She wriggled and Twilight had to quickly re-position her grip to keep from dropping Adagio. “You know you love it! Now don’t move so much.” “Awww, pudgy can’t hold me up?” “That’s it.” Twilight gently kicked her bedroom door open, tossing her girlfriend onto the bed. Adagio bounced on the springy mattress and shook her head to clear her curls out of her face. The door closed with a loud click, light flickering on a moment later. She blinked up at Twilight and automatically covered her breasts with her arm. “Whatcha gonna do?” She grinned mischievously and scooted back on the bed until she was back up against the pillows. Adagio let her arm fall, resting back on her elbows and spread her legs slightly to give Twi a peek at the pink below her other mass of golden curls. “You’ll have to wait and see.” Twilight giggled, grabbing Adagio’s ankle and yanked as she joined the blonde on the bed. Adagio squealed, her legs flying into the air, and her face turned red. Twilight stayed on her knees and took the leg she’d grabbed, trailing kisses down the calf, and bit softly into Adagio’s inner thigh. Adagio watched Twilight with heated, half closed eyes while Twilight’s tongue drew a lazy ‘S’ down her skin. She bit her lip when Twi kissed her way up to her belly, then to her breasts. Her head fell back when she felt Twilight’s lips circled her nipple and then bite down softly on the areola. She arched up and cupped the back of the librarian’s head and pushed it down. “H-Harder, Tw-Twilight…” Adagio panted, her face heating up, and her breathing quickened. Twilight sucked soft skin into her mouth, making Adagio squirm. She ran her fingers down to Dagi’s groin and found her sweet spot again, making Adagio arch again and break into pleading sobs. Twilight pressed her thumb against clit, moving it around in tight circles, then up and down Adagio’s slick labia. The siren cried out when Twi worked her middle finger inside again, moving in and out, scratching softly against her G-spot. “Not getting too sensitive, are you?” Twilight glanced up at Adagio’s face. “P-please, Twilight, please! I need more!” Adagio begged, moving in time with Twi’s hand. “You haven’t cum yet, Dagi~poo.” Twilight murmured, sticking out her tongue against a swollen and aching nipple. “Tw-Twiiiiiiilliightt.” Adagio begged, louder this time. Twilight’s hand sped up, thrusting up into Adagio harder, and she gasped at the change in tempo. Her hips were thrusting up wildly against the invading digit, crying out again when a second finger was added to the first. More pleasured sobs broke from her throat, mixed with Twilight’s name, as the librarian curled her fingers against the inner walls of Adagio’s pussy hitting the right spot. She didn’t push back against the hand this time as her body reached its peak, and she gushed, soaking Twilight well up to her wrist. Adagio trembled, going tense for a moment, and then slumped bonelessly against the bed. Twilight watched her girlfriend shake for a second, smiling, then she reached over to the bed stand drawer and pulled it open. She was still painfully stiff from before and the three preceding weeks really were to long of a wait. Twilight fished out a small square plastic pouch, gripping it in her teeth. Before she could tear open the square, Dagi’s hand wrapped itself almost painfully tight around her cock and pumped it forcibly. “Adagio, d-don’t or…” “On your back.” The siren whispered, squeezing. Twilight looked down at her deeper purple than normal cockhead extending from Adaigo’s fist and smirked. “On. Your. Back.” Dagi repeated in a slow growl, moving her hand with each word. “Or you’ll cum this way.” “You don’t have to ask again…” Twilight gulped nervously. The blonde girl got up on her knees, moving so Twilight could lay back. Adagio took the packet from Twi’s mouth, tearing it open and then tossed the package into the trash. She slipped the condom over her lover’s length and swung a leg over Twi’s hips to straddle the purple haired girl. She leaned over, her her golden mane of hair sliding over her shoulders to surround them both as she kissed her Twilight. Adagio pressed her wetness against Twilight and moved up and down, not quite taking Twi’s dick inside as she rubbed her lips against it. Her hands ran up Twilight’s chest, cupping a breast in her palm and she pinched one nipple before sliding Twilight’s cock in with a single, slick movement. Twilight grunted at the pressure and gripped Adagio’s hips. Dagi kissed a damp path down Twilight’s neck as her body moved up and down torturously slow, her soft moans muffled against her lover’s jaw. She pushed herself up and then let gravity take her all the way to the hilt, tossing back her head as she cried out. Adagio reached up to cover her mouth again as she started to ride in earnest, grinding that dick into her G-spot. Twilight began to move with her, thrusting up as she came down, making her whimper and pant. She moved faster and faster, rocking and taking it as deep as she could, screaming loudly when Twilight thrust up to meet her. Twilight slid her hands off Adagio’s hips, one grabbing at her girlfriend’s breasts and the other splayed over her lower belly where she flicked her thumb over Adagio’s clit. Already over stimulated, Dagi jerked her hips awkwardly and Twi could feel the muscles gripping her dick tighten and spasm. “A-Almost…” Adagio gasped, her head falling back. “Tw-Twi…Twiiillliiightt!” She screamed out the last of the name as Twilight thrust up into her. She could feel the cock inside her thicken, stiffening even more as her body began to shake with her third orgasm of the night. “Adagio.” Twilight moaned her name, releasing seed into the condom, and her dick throbbed almost painfully. She wrapped her arms around the siren, sitting up and burying her nose in Dagi’s hair. “Goddess, I love you, Adagio.” “Mm hm.” Adagio snuggled against Twilight’s chest, wincing when the erection inside her pumped again, still filling the condom. “L-ove you, too. I love you so much.” She shuddered, pushing herself up and back until Twilight slid out of her with a wet pop noise. Twilight dropped back on her elbows, looking up at the satisfied sneer on her girlfriend’s face. “What?” “We’re never waiting three weeks again.” “This is all your fault. I already said I’d ditch the game. I said I’d ditch it last week, too!” Twilight laughed. Adagio smacked Twi’s chest. “Hey! I was trying to be a good girlfriend. Next time, you should just do it anyway and sex me stupid.” “What?!” Twilight burst out laughing and pulled her back down. “You’re a silly Dagi~poo.” “No, I’m not!” Adagio grumbled and rubbed her face between Twilight’s breasts. “Jerk.” “Well, I’ll remember next time.” Twilight promised, patting Adagio’s back before reaching down to grip her ass. “You want to go again in the morning?” Adagio grumbled quietly, but didn’t say anything further. > Rarity Goes Navel Gazing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early morning daylight chased away the vague memories of the dream she'd woken up from. Squinting at the clock on the dresser told Twilight that her alarm would go off in about five more minutes. Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, groaned, pulling herself up and scratched the small of her back. She licked her lips and stood, feeling like a cripple as her back popped loudly in two places. Twilight worked her muzzle, rolling her shoulders as she flapped her wings to ease the kinks out. Her body was still stiff and sore from last night’s workout. She frowned down at the stubborn pudge that clung to her stomach and thighs, a nagging reminder of long days spent in sedative study. No amount of exercise seemed able to completely remove it, though she had to admit the rest of her body was looking a lot more toned and fit these days. Her friends had remarked on her ‘healthier glow’ more than once, but part of her wondered if the glow was more to do with finding love than killing herself on the stairmaster. She tugged her thin cotton sleeping shirt back over her belly rolls with a sigh. Nature chose that moment to inform her that her bladder was painfully full, and Twilight shuffled out of her bedroom toward the large adjacent bathroom. She paused in the hallway and peeked into the guest room where her marefriend insisted on sleeping when she stayed over for the night. Rarity was still out cold, breathing steadily into her pillow. The seamstress had kicked off her sheet sometime in the night and was on her belly, butt in the air. Twilight smiled at Rarity’s silly pose and then picked up the pace to get to the bathroom. She washed her face after taking care of nature's call and ran a comb through her hair until the worst of her bedhead was under control. She brushed her teeth and grunted in surprise when Opalescence appeared in the bathroom doorway to mew for breakfast. Rarity refused to leave the fuzzy feline at her boutique when she stayed the night at Twilight’s castle. The cat was usually a tolerable houseguest, but sometimes she clashed with Owlicious and seemed overly enthusiastic about knocking things off Twilight’s shelves. "Stupid cat..." She croaked, grimacing at the sound of her own voice. Feeding the fuzzball took only a moment, but it helped her wake more. The task done, she shuffled back down the hall and into her room. Twilight flopped on her ass on the tail end of her bed, facing the door. She was fully intent on getting dress, but couldn’t bring herself to move. Sleep still tugged at her eye lids. I should go back to sleep. I don't have to do any study work for hours...no pressing Princess issues to deal with either. I do need to do laundry though. Twilight looked back down at her shirt and underwear. Rarity said yesterday that she needed clean undies. Her clothes that she keeps here are running low… Images of the mare in the other room flooded her brain. Rarity smiling at her, playing with Opalescence, teasing her while she was trying to work on the latest friendship report. Images of Rarity nude...on all fours...hips moving rhythmically... Damnit. Her morning wood was suddenly back with force. Her simple cloth panties filled to capacity, holding Twilight’s ‘second horn’ stretching the material at her groin. Her new equipment was the unspoken other change brought about by her alicornification. Not all of her friends knew about it, but Rarity found out after walking in on Twilight when she had been at the boutique to model new dresses for Rarity’s summer line. It wasn’t long after that barely hidden romantic tension between them had erupted to the surface. Rarity had shown her how to use the equipment fate and magic had cursed her with, turning it into somewhat more of a blessing. It wasn’t all roses and sunshine though. It was kinda painfully hard, actually. But in that odd, good way. Noise suddenly came from Rarity's room, drawing Twilight’s attention momentarily away from her dick. The mare groaned awake, just as Twilight had, and came stumbling out of the guest room toward the bathroom wearing naught but a set of lacy boyshort-cut panties. Twilight folded her hands over her hard member, not wanting Rarity to see it first thing in the morning. Her marefriend ignored her and closed the bathroom door. She sighed, listening to Rarity go about her morning rituals. Her raging hard on finally started to subside by the time the unicorn was finished brushing her teeth. Rarity stopped in the bathroom doorway, looking at Twilight with a sleepy smile on her lips. "Mornin' Darling." "Good morning, Raricat. Sleep well?" Twilight returned the smile, rustling her wings. Rarity nodded, chuckling at the silly nickname. "Yes, I did. Did you carry me to bed last night? I don’t recall reaching it after our exhausting session together." "Yeah. It was either that or lose a leg to lack of blood flow." Twilight grinned at the memory of awkwardly struggling to carry her marefriend into the guest room without waking her while still being winded from their lovemaking. Rarity giggled sleepily and shuffled over to Twilight, slipping down into her Princess’ lap, and wrapped her arms around Twilight’s neck. Twilight leaned in a little and took her lips softly, kissing with passion. Twilight’s arms wrapped around her waist and she groaned happily into the Princess’ muzzle. She caught Twilight’s tongue with her own and sucked at it before taking her bottom lip and nibbling. "Mmmm...goddess, Darling...just like—hey!" Rarity jumped in Twilight’s hands. "Hmmm...wha'?" Twilight looked up from where she was about to start kissing down Rarity’s neck. "I can feel you pressing into my thigh." Rarity giggled, leaning away from the bulge so she could look at it. "Surprised me, that’s all. Sorry." Twilight laughed nervously, hanging her head against Rarity’s shoulder. "You do that to me you know? Walking around the castle semi-naked and sexy like that...you're a distraction!" “I’m the best kind of distraction, though, aren’t I?” Rarity smiled wickedly and made a happy purring noise, wiggling her hips and just making Twi’s trapped member poke against her harder. Twilight leaned to take a nipple in her mouth, but Rarity moved away, making her sit up in surprise. "Wha'?" Rarity smiled like the cat with the canary and giggled again. She pulled out of Twilight’s lap, and lowered herself to her knees in front of the Princess. Rarity pushed Twilight’s legs open, hands on her knees. Twilight’s eyes widened and she leaned back on her elbows, watching Rarity strip the underwear off and free her throbbing cock from its cloth prison. Rarity leaned in, pressing her upper body to Twi’s lower body, and kissed at the points where her nipples poked through her shirt. Rarity’s hands trailed up her legs, catching Twilight’s thick stallionhood between her full breasts. "Goddess, that feels good Rarity...keep going...please!" Twilight hissed through her teeth in pleasure, looking up at the ceiling until her eyes rolled back for a moment. They snapped open and she yelped a second later when she felt warm fingers trace down the underside of her member. Rarity’s light touch flicked over the ultra sensitive area where the phallus met and merged with Twilight's original genitalia. The white coated unicorn eased her lips open and caressed around her opening. “Oh I will, Twilight. Think of this as a little thank you for indulging me last night.” Rarity trailed kisses down Twilight’s belly, over her shirt until she reached the belly button. Her other hand wrapped around Twi’s waist and played there, kneading the Princess’ love handles and cutie mark. “My my! Already painfully hard again and so wet down here! If only I had known sooner about your voracious sex drive, Twilight. I wouldn’t have kept quiet about my feelings for so long.” “Are...are you sure it’s not my...Princesshood? Or my...er...alicorn parts?” Twilight swallowed, looking back down her body at the beautiful mare between her legs. Her sides shivered under the assault of sensations from her dual sex and Rarity’s massaging fingers. “I won’t lie, Twilight, those qualities certainly sweeten the pot, so to speak. But I knew when I first met you that you were special.” She smiled up at Twilight, squeezing her breasts tighter around the Princess. “Even if you didn’t have them, I would still desire you. You may doubt your beauty, but I pride myself in being able to see it in all things, and you, Twilight Sparkle, are simply gorgeous.” Rarity let the cock slip out from between her globes and swing back and forth a bit as Twilight’s groin muscles twitched with the urge to buck. She caught it again with her lips, keeping her eyes locked of Twilight’s. She sucked in just the wide tip, playing the point of her tongue over the hole while gently running her teeth over the swollen glands. "Rarity!" Twilight threw her head back hard, gripping the sheet on the bed, and fought to hold back her fast approaching orgasm. The seamstress smirked, turning her head to the side, and sucked in the flesh on the side of Twilight’s shaft. She nibbled there for a moment, running her tongue over the medial ring hard before inching down to the base. Rarity closed her teeth on a small bit of loose skin there, nipping playfully. She let it go with a wet sounding pop, letting Twilight’s stallionhood swing back and forth above her, and dived tongue first into Twi’ soft pussy. Rarity wrapped the fingers of one hand around the base of Twilight’s dick in an 'ok' shape, and squeezed, closing off her urethra. She ducked down, pushing her muzzle in deeper to tongue the quivering inner walls of Twi’s marehood. Rarity held tight, switching up the angle she attacked her marefriend’s g-spot from, making Twilight moan and writhe on the bed. After a moment, she pulled back to run her tongue up the underside of Twilight’s cock until she reached the broad head. Rarity looked around it and up Twilight’s face, licking her lips and surveyed the effect she was having. Twilight Sparkle was already flushed, her brow furrowed and breathing hard. "I-I'm going to...h-have to repay you...aren't I? What was the d-deal, one to three ratio?" Rarity nodded slowly, slipping two fingers inside Twilight. She continued to hold the base of her Princess’ member between her fingers, putting pressure there to keep Twilight from blowing any time soon. She kept up the eye contact, opening her mouth to flick her tongue over Twilight’s cockhead for a few more moments, and then released her grip. Rarity kissed the tip, making a show of letting a thin strand of pre stretch between her lips and the horsecock she was teasing. Rarity then opened her mouth wide and laid her tongue out like the red carpet, flat and welcoming. She angled her head forward and drew Twilight in, forming a seal with her full lips. She bobbed her head down, her tongue undulating along the bottom side of Twilight, her palette sliding over the top. She took it to the hilt in one deft motion, holding her breath for several seconds. Rarity kept her jaw loose, her throat muscles working the shaft for a few short breaths until she pulled back until only the tip remained in her mouth. She inhaled through her nose, sucking hard now while maintaining her rhythmic fingering of Twilight’s pussy. Her blue eyes twinkled when she looked up to watch the expressions playing across Twilight's face. Twilight grunted with each downward bob of her marefriend’s head, trying to control her breathing, and clenched her lower abdominal muscles. "For Luna’s sake...you're good at this!" Her hooves felt like they were curling, flexing and trembling against the floor as she fought to maintain control. Twi’s bedsheets bunched in her hands when her fingers did the same. Rarity giggled, making Twilight’s entire body shake with it. She slackened on the suction and bobbed forward, keeping her eyes on Twilight’s. She hit a comfortable point near the medial ring and reversed slowly, turning the suction back up and swirling her tongue around the underside of the glans. She ducked forward again immediately, repeating the process—faster this time—setting a rhythm. Twilight groaned, growling deep in her chest, pretty much beyond words for the moment. Her hips ached to move, the muscles there and in her ass clenching and releasing involuntarily. She couldn't buck, it would break the rhythm, and she didn’t want to surprise Rarity. She desperately wanted to grab the back of the mare’s head, run her fingers through Rarity’s lovely hair. Twilight couldn't tell if she wanted Rarity to speed up or slow down, the sensations were quickly becoming overwhelming. I'm going to lose it soon! I want her to slow down...no, speed up! Goddess, this is the best way to start a day! As if reading her mind, Rarity sped up, tilting her head slightly to tuck her hair back behind an ear. Rarity smiled as best she could around her Princess’ thick cock. Twilight made the cutest and funniest faces when she did this. She loved watching the former unicorn struggle to stay composed. Twilight was usually always so in control of herself, it was fun just to make her squirm sometimes. Rarity steadied herself with her free hand. She could tell Twilight was ready to burst, the way her body starting to clench all the lower body muscle groups. She stopped when she once again had just the head of Twilight’s dick in her mouth, pushing against it with the flat of her tongue. She waited a moment for her Princess to open her lavender eyes again and dove down again, all the way to the hilt this time. Twilight’s breathing was getting ragged, so she pulled back extra slow, drawing out Twilight’s release. Twilight gasped, falling back on the bed with a loud moan. See only barely managed to hold her hips back as Rarity's tongue swept under the head again. She lost what little was left of control and came, spilling into her marefriend’s welcoming mouth. Twilight jerked in place, her groin muscles flexing twice, three, four times. Literal spots flashed behind her eyelids, her purple coat feeling tight everywhere, as she slipped out of Rarity’s mouth. Twilight blinked up at the ceiling, her vision clearing after a few seconds. She shook her head and struggled to sit up. "S-sorry Rarity! I...I c-couldn't hold it any longer..." Her voice faded out as she watched Rarity wipe the back of her hand against her lips, smiling back up at her. Rarity made an audible swallowing noise and Twilight noticed a droplet of her pearly essence still on the edge of her marefriend’s bottom lip. Rarity sighed, licking up the remaining drop as she shifted gracefully to rest on her hip. "It's ok darling, it's not like I didn't know it was coming." She laughed musically, the motion drawing Twilight’s gaze back to her breasts again. "Raricat wanted her milk, huh?" Her eyes flashed and Rarity lunged forward, swinging her arm to slap Twilight on the hand with a loud clap. "GAH! Twilight! A Princess should have more tact when speaking to her ponies. Especially the pony that just gave her such a powerful orgasm." She frowned with mock anger and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "What a way to ruin the moment." Twilight Sparkle laughed, shaking on the springy mattress. “Sorry, Rarity! I’m very glad you did that...this whole alicorns are intersexed still takes some getting used to.” She leaned forward, bringing her hand up and ran her fingers into those long purple locks. She turned Rarity's face upward more and brought the both of them together, their lips meeting in a loving kiss. Opening her mouth to suck playfully at Rarity’s upper lip, Twilight caught Rarity’s tongue when she opened in response. She could taste herself in the kiss, but it wasn't strong. She groaned in her throat and kissed the seamstress deeper, letting Rarity pull and nip in return. Twilight looked up into her shocked but pleased eyes, and broke away. She kissed along Rarity’s jawline, moving up to her ear, and took an earlobe to torture teasingly. Twilight broke the sensation for a moment and whispered. "I love you, Rarity." The unicorn mare groaned happily in response, arching her neck. She reached up and pinched one of Twilight’s nipples through her shirt "I love you too, my sweet Twilight. Now, chop chop! Get up and dressed, we have a full day ahead of us." “Do I have—?” Twilight paused when there was a loud bang from the study down the hall. She frowned and hung her head onto Rarity’s shoulder as the other mare started to laugh. Opalescence was at it again, the fuzzy beast probably shoving her books and things out of the way to sit in a morning sunbeam.