> The Book of Sin > by SinFox > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well I guess if this is in your hands then it has finally happened. I don't know how it happened, and I don't know why it happened, and to be as honest as I can, I'm not even sure what it is. But it must have happened, otherwise, I doubt that I'd be writing this book. and that you'd be holding it in your hooves, or reading it on top of some table. At this point I can't tell you exactly what this book will contain. Action? Adventure? Romance? Death? I don't know, and frankly I don't care. This is my work, and it's probably not going to make through the trials of time. So what does it matter what's in it? Oh, I'm sorry, I should probably introduce myself to you. My name is Sinclare, but most people just call me Sin for short. You'll probably notice this throughout the chapters of my book, however many there are. At the start of this book I'd say I'm getting to be about 25 years old, by the end of this, who knows how old I'll be. I think I'm hearing your complaining already "Enough with the 'I don't know' stuff already! I get it, I get it" but I wonder if you do... Have you ever felt so certain about something that the only way you could think of getting it out of your mind was to write it down? If you have, then you may be somepony who can start to understand where I'm coming from. If not, then just shut up and keep reading, and eventually you may understand me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before we get to the actual chapters of my book, let me give you a setting, and some information about myself and my family. I'll start with the latter. I'm around a 25 year old Earth Stallion, just above average height and build, but what can you expect from living in a nice quiet little town in the middle of nowhere? My parents were actually quite different when it came to their jobs. My mother was a baker, and my father was, well, a blacksmith. I would often work both in the kitchen with her, and in the forge with him. Most of the time, her work would bring in most of the revenue, unless there was some sort of conflict that demanded armaments. So I guess we had our bases covered as a family. I had one older sister, and a younger brother and sister. My younger siblings were twins. They were named Jack and Jill, after some strange rhyme that mother had heard. They turned out to be almost exactly alike in some respects and completely different in others. Kinda funny looking back on it, I thought they'd be almost exactly alike... They were always kinda small, but they didn't mind, in fact they liked it. They like being able to sneak away whenever they could, they said they felt like they were always on some sort of adventure. Jack had a black coat and a short length dark blue mane, while Jill had a white coat and a medium length dark blue mane. And that's all you really need to know abut those two for now. My older sister was named Maria. She is taller than me, and has always been the one to comfort the children whenever they needed it. She had a long brown main and a surprisingly grey coat, but her pink eyes were always filled with kindness and understanding, and some strange feeling of sorrow that you couldn't quite put your hoof on the origin. It kinda of made you wonder why she was comforting you when she seemed to need comforting more than you did... I need to stop talking about my family for a bit, so I'm moving on... The town, that's right the town... I don't see how it would be important, but I suppose I should tell you, our Family name was Smith, since father was the only blacksmith in our hometown. Oh that's right, I should probably tell you the name of my hometown. The name was "Lorvelli," it's fine if you haven't heard of it, because there's a good reason behind it... I should probably tell you a bit more about myself now. Like I said earlier, my name is Sinclare Smith, and I'm an earth pony of around slightly more than average height and build. I have a dark brown coat with a snow white mane. I have a scar over my nose from an accident in the forge when I was young. But I'll tell you about that later... There's still more to tell that you may need to know. I'm strong enough to work the forge of fathers, but I suppose I have a gentle enough touch for mother to keep me working the bakery with her. Just enough to make some bread and a few other things. You know, the bare minimum needed to survive. What else ? ... There are a few spots of white on my coat. They're not all that important but I'm trying to be thorough here, so you'll have to deal with it. I guess all that's left for me to tell you about myself is my eye color. They're emerald green. I know what you're going to say, "What about my Cutie Mark?" well that's the thing, I don't have one yet. I tried smithing, baking, and just about everything in between, but it gave me nothing. Honestly, I don't think it matters, and I've stopped caring at this point of my life. If it bugs you, then but this book down, and walk away. If you are in fact still here, then I'll start telling you about the setting in which I'm writing this book. I suppose you may call this the old continent, or something, but I call this place home. I guess we should be having troubles with the Pegasi and Unicorns, but at this point, things are going alright for us. Probably because Lorvelli is in a place where the Whether and Soil are independent from Pony Influences. Also, some new that came to us was that the leaders of the three species left recently, for some new land. That probably means more to you, but for us, there was little change here. We actually have a few pegasi and unicorns here, don't know why, but they seem to like it here enough to want to stay and help. Personally I think it's weird but you learn quick not to deny help from someone here in Lorvelli. Well, that's about all the background that I'm going to give you so I'll end this with a small note. This won't be a good story. It won't be a bad story, the best or the worst story. It won't be a story of action, or adventure, or any damn classification you want to try to give it. This. Is. My. Story. and that's all it will ever be, or can be. Got it? good, cause if not, too bad. > Living in Lorvelli > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I took a look at what I had written about for the background info I gave to you, and well, I don't like it. So From here I'm going to start giving you a bit more information about my home and my family. So Lorvelli is a small town, big enough that you can get privacy when you want it, but small enough to the point that everypony knows each other. It was really quite nice, the founders set Lorvelli in a place that was free of influences. The seasons changed on it's own, the weather did as it pleased, and so did the animals that inhabited the area around Lorvelli. The town square had all the shops, like you may have expected. If you were looking due north, you'd probably see the Tavern, the Traveler's Waypoint. It's a nice little place, really. The building was built out of solid stone blocks, don't know why, but it really looks good on the place. The roof was like most roofs around here, wooden. I mean when you're in the middle of a forest, you kinda have all the wood you could even need. The stones were painted a long time ago, but that wore off with the rain, and winds. Inside the Waypoint, as we often called it, you'd see maybe 15 hoof carved wooden tables strewn about the floor, a stage to your right, and the bar to your left. It wasn't too big, but it could fit everypony in town if you liked getting cozy. The stage had a spot behind it for our resident divas to ready themselves, but I'll get to them in a minute. The inside of The Waypoint was kinda dim-lit to help set the atmosphere for the how that went on, and the stage had the piano for where the music could be played during the shows by one of the Concerto brothers, I'll talk about them later too. We're almost done with The Waypoint, save for the own and the drinks they served. Well, the drinks were what you may expect, there was something for everypony. The owner on the other hand, now she was special, well I say owner, but I don't know if she actually did own the place. Her name was Honey Splash. Honey Splash was a beautiful young mare with a blue coat, but a honey colored mane. She had beautiful brown eyes, and you probably guessed it, her cutie mark was that of a bartender. It was a drink being mixed. It suited her though, she was kind, caring, and knew how to toss a stallion out if he deserved it. She was beautiful. Now I did Say that I would talk about the Concerto brothers and our towns little divas. Vanilla Drum and Coco Beat were the town's performers. Vanilla was a definite showpony, no other way to describe her. White mane, blue eyes, and a yellowish coat, and a calming voice. She was a showstopper. Coco had a dark brown mane and coat, with slightly lighter eyes than her mane. She kinda was quiet and reserved when she wasn't on stage, but she was a showpony like Vanilla, so they fit well together. Coco had kinda this loud and exciting voice that just made you want to get up and sing. Very inspiring those two when they worked together. Next is Gregorio and Sebastian Concerto, twin Pegasi. The Music brothers. Gregorio was the older one by about 5 or 6 years, and was smaller than Sebastian, but was more skilled at playing the instruments. Sebastian had one thing going for him, he could improvise anything, and make it fit. both of them had a purple coat, and red eyes, but Sebastian had a Aqua mane, and Gregorio had a green mane. They were almost a lot alike in personality, serious when playing music, approachable most of the time, and they were alright to be around, Sebastian just didn't know when to stop fooling around though, and that would sometimes cause troubles for him. So after the Waypoint to the West is the Inn, the Hitching Post. Lovely little building, with nice large rooms, and very comfortable beds. The Hitching Post is a large black brick building, about three floors, and it took a hell of a time to build it up that high, if it wasn't for all the travelers we get coming through here, then it would still probably be a one floor shack with wooden walls, and hardwood floors, oh right I should mention the floors that the Post currently has. The floors of the post are soft, and I mean really soft, like grass in the fresh morning dew soft without the wetness. I always wondered where they got them from, and the owner never told me where he got them from, not that inclined to complain about them, it's just a nice little mystery about the town. The owner is, well we just call him "The General", but his name is Papa Musket. He and his wife have run the place since they took it over from The General's parents, and they apparently took it over from their parents. It's just a great place to be when the Waypoint is full. Further west of the Inn was Mom's bakery, but you'll be getting enough of that later on, so why tell you now? South of my home is the general goods store. It's run by the old colt of Lorvelli, Grey Mane they unicorn. Often enough you'll see Grey Mane just sitting on the porch right in front of the front door to his little shop,usually just waiting for somepony to come and purchase something. He'd usually give out candy to the little foal and fillies on Sunday around 1 or so. Grey had a long black mane and a greyish coat. Now I say greyish because I'm not really sure how to grade it really, it's definitely a shade of grey, but other than that I'm not sure what shade it is. He's really nice, but a bit strange shaking his hoof sometimes at the leaves or a rolling bit of tumbleweed. Like I said, nice but a little off. A bit to the east is Father's forge, which you will see a lot later on as well. Further east is the Town hall, technically the largest building in the village because of the massive clock tower that sticks out of the middle of it. It's made of wood, painted red, on all sides, and in golden letters is the words "Lorvelli Town Hall". While it may not look like it, it is one of the sturdiest buildings in the village, underneath it's wooden exterior is stone from the mountains to the right of the village, and it's strange not even father's hammer could make a mark in the stone. I've never been inside of the town hall, and as beautiful as it looked, I think it was there for mostly figurehead purposes. The last building in the square is just north of the town hall, and just east of the Tavern, it's the Armory. We usually stored all sorts of different tools and weapons there but everypony in town just sort of calls it the armory. There we have weapons of multiple types, bows, lances, spears, swords, which are mostly used by the unicorns in town, almost everypony gets the armor and all of it's different types. Some of it is heavier, some of it is lighter, depending on the pony who uses it. And underneath the armory is a sort of well basement so that we can put the little ones and those unfit to fight in there so they can be safe. A bit more south is the road that leads into the town, from the forest. We called it the Black Gate Forest, since there were the two tall ominous looming trees that were jet black, with leaves that were grey of all things, only two trees like that in the entire forest. I suppose you could say that our village was there to protect the forest, but most of the people in the village would correct you. You see, most of us have taken on the belief that our quaint little village is there to protect the rest of the world from the things that dwell in the Black Gate Forest. Manticores, Cockatrices, Sirens, Chimeras, Minotaurs, Kelpies, Basiliks, Dragons, Timber Wolves, Windigos, Hydras. Gorgons and other vile monsters; they all live in the Black gate forest, and we have our duty to defend the village, and the rest of the continent. And as much as we dislike it, we of the Lorvelli Village hold our duty above almost anything else.