> A Lonely Soul > by Another_Dead_Account1109 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue* > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 21, 2033 Today I was assigned to scout out an area of importance, the 'Area of Importance' is an old weapons factory outside the city that will help us. Even with D6 in their control they want as many weapons as possible for the "Final War". I call bullshit on that, I bet when we meet another county that survived or government it will go into another war. Damn it all, why did war have to be in our nature? We live in a rough time, we lost our dominance to the world by our own hands. What were our forefathers thinking? Using those weapons would be our own doing. They were, and know we pay the price. If we don't end war, war will end us. - H. G. Wells The sound of mud under neath my boots as the radioactive rain fell onto my clothes. I could hear the rain hammer down on my hood, its continues march as it falls. Wiping the rain off my eyes I made a mad dash for a broken building trying to get out of the rain ASAP. As soon as I was in the building I ran up the stairs trying to gain enough distance from the ground floor and I. As I reached the top level I walked into a room closing a door behind me. The room was a faded white; the wood already starting to rot. Walking over to the window I turned then sat down letting the wall take my weight. I left my Mischa on my stomach; keeping my finger on the trigger as my left arm laid limb on the ground. Mischa was a modified VSK-94 crossed with a VSSK "Vychlop", made it myself; as for the name that is a story for a different time. I could not let my guard down, not on the surface. As I laid there accompanied by the sound of rain against the window. My heart began to slow down as my adrenaline wore off. As much as I wanted to stay there I couldn't, my filters where bound to run out and I would suffocate on the radioactive dust in the air. I was about to get moving again until a blood curling howl made me freeze. Howlers or Watchmen as they call them, they hunt in packs like wolves I used to read about when I was a child. Slowly I stood up making my way over to a window, looking out of it five Watchmen ran through the street; sniffing the air and road for my sent. I could easily take them down but these where just scouts and trackers. The main pack stayed behind waiting for their time to move and swarm me. A few long minutes later they ran off; believing they lost me I slowly stood up then made my way to the door, Opening it I raised my Revolver to bear; making sure the hallway was clear. Seeing that it was I made my way back outside and made my way towards the factory. After avoidng watchmen patrols and other mutants and hazards I made it to my objective; searching for any weapon that could give us a leverage but small enough to carry back to D6. Sadly, I found no much things. The only thing I was able to scavenge was a Saiga-12 with an extended magazine, a few 12.7x108mm rounds for my Mischa, filters, gasoline, and a few cartridges. As I was about to leave a faint roar of an engine caught my ear. I stood there trying to see if it was getting closer; the steady roaring grew louder. Making my way to the top floor I looked out a window to see headlight heading my way. An armored truck, first I thought it was a Rangers but looking on its side I noticed the symbol on the side. The Red Line; owning fifteen station in whole it was the largest of the factions. Its communist ways are despised by the rest of the metro. Knowing the new threat I quickly made my way down to the ground floor before running for the entrance; but they beat me to it. They opened the door, a flamethrower in the front as a few infantry men covered the rear. I quickly hid behind a piece of machinery hoping that it would hide me. They made there way past me and towards the armory; taking my chance I slowly made my way out of the factory and back into the storm. Then as fate deiced to turn on me as the search light found me. I could hear the gunner yell out before firing the machine gun. Bullet tore past me as the gunners aim seemed to fail. I jumped down into a trench bearly dodging a spray of machine gun fire. I used the trench to move away from the weapon that was almost my down fall. As soon as I made it out of the trench I grabbed my Mischa and ran into a building. Behind me I could hear a few infantry men running my way. Shouldering my rifle I looked through the scope; the cross-hairs aligning on the flame-thrower in the middle of the group meaning if I shot the gas tank I would wipe them all out. Aiming for the easily noticeable fuel tank I fired a round, it burst into flames; igniting the Red Line soldier around the flame-thrower as the wielder was cooked in a steel coffin. Screams of pain were muted by the heavy rain storm. A few possibly managed to survive but I wasn't sticking around, this engagement could have alerted mutants of our presets. As I approached Hanza territory pain rocketed through my left leg. Falling to the ground I yelled out in pain; rolling onto my back I grabbed my now severed leg, trying to stop the bleeding. Another round shot off my right arm spraying blood all over the concrete wall behind me. I began to cry, letting the tears flow down my cheek praying to God that he would save me. Rolling to my right I began to slowly crawl towards the outpost, believing I could report my findings, but another bullet flying over my head shattered that thought. Looking towards the snipers position I saw a faint muzzle flash before another round flew over me. Beginning my crawl once again I was able to make it to a building before he was able to reload. Grabbing my revolver I sat there in wait, seeing if he would come over here; my suspicions where answered as faint foot steps approached my position. As he rounded the corner he looked around before siting me and my revolver pointed at his head. The Red Line snipers were never armored good enough; pulling the trigger the guns recoil nearly bent my arm the wrong way as the snipers head jerked backwards; a spray of blood behind it before falling to the ground. I sat there for a few seconds before laying against the wall, looking to the sky again; watching the rain fall from the sky. Closing my eyes I welcomed death with open arms. > Chapter 1* > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I began to wake up I couldn't feel my body, I felt like I was falling. I tried to open my eyes but they refused. I tried to move around but I had no body. So, this is the afterlife. Just darkness? Silence was my only answer; then pain ran through my now present body. I tried to yell but I was met with silence, more and more pain surged through me as I felt my soul being lifted into something. Then as fast as the pain started it stopped, the first thing I felt was the cold feeling of grass and rain against my finder tips. Then the thumping of rain against my gas mask became audible; the feeling of my body returning to me as rain pelted down on my exposed head. I laid there for a few minutes before opening my eyes, only to close them as a water droplet hit my right eye. I hissed as I lifted myself upward; resting my right arm on my right knee. Wait... I looked at my right arm again baffled as I remembered it being shot off. Was this the after life? I wouldn't mind eternal rain, I loved the rain; feeling it against my skin and the sound of it against the jackets hood was just soothing. Slowly I stood up getting used to how my limbs seemed to have grown back. Looking over my body the weapons that I had carried were still in their proper positions. I sighed relief; fear entered my body as I looked at my watch that was a gift from a Polis Ranger. All numbers read zero, how was I breathing? I took deep breaths before slowly taking my mask off. The rain greeted me as it soaked my short beard. Looking around again my sight rested on light that shined in the darkness coming over the tree tops. I attached my gas mask to my waist before pulling out my new Saiga-12 and shouldering it. Not lowering my guard I checked my corners as I walked through the aligned trees. Looking at the trees I noticed that red orbs doted them. Curiosity getting the best of me I reached out before grabbing one; bringing it eye level I looked at the strange orb. It was red and had a stem growing out of the top, I think it was called an apple that I saw in books from the pictures. I hesitantly took a bite out of the apple; flavors flooded my mouth, as soon as I had begun to eat it I devoured it entirely. Never before have I ever tasted anything like it. I picked another one of, then another, and another before my stomach was full. Leaving the apple core on the ground I began to make my way towards the light. Clearing the trees my eyes locked onto a house. Not a tent or a destroyed building, an actual house but the next question is; who lives there. I stared at it before slowly making my way over to it; shot-gun raised. Walking up to the porch I knocked on the door; no one answered the first time so I tried again. 'I heard ya' the first time!' yelled out a women inside the house but the language was foreign to me. As the door opened I almost jumped off the porch in fear and shock. Standing in front of my was a human hybrid horse... thing! It had the same reaction as I raised my shot-gun, locking my sights on the creature. We stood there, staring at each other before I slowly began to walk backwards. 'Wait ah darn min-' she was never able to complete it as I ran back into the "orchard". 'Wait!' a voice called out as I ran through the orchard easily losing it. As I went deeper into the orchard the sound of a dog barking caught my ear. I kept running believing I could out run the creature, after five strait minutes of running I slowed down. Looking around I noticed a house in a tree, a tree! But the way it was designed looked odd, it was small but it would do me for the night. Walking up the ramp I opened the small door to find it Bigger on the Inside. I started to get a migraine at what I was seeing, walking in I walked over to a wall before sitting down; pulling out my revolver. Opening the cartridge I checked to see how many bullets I had, each cap was fresh which made me frustrated. What is with this world?! Is this my own personal Hell! Sighing I kept the revolver in my right hand ready to fire. A few minutes later that same creature came running down with a lantern in its hands; with the dog beside her. The dog sniffed the ground for a few minutes before wining; loosing my sent in the rain storm. Before long they walked off. Looking to the orange furred creature with blonde hair was only 5'10 making me tower above her at 6'9. It was wearing a blue coat that looked well made and some sort of brown hat as it walked away. As soon as the light disappeared I pulled out my journal. ??? Tonight was a strange one, I woke up alive after surviving a sniper and finding myself in a world full of Human-hybrid creatures. At least it's better than death, but this brings up new questions. Who sent me here? Why did they send me here? What is my purpose here in this new land and what the fuck is with this house? > Side Note: Height Chart by Ambris > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mane 6: CMC + Spike: Princesses: Romanov: 6'8" This is not my work, original creator here. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running down the tunnel I enter a unknown part of the Metro, It wasn't on the map but I am pretty sure it was close to Oktyabrskaya; a Nazi occupied station. Fascist, don't care anyone that isn't a Russian or pure blood, their Propaganda is everywhere written in German and Russian; and they even believed it too. They thought that if you looked like you had a mutation they would send you to concentration camps that had pipes to the surface that could turn them into gas chambers. Sure learned from their predecessors. I Continued my stalk through the tunnel, avoiding patrols easily. You would think that my height would hinder my stealth, if it did it never showed. The tunnel shook all of a sudden, followed by a full on quake. It broke apart showing a expanse of blue and white, I hesitantly took a step off the only slab of stone I was standing on. My foot touched an invisible platform of some sort, jumping off I landed on the platform before the stone broke apart before vanishing. Looking around I started walking in a random detection, as I continued to walk I heard some sort of voices but unpronounceable. Then the white and blue started to change to a crimson red and black; buildings started to rise out of the ground. After they where constructed, I looked to the sky. Its red and orange glow was menacing. The sirens of some sorts rung through the city before the sound of constant explosions caught my ears. Looking towards the source, pillars with cones on the fronts flew into the sky with fire and smoke behind them. Then out of the clouds fell one like it but towards the city not away from it. It flew away towards the center of it before a bright light blinded me. As the harsh light disappeared a shock wave pushed me on my back, grunting in pain I stood up. A mushroom cloud was the only thing I saw with parents holding there children close, trying to protect them from the fire. I looked at the scene with horror, this is what happened? Then a faint spark of blue caught my eye, looking to the cause I say another one of those creatures. Blue furred with blue hair that waved in a unseen wind with a sea of stars in it. It wore a dress of some sorts and a crown with a necklace with a crescent moon on it. It had a horn sticking out of its head with wings on its back. Its blue-green eyes looked into mine with pity, sadness, and sorrow. Before any of use could speak up a faint sound of a rifle shot caught my ear before pain ripped through my chest. I fell to the ground, grabbing the wound I looked up to see me surrounded by Fourth Reich soldiers, their lifeless eyes of gas mask lens looking into mine. A noose hung from an unseen force as the soldiers picked me up; pulling me towards it. 'No, No!' I tried to yell out for help but darkness filled my vision. *** I woke up to something that was poking me, looking around I noticed three no four creatures looking at me; emotions ranging from curiosity, fear, and awe. Then I noticed my pistol was missing and the green and purple reptile looking down the barrel! I bolted upward, snatching the revolver out of his hands before he could even react. They looked at me in fear with the exception of the orange and purple one. 'Do you have a death wish?! Never look down a barrel of a gun!' they all backed away from me. Then I noticed I wasn't speaking Russian, I still knew it but I wasn't speaking it. 'Вы знаете, что мог убить себя.' I said putting the revolver in its holster. 'You can talk?!' said the white one with purple and pink hair. 'да, I can. Why wouldn't I be able to?' I asked. They looked at each other before speaking up. 'W-we thought you were a monster.' said the reptile. 'Well, I'm not. Real monsters harm children, monsters where once your friend until they mutated into blood thirst freaks!' I replied. 'Mutated?' asked a red haired and light yellow furred pony with overalls and red t-shirt. 'Just imagine a dog without its hair, more aggressive, and much bigger. I should know because I have seen them and been bitten once.' I said taking off the plastic wrist brace then showed them the scar that ran up my arm in a diagonal way. They cringed at the sight but I thought a heard a "there hast to be an awesome story behind that." Covering it back up I turned my attention to them. 'So, what are your names?' I asked. 'Why would we tell you?' asked the orange one in a pair of shorts and a tank top. 'Just asking.' I said crossing my arms. 'My names Spike, I am a baby dragon.' I nodded at this even though I was exploding on the inside about it. 'Names Applebloom, I'm a Earth Pony.' I nodded again. 'Hi, my names Sweetie Belle! I'm a unicorn.' said the one in a pink dress and a horn. 'Scootaloo, Pegasus.' said the tom boy which I noticed had wings on her back. 'Приветствия, my name is Romanov. I am a human, I work for the Hanza as a Sniper.' 'Sniper?' asked Sweetie Belle. 'A soldier that is an expert on killing from long ranges.' there faces went pale in fear. 'Kil-killing?' shuttered Applebloom. 'Yes, sadly I have killed before. But do not worry young ones. I made a strict code for myself never to harm children.' I said. 'Why?' asked Spike. 'It's a harsh world out there young one. There are those who want to hurt the innocent, and it's my job to prevent that.' I said trying to look heroic, it seemed to work. There was a eerie silence before the room exploded about something called cutie-marks. I looked to Spike who only shrugged in response. Taking my chance I pulled out my Journal. Day 1, I have awoken from a Nightmare to find myself 4 children to be the cause. They are human hybrid creatures as well. Their names are Spike, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom. Strange names, but who am I to judge. It also seems that they are mythical creatures. Spike being a baby dragon only about 4'8", I'd hate to see a full grown one. Sweetie Belle being a unicorn and Scootaloo being a Pegasus. Applebloom seems to have none of these. I will ask later. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking outside the "tree house" I began to move toward the Everfree forest. Looking back I gave a small wave goodbye as the CMC returned the wave. As I approached the Everfree I couldn't get over the feeling I was being watched. *** 15 minutes before... 'So, are you all friends or something?' I asked. 'Yea, we are the CMC.' said Scootaloo. 'The CMC?' I questioned lifting a brow. 'Cutie Mark Crusaders or CMC for short.' said Spike. 'What are these Cutie-marks you speak of?' I asked, they looked at me like I was an idiot. 'They show your special talent.' said Applebloom. 'Why would you need a mark to show you what you are good at? I am good at sniping, hunting, survival, scouting, stealth and I don't have one.' I said crossing my arms once more. 'But they show what your mainly good at.' said Sweetie Belle. 'Why be good at one thing when you can be better at a lot of things?' I asked, Scootaloo tried to speak up but didn't have anyway to counter my point. 'Anyway, run along. I need to go anyway.' I said putting down my rough-sack and opening it. 'Why do you have to leave?' asked Spike. 'I don't think your kind will take to kindly to a alien killer.' I said before putting my rough-sack back over my shoulders. They where about to protest. 'It is for the greater good, and by the sound of it your race is a peaceful one. If I leave now it might stay that way. Now, is there anywhere your race does not go?' 'Well, there's the Everfree, but it ain't natural!' said Applebloom. 'How?' I asked. 'The animals care for themselves.' said Applebloom. 'The weather controls itself!' said Spike 'There are monsters everywhere!' said Sweetie Belle 'And anyone who goes in, never comes out!' Scootaloo said jumping in my face, most likely trying to scare me; I had to stop my self from accidentally shooting her. I just started to laugh as they looked at me confused. 'You---just described my---home.' I said in a coughing fit. 'What?' asked Scootaloo. 'Just imagine an entire planet like that.' I said as they gulped. 'All that is missing is the air being toxic.' I muttered under my breath. Getting down on my knees I motioned them to come closer. 'Tell no one of this! I was never here but. . .' I pulled out 4 cartridges. 'You can have these.' They looked at the 4 four bullets with confusion. 'What are they?' asked Applebloom. 'They are military grade rounds, like the bullets in my revolver except you can't kill with them. Just don't hit the cap with a hammer and they are yours. They are also money where I come from.' I said motioning them to take one. They reached out and grabbed a cartridge looking at it with a new found interest. 'But you can not show anyone these, got it?' I asked, they nodded in reply. 'Now I must go. . .'I stood up and made my way to the door. 'My planet needs me!' I jumped off the platform landing on my feet. Then began my walk towards the Everfree. *** As I made my way through the Everfree I was attacked by some sort of mutant that looked like a cross of a bird and lizard or snake. All it did was glare at me, after about a few minutes of this I shot its head off with my revolver then put the corpse in my rough-sack, could be used for food later. I didn't tell them the whole truth as to why I had to leave. The truth being that one, I stole from a farm. Two being that I ran away from the farm owner and is more than likely pissed at me. A bush rustled beside me, pulling out my Saiga I aimed it for the bush. A white rabbit came out of the bush; glaring at me. I just looked down at the thing giving it a "are you fucking kidding me?" look. Then a low growl filled the air, turning to the sound a watchman jumped out of a bush at me. Aiming at it in mid-air I pulled the trigger making its chest burst into. . . green sap and vines? I looked at the dead watchman to find i was not a watchman, it looked more like a wolf that I read about in stories but it was made of wood. It started to move again but a quick shot to the head made it explode into green sap covering the forest floor. I looked back to see the bunny was gone, I began to walk in a random detection again. After another. . . fifteen minutes I came across an old castle. The bridge looked completely wrecked so I avoided it and continued on. As I made my way through the forest I met a zombie pony. . . thing with red and black eyes taking about friendship. A shot-gun shell to the face silenced it sending rotten flesh and brain matter on the nearest tree. Night began to fall, I needed to find a safe haven. All I found was a cave, looking through my rough-sack I found my rechargeable flash light. Turning it on I made my way through the cave, my left hand carried the flashlight as well as keep the barrel of the Saiga up, ready to blow whatever heads off. After five minutes of wondering though the cave; mapping my path I came to a halt. I had brought some wood with me so I began to set up camp. I built a small fire; with a canteen above it for cleaning the water. My rough-sack was the best bet for a bed I got. As I waited for the water to clean I couldn't help but feel that I was being watched, like something always behind me; I cheeked again to find nothing. The same paranoia from the metro must have come with me, thinking that I was in a tunnel with Lurkers or Spiderbugs watching me. Waiting for me to fall asleep for they could kill me. My alertness went even hire as a hiss was heard deeper withing the cave. Now I always had my Saiga beside me, locked and loaded; ready to kill but the chance never came. I took a bite out of the mutant bird things cooked flesh knowing well that there is no radiation in it; having already gone over it with my geiger counter. I also am out of water, need to find some more tomorrow. After what felt like hours I decided to get some shut eye. End Day 1, I do not know why I really left them, I could have told the owners of the farm that I had stolen some apples and face my punishment but something keeps telling me that I need to stay away from the ponies. Like a voice in the back of my head keeps saying, "Run!" every time I am close to them. What does this mean? I will never know. . . or will I? Now I have more matters to attend to, the cave I have taken refuge. I have a feeling that I am not the only intelligent thing in here. Note to self: Find a source of drinking water. Explore the cave a bit more. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up to something like metal clattering on the ground before a gust of wind near my legs and lower torso. Grabbing my revolver I turned on my flash light before looking around for the source; in my hurry I accidentally fired of a round near deafening me as the sound bounced off the walls. My rings were ringing afterwards but in the ringing I thought I heard a scream in pain. Standing back up I looked around; the dark greedily ate the weak rays of light coming from the flashlight. Seeing that the. . . thing was gone I holstered my weapon but kept the hammer primed. Putting on my rough-sack I quickly made my way out of the cave back into the forest. One thing I noticed as soon as I exited the cave was paw markings in the ground; how lucky of me. I crouched down, after examining the paw prints I estimated that it was big. It was also out on a hunt, I wonder. . . taking out what was left of the mutant I laid it on the ground before running into a bush. Pulling out Mischa I positioned it on a rock and waited. After two hours of laying there the thing came out of the tree-line. It looked like some sort of mutation as well; loin body, bat wings, scorpion tail, and large ears. It consciously came out of the forest sometimes eyeing my position or another. As it approached the carcass I moved my finger from the trigger guard to the trigger. I lined up the cross-hairs onto its skull, right above the eyes not between. As it got closer my finger slowly started to squeeze the trigger. Just a moment before I pulled the trigger a ear piercing roar filled the air as a five giant lizard heads came out of the tree tops; the sixth flying at the mutant. Before it could even react the mutant was in the giants jaws, bright red blood gushing out of the bite wounds. The mutant roared in pain as it tried to swipe at the creatures eyes or its tail trying to get through the tough scales. The hread threw the mutant into the air; open jawed. The mutant came back down, and in one mighty gulp it was down its gullet. I could swear I heard a faint roar under the flesh and gurgles. What a way to go. After that the heads started to move away with scowls aimed at the sixth. I sat there just thinking what the fuck just happened. Five minutes later I got up and started my scout for a water source. Going threw tons of foliage and sneaking past large beasts I found one, the only problem was it was a swamp; it'll do... for now. Walking over to one of the "cleaner" or what looked cleaner ones I filled the canteen up hoping to purify the water later; even though it still had dirt in it. As I turned around I noticed a large shadow over me, not daring to look back I broke into a sprint. A head came down just to the right of me. I continued to run sometimes dodging the heads as they came down on me, mouths wide open. As I neared the forest edge one of them caught me, its saliva covered me as its wet tongue was slimy as fuck! Flipping onto my back I pulled out Mischa again, solving the muzzle into the things upper mouth. 'Go to. . .' Pulling the trigger the round tore threw the bone and into the brain turning it into mush. The head fell to the ground with a thump as I was pushed to the right side of the mouth. As soon as I was able to refocus my vision I climbed out of its mouth and made a mad dash for it; the other heads yelling in anger behind me. I ran into the forest, adrenaline was present in my body as I ran past trees and jumped over roots. I made it to a clearing where I stopped after eight strait minutes of running. After I caught my breath I looked at my self. I was still covered in saliva, head to toe. The stuff smelled awful, but not like Dmitry after he drank an entire bottle of vodka. Good times, good times. I needed to find a way to clean myself, a faint rushing of water caught my ear. Starting off in that direction I came across a river, taking off my gear; including my boxers I jumped into the ice cold water. The water made me shiver as it pressed against my pale skin, I stood there for a while before diving in. Opening my eyes under water I could see certain parts of the bottom while others were completely black due to the lack of sunlight. My lungs started to burn so I resurfaced and inhaled. Swimming over to a shallow end I begun to was out my hair and equipment. Luckily my filters were not filled with saliva. I washed off my clothes afterwards leaving them to dry on a tree branch. I sat on the bank water covering up anything below my waist. The felling was new to me, I was used to cold hard concrete and crawling through mud. While during short stay here I felt free, the blue sky above as the sun shown through the clouds. To me this is paradise, it was paradise. I began to clean my revolver with at least one bullet in it ready to fire, after cleaning it I reloaded it and continued to clean my gear; humming the song Katyusha as I cleaned. After my clothes dried or semi-dried I put them back on. I dumped the dirty water into the river before taking my canteen and filing it with the cleaner water. Grabbing my now cleaned revolver I holstered it before pulling out my Saiga-12 I began wondering threw the forest again. Moving towards the forest edge I noticed a male deer not to far away; an easy kill. Putting the Saiga on my left leg I slowly crouched down grabbing my rifle. Shouldering it I leveled the cross hairs over the dears heart, pulling the trigger the muffled sound of a rifle shot became audible as the bullet flew through the air towards it. As soon as it hit the deer it upper chest exploded into a mist of blood and flesh followed by a high-pitched scream. Turning the scope to the cause I fixed on a buttermilk yellow Pegasus with a pink mane wearing a green sweater and blue jeans. Gilt hit me like a angry librarian, she just watched an animal get blown open like it was nothing. I thought about leaving the corpse there but my stomach disagreed. Standing up I slowly made my way down the hill focused on the dear; trying desperately not to look into the Pegasuses eyes as I approached. She watched me as I came closer with a guesstimate of sadness, fear, and shock. Grabbing the deers corpse I lifted it up onto my shoulders, turning away from the Pegasus I began to walk back to the forest. 'How dare you. . .' I continued my march. 'How Dare YOU!' yelled out a voice behind me; flying to my face it gave me a glare that could kill... one of its own. The glare it gave me was pathetic, putting to much effort into it. I stood there and tried to not put any emotion into it. Then I got tired and returned the glare; she immediately backed down, hiding behind her pink hair. I walked around her trying to block out the sobbing as I walked back into the forest. I continued walking in the forest, any monster that got near me backed away as I glared at them. Returning to my cave I set down the hide before cutting into its flesh. I used a cup for some blood I could use later, sticking the carcass on a stick I began to cock the hunk of meat that could last me a while and drinking out of the now purified water. A bit hot but worth it. Finally I pulled out my journal. Day 2, After going near deaf out of a accidentally fired revolver I saw a mutant get eaten by some sort of creature, almost got eaten by the same creature, was able to find a source of "clean" drinking water, and got me a deer with the price of my pride. That was my day. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 3, You know what? I am really getting tired of this world. First I am being hunted down by guards, second I left a patrol of guards to the wolves, third is an American from a different universe, and fourth is some blue flower thing that turned me into. . . Here let me start... I was 'walking' through the forest looking out for anything that could be a threat or use. As I came into a clearing I noticed strange blue flowers; not really caring seeing that this planet has no radiation I walked through the field. Big mistake that will bite me in the ass later. A twig snapping caught my attention, lifting my shot-gun I swept the area before jumping into a bush of those blue flowers. As I strained my ears I could hear the faint sound of metal clanking together and what sounded like someone yelling orders. Then they came into view, they looked like they were wearing some kind of armor. I couldn't begin to describe it, it looked so... alien and foreign to me. They carried sticks with metal; or what looked like metal triangular tips at the end as others carried cross-bows and swords. Their golden armor shown in the sun that was weakly shining in from the tree tops. They were all female by the breastplate (snort, snort) on the armor. The fur never ranged out, all being a white color with blonde hair. I wanted to throw up, that armor looks more flash than protection. "Alright!' yelled the leader of the group. "I want three groups of four to patrol around the forest from the castle of the sisters to this Zecoras hut." They replied by the worst looking salute I have ever seen; they put to much effort into it they look like toy soldiers! Waiting there until they left I began my way back to the cave. On my way there I almost got spotted by a patrol; falling off a cliff. I landed in a river thank God but still stung. Climbing out of the water I began to look around for a way to get back out. How convenient; stairs! Who the hell put a set of stairs here?! Anyway making my way up the stairs I noticed something flying towards me. Looking at the object I only had a small glimpse as it tackled me. Grunting as my attacker and I hit the ground I positioned my left leg on its belly before pushing it off. I grabbed my pistol before getting up, aiming it at my attacker; one of those soldiers I pulled the trigger shooting off the helmet. I flew off her head tumbling down the stairs as her coat and hair changed colors to a blue and purple. She took off again trying to tackle me but a bullet to the chest would stop anyone. Crying out in pain she hit the ground, taking my chance I knocked her unconscious by stomping on her face. I made a mad dash for it as an arrow flew past me. "Stop in the name of Cele..." I fired off a round at the patrol hitting one of them in the leg. A cry out in pain came from my victim as I fired the remaining bullets in the chamber into the group before running away. Sobbing and moaning behind me was replaced by screaming and barking. Looking back the scene was gruesome; blood from my shots covered trees behind the group as those wooden wolves began to attack the injured group. Another scream for help was silenced by a Timber wolf as I decided to call them bit down one a soldiers neck then ripping the head off with a trail of bright red blood. Those things are strong, possibly from it being made out of wood instead of flesh. Ignoring the cries for help I ran into the forest towards the cave, as soon as I made it into the cave I slowed my pace to a jog then came to a walk as I approached the camp. Sitting down on a makeshift bed I had made out of some things I had found in the forest I began to close my eyes, then a growl caught my attention. Before I could get up a Timber wolf pounced on my chest preventing me to get a foot hold on the thing. I grabbed it jaw desperately trying to keep the sharp teeth away from me. My hands began to bleed as they were torn up a bit by the teeth of the mutant. Before it could bit down on my neck, three loud gunshots; amplified by the cave walls rung out making the wolf howl in pain before being silenced by a bullet to the cranium. Pushing the wolfs carcass off me I only had a small time to see four bullets holes; three in the back and one in the skull oozing out green sap before I was knocked unconscious as something hard hit me in the back of the head. Before I fell into the darkness I heard someone say. . . "I must be going insane." said a young voice. To be continued... > A Quick Announcement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those who say that I don't go into detail enough about something I will tell you it also depends on my mood on the story. When I am in a bored mood I can't really think of anything to describe them; as if my brain shut down. This is what happened during the sixth chapter. Also, Last of Delta 1; your OC will be implemented in the story soon. As you are wondering about the American, he is my OC. Not Romanov. Romanov is just a character that I thought of a while ago. The name came from World in Conflict: Soviet Assault as the protagonist for the Soviet side. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As consciousness beckoned me to come out of the darkness the sound of a camp fire was to greet me. My eyes fluttered open blinking a few times to get my vision strait. Looking around my eyes landed on a human crouching on a rock with a nasty looking blade in his right hand. He wore an olive colored jacket with 2 pockets and a elbow pad on his slightly torn right arm, a pair of blue jeans that had knee pads, black military boots covered in blood and mud, a hiking bag that was a blue color, and a black scarf covering his face. His brown eyes told me everything that he thought of me; no trust, angered, and annoyance. We continued to stare at each other before I tried to speak up. "Um, hi." I said trying to make a smile; only to have that blade of his fly and nail itself into the wolfs body near my feet. He walked over before grabbing my collar and pulling me eye leveled. "No listen here!" he yelled in my face. "I don't know who the hell you are so I'll make it quick. Are you human or a freak!?" I looked at him with eyes wide. "W-what d-do you mean?!" I asked frantically. "That bite mark on your wrist, it looks similar to a zed bite mark. How old is the bite? Are you infected?! TELL ME DAMMIT!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. "I-I got that bite from a mutated dog a year ago, and what do you mean infected?" I asked him dropping me to the ground. "What do I mean, you know zeds! Zombies! Infected people that came back and walk the Earth!" he said looking at me like I was a bumbass. "What do you mean? Zombies? нет, the world was wiped out be nukes twenty years ago. No infection... unless you count radiation." I replied raising a brow. After that he seemed to start pacing in circles, seeing that this would take a while I sat down. On his back I noticed a strange looking rifle. It was like an AK but the grip was a tube of some sort with a rifle scope, bi-pod, and the barrel was longer than any of my rifles meaning it had range to it. The other thing is unlike my Mischa it doesn't have a bolt to it, the clip is shorter but longer as the stock just looked... foreign. "If I may ask, what is that rifle on you back?" I asked. "Um, I don't really remember what its real name was but its was called the Bad News AR." he said before returning to pacing back and forth. "So, it is an assault rifle?" I asked. "No, not really. Its effective range is about... one thousand meters." I looked at the rifle with a new found jealousy. My rifle only had an effective range of eight hundred meters; mostly being for damage. "I think, maybe more." A full minute went by before speaking up again. "Alright, ether you and I are on crack or we are in a different universe." he said. "Universe, why would you say universe?" I asked. "One, we are both from Earth and by your accent I can tell you're Russian. I come from an Earth full of zombies while you come from one wiped out by a nuclear war. I do not know what kind of universe we are in but it seems we might be in a My Little Pony one." he said... wait what did he say? *** Liams PoV "What do you mean?" asked the Russian. "I mean we are in a land full of magical, talking, flying ponies." I replied. "Um, that is not what I saw." he said crossing his arms. "What do you mean?" I asked. "They are not horses, they look like humans but with horse faces and legs. They wear clothes and have a strange military." he said. Anthropoid... as much as I prefer anthropoids I really hope that we didn't land in one full of HEATed mares or has a HEAT cycle nor season. "Anthros." I said. "An-what?" "Anthropoids, they look human but not exactly. Just hope we didn't land in one full of sexual crazed mares." "I don't see problem." he said with a grin. "Would you like to be chained up in a bed for a week or more being fucked every day?" I asked. His grin faded and looked at me in fear. "Yea, that's what I thought." "And how do you know that?" he asked. "I have read fan-fictions on the thing. Before you ask, the fans of the show; my little pony, are called Bronies. I being one of them. The fans would make art, stories, and music. I read a lot of anthropoid fanfics and there was this thing called HEAT season or a HEAT cycle caused them to become insane on having sex and will attack a male for it. The other thing is they are more likely to become impregnate during this." I informed we sat there in silence before a high-pitched scream caught my ear. Grabbing my Bad Luck or Lunar Bolt as I like to call it I ran for the source with that guy in tow. "Question, what is your name?" I asked while running. "Romanov, why are we running and who are you?" "Liam, I thought I heard someone scream." I said continuing my dash for whoever was in trouble. -------------------- Liams Lunar Bolt: > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Romanov We ran through the forest like there was no tomorrow, this Liam guy was fast for the heavy load he was carrying. I barely dodged another tree branch while following him. We came out of the tree line on to a ridge, Liam having binoculars in his hand began to sweep the forest for anything. He stopped when a faint light shown through the tree tops. "Keep an eye on that spot, tell me if something comes out onto that field." he said, not wanting to question why I looked at the field that he had mentioned. Then a patrol of ponies ran out of the forest being chased by a. . . "Manticore. . ." I heard Liam say as he pulled out his rifle. I didn't really know what that rifle could do with that small of a bullet but I was about to find out. He put the bi-pod on the ground before laying on his belly, his left arm wrapped around the magazine as his hand met with his right hand. A strange position but it might work for him. I could also hear him breathing slowly, I would just shoot. As he sat there in silence the ponies were fighting the Manticore. An injured one laid on the ground, missing its leg exposing the bone and mussel as the Manticore licked its lips for its helpless dinner. Right before the Manticore got close Liams rifle rung out; the bullet tore through its eyes making it blind. It roared in pain and stood up on its hind legs as Liam fired again piercing the skull; most likely punching a small yet powerful hole as the bullet turned its brain into mush and blood. The thing fell backwards to the ground, laying limb as the ponies ran to assist their downed comrade. In a flash they disappeared. I stood there; mouth agape. In two shots with that rifle, even with small bullets he killed one of those things farther than my rifle could barely reach! "Oh don't feel sad. . ." said Liam as he walked over to me and patted my shoulder. "Yours has better damage than mine." after that he walked off. *** Liam I think I scored me some points on the Day Guards reputation. I couldn't have made a better image of myself when I actually introduce myself but I would rather not. I would like to explore the Everfree a bit and score some respect points from Rainbow Dash... what a bitch! Also, I would love to damage her and the Wonder Bolts reputation with human aircraft speed and maneuverability. Actually, I think instead of Lunar Bolt I'll call my rifle The Shadow Bolt and even paint it the color of them. That is when I can get paint. We made our way back to base camp, I best start getting wood to make some stuff we could use. As the fire burned beside me I unpacked my sleeping back before climbing in. I also looked for a nice soft patch of dirt or the softness I could find before dozing off. *** The first thing I felt when I awoke was my arm hanging out of my bag, the next being warm liquid running out of two small holes in my arm. I stood up then got a good look at my arm with my flashlight. Two identical holes with bright red blood oozed out of the wound. I sat there; looking at the holes in shock. Shaking my head I looked through my bag with a new found weakness before pulling out some bandages then wrapped my wrist with it. Looking around my eyes locked onto where Romanov was sleeping, instead of a human I found a naked black feathered Griffin! But note a male, a fucking female! I have nothing against Griffins; actually I preferred them over ponies but how did Romanov turn into a. . . poison joke! Standing up I made my way over to. . . her. I shook her awake. She lazily woke up rubbing the sleep out of her eye with her claw. I stood there, hands on my sides with a tapping foot looking down at the new found Griffin. "What is it. . ." she looked at her claw before raising both claws. "What?" "Question, did you happen to walk through a field of blue flowers yesterday?" I asked. "Um, da..." she said while playing her breast. I tried desperately not to get hard! Face-palming I groaned in annoyance. "Great, now we have to find Zecora and get the poison joke cure." I said walking away. "You go ahead, I want to. . . play with my new body." I cringed. Now I have clopped before but to hear it in person, someone wanting to toy with themselves makes me sick! Quickly I grabbed my things and began to move out of the cave; with moans of pleasure behind me. As soon as I made it out I threw up, not much but still disgusting. After my little episode I began to move towards where I think Zecora lives. Thirty minutes later I came across the hut, a soft hum coming from inside. How should I approach this? Barge down the door? No, not in my nature. Wait until nightfall and steal it? No. . . Knock on the door and ask for it? Ding, ding, ding! Walking over to the door I knocked on it 6 times in a rhythm. The humming stopped, I thought I heard whispers inside. Knocking again, the door opened revealing Zecora. "Hello Miss Zecora, I was wondering. . ." what I didn't expect was a frying pan to the face. I backed up covering my face trying to stop the pain. I dropped on one knee before looking back up to see four Day Guards surrounding me. I quickly pulled out my machete and took a defensive stance. "Wait!" called out a voice. Looking to the entrance a injured day guard. "It isn't him!" "What do you mean? This is the hairless creature you reported!" yelled out the leader. "No it isn't, the other one wore a black jacket and different weapons." she said leaning on the door frame, "Oh God... what did Romanov do?" I asked. "You know this creature?" one of them asked. "Yes, a idiot sometimes. Also, he was turned into a Griffin by poison joke." "Then who are you?" they lowered there weapons but kept on alert. "Names Liam. I come from a different universe that is full of death and decay. I being one of the survivors with my Shadow Bolt." "Shadow Bolt?" asked a pony with a leg missing. I wonder. . . "My rifle on my back, it has an effective range of one thousand meters or more. Never really tested it beyond a thousand meters." I said putting away my machete and pulled my rifle of its sling. "May we see it in action?" asked someone behind me. "But of course." I said shouldering the weapon. "Can you move a bit?" the two behind me moved out of the way. I raised the weapon using the sling for balance. Taking aim at a tree I fired making the familiar boom! The super-sonic projectile punched through the wood with ease making a hole in it. "T-that sound, it seems... are-that-thing-that-took-down-that-Manticore?!" asked the one without a leg, a speed rivaling Pinkie Pie. "Um, yes." I was all of a sudden tackled into a hug. Unprepared for it I fell to the ground and landed on my back. Before I could focus my vision furry lips attached them selves to mine as the legless pony kissed me. I was a bit shocked but returned the hug. She pulled her lips away from mine with a smile with tears in her eyes. "I honestly did not see that one coming." I said earning a giggle from them. "Anyway, what did Romanov do?" One explanation later. We sat there in silence before I spoke up. "Oh, that fucker is dead!" I said before storming out of the hut with four angry guards behind me.