Rainbow Dash Gets a Job

by pony ink splot

First published

Rainbow Dash decides to get a job. Will she make it through the day?

Rainbow Dash realizes that she can't live without money. She has to get a job. Finding a job isn't easy. She asks Roseluck for help finding a good job. Or at least- a job. When she finds a job, she suddenly feels work will be hard. Will she make it through the day?


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One cold, frosty autumn morning, Rainbow Dash woke up tired and groggy. She slowly wriggled herself out of her memory foam bed, and chuckled at her impression on the squishy foam. She trotted at a turtle's speed down the long hallway. Once she reached the kitchen, she opened the refridgerator and grabbed the Florida orange juice and a bagel. She popped the bagel into the toaster and poured herself a glass of orange juice in her favorite Daring-Do plastic cup that she got at the book store in the souveniers section. While Rainbow Dash waited for her bagel to pop up, she walked to the front door and opened it to get the morning newspaper. Opening the box she saw the mail. There was a stack of junk mail just waiting to be thrown away. She took it inside and set it down on the counter. Then Rainbow Dash took her bagel and spread the cream cheese over it and then grabbed the orange juice and began reading through the mail while eating her bagel. At the bottom of the pile, was a red card.

It said: NOTICE: Rent MUST be paid before November 15th! You have not yet paid your rent for the month. If not paid by November 15th, home eviction will take place. She took a moment or two to think about the card. She thought of ways to make money.

"I only have three weeks. Maybe I could... Ummmmmm, uuuhhhhh... That's it! I'll start a hot cocoa stand! Thought Dash.

The next day, Rainbow Dash had just finished putting up the hot cocoa stand sign up. She had it in the garage, then went to town hall to put up an ad for her stand. She was super excited about the hot cocoa stand! On her way home, she called her best friend, Roseluck to tell her about the stand. Once she was at home, she took the stand and flew to the park because she wanted to set it up there because it was near the winter park carnival in the old farmer's barn- obviously cleaned up for public uses. She hoped that people would buy some hot cocoa, but not a lot- like three people in total. A few minutes after the carnival was over, a stallion walked up to the stand and took a look at it. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"I hate to be the one to always do this." Murmured the stallion. "Excuse me ma'am, but do you have a permit for this stand of yours?" Stated the stallion.

"Permit? I didn't know that I had to have a permit. Can you leave now?" Asked confused Dash.

"I'm sorry, but I need you to find those people you sold the hot cocoa to and give them their money back. Thank you, and I'm going to need to have that stand. Have a good evening, and F.Y.I, I am a Cop." Said the cop.

"Ok, but it might take a few days, sorry!" Shouted Dash as the stallion cop galloped away.

It took her a few days, but she got all the money back to everyone. Right after that, Dash called Roseluck because she needed help to get money. She only had two weeks left. Roseluck told her she needed to get a job. At first, Dash refused, but then she remembered that she needed money for rent. They tried many job applications, but they all rejected her. They tried the book store, the apple orchard, a restaurant, a coffee shop and even an assistance at town hall. The only job left was at the music store. This was her last chance to keep her house and get the money.

The Music Store:part 1

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The Music Store:part 1

Roseluck helped Dash fill the application out ever so carefully. After they filled it out, they turned it in. They waited about four days before receiving the information that Rainbow Dash..... Got the job! Dash and Roseluck were both really happy that she got the job. She started Monday; two days away. She finally got a job!!!!!


It was the day of the job. She was feeling confident that she would do great. When she got there, the manager gave her a tour of the store. Everything looked so complicated, and the store was so big! Why did she feel like she was under so much pressure? The day just got wierd.

"...And don't forget to check the stocks, if we're running low on something tell DJ, understand?" Said the manager

"Uuuuummmm...I guess." Dash mumbles.

The manager trots out the door and dissapears after a moment. Dash suddenly felt overwhelmed that she would maybe burn the building down, or break everything, or even be ROBBED!!!!!! Dash asks DJ what to do, and she said to just breathe and be cool. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!!!!! Dash thought. She worked, and worked, and worked some more, and finally got rid of seven customers with her confusion and uncertainty. Why did she take a job that she didn't know anything about except you can listen to music with your ears?!?!

She panicked when she noticed the manager start to walk in and she ran into a supply closet and shut the door. She felt relieved that she got away from the pain of being fired on the first day. The manager looked around and didn't see Rainbow Dash anywhere, so she looked at the total income and frowned. She then went into her office and checked the cameras to see what happened. She saw what had happened.

The manager shouted, "Rainbow Dash... Where are you?!?! Dash????"

Dash tried to open the door to explain herself, but something was wrong. The handle didn't move, the door didn't open. Was it jammed, was it locked, was it broken?! She heard the door close. She was freaking out.

She shrieked for help, "DJ, HELP!!!! HELP!!!! I'M LOCKED IN THE CLOSET, PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!!"

The Music Store:part 2

DJ hears a mumbling sound outside of her headphones, and looks around the area. She doesn't see Rainbow Dash. She thinks for a while of where she could be at. Could she be taking a break? A lunch break? No, it's only seven o'clock a.m.. She might be taking a bathroom break, for twenty minutes? Did she quit? While DJ was in deep thought, Dash was trying to find a way to get out. She jiggles the knob, and it's still stuck. She looks for a vent. It's too small. She starts moving stuff around for something to open the door. She finds an old mop, a broom, and a filthy squeegee. Not good.

She starts to panic and is sweating bullets. She sees a ladder with a blue tarp and a worn rag on it. She pushes it out of the way, because she thinks she sees a door. There's no door. She looks away, then looks back to see if maybe it's there now, and still no door.

But then she sees something in the corner of the room, square, and wooden, boring. Dash wonders what it is, probably just a wooden board. Then she sees a handle, reflecting her sky blue color. She leans close, and grabs the handle. She slowly opens the door, aware that there could be anything there. She closes her eyes, afraid someone's going to beat her when it's open. It's silent. She opens her eyes. Nothing. Total blackness, like staring straight into space. An empty box. She can't believe her eyes. Her last hope is just a box. Dash starts to tear up, thinking, I'm trapped in here, with no hope or help. She decides not to give up just yet. She grabs the nearest thing, the broom, and holds it in the air, above her head, about to stab it.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!", Dash screams. She had hit thin cloth and fallen through. "Ugh, what happened.", Mumbled Dash. Of course, no one heard her, considering that no one could hear her before. She got up, and looked around. Rainbow Dash was in a weird room. Where was she?

Jobless Life?

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Jobless Life?

She saw four large, brown couches, and a front desk with a weird pony at it. Next to the desk was a big, black, metal gate. Dash went up to the desk, and asked the pony, "Where am I, and what is this place for?", said Dash.

"This is the lobby of the jobless heaven in Ponyville, and this is for ponies to wait for their appointment to enter the jobless town. Do you have an appointment?", said the pony.

"No, but can I schedule one?", asked Rainbow Dash

"That's not how it works silly! When you got your job you were scheduled for an appointment, for when and if you found us, to retire happily. You happen to be on the very top of the list, today. Unfortunately, you missed your appointment...", informed the pony.

"What!!! How am I supposed to live here now!!!", shouted Dash.

"I'm sorry, but you'll just have to get a real job...", said the pony uneasily.

"Well then, goodbye. I'm leaving now.", said Dash as she walked away.

"Have a good day...", said the pony as if she wanted to help her.

Rainbow Dash walked slowly, moping towards the ladder to go up into the janitor's closet. "Hey.", whispered a random pony.

Dash looked around to see who it was she saw a pony right next to her, whispering to her.

"What do you want?!", whispered Dash.

"I can help you! I missed my appointment too, and I know how to get in there!", whispered the weird pony.

"Really?! I'll do whatever it takes to get in there." said Rainbow Dash a little too loud.

"Shhhhhhhhh! They'll hear you and put you in jail if you're not quiet!" whispered the pony sternly

"Now, just follow me, I'll tell you the plan when we get to the room.", said the pony, looking serious and concentrated.

Rainbow Dash followed the pony to an odd looking room beside the exit. Then, she realized that she didn't know his name.

"I'm sorry, but what's your name, I am Rainbow Dash, but call me Dash.", said Dash, kindly.

"Well, nice to meet you, Dash! My name is Robert, but you can call me Rob.", said Rob, kindly.

"Okay, so here's the plan. I know a boy and a girl in my family that missed their appointments, too but wouldn't do what they could to get in because it was "too risky."! So we pose as them because they scheduled an appointment, but said they weren't going to it anymore. So we will pretend to be them! Amazing right?!", said Rob, excitedly.

"Yes! I thought I was going to have to work for the rest of my life! Thank you... er, if it works. But anyways, Let's do it! I'm in!", said Dash, kinda awkwardly.

"Okay, just follow my lead.", said Rob, more serious than before.

They walked to the back of the room, where a rack of costumes, and accessories where sitting.

"We need costumes so they don't suspect anything.", said Rob, while laughing a little bit.

They put on some clothes. with jewelry, and other accessories. They then, headed out of the room, and walked, slowly, and nervously up to the front desk.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?", questioned the office lady.

"Uh, yes, we do uuuuummmm...", said Dash, trying to read the name tag

"Oh! yes, we do Madrid!", said Dash sounding sure of herself.

"Names please?", asked Madrid, looking curious.

"Oh, Jay, and Maya.", said Rob, scared that he would mess up.

"Oh yes, your appointment is now. You may go with Gary now.", said Madrid.

"Oh, Gary, yes. Thank you.", said Dash, baffled.

Rob, and Dash followed the big, scary man, Gary. They entered a room big, expensive looking room.

"Okay, you need to know a few thing before you go into the city. you can only bring your electronics and clothes with you. We have copies of your stuff there. You have assigned mansions, waiting for you, you just need your J.L.(Jobless Life) IDs, so people know you live there. Let me take your pictures for the ID tags.", informed Gary.

Gary took each of their photos, each with a smile on their face. Then he asked for their names. Uh-oh. If they wanted people to know their actual names, they would have to say their actual names, and hope he didn't know their fake names.

"Ummmmmm, I'm R-Rainbow Dash, and he's R-R-Rob.", stuttered Dash, nervously.

"Rainbow Dash, and Rob, right?", questioned Gary.

"yeah, that's us!", said Dash, nervously, trying to sound sure.

"Okay, your'e free to go to your houses now. Here are your house keys, with the house number on them, and your name tags. Wait, I know you guys are posing as someone else, but don't worry, that's how I got in. Good luck!", whispered Gary, as Dash and Rob went out the door.

Dash and Rob both went to their houses and unpacked everything, and realized that they weren't neighbors. They were disappointed, but went to the park, to hang out almost every day, and eventually became best friends. Now they both relax, and play all year long, celebrating their new life. They will never go back to their other life again...