> How Alicorns Came To Be > by Tessa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Secret Lovers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: The Secret Lovers One day a beautiful unicorn named Amethyst who looked a lot like Rarity was taking a walk when a pegasus appeared out of no where. It was love at first sight for these two. "Hello. I'm Amethyst." The unicorn said. "Hello. I'm Thunder Storm." The pegasus said. Then the two ponies took a walk together and got to know each other. Amethyst was walked home by Thunder Storm. She said good bye to him then went in to her house's library. She found out that it was true love she was feeling. But she also found out that it was forbidden for pegasi and unicorns to fall in love with each other. She was saddened by this for a moment but then she thought "But if he doesn't feel the same way this shouldn't be such a problem." But Thunder did feel the same way. They started to see each other more and more. Nopony became suspicious because it wasn't forbidden for them to be friends. One day though Amethyst found out that she would be having a foal. "M-M-Mom!!!!" Amethyst yelled startled by the result. Her mind was racing. "This is bad very very bad! What will happen to me? What will happen to Thunder? What will happen to the foal?!?!?!?!?" "Yes Amethyst? What is it? Are you ok?" Amethyst's mother asked her name was Ruby. Amethyst pointed a trembling hoof at the results. "What!? Your pregnant!?!?" Ruby asked as shocked as Amethyst was when she saw the results. Amethyst nodded still in to much shock to speek. "Wow. Congratulations Amethyst. Now who is the lucky stallion? Who is father of my future grandfoal?" Ruby said. "C-C-Can y-y-you keep a b-b-big secret Mom?" Amethyst asked finally regaining her ability to speek. "Of course I can." Ruby said. "Amy?" It took a while but Amethyst soon gathered the confidence to tell her mother. "I-I-It's Thunder Storm. H-H-He is t-t-the father." "You don't mean the pegasus stallion do you Amy?" Ruby asked. Amethyst nodded. "Amy, Amy, Amy." Ruby said shaking her head > A Mother's Advice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: A Mother's Advice "Oh Mom I'm terrified of what will happen! What should I do?" Amethyst said worried about all the horrible things that could happen. Ruby was quiet for a while trying to think of something that could help her daughter. "Ok, Amy your going to need to tell Thunder Storm about the foal. Then the best thing I can think of after that if he doesn't have any advice or any thing is to leave and find a place where maybe you can raise your family." Ruby said wishing that her daughter would not have to leave her and her father. Ruby helped Amethyst pack her things she also packed a few of Amethyst's old clothes and stuff from when she was born. "Here Amy. Take these stamps, paper, quills, ink, and camera. We want to know how you are when we are gone. These stamps are enchanted once you finish your letter and put it in the envelope and it's all ready like it should be it will deliver it's self to us." Said Amethyst's father Tom. Amethyst nodded. She would miss her friends and family dearly but she had to do this. "We love you Amy and we will miss you." Ruby said. "I love you too Mom and Dad." Amethyst said then she started to cry she ran over to her parents and hugged them tightly "*Sob* I'm going *sob* to miss you so much! *sobbing gets louder*" Amethyst said crying and wishing that she could stay. After a few minuets Amethyst let go of her parents and waved good bye. Amethyst went to her and Thunder's special meeting spot. Thunder soon arrived. "Hi Amy." Thunder said happily then he saw the look on her face. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked. Amethyst motioned for Thunder to follow her. They found a spot where nopony was. "Thunder do you know that we are forbidden to be together?" Amethyst asked. Thunder nodded. "Well... I'm pregnant. I'm terrified of what will happen to me to you to the foal." Amethyst said. "Amy. What should we do then?" Thunder asked after processing the information Amethyst just gave him. Amethyst remembered what her mom said and told Thunder. "We must leave and find a new place to live and raise the foal." Amethyst said. > The New Land > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: The New Land Soon after the two ponies left they found a clearing in a forest that was far away from the towns. Amethyst used her magic to make a small house, a bed, and a crib. Amethyst decided to wright a letter to her parents. Dear Mom and Dad, I miss you guys soooooooooo much I wish that I could have stayed. Mom if you have any tips for me and Thunder that would be amazing. I think the foal just kicked. I wish you where here. Once the foal is born I will send you a picture. Love you, ~Amy "Thunder come here." Amethyst said. "What is it Amy? Is it the foal?" Thunder asked worried. "Just come here and feel this." Amethyst said. "We still don't have a name yet Amy. What do you think?" Thunder said. "Something elegant. How about Bella for a filly and Erick for a colt." Amethyst said. Thunder thought about the names and nodded. They where the perfect names for their foal depending on the gender. > The Foal is Born > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: The Foal is Born "Thunder! It's time!!! The foal is coming!!!!! AGHH!!!!!!" Amethyst yelled. Thunder flew in to the house almost destroyed the house coming in. Soon a newborn foal was born. The foal was a filly. Bella. She was a strange little filly because she had both her mother's unicorn ability and her father's pegasus wings but she also got some earth pony in her some where. Her mother taught her all she knew about magic. Her father taught her how to fly. She was a natural born leader. One day when she was much older she left and went to the towns. One pony grabbed her and told her about the prophecy about a pony with a unicorn horn and pegasus wings her. Soon Bella was the leader of the whole town. Bella was destined for great things. She would some day rule all of the towns on the planet. Bella became very wise and kind. She helped everypony no matter what. She was loved by everypony in her town. They started to call her an alicorn. Bella got rid of the rule that said that pegasi and unicorns could not fall in love. She made her parents proud. > Bella Becomes a Princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: Bella Becomes a Princess Soon all the towns have heard of Bella and soon all of the planet is ruled by Bella. Her coronation was huge everypony was there Bella promised to do her best to make everypony happy and to be the best ruler they had ever had. She promised to listen to everypony's input. She promised to do a lot of things and she did everything that her promises said. Everypony was happy. There was peace through out the land. Bella was the only alicorn for a very long time but a one day there was another alicorn born. She was an amazing pony loved by all her subjects. We will always remember Princess Bella the first alicorn and the first princess. Long live the princess! (Literally! Alicorns are immortal!) Long live Princess Bella! > The End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: The End "And that is how alicorns came to be." Twilight Sparkle said finishing a book that she had been reading to her friends. "That was amazing! Now we know how it all started! Amazing!" Rarity said. "Yes it was amazing. I think that Bella and you Fluttershy would have gotten along perfectly." Twilight said. The End :)