> Cravings, Concerns and Convenience > by Carmelita Fox > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cravings, Concern and Convenience > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ever since the incident with the Vampire fruit bats Fluttershy had been craving fruit. She thought maybe it was just side effects of her recent transformation but feared it was something more. She decided she would talk to Twilight about it. Being the princess of friendship she would know how to calm down a friend. Fluttershy arrived at Twilights house and knocked on the door. Twilight opened the door a bit and peeked through. “Oh Fluttershy! Come in.” “Thanks Twilight.” Said Fluttershy as she walked in and seeing a table takes a seat at it. “I really need your help.” “What with?” said Twilight as she sat down. “I’ve been craving fruit. It’s to the point where it’s the only thing I eat anymore. I’m scared that I may be turning into a bat again.” “Hmm. Well I guess it’s only normal to have some side effects after such a transformation, but just to be sure…” Twilight got up went into her nearby kitchen and returned with an apple. She set it on the table. “Oh no thank you Twilight I ate before I came. “Twilight began to say something but Fluttershy cut her off saying with an almost carnivorous smile. “But since you insist.” She took the apple and with two large bites ate around the core. She then proceeded to put the core back into the middle of the table. “I see you didn’t need any motivation.” Twilight levitated the apple over to her and saw two deep grooves on either side of the apple. She then looked at Fluttershy who was licking her lips contentedly with fangs clearly. “Well it looks like you still have your fangs” said Twilight. “Oh…” Fluttershy said looking downcast. “Twilight what do I do? I don’t want to be the cause of another incident like the one at Sweet Apple Acres.” Twilight looked around the library contemplatively. “I don’t have many books referencing bat ponies if mostly because they were thought not to exist but I can give you what I do have to help you learn to control these cravings.” “Wait. You don’t have any magic that could help me?” “Well frankly no. Other than the one spell I used to change you back the first time and it clearly didn’t work. So whaddya say to some heavy reading?” Twilight said with a grin as she levitated thirteen large books from several different shelves in the library onto the table. “Sure Twilight that may help.” OOooOO Flutershy spent the rest of the day reading books with the help of Twilight. Most were cryptozoology books that outlined what kind of threats a bat pony could pose. By the time Fluttershy was ready to give up Twilight had fallen asleep nose-deep into a book which she thought strange. Twilight didn’t strike her as one to fall asleep in the middle of a study session. “Well I suppose those constant all-nighters had to catch up with her at some point.” Fluttershy rose from the table ready to go home but something caught her attention. One book in particular was off to the side in such a way that she wondered how it got there. The book was on the floor cover up with the last rays of Celestia’s sun shining down on it. Fluttershy picked up the book and read the title aloud. “Monsters and their Cures: A Guide Book” Well isn’t that convenient and quite blatant while I’m at it. She opened the book and the first page was about bat ponies. A bit too convenient. But I don’t see another readily available way to get rid of my symptoms. She skimmed the first few sections and found what she was looking for. “Wolfsbane more commonly used to ward off Timberwolves can transform batponies back to their original state if ingested. It can also rid ponies in the process of turning of their symptoms permanently curing them. Wolfsbane is a purple fern found deep in the Everfree forest. "Well this will be easy! I know the Everfree forest like the back of my hoof! Although it is soon going to be dark outside. Fluttershy reluctantly left Twilight’s house and started trotting towards the forest. When she arrived it was dark and the moon could barely be seen through the overcast. Flutershy trotted into the forest and was met with several hoots and not far off howls from Timberwolves. “Oh I hope this doesn’t turn out to be a bad idea.” Said Fluttershy as she began to walk through the forest. Despite her rude welcome Fluttershy traversed the forest with little to no resistance save the occasional bramble. She soon found the Wolfsbane in the middle of a clearing void of anything but grass. As Fluttershy approached the Wolfsbane she noticed that it was a lot brighter in the clearing than the rest of the forest but not due to the lack of trees no, a light source was beaming down on her. She looked up to see the clouds had finally revealed the moon which tonight was full. It made her feel strange, almost…hungry. Fluttershy stared into the moon her eyes taking on a color akin to blood, her wings losing feathers and growing a thin membrane and fangs growing to a size whereas they could no longer be contained in her muzzle. Succumbing to her hunger Fluttershy flew high above the clearing and let loose a terrifying screech. OOooOO Fluttershy woke up in a cold sweat. The same dream again. Fluttershy noticed it was still dark and shifted under her covers to get a better look out of her window. The moon was still high in the sky. It was a strangely a full moon. Fluttershy became scared. What if…no that’s silly…but…She rose out of bed and trotted to the nearest mirror. She couldn’t see much more than the outlines of her face and hair. But her fears were confirmed as she slowly opened her mouth she saw two twin incisors glinting in the moonlight.