The Dark Past to the Twilighted Future.

by JakkTheReaper

First published

What will happened when a small colt with a past filled with nothing but pain and misery was raised by a Sun Goddess and left into the world of Equestria?

A lone colt, left to die on the streets in Manehatten, no one important to anypony. Just another stray with no parents, no education, nothing at all but to feed on the little amount of food he can find. This is the Story about a colt who have been given another chance at life to become a stallion later in his life. But to move on to his path of a peaceful life, he must go through the obstacles that are the dark memories of his past he thought he has forgotten.

From the Streets to the top and in between.

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.... Kill..... You must kill.... No one, but yourself to look out for... Do it, you know you want to... How much it feels good... Obey your lust, obey me... KILL EVERYPONY!

-gasp!- A small earth colt woken up from his nightmare in his cardboard box which was his home in the alleyways of Manehatten, he has a black body with deep red stripes all over and unnatural ghostly white mane and tail in an unkempt style. He's been plagued with the same voice over and over throughout his life in Manehatten, he's been trying to forget it all, but he can't seem to run away from his past. That young colt that you see right there, the one shivering in the cold alone, that's me. My name is... well, to be honest I have no name. All I can remember is that I woken up in the hospital of Manehatten a year ago, I escaped out of fear of what those doctors were going to do to me, but from what I overheard when I escaped is that I had a lump in my head. Amnesia, I was suffering from amnesia ever since, and I can't remember anything about who am I, where I'm from, who are my parents even. The only thing I know, is that I'm all alone, living off the streets of Manehatten on nothing but scraps of food I can find in garbage cans or steal if I could without getting caught. But alas, I was still really hungry with only limited food I eaten, and to make things worst I got a fever. I could barely even move much as the fever is affecting my vision plus my lack of the proper amount of food is making it even harder for me to even stand up. I couldn't do anything, I just need to get some sleep in my cardboard box... Just, gotta rest... Maybe that'll help give me some energy...

Hours later I woke up, my stomach hurts, I'm used to it. It's just an empty stomach just like yesterday and the day before and the day before that. I slowly try to stand, but I felt my legs were weak. I lay there, breathing heavy as I feel my stomach just begging for food, I think I know what's gonna happen soon..... I'm gonna die, yea, that's the only thing that's gonna happen to me. Nothing but a lone colt, no friends, no family, no house, heck not even an education is gonna die in the streets. But who would care, I'm just a nopony compare to everypony in Manehatten, I'll just lay my head down on the floor here and look at the sky. It was dawn, and I hear sounds out of the ally saying this "Princess Celestia" is rising the sun. Maybe, while everyone is focus on her, I can try to snatch some food and I have a chance. I force myself to stand up, my legs shaking as I walk outside and try to find an empty stand or anything with food. But all I could find was some thrown away apple cores and a day old sandwich, I just take a deep breath and munch it down as much as I can. I feel sick in my stomach and I went and vomited inside a trash can, I can't take it anymore... I felt dizzy as I try to walk straight, only to slump down on the sidewalk, I feel as if my life is slipping away. To be honest, I hope it's right now, I can't live like this anymore... Please, let me go already... I got nothing left to give... I close my eyes, hoping to let my time in this world end now.....


... ung... ne... young... one...? Little one, can you hear me?

That voice, is it, the voice of an angel up in the skies? Did I, finally died? If I did, then why do I still feel cold?

Can you hear me? Open your eyes for me little one

I felt a warm hoof planted on my head, it was... soothing, really warm, the only warmest thing I've ever felt in my whole life. Maybe, I'm not dead yet, maybe someone is here to help me.

Oh, such a sad fate this one had suffered... Especially on the day I raise the sun... Let us leave...

No... No please, don't leave me... I'm alive, really... Please... Don't leave me, not while I have the chance... I try opening my eyes, but I can't, too weak, I just gotta... Gotta get their attention, somehow... H-Help... Me... She turned around, thinking she heard something, she loomed over me and look down, getting close and nudge me with her snout. It was so warm, I have to try to speak again, just gotta.

Am I, hearing things?

H-Help... me, please... I'm begging you, somepony... anypony... I don't, want to die here... please... I don't know what has happened later, I was too weak and passed out, thinking the life in me has finally left me, but I could still hear her voice. Very faintly, she whispers to me.

Oh you poor child..... Guards... -ke him... to Canter-... medical atten-...

I don't know what happened, all I felt in what I see as complete blackness was something soft... something warm... something, that was breathing...


I slowly wake up, I look up and saw a bright light. Was I, going to the skies where the dead leave? I reach out, trying to grab or at least move on, it's so far away. Then I saw someone's head got in the way, who was that? And, why does he, look like... me...? There you are... It's good that you're awake, but don't worry... I will never leave you, you are me, and I am you. Now, do what you are born to do... Kill them... Let me control your body, let me help guide you do what you are meant to do... Kill... Kill! KILL EVERYPONY!!! He dive at me with that look on his face to kill me! I felt his hooves trying to choke me, please let me go! I don't want to kill anypony at all! Let me go! LET ME GO!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I woke up and squirm to run, but I felt something was restraining me down, I can't move! What's happening!?

Whoa whoa easy there son, calm down you're having a nightmare.

I look to my right, I see a Unicorn Stallion with a white coat beside me. He was a doctor alright.

'phew' Now then, can you tell me who you are or where are your parents young man?

I try to say something, but I felt my voice is scratchy, I can't speak. What happened? He noticed this and opens my mouth and look inside.

Hmm, seems that your fever has given you a sore throat, looks like you won't be able to speak for at least a day or so little one. But don't worry, with Canterlot's best medical science you'll be healed up in no time.

I just stare at him for a bit as he left, I just look around, seems there wasn't much ponies around here. So I'm just alone in the meantime, I look at my arms and see they were somewhat strap to the sides of the bed. I guess they think I freak out and run away, well they're right, I would've gotten up and leave without warning. But here I am, just laying back on a hospital bed, tied up with no where to go but just lay there and wait til I'm able to speak again. Over the course of the day I was fed with real fresh food, but they couldn't feed me so much even though I wanted to so badly, all I heard was something about my stomach ripping open if I eat too much too fast. Soon enough I felt full for the first time in my life and I lay back on my bed, I wanted to sleep..... But I can't, if I sleep, that... Thing will haunt me in my dreams again... I just need to stay up throughout the night, but with a full stomach and my inability to move around and get up, I just went out like a light on the bed. I hope I don't dream about it again...

... Boy, was I wrong...

So, now that you're here, you know what you must do. No, I said I'm not gonna kill anypony as I said ok!? I'm NOT a murderer, you're just a nightmare in my head, you're NOT real! So just go away and never come back! He chuckled, this "other me" just chuckles as he gets closer. You don't get it do you? I can never leave you, you know what you are, you can never run away from it. You are and always will be a- No! Don't you even say it, like I said, I'm NOT. A. MURDERER! When I yelled at him, I felt something from my body, I heard him groan as there was some odd shadow spike that came out where I stomp my hoof and it impaled him, but he wasn't bleeding, heck he was laughing even more. Ahahahaha! That's it, you just prove yourself wrong, but alright then. I'll leave you alone, for now. But don't worry, once you remember, or when you're in dire need when the circumstances is here... You know what to do. Ahahahahahahahaha!!! He laugh and laugh and I close my eyes, hoping to wake up from whatever this nightmare is, please, I want to wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP I SAID! And in that instant, I open my eyes, and saw I was back in the hospital bed, though it was dawn as the sun slowly rises up, i look around, surprise there's not much doctors or nurses around this hour. I just lay right there, looking at the ceiling, alone. Only me in that whole room... That is, until I look to my left and was in shock to see who was besides me.

Good morning little one, I am so relieved that you have woken up, but I'm more surprise that you're awake right before the sun is even up. How are you feeling today?

It was a white mare, but she's much much taller then any other mare I've ever seen. But it doesn't stop there, she had a mane and tail in such multiple bright colors that seem to wave on their own on her, what was more is that her cutie mark seems to be that of the sun itself and she's wearing golden jewelry on her chest, front and back hooves, and even a tiara on her head. I know who she is, I've heard about her so much in the streets in Manehatten. P-Princess Celestia? I can speak again! Thank goodness, guess their medicine seem to help a lot. But I watch the princess as she speaks to me.

I was very worried that you have perished right on the sidewalk in Manehatten, but when I heard you speak, I was surprise you still had enough energy to even speak while you were on the verge of death. I couldn't let someone as small and cold as you to depart at such a young age, I held onto you while we were going back to Canterlot. Heavens, you were twitching and mumbling in your sleep, only saying "I wanna live... I wanna live..." over and over, I try comforting you as we arrived, whispering to you that it's gonna be ok. Even when the doctor's say you might not make it, I kept faith that you'll make it... Tell me, are you alone? Where are your parents?

I stayed quiet when she asked me that.

Oh, you don't have any parents, do you...?

I only shook my head, she kept asking me more questions like do I go to school or do I have any friends or even a place to live, nothing... I just said nothing and only look down, I can tell she was sympathizing of my misfortune, but I then felt her arms wrap around me, I was surprise as I look at her in confusion.

I'm very sorry young one... Truly sorry... I wish I can help you with this, I really do...

What is this I'm feeling, she's... crying? On me? I look at her and see her shedding tears on me.

But, I will help you, in a way I think will be best for you...

She stood up and look at me while wiping her tears away and show a contented smile.

I will have you adopted under the Canterlot Royal family, you will be living in Canterlot and you'll learn in here as well under my rule. For now, think of me as your... Big sister, yes, your own big sister. Ok?

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I just stared at her in shock, and then... I smile, but when I smile, I started crying... I just hold onto her and cry... cry... cry... I didn't know what to say to that, all I did was cry on her. She held onto me, she was comforting me as I just cry on her... Finally, I have a home, and someone to look up to... I'm really... This feeling, I haven't felt it before, or maybe I haven't felt it in a long time... This feeling, I am... Happy...

Years has passed by, I was growing and learning over time, but something I learn as I grow up has surprised not only the guards and unicorns, but even Celestia herself. I'm an earth pony, but I can use magic without the need of a horn. I can't explain it, but I can use magic. The only thing though, I can't learn any normal magic in the books unicorns read, somehow this is a magic they have not seen before or at all. If I can try to explain what it does or how it even looks; I focus my mind and from my very body out comes what seems to be pitch black shadow like objects I can manipulate. I was quite surprise that I'm able to do a magic that nopony can do, but I know that look Celestia gives me when I'm doing better at it... She was concern, and she was thinking I should be kept heavily watched just in case something bad happens when I abuse my powers... I was hurt yes because of her lack of faith in me, but overtime I understand her and she know's this was the best for me. Sure I may not see her much as before, but to be honest... I think she's scared of me... I was told she wanted to say goodbye to me before I was sent in a part of Equestria where I'll be safe and secluded for me to hone my powers, but I didn't wanted to... It hurts me yes, and I thought I heard rumors saying she was depressed for "failing" me just by not believing in me, but I gotta do this... For her and for the safety of Equestria that I learned over the years. I packed my things, as well as the books I'll be reading to help me with my powers and set out of the castle. As I walk towards the outskirts of Canterlot, I noticed it was a bright day and the sun might make it harder for me to use my powers if the glare is in my eyes. It was then that I saw a stand with some eye wear for sale. I look at the selection and noticed a pair of safety looking classes made of crystals, I pay with my bits I have and took the glasses. Knowing there might be dangers during my travels I also bought a set of crystal chest and back guards, I then set out of Canterlot and walk where the wind blows and go beyond the mountains and the valleys until I couldn't see Canterlot Castle and only the endless field ahead of me. All I know before I left the castle was that Celestia was looking for me because she doesn't want me to go, but it's too late for that, and I know it'll hurt but I'm sure I'll be back someday. And I hope she can forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye to her.

Years Later...

I step at the cliff where it leads to Canterlot, I heard rumors that there was gonna be a Summer Sun Celebration in a place called Ponyville, I look out at the city and raise my hoof up and took out some bread. It was time for me to go and see Celestia to show her that I'm ok and I'm no danger to her nor anypony in Equestria. I walk down the hill and walk up to the palace. Some pegasi guards held out their wings to block my path, they both said at the same time; "HALT, STATE YOUR BUSINESS WITH THE PRINCESS OR LEAVE!" I look up sternly at them, they want my name huh? Guess they've forgotten who I am since Celestia knows me very well. My name? Well, my name is...

This is a story, about one Earth Pony, different from everyone else, who might have a mysterious past he dares not wish to know. He has powers that no other ponies in Equestria has, and this is the story, where he will soon find out his destiny in Equestria. This, is a story about this Earth Pony, and his name that only he and Princess Celestia knows... His name, is Shadow Stripes, adopted brother of Celestia and the only pony in existence that's able to use Dark Magic at will. And he will use his powers and knowledge to help out Equestria one way, or another.