House of Pony Season 1

by JusSonic

First published

In this AU version of a Disney show, Twilight and her friends entertain their guests, show cartoons and goes through crazy misadventures.

In this world, the Mane Six owns a nightclub and hosts various parties with ponies and creatures from every folks in the MLP generations, trying to keep the show going to avoid being close down by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

The fanart cover is made by Power Master.

Episode One: The Stolen Cartoons

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It's time; it's the first official night of the showing of the House of Pony, a club where everyone from Equestria on TV or fan-fictions can hang out. The place was of course thought up by Princess Celestia herself who gave the task of running the place to her faithful student Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

As Twilight gets ready, her assistant dragon Spike goes to the audience while exclaiming, "All right, ponies, humans and whatever you are! Keep your arms, legs, hooves, wings and what you got inside the ride at all times! Here's Twilight Sparkle!"

The audience applauds as Twilight appears in the spotlight on stage, the pony exclaims, "Hey there, everypony! Good to see you!" Indeed, a lot of folks from the My Little Pony franchise on TV, movies and fan-fictions are there, even those who haven't shown up in JusSonic's fanfiction is there, sitting around.

A couple of Bushwoolies applaud while Fluttershy's animal friends were serving some meals. Twilight smiles while saying, "Yes, welcome to the house!" The Princess Ponies applaud. We even see Little Strongheart applauding while Sting steals her food, unknown to the buffalo. "This is our first show...hopefully it's one that we will never forget!"

Of course the power went out, making Twilight frowns while saying, "Unless you count our electric bill."

Backstage, Twilight's love Ben Mate speaks into his headset, "Applejack? Can you fix the lights?"

"No problem!' Applejack remarks in the control booth. She goes to a dark area while calling out, "Hey, uh, Derpy? Mind moving aside? Yer're in 'de way."

"Oh sorry," Derpy Hooves apologizes as she move off aside to allow some light in the club again.

Once the lights are restored, Twilight grins while saying, "Whoa! Amazing, looks like we got a good audience, even the Transformers are here!"

Sure enough, the Autobots are in the crowd at a table, hanging out at the club since they're scheduled to be in JusSonic's upcoming MLP/Transformers crossover. Pinkie bounces over while asking, "Okie dokie lokie, which one of you Autobots got the microchips?"

"Pick a bot, it could be any of us." Bumblebee said to Pinkie with a shrug.

"All right, first off, I like to remind the guests of the House of Pony rules set forth by Princess Celestia herself." Twilight said sternly, "First off, no smoking allowed unless you're making a fire or on fire!"

At a table, Discord frowns as he put out a fire that he made. Twilight adds, "Second, no villainous schemes whatsoever!" We see Twilight Moon and Spikezilla about to attack Dinky Doo but frowns upon hearing what the unicorn has said, "And finally, no guests eating the other guests."

We see Dexter frowning as he hits Swiper the Fox, causing him to hit Angel right onto a table. The bunny frowns as he walks away in annoyance.


Outside, Twilight's brother Shining Armor is watching the guests go in. Suddenly the unicorn yelps as the ground begins to shake. He recovers and saw a huge cave appearing from the ground which a familiar unicorn villain came out of: Smaug, Trixie Lulamoon's father and the leader of the Apocalypse Ponies, once he is shown that is.

Smaug, having thoughts on his mind, gave the 'keys' to the cave to Shining, remarking, "Park it and make sure you don't lose it", while passing by.


Inside the lobby, Prince Blueblood was flirting with Rarity, much to her annoyance as well as Spike who is there hanging near his favorite unicorn. Rainbow yelps as the G3 version of herself shakes her hoof happily.

Crarity meanwhile goes up to a mirror which Anubus appears to be living in. She is abotu to spoke when the cloud demon remarks dryly, "Give it up, everypony's fairer than you are."

As Smaug walks by Crarity, the unicorn goes over to Rainbow. The Pegasus pony smiled while shaking the villain's hand, saying, "Yo, Smaugie! Welcome to my 20% awesome club!"

"Smaug, sorry, but you don't have a reservation." Rarity said to Smaug with a frown on her face.

Smaug frowns as he make a saber blade appears out of his hoof, pointing it at Rarity while scowling, "Well, my saber blade said otherwise! I do have a reservation!" Seeing the pointing end made the white unicorn a bit nervous.

"Well, what do you know; you do have one! Sure, go right ahead!"


Smaug, satisfied, goes into the club. Spike frowns while snapping, "Everytime he does that!"


Twilight continuing as he spoke up, "Okay, who else do we have? Oh yes, we got my ancestor Twilight, Buttons and Slugger...oh, and even Breezies too! Hey! There's Pinkamena Diane Pie! Creepy but thanks for coming.

Pinkamena waves to the crowd while Golden Heart smiles a bit.


Rainbow was watching Twilight from the club's entrance. The Pegasus pony groans while saying, "Ugh, show off."

"Is something the matter, Rainbow?" Rarity asks Rainbow puzzled.

"You betcha; How come Twilight Sparkle gets to run things; I am the number one best Pegasus pony in Ponyville, 20% awesome and all that! I should be up there, not that unicorn with an ego!"

"To be honest, Rainbow, you have an ego yourself as demonstrated during the moments with the Mare Do Well. Anyway, the princess is the one who put Twilight in charge of hosting. No worries, darling. You will get your chance someday."

"Ha! Only if something bad happens today." Rainbow groans a bit to Rarity.


Twilight continues on while speaking on stage, "So get ready for a good one time, my little ponies and friends! We got some interesting cartoons as well as our famous House of Pony band, the Cutie Mark Peas!"

Sure enough, we see the Cutie Mark Crusaders Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo wearing the same suits as their time in the Talent Show, performing for the audience. Once their dance number, which shall be the same dance every week, is done, the audience applauds.

For a moment, it looks like everything is going to be fine tonight.


Suddenly Rainbow and Rarity looks startled as the doors of the club open up as two fillies came in. One of them is has a pink coat, violet and white strip mane and tail with light-blue eyes, worn a tiara on her head and also had one on her flank, who goes by the name Diamond Tiara, one of the Snotty Duo.

The other filly has a dark grey coat, grey mane and tail and purple eyes with a light-blue pair of glasses, wears a pearl necklace and a pink hair band around her mane tied into a pigtail, and has a silver spoon with a pink center piece on her flank, who goes by the name Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara's best friend.

"Okay, move it losers, stand aside!" Diamond Tiara snaps as she push aside Rainbow somehow. The filly got business.

"Right, Diamond Tiara and I got business here." Silver Spoon said in agreement.

"What are you doing? You two need a reservation!" Rarity protests to the Snotty Duo in annoyance. Something's wrong here.


In the backstage area, Twilight looks worried, in fact, she is twitching. The unicorn spoke to Ben, "Ben, every pony, on TV or otherwise, is out there! I don't know why the princess chose me for this task. I don't think I could take it!"

"Twilight, relax. Mom knows what she's doing. Would you like to drink apple cider and read a book?" Ben asks his love with a smile while kissing Twilight on the cheek.

Twilight smiles a bit as she took a mug of apple cider and drank it while reading a book. The unicorn felt relax especially since Ben is hugging her. Perhaps he's right. The princess knows what she's doing when choosing her Faithful Student to host the show. Nothing can go wrong, right?

"Stop the show!" Diamond Tiara snaps as she and Silver Spoon came into the backstage.

"Huh?" The couple asks startled and confused as they saw the two fillies coming in. What are they doing back here?

Silver Spoon notices Rainbow, somehow stuck to Diamond Tiara, and pulls the pony right off. "Diamond Tiara got business here and you better listen."

"Hey, what gives you the right in barge back here as if you two own the place?!" Ben demands to Diamond Tiara as she shoves Rainbow right off herself.

"For your information, you Earth pony magic freak, we do own this place!" Diamond Tiara snaps to Ben with a sneer. "Get everypony out of this dump because Silver Spoon and I are shutting it down!"

Twilight and Ben looks shocked as Diamond Tiara laughs wickedly. Is she serious?!


The audience continues eating while watching the show. During this time, Snips and Snails were eating his mail. The latter notices something and spoke up, "Hey waiter! There're daisies in my friend's soup! Come on, I want some too! Hey Pipsqueak? What did you soup has?"

"I got Rex the shapeshifting lizard." Pipsqueak sighs as he glances at Catrina's assistant Rex taking a bath in his soup.

"Hey, I haven't bath since my appearance in the franchise. Not my fault." Rex remarks to the colt with a shrug.


Nyx came backstage and saw her parents, Rainbow, and Rarity (who came to see in what's going on) confronting Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The filly snaps, "Hey, what's going on here? You can't be back here, Diamond, as if you own the place!"

"On the contrary, Silver Spoon and I do own the place!" Diamond Tiara explains to Nyx with a smirk on her face.

"Hang on, no you don't! Princess Celestia gave the club to me and my friends personally!" Twilight snaps to Diamond Tiara with a frown. "Anyway, how could you even pull it off?"

"Silver Spoon, the contract," As Silver Spoon takes out a contract to show to the employees, Pinkie came into the backstage. "Daddy just brought the place from the princess herself! I'm surprised he pulled it off. I guess the so-called powerful alicorn was generous! And as extension, I'm also in charge along with Silver Spoon here."

"Yeah, don't believe us, go ahead and read." Silver Spoon remarks to the ponies who gasps upon looking at the deed.

"She's right." Ben said stunned to the others while glancing at the deed. "Those two kids really do own the club!"

"And you're all trespassing, losers! Now get your packs and get out before I called the Royal Guard!" Diamond Tiara sneers to the cast with a sneer.

"Hooray, I'm the new host now!" Pinkie exclaims happily but yelps as Diamond Tiara made her back away.

"Same to you, party pony! It's all here in black and white!"

"That can't be real!" Nyx exclaims in worry as Pinkie took the contract before she, Rainbow and Twilight looks at the contract to be double sure. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon can't really own the place!"

"Sorry, Nyx, but that's a real contract and we do own the place." Silver Spoon explains to Nyx. Noticing a frown on Diamond's face, she adds, "Err, 'sorry' as in 'sorry, you're a loser' kinda way; Heh heh heh."

"Oh no," Pinkie gulps a bit as she looks at the contract. "This contract is real, it's all true."

Twilight couldn't believe it. This is her first night of running the club and now, it's going to be shut down already? Diamond Tiara then adds, "The House of Pony belongs to us, so hand over the keys, horn head and loser friends!"

"Show some respect!" Rarity snaps to Diamond Tiara angrily. Just because the filly and her friends own the club, doesn't mean she can disrespect the heroes that way.

"What for?"

"How about the fact that we saved Equestria and to a lesser extent, you," Rainbow reminds Diamond with a scowl.

"Well, even heroes like you have landlords, now give me the keys!" Diamond Tiara orders to Twilight sternly.

"You can't force mommy to do that!" Nyx exclaims to Diamond Tiara furiously. "I oughta..."

"No, Nyx. Diamond has the right to do so; her father brought the place so she is one of the landlords now." Twilight sighs in sadness. She has no choice. The purple unicorn took out the keys, ready to hand them over to Diamond with a sniff.

"Wait, hang on! You don't have to do it! Check this out, Twilight!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she points at something in the contract. Twilight looks closely and smiles upon seeing what her friend's talking about.

"'The show must go on clause'?"

"Is he any chance related to Santa Claus or Santa Hooves?"

Rainbow frowns upon hearing what Pinkie say that. Her friend can be so random. Though the Pegasus pony was smiling at first, mostly because she thought that means that Rainbow can take over the hosting duties now.

"What does that mean, mommy?" Nyx ask Twilight puzzled.

"That means Diamond and Silver can't kick us out as long as a show is on!" Twilight exclaims with an eager smile, much to Diamond Tiara's confusion. "The princess has thought of everything, I knew she wouldn't just let us close down so easily!"

"Hang on; where the hay did it say that?" Diamond Tiara demands to Twilight in annoyance, refusing to believe that at first.

"Right here in black and white. Check it out."

"Let me see!" The Snotty Duo took the contract from Twilight and took a quick reading, both of them say the words very fast though Diamond Tiara slow down as she yell in shock, "As long as the show goes on?!"

"Well, what do you know? It's all there!" Silver Spoon exclaims, with a secret smile on her face. The filly may be Diamond Tiara's best friend but even she can't stand her ways sometimes. At least now the club won't shut down. "Sorry, Diamond! As long as their show goes on, we can't shut the place down."

"Ugh! Blasted princess and her legal system! They should have a law against that!"

"Tough, Diamond! Now if you and Silver Spoon want to stay and watch the show, you can...but until then, get out!" Nyx exclaims to Diamond Tiara, making the bully growls at her.

"Fine; Have it your way, losers! But someday, your show won't go on and we'll kick your sorry flanks out of this place! You'll see! Come on, Silver Spoon!" Diamond Tiara scowls as she leaves the building. The others smirk while Silver Spoon shrugs as she leaves with her friend.

"Well, that's a close one." Rainbow said with a sigh once the Snotty Duo are out of earshot.

"Right, I thought we would be goners for sure." Nyx said in agreement.

"Yes, but if we have to prevent Diamond Tiara from shutting us down, we got to keep the show going." Twilight said in determination. If the gang can keep the show going for the whole night, then the club will be spared shut down for another night.

"Uh, Twilight, girls; There isn't a show going on." Ben points out to Twilight. Hearing that made the mare gasps in horror; she jumps and gallop around like mad.

"No! Oh me, not good! What do I do?! What do I do?! I must impress, gotta impress! Should I sing, dance? What should I..."

"Mommy, please, stop!" Nyx insists as Ben grabs Twilight with his magic, causing her to stop moving. "It's okay! It's okay!"

"Right, don't worry. Just show them one of the cartoons." Ben explains to Twilight gently.

"Right, show a cartoon; that should work!" Twilight exclaims with a smile as she gallops to the stage. "No worries, everypony! I will make sure that the show will go on!"

Unknown to the group, Diamond Tiara hasn't left the stage fully and is in hiding with Silver Spoon, watching on as the former remarks sinisterly, "Well, we will have to make sure that show doesn't go on. And I know how we can do that."

Silver Spoon ask Diamond Tiara in concern, "Why do you want to shut down the club so badly? I would think your dad would be able to make more money off this club as is."

"Well, I can't resist the opportunity to make those blank flanks and their friends suffer."

"Come on, Diamond. Is your grudge against Apple Bloom and her friends really bad enough for you to trash one of your dad's business deals?"

Diamond Tiara snorts as she answers, "As a matter of fact, yes."

Silver Spoon shakes her head, sighing, "I wouldn't want to be in your horseshoes when your dad finds out about this."

"He won't find out. I'll just have to find a way to justify shutting down the club so that Daddy won't question me too much on the matter."

Twilight back on stage walks into the spotlight while saying, "Okay, everypony! Time for some cartoons! Hit it, Applejack!"

In the control booth, Applejack smirks as she hits the projector with her back legs, causing it to start and groan, "Ugh! I really hate that saying!"

The audience cheers as the first cartoon of the night appears on the screen.



Spike Gets the Paper 1 - Wet Cement

It was another day in the laboratory underneath the library. Twilight was working on an experiment while Spike was helping her out.

Twilight, busy at work in her lab, comment, "Would you like to get the paper, Spike; I'd get it myself except I'm in the middle of a very important experiment right now."

"Well, sure, no problem." Spike remarks with a shrug as he heads downstairs to get the paper. May as well since Ben is out getting supplies and Nyx and Phobos are at school.

Spike came outside and spots the newspaper outside near the mailbox. The dragon grins as he came over and picks it up. Spike prepares to leave...but can't move, making him say, "What the hay?"

Spike looks down...and frowns upon seeing that his feet are struck in wet cement! The dragon groans, "Blast the Ponyville officials. They weren't supposed to start laying the cement for another two months. I wish we would have gotten some warning that they were going to start early."

Spike groans as he tries to get himself out of the cement, but fell down. The dragon groans as he tries to escape but end up doing ridiculous himself while shaking. The first attempt ends up with him posing as the Queen Majesty statue, an art piece, a statue of an old mare, a statue of a love dragon, another statue of a pony, the Wind Whistler memorial, a statue of Grogar, a toilet and some Griffin statue.

Finally Spike got the cement off once it was dry and pulls the cement hat off with his claws, the paper goes up.

"All right, there we go!" Spike exclaims while grabbing the paper. "Looks like I outdid myself."

Of course, Spike thought his problem is done as he walks off while humming...finding himself in another empty square. The dragon looks confused and yelps as an insta-dry cement mixer truck came in, dumping a lot of cement onto him, the stuff instantly dried up on him.

"Ugh!" Spike groans in annoyance. He has had enough of this nonsense! The dragon uses his claws to cut out enough of the cement holding him for him to use his dragon strength.

A while later, as Twilight came back into the library, she heard stomping noises and looks up to see, to her surprise, Spike coming in with the newspaper...with two cement blocks on his feet. The unicorn takes the said paper while saying, "Thank you very much, Spike. Whoa. They sure started laying the cement two months earlier than expected."

"No kidding." Spike said with a sigh of embarrassment.

"Hold still, Spike. I know I can get that cement off you with a magic blast, but I need to completely focus so I can aim properly." Twilight uses her magic to blast the cement off Spike's feet, aiming carefully so that she doesn't accidentally hurt him in the process. "That should do it. You can take the rest of the day off."

"Thanks, Twi."

Spike smiles a bit, relieved that his troubles are over...but his former cement prison causes the floor below him to break, sending the dragon right into the basement very fast. That gotta hurt!




Once the cartoon is done, the audience applauds wildly. They liked it! It's going to be a good night. They applaud once more as another cartoon begins to play.


The audience applauds again as the next cartoon begins.



Rainbow's Dynamite 1 - Magic Act

Rainbow is working on some magic tricks to perform at the Ponyville Theater. While she may be a Pegasus pony, Rainbow can use a magic wand to help her out. The pony invited a few of her friends to watch her onstage performing.

Rainbow came on stage and waves her magic hat, putting it onto a podium. Next, the pony puts her hooves together and lifts them up to make a wand appears out of thin air. Rainbow then steps to one side of the hat and waves her magic wand, exclaiming, "Alakazam!"

Rainbow taps the hat causing pink smoke to come out of it. With a smile, the pony puts a hoof into the magic hat and pulls out what she thinks to be a rabbit while exclaiming, "Ta-da! Cool!"

But then Rainbow heard sizzling, that doesn't sound good. She opens her eyes to get a huge shock. It isn't a rabbit that the Pegasus pony pulled out but a bomb! Rainbow looks shocked. Where did that bomb came from? Apparently, those things have a habit to follow her around in an attempt to blow Rainbow up!

Rainbow not sure whom she upset to make this happened but the culprit seems to have a lot of bombs. Frantically, the Pegasus pony waves her wand, causing the bomb to be covered in pink smoke and replaced with a bouquet of flowers in her hoof.

Rainbow sighs in relief, taking a bow while thinking that the worst is over. That is until the bouquet of flowers wilt, revealing that the bomb is still in her hoof and still going. The mare screams in horror as she waves her wand again to make two pigeons appear. She sighs in relief. That's done with.

Unfortunately, as the pigeons flew away, Rainbow heard the bomb sizzling, but where is it now? The mare suspiciously look at the pocket of the suit that she's wearing and begin pulling out scarves of different colors, obviously doing the magic scarves trick.

Once Rainbow got the trick done, her eyes widened in horror as the bomb is now at the other end. The mare screams, "Come on! That is a dirty trick even for me!"

Rainbow now pulls out a rolled up newspaper bouquet vase and throws a bomb in there. The mare adds some water and waves her wand, making another puff of smoke appears. She peeks inside and smiles while holding the bouquet vase upside down, causing party favors to come down.

The audience applauds as Rainbow exclaims in satisfaction, "Ta-da!" Looks like her troubles are...

Wait, I spoke too soon. The bomb quickly came out of the vase, causing Rainbow to notice and panic. What is it going to take to get rid of this thing?! The Pegasus pony frowns and waves her magic wand to make the bomb disappear...but she made a second one appear.

Rainbow gasps and tries to make both bombs disappear, only for another to appear on her head. Frantically, the pony waves her wand again to make the bomb on her head go away. Too bad a fourth one appeared on top of the third bomb. Rainbow frowns and screams, waving her wand like mad in an attempt to get rid of the explosives.

For a while, it looks like the bombs are gone. Rainbow took a deep breath and sighs in relief. But then, the curtain behind her lifts up...revealing six bombs on top of a pyramid. The Pegasus's eyes widened as she turns around to see her worst nightmare about to go off.

Frantically, Rainbow dives into the hat and just before all six bombs blow up. Once that's done, the curtain, ripped apart, fell down along with the podium and the hat...the only one unharmed.

The audience laughs as Rainbow came out of the hat, dressed like a bunny. In annoyance, she groans, "Aw, horse apples!"

This wasn't her lucky day at all!




The audience applauds once more. They really liked that cartoon. They are preparing for the next one...but of course, for some reason, the progress appears to be slow.

In the backstage area, Ben calls out to Applejack through the headset with a smile, "Okay, AJ, prepare another cartoon for the audience!" Of course, he frowns. For some reason, the mare isn't calling back, "Applejack, the next cartoon! Hello; You there?"

"Ben, what's wrong?" Twilight ask Ben as she came over to see what's wrong.

"I don't know! Applejack isn't answering for some reason! Better see what's wrong."

The two nods as they head over to the control booth area.


Twilight opens the control booth door and looks shocked upon seeing a shocking sight: the place appears to be a mess as if some pony has ransacked it...and Applejack is tied up, gagged and blinded in her chair while being muffled.

"Applejack," Twilight exclaims in worry. Ben uses his magic to remove the blindfold on her eyes and the gag on her mouth. As Applejack spits the sock out, her friend asks, "What happened?"

"Hay if Ah know! JusSonic kept dealing wit' rock fer brain critics, 'de president race is getting close, some guy in a Bane outfit caused trouble in a theater an' de cities on 'de west coast got hit by a huge tidal wave!" Applejack exclaims to her friends in worry.

"No, I mean what happened in here."

"Oh, somepony attacked me, blinded, gagged an' tied me up before making off wit' our cartoons."

Twilight and Ben gasps in horror and worry. Without any cartoons, the show cannot go on! That means...

"Awww, oh no," A familiar voice exclaims in mock-shock. The trio turns to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon coming into the booth, the former looks fake concern. "There are no cartoons in a cartoon club? Shame; Looks like the show is over!"

"Why are you concerned? You wouldn't..." Silver Spoon begins to say but Diamond Tiara nudges her, keeping her quiet, "I mean, nothing!"

"Diamond Tiara," Twilight snaps to Diamond Tiara, trotting up to her while frowning. "Did you have a hoof in this by any chance? And did you force Silver Spoon into helping you out?"

"What, what? You think we did this?" Diamond Tiara insists as she points over to Applejack who is tied up with a rope that has a tag that suspiciously said 'Property of Diamond Tiara' and the rope itself appears to have her tooth marks. "Hey, neither of us even knows Applejack!"

"Hey Silver Spoon," Applejack said to Silver Spoon with a smile.

"Oh how are you, Applejack?" Silver Spoon asks Applejack with a smile making her friend frown in annoyance by the comment.

"Why these hoof prints don't mean anything!" Diamond Tiara insists as she points to some hoof prints that obviously matched her own hooves.

Twilight point out, "Do you REALLY think I'm stupid enough to fall for your flimsy attempts to deny involvement, Diamond? Especially considering all the overwhelmingly obvious evidence; I mean, the rope that's explicitly marked as your property? Your hoof prints and tooth marks on the rope? The fact you're the one with the biggest motive to see the club shut down?"

Diamond snaps, "Maybe you're not stupid enough to fall for it, but it doesn't matter. Because I still have grounds to shut the club down now and you'll never find the cartoons in time. Anyway, as the new owners, Silver Spoon and I better tell folks that we're shutting this dump down! Come on."

Silver Spoon sighs as she follows her friend out the door, the latter is doing so casually. Ben comment, "How could Diamond overpower and tie up Applejack? Applejack easily has the advantage in strength and combat experience."

Twilight points out, "Diamond had the advantage of the element of surprise and managed to knock out Applejack before she had a chance to defend herself. Surprisingly smart, considering her stupidity in almost every other respect of this case."

Twilight and Ben follows the Snotty Duo out of the room, leaving Applejack, sitting out. The Earth pony pauses then asks, "Uh, ponies? Some help? Shucks, Ah guess Ah can git out on mah own." Applejack then works on escaping on her own.


In the main room, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy and the animals gather together to find out what's going on. The Snotty Duo came in with Diamond Tiara snapping, "Come on, everypony out, you're finished!"

The animals yelps as Diamond Tiara swipes at them, forcing the little ones to run out. Fluttershy exclaims, "Hey, leave my animal friends alones!" The little filly landlord growl at her, making the yellow Pegasus pony yelps. "Ooh, well, you can stop when you want to..."

"Hang on, Diamond Tiara!" Twilight snaps as she and Ben came into the backstage area. "The show isn't over just yet!"

"Ha! What show?" Diamond Tiara remarks with a scoff while pointing to the staff. "Why, you don't have any stories and that stage out there is deader than Sunny Town!"

Of course, on stage right now is the Story of the Blanks Zombie Ponies performing on stage. Silver Spoon looks creep out as she remarks, "Okay, that's creepy."

Twilight needs to think up something and fast. So she turns to the Cutie Mark Markers while asking, "You fillies think you can go out there and keep the show going?"

"Sure, yew can count on us!" Apple Bloom exclaims as she, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo zings over onto the stage.

Silver Spoon pauses then remarks to Diamond Tiara, "So far, their show is going even without cartoons."

"Ugh! Fine, freaks! You got lucky this time! But I will be watching you, Miss Sparkle!" Diamond Tiara snaps to Twilight as she and Silver Spoon trots off.

"Why can't you just let them be happy?"

"Happy; HAPPY; because I wanna push them down a peg or two; Just because they wear those stupid trinkets doesn't mean they're all powerful! I mean, I was rolling with laughter back when Sparkles slave's brother was beating her senseless."


We see a scene from 'Lorcan's Wrath' where Twilight was getting beaten up by Lorcan...though we see Diamond Tiara rolling on the ground with laughter, much to Silver Spoon's chagrin.

"It's not funny." Silver Spoon said to Diamond Tiara in disapproval.

End Flashback

Once the Snotty Duo left, Twilight groans in annoyance, "Uggh. If only Diamond was an adult - AND had super-powers - AND was trying to conquer Equestria and/or kill the princesses."

"Why would you want that?" Ben asks his girlfriend puzzled.

"Because at least THEN I would have a perfect excuse to whoomp on her guilt-free."

"In other words, so you can kick her flank without looking like a bully or getting arrested for it."

Twilight nods while saying, "Exactly. As it is, I can't beat her up just for throwing attitude, stealing cartoons and trying to shut down the club."

"Well, calm down, Twi. Diamond will still get her comeuppance." Ben assures his filly friend with a grin.

"Yeah; you're probably right. Okay, we need to keep this show going but how are we going to do so? We still got to find those missing cartoons!"

Pinkamena and Golden Heart come (they heard of the cartoons being stolen) and the alicorn say, "You try to find the cartoons, me and Pinkamena will keep the crowd entertained."

"Yeah, just worry about finding a way to find them." Pinkamena insists happily as she and Golden Heart heads out to entertain the crowd.

Ben shakes his head while saying, "We don't have any time to find the stolen cartoons. Listen, while the band's playing and Pinkamena and Golden Heart are performing, we will make a new cartoon!"

"I have an idea for a new cartoon, but I'm going to need help to make it." Pinkie said with a thoughtful smile.

"As long as it isn't -" Twilight begins to say before Pinkie cuts her off.

"Heck no, you silly fill; I hate those pony grimdark stories as much as you do. But with my toon physics abilities and your and Ben's combined magic, we should have absolutely no problem with special effects."

"Good point." Twilight said with a nod. Pinkie rush out and back with a clock and some video equipment. The mare gave the keys to Rainbow while adding, "Okay, Dash, Pinkie, Ben and I will be working on a new cartoon. Until we get back, you're in charge."

"All right," Rainbow exclaims eagerly and excitedly.

"Somehow, I can't help thinking I just made a big mistake. But it's not like I have much choice right now."

Pinkie follows Twilight and Ben out the door to work on their cartoon. Rainbow still couldn't believe it, her unicorn friend has put her in charge of the club!

"Rainbow, this is your big chance, darling!" Rarity exclaims to Rainbow with a smile.

"I'm in charge?" Rainbow asks while glancing at the keys. The mare smirks while thrusting a hoof into the air, "Oh yeah, about time too! Time to make some changes around here!"


Rainbow begins her changes while motioning a crane outside to remove the sign that said 'House of Pony' from the club house. Soon the crane itself put up a new sign that's covered up.

Once the cover is removed, the sign is revealed to be...'House of Rash'. Rainbow looks surprised while shaking her head. Well, simple mistake, right? They will get it right.


Rainbow smiles while switching all the menus that are in Twilight's decorations to make it more like herself; Then the Pegasus pony changes the Twilight straws to the Rainbow kind in the drinks.

Now Rainbow changes the chairs to rainbow styled chair before removing all the dishes that looks like Twilight with her own. Oh yeah, 20% awesome!


Rainbow smiles as a new sign is put onto the cover. Now it's removed to reveal...'House of Nash'.

Rainbow frowns in annoyance while glancing at the sign. Fine, two mistakes in a row. No problem. Third time's the charm, right?


Rainbow pulls a lever to get rid of the Twilight Sparkle cutie mark insignia above the counter to replace it with her own cutie mark insignia. Then Rainbow spins around the bushes to changes them into those that look like her.

Rainbow smiles as she puts Rainbow Dash outfits onto the animals to suit her. Rarity looks a bit impressed though Fluttershy ask her friend in worry, "You sure Twilight would like what you're doing?"

"Relax; Twilight is gone for the day. She won't even know." Rainbow assures Fluttershy with a chuckle. "Besides, if she asks, we will blame it on Diamond Tiara."


Now the new covered sigh is revealed to be...'House of Ash'. Rainbow frowns in annoyance. This long day is turning out into a big annoying one so far.


Rainbow now removes a sign that is said 'Reserved for Twilight Sparkle', replacing it with 'Reserved for Rainbow Dash'. The Pegasus pony grins while putting her own car in the parking space.

Next up, Rainbow removes the 'TW' star on Twilight's dressing, replacing it with a 'RD' one. The Pegasus pony then takes out Twilight's picture from above the 'Our Student Founder' label then put a gold plated statue of herself in front of it, which is labeled 'Our Awesome Leader'.


Now a new sign is put up. This time: 'House of Hash'. Rainbow hits herself in the face in annoyance. Can't these guys get it right?!


Rainbow now removes the magic labs from Twilight's room, replacing it with a toy race car track. She then removes the Celestia like mirror to replace it with one for the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow then removes the Twilight Sparkle books, replacing them with comic books of herself. She rushes out of the dressing room while going by Rarity and Fluttershy. The two mares are worried for their friend.

Rainbow is taking her charge of the place a bit too far.


Rainbow now saw the next sign that is now on top of the club: 'House of Trash'; The pony groans, about to lose her temper but saw a camera crew nearby, preparing to take pictures.

Rainbow smiles nervously as she poses for the ponies who took pictures of her rapidly.


Rainbow ends up appearing in the magazines like 'Haytainment Weekly' and 'Ponies'. Don't ask me how that happened so quickly.


Next up, Rainbow saw the next sign to be put up which reads...'House of Cupcakes'. The pony groans as she faints. It's like these ponies aren't even trying anymore.


Rainbow is determined to get the sign right, so she begins appearing all over Equestria, even Earth. Her face appears on buses, blimps, to billboards, etc.

Rainbow will make that club sign right if it's the last thing she do!


Rarity looks around in amazement as she looks up at the new covered sign that is being put up. The unicorn, Rainbow and Fluttershy watch as the cover lifts up to reveal...'House of Dash'.

Rainbow, looking up, smiles in triumph. Now that's more like it! The mare smiles as she and her friends, both are flabbergasted, trots into the club to continue running the place.

Of course, the trio fails to see that the 'u' in the word 'house' didn't stick at all.


The club, under the new name 'House of Dash', is doing fine, the guests are enjoying themselves. Sora pours some tea into his love Cinderella's love while she comments, "Thanks, Sora."

"What did I tell you two?" Rainbow asks Rarity, frowning in concern, and Fluttershy. "I can run this club in no time! Not a problem!"

"'Not a problem'? Rainbow, there's more to running this place than a name change." Rarity said with an annoyed sigh. Rainbow yelps as the unicorn uses her magic to get some covered dinner plates, handing them to the Pegasus pony. "We got more; I will handle the door while you deal with the food with Fluttershy."

"Yes, with Pinkie Pie out, I have extra work to do." Fluttershy said with a nod as she and Rarity heads off. Rainbow nods a bit then glances at a cat in a Rainbow Dash outfit, giving a salute to her.

"Horse apples," Rainbow mumbles with annoyance. This club running thing could be tricky.

Still, Rainbow flew off to three tables, which is occupied by Megan who is reading a book, Cherries Jubilee (from the first series) and G3 Minty. Minty herself opens a plate and gasps upon seeing a roast chicken. Cherries Jubilee opens her plate and looks shocked to see a Bushwoolie with an apple in his mouth.

Megan opens her plate and saw King Hugo on his plate, making the girl ask in shock, "Huh?"

"Kid, face it, the service here stinks." King Hugo remarks with an annoyed sigh. The guests got the wrong meals apparently.

Up front, Rarity find herself surrounded by the Buffalo Tribe, the unicorn calls out, "Rainbow Dash; Table for a bunch of buffalos; Hoo boy."

"Oh man!" Rainbow groans as she looks over. Even Fluttershy begins to get worried. The crowd is getting concerned and upset.

Derpy and Dinky Doo sat at their table, the unicorn ask puzzled, "Mommy, where's Twilight?"

"Right! Having Twilight Sparkle on stage isn't a bad idea!" Surprise comments while sitting at a table with Firefly. The crowd is getting upset, freaking out. They are upset that Twilight isn't around and don't get them started on the service.

"Hoo boy, mommy better get back soon." Nyx said with a worried look. This doesn't look good.

Rarity, in concern, drags Rainbow to the backstage area, calling out, "Rainbow Dash, you better get out there and entertain! The crowd is starting to get ugly!"

Sure enough, in the seating area, the crowd is starting to get ugly. Somnambula turns into her old woman form, Scorpan's prince form turns into his demon gargoyle one from when Tirek cursed him, and even Nightmare Moon turns into her big monster form very fast.

"Look, it isn't that difficult. Pinkamena and Golden Heart are out there right there!" Rainbow insists as she points a hoof to the stage.

Sure enough, Rainbow sees Pinkamena with her right back hoof balancing on Golden Heart's horn with her holding the handles of her blades on both of her front hooves and one on the tip of her nose. The two do not make a mistake when doing this.

"Right," Fluttershy said in concern while arriving. She and Rarity tries to push Rainbow out while the yellow Pegasus pony said, "But they won't be there for long. Better keep the show going or..."

"Or your cartoon club is mine!" Diamond Tiara exclaims as she steps in front of the trio with Silver Spoon watching. The filly looks delighted. Rainbow may be a popular mare in Ponyville, but when it comes to running clubs, even she fell onto her wings.

"Out of my way, you brats; I will show you!" Rainbow snaps in determination. She will prove Diamond Tiara wrong. Once Pinkamena and Golden Heart are done, the Pegasus pony got into the spotlight, grinning, "Hey, folks! Welcome to the House of Dash! We got one great show and..."

Unfortunately, the crowd got more violent. Snips groans to Snails, "Ugh, this pony isn't cool when on stage and when we don't wanna see her right now."

Rarity yelps as she and Fluttershy tries to give their friend moral support. Needless to say, Rainbow look around nervously, the crowd is booing her.

"Come on, give us Twilight Sparkle! Not Rainbow Dash!" Surprise exclaims while booing Rainbow.

Rainbow needs to think of something and fast. So she zips offstage for a moment then came back in a very fake Twilight Sparkle outfit, fake cutie mark and all, saying, "It's me, Twilight Sparkle! I want to make a report summary my reports for Princess Celestia!"

Rarity held up an applause sign in hopes that the audience would follow. Not so good as the folks, not pleased or amused, kept on booing. Rainbow sighs, that won't work. She must try something else!

Rainbow flew off stage again, coming back in the Star Swirl the Bearded outfit though still in the same Twilight outfit. She pretends to be using magic, using some magic gloves...but they blew up on the Pegasus pony, sending Rainbow back hard.

"Ugh! What a Bulkhead!" Ratchet exclaims to Rainbow in annoyance then turns to his fellow Autobot Bulkhead. "No offense, Bulkie."

"Eh, none taken." Bulkhead remarks with a shrug, assuring his pal that no offense is made here.

The folks begin chanting Twilight's name, wanting her. For a moment, it looks like she appeared onstage, making the guests applauding. That is until the whole thing, feeling 'Twilight' to be a cardboard cutout set up by Rainbow. They started booing once more.

Rainbow yelps as she hid backstage when stuff are thrown at her. Fluttershy peeks out and gasps, "Rainbow, Rarity! The guests are leaving!"

In the waiting room, Spike got the bill from his brother Lorcan and his alicorn girlfriend Luna, the older brother pays a tip while saying, "Sorry we can't stay, sis, but we can't stay here if our adopted sister ain't here!"

Derpy frowns as she got Dinky onto herself then they flew out to the door. Starlight and her friends run out, with the main leader snapping, "Let's leave."

Galaxy, seeing that this show is turning bad, uses her magic to wink out of view.

G3 Rarity along with Brights Brightly, G3 Cheerilee and Whistle Wishes left their table and heads off, the G3 Rarity left her Magic Wand begin. The G4 version rushes up and picks the wand up while exclaiming, "Wait! G3 me! The show is not over yet! You just got hours on your parking time!"

"Wait, stop; hang on!" Rainbow exclaims as she tries to block the door, but the guests ran out, knocking the Pegasus pony over while leaving.

Rainbow got up as Anubus's mirror fell down, the villain sighs, "Doesn't reflect well on me at all."

"Hey, Silver Spoon, check this out!" A familiar voice laughs in amusement. Rainbow saw Diamond Tiara looking around with Silver Spoon following, the former is smirking evilly. "What's this I hear? There isn't a show going on!"

"Yeah, no guests either." Silver Spoon adds with a sigh.

"Well, well! We win, you dumb ponies. Now give me the keys and get lost!"

Rainbow sighs sadly, she messed up big time on hosting the club and now it cost her and her friends the club. Rarity looks down sadly while saying, "Well, you blew your chance. Who knows? Maybe you will get another one...someday."

Rainbow sighs. She takes the keys out and is about to hand them over to the eager Diamond...but a familiar voice of Twilight snaps, "Not so fast, Diamond Tiara!"

"What the hay??" Diamond Tiara jumps with her friends. The Snotty Duo, Rainbow, Rarity and Fluttershy turns to see Twilight, Ben and Pinkie coming in, the Earth pony is holding a cartoon on her mane.

"We're back and we made a new cartoon!" Pinkie exclaims happily as the trio came into the club. "We ain't close!"

"So what," Diamond Tiara snaps to the group in annoyance, Twilight smirks and looks at her watch, "There still ain't any guests in this dump! So..."

"Hey, everypony; Look, Twilight's back," The excited voice of Surprise is heard from outside making Diamond Tiara jump in shock. Looks like the guests saw that Twilight has returned. That means...

"Right on schedule," Twilight laughs as she gallops past Diamond Tiara. The bullying filly screams and didn't have time to get out of the way as the audience rush back into the couple, trampling her all over.

As Diamond Tiara recovers, Silver Spoon smiles while saying, "Too bad, Diamond. I will be watching the cartoon while you just sat down if that's okay."

As the guests got seated, Rainbow smiles nervously to her friend while saying, "Err...Twilight, I betcha you're wondering about the couple of changes I made. I can explain! Diamond..."

"Rainbow, relax, I just wanted you to distract long enough, plus it's to teach you the responsibility of owning a club." Twilight explains to her friend, assuring her that there will be no hard feelings. "Of course, I will use my magic to change the place back by next week's show."

"Fair enough. You're better hosting this place until I'm ready to do it myself someday anyway."

The audience applauds as Twilight came back onstage, back to her rightful hosting duties with order (or what counts as it) restored. Nyx cheers on, "Yeah, mommy! Welcome back!"

The pony sighs in relief, "Sorry for the absence, folks, but you will be happy to know that we got a super-great cartoon starring Pinkie Pie and me!"

As the next cartoon starts, the audience applauds.




Hickory Dickory Sparkle

It is another morning in Ponyville, Twilight was in her library, reading a book and relaxing. Things are quiet at first...but then her phone begins to ring.

Twilight looks for the phone and found it, picking the handle up while speaking into it, "Hello?"

A circle somehow appears over Twilight. Pinkie is in it...upside while talking weirdly. Twilight sighs while saying, "Pinkie Pie, you're speaking into the wrong end of the phone again!"

Pinkie looks surprised then hangs up, the circle disappear briefly before returning with the pony (right side up this time) speaking normally, "Hey, Twilight! It's me, Pinkie Pie!"

"Yeah, obviously; I knew that already."

"Ooh. Say, Twilight? Can you pick me up at Sugarcube Corner and take me to the airport at 6 AM tomorrow?"

"6 AM? You can't be serious, right? Are you being random?" Twilight ask Pinkie in surprise. Why would her friend want her to pick the Earth pony up that early, "And why me?"

"I am serious you silly filly! And I'm always random!" Pinkie exclaims happily to Twilight. "And for the last funny question, you owe me a favor! Remember when I saved you on time not so long ago?"


Alarms goes off in a griffin like prison, a jail break is occurring. One griffin security guard was knocked out as we see Twilight, wearing a magic proof bracelet, came out of a hole that is made by Pinkie Pie, who uses her toon abilities to break her out.

"Thanks for saving me, Pinkie! I owe you a favor!" Twilight exclaims to Pinkie with a grin.

"Awww, it wasn't anything to make a fuss about, Twilight!" Pinkie exclaims to Twilight with a smile. "You don't have to thank me!"

"No, no, I mean it! I do owe you a favor, even if I have to take you to the airport at 6 AM early in the day."

"Well, sure, okie dokie lokie! Uh...what's an airport?'

End Flashback

"Oh right, yeah." Twilight said in concern and nervously. The unicorn did owe Pinkie a favor for breaking her out of the griffin favor. "Yeah, I would love to pick you up at Sugarcube Corner and take you to the airport, but my digital clock is broken and..."

"Nope! Can't get out of this one," Pinkie reminds Twilight with a frown. "You made a Pinkie Promise. I recall you saying..."


As Twilight and Pinkie were making their escape, the unicorn said, "Oh yes; one more thing. Just so I won't talk you out of it like a silly excuse that my digital clock is broken down, I am making a Pinkie Promise!" The unicorn then does her Pinkie Promise. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

"Okie dokie lokie! I'm sticking you to that promise!" Pinkie exclaims happily but then she looks confused. "Say, what's a digital clock?"

End Flashback

"Oh horse feathers." Twilight said with a frown. She did make a Pinkie Promise so that the unicorn can't talk her way out of it. Looks like Twilight must make good on it because she knows how furious Pinkie Pie can be when someone breaks a Pinkie Promise (Applejack sure learnt that one the hard way).

"Well, since your digital clock is broken, you can borrow my clock until then!" Pinkie surprisingly somehow took out an alarm clock and gave it to Twilight through the circle. The unicorn looks surprised. Her friend's odd ability to break the fourth wall freaks her out.

"Oh, thanks, well, see you tomorrow, Pinkie Pie."

Twilight hangs up the phone as Pinkie and the circle disappear. The mare sighs a bit. Looks like she will have to do her favor (or else risk the wrath of Pinkie Pie).


It was nighttime as Twilight was setting up the clock for the night. Ben, Nyx, Spike and Phobos are off in Canterlot, visiting Celestia so the female unicorn is alone with only Owlowiscious, nearby on a stand, to keep her company.

"Okay, good enough." Twilight said as she finish winding the clock up.

Twilight turns the lamp light off and prepares to go to problem, the clock was tick-tocking loud, much to the mare's annoyance. Twilight turns the light on to look at the thing but the clock stop.

Twilight shrugs as she turns the light off, but as the mare laid herself down, she hears the clock's tick-tocking once more. Twilight frowns as she turns the light on to look at the clock.

"Ugh, leave it to Pinkie Pie to give me a clock with a loud tick-tock." Twilight groans a bit. "Perhaps if I were to ignore it..."

Twilight lay down again and turn the light on. Of course, she occasionally hears the clock then turns the light back on to look at the clock which stops. This goes on for a while. The mare frowns a bit, having enough as the clock was ticking loudly this time even the light is back on.

Twilight in annoyance shove the clock inside a drawer of a table and close it. The mare sighs as she prepares to get some sleep again. No such luck as the tick-tocking is louder even in there.

Twilight pulls the clock out and throws it near a glass of water near Owlowiscious, hoping to drown the noise out. But even the ticking noise can be heard in there, annoying both the owner and her pet. With a scowl, Twilight uses her magic to send pillows at the glass of water and the clock.

Twilight smiles as she prepares to lay herself to sleep again...but even then, she could hear the tickling of the clock from under the pillow. The mare groans, "Ugh! I'm going to block it out with some music! That should put an end to this foolishness!"

Twilight, getting tired, heads over to a radio and turns it on tiredly in hope that some music would drown out the clock. A voice is heard from it, "And now, welcome to the all Tick Station!" To Twilight's disbelief, she can hear ticking coming from the radio. The mare turns the dial. "Welcome to the all Tock Station!" And of course, tocking is heard on the radio, the fact that it's bad enough that a clock is in the room didn't help.

Twilight tiredly rush over to her TV then turns it on. Of course, it shows a picture of a clock with a voice saying, "The Tick-Tock channel, ponies!"

Tick-tocks are heard all over the house, making Twilight scream "Ugh! For the love of Celestia," The mare rush back to the pillows and pull out the clock, trying her best to smash the thing...but the thing kept bouncing around, breaking the radio and the TB before going down a nearby laundry chute.

Twilight sighs in relief, perhaps now she can get some sleep. The mare turns the light off and prepares to do so...but Twilight, to her annoyance, could still hear the tick-tocking from inside the chute.

Twilight rolls around, trying to ignore the tick tocks, but everything fades to black. The mare was cringing like mad, hearing paddleballs n her ears, drums, popping balloons, anvils, even cymbal noises. Twilight covers herself up but no matter what, she kept hear the noises like huge blasts going off.

"Ugh, I had have enough!" Twilight exclaims furiously as she turn the light on, getting out of bed. Enough is enough! The unicorn uses her magic to get the clock out of the chute, then opens a window. "You are out of here, you pest!"

Twilight believes that her trouble is over...but it's not. After the clock was thrown out, a picket fence caught, spinning around and sending the clock back into the house, landing back onto the drawer. Twilight frowns while growling. She can't believe this!

Twilight uses her magic to throw the clock out the window again, yelling, "And don't come back!" She then closes the window itself. Perhaps now that clock will not come back!

Of course, the camera ends up in a nearby tree, rolling out of it and right onto the grassy yard. Somepony's sprinkler got activated, sending the clock into the air and down the chimney of the library.

The clock bounces out of the chimney, turning on a radio that begins to play the theme song to the My Little Pony series, even dancing around to that. Twilight can hear the commotion from upstairs and needless to say, she isn't happy at all.

"Ugh, I just want to get to sleep!" Twilight exclaims furiously. Enough is enough!


Twilight put the clock into a package and close the latter before snapping, "Sorry, Pinkie, but you can have this back!" Promise or no, the mare isn't going to spend another minute in the tree with that thing!

Twilight signs the package 'To Pinkie Pie' then heads outside to put it into the mailbox. She then heads upstairs to her room and got into bed. Now the pony can get some sleep...

However, a while later, Pinkie came into the room in PJs...and with the clock too. The Earth pony exclaims happily, "Oh hey Pinkie! I think you must've sent my clock back to me by mistake! Luckily I got the mail very early and thought to give it back to you so you won't oversleep!"

"What?" Twilight ask sleepily and shocked as Pinkie put the clock back onto the drawer before leaving the room.

"Get some shut-eye! Don't forget your Pinkie Promise. You got to take me to the airport at six!"

Pinkie leaves the room, making Twilight stare at the clock with a groan.


"I will send you down under!" Twilight snaps as she put a clock into another package and signed it 'To Coltralia'. Then the mare put it into the mailbox to send the thing away once more.

Twilight was going back to sleep...but the door opens as a kangaroo came in and put the clock back before leaving. Apparently, someone in Coltralia doesn't want that clock around either! Twilight can hear the tick-tock once more, groaning.


Twilight tried a different approach: she put the clock in another package and signed it 'To Cyberton' before sending the whole thing away.

Twilight tries to get back to sleep...but an Autobot ship appears as Ratchet teleports the clock back onto the drawer before sleeping. No one on Cybertron wants that clock either!

Needless to say, Twilight heard the clock and groans in annoyance.


Twilight this time sign the package 'To Ponyland' and send the whole thing with the clock away. Maybe now, that darn annoying pest will leave her alone!

No dice. When Twilight tries to go back to sleep, the clock in a classic 1980s look came into the room and lands back onto the drawer, much to the mare's annoyance.


Twilight send the clock to yet another destination: 'To Tartarus'. The mare sent the clock on its away, hoping that it will never come back...

But as Twilight was in bed, a hole leading to Tartarus magically appears, with flames putting the clock onto the drawer (Grimmore decides to send the clock itself back to torture Twilight Sparkle). The mare groans in annoyance as she hears the annoying thing. She will never get any sleep at this rate!


In Twilight's poor mind, all the poor mare can do is think of that blasted clock. The unicorn tries to teleport or gallops away from that thing's sounds but no matter what, it won't leave her alone!

Twilight screams as she fell down a hourglass tube, seeing Pinkie, more pink than usual, saying in a squeaky voice, "Don't forget, I have to be at the airport at 6 AM; You Pinkie Promise!"

Twilight tries to escape but she was trapped in this nightmare. It looks like all is lost...when she heard the bells of the clock ringing, waking the mare in her bed. Turns out Twilight did get some sleep after all.

Twilight yawns while groaning, "Okay, it's six. Better get Pinkie to the airport...maybe then this nonsense can be over."


Twilight arrives outside of Sugarcube Corner; her friend is waiting for her, smiling while having a suitcase on her pack. As the two ponies walk alongside each other, Pinkie said happily, "Thanks for the favor, Twilight! Did you have a good sleep?"

"Ugh, don't remind me. Let's get this over with." Twilight said with a yawn. "So which airport did you say you were flying out of?"

"Oh, I didn't say so earlier, but I can down! It's just down the street!"

Twilight stops with Pinkie and blinks her eyes to receive a sight that both shock and infuriate her: the airport was next door to Sugarcube Corner, not too far, the whole time!

"You mean it was next door the whole time?!" Twilight exclaims to Pinkie in shock and fury, "Why did you even ask me to pick you up when you could've just went over there yourself?!"

"Yeah, pretty convenient, huh," Pinkie ask Twilight happily. "Plus, I didn't want to waste this episode that has me giving you that alarm clock that drives you crazy all night and then see you get upset when the obvious was brought up!"

Twilight then begins to growl in fury then jumps into air, going into flame mode while growling loudly. Pinkie yelps in worry and alarm. Not good.

A while later, Pinkie's suitcase was thrown onto the ground as Twilight storms off; and of course, the pink pony was stuffed inside, all smoking.

"Hoo boy, maybe I shouldn't have try this time." Pinkie is heard from inside the suitcase as the cartoon ends.




Once the cartoon was over, the audience applauds loudly, liking it. Twilight smiles in triumph, time for this show to come to its end.


The audience applauds, Twilight smiles while saying, "Well, we had a great show! First off, I like to thank the Cutie Mark Peas and..."

"Oh, ha ha! You and your pals think you are so clever, huh?" Diamond Tiara scowls as she came onstage with Silver Spoon. Glaring at the mare, she snaps, "Well, I should tell you that you only have one cartoon that you won't get far with, playing over and over!"

"The next show isn't until tomorrow evening; giving us MORE than enough time to make more cartoons."

"Well, she got a point, Diamond Tiara." Silver Spoon said to Diamond Tiara, making her scowl at her. "Besides..."

"I don't care! I still say..." Before Diamond Tiara could finish, the filly trips causing something to fell out of her person and clanging onto the stage floor; the mean bully gasps as she, Twilight and Silver Spoon saw a film reel. The unicorn frowns suspiciously at Diamond Tiara, who chuckle nervously. "Err, I got a skin condition?"

Diamond Tiara tries to scratch herself to prove her 'lies'...but more film reels fell out of his person. Pinkie points while gasping, "It's the stolen cartoons!"

Twilight comment, "I KNEW you stole the cartoons; I just DIDN'T know WHERE you hid them until now."

Nyx glares at Silver Spoon who chuckles nervously then points to Diamond Tiara while saying, "It was Diamond Tiara's idea! She forced me to help her tie up Applejack and steal them!" The filly runs off, leaving her boss to deal with the consequences herself.

Nyx comment, "How did you manage to steal all the cartoons? You aren't strong enough to carry that many cartoons by yourself and you don't have Pinkie's hammer space talents?"

Diamond answers, "Magic saddlebag. It was a Hearth's Warming Present from Mommy."

"Hand them over, Diamond!" Twilight snaps to Diamond Tiara who chuckles nervously.

"What are you gonna do about it? Hit me?! You'll be sent to prison for filly abuse!"

"Oh, they won't..." A familiar voice snaps as Spike and the CMC appear, the former wielding his beam sword. "But we will."

"Wait, Spike, don't do this!" Diamond Tiara said nervously.

"Oh, I heard what you said at my funeral btw; How 'bout I do that... to you?"

"Well, wait, not what you think, uh...look! It's a bunch of cutie marks and gems!"

"Huh?" Spike and the CMC ask puzzled as they turn away while distracted by the bully. Diamond Tiara quickly ran off, making Twilight frowns. Crud, they fell for it!

"After her," Twilight orders as she, Spike and the CMC chases after Diamond Tiara. They pursue her in the seating area, looking around. That filly must be in this area somewhere.

Twilight glances at where the moving furniture of Paradise Estate is at then opens the wardrobe, revealing Diamond Tiara hiding inside. The filly yelps and runs off with her pursuers in hot pursuit again.

Apple Bloom rush by the table where the Apple Family is sitting at, but then she realizes something and points to a jar near Granny Smith while saying, "Come out o' there, Diamond Tiara!" The old mare yelps as Diamond Tiara came out of hiding and rush off.

The Crystal Ponies were sitting, doing whatever it is they were doing...but looks oddly at a new one that appeared to come out of hiding...wearing fake crystals and sitting down innocently. Spike rush over and pulls the disguise right off, revealing the 'Crystal Pony' to be Diamond who yelps and run off.

Diamond Tiara tries hiding along the buffalos, hiding amongst them but a suspicious glare and grunt from Chief Thunderhooves blew her cover, making the bullying filly yelps as she ran off again.

Twilight stops by the table where the G.I. Joes Renegades are at, looking around for Diamond Tiara. With a frown, she uses her magic to lift the chair in which the Baroness is sitting in causing the Baroness to fall. The thieving filly was revealed to be hiding under there, gasping before rushing off. The Baroness glares sternly at Twilight who sheepishly put the chair down before going after Diamond Tiara once more.

"Someone stop her!" Ben yells angrily. Diamond Tiara was about to arrive at the doors but she bumps into two ponies that she wish to not meet: Golden Heart and Pinkamena who blocked the doors.

"I had a feeling that you stole the cartoons." Golden Heart snaps sternly to Diamond Tiar.

"You will wish you had not done that." Pinkamena snaps. Diamond Tiara yelps as she saw Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie, Spike and the CMC going up to her with angry looks on their faces.

Diamond Tiara, putting on glasses, protest, "You wouldn't hit a filly with glasses, would you," Scootaloo grabs the glasses and hit Diamond with them, breaking the glasses. The bullying filly groans, "Right, right, you hit a filly 'with glasses', saw what you did there."

"All right, time for you to get punished for stealing our cartoons!" Spike snaps to Diamond Tiara sternly.

"Well, you stupid lizard, no pony would have missed ya. I mean, you're just a errand dragon. Your-" Diamond Tiara was cut off as Spike holds out a fist, and the snotty brat finds herself choking.

Spike, his voice suddenly as deep as James Earl Jones, "I find your lack of respect disturbing."

Apple Bloom whines, "Oh, come on, Spike. Stop doing 'dat spell yer brother taught ya."

Scootaloo agrees while adding, "Yeah, stop being a hog."

"We want a bit of her, Darth." Sweetie Belle said with a nod.

Spike agrees while saying, "Right, but let's do it at the same time before tossing her out."

"Wait, hang on; let's not get hasty..." Diamond Tiara begins to protests as Pinkamena grabs her.

Outside, we can hear pummeling noises before we see Diamond Tiara screaming as she was thrown out of the club, landing near a stoplight where a Pegasus/dragon hybrid named Fireblaze is at with a Black Earth Pony wears sunglasses named Blade. The former remarks, "Let's not do anything, we're only making cameos, just leave the villain."

The two ponies trot off; Blade glares at the groaning Diamond Tiara as he departs.

"Tough luck, Diamond," Silver Spoon said as she came over while smiling to her defeated friend. "But at least they didn't beat you up too bad."

"Oh shut up, Silver Spoon!" Diamond Tiara scowls angrily. "I won't rest until I close that dump now! No matter what! You hear me?!"

"I hear you...which means you won't be sleeping for a long time."


Back inside the club, the Cutie Mark Peas did their dance then took a bow, the audience applauds and smiles. Another great end to the show."

"Okay, Spike, take us out of here!" Twilight exclaims to Spike to make an advertisement like the ponies do at the same of every show.

"Yes, Twilight," Spike exclaims while nodding, "Transportation for the House Pony is courtesy of..."


"Posey's Limo Service; you will have one awesome grand tour in our magically driving flowers!"

We see assorted flower vehicles while Spike continues.

"Rose Drivers...the Luxury Daisies...or the Extravagant Moon Flowers! Posey's! Home by midnight of your next ride is free!"

Spike then spoke in a low voice, "Warning, some flowers could have seeds in them."7


The show was now wrapping up, most of the guests are ready to go home, eager for the next show to see what Twilight and her friends are ready to do next. Rarity waves good bye to 4-Speed in his car while saying, "See you again very soon, 4-Speed!"

4-Speed speeds off in his car. At one table, Spike was giving a bag of food to Trixie Lulamoon while Pinkie exclaims, "Here you go; your dragon baggie, Trixie!"

"Oh, thanks." Trixie said as she takes the bag with her magic, glaring sinisterly to Spike. "See you and Twilight on Season 3 in a few weeks; ha ha ha!"

"Gah," Spike yelps as he rush off, not liking where this is going.

Outside, a carriage that looks like a huge bug. Shining opens a door for Queen Chrysalis who trots up while saying, "Your carriage is ready to fly...and keep your magic where I can see it, Not Cadance!"

"Oh sure, make one incident and they will never forget it." Chrysalis snaps to Shining as she goes into her ride to head on home.

Onstage, Twilight smiles to whoever is left while calling out, "Thanks for visiting the most greatest place in Equestria! Be back next time for our next show! See you later!"

Twilight grins as the show comes to an end, the purple unicorn knew there will be more shows coming very soon...

Episode Two: Big Bad Griffin Bird

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Ever since Twilight's first show, the House of Pony got better. Sure, some acts messed up but at least the Mane Six got by. Of course, there's one act that they would end up regretting putting on the show, the one that's going to come to perform on the House of Pony...


It started as Twilight wait while Spike come down to give the introductions, "All right, fillies and gentlecolts..." We see Cheerilee and Big Macintosh eating food together. "...ponies and dragons..." We see the G3 group with Whimsey Weatherbe smiling in the audience. " she is, Twilight Sparkle!"

The audience applauds as Twilight slides in, sighing in relief. The audience applauds on, Megan was clapping. Pinkie Pie removes a cover of a silver platter to show a Crab Nasty underneath, clapping his claws.

"Phew, thought I wouldn't make it for a moment." Twilight said for a smile. "Sorry about that folks. I ran into a delay on the way over here. Well...let's show a clip to explain!"

The screen shows a car chase with the Royal Guards chasing 4 Speed in his race car down a hallway. A Royal Guard is heard saying, "He's been leading the Royal Guards on a wild ride. The driver is an unidentified resident of Paradise Estate!"

In the backstage, Ben has called over to Spike as the dragon asks, "What's up, Ben?"

"Give this note to Twilight at once. It's very important." Ben said as he gave the note to Spike who takes it.

"No problem. I wonder what it's all about."

Back on stage, the screen shows the Royal Guards catching 4-Speed, the Big Brother Pony was handcuffs as he protest, "Come on; let me go! I'm just going whatever on my way to nowhere at all!"

The audience laughs as the clip come to an end. Twilight smiles while continuing, "All right, ponies and folks of every generation, we got one great line up for you tonight! We got a couple of cartoons and our special musical guests, the Cleveland Bo..."

"Twilight," Spike interrupted, rushing up to Twilight while giving her the note, "Message for you."

"What?" Twilight ask puzzled as she reads the note. The unicorn looks shocked but for some reason kept a smile. "Oh wait, never mind the Cleveland Boys. Our musical guest is...Big Bad Griffin Bird! This is going to be great!"

The audience applauds all excited...


"THIS IS GOING TO BE A MAJOR DISASTER!" Twilight exclaims in frustration, returning to the backstage. The mare can't believe that she cancelled the Cleveland Boys to put on another act that Twilight knows will be a disaster. "Okay, who's the wise mare that booked Gilda?!"

"Rainbow did." Rarity explains as she and Rainbow came, the white unicorn got an autograph book on her back while the Pegasus pony grins a bit. "Yes, I know that Rainbow and Gilda aren't pals but I haven't gotten the griffin's autograph yet. I planned on adding it to my collection of autographs."

Rainbow Dash comment, "Well, Gilda IS an old friend and I AM trying to patch things up with her without hurting my other friends. Besides, she Pinkie Promised to do a better job behaving herself this time and, if she DOES act up, Pinkie will DEFINITELY make her regret it in a major way."

"Ugh, I can understand that." Twilight groans to Rainbow in annoyance. "But don't you even recall what happened we let that bully entertained here?!"


Outside the House of Pony, we can hear a familiar screech as the whole place gets inflated until it explodes. Once all is clear, the Mane Six came out, groaning while Twilight glares in annoyance at Rainbow who chuckles nervously.

End Flashback

"It took 3 days to get the place rebuild and we're lucky that Diamond and Silver weren't around on that day to shut us down!" Twilight complains to Rainbow some more. "I know Gilda Pinkie Promise but I can't take the risk of her being on stage again or in this club!"

"Look, Twilight, I own this club too in case you've forgotten!" Rainbow argues with Twilight. "I get a say as to who to invite as well, egghead!"

"Wait, wait, hold it, pals! Let me decide!" Pinkie exclaims as she separate Twilight and Rainbow to stop the matter from getting crazy. The pink pony pauses then say, "I prefer not to come between you two. That's done, my mind's made up!"

"Well, nice one." Nyx said dryly to Pinkie Pie. The filly then adds, "So are we going to allow Gilda to entertain after all?"

"No!" Twilight snaps as she turns to Rainbow. "Rainbow, you must call Gilda and cancel before..."

Suddenly a knock came at the club's backdoor. Rainbow, smirking, flew over to answer it while saying, "Too late. Gilda's here. Put up with her and..."

With warning, the door was kicked opened, causing it to crush Rainbow into a wall. A familiar stallion came into the room while saying, "Greetings my friends!"

"Time Turner," Twilight exclaims in surprise then sighs in relief. "I thought you were Gilda for a moment."

"Afraid not but I heard that she will be appearing here, I knew you would be needing a scientific way out of this problem. I have been doing therapy on Gilda for a while now."

"Wait, I thought you were some sort of time-travelling doctor, not a therapist." Nyx said to Time Turner in surprise.

"There are a lot of things about me that you don't know about, Nyx." Time Turner said with a smile while chuckling. "Now then, I did therapy on Gilda and reach a breakthrough with her. I found out her problem. I concluded that the reason for her rage and her rampage is trigged by little animals, the ones kept as pets."

"Really," Ben Mare asks Time Turner in surprise. "Huh, and here I thought it was pranks and Pinkie Pie."

"Afraid not, but that's not all. It turns out Gilda has a bad history with Fluttershy which is why she screech at her during her first time here. Also, anything that looks like Fluttershy and her animal friends, like doors, can set her off. The moment the griffin see them...well, let's say that talking won't do you any good!"

We can hear Pinkie slipping screaming while messing up a dish. No one pays it any mind as Time Turner continues on, "Here is my advice. Before Gilda shows, you must make sure that Fluttershy and her animal friends aren't here...and get rid of anything that looks like them!"

"Or Gilda will go on a rampage, right?" Twilight ask Time Turner in concern.

"Right, time to get started."

"My animal friends and I are ready to get to work." Fluttershy said as she appears to Twilight, making the mare yelp a bit.

"Err, Fluttershy? I don't want to be mean but I think you and your animal friends should take the night off!" Twilight insists as she uses her magic to push Fluttershy away.

"I don't understand."

"Look, Gilda is going to be here...and if she sees you and your animal friends, let's say it's better you are not here, trust me!"

"Oh, right, right." Fluttershy said in understanding as she heads off. "I will get my animal friends and go on home. Of course, there is a lot so this may take time."

"Well, do it quick and fast." Time Turner instructs to Fluttershy. The stallion then pulls out the entrance door (since it has one of Fluttershy's animal friends on a poster on it), causing Rainbow, crushed to the wall, to fall door to the floor, "Oh, hey Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow groans a bit. This could be a long night.


Ben was checking things off on a list of what doors that looks like Fluttershy and her friends that need to be gotten rid of. Twilight came up, asking, "Did Gilda show up yet?"

"Nope, so far, so good," Ben answers Twilight while shaking his head.

"Oh, that's good! I will just introduce the first cartoon of the night!"

"Twilight," Dr. Lizardo exclaims as he appears, much to Twilight's annoyance. "I want my song!"

"I told you before, not tonight! Now get out of the backstage area!" Twilight scowls as she uses her magic to push Dr. Lizardo out of the backstage area. That mad scientist lizard has been persisting on performing a song for some time now. Twilight goes back on stage with the spotlight on her. "All right, ponies, time you get to see something you hardly see. Rainbow Dash...being charming!"

The audience applauds as the first cartoon of the night begins.




Rainbow's Charmed Date

Today is a great day in the amusement park on clouds known as Clouds in the Sky. Soarin' has decided to take Rainbow out on a date to this place. For some, it seems like a way to get into the Wonderbolts, for others, romantic. For Rainbow, this seems to be a normal first!

The two Pegasi goes near a game station that has ponies throwing three baseballs; the task is to knock them over to get a prize. As Rainbow arrives at a corner, she saw Soarin' trotting forward and backwards.

"Soarin', what are you doing?" Rainbow asks Soarin' puzzled.

"Hang on, 3 steps forward, 3 steps back, good luck keep me on track." Soarin' explains, much to Rainbow's disbelief.

"Oh come on! Do you exactly believe in luck? That's crazy! Just throw the ball already and win a prize!"

"Hang on..." Soarin' takes a horseshoe out from his saddlebag, "For good luck."

Soarin' then kisses the horseshoe and put it away, then takes out a four-leaf clover, kissing it. The Wonderbolt pulls out some salt before throwing it over his shoulder. The stallion then takes out Angel (that he's borrowing from Fluttershy) and kisses his foot.

"Oh give me a break." Rainbow groans in disbelief. She can't believe one of the coolest Wonderbolts in Equestria relies on good luck.

"Man, Twilight, tell me that you even believe in good luck." Soarin' remarked, twirling Rainbow's mane a bit so that she's crossing her hooves.

"Ugh, Soarin', I said that luck is crazy. I don't believe in any of it. A bunch of horse feathers!"

"Oh, is that you? Maybe I can prove you wrong!"

Soarin' takes the ball from Rainbow and throws it, the ball hit the bottles gently, with only one of them falling. Looks like luck didn't help after all!

"Ha, what did I tell you?" Rainbow laughs to Soarin', making him blink in confusion.

"I don't get it..." Soarin' said puzzled. For a moment, it looks like luck didn't work. That is until the bottle turn around and knocks the others off, making bell sounds.

Soarin' grins as an announcer exclaims, "Yes, sir! We have a winner!"

"All right! Yahoo!"

"What the hay," Rainbow gasps in shock and alarm. No way that Soarin' has knocked those bottles...and claimed it to be good luck, can he?

"All right, take your pick!" The announcer exclaims while holding out some prizes for Soarin'. "The bunny doll, T-Shirt or pie!"

"Hmmm, give me the pie!" Soarin' exclaims eagerly as he got a pie in a pan. The Wonderbolt removes the lid eagerly. "All right, Apple Pie!" Rainbow continues look dumbstruck as Soarin' ate some of the pie. "So, Rainbow Dashie...still don't believe in luck?"

"Oh, I will show you! Anypony can do that!" Rainbow scowls as she pick up a ball. The pony is going to prove that luck isn't needed for this lame game. She throws a curve ball at the now set-up bottles...but it stop shorts and fell. "What the hay?"

Rainbow threw a fast ball at the bottles, knocking them up...and causing them to fall back down as if they were never knocked down. In anger, the mare yells out, "Stupid game!"

Rainbow curves the ball again and throws it. The ball hits the bottles but it bounces off to the winner bell. Rainbow dodges the ball in time and yelps as it hits someone.

"OUCH!" The ball hits Garble the Dragon who is attending the amusement park. He growls angrily at the yelping Rainbow.

"Hoo boy..." Rainbow said nervously.

"What gives; Bad enough you, you pony friends and that traitor dragon humiliate me and my pals that one time but now you decided to hit me when I'm not looking?!"

"Hey, come on, sorry!"

"Oh, you will be!" Garble snarls at Rainbow angrily. Soarin' close his eyes as the furious dragon hits the mare hard, sending her right into the bottles and ironically knocking them all down.

The bell rang as Soarin peeks and smiles. The announcer announces, "We have a winner, folks!"

"I won?" Rainbow asks with a smile as she recovers. Looks like the mare has done it, she doesn't need luck for this game!

The announcer show some...'interesting' prizes as he explains, "Do you want the black cat, ladder hat or a mirror?"

"Hmmm, I'll take the mirror!" Rainbow exclaims as she took the mirror prize while grinning, "Oh yeah..." Of course, the mirror cracks a bit, much to her notice. "Hoo boy..."

Rainbow nevertheless recovers and got out of the stand, flying to Soarin' as she ask, "Hey, Soarin', want this cool mirror that I just won?"

Soarin' glances at the mirror then yelps, "Whoa, are you crazy?! Get that thing away from me! Broken mirrors are a bunch of bad luck!"

"Oh, come on, Soarin'! You're being ridiculous! How can one broken mirror bring bad luck?"

Rainbow steps forward...and a cloud plank hits her, sending the mare flying backwards and landing on a mallet setter. A stallion, who didn't see Rainbow, hits the see-saw with a mallet, sending her flying upward and hitting the bell before she goes up into the air.

A roller coaster was falling as Rainbow fell, the ride follow her. She screams as the ride itself tails the Pegasus, making her fly up and down and doing the loop-de-loops. Eventually, Rainbow flew away from the roller coaster tracks but ends up hitting a sign that has the words 'Cloudland Midway' on it.

Rainbow knocks the paper sign over as she uses its post as stilts, walking on them...but the mare went past a shooting gallery that ends up shooting the stilts down some more. Rainbow sighs, getting out unharmed.

Unfortunately, Rainbow trips and was send flying into the Bumper Cars Ride, getting the pony run over a bit. Pretty soon, the mare was riding one of the cars that goes into a hall of mirrors, breaking every mirror in there.

Rainbow now flies out of the hall of the mirror, crashing right into an electronic fortune teller, groaning in pain and nearly unconscious from...



Suddenly, the story came to a halt, much to the confusion of everyone watching. What in the hay just happened/

"What the...why did the cartoon stopped?" Ben asks in confusion then spoke into his headset. "AJ, what's going up there?"

"Shucks; ain't me! Someone made it stop wit' magic!" Applejack explains from the control booth in concern.

The spotlight is on Twilight who looks embarrassment as she said, "Sorry, folks, the cartoon isn't over yet. The ones who stopped the cartoon are some of my examiners from Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns who are acting like censors for the cartoons!"

Sure enough, at a table are Apple Polish, Bastion Yorsets and Jazz, the ones presented at Twilight's entrance exam into the mentioned school. The princess, worried about some of the cartoons could be too violent for children or foals, has hired them to make sure to keep the problems to a minimum.

"Forgive us, Miss Sparkle but the sequence is too violent." Apple Polish explains to Twilight sternly. "We got foals here after all."

Bastion nods as he asks, "Right, I mean Rainbow sliding around a roller coaster track?"

"Then stumbling around a shooting gallery?"

"And fly dangerously through a bumper of bumper cars?" Jazz remarked with a deep frown of disapproval.

"Then crashing through an entire hall of mirrors," Bastion said with a nod. "To be honest, that doesn't seem right or appropriable. The mare came out unharmed."

"Right, in reality, Rainbow Dash would've have broken ribs, legs, a concussion and lost one eye." Jazz explains, much to Twilight's disbelief.

"Or worst," Jazz remarked with a nod of agreement.

"So hang on, are you suggesting we gotta show Rainbow with broken ribs and legs, a concussion, as well as a loss of eye...or worse?" Twilight ask the trio of censors in disbelief. The mare doesn't have the heart to show Rainbow with those conditions!

Apple Polish shook her head, frowning as she corrects, "No, absolutely not."

"Right, that wouldn't be right or appropriate for children or foals." Bastion said in agreement, assuring Twilight that she won't show Rainbow having those conditions whatsoever.

"But...perhaps if you were to rewind the cartoon and edit it so that Rainbow Dash is wearing protetctive headgear..." Jazz suggests to Twilight, making requests to show the cartoon being less violent.

"Add in some pillows..."

"Give her an inner tube and goggles." Apple Polish adds in her request for the cartoon revision.

"As well as remove those horrible smash and crash sound effects..." Bastion explains waving his hooves around to prove his point to Twilight.

"Right, comical sound effects are the best." Jazz said with a nod.

Of course, as if to give that demand to the censors, an anvil with a rope attached to it fell right onto them with a comedic sound effect being heard. Twilight grins while asking, "How's that; Comical enough for you?"

Pinkie is seen holding some scissors, giggling a bit. Twilight, chuckling, then continued, "Well, just to please our censors and Princess Celestia, we will back up for a few moments and make some changes. Now coming on..."

The audience applauds as the cartoon is starting once more...




A roller coaster was falling as Rainbow fell....but then some head gear, pillows, inner tube and goggles appear on her, making the mare ask in confusion, "What the hay?!"

Once the stuff is on, Rainbow fell with the roller coaster chasing her. We can hear the comedic sound effects as the pony got run over the roller coaster, then she fell onto the ground before grabbing onto the coaster and were send flying out.

Next, Rainbow made a face hole in the sign, sending her flying past the shooting gallery, bumper cars and hall of mirrors before landing safely in an electric fortune teller machine...of course, Rainbow appears to be in near pain for some reason.

Soarin' arrives near Rainbow and doesn't notice the pony in pain as he saw the fortune teller machine, exclaiming, "All right! One of those fortune teller machines," The Wonderbolt put a nickel inside, causing a card to be printed out. Soarin' takes the card and read it. "'Everything is fake, dear stallion, bad or good, there is no luck.'"

Soarin' sighs in relief while saying with a smile, "Well, if that fortune teller said it, the whole thing must be true, right?" Rainbow's eyes widen in shock as she fell right out of the machine. "Well, Rainbow, you were right. There isn't any such thing as good or bad luck at all."

"What," Rainbow gasps in shock as she got up in alarm. After what happened, the mare is believing in all that luck stuff now. "But...didn't you say, but..."

"Awesome, since neither of us believe in bad luck...and despite what happened to ya, Dashie, how about we go on that cool ride?"

Soarin' points to some sort of ride. Rainbow looks as her eyes widen in horror: it appears to be some sort of scary ride...with danger obstacles and stuff that could hurt somepony!

"Gah, no way," Rainbow exclaims in terror as she tries to run off. However Soarin' grabs her by the tail and pulls her along.

"Awww, come on, don't be a scaredy filly. You are braver than that." Soarin' insists as he drags Rainbow, who is dragging the tick booth, into the Haunted House right. As the two goes near two of the ride's carts, Soarin' continues, "After all, if there's no such thing as bad luck, nothing bad will happen to you, right?"

Soarin' puts Rainbow into the second cart at the end before going into the front one. The mare looks around nervously...then grabs her date's good luck charms while saying, "Right, sure, no problem..."

Of course, Rainbow wants to be extra EXTRA sure, she kiss the clever and Angel before grabbing the salt shaker and horse shoe, looking at them both. The pony, confused, kiss the shaker and throws the horseshoe over herself.

Unfortunately, the horseshoe hits the sign and the decoration (which ironically has the number '1313' on it) before hitting the carts' connectors, breaking them apart. Soarin' cart went first, Rainbow looks terrified and duck down as her cart follow closely behind him. Not good!

Soarin', not seeing Rainbow not closely behind him, looks at the huge ladder while saying, "Whoa, that is one huge ladder we're going under." His cart went under it as fake lightning struck. Rainbow was going towards the ladder but it fell onto her, causing the mare to scream in pain.

Soarin' grins at a stuffed black cat, commenting, "Man, I always knew that black cats are harmless and cute too...but you're cute too, Dashie." Rainbow's cart passed by the feline...that suddenly came to life and scratch both the mare and her cart like mad.

Soarin' grabs an umbrella and opens it as his cart passed by a rainy day with floating umbrella. The stallion commented, "Cool!" Rainbow didn't think so as one open umbrella squish the mare, almost choking her like mad.

"Scary!" Soarin' commented as he goes by a graveyard with one rickety track. Rainbow's cart went pass the same track...but it collapses, causing her to fall down screaming as the umbrella opens up, freeing Rainbow from it.

Some fake lightning hit the side of the track, Soarin' pass it while commenting, "That was a close one. Right, Rainbow?" Rainbow's cart passes by the lightning that hits her, shocking Rainbow literally.

Soon Soarin' laughs as his cart returns to the cart. He chuckles while saying, "That was awesome and fun! Best of all, nothing bad happened at all!" Rainbow sure didn't think so as her cart returned, the mare is charred as she crashed into her date's cart. Rainbow sure doesn't want to go through that again!

Suddenly lights came on as Soarin' looks confused. A voice announces, "Congratulations, you are our lucky 1,000,000 rider!"

"What?" The two Pegasi ask in surprise and/or confusion. Either of them are the one million rider? What did they win?

"For your special prize, you get to go on the more time!"

Rainbow looks horrified by the message. She has to go through that insane and dangerous ride again?! Soarin' on the other hoof cheers on, "All right, come on; let's go!"

The carts begin to go again, Rainbow groans as her ride begins once more, "Awww, just my luck..."

Rainbow Dash is going to need some serious treatment after this second ride, that's for sure!




Once the cartoon is over, the audience applauds. Up front, Rarity looks curiously as she ask Rainbow, "Say, Rainbow, I've never gotten around to ask you about your date with Soarin' until now...what happened to that broken mirror you have?"

"Oh, still got it." Rainbow explains as she shows the broken mirror in question. "Not be much, but at least this cool mare considered it to be a good luck charm. I'm still alive, right?"

Needless to say, one light fell onto Rainbow, causing her to go through the floor and make a new hole. Rarity sighs and calls out, "Bushwoolies, we need a rug to cover that new hole!"

The Bushwoolies taking over the animals' jobs until Gilda is gone, arrives with a rug to cover the new hole so that no pony else would fall into it.


Twilight stood on stage at the clue, smiling as she said, "All right, ponies; give it up for the Cutie Mark Peas!"

The audience applauds as they saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders doing their dance, the same one that they do every week that they like.

Pinkie is somewhere, smiling as she appears to be talking with someone, "Good evening, everypony! I'm waiter and this pony will be your Pinkie Pie tonight!" The pony giggles a bit, "Such a little joke of course. You know what I mean!"

Pinkie then begins showing the dishes that the pony brought from the kitchen for tonight's show. She explains, "We got tonight's specials: We got...Bread-Knobs and Fiddlestick, Trix-ey Rose-let, Diamond TIara-Pizza, Pony-Tofu Lamb, Zeb-wich as well as Little Strong-cake!"

"Come on, don't tell me, tell the guests!" Rarity snaps as we see that Pinkie was talking to her.

"Awww; Come on, I am not more random than usual!"

Pinkie bounces away...and lands on the rug, causing him to fall into the same hole from earlier. The pony is heard crashing onto Rainbow who yells in pain.

Rarity rolls her eyes as she call out, "Bushwoolies, another rug!" The Bushwoolies rush over to put another rug over the hole. "And a sign that said 'Don't step on that rug less you wish to fall'."


Backstage, Twilight decides to let Golden Heart and Pinkamena know of Gilda and her bad history.

Golden Heart nods as he said, "Do not need to worry; we will make sure Gilda does not see anything like Fluttershy and her animal friends."

Pinkamena agrees and said, "Yeah Twiley, just do what you do best and we will help your friends with Gilda."

"Good, then get Fluttershy and her animals out of the club. We can't let Gilda see them or else." Twilight instructs the two who nods and head off. The mare turns as the Bushwoolies are putting anything that looks like Fluttershy and her animal friends into a pile, with plans to hide them quickly.

Twilight sighs in relief; that should be all of them. The mare then uses her magic to tie the stuff up with a rope and pull them up. As long as Gilda doesn't look up when she arrived (or doesn't run into Fluttershy and her animals on their way out), everything should be fine.

As Time Turner and Nyx watch on, Twilight tied the rope up and smiles. Ben comments, "That's that!"

"Yeah, Auntie Fluttershy and her animal friends are out of sight and this pile that looks like them are tied up to the ceiling!" Nyx exclaims with a smile. "I think we're fine here."

"Do not forget, just keep Gilda from seeing Fluttershy and the animals when they're leaving or seeing that stuff that looks like them and you should be fine." Time Turner instructs as he heads to the back doors to leave. "I should catch you lat..."

Before Time Turner could finish, the doors blew open, hitting the stallion and sending him out the back and right out the other entrance. Twilight, Ben and Nyx saw someone coming. It's a griffin with golden eyes with a gray light purple around them eyes, a coat of moderate orange amber with darker wings and a white head. She is wearing a white outfit and one of those speaker things. Her name is Gilda.

"Oh yeah, lame-os; Big Bad Griffin Bird is here, ready for action!" Gilda exclaims with a smile, doing a pose as if in a music video.

"Oh hey Gilda," Nyx said to Gilda sheepishly. "How are you tonight?"

"Yeah, yeah; well, luckily for you, I am under Pinkie Promise to behave myself better this time. So where's my dressing room?"

"Let me show you, Gilda!" Rainbow exclaims, getting out of the basement that she ended up in, as she flew over to her former friend, leading the griffin to a room. "I'm telling ya, this is a chance to patch things up after the incident in Ponyville."

"Wait, hang on!" Twilight exclaims, frowning upon seeing where Gilda is being taken to, "That's my dressing room, Rainbow! It..."

"Uh oh," Nyx said with a gulp and a good reason. Twilight's dressing room got a poster of the Mane Six in it...and of course Fluttershy is one of the Mane Six!

Gilda, upon seeing the poster, widen her eyes and twitch furiously. She scowls, "Is that a poster of the Mane Six I see...with that yellow pony that I despise so much in it?!"

"No, no, no!" Twilight exclaims in alarm. She uses her magic to rip the door of her dressing room's hinges and throw it to the crowd to avoid a rampage.

The door lands right near where the Moochick is landing at, the gnome looks surprised and confused while asking, "Door-is? What are you doing here? Huh. And do I even know Door-is for that matter?"

Back in the backstage area, Gilda calms down, grinning while saying, "Eh, probably imagining things; Well, Rainbow, I guess if this night goes well, you will be back on my cool list." Turning to Twilight, the griffin adds, "Oh, thanks for letting me in, Twilight Sparkle!"

Twilight heads into the dressing room, Rainbow smiles while saying, "Cool; So far, so godo."

"Ha! Easy for you to say," Twilight snaps to Rainbow in frustration. "I had to go and cancelled the Cleveland Boys to let your former pal on this show! Do you know how angry those ponies are when a mare cancelled on them?"


We shift to Chain Link, the band leader of the Cleveland Boys, who shrugs while saying, "Eh, show biz. What can you do about it?"


Back at the House of Pony, Nyx comments, "Relax, mommy. Everything will be fine."

"No they won't. I keep telling Rainbow Dash but she never listens! Gilda is a bully, a loose cannon, a nasty griffin even!" Twilight snaps while giving a friend to Rainbow. "I'm telling you, if Gilda destroys the club, she's taking us with it!"

"Twilight, you got something to worry about." Rainbow said to Twilight with a confident smile. "Gilda is my guest and besides, kids and foals love her!"

"So do I, despite what Gilda did before!" Rarity exclaims, signing dreamily as she sat down onto the table while looking at her autograph. "Twilight, darling, any chance she will sign my autograph book?"

"Ugh, NO," Twilight exclaims in annoyance to her friends. She isn't about to take any risks that could bring this club down to the ground!

Gilda peeks her head out, shaking her head while saying, "Twilight, Twiley, I couldn't help but notice you're a little on edge. You got to control your rage so I suggest you see my therapist." The griffin gives a card to the unicorn. "He is definitely good all over, I betcha you've heard of Time Turner by now, right?"

Twilight glances at the card as she growls in frustration.


Rarity is back on the phone, talking and not noticing Drog trying to get her attention, pointing at various clocks and trying to get to his seat right now.

"You know, I'm really excited for Gilda coming into the club! Some ponies say she is a big arrogant bully but I believe she is a genius!" Rarity exclaims to whom she's talking to on the phone, ignoring Drog. "Why, did you remember her first appearance in Ponyville? Or her appearances in JusSonic's fics; Gilda is brilliant and good! I'm planning on asking her to sign my autograph book! Oh, this is the greatest day of my life so far!"

Of course, backstage, the phone is left on as Rarity's voice spoke, "Uh, Ben, Ben Mare, you there? Of course, as I was saying..."

Ben, reading a chair in his chair, remarks dryly, "I already know what's going on, why is she calling me anyway?"


In the crowd area, Spike helps Barbara to her seat, the female dragon smiles while saying, "Thanks for the table, Spikey Wikey."

"No problem!" Spike said to Barbara with a blush. Hey, if things with Rarity don't work out, he got the female dragon to fall back on. Pinkie came by with gems on a plate.

"Here are your gems!" Pinkie exclaims to the dragons happily.

"Hey Twilight; is the next cartoon about me?"

"You got that right, Spike! Time for you to fetch the paper again," Twilight exclaims with a smile. Everypony applauds as the next cartoon begins.



Spike Gets the Paper 2 - Prince Blueblood

It's another day in Ponyville as Twilight and Spike are relaxing in the library. The mare looks at the clock and saw that it's time to get the paper since it should be here by now.

Spike got up from his spot and prepares to head to the door, "I'm going to get the paper, Twilight! You just don't move from that spot!"

Twilight shake her head while insisting, "Really, Spike, I don't have any major experiments demanding my attention this time and I'm fully capable of getting the paper myself."

"I appreciate you trying to keep your Pinkie Promise to treat me with a lot more respect by NOT overworking me, Twi, but, really, I'm heading out anyway, so I can get the paper and bring it to you when I return."

"Well, if you insist, Spike. Just be careful."

Spike chuckles while heading to the door, saying, "Twi, it's getting the paper. It's not like I'm going to be fighting Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra all at once single-handedly."

"Just like *I* once thought the fate of Equestria did not depend on me making friends." Twilight explains to Spike in concern.

"You worry too much, Twi. I'll give you the paper as soon as I'm done with my errands."

Spike heads out of the library and spots a newspaper right in front of the tree house. The dragon smiles and goes over it, preparing to pick the paper up.

"Well, what do you know?" A voice exclaims as some magic grabs the newspaper, pulling it away from Spike.

"What the hay?" Spike ask in alarm as he turns to see a light gray coated unicorn with light brilliant arctic blue eyes, a light amber mane and tail and a compass rose for a cutie mark wearing a white suit. The dragon knew that it's Prince Blueblood, Celestia's arrogant and rude nephew who treated Rarity badly, to Spike's anger, at the Grand Galloping Gala one time.

"A free newspaper; I must confess when I came here on Auntie Celestia's request to get my own newspaper and not ask a servant to get one for me, I was worried about paying a news pony...but lucky me. I found one sitting right here in front of the library of my aunt's faithful student who is ironically a relative of mine."

"Hey, hey! Give that paper back!"

"What is your problem, you useless lizard?"

Spike growls, smoke came out of his nose while snapping, "Look, you better watch it! That newspaper doesn't belong to you, it belongs to us! Now hand it over right now!"

"Give me a reason why I should." Blueblood snaps to Spike with a frown.

"If it weren't for me, you would have been killed by Lorcan. And I'm the assistant/brother of Twilight Sparkle, your aunt's student!"

"No reason, finder keepers! Find your own newspaper!"

With that, Blueblood quickly gallops off. Spike furiously yells out, "Come back here, you snotty thief!" The dragon give chase. Bad enough that the arrogant prince insulted and humiliated Rarity a bit at the Gala, but stealing newspapers is too far!

Blueblood looks back, yelping as he saw Spike chasing him. The unicorn rushes into Ponybille with the baby dragon in hot pursuit. A while in the chase, Blueblood thought he has lost him...but yelps as the unicorn looks back to see the angry Spike still chasing after him.

Thinking Quickly, Blueblood jumps into a car with Spike going in after him, sitting next to the jerk. The unicorn yells out, "To the other side of Ponyville." Then Blueblood jumps out of the cab, finishing, "And step on it!"

The car zooms off; Blueblood smirks as he thought that he himself has lost Spike. That is until the taxi move two inches before stopping. The baby got out while yelling at the prince, "Give it back now!"


Blueblood looks confused, wondering what the cab didn't take Spike to the other end of Ponyville. That is until the unicorn looks up and saw the street names: 'The Other Side of Ponyville St' and 'Step on It BLVD'. Blueblood looks dumbstruck; he didn't realize those were street names before.

"Huh." Blueblood said in concern. He quickly gallops off against and climbs up the ladder of apartment and pulls it up to lose Spike.

Spike went to where the ladder was and looks around in confusion. The dragon looks to see Blueblood laughs cruelly before rushing up to the rooftop. Spike frowns angrily, that jerk isn't getting away that easily!

Spike rush quickly into the apartment to take the stairs to the roof. Blueblood just got onto the roof a while later but yelps as Spike meet him there, yelling, "I want that paper back!"

Blueblood gasps as he rushes over to the roof edge but yelps as he stops before looking down. The other buildings are too far apart to jump to and it's a long way to jump. Plus, the unicorn doesn't know any teleportation spells.

Blueblood yelps as he saw Spike going near him, looks like he has no choice. The unicorn sighs in defeat, "Fine, all right, you win. Hooray for Spike, hooray and double hooray." The arrogant prince uses his magic to wave a 'Spike' flag before handing the paper over. "Here you go, you dumb lizard. Hmph! Newspapers are for peasants anyway!"

"Thank you." Spike said with a smile. Blueblood sighs as he prepares to head off, until Spike stops him. "Hold it right there! We aren't finished just yet, Bluejerk!"

"Ugh! Come on, what more do you want from me?! You should have stayed dead! I wouldn't miss you and nether would-"

"But I would." A familiar voice spoke up, grabbing Blueblood and making the unicorn gasp in horror upon seeing the eyes of an angry familiar dragon. No, not him!

"Bro," Spike ask in surprise as he saw his brother holding Blueblood by his neck, choking him a bit while holding a claw at him.

"I think it's time for you to make up for messing with my brother today...otherwise, you get the business end of my claws!"

Blueblood gulps a bit at Lorcan's claws, not good....


Twilight, reading a book, heard someone coming in, presuming it to be Spike. The mare spoke, "Thanks very much, Spike." She sees who really brought her the paper: a humiliated Prince Blueblood, crawling like a dog. "Wait a minute. What the heck happened?"

Spike is standing nearby, smirking as he explains, "This jerk tried to steal your paper and I gave chase. This punk tried several tricks, but is nowhere near Discord's class when it comes to trickery. Eventually, I won and, well, I got an assistant to help me with my errands before bringing you the paper." Of course, the dragon decides not to mention that his brother Lorcan has a claw in forcing Blueblood to help out or else.

"I have to admit, that WAS a clever punishment."

"I thought so, too."

"Yeah. Yeah. Don't rub it in. You won and I lost. Just shut up about it." Blueblood groans in humiliation. If Celestia finds out about this, she will never let him live this own down.

Spike/Twilight snaps to Blueblood, "YOU shut up."

"Yes, sir and ma'am."




Once the cartoon is over, everyone applauds. All but Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, the former ask her friend in amusement, "Tell me, Silver Spoon, did you ever have any naval experience?"

Silver Spoon shrugs while explaining, "Well I once saved a rat from drowning."

"Really; how?"

"I gave him mouse-to-mouse resuscitation."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon laughs cruelly, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Nyx frowns, a bit annoyed by the two brats heckling after a good cartoon. Then the alicorn filly smirks while saying to Apple Bloom, "Hey, Apple Bloom...what do you call a spoiled brat with half a brain?"

Apple Bloom laughed, "Ha ha ha; beats me, Nyxie. What?"

"What is it?" Sweetie asks Nyx curiously.

Scootaloo insists to Nyx, "Tell us. Tell us."

Nyx jokes the punch line, "Gifted!"

"Gifted?" Silver Spoon asks in surprise then laughs, "Ha ha ha ha ha. That's a good one; Ha ha ha ha-."

Diamond Tiara scowls angrily to her best friend while hitting her, "Silver Spoon!"


"She was talking about us!"

Silver Spoon frowns angrily as she turns to Nightmare Nyx, scowling, "Ooh, you are in so much trouble for mocking us, Nightmare Moon!" Of course, the filly is acting like that out of worry of annoying her best friend (she did find the joke funny after all).

Nyx smiles while calling out, "Oh, Daddy," Sure enough, Ben teleports near his daughter, glaring at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, making them both nervous.

"Uh...ha ha ha; Toodles," Diamond Tiara said nervously while she and Silver Spoon rush out of the club.

Twilight sighs as she prepares to go onto the stage. That is one problem down, but now the other one: Gilda and her act may not end well.


On stage, Twilight smiles while calling out, "All right, ponies, my very special guest, you all know her...Big Bad Griffin Bird!"

In the audience, Nyx's sister Selena held up a hoof nervously while saying, "Check please!"

Gilda came onto the stage, scatting a bit then begins to sing her song.

Gilda: Who's afraid of the Big Bad Griffin Bird?
The Big Bad Griffin Bird, the Big Bad Griffin Bird?
Who's afraid of the Big Bad Griffin Bird?
Certainly not I!

Griffin then takes out a guitar case and opens it, releasing her cousins Bucky, Storm and Morton; the three griffins are wearing cool suits while playing instruments. Gilda dance on stage while playing the trumpet.

Who's afraid of the Big Bad Griffin Bird?
I ain't afraid of no Big Bad Griffin Bird?

Gilda grins while pointing to her cousins who play the instruments.

Slap dat bass, beat dat drum!

Gilda, Bucky, Storm and Morton: Ready or not, folks, here we come!

As Gilda plays the trumpet some more, Boris watch on as Trixie Lulamoon, Lyra Heartstrings and Derpy Hooves are singing along while enjoying the music.

Fillies: She's huffin', she's puffin'
Big Bad Griffin Bird gonna blow you away!
She's huffin', and bluffin',
Big Bad Griffin Bird is gonna play!

As Bucky beats on the drums, Gilda blews on her trumpet loudly, causing enough wind power that blew Phobos off his table, enough to send Wind Whistler into the sky in surprise as well as loud enough to send even the Autobots upward into the sky.

Gilda: Who's afraid?

Bucky, Storm and Morton: We're not afraid!

Gilda: Are you afraid?

Fillies: No, no, no, no!

Gilda: I'm big and mean!

Bucky, Storm and Morton: That's what we've seen!

Audience: We ain't afraid of no Big Bad Griffin Bird!

Gilda made one huge screech and looks like she's about to go crazy; Twilight watch in the backstage area, getting worried for the worst.

Girls: She's huffin', she's puffin'
Big Bad Griffin Bird gonna blow you away!
She's huffin', and bluffin',
Big Bad Griffin Bird is gonna play!

Gilda, taking a deep breath, put the trumpet to her lips and chuckles before letting out a huge trumpet noise. That's enough wind power to blow away Little Strongheart's table, then we see Snowcrystal getting send flying away along with an alarmed Angel, with Megan following soon after.

Surprise is trying to drink her tea, only for her cup to break from the loud trumpet's noise. Lorcan yelps as his glass container that held a special floor got broken as well.

She's huffin', she's puffin'
Big Bad Griffin Bird gonna blow you away!

Twilight can only watch in horror as she saw Gilda using her trumpet sound to break the glass of Anubus's mirror at the entrance along with some glass shoes that Heart Throb is wearing.

She's huffin', and bluffin',
Big Bad Griffin Bird gonna play!

Gilda now dances a bit as her cousins kept playing their instruments.

Listen out for her siren call!

Gilda: You won't look out when I blow my horn!

Girls: Big Bad Griffin Bird is here to play!

Gilda did some poses as the song is about to be finish up.

Big Bad Griffin Bird gonna blow you away!

Gilda soon blow her horn, blowing all over as the girls held the last note. Outside, Shining yelps in alarm as the doors blew open, the last note's loud noise send Little Strongheart, Snowcrystal, Angel and Megan right out the door.

Back inside, Gilda gave a smirk while saying, "Dude, I love bringing down the house, no matter what I do! Ha!"

The whole seating area looks a huge mess as the guests look shocked...but then they applaud. The guests love what Gilda's work and how she put into it. It really did bring down the house!

Twilight sighs in relief as Rainbow came up while saying, "Remember, Twiley, she's my guest and my old pal!"

"Right, I know." Twilight said with a sigh. Well, Rainbow did something right without nothing blowing up in their faces. Gilda didn't go on a rampage this time. The unicorn shook her head and smile while going back onstage. "Cool! That Big Bad Griffin Gird is really cool! And what a coincidence! So is this next cartoon!"

The audience applauds as the next cartoon begins.




How to Be Groovy, Cool and Fly

As our cartoon begins, we see Pinkie bouncing in a bit of a trippy background, humming to herself. Just then the narrator is heard, "Folks face it. Is this what you call the modern pony of today?"

"Huh?" Pinkie asks confused as she turns to the camera. "Is that you, Mr. How to Do Stuff Narrator?"

"Yes, it's me and I'm talking about you. The pony with no shoes, pants, one ugly man, looking like her mom has dressed her up!"

"Hey, that's no reason to be mean!" Pinkie snaps to the narrator in frustration. "I dressed myself, thank you very much!"

"So I can see...NO! The modern pony cannot afford to look like something from the past!"

Without warning, some hands remove Pinkie's coat and mane, making her yelp as she appears to be hairless, "Hey! Come on! That's mean!"

"Oops, didn't know that it wasn't a coat. Still, the modern pony must have style, he or she got to be...GROOVY...COOL...and FLY!"

"Oh, I see where this is going." Pinkie said with a nod. "Just give me my coat and mane back and I can give Gravy, Cold and Lie a try anyway, Mr. Silly Narrator."

"Don't call me that and I said 'groovy, cool and fly'. Okay, Miss Pie, to understand the styles of today, one must understand the origins. Let's go back to where the words 'groovy, cool and fly' first the SENSATIONAL SIXTIES!"


Now we see Pinkie trotting in a trippy Neighiian background, back in her usual coat and mane.

"First off, Pinkie, early in that decade, the dominant style came from overseas in the form of the British infusion...or whatever you ponies in Equestria have got."

We see a British flag flying past. Pinkie is now dressed like Ringo Starr, she smiles while looking at herself with some drums appearing next to her.

"It's a time of European suits and snappy rock music. Yes, it's kinda awkward for a female to be in men's clothes but bare with me, it works."

Pinkie grins as she takes out some drumsticks, using them to play the drums.

"Yes, it was an energetic style and a lot of ponies loved it...even the stallions!"

Pinkie stops playing and yelps as a bunch of stallions rush up and rip her clothes apart, taking them as a remembrance. Pinkie is once again in her normal wear, holding a drum that had the word 'Help' on it.

"Wow, and here I thought it would be mares." Pinkie said with a squeak.

"Not in this story, Miss Pie. Going down the early 60s, another British trend is born: the swinging carnaby street look! It was a time when ponies' clothes are more colorful, baroque and more everything than you can shake a stick at!"

We see Pinkie in an Austn Powers outfit, dancing while saying, "Yeah, foaly, yeah! I wonder why Jus has Spike in the role as Austin Powers for his future fanmakes."

"The mid-60s end up being exhausting, making way for a mellower bet...the hippie moment."

We see Pinkie wearing a hippie costume, grinning happily.

"That is a time of love, flower power along with some groovy bell bottoms."

Pinkie turns around as she put her upper forelegs around herself, doing kissy sounds. The pink pony held up a sunflower with a light bulb on it...holding up one leg and shake it, causing it to sound like a cowbell, joking, "Bell bottoms; See?"

"Even the stallions love this Earthy look."

Pinkie saw what appears to be a blonde stallion wearing hippie clothes going near her. The Earth pony said happily, "Hey there, Mr. Happy!"

The stallion's mane is covering the face as she recovers...wait, 'she'? Turns out the 'stallion' is a 'mare' who snaps in annoyance, "Hey sister, watch it!" Pinkie looks confused, how did she get that wrong?


"The rebellious 60s gave way to...THE HAPPENING SEVENTIES!"

Pinkie is now wearing a hip outfit from the 70s.

"Here was a time when hip was a state of mind! It involves gold, polyester and a lot of pony hair which is important to that smooth bicentennial look."

Pinkie shows off her blink, her pants and removes her own shirt showing a lot of pony hair. The Earth pony now enters a disco scene saying, "I'm one wild and crazy pony!"

"Eventually, the popular entertainment took over things as the fashion statement, especially the sci-fi style with its alien garb and the shocking mane styles."

Now we see Pinkie dressed like Leia, blinking a bit while saying, "Wow, I have a bad feeling about this. I wanted the Padme look!" A lightsaber appears in her hoof.

"Wrong era, Pinkie; Anyway, the accessories were to die for at times."

"Shiny and neat," Pinkie giggles as she activates the lightsaber and swings it around, only for the green screen effect to be ripped out before falling down. One light fell onto the pony, causing her to breath in the thing like Darth Vader.

"But those 70s had an interesting look that was bigger than outer space. They called it...DISCO!"

The scene now shows Pinkie in a disco outfit.

"The stylish threads are so tight; they look like someone painted them on!"

Without warning, Pinkie's pants begin to expand, much to her surprise. The pony yelps in a squeaky voice, "Oh yeah, you're telling me!"

"Plus, the higher your platform shoes, the hipper you were!"

Soon, the platform shoes that Pinkie's wearing brought her up to the ceiling.

"But looking good isn't enough, oh no! You also have to move good! You had to show those stallions that you were one dancer; that you could do the hustle, the locomotion, even the disco...Pegasi?"

Pinkie dance the mentioned dance moves then we see Rainbow, in a disco outfit, dancing on stage, remarking, "Hey, I'm in the Donald Duck role. Nothing say about me being a duck!" Pinkie shrugs as she kept on dancing.

"Yeah, even the stallions loved the dancer!"

Of course, Pinkie heard familiar scream and scream as the fan stallions came up and rip her clothes again, leaving the pony in her usual wear. Crazy, ain't it?


"Very soon the 70s moved into the night to make way for...the TOTALLY AWESOME EIGHTIES!!!"

Pinkie is now in simple clothing which consists of a white undershirt with a tear in it, blue shocks and one sock.

"Here, the popular trends poke the rebellion of youth, which is a time of leather, guitar and heavy face-makeup..."

We now see Pinkie dressed up a 80s rocker, blue Mohawk and all.

"It was that time which one can say 'Don't mess with me, pal! I'm a hot rocker, yo!"

Pinkie grins as she plays the rock guitar in her hooves somehow, jamming to the tunes. Everything suddenly exploded, leaving the pink pony there, speechless yet amazed.

"But even then, the days of music fashion were soon replaced by a shriek, more prosperous look: the styling Neighmi night club scene!"

Now Pinkie is seen wearing a pink styling' suit.

"Which is complete with the yuppie pony-tail."

Now we see a pony-tail added on Pinkie who neighs like a pony. Well, why not? She is a pony, right?

"Even here, the clothes aren't enough. The trend setter also needed one awesome set of wheels!"

Pinkie finds herself in a SUV, smiling while exclaiming, "Righteous!"

"Yeah, the colts even though look was...totally rad!"

Pinkie gasps in horror once more, the fan stallions came back, dismantling the car and ripping her clothes off. Soon the pink pony is left in her usual wear, with the car having no wheels and engine.


"The 80s gave way to the Information Super well as the TECHNOLOGY OF THE NINETIES!"

Pinkie grins as she is now in a 90s outfit, carrying a computer keyboard somehow.

"This was pedaled by the emergency of the grungy hackers of Generation X-Bronies!"

Pinkie fails to see a skateboard that appears, causing her to slip and fell. As she got up, the pony saw a young colt trotting by, causing her to ask, "Hey, paly, what is your e-mail address?"

The stallion roll his eyes and snaps, "Talk to the hoof, filly! There's no URL on this server!"

"Huh? I don't get it."

"Eh, best not to worry about it. Now then, another popular trend was the explosion of the inner city style; Pinkie Pie, meet rap!"

Pinkie grins as she finds herself in a rapper's outfit, showing off her golden teeth as well as golden medal. Though due to how heavy that the thing is, Pinkie ends up leaning a little.

"In this hip-hop world, filly, one must remember to be phat."

"Wait, 'fat'," Pinkie asks, confused while misunderstanding what the narrator just said. "Err, it's the pants right? Oh, Rarity is going to have a field day with that!"

"You got to be fly."

"Why? Is my fly open?" Pinkie gasps in alarm as she looks at her pants in alarm.

"You must learn to relax, homie!"

"Hey, who are you calling 'homely'?!" Pinkie demands to the narrator in annoyance, once again misunderstanding him. This is one pony whose doesn't get the whole thing apparently.

"You wanna get down with your bad self!"

Pinkie looks confused but shrugs as she dances like a rapper. The pony threw the medal aside but it flew along with her, getting her knocked out. Pinkie crawl back, kissing her hooves and look dazed. She raise them up while groaning, "Peace, I'm so out."

Pinkie then faints to the floor.


"Well then, as we say goodbye to the 90s, we face the new MILLENNIUM!, AKA the bright and new tomorrow that is the TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY!!"

We see a familiar background from earlier. Pinkie is humming while bouncing...and not wearing any new clothes but is still her old pink, goofy old self.

"Who knows what new groundbreaking trends await in...aww, Pinkie Pie! Didn't you learn anything from what you've experienced?"

"Awww, horsefeathers," Pinkie scoffs to the narrator. "I don't wanna try new stuff on anymore, I'm just happy being my pink bouncing happy self! Besides, if I want to try new stuff, I will pose for Rarity!"

"I have told you, look at you, you're struck in the style of the past! No pony in their right mind would look like you and..."

Suddenly, Twilight came by...wearing a costume that looks like Pinkie. The unicorn smiled while saying, "Hey Pinkie Pie; Rarity came up with some designs that is based on what you look like!"

"Hey Pinkie," Rainbow exclaims as she flies by wearing the same outfit. "Nice Mane!"

"Thanks, Dashie!" Pinkie exclaims with a happy smile. "You were saying, Mr. Skeptic Narrator?"

"Huh, what do you know?"

Just then, Brian came in while wearing the same outfit. The stallion grins to the pink pony while saying, "Say, Pinkie! You're pretty fly for a Pinkie Pie!"

Pinkie grins as her colt-friend trots off, she turn sot the camera, dancing while asking, "I repeat, you were saying, Mr. Proven Wrong Narrator?"

"Well, I guess this only proves that in a world of popular culture, what old can be new."

Without warning, the fan stallions, wearing the Pinkie costumes, cheers as they tear at Pinkie Pie herself, leaving her without any fur or a coat. The pony looks a bit sheepishly as she looks like she herself was shaved once more.

"Congratulations, Pinkie Pie. You are now in perfect style."

Pinkie gave a sheepish smile as the cartoon ends.

The End

A JusSonic Production


Once the cartoon is over, the audience applauds eagerly.


Diamond Tiara looks annoyed as she walks the streets of Ponyville, snapping, "I can't believe it! Not only did we get humiliated by Nightmare Moon, but we got scared off by her freak daddy."

Silver Spoon shrugs while saying, "Well, look on the bright side, Diamond. There's always tomorrow."

"Why that's the stupidest-!" Diamond Tiara pauses to think then nods a bit. "'re right, Silver Spoon."

"I am?"

"Yeah, you said so yourself. There's always tomorrow."

Silver Spoon in concern asks the filly, "But Diamond, what if they've hired a new bouncer?"

Diamond Tiara scoffs skeptically, "Like that'll ever happen." After all, she and Silver Spoon are the landlords, who will the club get to keep them out?


"Thank ye fer hirin' me, Twilight lassie." Rainbow's cousin Brave Heart said to Ben and Twilight eagerly. "I feel honored to be a bouncer here at House of Pony."

"You'll be great as a bouncer, Brave Heart. After all, you are one of the greatest warriors that Equestria has ever seen." Ben compliments Brave Heart with a grin.

"Besides, the word 'brave' is part of your name, Brave Heart. I'm sure you'll do splendidly." Twilight assures Brave Heart with a smile. With the Snotty Duo still planning on closing the club down and in case of any problems from Gilda, the staff needs all the help that they can get.

Brave Heart smiles while saying, "Thank ye again, Twilight...and Ben. I will not let ye down."

"Knock 'em dead, Brave Heart!" Rainbow exclaims as the staff goes back into the hotel to end the show, leaving Brave Heart to his new job.

"I'll do me best, Rainbow."


The Cutie Mark Crusaders did a little dance as the folks applaud; the end of the show is getting near.

Brave Heart, who heard that Neros Urameshi want to know him, came up to the author, asking, " want to know about me, eh, Neros, lad?"

"Mmm-hmm." Neros said with a nod.

" Nyx, I too, am unusual for an Alicorn...because unlike most Alicorns, I am a male; a rare occurrence that only happens once every generation or two. Because of me condition and Scottish accent, I was always made fun of; which really made me extremely short-tempered. As an Alicorn, I was expected to achieve great power and glory...which I slaying demons, monsters and dragons. But that was before I met Spike and Nyx...and when I got to know them, I realizes that not all demons and dragons are completely evil. It depends on who they were raised by and how they were raised."

"Not bad for a griffin." Roclan comments on Gilda's performance to the other villains.

Dr. Lizardo scoffs a bit while looking upset, "Easy for you to say! I didn't even get a song!"

Spike was walking by, getting fed up by Dr. Lizardo's annoyed whining by now. The baby dragon groans, "Argh! Alright, I'll ask Twilight if you, me and Sweetie can sing soon!"

Dr. Lizardo punches the air while cheering, "Yes!"

"But not in the next show, we got another special band performing."

Dr. Lizardo fell to the floor in frustration as Spike heads off; Hoo boy.

Backstage, Twilight was congratulation Gilda on her performance saying, "Good performance, tonight, Gilda. You aren't so bad after all since your first trip to Ponyville."

Gilda chuckles while saying, "You are too kind, for a pony."

Spike comment, "Though not as good as the Cleveland Boys would have done. I always thought that particular running gag in the actual series was unfair."

Time Turner and Nyx came up as Twilight comment to the stallion, "Just out of curiosity, Turner, what WAS Gilda's issues with Fluttershy in the first place?"

Time Turner answer, "Simply put, she hated Fluttershy because, back in flight school, Rainbow Dash often divided up her time between the two of them and Gilda thought Fluttershy got more of Rainbow's attention than she deserved."

Gilda saw her cousins trying to sneak up, making her screech in annoyance, "Hey, you three lame-o cousins of mine! Going somewhere? I think not! Get back into that case!"

Bucky, Storm and Morton looks nervously as they head back to the guitar case. Twilight exclaims to Gilda with a frown, "Hey, Gilda! You can't treat your cousins like dirt!"

"Right, I thought you made a Pinkie Promise to behave yourself this time!" Nyx exclaims in agreement.

"I Pinky Promised to behave to you ponies, my cousins are another story! Anyway, I can teach my cousins like dirt, it's in their contract." Gilda explains as she takes out a contract for Twilight to look over. "It's something I like I called 'Play or Pay'."

"Right, it's a part of our contract. As long as we 'play', we don't 'pay'." Bucky explains to Twilight and Nyx with a frown.

"Pay; Pay what?" Nyx ask Gilda puzzled. The griffin smirks as she crack her claw like they were knuckles. "On second thought, never mind."

"Right, into the case, cousins," Storm said as he, Bucky and Morton hops into the case, the last cousin closes the case. Unfortunately, that causes it to hit the ropes that held the stuff that shows Fluttershy and her animal friends in place near the ceiling.

Twilight screams as the stuff begin to fell. Rainbow came in, humming to rub her victory into the unicorn's face...when the stuff fell right onto her like a shape. Gilda saw the stuff with her former friend looking out in something shaped like a window.

"" Gilda demands, Rainbow's eyes widened as the griffin starts to twitch. Not good! "Is that..."

"Gilda, relax!" Time Turner exclaims as he blocks the 'house' from Gilda's view. "Remember our therapies, calm down; nothing to worry about!"

Suddenly a flash appears making the group yelps in surprise. Golden Heart and Pinkamena has teleported in with the alicorn's magic...and unfortunately, Fluttershy and her animal friends are with them!

"Darn, this ain't outside!" Pinkamena exclaims with a frown. She notices Gilda twitching upon seeing Fluttershy and the animals, "Uh oh."

"," Fluttershy said in worry as Gilda begins to growl angrily.

"You...YOU," Gilda screech furiously at Fluttershy and the animals. Twilight and Nyx backs away in worry. Rainbow screams as she roll up the window, though knowing that won't help her, "YOU!!!!"

Gilda begins screech as she rose up, Rarity just watch on in excitement. Golden Heart yelps at what's about to happen, "This can't be good."

Pinkamena adds, "And we worked so hard. EVERYPONY, BRACE YOURSELF."

With that Golden heart casts a shield to each pony but Gilda and readies for the worse. The griffin roars, "THAT'S IT! YOU LAME-OS AND YOUR PLACE ARE GETTING BLOWN IN!!!"

Outside, like before, we can hear a familiar screech as the whole place gets inflated until it explodes. The whole place is a big mess as Gilda is on the ground, looking dazed and nearly unconscious.

Rarity comes up to Gilda with her autograph book, smiling while saying, "That was amazing, darling; All right if you could sign my autograph book now?"

One of the Bushwoolies came up to Twilight with a broom, the purple unicorn recovers and take the broom, turning the folks outside (who are saved thanks to Golden Heart's shield). Twilight comment, "Well, again, at least we were lucky that the show was already over before Diamond could shut us down. Sorry that the show blow up for the second but things should be back to normal by the next show, depending on the repairs."

Pinkie Pie comment, "Well, now that this chapter is over, we're taking a little break from this series so Jus can focus on his Hearth's Warming stories (AND to give Orange-Ratchet more time to finish his fanmake of 'the Three Caballeros' episode)."

Nyx adds happily, "Of course, he probably would start the next episode anyway but still."

The audience applauds as they begin to leave. Rainbow came out with a daze, Twilight smirks while reminding her friend, "Rainbow Dash, you mentioned that Gilda was your guest, yes?"

"Yeah," Rainbow ask with a groan but yelps as her friend toss the broom to her.

"Then perhaps you can do us a favor and clean up Gilda's mess, she is your old friend too after all."

"Aww, horse feathers."

This isn't definitely NOT Rainbow Dash's night.

Episode Three: Awesome on Delivery

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It was a while since the incident with Gilda and the House of Pony took three days, another, to get back set up again. Luckily, the Snotty Duo didn't show up during those times so Diamond Tiara didn't get her chance to close down the club.

Because it was thanks to Rainbow that Gilda came to the club, she was punished by not knowing who will guest star in the next few shows, much to the mare's annoyance. Of course, soon Rainbow found out that this week's show will involve her, making her wonder: what could it be?


Twilight smiles as Spike gave the introduction for her, "And now, ponies, put your hooves, claws, hands or whatever you got for the mare that made purple a fashion statement...TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"

The audience cheers as Twilight came onto the stage. She exclaims, "Thanks, folks, thank you! What a crowd we got here tonight! Say, it looks like we got a stallion of very little brain in the audience tonight!" Everypony laughs as Tough Apple smiles while waving. "Awww, I was kidding, Tough Apple. We love ya! Give that stallion some Caramel Apple, on the house!"


"Tough Apple; Toughie," Pinkie ask puzzled as she held a plate of caramel apples while on the rooftop. "Where is that silly pony?"


"Okay, for those who don't know, the musical guest stars today are AOD AKA Awesome on Delivery, a band that was made during the Battle of the Bands in a somewhat fanmake of the third Strong Bad game." Twilight said as she points to the screen, it shows a familiar cowpony and a goofy cross-eyed pony. "They of course consist of our very own Applejack, the lovable weird eyed Pegasus pony Derpy Hooves..."

We see a third picture that is silhouetted as Twilight continues, "But can any of you folks guess who the third member is, the mare who started the band and the contest in the first place?"

Rainbow was watching this as she exclaims eagerly, "I know, it's me!" True, the mare started the band to get into the contest to win the bits so that Twilight can fix her Game Machine, but afterwards the band got popular to making songs, winning contracts, etc.

"We hit the streets to see if anypony else knew."

Ben, backstage, spoke into his headset, "Hit it, AJ!"

In the booth, Applejack smiles as she took out a punching globe and hits the projector hard, causing the screen to start up.


We see Twilight interesting the Changelings as she asks, "All right, the AOD members are Applejack, Derpy Hooves and..."

Ed and Fred looks confused and begin to think. The former spoke, "It's Derpy for sure!"

"Boris?" Fred ask stupidly and confused.

Seto snaps to Fred in annoyance, "No, you idiot! He's a stallion/Red Devil!"

We see a jump cut as Pinkie Pie was being interviewed by Twilight. The pink pony does her best to think as she spoke, "The third AOD member...okay, I am pretty sure that there's six of them...wait, are we talking the band or the Mane Six??"

In the next jump cut, Twilight is interviewing Buttons and her daughter Baby Buttons, asking, "Do you know who the third member of AOD is?"

"Oh, oh! I know, I know, I know!" Baby Buttons squeals as she jumps up and down eagerly.

In another jump cut, Twilight was talking to Pinkie who is still thinking. She said, "Let's see...Applejack, Derpy Hooves...oh, wait; I know! It's Sweetie Belle!"

"Uh, no, Pinkie Pie; this is a different set of trio." Twilight remarks to Pinkie dryly.

In another jump set, Rainbow is interviewing Lyra Heartstrings and Bon-Bon, the former laughs, "The third member of AOD, that's no brain stumper! It's Cheerilee!"

"Err I think you are thinking of something else, Lyra." Bon-Bon said to Lyra in concern. "She's preferring to the band who premiered in that Battle of the Bands thing. I believe its Rainbow Dash."

"Bon-Bon, give me points for originality as well as me acting like a human!"

"I still say it's Rainbow Dash."

In another jump cut, Twilight shakes her head in annoyance as Pinkie was still thinking. The unicorn said, "Pinkie, I will give you a hint. She has a rainbow mane and a rainbow cutie mark on her flank."

"Rainbow mane and cutie mark..." Pinkie said with a pause. "Err...hey! I know! It's Twilight Sparkle!"

"Pinkie! I'm Twilight Sparkle!"

"Hey, you don't got a rainbow mane and a rainbow cutie mark on your flank, you silly filly!"


Once the shots are done, Twilight laughs in amusement while saying, "Wow! Out of those folks I've interviewed, only a few even guessed that the third AOD member is another one of our own: our fast daredevil Rainbow Dash!"

Now the spotlight shines on a familiar mare hitting her head against the wall in anger. She can't believe that not many folks or ponies remembered her as the third AOD member! Rainbow saw the spotlight on her as the applause begins.

Rainbow smiles and waves to the crowd as Rarity came up, smiling as she said, "Goodness Rainbow Darling! Why didn't you tell me that you were a third member of the DOA?"

Rainbow's eye twitches as she snaps, "Rarity! You were there at the Battle of the Bands thing that we did! You and your band performed while we were making the thing! I sabotaged your attempts; how could you not remember?!"

"No offense, Rainbow Dash, but I prefer not to remember the negative but the positive, thank you very much."

As Rarity trots, Rainbow stares angrily as Twilight announce onstage, "All right, and now for the Cutie Mark Peas!"

The band does their dance that they do every week as Scootaloo whispers, "We got to make a note to be more original."

"Gotcha," Sweetie whispers in agreement.

Rainbow looks annoyed and unappreciated; she still can't believe that barely any pony remembers her as the third member! The mare said, "Oh, I will show them all. I'm the star of the Awesome on Delivery!"


The Snotty Duo arrives, ready for another night at the club (as well as Diamond Tiara's next attempt to shut the place down). But a new bouncer got in their way.

"Excuse us, Brave Heart, but we must enter this house." Diamond Tiara said to Brave Heart arrogantly.

"Yeah," Silver Spoon said in agreement.

Brave Heart of course won't let these two push him around; the alicorn knows what to do with these two brats. He check the list while asking, "Are ye lassies on the list?"

Diamond Tiara, laughing, taunts, "Lassies? What kind of word is that?"

"Yeah and your accent is funny!" Silver Spoon laughs some more. Brave Heart growls and snorts at the filly brats, causing them to stop laughing.

"Makin' fun of me accent, are ye?" Brave Heart demands more than he asked. "Well, then...I'm going to ask again; are ye girls on the list?"

Diamond Tiara scoffs, "Of course we are. We're Diamond Tiara..."

"And Silver Spoon," Silver Spoon said in agreement.

Brave Heart checks the list, yep they are on it but the alicorn decides to get payback for them mocking him. He pretends to look while saying, "Hmm...Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon...Nope! Not on the list."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ask in shock and alarm, "What?"

"Not on the list?!" Silver Spoon demands to Brave Heart, unaware that the alicorn is messing with them to get back at the two for mocking his accent.

"That's impossible!" Diamond Tiara protests in agreement.

Brave Heart smirks a devilishly secret smile as he said, "I'm sorry, but ye fillies are just not on the list. So...please leave, now...while I still allow it."

"You can't do this to us, my daddy will-."

Silver Spoon interrupts Diamond Tiara while saying, "Save it, Diamond Tiara. Save it. Brave Heart's a great warrior, so your dad has no chance against him."

Brave Heart laughed, "Ha ha ha ha ha; Smart filly."

Diamond Tiara growls angrily to Brave Heart, "Grr. This is not over yet, Brave Heart; you can't keep us out forever."

"Leave; Leave the House of Pony now...before I change me mind. Now go. Git!"


The Snotty Duo leaves but Brave Heart knows that they will be back again. At least the alicorn will be prepared for when they do.


"Get back here, you little hopping freak!" Swiper yells as he chases after Angel, the fox is trying to eat the little bunny. Unfortunately, the fox yelps as a familiar Pegasus pony got in his way, giving him the Stare.

"No, Swiper. Leave Angel alone," Fluttershy snaps at Swiper, making him nervous as he backs away.

Rarity goes over to a table where Firefly, Gen 1 Twilight and Lickety-Spilt are at, Rarity spoke up, "You ponies here for the MIA show? If you don't know, I am friends with the third A. You know it's Rainbow Dash, right?"

"Of course I know, she's my descendant," Firefly exclaims to Rarity with a grin. "Uh, does she has a cousin by any chance?"

"Yes, but Brave Heart's taken."

Some singing is heard as Spike notices that someone is on stage singing. The baby dragon asks, "What's Lizardo doing on stage?"

Dr. Lizardo: There's a fire going on, but the party's just begun,
So keep your focus looking at me tonight.
So the world's about to end, gonna party with my friends,
And ain't nobody gonna say it's not right

Twilight in annoyance teleports near Dr. Lizardo while demanding, "Get off!"

"I will have my song duet with Spike one day, ponies. You cannot deny what is rightly-" Dr. Lizardo was cut off as Twilight blasts him right off the stage, much to the amusement of the audience.

"Buck off! Ugh, why is he even wanting to sing?"

Pinkie explains, "Simple, because the authors are using this as a running gag until you give in and put it in a future chapter of this story." The pink pony of course is risking breaking the fourth wall.

"Errr, sorry about that, folks; Anyway, here's a cartoon starring the favorite third member of AOD, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight exclaims. The audience applauds as the next cartoon starts.




Rainbow's Fish Fry

It is a fall in Ponystone Park as the animals are almost done getting food for the gather, preparing for the hibernation. Long Hoof, the head of the park who is half robotic, was looking through the checklist while calling out, "All right, bears, front and center!"

Harry the Bear, a huge bear, arrives, followed by the other bears who somehow push him to the back of the line. Long Hoof grins at the line of bears, trotting along until he came up to Harry himself.

"As usual, last in line, Harry." Long Hoof said in disapproval while writing on his checklist. Harry growls in protest. "No excuses, Harry!" Turning to the other bears, the stallion continues, "All right bear, once I give the whistle, that will be your permission to start fishing!"

The bears nod as Harry sneaks off, positioning himself. This is one bear who wants to get to the lake first and get some fish before the others too. Long Hoof's robotic hoof make a whistle come out before he took a deep breath and blows into it.

Harry prepares to run off but the other bears stampeded onto him, knocking the bear down dizzy. Long Hoof frowns in disapproval as he remark, "You are lying down on the job again, Harry. Honestly." The bear growls as he got up and get ready to go until the stallion stops him. "Harry, your winter hibernation begins tomorrow so you better get a really BIG fish! This will be your last meal until spring and I prefer that you don't eat all my beans again like you did last year!"

Harry growls in innocence. Long Hoof, frowning, said, "I know it was you. Promise me that you will get a fish this time." The big bear growled while nodding. "Now do I make myself clear? Get yourself a BIG fish or you'll starve!"

Harry nods, understanding what Long Hoof is telling him. The pony smiles while saying, "Glad that we understand one another. Good luck, Harry."

Once Long Hoof is gone, Harry sighs in relief. Finally! The big bear prepares to head out but then the other bears rush by him, each one has a load of fish. One bear had a handful of fish, another had a basketful. One bear got a bag full of fish while another had a wheelbarrow full of fish. Heck, even another bear has a grocery store container full of fish. Even one had a really big trout.

Harry frowns in concern, unless he gets a fish soon, he himself will starve. Just then a fish jumps around in a lake, making the bear's eyes widen in excitement. A big fish!

Harry jumps into the water, diving in and grab the fish. As he was leaving though, the bear fails to notice that a line is attached to it. Before Harry could bite into the fish, the line moved, taking the thing with it.

Harry looks confused then looks shocked. On the lakeside is Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy's friend who is wearing a fish gear (the big bear is good friends with the yellow Pegasus pony so he knows all about the rainbow mane one) and is reeling in a fish via fishing rod.

"Man, what a big fish. Thank goodness I've learned how to fish at last!" Rainbow exclaims pleased. "Yeah, I'm a pony who doesn't eat meat normally...but even I can't live on treats, berries and flowers alone after all."

Harry frowns. That was his fish first! He grabs a stick and put some string to it. Now the bear threw the line and grabbed the fish that is attached to Rainbow's line.

Rainbow prepares to get the net when she saw that her fish was getting away, making her exclaims, "Hey, what gives?!" The mare saw that Harry was pulling on the other end, recognizing him as one of Fluttershy's animal friends, "Hey, big guy! You may be one of Fluttershy's animal pals but no bear is getting my big fish!"

And thus, a tug of war for the fish begins. Harry tries to pull Rainbow but the Pegasus pony do well by pulling her opponent into the water. The fish kept getting pulled and pulled, until Rainbow pushes a button to get rid of all the string that he had. As a result, Harry fall back and fly right off.

Harry hit the wall, much to Rainbow's delight as she laughs like mad. However, the bear has the last laugh: when he peeled himself off, Harry smirks upon seeing the fish in his paws, making him laugh. Rainbow looks shocked before frowning. No big bear's going to make a fool out of her!

Rainbow saw a huge rock perched on a cliff that looks like it is about fall right onto the taunting Harry. With a smirk, the Pegasus pony grabs a smaller rock and skips it across the water so fast that it went up high and hit the bigger one, causing it to fall right onto the bear before he could take his leave.

Rainbow laughs as she feel in the fish, but ends up freeing Harry from the rock in the progress, causing both him and the fish to fly right at the mare. The two fighters collide with one another, resulting in Rainbow to fly right off with Harry now wearing the fisherman's gear.

Rainbow continues flying until she collides right into the ranger station. An annoyed Long Hoof kicks the mare right out, resulting in another switch around with Harry. In other words, the mare is back in her gear while the bear ends up right into the water, flying right off.

Rainbow grins as she saw the fish in her hooves. The Pegasus pony cheers, "Oh yeah, I still got it!"


A while later at her campsite site, Rainbow got the fish prepared to cook and eat. Harry was watching from the bushes with a smirk. He isn't giving up until his fish is his.

"Harry!" Long Hoof scolds Long Hoof as he passes by. "What did I tell you about spying on the guests? You are supposed to be catching a fish!" The stallion left as the bear nod. Oh, Harry will get his fish all right.

Rainbow grins at the fish onto the table and remarks, "Now where, did I put that knife thing?" She heads off to get her sharp fish gutter as Harry went over to get the fish. "Oh, found it!"

Harry saw Rainbow coming back with a sharp fish gutter and hid under the table. The mare goes back to the table itself while looking at her sharpening tool, saying, "Not sharp enough. Let's see..."

Rainbow reaches out for the table and grabs some sharpening paper to use to sharpen the tool. Of course, it was actually Harry's own tongue. The mare, not noticing, uses it to scrape the tool. Harry does his best not to scream in pain or more.

Rainbow release Harry's tongue, causing it to go back into the bear's head. The mare heads off to get some supplies, giving her trespasser a chance to put his paw onto the picnic table to get the fish.

Harry's paw was in the fish's mouth when Rainbow came back early, prepared. The bear cringes from under the table as he heard the sharpening scrapes of the tool that send his fur off his paw and right off the table. Again, Harry does his best not to scream or roar in pain. He should tell Fluttershy what her friend did to him somehow.

"All right, time for some salt." Rainbow said as she put some salt right into the fish and, unknowingly, Harry's arm. The bear sighs in relief...until the salt begins to seep in. Harry roars and runs off in pain.

Rainbow look confused as she looks around. Is Harry or someone else here? But she shrugs it, must be paranoid or something; nothing to worry about, right?

Harry went off to the side and held his arm, jumping up and down and waving his hand. The bear sighs, his arm was fine...of course then the fur on it peels off rapidly. Not a good day.

Rainbow hums as she put the fish right onto the grill then looks over, starting to go back with the fish, remarking, "Oops! Forgot the charcoal! That would've been a poor mistake!"

Once Rainbow is gone, Harry came back and looks around. Upon seeing his opponent coming back, the bear got an idea as he grabs the grill, putting it on his head. Rainbow smiles as she came back with a bag of coal, reading the bag's label, "'Self-lighting charcoal'. Man, what does magic come up with next? It does the fire itself; it saves me the trouble of asking a unicorn to light it."

Rainbow put the charcoal onto the grill and sure enough, it went on fire. The mare grins as she heads back to get the fish. During this time, Harry removes the grill...with his mouth full of charcoal! The bear panics as he rushes into the river to put the fire out.

Rainbow hums as she put the fish right onto the unlighted grill, unaware of what happened. Harry wasn't so lucky: his mouth exploded by the time he got to the river...literally!


"All right, perfection," Rainbow said upon looking at the cooked fish in front of her. Now she can eat! But the moment the mare closes her eyes, a fishhook grabs the fish, causing it to go up. Rainbow opens her eyes and looks surprised, "What the hay?! Where's my fish?! Who's the wise mare?!"

Rainbow look up and frowns: there's Harry again in a tree nearby, reeling in the cooked fish. Not this time! Just then, another hook came down, hooking the fish. The bear look up to see a furious Rainbow trying to get her fish back from another branch.

Harry goes up to another branch and reel the fish back up. Rainbow counters by flying upward, getting the fish up. This goes on for a while and soon the Pegasus pony got the fish...though she isn't on a branch and on top of the tree itself.

Unfortunately, due to the fish being so heavy, Rainbow couldn't fly any longer as she fell downward to the ground hard, the fish lands on her head. Harry jumps, landing right onto his opponent. The bear grabs the fish and growls as if saying 'Thanks, mare!'

Harry rush off, turning to taunt Rainbow. Unfortunately, this means that the bear wasn't watching where he was going as Harry run into a hammock, getting tangled up and sending the fish back into Rainbow's hooves.

Rainbow laughs and taunts her opponent as she flies off, going into her boat and activating a speedboat, getting the thing to go. Don't ask me why she needs a speedboat when Rainbow could fly. It's just one of those things.

Rainbow, frowning, took out some bamboo from the pond and grabs a rock to make a peashooter. He then shot a rock into the boat, causing it to deflate like mad.

"Awww, horse feathers," Rainbow groans as she tries her best to hang on; the deflating boat goes up the cliff and round before flying over. Harry smirks as he grabs the fish, humming while walking off.

Rainbow frowns while looking over...then head to the ranger station once more, going inside. The mare yelps as the annoyed Long Hoof hits her with his robotic arm, sending her flying right out of the place.

Harry saw Rainbow coming back, flying and without the deflated boat, looking very ticked off. The bear runs off with the Pegasus pony in hot pursuit. He climbs up a tree to escape her, causing Rainbow to goes past it...but then she turns around and flew up towards the tree.

Harry gasps as Rainbow caught up to her on top of tree, demanding, "All right, Harry, give me that tree and I won't tell Fluttershy why you were bugging me!" The two tug at the fish with the top bending right towards the ground. "Come on, beat it!"

Unfortunately, the two fighters release the fish at the same time, causing the tree to send it right right into the air, the two gasp in shock and horror. There goes their prize fish!

At the ranger station, Long Hoof grins as he prepares to eat his supper, uncovering a plate at the table while saying, "Let's see what I got to eat." To his annoyance, the stallion saw a can of beans on his plate. "Ugh! Beans again?! Well, may as well..."

Before Long Hoof can get a can opener, the fish appear, knocking the can itself right into the sky and onto the stallion's plate, much to his surprise...and delight. Finally! Something other than beans for once!

"Oh yes, this is more like it! Fresh trout and cooked to perfection!" Long Hoof laughs as he begins to eat the fish. "This is so good even for a stallion!"

At the picnic grounds, Rainbow frowns in defeat. She lost her fish, all thanks to Harry. The bear is sitting near her, looking down in defeat as well.

"Well, nice going, Harry; I wonder what Fluttershy saw in you in the first place! What are we going to eat now?" Rainbow asks Harry angrily. As if to answer her question the hard way, the can of beans lands on her head, much to the bear's surprise. "Oh, beans..."

Rainbow groans as she faints to the ground. Harry took the can of beans then smiles. Not much of a meal but hey, a bear's gonna eat, right?




Once the cartoon is over, the audience applauds for another success. Harry is in the audience, applauding for that classic scene.

Pinkie bounces up to Harry and put a plate in front of her, saying, "Got your fish blow...err blow fish right here, Harry!"

Harry smiles as he saw the fish in front of him and takes it. But before the bear could eat the fish, a familiar robotic arm grabs the fish from her, pulling it to another table. Harry grunts in shock and confusion.

"Sorry, Harry, but these things aren't good for you. Me on the other hoof, I am half robotic so I am not worried about gaining pounds!" Long Hoof chuckles as he took the blow fish and eat the thing happily.

Harry frowns a bit, he just can't win.


Twilight was getting things ready for the first two AOD members to arrive when she saw Brave Heart, upset and annoyed, trotting into the backstage area. The mare asks, "What's going on?"

Brave Heart grunts, "That snot nosed bairn Diamond Tiara and her friend Silver Spoon tried to sneak into the House of Pony and worse, they made fun of me and me accent. I donna understand as to why you'd allow such brats here, Twilight lass, but if it were up to me, I'd see to it that those girls got spanked for disrespecting me; Brave Heart, son of Strong Wind! I will not tolerate such insolence and-."

"Brave Heart!"

"Sorry. I tend to lose me temper when I'm in an angry mood."

Twilight nods in understanding as she explains, "I know, but you can't always get what you want. You may be a great warrior and a hero, but...Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are rich, whereas you aren't. "

Brave Heart frowns as he said, "I'm aware of that, lass. It's just that they need to learn to respect their elders, no matter what accent they have and no matter where they're from."

"Don't worry, Brave...I have an idea."

Brave Heart, smirking, asks, "Aye? Ye do? Let's hear it."


Ben Mare looks over backstage in the House of Pony. As Twilight, Nyx and Spike comes over, the purple unicorn ask, "Ben, about Derpy and Applejack. Are they...?"

"They will be here in 10 minutes and 30 seconds." Ben Mare said quickly, interrupting what Twilight was saying.

" yet; Okay, never mind."

"Whatcha looking at, daddy," Nyx ask Ben, noticing that her father is looking at someone in a concern.

"The other two members isn't the problem, that is!" Ben Mare exclaims as he points a hoof. The others look over and saw a disbelieving sight. There's Rainbow Dash, in a grey jumpsuit and is wearing dark sunglasses and a bling on her neck.

"What the hay," Spike asks in shock and confusion. What is Rainbow doing?

"Rainbow Dash, what are you doing?" Twilight ask Rainbow in annoyance as she trots over to her friend. "You are supposed to be working at the door!"

"Nein, nein," A voice spoke up as a familiar fashion pony came over, smirking as she said, "Ze Dash Formerly Known as Rainbow doesn't do that no more."

"Wait, Photo Finish?" Nyx, Spike and Ben Mare ask in surprise, recognizing the pony as the famous fashion photographer who once gave Fluttershy a chance at the spotlight, only for the meek Pegasus pony to leave afterwards due to the trouble that it was giving her.

"The Dash Formerly Known as Rainbow?! What's going on here, Photo Finish," Twilight demands to Photo Finish in annoyance.

"I am Rainbow's lawyer and agent. If you wish to say anything to the pony, you can tell me and I will tell my lawyer, rented out by our legal team..." Photo Finish explains as another lawyer appears behind the photographer followed by more lawyers before they run off screen. "...who shall talk to me; and I will talk to the Dash."

"I thought you were a photographer for fashion." Nyx said to Photo Finish puzzled.

"Ja, still am. But I decided to also take on ze world of entertainment for ze magick."

"You're kidding, right?" Twilight ask in disbelief as Rainbow did another pose, making her friends frown in disbelief.

Rainbow smirks as she whispers in Photo Finish's ear. The mare then told Rainbow, "You see, Twilight-o De Egghead...ja, she told me to call you by zat name...Ze Dash Formerly Known As Rainbow realizes that her role as ze third member of Awesome on Delivery didn't exploit her full star potential."

"Full star pote...are you kidding?! She's the star of the Awesome on Delivery!"

"Yeah, plus Rainbow only made that band to help fix her Game Machine!" Spike points out to Photo Finish in annoyance.

"Ja, but ze second is a waste of my time. The first one is as ponies don't seem to see Rainbow as zat." Photo Finish explains to the group. "She believes that by getting a new image for herself, the mare will be popular again. And I will be there to make sure I don't make ze same mistake like with Fluttershy."

Rainbow snaps her hooves as she flew past her friends, saying, "Later, alligastors."

"Right, much later." Twilight remarks dryly while rolling her eyes.

"Great! This is just gonna increase her ego." Spike said in annoyance while slapping his forehead. This won't end well at all!


Right about then, those two bullies is at it again, planning on getting back into the House of Pony; And of course, a certain alicorn cousin of Rainbow still at the door.

"Halt! Who goes there?" Brave Heart booms upon seeing the two landlords once more.

"Still here, girly colt," Diamond Tiara taunts Brave Heart in amusement.

"Whatsa matter; they don't have haggis for you to eat?" Silver Spoon taunts Brave Heart while laughing. The alicorn kept his emotional in check this time, fighting the urge to hit these two fillies.

Diamond, imitating Brave Heart, mocks, "Oh, look at me! I'm Brave Heart, son of Strong Wind. And I wear a skirt where I come from."

Silver, imitating Brave Heart, taunts as well, "Aye, and I have a crazy accent and a gender confused attire."

"And I-." Diamond stops and looks puzzled. For some reason, Brave Heart isn't getting mad or try to get back at the two fillies. "What? No come back; nothing?"

"You're not getting mad or anything?"

"Nope. Nothing; I hate to admit it, but you girls are right. I am strange to you. You're on the list, come on your fate that is; Ha ha ha ha," Brave Heart remarks, laughing as he motions Diamond and Silver to come into the club.

The two landlords look uneasy as they came into the place. Why do Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon got a bad feeling that they're being set up for something?


In the seating area, as the Cutie Mark Peas perform their number, Rainbow begins making a name of herself, giving away merchandise of herself.

"Here you go, have a cap!" Rainbow exclaims, throwing a cap at Surprise, causing the party hat that she's wearing to fall onto the confused Galaxy. "And a button," The mare threw a little button onto Cranky Doodle Donkey's wig, much to his shock.

Apple Polish, Bastion Yorsets and Jazz frowns in disapproval from their seat. Bastion comments, "Ahem, I do believe that merchandise give away of Rainbow Dash shouldn't be allowed in this club."

"Ja, but this is ze Dash Formerly KNOWN as Rainbow merchandise." Photo Finish points out to the entrance exam judges as she pokes her head in.

The trio of ponies got into a huddle as they discuss this. Then they nod as Apple Polish said in approval, "Ah. In that case, it's all right then." Just then a safe fell onto them, making a familiar comical sound effect. Applie Polish opens the case and came out saying, "We're okay."

Twilight, impressed, watch from, offstage as she comments, "Wow, I got get me a lawyer/agent...of course, one who isn't like Photo Finish."

"Twilight, you're on!" Ben exclaims to Twilight as he push his filly-friend onto the stage. Once the performance of the Cutie Mark Peas is done, everyone gave a huge thunderous applause.

"Thanks, girls, for that great performance!"

"Twilight, message," Spike said to Twilight as he came out and gave a letter to Twilight.

Twilight opens the letter and reads from it, "I also have an announcements, folks; The Dash Formerly Known as Rainbow is currently signing autographs in the lobby...wait, AUTOGRAPHS; WHAT THE HAY?!"

Sure enough, in the lobby, a lot of fans cheers as Rainbow as the mare signs a lot of autograph books before throwing them back to the fans. They scream in delight, "Rainbow Dash is awesome!"

"Oh yeah, you said it!" Rainbow laughs as she did a pose, much to the annoyance of her pals watching. Even they admit that the mare's ego is at it again.

Back on stage, Twilight recovers while speaking to the audience, "Just for a reminder to you folks, after the next cartoon, it's Awesome on Delivery!" Just then a banner fell down and covers the mare while the audience applauds; Twilight teleport from behind the thing, looking to see that it said 'THE DASH FORMERLY KNOWN AS RAINBOW...and Awesome on Delivery, "Yu got to be kidding me; well, ponies, here's one cartoon that RAINBOW herself should be watching!"

The audience applauds as the cartoon begins.




How to Be Smart

"Hey folks! Welcome back to Equestria's favorite game show, 'Egghead', the show where smart questions are asked with smart ponies completing!"

We now see a game show set as the narrator, unseen, is at the podium, speaking to the two contestants at their podiums. One of them is Time Turner which the other being Pinkie Pie. Yes, it's surprising that the pink pony has got this far in the finals, maybe she got easy questions. The stallion smiles in preparation though his opponent appears to be a bit nervous. Pinkie got lucky on the last rounds, but this one is the final one, the hard question round.

"Time Turner...and Pinkie Pie...get ready for the final round of the Eggheads questions. Today's category is..."

We see the category appearing in words.

"Questions That Pinkie Will Never Answer, Not in A Million, Billon Years Even with Pinkie Sense"

"Huh; Is that even fair?" Pinkie asks puzzled while frowning.

"First question...what is the elemental name for chalk?"

Time Turner push the button as he answers, "That would be Calcium Carbonate." The bell dings, meaning that the stallion is right.

"You're right! Next question, at what point of the year does time..."

Before Pinkie could push her buzzer to answer, Time Turner beat her to do it as he said, "Daylight Savings Time!" The bell dings once more.

"...move on from there, that is already right! And the next question is..."

Pinkie tries to answer once more but Time Turner hits the buzzer, answering, "What is psychic ability, as if that was a hard one?" Sure enough the bell dings as the winning music plays. This stallion is indeed the winner!

"CORRECT! And thus, the game is over! Time Turner, you have just won 3 MILLION BITS!"

Pinkie looks surprised as the mentioned amount of bits is dropped near Time Turner. That is a lot of money!

"As for you, Pinkie Pie, you owe me 3 million bits!"

"What?! Awww, come on, I don't even have that kind of bits!" Pinkie protests to the game show host in concern.

"Wow, rich again, hard to believe," Time Turner said while piling the money into a wheelbarrow. "This will be hard to fit into Tardis; Makes me glad to be so smart."

"Well, holy cupcakes, I wish I can be smart just like him."

The narrator coughs as he left his game show host voice and goes to his 'How to' one.

"Well, there is hope for you yet, Miss Pie, if you go back to school..."

"Oooh, I sense that a How To thing is coming!" Pinkie exclaims happily. Her Pinkie Sense told her that a How To sketch is coming for her to be in.

"We shall start with...elementary school!"


At an elementary school, Pinkie came in to see a lot of a small sized classroom. The mare commented, "Wow, tiny but funny!"

Of course, the school bell rang as a bunch of ponies came in, followed by a young colt who looks like a kid version of Time Turner strangely. Of course, the stallion has use one of his machines to be a colt, agreeing to help his friend out in this segment. As Kid Time Turner pushes Pinkie out of the way, he snaps, "Out of the way, move it!"

"When the school bell rings, that means it's time for everyone to take their seats."

Pinkie spots the students at their tests. Time for her to sit down so she goes to an abandoned one and tries to do so; It took her some time, like diving in, going in head first, lying down on the chair then lifting the desk and getting her flank settled in, but she manages to do it. Of course, Pinkie looks confused as the school bell rings once more.

"The school bell also signals recess!"

Pinkie yelps as students as well as Kid Time Turner, who yells, "Out of my way", rush past Pinkie to go outside, covering the mare in a cloud dust. Once it settles, Pinkie is stuck in her desk. She tries to get out but due to how small that the seat and chair were, Pinkie is stuck.

"Well, holy cupcakes!" Pinkie groans a bit. This is difficult. The mare took some time but she finally got out of the desk...just in time for the bell to ring causing the students and Kid Time Turner, who yells "I said get out of my way", to trampled her over as they came in.

"One certain skill that can help you become smart involves reading!"


In a library, Pinkie sat down, picks up a book, and read the title out loud, "The Three Muske..."

"SHHH," A librarian shushes at Pinkie, causing the mare to look sheepish and whisper.

"Oopsie; sorry; The Three Musketeers," Pinkie opens the book, but yelps as a sword came out of it and swish and slash at her face. The pink pony lifts her face, showing multiple faces. "Well, holy cupcakes."

"Of course, one should indulge in all of the classics like 'A Farewell to Arms'..."

Pinkie's upper forelegs fell off, making the mare yelps sheepishly.

"And let's not forget the classic masterpiece, Moby Dick."

A huge white whale came from out of nowhere, falling right onto Pinkie Pie.

"Now then, being smart is the same as being well read. Soon our student advances to Junior High School."


Pinkie, recovered from what happened, stood next to an automatic screen while looking over curiously. What's going to happen now?

"A sure sign of smarts is one ability's to write, and the beginning writers are wise to choose a simple sentence."

Pinkie spots a sentence being written on the board which she reads, "'I Am Smart'; Wow, that is true!" Of course, the pink pony heard laughter, turning to see Kid Time Turner with the clicker; the colt smirks as he points it at the board. That doesn't look good.

"Now the writer can bring more meaning to the sentence via an adverb."

Kid Time Turner uses the click to change the sentence. Pinkie reads it and frowns, "'I Am not smart'. Hey, that isn't nice, Mini-Turner!"

"A conjunction also allows an additional sentence segment to be linked."

Kid Time Turner smirks as he uses the clicker once more to change the sentence. Pinkie, frowning, reads the sentence, "'I Am not smart and I smell'. HEY! I OUGHTA..."

"And let's not be too scared to use other nouns like descriptors in your sentence."

To Pinkie's anger, Kid Time Turner uses the clicker to change the sentence. The pink pony reads it angrily, "'I AM Not Smart and I Smell like A Parasprite'. Okay, you're going to get it!"

Pinkie chases Kid Time Turner but the colt version quickly gallops off, causing the pink pony to accidentally slipped and fell, clicking the clicker to make another word.

"And sometimes the best sentence is the shorter one."

"Owie," Pinkie groans as the word itself appears on the screen.

"Okay, the serious students shouldn't overlook physical education, for all work and no play makes Jack one dull boy."


We see a gym as kid Time Turner is in gym clothes. The colt frowns upon seeing that he is short compared to the tall Pinkie who is now in gym clothes.

"To be honest, I don't know anypony named Jack but at least physical education is one thing that I'm good at!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she grabs a basketball, twirling it around playfully.

"Now, basketball is the favorite sport of the high advantaged."

Kid Time Turner tries his best to get the ball but Pinkie giggles as she held a hoof to hold him back, keeping his hooves off the ball which is still twirling. The mare points at the colt while saying, "Not to be a meanie pants, but that Time Turner is soooo short!" The filly now shot a goal, making Kid Turner look down in disappointment.

"For those not height advantaged, at least the dramatic effects of puberty can help him or her out."

"Or time travelling can help too." Kid Time Turner commented as he uses Tardis to make him well as bigger, much to Pinkie's shock and alarm.

"Holy cupcakes," Pinkie yelps. Time Turner then grabs the ball and slams it onto her head, causing the mare to get hammer into the floor...literally!

"After Junior High is done, now it's time for High School!"


We now see Time Turner, now a teen, is doing complicated math on the board, much to the confusion of Pinkie who looks at the problem, trying to figure it out.

"Now, high school includes the great challenge for a student...the dreaded higher mathematics. Even though that should be in college but for ponies, that's something else."

Time Turner finishes his problem, smiling as he put the piece of chalk away before trotting off. The mare pauses, trying to figure a problem out, mumbling, "Okie dokie lokie. All you gotta do is add this round thing to the whatever, subtract thing, and it equals...this point!" Pinkie grins as she turns the board to reveal some shapes on the board. The mare looks at what she made, realizing something, "Oopsie, forgot the decimal point."

Pinkie prepares to put the decimal point in when the shapes that she made turned into a real person on the board. The pony looks surprised as she exclaims, "Well, holy cupcakes!" She tries to touch the chalk person but it kept jumping before running off. Pinkie frowns as she chases it. "Come on, stand still, little chalk guy!"

Pinkie starts to dance while snapping, "Let's do this!" She jumps inside the chalk board as the person grabs an O and T to form as a shield and a sword. The pink pony grabs an O and I and begins fighting the chalk person.

"A lot of students struggle with high mathematics but one cannot forget the basics like subtraction..."

Pinkie smirks as she slain part of the chalk person's arm, causing it to drop both the arm and the shield; Looks like the pink pony is winning.


Pinkie watch as the chalk person put his arm back on.


Pinkie slays the chalk person's body. Looks like the fight is hers!

"And of course, multiplication."

To Pinkie's surprise, her opponent turns into two chalk people, making her yelp, "Gah! Oh no," The pink pony bounces out of the chalkboard with her enemies following. She slips and fell out of the window...


....and landing onto a stage in a graduation gown and cap, looking around. Pinkie is surprised upon seeing where she herself was. Wow!

"Okay, we only have a couple of minutes left so I will get to the point. Good, you've done it, my intelligent friend. You have made it through school! We would've gone through college but there's no time for that. Now you got your degree which says 'I'm Smart!'

Pinkie smiles as the ponies applaud. The mare has got her degree at last!


We came back to the game show set a moment later as Time Turner, normal age, and Pinkie, still in her graduation, grown are behind their podiums once more. The narrator coughs, changing his voice back to the game show host one.

"All right, time to put those smarts to the test with our Egghead Bonus Jackpot question!"

Time Turner smirked confidentially while Pinkie smiles; Time to see if her new smarts would help her this time.

"On the cooking show 'Cooking Celebrity Style', on two seasons, what is the main catch phrase of Celebrity Chef Ponyio LaBennette?"

Time Turner prepares to speak but looks puzzled as he said, "Wow. That is a tough question."

"Wait, he doesn't know the answer?" Pinkie asks surprised that Time Turner couldn't get the question for once. "Well, holy cupcakes!" Suddenly the bell dings, much to the mare's surprise.

"That is correct!"

"Wait, really?" Pinkie asks in surprise. She got a question right, really?

"Chef Ponyio LaBennete's main catch phrase is indeed 'holy cupcakes'; with that logic, Miss Pie, you are our new champion!"

The audience cheers. Pinkie looks excitedly while screaming, "I WON; REALLY?!"

"You got it, Pinkie." Time Turner said with a proud look. "A student of higher learning is always victorious in the end!"

"Time Turner is right. Also, not to worry, Pinkie Pie, I was joking about the 3 million bits that you owe us. That was just to get you to do the How To sketch."

"Aww, that's okay, Mr. Narrator! I still got my smarts and my pants!" Pinkie exclaims happily. Of course, the pony spoke too soon as a cane came from out of nowhere and swipes her gown away, making her yelp in embarrassment as everyone laughs.

"Well, you're half right anyway!"




The audience applauds once the cartoon is over. Twilight looks off stage to see them doing so. Well, it's almost time but the hard part is getting Pinkie back to normal since she won't listen.

Back stage, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were there, ready to cause more trouble...when Brave Heart appears, smirking as he said, "Oh, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon."

"What the?" Diamond Tiara asks, confused upon seeing the stallion in question.

"How did you get back here?" Silver Spoon asks Brave Heart with a blink of confusion on her face.

"I'm an Alicorn, ye know." Brave Heart explains to the fillies, keeping his mischievous look on his face. "But I've got a surprise fer ye."

"What's the surprise? Is it a new and rare jewel?" Diamond asks eagerly to Brave Heart.

"Is it a new species of animal?" Silver ask curiously as to what surprise that Brave Heart has in store for the two fillies.

"No, it's something else entirely." Brave Heart answers. He gets out a certain Easter Island mask and scares the fillies. "Booga booga booga!"

"Aah! Daddy," Diamond screams in terror as she hides behind her best friend. Brave Heart removes his mask and laughs as he points to the terrified fillies.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha; Teach ye to make fun of me, ye uppity fillies! I'm from Eatinburgh."

Twilight came in, seeing the two fillies while saying, "Well, Diamond, Silver, since Brave Heart has taught you two your lessons, I was wondering, and before Applejack and Derpy could get here, if you do listen up...and you better do so unless you want the same treatment."

Diamond and Silver yelps as Brave Heart smirks a bit. This may not be pretty...


As the party goes on, Twilight explains what she wanted Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to do for her in the future in return for letting them into the club from now on.

"Unless you two fillies do those favors, Brave Heart might force you to do them." Twilight said to the brats before turning to Brave Heart. "Brave Heart?"

"Aye, Twiley... Booga booga booga," Brave Heart booms while scaring Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with his creepy mask once more.

Diamond and Silver screams in terror once more, "Aaah!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Booga booga booga!"

"Stop! Make him stop!" Diamond exclaims frantically. She will do anything; just make Brave Heart stop freaking her and Silver Spoon out.

"The pain; the pain," Silver exclaims in agreement, feeling like she's going to faint at any given moment.

"Booga booga booga," Brave Heart booms at the two fillies, making them scream in terror once more.

Twilight chuckles as he motions Brave Heart to stop, "Okay, that's enough Brave Heart. They've learned their lesson." The alicorn took his mask out, smiling in triumph.

"I'll see to it that they do, Twiley. Ye can count on me."

The two bullies left frantically as did Brave Heart. Well, that problem is solved but there is still the main one. Twilight frowns at her frowns, relaxing in an easy chair. She still insists on doing her own solo thing and not with her Awesome on Delivery.

"Rainbow, come on! The audience wants to see Awesome on Delivery with all THREE members!" Twilight exclaims to Rainbow while marching up to her. "Come on, you are part of their team."

"Was part of their team, egghead!" Rainbow remarks without bothering to care. "But tell you what, just to humor them, I guess I could perform with them for the first act...but for the rest of the performance, yours truly is going solo!"

"Well, hopefully Applejack and Derpy will get here."

"Say, I wanted to ask something of..." Nyx said as she trots up, remembering something that she wants to asked her Aunt AJ.

Suddenly, the backstage doors open without warning. Twilight and Nyx looks startled as Applejack came in riding on a bull like a cowpony does at a rodeo. The Earth pony laughs, "HEEHAW; Howdy, everypony!"

"Oh brother. No wonder I wanted to change my image." Rainbow groans upon seeing Applejack coming in on the bull. If she's here, that means...

Soon a red carpet rolls into the place, all the way over until Derpy is revealed. She smiles while saying, "Hey, everypony, yahoo!"

"Howdy fro' Sweet Apple Acres as usual, Twilight," Applejack exclaims as she got off the bull and shakes Twilight's hoof. "Sorry it took so long; 'De Apple Bucking took longer than expected." Derpy then shakes Twilight's hoof as well.

"Right, but we made it here at last, Twilight!"

"Auntie AJ, I wanted to ask. Mommy told me that you haven't arrived just yet but I saw somepony that looks like you a few minutes ago in your usual booth." Nyx explains to Applejack puzzled. "What gives?"

Just then, a lookalike of Applejack, this one has a coat of dark orange, a mane of green with yellow streak in mane, green eyes and a red apple in a diamond as a cutie mark, came by with some props, saying, "Oh, hey Applejack!"

"Howdy, Applejack," Applejack exclaims while waving to the other Applejack with a grin. "Thanks fer waiting 'de booth fer me while Ah perform tonight."

"No problem, Applejack. Glad to be of help."

As the other Applejack left, Nyx blinks in confusion as she ask, "Who is that?"

"Applejack fro' Generation 3, Nyx," Applejack answers to Nyx with a slight chuckle.

"Ohhhh...that explains it."

"Enough stalling, listen, the crowd has been waiting for you ponies." Twilight explains to Applejack and Derpy with a smile. "But we got a bit of a problem..."

The group saw Rainbow stretching as she said, "Okay, AJ, Derpy, we will do the music number first...but leave the rest of performance to me as usual, the Dash Formerly Known as Rainbow! I got a lot of fans with my new image as it is."

"Ugh, see what I mean? Any chance you can do something about her?"

"Right, Auntie Dashie feels unappreciated because most folks don't seem to remember her as the third member of your group." Nyx explains to Applejack and Derpy of the situation. "Now she is 'going solo' and her ego trip..."

"Hoo doggy, Dashie felt unappreciated an' wanna be a star, eh?" Applejack ask Twilight and Nyx with a smirk, getting the idea.

"Yeah, think you can straighten her out and snap Rainbow out of this thing that she's in?" Twilight ask Applejack and Derpy with a nod.

"No worries, Twilight, we got a song prepared just for her!" Derpy answers Twilight with a smile. She and Applejack has one song that will teach Rainbow a lesson and give her one Tartarus of a wakeup call!


The time has come. Twilight is on stage, smiling as she said, "And now...Awesome on Delivery!"

The stage was focused as we see a familiar cowpony hat, a sombrero and a Daring Doo like hat on stage. As music plays, Applejack pops out of her own hat as she begins to sing.

Applejack: [b[Ay yai yai yai!

Derpy pops out of the sombrero as she begins to sing next.

Derpy: Ay yai yai yai!

Rainbow pops out of the Daring Doo hat...but due to the outfit that she had on, it flew upwards.

Rainbow: Ay yai yai-

Of course, Derpy and Applejack didn't let Rainbow finish. They squeeze her between themselves, making the cyan Pegasus pony feel crush as the trio sings.

Trio: We are Awesome on Delivery!
We love to sing and to dance
And to jump up and down
While we play lots of music

Applejack and Derpy took out their guitars while Rainbow struck a pose while trying to dance.

And we listen to everyone screaming out loud
Awesome on Delivery!

The trio lends their ears as if hearing something. Of course, thanks to her bling that she's wearing, Rainbow fell over and that got worst when a bunch of cans trampled over her, chasing after Derpy and Applejack. Rainbow got back up, groaning as she wonders what happened. That wasn't in the musical acts that her band members had prepared.

Hear them shout out our names!

"Ah'm Applejack!" Applejack exclaims with a smile.

"Derpy," Derpy exclaims happily.

"Rain..." Rainbow was cut due to Applejack and Derpy interrupting her. The mare looks confused, why were they moving in on her number?

Derpy and Applejack: And we love to make music!

Without warning, a drum, a cymbal and a tuba fell onto Rainbow, much to her song. What the hay is going on?! This wasn't in the number that she planed! It's like Applejack and Derpy is embarrassing her on purpose!

Trio: While we wiggle our hips
And we dance and we sing:

Rainbow joins her pals and caught up as the song continues on.

Ay caramba! Ay caramba!
Do the rumba!

Derpy and Applejack did a real rumba while Rainbow did a fancy dance.

A great big musical number!
Awesome on Delivery!

Rainbow saw her pals skating nearby, much to her confusion. Why are they doing this? This wasn't in the number either. The mare turns and screams as more fans stampeded on her. She got back up and come face to face...with a bull! Rainbow screams and flew off as the bull itself chases her, being ride by Derpy and Applejack. Their friend flew around the stage as the animal plows her, sending her around. The cyan Pegasus pony soon lands by Derpy and Applejack with a large hat landing on the mare, covering her up.

We are the Awesome on Delivery!

Derpy and Applejack: We love to sing and to dance
And to jump up and down
Thus we move to the music!

The song continues as Derpy and Applejack moves every hat then moves aside. We now see Rainbow in a Coltmen Miranda outfit, fruit hat and all like the outfit she wore on Nightmare Night. Rainbow stood in front of the dress in shock and embarrassment. She is getting more angry; Derpy and Applejack has obviously set her up!

Everyone get together and gather around
While we say!

Rainbow growls some more as her pals link their upper forelegs to her, dancing and singing.

We are Awesome on Delivery!

"I'm Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow yells as she tries to take control of the performance but to no prevail.

We love to sing and to play!

"I'm Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow yells. Derpy and Applejack let the mare go, making her so angry that she rips her dress right off.

We're Applejack, Derpy.

"And me, Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow exclaims in alarm and covers herself even though she's a pony so being naked shouldn't be a problem.

Clap your hands all together
Let's hear you say:
Viva Awesome on Delivery!

Applejack laughs as she and Derpy caught the falling Rainbow with the sombrero on.

Viva Awesome on Delivery!
We are Awesome on Delivery!

Once the song is done, the audience applauds and cheers. Derpy and Applejack took their bows...though Rainbow looks ticked off, enough that she chases after her pals who were leaving the stage.


The party at the club is about to come to a close. Spike smiles as he spoke to Brave Heart, "Cool party so far, eh, Brave Heart?"

"Aye, Spike, lad. Thisbreminds me of me home, Eatinburgh." Brave Heart said with a pleased look on his face.

"Eatinburgh," Neros ask Brave Heart puzzled.

"The Equestrian equivalent of Edinburgh, Scotland...only...more agricultural and traditional rather than to say."

"Aren't you upset that your cousin was humiliated in the performance?" Spike asks Brave Heart, referring to the fact of Rainbow's humiliation during her performance by Applejack and Derpy.

"Nah; I saw how me cousin was having one ego trip so perhaps one wake-up call should fix me cousin good." Brave Heart remarks to his friends with a laugh.

Backstage, Twilight was humming as she uses her magic to keep back Rainbow who is trying to strangle the calm Applejack and Derpy. The cyan Pegasus pony yells, "ARGH! YOU LITTLE...I WILL GET YOU!!!"

The ponies wait until Rainbow calms down a bit. As Twilight lets her go, Derpy chuckles, "Sorry, Rainbow Dash, but you asked for it; we just needed to make sure you got a wake up call."

"Eeyup, yer're letting yer ego git 'de best o' yew again just like what happened during 'de Mare Do Well incident." Applejack points out to Rainbow, making her friend glares at her friend. The embarrassment was just to teach her a lesson.

"Right, and haven't you listened to the audience? They loved you out there!" Twilight insists as she points offstage to the audience. Rainbow turns to see the audience who are applauding for the musical number that happened.

Rainbow looks surprised as the audience is chanting her name. The mare smiles proudly while saying, "All right! I am really a star!"

"You got it. And you will always be some ponies' favorite OAD member, including mine." Rarity said happily as she came up to Rainbow. The mare's eyes twitch a bit, annoyed by her friend getting the letters wrong but she shrugs it off.

"Fine, close enough, I guess."

"And not to worry; I will see to it that everypony remembers you this time." Twilight assures her friend that a lot of folks will remember Rainbow as the third member. She turns and calls out, "Spike!"


Spike smiles on stage as she calls out, "Folks, today's entertainment is courtesy of..."


"...Awesome on Delivery Soundtrack! Featuring the Dash Formerly Known As Rainbow!"

We see a picture of Derpy, Applejack and Rainbow in weird hats.

"Enjoy their hoof stomping cool hits like..."

As the song titles scroll up, we see pictures like Rainbow's tail on fire while Derpy and Applejack get fires extinguishers to put it out, the cyan Pegasus pony throwing a bit though her pals look on in confusion, and finally we see Derpy and Applejack laughing as an annoyed Rainbow wears a fancy dress while dancing.

"Rainbow Dash's Tail En Fuego, No Way Rainbow, and let's not forget the Darling Rainbow Dance."

We go back to the soundtrack once more.

"Awesome on Delivery's Greatest Hits," Spike is then heard speaking in a low voice. "Warning, some of Rainbow's lyrics may be hard to hear."


As the audience applauds, Applejack and Derpy shakes Twilight's hoof as the mare exclaims, "Thanks Awesome on Delivery and good night, everypony! The Sparkle, Currently Known as Twilight, will see you very soon!"

Of course, as the show is about over, the trio saw Rainbow flying after them, angrily as she realizes that she herself is being set up to be embarrassed once more. They run off with the cyan Pegasus pony chasing them while yelling, "I WILL GET YOU THREE!!!"

Episode Four: Pinkie's Hearts and Hooves Day Date

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Ah, Hearts and Hooves Days. It's one of those days where you can give your heart out to the one you love. Whatever you know it or not, Hearts and Hooves Days is the day for candy, sweets and true love. And of course, the latter is true for every couple in all of Equestria. The House of Pony does what it takes when it comes to the holiday. On Couples' Night, it's a special time for everyone for couples to spend time with one another.

Of course, one of the employees at the House of Pony isn't having a good Hearts and Hooves and you folks are about to see who that pony is in this holiday episode...


Spike smiles on stage. He announces into the usual microphone, "Mares and gentlecolts, here she is, the mare who thinks she's a hot number 1 mare in Ponyville but can only get one stallion, luckily for her, it's...TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"

The crowd eagerly applauds. Twilight, in her GGG dress, came in, smiling as she exclaims, "Hey, folks, Twilight Sparkle here! Welcome to a special Hearts and Hooves Day here at the House of Pony! So grab your special somepony and give her or him a smooch, it's that time of year."

The audience applauds as we see couples in love. Cadance and Shining smiles as they start kissing, Megan and her husband Mike Richards are kissing, Derpy Hooves and Time Turner/Dr. Hooves are kissing, even Big Macintosh and Cheerilee are doing the kissing thing.

Trixie was at her table, preparing to eat a tofu burger when she notices Snips and Snails giving her both big huge eyes. The mare in annoyance groans, "You got to be kidding Trixie!"

Yes, every pony who is in a relationship is kissing, having a good time. Well, all but one, the only pony who doesn't seem to have a special somepony on this day of Hearts and Hooves: Pinkie, her mane and tail deflated, sighs a bit as she looks around the corner.

"Pinkie, is there a problem?" Fluttershy ask her friend, noticing how she is depressed.

Pinkie answers, "Yeah. It's another lonely Hearts and Hooves Day for me. I don't got a special somepony."

"What? Don't have a special somepony?" Prince Blueblood, the snotty and arrogant pony who once got on Rarity's nerves, asks arrogantly, smirking as he came over to the two mares. "Well, no worries, Miss Pie. It's easy as 1, 2, 3, I will show you."

"But you're a stallion, we're mares." Fluttershy points out to Blueblood with a frown.

"Ha! Even mares can learn from a prince. Watch and learn from the pro." Prince Blueblood took out a perfume bottle, spraying some throat stuff into his throat. After tossing the stuff aside, the prince goes over to a table where Sunset Shimmer's sitting at, "Hey there, Sunset Shimmer! Heard you lost your chance with Flash Sentry! No problem, I'm here to make everything all...better…"

Suddenly the angry Sunset Shimmer blast Blueblood right in the teeth, snapping, "Look, creep; Flash and I got back together so back off or I will call for him!"

"Ugh. Okay, see?" Blueblood groans, giving out a smile despite what happened. He notices something: Pinkie is gone, even Fluttershy saw that she trots off. "Wait, where is that random pony?"


Backstage, Ben was finishing up some paperwork, sighing happily. He and Twilight got plans for their date at a nice restaurant once the show is done. It's been good to have a quiet date and the Earth pony can't wait for his chance to go out.

"Benjamin, oh Benjamin, we're glad to have found you." Rarity said. Ben turns to see her and Fluttershy galloping up the boyfriend of their friend Twilight.

"Oh hey, Rarity; what's wrong; Spike and Dexter being a problem again," Ben ask the two mares curiously.

"Oh no, Spike remembered our date tonight and Dexter has got the nerve to asked Fluttershy out. But we got a more concerning Emergency; Why, I was preparing to use the restroom when Fluttershy told me about poor Pinkie Pie. She..."

Ben roll his eyes, getting out a plunger while commentating, "Fluttershy? Did Pinkie Pie get stuck in the sink again? I swear, that pink pony can be so random..."

"Actually, no; Pinkie isn't in the bathroom,” Fluttershy said in concern. As Ben put the plunger aside, she explains, "And it gets worse. Ever notice that almost everypony has a date in this club...except for her?"

"Oh. For a moment, I thought Pinkie was in trouble."

"Oh she is alright." Rarity remarks to Ben with a groan. "Why, the poor dear can't even get focused on her job!"


Indeed , in the audience right now, Pinkie is trying her best not to cry while reading the menu off to Twilight's parents Night Light and Twilight Velvet who are busy looking in each other's eyes to notice, "Today's special on the Hearts and Hooves Day menu featuring 'Daisy Wrap-Up'..." The mare tries to keep her tears in but it may not be for long. "And we got a good's 'Giggle at the Lovlies cobbler' and then..."

Pinkie cannot hold it anymore as she continues, "A ELEMENT OF HARMONY AFTER DINNER MINT!" The mare sobs like mad but no pony didn't seem to noticed.


"See what we mean?" Rarity asks Ben with a sigh, shaking her head.

"Wow, for a pony who makes sure to give a smile to the ponies, she sure isn't having one herself." Ben said in concern, feeling bad for Pinkie at this moment.


Pinkie is sitting at the table, sobbing a bit as a concerned Brave Heart came up, asking, "Hey, Pinkie? Are ye all right lass? What? Don't ye got a date on this Hearts and Hooves Day?"

"No, not really..." Pinkie sighs a bit to Rainbow's cousin.

"Ah. Well, not to worry lass, there is indeed a secret to getting the right filly. And while I am a stallion, this can work on ye as well. All you got to is tell her that she is the love of yer life. Watch and learn. Lucky Clover," Brave Heart calls over to her true love Lucky Clover who trots on over. The Alicorn smiles to the Earth Pony while asking, "Have I ever told ye that ye are the most prettiest filly of them all?"

"Aye, you told me a few times, me love." Lucky Clover giggles to her love happily.

"See? Not that hard at all..." Brave Heart remarks with a smile. But to his surprise, Pinkie disappear. "Eh? Hey!"

Pinkie was galloping off, sighing in sadness. "Yeah, thanks for the advice, Brave Heart but right now, I don't feel the need for love right now. Can't get a party and grasp for it..."


"Oh, poor Pinkie." Fluttershy sighs in sadness. She then notices that Ben was checking the schedule on his hoof pilot. "Hey! Ben!"

"What? Oh sorry," Ben apologizes as he put the schedule away. "Man, that poor Pinkie Pie."

"Oh, we must do something about this, we must! We can't let Pinkie Pie be miserable on Hearts and Hooves Day!" Rarity exclaims to Ben in concern and in a dramatic way. "Why, it would be..."

"The worst possible thing ever, yeah, we get it. Look, I feel sorry for Pinkie Pie myself but for now, we should just let things happen. I mean, we can't go and meddle in her life. Twilight tried something like that and look what happened to her. It would make things more random."

Ben heads off to resume working, Fluttershy notices a smirk on Rarity's face, the white unicorn obviously didn't really pay attention to what the stallion has said. The yellow Pegasus said meekly, "Oh dear; Rarity?"

"Fluttershy, I believe I know what we can do for our good friend Pinkie Pie." Rarity said eagerly, "Like I said many times before: IDEA!"


Golden Heart, Pinkamena along with Jack, Gold Wing, Omega and Havis, the two in hoods, watch. The Alicorn comments to his adopted sister, "Well it's that time of the year."

"Yeah, love is in the air but I am sure nopony has eyes on me that's for sure." Pinkamena comments to his big brother.

The others nod and watch the show. Psycho Pie is at her table enjoying her spaghetti when suddenly Prince Blueblood arrives, smirking while saying, "Well, well, if it isn't Pinkamena Diane Pie! I am Prince Blueblood!"

"How sweet..." Psycho Pie said as she suddenly gave him a creepy smirk, holding out her dinner knife, "Except I'm Psycho Pie and your number just came up!"

"Eek eek eek! I'm leaving, leaving, leaving!"

Prince Blueblood screams as she gallops away from the mad mare. Back onstage, Twilight smiles while saying, "Okay, ponies; Time to get Hearts and Hooves Day going with our first cartoon of the night!"

The audience applauds as the first story begins.




Soarin's Hearts and Hooves Day Bit

It was another nice afternoon. Soarin' was flying through the streets of Ponyville with one thing in mind. Today was Hearts and Hooves Day and he got a plan to give Rainbow Dash something special: and this Wonderbolt knew exactly what to get her.

Soarin' stops as he arrives outside a candy store, there is a window that displayed a lot of candy for the holiday itself. Of course, the Pegasus yelps in alarm as he saw a lot of prices on the stuff: Almost 60, 80, even up to 100 bits worth for one box of candy!

Soarin' sighs in sadness as he took out one bit from his saddlebag, he was under budget today. How will the Wonderbolt get something for Rainbow? It's helpless....but then he looks around and saw it, standing right before his eyes in the display window ...

A small box of candy for one bit! Soarin' smiles eagerly, looks like he got something for Rainbow after all! But before he could go inside the store, the wind suddenly blew his bit away, much to his shock as he saw his money fly away with the wind. The Pegasus got to get that bit back so he can buy that gift for Rainbow!

In determination, Soarin' flew after, chasing the bit through Ponyville, going around some cloud lights, seeing his money going down a sewer drain. He dove down it following the bit as it goes up another drain (don't ask me how). Still, Soarin' kept on chasing it.

The bit goes inside a mailbox, making Soarin' dives for it, knocking the mailbox as a result. The money got swept away, causing the hero to chase his money to the park. Now at this moment, Kite Flying Day is happening in the area but Soarin' is too busy chasing his bit to notice. As he does, the Pegasus unknowingly tied up Twilight, Ben and Nyx together with their kite springs, knocked down Big Macintosh, dove into a bear's mouth, came out another one, climbed up a gas station up and down and stops nearby Pinkie who is flying a kite of her own.

Soarin' gasp as he saw the bit too high to reach and the Pegasus's wings are too busy to fly up after it. Soarin' and Pinkie watch the bit while the pink pony kept her kite steady. In determination, the Wonderbolt climbs up onto Pinkie as she grabs her knife, throwing the strings as if to make stairs before climbing them.

Upon Soarin' reach the top of the kite, gravity unfortunately took over, causing both to fall to the ground with the wings attaching themselves to Soarin'. The stallion hits the ground face first, groaning. He glares and saw that he himself is now wearing the kite as pair of butterfly wings.

Soarin' got an idea on how to fly until his wings recover. He starts using the wings to allow himself to fly around with the wind picking up. Soarin' is now up in the sky chasing his bit which somehow came to life and begins messing with the Pegasus, hiding behind the clouds. Soarin' and the bit start cloud diving with the stallion chasing it, even typing up a lot of kites to do so.

Soarin' kept trying to get the bit but it came to life again before untying the string on his kite wings. The Pegasus turns and yelps while looking down. He could look up and holds out a sigh that said 'HORSE FEATHERS' before falling to the ground. Luckily for him, Soarin' grabs the wings and put them back on, starting to fly once more before landing straight on the ground. He smirk, for a moment, the Pegasus pony was back in business.

Unfortunately, things soon got back again: the CMC chose that time to enter the park preparing to fly kites. They saw Soarin' flying around and smirk devilishly as they put their kites up. The three fillies decided to mess with Rainbow's beau today. And sure enough, to Soarin's annoyance, the three kites appearing, blocking his view and making him groan. Why must the CMC chose today of all days just to mess with him?

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo gallops around with their kites which begin to beat up Soarin'. He glares at the three fillies as this continues on. Soarin' growled in anger as he tries his best to fight back. Eventually, the Pegasus pony frowns and flew down, tying the strings on the CMC's kites up. Apple Bloom, Sweetie and Scootaloo watch as their kites hit the ground.

Soarin' gave a big smile in victory, but he isn't done yet. The stallion begins making a nose dive towards the CMC who yelps and duck down, fearing that he is going to get back at them harshly for messing with them, giving the three a threat not to mess with him again. Soarin' of course wasn't aiming for them. He was aiming for their kites which the Wondrbolt begins to beat up like mad. Soon when the dust lifted, Soarin' smirks in victory as he left bones or scales as the remains of his opponents.

While the CMC tries to figure out how it is possible that bones or scales got added to their kites, Soarin' goes back to what he was doing of chasing his bit. The Pegasus pony finally grabs it, smiling in victory...but then he looks up and saw stormy clouds, much to his disbelief. Either those stupid Cloud Gremlins are back or his fellow Pegasus ponies decided to make it stormy today. Either way, it wasn't supposed to happen!

And it did, Soarin' got swept and beaten up by wind, getting rained on and electrocuted by lightning, which ends up burning off the butterfly wings from Pinkie's kite. Luckily for our hero, Soarin' ends up landing right where the problem started, on the streets. He got up in a daze and recovers before smiling. The stallion got his bit back! He can still buy his present to Rainbow!

Soarin' flew up to the store...but to his shock and sadness, the Pegasus pony saw that the box of chocolates that was there for a bit at the window display was gone. It was sold. The stallion looks down in sadness. Now he doesn't got a gift for Rainbow...


It was late afternoon as Soarin' sighs and sitting down, contemplating his failure. How will he tell Rainbow that he himself couldn't get her a Hearts and Hooves Day gift? Suddenly a shadow comes nearby, making him turn to see the mare herself coming up. Soarin' spots something on her back, must be her gift to him.

Rainbow grins as she sat near her love, showing what the gift is. To Soarin's surprise, it was a box of chocolate, the same one that he was wanting to buy her all day! She must've purchased it!

Soarin' smiles as he hugs Rainbow, the mare smiles as she hugs him right back. Despite some crazy mishaps, this Hearts and Hooves Day ended out working for the best after all.




Once the cartoon is over, the couples in the place applauds; another good one.


As the Hearts and Hooves Day celebration continues on, Brave Heart hangs with his gal Lucky Clover. The two were having a romantic time, but the mare yelps as she hides under the table.

"Lucky? What's wrong with ye, lass?" Brave Heart ask Lucky Clover in concern.

"Black cat…black cat!" Lucky Clover mumbles as Brave Heart spots a black cat walking by.

Ben came by at this moment, looking concerned as he ask Lucky Clover, "What's wrong with you, Lucky Clover?"

"Sorry. I'm a bit…well…superstitious."

Now up on stage, Twilight waves as she spoke to the crowd, "All right, and now, here is Doctor Hooves with his theories on love!"

The audience applauds as attention is turned to Dr. Hooves as the spotlight is on him. He grins while saying, "Hello, my lovely audience. Time to show all of you how to fall in love."

"Uh, Doc?" Derpy ask as she and Dinky came onto the stage. "I think falling in love happens slowly."

"Right, what kind of other scientific reason is there?" Dinky Doo ask Doctor Hooves puzzled.

"Glad you asked, Dinky. Why, being reincarnated over the years, I know that the perfect person to fall in love with is someone just like you." Doctor Hooves explains proudly, much to Derpy and Dinky's confusion. "You got it! I have created the perfect mate for Dinky!"

"Huh?" Dinky ask surprised as a spotlight shines on a colt version of Dinky. "I thought it was going to be a female version of you like in the actual series."

"Yes, but I already got your mother. Who am I to make a home wrecker?"

"Hi there, I'm a colt!" The male version of Dinky said, making Doctor Hooves chuckles as he pushes Dinky towards him.

"See? Nothing wrong with that love." Doctor Hooves said to Derpy proudly. "It's like cloning..."

"Without the sheep!" The colt version of Dinky exclaims, making him frown.

"Right, right. Because we're actually..."


Doctor Hooves begins to get a big irritated and annoyed by the colt version finishing his sentences. The Doctor snaps, "All right, we get the idea. Now stop finishing all of my..."

"...sentences!" Male Dinky exclaims with a smirk, angering Doctor Hooves once more.



"No, you knock it off!" Doctor Hooves exclaims angrily.

The male Dinky sighs, turning to the real filly as he said, "Dinky, listen, you're a good filly and all, but I don't think we will work out if your adopted dad kept on doing this. I think we should see other ponies. I'm leaving, bye!"

With that, the colt version of Dinky marches off, making Dinky confused. She spoke up, "What just happened?"

"I think you just broke up with yourself." Derpy said to her daughter, rolling her weirdo like eyes.

"Well...okay, I added some bits of me, so I can see what happened." Doctor Hooves said sheepishly. The audience laughs while applauding. The Doctor calls to the departing colt Dinky, "Make sure you call Dinky sometime, okay?"


Now at the desk area, Ben came over, taking over Rainbow's break. She spoke to Rarity, "All right, Rare; you got me here, so what was it you wanted to tell me about?"

"Well, you'll see..." Rarity said with a big smile. Ben frowns, suspecting that his friend is up to something.

Suddenly, Pinkie bounces over to her friends, smiling for some reason. For some reason, the pink pony appears to be in a good mood, rather than the sad one she was earlier. Why, even her mane and tail are puffed up again!

"Benny, Rarity, glad I've caught you two! Say...all right if you two could keep a secret?" Pinkie ask her friends. They nodded and leans in so that the pink mare can whispers, "Okie dokie lokie. Here's the scoop, I was checking my e-mails on my computer...and guess what? I got an e-mail that said that I got a secret admirer!"

Pinkie giggles as she pulls out a printed paper of the e-mail, "See? All there in black and white!"

"Hey, good work, Pinkie!" Ben exclaims with a grin. Of course, he gave a suspicion frown at Rarity for the obvious reason.

"Great news, Pinkie!" Rarity giggles as she gave a delightful smile.

"Yeah! According to my e-mail, he wanted be my special somepony! And he's coming over here tonight! Yay!" Pinkie exclaims, bouncing up, "Oh boy, I can't wait to meet him! Hee hee he! I'm going to get ready!"

And thus, Pinkie rushes off as Ben gave a smile to Rarity. Then once the pink Earth Pony is gone and out of earshot, the son of Celestia grabs Rarity, yelling, "RARITY!"

"Oh, Ben! What?" Rarity yelps in shock and alarm.

"Did you, for some reason, happen to meddle with Pinkie's love life, even though I told you not to?!"

"What? Please, I only send an e-mail to my dear friend Pinkie, pretending to be her secret admirer. I had Fluttershy send an e-mail to her a few seconds ago, allowing moi to give her the right words to use. Fluttershy should have a sweetheart like everypony else, darling."

"Yeah....but did you even think of what would happen if Pinkie was waiting for her so-called date...and he never show up?" Ben ask Rarity of one little problem: How will Pinkie react if his "special somepony" is nowhere in sight.

Rarity pauses then gave out a sheepish chuckle, "Well, hee hee. Okay, maybe I didn't think that part out."

"Rarity! What are you going to do now? I mean, what will never if Pinkie expects his special somepony to show up but never does?"

"Well, don't worry, I know exactly what to do!" Rarity exclaims with a confidant smile. Then she fell on her pony knees. "Please, please, oh please, Ben, help me, I'm begging you! I don't know what to do! I truly didn't think this idea through, please, heeeeeelp!"

Ben sighs as he said, "Ugh, Rarity. All right, as a friend, I will help you."

"Great! So what shall we do?"

"Well, all right, here's what we'll do..."


Pinkie was asked by Ben to come to the backstage, the stallion got a surprise for his friend.

"Hey, Pinkie!" Ben calls over to Pinkie with a smile. "Your secret admirer is here!"

"Oh boy!" Pinkie exclaims, squealing as she bounces over to Ben. "He's here! I can't Super Duper wait to meet him!"

"Uh, Pinkie, to be honest..." Ben said as he took out a blindfold. "This is going to be a BLIND date, so you will have to this wear this blindfolded."

"Ooooh..." Pinkie giggles as she took the blindfold, putting it around her own eyes. "That makes sense to me!"

"Yeah, knew you would like it. Okay, here he comes!"

Ben nods as he motions a signal to Rarity. She came over with a contract with a coat and a wig on. Hopefully this will be enough to fool Pinkie and not have her own heart broken.

"Ooooh, hey, sir, for you!" Pinkie exclaims, not seeing saying as she smile while getting on one foreleg and pulled out a corn cob growing out of a pot nearby. The two girls look at each other as Rarity gave out a nervous chuckle while taking the corn cob pot. Pinkie is expecting her "date" to talk.

"Hee hee. Err, Pinkie?" Rarity ask with a nervous laugh. "There's one thing we forgot to add: your date is shy. He doesn't talk much."

"Oooh, a shy date, huh? Well, that's okay! I will do all the talking! This way, my handsome colt!" Pinkie giggles happily. She took the coatrack by the sleeve as he prepares to lead "him" away...but hit the door by accident. "Owie! Wow, these blind dates are hard to see."

Ben and Rarity gave nervous looks to each other. They can only hope that this will work and Pinkie doesn't get the idea of what's going on.


In the dining area, Spitfire, in her Wonderbolt Academy gear, was enjoying a drink, but yelps as Prince Blueblood rush over, smirking as he exclaims, "Hey, what do you know? It's Spitfire of the Wonderbolts! You are one wonder beauty! How would you like to be my rookie?"

"Ugh, no way!" Spitfire exclaims in annoyance as Blueblood leans over, wanting a kiss. "SOARIN', FLEETFOOT!"

Suddenly Soarin' and Fleetfoort appears, grabbing as Soarin' snaps, "Sorry, but no one dates our leader without permission!"

"That goes for you too, Bluejerk!" Fleetfoot remarks who proceeds on stomping onto Blueblood, causing him to scream in pain like mad.

On stage, Twilight chuckles as she introduces the next story, "All right, ponies! Time for Ben to get a kiss from rescuing me!"

The audience applauds as the next cartoon of the night applauds.



Ben Mare to the Rescue 1 - Staircase

Twilight screams as that evil unicorn jerk Boris has kidnapped her, using a collar to keep her from using magic. From the top of a window of the villain's HQ, the mare calls out, "Benny, help!"

Boris grabs Twilight from behind, gagging her while laughing, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Scream all you want, Twillight. That Earth Pony filth Ben Mare will never rescue you this time! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha-" The villains tops as he sat a sign on his own HQ that said 'THE HIDEOUT OF BORIS THE ANIMAL'. "Oh, and I gotta take down that 'The Animal' sign. Why did they even put it on my house in the first place?"

Boris drags Twilight into his HQ. Sure enough, Ben Mare arrives, frowning at the building while saying, "Hang on, Twiley! I'll save you!" Ben rushes towards the hideout. Upon entering through the door, he headed towards a staircase. "All right, here I come!"

Ben looks up and saw that the staircase is weird, even Pinkie would be random out by this! It twirled around, got pictures hanging in mid-air and on top of the staircase was Foxxy tied to a ticking bomb, trying to escape though her anti-magic collar is keeping her in check! There's Boris in a watchtower, smirking and laughing anxiously.

"Twilight," Ben exclaims as he glares at the smirking Boris. "Let my filly go now, Boris the Animal!"

Boris snarls furiously, "If I've told you once, Ben, I've told you a thousand's just Boris!"

"All right, here I come!"

Ben trots up the stairs. Boris smirks as he pushes some buttons to actives some traps.

"Take this, Earth filth!" Boris exclaims sinisterly to his enemy.

Ben turns just in time to see a punching glove coming right through a portrait. The Earth pony ducks, causing the punching glove to pass right by him. Well, looks like it's going to be the hard way.

Ben begins teleporting with his Triforce magic, dodging the punching gloves that tries to get him. The hero laughs in triumph as he got passed those traps.

"Hey, how about this?!" Boris snaps as he pushes another button.

Ben was heading right up when he felt some shaking. The hero yelps, "What's going on?" Ben looks up to see the stairs ahead of him tilting a bit...that's because huge bowling balls are coming right him very fast.

"Play ball! Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ben, please hurry!" Twilight calls out to Ben who is not too far away from her.

Boris laughs viciously...however, Ben manages to fly past the rolling bowling balls very easy. IN determination, our hero exclaims, "All right, time to put the smack down on that Animal!"

Ben heads up once more, when Boris send out another trap...a bunch of slinkies that heads towards the hero. Ben frowns in determination as he ducks, causing the slinkies to passed him.

"Ha! Missed me, Boris the Animal!" Ben laughs in victory at his enemy. So far, Boris isn't doing well to hurt his enemy at all!

Ben smiles as he catches up to Twilight. The hero was heading to her...when the stairs disappears on the last step, causing him to slide down, much to Boris's satisfaction. The villain smirks wickedly, looks like he won this time!

However Ben isn't going to give up yet. The Earth pony grabs one of the boxing gloves and causes it to break off. Ben lands towards the slinkie then jumps as he aims his new weapon towards the top. The son of Celestia grabs Twilight and the bomb as the two lovers goes into the watchtower of the surprised Boris who ended up getting punched in the face by the boxing glove.

Twilight manages to get out of the trap and her anti-magic collar. The two lovers jumps out of the water tower and slid down the stairs. And just in the time of time as the bomb blew up, sending Boris right out of the watchtower and into the air. That would hurt him!

Ben lands first as he grabs his lover. Twilight smiles as she said, "Oh, Ben. Thanks for rescuing me." The unicorn kisses Ben on the lips, making him blush. "You're the best colt friend a pony like me would ask for."

"You lose again, Boris the Animal!" Ben calls out to Boris still in the air as he and Twilight take their leave.

Both the Cartoon Boris (offscreen) and House of Pony Boris (from the audience) yells out, "It's just Boris!"

And thus, Ben saved his beloved filly, defeated Boris once more. All is well...well, until next time anyway...




Once the cartoon is over, everyone applauds eagerly. Once again, it's another good one.

Though not everyone is happy. An annoyed Boris mumbles, "There's gotta be a way to get Twilight to forget about that Earth Pony, Ben Mare, and-."

Brave Heart, who was nearby, overheard this. He roll his eyes while saying, "Not a chance, Boris..."

"Well, at least he didn't call--."

"....the Animal."

"That's it, Brave Heart! No more Mr. Nice Unicorn!" Boris exclaims furiously as he got out from his table, preparing to fight Brave Heart. The villain can't take more of this! "Let's settle this like gentle-colts. A fight to the death. Mano y Mano. Colt to colt-."

Brave Heart interrupts Boris by holding up one hoof, smirking as he spoke, "Ah, but you forget Boris mah lad. I brought me second-in-command to keep you in your place."

"Your-second in command?" Boxco ask, getting a bit scared. "And...uh...who would that be?"

"Please don't let it be a Viking pony. They scare the coat off of me." Dum-Dum said in terror and worry.

Brave Heart chuckles as he spoke once more, " lot will see who he is. Oh, Ragnar!"

Then the House of Pony was surrounded by dark grey mist, and a loud chorus of pounding drums was heard. From out of the mist came a grayish-silver Unicorn with wavy golden hair, a golden beard and tail, icy blue eyes and on his flank was a Viking long sword Cutie Mark, a symbol of his honor and prowess in battle. This Unicorn was Brave Heart's second-in-command of the Pony Brigade; Ragnar Boldhoof.

Ragnar spoke in a Norway tone of voice, "You called for me, Captain Brave Heart?"

"That I did, Ragnar." Brave Heart said, smirking as he motions to Boris and his goons.

Dum-Dum screams like a filly as he hides behind Boxco. The coward shrieks, "A V-V-V-V-V-V-V-VIKING PONY! Save me, Boxco. Save me."

Boxco roll his eyes while remarking, "Dum-Dum, you big baby!"

Brave Heart chuckles as he spoke to his friend, "I need ye tah keep a close eye on these three ruffians as well as the Snotty Duo. Make sure they do nah cause any trouble, Ragnar."

"You can count on me, Brave Heart. I'll make sure they don't cause any trouble." Ragnar said with a smirk. To Dum-Dum, he booms, "Boo!"

Dum-Dum screams, hiding deeper, "Help me, Boxco! Save me."

"Uh...nice Viking pony." Boxco said nervously. Even the sight of Ragnar is enough to scare the Tartarus out of him. "Nice Viking pony."

"Now you three boys stay here and be good, while I go scare me a couple of snotty brats." Ragnar said with a tone of voice that said 'don't even think of causing any more trouble or else'.

As Ragnar heads off, Dum-Dum shudders, "I think I'm going to faint."

Boris slaps himself on the forehead, groaning, "I'm surrounded by frickin' idiots!"

At his table, Golden Heart smiles as he said, "Well that was a good short."

"Yeah but still I wonder is somewhere beyond this realm and others out there........" Pinkamena said. She shakes her head while adding, "Yeah, right, like if anypony wants to date me and if Blueblood kisses me on the lips, I will zip his lips shut and send him into a tuba!"

The others nod a little nervous. They don't want to get on this pink pony's bad side!


Pinkie was in the dining area, sitting at the table with the coatrack, still blindfolded. She has no idea of whom his real date is, especially when Brian passed by and watch in curiosity. He mumbles, "Now what is Pinkie doing?"

"Awww, so tell me about yourself." Pinkie said with a little smile. The coatrack didn't say. In fact, it kept on doing so as the pony nodded then gasps, "You don't say. You don't say. Wow, you DON'T say!" In one would know any better, one would imagine Pinkie's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, you really don't say much, do ya?"

Pinkie squee as she smiles a bit. Ben and Rarity watch over as their friend kept her conversation with the coatrack, unaware of what it is still. The white unicorn smiles as she said, "Yes, I believe Pinkie is enjoying his wonderful blind date."

"Uh, Rarity? You do remember that it's a coatrack, right?" Ben ask, reminding Rarity of the obvious. "Which we set up!"

"True, but it's still so adorable!"

"Ugh. Somehow you read too many romantic stories as of late."

Pinkie kept on talking with her date. "You know, I am the head waiter here. So how about it? I take your order. So what would you like?" The pony waits for an answer. None came, no surprise. "Oooh, you are shy, aren't ya? How about I get us a couple of milkshakes, okay? Be right back!"

Pinkie left the table, though due to the fact that she's still blindfolded, the pink pony has trouble seeing around the area. So the mare has to trot around to make sure that she didn't bump into anything.

Pinkie bumps into the Smooze, going through it while saying, "Pardon me, sorry about that! Excuse me, what, sorry, blind date in progress!"

Pinkie finally got out of the Smooze. Despite being slimy, the pony shakes the stuff off then heads into the kitchen. The happy pony bounces over to her employers who keep confused at her being confused.

"Hey, two milkshakes, Mr. and Mrs. Cake!" Pinkie exclaims with a giggle.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake nodded, they chose not to question what Pinkie does a long time ago. The couple begins mixing up some milkshakes and left them on the counter. But when they left, expecting Pinkie to get them, their kids Pound and Pumpkin Cake appears, happily drinking the milkshakes. And what Pinkie doesn't know, won't hurt her, right?

Pinkie grabs the, unknown to her, empty milkshake cups. She smiles while saying, "Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Cake! Squee!"

Pinkie manages to leave the kitchen, trying to get back to her table. She manages to find a table, expect it isn't hers. Pinkie is now sitting next ton Ursa Minor who looks confused.

"Made it!" Pinkie exclaims happily. She fails to see the Ursa Minor who slurps hungrily at the blindfolded pony. The mare offers on empty cup while saying, "Wow, it does look tasty, huh? Hope you like chocolate."

The Ursa Minor angrily knocks the cup away, preparing to eat Pinkie...who ended up putting the cup into the confused monster's mouth. The pink pony giggles, "No? Well, how about strawberry?" The Ursa Minor yelps as our hero shoves the cup down his mouth, making the baby swallow it. "Yummy, huh?"

Ursa Minor gave out another roar, knocking Pinkie and her chair four miles straight. The mare pauses as she spoke, "You know, you oughta use a breath mint."


Blueblood is at it again. The unicorn stallion smirks as he came over to a sitting Catrina, the cat witch. He spoke, "Hello, kitty! How about you to go from 9 lives to a perfect life?"

"Get out of my sight!" Felina hisses furiously as she fires a blast at Blueblood, sending him right towards Pinkie who is still talking to the Ursa Minor, who is yawning in boredom.

"Well, to be honest, ponies are cute." Pinkie said happily. Of course, Blueblood lands right on top of Pinkie, knocking her blindfold right off.

"Ugh. What happened?" Blueblood ask, groaning as Pinkie got up, looking shocked and disbelief.

"Blueblood?! You're my secret admirer?! Hey, what kind of joke is this?!"

"Unfortunately, the joke is on me."


Pinkie sighs in sadness as she heads into the kitchen, her mane and tail are deflated again. To her, she thinks someone play a mean joke on her and it isn't funny.

"Guess I don't have that special somepony after all." Pinkie said gloomy. "And Hearts and Hooves Day is almost over."

Brian watches Pinkie going into the kitchen, then looks at the Valentine that he plans on giving the pink pony. The stallion smirks eagerly. This was it, time to get this over with. Brian put on a brave face as he heads into the kitchen to meet up with his Pinkie Pie.


On stage, Twilight uses her magic to hold a bow and arrow thing, smiling as she said, "Now for a brand new cartoon..." The unicorn fires the arrow, which ends up fling around and hits her on the flank. "...which is a little off-target."

The audience applauds as the next cartoon begins.





It was another day in Ponyville. Rarity hums a familiar song as she passes by Spike who watches her from nearby.. The Dragon sighs happily. For a long time he has this crush on her.

"Wow, Rarity...if only you know what it's like to be in my arms..." Spike said with a happy sigh. He smiles, having a bit of a fantasy sequence.

Dream Sequence

"Ah, Rarity, my darling, my unicorn." Spike said happily, talking to Rarity on her bed. "You are beautiful, kiss me!"

Rarity giggles as the two kiss...

End Dream Sequence

Spike smiles, rubbing his head while saying, "Hey! Why am I still dreaming?! I got to fess up now!" The Dragon rushes down to the humming Rarity. Time to make his move. "Hey, Rarity!"

Of course, Rarity just humming, not even paying attention. Spike chuckles as he tries again, "It's me, your favorite Dragon, your Spikey-Wikey!" To his surprise, she still isn't paying attention. The Dragon waves a claw in front of her face. "Weird. She isn't even looking at..."

Spike rushes off then came back with signs that said "Rarity, I love ya! Pay attention to me!" Of course, the mare just kept her eyes closed, moving on. What is with her today?

Spike isn't giving up. He rushes off, then came back with a huge bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates, speaking, "Here you go, my wonderful mare." But Rarity just kept on going by him. Spike frowns as he rush off and reappears with a basketful of strawberries. "Got some strawberries for you. Rarity?"

Rarity didn't pay attention. She arrives at the Carousel Boutique, sighing, "Ah, back at work." The mare heads inside, Spike was determined to go to her.

"Yo! Rar..." Spike yelps as a familiar group of Dragons appear, blocking his way. "Garble?!"

"Hey, get lost, loser!" Garble sneers as he pokes Spike in the stomach. "Rarity is mine, you worthless bum!"

"Hey, Rarity isn't even yours, you fireball!"

Before Spike knew it, he finds himself being kicked away from the Carousel Boutique, crashing into a trash bind next to a magic shop. The Dragon sighs as he got rid of a top hat that had a rabbit inside it.

"I don't know why Garble thinks that he's Rarity's...and I fear for her if he somehow makes him like her. I should do something." Spike mumbles a bit. He then notices something near his feet. "What? What's this?"

Spike picks up a box and reads it, "'Zecora's Love Arrows with Launcher. One hit and you're in love'. Wow, I didn't know that Zecora made these." The Dragon smirks in realization. "Hey, yeah! This could work with Rarity! Hee hee hee!"

Spike took out the arrow and launcher, heading to a window near the Carousel Boutique. He put the arrow onto the launcher, saying, "All right, I got one shot at Rarity." The baby Dragon peeks in, seeing Rarity talking with a customer. "All right, good. And fire!"

Spike opens the window and fires the arrow. Unfortunately, there is one big problem: Garble chose that time to walk near the window and got hit in the tail. Spike's eyes widened in horror as the bad Dragon begins to turn pink. Not good!

"Don't look at me, don't look at me!" Spike mumbles. To his horror, Garble turns and saw Spike, his eyes grow a pink color as the arrows dissolves. "Oh horse feathers!"

"Spike, my love! I didn't realized how handsome you are!" Garble exclaims, smiling as he jumps out the window, landing in Spike's arms.

"Yikes! Whoa, sorry, Garble, but you aren't my type!" Spike screams. He drops Garble and runs off in a panic.

"Wait, my Dragon boy! Come back!"

Garble chases after Spike who runs like Tartarus from the love stricken Dragon. On the other side, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were skateboarding/roller skating as they try to get some cutie marks. The three fillies however collides into Spike, causing their roller skates to ends up in his claws and he is now running on all fours on them.

"Come back, fire flower!" Garble exclaims lovingly as he jumps onto the unconscious fillies' skateboard, chasing his "love" still.

"Forget it, Garble, you aren't my type! I am not non-straight, okay?!" Spike yells at Garble frantically.

The two Dragons flew up a ramp, causing Garble to fell off his skateboard. Spike got on a stair handle with four appendages. Once he reaches the bottom, the roller skates fall off his hands, causing him to be on his feet on the other roller skates.

Spike arrives at the library, thinking he is safe. Twilight, Ben, Nyx and Phobos were waiting when he shows up. But to their surprise, there's Garble on top of him.

"Hey, fire flower." Garble said happily to Spike.

Spike screams in a panic as he runs out of the library, leaving Twilight's group to look after him in shock. What the hay is that about?

After getting Garble off of him, Spike jumps into a mailbox with his pursuer following. Spike rush out of the mailbox's back and rush off, arriving at a nearby street corner. The baby Dragon breathes in and out. Perhaps he lost him.

But without warning, a delivery truck arrives as the Mailpony gave a package to Spike, saying, "Package for Spike."

"Wow, really?" Spike ask, looking at the package while opening it. "Now what is it?"

To Spike's shock, Garble came out, smiling as he said, "Hello, fireflower."

Once again, Spike screams and runs off, the chase begins anew. The duo goes around in a jungle gym playground, hiding all over the place while looking for one another. The two soon bumps into each other on the flagpole on the top of a slide.

"Honey!" Garble exclaims excitedly.

"Leave me alone!" Spike screams. He slide down the slide and runs off with Garble chasing him still, landing on a seesaw that send the baby Dragon up towards the other street. Spike crosses a pool with a diving board and pool toys. Unfortunately, so did Garble.

Spike arrives near the same magic store, hiding in the trash dumpster in hopes that Garble won't find him, holding his breath.

"Darling? Honey? My flower?" Garble calls out, arriving as he looks around. The Dragon smiles, saying, "Must be shy. Well, my Spikey Wikey will turn up sooner or later."

Once Garble is gone, Spike sighs in relief, "I got to stop this. Man, why did I ever get those stupid love arrows. This has to stop, but how?" The baby Dragon saw another box. "Huh? What's this now?"

Spike takes the box and reads it, "'Zecora's Magic Hate Arrow. Will get rid of the magic of the love ones'. Cool! Zecora must've made these in case the love arrows got out of claw! All right, I got an idea, but Garble must be alone."


It was later that evening as Garble was skipping, fluttering to himself. His boys don't get what's going on. They just presume that he has another girl in his life. Even Rarity is pondering this.

But then, the boys and Rarity hears whistling, making Garble turns to some bushes, gasping, "Darling? Is that you?!"

"Darling?!" The male Dragons ask confused and bewildered.

There's Spike near the bushes, sitting at a table, smiling as Garble came over to him. Hopefully his plan would work!

"Firefower!" Garble exclaims happily as he sat down. "For me?"

"Oh yes, honeybunch. I've found my true calling." Spike said in a girl like voice. Garble chuckles as he prepares to lean in for a kiss. "And you're about to too."

Suddenly Spike pulls the cord on the launcher, sending the hate arrow right onto Garble's butt. The Dragon looks confused as he turns back to normal...and is shocked as he saw what's he's doing.

"Hey, what was I doing?" Garble ask, scratching his head.

"I was going to ask you!" Rarity exclaims in fury as the Dragons turn to see her nearby. The boy Dragons looks shocked as they back away, disappearing from sight. "Garble, I hired you to work at my shop because you said you would redeem yourself...not so you can hit on my Spikey Wikey!"

"Wait, hang on! I wanted you, not him!"

"So you wanted me, not for the job?! Ugh!"

Spike shrugs as he looks at the arrow launcher and heads off. Garble has a lot of explaining to do about what he was doing...or wasn't doing to Rarity who is ticked off at him. The evil Dragon is not sure what happened, but at least Spike now knows that Rarity wasn't really interested in him.

"Love Arrows, stupid!" Spike groans as he puts the launcher down.

To Spike's alarm, however, he realizes too late that the love arrow is in the launcher which send the thing right into the sky. The Dragon looks up, nervously as the arrow landed...

Right on the flank of Princess Celestia, she and Princess Luna were in the middle of visiting Ponyville to visit their relatives. Celestia yelps as the arrow hits her butt.

"Sister? Are you okay?" Luna ask Celestia puzzled as she turns to her sister...whose eyes glow pink before Celestia smiles at her.

"Sister! You're beautiful! I love you! Make me yours!" Celestia exclaims lovingly to Luna, much to her shock and alarm.

"Gah! Wait, stop! I love you, but not in that way! We're sisters!"

"We are destined to be, Luny!"

Luna yelps as she flew off with her lovesick sister chasing her. The Alicorn of the Night protests, "Tia, stop! Control yourself!"

Spike chuckles nervously as he watch from nearby. He mumbles, "Hoo boy, here we go again. I know that Twilight will demand an explanation as to why her former teacher is now pursuing her sister for a relationship."




Once the cartoon's done, the audience applauds once more. What a great one!


The Hearts and Hooves Day celebration is coming to a close as the Cutie Mark Peas AKA the Cutie Mark Crusaders was performing. Ben and Rarity were talking to each other at the desk just as Pinkie, mane and tail poof up again, bounces in, smiling.

"Hiya, Benny and Rarity! Can you both keep another secret?" Pinkie ask her two friends happily. They lean in close as she continues, "Okie dokie lokie! I believe I finally figured out who my secret admirer really was!'

"Wait, you do?" The two friends ask in worry as they look at each other. Had Pinkie figured out what's going on the whole time?

"Yep! He was working here at the club the whole time. Aaaaand I am dating him right now! There he is now!"

Ben and Rarity took a look. To their surprise, there's Brain smiling as he waves nearby. The two looks shocked yet amazed.

"Wait, Brian?" Ben ask in surprise.

"Well, I guess we should've try that before." Rarity said with a shrug, realizing that perhaps she and Ben should've had Brian earlier to avoid the foolishness that Pinkie has gone through. "Better than a coatrack, darling."

Ben pauses, then he nodded. That is understandable.


Blueblood sighs as he is walking in defeat, "This day was not good for me. I never even kissed a mare." He steps on a banana and he slides all over the place. Blueblood was sliding near the table of a certain Alicorn and Pink pony as he sweats. "This will end badly."

The two notice as Golden Heart moves out of the way but Pinkamena could not react in time. Blueblood crashes into the table and a few look and notice as Blueblood recovers but notices where he was. Pinkamena recovers but notices where her lips were: right on Blueblood's! She growls and slowly gets up, pulls him off and her eyes faintly turn color in fury.

Blueblood meekly said, "Well at least I kissed a mare."

Blueblood is grabbed by her, his mouth is zipped and then she shoves him into a tuba. The mare jumps on him, making Blueblood go deeper as some music was heard. It stops as she lands on the floor, brushing herself. Pinkamena then grabs a cup of water and washes her mouth. The mare calms downbut then looks at everyone staring. They return to what they're doing as she trots and gets back to her table.

"I warned him but now it will make some believe I will never find true love." Pinkamena said annoyed yet sadly at the same time. She would never find true love now.

Pinkamena faintly is tearing but Pinkie had saw from a bit away along with Brian. They look at each other and she nods. Brian slowly trots near the table, making Pinkamena look at him in notice.

"What do you want? Don't you need to be with your love?" Pinkamena ask Brian with a frown.

"Well me and Pinkie saw what happened to you and well Pinkie says it is ok since you need one." Brian said to Pinkamena with a smile.

"Need what?"

And to Golden Heart's surprise, as well as some watching, Brian kissed her on the lips and she is shocked but something clicks in her head. Pinkamena lets him continue and a bit later, he stops and she looks at him.

"You upset?" Brian ask Pinkamena with a concerned chuckle.

"Nope.............thanks for cheering me up; you know Pinkie Pie sure can pick a great husband." Pinkamena giggles to Brian. This makes him a bit surprised and from afar Pinkie pie faintly blushes.

"Whoa, we plan to take it one step at a time!"

"I know, now run along."

Brian heads off to Pinkie Pie as she smiles and sighs softly. Golden Heart now chose this time to speak, "You ok sister?"

"Yes brother, I am. I know one day I will find somepony for me but I guess this wraps up another time in the House of Pony." Pinkamena said. She turn sot the camera, giggling. "So till next time, see you all real soon."

"Hey, hey, Twilight and I are supposed to do that!" Spike calls to Pinkamena from the stage. He looks up, speaking, "Hearts and Hooves cards for the House of Pony were provided by..."


"...Lavan...and the lava demon guys."

Lavan gave a smile, waving, but yelps as one of his minions appears from out of nowhere. He boots him away while speaking, "At Lavan's greeting cards, we've got all your greeting card needs, as in "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day", "Happy Un-Hearts and Hooves Day", as well as "Thank You" or "No Thank You” cards! Ha! You will have to go fish for a big deal here!'

Lavan shuffles the card at the last sentence. He smirks while adding, "Here, we give our competition a ROYAL FLUSH! Now burn them all!!!"

The screen paused as the title product was shown.

"Lavan's greeting cards! Now in packs of 52!" Then a little warning tag appears as Spike spoke in a low voice, "Warning, making deals with Lavan will be hazardous to your health."


"Well, that's it for this Hearts and Hooves! We hope you had a real one, so hope to see you soon!" Twilight exclaims, waving to the camera as the show comes to an end.

Episode Five: Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops

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After a while (and some bandages for Twilight, Applejack and Derpy), Rainbow finally calms down. Everything went about to normal (or what counts as it anyway) at the House of Pony. During the weeks, some interesting things happen.

There's one Hearts and Hooves Day when Pinkie Pie felt lonely so Ben, Fluttershy and Rarity decides to help by setting her up on a blind date...with a coat rack, best to wait for the episode to appear in the Holiday Specials for that story. Anyway, long story, everything works out. Pinkie met up with Brian, and what do you know, it turns out that the two were in fact dating. This surprises Ben, Fluttershy and Rarity but shrugs it off as an 'okay' kinda thing.

Once that day was over, Twilight and Ben books na act that was universally beloved...but what they didn't know of what would happen in that week...


As usual, Twilight waits as Spike came down and gives out the introduction, "Here she is, folks; A pony so smart that even professors want to kick her out of universities...TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"

The audience applauds as Twilight teleports onto the stage, grinning. The mare exclaims as they cheer, "Thanks everypony! Say, did you hear the news? A health pool says that 80% of everyone in Equestria, including ponies, Dragons, griffins, Minotaurs, etc. are carrying extra weight! There is good news! It's not that hard to lose! Just get rid of the anvils!"

The audience laughs as Pinkamena Diane Pie pulls out an anvil from out of nowhere, saying happily, "Yep, so true!" The Pinkie Pie look alike laughs as she threw the anvil. Twilight ducks out of the way as it flew past him and landed on Lightning Dust, causing her to scream in pain upon impact.

"We got a bunch of cartoons coming up, as well as our special guest stars, two of the most top favorite background ponies in Equestria, Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops, formerly known as Bon-Bon."

As the folks applaud, a familiar DJ pony, DJ Pon-3, frowns at her table with her friend Octavia as she looks up while asking, "Man, how come those two get most of the attention? I make better music than those two."

"Oh, don't worry about it, DJ." Octavia said to her friend while rolling her eyes at this.

Back on stage, Twilight grins as she exclaims, "First off, let's give it up for the Cutie Mark Peas!"

Everyone turns to see the spotlight going on the Cutie Mark Crusaders...but they are in Shadowbolt like outfits with Apple Bloom explains, "Nope! Sorry, we done lying off 'de Cutie Mark Peas name fer a while so we ain't them no more!"

"Right," Sweetie exclaims as she and Apple Bloom take out guitars while Scootaloo is on the drums. "We are now...Luna's Shadowbolts!"

The audience applauds as the newly named Luna's Shadowbolts play their instruments. Scootaloo grins while saying, "Awesome, about time we change our act! I wish Rainbow Dash is here to see this!"


Rainbow would've seen the performance but right now, the mare is busy at the doors greeting the guests. And sure enough, there's Iron Will coming in with his goat assistances.

"Hello, Iron Will, hello goats!" Rainbow exclaims as she waves to the group. But the Pegasus pony frowns as Iron Will's group is just ignoring him. The mare pulls on the Minotaur tail while snapping, "Hey, horn head! I said hello!"

"Hey! What is pony's deal?!" Iron Will demands to Rainbow in annoyance.

"Hey, it's my job to say hello! The least you can do is to greet yours truly right back!"

"Hey, my pals would love to enjoy entertaining the motion of your 'job', but Iron Will and company don't have the time! The show has just started! We're going to get to our seats now so stop pulling or you get hurting!" Iron Will scoffs as he and his goat assistants head out. "Door ponies, always the lowest class."

"Hey, I resent the lowest class remark! I am 20% awesome!" Rainbow protests to Iron Will in annoyance. "Ugh, this is one of the jobs that I got here."

Rarity appears, speaking up, "Rainbow Dash, darling, there you are! It's Lyra and Sweetie Drops. They want their potato chips right now!"

"What? Wait, why can't Pinkie Pie do it?"

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Cake asked Pinkie Pie to help with a sink in the kitchen and, well..."


In the kitchen, the Cakes watch as Pinkie was trying to fix the sink in there. Mrs. Cake calls out, "Come on, Pinkie Pie! We got customers waiting and we can't have a leaky sink!"

Pinkie's hoof somehow reach for the faucet handle...causing her head to come out of the faucet, much to the Cakes' surprises. The pink pony comments, "Not wanting to alarm you, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, but I think this sink is clogged...aaaaand I'm a little stuck in the pipe."

"Oh great," Mr. Cake groans a bit at what happened. "Pinkie, do you need help getting out of there?"

"No, no, I can do it, I can do it, I..." Pinkie insists as she tries to get herself out of the pipe. This make the pink pony look a bit sheepish. "Okay, maybe I can't; Help."


At a table, we see Golden heart and Pinkamena watching the show as Ahuizotl gets behind them but before he could try to hurt the alicorn, the villain saw a blade at his neck as Pinkamena says, "You try to hurt my big brother, your head will roll on the floor. So go back to your seat."

After that the bad guy runs to his seat sweating like a pig due to his life flashing from a blade being at his neck. Pinkamena spoke to her big brother, "They will never learn will they?"

"Indeed little sister, but let's watch the show." Golden Heart remarks with a slight chuckle.


In the backstage area, Rainbow frowns as she carries a bucket full of ships via her wings. The mare kicks open the door of the dressing room that Lyra and Sweetie Drops is using.

Twilight is in there talking to Lyra and Sweetie Drops when they turn upon hearing Rainbow come in. The purple unicorn exclaims, "There you are Rainbow Dash! Where were you?"

"Don't ask!" Rainbow groans as she march up and dumps the chips next to Lyra and Sweetie Drops, much to their dislike, and march out of the room while slamming the door on her way out. "Ugh, this is soooo not much job doing this. I shouldn't have to do it..."

Twilight shrugs a bit, getting used to Rainbow's behavior by now. As Lyra checks out a chip, she frowns while saying, "I think my order got mixed up. I recalled ordering the Griffin chips with the BBQ favor!"

"Come on, don't complain, it's only chips, Lyra!" Sweetie Drops giggles as she takes a chip and ate it whole. "Oh, that is some good stuff!"

"So you two got anything planned for your show tonight?" Twilight ask the two guest-stars, smiling as to what the two ponies got planned.

"Oh, we're going to try something new and awesome for the audience!" Lyra exclaims eagerly while taking a deep breath. "Give them a chance to be on the edge!"

"Right, yeah! Our act is going to be...standup comedy!" Sweetie Drops exclaims with a smile. However, Lyra frowns a bit as he horns glow upon hearing that.

"No, no, Sweetie Drops. We discussed this. We are doing magic."

"I don't recall discussing this at all! Anyway, you know that I can't do magic! We're doing stand-up!"

"Magic," Lyra argues angrily with Sweetie Drops, much to Twilight's concern. This could end terribly.

"Stand up!" Sweetie Drops yells angrily to her friend big time.


Twilight shakes her head and leaves, laughing as she closes the door on her way out. Ben trots up, looking concerned upon hearing the arguing in the dressing room. He said, "Not good. Those two are getting into one huge argument."

"Come on, it's Lyra and Sweetie Drops we're talking about here." Twilight assures Ben with a smile. "They are best friends, they always work something out!"

However, to Twilight's surprise, Sweetie Drops open the door and storms out of the room, turning and yelling, "ALL RIGHT, FINE! IF THIS HOW YOU TREAT YOUR BEST FRIEND..."

"Best friend?" Lyra asks with a laugh as she peeks out of the door, pretending not to see or even care about Sweetie Drop. "Who would that be? I don't see my best friend out here."

"Ugh! ARE JUST A JERK! I QUIT!" Sweetie Drops yells furiously as she march away. Twilight and Ben looks shocked and disbelief. Sweetie Drop is breaking her friendship up with Lyra?

"Good riddance, non-magic freak! Who needs you?!" Lyra snaps angrily to Sweetie Drops. She then gave a smile to Twilight while adding, "Hey Twilight! When you see that rainbow mane head again, tell here to get my chips and make sure that they're the Griffin chips with the BBQ favor, okay?"

Lyra then shut the door as Twilight and Ben looks shocked. The mare looks worried as she turns to her colt-friend, saying, "Okay, maybe I was wrong..."


While Twilight and Ben tries to figure out what to do with the splitting Lyra and Sweetie Drops, the American Doctor AKA Adam is ready to head out to the House of Pony itself.

"Hmm so I heard that some sort of club's going down well better check it out." Adam said to himself. As the TARDIS started to fade in and out several times it was gone and on its way toward the House of Pony; A while later, it lands in the parking lot.

"Hmm this has got to be the right place." He said. Adam checked the local sensors to be safe and sure enough he was right on the money, "Yup, better call ahead to get a reservation so I don't show up like a bonehead."

And sure enough the reservation was set to go. Adam was all set to go money in wallet and he was going to meet the Mane 6 (In hopes that he would be able to meet Time turner aka *The Doctor*)

"Hello Time Turner, I'm the American Doctor," he said extending his hand. Adam was wearing a black sports jacket with a black T shirt a black pair of jeans and some black velcrow shoes and his hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

"Hey Adam, it's me, Rainbow Dash." Rainbow remarks, shaking hoof to hand with Adam. "Startled ya, didn't I?"

"Yeah, a bit..."


As Twilight is about to show the next cartoon, she ducks as Bray flew past her and crash into a wall as Pinkamena says looking at the other bad guys, "Anypony else want to try to hurt my big brother?"

All the bad guys then just sat back down in their seats, some were scared; some were frozen with fear as Pinkamena goes back to watching the show as it starts.

Twilight, now wearing a magician's outfit as she said, "Hey, ponies, watch this! I, the Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle..."

"Stop stealing Trixie's gimmick!" Trixie yells at Twilight from her table in annoyance.

"...will make a Spike cartoon appears, co-starring Trixie; Presto!"

"Well, at least I will forgive you because of that."

Twilight uses her magic to wave a wand while pointing to a screen. Applejack took it as the cue to air the first cartoon of the night. The audience applauds as it starts.




Spike's Magic Claws

It was the middle of the afternoon in Ponyville as Twilight is heading to the cleaners to pick up some of her clothes, including some gloves that she purchased. As the mare arrives, she saw a familiar face leaving with a package on her back.

"Hey Trixie," Twilight exclaims to her former rival with a smile.

Trixie came to Ponyville before and ends up making a bit of trouble with her boasting and attempts to upstart Twilight. The first time brings in a Ursa Minor thanks to Snips and Snails while the second time, the unicorn was possessed by the Alicorn Amulet. Fortunately, Trixie was forgiven for both incidents and she and Twilight were friends since then.

"Aw, Twilight, good to see you again," Trixie exclaims to Twilight with a smile.

"Good to see you again! Are you doing a show tonight?"" Twilight ask Trixie curiously, noting the package that the blue unicorn has got.

"Correct! I got a big show scheduled for tonight, performing on stage with some new tricks! And just to show no hard feelings between all of us, the Great and Apologetic Trixie would like you and your friends to come!"

"Really; that sounds great!"

"Yes! Here are some invitations!" Trixie exclaims as she uses her magic to pull out some tickets from a saddlebag.

"Thanks, Trixie!" Twilight exclaims as she takes the tickets. Perhaps a show tonight would be great.

"Anytime; I will see you tonight."

As Trixie left, Twilight walks up to the counter where a stallion with weird like eyes like Derpy's was working. He saw her and gave Twilight a box that held her clothes, including the clothes.

"Okay, you made sure not to mix up my gloves again, right?" Twilight ask the clerk with a concerned frown. "Because last time, it took me a few days just to find my real clubs and I almost messed up my visit with the princess because of that."

"Oh, no no no no no no... er, uh, buh, buh, no way, not a chance." The stallion shakes his head in a goofy like way.

"Okay, but remember, if this is a mix-up, you are to blame, got it?"


After getting her clothes and gloves, Twilight came back home and informs her friends and Ben of Trixie's invite to the magic show. While some, like Rainbow and Rarity, are a bit skeptic, they decided to give the showpony another chance since she has change her ways since the Alicorn Amulet incident.

"All right, Spike. Nyx and Phobos are having a camp out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Big Macintosh is watching them. Koga and Owlowiscious are being taken care of by Dexter. Ben, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and I are going to the magic show so you are alone at the library tonight, got it?" Twilight told Spike as she put on a best dress while preparing to head out.

"No problem, Twilight!" Spike exclaims while saluting his big brother/boss.

"Right, I'm trusting you this time but remember the rules. Do not get into the food; eat what I left out for you. The last time, you ate everything in the fridge and I have to spend a lot of bits resupplying it. Second, no TV because I don't want you watching any scary movies or shows not appropriate for you! And finally, no long distance phone calls! Trust me, I already had enough of the last phone bill that is too high for me to pay! Got it?"

", sure!"

"Okay, good, see you later tonight, Spike!" Twilight said as she leaves the library, believing that she herself has made herself clear to her assistant.

Spike waits until Twilight is gone...then smiles eagerly. Time for his fun to begin!

Spike rushes into the kitchen and open the cabinets, taking out some can food that is in there. The Dragon took out a can open to open one up. One problem, the device is made for ponies so Spike can't use the can opener right.

"Awww, man," Spike groans as he tries to use his claws to open up the clan but it won't do so. "Well, so much for eating; May as well watch some TV."

Spike, deciding that he isn't getting any food right now, heads to the couch and turn the TV on. Yeah, Twilight told him no 'TV' but no pony will ever know, right? The Dragon sat on the couch as he begins to watch a program that is on.

"And now...The Diamond Dog Channel!" A voice exclaims on the TV, making Spike frowns as he changes the channel. "Tonight we will be travelling to Timberwolf Isla..."

"Okay, none of that," Spike remarked as he changes the channel again. "There must be something cool on."

"All right, time we cook up some Pony Cupcakes!"

"Gah! I rather not hear that!" Spike yelps in disgust as he changes the channel once more.

On another channel, another voice said, "Fresh Whiny Unicorn Prince of Canterlot..."

"Sounds like some jerk that I know." Spike remarks dryly as he changes the channel. Isn't there anything good on that doesn't involve stuff that he doesn't like or want to throw up by?

"Coming up next, the Teletub..."

Spike screams in terror as he quickly turns the TV off. Anything but that! The Dragon decides to put up watching TV; May as well break the last rule which is to make long distance phone calls.

Unknown to Spike, upstairs in the Sparkles' room is a box that Twilight's clothes and gloves are supposed to be in. Strangely enough, the box itself opens up to reveal...that the gloves are coming to life! As it turns out, the clerk at the cleaners has messed up. Instead of Twilight's gloves, she has gotten Trixie's instead!

What make these gloves so special, you may ask? Well, these things are actually alive and are truly magic. Apparently, these magic gloves are sentient beings and knew right away that they are in the wrong place. One glove waits while the other one got up to keep balance.

The first glove takes the other to where the invitation is and points at the time which is seven. To their worry, the clock nearby said 7:01; not good, they are late and unless the gloves return to Trixie soon, she will be in trouble. The two slide down a lamp chord in hopes to get outside and head to the theater where their owner is performing at.

Downstairs, Spike was on the phone, making sure that his call has come through. To his annoyance, he got a voice saying, "We're sorry but your call to 'Dragon Shores' did not go through. Please sure that you dialed correctly and try your call again."

"Aww, man! I was hoping that Dragon Shores got better the last time that I was there." Spike said with a frown. "Stupid phone made for phones..."

Spike was about to dial in another number when he hears a crash from upstairs. Out of suspicious, the Dragon rush upstairs to investigate. Twilight would throw a fit if anything breaks. Upon entering the room, the Dragon's mouth dropped as he saw the broken lamp...but that isn't what shock him for what did was two gloves running out of the room on their own!

Spike, frowning, chases after the gloves that slid down the stairs and arrives in the library. They were almost to the front door but the Dragon blocks it in time. Already, Spike knows that these aren't Twilight's gloves and advances on them, making the gloves back away slowly.

The gloves run off but Spike makes a grab for one of them, trapping that glove in his claw and causing it to slip onto himself. Spike looks surprised as he saw the first glove on his claw then saw the other tried to pull it off. He pulled his gloved claw way, causing the glove to slap him.

The glove prepares to fight, only for Spike to grab it and spin around, slipping the glove onto himself. The Dragon wonders what to do now. He should do the right thing; these gloves belong to Trixie's, since they are more of a bluish color while Twilight is a purple color. Perhaps Spike should head out to the magic show to help Trixie...

On the other claw, Spike now has some magic in his claws that could make him do impossible things. He smirks eagerly thinking up cool ideas to do with these gloves...and if these ideas work and the Dragon can avoid trouble, who knows?

Spike got to work. He can use the gloves to work a can opener, having all the food that he wants! The Dragon can even change channels on the TV to what he likes. Why, Spike can even use the gloves to dial the correct numbers to make long distance phone calls! With the magic that they can give him, he can even use them to wipe off everything that happened as if they never worked! Oh, Spike is going to love this!

Spike got onto the piano and begins playing 'The Entertainer' on it. As the music plays, we can see him using the can opener on various cans, eating the food that in them. Once the Dragon is done, Spike uses the magic to get rid of the cans and put them back into the right spots, refilling the food. Twilight, Ben, Nyx and Phobos will never know!

Spike later is seen using the remote to change the channels on the TV to the ones that he likes. There was 'Kung Fu Spike: Legends of Awesomeness', 'House of Spike' and 'Spike-Trax'.

Spike is now seen playing a video game via the magic gloves and beating Twilight's high score. The mare is going to have a hard time figuring that one out.

Spike now cast shadow puppets as he made one of 'Twilight Sparkle' with his magic gloves'. The Dragon smiles, he is having so much tonight! Perhaps the baby Dragon can use the gloves to flirt with a certain female Dragon...


Trixie is having a bad time at her magic show. The audience boos at her while she's on stage; the mare is trying to figure out what is going wrong. None of her planned magic tricks are doing well tonight!

Trixie frantically takes out a deck of cards to see what she can while waving her hooves around them. The mare is more worried, why aren't her gloves working? As if to add more humiliation, she trips, causing all the cards to fell out of her hold.

"Sorry, folks, the Great and Powerful Trixie seem to be all hooves tonight." Trixie said nervously while using her horn to sweep up the cards with a broom and dust pan. The mare waves her gloves, still wondering what's going on. "Let's get to the next trick: sawing a pony in half. Yes!"

The curtain pulls up, showing a filly in a box. Trixie goes to the box with a saw via her horn and smiles nervously. She prepares to put the saw in as if to cut the volunteer in half...only for the box to slip, coming apart and fell. Whoops!

The audience regardless boos some more as the filly frowns. Another filly pops out of the other box in annoyance, proving this trick to be a fraud. Trixie watch as her volunteers leave the stage, though one of them came back to pick up a shoe that escapes her body.

Twilight and her friends watch in the audience, the mare looks concerned as she said, "I hate to say this, but Trixie stinks. What's wrong with her?"

"Who cares? This is fun! Booooooo," Rainbow boos Trixie some more, making Twilight frowns at her for that.

Trixie sighs as she goes offstage and sat down in concern. The mare asks herself, "Trixie, what is wrong with you tonight? This night is horrible, one of my worst performances ever even I got to admit. What went wrong? When I brought these gloves, I thought..." Trixie however stops as she took a closer look, noticing the different color of the gloves. "Wait a moment...these aren't my gloves! These are Twilight Sparkle's! I must've gotten hers by mistake!"

Twilight pauses as she asks, "First off, why do we ponies even have gloves; doesn't make sense. And second..." The mare took off the gloves in annoyance. "...where are my magical ones?!"


The magic gloves themselves are still in the claws of Spike. The baby Dragon is a little distance from the stage and is performing a card trick for Barbara the Dragon. She picks a card from the deck and looks at it before putting the said card back. Spike grins as he make the cards move back and forth by magic.

Spike now waves his claw around the cards via the gloves and took out a Queen of Hearts, grinning as he points to it while asking, "Hey, is this your card?"

"Yes! Wow, you're great!" Barbara giggles while nodding. She hugs Spike a bit, giving him an idea.

"Check this out, Barbara."

Spike roll up his sleeves (literally as he pulls up his skin up to his arms as if they are sleeves) and made flowers appears, impressing Barbara further. The male Dragon now blow up a balloon and made a heart with an arrow going through, much to the female Dragon's impression further. Spike now use his magic to float Barbara right into the air.

Of course, trouble soon strikes. Garble was taking a walk on the other side of the fence nearby the action mumbling, "Man, what a cool night. Bright moon, shining starts, Barbara floating in the air, the trees...wait, what?" The bully turns and looks confused as he saw Barbara floating in the air. "Hang on..."

Garble goes over to the fence's other side, seeing Spike waving his claws. The bully frowns as he said, "Hey, wait a darn minute; Hey, you runt!"

"Huh?" Spike yelps as he turns and saw Garble stomping up to him. "Oh, hey Garble."

"Whatcha doing trying to impress Barbara; I saw her first, runt, so back off!"

Spike smirks as he took off a glove and uses it to slaps Garble in the face as if challenging him to a duel. That was a bad move as the glove came to life and got off the Dragon's claw. It pulls off the other glove of Spike. He stares in surprise as the glove slaps him with the other one.

"What the heck are you trying to pull?!" Garble demands furiously to Spike who chuckles nervously as he backs away. The baby Dragon then runs off with the bully chasing him. "Come back here, I ain't done with you yet!"

Barbara frowns but yelps as she fell to the ground. The female Dragon groans, "I hate it when things like this happen..."

The gloves run on the streets with Spike chasing them and Garble chasing him. The gloves made their way to the fire station and got into the truck. They begin to drive it away as they head to the theater where Trixie is at. Spike quickly grabs onto the fire truck's hose, dodging Garble who tries to catch him.

"Whoa!" Spike screams as he kept his hold onto the hose of the fire truck, the gloves honk the horn and rang the bell to get rid of the other drivers in the way. Once they passed by an alley, the glove jumps off the truck with Spike chasing them (with the truck itself crashing somewhere). "Come back here!"

The gloves rush into the entrance of the theater's backstage area with Spike following. Inside, Trixie was still depressed, wondering what happened to her gloves. But then, to her surprise and delight, she saw them jumping right onto her hooves.

"My gloves, you came back to Trixie! I can still save my act!" Trixie exclaims eagerly. Of course, Spike appears, bumping into her as the two circles around onto the stage. When all is clear, the mare grins as she held her hat, with the Dragon somehow disappearing from sight. "And now, the Great and Powerful Trixie shall perform her final trick...pulling a Dragon out of her hat!"

Trixie waves her hoofs into the hat and pulls out Spike, declaring, "Ta-da! Was there any doubt?"

The audience this time applauds. Twilight looks surprised as she asks, "Spike?"

"Hey, what do you know? I guess I got into snow biz after all." Spike said with a smile.




Once the cartoon is done, the audience applauds like mad. Trixie, at her table smiles as she let her gloves do the clapping for her. Was there any doubt?


In a seating area, Fluttershy flies a plate of three beans to slpytlak AKA Shelby, KingHuffman, Jose, cmara and the other author friends. slpytlak grins as she held her fork and knife saying, "Cool. Three bean salad."

Without warning, the beans jump around and grew into a large beanstalk, startling the guests. cmara in annoyance calls out, "Fluttershy! I think it happened again; Geez!"

"So RD, how are things going here?" asked Adam since he knew what was going on.

"Oh, ya know stuff; anyway, glad you could make it to the club tonight." said RD with a smile.

"Yea likewise; when I heard about a club being owned by you six, I simply had to check it out; heck, I even heard of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon trying to shut this place down...hmm, now that I think about it, there anyway we can change Diamond's tune?" asked Adam wondering of a few ways.

"I'd rather just stay away from those two if you get what I mean, though I have a question; do I ever become your companion?" asked Rainbow.

"You bet in the story, 'the Adventures of the American Doctor and Rainbow Dash', we travel to another universe, travel through time, heck even head out to the old west and wind up back in Equestria, you really should check it out." said Adam suggesting that she read the very fanfic episode that's completed.

"When I get the chance," replied RD.

"And as for Scoots and Silver Spoon...we adopt them." said Adam in the main lobby area.

"Yea that's pretty cool," replied Rd. As the two kept talking, he finally realized that this place is pretty awesome.

"Maybe I outta stick around," said Adam with his trademark smirk. "As always Onwards and Upwards."

"Oh hello," said Time Turner trotting over to the two.

"Hello I'm Adam a Time lord, if you will," said Adam while extending his hand. It was then that Time Turner realized that he was talking to another time lord.

"It can't be!" said Time Turner shocked at what he saw before him.

"Hello Doctor. It's nice to meet you," said Adam calmly.

"How can you be a time lord? I thought they were all wiped out!" said Time Turner still in shock.

"That's true but I survived during my travels, I had visions of the great Time War between the time lords and the Daleks but there was one person that stuck out that person and that was you doctor," said Adam with a calm expression on his face .

"If you're a time lord then prove it," challenged Time Turner.

"Very well," said Adam he reached into his black sports jacket pocket and pulled out a short metal rod which was his sonic screwdriver; he pressed the large button on it and sure enough the TARDIS faded in and out from its location in the parking lot to right in front entrance of the club. Time Turner was stunned at what he saw.

"I suppose I believe you so we are the last of our kind." said Time Turner with a frown.

"It's true we are but at least we can make something out of it," said Adam with a smile on his face. Rainbow watched in awe as her fellow reviewer helped lift the very spirits of Time Turner, the very pony who resembled the 10th doctor. He turned back to face Rainbow. "So wanna have some fun?" asked Adam as the two walked inside.

"Rainbow, can yew help Twilight wit' Lyra and Sweetie Drops?" Applejack asks her friend as she heads back to the booth. "Ben is mighty busy an' so is 'de rest o' us tonight."

"What's happening with Lyra and Sweetie Drops?"

"Culture difference,." Rainbow groans while rolling her eyes at this.


In her dressing room, Lyra grins as she hears the crowd. As Twilight came inside, the green unicorn tries to stuff Angel into a top hat, smiling while asking, "You hear that crowd out there? They must really love magic." The mare kept on trying to stuff the annoyed bunny inside. "And I know that they will love me! I will dazzle their pants off, those who wear pants anyway...and get a hands of approval!"

Lyra frowns, having a bit of trouble. The mare asks, "Hey, got any duct tape?"

"Ben!" Twlight calls towards the door for Ben.

Of course, when the door opens, a mad Rainbow came in with Nyx, the former snaps, "Ben can't do it right now!"

"Why not? Where is he?"

"Daddy's helping Auntie Pinkie Pie in the kitchen..." Nyx explains to her mother with a shrug.


Sure enough, in the kitchen, Ben was trying to use his magic to pull Pinkie out of the sink that she's still stuck in. The pinky groans, "Owie; that hurts! Not working, Benny; Owie!"

"How did this happen again?" Ben asks Pinkie in disbelief.


"So daddy's going to be a while." Nyx remarks with a shrug.

"Here!" Rainbow snaps as she tosses the duct tape to Twilight before slamming the door, leaving the room with Nyx staying behind.

"Sorry, mommy; Auntie Dashie is cranky tonight."

As Twilight gives the duct tape to Lyra, she spoke, "Lyra, listen. The audience wants to see 'Lyra Heartsrings and Sweetie Drops'. You know? Can't you just make up with Sweetie Drops or something?"

Lyra rolls her eyes as she remarks, "Come on! Think outside the chimney, like Chancellor Puddinghead would say! You're looking at a new pony for a new generation, Twilight! The colossal, stupendous..." The mare put the top hat on, taping it around himself to keep it from falling off. "...Lyra Heartstrings, the Great!"

Of course, the duct tape fell off, along with the hat, freeing Angel. The mare yelps as Angel hits her with his foot a few times then rushes off. Lyra scowls, "Ugh! No wonder you gave Spike a hard time! What Fluttershy saw in you, I would never know!"

"Well, this stinks." Nyx sighs as she and Twilight leaves the dressing room. Lyra isn't going to get back with Sweetie Drops, especially with her own ego.

"So how did everything go?" Rainbow asks Twilight and Nyx who looks concerned.

"No good. Perhaps you should try talking to Sweetie Drops." Twilight suggests to Rainbow, much to her annoyance.

"Whoa, whoa, why me; Bad enough that I got to keep track when Sweetie Drops was still using her old name of 'Sweetie Drops', but now I..."

"Rainbow Dash!"

"Ugh, fine!" Rainbow groans as she heads off to find Sweetie Drops. Maybe she would be more cooperative than her old friend was.


Rainbow found Sweetie Drops and it didn't take long until the conversion was converted about her, "Rainbow, I know where you're coming from, I really do. But I am not like you, but I wish I could be. You don't mind doing what Twilight Sparkle tells you, letting her get all the fame and glory, at least in this club, the big bucks, the Royal Family approval, the cars..."

Sweetie of course frowns as she is being reminded of her most lousiest job in Equestria...

Fantasy Sequence

Lyra is heard voicing over during this sequence, "...and you are stuck being number two here, greeting the guests at the door while doing the most humiliating of chores with ponies being busy...kinda like Spike used to do..."

We see an annoyed Rainbow holding a number 2 sign near the door, then see her in front of signs for the restrooms, holding a map.

"...I mean, if I owned half a club which doesn't have my name on it, and never got to perform as well..."

We see Rainbow frowning, clicking on the lights for the House of Pony sign, disapprovingly jealous.

End Fantasy Sequence

"...why, it would really be honorable," Sweetie Drops groans, snapping Rainbow out of her fantasy. "Rainbow, come on, help me out here. Teach me everything you know, to be a door-pony like you!"

" said it, let's be partners!" Rainbow exclaims with a smirk, making Sweetie Drops smile. The two will be a big hit, making a partnership that will really take the house, like it or no!


Back at the dressing room, Lyra peeks out to see what's going on. The unicorn of course gave a frown as she saw Sweetie Drops, setting up a new sign with the smiling Rainbow watching.

Lyra came over to see what the sign is all about. The mare frowns as she reads it, "'Today only...Rainbow Dash and Sweetie Drops'!"

Lyra laughs in amusement as she looks over to the smiling new duo, Sweetie Drop explains, "Correct. We found out that we got a lot in common. Rainbow Dash is my new partner."

"Right, the only thing you got common is how pathetic you two are! Anyway, you forgot to write in 'Rainbow Dash and Sweetie Drops Stink'; Ha ha ha!"

"Wait, where?" Rainbow asks puzzled as she looks at the sigh.

"Right there," Lyra remarks with a laugh, using her magic to write the word 'Stink' underneath 'Sweetie Drops'.

Rainbow and Sweetie Drops frowns as they look at each other. This could be big trouble right here...


...surprisingly, it wasn't with Lyra but with each other! Ben and Rarity came to see how the progress is doing, especially with the new partnership with Rainbow and Sweetie Drops. To their surprise (well, not really!), the two ponies saw the new duo having a disagreement with the change.

"Look, we should change the name to 'Sweetie Drops and Rainbow Dash'! I should be in the lead!" Sweetie Drops snaps to Rainbow in frustration.

"Well, we keep the name of "Rainbow Dash and Sweetie Drops' or forget it!" Rainbow scowls at Sweetie Drops in annoyance.

"Hoo boy; is this turning into another break up?" Ben asks in concern. The new duo stare each other down then Rainbow sighs.

"Ugh, you know what? This isn't working at all. Let's just forget this ever happened."

Sweetie Drops nods as Rainbow flew off in anger; Looks like the Earth pony is alone tonight.


During some time, we see Pinkamena going to a door to a room. She looks at the paper and what was on it were words saying, "I heard you're tough but no one is tougher than me. But they did not told me what you look like so meet me in the room with a door with a star on it. I will be waiting.""

With that she goes in the room. As many bad guys watch, they heard fighting and crashing noises in the room until it stops making many puzzled. But then Tirek burst through the door screaming like a girl running. The bad guys see one of Pinkamena's hooves and flee to their seats.

Some of the villains strap themselves down as Pinkamena comes out of the room and back to her seat as Golden Heart says. "What happened, little sister?"

Pinkamena explains, "Well let's just say that I had a little fight with another bad guy and it was fun."

Pinkamena looks at the bad guys as they all froze as she stares at them and goes back to watching the show.

Onstage, Twilight introduces the next short, "All right, folks; It's my colt friend Ben Mare to the rescue!"

The audience applauds as the next short begins.



Ben Mare to the Rescue 2 - Cages and Cannons

Twilight screams as that evil unicorn jerk Boris has kidnapped her, using a collar to keep her from using magic. From the top of a window of the villain's HQ, the mare calls out, "Benny, help!"

Boris grabs Twilight from behind, gagging her while laughing, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Scream all you want, Twillight. That Earth Pony filth Ben Mare will never rescue you this time! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha-" The villains tops as he sat a sign on his own HQ that said 'THE HIDEOUT OF BORIS THE ANIMAL'. "Oh, and I gotta take down that 'The Animal' sign. Why did they even put it on my house in the first place?"

Boris drags Twilight into his HQ. Sure enough, Ben Mare arrives, frowning at the building while saying, "Hang on, Twiley! I'll save you!"

Ben rushes towards the hideout. Inside, Twilight is being lifted up in a cage that is shaped like her lover's head, calling out, "Ben, where are you?"

Boris waits at the controls, putting the cage near a track. He knew Ben would come into his HQ at any given moment. Sure enough, the stallion rams the door in and saw Twilight in the cage, dangling above the track.

"Twilight," Ben exclaims as he glares at the smirking Boris. "Let my filly go now, Boris the Animal!"

Boris snarls furiously, "If I've told you once, Ben, I've told you a thousand's just Boris!"

"Help me, Ben!" Twilight exclaims. Ben rush up the track to save her. "Look out!"

Ben turns, seeing a cannon pointed right at him. Boris laughs sinisterly as he push a purple button, " Ha ha ha ha. Too slow, Benny boy! Now take this."

Ben ducks in time to avoid a punching glove that was shot out of the cannon. The hero taunts, "Ha! You missed me, Boris the Animal."

"It's just Boris!" Boris snaps as the punching glove is put back into his cannons. As Ben prepares himself, he didn't expect two more cannons surrounding him, making the stallion looks around, making him sigh. His rival sure went out of his way with three cannons. "Take this...and this!" Boris push two more buttons to send two punching gloves at Ben, one for each cannon but the stallion uses his flying powers to dodge. He lands on a boxing glove as it is being retracted back into its cannon. The stallion latch onto the cannon, Boris tries to move the controls of it, with his enemy having a little trouble balancing while sitting down. The jerk was focusing on shaking the cannon to get Ben loose by heard Twilight cheering, "Huh?"

"Yee-haw! Ride 'em cowboy, Benny!" Twilight cheers on. Boris's eyes widened as he saw the mare cheering as Ben is riding the cannon as if on a rodeo. The evil unicorn frowns as he push the other cannons, aiming right at him, causing Ben to gulp. Twilight looks down to the control panel, seeing Boris laughing as he prepares to push the buttons to fire the punching gloves. "Oh no, you don't, Boris the Animal!"

Twilight takes out a mane-pin from her mane and threw it down. Boris was too busy yelling to realize what's going on, "It's just Bor-." The hairpin hit the third button around the same time he hit the other two buttons. "Huh?"

Sure enough, all three punching gloves hit each other, breaking down. Ben jumps off, smiling in victory. Twilight cheer as Boris frowns, watching his rival heading towards the cage to make a jump to the cage. Twilight smiles as she grabs Ben's body, but the weight of both ponies causes the cage to fall, causing both control panel and Boris to go up, with the villain screaming in a panic.

"Elevator going up," Ben taunts. Boris is now at the same track where the good pony and Twilight were at. The villain frowns as he does his best to work the controls to get back control of the situation.

"You'll pay for this, Benjamin Mare--." Boris was interrupted as he saw, to his horror, one cannon that he didn't activate being pointed right at him, preparing to fire, "Oh no!"

"Elevator going down," Ben said as the cage lands on the track. He quickly uses his magic to remove the lock, freeing Twilight before getting rid of the collar around her neck.

Twilight, smiling, kisses Ben on the lips while saying, "Oh, Ben. Thanks for rescuing me."

Ben blushes as he and Twilight begins to leave. Once the cage left, Boris got punched by the boxing glove; both he and the control fell to the track hard. The villain dizzily tries to get up but was taken down by the fourth punching glove that fell on him.

"You lose again, Boris the Animal!" Ben calls out to Boris as he and Twilight take their leave.

Both the Cartoon Boris and House of Pony Boris (from the audience) yells out, "It's just Boris!"

And thus, Ben saved his beloved filly, defeated Boris once more. All is well...well, until next time anyway...




The audience applauds once the cartoon is over. They loved it...well, except for one certain upset pony.

Loudmouth, the parrot of Ben's father Jack Silver, laughs, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Way to go, Ben. You sure showed Boris the Animal a thing or two; Ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Boris growls angrily at Loudmouth, "Call me that nickname one more time, Polly, and I'll turn you into fried chicken!"

"Since you call Earth Ponies filth, I find it only to fair that you're called the Animal for the rest of your life, Boris the Animal!"

"The bird's got a point, boss." Boxco remarks to Boris with a stupid chuckle.

"Yeah; I think the bird's right." Dum-Dum said in agreement with his cohort.

"Shut up, you two," Boris yells angrily at his two goons. Loudmouth blows a raspberry at the Unicorn bully. "Okay, that does it, Loudmouth! I'm gonna-."

Jack, drawing his sword at Boris's neck, snaps sternly at the bully, "Gonna what, mate? You can't hurt my bird as long as I live. Only I get to do that; Savvy?"

"Uh...yes, Captain Jack; Ha ha."


Sometime later, Twilight is on stage as she said, "All right, folks, making her House of Pony debut, it's the infamous...Sweetie Drops!"

The folks look confused while applauding as they look at the spotlight where Sweetie Drops is at. Wasn't she supposed to perform with Lyra?

"Thanks, thank you, every pony! You know, the other day, I met this colt who said that he hasn't had a bite in I ate him!" Sweetie Drops jokes. The folks applaud awkwardly as we hear the tap of the drums and cymbal playing. "Thank you, thank you..."

Bon-Bon, the original one from 'My Little Pony Tales', rolls her eyes in the audience. She frowns while saying, "Even I gotta agree that joke was in bad taste."

Sweetie Drops continue making her jokes, though no one is laughing at him. Off stage, a concerned Lyra spoke up, "Wow. Hate to say this but Sweetie Drops is a mess without me."

Twilight overheard this and smiles as she got an idea. The mare trots over, remarking to Lyra, "True, you really are the brains of this outfit. Ditching Sweetie Drops was the best idea that you ever did." The folks in the audience begin to boo at the poor Sweetie Drops.

"Oh, I know what you're doing! You're trying to use reverse psychology. Make sense since you're a psychiatrist! Well, it's not going to work because you want me to go out there and save Sweetie Drops! Forget it! Now if you excuse me...I'm going out there and save her anyway so you won't try anything else!"

As Lyra heads out to save Sweetie Drop, so to speak, Twilight grins in triumph while turning to Ben and Nyx, the former remarks proudly, "Nice play, honey."

"How did you know that would work?" Nyx ask her mother in amazement.

"Simple. I pulled psychology without reversing it." Twilight explains to Nyx with a smirk, "Works every time!"

Sweetie Drops chuckles nervously as the booing continues, "What, don't get it? You don't know about the alicorn, the unicorn and the griffin?" The mare gulps as the audience continues booing her. Only a miracle can save her now.

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke appears followed by Lyra in a magician's clothing. She stood (with an obvious trap door behind the unicorn) in triumph as Sweetie Drops stares in surprise. What is her former friend doing out here?

"Ta-da; Introducing, Lyra the Majestic," Lyra exclaims, closing the trap door with one of her hooves. This made Sweetie Drops sigh in relief. Perhaps the unicorn was right: magic was the right way to go even though the Earth pony can't do it. "For my first trip, I will need a volunteer!"

"Ooh, ooh, I am a sucker for a good trick!" Bon-Bon giggles as she trots over to the stage, much to Lyra's amusement.

"Hey, look, the ripoff...err, I mean first pony whose was once called 'Bon-Bon'. Perfect!"

"Hit me with all you got!"

"All right, I will make this pony disappear, using this sock and magic!" Lyra exclaims, putting a huge right over Bon-Bon to help make her disappear.

In the audience, Minty from Gen 3 stares on in surprise as she comment, "That's the biggest sock that I ever saw in my life!"

Lyra uses her magic so to speak and removes the towel...turning Bon-Bon into a purple pony. The mare smiled while exclaiming, "Ta-da!"

"The hay; what did you do?!" Bon-Bon gasps in shock as she saw herself now purple colored./

"LYRA!" Sweetie Drops exclaims in annoyance as she quickly got out a bucket of water and spills the liquid onto Bon-Bon, getting rid of the purple stuff. "Luckily that stuff washes off. The audience nevertheless begins booing at Lyra.

"Ugh! This is the last time that I come on this stage with you again, Lyra!"

"What? Come on! Wasn't my fault that socks aren't good for magic," Lyra defends herself in annoyance.

"You should've used a blanket instead! But noooo, you are always so darn stubborn!" Sweetie Drops scowls angrily to her former friend while the audience kept on booing still.

"Come on, folks! You could have seen that coming!"

In the audience, one of the Decepticons Soundwave sneers at Lyra, "How about you do some real magic by DISAPPEARING?!"

After Lyra is booed on stage, Pinkamena says to her big brother, "Lyra was being booed on stage and Sweetie Drops as well when they tried to go it alone; they will soon know that they need to become friends once more."

"I hope so as well little sister." Golden Heart said with a sigh of agreement. This doesn't look good for either Lyra or Sweetie Drops.

The two former friends stare nervously at the audience who kept booing at them like mad. Lyra nervously say to Sweetie Drops, "Sweetie Drops, come on! Do another joke, anything!'

"Oh no, why not you keep going on with your magic," Sweetie Drops remarks to Lyra sarcastically. "Perhaps for an encore, you can make fried Fur-bobs!"

"Oh, like you don't think with your brains? Why don't you have some pine trees, why don't ya?!"

"I would...because I'm trying to cut down on disturbing my fellow ponies as well as those from other series, fat head!"

"Look, I came out here only to save your Earth pony butt!" Lyra snaps to Sweetie Drops in annoyance.

"My flank doesn't need saving, thank you very much!" Sweetie Drops yells at Lyra right back.

"You're needs shrinking, that's what!" Lyra snaps furiously. As the arguing continues, the two arguing mares didn't realize that the Boos are turning into laughter.

"You stink!"

"Ha! Like you don't know that, gassy?!"

"Horn head," Sweetie Drops scowls angrily at Lyra, unaware of the laughing that is still happening.

"Candy breath," Lyra yells right back.

The two continue to argue until they finally notice that the audience is laughing at them. In the audience, Iron Will and his goat assistants smile with the Minotaur remarking, "Oh yeah! Now that is the Lyra and Sweetie Drops classic that Iron Will likes!" The goats baa in agreement.

Sweetie Drops looks confused as she asks Lyra, "Uh, Lyra? Is it just me or is the booing becoming happy all of the sudden?"

"That isn't booing,'s our applause! That is music to our ears!" Lyra exclaims with a smile. The arguing that she and Sweetie Drops has gotten the audience's approval.

The two smiles as they took their bows while both say, "Thank you, thank you very much!"

The audience applauds for the great act. Dr. Lizardo stood up from his table while calling, "I think this reunion calls for a song!"

"NO!" The audience yells in annoyance as they throw stuff at Dr. Lizardo who runs off as a result.

"You can't keep me from my song forever!!!"

Twilight sighs in relief offstage. It looks like Lyra and Sweetie has forgiven one another and are friends again. Ben smiles as he speaks into his headset, "All right, Applejack. Cue the final cartoon of the night."

Once Lyra and Sweetie Drops leave the stage, the audience applauds as the final cartoon of the night begins.




Golf Nut Rainbow

It's that time of the month at the Ponyville Golf Society. Rainbow is working as a janitor there to earn some extra bits. As she sweeps the floor, the mare spots something that caught her attention. She walks over to a case that has a trophy inside.

"Hello? What's this?" Rainbow asks as she reads the inscription. "'This trophy goes to the golfer with the BEST SCORE?" The mare grins eagerly as she imagines herself with the trophy. Imagine how her friends would react when Rainbow wins this, "Oh yeah! That would be awesome!"

Once Rainbow got her job done for the day, she stays behind to play a round of score to get the best score. The mare is wearing a golfer's outfit while bringing small clubs with her.

"This will be easy." Rainbow comments as she arrives at the first hole. The mare set up the golf ball, nail on the grass and a golf club. She wags her tail while preparing to take her shot.

Rainbow hits the ball with her club, sending it flying like a missile. It lands near the hole so when the mare flew over, she uses her club like a pool cue to get the ball in. Rainbow now has 2 points. Only 17 holes left to deal with.

At the second hole, Rainbow got a Hole in One. In the third hole, after dealing with a sand trap, Rainbow manages to get the ball in 3 hits. In Hole 4, the mare has gotten a Hole in One. From Hole 5 to 17, the Pegasus pony has gotten a Hole in one in each one. The mare smiles as she took the ball out of Hole 17. That perfect score is as good as hers!

"One more Hole left, I got 20 points. That's the best score so far for sure! I will be good at the next hole." Rainbow comments while setting up the golf ball, nail and golf club once more. "If this score is right, that trophy will be as good as mine."

Rainbow grins, wagging her tail as she hit the ball...but the mare look shocked as she saw it heading towards a large tree, making her exclaims, "Horse feathers!"

Now, it's at this time that two familiar unicorn colts, Snips and Snails, are using this tree as another one of their clubhouses (they keep losing so many of their previous ones for some reasons). As the two relax, reading comics books and eating, Snails look up while saying, "Oh look, a golf ball!"

Snips and Snails yelps in realization (very slow) and duck as the ball ricocheted all over their clubhouse before flying out the window. Snips groans, "We gotta stop leaving our clubhouses in these dangerous places! Why did we choose to hang out in a golf course?"

During this time, the golf ball lands near the tree. Rainbow walks over, relieved that her ball is okay. But there's still on problem: the mare looks around the tree itself to see the flag that held the eighteenth. With this tree, Rainbow can't get a clear shot.

"Dumb one blocks my good shot!" Rainbow growled. She took out a chainsaw from her golf club (that the mare 'borrowed' from the garage) and uses it to swipe at the tree, causing it to fall.

Inside the clubhouse, Snips and Snails yelps as their tree begins to fall then screams like fools; Once the tree itself hits the ground, the two trots out, safe, sound but still shaken.

"Hey, what gives? Ugh, I knew this tree was a stupid idea!" Snips groans to Snails in annoyance. "Who puts a tree in a golf course anyway? That's dumb!"

"Well, it was a good idea at the time. But how did our tree got knocked out?" Snails ask in confusion.

"Oh, I think I know. There's the tree cutter!" Snips remarks as he points a hoof at Rainbow. The mare is preparing to get her shot ready then hits the ball before flying passed the two upset colts. "No one does that to our clubhouse, not even Scootaloo's adopted sis!"

"Right! Wanna teach her a lesson?"

"Oh yeah, I'm for it!"

"Let's go!" Snails exclaims. The two friends quickly rush past Rainvbow, who didn't see Snips and Snails as they rush over to where her golf ball was at; Time for the 'lesson' to begin.

The two mischievous colts got to work. Snips uses his buddy's tail to open Snails's mouth and put the golf ball in there, causing his pal to chew the said golf ball in half. Snips then put a metal nut from out of nowhere, putting it inside the golf ball.

Once that's done, Snips zips up the golf ball, putting it into position while saying, "All right, here she comes!"

The two unicorn colts dash right off. Rainbow arrives to the ball, seeing how near it's to the hole. The mare smiles while saying, "All right, if I get this, I should win this in 23 points."

Unknown to Rainbow, Snips and Snails rush over to a hole nearby, the latter held a magnet. The former knocks on the hole, causing some Grundles to peek out. Snips spoke up, "Hey there; all right if we borrow your hole for a moment?"

"Sure, go ahead." The Grundles grunt as they hop out of the hole. Snips nod as he and Snails jump down into the hole, running over to position themselves to where Rainbow and the golf ball are at. Snips smirks as he held the magnet up to the above ground area, right near the golf ball. This is going to be fun.

Rainbow grins as she took a swing...only for the ball to move an inch. The mare in confusion asks, "What the hay?" She put her golf club down. "All right...24 points."

Rainbow prepares to swing again but the ball went backwards, making her exclaims, "What...ugh! Fine, 25 points," The mare swung but the ball moves out of the club's way in time. "26."

Rainbow kept counting off numbers as she kept swinging, but soon the mare spin in circles, causing her to get tied up in her own club. Snips and Snails were enjoying themselves, swinging back and forth on the magnet that is controlling the ball.

Above ground, the ball goes around, much to Rainbow's annoyance as she exclaims, "HEY! WHAT GIVES," That ball isn't acting normal at all!

Rainbow escapes her club and follows the ball while grabbing her bag. She follows the ball to the driving range...but ends up getting shot, showing some holes going through her. Regardless, Rainbow recovers and follows the ball right into the lake. Once the ball stops, the mare took out another club, waving her tail as she prepares to swing.

The ball ends up moving before hitting the eyes of a sleeping alligator, waking him up. Rainbow, looking into the creature's eyes, scream as the alligator grabs her, mushing the poor mare into a ball. He then grabs the club and swings it, sending Rainbow right out of the water and onto the ground.

Rainbow got up dizzily as she saw her golf ball returning to above ground. The mare growls while trying to get it, but the ball somehow flew into the air and hits Rainbow on the face three times then rushes off. The mare glares as she chases it. Something screwy is going on here.

"Heh heh, this is fun!" Snails laugh eagerly. He and Snips soon use the magnet to send the ball right into a sand trap.

Rainbow frowns as she stood near the sand trap while groaning, "Man, what is it with these sand traps?"

Rainbow stood in the sand trap, preparing to hit the ball. However Snips pops out of the hole near the sign near the sand trap and quickly wrote on it, crossing out 'Trap' and putting in 'Quick Sand'. Sure enough, as if impossible except in Pinkie Pie logic, the sand turns into sandwich, causing Rainbow to sunk right through it.

Rainbow of course escapes and tries to swing at it while chasing the thing. Snips and Snails took advantage of this as good as they could get. The mare causes the ball up a tree at one point, causing her to hit her head against a branch where a bird's nest is at, the bird itself was now roosting on her frustrated head.

Rainbow scowls as he got out of the tree then heard some laughing. The mare turns to see Snips and Snails coming out of the Grundles hole, laughing while with their magnet. They stop as the angry Rainbow snaps, "You two again?! Oh, bad enough you sided with Trixie with she tortured me with the Alicorn Amulet, though you end up getting tortured later, before but now you decided to pull this?!"

Snips and Snails gulps as the former put the magnet behind himself nervously; Busted. Snips quickly stuffed the magnet in Rainbow's mouth before the two colts rush and jumps inside her jump back. Quickly, Snips stuff some golf nails in his friend's mouth as the angry Pegasus pony flew over to her golf bag to unzip the pouch that the two were hiding in.

However Snips then uses Snails like a Gatling gun to shoot the golf nails at Rainbow, nailing her right to a tree. The mare frowns as she got out while the two colts got into the golf shoes. As Rainbow peeks into the golf bag, the shoes came out, kicking her in the face. Scowling, she dives into the golf bag to go after Snips and Snails, only for the two to escape with an angry Rainbow trapped in her golf bag in hot pursuit.

Snips and Snails hops into a golfer's cart and drove off, with the trapped Rainbow still chasing him. The mare stops herself because the cart has turns itself and run her over, freeing Rainbow from her prison. Rainbow screams in alarm as she run from the two colts driving the golf cat.

Rainbow stops near a vending machine that gives out golf balls. With a smirk, she pulls the lever, sending a lot of golf balls onto the ground. This causes the golf cart to spin around like crazy before crashing with the vending machine. The golf cart, Snips and Snails have disappeared, though the vending machine is now a dented mess.

Rainbow smirks devilishly as she pulls the lever once more. Out came Snips and Snails, rolling into the bucket all dizzy. The mare now dumps the two into a golf ball washing machine, shaking it all around. Snips and Snails are turned into golf balls, rolling near the eighteenth hole.

In satisfaction, Rainbow uses her golf club as a pool cue again, hitting Snips and Snails away from her. That will teach those two a lesson! Unknown to her, the two colts went in a circle and turn back to normal when she wasn't looking. Those two mischievous foals aren't giving up just yet.

"Got an idea; let's get into that golf hole." Snips whispers to Snails. The other unicorn colt nods stupidly as the two (somehow) fits right into the golf hole.

Rainbow looks around to make sure that the coast is clear, then nods while saying, "All right, I can get back to my game now. Let's see...hopefully those two numbskulls' foolishness hasn't messed up my number. I'm sure that I still had the best score, right?" The mare then begins to swing towards the hole.

However, Snips and Snails quickly push the hole away, much to her confusion as her ball ends up missing. Now what? The mare tries to hit the ball to the hole again, only for the Hole itself to get pushed away from the ball. It kept going and going. Rainbow soon loses it, yelling and swings everywhere, causing a lot of divot to go up.

Rainbow stops notices that in the madness, she made a hole with the divot. Well, who can tell the difference, right? The mare grabs the eighteenth flag, putting it into the hole before swinging the ball, hitting it inside.

Rainbow sighs in relief, "Finally! My game is done!"

Just as Rainbow said that, a game announcer came from out of nowhere, giving her a small trophy while saying, "Congratulations! You just won!"

"I did? All right, I made the best score!"

"Actually no! You got a score of 1,264 and one third points, making it the worst golf score in history! That is a new Equestrian record!"

"Wait, what? How the hay did I get one third of a point in golf?!" Rainbow demanded to the announcer in disbelief, "Also, how could I lost?! I only had 20 points when I was at the seventeenth hole for Celestia's sake! I don't think that I swung a lot of those times at the last one!"

"To be honest, you did and got the worst golf score in history!" The game announcer explains with a smile. "Congratulations!"

Rainbow groans while staring at her trophy, she got one but not the trophy that she wanted! Snips and Snails, spotting what happened, laughs with the former remarking, "That will teach her a lesson!"




Once the cartoon was over, the audience applauds. That one was a great one!


In the backstage area, Lyra and Sweetie Drops smiles. Their performance was a hit after all and best of lal, they are friends again!

"I did it, I'm the best!" Lyra exclaims with a bragging smile on her face.

"Uh, Lyra," Sweetie Drops begins to say, much to Lyra's notice. The Earth pony is trying to say her lines.

"Yeah Sweetie?"

"Don't you mean 'we', we did it, like you and me?"

Lyra scoffs as she remarks, "Well, you get last because you're back up. I'm a performer, way better than you!"

"Hey!" Sweetie Drops exclaims to Lyra, annoyed that she is starting this foolishness again just when the two ponies got back together.

"Ha ha ha; just kidding, Sweetie Drops! I wouldn't have done it without you!"

"Awww, thanks, Lyra."

"Come on, big hug, Sweetie!" Lyra laughs as she grabs Sweetie Drops, pulling the mare into a hug...a bit too tightly.

"Ugh! Lyra, come on, you're choking, come on!" Sweetie Drops groans while Lyra hugs her. The unicorn lets go, smiling a bit.

It was after their arguing on stage that the American Doctor decided to go talk to them.

"Hey you're Lyra right?" asked Adam wondering what was going on.

"Uh yea, I take it that you heard our performance?" asked Sweetie Drops.

"You bet and dang was it awesome. I hope to hear more performances." said Adam with a small smirk. The two looked at each other then back at the human time lord with smiles on their faces as well.

"Sure thing in fact we will give you and whoever you decide to bring with you to our next performance right here at the House of Pony." said Sweetie Drops with an offer.

"Count me in and I know just the pony to bring," said Adam rushing off to find Rainbow Dash.

All the while Rainbow was hanging around and sure enough, he found her just wondering what is going on.

"Yo RD," said Adam walking toward her with a small smile on his face.

"Yea?" replied the rainbow Pegasus pony.

"I have an offer for ya and you might be interested."

"Go on," said Rainbow wanting to hear it.

"Well okay how about this, at Lyra and Sweetie Drops's next performance here, I was thinking that you and me could get front row seats; besides you and me could use a bit of time to ourselves so you up for it?" asked Adam hoping that she would say yes.

"Sure, I'd like that that is IF I'm not pulled away from ya then yea," said Rainbow agreeing with him.

So the both of them headed into the back stage area and decided to chat about whatever came to their minds. Of course that also meant that something was coming up in which, yup, a possible argument over what the very club should be named.

"Listen RD, I've been thinking; if we ever run into Diamond or Silver Spoon, I'll talk to Silver Spoon and ask her why she is such a bully toward everypony; that should at least open up a few things between her and Diamond," said Adam while hanging out.

"Yea sounds good besides I'd like to know why as well."

At the same time Adam saw Twilight walking toward them mostly wanting to thank Rainbow for her help. The mare did so after seeing Lyra and Sweetie Drop leaving to head on home.

"Hey Rainbow," Twilight spoke up as Rainbow begins painting something on a canvas.

"Oh, what now," Rainbow ask Twilight, wondering what her friend wants now.

"Listen, I like to say, thanks for being a great partner, a team partner and not needing to be the boss for once."

Rainbow looks displeased, making a smile while Adam said, "Well, it's true. Despite some problems especially with Sweetie Drops, you did well tonight."

"Awww, that's all right..." Rainbow begins to say, but what Twilight said made her frowns. "Wait, hang on, Twilight! I do need to be the boss!"

Rainbow then turns her canvas, showing what she's painting to Adam and Twilight: a sign for 'House of Dash'. The unicorn frowns as the time lord sighs. This won't end well at all.


At the entrance, Shining Armor waits as Lyra and Sweetie Drop came up to her. The unicorn gave some car keys to Twilight's brother as she said, "Our car is the Martini Racing Porsche 935."

"No problem, Lyra." Shining said while trotting off. A few moments later, the stallion came back in a Martini Racing Porsche 935, stopping near the two mares before getting out. "All right, here you fillies go."

"Here you go, keep the change." Lyra said as she gave something to Shining before the mare and Sweetie Drops got into the Porsche. The stallion blinks as he saw that it's a chip.


Once inside the vehicle, Lyra grins while saying, "Now for me to put my driving hands on!" Sweetie Drops slaps a hoof to her face when she sees her friend putting on fake hands to hold the steering gear.

"Again with this; can't you act like a normal unicorn for once?" Sweetie Drops ask Lyra in annoyance.

"Hmmm...nah! Jazz, you ready?"

"Ready as usual," Spoke the voice of Jazz, who is of course in the disguise of Martini Racing Porsche 935. Lyra drives as Sweetie Drops hold on for her life as the Autobot goes speeding down the street very fast.


As Adam watch, Twilight is arguing with Rainbow who pushes the sign away, "No, you don't need to be the boss after the failure the last time!"

"Hey, I do need to be the boss, I can get another chance!" Rainbow scowls as she pushes the sign towards Twilight.



"No!" Twilight snaps to Rainbow right back.

"Yes!" Rainbow scowls once more to her friend. This argument could last all night.

As Twilight and Rainbow Dash keep arguing, Pinkamena says as she overhears them from the audience, "Don't make me get backstage and tie you two down until you behave because I will."

"Uh, Twilight," Ben calls out to Twilight in concern.

"What?" Twilight ask confused then yelps in alarm. The mare has to close the show. "Gah, I'm on!" She rushes to the stage quickly.


As the audience applauds, Twilight smiles while saying, "Th-th-that's all, folks...wait, I mean, every pony, see you real soon!"

Pinkie, who still got the kitchen sink stuck to her, appears as she wave while saying, "Bye, bye!"

Episode Six: Spykoran

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Things went well after Lyra and Sweetie Drops were reunited. The House of Pony entertainment and activities continues on though Twilight is about to learn that there was a lot more going on in the audience of the shows than she realizes. This week's show is going to be one that will test friendships of the first generation...


Twilight waits as Spike gave the introduction per usual, "And now, it's here again, Twilight Sparkle!"

Spike went off. The audience applauds as Twilight teleports into the spotlight onstage. The mare grins while saying, “Hey, everypony! No offense to Trixie, but she should hire new drivers for her wagon, because it seems they are getting VERY sloppy lately."

Trixie, who was interviewing both Mimic and Ribbon as possible helpers, looks up, saying, "No offense taken, Sparkle. The only reason I use those idiots is because they work for almost free. So I suppose I get what I pay for."

"None the less, because of your wagon drivers, you now have -"

"101 Citations!" Two voices interrupts Twilight, making her looked around in annoyance. Who in Equestria beat the mare to her punch line?!

Twilight got her answer as everyone looks to a table, seeing Fred and Ed the Changelings, two stupid and troubling Changelings, at a table. Baby Lickety-Split is sitting with them along with her friend/guardian Spykoran AKA Spike's grandfather the Gen 1 Spike who is in his younger form from those days. The foal for some reason thought that it would be fun to hang out with these two Changelings.

"Sheesh, Sparkle, you should really get some new material." Fred remarks to Twilight, heckling her a bit.

Ed agrees as he adds, "Or, better yet, leave the stand-up comedy to Pinkie Pie."

Spykoran looks worried as he spoke to Baby Lickety-Split, "Lickety Split, I think we shouldn't be hanging around these two guys. They appeared to be bad influences."

"Aww, who asked for your two bits, you washed out Dragon?" Fred snaps as he hits Spykoran with his back feet, sending the Dragon flying across to the backstage area.

"Spike...err, Spykoran!" Baby Lickety-Split gasps in alarm and worry for her friend.

"Bye bye, old Dragon!" Ed taunts while waving goodbye to Spykoran.

"Look, guys, all right if I continue my show now?" Twilight ask the two Changelings in annoyance. Bad enough these two idiots had gave trouble to the ponies in the past, but this?

"Actually, we do mind!" Fred heckles a bit while laughing. "It is very cruel and unusual punishment to listen to a mare with a star on her butt!"

"Ha ha ha! It's a funny joke!" Ed laughs as he nudges the uneasy Baby Lickety-Split a bit. "Yeah, do you think so, foal?" The foal didn't say anything as she just nod nervously while looking around. For some reason, the foal felt like not disagreeing with her new 'friends'.

"Ha ha ha; hear that, Twilight Dope-le?!" Fred remarks to Twilight still on stage. "She said it, it must be true!"

"Wait, I never said that! Twilight is a good guy, ancestors of one of my good friends!" Baby Lickety-Split protests while trying to protest what Fred just said.

Ed however waves Baby Lickety-Split off as he said, "Relax, no need to worry about making decisions. That old Dragon who is washed up and young isn't bugging you anymore. There are lizards more funnier than that pathetic excuse for a future Dragon King!"

The Changelings laughs with everyone, though only the bad guys and the insensitive guests, laughing with the joke. Twilight frowns as he looks at Baby Lickety-Split who looks down. Fred and Ed are bad influences on the poor foal.

Twilight turns to see Spykoran heading off to the backstage in concern; Poor Dragon.


Once the laughter quiets down with Twilight giving out the announcement and introducing the Cutie Mark Crusaders, both the mare and Spike went over to check up on Spykoran, the Gen 1 Dragon sighs sadly while sitting on a small counter.

"Grandpa, are you okay?" Spike asks the young version of his grandpa in worry.

"What happened? How come you let Baby Lickety-Split hang out with those two goons?" Twilight ask Spykoran in concern. "You should be helping her make the right decisions, not the wrong ones! Like some sort of conscience!"

"Forget it! I am not foal-sitting Baby Lickety-Split again!" Spykoran exclaims to Twilight and Spike in frustration. "Sorry, but I had have enough of her childish naïve behavior! I mean, I tried to get Baby Lickety-Split away from those two Changelings but I ended up getting kicked away from a little dog! Well, that's the last straw, I can't bare it anymore!"

"Wow, it must be tough, being a Dragon friend when you aren't appreciated." Spike said to his grandfather, knowing how that feels.

"Tell me about it. I wanted Baby Lickety-Split to speak up for me. For once, I wanted her to say 'Stop it, you guys, Spykoran is my friend! We're a team so leave him alone!' But do I get that? No! Baby Lickety-Split never said anything like that! Sigh. I must be one of the worst Dragons in Equestria, Twilight, Spike."

"That isn't true, grandpa. You just had a rough time."

Spykoran looks down while saying sadly, "I want that to comfort me but there's nothing that can cheer me up that this point, Spike."

"Wow...I wish that I can help you..." Twilight said with a sigh. There must be something that the unicorn can do to cheer up Spykoran, but what?

Suddenly a teleportation glow appears, nearly startling Twilight and Spike. As Spykoran looks, he saw an old gray unicorn with a white mane, a white beard, yellow eyes and a cyan blue with plain blue magician's hat and cape with stars and moons on it..

"Star-Swirl the Bearded," Spykoran gasps in surprise upon seeing one of the greatest unicorn wizards in Equestria in the House of Pony.

"Star-Swirl the Bearded," Twilight exclaims as she bow to Star-Swirl in anticipation. "What brings you to my club?"

"I have heard your wish, Miss Sparkle, and I have come to grant it." Star-Swirl said to Twilight with a smile though it confuses the mare a bit.

"Wait, what wish?"

"Why, you wish to help Spykoran. And so, you are now her new pony to watch over. He is now your new assistant."

"Wait, hang on!" Spike protests to Star-Swirl in alarm. "Wait a minute, I mean, nothing against grandpa but he can't be her new assistant, I am still her assistant."

"Right, no offense and not to be disrespectable, Star-Swirl, but I don't need any extra help right now!" Twilight exclaims to Star-Swirl with a frown. "I am Twilight Sparkle, the personal assistant, niece-in-law and fellow princess to Princess Celestia. I can do well without..."

"Twilight Sparkle, you already made a wish and I granted it, so you cannot take it back!" Star-Swirl booms to Twilight sternly, making Twilight and Spike yelp a bit. The wizard then quietly whispers to them, "Besides, this will be until Spykoran will realize that he needs Baby Lickety-Split as she needs him so let him help you until this realization comes to past." Star-Swirl then made a clipboard with a quill appear. "Now sign right here on the piece of paper and I shall be leaving."

Twilight sigh a bit, the mare has no choice and it's until Spykoran will come to his senses. The mare dips the quill into the ink and signs her name on the clipboard.

Star-Swirl soon teleported away; Spykoran, smiling eagerly upon hearing the news, exclaims, "Oh boy! You're the new pony that I look over from now on!" The Gen 1 Dragon eagerly got onto Twilight's back, much to his grandpa's disbelief.

"Grandpa, that's my spot." Spike protests to Spykoran with a frown.

"You need some exercise anyway, Spike. Now, no worries, boss Twilight, as your extra assistant, I won't make the same mistakes that I did with Baby Lickety-Split! You morals and ethics are going to be razor straight and twice as sharp!"

"Great, thanks, I would need that." Twilight said with a gulp while sighing a bit. Hoo boy, what did the mare get herself into now?


On stage, the audience applauds as Twilight smile, preparing to introduce the first cartoon of the night. Of course, some has noticed Spykoran riding on her back but since they have seen Spike do it better, it wasn't odd to anyone of the guests watching.

"All right, everyone, here's another great story! It's not starring me but is written and directed by me!" Twilight exclaims to the cast eagerly.

Spykoran however frowns as he hits Twilight on the head, saying, "Twilight! Come on, no bragging, try not to be self-conceited!"

"Sorry. What I meant to say is that here is a cartoon that I happened to have written and directed."

"Now, now, you're ignoring the contributions to the rest of the crew."

Twilight sigh as she turns to the audience, "Right; One more time. Here is a cartoon starring my good friend Fluttershy."

Spykoran hits Twilight again, making him snap, "Just Fluttershy? There must be more ponies in this cast!" The purple unicorn groans a bit. Is there no satisfying this future Dragon King?

"Ugh, fine! Here's a new cartoon. Happy?"

The audience applauds as the first cartoon of the night starts.




Dexter's Mistake

It was early in the morning in Ponyville. Dexter was walking his pet monkey named Mr. Minky outside for some fresh air. The male Pegasus pony felt so great today, flying for joy a bit as he and Mr. Minky kept walking. The monkey spots a fire hydrant, stopping to sniff it a bit, not seeing Dexter trotting past with his eyes closed.

Dexter of course trips as he reach the end of the leash literally, falling onto the ground. As the pony open his eyes and recover, he saw something on the sidewalk.

"Wait, what's this?" Dexter asks curiously as he picks up the envelope. As Mr. Minky came over to see what his owner found, the Pegasus pony said, "Hmm, looks like somepony lost an envelope...but I don't see a name or address on it. Perhaps I could open it and see if someone's name is inside so could remember it."

Dexter opens the envelope...and gasps as inside it is 2000 worth of bits inside. This is a lot of money! He slowly put the money back into the envelope and reseal it. His conscience told him that Dexter should hand the bits over to the police and hope someone reclaims it...or held on it until he finds the rightful owner.

But another side, something called Greed, took over. Dexter grabs Mr. Minky as he looks both sides, the monkey nods, getting the idea. The colt said, "Well, no pony is around...and we did find it first. So finder keeps, right? And I know how to spend the money!"


Dexter went to a local store to buy a very expensive gift for his filly friend Fluttershy. The colt heads to the cottage where the couple is living at, smiling while holding the gift that he used to spend the 2000 bits on. This is going to be perfect and the two has been going out for quite a while now.

Upon reaching the door, Dexter knocks on it and waits. A familiar yellow Pegasus pony opens the door. Odd, for some reason, she appears to be sad, more often if Fluttershy was with her shy behavior.

"Hi Fluttershy," Dexter exclaims to his filly with a smile.

"Oh hi, Dexter; you look...nice. Come on in." Fluttershy said with a sigh. Dexter nods as he follows the filly into her cottage. The colt looks concerned.

"Err, Fluttershy? You look sadder...and it's hard to tell when you're the Element of Kindness. Is something wrong?"

"Oh, Dexter. Earlier today, I..."

Dexter interrupts Fluttershy, having an idea on how to cheer his filly up, "Well, if what you want to say must be very depressing to make you this sad, then perhaps, before you say anything, I could give you something that might cheer you up."

Flutterhy look surprised as her colt-friend took out the wrapped gift. She took it, smiling while saying, " shouldn't have..."

"Go ahead, open it!"

Fluttershy nods as she opens the present up...the mare gasps and made a squee as inside the box itself is a diamond crusted ribbon!

"Oh my...goodness; a diamond crusted hair ribbon!" Fluttershy exclaims eagerly. "Why, those things are expensive to get!"

"Well, you know me, selfless and willingly to go my way for ya." Dexter said with a smile. Fluttershy grins as she gave the colt the ribbon or a moment.

"Uh, will you excuse me for a moment; if that's all right with you."

Fluttershy giggles as she heads into her room and removes a dark blue ribbon that is hidden in her mane before opening a wardrobe filled with more ribbons. The filly put the said ribbon in there before heading back to Dexter who is waiting for her with a smile.

"Well, I'm ready. Tie the ribbon in my mane, okay?" Fluttershy ask Dexter. He nods as the colt put the ribbon into his love's mane, tying it a bit. Sparkles can be seen in Fluttershy's mane as Dexter smiles. She looks so pretty like this. The mare rush over to a dressing room mirror to look at her. "Awww, it's so beautiful, Dexter. Sparky, ornamental...oh, I won't take this off again, ever, not even for a bath!"

Fluttershy takes out a hand mirror to look at the hair ribbon, smiling. The mare pulls the mirror closer to it as if finding something interesting.

"Well, I'm glad that you like it." Dexter said with a smile, "Anything for you. So...uh, what were you trying to tell me before?"

" Dexter, it’s awful...I...I..." Fluttershy said, trying her best not to cry. The filly however burst into tears a bit. "Oh, it's awful! I lost an envelope full of bits which is 2000 worth!"

"Wait, you did?" For a while, Dexter doesn't seem to catch on...but then his eyes widened in shock. Fluttershy lost 2000 bits? That's the same amount of money that he spent. The colt, gulping, ask, "You lost...two...thousand...bits; really?"

"Yes, it was the charity fund for the orphanage. Rarity and I worked so hard to make that money for them."

"Ch-charity fund?"

"Yes and unless I find it soon, those poor foals at the orphanage won't have enough money for Thanksgiving dinner!" Fluttershy exclaims, making Dexter more worried and guilt-ridden.

"Wow...that's sad." Dexter said, shaking nervously. That same amount of money that Fluttershy mentioned couldn't be the same bits that he spent...could it?

"And there won't be any Hearth's Warming Eve presents this year either."

"Wow...geez, whiz..."

"Plus, the heat will be shut down with their furniture being repossessed!" Fluttershy exclaims, making Dexter really more guilty now. That must be the money that he spent without realizing it.

"Oh my..." Dexter said, feeling really guilty.

"Also, the orphans won't be able to pay their mortgage as well! That would mean that the country will close the place down, they won't have a place to live so that means that the orphans will end up living on the streets, begging for bits from strangers just to buy a stale crust of bread!"

Dexter fell down in a chair, looking guilty as he said, "Wow...that explains why you're depressed..." Why had the colt done? If only he had held onto the money instead of spending it? Now thanks to him, the orphans are in big trouble! And worst yet, he can't tell Fluttershy what he did. The filly will never forgive him!

"But...there is hope." Fluttershy said kindly as she got Dexter out of the chair. "Maybe...just maybe, someone nice and kind would find the bits and turn it to either me or the orphanage! Perhaps that is someone like you Dexter! A pony who is honest, true, selfless, and..."

"Uh, not to be mean, but I get the idea."

"Yes! Maybe you can help look for it! Perhaps I dropped it on the sidewalk while I was out and about earlier. Hee hee; wouldn't that be funny if that were to happen?"

As Fluttershy push Dexter out the door, the colt, not wanting to look his filly in the eyes, gulps, "Yeah...wouldn't that be a real hoot..." He yelps as Fluttershy push him out of the cottage.

"I wait know in case anypony were to call. You go out there and look for that money."

"Right...but about the money, Fluttershy..."

"Aww, thanks, Dexter, you're the greatest!" Fluttershy giggles, waving goodbye as she slams the door close.

Dexter looks worried while sitting down. Not good. He should do the right thing and tell her that he himself and found the money, only to spend it on that diamond ribbon that Dexter brought for her. Why, Fluttershy's heart would be broken if she were to find out. The colt peeks through the window and into the cottage. There's Fluttershy, humming to herself while in a chair. She was reading, patting her mane that now had the shiny ribbon."

"Hoo boy," Dexter said with a sigh. "I got to get that bow back without Fluttershy finding out; That way I can get the bits back too; to do so without her realizing it?"

Dexter pauses. He got to think up an idea...and fast.


As Fluttershy hung up her phone inside the cottage, the mare heard a knock at the door. Out of curiosity, she flew over and opens it. Outside is a colt dressed in work clothes and with a mustache. Of course, that is really Dexter in a cheap disguise but she doesn't seem to realize that.

As Dexter held a vacuum cleaner, the colt spoke in a cheap accent, "Hey, I'm a member of the Equestrian Curtain Cleaners! I'm here to clean your curtains!"

As the badly disguised Dexter trots in, Fluttershy looks puzzled as she said, "Odd. I don't need my curtains cleaned..."

"Well, that's what most average homeowners would say." Dexter then turns on the vacuum before turning to Fluttershy to yell over the noise, "Have you realized how much hypothetical micropolythetic chlorosprites are on your curtains right now?"

"Huh? What?"

"Here, take a closer look!"

Dexter gives a magnifying glass to Fluttershy. She blinks as the mare takes thing, bending down to some curtains to take a closer look. The colt smiles as he saw the hair ribbon...right in position so that Dexter can use the vacuum to suck it in. The disguised colt grabs the host and put it near the hair ribbon. For a moment, the plan looks like it could work...

Suddenly a familiar scream was heard. Dexter in confusion turns and saw that Fluttershy is gone, where did she go? The colt then looks shocked as he realizes that, somehow, his love got sucked into the vacuum; must be one of those magic types...but Dexter fears that Fluttershy won't be happy about this.

"Oops." Dexter said sheepishly as he turns the vacuum off then run out of the cottage. Last thing he wants is to be on the receiving end of her Stare right now.

Fluttershy opens the compartment, revealing herself almost crushed inside. The mare sighs in irritation, "Well, he must not clean curtains very well...besides I kinda do my own curtain cleaning."


A while later, Fluttershy heard knocking on the door, making her open it once more. Outside is a colt with a music box and a mustache as well as some sort of monkey. It is of course Dexter in another horrible disguise as a organ grinder while Mr. Minky is the owner's monkey.

In another bad accent, Dexter spoke, "Hello-a there! Me and-a my-a monkey would love-a to play-a for you, miss!" Dexter spoke as he cranks his organ while Mr. Minky dances a bit. This makes Fluttershy frown in suspicion. "I play-a good, yes? Perhaps you'd-a like to give-a to a poor-a hungry organ grinder and his monkey?"

Mr. Minkey makes sounds while flipping. Dexter nods as he adds, "He-a said that he-a likes your hair a-ribbon!"

"Err, not to be rude but your monkey looks like one that my colt-friend has. His name is Mr. Minkey." Fluttershy said to Dexter, making the colt's eyes widen in worry. Not good. Has she seen through the ruse?

"Err, I'm sure that there's-a lot-a of breeds for him...but his-a name isn't-a Mr. Minkey. It's-a...uh, uh...McBrown!"

Fluttershy roll his eyes as she closes the door onto Dexter and Mr. Minky. As the mare perhaps to head off, she knock another door on the door. Fluttershy opens it with Dexter and Mr. Minkey dressed as colt scouts.

"Hey, I'm a colt scout and I'm looking for a good deed." Dexter said eagerly. "Perhaps I could tie a bow on that hair ribbon of yours?"

"Nice...of course, there's a house not too far from here." Fluttershy said in suspicion to the two 'newcomers'. "I betcha an old filly would be kind enough for you to help her. Goodbye."

Fluttershy closes the door and prepares to leave, only to frown in suspicion upon hearing another knock. The mare opens the door as she saw Dexter and Mr. Minkey in Robin Hood and Friar Tuck outfits. Now what?

"Hey miss, I'm playing Robin Hood for a local play." Dexter said with a smile though Fluttershy frowns as she knows that something's up. "I got the arrows, now I need a bow. Can I use your hair ribbon, by any chance?"

"I don't think my bow would be the one you would need." Fluttershy said meekly, "But the local prop store should sell the bows that you want. Good day."

Fluttershy closes the door once more but frowns as she heard knocking. The mare opens it, seeing Dexter, dressed as a clown while juggling a bowling ball, a book and Mr. Minkey while on a unicycle.

"Juggle your ribbon?" Dexter asks Fluttershy hopefully.

"No, the circus is in the center of town." Fluttershy said as she closes the door. The mare sit down, waiting for the next knock. Sure enough, it happens as Fluttershy opens the door, seeing Dexter and Mr. Minky in doctors' outfits.

"You know, hair ribbons are a health risk."

Mr. Minky pulls out a skeleton wearing a hair ribbon, but Fluttershy sighs in annoyance, "I will take my chances, thank you very much!" The mare closes the door on the two and taps on her hooves. This is getting silly! Why...

Sure enough, Fluttershy heard a knock on the door and open it to show...Pinkie Pie?

"Hiya, Fluttershy! Have you seen Dexter, Twilight or Dashie around?" Pinkie asks Fluttershy happily.

"Pinkie Pie; why are you even here?" Fluttershy ask Pinkie puzzled.

"Come on! It gives me a chance to be in this silly running gag! Fun, huh?"

"Err, sorry but you're being random. Bye." Fluttershy said as she closes the door. The mare waits until another knock came at the door making her open it once more. There's Dexter in a broccoli outfit while Mr. Minky is in an onion one. "Uh...what are you two supposed to be?"

Dexter looks at his costume that he had on, looking a bit embarrassed. The colt has ran out of costumes and excuses to get the hair ribbon that he hit the bottom of the barrel at this point.

"Sorry...wrong house." Dexter said meekly as he closes the door. The colt turns to Mr. Minky, sighing sadly, "Oh, let's go, McBrown." The two walks off before sitting down on the porch in sadness. All the attempts to get the hair ribbon have failed. "Oh, we will never get that hair ribbon back. What can I do now?"

Mr. Minky make monkey noises as he pats Dexter on the back. The colt looks concerned. The orphans are in big trouble and all because of him being selfish.'s time for him to come clean and tell Fluttershy the truth. Yeah, it may result in her not speaking to him again but at least she could appreciate him for being honest at last.

"'re right, Mr. Minky. I was being a sad selfish fool in doing so. I want her to be happy...all right, no more disguises or excuses." Dexter said, frowning in determination. "Time to do what I should've done a long time ago..."


Fluttershy was reading while wearing her old hair ribbon. The mare heard a knock at the door, making her sigh. Not another weird thing happening. The filly got out of her chair and heads to the door, opening it. To her relief, it's only Dexter, normal self, outside.

"Fluttershy...I got something to tell you about the bits...and your hair ribbon." Dexter explains with a sad and guilty look on his face, smiling as he does his best to be brave.

Once inside, Dexter confess the whole story to Fluttershy, sighing while saying, "That's the reason I pulled off those lame disguises, it's because of what happened. I found the money on the ground...I shouldn't have done it but I spent it all to buy you that new hair ribbon. I was thinking of you but I didn't realize that it was your own bits to begin with until you told me. I'm so sorry, I feel terrible. I'm sorry, I know you said that you didn't want to give it up but I got to get that hair ribbon back to get the orphans' money back too. I didn't want to give up that diamond ribbon but..."

"Uh, Dexter; I don't have the diamond crusted hair ribbon anymore." Fluttershy giggles a bit, much to Dexter's shock.


"You see, after I sent you out, I got suspicious of how you got the bits to paid for it in the first place so I called the store to check the price and found out how much the hair ribbon was worth. I decided to sell it back for the bits. I didn't want you to feel bad but once I saw those disguises and knew that it was you in each one, I knew what happened and knew what you did. Anyway, I sold the ribbon and gave the money to the orphanage, while you were trying on random disguises so you can get the ribbon back."

"Hang on. You knew all along?" Dexter asks Fluttershy in surprise, making her nod. "Well, why did you make me go through all that silly nonsense?"

"Oh, two reasons. One, I wanted to teach you a lesson about spending money that doesn't belong to you. And two, you look so silly and cute in your attempts that I didn't want to say anything before." Fluttershy giggles a bit. Dexter smile as he hug his filly friend, relieved that she forgives him for his mistake.

"Fluttershy, did I told you what a great and cute filly friend that you are?"

"Squee! More so than usual!"

Dexter and Fluttershy kiss one another. One thing for sure, the colt will never make another mistake like he did in this cartoon again!




Once the cartoon is done, the audience applauds once more. During the time we see Golden heart and Pinkamena as the pink pony looks mad seeing Ed and Fred with Baby Lickety-Split. The filly looks sad about losing her friend.

The pink pony says to her big brother, "Those two Changelings messed up a friendship! I am so mad I could Just PUNCH SOMETHING!"

Bray comes from behind and heard what she said. He back away, only for the floor to creek and Pinkamena looks at him, The next thing you know, she punches the bad guy right in the face, he is sent flying as a crashing sound is heard.

The pink pony sits back down as Golden Heart says, "I know you are mad but I promise things will turn out happy in the end."

"Ok I hope you are right." The pink pony said. Gold Wing then lands on Pinkamena's shoulder as she pets the bird. Golden Heart smiles as they all watch the show.

In Twilight's dressing room, the mare and Spike is there, sighing as they wish to speak to Spykoran. The two must talk him into taking Baby Lickety-Split back.

"So what did you two want to talk to me about?" Spykoran ask Twilight and Spike in concern.

"Grandpa, listen, I know Star-Swirl the Bearded made you Twilight's extra assistant and that would be fine...but you can't be in that job while she's doing the show." Spike explains to his grandfather with a sigh.

"Spike's right." Twilight said with a nod. "I can't have you interrupt me when I'm working and..."

Suddenly Spykoran grabs Twilight, snapping sternly, "Listen to me, Miss Sparkle; Baby Lickety-Split told me something like that and look what happened to her! Well, I won't let the same thing happen to you, missy! As your guardian and conscience, I won't allow you to fired your guardian and conscience! And Spike, you can't talk me out of this! Got it?!"

"Sure, no problem, yeah," Twilight and Spike both said nervously. Even when he's young, Spykoran can get mad easily.

"Good! Now Twilight, follow me to behind the curtains. I got some new clothes for you."

"Wait, new clothes?" Twilight ask in confusion as she follows Spykoran. That doesn't sound good.


In the audience area, Baby Lickety-Split looks around while calling out, "Spykoran?" The foal was hoping to see her Dragon friend but he didn't come back yet, "Spykoran?"

"Hey, kid!" Fred calls out, making Baby Lickety-Split stop as she turn to see him and Ed glaring at him. "Don't tell us that you're looking for that wimpy lizard."


Ed spoke up with a smirk, "Well, don't bother! We saw him hanging out with Twilight Sparkle; Looks like the younger old Dragon is her new best friend, from the looks of things."

Baby Lickety-Split looks shocked as she asks, "Spykoran? But she is my friend and guardian..." The foal doesn't want to believe that her friend Spykoran just up and left her for Twilight. Baby Lickety-Split tries to leave to speak to Spykoran but Ed of course pull her back, smiling.

"Not anymore. Just move on, you don't need that small wimpy Dragon to tell you what to do. You are your own pony. How about we celebrate with more ice cream?"

Baby Lickety-Split looks worried but slowly nods. Perhaps some ice cream could cheer her up a bit...


"Oh brother." Spike said with a sigh as he sees Twilight's shadow behind a curtain, speaking with that of his own grandpa. The mare is forced to wear some clothes while asking, "Spykoran, what's wrong with how I look now?"

"Because you look a bit naked, that's why." Spykoran comments as he passed out some clothes and some dye to the mare. "No need for you to go around like that."

"But this is the way that I always look every show unless stated otherwise! There's no reason to change!"

"Well, there is a good reason to. As your new extra assistant and guardian, I say you need to change your image. These clothes will look quite nice on you, right?"

"Grandpa, I doubt Twilight needs to wear clothes." Spike said to Spykoran in concern.

"He's right and..." Twilight begins to agree with Spike but an annoyed Spykoran cuts her off.

"Try it NOW!" Spkoran roars furiously to Twilight making her yelp in concern and worry.

"Fine," Twilight groans as she did some changing. No need to get on Spykoran's bad side. Once the mare is done, she came out. Twilight now looks like Baby Lickety-Split, mane, ribbon on tail, cutie mark and all.

"Well, at least you don't have that headband from the movie." Spike remarks to Twilight making the mare sigh a bit in embarrassment.


The guests stare in disgust as they saw the Changelings stuffing an ice cream sundae down Baby Lickety-Split's throat. The filly was shaken before she was forced to swallowed the stuff whole. Baby Lickety-Split didn't want this much ice cream!

"Ha ha ha; Betcha Spyko-jerk wouldn't let you do that!" Fred laughs to Baby Lickety-Split with amusement.

"Ugh, now I can see why..." Baby Lickety-Split groans a bit. All that ice cream gave her an ice cream headache.

Not a little far from the audience, Twilight was forced by Spykoran to go out and about in the audience to mingle with them, so to speak. The mare trots through, smiling while passing Trixie, Chrysalis and Nightmare.

"Hey you three; you look good today." Twilight said to the three villainesses with a grin. Suddenly her horn glows like mad, causing her to gasp. "GAH, NO! Spykoran must've enchanted it to glow whenever I lie!"

Embarrassed, Twilight rush off as Trixie, Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon laughs at the misfortunes that the poor purple unicorn has to endure while under Spykoran's instructions.


The Changelings ate a lot of ice cream, satisfied (and right onto Diamond Tiara's bill) a few minutes later. Ed smiles to Baby Lickety-Split, saying, "Here's an idea. How about we dump this place and find some real fun? I've heard there's a wedding happening where we can steal love from the unexpected..."

"Guys, I don't know...I still need to find..." Baby Lickety-Split gasps as she saw something shocking and weird.

It's Twilight, looking like her, ribbon in her tail and all. The mare looks back and yelps as she gallops off. What hurt the foal's heart was that Spykoran is following Twilight in excitement, not bothering to look to see Baby Lickety-Split.

"Spykoran," Baby Lickety-Split gasps in sadness before looking down. What Fred and Ed said was true. "Wow...I guess...Spykoran doesn't need me anymore."

Fred and Ed smirk evilly as they leave the club through the entrance, most likely to cause trouble. Baby Lickety-Split follows the two Changelings in sadness and looks back. She sniffles sadly while leaving. The poor foal has made a bad mistake in not defending Spykoran and now, her good friend has abandoned her. Well, perhaps if Spykoran doesn't need her anymore...then maybe it's best for Baby Lickety-Split to just leave.

As we all heard what Baby Lickety-Split said and the Changelings laughing more, we see Pinkamena steaming looking not too happy. She says to Golden Heart and Gold Wing, "Mark my words, before this show ends I will make those Changelings regret for what they done."

"Easy little sister, in time." Golden Heart assures his little sister. Pinkamena then cools down as she and her big brother and Gold Wing go back to watching the show.

Anubus frowns in concern as Rarity, Rainbow, Ben and Fluttershy watch in worry. The Pegasus pony said, "Oh dear..."

"Poor Baby Lickety-Split." Ben said with a sigh. "The poor foal looks depressed."

"Tell me about it. Those two dumb Changelings forced her to dumb one of the greatest friends and Dragons of all time." Rainbow remarks with a deep frown. The Pegasus pony is upset over the friendship breaking up thanks to Fred and Ed.

Just then, Twilight trot up to the desk, asking, "Rarity, have you seen Baby Lickety-Split? I got to get her to take Spykoran back! No offense to Spike's grandpa but that Dragon is crazy!"

"Well, she left with Fred and Ed." Rarity remarks with a shrug. "Why do you want her to take Spykoran back?"

"Twilight, Twilight Sparkle!" Spykoran is heard, making Twilight's eyes widen in worry. The young Dragon King came up to her, saying, "There you are! End your conversion now; you got a show to do."

"Ugh. See what I have to put up with here?" Twilight ask her friends with a sigh.


Once the Cutie Mark Crusaders are done playing on stage, Twilight, still looking like Baby Lickety-Split, smiles as she said, "Good performance, girls; And now..."

"Song; Please; Now," Dr. Lizardo yells out but yelps as the annoyed audience throws stuff at him, chasing the villain off again. Twilight looks annoyed. Why can't Dr. Lizardo just give it a rest with that song demand?

Twilight comment, "Now, I cannot honestly say whether or not the next cartoon will be great - it would really depend entirely on YOUR opinions; But my friends and I DID put a fair amount of effort into it and are reasonably satisfied with the end results."

Spykoran commented, "Very good, Twilight. Truthful but also respectful."

The audience, even Spykoran, applauds as the next cartoon begins.




Rarity's Road Trip

Twilight smiles as she arrives at the library with her car that the filly just picked up at the car shop then got out of the vehicle. Twilight is excited as today; she and Ben are going on a date, to enjoy life passing around them.

Twilight goes up to the door and knocks on it four times before ringing the doorbell to 'Shave and a Mane-Cut'. Ben opens the door, smiling as he said, "Twilight! Did you get your car back?"

"Hey, sure did!" Twilight exclaims as she takes Ben by the hoof, the two Ponies heads to the car, "Ready to take a drive in the car and go to the coast?"

"As I ever, Twiley!"

"Yeah, it would be the two of us, all alone, to watch the most beautiful sunset made by your mother and my teacher Princess Celestia."

"Yeah, I have been looking forward to this date all week." Ben adds to his filly with a chuckle. The two has been waiting anxiously for this date all week.

"It's perfect." Twilight said as she helps Ben into the car. "It will be just you, me..."

"Hey darlings," A familiar white unicorn exclaims as she trots up, stopping near her friends.

"Rarity...the open road and..."

"RARITY," Ben and Twilight gasps in shock as they turn to see Rarity, nearby while smiling at her friends.

"Hey, it's me, my good friends. Hope you don't mind that I came uninvited." Rarity said to her friends while batting her eyelashes playfully.

"Ugh, never done so before..." Ben groans a bit in annoyance. The stallion doesn't mind Rarity's presence...but not when she is here on the today of Twilight's date with him!

"Hey, Rarity; Why are you here?" Twilight ask Rarity curiously, "What, need help with some dresses or designs?"

"Actually, no Twilight Darling; Today is my day off. I needed something fabulous to do. So I figure 'why not spend it with Ben and Twilight today'? So I decided to spend the day with two of my good friends. I hope you don't mind once more, it won't be completely boring." Rarity explains to her friends with a smile. Twilight and Ben frowns a bit. The white unicorn would do anything to get involved uninvited.

"To be honest, Rarity, me and Ben were planning on doing out for a drive and..."

"Oh, really?! Yes, of course, darling! I'd love to go with you!"

"What?" Twilight asks in confusion, making Ben groans in frustration. She whispers to her colt, "Did I ask Rarity to come without realizing it?"

"Perhaps you should be more clear when you say 'no', Twilight. Otherwise, Rarity will misunderstand what you're saying and does the opposite of what you wanted. This happens before, trust me." Ben whispers to Twilight. The mare nods as she goes over to Rarity, preparing to lead her away from the car in hopes to explain to her friend that the couple doesn't need Rarity to tag along.

"Rarity, listen. Not to be rude, but we planned for this for a while now..."

"Yes, and I came and make it a threesome!" Rarity giggles as she trots back to the car, much to Twilight's concern.

Twilight pulls Rarity away, saying, "But I packed a picnic, for two!" The white mare however heads back, apparently misunderstanding what her friend is trying to tell her.

"Awww, that's nice; for me and Ben. That is polite and thoughtful of you, Twilight!"

"No, no, what I mean is that me and Ben are going to see the sun that my teacher Princess Celestia is going to set. You something romantic."

"Oh..." Rarity said with a blink. Twilight smiles, for a while it looks like that her friend got the idea. That is until the white mare got her cellphone out and continues, "Perhaps I should call Spike or Lord Eric, see if any of those darlings would wish to go. I know they would jump at the opportunity when I explain to either that it's a romantic date as long as they aren't busy."

"You don't need to call Spike or Lord Eric! It's a date!" Twilight exclaims to Rarity in annoyance.

"Yes, of course it is. Glad we got this cleared up, Twilight!"

"How about I try something?" Ben whispered to Twilight with a sigh; Time for the stallion to take over. He got out of the car while explaining, "Sorry to break to you, Rarity, but Twilight's car can only hold two well as a little filly and a baby Dragon but Nyx is at Twilight's parents' place while Spike is visiting his grandfather Spykoran."

"Oh...well, your own car carries a lot more, so we can do that." Rarity points out as she motions to Ben's car that is big enough to fit more ponies. Twilight and Ben groans a bit.

"Oh man, I was hoping that she wouldn't notice that."

"Yeah...well, I guess it would be okay if Rarity could tag along." Twilight said with a sigh. Looks like there's no choice but to let Rarity come along after all, "At least, if she keep quiet and won't talk so much, right?"

Ben nods a bit. He hopes that Rarity would at least keep quiet during the trip.


Twilight was driving Ben's car with the couple in the front seats, Rarity in the back. Needless to say, the white unicorn couldn't help but look out the window to read the signs while laughing a bit.

"'Filthy Rich's Hot Springs, home to Equestria's natural gas'." Rarity chuckles while rolling her eyes. "Apparently, they haven't heard of Trixie with her boasting."

As Ben roll his eyes, Rarity looks out while reading another sign, "'Maximum speed limit, 65'. Well, hear that Twilight? You can go up to 65 miles an hour here!" Twilight frowns, pushing her foot to make the vehicle go faster via the gas. Rarity frowns while looking out, "'School zone'. Twilight, slow down, will ya? This is a school zone!"

Rarity's talking is testing Twilight's patience, causing the mare to ease her hoof on the brake, slowing the car down a bit until it gets to regular speed. Rarity continues reading the signs, saying, "'Duck crossing zone'...oh, look! It's 'Diamond Farms 50 yards ahead'! Oh, I enjoy diamonds, don't you? 'Diamond Farms 25 yards'! Don't you enjoy them too? 'Diamond Farms 10 yards'! Almost there..." Her friends are close to losing it, "'Diamond Farms 5 yards!"

Of course, Rarity sighs in disappointment as the car passed by the place, "Oh dear. They are closed for the weekend."

"Honestly, Rarity? Do you have to read all the signs?" Ben asks Rarity, trying to keep his patience with the white unicorn.

"Oh, I don't have to...I want to...'TRAFFIC CROSSING ZONE'!"

Rarity was so loud that she send Twilight and Ben crashing right into the roof of the car itself. This is really annoying.


Twilight drove the car as it was crossing a bridge. Rarity looks impatient as she looks behind the mare, annoying Twilight who spoke, "Rarity, look..."

"Don't be rude, Twilight, I can't see with your horn in the way!" Rarity exclaims impatiently as she pushes Twilight's head down, much to the mare's annoyance. "I can't see the view of the mountains!" The white unicorn turns to Ben and pushes him to the side, leaning towards the AC. "Ben, darling, you need to move as well. I can't feel the air conditioning back here."

Rarity prepares to relax while Ben peels himself from the door. In hopes to not lose his cool, he turns to the white unicorn, saying, "All right. Rarity..."

"Punch buggy Canterlot!" Rarity exclaims as she suddenly punch Ben in the shoulder, making him yelp in pain before rubbing where he was hit.

"Ouch! Rarity, why did you do that?"

"Come on, we're playing punch buggy, my sister and I loved to play it during road trips. Whoever sees a plate of a place out of Ponyville must punch somepony else! Oh! Punch buggy Fillydelphia!"

Twilight got punch, making her yelp in pain, "Hey, quit it!"

"Punch buggy Manehattan!" Rarity giggles as she kept on punching Twilight, much to her alarm and further annoyance.


"Punch buggy Cloudsdale!"

Twilight got hit again while yelling, "QUIT IT, RARITY!"

Rarity punches Twilight again while exclaiming, "Punch buggy Las Pegasus!"

"Rarity, I'm trying to drive here!"

"Punch buggy Oaks-al-homa!"

Rarity hits Twilight, making the purple unicorn yelp in pain some more, "OUCH!"

"Punch buggy Griffin Kingdom!" Rarity giggles as she kept on playing the hitting game. Twilight has had enough as she uses her magic to stop the white unicorn from hitting her some more.

"Rarity, here's a better game. Why not play the Quiet Game? Whoever goes the longest without making any noise wins. Can you do that?"

"Well...I guess. Sweetie and I used to play that so I guess again..."

Rarity smiles as she looks around, the mare had to keep quiet. Simple, right; of course, then the white unicorn got a little bored. She begins fiddled with the lights, causing her friends to glance at her. Rarity then sat back down while moving the windows up and down a bit.

Rarity, still bored, sighs. Then she kept herself busy by reaching behind the cushion of her seats to take out a bit (which she put in her mane), an odd pipe with a cross-like structure and a spare tire. Out of curiosity, Rarity spots a little pedal behind the driver's seat and presses it with one of her hooves.

Without warning, Twilight and Ben screams as their seat went up out of the roof then back down, causing them to be staring at the stars. That lever makes the said seat go up and down.

"Yes, I won!" Rarity exclaims as Twilight groans a bit. Even in the Quiet Game, her friend can be troubling.


Ben frowns in disappointment. Rarity is doing whatever she could still to annoy both him and Twilight. Sooner or later, the white unicorn must get the hint that the couple wants to be alone.

"Well, at least we're making great time, Ben." Twilight assures Ben with a grin. Despite what happened with Rarity so far, at least they can still make it to the coast in time for the sunset. "Nothing to wor..."

"STOP THE CAR!" Rarity gasps as she saw something, causing Twilight to stop the car without warning.

"What? What's wrong?"


Rarity opens the door and rush out to a hat store that the white unicorn happens to notice. Twilight and Ben groans in frustration. At this rate, the ponies will never see the sunset in time.

"I am half tempted to just leave her here." Twilight remarks dryly to Ben. "Unfortunately, my friendship with Rarity pretends me from doing so.,"

"Relax, Rarity is a quick shopper. How much can she buy?" Ben assures Twilight with a shrug. Of course, Rarity came back with a bunch of wrapped hats, stuffing them into the car before getting back in. "Yeah, I have to ask."

"Well, let's go, darlings." Rarity said. Twilight nods as she put the car in drive once more, driving off, "STOP!"

Twilight didn't get farther than 10 feet as she has to stop the car once more. This time Rarity rush out of the car and into a bow shop, coming back with a number of wrapped bows and stuffing them in before getting back into the car. Twilight droves the car once more...

"STOP," Rarity screams, causing Twilight to stop another 10 feet. To her annoyance, the white unicorn rushes into a perfume shop. The student of Celestia sighs in annoyance. How much can her friend buy? Rarity came back with a large bottle of perfume and stuffed it into the back of the car and came back in. Twilight turn the car back on and drove off, "STOP!"

And again, Twilight only moved 10 feet before stopping the car. This is ridiculous. The mare and Ben watch as Rarity enters a peanut shop and came back out, smiling as she put a hose into the car, filling the whole vehicle with peanuts.

"Well, got us some nuts, darlings." Rarity said with an approving smile. Twilight frowns as she and Ben got out of the car full of nuts. The purple unicorn has had enough of this nonsense and so does her Earth pony colt-friend!

"Ugh, enough! Ben, time to say what I should've said to her before," Twilight exclaims to Ben angrily. Time to tell Rarity off once and for all! The mare trots up to Rarity, snapping, "Rarity, listen, I'm sorry! We tried to tolerate you but it's not working! Me and Ben had hoped to spend today enjoying the dr..."

"Oh, Twilight, don't worry. I can't take a hint."

"Wait, you can?"

"Yes." Rarity said with a smile. Twilight and Ben looks surprised. Could it be that the white unicorn had taken the hint and wants to give them their private time after all?


Unfortunately not! Rarity has taken over the driving as her friends are now in the back seat, squished by stuff that the white unicorn has brought earlier.

"Well, if you wanted me to drive, my good friend, why didn't you say so before? You two enjoy yourselves!" Rarity insists to the two as she kept her eyes on the road. But then the white unicorn frowns at the condition that her mane is in. "Oh horse feathers. It has been a while since I did my mane! It's getting greasy!"

Rarity took out a can of mane spray, shaking the thing and sprays it on her own mane. As a result, the inside of the car is covered in pink smoke, causing Twilight and Ben to cough while the stallion calls out, "RARITY!"

"Don't use that stuff! You gotta keep your eyes on the road!" Twilight exclaims to Rarity frantically.

Sure enough, Twilight's right. Thanks to the car's windshield being covered in pink smoke, the vehicle spins around on the road before flying up a ramp on a truck, landing on some telephone wires. The cars drove on them as it moves on. Twilight manages to push the window button down to hang her head out and get rid of the cough.

"Thank goodness for automatic windows." Twilight mumbles to herself. Then the mare saw something, making her gasp, "Rarity, look out for those birds!" Of course, some ducks went past, dodging the car. "Phew. Oh hey, a..."

A kite hits Twilight on the face, causing her to groan, "...kite. Ugh..."

Two birds watch as the cars continues driving down the wires. Twilight pokes her head back in, still squished with Ben. And as if to add more addition to this madness, Rarity took her cellphone out and dials a number. By this time, the car has flown off the wires, spinning around and causing the couple in the back to scream in alarm.

The car now lands on a gas truck that is heading on a freeway while driving by the usual driver. Rarity, who doesn't even notice, was talking on the phone, "I'm so fine today, Golden Harvest; How about you, darling?"

As Rarity kept talking on the phone, the car starts flying, going past an ice cream truck and covering the vehicle with ice cream; soon it went pass a banana truck, covering the car with a banana sign then a chocolate syrup truck and making chocolate syrup covers the vehicle. Soon the car is a huge banana split!

Twilight picks up some nuts while speaking to Ben, "At least Rarity picked up some nuts."

"Chocolate sauce truck, maybe, but at least it would be more confusing than that hot sauce truck up ahead..." Ben said with a sigh. Suddenly he and Twilight's eyes widened in horror as the car head right into what the stallion just saw: a hot sauce truck!

The car, upon collision, got blown up into the sky, causing Twilight and Ben to scream. The vehicle lands on an airplane, driving onto it before falling off the airplane and to the earth below.

"RARITY," Twilight and Ben screams in terror some more.

Rarity of course doesn't seem to be paying attention to what's going on around her, the mare frowns as she yells into the phone, "Golden Harvest, you need to speak louder! Can't hear what you say because some backseat drivers are being rude! Honestly, no manners!"

Soon the van lands into the bottom of the lake, continuing driving down despite how impossible that would've been. The fish scattered to avoid getting hid by the vehicle as we can see it above ground, driving under the water while showing some bubbles to show that the car is moving.

We see a street light changing as the car continues driving underwater through it, causing the other fish to shatter. Twilight calls out to Rarity, "Rarity, you ran a red light! And why the hay is there a street light on a lake in the first place?"

"Don't know but it looks yellow to me!" Rarity snaps to Twilight in annoyance. Soon the car came to a stop, making the white unicorn frown as she pull on some buttons to get the vehicle going.

"Not to make a pun but I think it's flooded..."

"Not now, Twilight Sparkle!"

Surprisingly, the car got moving again once more. Twilight and Ben looks over and gasps as the vehicle is heading to a waterfall, "Oh no..." Soon the car went over the waterfall, "RARITY!"

"All right, I've had enough! I'm turning this car around right now!" Rarity exclaims furiously, having enough of Twilight and Ben being 'backseat drivers'. Have her friend got no manners at all?! As if by magic, Rarity turns the car around and drove up the waterfall. She saw three fish stuck in the windshield, "Off the windshield, you brutes!"

Rarity uses the windshield wipers to get the fish off. The car flew up the waterfall before bouncing on some trees then it lands on the road, sending Twilight, Ben and Rarity to come falling right out, water covers them all. That was a crazy experience!

"Oh, I cannot believe you two!" Rarity exclaims in disgust as she got back to her feet while drying her mane. "I don't know why you invited me on this trip on the first place. First you made me sit in the back and then you got me to drive when I am not experienced in these kinds of vehicles! Now you got my mane all wet! Honestly, some friends you are!"

"ALL RIGHT, ENOUGH, THAT DOES IT!" Twilight exclaims furiously, jumping up and bursting in her Rage Mode form. She can't take it anymore, enough is enough! The mare, changing back to normal, lands and looks over to the alarmed Rarity. "Rarity, we didn't ask you to come along in the first place, got it?! Not at all! Ben and I were trying to tell you this. Get it through your thick fashioned skull! WE WANT TO BE ALONE; to see the sunset!"

Twilight got out a megaphone before using it to yell at Rarity, shaking her alone, "ALONE, AS IN WITHOUT YOU!" The purple unicorn got out a clear crystal and points it. "Am I being CRYSTAL CLEAR, Miss Rarity?!"

Twilight turns to the side, whistling before saying, "Pinkie, I know you are an expert in whatever you do so come out here now!" Pinkie happily bounces in, wearing a cheerleader's outfit, "All right! GIVE ME AN A!"

"A!" Pinkie exclaims while making an A.



"GIVE ME AN O!" Twilight exclaims, asking Pinkie to give her the next letter in the word 'alone'.

"O!" Pinkie exclaims while making an O now.



"GIVE ME AN E!" Twilight yells out to give out the last letter of the word 'alone'.

"E!" Pinkie exclaims, giving out the last letter.

"Now, Pinkie Pie, what does that spell?" Twilight ask Pinkie. Of course, the pink pony looks confused, trying to think. The purple unicorn groans as she seizes Rarity's cell phone to dial in a number. "Hello, Cloudsdale Skywriting! Write the word 'alone' with an exclamation point at the end! The princess will pay you later!"

Rarity looks up in the sky and saw some Pegasus ponies making clouds to write in the word 'ALONE!'. The mare frowns at her friends, apparently upset. Her friends really don't want her around.

"Sorry, Rarity," Twilight said, calming down somewhat.

"That's how it is. We tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen." Ben said to Rarity with a sigh.

Rarity blinks then looks angry. For a moment, Ben and Twilight was worried that she is going to blow her top as well as yell for being rejected. But surprisingly, the mare gave a calm grin, asking, "Oh, you wanted to be alone? You should've said so before. I would never interrupt anything that you two wanted to do, my good friends..."

And so, Rarity gave Ben and Twilight a chance to be alone...she jumps into the car and into the driver's seat. As the mare drove off, she calls out, "Bye, hope you have fun! I will see you tomorrow for some fashion designs, Twilight!"

The couple looks dumbstruck as they saw Rarity driving off with the car. The two was wanting to take Rarity back home and leave to be alone, not to be stranded here. Twilight and Ben look at each other. It is evening and already the couple has missed the sunset.

"Well, we're alone now." Ben said with a sigh.

"Yeah..." Twilight said with a slow nod and looks up, smiling, "But not a total loss, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Twilight points a hoof to a billboard that advertised oranges, one looks like a sunset. The mare adds, "At least we got something that resembles a sunset, right?"

Ben smiles as he and Twilight sat down, preparing to another quiet moment with his filly. He said, " least it's well worth it..."




After the cartoon is over, the audience applauds; another good one.


Once the cartoon is done, Twilight looks upset as she is now wearing a headband. Ben and Nyx came over, the former spoke, "Spike told the problem. Why are you wearing a headband?"

"Ugh, Spykoran made me wear this." Twilight groans in annoyance. "He insisted that it's what 'good fillies' wear."

"Spike's grandpa giving you a headache?" Nyx aks Twilight, making her mother groan.

"Yeah; Spykoran is a nightmare when he's little! We got to do something about this!"

"Hey, speak in a cute, young voice, Twilight." Spykoran remarks as he zips out, grinning to Twilight, making the mare sighs in annoyance.

Twilight groans as she said in a cute, young voice, "Fine, Mr. Spykoran. I am a cute little filly, blah, blah, blah."

"Good to hear that! Remember, being young is a gift so best to keep it to avoid squandering it."

"Wow." Nyx said with a blink as Spykoran leaves the scene. "Spykoran is truly taking over your life."

"Don't I know it," Twilight exclaims in her normal voice in frustration. "I don't want to be a filly, it's fun and all but I want to explore, hang with my friends and other stuff! Can't Spykoran stop taking over my life and let me make my own decisions?!"

"Well, I have been looking into the problem and I think I know what's going on." Ben said with a sigh. "You see, Spykoran is used to being friends with Baby Lickety-Split that he wants you to act like her."

"But I am not Baby Lickety-Split! I am Twilight Sparkle for your mom's sake!"

"Yeah, we both know you are, but Spykoran doesn't realize that. He misses Baby Lickety-Split on the inside and therefore, Spike's grandpa is her guardian, not yours." Nyx explains to her mother. "The reason that Spykoran is treating you like Baby Lickety-Split is because of that, that's why she is repressing her feelings by making you act like her so that nothing has changed."

"We got to make Spykoran realize that he belongs with Baby Lickety-Split." Twilight said with a nod. If only there's a way to convince Spykoran to go back to Baby Lickety-Split, but how?

"Hmmm, I think I got an idea." Ben said with a thoughtful smile, having an idea.


"Wait, you want me to put an act on for the show?" Spykoran ask Ben in surprise a while later. The stallion told the Dragon to do an act for the show. "Well, it's an honor...but I don't know what to do."

"Just make it up while you go along." Ben suggests to Spykoran with a grin. "I betcha the folks would love it no matter what."

"Well, okay, I will do my best."

Onstage, Spike announces to the crowd, "And now, from Ponyland and the young version of my own grandfather...Spykoran!"

The audience applauds as Spykoran came onto the stage. With a grin, the Dragon announces, "Fillies and gentle-colts of the House of Pony, I want to say something to each and every one of you. Don't be a fool, no siree! Here's how to live to be a hundred and a three! Yeah, I heard that somewhere. Let your conscience be your guide; Time for me to demonstrate to everyone via Friendship Reports...right now."

Slow music begins to play as Spykoran clears his throat before giving his speech, "Now then. First off, I know you ponies or whatnot love yourself as pretty; best to savor that beauty and youth while you can because there are a lot of villains, like wicked Nightmare alicorns, Changelings and witches who would love to steal that from you."

Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis and Somnambula glares at Spykoran while Buttons inch away from the table. The Dragon nods as he continues, "Oh, speaking of beauty. Don't eat any weird food unless you know where it came from. You don't want to end up getting poisoned or anything."

After hearing this, Heart Throb looks alarmed as she quickly got rid of the apple that the mare was about to bite into. Spykoran nod said, "And whatever you do, don't trust anyone who got a fiendish cackle, a diabolical grin, or a sinister stare, not necessarily in that order."

As we see Judge Fordyn glaring, Somadina looks worried as he backs away from his adopted father.

Spykoran then motion to Babs Seed hanging with the Snotty Duo and away from the worried Cutie Mark Crusaders, mostly Nyx, Pipsqueak, Dinky Doo and some of the other CMC members. He said, "If you're being bullied in your own hometown and just do the same thing to others just to avoid the same thing in another town, don't be a dope! Just be your true self and hang with the right friends."

Babs, hearing that, smirks as she pushes Diamond Tiara aside and goes back to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, much to their delight.

Spykoran then nods to Braeburn and Little Strongheart, the two look at each other nervously, saying, "If you're worried about love boundary between species, don't worry. Let your heart be your guide and don't worry about what others may say or think."

Braeburn and Little Strongheart smiles as they move forward to each other to meet.

Spykoran gave a frown to the founders of the CMC AKA Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, adding, "There's no reason to pry into other ponies' lives and print their embarrassing secrets in a newspaper just for cutie marks. End of story." The main three duck behind their table in embarrassment.

Spykoran nod motions to Derpy's table, saying, "If your real name is Ditzy Doo, your nickname is called 'Derpy', and you are worried about ponies or critics giving you a hard time and wanted to edit you out because of your eyes and voice, don't worry. You got friends who can help you throughout your crisis. Never change a thing!"

Derpy smiles as she nuzzles towards Time Turner who smiles at her.

"And while I'm here, perhaps you are a shy around female ponies and like to keep a donkey doll that used to belong to a friend of your sister's. You also got a crush on a teacher of another one of your sisters." Spykoran explains as we see Big Macintosh trying to hide Miss Smartypants while giving a nervous glance to Cheerilee. "Well, try to get out of your shell, get to know your crush better and be friendly. Most importantly, always be yourself."

Big Macintosh grins as he puts away Miss Smartypants and asks Cheerilee if he could sit next to her. The mare nods and allows him to do so.

"Maybe you will meet somepony special..." Spykoran said as he nods to Shining and Cadance who were cuddling one another. Then the Dragon nods to a frowning Boris. "Or maybe you won't. Face it, Boris, Twilight isn't into you. Find a better mare whose does and stick with her!"

Spykoran then turns to Mr. and Mrs. Cake with their foals Pumpkin and Pound, saying, "And maybe you would have foals..." He then turns to a worried Lorcan and Princess Luna. "But maybe you won't. But don't give up just yet, Lorcan. You will get your chance."

Spykoran now turns to Clover, saying, "If you're clumsy, don't think you're accident-prone. You got friends or true luck who can see you all the way though."

Spykoran now turns to Jack Darby with the Autobots while saying, "Go to a world filled with robots but leave before it makes you rough."

We see the Gen 3 ponies, drinking their drinks as Spykoran add, "Live in a cute like village with ponies just like your own home, but leave before it makes you too soft."

Spykoran smiles as he motions to the Moochik, Mr. Waddle Zecora and Granny Smith who smiles back. The Dragon adds, "Always treat your elders with respect."

Spykoran now see Knight Shade sitting with both Arabus and Zeb, adding, "And finally, if a Cloud Demon named Arabus and a nasty looking zebra named Zeb hires you to be a rock star just for fame, trust me, gets away from them!" The pony looks worried as he run from the villains. "One of them is a Cloud Demon for Celestia's sake and could end up stealing others' shadows, even your own! Finally, don't forget the conscience thing. Thank you all."

Once the music stops, the audience applauds. He is indeed an inspiration.

As the crowd applauds to Spykoran's performance, Golden Heart and Pinkamena clap as the alicorn says to his little sister, "That was a good Friendship Report lesson and I know that it will bring Baby Lickety-Split and Spykoran to be best friends again."

"Yeah and the show is nearly over." Pinkamena remarks in agreement.

Golden Heart nods and says, "Ok but keep it clean, no blood." Pinkamena nods and heads off as the alicorn says to Gold Wing, "Looks like Ed and Fred will be sorry for make my little sister mad."

Gold Wing nods as they watch the show, waiting for the little sister to come back when she is done with the Changelings. Spykoran meanwhile smiles as he prepares to head up, saying, "Wow, you liked me..." The Dragon however notices most of the crowd getting up, surrounding him. "Err, guys? I gotta go back now..."

Needless to say, Spykoran yelps as the crowd start shouting, 'Spykoran, be my friend! Come on, hang with me'! The Dragon doesn't like the looks of this! He became too much of an inspiration!

"Oh man, where's Baby Lickety-Split when I need her?!" Spykoran calls out in fright.

Twilight heard that, smiling as she said, "Looks like Ben's plan has worked. Hopefully Ben can get back with Baby Lickety-Split soon!"


Twilight, out of her Baby Lickety-Split outfit, watch as the audience is fighting over Spykoran, much to his worry. This is getting insane!

Alpha-Prime comment to Spykroan, "Man, you've really been around and learned a lot from your experiences. Even MY trainer could learn a few things from you." Ben quietly nods at his sort-of half-brother from an alternate universe.

Spykoran however got pulled in by Wisteria who begs, "Please! Be my Spike unless of your other son Sir Gilspotten Heathspike!"

Spykoran screams as Trixie tries to grab him, insisting, "Spykoran, I want your opinion on some new magic tricks!" The poor Dragon looks freaked out as the audience kept fighting over him. This isn't what he wanted!

During this time, Nyx, who has finally found Baby Lickety-Split with her father's help, returns the foal to the House of Pony and push her forward, allowing Baby Lickety-Split to see what's going on. The alicorn filly explains, "See? Spykoran doesn't want the attention. He needs you more than ever, you got to do something!"

As someone yells out, "No, come with me", Baby Lickety-Split nods a bit. It's true, her friend does need her.

Spykoran looks worried, he can't fill all these folks' requests, the Dragon can only focus his attention on one being. Suddenly, a familiar voice is heard over the crowd yelling, "Stop it, you guys, Spykoran is my friend!" Everyone else turns to see Baby Lickety-Split frowning sternly to them. "We're a team so leave him alone!"

The folks look surprised over this...though Spykoran smile very happily as he said, "Those words is what I wanted to hear her say all afternoon!" The Dragon plus rush over to the foal and hugs Baby Lickety-Split. Spykoran is reunited with his good friend at last.

Boris groans a bit, "Just when this show was getting good."

"Shut yer trap, Boris the Animal." Brave Heart snaps to Boris sternly.

"It's just...Boris!"

Star-Swirl the Bearded watch nearby pleased. The idea that involves reuniting Spykoran with Baby Lickety-Split has indeed worked; although not everyone is pleased or surprised by this reunion. Two familiar Changelings, Fred and Ed, arrives, looking not pleased that Ben and Nyx arrived and recovered Baby Lickety-Split during one of their plans and they look a bit disgusted by the emotional display.

Ed and Fred were upset seeing Baby Lickety-Split back with Spykoran. As they leave, Fred says, "Great, we were so close to stealing the filly's love but now that has failed."

Ed nods as he remarks, "Yay, can anything get worse?"

As if on cue some pony is blocking their way as it says, "So you think it was funny breaking a friendship and planned to steal the filly's love."

As she walks closer, the Changelings see who it is and boy, they were scared. The two start backing up to a room as Fred says to Ed, "Anything can get worse huh?"

As the Changelings got in the room, Pinkamena looks at the readers and says, "Well until next time, see you real soon." She goes in the room and closes the door; the club shakes as crashing sounds are heard.

Baby Lickety-Split smiles as Spykoran got on her back and grins, resting aside the foal’s neck. Most of everyone gave a smile especially Twilight. The purple unicorn is relieved to finally be freed of her obligation to Spike's grandpa and now, she got her life back.

Turning to Spike, Twilight said, "All right, Spike, my favorite and once again only assistant, take us out of here!'

Spike, smiling, spoke up, "Thanks, Twilight; All right, temporarily employee services for the House of Pony provided by..."


We see Fred and Ed, smiling as the former said, "We are Fred..."

"And Ed," Ed ends with a smile. "Making chaos and stealing love is our game!"

We see Alpha-Prime struggling as Fred appears to be absorbing his love, making him collapse. The Changeling said, "We can make you weak by stealing love!"

Now we see Ed making something out of paper, saying, "We can also copy papers and staple." However the object transforms into Fred, who yelps in pain after being stapled. The two Changelings appear on the title screen. "You've tried the worst..."

"Now try the curse!"

"We will 100% guaranteed not to fail!" The two Changelings said at once as they bring their ad to a close.

Spike is heard speaking in a low voice, "This isn't actually guaranteed. These two boneheads always fail."



As the show comes to an end, everyone applauds as Twilight calls out, "That's it for tonight, everypony! See you soon!"

Episode Seven: Unplugged Club

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Ever since Spykoran was reunited with Baby Lickety-Split, things appear to be the same especially since Twilight and her friends do their best to keep the show going. Of course, even these heroes remember that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon owns the club thanks to Filthy Rich's purchase. It has been a while since Diamond herself has cause trouble and tried to shut the club down. At least Twilight and company got some peace for a while. Of course, it won't be long before Diamond Tiara begins causing trouble once more...


Another show begins as Spike spoke to the crowd, "And now, here she is, the most powerful, wonderful unicorn or alicorn in Equestria, TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"

The audience applauds as Twilight jumps onto stage. She smiles while exclaiming, "Hey, everypony! Welcome to the House of..." Suddenly without warning, the mare begins speaking in one of the weird voices from the Youpony video 'Sleepover at Fluttershy's'. "...Pony. We are getting it together, folks! Wait, what happened to my voice? Who went and mess with my voice, replacing it from the one from Youpony?"

Ben frowns as he speaks into his headset, "Applejack, there's something messed up with Twilight's voice!"

In the control room, Applejack frowns as she kicks her back legs at the Rainbow Droid who yelps while saying, "Back off, creature. I was only fooling."

"Now then, before we..." Twilight continues speaking in her weird voice. A crash is heard, meaning that Applejack has hit the Rainbow Droid with her feet again. Soon the purple unicorn's voice came back as she said, "...get started. Oh good, there's my voice."

Twilight uses her magic to take out a card and reads, "There's a party-mobile parked illegally, license number 'B1G-SUPRISE'."

Surprise, hearing that at her table, gasps in alarm, "Eek, that's mine! Firefly, be right back, I gotta park it elsewhere!'

"All right," Firefly exclaims as Surprise flew off to quickly move her car in another spot before it gets tow big time.


Rainbow is at her usual place at the entrance, waving to buffalo whose came in, saying, "Hello, hello and hello." Once the last buffalo has passes her, the mare roll her eyes. "Man, that is a lot of buffalo. How does Little Strongheart even put up with that many?"

Surprise flew past Rainbow to get to her car. The cyan Pegasus pony saw the leader of the Autobots, passing by, making her say, "Hello, welcome to my club." As the Autobot heads out, Rainbow turns to meet the next ponies, "Hello and welcome to..."

"Hey Rainbow," A familiar voice spoke, making Rainbow yelps as she saw whom she herself was greeting: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon (the one who spoke).

"Diamond Tiara; what the hay are you and Silver Spoon doing here?!"

"Well, duh, making sure that you got your show going on, loser." Diamond Tiara points out to Rainbow with a cruel smirk, "Because if Silver and I don't see anything happening, this place gets shut down."

"Oh yeah?"

"Right, yeah! It's in your lease. Show them, Silver Spoon!"

"She's right." Silver Spoon said with a sigh as she pulls out a lease for the building. "It's in your lease, as long as you keep the show going, we won't shut the place down. So..."

"Sorry, girls, you two aren't on the reservation list." Rarity explains to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon while looking at the guest list.

"Right, you two," Rainbow remarks with a smirk as she took the list from Rarity, showing it to the Snotty Duo, "Says so right here. Now scram!"

"She's right, Diamond, we didn't make a reservation for tonight." Silver Spoon said to Diamond Tiara with a shrug. "We should leave before Brave Heart..."

"Like I care what that dress wearing freakshow would do! Anyway, we will see about that! Maxin," Diamond Tiara snaps a bit. Suddenly Rainbow yelps as a big mean stallion named Maxin Talos appears, growling to her. "You remember my bodyguard, Maxin Talos?"

"Hoo boy," Rainbow said nervously as Maxin growls to her. This may not end well.

Diamond Tiara turns to the person coming in, which happens to be Robin Hood from the world of fairy tales from POnyland times, saying, "Excuse me, Mr. Hood, Maxin needs to borrow your bow for a moment."

With an evil grin, Maxin takes the bow from Robin and grabs Rainbow; he then shoots her high into the sky, sending the Pegasus pony off screaming. Rarity yelps in concern at this.

As Maxin gives the bow back to Robin, he spoke to Diamond Tiara, "Anything else, Miss Tiara?"

"That will be all, Maxin." Diamond Tiara said sweetly as she pats Maxin on the head. As the stallion trots off, Diamond Tiara goes past Rarity followed by a sighing Silver Spoon. "I think we will see ourselves in, Rarity."

Rarity, frowning, snaps at Diamond Tiara, "See if I ask you to sign my autograph book!"


"All right, we got some new cartoons for you all, as well as our special guest act, Cranky Doodle Donkey, with his comedic act! But first..." Twilight said as she continues the introductions on stage. Without warning, Rainbow crash right into her, causing the two ponies to fall. As Twilight got up dizzily, she said, "...Luna's Shadowbolts."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders begin their performance for the audience.


As Nyx watch backstage, her father Ben is looking over a lot of bills that he needs to deal with, saying, "All right...electric bill, gas bill, phone bill, magic bill..."

"Wow, you think with mommy being a new princess, she would've paid those without worry." Nyx said in amazement.

"Ben!" Twilight exclaims as she came over to Ben and Nyx, looking concerned about what happened. "What's wrong with Rainbow Dash? I thought she flew better than that but the mare crashed into me just now!"

"Oh, Rarity told me about happened over the phone." Ben remarks with a frown. "It was Diamond Tiara causing trouble again, she has her bodyguard Maxin Talos do that."

"Diamond Tiara?! Horse feathers, not again!"

"Yeah, if I didn't know any better, I say Diamond is out to try to shut the club down again." Nyx sighs while shaking her head at this. "Never know when to give up."

Twilight saw the bills that Ben has and looks worried, saying, "Those aren't more bills, are they? I thought we just paid them off! How am I supposed to keep this show going if I have more bills to pay?"

" I need to report you to mommy about your crazy behavior?" Ben asks Twilight slyly as he grabs her by the neck, making her frown a bit.



"Why couldn't you paid them off yourself? You're a princess now." Nyx said to Twilight in concern. Unknown to the trio, two familiar bullies snuck into the backstage area, making sure that they stay hidden so that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon can listen in.

"I can't use my princess status to fix my own problems or bug the princess for help! I want to do this the regular way!" Twilight exclaims in frustration. "And with Diamond and Silver here..."

"Relax, Twiley." Ben assures Twilight while nuzzling his filly-friend. "Remember, as long as we keep the show going, the bills will get paid and there's nothing Diamond Tiara could do about it."

Diamond Tiara, hearing this, smirks evilly as she ask quietly, "Is that so? Well, we will have to see about that, right Silver Spoon?"

Silver Spoon nods as she saw Diamond Tiara chuckling sinisterly. The filly knew that her best friend has another evil plan to shut the club down. And unfortunately, Silver Spoon, being her yes pony, has to go along with it.

It's a pain having someone like Diamond Tiara as a best friend sometimes.


In the audience, Lyra frowns as she calls out, "Hey, anyone ordered a weird voodoo zebra, because I ain't eating her!"

Sure enough, it turns out that Zecora somehow ended up in Lyra's bowl...then hits the unicorn on the head while snapping, "Don't know how I got into this predicament! You unicorn needs a breath mint!"

"Well, at least the author has Zecora rhyme for once."

On stage, Twilight smiles while saying, "All right, everypony! Apple Bloom got a cartoon for us where she gets the best of Diamond Tiara!"

"Oh, 'dis is gotta be good." Apple Bloom said to her fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders devilishly. The audience applauds as the first cartoon of the night begins.




Music Store Apple Bloom

It was a day in Ponyville during the summer and there appears to be something happening at the local music store owned by Filthy Rich himself...well, okay, not much happening really ! You see, his employees, which consist of Apple Bloom and his daughter Diamond Tiara are sleeping on the job, relaxing in guitar cases.

Filthy Rich watch what they're doing from security cameras in his office; those two fillies aren't doing their job at all! The stallion frowns, this lazy nonsense and lack of business in his music store must stop. So Filthy Rich grabs an intercom and spoke to the two fillies in a gentle voice at first, "Oh, Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara, wake up. This is your boss, Filthy Rich, speaking." The two begins to slowly wake up as he continues, "If any of you aren't doing anything right now, any chance that you two can help a customer maybe today?"

"Sure, no problem," Apple Bloom yawns as she put her head down.

"If we're not busy later, daddy..." Diamond Tiara yawns as she prepares to get back to sleep.

"Fine...BECAUSE I HAD IT WITH YOU TWO!" Filthy Rich yells loudly through the intercom, causing Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara to woke up and stand up in attention. "Honestly! Apple Bloom, I wouldn't have hired you if it weren't for the fact that your family and I haven't being doing business involving Zap Apple Jam! And Diamond Tiara, I thought I hired you on to show you the responsibilities of working in this business, but I guess I was wrong to hire you two! But I am a merciful business pony so listen up! Whichever one of you makes the next sale gets to keep her job! The other one will be fired!"

Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara yelps in worry, almost scared out of their skins. Their summer jobs are being threatened unless one of them makes a sale. Filthy Rich snaps, "Okay, do you two got it?" The two fillies nod nervously. "Good. NOW GET TO WORK!"

Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara nods nervously as they turn to each other. Not good, Filthy Rich is serious about firing one should the other gets the sale...or both if nothing happens soon! But who would bother coming in here since no pony hasn't visited this music store for a while now?

Suddenly, surprisingly, Lorenzo Magic, AKA Apple Bloom's colt friend, came in while calling out, "Hello! Can anypony help me out?"

"A customer...and while it may be one of the blank flanks, it will still work!" Diamond Tiara exclaims eagerly. If one of the employees makes this sale from Lorenzo, then selling to a colt with no cutie mark can still work out.

"Right," Apple Bloom exclaims while shaking hooves with Diamond Tiara. "May 'de best filly win!"

"Oh...I intend to!"

Diamond Tiara, with an evil smirk, throws Apple Bloom right into a piano, slamming it shut. This is her chance to get Apple Bloom, the 'blank flank', fired so the filly can keep her job and proves to her daddy that she can do what he wanted her to do. Besides, kill two birds with one stone, right?

As Lorenzo came up to the piano, Diamond Tiara trots up while saying, "Good afternoon, sir. How many I help you?"

"Well, I'm looking for an instrument. One that can play a romantic tune," Lorenzo explains to Diamond Tiara with a grin.

"Well, good news, bla...err, sir, because I got the right instrument for you!" Diamond Tiara explains as she uses one hoof to keep Apple Bloom trapped in the piano. "Nothing is more romantic than the music that you can play on this piano!"

Diamond Tiara then spins the piano around to give it a more romantic feel, candlelight and all. The filly begins to play a song onto the piano, adding, "What do you think? Romantic, right," Inside the piano, Apple Bloom yelps as the instrument's hammers are hammering her big time. The filly overheard what Lorenzo wants. She can't let Diamond Tiara make the sale!

Once Diamond Tiara is done playing, she smiles while asking, "Okay, wanna charge it or put it on your credit card?"

Lorenzo, fixing his cape, shrugs while saying, "Well, first off, I am a colt so I don't have a credit card...yet. And second, while the instrument is okay, the music you played isn't what I considered romantic."

Without warning, Apple Bloom jumps out of the piano while pulling out a harp. She exclaims, "Lorenzo, allow me; 'Dis here harp is 'de best!"

Apple Bloom begins to play the harp, doing some romantic chords on it. An annoyed Diamond Tiara, upset that the Earth pony is trying to steal her customer, stomps over...but heard the music while being lulled by it to the point that she faints.

Apple Bloom yelps as she caught Diamond Tiara who, not realizing who's holding her, said romantically, "Kiss me..."

"What; No, Ah ain't 'dat kind o' filly!" Apple Bloom exclaims in alarm. Diamond Tiara, snapping out of it, yelps as she got up frowning.

"Wait! I mean, this sale is mine, you blank flank!"

"Watch it, Ah oughta..."

"Ahem, girls," Lorenzo interrupts the two fillies who turn to see her frowning. "Apple Bloom, while I like you’re playing, the music you played isn't romantic either." He smiles happily while adding, "When I say romantic, I prefer the 'sitting on the beach at sunset, kissing your special somepony's face until they get tired' kind of music."

"So when you think romantic music, what do you think is that?" Diamond Tiara ask puzzled as he and Apple Bloom looks at Lorenzo curiously. The two thought that the music that they played is romantic indeed! So what could be more romantic than what was played?

"Right, Ah done like 'ta know too," Apple Bloom said with a nod. Perhaps if Lorenzo tells the two fillies his type of romantic music, maybe one of them could play it for him.

"You know..." Lorenzo chuckles as he begins to sing...the most oddest song that anypony would think is the last song that could be romantic at all!

Lorenzo: All around the mulberry bush,
The monkey chased the weasel,
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun,
POP! goes the weasel!

"Man, is that romantic or what?" Lorenzo ask with a laugh. Of course, Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom gave the colt both shocked and odd faces. That is his idea of romantic music" That's a nursery rhyme for Celestia's sake! Lorenzo frowns as he ask, "Well, isn't it?"

Suddenly Diamond Tiara yelps as she said nervously, "Sure, yeah, that's right!

"Eeyup, no doubt," Apple Bloom quickly said in agreement. No way that the two fillies would say that 'Pop Goes the Weasel' isn't romantic...unless they wanna risk losing their jobs for not making a sale to Lorenzo!

"Good, so any of you fillies got an instrument that can play 'Pop Goes the Weasel' or do I have to do my business elsewhere?" Lorenzo ask impatiently. Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara nods as they rush off. Each of them must find an instrument that can play 'Pop Goes the Weasel'. May the contest begin!

As Lorenzo watch, Apple Bloom, in a jazzy outfit, begins playing a jazz version of 'Pop Goes the Weasel'. The colt smiles while bobbing to the tune. But once the filly reach the last line, Diamond Tiara, in a marching band outfit, march out and blew horn onto Apple Bloom, making the 'Pop goes the Weasel' part on the ceiling.

"Do another!" Lorenzo exclaims eagerly while clapping. Diamond Tiara nods. She did a marching band version of 'Pop Goes the Weasel' with the colt marching to the beat.

Suddenly, the guitar opens right on Diamond Tiara, making her land on drums and a cymbal that made the 'Pop goes the Weasel' sound effects.

Apple Bloom, in a cow-pony outfit, begins playing 'Pop Goes the Weasel'. Lorenzo was almost convinced...until the last line of the song involved arrows shooting at the filly's guitar, caused it to be deflated.

Diamond Tiara, wearing a hippie outfit, plays a 60s version of 'Pop Goes the Weasel'. Lorenzo, smiling, snaps his hooves somehow to the beat. Of course, the last line of the song was played by Apple Bloom popping her head onto the drums.

An annoyed Diamond Tiara looks at the drum while scowling, "Hey, blank flank! I was playing his son!"

"No, no, Ah was!" Apple Bloom snaps to Diamond Tiara in annoyance.

"Uh, girls," Lorenzo calls out with a smile. "Whoever plays my song the best gets the sale."

"Trust me, it's going to be me, I guaranteed it." Diamond Tiara said to Lorenzo, smirking upon hearing that. This is one filly whose is going to win this contest, no matter what! The filly laughs and turns back to the drums, but saw Apple BLoom gone. "Wait, what the...?"

Suddenly the ground flips, showing Apple Bloom playing 'Pop Goes the Weasel' on the horns like a seal. But the filly didn't reach the last line when Diamond Tiara, dressed as a hunchback, cuts her off with a bell, getting her stuck. The mean bully then plays the song with the bell. But before she reaches the line by hitting the bell with a hammer, Diamond Tiara was pushed out of the way with the bell thrown clean away.

Apple Bloom, dressed as an organ grinder, plays the music on a box with Diamond Tiara, dressed as a monkey, swings around. But the non-cutie mark Earth pony didn't finish as a gong fell on her, cutting Apple Bloom off. Diamond Tiara herself, dressed like a Chinese stereotype, plays 'Pop Goes the Weasel' on the flute; But her rival flips the gong around, preventing her from reaching the last line.

Apple Bloom, dressed like a Russian stereotype, dances while playing 'Pop Goes the Weasel' on a guitar...but lands in a big bullhorn being played by Diamond Tiara, dressed as a Swedish stereotype, who is trying to do the song. Lorenzo yelps as the entire store is falling apart due to the madness so he uses a big umbrella while the building jumps up and down like mad.

Once the dust clear, the two workers pants a bit then looks over to Lorenzo. Diamond Tiara ask hopefully, "So how was it?"

"Yeah, it was good." Lorenzo remarks with a shrug while cleaning himself off from the dust from the mayhem.

"So who won?" Apple Bloom asks her colt-friend eagerly.

"Not sure. Neither of you finished my song actually."

Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom gulps and looks around. In the mess that they have made, the two fillies have destroyed every instrument in the store. Frantically, each of them looks to find an instrument to play 'Pop Goes the Weasel' but there isn't anything that can be played.

Apple Bloom looks concerned but then got an idea. The filly takes some paper nearby and pulls out a comb from her own person before putting the former on the latter to make some sort of kazoo. Apple Bloom then plays a rushed version of 'Pop Goes the Weasel'.

"That was great, I will take it!" Apple Bloom exclaims eagerly as he trots up to Apple Bloom. Diamond Tiara looks shocked and disbelief. She lost? Not good! The filly is going to be fired! That is until Lorenzo turns to her, saying, "Of course, unless you got something better."

Diamond Tiara pauses then smirks evilly while saying, "Oh trust me, I do." The filly found a way to not only keep her job but get back at Apple Bloom as well. The non-cutie mark Earth pony looks confused but Diamond Tiara grabs her rival, pulling the filly right into the next room.

Apple Bloom is heard yelping as if some new stuff is being inserted; A few seconds later, Diamond Tiara, wearing a Scottish costume, returns with the Earth pony who now got 3 clarinets stuck in her mouth. The bully smirks as she uses Apple Bloom like a pair of bagpipes to play a very successful version of 'Pop Goes the Weasel'.

"Wow; that is the most romantic thing that I ever heard..." Lorenzao said eagerly as he gave out bits, giving them to Diamond Tiara. "I will take her!"

Diamond Tiara smirks as she took the bits and gave the helpless Apple Bloom to Lorenzo, taunting, "So long, blank flank sucker!" The filly has sold out her former employee and keeps her job. Good!

Of course, Apple Bloom, smirking devilishly, spoke through the clarinets in her mouth, "Yeah, laugh all yew want, but Ah done say 'dat Ah got 'de better end o’ ‘de deal!"

"Nope, can't hear ya over the sound of you leaving and losing your job, loser!"

Diamond Tiara laughs cruelly as Lorenzo leaves the store with Apple Bloom. Filthy Rich, who watched what happened over the monitor, spoke through the intercom calmly, "Well, Diamond Tiara, you impressed me so I guess you get to keep your job."

"That's right, daddy!" Diamond Tiara exclaims proudly, believing that she has proven herself to her father big time.

"So if you don't mind, I will take this..." Filthy Rich comments as he uses a button to suck all the bits that Diamond Tiara has earned right from her via a vacuum tube that goes right into his office, much to the filly's surprise.

"What the hay?"

"Oh, and I will be taking your entire salary for the next year, as well as your allowance, to paid for the damages that you and Apple Bloom did to my store!"

Diamond Tiara yelps in shock and horror. Not good, in all the madness that she and Apple Bloom has done, the two has damaged the store to point of this happening. Now the bully knows what the non-cutie mark Earth pony has meant. Yeah, Diamond Tiara has made the sale but it was Apple Bloom who got the last laugh as she got the better end of the deal, resulting in her rival losing money to paid off the damages over what happened!

"NOW CLEAN THIS MESS UP NOW!" Filthy Rich snaps over the intercom furiously.

"Yes, daddy," Diamond Tiara whimpers as she got to work on cleaning up the store. This filly will be stuck on this job for a long time...


It was nighttime as at a beach, Lorenzo smiles to Apple Bloom, who still got the three clarinets in her mouth, saying, "I will ask Twilight to get those out next week. But until then, play it one more time, will ya?"

Apple Bloom was happy to do so as she cuddles to Lorenzo, playing the last chords of 'Pop Goes the Weasel'.




Once the cartoon is over, the audience applauds. Apple Bloom smiles at the band place with her fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders. Yes, the cartoon is a hollow victory one, but at least the Earth pony still considered this a victory over Diamond Tiara.


Optimus Prime was enjoying himself in the audience...when he spots a familiar villain a few seats in here. The Autobot frowns as he ask, "Hey, who let that rust bucket Megatron in here?!"

Optimus took out his blaster and fires some blasts, hitting the surprised Megatron along with Starscream and Shockwave. The former coughs a bit, "That hurt..."

"Right, it's a try hurt." Shockwave coughs a bit as well. That really hurt.

Onstage, Twilight appears saying, "All right, no brawls, everyone. We are all happy family here...despite the villains who tried to kill us time and again. Anyway, it's time for today's special guest: the cranky but lovable donkey friend who Pinkie Pie manage to be friends with after trials and error...Cranky Doodle Donkey!"

The audience applauds as the spotlight came onto the bored looking Cranky Doodle Donkey who speaks into the mike, "First off, I will start off by saying that I won't be telling jokes."

The audience laughs. At a table where a confused Blue Berry, Oliver Oreo and Ladybug Bird is at, the concerned Oliver points to his best friend, saying, "But Blue Berry's funny!"

"All right, just the other day, Matilda has thrown a birthday party and invited the Ponyville foals. Unfortunately, they decided to play 'Pin the Tail'..." Cranky Doodle frowned as he turns around, showing a bunch of pinned tails on his flanks, "'On Me!'"

The audience laughs as Cranky Doodle calls out, "Yes, yes, I got a few more where that came from."


As Cranky Doodle performs his act, no one knows of the evil action that is happening backstage near the power box where the battery is at. Diamond Tiara leads Silver Spoon and Maxin to it, the leader smirks sinisterly.

"You sure we should do this? Can't we just leave well enough alone?" Silver Spoon asks Diamond Tiara in concern.

"Don't grow a conscience on me now, Silver Spoon! This is one of our chances to shut this dump down!" Diamond Tiara exclaims then turns to Maxin, "Maxin! Kill the lights...along with everything else!"

Maxin gave an evil laugh as he opens the power show which shows a real live battery inside. It gasps as the stallion pulls the battery out, causing it to protest, "Wait, what are you doing? Stop, your hooves are cold! NO!"

As Maxin laughs as he throws the battery to the floor, the minion holds up a hoof, preparing to 'kill the lights and everything else'. Silver Spoon yelps as she covers her eyes, not wanting to see this part.


Cranky continues his performance on stage, saying, "And so, I said to him, 'Want one lump or two?'"

Suddenly without warning, the power went off in the room, making the donkey looks confused.


Ben was checking the bills when the power went off, causing him to gasp, "Hey, something happen to the power!"


Pinkie was holding a tray full of dishes when the power went out. The pink pony yelps in alarm as she slips and fell, smashing the plates on herself as a result.


Applejack was relaxing in the control booth when the power went out, making her exclaims in annoyance as she got up, "Dang nab it; me an' machines don't work together at all!"


Spike gave a lovesick smile to Rarity back at her desk when the power went out. The baby Dragon, getting a bit mischievous, asks, "How about a kiss, Rarity?"

A smooch sound is heard, causing Rarity to exclaim in annoyance, "Spike!" The mare is heard slapping Spike hard, making him yelp in alarm.

"Okay, what just happened?" Rainbow is heard asking in annoyance in the dark.


The audience gasps as the power went off all over the building. We see Golden heart and Pinkamena as the lights go out.

Pinkamena says to her big brother, "I have a feeling that Diamond Tiara is behind this and I think she has a body guard who looks like Max from 'Cats Don't Dance.'"

"I see and you might of broke the fourth wall, little sister." Golden Heart said in agreement.

"Yeah but let's just watch the show."

They both go back to watching the show. Backstage, Ben was looking through the cabinets as Twilight gallops to him, exclaiming in a worry, "Ben, the power's out! Ooh, I was afraid of this. Because we didn't pay the bills, this has happened! Everyone is going to panic! What are we going to do?"

"Twilight, get a hold of yourself!" Ben exclaims as she pulls Twilight over. "I got a flashlight and your horn can glow, remember?" The stallion pulls out a flashlight from the cabinet and turns it on. The filly looks sheepishly as she makes her horn glow, making some more light.

"Right, sorry. Oh, of all the ponies that can be good in figuring these things out sometimes, you're the best next to me."

"Right, of course."

Ben uses the flashlight to look around. Twilight saw something on the ground, making her gasps, "Ben, look!"

Ben points his flashlight to what Twilight saw which she is pointing a hoof at, making him gasps for on the ground is a battery. The colt ask in concern, "Wait, isn't that the battery for the power box?"

"Yes...and I think its dead! We got no more power!"


Things got worst. With no power, the guests are getting restless and are leaving like mad. Rarity gasps as guests like Screwball, Surprise, Snips, Snails and Caramel are amongst the ones leaving. The white unicorn calls out, "Wait, stop; the show isn't over yet! I'm sure that there's a little wire loose or something. Hang on!"

Rarity ducks to avoid Spitfire who is leaving as well. The white unicorn got up in time to see Screw Loose rushing out of the club with a bone. She frowns while yelling, "Screw Loose, put back that bone! You aren't a dog!"


Pinkie, Rainbow and Fluttershy flew over to Ben with Pinkie exclaiming, "Bad news, Twilight! Everyone is leaving.

"Right, without any power, they don't wanna stay." Fluttershy adds meekly.

"Now what do we do?" Rainbow asks in concern. Without power, there is no show...and no club once Diamond Tiara is done here.

"I betcha this was Diamond Tiara's doing!" Ben exclaims with a frown. He knew that that bullying filly would do whatever it takes to take the club, even by using any nasty measure necessary to do so!

"I know, someone assault the battery and I betcha Diamond Tiara has a hoof in it by sending her big goon Maxin Talos to attack it!" Twilight exclaims with a frown of agreement.

"So now what," Fluttershy ask worried. "It would take forever to find another battery like the one we had."

"Well, if Diamond Tiara thinks that killing the battery would stop our show, she needs to think again!" Ben exclaims with a look of determination. "I think I got an idea on how to get the power back..."


Just when it looks like that the House of Pony is finished, the lights are suddenly turned back on, much to the surprise of everyone who applauds, especially the guests who came back in once the lights were back on.

As the power comes back on, we see Dr. Lizardo hugging who he thought was Pinkie pie but was Pinkamena. He looks worried as Pinkamena growls and we hear a punching sound.

Dr. Lizardo was sent flying and crashing sounds are heard as Pinkamena says, "That creep, next time he tries something to me, thinking that I am Pinkie Pie, a punch will be not the only thing that lizard will be dealing with."

"Ok. Well let's get back to watching the show." The alicorn suggests. She nods as Golden Heart and Pinkamena along with Gold Wing go back to watching the show.

On the rafters, Ben smiles as he looks at his masterpiece: a power cable that has two wires attached to it, giving power. Twilight, impressed, asks, "Impressive, but where did you attach the other wires?"

As if to answer Twilight's question, we see that the other wires are attached to Energon Cubes that Optimus Prime agrees to let Ben used for the power, making the Autobot smiles a bit. This should work until the gang can find another way to get the power back.

Twilight teleport back onto the stage as she say, "Well, sorry about the power trouble, folks, but you will be happy to know that we're back in business! Now this next cartoon is set in the Mare Do Well series created by author Philip Clark, which is a fanmake series of 'Batman: The Animated Series'. Now check out as I, in the role of Bruce Wayne AKA Batman, knock out the lights of not only Diamond Tiara, but her father Filthy Rich, who is in the role of Rupert Thorne!"

The audience applauds as the next cartoon of the night begins.




Twilight's Cabin

Based on the Mare Do Well series by Philip Clark

It was a blizzard day in the woods especially around a cabin in it. Twilight Sparkle, the rich unicorn of Manehattan, is taking a vacation, relaxing by the fire which the mare throw logs into. Twilight needs this vacation, especially since she has been fighting her enemies in her costumed identify as the Mare Do Well recently.

"Man, this is the life." Twilight said with a smile. "A vacation from Manehattan and crime fighting, this is all I needed. I'm glad to be by myself and not dealing with my gallery of rogues for a while."

"Help, somepony help!" Someone is heard yelling outside. Twilight in surprise heard that. Who could that be?

"That voice sounds familiar..."

Twilight gallops out the door and saw who was yelling. It was Filthy Rich who is trying to escape the storm but the wind blew him against the trees, covering the stallion in snow. Now Twilight knew that, despite his public image, Filthy Rich is a crime lord and not to be trusted.

But then again, Twilight shouldn't let anypony like Filthy Rich freeze to death out here, so she jumps into the deep snow, yelling, "Hang on, Mr. Rich!" The mare uses her magic to dig through the snow and picks up the criminal who is in a frozen ice cube.

Twilight pulls Filthy Rich right into the house and put him by the ice, allowing him to melt the ice right off the stallion.

As Filthy recovers and cuddle himself by the fire, he said, "Thanks...Miss Sparkle! That was noble of you, helping someone like me when I was in trouble; especially after the trouble with the Mare Do Well."

"Hey, it's the best that I could do." Twilight said with a smile of approval. "After all, despite all what I heard, what kind of pony would pretend to be stranded in a snowstorm like this?"

"Actually, I would!" Filthy exclaims with an evil look. Suddenly he grabs Twilight's horn, making her yelp as grabbing a unicorn's horn pretends the pony from using the magic. "Ha! You fell for it, Miss Sparkle; Diamond Tiara!"

Diamond Tiara, Filthy Rich's daughter and secretary, came in through the door and grabs Twilight, tying the mare up in the chair and using a collar to keep her magic in check. The filly remarks sinisterly, "Got her, daddy!"

"Hey, let go of me!" Twilight demands as she struggles against her chair. The mare couldn't believe, she was used, "Ugh, so those rumors were true after all! You are a crime lord!"

Filthy smirks evilly as he holds a hoof to his forehead as if to look like a horn, taunting, "'Hi there, I'm Twilight Sparkle, the richest mare in Manehattan! I am so naïve and I can trust anypony on my vacation and I got tied to a chair!' Ha! Like the Mare Do Well, you should've known better than to trust me!"

"You made a big mistake! Once the police and the Mane Do Well finds out..."

"Not a chance! No one knows that we're up here and you didn't bother to tell anypony where you're going! Face it; the Mare Do Well won't help you out of this one! Diamond Tiara, get the machine!"

Twilight groans as Diamond Tiara leaves the room to get something from outside. The villain is right, in her attempt to get away from her problems, the rich mare didn't tell anyone, not even Rarity or Spike, where she was at! Worst yet, Twilight didn't bother bringing her Mare Do Well outfit with her. Of course, then again, it's a bad idea even if she did because if the mare somehow escapes and come back as her heroic self, Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara will put two and two together.

Of course, Twilight may not have Mare Do Well outfit handy but she is a smart detective as well. The unicorn can figure out a way to outwit these crooks!

Diamond Tiara came in, pushing an ATM machine into the cabin. The filly looks puzzled as she asks, "Daddy, why did we bother robbing an ATM machine? Wouldn't getting money out of the bank be easier?"

"Not a chance, Police Commissioner Applejack has that place secured and I can't risk the Mare Do Well getting in the way again!" Filthy Rich exclaims to his daughter with a frown. "Stealing the ATM machine is much easier. Anyway, this out of the way cabin makes the perfect hideout for us. As for Twilight Sparkle here, we can always use her as a hostage should things get too rough."

" question." Twilight said thoughtfully. "How are you two going to get the cash out of that machine? You don't have credit cards or magic to do so. You would want the full load, right?"

The Villains blinks at each other as Diamond Tiara said, "Hmmm, the rich mare got a point, daddy."

"Okay, okay, this could take some thinking." Filthy Rich said with a frown. He and Diamond Tiara got to thinking: how to get the money out of the ATM machine?

With the criminals distracted, Twilight chose that time to lift her seat up and snuck over to the phone, she takes it off the receiver. The mare can't risk calling Rarity or Spike to get her outfit. No, she has to try another number and hope for the best.

But as Twilight finish dialing a number, a familiar voice yells out, "Hey!" Filthy Rich trots over to the worried Twilight, frowning. "And who are you calling?"

"Oh, just one of my friends...err, someone by the name is Po...Po...Lice?" Twilight ask nervously. She hopes that Filthy Rich doesn't catch on that she herself was trying to call Applejack and the Manehattan Police Department.

Filthy Rich out of suspicious grabs the phone and listen to a voice, "Hello, this is the police. We can't come to the phone right now."

With a smirk, Filthy Rich hung the phone on Twilight's head and takes out a phone book. As the villain tears it apart, he adds, "Unfortunately, looks like your friend 'Po Lice' isn't there, just his answering machine. Oh! And to make sure that you don't get any ideas of calling the cops or the Mare Do Well, I'm ripping up the phone book to keep you from looking up the numbers."

Filthy Rich then pulls the cord out of the wall, adding, "And in case you do know the numbers, I'm ripping the cord right out! I didn't become a crime lord by being careless!"

Twilight fumes as she watches Diamond Tiara bashing the ATM with a wrench to rip the machine open. So much for Plan A...but she can still outwit them with Plan B if the mare wants to turn Filthy Rich and his daughter in prison.

Once the machine is ripped apart, Filthy Rich smirks evilly as he said, "Good work, Diamond Tiara. I will take care of the money. You go to the kitchen to see if Twilight Sparkle has anything that we can eat!" Diamond Tiara nods as she goes into the kitchen to look for food. The villain turns back to Twilight, snapping, "And don't you think of getting any ideas. I'm too clever for even you!"

"Of course, yes, a very clever plan that you got there." Twilight remarked, pretending to have given up. "Of course, too bad about your mistake though."

"Wait, mistake; what are you talking about?"

"Well, you left your daughter Diamond Tiara all alone in the kitchen with your food. Why, who's to say that she couldn't poison it? If that happens and you die, Diamond Tiara could be rich and take over your empire!"

Filthy Rich frowns deeply and suspiciously...and it's about his daughter. As Diamond Tiara learns all she knows from him, it's most likely that the filly could double-cross her father at any time!

"That low down food prisoner...I will show her." Filthy Rich snarls, failing to see the hidden grin on Twilight's face. The Mare Do Well has proceeds in putting doubt into the criminals' mind.

Filthy Rich marches right into the kitchen then throws Diamond Tiara right out, screaming. The filly slams right into the phone table making her cringe, "Ouch! Well, I guess daddy's cooking tonight."

"Yeah, very suspicious on how he wanted to cook so badly. My guess is that Filthy Rich could try to poison you and take all the money. For all we know, he may not need you anymore." Twilight remarks slyly to Diamond Tiara. This causes the filly to frown in suspicious.

"Yeah, that sounds like daddy all right...keeping a public image and killing anyone who he thinks is no longer useful to him!"

Diamond Tiara got up and marches into the kitchen. Twilight grins as she hears the two villains fighting in there. So far, so good!


Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara finally stop their fighting enough to get a meal made; a while later, the food is on the table...but neither of the two are eating yet. The criminals aren't trusting anything in front of them that is made by the other in case of poison!

"Well? After you, Diamond Tiara," Filthy Rich insists to Diamond Tiara with a grin. He wants to see which of the food is poisoned.

"No, no, after you, daddy," Diamond Tiara said with a pretend smile.

"What? Why would you want me to go first? For all I know, that food is poisoned from when you cooked some of it!"

The two crooks glare each other done. Twilight smiles innocently while saying, "My, it's a good point that you aren't going to make me test that food! After all, I am a rich mare who could be taken out if any food was poisoned."

Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara, overhearing what Twilight said, smirks as they got an idea. If this food is poisoned, they will make the mare taste test it...and if Twilight is poisoned, the villains would at least get her out of the way!

It was a while later, Twilight was being fed by Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara...and liking every moment of it. The mare kept eating, smiling as she said, "Oh, keep it coming, you two. Yep, this is definitely poisoned."

Of course, suddenly, Twilight yelps before fainting to the floor. Filthy Rich glares angrily to his daughter while snapping, "Aha! You were trying to poison the food, you treacherous banshee!"

"No, it was you who was trying to poison the food, you mobster!" Diamond Tiara scowls right back. The two villains then attack each other, brawling like mad over the 'poisoned food'.

Of course, Twilight got up, smiling while saying, "Oops, false alarm! I was almost choking there. Say, while you two are trying to beat each other's brains in, can one of you at least past me some ketchup to go with the tofu chicken?"


The two villains didn't get a bite to eat that night. Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara just went to bed, two in another room while Twilight watch while tied to the chair. She is still thinking of ways to outwit these two crooks.

"Daddy, I'm hungry!" Diamond Tiara complains to her father in concern.

"Ugh, we are all hungry, Diamond Tiara!" Filthy Rich scowls to Diamond Tiara in annoyance.

Twilight gave a smile, happy that he tricked both Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara into feeding her, while saying, "To be honest, I couldn't eat another bite."

"Look, shut up! We haven't slept in two days and I want to get some shut eye!"

"Oh yeah, good idea. Of course, I am concerned. It would be a shamed if someone, even someone you trust especially your own family, would try to make off with the money while you're sleeping..." Twilight said slyly. Upon hearing that, Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara open one eye, getting up to glare at each other. Neither of them is taking any chances of sleeping in case the other tries to make off with the money! Twilight took out a book of bedtime fables while saying, "Wow, you two look tense. Perhaps I could read you two a story."

Twilight looks at the book, pretending to be reading from it. The mare grins while saying, "Oh, found one. 'Once upon a time, in a snowy cabin, two ponies, who don't trust each other, were trying to steal a bag of money sitting on the floor in front of the beautiful mare who doesn't have anything to hide. So neither of them got any sleep because neither one of them could be trusted; the end'."

The story put more doubt as Filthy Rich snaps, "Forget it, I am not falling asleep!"

"Are you saying that I would make off with the money?" Diamond Tiara snaps at Filthy Rich angrily.

"Well, I'm just saying that I will make sure that you don't!"


"Come on, you two are family. Don't start fighting again." Twilight insists to Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara with a grin. "And whatever you two do, don't use a frying pan and a baseball bat."

As if to do the opposite of what Twilight's saying, Diamond Tiara took out a baseball bat while Filthy Rich pulls out a frying pan. The purple unicorn can watch in hidden delight as the two villains attack one of another before she heads off to sleep.


It was next morning. Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara are tired but didn't sleep a wink. The two criminals are determined to make sure that the other won't steal the money while sleeping, so they used tape and small clips to keep their eyes open.

Twilight, the only pony who gotten any sleep, yawn and smiles while saying, "Morning!" Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara only groaned. It wasn't a good morning for them at all!


Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara sat at the table with Twilight, both of them are trying to figure out what to do with the money. The crime lord said as he takes the money, "All right. Here's how we will settle this matter once and for all. We can divide it up now and here."

"Hang on! What makes me think that you won't cheat me?" Diamond Tiara scowls as she takes the bag of money away, only for Filthy Rich to swipe it back.

"Easy. I am not a liar and a cheater like you!"

"Hey, who are you calling a cheater?!"

Twilight watches Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara repeating the word 'cheat' to one another. The purple unicorn, having another idea, remarks, "Well, I'm glad that it isn't up to me, non-cheating Twilight Sparkle, to count that money. I mean, not like you two would just untie me out of here and remove my collar so I can help you do so, right?"

Hearing that gave Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara another they release Twilight from the chair and remove the dollar. The rich mare then uses her magic to dump the bits out of the bag and picks some up as if dealing in a card game.

Twilight begins filing the money, saying, "All righty, 1 for Diamond Tiara, one for Filthy Rich; Two for Filth Rich, two for Diamond Tiara; One, two, three for Diamond Tiara. Two plus two minus one for Filthy Rich," The villains kept an eye in confusion, making sure that they won't get cheated out with Twilight counting the money up for confusion. "Hmmm...Five plus one for Diamond Tiara; Multiply three and two for Filthy Rich, and three and three for Diamond Tiara!"

Twilight kept counting it up fairly but her plan was to give the criminals the same amount. She does so by giving Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara simple math problems to confused the two...and it worked.

"Wait, hang on! My daughter is getting more!" Filthy Rich protests to Twilight with a frown.

"That's a lie, I am not!" Diamond Tiara snaps furiously to her father. It looks like another fight is about to break out.

"Say, I got an idea that can help us all." Twilight suggests while smiling to the frowning Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara. "You both know that the storm is over, right? Well, why not take the money back to the bank and the teller can count it for us!"

Twilight's right, the storm is over...and her idea does make sense...


At the Manehattan bank, Twilight, Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara wait in line for their money to be counted. The crime lord however got a realization as she ask suspiciously, "Hang on...don't banks CHARGE for counting the money, Miss Sparkle?"

"Right, that's what I heard." Diamond Tiara said in suspicion. Twilight looks worried. Has these two fiends seen through her deception at last?

"'re trying to fool us! This bank will take part of our money!"

"Right, right," Twilight said in pretend sheepishness. Good, Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara thinks that she was trying to fool them by having the bank take part of the money. "Okay, no problem! I know of another place that we can take it to...somewhere where the bits will be counted fair and square!"


Twilight takes the criminals to a familiar part of Manehattan. Filthy Rich glances at the sign and reads it, "'Po Lice'....wait, something isn't right here..."

Twilight chuckles nervously, worrying that Filthy Rich has figured her out. Diamond Tiara exclaims in realization, "Wait, I know what's going on! The rich pony here is taking her friend that she was trying to call last night! You know; that Po Lice colt! He is going to count our money!"

Twilight sighs in relief. Her plan is working which is to get Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara to turn against each other and then trust the purple mare so that she can get them into the Manehattan Police Department. Twilight is amazed that both of them didn't realize what's going on at all! Amazing!

"Yes, of course. Come on!" Twilight exclaims as she leads the two criminals into the police station.

Upon entering the place, Filthy Rich gasps in shocks, "Diamond, look! Cops," Sure enough, Diamond Tiara for there are cops everywhere. "Oh, this place is swarming with them!"

"What will we do, daddy?" Diamond Tiara asks frantically. If those cops see her and Filthy Rich with the money, it's over!

"Let me hide you two, quick get in here!" Twilight exclaims as she rushes Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara right into a room...which is actually a cell! The two villains, unaware of what's going on, watch as the purple unicorn uses her magic to hand them striped clothes. "Okay, wear these! That way, the cops won't recognize you!"

Once Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara grab the clothes and put them on, a smirking Twilight slams the door closed before locking it. She trots away while saying slyly, "Okay, my friends 'Po Lice' and Commissioner Applejack will be with you two shortly."

It didn't take long for the bad guys to realize what's going on. Diamond Tiara frowns as she spoke, "Daddy...Call me crazy, but I'm beginning to think that the Po Lice the police!"

"And I think we're in jail!" Filthy Rich scowls furiously. He can't believe it! That rich mare Twilight Sparkle has set them both up to be locked in jail!

"This is your fault, you jerk!"

"No, it's your fault!"

The two criminals begin brawling in the jail. Twilight chuckles while saying, "Like father, like daughter. Think about it won't you?"

Twilight has proven that she doesn't need to be Mare Do Well to outfit these two crooks!




Once the cartoon is done, the audience applauds for another good one!


The audience are enjoying themselves inside the club. Twilight trots up to Optimus, smiling as she comments, "Thanks for giving us the Energon Cubes to keep the club powered, Optimus. You get some metal pitas on the house...not on it literally!"

"No problem, noble unicorn." Optimus said with a nod. "It's a privilege to help out my pony allies anyway I can."

Of course, not everyone is happy that the power is back on. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are hiding behind a pillar, the leader, upset over Twilight finding a way to get power, scowls, "Oh, I will show him who's boss!"

"Come on, what's more important that..." Silver Spoon begins to say but Diamond Tiara cut her off.

"We got to get rid of that junk pile and his cubes and I know how!"

A while later, Pinkie bounces towards Optimus Prime with Optimus's pitas on a plate on her head; Suddenly Maxin Talos grabs the pink pony and pull her behind a pillar. Pinkie yelps in alarm, "Stop, hey, your hooves are cold!"

A while later, Diamond Tiara, in some waitress clothes, came over to Optimus's table with pitas. As she serves the metal thing to the Auotbot, the filly said, "Here's your pitas; Oh, and I hate to tell you this, but on the way over here, I saw the Predacons taking off with your Ark."

"What; the Ark?! Oh, I will make sure that Megatron's Predacons get send to the junkyard this time!" Optimus exclaims furiously, buying Diamond Tiara's fib. He left his table and marches out, preparing to deal with the 'Predacons'.

"Oh, don't forget the Energon Cubes! Don't want anypony to steal them as well!"

Optimus Prime came back to grab the Energon Cubes. On his way out, the Autobot unknowingly causes the wires on them to come unattached. Diamond Tiara chuckle sinisterly, some robots, to her, are stupid!

Onstage, Twilight smiles while saying, "All right, give it up once more for Luna's Shadowbolts!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders start to play their instruments again...when the power went out on everyone once more, "Awww, horse apples!"

As Pinkamena, Golden Heart and Gold wing watch the show, Pinkamena was holding a globe that was make her mane and tail fuzzy until the power goes out making the globe let one last burst of electricity making her mane and tail poof out like Pinkie Pie's.

Pinkamena say to her big brother, "Guess the power went out again and now my mane and tail are stuck like this for some time."

Golden Heart comments, "I see but I know the gang will get the power back."


In the dark backstage, the gang (including Pinkie Pie in underwear for some reason) was upset. Rainbow groans, "Aww horse apples. This is a fine mess."

"Yeah, I thought Optimus would help us this time but now we're lost in the dark...again." Spike remarks in concern.

"Diamond Tiara must've tricked Optimus into leaving and unattached the wires to the Energon Cubes." Pinkie said meekly.

"Oh, I give up." Twilight groans in despair as she trots in to join her friends. "As long as Diamond Tiara keeps finding a way to keep the power off, we won't keep the show going now!"

"Sorry, but if Twilight gives up, so do I." Pinkie groans a bit in despair.

"Bad news, everypony; we just got a new bunch of bills." Rarity said seriously to her friends, coming into the backstage with more bills on her back. The white unicorn gives an odd look to Pinkie in her underwear. "Pinkie, why are you wearing underwear? You don't normally wear clothes."

"Oh, I don't know. I thought they look neat to wear." Pinkie remarks to her friends with a shrug.

"Awww, more bills?" Nyx ask with a groan of disbelief. "I guess we better charge them all."

"Wait, charge them?" Ben asks upon realizing what his daughter just said. The stallion grins eagerly as he jumps. "Of course, that's it! Everypony, come with me! I got an idea on how to get our battery back in business!"

Twilight looks confused, then she, along with the others, soon realize what Ben has in mind by what he's talking. Yes, it could work!


The Mane Six (with Pinkie out of the undies), Spike and Nyx are holding flags, swords and are wearing Cowboys hats with Rarity holding a horn. Ben smirks as he said, "All right, 1, 2, 3!"

Rarity blew into the horn hard, doing some baseball music. Everyone shouts out like mad, "CHARGE!" The ponies and Dragon run up to the battery (though they end up trampling Rainbow by mistake, but the mare recovers and follow the others).

Sure enough, the screaming of the word 'Charge' was enough to bring the battery back to life. He looks around, confused while exclaiming, "Stop, please! Hel...wait, what happened? Where am I?"

Ben uses his magic to pick up the battery and putting it back into place, explaining with a smile, "Well, Maxin assaulted you but we charged you back up! Welcome back to the normal life of living battery and this time, we will make sure you stay like that!"

As the battery grins, Ben closes the door and uses his magic to put a force field around it. The stallion smirks while adding, "There we go, and only Twilight, mother and I would take down the force field!"

Soon the power back on in an instant.


Dr. Lizardo wearing night vision goggles and see a pink pony with poofy mane and tail and then leaps for a kiss. As the power comes back, Pinkamena felt something on her lips only to see the same lizard. As Dr. Lizardo opens his eyes, he goes pale to see that it was not Pinkie Pie.

The lizard tries to flee, only for him to be grabbed by Pinkamena as she says in a really scary voice, "I said that if you tried something to me thinking I was Pinkie Pie..."

Golden Heart and Gold Wing watch as Pinkamena takes Dr. Lizardo to a room. Crashing sounds are heard and it stops as Pinkamena comes out. She gets her mane and tail flat as Golden Heart asks while she sits down, "What did you do to Dr. Lizardo?"

"Oh I just glued his lips and hands to the wall and his feet to the floor, he will be there for some time. Let's get back to the show."

Golden Heart nods as he, Pinkamena and Gold Wing go back to watching the show. Around this same time, Diamond Tiara was sitting at Optimus's table and eating his pitas before she plans on shutting the place down. The filly didn't realize until now that the power is back.

"What, how?" Diamond Tiara asks in shock and confusion. How did the power come back on?

"Ahem!" A familiar voice is heard, making Diamond Tiara yelps as she saw an angry Optimus Prime nearby. "No Predacon was stealing my Ark...but I do see a mean filly swiping my metal pitas!"

"Err, Maxin! Some help here!"

Maxin came in, intending on helping Diamond Tiara by defending her from Optimus. But the Autobot simply punch him hard, sending the stallion through the roof and out of the club. The minion kept on flying into he lands in the back...of a manure truck!

As Maxin digs himself out of the truck, he spits out the manure while groaning, "Manure! I hate manure!"

Back inside the club, Optimus snaps to the nervous Diamond Tiara, "Now as for you..."

"Come on, can't we talk this out?" Diamond Tiara asks nervously as he holds the plate of the remaining pitas to Optimus. "They're still warm..."

Needless to say, Optimus took out his blaster and blasts the filly with one blast, resulting in the bully in looking ash-covered. Her plans have failed once more.

Back in the backstage area, Twilight grinned to Ben while saying, "Once again, good thinking, Benny."

"My pleasure, Twiley," Ben exclaims to his love with a grin. "As always, the show must go on!"


As the show is starting to end, we see Pinkamena wiping her lips and saying, "I still can feel his lips touching mine. Maybe I should of thrown him in a bath."

Golden heart use his magic to help her little sister as she no longer feels like the lizards lips were still touching hers. He says, "Well after what you did, I am sure he will look first before pouncing."

Pinkamena nods as they watch the show coming to a close. Some of the guests leave for real. Rainbow was waving goodbye to the buffalos, one by one, "Bye, see ya later, hope you had fun, good bye!"

Back on stage, Twilight turn to whatever audience is left, smiling as she ask while finishing the show up, "What a great show, eh folks? Everything went really good. Also, sorry if our power went out...twice..."

As if jinxing it, the power went out for a third time. In the control booth, an annoyed Applejack hits Rainbow Droid with a mallet, the robot rip off snaps, "Ouch; Lighten up, creature!"

"Yew lighten up, yew Rainbow rip off vermin!" Applejack snaps to the robot right back. "We done got enough trouble wit'out yew making it worst!"


Once the lights are back on, Spike appears on stage, saying, "All right! Now an important word from our sponsor; Are you feeling sad, miserable, depressed even?"


"You got that right." Cranky Doodle said dryly as the screen came on in the usual room.

"Then you will need this!" Twilight exclaims as she came in offscreen with some sort of spray bottle.

Spike's voice is heard, "It's brand new Pinkie Pie's Smile, Smile, Smile in a bottle! Why, just one spray..."

Twilight sprays Cranky Doodle with the spray, making the donkey smile.

"And you will definitely be the happiest pony, Dragon or whatever in Equestria!"

We see Niblie frowning as he snaps, "Ha! Who wants to be happy," Twilight smiles as she came back with a big bottle.

"And for the really stubborn grumps like this troll, there's extra strength Pinkie's Smile, Smile, Smile in a bottle!"

Twilight sprays right onto Niblie, changing him into a Bushwoolie who smiles while saying, "Hi!"

"Pinkie Pie's Smile, Smile, Smile in a bottle!"

Spike then spoke in a low voice, "Does not work on Equestrian villains or lawyers."


Twilight ends the show by saying, "Okay, that's it for today, everypony! See you later!"

Episode Eight: Gone Pinkie Pie

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Ever since Diamond Tiara's latest failed attempt to shut the club down, everything is back to normal...or what counts as 'normal' at the House of Pony anyway! Twilight and Ben continues working to pay the bills and making sure to keep within their budget, because going over it is bad.

However, one show, there was a bit of a budget crisis that threatens the friendship between two good pony friends...


As the show begins, Spike smiles while calling out, "All right, everypony! Make sure to stay in your seats at all times and no flash photography, here's TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"

The audience applauds as the spotlight is on stage. Of course, they look confused while applauding as Twilight doesn't appear to have arrived yet. Where is she?

Just then, Twilight gallops out as she exclaims with a smile, "Sorry I'm late, folks! I got make a stop at the bank! I was overdrawn!"

"Overdrawn? You're lucky!" One of two pencil test characters at a table snaps to Twilight in annoyance.

"Yeah, we ain't even done yet!" The other pencil test character remarked, causing the audience to laugh.


Yes, it's another busy day at the House of Pony. Rainbow is at the door shaking Tough Apple's hoof as he goes past. The mare now shake Tirek's hand while saying, "Hey, good evening, Mr. Tirek." The villain nods as he heads into the room. Rainbow now prepares to shake Zecora's hoof. "Welcome to my life!"

Of course, Zecora just trots past her, much to Rainbow's annoyance. She mutters, "Ugh, stupid rhyming zebra." The zebra heard that as she hits Rainbow with a trick, making her yelp in pain. "Ouch!"

At her desk, Rarity was talking to Baby Lickety-Split while asking, "Do you have a reservation here?"

"Sure do!" Baby Lickety-Split answers Rarity. The foal yelps as her horn flashes like mad, making Rarity suspicious. That does that when she lies.

"Are you sure?"

"Come on, I really do!"

Baby Lickety-Split's horn flashes once more. Rarity gave a side balance. Why is she not surprised to be seeing this?

In the kitchen, the Cakes are done making some spaghetti which they put into a bowl. Their foals Pumpkin and Pound Cake smile as they drool over the food. It looks so good that the foals wanted to eat it all. Of course, Mr. Cake pulls the spaghetti away while scolding his children, "Ah ah! This is for one of the guests, kids."

Here you go Pinkie Pie." Mrs. Cake said as she gave the bowl of spaghetti to Pinkie. Pound and Pumpkin frowns then got an idea.

When their parents weren't looking, Pound took a fishing pole nearby and Pumpkin uses her magic to attach a line to a strand of Spaghetti. Her brother begins reeling the noodles, meatball and all. The foals smiles as they eat the spaghetti eagerly.

Pinkie, before getting out of the kitchen, looks inside the bowl and is surprised to see no spaghetti. Instead of questioning it, the pink pony shrugs while saying, "Wow; must be a light lunch!"


Back on stage, Twilight continues on, "We got a great show today with some new cartoons as well as our special musical guests Knightshade; But first, Luna's Shadowbolts!"

"All right, girls! Yew heard her, let's go!" Apple Bloom exclaims to her friends. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nods as they play instruments. The audience applauds for that.


"Wow, what a shame," Applejack said in concern as she, Rainbow, Rarity and Fluttershy gathers around Ben who looks over his planner. This doesn't look good.

"What's wrong?" Twilight ask her friends in concern as she trots in and sees some of her pals gathering like this.

"Folks at our show are threatening 'ta quit over 'de backlash o' Equestria Girls, some more celebrities bit 'de dust, Cartoon Network kept on losing good shows lately, an' the court lawsuit between Archie Comics an' Ken Penders is getting more intense than ever!"

"No, I mean what's wrong in here?"

"Oh, our club is over budget." Applejack admits to Twilight with a shrug.

"Yikes, how bad," Twilight ask in worry as she turns to Ben, fearing the worst.

"According to my calculations, we are 1 perfect over budget." Ben explains to Twilight, making the purple mare gasps in worry.

"Oh dear; is that bad?" Fluttershy ask Ben meekly and concerned.

"Sadly, Fluttershy, it is. In order to get back into the right budget, we must do the sad and inevitable: someone from the House of Pony must be fired."

"Gah, not me I hope!" Rainbow exclaims frantically and worried. "I worked hard for you girls!"

"Oh, I hope it isn't me...but if you want it to me, I guess I could go." Fluttershy said, hiding behind her mane in worry and concern.

"Relax, you two, we don't know who is going to be fired yet." Ben assures Rainbow and Fluttershy that it wasn't decided on whom should be fired to get back into the right budget yet. "But someone must go. If we want to fire somepony, it has to be someone who doesn't get their work done, make mistakes, asks for time off and break things."

Just then, Pinkie bounce in, smiling while saying, "Hiya, girls and Ben; Glad to see all of you in one place; Listen, while I'm here I got some stuff to say. Rarity, sorry, but I didn't finish setting the tables. Can you do that for me?"

"Uh sure..." Rarity said with a glare to her friend.

"Oh. Oh, Dashie? I accidentally locked the front door so no pony can get in."

"Ugh!" Rainbow groans in annoyance while slapping her own face. "Fine, I will get right on it ASAP."

"Thanks, Dashie! Oh, Ben? All right if I take other week off," Pinkie asks Ben happily, not noticing the frowns on some of her friends' faces. "I got so many parties and family events planned!"

"Fine, I will see what is available soon." Ben said to Pinkie with a frown.

"Fluttershy; My party cannon accidentally scared some of your animal friends off! You may wanna herd them up."

"Oh, right, I see." Fluttershy said with a frown, knowing how many times that she warns her friend to be careful with her party cannon.

"Righty; Oh, and Twiley, sorry but I broke your Star-Swirl the Bearded collection." Pinkie said to her purple mare friend, making Twilight look shocked and angry. "You should get those fixed."

"Yeah, I will get right on it." Twilight exclaims angrily and upset.

"Okie dokie lokie," Pinkie exclaims as she prepares to trot off. The others, especially Applejack though she doesn't have any reason to be upset, glares at her angrily. Looks like the pink pony would be the one to be fired. That is until Pinkie turn back to her friends, adding, "Oh, one more thing, girls and Ben! Yeah, I know I can annoy ponies sometimes but I really love this job and I love you all! You are great ponies!"

Upon hearing that, most of the gang's hearts begin to soften. Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, Ben and Applejack looks at each other in shame and guilty. While Pinkie did fit everything that Ben described to be fired, the ponies can't bring themselves to fire her. She is only a pony and is a nice friend!

"Okay, going on my break now! Later!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she bounces away. While most of her friends change their minds on firing her, Rainbow just frowns.

"Well, I think we know what must be done. We're firing Pinkie, she is out of here!" Rainbow exclaims while pointing a hoof at Pinkie sternly.

"Oh dear, no; don't fire Pinkie Pie!" Fluttershy yelps in worry upon hearing what Rainbow just said.

"Besides, didn't you hear what Pinkie just said? While she does fit the description of some pony whose must be fired, Pinkie loves her job! At least she does her best to do good!" Twilight exclaims to Rainbow in agreement. "Anyway, we can't go and fire Pinkie Pie! She is our friend and when we first open this place, we made a Pinkie Promise to never do that to her! She is very sensitive and would get angry easily!"

"Ha, shows what you know!" Rainbow snaps to Twilight, still unconvinced.

"Twilight, you're back on!" Ben said to Twilight that she is due back on stage soon.

"Gah, right, how do I look?" Twilight ask her colt-friend as she checks her over, "Horn straight, mane not having parasprites in them?"

"You're fine, honey! Don't worry!"

Twilight smiles as she gallops off to do her thing. Of course, unknown to her and the others once they're out of earshot, Rainbow smirks devilishly while saying, "Yeah, don't worry...if you ain't going to do what must be right, then I will have to..."


As Pinkamena, Golden Heart and Gold Wing watch the show. Pinkamena tenses up. Golden Heart sees this and asks, "What's wrong, little sister?"

"Ii think a pony is going to be fired due to over budget of The House of Pony." Pinkamena said to Golden Heart seriously.

"I see. Well let's wait if things get worse, we will see what we can do to help."

Pinkamena nods as she and Golden Heart keep watching the show. Meanwhile Pinkie bounces over to a table and gives a plate of food to Tough Apple, saying, "All right, here is your meal, Tough Apple!"

"Heehaw,” Tough Apple exclaims as he grabs a piece of hid food and eats it. To his confusion, the stallion begins expanding as he grows big, "What 'de hay?!"

Pinkie looks confused then saw a familiar name on the plate. She took it while saying sheepishly, "Oopsie, my bad! Wrong plate, this is for Megie!" The pony went over to Megan's table, giving her the grow food to the human.

Onstage, Twilight spoke up, "All right, everypony; Time for the first cartoon of tonight!'

The audience applauds as the first cartoon begins.




Pegasus Crew

It is another day at the Canterlot racetrack and the Wonderbolt Derpy is under way. Lightning Dust has entered in hopes to become a new candidate for the Wonderbolts. The Pegasus is getting tired and stop at the Pit Stop to recover and get filled up.

As Lightning Dust arrives, the Pegasus pony looks confused as she saw that no pony is around. Lightning frowns as she demands, "Where the hay is my Pegasus group?! Ugh, I told those three to arrive here earlier!"

Ligtning scowls as she grabs a cell phone and begins dialing a number. That Pegasus crew of hers better have a good reason for being late!


In the library in Ponyville, Twilight and her friends Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are having a new occupation for their list of jobs that got changed every month. This month, the trio of ponies is a Pegasus crew for Lightning Dust, despite the fact that Rainbow hated to work for her ever since what she did to her friends back at the Wonderbolt Academy a while back.

Just then the phone rang as Twilight, Rainbow and Pinkie got out from under their desk (probably sleeping). The unicorn uses her magic to pick up the phone, answering, "Hey, Pegasus Crew, we..."

"Well, if you three are my Pegasus Crew, THEN GET YOUR FLANKS OVER HERE SO YOU CAN CREW ME!" Lightning's voice yells over the phone, making Twilight yelps a bit.

"Yikes! We forgot that our first job is today; who is supposed to remind us of that?!"

"Pinkie Pie," Rainbow remarks to Pinkie with a frown, recalling that it was the pink pony who is supposed to keep track of these kinds of things.

"Oopsie; I was so busy with my parties, that it slipped my mind." Pinkie chuckles nervously to Rainbow.

"You three better get to the Canterlot racetrack! The Wonderbolt Derby is happening and I don't wanna miss my chance of being a Wonderbolt!"Lightning snaps furiously to her Pegasus crew. "Get down here right now or I will make sure that you will be send flying in the air without wings, especially Rainbow Dash! GOT IT?!"

"Right, we will be there in a few minutes!" Twilight exclaims with a yelp as she hangs up the phone.

"Honestly, why are we even working for her? She almost killed you, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy with that reckless stunt back at the Wonderbolt Academy!" Rainbow snaps to Twilight in frustration as the trio of ponies rush out of the library, heading to their vehicle.

"I know, I know, but we got to earn some bits somehow...and we have to work for anypony, even a reckless one like Lightning Dust." Twilight admits in shock. But as the trio of ponies arrives to where the van is supposed to be, they stopped short...their van is in pieces, "Hey, what the hay happened to our van?!"

"Ooh, remember when you two girls asked me to deal with the squeak that we kept hearing 2 days ago?" Pinkie asks Twilight happily. "Well, I got to work to find out the source of that squeaking. I took out the seats, the squeak wasn't in there. Took out the doors, pulled out the hood and get rid of the engine. No sight of the squeak."

"But without an engine, the van won't run!"

"Yeah, I realize that now...but at least I found out what was causing the squeak. It was Pound's rubber ducky!"

Pinkie grins as she took out the rubber ducky. Rainbow slaps a hoof to her face, groaning, "Pinkie Pie, you are so random."

"Ugh, Pinkie! Put the car back to the way it was now!" Twilight orders in annoyance as she threw the steering wheel to Pinkie who caught it with her mouth. The pink pony shrugs as she got to work on getting the van back together.


It was half-hour later as the van is restored. The trio is driving it towards Canterlot...of course, only 20 miles per hour! The van fixing ends up causing the vehicle to go slow. Rainbow would've flown her friends there faster but the equipment for Lightning Dust is in the van and the stuff is too heavy for every one of the ponies to carry.

Canterlot is still far away and already Twilight's group is worried. They remembered what Lightning said before Twilight herself hung up. The trio got to get to the Wonderbolt Derby and fast but this van is still not going fast.

Just then the girls heard the phone ring, much to their worry. Twilight said, "Must be Lightning Dust. Let's pretend not to hear it and hope for the best."


Back in Canterlot, Lightning paces while waiting for her Pegasus Crew to pick up. The Wonderbolt Derby is continuing and the Pegasus pony is missing it!

As the other Pegasus ponies and Wonderbolts flew past, a ticked off Lightning snarls into the phone, "Come on, you wimps! I know you're there. Pick up, I know you're there!"


"Come on, come on!" Twilight groans as she kept on pushing the gas. The van is still going too slow big time.

Rainbow, hearing some squeaking, looks concerned as she ask, "Err, what is that noise?"

"Oh, you girls told me to put the van back the way it was, remember?" Pinkie reminds her friends happily. At her friends' glare, the pink pony realizes something, "Oopsie. I guess that means not to put in the rubber ducky, huh?"

"Ugh! We gotta get a van...and a new partner." Twilight groans in annoyance. What she said made Pinkie shocked, her feelings got hurt.

"New partner; But...I thought we were friends."

"Gah! Of course, you're our friend, Pinkie! What I mean was...was..." Twilight said, feeling guilty. She didn't mean to say what she herself did in front of Pinkie. The pink pony meant no harm. In hopes to finding a way to reassurance her, Twilight saw her friend's mane flattening a bit. " need a new mane!"

"Really; huh; funny you mention that. My mane was getting a little dull lately." Pinkie said thoughtfully while looking at herself. "Plus, the old look is so 3 seasons ago! Yeah, you're right. Time for a new look."

Rainbow looks around then saw Rainbow's rainbow mane, getting an idea. A while later, the Pegasus pony felt funny and feel the top of her head...and realizes that her mane is gone! Rainbow turns to see Pinkie wearing it on top of her own head.

"Hey, that's my mane!" Rainbow scowls as she took her mane back, returning it to her own head. "Honestly, I don't even want to know how you did that!"

Pinkie pauses to think...and is now seen wearing Twilight's mane. The unicorn looks annoyed as she grabs it back, replacing the mane while scowling, "Give me that!"

Twilight looks back and looks alarmed as Pinkie is now wearing a familiar brown mane somehow. The mare takes it off while snapping, "That's Ben's mane!"

Pinkie shrugs as she puts on some familiar male Pegasus pony's blue mane. But Rainbow pulls it off while scowling, "That's Soarin's mane!"

Soon it's a war of the manes. Why, you might ask? It's because Pinkie kept grabbing and putting on Twilight, Rainbow, Ben and Soarin's manes with her friends kept taking them back. Of course, things got confused as it all ended with all of them upside down somehow.

Without warning, the van stops as it ran out of gas. Twilight groans as she and her friends look at the gas meter, "Oh great. We're out of gas."

Just then the car phone rings once more. Pinkie responds happily, "I'll get it!" Twilight stops her in time however.

"No, no, don't! That could be Lightning Dust calling! We don't want her to know that we're out of gas!"


Back in the Wonderbolt Derpy, a colt on a bicycle cycled past Lightning as she is having a nervous breakdown. The mare's chances of being a Wonderbolt are breaking away every few seconds and it's all because of her delayed Pegasus Crew!

"Grr, I'm going to mount their heads for this..." Lightning groans, having a nervous breakdown. Where are those three?!


"Just let it ring." Twilight reminds her friends. She and her friends got out and push their van. They found their way to Canterlot and found a local gas station. As the trio push their van over, Twilight calls over to a gas attendant sitting in his chair. "Don't get up, we got this!"

Twilight grabs the gas nuzzles and heads to the van...but saw no door to the gas tank. The mare frowns as she spoke to Pinkie, "Pinkie, what did you do witht he gas tank?"

"Hold on, I will check the back." Pinkie said happily as she open the back, showing assorted items. "Okay, we got the gas meter, the gas mask, gas valve, gas lamp, a gastropoda which is a snail...and of course our cameo 'gast' star; Okie dokie lokie!"

Sure enough, Pinkie pulls our Surprise from the truck, the Pegasus pony grins while exclaiming, "Hey everypony! What a gas!"

"Hey, I love your new mane look, Surprise!"

"Thanks; got it over there!" Surprise exclaims happily as she points a hoof to a mane store nearby. Perfect! Pinkie bounces over to the costume store as her friends watch her go. Surprise points to a door, adding, "Oh, your gas tank is in here, BTW!"

Twilight got to work until she fills the gas tank with enough; Time to go. The unicorn honks the horn while calling, "Pinkie, we got to go! Come on!"

Inside the costume store, Pinkie looks excited at certain manes. She can't wait to see what kind of said mane that she will have!

First off, Pinkie put on a construction worker's mane...but she got bricked. The pink pony then put on a cowpony hat but she ends up getting roped and hassled!

Pinkie now put on a mane that looks like its fit for Naponyleon! A short colt taps her while saying, "Miss, that is mine." The mare chuckles sheepishly as she gave the mane back to the colt. Weird!

Pinkie now put on a outfit for Coltham Lincoln but almost got shot. The mare not put on a beanie mane causing her to fly off. Pinkie puts on a scuba diver mane...but figured it's best underwater. Next, the pink pony put on a graduation mane, only for books to fall onto her like mad.

Pinkie put on an Saddle Arabian mane, causing her to dance like one...but Rainbow, having enough with this foolishness as well as waiting, came in and knock the manes away from Pinkie then drags her out of the store.

"Wait, there are a lot more manes for me to try!" Pinkie protests as she kept her hold onto the manes like mad.

Rainbow struggle as her friend kept her hold onto the mane. She then tied Pinkie's tail to a bumper than got into her seat, calling out to Twilight, "She's in the back seat!"

Quickly, Twilight steps on the gas, causing the van to get moving, pulling Pinkie and the mane shop in the progress.


It was a few minutes later as Pinkie is sitting between her friends once more. And of course, the pink pony is trying out more manes, much to their annoyance.

"Come on, stop that!" Rainbow scowls as she removes a gentle-colt from Pinkie. This is getting ridiculous!

"Yeah, knock it off!" Twilight snaps as she took off a deputy mane from Pinkie's head. Now the unicorn is regretting even making her friend think that she needed a mane in the first place!

Pinkie shrugs as she kept on trying various manes, like a fire pony one, a Princess mane, a Royal Guard mane and a silly umbrella mane and each time, her friends took the said manes off. Pinkie finally put on a brown bag with holes on his head. Twilight has had enough of this nonsense now.

"Pinkie Pie; cut it out!" Twilight scowls to Pinkie in annoyance. "Your classic man was fine all this time, okay?!"

"Huh? Didn't you say..." Pinkie begins to say but Twilight cuts her off.

"Just forget what I just said, I only did so just to stop hurting your feelings. I am now sorry that I've ever said it in the first place."

"Uh...say what?" Pinkie, taking the bag off, asks confused, apparently forgetting what she said already. The pone begins to ring again making her friends whistle innocently. Pinkie pretends not to hear the phone either as she say, "Nope, not hearing that phone ring; Nah!"


The Wonderbolt Derby is getting close to finish, even a snail is slithering by. Lightning frowns as she kept waiting on her cell phone, groaning, "Heads are sooooo going to roll for this!"


On a top of a hilltop not too far away, the trio arrives at their destination. Twilight, seeing the Canterlot racetrack grins as she said, "There it is! About time too," As the van continues onward, the mare put her foot onto the brake to slow the vehicle down. But she realizes notice that the brakes aren't working so the van is going fast. "Something is wrong with the brakes! They must be out!"

"Nah, they aren't out! I put them back in!" Pinkie insists. She opens the glove box and pulls out a metal part. To Twilight and Rainbow's horror, they are for the brakes. "See? I put them right here in the glove box in case we ever need them! Smart, aren't I?"

"PINKIE," Twilight and Pinkie screams. Without the break, the van flew down the hill, going out of control face.

At the racetrack, Lighting is getting more nervous while she growls, "Heads...are going to be mounted or rolling. That's what I'll do...I am going to...UGH! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! WHERE ARE THOSE STUPID PONIES?!" Suddenly a horn is honking causing Lightning to turn. To her shock, a familiar van is heading right towards her. "Oh horse apples..."

Lightning flew up and lands in the van that her Pegasus crew is in, causing it to enter the stadium and getting caught up in the 451 laps (yeah, no one knows how it's possible). As Lightning got up, seeing her Pegasus Crew, she snarls, "All right, I warned you! Now I'm going to mount your heads!"

Suddenly the van reach the last lap as everyone applauds for the winner. Okay, the van isn't a Pegasus pony and it's a last minute entry but whatever. The group took the money/trophy before getting out at the other end. Soon the van came to a complete stop hard.

Twilight smiles as she gave the trophy and money to Lightning saying, "Congratulations, Lightning Dust! You just won the racing tournament!"

"I..." Lightning stops and looks confused, wondering if she heard Twilight right. "Hang on. I won? Wow. I didn't even know how I got back in in the first place!"

Just then Pinkie pops in with a trophy on her head, smiling as she said, "Hey look; A neat hat for my mane!"

Everyone laughs as the cartoon comes to an end.




Once the cartoon is over, everypony applauds eagerly for yet another good one!


Onstage, Twilight smiles as she introduced the next act, "And now, our special guest act, a band based on Ponyland's earliest rock stars...Knightshade!"

The audience applauds as Knightshade prepares themselves; their lead singer Lefty grins as he held the mike to his phone while exclaiming, “All right! Let's do this!" The band begins to perform.


While the music plays and Knightshade plays, Rainbow is backstage putting a CD in player. It is of course lessons on what to do in order to fire Pinkie. As the CD plays, Rainbow sat down and listens as Iron Will's voice came from it, "Oh yeah! Welcome to the lesson on 'How to Fire Your Friend' in 3 steps; 'Step One, Business and Friendship'. You got to understand: business is business, and friendship is none of your business!"

"Right, how true." Rainbow said with a nod of her head.

"'Step Two: Finding Just Cause'. The reason for firing your friend is 'cause you want to! And if you’re so-called other friends can't do you, you might as well be the one to do so; Yeah!"


Iron Will now put down the final lesson, "And finally, there's 'Step Three: Issue the pink slip'. Everypony knows that if they are given a pink slip, that means he or she are fired!"

"Pink slip...oh yeah, I get it! Yeah...I got to get Pinkie Pie to wear a pink dress then kick her out! Simple, right; I betcha there is a pink dress somewhere..." Rainbow exclaims with a smirk. She just got to find a pink slip and Pinkie is gone!

Rainbow has raid the wardrobe room and came out with a neatly folded pink dress. The mare remarks, "Yeah, this sounds mean and out of character of me to be betraying Pinkie Pie like this, but hey, it's script purposes. Plus, I can't wait for them to fire me instead!"

But as Rainbow heads to the kitchen, she is spotted by Twilight who glances at the dress then calls out suspiciously, "Rainbow Dash! Where are you doing with that pink dress?"

"Oh...nothing. This is actually a pink slip...for one of my good friends!"

"Rainbow Dash, a pink slip is actually a pink piece of paper that shows that you're fir...wait, hang on! You're still planning on firing Pinkie Pie are you?!"

"Well, uh...yeah, yeah I am!" Rainbow exclaims to Twilight with a frown. It's pointless to lie now. The mare might as well admit the truth since her unicorn friend can't stop her anyway. "Come on, admit it, egghead! Pinkie's the one, she got to go!"

"No, don't do it! Pinkie Pie won't like it if she finds out that you're trying to break your Pinkie Promise!" Twilight warns Rainbow, knowing that Pinkie would freak out if she realizes that her friend is trying to go against her Pinkie Promise by trying to get her fired. "We will find another way to save the one percent!"

"Twilight," Ben calls over to Twilight. "Knightshade is done with their act! You're back on!"

"Oh, okay!"

Twilight gallops back to the stage. Rainbow smirks devilishly, now is her chance to find Pinkie and get her the 'pink slip'.


As Twilight slid back onto the stage, she smiles while saying, "Okay, everypony, let's give thanks once more to Knightshade, the most infamous rock band based on the original singer! And now..."

Of course, Twilight looks alarmed as she saw what's happening in the corner towards the corner: it's Rainbow, giving the dress to Pinkie and still intending on firing her! Hoo boy!

"Hey, try this on, Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow insists innocently while giving the 'pink slip' to Pinkie.

"Thanks, Dashie!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she put the pink dress on. "Very odd request but this pink dress looks Super Duper funny on me!"

"Good to hear you say that because I got something to say!"

"No, Rainbow, don't." Twilight say in worry...but realize that she herself is still on stage. Pinkie is going to get mad if she finds out that Rainbow is going to fire her! Twilight got to keep the show going but must keep her friend from being fired but to keep her from getting mad. The purple unicorn got an idea to do so while saving thee one percent. Yeah, the audience, especially her friends will be devastated, but it must be done! "Everyone, I got an announcement!"

Rainbow and Pinkie stops as they look confused upon hearing this. As everyone watches, Twilight quickly say, "I just wanted to say of right now...I QUIT!"

The audience gasps in shock and disbelief. Twilight is quitting the House of Pony? In the control booth, a worried Applejack exclaims, "Hoo doggy; 'Dis could be bad fer business!"

In the audience, Prince Blueblood laughs while turning to Smaug, Discord and King Sombra, all of them were shocked by the announcement, and remarking, "See? I told you guys that Auntie Celestia's student wouldn't make it farther than this show! Now pay up!"

"Twilight's quitting?" Pinkie gasps in shock over at the kitchen. Rainbow on the other hoof looks delighted. Well, okay, maybe it isn't Pinkie getting fire but at least, to her, it means that she can host the show now!

"Awesome, yes; I got my wish!" Rainbow exclaims eagerly. She flew past Pinkie and stops near Twilight who is humming to herself, "Hey thanks for quitting so I can host the show again, Twilight! I will do better this time! I couldn't have done without ya!"

"Get real! Who said that I was picking you as host?" Twilight ask Rainbow with a smirk, much to her friend's surprise.

"Wait, but"

"I believe the agreement when this show first started was that if I was FIRED, you get my job. But since I QUIT, I get to pick my replacement host. And I would to pick...Pinkie Pie!"

"PINKIE PIE," Rainbow gasps in shock with her eyes widened.

As Golden heart and Pinkamena keep watching, the latter spazes out as Golden Heart sees this and ask, "What's wrong now, little sister?"

"Twilight has just quit her job and has put Pinkie Pie in charge." Pinkamena said to Golden Heart in surprise.

"Ok. I am sure things would get better, but if things get worse we will see what we can do."

"Ok but I have a feeling that it might get worse."

They both go back to watching the show. Pinkie, shocked and saddened, came up to her friends, saying, "Wow, I'm honored, Twilight, but I don't wanna host if you're quitting."

"Oh, Pinkie, I am not really quitting." Twilight assures Pinkie with a chuckle, "Just taking a break from hosting until we can figure out how to get the budget down. Besides, this was Rainbow Dash's idea in the word place!"

"Wait, what?" Rainbow asks Twilight in confusion. The mare wasn't suggesting Pinkie to be host; she was trying to get her fired!

"Yeah, remember? You said 'Pinkie's the one, she got to go!'"

Rainbow looks shocked. Twilight is twisting her words around from the conversion earlier! Pinkie eagerly said to Rainbow, "Dashie, you're a great friend! No worries, I won't let ya down!'

Pinkie hugs Rainbow. The Pegasus pony groans, "Aww, great."


Although the audience and staff are stunned over Twilight's quitting (even for a while), the show must go on. Pinkie stood on stage while still wearing her pink dress that Rainbow gave her.

"Hey, everypony, I'm your new host. Uh...hmmm, I guess I should use the mike." Pinkie said. She motions Spike who came over to give her a mike to speak into it. "Hello?"

"Hello." Spike said, repeating what the mare just said, just for fun.


"Hello." Pinkie said, making Spike chuckle a bit. He is enjoying this.

"Hello." Spike said with a chuckle. This thing is annoying Pinkie now.



"So what do you want?" Pinkie asks Spike with a smile.

"Pick up!" Spike laughs a bit.

"Aww, skip it!" Pinkie chuckles a bit while she attached a skipping rope to the mike's end, playing a game of jump rope with Spike.

"Skip it, sure!" Spike exclaims as he skips the rope with Pinkie bouncing up and down. "Oh, make sure you introduce the cartoon while you're doing this!"

"Okie dokie lokie! Folks, watch this new cartoon starring me!"

As the audience applauds, the next cartoon begins.



Pinkie's Extreme Sports 1 - Shark Feeding

"Skill...bravery...and probably incredible poor judgment! These are the qualities that can only be found in the extreme sports-pony!"

Sure enough, in a boat on the sea, Pinkie is all excited. She can't wait for another extreme sport. As the narrator spoke, her heart got pumped full of excitement. We see the underwater cameras set up by the narrator while the camera above water shows Pinkie putting on some suits...until she got naked somehow, causing the mare to cover herself in embarrassment.

Anyway, we now see the underwater camera as we see a shark underwater.

"And there is no better test of these qualities than the extreme sport of...shark feeding!"

We see a look around the water, checking out all sorts of teeth as well as items to use as them, especially an Ursa Major trap, a skull and a saw. Yeah, it doesn't make sense but nothing does in Equestria!

"The predator of the ocean uses rows of sharp teeth in which to eat, they include extra sharp teeth, more sharp teeth, sharper teeth, teeth that are sharp, teeth that look dull but are truly sharp, and..."

We see a shark putting a mint down his throat, much to the narrator's amusement.

"An after dinner mint for later."

We see another underwater camera, showing Pinkie wearing scuba gear while in a cage. The pink pony rings a dinner bell while saying happily, "Dinner time, sharkie! Come and get it!"

The narrator chuckles as the shark cycle around the cage and slams into it a few. Pinkie was squished alongside the cage which spells a letter of the word 'food' with a period time that the shark slammed into it.

"Enticed by the sports pony's call, the great white approaches; Check out the graceful moments of this aquatic giant that it makes while entering what is known as a feeding frenzy."

Once Pinkie raised the cage back up to get the thing fixed, she came back down with some food. The shark looks hungrily as the pony feed it food dogs, ice cream, cotton candy, popcorn...yeah, doesn't make sense if ponies don't read the history of sharks and what they eat, but this big menace doesn't seem upset by this.

"The extreme sports pony must act quickly to give a balanced meal to the shark."

"And don't forget your broccoli!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she put broccoli on a fork before holding it out. The shark yelps as he shook his head meaning 'no'. This guy is a meat eater and even the narrator knows it. "Come open, Mr. Shark, open wide!'

"Of course, sharks can be picky eaters."

Pinkie shrugs as she opens the cage and swimming to the shark with the broccoli on hold. This pink pony is going to make this guy eat his veggies, like it or no!

"Here comes the choo-choo!" Pinkie exclaims as she swim up to the shark. "Come on, open the tunnel."

The shark smirks as it gobbling down Pinkie. The pink pony yelps in alarm as she tries to escape but the monster swallow her up anyway. The shark smiles in glee. Now that's a meal!

"And that...apparently..."

The sharp burps while giving out a familiar pink pony's chuckle.

"...concludes today's Extreme Sports. And no worries, folks. Pinkie will get out of that shark's stomach...err, eventually."




As usual, the audience like the cartoon which ended, applauding eagerly.


In the audience, a disguised Crarity smirks evilly as she gave an apple to Galaxy. The mare take a bite out of it but then her eyes widened before she fell down, dropping the apple before falling asleep.

The apple lands near Rainbow Chaos who spoke up, "Hey, Galaxy, you gotta eat that?" The rip off of Rainbow picks up the apple and sniffs it before looking suspicious. She turns to Starven Fran while asking, "Hey Fran; does this look bad to you?"

"Hang on..." Starven Fran said as she took the apple from Rainbow Chaos before taking a bite out of it. The mare's eyes widen before she too fell asleep.

"Ugh, figures. Another one of Crarity's tricks; Hey! I need a prince to kiss a mare here; Code Blue!"

Sure enough, Prince Artemis, a gender-bender lookalike of Luna, flew over, putting on lipstick while saying, "Just so you know, I don't do this with any mare."

Backstage, Pinkie, still in her dress, smiles to the applauding audience while saying, "Hey folks! Thank you! Trust me, folks, you don't wanna know how I got out of that shark." The pink pony cringed at this. Anyway, it's a pleasure being here with all of my good old pals!"

As the audience applauds, Rainbow, back at her position, frowns. As Rarity trots up, the Pegasus pony scowls, "I cannot believe that Pinkie Pie is the host now!"

"Relax, I know that you would be a better host but Pinkie and Twilight are very good friends...and with all of us. Twilight just doesn't pick favorites." Rarity explains with a smile. Rainbow scowls as she picks up a tomato from a passing turtle that is holding a plate. The mare is practicing to throw it.

"Oh, I will show her!"

"You know, I wouldn't have been here today if it weren't for my good bestest best friend, the one pony who suggested me for the job in the first place...Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie exclaims happily to the audience.

Rainbow is about to throw the tomato at Pinkie but upon hearing what the pink pony just said, she stops and ask, "Huh?" Did the mare heard right?"

"Which is why, I wanna thank her in a song, which is sung to the opening of the actual Donald Duck one in the actual show! Hit it girls!"

The Cutie Mark Crusaders nod as they begin to play. Pinkie then spins until she is wearing a disco outfit. The mare sings along to the lyrics of a familiar duck's theme song but change it to fit more of Rainbow's style.

Pinkie: Who's got the sweetest dispostion?
One guess, guess who!
Who never ever starts an argument?

"Hm," Rainbow ask, looking up in shock and amazement. Pinkie is actually singing in tribute to her!

Who never shows a bit of temperment?
Who's never wrong, but always right?

"Yeah..." Rainbow said with a bit of smile. The mare is now feeling guilty as to wanting to fire Pinkie in the first place. What was she even thinking in the first place?

Who'd never dream of starting a fight?

"Says who?" Rainbow asks Pinkie with a shrug.

Who gets stuck with all the bad luck?
No one...

Rainbow made some noises a bit but gave a grin.

...but Rainbow Dash!

"Yeah," Rainbow exclaims eagerly. As the audience applauds, the Pegasus pony smiles as she flew over to Pinkie, "Pinkie Pie!"

"Hey, Dashie," Pinkie giggles as she and Rainbow hug each other.

"That was awesome! Man, I can't believe that I tried to get you fired in the first place!"

"Oh, that's..." Pinkie stops as she realizes what Rainbow just said, much to her shock. "Wait, fire me?!"

"Uh oh..." Rainbow said nervously. Perhaps she shouldn't have said that.

"You were going to fire me?!"

"Some Element of Loyalty," Spike comments in the backstage area.

After Pinkamena and Golden Heart heard Rainbow Dash revealing that she was trying to fire Pinkie Pie, Pinkamena says to Golden Heart, "I was right, things did just get really worse."

"Indeed. I think now we should help with getting the budget down." Golden Heart said, seeing a furious look on Pinkie's face.

"Let's go."

Both Pinkamena and Golden heart head off to help in getting the budget down. Soon Pinkie screams furiously, her eyes grew yellow with steam coming out of her ears, "RAINBOW DASH! YOU PINKIE PROMISE!"

"Gah," Rainbow screams in alarm as Pinkie bounces the Pegasus pony, starting an insane cartoon fight cloud that went over the two as they fight each other. Pinkie stops for a moment to speak to the crowd with Rainbow being pushed.

"Folks, while I teach Rainbow a lesson on friendship and for not breaking Pinkie Promises, check out this next cartoon!"

The cartoon cloud fight continues between Pinkie and Rainbow. The next cartoon begins as the audience applauds.




Rainbow's Pinkie Pie World

Rainbow grins as she waits at the door of her home for her newspaper to arrive. Once it shows up, the mare grins while saying, "All right! The paper's here!" She reaches for the door and tries to open it...but it was stuck. "What the hay? Oh great, the door is stuck!"

Rainbow tries to pull on the door but slips, causing her to hit the wall, her head contact with the photo of her friends that she got. The mare scowls in annoyance. Time for somepony to fix that stupid door! Why did it have to be one that can't be the cloud ones used by Pegasi?!

Rainbow grabs a phonebook and looks for a number for a door fixed. She found something and exclaims, "All right, here we go! Ponyville Door Fixes! This should get my door working in no time!"

Rainbow calls in the number, explain her problem and waited. Soon a knock came to the door, making her trots over...until it was kicked right into her face, knocking Rainbow aside. And of course, who just entered just now? It's our favorite party pink pony with a tool box on her back.

"Hello! This is Ponyville's Door Fixers, where I fix doors!" Pinkie exclaims with a smile.

Rainbow seeing who is it, groans, "Pinkie Pie? You're the pony who comes to fix doors? Since when did you have this job?"

"Oh, I needed to earn some extra bits on the side! Anyway, you got it, Dashie, the one and only! I will fix your door in no time flat!"

Pinkie hums as she took out her toolbox and begins pulling out assorted items. Rainbow blinks a bit, how can her friend fit a lot of tools in one small toolbox? Then again, this is Pinkie Pie that she's talking about!

Pinkie, taking out a toilet plunger, bounces out the door and closes it. Rainbow heard some noises outside, making her look a bit curious. Suddenly, without warning, the Pegasus pony finds herself outside due to the door flipping on her. As a result Pinkie bounces into the place and sit on the couch, reading a magazine.

Rainbow, looking annoyed, knocks at the door while scowling, "Hey, Pinkie Pie! Open up!"

"Huh? Who is it?"


"Rainbow who," Pinkie ask curiously as if playing a game of 'Knock Knock'.

"Ugh. Rainbow Dash," Rainbow groans in annoyance as she slaps her forehead. Pinkie blinks a bit, trying to think then smiles.

"Rainbow Dash; Oh...sorry, Dashie ain't here right now! Come back later!"


"Oh, okie dokie lokie, be right there!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she bounces over to the door. But then the mare pauses as she look skeptic. "Wait a moment. How do I know that you're really Rainbow Dash?"

"Gah! Open this door right now!" Rainbow exclaims furiously; having enough, the mare back up a moment in hopes to break the door down. She is usually toleration of Pinkie's random nature but even the Pegasus pony has had enough!

Of course, it's at this moment that Pinkie opens the door causing Rainbow to fly right into the house. The mare couldn't stop herself in time as she crash right into a wall hard before falling to the floor. As Rainbow recovers, she saw Pinkie laughing happily. Needless to say, this was the last straw!


Pinkie looks stunned then her mane and tail went flat as she said sadly, "You don't wanna see my face again? I'm...I'm sorry Dashie...I was only trying to help..."

"Well, help not helping me!" Rainbow scowls furiously. Pinkie sadly trots off, making her frown as she picks up hew newspaper before going back into her home. "Who needs that pink freak? I no longer do!"

Rainbow slams the door close before going into her chair to relax. She opens the paper and begins to read, "All right, let's see...'President Pinkie Pie wins in a landslide'...wait, what? Pinkie is the president? Since when; and why does Equestria needs a president anyway?"

Rainbow looks confused before shaking her head. She probably imagined the headline so the mare flips to the next few pages. To her surprise, there is a picture of Pinkie punching herself ina boxing ring...with Pinkie in a dress doing a 'Dear John' column. What the hay?

"Huh? What the hay? What kind of paper would put Pinkie Pie one very page?" Rainbow asks in suspicion. She looks at the title, her eyes widened at the title, "'The Pinkie Pie Gazette'? That explains but who wanna read something this random?"

Rainbow got rid of the paper and grabs the remote, remarking, "Something's weird going on..."

Rainbow turns the TV on and it shows an old show. A TV announcer booms, "All right, now it's time for another wacky adventure as we go back in a wacky neighborhood with our famous Pinkie Pie crew, including Pinkie Pie..." We see Pinkie on the TV in a Bugs Bunny outfit, laughing, "...going on more misadventures...on 'The Pinkie Pie Show'!"

"Huh? Pinkie has a TV show?" Rainbow asks confused as she flips the channels.

We see another show that said 'Pinkie Lantern: The Animated Series' with Pinkie in a Green Lantern outfit exclaiming, "All right, we got Meanie Lanterns to fight; Okie dokie lokie!"

Rainbowe, shocked, change the channel once more. We see another show that said 'Pinkie X' as Pinkie in a Sonic the Hedgehog outfit run fast while exclaiming, "Go gotta fast! Gotta speed and other words that I forgot what they are!"

Rainbow is getting more worried as she changes the channels once more; we see a title of the next show. The announcer said, "And now it's time for 'My Little Pinkie: Friendship is Magic'." We see somepony doing a Pinkie Pie like laugh.

Rainbow flips the channels but no matter what happens, she keeps seeing Pinkie on a different character on every channel, as well as the news. The mare groans, "Awww, I think I don't feel so good..."

Rainbow rush over to the mirror to check herself. The Pegasus pony yelps as one of her pupils looks like Pinkie Pie, causing her to shake her head. She opens her mouth...showing one of Pinkie's teeth, making Rainbow yelps as she spits the tooth out. The Pegasus pony even put a thermometer on herself...which broke as it got all the way to 'Pinkie Pie'.

"Okay, okay, I am freaking out...I haven't been outside so I should get some fresh air." Rainbow mumbles to herself. The Pegasus pony figures that a flight through Ponyville can calm her down, right?


As Rainbow flew through Ponyville, things got weird. She passed by a chubbier Pinkie who calls out, "Hey there, Dashie!"

"Right, hello..." Rainbow said, not really paying attention.

"Hey there, Dashie," A skinnier Pinkie calls out to Rainbow with a grin.

"Hey there..." Rainbow's eyes widened as she turns. There is a street full of Pinkie Pies. The mare gasps, no! This cannot be possible! She is out of her mind, "What?! No, no, no! Not this clone mess! I'm seeing too many Pinkie Pies again; AAAARGH!"

Rainbow quickly flew all the way into the Everfree Forest. The mare breaths in and out then sighs a bit upon stopping in the middle, "Okay, fresh air...and no one around. Nothing ever happened here...barely. I feel better already."

Rainbow smiles as she take a flower to smell and eat it...but then it blooms and shows Pinkie's face who exclaims, "Hey there Dashie! How do I smell?"

Rainbow screams as she drops the flower and stomps on it. But the mare looks around to see every animal in the forest now having Pinkie's face. Rainbow is beginning to freak out, this cannot be happening! What the hay is going on with Equestria?! Is Discord causing trouble again?!

Rainbow screams as she flew out of the Everfree Forest...then looks up and saw, to her shock, Pinkie's face in the sun. She smiles and exclaims, "Smile, smile, smile, Rainbow Dash! It's beautiful out! Celestia just raised me!"

Rainbow screams as she flew back to Ponyville and heads to the library. The mare got to get Twilight and tell her what's going on! Upon arrival, the mare knocks on the door frantically before it opens and she almost fainted. After recovering, Rainbow sighs as she saw her friend Twilight's head saying, "Twilight! You gotta help me! Something is going on with Equestria!"

"Relax, Rainbow Dash! You can always count on your good friend..." Twilight spoke up. As Rainbow looks up, her eyes bugged out and for a good reason. Twilight's face has transformed into that of Pinkie's! "...Pinkie Sparkle! Okie dokie lokie," She said the last part in half her voice, half Pinkie's as she laughs.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!"

Pinkie screams as she flew off...and collides into Rarity who exclaims, "Excuse me!" The white unicorn turns around...and shows Pinkie's face, making her yelp in shock.

Twilight in Pinkie's voice ask happily, "What's wrong, Dashie? You remember one of our good and fashionable friends, Pinke-rity?" The mare grins as she saw three familiar fillies and turn Rainbow's face towards her, "As well as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Pinkie Bloom, Pinkie Belle and Pinkie-aloo!"

Rainbow looks shocked as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo now has Pinkie's faces on them. Is Equestria turning into Pinkie-ville?! The mare screams and flew off until she accidentally run into another pair of legs. Rainbow sighs as she recognizes them to be the ones belonging to her colt friend, Soarin'.

"Rainbow Dash, what's wrong?" Soarin' ask in a familiar voice.

"Soarin', thank goodness, you're here! I am having a very random crazy day! But at least since you're here..." Rainbow said in relief at first. That is until she looks up and saw, to her shock, that Soarin' has Pinkie's face as wel,. "...what the hay?!"

"Awww, how cool, Rainbow; How about a kiss for your stallion, okie dokie lokie?"

Rainbow screams in terror as she flew off, leaving a confused Soarin' behind. The mare flew right back to her home before closing the door, nailing it shut like mad. This is insane! The whole world has been turned into a world of Pinkie Pies!

"I cannot take this! I'm tired of everyone every pony as Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow exclaims frantically. "No more Pinkie Pie, please, no more!"

"Aww, come on, Dashie! It's not bad being me!" A familiar voice spoke up. Rainbow jumps as she saw the Pinkie in the newspaper speaking to her.

"Right, you oughta try it!" The Pinkie wearing the Green Lantern clothes on the TV said.

"No, not a chance," Rainbow protested in alarm.

"Come on, you are already wearing my coat and mane!" One of the Pinkie Pies points out to Rainbow. The mare looks at herself and saw that she is indeed wearing Pinkie's coat and mane.


"Plus, you're starting to look like yours truly too, Dashie!"

Rainbow looks in the mirror and saw Pinkie's face right on herself. As she gasps, the Pinkie on the TV said happily, "Yep! Now you're Pinkie Pie too!"

"No, no, no! I don't wanna be Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow screams in terror. She flew towards the door and slams right into it, causing the door to flip around and sending Rainbow falling to the ground with a groan.


As Rainbow saw Pinkie's faces, a familiar voice spoke up, "Hey Dashie? You okay?" The Pegasus pony woke up and found herself outside again. "Wow, when I let you in, you did the wall so hard that you took a big hit to the head."

"What?" Rainbow asks puzzled. She saw Pinkie smiling then check herself out. The mare gasps as she saw that she herself is her real self. "Hey, wait...I am not Pinkie Pie?"

"Not unless you're keeping secrets. I brought you outside to recover, Dashie!"

Rainbow eagerly flew into her house and look in the mirror. So trace of Pinkie on the blue mare. The Pegasus pony flew outside and all around Ponyville. To her happiness, she saw Twilight, Soarin', Rarity and the Cutie Mark Crusaders doing their regular thing...and they're the same as they themselves are supposed to be! No sign of Pinkie Pie at all!

"It was all a dream!" Rainbow exclaims happily as she lands back on the cloud of her home. The whole Pinkie Pie world was a bad dream. The mare frowns as she turns to Pinkie. "And it was your fault, Pinkie Pie! Get out of here now!"

"But...but I was only trying to..." Pinkie said sadly as her mane and tail went flat again.


"...just trying to help Dashie..."

As Pinkie trots away in sadness, Rainbow yelps, feeling bad and guilty. She is wrong. It isn't the pink pony's fault, it was Rainbow's. She got mad at Pinkie and almost let her temper ruin what is more important: her friendship with the pink pony. Perhaps her dream was an experience of what happened if the two stop being friends.

"Pinkie, wait, don't leave!" Rainbow exclaims as she flew up in front of Pinkie, stopping her from leaving. "Listen, I'm sorry. I guess I was so mad about the door and about what happened...I shouldn't have taken it out on you. Don't feel bad anyway. At least there's one of you, right?"

Pinkie, hearing that, grins as her mane and tail became poofy once more. The pink pony exclaims, "Yep, the one and only...and I'm going to fix your door!"

Pinkie happily bounces back into Rainbow's hope and closes the door, locking it up tight before going back into her friend's chair. Rainbow soon realizes that she's locked out of the house again! Ugh, not again!

Rainbow rush to the door and knocks at the door while yelling, "Hey, Pinkie Pie! Open up, it's me!"

"Me who," Pinkie ask puzzled. Rainbow screams as she hits the door angrily. This is going to be a long day.




Despite the fighting still happening on stage, the audience laughs at another cartoon done. Back in the backstage area, Golden Heart and Pinkamena were helping Ben in the number in hopes to get the 1 percent back and end the fighting.

"Better find a way that we can hire Twilight back, Ben. That fighting backstage is getting intense." Pinkamena said to Ben.

"Wait, I found something!" Ben gasps as he notices something that made him smile eagerly. Golden Heart checks the numbers then smiles excitedly upon noticing what the stallion just did.

"Perfect! Pinkamena, go get Twilight! She needs to see this!" Golden Heart orders Pinkamena who salutes her big brother and rush off to find Twilight.


The audience applauds the cartoon, with Starven Fran nudging Rainbow Chaos a bit. The fight between Pinkie and Rainbow continues like mad.

As Golden Heart and Ben wait, they see Pinkamena with some cuts and Twilight behind her. Golden Heart says to his little sister, "You found Twilight but what happened to you?"

"Well I found Twilight and she was trying some magic. When I tap her shoulder, she jumped and the spell hit a crab and...well it got big." Pinkamena explains to Golden Heart with a cringe. "So what I am saying is.................... I HAD TO FIGHT A GIANT CRAB. But on the bright side, the cook there now has big sales on crab base foods."

"Ok, well, while Ben shows Twilight the numbers, let's try to stop the fight."

"Ok, I got Pinkie Pie and you get Rainbow Dash."

He nods as they both head off to stop the fighting. Twilight spoke, "Ben, what's this? Pinkamena told me that you found a solution to the budget."

"You betcha! There has been a mistake in my calculation in the budget!" Ben explains to Twilight with a smile.


Back on stage, Pinkamena held Pinkie while Golden Heart held Rainbow; the two struggling ponies try to get free to fight each other all over again. Twilight trots in while calling out, "Girls, hey, girls, wait a minute!"

"What?" Rainbow and Pinkie demands as they stop their fighting in time to see Twilight coming over, "Oh, hey Twilight."

"Good news! Turn out that Ben made a mistake! We aren't really 1 percent over budget. We were actually one percent under it! That means we can hire someone back to the staff!"

Hearing that made Pinkie grins as she stops her fighting as did Rainbow; so there wasn't a problem with the budget at all! Just a miscalculation on Ben's part after all!

As Pinkamena and Golden Heart let the formerly fighting ponies go, Pinkie exclaims happily, "Ah, well, in that case, since I'm the host, I decided...I'm going to hire you back, Twilight, to be full time host! I am going to retire to being waiter for the guests again!"

The audience applauds excitedly. Twilight has been hired back. The mare grins as she comments, "That's what I call a true 'TRUE' friend!"

"Aw brother," Rainbow groans a bit. Looks like she misses out her chance on being host...again!

"You really are an arrogant egotistical mare, aren't you; Trying to fire your own friend!"

"Right, shame on you," Pinkamena scolds Rainbow, making the Pegasus pony feel even badder for trying to fire Pinkie in the first place.

"Hey, look, Pinkie, I know I'm the Element of Loyalty, but that also means I have to be loyal to the whole House of Pony and everypony working here. If the budget says we have to fire somepony so the rest can keep their jobs, it's not an easy decision but it has to be done." Rainbow explained Pinkie. "And besides, every time there's a hard job here that nopony wants to do, I'm the one who ends doing it. And obviously, firing you is something nopony wants to do."

"Well, I think I heard a sorry in there somewhere so it will have to do. But I will expect a full apology later!" Pinkie exclaims sternly, deciding to take the apology from Rainbow, even a half one in a way, for now. The pink pony jumps off the stage while exclaiming, "Rarity, catch me!'

Rarity, who is nearby, gasps as she saw Pinkie falling towards her, "Pinkie, no!" Too late as the pink pony lands on her, sending both ponies to the floor.

As everyone laughs, Rainbow chuckles, "Pinkie Pie, you are so random." The two fallen ponies got back up, Rarity gave a glare to Pinkie who smiles a silly smile towards her.

Spike, appearing, spoke to give out another advertisement to end the show, "Accounting and book keeping for the House of Pony has been provided by..."


"Ponyland's Mathland! When you make a math magical mistake next time, make sure you visit Ponyland's Mathland!"

We see a picture of chalk drawn number while they are served with complicated equations.

"The quotation staff will serve some of the most uncomplicated but awesome denomenators in town! Ponyland's Mathland! Located in Equestria on Square Root two; all you got is follow the signs and cosines!"


As the audience applauds, Twilight smiles while saying, "Well, that's it for today, everypony! I hope to see you all very soon!"

Episode Nine: Rent Day

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After the incident with the budget (as well as Rainbow apologizing fully to Pinkie for trying to fire her as well as her friends calming the Pegasus pony down to keep her from falling to something worse than depression), things went well again. Twilight and Ben made sure that they would keep up with everything as well as making sure that their budget is just right.

Of course, besides keeping the show going, Twilight and her friends got to make sure to raise enough to pay off the rent to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They may be bullies but they themselves (along with Diamond's father Filthy Rich) are still the owner of the clubs so Twilight and her friends can't cheap the two fillies out of the money. Because another way for the club to be shut down if Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon doesn't get the rent money.

Fortunately, the Mane Six always did a good job to make sure that the Snotty Duo get the rent. Of course, one day, a certain unicorn that we know completely forgot the rent itself...


It was another day as Spike, with s smile, spoke up, "All right, here she is, the faithful student of Princess Celestia but soon became a hero and a princess in her own right...TWILIGHT SPARKLE!'

The audience applauds as Twilight slid in, saying, "Hey, everyone and welcome one and all to the House of Pony! We got an awesome new show for everyone! We have a few new cartoons and our special musical guest stars, the Cleveland Bays!"

The audience applauds eagerly. They get to see the band perform at last, after being prevented from doing so the last time due to the incident with Gilda. Meanwhile in the audience, Pinkie sat down some pies in front of Soarin' while saying, "All rightie, Soarin'! We got a lot of pies here! We got A..." The stallion grins, he loves apple pie. "...pricot pie!" Soarin' frowns, not expecting that. "We also have A..." The Wonderbolt smiles as he prepares to reach with a hoof. "...peach pie!" Soarin' frowns once more. "A..." The stallion looks eager; this got to be the apple pie! "...pecan pie!" The Wonderbolt frowns once more, "A...nd cherry pie; A...nd apple pie!"

Soarin' smiles, now that's more like it. Pinkie of course laughs, "Hee hee, just kidding! We don't have apple pies tonight!"

Soarin', unamused, hits Pinkie, sending her and the pies right into a wall. Fluttershy spoke up, "Oh dear; I should’ve warn you that Soarin' really like apple pies...and doesn't like those kind of jokes."

"Awww, is it my fault that Dashie's lover can't take a joke?"


Backstage, Nyx was helping Ben as Rarity came in, smiling while asking, "Ben darling, I know that I have been bugging you about this for a while now, but is there even a little room to fit in my brilliant act for today's show?"

Ben rolls his eyes at this. Rarity was so eager to get an act into the show, wanting to do so since the House of Pony to open up. While she is the Element of Generosity, the mare wanted so much to get on stage and perform on the stage...and of course, Rarity kept asking for a chance to perform ever since the place doesn't know. Ben doesn't know what the act is (and he bet that the white unicorn doesn't know either) so it's probably a bad idea that would come up at the last minute.

Still, Ben doesn't want to hurt Rarity's feeling so he says, "We'll see. If anything comes up, I will let you know."

"Well, at least that's a start." Rarity sighs as she heads off to get back to work.

"Well, you sure let her down easier." Nyx said to her father with an amusing smile.

"I didn't do that, Nyx. I just don't have anything for her on the show right now." Ben explains to Nyx clearly. "Besides, I just want to focus on my work at the moment."

"Ben!" Twilight laughs as she gallops to Ben and jumps onto him, dancing with the stallion. The mare appears to be in a good mood all of the sudden.

"Well, mommy, you look excited." Nyx said to Twilight in amusement as Spike came in.

"Oh you betcha! I had a great day! I have treated myself and Spike to a day on the town before the show started and I got a lot of new books for myself! Oh, I feel so lucky; I would stay up for days! With a great show happening right now, we have an even better day! Oh, I am so happy!"

"Glad to see that you're in a good mood because Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are up front right now." Ben explains to Twilight with a frown. "They are here to collect the usual rent."

"Oh, is that so? Ha! Not even those two brats can ruin my day now! Just give me the rent money and I will make sure that Diamond and Silver will get it."

"Uh, Twiley; I don't have the rent money. I already gave it to you."

"What, you did?" Twilight ask in confusion as Spike look a bit concerned. "When did you do that?"

"Come on; don't tell me that you forgotten already." Ben said while rolling his eyes at what his filly friend just said. "When you got your job as the host of the club back after figuring out that we were under budget, I gave you the money. I recall you saying..."


It was the end of the show as well as the budget crisis. Twilight was cleaning herself off while saying, "Man, what a crazy day. Still, despite the madness, we have another ending to a good show and we got our budget problem fixed."

"Hey Twilight," Ben calls out as he came to Twilight, holding a bag of 50 bits. "I got 50 bits to pay off Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon when they come for our rent next week."

"Oh yes, great! Say, how about I hold onto the rent money? That way, I won't lose it."

"Uh, you sure I should give you the rent money? I mean, even though you got a good memory, you sometimes forget stuff and..."

Twilight uses her magic to float the money over to herself and put it in one of her saddlebags. The mare chuckles while saying, "Relax, Ben; I know what I'm doing. Besides, even I know better than to forget where I put the rent money! You can count on me to hold onto the bits for a while!" Twilight pats the saddlebag where the bag of 50 bits is in.

End Flashback

"Oh right...I did say that, didn't I?" Twilight ask as she looks in a familiar saddlebag...and yelps a bit.

"Yeah, daddy trusts you enough with the money, right?" Nyx ask Twilight as Spike gulps a bit. "You wouldn't do anything stupid to lose it."

"Anyway, the bits should be in your saddlebag right now, right?" Ben asks Twilight with a grin. The stallion trusts his love with the rent money, that's why he let her hold onto it in the first place.

Spike whispers into Twilight's ear as the mare search for the bits. Upon hearing what her assistant just said, the mare's eyes widen in shock as she exclaims, "Oh no!"

"What? Twilight; is something wrong?"

Twilight looks worried as she remembers what she and Spike did earlier today...


Twilight and Spike were in a local book store, looking for some new books to put into the library and for herself; the baby Dragon calls out, "Twilight? I think we should get going. The show is going to start in a few hours."

"Relax, Spike, just one more book." Twilight said as she looks through some books. The mare smiles while saying, "Oh good, here's what I needed..." She frowns however. "But with how many that I needed, these books cost a lot to get here."

"Well, I guess you should wait until next time to..."

Twilight suddenly trips and fell, causing a familiar bag to fall out of one of her saddlebags. The mare saw it and takes the bag, opening it to see the bits inside. Twilight grins while saying, "Spike! Look what I found!"

"Yeah, I know." Spike said as he recognize the bag that the baby Dragon saw Ben putting 50 bits in before. "That's..."

"Enough to get the books that the library and me needed! I don't recall where I got this money but who's complaining?! Spike, I'm going to be in book heaven tonight!"

"Twilight, Twilight..." Spike begins to say but groans as Twilight got the books that she need, gallops over to the counter and put down the 50 bits before putting the books in her saddlebags. His friend has forgotten what the money was really for. "Oh man! I got a bad feeling about this..."[

End Flashback

Twilight's eyes widen in horror while she ask in worry, "Oh no...what have I done?" The mare was so stupid! That 50 Bits that she spent on all those books...was the rent money that Ben gave her earlier which she has forgotten about! Not good!

"Mommy; what's wrong?" Nyx ask curiously making Twilight yelps a bit while Spike gulps, "Spike?"

"Oh no, no, nothing's wrong! I am completely fine, Nyx."

"Yeah, completely fine; Hee hee," Spike said nervously. Seeing this made Ben a bit suspiciously.

"Twilight, you didn't lose the rent money, did you?" Ben ask Twilight suspiciously.

"What, me; No, no, I didn't lose the rent money! I just...don't have it on me right now!" Twilight exclaims with a nervous chuckle. She starts to back away while adding, "But everything's fine! I promise that Diamond will get her bo...err, I mean the rent, yes!"

"Right and I will help her get it..." Spike said then ran off with Twilight.

"Hoo boy; I think mommy and Spike are up to something." Nyx said in concern.

"Yeah, it's always something with your mother...but that's one of the reasons that I love her." Ben remarks to Nyx with a chuckle.


We see Golden Heart and Pinkamena and Gold wing watching the show. Pinkamena sniffs the air as Golden Heart sees and asks, "You ok little sister?"

"I smell fear and a hint of panic; seems like Twilight had done something by mistake." Pinkamena said to Golden Heart seriously. She can sense fear and a hint of panic from the mare as well as Spike.

"I see. Well you go check and get info of what is going on."

Pinkamena nods and head off to get info. Indeed, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon has arrived and the former is getting impatient as she pushes Rainbow while snapping, "It's Rent Day, Rainbow Crash! So Silver and I want our rent and we want it now!"

"Right, remember, the lease say that you must pay your rent every month or you can kiss this place goodbye." Silver Spoon explains, reminding Rainbow of that part in the lease.

Brave Heart then trots over with a worried Twilight, the alicorn is saying sternly, "Calm yer down, yer bratty fillies. Twilight'll give yer the moolah when she can."

"You keep out of this, Brave Heart, or-!" Diamond Tiara begins to snaps but Brave Heart cut her off.

"Do ye want me to brutally spank you again and in front of every pony here?!"

Silver Spoon gulps nervously, "N-n-n-n-n-no, sir." She doesn't want this alicorn to spank her and Diamond Tiara again. The last time was humiliating enough!

"Silver Spoon, you coward," Diamond Tiara exclaims angrily to Silver Spoon.

"Well," Brave Heart snaps at Diamond Tiara, causing her to yelp in alarm and worry. Rainbow's cousin can get very nasty when messed with or angered.

Diamond, gulping in fear, answers, "No, sir."

"Good girl. Now calm down and Twilight will give you the moolah. We'll be back." Brave Heart said sternly before trotting off. The filly waits until he is out of ear range before speaking out against him.

"Who does that Scottish pony think he is to threaten us like that?!"

"Well, he did humiliate us before, and he will do it again if we get him angry. I'd rather not get on his bad side again." Silver Spoon said to Diamond Tiara, gulping in worry.

"You sniveling little coward," Diamond Tiara remarks to Silver Spoon in annoyance.

"Calm down, no need to worry, Diamond," Twilight said with a nervous chuckle. She may not be scared of Diamond Tiara but she and Silver Spoon can close the club down if the rent isn't paid soon. "Tell you what, how would you and Silver Spoon see a new cartoon, starring you two?"

"Really; that does sound entertaining." Silver Spoon said thoughtfully as she and Diamond Tiara smiles at the thought of them appearing in the first cartoon of tonight.

"All right, Sparkle, we will take a look at it but we want the rent before this place closes for tonight or else." Diamond Tiara remarks with a nod. Twilight sighs secretly. At least she got a leave of execution...for now.

Backstage, Ben whispers into his headset, "All right, hit it AJ!"

Applejack, in her usual place at the control booth, hits the projector with her back feet. The audience applauds as the first cartoon of the night begins.




Twilight's Mountain

We see the tallest mountain in Equestria in a snowy wasteland that kept rising up to the very top. An narrator is heard speaking, "What you see before you is an unnamed mountain, best known as...well, okay 'Unnamed Mountain'. It is the tallest mountain in Equestria, 30 thousand feet! What brave pony soul would dare to climb this snow-capped peak to even give it a name?"

As if to give the narrator an answer, we see a snowmobile down below that heads towards the mountain. Inside is a familiar mare whose looks on in determination.

"Why, look! It's the Element of Magic as well as student of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle herself! What brings you speeding up this treacherous tower of snow and ice?"

"The princess gave me this task of naming this mountain...and wants me to do so without use of magic or my friends. Once I get to the top, I am planning on naming this mountain after my beloved Ben Mare." Twilight said as she took out a picture of Ben and kisses it. "Yeah, he will love that."

"All right, good luck to you, Twilight Sparkle! And don't forget your protective headgear!"

Twilight nods as a helmet and visor drops on her head. As she continues driving, a bigger snowmobile flattened her. A familiar voice snaps, "Out of my way, you road mare!"

Twilight got out of the snow and saw two familiar fillies in the snowmobile, making her snap, "Diamond Tiara; Silver Spoon!"

"Hi, Miss Sparkle," Silver Spoon said while waving to Twilight. "Nice day for climbing mountains."

"You two no good bullies! What are you up to?!"

"Stay out of my way, Twilight Sparkle!" Diamond Tiara snaps as she marches up to Twilight. "I am going to be naming this mountain after me! Come on, Silver!"

Diamond Tiara got back into her snowmobile. Silver Spoon starts the thing up and drove off with her friend, sending her more right onto Twilight. The anger of the purple unicorn causes the snow to melt right off. She fumes, "Well, Diamond Tiara wants a race, eh? Well, we will see who will win this one!"

The Snotty Duo continues racing when they see Twilight going at her fast. Diamond Tiara motions her pal to kick it into high gear. Silver Spoon ends up flattened three trees though the mare dodges each one by going over, under, hop and trot on the trees. Twilight remembers that Celestia told her not to use magic when on this assignment and she will stick to that rule.

Diamond Tiara looks back and snarls, that mare isn't giving out. Quickly, she took out a chainsaw and cut down three of the trees, causing them to fall. Twilight was able to go under, over and under to dodge them. Her snowmobile approaches the mountain, catching up to Diamond and Silver's.

Of course, the trio saw a dotted line, with some signs nearby that said 'Quiet', 'Danger', and 'Avalanche Zone!'. They stop and quickly pick up their snowmobiles as they snuck over the dotted line, trotting quietly. Twilight, Diamond and Silver can't risk causing an avalanche. Once they are over the other dotted line, the contestants put their snowmobiles down and continues racing.

The trio went around a corner. Diamond Tiara pushes a button to extend her snowmobile's legs, causing it to pass Twilight's. The bully sneers, "No pony is going to beat us to the top, especially not from you, blank flank lover!"

Silver Spoon rolls her eyes but she zooms off with Diamond Tiara, causing Twilight to get black all over. The mare snarls, "Oh, that does it. Those two are going down hard!"

Twilight begins to catch up to the two bullies. Diamond has Silver blocked all the roads to pass her but the purple unicorn uses her snowmobile to drive along the wall and pass her. Diamond Tiara snarls as she made her friend go fast. Twilight sots a picture spot, giving her an idea that made her got out of the snowmobile.

As Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon got out of their snowmobile and trots towards Twilight as if wanting to threaten her, the unicorn takes out her camera while saying, "Wait, Diamond! Hold that pose! I wanna take your picture!"

"Really; well, okay; I will go first!" Diamond Tiara said as she smiles while posing for the camera.

"All right, take a step back." Twilight instructs. Diamond Tiara nods as she backs near the edge of the cliff. "All right, further."

Diamond Tiara trots off the cliff but gravity doesn't seem to take affect her. Silver Spoon notices as she spoke, "Uh, Diamond? You're..."

"Hey, wait your turn, Silver Spoon! Cheese," Diamond Tiara exclaims while giving a smile to the camera. Twilight click a button on the camera...causing a punching glove that to come out of it and hit the evil filly, making her yelp in surprise before causing her to fall.

Twilight smirks as she trots to the edge and takes a real photo, saying, "Say 'going down'! Yeah, I don't normally hit little fillies, but in this race to the top, anything goes."

"I wouldn't say the same for Diamond." Silver Spoon comments as she and Twilight watch as an angry Diamond Tiara came back to the edge of the cliff. That trick didn't impress her at all.

Diamond Tiara snapped the camera from Twilight while saying, "Just for that, you dope, I will take YOUR picture!"

"Fair enough," Twilight comments as she did a pose. Diamond Tiara smirks evilly as she held the camera, planning to do the same thing to the mare. "But can you move back a little?" The filly frowns but obeys as she trots back. "All right, keep going!"

Diamond Tiara kept on trotting but heard a growl coming from a nearby cave. She turns and saw some warning signs nearby: they explain that a polar bear is in hibernation right now. The bully frowns as she gallops back to Twilight while snapping, "Nice try, Mini-Moon's ma but you can't fool me more than once!"

Diamond Tiara push the same button on the button...but the punching glove ends up hitting her right into the bear's cave. That woke up the polar guy up as it angrily attacks Diamond Tiara. Silver Spoon cringes while saying, "Apparently she can."

Twilight chuckles as she takes a photo of what's happening. Once Diamond Tiara has escaped, she groans and trots up to Twilight who asks, "Say, any chance you could sign my photo?"

"What?" Diamond Tiara asks confused, wondering why Twilight would want her to sign a photo of the filly getting mauled. But it turns out, the purple unicorn was talking to the polar bear whose took the photo and uses a pen to sign it. Diamond Tiara waves nervously as her attack signs the photo before giving it back to Twilight.

"Wow." Silver Spoon said impressed as she and Twilight looks at the photo with the signature on it. It shows Diamond Tiara being stuck in the polar bear's teeth. "She caught even your good side, Diamond."

The bear shakes some salt, making Diamond Tiara nervous as she tries to escape...but the polar bear grabs her to maul the villain all over again.


It was a few moments later that Diamond Tiara, who recovered, came back in the race with Silver Spoon. Both of them caught up with Twilight and bump her into last place. The mare frowns at this before both snowmobiles...stop at a nearby Pit Stop to fill up their vehicles.

Three small Pinkie Pies came out and fill up Twilight's gas tanks before changing the snowmobiles. Once the job's done, the mare paid the short versions and drove by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who was getting their fuel from the real Pinkie. The mean filly scowls as she forces her pal to speed on back into the race. Pinkie frowns while shouting, "Hey, you didn't pay!"

Twilight stops near an icicle to quickly draw a cute colt before getting back into her snowmobile driving off. The Snotty Duo drove pass it, not noticing at first. But Diamond Tiara got Silver Spoon to back up as she saw the 'cute colt'.

"Oooh, cute," Diamond Tiara giggles as she kisses the icicle...but ends up getting her lips stuck. The filly frantically tries to escape but look up to see Twilight using a hammer and nail to nail off the icicle. The mare proceeds, causing both Diamond and the icicle to go straight down.

"Ooh, that will hurt." Silver Spoon cringes a bit. She watches as Diamond Tiara was forced to ride the icicle like a sled before it split into two, freeing her lips in the progress. Now she's riding the two icicles like they are skis, causing her to scream in horror.

Diamond Tiara eventually got a hang of it but the ride took her back to the polar bear cage, causing her to once more wake up the bear's hibernation. The filly not only got mauled again, but hit with a punching glove of a familiar camera that Twilight has left behind for the polar bear to keep.


The Snotty Duo are back on track as they caught up to Twilight, passing her. However, they notice that their snowmobile was running out of gas, making the head bully protest, "Hey! We just filled this up!"

"I told you we should've paid Pinkie Pie." Silver Spoon explains to Diamond Tiara with a sigh of concern.

"See ya at the finish line!" Twilight taunts as she passes by the bullies' snowmobile.

"Not without me! Silver Spoon!"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon jumps right onto Twilight's quickly and begin fighting the mare, preparing to throw her out. When they passed by a tree, it looks like the mare is about to throw her attackers out. After passing another tree, the trio is seen dancing. After the next tree, Twilight, Diamond Tiara are acting like Santa Hooves and his reindeer, with the Snotty Duo pulling the sleigh.

The trio passed another tree with Twilight dressed as a dentist who is pulling a root canal from Diamond's teeth, making her yelp as Silver watches on. Now after yet another tree, the trio begin holding each other like passes with Pinkie, dressed as an Italian rower, singing in Italian (before she got hit by a passing tree). Twilight, Diamond and Silver snaps out of it and resume their fighting.

Twilight made a stance near the end of her snowmobile as Diamond Tiara charges...right off the snowmobile. The filly yelps as her friend yelps her back on. She charges again, only for the mare to duck, causing her to fall right off the snowmobile and going under. Diamond Tiara climbs back on and prepares to attack, but Twilight gave a 'after you' gesture. This causes the filly to proceed into running off the snowmobile and going under again.

Diamond Tiara climbs up and kept on repeating the progress. Twilight and Silver just watch before stopping to read the paper as the filly kept on falling, going under and climbing up the snowmobile. The purple unicorn ask Diamond's friend, "So, do you really bully just for the fun of it or because you did so out of loyalty for Diamond Tiara?"

"To be honest, loyalty is the only answer at this point." Silver Spoon admits to Twilight with a shrug.

Diamond Tiara, after the tenth time, has had enough and stops near Twilight, grabbing her while scowling, "All right, enough! Now it's your turn to take the fall!"

"Diamond Tiara, behind you," Twilight exclaims to Diamond in horror as if she saw something coming.

"What do you think I am; Stupid? I am not falling for that one!"

"No, Diamond Tiara, she's..." Silver Spoon was too late as Diamond Tiara hits her head right on an upcoming wall. Twilight was right. The filly lets go of Twilight before falling her friend, causing both to fall off the snowmobile.

"Eh, that will teach her to watch where she's going!" Twilight chuckles a bit while looking back at her work.

Of course, Twilight should've taken her own advice. Her snowmobile hits a rock, causing her to go flying right out very fast before landing...on top of the mountain. The mare looks up and saw a question mark sign. She made it! "Hey, I won! What do you know?"

"Yeah, whatever! Celebrate while you can!" Diamond scowls as she and Silver Spoon climbs to the top of the mountain, grabbing Twilight with Silver's help. "We may be small but once we're done with you, no pony will find out that you ever got here first!"

"Actually, Nyx and I would know." A familiar voice spoke up. The trio turns and got a surprise: there's Ben and Nyx nearby coming out of a nearby igloo, enjoying hot chocolate. Ben smiles while saying, "In fact, we will tell every pony, including mom, as well!"

"What, huh," Silver Spoon ask in surprise upon seeing Twilight and Nyx nearby.

"Hey, mommy; Glad you made it!" Nyx giggles as she has some hot chocolate. "Want some hot chocolate?"

"But, what, how," Twilight begins to ask speechless. How did Ben and Nyx make it up here so fast?

"Oh, how did we get up here you asked? There's a ski lift that takes ponies up this mountain. What, didn't notice?" Ben chuckles a bit. Twilight and the Snotty Duo look speechless. There is a ski lift nearby that goes ponies up and down this mountain the whole time! "Wow, I'm impressed you two actually climbed this mountain!"

"Yeah, to name it," Twilight and the Snotty Duo exclaims at once.

"Wait, ponies have climbed this before and didn't even think of naming this mountain?" Twilight ask Ben and Nyx in disbelief. "And why didn't anypony told me that there was a ski lift earlier?!"

"To be honest, Twilight, no pony ever bothered to thought of naming this mountain." Nyx explains to Twilight with a shrug. "I guess that's why they called it that."

"Also, we didn't bother telling you because mom thought it was best for you to complete your assignment the simple way." Ben adds, explaining that Celestia wanted Twilight to climb up this mountain the simple way (as in not taking a ski lift to win easily).

"Oh." Twilight, Diamond and Silver said at once. Well that explains a lot.

"Well, I guess you won, so...hey, I think I saw something down that edge, check it out!" Diamond Tiara exclaims as she points to the edge as if seeing something. Twilight trots on over and looks over. The nasty filly smirks as she charges to push the mare right off.

But Twilight saw this coming and moves out of the way in time, causing Diamond Tiara to about to fall off. The mare took out another camera and holds it, making the bully pose as she took the picture. Diamond then fell all the way down the mountain.

"Going down," Twilight laughs as she and Silver Spoon saw Diamond Tiara falling all the way, landing in the avalanche zone. Her screams causes an avalanche to fall and bury her.

Inside the snow, Diamond Tiara took out a match and looks around, seeing her trapped. The filly groans, "Horse feathers. Well, at least things can't get worse not, right?" Diamond Tiara spoke too soon as she heard the growls of a familiar angry polar bear. The avalanche not only woke him up, but sends him right down as well. "Oh, mommy..."

The polar bear blew the match out then mauls Diamond Tiara once more. Back on top of the mountain, Silver pauses while saying, "To be honest, Miss Sparkle, you take this one. You won fair and square...and I don't wanna face the same punishment as my friend."

"Good decision." Twilight said with a smile. As Ben and Nyx watch, the mare put in a new name of the mountain. The two look surprised to see that it is now named 'Ben and Nyx's Mountain'.

"Wow, you did this for us?" Ben ask Twilight with a smile.

"Yeah. I was originally going to name it after you, Ben, but with Nyx here, I made an addition."

"You rock, mom!" Nyx exclaims as Ben hugs and kisses Twilight.




Once the camera is over, the audience applauds once more. Twilight leads Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to a table. The mare hopes that the landlords are distracted for now...but it won't be for long.


Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon applauds for the cartoon in the audience. The latter comments, "I gotta confess; that was very entertaining!"

"Right, for once you did something right, mare." Diamond Tiara remarks with a chuckle. Then she got serious while grabbing Twilight. "Okay, now where is our rent money? Do you have it or what? Or did you waste it all away on books?!"

Twilight getting free yelps, "Where did you hear...err, I mean...Fluttershy! Come over here! Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon wanna hear what your specials are!" The purple unicorn uses her magic to set up a chair and table before setting the two fillies at their chairs. As Fluttershy came over, Twilight with a nervous smile said, "Give the specials to them, Fluttershy! I will be back with the rent!"

Twilight trots off quickly. Fluttershy smiles as she said to the two mean fillies, "Right. Okay, on the villain's menu, today's appetizers are Catrina's Hot Wings and Discord's Souffle!"

Silver Spoon whispers to Diamond Tiara while Fluttershy is talking, "Diamond, I got a feeling that Twilight doesn't have the rent money and is trying to distract us while getting it somehow."

"Ha. I ain't stupid, Silver Spoon." Diamond Tiara remarks dryly to her friend. "Still, we can play along with this game and let the mare suffered. She won't get the money by the end of the show anyway and then, we will take this club away from her."

In the backstage, Twilight and Spike peeks out, the mare groans, "Oh man, this isn't good; Spike, why didn't you remind me earlier that the 50 bits that I spent was the rent money?"

"I tried to tell you but I know how you are when you're on books!" Spike exclaims to Twilight with a frown on his face.

"What's going on here?" Brave Heart as he trots over to see what Twilight and Spike are doing.

"Miss Book Lover here has spent the rent money on books."

"Spike," Twilight exclaims in shock that Spike just blabbed in front of Brave Heart like that. And of course, Rainbow's cousin look shocked upon hearing the truth.

"You bloody what?! Twilight, how could yer do that, lassie? Does Ben know?" Brave Heart asks Twilight in shock and concern, wondering if Ben knows that his filly has spent the rent money unwisely on books.

"Sort of, Brave Heart. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?!"

"This is not the end of the world, Twiley. There may be a way to correct this little mishap; we just have to improvise a little. Once we get the money in...we'll pay off those snot nosed brats."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Brave Heart." Twilight said to Brave Heart with a sigh.

"Yer welcome, lass." Brave Heart responds right back.

"Look, why not ask the princess if she could lend you the money?" Spike suggests to Celestia thoughtfully. After all, the princess would be more than happy to help out.

"Are you crazy?! The princess gave me this job as host because I was responsible! She would be disappointed if she herself finds out what I did!" Twilight exclaims frantically, worried that her teacher/aunt-in-law finds out that she made the mistake of spending the rent money. The mare looks over the crowd. "No, somepony must have 50 bits that I can borrow."

After Twilight heads out to find 50 bits from somepony, a certain pink pony heard all that happened.

"Well no wonder she is worried." Pinkamena said in concern. She then puts her hoof in her mane and pulls out some stuff (don't ask) but then sighs as the mare puts the stuff back and says, "Darn no bit. but better tell Goldie of what I know, maybe somepony else might have 50 bits."

She then heads off to tell Golden Heart of the info that she has gotten.


The first pony that Twilight talked to her about getting 50 bits was the headmaster of her old school, Sir Spell Nexus. The stallion listens as the student explains her story.

"Well, in a bit of a debt, yes?" Nexus ask as Twilight nods a bit. The stallion now points to 50 bits on his table. "Well, since you and your friends had saved Equestria, as well as me, on a few occasions, I do have 50 bits that you can borrow..."

"Really; Wow, Sir Nexus, you are a true friend." Twilight sighs in relief as she prepares to take the money but Nexus pulls it back.

"Hold it. If you want the bits, you must give me something in return."

"Fine, sure. What do you need?"

"I will give you 50 bits...if you give me a sword for the upcoming tournament for one of the students of the school fighting in it." Nexus suggest to Twilight, wanting a sword in exchange for the 50 bits.

"Sure, I will see what I can do." Twilight said as she heads off quickly. There must be a sword that the mare can have or borrow for a while.

"Who took my brown coat?!" A familiar voice is heard. Twilight and some of the audience turned to see Roclan wearing his normal outfit...but without his brown overcoat. The mare notices that the villain got a nasty looking sword near him.

"I used it to wipe my nose. Here!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she gave back Roclan's brown overcoat which got some nasty boogers on it, much to the villain's disgust.

"Ugh! I can't go around in this! I will have to wash it after the show...but how am I supposed to get through the show without my brown overcoat?!"

Twilight, hearing this, got an idea and trots over, saying, "Hey Roclan! I know you and I got some nasty encounters in the past, especially concerning Spike and Lorcan, but I can get you a new coat to wear in exchange for that sword." The mare motions to the sword much to Roclan's notice.

"Well...all right then. You can have the sword in exchange for a new coat." Roclan said to Twilight with a nod. "And it doesn't have to be a cool one or anything that I usually wear; just as long as it isn't dirty that I can wear throughout the show."

"Right; I will see what I can do!" Twilight gallops off quickly then spots a nice looking coat at the table of the Gen 3 version of Rainbow Dash. Perfect! The mare gallops over, "Hey Miss Dash!"

"Oh Twilight darling! What a smashing show so far!" The G3 Rainbow said to Twilight with an approving smile. "I adore it!"

"Glad to hear. Heh; would've sound funny of what you said coming from my Rainbow. Listen, all right if I have that coat over there? I need it in exchange for a sword."

"Oh, I don't know, Twilight. I just made that coat and planned on putting it in my fashion shop back in my own Ponvyille...of course, I want to leave early tonight but I can't get a ride so far."

"Well, how about this? I will find somepony to get you a ride home." Twilight suggests to G3 Rainbow with a smile. "If I do so, can I have that coat eh?"

"Well...oh, very well. If you can find me a ride, the coat is yours. I can always make another one if you can do that." The G3 Rainbow said to Twilight with a smile. If the purple unicorn can get her ride, then losing the coat will be worth it. The Earth pony can always make a new one!

"Okay, one ride home coming right up!"

"I won't mind sharing a ride with another pony as long as I can fit in there."


The Snotty Duo listens on in boredom as Fluttershy continues the menu, "Today's specials are...Fluttercruel's shredder pizza, Psycho Pie's Electric Surprise, as well as the Queen Bumble Sandwich, along with the Squirk's Seafood, Merluck's Spaghetti, and the Grogar Dinner Surprise."


Twilight is talking with Teddy. The mare smiles while asking, "So you and Sweetheart are willing to give the Gen 3 version of Rainbow Dash a ride home?"

"Sure, we don't mind an extra passenger...if you can get a rose for Sweetheart." Teddy said to Twilight. The mare nods and gallops, passing by Fluttershy who is still distracting the Snotty Duo.


"Ugh, what do you have in the villain's menu for dessert?" Diamond Tiara asks Fluttershy anxiously.

"Oh, sorry, but the bad guys are naughty. They don't get dessert." Fluttershy adds, making Diamond Tiara frowns at that.


Twilight is talking to Lorcan, talking about his rose that he has. Spike's brother nod while saying, "Okay, Twilight; since you're my brother's adopted sister, I will give you this rose...but I want a book to give to Princess Luna."

"Fair enough. Wow, this Chain of Deals is getting to be a drag." Twilight gallops off quickly to look for a book. She saw someone reading it at a table before coming over. "Hey, all right if I borrow that book for a moment?"

However when the book is put down, Twilight yelps as she saw that the one reading it is Princess Celestia; The princess looks at her puzzled while asking, "And why do you need this book for? And don't you have rent to pay, my faithful student?"

"Hee hee. Hee hee. On second thought, never mind."

Twilight gallops quickly as Celestia watch her leave. The mare can't tell her teacher why she needed that book...and for the obvious reasons.


Twilight sat down on the steps with Spike outside the backstage, the mare sighs sadly while saying, "Oh man, not good. I can't get that money now."

"Its okay, Twilight; we can find a way to deal with this problem." Spike assures Twilight, trying to cheer his friend/adopted sister up.

"There has to be a way to get 50 bits but how? I'm out of ideas."

"Hey, Egghead," A familiar voice spoke. Twilight and Spike turns to see Rainbow smirks as she holds up of a bunch of 50 bits with one of her wings. "Did I hear you saying that you need a loan? I can give you the money!"

"Wait, you can loan me 50 bits?" Twilight ask Rainbow in surprise and amazement, "How did you get that money?!"

"I got some left over for when I was gem-hunting with Rarity and Spike, which also helped me get the Mare-inator. Anyway, as a good friend, I can loan you the money."

"Wait, hang on. What do you want Twilight to do?" Spike asks Rainbow with a suspicious. "Bump off the Cleveland Bays so you can let Rarity perform her act?"

"Yep," Rainbow exclaims with a smile. "Rarity has been waiting for a long time to perform and as a friend, I felt like I should give that opportunity."

"Or maybe you got tired of her whining and want to put an end to it." Twilight remarks to Rainbow dryly. Everypony knows how often Rarity whines about not getting an act on the show yet.

"Hey, hey, let's focus on this subject here. Is it a deal or what?"

Twilight sighs as she hits her own face with a hoof; Looks like the purple unicorn has no choice now.


Onstage, Twilight announces to the crowd, "Fillies and gentle-colts, there is a slight change in the program tonight. Coming up later, making her House of Pony debut, Ponyville's fashion designer and the Element of Generosity, RARITY!"

The audience applauds, though some awkwardly while some are suspicious as to why the Cleveland Bays were bumped off. Rarity hears this and gasps eagerly, "Oh my goodness! My big break! Rainbow Dash, darling, take over my duties, Rarity must be ready!"

Rarity trots off as Rainbow smirks eagerly. Brave Heart gave his cousin a suspicious look while asking, "Rainbow Dash? Did you have anything to do with this? Like maybe bribing Twilight with some money so that Rarity can perform tonight? And not because of you being a friend and just so you can end her whining?"

"Hey, cousin, come on, let's not point hooves or wings here." Rainbow remarks to Brave Heat with a little smile. "I got my own secrets, you got yours."


"But first, let's take a look at Maestro Ben Mare!" Twilight exclaims. The audience applauds as the next cartoon begins.



Maestro Ben 1 - Circus Symphony

"Good evening and welcome to another performance in the Ponyville Concert Hall. Our infamous conductor, Ben Mare, has come back to give out his rendition of the infamous Tritsch Tratsch Pony Polka, written by Johann Stallion. Please be silent during this performance."

Ben Mare came to the conductor's podium in a conductor's outfit. With a grin, the stallion raises his conductor's stick up and prepares the music. Soon the spotlight is off him as it focuses on a trombone...on a flying trapeze while it clung onto another trombone! Now we see a bunch of violins and cellos on a tightrope. This is more than a musical, it's a circus!

The spotlight goes back onto Ben who is now in a circus lion tamer's outfit, using his conducting stick as a whip. The stallion turns to the roaring lion tubas and whips his stick in their direction, making them stood in attention. Ben now points to the cage, causing two of the lion tubas to jump through a drum-ring of fire before landing in the said cage.

Ben smirks in determination as he put his head into the last lion tuba's mouth and came out, making the instrument spit in disguise. The audience applauds as Ben gave a bow...but then he looks and gasps upon seeing the lion tuba not in his position. Not good, that animal instrument is loose!

Ben looks around to see that the other instruments are being chased by the lion. The stallion quickly jumps to the rescue. He went on the trapeze and grabs the trombone, putting it to safely with the other one. The trumpet riding a drum is being chased by the mad lion tuba; the trumpet ran faster on the said drum before hitting a pole.

After recovering, the trumpet cowers in the beaten drum as the lion tuba roars. Looks like this is it...but then Ben jumps into action. The lion tuba stiffened up then roars as the stallion kept whipping in his direction. The instrument pounces at Ben who grabs the trumpet and dives out of the way in time, causing the lion tuba to munch on the drum.

After realizing what he was munching out, the lion tuba stops and spits out the drum, pouncing at Ben. The pony ducks in time, causing the lion tuba to go right into its cage before being locked right up. The audience applauds as Ben and the other instruments gave a bow before the curtain fell.

"Folks, this concludes the Circus Symphony, an amazing performance by conductor Ben Mare. Of course, while he would've do another classical piece, the stallion has to round up the instruments that got traumatized by the threatening tuba lions during the performance. Until next time, thank you and good night."




Once the cartoon is done, the audience applauds once more. Another good one!


Pinkie was humming as she prepares to walk out of the club's kitchen...only to yelp as some of Fluttershy's animal friends knock her out upon entering it before leaving with new platters of food. Pinkie tries to get out once more but the animals knock the pink over again, entering and exiting with new platters of food.

Pinkie peeks out a while later to make sure that it was safe to come out...but then the animals rush in, making her yelp, before coming out with more platters of food. A bear gave a platter of food to Lorcan before leaving. The Dragon lifts up the lit of his platter...but saw Pinkie on the platter itself.

"Hey, come on! I didn't order this!" Lorcan complains a bit.

During this time, we see Pinkamena talking with Golden Heart and she is almost done with telling him the info.

"And then she tried to get a book for a rose but only to see the Celestia had it and failed the chain deal." Pinkamena explains to Golden Heart with a nod.

"I see but I do not have 50 bits." Golden Heart answers with a sigh. "But I am sure that she will find the bits that she needs."

"Ok but I have a really bad feeling that something bad is going to happen".

Pinkamena the sits at her seat; she, Golden Hart and Gold wing watch the show. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon has eaten their meals, though the former is getting impatient. As Twilight trots, Diamond Tiara got her in face while scowling, "Okay, mare, I'm patient long enough! Where is our rent money?!"

"Relax; I will get the money for you right after Rarity's big debut!" Twilight explains to Diamond Tiara nervously. She trots off to the backstage area quickly.

"Hmmm, yeah, I know that she doesn't have the rent money now...but this looks a bit suspicious." Silver Spoon said with a nod. Diamond Tiara nods in agreement as the two fillies decide to follow Twilight to see what she's up to.


Twilight finds herself in more trouble as an upset Ben confronts her backstage. As Nyx watch, the stallion demands, "Twilight Sparkle; Why are you doing my job; First, you bump off the Cleveland Bays, this is the second time that they couldn't do their performance her, and now what's this about Rarity's big debut?"

"Right, mommy; what gives?" Nyx ask her mother in concern. "Why did you suddenly let Auntie Rarity on stage though we don't know what her act is yet?"

"Look, Rarity has that great act of hers that she wanted to perform for everypony." Twilight explains to Ben and Nyx with a nervous chuckle. "Rarity wanted to be doing it for weeks now...well, every day since this place first opened up. Who am I turn her down?"

"Oh really," Ben ask Twilight suspiciously. "And what 'great act' would she have?"

"I still don't know, but whatever this act is, it can't be all bad, right?"

"Fillies and gentlecolts...introducing the Rarity Light Parade," Rarity is heard. Twilight and her family turns to see the white unicorn with Hearth's Warming Eve lights on her body with her boding. Techno music begins to play as the lights lit up, playing to the music.

"Oh...that sounds rather...interesting." Nyx said, giving an uneasy look to Rarity about the act that she wants to do. A light parade, really?

"Ugh, right, great act." Ben remarks sarcastically, though the roll of his eyes are enough to say that he thought otherwise. "Twilight, what are you thinking? That is really..."

But Ben saw that Twilight isn't paying attention to him right now. Her attention is on Rainbow who came over with the 60 bits. The Pegasus pony grins while saying, "All right, Egghead, here is your money."

"Money; and what money would that be, Rainbow Dash?"

"Oh, the money to get Rarity to perform on stage so I can stop listening to her whining."

"Uh, Auntie Dashie," Nyx ask uneasily as she motions over. Rainbow yelps in alarm as she saw that Rarity was nearby...and the white unicorn isn't happy of what she just heard from her friend.

"What; you mean, you paid Twilight to get me to perform?! And just so I can stop whining?! Rainbow Dash, that isn't how I wanted to get my break! I wanted to do so because I'm good at what I do! Ugh! I will not perform like that!" Rarity exclaims in anger. She took off the Hearth's Warming Eve lights and threw them down before stomping away.

Rainbow looks shocked then looks angrily at Twilight, snapping, "Nice going, egghead; now Rarity won't stop whining over this!"

"Wait, why are you blaming me," Twilight protested to Rainbow in alarm. "You were the one who suggested it in the first place so I get my 50 bits!"

"And you can forget the money, I'm taking it back!"

Rainbow grabs the 50 bits back from Twilight before flying off. The purple unicorn gulps a bit. Not only does she still not have the money...but Ben and Nyx are nearby, listening in to the whole thing with Spike coming, seeing what's happening.

"Uh oh; Busted," Spike said to Twilight in concern.

"All right, Twilight; why did you need the money from Rainbow in the first place?" Ben demands from Twilight, making her nervous.

"Err...oh, look at that! I should check up on the show!" Twilight exclaims, trying to make an excuse as she tries to gallop off. But Ben uses his magic to pull her back. No more excuses, the jig is up!

"Don't bother getting out of this one now, Twilight Sparkle! You spent the money that I gave you on that day for yourself as well books, didn't you?"

Twilight sighs, finding herself trapped in a corner. Spike spoke, "Better confess now, Twilight. There's no other way around this problem now."

"Yeah. Okay, I admit, I did spend the rent money...but I didn't mean to, but I did. I just forgot. I thought that I could fix it...but now we don't have the Cleveland Bays, we don't have the Rarity Light Parade, we don't even have a show now." Twilight said in sadness and guilt. Bad enough that the mare doesn't have the rent money, but now there isn't even a performance to perform tonight as well.

"What about Dr. Lizardo and his..." Spike begins to say but an annoyed Twilight cuts him off.

"Forget it, Spike. Not a chance!"

"Wait, no show?" A familiar voice is heard laughing. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came in from behind a wall, the former smirks in delight. The duo has overheard the commotions that happened all this time! "Looks like its way better than not getting any rent at all! Looks like Silver and I can shut this place down, since you don't have a show!"

"Hold it, Diamond Tiara, not so fast!" Ben exclaims to Diamond Tiara sternly. "The show will go on."

"There will, how?" Twilight ask Ben in hope.

"But who will fill in for the Cleveland Bays and Auntie Rarity now?" Nyx ask her father, then notices that Ben gave a smirk to Twilight, making the mare uneasy.

"Uh oh..."


Back on stage, the performance has started. Spike calls out in his mike, "All right, now introducing, the Twilight Sparkle Light Parade!"

Twilight was sent out onto the stage wearing roller skates and Hearth's Warming Eve lights, giving an uneasy look to the crowd. The audience laughs while pointing at her. Some of the audience was shocked, some were feeling sorry that Twilight has to go out like this, some were applauding.

"Well, that isn't fair, she stole my act!" Rarity exclaims with a frown as she saw Twilight performing an act that the white unicorn was going to do.

Brave Heart came on stage, asking, " ye mind if I make the introduction this time?"

"I don't mind at all, Brave Heart. Maybe that'll help me get my mind off of paying the rent." Twilight said, wanting to her mind off the rent as well as the embarrassment that the mare has to deal with to keep the show going.

"Thank ye, lassie."

As Twilight quickly roll off stage, Spike now said to the audience, "And now, making his debut introduction; the Giant Alicorn of Eatin'burgh, the leader of the Pony Brigade and the older cousin to Rainbow he is...Brave Heart...son of Strong Wind!"

Most of the audience cheers, but the villains look a bit afraid...for Brave Heart had sworn to destroy all manners of evil; just not in the House of Pony. So they were safe...for now.

"Thank you, Spike; Greetings, fillies and gentle-colts; me lords, me ladies...and everypony else not...sitting in a cushion or table..." Brave Heart said. Most of the audience cheers again. "This next cartoon is about my favorite Alicorn Twilight trying to clear her name so that she can...well...make it to her date with Ben in time...and no remarks from you this time, Boris! Understand?"

Boris, gulping in fear, said, "Yes, Brave Heart."

" that that's bloody settled, let's begin the cartoon...shall we?"

The audience applauds as the final cartoon of the night begins.




Big House Twilight

It was another morning in Ponyville. Princess Twilight Sparkle is playing a game of catch with her pet owl Owlowiscious.

"Fetch, Owlowiscious!" Twilight calls out. The owl chases after the baseball and caught it with his talons. The alicorn grins as Owlowiscious returns the ball to his owner, "Eh, good boy!"

Just then, Twilight heard a familiar voice, "Twilight!" The mare turns to see Ben trotting alongside on the sidewalk. As she came over, the stallion continues, "I dropped Nyx, Spike and Phobos off at Apple Bloom's place. You remember our date tonight, right?"

"Yes, not to worry Ben! I will be there unless the Royal Guards ended up locking me up and throw away the key!"

"Heh, silly pony! Later, honey!"

Twilight sighs in a lovesick matter as Ben heads off. Nothing will keep the mare away from her colt. But as she heads off to continue playing another game of fetch with Owlowisicious, her conversion is witnessed next door on the other side of a fence by none other than Celestia's other student and Twilight's rival Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset Shimmer wants to find anyway to outdo Twilight ever since the mare became Celestia's student, feeling a bit jealous. But unlike Trixie, who was another student that changed her ways, the nasty mare will go through any means necessary to do so. And right now, Sunset is planning on finding a way to steal Ben away from Twilight. So upon hearing the conversion right now, the nasty mare got an evil idea.

"A dinner with Ben Mare, eh," Sunset Shimmer ask with an evil grin as she watch Twilight play catch with her owl some more.

"Catch, Owlowisicious!" Twilight laughs as she throws the baseball to her owl whose flies in hope to catch it again. The object lands near the fence, much to Sunset's notice.

"Well, well, well...let's see if Sparkle can get to her date now."

Sunset Shimmer uses her magic to flip a fence panel to get the baseball over to her side then throw the said ball right through an opened window of another house next door. The mare trots back to the fence as Owlowiscious looks around for the ball.

"Hoo; Hoo," Owlowisicious asks puzzle.

"Huh. Where did the ball go?" Twilight ask puzzled as she came over to look for the ball. The mare search as she goes near the opening to a gate where Sunset Shimmer is waiting for her.

"Hey, Twilight Sparkle! Maybe your baseball rolled into my yard." Sunset said to Twilight as she opens the gate, inviting the purple alicorn into the yard. "Why not come over and take a look?"

"Huh? Sunset Shimmer; I didn't know you live next door now. And since when did you want to help? You and I aren't practically best friends."

"Come on, you and I are the princess's students here. Why wouldn't I give you a helping hoof? Come on, take a look."

"Well, okay, Thanks." Twilight said as she trots over to the next yard. The mare looks around as Sunset Shimmer slams the gate before locking it, giving out an evil smirk.

Sunset Shimmer came closer as Twilight looks around. The mare spoke up, "Huh. Don't see the baseball out there. Maybe it went out through the window."

"Huh. Good point. I did throw the ball in very fast. I hope I didn't break anything." Twilight then looks through the window of the house, seeing a familiar ball near a TV. "Hey there it is; and nothing broken."

"Well, the window is open so jump through it and get your baseball back. I won't mind."

"I will. Thanks, Sunset Shimmer. I guess you are being a true friend at last."

Twilight flew into the house via the window. The mare didn't see Sunset Shimmer smirking sinisterly as she head off to the other entrance, saying, "Oh, a true friend to myself, Twilight Sucker."

Twilight grins as she trots over to get the baseball. The mare was preparing to get it when she heard a scream, making her turn. To her confusion, there is a shocked Sunset Shimmer wearing a towel and shower cap as if she just steps out of the shower! Twilight looks confused. Wasn't Sunset outside a few seconds ago?

"Oh, I should've known! To think that you know a moment! I step in the shower for one moment and then a certain princess who thought was nice and honest was about to rob my house!" Sunset Shimmer exclaims in pretend shock, much to Twilight's further confusion.

"Wait, hang on!" Twilight begins to protest. "You told me to come..."

"Save it, Sparkle! I already called the Royal Guard!"

Sure enough, the door to the house opens up as General Spanish Steel came in. The alicorn princess asks in shock, "What the hay?!"

"All right, who called about a robbery?" Spanish Steel demands sternly.

"I did! The alicorn princess thinks that she can break in ponies' houses and steal their stuff!" Sunset Shimmer exclaims as she points an accusing hoof to Twilight. The alicorn was so shocked that she didn't have time to react as Spanish Steel put the cuffs on her as well as the anti-magic collar on her.

"Sorry, princess, but just because you're royalty, it doesn't give you the right to rob ponies!"


A moment later, Twilight finds herself in court and in the trial defendant's chair. And of course, Sunset Shimmer, of all ponies, is both the plaintiff and a lawyer as she explains to the judge, "Twilight Sparkle broke into my humble home, stole my stuff and tried to take my baseball! You think that being a princess means that you shouldn't do that but she thinks herself above the law to do so!"

"Wait, hang on! Your baseball," Twilight begins to protest as the judge listen on, glaring in suspicion at Twilight. "That's not true! That'..."

"Here is exhibit A, the burglared baseball." Sunset Shimmer said to the judge while holding up a familiar ball in a bag. The judge glares in suspicion at the stunned alicorn.

"That isn't true! Sunset Shimmer is lying! She allowed me into her home and..."

"Your honor, let me show you exactly what happened. Luckily, I took the liberty of recording the whole crime scene on my camera!"

Sunset pushed a button on a TV nearby along with the VCR. It plays a black and white footage of the inside of the house. Of course, this was taken an hour after Twilight was arrested, but the judge doesn't seem to notice or care. There's the alicorn herself...or rather Sunset in a very bad costume jumping in through the window.

"Hey, it's me, Twilight Sparkle! I love breaking into ponies' houses and stealing their cool stuff!" Sunset Shimmer said in a mock Twilight voice. She skips and hums and points to a baseball on a shelf. "Like this baseball that I'm about to take off!" The mare took the baseball, putting it in her bag before turning to the camera with a laugh. "Ha! No stupid judge who dressed like in dirty rags would ever put me in jail! Nope, I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, allowed to get away with it!"

Twilight frowns while watching the footage. That didn't happened, but the judge who saw Sunset (as Twilight) blowing a raspberry at the camera though otherwise. She snaps furiously, "Oh, you think I'm stupid and dressed in rags, eh?! Twilight Sparkle, I'm locking you up and throw away the key!" The judge slams the gavel onto the stand, making the verdict.

Twilight pleads to the judge as the Royal Guards drag her off, "Wait, no! You can't lock me up! I got a date with Ben Mare tonight! I am innocent!"

"Oh, don't worry about Ben. I will make sure that your colt-friend isn't lonely." Sunset Shimmer said to Twilight as the mare is dragged off to jail. Once she's gone, Sunset Shimmer turns to the judge, "Okay, she's gone, you two."

The judge removes her robe...revealing that she is actually Diamond Tiara standing on top of Silver Spoon! The filly laughs cruelly, "Oh yeah, that was rich. It's worth seeing Nightmare Moon's ma get taken away."

"We will get in trouble if we're found out." Silver Spoon said in worry and concern, knowing that she and Diamond Tiara will be in trouble should they get found out.

"Oh, calm down, the ponies of this town think that the purple dope is a crook now. All right, Sunset, where's our pay?"

"Here you go, well worth your help." Sunset Shimmer remarks as she gave some bits to the Snotty Duo. "Don't spend it all in one place. I got a stallion to take away from that imprisoned alicorn princess!"


Twilight was never so embarrassed in all her life. The mare is in prison clothes while in a collar to keep her magic in check. She wonders how she herself will explain to the princess, that Twilight has been framed for robbing other ponies.

"All right, Twilight, you get one phone call." Spanish Steel said sternly while motioning to the phone. The mare picks it up and looks at the phone. She gotta escape somehow and attend her date with Ben, while figuring out how to clear her own name; But how?

"Hmmm, who should I call? Should I call Ben? No, that would be too embarrassing; the princess? No, no, that will be too embarrassing as well and she would be disappointed if the word spreads that ponies think I'm a crook now." Twilight said in concern. "I can't ask my big brother or Cadance; that would be the same thing as well. Also, Rarity would talk too long on the phone before I could say anything to her; Applejack? No, she doesn't have a phone at her house; Fluttershy? No, she's been scared of prisons ever since the incident with Lorcan; Rainbow Dash? No, while she is loyal, the mare is at the Wonderbolts show; Hmmm...wait, I got it! Pinkie Pie! She can help me out!"

Twilight quickly dials in Pinkie's number and waits for the ring. On the other end of the line, the pink pony bounces over to the phone and picks it up, "Hey, Pie residence!" Twilight prepares to speak but Pinkie cut her off. "Don't bother about leaving a message after the beep! Because this is Pinkie Pie speaking right now; beep!"

"Pinkie Pie, listen, it's me, Twilight Sparkle! I'm locked up in the Big House! I want you to do something for me!"

After making sure that Spanish Steel isn't listening, Twilight whispers a plan to Pinkie to help the purple alicorn break out of prison.


Twilight, now lacking her magic collar, was playing the harmonica in a cell, waiting for Pinkie to show up but the pink pony didn't yet. Where is she? Just then Pinkie appears, saying, "Hiya, Twilight!'

"About time," Twilight sighs in relief. "Where have you been? What kept you!"

"Oh, well, I went to the Big House but you weren't there. After that, I looked all over for you and I checked out the Hoosegow. You weren't there. Next, I tried the pokey, the pound, the prison, the cooler, the gou-log, the brig, the clink, the can..." Pinkie continues listing off every synonyms of jail that she visited, much to Twilight's embarrassment as she slaps her own face with a hoof. Perhaps the alicorn should've been more specific. "...the rock, the convict castle, the criminal condo and even the grey bar hotel!" The pink pony twists all her hooves around and putting them in a hoof before fixing it. "Then Derpy told me what happened. Why didn't you say so before that you were in jail, silly filly?"

"Ugh! Never mind. I want to know one thing..." Twilight looks around carefully then whispers to Pinkie, "You brought the cake right?"

"Yep," Pinkie exclaims happily as she holds up a cake...that has a file sticking out of it, "Right here! I even put the file in it, just like you wanted!" Twilight yelps as she spots Private Kenny listening in, getting a suspicious look. Better cover the mistake and fast!

"Err, you mean, you got this from my 'RECIPE' files, right?"

"What? No, I did what you told me to do." Pinkie exclaims as she took the file right out of the cake. "Put a big file right in this cake so you could break out of here!"

"Ah ha," Private Kenny exclaims as he trots over to Twilight's cell.

"Wait, Private Kenny, I can explain." Twilight said nervously. Not good, she has gotten herself more into trouble and even got Pinkie in trouble too!

"Please, what's there to explain, Princess Twilight Sparkle? I mean...I wanted to tell you that using a file to break out is too fashioned. Why, it would take weeks to break out with that thing!"

"Wait, it would?"

Instead of stopping Twilight or Pinkie, or throwing the pink pony into the cell with the purple mare, Private Kenny touch the bars with one hoof while adding, "Yes, these bars are heat-treated titanium core steels, not mentioned they're magic proof which keeps unicorns from using magic to teleport and anything else! Why else did we throw you in there without a collar? What you need is a modern cutting tool like a plasma laser!"

"Or a high tensile art welder," Pinkie exclaims happily, much to Twilight's shock. Private Kenny is helping out? Perhaps the Royal Guards are getting a bit too confident.

"True, but the fumes can be a big problem. There is a poor insulation in here."

"Oh, okay."

"So how out of curiosity, what if some innocent pony like myself wanna break out of jail?" Twilight ask Private Kenny, pretending to be innocent. "How does one do that without a tool or magic?"

"Well, that's easy. You just knock me out and take my keys." Private Kenny explains to Twilight with a poor smile.

"Well, just for me, can you demonstrate that technique for me please?"

"Sure; anything for you, Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

Private Kenny took out a spear...and hit himself on the head hard, knocking himself out and fell, allowing the kids to fell into Pinkie's hooves. The pink pony grins as she said, "Wow! He is smart for a Royal Guard!"

Pinkie unlocks the cell door, allowing Twilight to come out, saying, "Thanks for the help, Pinkie! I better get going!"

"I think I should stay for a while, okay? This guard's way of knowing how to escape makes me wants to know more!"


Twilight manages to get out of her prison clothes and dodges the Royal Guards, arriving at the area where the restaurant where Ben is waiting is at. The mare grins as she saw her lover waiting inside the place. Twilight sighs in relief, "There's Ben, waiting for me."

"As in waiting for me," Sunset exclaims as she arrives, seeing Twilight nearby and frowns. The villainess has no idea as to how her rival got out of jail but she won't let Twilight beat her again!


The two ponies race over to the door of the restaurant. It looks like this is going to be close...but just as Twilight reach the door, Sunset Shimmer smirks evilly as she grabs the knob first.

"Ha, I beat ya!" Sunset Shimmer exclaims sinisterly; Looks like she has truly won over Twilight this time.

But then a hoof grabs Sunset, making the mare shocked as she saw Spanish Steel who arrived while snapping, "Hold it right there, Sunset Shimmer!" He put the cuffs and anti-collar collar on the villain. "You're coming with me!"

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, first off, a robbery was committed in the same house that you were in an hour after Twilight was taken away...which wasn't even your place!" Spanish Steel said sternly as she took a saddlebag that is on Sunset Shimmer and open to reveal the stolen goods. The villainess yelps as the general holds up a familiar baseball. "Also, we took a look at this baseball and found an interesting piece of evidence!"

Sunset Shimmer gasps as she saw the writing on the baseball which is labeled 'Property of Twilight Sparkle'. Ugh, the villainous unicorn must've missed that; why didn't she notice before?!

"And one more thing: we found the judge who was supposed to do Princess Twilight Sparkle's trial tied up and gagged in her office. After freeing the judge, she told us that two fillies that fit the description of Miss Tiara and Miss Spoon did that to her. We tracked them down and they confess to everything, as well as you paying them to do the deed!" Spanish Steel snaps to Sunset Shimmer angrily. "Those two are already in trouble with their parents. But your troubles are about to begin as you are under arrest for theft, attempted framed up, fraud, as well as hiring a phony!"

Spanish Steel grins as he threw the ball back to Twilight who catches it. She smiles while saying, "Thanks for clearing my name, General Spanish Steele."

"You're welcome. Sorry for the misunderstanding, Princess Twilight Sparkle. No hard feelings, right?"

"None whatsoever, just as long as Sunset gets hers for her crimes."

Spanish Steele dragged off the stunned Sunset Shimmer to prison. As Twilight trots inside to join Ben for dinner, the criminal protest, "Wait, hang on! I was framed! She planted that stupid baseball! I was nowhere near that place!"

"Quiet!" Spanish Steele said sternly. Inside the restaurant, Twilight kiss Ben while sitting down. She got a big story to tell her stallion at dinner.


Back at the jail cell, Pinkie was talking to Private Kenny as we see more cells opened with more of the Royal Guards conked on the head while being knocked out. The pink pony asks eagerly, "Can you tell me once more how a simple pony can break out of jail without tools or magic?"

"Okay, once more. You gotta knock me out and take the keys." Private Kenny explains to Pinkie. She smirks as she herself hit the Royal Guard himself right on the head.




Once the cartoon is over, the audience applauds once more. That's another good one.


Rainbow was practically on her knees, asking Rarity to forgive her for thinking about paying Twilight to put the white unicorn on stage. Hearing her whine again isn't worth it today.

"Awww, I forgive you Rainbow Dash. I am a good friend after all, darling. Besides, I have thought up a better idea for a new act anyway." Rarity said gently. She disappears from her chair and soon magic appears with the white unicorn in a magician like outfit, "The Great and Powerful Rarity!"

"What?! Ugh, oh no!"

As Golden Heart, Pinkamena and Gold wing watch on, the pink pony's whole body shakes. Golden Heart sees and asks, "What is happening sister?"

"Oh dear, a doozy is going to happen." Pinkamena said in amazement. "I wonder if Pinkie Pie will feel it."

"I see but we just need to wait."

Pinkamena nods as her body still shakes as she and Golden Heart wait for the doozy to happen.


Diamond Tiara frowns as Ben did the doozy: he gave 50 bits to Silver Spoon who puts it into a bag. As Nyx watch, the stallion said, "There you go. Luckily, I took the precaution of saving another 50 bits in case Twilight made a mistake."

"Yeah, daddy was glad that he did." Nyx said to Diamond Tiara with a chuckle. "So looks like we get to keep our club."

"Ugh, yeah, so you did. All right, fine. Silver Spoon and I got our rent money and you did put on a show. But if you ask me..." Diamond Tiara did a pose while scoffing. "Putting Twilight Sparkle in Hearth's Warming Eve in lights and having her prance around like a fool isn't much of a show in my opinion!"

"Oh I don't know. I liked it." Ben said with a shrug. "Besides, Twilight needs some humility for her mistake and trying to cover it."

"Yeah, that's true." Silver Spoon remarks with a shrug. It's true; Twilight deserves some humility for making the mistake of paying the rent money and keeping the truth from Ben in the first place. "Well, same time next month."

"Right and I will be paying the rent next month because I know that Twilight wouldn't want to make the same mistake twice."

"Aye and I will be keeping an eye on ye two lasses to make sure ye get the money to Filthy Rich, right girls?" Brave Heart asks as he appears suddenly behind the Snotty Duo, making them yelp in alarm.

"Sure, no problem, yes," Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon exclaims at once, getting a bit nervous. They hate to get on this guy's bad side.


Spike, appearing on stage, announces, "Financial services for the House of Pony were NOT provided by..."


"Filthy Rich's Savings and Loans! Want bits fast?'

Pinkie nods to the camera.

"Trust me, we got money and fast!"

Sure enough, a safe fell right onto Pinkie but she survived it.

"Bits for cars!"

A car fell right onto Pinkie next.

"For boats!"

A boat fell right onto Pinkie now.

"For planes!"

A plane was about to fall onto Pinkie until Spike's voice stops it.


The plane came to a stop before flying off quickly.

"Who needs a plane? Every transaction earns you frequent Pegasus miles!"

Sure enough, we see Spitfire flying by, picking up Pinkie as the pink pony held onto her tight.

"Filthy Rich's Savings and Loans; Getting bits doesn't have to hurt!"

Of course, Pinkie crash right into the title screen before falling off. Spike now say in a low voice, "Of course, getting bits may sometimes hurt."


Twilight, smiling, waves, concluding the show while saying, "Folks, see you very soon!"

Episode Ten: Rainbow's Amulet Trade

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After the rent problem is over, Twilight and Ben decides to make sure to not cause any further trouble when paying the rent. The last thing they want is to make Diamond Tiara angry again.

Of course, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and the bodyguard Maxin Talos isn't the only villains that come to the club that they need to worry about. There are also the other villains who attended the party as well. Yeah, they Pinkie Promise not to break any rules, but one can never know with these guys; Most of the gang work to see what the villains want, even if it's something minor.

But of course, when it comes to Rainbow getting humiliated so far, even one villain can use that to his advantage to get what he wants...


Onstage, Spike smiles as he exclaims, "All right, and now, better than Rainbow Dash in every way possible, TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"

Of course, near the entrance, Rainbow looks a bit annoyed upon hearing that. Some folks here at the club, even her own friends, like to poke fun at her from time to time. She usually gets humiliated a few times but her friends aren't cruel; though the jokes can get a bit annoying.

Twilight teleports onto the stage, smiling as she speaks to the crowd, "Thanks, Spike! Speaking of Rainbow Dash, we gave her a lot to do around here and yeah, we sometimes humiliate her, but she is still a good friend of ours...even if Rainbow is sometimes a big ham!"

Everyone, including some pigs in the audience, laughs loudly. Rainbow in annoyance, snaps, "Hey, what are you trying to pull?!"

"Just kidding, Rainbow! You know that we love ya!"

Rainbow groans a bit. She knows that her friend is kidding and meant no harm, but the mare still doesn't want that joke funny. Just then a familiar voice spoke up, "Now, now, Rainbow Dash, if I were you, I wouldn't let Twilight Sparkle get away with what she just said."

Rainbow blinks and turns to see a familiar villain nearby: the smirking Smaug. The Pegasus pony, frowning, said, "Hey Smaug. What do you mean by that?"

"Come now. She just insulted you, the most awesome and fastest flier in Cloudsdale. You should fight back, get a big comeback."

"Look, Twilight didn't really mean that. Yeah, she sometimes humiliates me without talking to me first but the unicorn is still a cool pony."

"Yet mocking you onstage? Per shame," Smaug insists to Rainbow as if trying to convince her otherwise. "She even went as far as called you a ham and you're a pony! That is a low!"

"But Twilight Sparkle is my friend! You heard what he said!" Rainbow exclaims in concern. The jokes may hurt but the mare would never go after her friend like that, right? Smaug sighs as he makes his eyes go a bit spirally. Rainbow rolls her eyes while asking, "What's this? Some kind of trick that you stole from Disc..."

Of course, Smaug send some sort of wave on Rainbow and soon spirals appear in her own eyes. The pony is now hypnotized and under the villain's control.

"Now listen up, Rainbow Dash. Twilight Sparkle just insulted you, called you a ham! She isn't your friend for doing that." Smaug said slowly to Rainbow, putting her under his control.

"No she isn't..." Rainbow said in a daze while staring.

"Good, good. Now listen, I am sure that you would do anything in exchange for getting back at that horn head."

"Yes, yes, I will do anything for you, Smaug..."

"Oh, anything, huh," Smaug ask eagerly as he drops his hypnosis act, snapping Rainbow out of it but the mare now got a post-hypnotic objective. "Very well, Rainbow Dash. I got a job for you. I will help you get back at Twilight Sparkle...but you must bring me the amulet. Got that?"

"Oh yeah, yeah! Of course, you want the amulet? You got it! I will meet you at the end of the show with it!" Rainbow, out of her hypnotism, exclaims as she took off to do the job. Smaug smirks sinisterly.

"Take your time. No need to rush, Miss Dash."

Rainbow heads off on her mission: to get the Alicorn Amulet for Smaug. And the Pegasus pony knows where to get it.


At the same time, Pinkie came out of the kitchen with 3 platters on her head. She put them in her party cannon while calling out, "All right, here's food, fresh from the kitchen!" The mare opens fire, serving the three dishes to Daring Do, Baby Lickety-Split, and the Witches of the Volcano of Gloom.

Daring removes her cover...but saw no food underneath it. Baby Lickety-Split removes her own cover and food underneath it. The witches of course just roll their eyes as Hydia ask dryly, not bothering lifting their own lid, "Why bother? We already know that it's empty by guessing."

"Wait, no food? Something isn't right here. In fact, something's smelly is happening!"

Indeed, in the kitchen, the Cakes' foals Pound and Pumpkin Cake are helping themselves to a huge cake. They are the ones eating all the food so far, but no one has figure out that it was them so far.

Pinkie bounces into the kitchen, frowning as she calls out, "Mr. and Mrs. Cake!'

"Yes, Pinkie," Mr. Cake asks Pinkie in concern. The foals look up to see what's going on.

"Somepony has been swiping the food meant for our guests!"

"Really," Mrs. Cake gasps in surprise and concern. The foals look worried and nervous. Not good, does their foalsitter and friend know that they were the ones who were eating the food?

"Yep; I don't know what's going on but we got a food thief...and I will need your help, along with the twins to find him or her!" Pinkie exclaims in determination.

"We will do what we can to help find the thief!"

No one notices the foals sighing in relief. Looks like Pinkie doesn't suspect that it was them who was eating the food all along. The pink pony go a mystery on her hooves...not realizing that the culprit are Pound and Pumpkin Cake themselves!


While the Cutie Mark Crusaders (dressed as a different band now, changing their names to 'Spice Fillies'), perform for the guests, backstage, Twilight is talking with Ben and Nyx, "I sure hope that Rainbow isn't too sore about that ham joke. I know that I humiliate her without speaking to her first, but it was all in good fun, right?"

"Relax, it's just Rainbow Dash. Not like she would want to get revenge after us later." Ben assures Twilight with a chuckle.

"Uh, daddy; Auntie Dashie was upset over the humiliation that she has gotten so far. I mean, there's her first time at hosting, the time when she has Gilda as a guest, when she has her ego-trip and Auntie AJ and Derpy has to humiliate her on stage, when Dashie has her brief partnership with Sweetie Drops, the time that she tried to get Auntie Pinkie Pie fired and was almost beaten to death when she found out that she broke her Pinkie Promise of not doing so, and there's the time that Auntie Dashie paid mommy to put Auntie Rarity on stage, only to get into trouble." Nyx points out to her parents, making them concerned. "Not to mention the cartoons that we show of her being the butt of some jokes."

"Ooh right, I guess Rainbow Dash would do that; that is a possibility. As far as we know, we don't know what that pony could do to get back at those who made fun of her."

"Right, we better keep an eye on her." Twilight said in concern. She doesn't know if or when Rainbow could get payback but the ponies better be prepared in case the worst is to come.


In the audience, Chief Thunderhooves, Braeburn and Little Strongheart sat at a table with the apple tree known as Bloomberg. The chief of the buffalo tribe yawns a bit, "Ugh, I didn't get enough sleep last night."

"Oh I don't know. Bloomberg slept like a log." Braeburn jokes making himself and Little Strongheart chuckle at that.

The audience applauds as Twilight appears, saying, "All right, folks, time to see if you can survive this Rainbow Dash cartoon!" They applaud some more as the first cartoon of the night begins.




Survival of the Cutie Mark Scouts

It was a big day for the Cutie Mark Crusaders who are also the Cutie Mark Scots. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo follow Rainbow as she leads the way. The mare smiles as today is the best day for the trio of fillies.

Once Rainbow stops on top of a hill, she turns and blew the whistle, saying, "All right, girls, front and center!" The CMC quickly line up in front of the mare, saluting her as she is also their scoutmaster. "All right, today is the day that you will all take the survival test."

"Yay! Survival test," The girls exclaims excitedly. Today is the day for them to pass their toughest test to earn their biggest badge yet!

"You got it. If you girls pass the test, you will get these." Rainbow said as she took out a case and opens it. Inside are three badges, much to the CMC's excitement.

"The Survival Badge!"

Rainbow takes a flag out, putting it down while saying, "All right, scouts, the trail starts here and ends..."

Rainbow then points to the trail and then motions down it, going past some long roads on the hills, a few rickety bridges, past a raging river and a deserted wasteland (at one point as a camera goes by it, a skull remarks "Long trail, ain't?), past some traffic, then back to some trails hill, goes past some thorny bushes and way up the mountain where another flag is at.

"...about there." Rainbow said with a nod before turning to the CMC. "You girls think you can handle this?"

"Eeyup! We done journey fer our own Cutie Marks, we can handle 'dis!" Apple Bloom exclaims with a nod. "We are 'de Cutie Mark Scouts after y'all!"

"Sure, you passed this test when you were a filly." Sweetie said with a smile. "If you can do it, so can we!"

Rainbow pauses as if looking worried, but calms down as she said with a smile, "Well then, I'm sure you three fillies will do awesome." The mare got out a stopwatch. "Now then, I am giving you an hour to complete this test. If you do so, those badges are yours. Ready, set...GO!"

Rainbow then press the button on the watch to begin the test.


"Hoo doggy, 'dis test will be 'de greatest," Apple Bloom exclaims eagerly as she and her friends heads off down the trail.

"Right, a piece of cake too...which we could get if we do this." Sweetie remarks with a cute giggle.

"We done are glad 'dat Rainbow Dash is our scoutmaster who done got faith in us! We will be done in no time!"

Of course, the fillies fail to see Rainbow giving out a devilish smirk as she said, "Heh heh...let's see how you do when I'm done." The mare decides to have a little fun with these fillies.


The CMC marches on until they begin to cross a bridge...and until its ropes snap off, causing them to scream in alarm as they fell.

Rainbow is behind a bush, smirking as she held a pair of scissors. The mare look at her watch, commentating, "Oh yeah, this will be awesome."


The CMC manages to recover from their incident with the bridge as they move on. The trio reaches a fork in the road and took the right path...running right into a huge bear. The CMC screams as they run off, taking the left side.

Once the girls are gone, they fail to see the bear taking the head off, revealing it to be Rainbow who looks at the timer, saying, "Yeah, a lots of time still!"

The CMC arrives at a raging river; Scootaloo smirks as she has an idea. The mare uses a slingshot to make a bridge out of some fallen rock. The trio begins to cross it...but heard a explosion! They turn and scream upon seeing a river near a dam that blew up...and the raging water send them washing away!

Rainbow laughs near the plunger that she push down to blow up the fun. Oh, the mare is having so much fun watching the CMC get into so much chaos! Yeah, these are the kind of pranks that Gilda would enjoy...but Rainbow wasn't intending on torturing the three fillies after all. She just want to mess with them.


The CMC kept trotting up the mountain. They seem to be lacking the spirit that they themselves had before when leaving Rainbow earlier.

"Oh, 'dis is plain bad." Apple Bloom said with a sigh.

"I don't know how Rainbow Dash does it. This is hard." Sweetie said with a sigh. At this rate, the scouts will never get their survival badge!

"Awww, come on. We got to almost be done." Scootaloo insists to her friends. "Those freak accidents couldn't just be some pranks used to mess with us, right?"

Of course, the ponies heard a familiar laugh coming from a cabin nearby. Apple Bloom said, "Huh. What do yew know? Rainbow Dash must've flown up ahead 'ta see how we're doing."

"Oh man, those girls are...oh man; I just love to prank them!" Rainbow is heard laughing. Hearing that made the CMC frown suspiciously as they trot over to the cabin and peeks through the window to find out what's going on.

Sure enough, the CMC saw a pair of scissors, a bear suit and a plunger with dynamite attached. And there's Rainbow near the fireplace, looking at her watch. She grins while saying, "Oh man, those traps are the best pranks ever! Those girls would lose the will to continue on after the next few prank traps. Man, I wasn't being mean...but oh man! What a hoot! I betcha they wouldn't even make it this far!"

Apple Bloom and Sweetie fumes on as Scootaloo looks near the window. The first two scowls, "That Rainbow Dash is a rat!" She set up those freak accidents on purpose just to pull prank on the girls. Rainbow may claim that she wanted to be mean but even what the mare did was going too far!

"Hang on, girls; this is Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty." Scootaloo insists as she takes Rainbow's Scoutmaster Book from the cabin desk, the mare was too busy laughing to notice. "She is also our Scoutmaster Leader. She swore an oath!"

"Oh give me a break!" Sweetie snaps as she push the book away from Scootaloo. "Rainbow Dash has been messing with us! Why would she do that anyway? Doesn't she want us to get our badges at all?"

Just then the book lands on a certain page. Apple Bloom notices something as she say, "Wait a darn picking minute. Look! 'Dis book is Rainbow Dash's! It shows a list o' badges 'dat she earned when Rainbow was a filly! There's diving, jumping, swimming, pouncing, flying, snorkeling, rinsing, folding, boasting, crying, carrying on...hang on! There isn't nothing in 'dis here book about her gitting her Survival Wilderness badge!"

The CMC took a closer look. Apple Bloom was right! Rainbow has gotten every badge except for one...the same badge based on the test that the CMC were doing right now!

"Rainbow Dash never passed the Survival Test!" The CMC exclaims in shock and anger. Rainbow didn't pass the Survival Test at all!

"Oh man, she's a fake!" Scootaloo exclaims angrily. Her own idol that she looks up to like a sister has lied all this time!

"As well as a phony," Sweetie exclaims while fuming a bit.

"Oh, she's more than 'dat...she's fair game." Apple Bloom said a slight smirk; Time for the CMC to teach Rainbow Dash a lesson...and maybe get everyone their own badges afterwards.


Rainbow sat in her chair, sleeping when she was awaken up by crashing noise. The mare flew towards the window while asking, "What the hay?"

To the mare's shock, Rainbow saw a huge truck ramming her cabin before it was pushed towards a cliff with the mare still in it. To her shock, she saw that it was the CMC doing the driving. The jig is up!

As the start begins to fall, Apple Bloom declares while looking at the stopwatch, "All righty, Rainbow Fake! Survive 'DAT!"

The cabin slid down the hill, Rainbow tried to fly out but she can't. The mare saw that her wings are tied down all over; the CMC must've done that while she was sleeping! Rainbow tumbled out of the cabin and flew up. She freak out before falling right down the chimney and back into her cabin. Rainbow recovers to see a tree out her window. She goes to the window to look down to see how far from the ground. Not too far, but enough to make a fall.

Rainbow got an idea as she saw some string (apparently not realizing came from the dynamite's plunger). She ties herself around with the said string and made a lasso from the other end, putting it on a branch. Rainbow now slid down the stringed rope which causes the rope to bend a little.

Upon reaching the ground, Rainbow smiles as she exclaims, "Oh yeah, piece of cake!"

Rainbow however spoke too soon. When she let go of the string, the house begins to fall...and the mare realizes that she is still attached to the string! Perhaps Rainbow should've untied herself first! She screams as the falling cabin pulls up her the hill, causing the mare to slide on her hooves as the cabin flew off a ski rift before going past a goat pasture. This causes the Pegasus pony to knock off two horns off a goat, causing her to ride in them.

A rabbit was drinking water from a lake when he saw the cabin passing by with Rainbow sliding after it on goat horns. He frowns and looks at the water before tossing it to the side. Someone has spiked it and made him see things!

Rainbow now saw that her cabin door is opening with stuff falling out. To make matters worse, she saw her favorite chair was going out. Rainbow can't avoid it, causing her head to get stuck between the chair's railing. She then yelps as the mare saw the dynamite plunger bouncing over to her. Rainbow does her best to escape the chair but all she did, luckily, was pushes a button on it to cause the chair to jump, avoiding the plunger in time.

Rainbow sighs but then saw the scissors coming towards her. She gulps...but the things ended up cutting the string and passing Rainbow. She screams while heading towards her runaway house.

Rainbow screams as she ducks, causing her and the chair to go lower. But as she does, going past an opening of two trees, the cabins went up on the trees that send it flying right back. The Pegasus pony looks back and chuckles in triumph but she rams across the branch of a tree. This allows her to get freed from her chair prison, as well as untie her ropes, before she fell down.

As Rainbow recovers, she saw her cabin landing on a nearby hill, about to topple. The mare yelps, "Oh horse feathers."

Rainbow screams as she saw the house sliding after her, causing her to fly away like mad. During this time, the same rabbit from before was talking to a psychologist one, explaining what he just seen. Both rabbits saw Rainbow flying off from her sliding cabin. The rabbit psychology can only blink before joining his patient on the couch, believing that he too has gone mad as well.

The house slid as Rainbow somehow flew backwards into it, causing her to put on the bear costume as a result. The mare stops as she saw the house falling down away from her, causing her to laugh in triumph. Of course, the scissors ends up falling down and hit the bear costume. This causes Rainbow to fly out of the thing in pain as she joins the house that stops a cliff, stuck in the chimney.

Rainbow does her best to get out but saw the dynamite plunger coming down, making her scream in terror. The mare flew down the chimney and out of the house. Once she is in safe distance, the mare stops to sigh in relief. Too bad that Rainbow has forgotten that the string she was attached it is attached the dynamite plunger, causing her to drag it right over.

"Ha, shows those girls a thing or two!" Rainbow laughs as she leans her hoof down...only to realize that she push down right on the plunger itself. The mare has time to yelp as the whole thing explodes right on her.


Back at where the cabin once was, the CMC laughs at Rainbow's misfortune. Maybe that will teach her a lesson on lying and pulling mean pranks on them. But then they stop as a shadow appears over them. The fillies gasp as an angry Rainbow is there and she is none too pleased.

"All right, nopony makes a fool out of Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow snarls furiously.

The CMC screams as they gallop off, going past the trail of hills with a mad Rainbow in pursue. They run past the bridge, the chasing Rainbow puts the whole thing up. Everyone flew past the desert, causing a bird to lose all its feathers as a result.

The CMC started to go up a hill as Rainbow zooms over...and took an elevator to head up to the near top of the mountain. As the Pegasus pony hums while waiting, she gave an odd look to Harry the Bear who is riding as well. Rainbow decides not to bother questioning this at the moment.

The CMC reach the top of the mountain at the same time that the elevator reaches them. Rainbow flew out and continues chasing the fillies, they all went up the hills, pass the bushes and up the last mountain, diving right down hard.

As the scouts recover while Rainbow got her head out of the dirty, they look up with Apple Bloom smiling, saying, "Look, everypony!"

"We did it, we passed the Survival Test!" Sweetie exclaims excitedly. It's true; all that chasing allowed the fillies to reach the flag on the last part of the Survival Test that they are supposed to.

Scootaloo push the button on the stopwatch to check the time.


"And we only got 10 minutes left!" Scootaloo exclaims with a proud smile.

"Huh?" Rainbow asks in shock and disbelief. The CMC has passed the Survival Test? That wasn't supposed to happen!

"Eeyup, an' Ah do believe 'dat these are ours." Apple Bloom said as she took the case from Rainbow. The filly pulls the medals out, giving one to herself, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. "Cutie Mark Scouts, fer passing 'dis here Survival Test, we have earned these medals. Not cutie marks but they're 'de closest."

Apple Bloom then took another medal out of the case, giving it to Rainbow while adding, "Also, yew too Rainbow Dash. Yew actually did 'de Survival Test without realizing it too!"

"Wait, I did?" Rainbow asks in surprise then smiles proudly at her new medal. Apple Bloom was right. By chasing them, she actually passes the same test that the Pegasus pony herself failed to pass years ago as a filly!

"Good job, you aren't a phony fraud anymore." Sweetie said as Apple Bloom gave the badge to Rainbow. "But why did you lie to us about the Survival Test? As well as try to stop us from earning the badge in the first place?'

"Well, the truth is though I didn't pass the Survival Test because I gave up after the first attempt. I was partway through it but I got too confident that I did some tricks...and got eliminated for using my wings when I wasn't supposed to when I didn't mean to. I was so embarrassed that I never told anyone. And when you girls got most of your badges and going to get this one...well, I was envious that you may get the badge instead of me and try to discourage you. But...after what happened, I was a darn foal. I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

"Shucks, we forgave yew." Apple Bloom assures Rainbow with a smile. "We done glad 'ta see yew pass 'de Survival Test at last."

"Thanks for everything, girls." Rainbow said, looking at her badge with a proud smile on her face.




Once the cartoon is done, the audience applauds for another good one that came to a close.

As Golden heart and Pinkamena watch the show the pink one shivers a little. Golden Heart asks, "What is it?"

"I think Smaug hypnotized Rainbow Dash into stealing an amulet." Pinkamena said seriously.

"What amulet?"

"Beats me but who knows when it comes to Smaug wanting something to gain power."

"True but for now, let's watch the show." The alicorn suggests. Pinkamena nods as she and Golden Heart return to watching the show.

Backstage, Ben grin while saying, "The cartoon is over, Twilight; Time for you to get back onstage."

"Yeah, but keep your eyes out for Rainbow. Rarity told me that she was talking to Smaug earlier and you know how sneaky that villain is." Twilight warns her somepony. The mare goes back on stage to the give out her introduction, "Okay, folks. First off, I want to thank you all once more for attending the House of Pony!"

Rainbow during this time is heading to the door to the prop basement, wearing a light helmet. The mare smirks while saying, "The prop basement...the place where the props for MLP shows of the past, present and future, along with stuff from stories as well as stuff that hasn't happened yet. They are in here, stored for memory keeps. One can get lost in here without Koga...but as long as I don't get lost, I'm cool." The mare opens the door before heading downstairs. "The Alicorn must be down here somewhere..."

Rainbow marches down into the basement. She will find that Alicorn Amulet soon enough.


In hopes to catch the thief in the act, Pinkie and Fluttershy put a pile of food on a table with a sign on it that said 'free'. They hid behind another table with the Cakes and the foals, Pound and Pumpkin look at the food hungrily.

"You sure this would work, Pinkie?" Fluttershy ask Pinkie curiously.

"Yeah, the thief cannot resist this food." Pinkie said eagerly, keeping one eye on the food. "We will catch him or her in no time."

"Wait, Pinkie, can you help me with this?" Mrs. Cake asks Pinkie making her turn for a smile. She saw her employee looking at a crossword puzzle. "What is the four letter word for 'disappearing without a trace'?"

Before Pinkie could answer, the grownups heard a chomping noise, causing them to look up and gasp. The good was gone with the free sign having a bite out of it. Fluttershy gasps, "Oh my! It's gone!"

"Oh thank you, Fluttershy. I should've realize that myself."

"Whoever this thief is, must be faster than we thought." Mr. Cake said sternly. Of course, he and the others fail to see the Cake Twins, smiling in satisfaction, having finish the meal that they stole.

"He or she has to be nearby, come on!" Pinkie exclaims in a determination whisper.

"Right," Mrs. Cake said with the foals nodding...the two belch before following the others.

As Golden Heart and Pinkamena keep watching, her mane twitches. Golden heart asks, "What's wrong little sister?"

"Seems like somepony is going to be in trouble," Pinkamena said seriously to her brother. "Meaning like something bad will happen to them."

"Ok and if it happens, we will see if we can help but for now, let's us keep on watching the show."

Pinkamena nods as she and him go back to watching the show.


The prop basement looks like a huge museum that hold the props in Ponyland/Equestria history...or stuff that hasn't appeared yet. Unless one has a guide like Koga, the place is so big that anypony can get lost down here for years!

Rainbow looks around at the stuff while remarking, "Man, look at all this cool stuff." The mare passed by an assorted number of items in this place. There is the Crystal Heart, a box labeled 'Parasprites. Do not open', a Mare Do Well outfit, the journal of Star-Swirl the Bearded, a covered up Master Sword that is stuck in the stone that Ben Mare uses, and of course a hourglass from the Canterlot library please that Twilight once uses to try to warn herself 1 week in the past.

Rainbow sighs in annoyance, where is that Alicorn Amulet? It's nowhere to be found. As she moves on, the mare fails to see a robotic yellow rabbit/mouse mixture creation with black stripes known as the Rabbitchu opening its eyes the following Rainbow out of curiosity.

Rainbow blinks, having a feeling that something was following her. The mare turns to see...a familiar robot standing to the side. She frowns in suspicion, saying, "Ugh, just that Pikachu copy robot thing; probably been deactivated."

Rainbow was preparing to head off again, but finds herself screaming in pain as the Rabbitchu zaps her with electric tentacles coming from its, then the thing pulls the mare with it, running like mad.

"Hey, hey, put it down!" Rainbow protests to the Rabbitchu. The little robot rush past some ribbons and stuff meant for the rainbow celebration in Gen 3. It run up a piece of the mountain from 'Dragonshy' before it threw Rainbow Dash, causing her to yell like mad.

Rainbow hit a box that is about to open up that said 'Ponyville Dam Flood'. The mare, upon landing on the ground, saw this, yelps and tries to escape but the water came out of the box, flooding Rainbow as she finds herself at another box.

Rainbow does her best to recover then looks up and smile for in front of her is a box that is labeled 'Alicorn Amulet'. The mare exclaims, "Finally!" She opens the box hard, causing it to open to the reveal the Alicorn Amulet itself. Rainbow blinks while picking the items up. "So this is it, eh? Well, Smaug probably got a reason to...."

As Rainbow pockets the Alicorn Amulet, she saw another box nearby, making her ask, "Say, what's this?" The mare goes over and reads the content, "'The Sapphire Stone', eh? All right, that is more like it."

Rainbow opens the box, causing sunlight to shine on a crystal on a pedestal. The mare surveys the Sapphire Stone and prepares to snatch it...but eventually just picks it up with her teeth with a bored expression on her face. Rainbow put the stone on her person and prepares to leave.

But then the whole room begins to collapse, the floor crumbles as lava begins to rise up above it. Rainbow yelps in worry, "Uh oh..." This doesn't end well especially since the mare read it in that Daring Do book.


In the audience, as the Spice Fillies' played, at a table, Fizzy saw some daisies, making her smiles as she prepares to take them. But her friend Wind Whistler (Gen 1) stops her, saying, "No, Fizzy! Don't! It's a trap!"

Sure enough Wind Whistler points to a trigger mechanism that would've activated a safe that would've landed on Fizzy. The villain Tadaka appears, looking upset as he snaps, "Awww, rats!"

Twilight is on stage, pushing play on the radio as her voice came out, "And now, it's time for our Pinkie Pie cartoon!"

The real Twilight nods while saying, "Couldn't said it better myself!" The audience applauds as the next cartoon begins.




Pinkie Pie's Radio

It was an evening at the home of Pinkie Pie as the mare trots in, slumbering past the TV. She said, "Wow, I don't feel like watching TV or throwing parties today. I was working at Sugarcube Corner all day. I can do some quiet time right now." The mare sat down in an easy chair, taking a newspaper out, "Just me, my newspaper...and my radio!"

Pinkie takes a radio and put it on a table. She smiles while saying, "Nothing like relaxing in my own home after a hard day's work!"

Pinkie turns the radio on to some soothing music. The mare prepares to lie down...but then she heard a lot of commotion outside like Lyra and Sweetie Drops zooming past the house with the unicorn screaming loudly, Derpy making accidents, Rainbow is working on one of her tricks, and there are a lot of horn beeps.

Pinkie groans a bit as the commotion dies down, "Awww! I don't mind noises but when I want to relax for once, I gotta draw the line somewhere! I can't relax with all this noise going on! I gotta get away somehow."

Suddenly an announcer on the radio booms, "Hey you," Pinkie turns to the radio in confusion as if the announcer was talking to her.

"Wait, me?"

"Yeah you; Are you not in the mood for TV or throwing parties but want to relax after a hard day's work, but can't escape the noise of the big city?"

"Yep, that's me all right." Pinkie said with a nod.

"Then how about enjoying the peace of and quiet of...the countryside?" The radio announcer suggests, making Pinkie smile a bit. That sounds like fun.

"Oooh, the country! That's fun!"

"The musical melody of songbirds, fun in the sun, wind whispering through the trees, relaxing pastimes as well as that fresh mountain air! It's all the tranquil tones of the great outdoors!"

Pinkie smiles eagerly, imagining what the radio announcer just said what the country side is right now. The pink pony grins while saying, "Yeah, that is fun. A small vacation in the countryside; I would need it. I got a day off tomorrow anyway."


The next day, Pinkie drove her clown car all the way to the country side. The mare is looking at a map that shows her where the campsite in the countryside is at.

"Now where is that campsite?" Pinkie mumbles a bit. Suddenly the wind blew the map right into her face, "AHHH! Get off, map; get off!"

Pinkie tries her best to get the map off her face. Unknown to her, she passed by a sign that said 'WARNING: Manticore is seen in the area. If spotted, DISTRACT HIM WITH music'. The mare fails to see it due to the map stuck in her face at this point.

Once Pinkie got the map off her face, she saw that she herself is at the campsite, causing her to hit the brakes, sending her bag that is on the top of her car right into the air. Surprisingly, it landed on the ground before opening up to reveal an easy chair, the table and the radio.

"Wowie; I definitely pick a great spot!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she got out of her chair. The mare bounces over to her easy chair and sat down. She held up an ear, smiling. "I can already hear the birds singing, the wind blowing in my ears...if Fluttershy was here, she would've loved it. Oh, perfect; Time to relax."

Pinkie hums as she begins to read the paper. The mare was so relax that she failed to see that her own Pinkie Sense is going off. That's because on top of a cliff nearby is a Manticore named Manny Roar. The creature saw Pinkie below and smirking. He is going to have dinner tonight!

Manny, taking the sneaky approach, snuck down the cliff and ducks into a bush. He then sneaks behind a rock then peeks out before sneaking behind a chair. Pinkie blinks a bit, looking puzzled.

"Weird, something isn't right." Pinkie said with a concerned frown. Manny, getting near the chair, prepares to go near the chair. "Ooo, I remember! I oughta turn the radio on!"

Pinkie turns the radio on to party music. Suddenly without warning, Manny begins to dance as if addicted to the party music. As the sign said before, the Manticore can be distracted as if hypnotized by music coming from anything!

"Nah, too party; I wanted to get away from that today." Pinkie said as she switches to another channel that plays Benny Goodcolt music. Unknown to her, the music is causing Manny to dance like him too, "Ugh, too classical."

Pinkie switches the channel. The music is now the country as Manny is dressed in a hillbilly outfit, playing a banjo until the strings broke. The pink pony, still not noticing, groans, "Awww, too hillbilly and would've work better with the Apple Family." The mare changes the channel, making it more tranquil. "Ahh, that's more like it."

As Pinkie goes back to reading her paper, she STILL fails to see Manny who is now in a ballerina costume dancing. The pink pony did notice something else that made her frown, saying, "I got the right music but something is still not right...oh, oh! I know!" Pinkie smiles as she takes out a set of headphones, "Headphones; Okie dokie lokie!"

Pinkie put the headphones over her own head before plugging it into the radio input, causing the music to be cut off and play through the headphones themselves. The pink pony relaxes as she begins to read the paper. However, at this time, Manny snaps out of his dance fever and goes right to Pinkie once more.

Just then, the wind blows away Pinkie's paper, making her frown while saying, "Meanie wind!" The pony bounces off and chases her paper. Manny jumps...and bit the chair, causing him to have a mouth full of stuffing and springs which he spits out in disgust. "Come back, newspaper!"

Pinkie prepares to pick up the paper but it got blown away. The pink pony kept on pursuing with Manny chasing her. She prepares to eat her as Pinkie bend down to pick up hew newspaper, still unaware of the Manticore's presence. But before she is eaten, the headphone cord reaches the height of it being pulled out of the input.

The music, now heard, causes Manny to start dancing as an Saddle Arabian. Pinkie took off her headphone and head back to her chair to read the paper. But the Earth pony trips on the card, causing her to scream and hit the tale, causing the radio to tune in to a different channel.

"Radio Suspense Theater," An announcer is heard on the radio.

"Oooh; It's my favorite suspense theater!" Pinkie giggles eagerly. "And I didn't know that radio serial stuff like this is still on the air! I gotta listen!"

"We last left our heroine at the mercy of a vicious, pony-eating Manticore!" Pinkie was so listening closely to the music that she still fails to see Manny, going back to normal, going near her viciously. "The monster slowly sneaks up behind her, step by step, stalking its helpless prey..."

Pinkie gulps as Manny slurps behind her, putting salt onto the pink pony. The announcer continues, "Our hapless, yet not very perceptive heroine was cheerfully unaware of the danger chasing her."

"Hapleless, what does it mean?" Pinkie asks a bit puzzled by the mentioned word from the radio.

"The merciless beast crouches down behind her, poising itself and is ready to attack."

"WHOA, LOOK OUT, IT'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" Pinkie yells so much that she fell down backwards. The mare looks up to see Manny, crouching down and poising itself while preparing to strike. The Manticore growls at her as she says, "Oh, hey Manny...who is preparing to eat me and with Fluttershy not around to..."

Manny pounce at Pinkie who tries to escapes. But when she plays a button on the radio, salsa dance music is heard, causing the Manticore to dance once more. The pony ends up getting caught in dancing, looking surprised. Then she realizes something.

"Oooh, I get it! Manny is calm down as long as I play music! I just gotta not touch the dial until someone arrives or I can escape." Pinkie said as she dances with Manny. Things appear to be doing well...until the music slows sown before it stops. The mare looks shocked as she asks, "Huh? What the hay?"

Pinkie checks her radio carefully before saying, "Huh. What do you know? The batteries must be dead." Suddenly the mare gasps as she saw Manny, back to normal, growling at her, "GAH! AND SO AM I! I hope that I brought along a spare battery!"

Pinkie checks herself quickly as Manny prepares to strike. It looks hopeless...until the mare smiles as she took out a spare battery from her mane. Good thing the pink pony took the precaution of hiding stuff in there in case of emergencies!

Pinkie opens the back of the music and toss the dead battery out. It hit Manny on the head but it made him growl furiously. The Earth pony prepares to put the battery in, but to her horror, it slips from her hoof and beginning to bounce off.

"Yikes! Come back, Mr. Battery! You're the only spare I had and I got Manny on my tail!" Pinkie screams as she chases after the battery with the mad Manny himself in hot pursuit.

The battery soon fell down a cliff making Pinkie dive down after the thing with Manny diving right after. The pink saw the Manticore coming in closely and dive down after the battery faster.

"Got it," Pinkie exclaims as she catches the batteries and put inside the radio. The music came back, this time to a show tune one that Manny started to dance to. The mare sighs, "Phew! My flank is saved!"

Well, almost. Pinkie remembered that she is still falling and look down to see herself getting closer to the ground. The mare lets go of the radio while screaming. She hit the ground, making a face plant to the ground with Manny hitting the same thing.

As Pinkie recovers, she saw that Manny is back to normal, causing him to growl furiously. The pink pony looks around frantically while exclaiming, "Yikes! Where's my radio?!" Pinkie randomly turns to the Manticore. "Uh, did you happen to see a radio around here somewhere?"

Manny blinks as he looks up, just in time for Pinkie's radio to fell right into his mouth and down into his stomach. As he hiccups, the voice from earlier is heard coming from his body, "...want to relax after a hard day's work, but can't escape the noise..."

Manny growls as he turns to Pinkie. Thinking quickly, the mare pushes a button inside his stomach, causing dance music to play. The Manticore begins to dance once more. That was a close one, now to get out of here!

"Okay, you know what? The countryside isn't for this pink pony!" Pinkie exclaims as she rushes away from Manny and grabs her stuff, stuffing them into her car. "I'm going back to Ponyville! At least there aren't any Manticores and all of the sudden I'm in a 'Save Myself from Death' party mood! Better leave before Mr. Battery dies in the radio again!"

Pinkie got into her car and drove off fast. Manny, still under the hypnotic trance of the music, kept on dancing while enjoying the music.




Once the cartoon is over, the audience applaud for another great one.

During this time, Pinkie and Fluttershy spots a trail of bread crumbs that goes into the kitchen. The pink pony grins while saying, "Ah ha! The old bread crumb trick, I knew it would work!"

Inside the kitchen, Pound and Pumpkin was gobbling up ponymarine sandwiches happily...when Pinkie and Fluttershy came into the kitchen, making them yelp in concern.

"Ah ha," Pinkie exclaims as she points a hoof, making the foals yelp in worry as they duck behind the flour. Their foalsitter has discovered them! "The food thief...IS IN THERE!"

Of course, Pinkie was pointing to a mouse hold right next to Pound and Pumpkin Cake. The two foals sigh in relief. That was another close one. Fluttershy in concern ask, "Pinkie, you sure that the thief is in there; Looks small."

"Nothing is too small for any thief as well as Pinkamena Diane Pie, and I mean me, not the crazy double!"

Pinkie reaches a hoof through the mouse hole and feels around. Unknown to her, her hoof came out of another mouse hole on the other end of the room and it is heading to Pinkie's tail, tugging at it.

Fluttershy, noticing, spoke, "Uh, Pinkie..."

"Sssh, I got her, Fluttershy!" Pinkie exclaims eagerly. She unknowingly pulls at her tail, causing her to stumble as it was ripped right off. The pink pony blinks as she now saw her own tail in her own hoof after it came out of the mouse hole...then nods. "Wow! Whoever is the food thief got a pony tail my own size!"

Fluttershy sighs as she rolls her eyes at Pinkie being random as usual. Pound and Pumpkin just giggle at their foalsitter's crazy antics.


Back on stage, Twilight smiles while saying, "All right, folks; we got a surprise guest act for you today! From the other Ponyville, here is the Ladybug Jamboree!"

Gen 3 Pinkie Pie pokes her head out and blows on a kazoo. The audience applauds as ponies in ladybug outfits came in, holding a microphone. They prepare their song for tonight...

But without warning, a trap door from below opens up, causing them to scream in alarm; Rainbow came out, flying with her life as she dodges lava that shoots out at her. Twilight looks surprised as the Pegasus pony, shaking her injuries off, flew right over to Smaug's table where the villain is waiting.

"Okay, here you go, Smaug, here is the Alicorn Amulet." Rainbow said to Smaug with a smile as she put the Alicorn Amulet onto the table, much to the surprise of the villain in question.

"Rainbow Dash," Twilight exclaims as she, Ben, Spike and Nyx rush over. The mare frowns as she turns to Rainbow while saying, "So this explains what you have been up to!"

"What's going on?" Pinkie asks as she and Fluttershy came over to see what the commotion is all about.

"As it turns out, Rainbow made a little deal with Smaug; Right Smaugie?"

"Don't call me that. Anyway, I promise Rainbow through hypnotism that I would help her back at you for calling her a ham, I told her to bring back the amulet." Smaug said to Twilight, rolling his eyes.

"Well, looks like you fail, fire breath!" Nyx exclaims to Smaug sternly. "Because we won't let you use the Alicorn Amulet for your sinister uses!"

"Oh yes, that would be a problem...except this isn't the amulet that I wanted!"

"What?" Rainbow asks a bit confused. Smaug didn't want the Alicorn Amulet? "But didn't you say..."

"While in some cases that I would've wanted the Alicorn Amulet, it's not this time." Smaug explains clearly to Rainbow with an annoyed sigh. "Perhaps I should've been more specific earlier. I said I wanted 'THE' amulet."

"What amulet is that?" Fluttershy ask Smaug puzzled.

"The Amulet that I was referring to is the one in Twilight's dressing one, the one that has her face on it."

"Oh, I think I know what you're talking about." Twilight said with a smile. "You wanted the amulet with the built in clock feature, telephone and picture of Celesta in her Trollestia picture, no offense to my teacher."

"Oooh, it got a clock and phone feature now?" Smaug ask Twilight excitedly upon hearing the first part. "Oh yes, that's what I wanted."

"Why would you want mommy's amulet from her dressing room?" Nyx ask Smaug puzzled.

"Oh, I collect items that involve pranks, mischief and stuff. Just because I'm a villain, doesn't mean that I don't have a hobby!"

"Awww, you didn't have to make a big scheme to get that amulet." Twilight assures Smaug with a chuckle. "If you really wanted it, you should've just asked and I would've given it to you."

"What," Rainbow ask Twilight in shock. The mare is willing to give away her dressing room amulet?

"Wait, you would really do that?" Smaug ask Rainbow in surprise and eagerness.

"Yeah, I was planning on getting a new one anyway and planned on giving the old one to the villain who causes the less trouble...and you won, causing less trouble...well, up to now anyway." Twilight said with a chuckle, informing Smaug that he will have the dressing room amulet for causing the less trouble (up to now), "Spike? Will you get the amulet please?'

"No problem, boss!" Spike exclaims as he rush off, coming back with the amulet before handing it to Twilight. "Okay, here you go, Twilight."

"All right, here you go, Smaug."

"Thank you!" Smaug laughs eagerly as he takes the amulet, laughing madly. "Yes, I got it, it's mine, it's mine; HA HA HA HA!"

"Quit laughing like that!" Fluttershy yelps in fear. Smaug wouldn't care less as he teleports away with the dressing room amulet in hoof. The villain has got what he wanted.

As Golden Heart and Pinkamena watch on and saw the outcome of Smaug wanting an amulet, the pink pony says "Well, seems like Smaug did not want the Alicorn Amulet but a funny looking one."

"Indeed little sister." Golden Heart said in agreement. At least Equestria is saved from the power driven Smaug...for now.

"But I wonder who keeps stealing the food?"

"Ok but let's just watch on."

Pinkamena nods as she and him go back to watching the show. Twilight, Ben, Fluttershy Spike and Nyx glares at Rainbow, who looks ashamed and guilt ridden. Yeah, she messed up in getting the right amulet for Smaug but the mare almost endangered Equestria by getting the alicorn one. Pinkie just looks a bit confused.

"Awww, sorry, Twilight, I don't know what came over me." Rainbow said while putting her head down in shame.

Spike points out, "You know. It was actually more Smaug's fault than Rainbow Dash's. If Smaug hadn't hypnotized Dash, she wouldn't have tried to get Smaug the amulet in the first place."

Twilight nods as she say, "Yeah, but try getting Smaug to admit his own fault at something. Besides, Smaug's an arch-villain, so he doesn't NEED a real reason to do something mean."

"Also, Rarity and Trixie are MUCH bigger hams than Dashie, despite your earlier joke to the contrary." Pinkie said with a giggle.

"Speaking of which; Sorry about my earlier joke, Rainbow.

"Apology accepted. Besides, as Spike pointed out, I would not have betrayed you in my right mind." Rainbow said with a nod.

"We already knew that, silly." Pinkie said with another giggle.

"Well, time for me to wrap tonight's show up." Twilight said. More trouble has been taken care of, time to end the show...but Pinkie has a thought.

"Say...I just thought of something. Smaug was intending on getting back at Twilight for calling Rainbow a ham if Dashie herself got her the dressing room amulet. But TWILIGHT gave Smaug the dressing room amulet instead. Does this mean that Smaug himself will get back at Dashie, just for messing up, instead?"

As if jinxing it, Smaug teleports back in while saying, "Say, not a bad idea; In fact, that is an extremely good one." The villain holds up his horn and fires a blast at Rainbow...but the mare took out a mirror, sending the attack back onto Smaug, causing him to get turned into a ham! The villain in rage yells, "What?! This wasn't in the actual episode!"

"Hey, I am not going to become the butt of someone's joke tonight!" Rainbow remarks with a satisfied smile, "Even if it did happen to Donald in the actual episode.

"Well well, Smaug, looks like instead of Rainbow being a big ham, you are one instead!" Twilight jokes as she, Ben, Nyx and Spike chuckles at the villain looking around helplessly.

"Shut up, shut up; shut up!" Smaug scowls at the ponies angrily and annoyed.


Pinkamena laughs a little, seeing what has happened.

Pinkamena giggles, "So funny looks like Rainbow did not be the ham but Smaug has become the ham."

"Indeed little sister and we might know who the food thief is." Golden Heart said thoughtfully.


They both watch on waiting for the food thief to be known. Twilight and Ben glances at the transformed ham Smaug, the former ask, "So what do we do with Smaug? Perhaps we should punish him for hypnotizing Rainbow in the first place. Yeah, I gave him the amulet but he still needs to be punished."

"No worries, I got an idea." Ben said with a smile then smiles. "Hey! Free ham dinner!"

Sure enough, Pound and Pumpkin Cake smiles hungrily, both foals are carrying fork and knives. As they charge/flew at the Ham-Smaug, they exclaim, "Yummy!" This causes the villain to scream in terror as he runs off as fast as his new body can give him, Pound and Pumpkin chases after him.

"Well, this solves our missing good problem."

"Wait, we had a missing good problem?" Twilight ask Ben in confusion. "How come no pony told me before?"

The ponies saw Pinkie chasing the Cake Twins yelling angrily, "I should've known that it was you two naughty foals!"

Ben smiles as he nuzzles Twilight while saying, "Keep hosting, that's what you're best at right now."

Twilight nod before she teleports back to the spotlight onstage. The mare said, "All right, that's all for now. It's time to say goodby..." The mare was interrupted as the Ham-Smaug and the Cake Twins zoom past here. "Okay, now it's time to say good..."

"Excuse me, Twilight!" Pinkie exclaims as she gallops past Twilight, interrupting her, causing the mare to frown.

"All right, now it's time..." Twilight was interrupted as the Rabbitchu zips past the mare, causing her to groan. "Oh, never mind! Just take us out of here, Spike!"

Spike appears, saying, "Thanks, Twilight! Long term storage facilities for the House of Pony have been provided by..."


"...the South Maremerica Tropical Temple! When you need safe storage, think the South Maremarica Tropical Temple!"

We see a picture of the temple from 'Daring Do and the Quest of the Sapphire Stone' along with black and white drawings of money. We see a map of South Maremerica with a question mark on it.

"Our inconvenient location of course can't be found on any map!"

We see the temple surrounded by barb wire.

"Yes sir, at the South Maremerica Tropical Temple, your prized possessions is guaranteed to be safe from everyone!" Spike now said in a low voice, "Possessions not safe from Daring Do."


Twilight smiles as she finishes the show up, "All right, good night, everypony! See you real soon!"

Episode Eleven: Rainbow's Sweetie Drops Prank

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It's a time of fun and pranks in Equestria. Sometimes the pranks themselves can be harmless and fun...but some can go too far and hurt somepony. The folks at the House of Pony love April Foals Day especially a few that loves the harmless pranks. But one prank is about to happen on this holiday...


Twilight waits as Spike came on stage to give out the introduction as usual, "And now...TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"

As Spike leaves, the audience applauds as Twilight trots onto the stage, speaking, "Hey! Happy April Foals Day, everyone," But as she goes faster to the spotlight, the mare yelps as she slips on some wax that somehow ended up on the floor, causing her to fall. The audience laughs at that.

As Twilight got up, she wonders what just happened. The mare spots Rainbow near Rarity's booth, laughing as she hold a can of wax, remarking, "APRIL FOALS, EGGHEAD!" It's obvious that the Pegasus pony was the one responsible for this prank.

As Twilight rubs the wax off herself, she ask sin amusement, "Thought that was funny, eh Rainbow Dash? Well, how about we take a look at a video tape that Fluttershy shows me of your comedy routine back in Rainbow Dash's E-Mails: Season One." Rainbow's eyes widen in horror.

"What; No, no, no, NO! YOU WOULDN'T!"

"Applejack, run that clip, will ya?"

"NO!" Rainbow screams frantically. Too late as Applejack runs a familiar clip.


We now see a young Derpy Hooves, who appears to have straight eyes, a bow in her mane and was called Ditzy Doo back then, talking into a microphone at a talent show at flight school which Rainbow herself used to attend before dropping out. The Pegasus pony appears to be talking better as she said, "Hey, thanks again to Blossomforth and her wonderful dancing! Okay, time for the comedy styling of Rainbow Dash! Our good speedster here at the flight school whose parents were..."

"Shut up and let us laugh at Rainbow Crash!" Dumb-Bell's voice yells in annoyance as we can see his namesake thrown at Ditzy, hitting her right on the head hard. This made her yelps as her eyes became crossed.

"Ha ha ha; Nice one, Dumb-Bell," Score's voice laughs at what Dumb-Bell did in amusement.

"Get off the stage, Derpy Hooves!"

"Duuuh, okay. Here's Rainbow Dash! Yay," Ditzy, now known as Derpy Hooves, said stupidly as she got off the stage.

Derpy got off the stage as a younger Rainbow Dash came on to general applause. The blue Pegasus pony lowers the microphone while saying, "Err, thanks Ditzy Doo...err Derpy, I guess...for not making a fool out of me."

The audience laughs as Rainbow continues, "Hey there, ponies and germs! Uh, how about the food in the cafeteria? Is it made out of cardboard or pizza?" The audience laughs though less pronounced. The filly looks uneasy. "Err, to be tastes bad. Well, about that joke? Derpy's eyes are now funny looking. What do you think? Nothing against her because they are scrambled...Derpy got scrambled eyes and..."

Suddenly Rainbow's wings sprang up, much to her embarrassment as the audience laughs. The pony groans, "Oh no! Not again! Oh, one day I'm going to drop out of this dump!"

Rainbow cries as she flew offstage but falls down upon reaching the edge of the screen.



The audience laughs as the clip plays. Surprise was laughing like mad while the Diamond Dogs laugh at their own table. The Grundles laugh madly, especially the Grundle King who laughs the hardest of his group.

"Wow! And I thought I was random!" Pinkie remarks in surprise. "That clip was funny the second time that I saw it!"

"Wow, talk about your wing malfunction." Twilight remarks to the audience with a slight chuckle.

"Well, well, looks like Twilight got you good." Rarity chuckles to Rainbow. The mare's jaw dropped as her eye twitched. Her friend is so going to get it for that.

"And now...the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

As Rainbow continues thinking up an idea on getting back at Twilight, she fails to see three familiar figure who came in during the embarrassing clip: Diamond Tiara, her friend Silver Spoon and her bodyguard Maxin Talos. The leader overheard the laughter and saw how upset Rainbow is. Seeing this gives the bully an idea.

"Hey Rainbow; you ain't going to let Mini-Nightmare Moon's mother get away with it, are ya?" Diamond Tiara asks Rainbow with a smirk.

"Well, I...uh..." Rainbow begins to say but Diamond cuts her off.

"No way; Of course not! Come on, tis is April Foals Day after all! You should get back with the prank of the century, right Silver, Maxin?"

"Yes, Miss Tiara." Maxin Talos remarks with a grunt.

"Well, as much as I hate to go along with stuff like this, I think what Twilight did was a bit mean." Silver Spoon said with a sigh. Rainbow looks on thoughtfully. "Anyway, you want payback, right?"

"Of course you do, and Silver, Maxin and I will even help you out." Diamond Tiara said with another smirk on her face.

"Hang on, what is in it for me?" Rainbow asks Diamond suspiciously. The filly wouldn't want to help her or any of her friends...unless the landlord's daughter has got a plan in doing so.

"Well, here's what you gotta do." Diamond Tiara said as she whispers into Rainbow's ear. The mare's eyes widen then she gave out a wicked smirk.

"Diamond, you got a deal."

"Yeah, right," Silver Spoon said with a nod.


In the seating area, Lyra Heartstrings and her friend Bon-Bon were enjoying their sandwiches that they ordered, having a fine as usual. Sweetie Drops burp making Lyra laughs a bit, "Oooh, good one, Sweetie Drops!"

"Thanks, Lyra! I love this food, especially the Roses with New Manure Flavor." Sweetie Drops chuckles while eating the mentioned food, much to Lyra's concern.

"Whoa, whoa; you know how that stuff does to your stomach, Sweetie Drops! Anyway, save some for me, will ya?"

"Hey, come on! It's not like something would happen, right?"

"Honestly, if books show me one thing, it's that something does go wrong when that was said." Lyra points out as she rolls her eyes. Just then, the mare felt a tap on her shoulder, turning to see a smiling Rainbow behind herself, "Oh hey Rainbow! What's up?"

Unknown to Lyra as her back was turned, Sweetie Drops yelps as Maxin grabs her and stuffs the Earth pony in a sack, running off quickly. The unicorn, still unaware of this, looks puzzled as she ask, "Uh, Rainbow Dash; You in there?"

As Lyra continues talking with Rainbow, she fails to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon arriving with a dummy Earth pony, which is a sack of flower with weird googly eyes, a fake snout and a mop for a mane, setting it down. Silver puts on a fake three blue-and-yellow-striped bows cutie mark before dashing off.

"Uh, Equestria to Rainbow; Say something cool and awesome, at least say anything!" Lyra exclaims to Rainbow in concern.

"Later, Lyra," Rainbow exclaims with a smile as she rushes off, leaving a cloud of herself behind. Lyra roll her eyes as she turns back to the Sweetie Drops dummy, unaware of what happened.

"I'm telling ya, Sweetie Drops. I usually find that Rainbow Dash weird even when she's a hero of Equestria. What do you think?" Lyra asks the dummy. She waits for an answer, both none came. "Hello? Hey, is this the silent treatment? What gives?"

In the rafters above, Diamond Tiara smirks as she looks at Maxin who is holding a bag that held the real Sweetie Drops, who is confused as to what's happening, inside; As Silver Spoon watch, Diamond Tiara laughs, "Oh yes; Now for Step B...the little prank that will shut down the House of Pony for good!"

"What? I thought that you were helping Rainbow Dash with getting back at Twilight Sparkle!" Silver Spoon exclaims in surprise and disbelief. "You didn't tell me that this was another one of your plans to shut the club down!"

"Hey, I never give up an opportunity, Silver Spoon. Come on. You too, Maxin."

"Yes, Miss Tiara." Maxin grunts as the trio rush off, Diamond Tiara laughs as she prepares for her new plan.

Lyra sighs at her and Sweetie Drops's table, saying, "Okay, I'm sorry about what I said, Sweetie Drops. I'm just..." The mare turns and notices something odd about 'Sweetie Drops'. "Wait, hang on. There's something odd about your cutie mark..."

As Lyra looks closely, she gasps as the cutie mark soon fell off the dummy, making her gasps, "Hang on! You ain't Sweetie Drops! You're a sack of flour with a bunch of stuff and a fake cutie mark to look like her! That means...OH NO! SWEETIE DROPS HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED; SWEETIE DROPS!"

Lyra rush out of her seat to look for Sweetie Drops, unaware of what's going to happen.


Psycho Pie goes up behind Golden Heart and Pinkamena but slips on a banana peel and bumps into Golden Heart, only for the head to come off making the bad guy freaked out but looks in the neck and something pops out making him leap right to the ceiling of the club house. Golden heart comes back to see her little sister in a Golden Heart suit making him look up and sees a bad guy clinging on to the ceiling.

Golden Heart says, "Guess you got to prank somepony."

Pinkamena adds happily, "Yep and boy that was a good one but I have a feeling that there will be a prank that will be planned by a Tiara wearing pony to close the club house."

"I see…well until it happens, let's watch the show."

Pinkamena then puts the Golden Heart suit and the Pinkamena decoy away as both the real Golden Heart and her watch the show.

On stage, Twilight smiles while saying, "And now, an April Foals' cartoon! No fooling!"

The audience applauds as the first cartoon of the night begins.




Spike's April Foals

Rarity arrives at the library, curious. Spike called her over, wanting to give the white unicorn a surprise. As she trots up to the door, the mare knocks on it, causing the door to open up and reveal a smiling Spike.

"Okay, Mr. 'Get over Here Fast, Its Urgent' Sparkle, what's this big surprise that you wanted so much to show me?" Rarity asks Spike curiously.

"Rarity, this is the moment..." Spike said with a smile. The Dragon took out a remote and pushes a button on it, causing the candles to light up. He then put in a CD that plays a romantic theme.

Rarity look surprised as Spike pulls a rope, causing a poster with a heart to appear. The mare blush a bit, looking surprised and hopefully.

"Spike...could this mean..." Rarity asks with a blush. The white unicorn knew what is coming. Could it be that Spike is finally going to make the big leap? Asking her to marry him at last? Rarity did has a bit of a thing for him and Spike vice versa, but never knew that this day would finally come.

" is the big day." Spike said as he pulls out a box. Rarity smiles and blushes some more. Spike is finally going proposing to her. She doesn't know what to say as the mare took the box. Rarity was nervous as she opens it to reveal...

A megaphone that came out of the box and blows right in her face, causing Rarity to jump back in shock; what the hay?!

Spike laughs madly, slapping his knee while saying, "Yeah, it's the big day all right! April Foals' Day! Ha ha ha," Rarity, recovering, frowns as she looks at the calendar. Yes, it is indeed, April Foals' Day, a time to make pranks on friends and family. The mare should've saw this one coming.

"Yes, yes, Spike, you gave me some hope but I supposed I'm the one who fooled myself," Rarity groans to Spike. "Just be glad that you're a friend and I like your sense of humor...or you can forget coming around the Carousel Baroque!"

As Rarity sat down, Spike pats her on the hooves while saying, "Sorry, look, how about I make it up to you? Let's go out t lunch together, my treat!" This make the mare look at him in suspicion. Is he trying to pull another one on her? "This is a date, no fooling this time; Just the two of us, come on!"

"Well...all right, I supposed I could give you another chance. But a little warning, I may come back to get you for the previous prank. Not now, but soon."

"Fair enough. Luckily Twilight got me a car for Dragons."


A while later, Spike and Rarity got into the car that Twilight has brought for her Dragon assistant. He tries to start it up, but looks puzzled. It isn't starting. What gives here?

"Weird. Maybe it needs a tune up." Spike said puzzled.

Rarity sniffs the air, looking concerned as she adds, "Or maybe some butter, darling."

"What? Why butter?"

"Is it just me or does your oil smells like popcorn?"

"Why ye..." Spike was interrupted as popcorn ends up popping into the car like mad, causing them to yelp in shock and confusion. As the two dig themselves out of the pile, the baby Dragon protests innocently, "Wasn't me this time, I swear!"

Just then, Spike heard laughing and looks to see a familiar snotty unicorn prince who is doing the laughing. The baby Dragon looks upset at this. He knows who this guy is, a certain creep who once gave Rarity a rough time at the Grand Galloping Gala. He is all looks but little to no brains at all.

"Blueblood," Spike exclaims angrily as Blueblood laughs some more.

"Oooh, April Foals, little wimpy Dragon," Blueblood laughs as he trots off in victory. Spike growls angrily.

"Oh, I will teach that creep a lesson, one that I'm sure that he won't forget anytime soon!"

As Spike jumps off the popcorn pile, Rarity is left alone, frowning as she remarks, "Well, so much for our bunch..." The mare then smirks secretly. "Still that will give me more time to get back at the little darling...Rarity may forgive but I don't forget."

Spike saw Blueblood jumping into a car made for him then smirks as he rushes over, putting a brick behind it. As Blueblood pulls the car back in reverse, he heard a thud, much to his confusion.

"What the hay was that?" Blueblood asks confused and concerned. He came out of his car. Before the creep could look out the back, Spike got rid of the brick and places himself behind the car, pretending to be dead. The unicorn took a look and gasps in horror upon seeing the 'prone' body of the baby Dragon. "No, no! Spike, little assistant of Twilight Sparkle! Speak to me!"

Spike tries to speak, pretending to gasping as if dying, "Oh man, that did it...I'm about to go...Blueblood. Take care of Rarity for me...tell my pals that I said goodbye, as well as Pinkie Pie who makes me smile...oh, and tell Rainbow Dash..." The Dragon looks like he's about to fall unconscious. "...tell Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah, yeah?"

"Tell Rainbow Dash...that she ego the size...of her flank..."

With that, Spike fell down, pretending to be dead. Blueblood is more horrified. The Dragon is dead, all because of him. Twilight, his relatives and everypony else is going to give him Tartarus for this.

"Oh no, what have I done? I killed Spike!" Blueblood sobs in tears as he put Spike down. As the unicorn sniffs, he adds, "I know that I treated Rarity and everyone else as dirt...but you were somewhat my only friend!" Blueblood blows his nose, crying some more. "I must be alone...Blueblood must be alone with his grief! OH, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!"

Blueblood runs off, obviously to do some more mourning. Once he's gone and out of hearing range, Spike smirks devilishly as he got up and shakes himself.

"Ha ha ha, what a maroon; Man, that got to be one of my best April Foals' jokes ever," Spike laughs madly. He will make sure to tell the others about it later and let Blueblood think that he has killed the Dragon before Spike blows the big news.

Spike heads back into the library, satisfied. Unknown to him, his prank is about to backfire in a way that he wouldn't understand...


Derpy arrives with some mail, putting some letters in the box before heading off. Twilight picks the mail up and came back into the library, calling out, "Mail call!"

Ben, Nyx, Spike and Phobos gathers around as Twilight hands them their mail. Spike got one letter, which is of interest, and opens it, saying, "From the estate of Photo Finish Last Wills and Testaments, please come to our agency right now to claim your inheritance of..." The baby Dragon gasps in surprise upon hearing the last part, "ONE MILLION BITS?! Yahoo, I'm rich!"

"Wait, rich?" Nyx ask Spike confused. "But the only family members that we know of is your grandfather, your evil Father and your brother...and one of them is dead!"

"I must've gotten a family member that I don't know of! Man, this is awesome!"

Spike rush out the door to head out to Photo Finish's law firms. Twilight looks a bit puzzled. Who in their right mind would leave her assistant a lot of money?


At the law firms, Spike arrives and looks for the last Wills and Testaments room. He found the place and opens the door, seeing Photo Finish reading a newspaper.

"Excuse me, Miss Finish?" Spike calls out eagerly.

Photo Finish looks up and saw Spike, asking, "Ja? May I help you?"

"Yeah, I am Spike the Dragon, here to claim my inheritance of a million bits."

Photo Finish looks at Spike...then laughs madly, "Ha ha ha! Very funny, but you ain't Spike Ze Dragon."

"Huh? Come on; have what happened with Fluttershy made you a bit mad?" Spike asks Photo Finish in disbelief. "I am Spike the Dragon."

"Nein! Not possible. As you can read from ze paper, Spike Ze Dragon went up to zat Gem Cave in ze sky. He's dead."

Photo Finish shows a newspaper, pointing to a certain headline. Spike looks shocked as right before him is a subject that said 'Spike is at the Gem Cave in the Sky'. Not good. Blueblood must've grieved so much that he told everypony about the baby Dragon's death...except Spike isn't really dead!

"Wait, wait, I know what happened. Look, what happened was a joke that I pulled on Blueblood to get back for the popcorn prank in my car." Spike explains to Photo Finish with a sheepish smile. "See; An April Foals' joke."

Photo Finish looks skeptic, saying, "Right, not buying it."

"Come on, I got my own license, see?" Spike insists as he takes out his license, showing it to Photo Finish who looks at I carefully.

"Eh, so what; any fool would draw a baby Dragon on some paper, copy info from a real license and claims it to be ze real thing. Anyway, zat license is expired...just like Spike Ze Dragon."

"But I got the purple skin, green scales; the taste for gems, lust for Rarity and everything!"

Photo Finish of course frowns, saying, "Ja...but for all I know, it could be a disguise..."

"Ugh, come on! Could any pony do this?" Spike insists as he shoots out flames from his mouth. Then he spins around, showing some of his fighting moves from the war with Lorcan. Next, Spike takes a tub of ice cream and ate it, groaning due to his stomach ache. The baby Dragon somehow turns into his Spikezilla form and roars like mad.

Spike somehow changes back to his regular form, smiling to Photo Finish while asking, "Well? Does that convince you now?"

"Hmm...did you get any permission to impersonate Spike Ze Dragon?" Photo Finish asks unimpressed. "Twilight Sparkle wouldn't like zat at all."

Spike slaps himself. He got to try again so the Dragon rush out and came back with Rainbow, who looks confused as her friend pulls her away from her home in quite a hurry.

"Look, you know this pony, right?" Spike asks Photo Finish with a smile. Surely, the mare could recognize Rainbow Dash, right?

"Ja...its Spitfire," Photo Finish answered with a nod.

"What; hey, look lady, I am flattered that someone would mistake me for Spitfire but I am Rainbow Dash!!" Rainbow exclaims to Photo Finish in annoyance.

"Oh yes, ze one with an ego ze size of her flank. I believe Spike himself once mentioned zat before his passing."

Rainbow gave an annoyed look to Spike, who chuckles sheepishly while saying, "Heh heh. Just a joke; Come on, Rainbow Dash. Tell this stubborn pony that I ain't dead, okay?"

Rainbow frowns a bit as she glares at Spike...then started to get some ideas...

Fantasy Sequence

In her imagination, Rainbow saw herself as a hero of the Crystal Empire and of Equestria. She even sees herself performing the same Dragon like moves as him. Then we saw Rainbow surrounded by the Wonderbolts in a parade float, smiling eagerly.

End Fantasy Sequence

Rainbow stares at Spike as if in a trance...then smirks devilishly while turning to the lawyer, asking, "Uh, who is this guy? Never saw him before, nope." The mare decided that if Spike was thought to be dead, Rainbow could get a bit of a chance of being in his role a well as get back at him for the ego flank joke.

"RAINBOW," Spike exclaims in annoyance as he toss Rainbow away quickly, giving a nervous chuckle to the staring Photo Finish. "Okay, not the best pony for confirmation but I do know someone else!" The Dragon rushes out and came back with his brother Lorcan who yelps in surprise. "Lorcan, tell Photo Finish who I am!"

Lorcan looks over to Photo Finish then turns to his brother saying, "Well, according to some sources, you're dead...kinda like how I am supposed to right now."

"LORCAN," Spike exclaims as he throws Lorcan out. "Okay, okay, maybe not the best choice either..."


A moment later, Spike came back with Pinkie, pointing to Photo Finish while saying, "Now here is some pony who will know that I'm me! Pinkie Pie, tell her who I am so we can settle this nonsense at last."

"Well, you used to be Spike the Dragon." Pinkie explains to Spike happily.

"See I...wait, hang on; 'Used to be'?! What are you talking about?!"

"Come on, didn't you see the paper?" Pinkie teases as she took a newspaper out showing a familiar newspaper but with a different headline and photo. "According to this, you got run over by a car and now is dead as a doornail...though I wonder how it's possible since Dragons aren't easily killed. And why dead as a doornail; shouldn't it be..."

"Pinkie Pie; if I was dead, how could I since I'm standing in front of you?" Spike asks Pinkie impatiently. The mare blinks a bit...then looks horrified.


Pinkie screams and rushes through every wall in the building, causing face implants to be made on all of them. Spike gave a nervous chuckle to the glaring Photo Finish. So far, she isn't impressed or convinced by his claims at all.

"Okay, Pinkie is always...random. Come on, isn't there a way to prove that I am really Spike the Dragon?" Spike pleads to Photo Finish in concern. There must be a way to convince this stubborn photographer/agent/lawyer of the truth somehow.

Photo Finish smirks as she got out of the desk, going over to Spike while saying, "Well, if you are indeed ze real Spike Ze Dragon, you would be brave enough to take a hit..." The Dragon yelps as the mare hits him in the face hard. " well as tolerant of zis..." Photo Finish then grabs him by the collar, making him struggle. "...and be facing danger no matter what!"

With a smirk, Photo Finish now throws Spike to a flag pole, getting him stuck there, much to his surprise. As he stares at the mare, Photo Finish continues, "Ja; As well as being a famous Equestrian hero for ponies and Dragons all over!"

"Ugh! Enough! Million bits or not, I will not hang here and be made a fool out of by some photographer who got some extra jobs!" Spike growls angrily to Photo Finish. Enough is enough! "Got it?"

"Too late..." Photo Finish laughs...but not in her voice! She finally reaches around her mane...and pulls on a zipper, revealing herself to be a costume. After unzipping, Spike saw to his shock that 'Photo Finish' is really Prince Blueblood in disguise, laughing cruelly.


"Ha ha ha! April Foals, Dragon!" Blueblood laughs at Spike in amusement. "You think I was stupid enough to fall for your silly prank? Even I of all ponies know that a simple car wouldn't finish off a Dragon, baby or adult! So I just played along and gave you that fake 'inheritance' thing to lure you here! Ha ha ha! I must say, the dead Dragon thing, nice idea. Thanks for giving me an idea to prank you again!"

"Why you..." Spike growls angrily. He can't believe it, his prank has backfired, allowing the baby Dragon to fall for one made by his rival!

Suddenly a knock came at the door, much to the two's confusion. Who is that? As they turn, the door opens and in came what appears to be the real Photo Finish. She came in and said, "Excuse me, gentle-colt and Dragon. I'm looking for Spike Ze Dragon who has inherited a million bucks." Spike looks surprised then smiles. The inheritance thing was real after all!

"Hey, I'm Spike the Dragon..."

"No, I am! Look!" Blueblood exclaims, interrupting Spike in anxiety. He may be rich but who said that a million bucks couldn't make him richer?

Blueblood spins around, wearing a poorly made Spike disguise while saying, "Whoa, dude!" He then quickly swallows some hot peppers, shooting out some flames from his mouth. The unicorn tries showing some of his fighting moves from the war with Lorcan though pathetically. Next, Blueblood takes out another tub of ice cream and ate it, groaning due to his stomach ache. The jerk somehow turns into Spikezilla form and roars like mad.

Once Blueblood changes back to normal, he grins to Photo Finish. The mare smirks as if convinced while saying as she moves aside, "Very well. Here is your million bucks..."

Blueblood looks excitedly, waiting for the million bucks. He got it all right...a bunch of deer (AKA bucks) stampede into the room and knocks him down, crushing the unicorn like mad. Spike watch on in amusement but looks a bit bored. Soon the afternoon and night passed by until it is now April 2nd.

As Spike watch on, the last deer crush Blueblood before leaving. The prince got up, groaning, "Well, a million 'bucks'. Fancy that..." He gave a little laugh before fainting to the floor.

Spike blinks as Photo Finish came over and smirk as...she pulls a zipper from her own mane! Turns out that this 'Photo Finish' is a fake and a costume as well, removing her disguise to reveal that it's really Rarity!

"Fooled ya, April Foals," Rarity giggles to Spike in delight, "I found out what Blueblood was doing so I waited for him to think that he got the last laugh before coming in to get back at both him and you for your pranks earlier."

"Whoa, Rarity, got to say, that was one awesome trick!" Spike exclaims with a smile. Rarity has got both him and Blueblood good. "Even I wouldn't have thought of that."

"Glad to hear that." Rarity said with a smile. Then she turns and prepares to leave the room...and Spike still hanging on the flag.

"Err, Rare? Aren't you going to help me out of here?"

"Nope, I think I will leave you here, give you a lot to think about; April Foals!"

"Uh, you do know that April Foals is over, right?" Spike points out to Rarity since the deer stampede took until April 2nd to be finished up.

"You got it." Rarity said happily as she shuts the door, leaving Spike hanging...literally, causing him to groan.

"Okay, I got to make a note to not mess with Rarity's emotions again as she always has ways of getting me back..."




Once the cartoon is done, the audience applauds excitedly, that is a great one. Of course, the only one not paying attention was Lyra who is searching for Sweetie Drops like mad. Where could her friend be?

Rainbow meanwhile walks into the backstage, looking suspicious. Twilight is obviously planning another joke for her. The mare goes into the unicorn's dressing room, just in time to see Twilight closing a box. What is she up to?

As Rainbow came over to Twilight, she frowns while demanding, "Hey, egghead, what do you got in the box; Another April Foals' Joke on me?!"

"Oh, Rainbow Dash! Actually, no," Twilight insists while shaking her head to the skeptic Rainbow. "Don't worry. I made a Pinkie Promise that I'm done with the April Foals' jokes on you today. I'm sorry that I showed that video."

"Yeah, whatever..."

"Honest, I will make it up to you, really! Yours truly got something VERY special planned for you later!"

Rainbow frowns as she leaves the dressing room, slamming the door close. Yeah right. Obviously, Twilight was fibbing and is about to performed another April Foals' joke on her. Pinkie Promise, even the unicorn knows better than to bring that into a joke.

"Well, I got something planned for you too." Rainbow remarks with a devilish chuckle. Her plan, helped by Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Maxin Talos, will go as planned. The Pegasus pony must listen to what Twilight has in plan for her 'prank'...

And whatever Twilight is about to pull, Rainbow won't let her get away with it this time!


In the audience, Gilda, who has been cured of freaking out over Fluttershy and her animal friends, was busy at her table but yelps as Lyra rush over and opens her mouth, looking in while calling out, "Sweetie Drops? You in there," She closes the griffin's mouth before rushing off, much to Gilda's confusion.

Lyra rush over to the Diamond Dogs' table. Fido, Rover and Spot were about to enjoy a meal when the unicorn lifts the cover of their plate with them glaring as she calls out, "SWEETIE DROPS!" Lyra blinks as she saw a bird named Kyrie tied up with an apple in her mouth. "Okay, even I saw something wrong with this picture."

Regardless, Lyra put the cover back onto the table and run off. Pinkie rushes over and picks up the plate and Kyrie, much to the Diamond Dogs' annoyance as she exclaims, "Sorry! A bad joke by Psycho Pie! I will get your real meal in a moment!"

"Eh." Rover remarks with a grunt.

Golden Heart and Pinkamena were watching the show as they see Lyra. She says, "Sweetie Drops, where are you?"

She keeps looking as Pinkamena says to her big brother, "Big brother, I think that a little tiara wearing pony may have her."

Golden Heart agrees while saying, "I see but we just need to wait for a while. We will soon find out what she is up to sooner or later."

Pinkamena nods as she and him keep watching and wait. Lyra rush to the offstage while Twilight and Ben were talking. The mare with the lyre cutie mark in concern looks around with the stallion asking, "Lyra? What are you doing back here?"

"Sweetie Drops is missing!" Lyra explains to Ben frantically. "You two always know what to do so WHAT DO WE DO?!"

"Okay, okay, relax, Sweetie Drops. Take a deep breath so we can take this slowly. Now, if Sweetie Drops is missing, I will help. Perhaps your friend got lost in the crowd."

"That's crazy talk. This is Sweetie Drops we're talking about here. She always knows where she is."


"Uh, can any pony tell me where I am?" Sweetie Drops ask in concern. The mare finds herself on the rooftop with her flank stuffed in a vent that is an air conditioner leads into the seating room of the club.

"Oh, you're the roof, being a participant in Rainbow Dash's April Foals prank." Diamond Tiara explains sinisterly to Sweetie Drops as Maxin Talos put down a bucket filled with roses with new manure flavor. "Got the stuff ready, Maxin?"

"Yes, Miss Tiara." Maxin remarked to his boss sinisterly. "All ready for our 'friend'."

"And what am I doing actually?" Sweetie Drops ask Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Maxin with a frown, not liking where this conversion is heading.

"Come on, I will give you three guesses and the first two won't count." Diamond Tiara remarks to Sweetie Drops with a smirk.

"Well, from the looks of things, you probably stuffed my flank into the air conditioner vent and feed me the Roses with New Manure flavor since you know that it makes my stomach upset. And when I made a huge HUGE stink, it will cause everyone to leave the club and allows you to shut the place down. Did I get it right?"

Silver Spoon looks surprised as she comments, "Wow, I guess she is smart big time."

"Whatever, stuff her, Maxin!" Diamond Tiara orders as Maxin stuffs the roses into Sweetie Drops's mouth. "Hmm, we gotta get some more to really stink this place up."

"Ugh. You really aren't a nice filly, are you?" Sweetie Drops ask Diamond Tiara with a frown of disapproval.

"Well, to put it bluntly...I am never that nice! Ha ha ha! Maxin, make sure she doesn't go anywhere while Silver Spoon and I get some more of the good stuff."

As the Snotty Duo leaves, Sweetie Drops protests, "Where am I supposed to go? I'm stuck in here, come on!"


Near the kitchen back inside the club, Lyra and Ben spoke with Pinkie and Flutterhsy in hopes that they can tell them where Sweetie Drops is at.

"Oh, you're looking for Sweetie Drops?" Pinkie asks Lyra with a smile. "That's no problem! I just saw her!?"

"Really; where," Lyra ask Pinkie hopefully.

"Right over there, see?"

Pinkie points to a table...where the Sweetie Drops dummy is at. Fluttershy blinks while saying, "Uh, Pinkie Pie? I don't think that's Sweetie Drops."

"Right, that 'Sweetie Drops' is a dummy!" Lyra remarks to Pinkie with a frown.

"Hey, hey; Come on, there's no need to make fun of your best friend like that!" Pinkie snaps to Lyra with a frown, thinking that the unicorn is making fun of her friend.

"No, no! I mean that is a decoy! Some pony took Sweetie Drops and replaced her with the dummy! I'm looking all over for Sweetie Drops!"

"Oh my. That isn't nice." Fluttershy said in concern to Lyra.

"All right, Pinkie, Fluttershy, I will ask again. Have you seen Sweetie Drops around here?" Ben asks the two waiter mares with a nod.

"Well, no, not since I last served her and Lyra."

"Nope, not really and I would've known if I have saw her last! Can't help ya," Pinkie admits to her friends with a shrug. "Ooh, ooh! Ask Rarity! She has a knowledge of about every pony in here besides me!"


Ben and Lyra asked Rarity about Sweetie Drops, making the white unicorn pauses as she thinks while saying, "Sweetie Drops, Sweetie Drops...oh! You must mean that Earth pony who is your roommate, Lyra!"

"Yeah, and we..." Lyra begins to say but Rarity interrupts her.

"You know, I saw her in that talent show one time. She was really great!"

Ben roll his eyes as Rarity wrote some stuff up while rambling. The stallion said, "Ugh, I forgot that asking Rarity would make her go into a fan-girl ramble sometimes."

"Right, wanna sneak away?" Lyra asks Ben awkwardly.


Ben and Lyra sneaks away, though the mare puts the Sweetie Drops dummy in front of Rarity, who didn't realized what was going on as she kept on speaking, "To be honest, I thought for sure that she would win first place in that show. Sweetie Drops and Lyra are good, but the way that the former does it, darling, was incredible! Her book reading last week was my favorite, a total gem!"


Rainbow, backstage, got suspicious as she leans her ear against Twilight's door. She got to find out what her friend is up to involving what prank that the unicorn has got planned.

"Hey, Rainbow," Lyra is heard, making Rainbow jumps. She turns and saw the unicorn and Ben approaching, Lyra asks, "Have you seen Sweetie Drops anywhere?"

"Err, well, I haven't seen her..." Rainbow said with a nervous chuckle. Ben and Lyra looks concerned. It's as if she's hiding something. They don't know how right they are!

"Well, if you see her, let me know, okay?"

As Lyra and Ben trots off to continue looking for Sweetie Drops, Rainbow, upon being alone, smirks as she opens the door a small crack. The mare saw Twilight speaking with Pinkie as she shows the pink pony what is inside the box. Rainbow will find out for sure!

"Wow, you really think about giving that to Dashie?" Pinkie asks Twilight in surprise.

"Personally, Rainbow Dash deserves this more than any pony that I know." Twilight explains with a smile as she lifts up what was in the box. Rainbow's eyes widen in surprise and confusion as she saw that it's a golden trophy with an insignia labeled 'To Rainbow Dash'. What is this? "The first very House of Pony Mane Six Hardworker Achievement Award! Despite her ego at times, Rainbow worked so hard. She deserves a trophy."

"So wait, what's the catch?"

"No catch, I'm done with pranking, I even gave a Pinkie Promise and you of all ponies know that I wouldn't dare break a Pinkie Promise, even as a prank."

"Good point." Pinkie said to Twilight in agreement.

"Anyway, Rainbow needs to be felt loved and appreciated. From all the hard work that she has done, the mare needs it." Twilight adds with a smile to her friend.

Rainbow looks surprised while smiling. So Twilight wasn't going to prank her at all, she was going to give her a gift, an official award. The mare closes the door while sighing in happiness. Perhaps she was going to prank her right back...

Rainbow's eyes widen in shock as she remembers something. The mare yelps, "Oh horse feathers! I was going to...I gotta stop Diamond Tiara!" Rainbow flew off in hopes to stop the deadly prank before it's too late.


In the rafters above, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon hold some boxes of sandwiches that are Roses with New Manure flavor that the leader is planning on force feeding Sweetie Drops. Both of them are looking down to the audience below. The latter comments, "I still don't think we should do this, especially as a prank..."

"Come on, this prank will get back at Twilight for Rainbow...and shut this dump down for good." Diamond Tiara explains to Silver Spoon with a chuckle. She is confident that her plan will work big time!

Suddenly, Rainbow flew up to the two, protesting, "Wait, wait, Diamond, Silver! Stop the prank! I changed my mind!"

"Stop the prank?! Ha ha ha! Don't make me laugh!"

Diamond Tiara laughs as she hits Rainbow on the legs...a bit too hard as the mare ends up tripping off the rafters, falling down to the stage below. And what do you know, at this moment, there's Twilight coming on to give out the award.

"In honor of one of my great Mane Six friends and loyal partner, Rainbow Dash..." Twilight said with a smile. Suddenly Rainbow crash next to her, making a hole in the stage as a result. The unicorn looks surprised as she pulls her friend up, adding, "Who had...just graced us with her presence, here's one of her finer cartoons."

The audience applauds as the next short begins.




Whitewater Rainbow

Inside her cloudy home, Rainbow smiles as she looks at her calendar. This is it, today is her day off and the mare plans to do so while fishing. The Pegasus pony got her fishing gear and boat ready; perfect, a good day for fishing in the Cloudsdale Lake, one of the places in the sky where Flying Fish lives at.

Rainbow hums as she holds her fishing gear, ready to take her departure. She opens the door but looks startled as a familiar stallion Pegasus pony is there, exclaiming, "Hey there, Rainbow Dash; Ready for our date!'

"Wait, we have a date?" Rainbow asks Soarin' in shock and alarm. What is he talking about?

"Come on, don't you remember? It's your day off which means that it's also Hearts and Hooves Day, our first meeting anniversary and my half birthday!"

"Huh? We met in July. Hearts and Hooves Day is in February and this is August. Plus, your half birthday is in the fall!

"And each time, you kept forgetting so you promised to make up for forgetting by scheduling all those days on your next day off, Rainbow Dash! You promised to take me out on a cool outing with every little detail taken care of." Soarin' reminds Rainbow as he combs his mane. "Come on, don't you remember?"

Rainbow gulps awkwardly; she was so busy getting ready, preparing for her fishing trip that her promise to Soarin' has slipped her mind. But what can the mare do to avoid getting her colt-friend upset for forgetting?

Then Rainbow got an idea on how to keep her promise to Soarin' while still go on her fishing trip. The mare hid the fishing gear while saying with an innocent smile, "Come on, of course I remembered! I would be a foal to forget again! In fact, I got one cool destination in mind."


Cloudsdale Lake is one of the greatest places for Pegasus ponies to fish in the sky, with rain water acting like a lake and Flying Fish. In a little canoe, Soarin' relax while smiling as Rainbow prepares her fishing gear. The Wonderbolt doesn't know that his filly friend planned a fishing trip; he thinks that this date is for real.

Rainbow doesn't want Soarin' to know that she has forgotten again so the mare said that this place would be great to have a romantic boat ride and have a nice day to themselves. The stallion didn't see her pulling out her fishing rod to cast into the water itself.

"This is wonderful, a romantic day at the lake. Very nice," Soarin' said while relaxing on his pillow.

"Right, glad you think so." Rainbow said with a nod. Of course, the mare isn't really paying attention. She is looking for some fish, smirking as some jump around in the lake.

Rainbow threw the cast that has a worm on a hook into the rainwater. Once the latter sank down, it came closer to the fish. It blinks as the worm blew a raspberry at him. This causes the fish to take out two pieces of bread and put it onto the hook then the fish begins to munch. Don't ask where fish can get bread underwater. This is Equestria, after all.

Rainbow smirks eagerly, she got a bite. As the mare prepares to reel in the fish that tugs at the line, Soarin' interrupts, "Hey, Rainbow, mind reading me a poem?" The mare yelps as she puts the rod down, smiling nervously while turning to her colt friend who hums while feeling the water. "Yeah, yeah, I know, that stallions should do it but I rather you do it because it fit the mood, nice and romantic."

"Err, you sure you wanna do so? Is now a..." Rainbow said nervously while seeing his rod shake a little. She gotta get that fish before he could escape.

"Come on, Dashie! Be a sport. Isn't this my special day?"

"Ugh, fine." Rainbow groans. Looks like she has no idea, unless the mare wants her love to know that she has forgotten again! Rainbow got out a book of poems, sitting next to Soarin' as she reads one, "Roses are red and violets are rich, now leave ma lone so I can fish!"

"Cool poem." Soarin' commented. Luckily for Rainbow, he didn't catch on to Rainbow's second (and probably doesn't care either way). The mare prepares to go back to the fishing rod that is shaking when Soarin' interrupts, "Hey, Rainbow?" The mare groans as she smiles nervously to him.

"Yeah, Soarin'?"

"The mood is really perfect. Of course, normally colts do this, but I notice that you never serenade me. How about playing me a romantic song?"

Rainbow sighs as she took out a lute, playing a few bars on it along with a bit of a romantic song. The mare was done and slams the lute, breaking the thing with Soarin' watching.

"Huh. Nice romantic song with a touch of rock, very nice." Soarin' commented. "You amaze me big time."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Rainbow remarks as she tries to get back to the shaking rod.

"Hey, Rainbow?"

"Yeah, Soarin'?"

"All right if you rub my hoof," Soarin' ask eagerly as he held out one of his lower hooves to Soarin'. "It is sore big time and I need some rubbing."

Rainbow cringes but starts massaging Soarin's hoof, causing him to relax. The mare looks worried as she saw the rod shaking. Her fish is going to get away soon! Rainbow checks on Soarin' who had his eyes closed. Now is her chance!

Rainbow smirks as she sneaks over to the line with her upper hoof on Soarin's lower the fishing rod was falling, the mare jumps and lets go, grabbing the line in time.

Of course, Soarin', noticing that Rainbow isn't on his lower hoof anymore, frowns as he calls out, "Yo, Rainbow! Babe," The mare pays no attention as she pulls on the line with the fish pulling. Rainbow was now sitting in a high chair, "Woo-hoo! Are you listening to me at all?"

Rainbow ignores Soarin' as she does her best to reel the fish that is trying to escape in. The stallion calls out in annoyance, "Rainbow Dash!" The mare is using a crane with a hook to get the fish in. Three fishes underwater is trying their best to hold onto the caught fish but the captured on soon jumped out of the water, landing into the boat.

"Finally, got one," Rainbow sighs in relief. Turning to Soarin', she then asks, "Sorry, what did you want?"

Soarin' frowns as he picks up the fish saying, "Listen. All right if we row upstream for a while? I mean, I like fishing as the next stallion but our romantic date is getting interrupted here. Not your fault anyway, plus this fish stinks!"

With that, Soarin' threw the fish back into the water. Rainbow screams as she flew after it, only to end up hitting a rock, causing her to fall into the water. The mare, recovering, swam up and got back into the boat. Soarin' watches as Rainbow shakes herself off dry.

"Well, you wanna go upstream?" Rainbow asks as she took out an oar, preparing to row.

"Yep; I am sure that you wanna look at the fish. Luckily, I brought my camera!" Soarin' commented as he takes a camera out. "That way, we can take a lot of cool pictures while having our romantic date, babe!"

Rainbow sighs in relief. Once again, the mare avoids trouble as her love didn't see the fishing gear. So far, so good...


As Rainbow row upstream in the Cloudsale Lake, Soarin' took a lot of pictures with her camera while humming 'Row Row Row Your Boat'. Although he is happy, his filly friend is another story. Rainbow looks upset, looking around to see a lot fish jumping all over. She wants to catch them but can't let Soarin' know what is really going on.

"A lot of fish here...I really wanted to fish..." Rainbow groans a bit in annoyance. As if to add more insult to humiliation, a school of fish jumps in front of her over the canoe. The mare then got an idea. Picking up an oar, Rainbow taps Soarin', getting his attention as she asks, "Hey, Soarin'? Wanna do some rowing for a while?"

"Awww, that's nice, Rainbow!" Soarin' exclaims as he took the oar from Rainbow. "How do I..."

Rainbow quickly flew off and picks up his fishing rod, casting it into the water with the jumping fish...but then they disappear when it was cast. The mare looks confused but kept waiting for the fish to bite.

Soarin' meanwhile put the oar's tip into the war, moving a little while causing the boat to move. The stallion smiles while saying, "All right, Rainbow, this is fun!" Of course, had Soarin' was looking, he would've seen a fork in the water road, the left leads to safer road. The right leads to bad waters with rocks....and the canoe is heading that way right now! "So am I going the right way, Rainbow?"

"Yeah, yeah, you're doing fine." Rainbow said, not really paying attention. If she did, the mare would've seen the signs that she was passing that said the following...


Rapids ahead!

Enter at your own risk, come on!

All right, fine...

...if you wanna do this, fine!

But don't say...

...that we didn't warn ya!

Later, loser!

The last sign is the one that Rainbow hit her head against. The mare frowns while saying, "What the hay, what is..." The mare turns around and saw, to her horror, that the boat is on dangerous water!

Soarin', not paying attention, smiles eagerly while saying, "Cool! I can't believe you planned a river rafting trip for us! This is both romantic and so much fun!" Rainbow gulps in worry as Soarin' hugs her excitedly. The boat goes up and down the river, the stallion screams excitedly. Rainbow just jump up and down in the raft. "This is so much fun, Rainbow!"

Soarin' laughs as the hills of water came to a stop. The two Pegasi appears to be in calm waters now. Rainbow grabs the oars in hopes to row back, saying, "Give me those!"

Bad news for Rainbow, the forces of Cloudsdale appears to be alive, the hands of the river appears in the water (literally) and grabs the oars, breaking them before splashing Rainbow by having a wave make a form of a train, with a trout inside it, and splashes the boat. Soarin' cheers on though the mare is very annoyed.

"HEY!" Rainbow exclaims angrily while holding her hooves as if wanting to fight. "Come back so I can kick your flank!"

Of course, one of the rivers' hands tap Rainbow on the shoulder then made a fist that punches her right into the water. As she climbs back, the raft begins moving once more.

Soarin', unaware of what's happening, smiles while saying, "This is so cool, soothing and romantic..."

Rainbow gulps as she put a seat belt on herself to secure the mare in the boat. Of course, one of the hands of the river flips the boat over. Soarin' manages to jump off the boat while landing on the upside down part of it in time; Regardless, the hands of the river high-five one another.

As Soarin' screams excitedly, Rainbow is underwater trying to get out of the seat belt to turn the boat right side up. Unfortunately, the poor mare got her head hit by three rocks, getting her whole body caught in a wave of cactus while three Quarray Eels surround Rainbow, zapping her. And to make matters even worst, cloud piranhas arrive and munch on her like mad.

Soarin', still unaware of his filly friend's danger, jumps up, causing the boat to turn right side up and lands in his correct position. Rainbow isn't so lucky; she looks like she herself has gone through Tartarus!

Soarin' saw something that makes him say, "Hey, check that out!"

Rainbow looks up, causing her eyes to widen her eyes in fear. Up ahead is a waterfall that is going up as if in a Roller Coaster Ride...and the two Pegasi are heading towards it. As the canoe went up, the two passed a sign that said 'Buckle Up', making Soarin' cheer wildly.

Rainbow passes another sign that said 'For the Ride of Your Life'. The mare gulps as the next one say 'because you're About to Go over The Falls!' and it has an arrow that punches down.

Thinking quickly, Rainbow look around to stop this ride then saw a little island nearby with a tree on it which the canoe passed. The mare took out an anchor that is in the canoe and threw it around the tree as the two ponies are going near the edge near a sign that said 'No Standing Or Flying'.

The good news is that the anchor seems to have work as the canoe stop; the anchor latched itself to the tree much to Rainbow's relief. The bad news, to the mare's panic, is that it dragged the said tree along for the right, sending the canoe right onto the edge.

Rainbow came closer to Soarin' while looking down. The waterfall must be so tall, the tallest one that falls down towards Equestria, even reaching into outer space. Weird, huh; anyway, the mare prays until the anchor and tree stops near the edge of the island. Rainbow sighs in relief. Again, a close one!

Soarin', on the other hoof, isn't happy. He tries to shake the canoe a bit while asking, "Come on, why did it stop?!" To Rainbow's alarm, the island was coming closer to the two, making her gulp. This won't end good. Sure enough, the boat begins to go down with the island following. Soarin' cheers while Rainbow screams in fear, the colt push towards toward the filly. "All right, here we go!"

For some reason, near the end of the waterfall was Pinkie who is ringing a bell with a sign near her that said 'Photos for 10 bits each'. A flash of light appears as Soarin' and Rainbow's canoe stops near her.

"Hello! Want a souvenir photo?" Pinkie asks the two ponies happily. Rainbow was too scared to even ask why her friend was even standing nearby.

Soarin' on the other hoof again takes the photo and looks at it. He frowns while looking at it, saying, "Aww, man Rainbow! You had your eyes closed; Looks like we're going to go up again!"

Rainbow's eyes widened as the canoe somehow pulls itself up along with the island falling near them. It fell once more as the picture was taken again. The two ponies stop near Pinkie as Soarin' took the new photo. He smiles as this time Rainbow's eyes were opened in this shot.

"Much better, okay pay her, Rainbow." Soarin' insists while taking the photo. Rainbow, shaken, took out 10 bits and gave it to the smiling Pinkie.

Soon the ride continues as the two ponies scream (though Soarin' is cheering while the other is freaked out). They reach the bottom of the waterfall before both the canoe and the island fell in. As if in an impossible way, the canoe survives, ending up on the other side of Equestria. The island pushes it off the edge, causing both ponies to land right on the island itself.

"Wow, this is a great day, Rainbow." Soarin' said, smiling as he takes Rainbow, hugs and kiss her. "You are the greatest filly that I could ask for."

"Yeah, no problem, Soar," Rainbow said with a smile while relaxing. Okay, so a day of fishing is wasted but at least she kept her promise to Soarin', that's a plus, right?

"And best of all, we're stuck here. Yeah, we can fly but why would I want to go anywhere right now? Both our wings are tired! Still, you can read me poems, sing me songs and rub my hooves with no interruptions!"

"Aw, horse feathers."

Soarin's right, it will take a while for both Pegasus ponies' wings to recover from what happened. And as if to taunt Rainbow some more, a lot of fish jump around in the lake. She groans, what a day.




With the cartoon over, the audience applauds wildly; another good one to remember.


Once the audience is done applauding, Twilight look at the audience and nods as Koga came up to her with the award. She took it, saying, "Well, that cartoon is a sample of Rainbow Dash's years of comedy entertainment, but at the same time her adventure and loyalty. Today, we at the House of Pony honor her."

The audience applauds. Rainbow watches from offstage, feeling embarrassed as well as guilty. She doesn't deserve that reward. The mare is about to pull a prank that could shut the club down and lose her friends...all because she thought Twilight was going to prank her. Some friend Rainbow is.

Rarity, smiling, trots up while saying, "And you thought Twilight was going to get you with another prank.

"Yeah...I guess I was wrong, huh?" Rainbow asks Rarity with a nervous chuckle. The mare looks to see Lyra still looking for Sweetie Drops, having no idea that her best friend is about to be use as a prank right now!

"Sweetie Drops; Sweetie Drops," Lyra calls out in worry as she passes by Rainbow and Rarity.

Rainbow looks at the stage, Twilight is about to introduce her out. The mare frowns, she gotta stop that mark before it's too late. If Diamond Tiara won't stop it, then the one who was involved, besides Silver Spoon and Maxin Talos, will!

Rainbow flew up, much to Rarity's notice and surprise as she ask, "Rainbow? Where are you going?"

"I gotta fix something!" Rainbow exclaims as she heads up the stairs that goes to the rooftops.

As Golden heart and Pinkamena keep watching, Boxco had a pie and was going to throw it at Pinkamena. But she turns her head to the bad guy; you could see the cutest eyes that you ever seen at the bad guy. As if in a trance, Boxco makes the pie hit his own face and he falls flat.

As Pinkamena turns her head back and her eyes go back to what they were, Golden Heart says to her little sister, "Someone was going to throw a pie and you gave him the cute face with the eyes?"

"Yep. Nopony or any can resist it but let’s watch and see what is going to happen." Pinkamena said playfully.

Golden Heart nods as both he and his little sister go back to watching the show.


Diamond Tiara laughs as Maxin kept stuffing Sweetie Drops with more Roses in New Manure Flavor. Silver Spoon sighs, "How much longer?"

"Not much. Sweetie Drops gotta keep eating these Roses with New Manure Flavor. It's only a matter of time now!" Diamond Tiara explains to Silver Spoon with a devilish smirk. Soon Sweetie Drops will be so full of gas, this club would be declared a hazard zone!

"Hey!" The trio turns to see an angry Rainbow marching up to them. "Didn't I tell you to stop this?! I don't wanna prank Twilght anymore!"

"Oh come on! Don't tell us that you're chicken out now!"

"Right, Miss Tiara is too far ahead to back out now, pony!" Maxin remarks with a grunt. "We're shutting this club no matter..."

"MAXIN," Diamond Tiara exclaims angrily as Maxin covers his mouth in shock. Too late, the minion has blown the plan.

"Ugh, I knew it! You are still at it!" Rainbow exclaims angrily. Diamond Tiara was using her in her plan to shut the club down and the mare felt for that bullying filly's lie! "Get out of my way!" The mare flew up to Sweetie Drops and grabs her. "Hang on, Sweetie Drops! This is my fault but I will get you out of here!"

"Maxin, stop her!"

Maxin Talos grunts as he tries to grab Rainbow while the mare was trying to pull Sweetie Drops out. But the bodyguard misses as the two mares were pulled in by the air vent, sending them both travelling along the pipes.


Twilight looks concerned. Where is Rainbow Dash? She was supposed to come out on stage for her reward. Suddenly everyone in the room heard noises coming from the air vent. To everyone's surprise, both Rainbow and Sweetie Drops fell to the stage near Twilight.

"Sweetie Drops, you're alive!" Lyra exclaims happily as she saw her best friend on stage and rush over to hug Sweetie Drops.

"Yeah; Rainbow saved me from a fate that was going to be awful!" Sweetie Drops explains to Lyra happily.

"Well, not only is Rainbow Dash one of my good friends in Equestria, she is a hero too as the mare has shown once more!" Twilight exclaims as she picks up Rainbow before handing the mare her award. Rainbow blush and gave a smile as the audience smiles.

"Yeah, yahoo! Nice work, Rainbow Dash! Woo!" Fluttershy cheers on wildly.

"Yeah, Rainbow is good hero all right for saving me! It isn't her fault that she teams up with Diamond Tiara to kidnap me and tries to use me to stinsk everyone out of the club in the first place!" Sweetie Drops adds suddenly and unintentionally. Suddenly the music stops as everyone looks at Rainbow in shock, making the mare frowns. Sweetie Drops, realizing her mistake, said, "Oh, sorry! Did I give that away? I'm sure Rainbow didn't mean it even though she teamed up with Diamond Tiara because she thought Twilight was trying to prank her in the first place."

"Rainbow," Twilight exclaims angrily.

"Sorry, Rainbow."

"Hang on. Twilight, I could explain..." Rainbow said to her friend nervously. Hoo boy, suddenly the mare turned from hero to zero in seconds thanks to Sweetie Drops's big mouth. "I thought you were going to pull another prank."

"I can't believe it and I told you that I Pinkie Promise!" Twilight exclaims angrily as she took the award back.

Suddenly Sweetie Drops's stomach growls, much to the mare's worry as she said to Lyra, "Err, Lyra?"

"Yeah, Sweetie Drops?" Lyra answers, not liking the sound of that growl at all.

"I don't feel so good. Sweetie Drops had her big goon Maxin stuffed me with too much Roses with New Manure favor." Suddenly the mare begins to shake, much to everypony's alarm.

"Gah; I was afraid of this! Everypony, head for cover! She's going to blow!!!"

The audience and staff members rush for safely. Tank the Tortoise yelps as he hides in his shell. Derpy screams out, "Let's get out of here, Dinky!" She grabs her daughter Dinky Doo, flying off with her.

Most of the Earth ponies from Ponyville rushes out, except for Hay Fever, the pony with a cold, whose sneezes then groans, "Eh, I probably can't smell it anyway."

Rainbow screams in alarm as she grabs Sweetie Drops, yelling, "Don't go! I will take the hit!" It's her fault that the Earth pony is about to 'blow' and the Pegasus pony will take the hit for everyone!

"Rainbow, wait!" Twilight exclaims in horror. Too late, Rainbow flew so fast that she took Sweetie Drops right out of the club.

Outside, a big explosion is heard as two certain ponies scream. As the Mane Six, Soarin', Ben and Nyx rush to the entrance, Sweetie Drops, all better, came in, saying, "Do yourselves a favor. Don't go out there for an hour and a half. It really stinks outside right now."

As Sweetie Drops trots off, Rainbow came in. The poor mare is traumatized, dizzy and looks like she has gone through Tartartus from what happened when she took the full stench of the blast.

"Oh, Rainbow, are you okay, honey?" Soarin' ask Rainbow in worry.

"Yeah, luckily I'm used to it." Rainbow explains to Soarin' with a groan as her colt friend put a blanket around her.

"Blast it! Stupid Pegasus pony!" Diamond Tiara exclaims furiously upon arriving with Silver Spoon and Maxin Talos. "You ruined everything!"

"Another one of your schemes to shut downt he club again?" Twilight ask Diamond Tiara though the purple unicorn already knows the answer.

"Yeah, it would've worked too if it weren't for that meddling blank flank lover! Get her, Maxin!"

Maxin grunts as he prepares to punish Rainbow for her interference. But then a familiar alicorn is heard, "Ahem, lad?"

"Huh?" Maxin turns around to see Brave Heart and his jaw drops, this Alicorn's even bigger and stronger than he is, "Aaaaaaahhhhh! Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon. Save me. Save me!"

Maxin hides behind the bullies, much to their annoyance. Diamond Tiara looks annoyed as she snaps, "Maxin, you big baby! It's just Brave Heart."

"Yeah, he's just a dumb Scots pony." Silver Spoon agreed, though she's only doing it to stay on her friend's good side.

"I know that, but you kids didn't tell me that he was b-b-b-b-b-bigger and stronger than me. He's a giant compared to me. We're talking King Kong big!" Maxin exclaims to his boss and Silver Spoon, trembling with fear.

"Boo!" Brave Heart boos at Maxin as he scares him.

"I can't take anymore of this, fillies. I'm getting outta here!"

Maxin runs off in a major gallop, causing Diamond Tiara to shout out, "Come back here, you stinking coward!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! And stay out of the House of Pony forever, ye muscle bound wee colt!" Brave Heart laughs after the fleeing coward in amusement.

"Diamond Tiara, I think it's time for you to leave right now!" Twilight exclaims to Diamond Tiara furiously.

"Err, wait. Would it help if I say that I thought that Diamond Tiara was going to prank ya in the first time at first but didn't realize until it was too late to back out of her real plan?" Silver Spoon asks Twilight in worry. Even staying on Diamond Tiara’s good side has its limits!

Brave Heart pauses then said, "Works for me, lass! Diamond Tiara, out ye go!"

"What?! Out there, no, no! My sensitive nose," Diamond Tiara protests in horror and worry.

"Yeah, yeah, and I'm calling your father! Out," Twilight snaps as Brave Heart grabs Diamond Tiara and threw her out of the club via his magic. The filly gasps in the stinky air and gallops off in humiliation and defeat.

"Gah! No, blast it! Stinky...air...gasp!"


After some time, we see Golden Heart and Pinkamena as the pink pony says, "Well looks like the club house is safe from one heck of a stink bomb."

"Indeed but now we wait for the outcome." Golden Heart said to Pinkamena with a nod.

Pinkamena nods as she and her big brother watch. Since the outside area is too stinky to go outside until it's clear out, the guests stay around for free until then. At their table, Sweetie Drops spoke with Lyra, asking, "Do you really miss me, Lyra?"

"What? With company like this! Of course I miss ya, you Earth lug! Come here!" Lyra laughs as she hugs Sweetie Drops a bit too tightly.

"Gah, too tight, too tight!"

At least, the guests saw this as a good sight that the two friends are reunited once more.


Twilight frowns at Rainbow offstage, the mare is apologizing with all her mind for her role in the prank that would've close the club down for good.

"Come on, Twilight, I was on my hooves, I cried, I wrote a written apology and all that. I am really sorry for what I did, really!" Rainbow pleads to Twilight. "I didn't even know what Diamond Tiara was up to. Please, may I please have my word?"

Nyx, who is with the two duo, spoke, "Come on, mommy, Auntie Dashie is really sorry. Can't you forgive her? This whole thing has gotten too far, right?"

Twilight sighs as Rainbow finishes apologizing.

"Guess I can't really blame you... after all, yeah, we all tend to mock and humiliate you on a regular basis... Even when you get your ego out of control, I often forget to talk to you about it, and go right to the 'humiliating lesson' thing, even if we always try to talk about any issue anypony else would have... I mean, when Applejack got all stubborn, I insisted on talking to her despite all the problems she was causing. Same with Rarity or Pinkie when they go too far with their antics; we never humiliate them but try to discuss the problem with them first." Twilight groaned a bit at this. "For Celestia's sake, even when I go too far with my own issues, you and everypony else take the dialogue option before anything else."

Twilight smiles as she said, "Nyx is right of course. We all learned our lesson about going too far in April Foals' pranking." The mare thus gave the award back to Rainbow who kisses the statue with glee.


Spike nods as he gives the ending commercial announcement, "The House of Pony's fresh smelling air is courtesy of..."


The screen turns on, showing Tiddly Wink smiling while holding a spray can of fresh smelling air.

"Breezy Blossom's Air Freshener, holding that nice pine fresh smell!"

We now see Woebegone near some flowers that withed as he smells himself in shame.

"Hobo odors got you down big time?"

Now Tiddly Wink flew in, spraying Woebegone to make him fresh, causing the flowers to rose up happily, making the hobo smile.

"Our deodorizing forest scenes are guaranteed to even sink the stinker!"

We see Discord frowning in his world of chaos, not liking the smell at all.

"Smelly chaotic stuff clogging your sinuses?"

Soon Tiddly Wink uses the same spray to spray around the home. Discord grin as it's more happy and forest like, just like Fluttershy's cottage.

"Why, there's no stench in the world or dimension too tough for these professionals!"

We now see a picture of the spray can.

"Breezy Blossom's Air Freshener! All natural and in glorious Technicolor!"

We now see a picture that shows Sweetie Drops with stink waves, blocked by a red sign with a slash. Spike spoke in a low voice, "Smelly Earth ponies may be deodorized at an additional cost."


As the show comes to an end, Twilight smiles at the applause while saying, "See you soon! Unless this funny pony ends up trying to sabotage the show again," Sure enough, the screen is turned on to show Rainbow's comedy routine frome arlier once more, "Sorry, Pinkie Pie! I know I Pinkie Promised, but I cannot resist!"

Pinkie giggles while exclaiming, "No problem, I can't resist either!"

Twilight yelps as she saw Rainbow flying at her angrily, causing her to turn tail and run. The angry Pegasus pony, holding her statue, screams, "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!"

Episode Twelve: Thanks to Ben Mare

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Once Rainbow is snapped out of her hypnotic trance permanently, everything went back to what is close to normal at the House of Pony. Twilight figure that her friend has been going through a lot of humiliation before, enough that the purple unicorn does her best to go easy on her...though there has been one problem to when Twilight couldn't resist doing so.,

That time was the April Foals' day episode when Twilight shown an embarrassing video of Rainbow and her comedy routine which was shown on the Pegasus's e-mails show. Rainbow was manipulated by Diamond Tiara into pulling a prank using Sweetie Drops...but the nasty filly was planning on using the Earth mare and her bad stomach to shut the club down.

Long story short, when Rainbow found out that Twilight was going to give her an award, she changed her mind and saved Sweetie Drops in time (even though she was responsible for the Earth pony getting kidnapped in the first place). Maxin Talos was chased out by Brave Heart while Diamond Tiara was kicked out of the club. All was forgiven with Rainbow...though she did beat up Twilight for showing the embarrassing video again.

After that incident and Twilight's recovery, the purple unicorn focuses on her work with Ben's help. Even when there was doubt, the stallion was always the one to help take care of things, helping out everypony, especially Twilight, when they couldn't do so.

However, there was some gossip that ended up almost making things worst for everypony, especially Ben...


Spike grins as he spoke, "And now...a student of Celestia since she was a filly and a hero of Equestria since the return of Princess Luna...TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"

The audience applauds as Twilight gallops onto the stage. She smiles while saying, "Hey folks, it me again! Have you heard the latest news? Well, here is our good pal Brian Tenny with our Gossip of the Day!"

The audience applauds as we see Brian looking at his notes. As the stallion speaks, we see some images of the first person mentioned, "Good evening, this is Brian Tenny with the latest news! On our top story, Dora Marquez may leave her friends in the tropical jungle place to pursue more interesting roles in the preteen years! So far, she is still looking but may make the big leap into the big city! Also, Rarity's dad Magnum came home late last night, causing a unicorn fight between him and the mother Pearl and..."

Twilight smiles eagerly. So far, everything is doing so well. The mare turns to look backstage to see Ben Mare working. She knew that she herself could always count on her colt to help solve stuff, when Twilight has trouble doing so or needed a little kick to help her out.

Ben is talking on the phone, speaking to an act, "All right, Chaos Makers, you are on after our first cartoon of the night. I will see to it that you are picked up from the station. Later!"

Ben hangs up the phone with Rarity galloping into the backstage area. She is panicking while yelling, "Ben, help me! Oh, I don't have the guest list and need the spare one! Oh, I've looked high and looked low...oh, of all the possible things that could've happened, this is THE...WORST...POSSIBLE...THING"

Rarity begins to faint as her couch slides in, causing her to fall onto it gently. Ben chuckles as he gave a list to the mare, saying, "You're just a drama queen, Rarity. Here you go."

Rarity takes the list and stood up with a grin, her couch slid out of view. The mare said, "Thank goodness. Ta!" The mare heads off to get back to work.

As Ben continues working himself, a water pipe soon burst. The stallion didn't bother to look as he uses his magic to throw a pencil at the hole, causing it to be fixed. Twilight smiles; Ben is the perfect stallion and even if some ponies or folks don't like him, she holds no regret in showing her feelings towards him.

Back onstage, Brian finishes up the news as he said, "And of course, that concludes my news broadcast! I'm Brian Tenny, reminding you folks that once again, all the gossip that I hear is always true!" The audience applauds as the stallion got up and heads backstage. Upon seeing Twilight smiling, he spoke, "So what's going on back here in the backstage area?"

"Oh, just the usual panic and worries. But as long as Ben is on the job, we got nothing to worry about." Twilight said to Brian with a smile. "You can quote me on that if you like."

"Hmmm, I think I will!"


Rainbow was humming to herself at the entrance as Brian came up, speaking, "Wanna know what I heard? Twilight said that with Ben on the job, we don't have anything to worry about."

"Cool." Rainbow said eagerly. Good job, she got to spread this! The mare heads over to Rarity's desk and spoke to her, "Hey, wanna hear what Brian told me? He said that Twilight said that...uh...let's see...with Ben on the job, we have something to worry about."

Rarity comments, "Now, I learned from our first encounter with Zecora AND even more so from the Gabby Gums mess that NOT all gossip is true. However, I also know that not all gossip is false either, and gossip is usually at least entertaining."


Rarity trots up to Pinkie who is serving food, tapping her on the shoulder as she said, "Pinkie Pie, darling, you must hear what Twilight told Brian who told Rainbow Dash who told me! Twilight said...well; let's see if I remember this correctly...oh yes! Ben is worrying about his job and he feels a bit nervous about it."

"Oooooh," Pinkie said in interest. She turns to Firebolt Rush while whispering, "Guess what! You won't believe what Twilight told Brian who told Dashie who told Rarity who told me! Twilight said...hmmm....oh yes! Ben thinks that his job is the worst job in Equestria and he doesn't really like it!"

Firebolt gasp in concern then he turns to the Baroness, whispering, "Here's what Twilight who told Brian who told Rainbow who told Rarity who told Pinkie who told me: Twilight told me that Ben is doing the worst at his job!"

The Baroness gasps as she turns to a Cobra minion and whispers the information to him. He rush over to Little Strongheart's table and whispers into her ear, "I don't know if you've heard this information, but Twilight said that Ben's job is in jeopardy...and thinks that he won't do well at all!"

"Oh dear," Little Strongheart said in worry before she leans over to another table where Discord's daughter Eris is sitting at. "Bad news, I think Twilight said that she doesn't like Ben Mare anymore. In fact, the mare believes that the stallion must be kicked out of his job at once."

"Wow...that does cause a bunch of chaos." Eris said in surprise. The spirit quickly wrote a note and attached it to candy cane like spear before aiming it towards Brian. "This he got to know..."

Brian was humming, minding his own business when the spear whiz by, sticking right to a wall. The stallion saw a note and pulls it off to read it. Brian gasps in shock while saying, "Wow! If this says it, then it must be true!"


Ben was visiting writing in his notes backstage when Brian came in, saying, "Oh man, Benny, I cannot believe it, I don't know if I wanna!"

"What is it, Brian?" Ben asks Brian curiously as the stallion shows the note that he is holding. Nyx who is working on fixing some of the pipes with Phobos saw what's happening, listening in.

"Well, I got some bad news. A reliable source told yours truly that Twilight is telling folks that everyone here would better off without you!"

Nyx and Phobos gasps as Ben stops what he's doing, the stallion looks shocked upon hearing what Brian just said. The alicorn filly exclaims, "Wait! Mommy said what?!"

"What," Ben ask in shock and disbelief as he turns to face Brian with a frown. The stallion doesn't want to believe it. Twilight would never say that about him! "No, I cannot believe it!"

"Sorry, you got to believe it." Brian said to Ben with a shrug. "It's like I said, all the gossip that I hear is always true!"

"Wow...and to think you know somepony." Phobos said in concern. Ben gasps as his tail and ears begin to droop in sadness; if the gossip is true...

"W...why; Twilight doesn't like me...anymore?" Ben asks with a sniff. He begins to shed tears and cry a bit. "I'm....I'm sorry but...I don't think I wanna continue this!"

"Daddy," Nyx exclaims as Ben gallops out of the backstage area. "Daddy, come back!"

In the seating area, Mr. Fancypants, his wife Fleur Dis Lee and fashion critic Hoity Toity was talking, when Ben gallops by. Mr. Fancypants in concern ask, "I say, what is going on with Twilight's colt Ben Mare?"

"What is he doing out here? Should it be show time?" Fleur ask in concern.

Some knew what has happened...of course as they are concerned with the gossip, Ben Mare has been kicked off and abandoned by Twilight Sparkle, with him ending his job...and worst yet, the mare doesn't know what even happened!


As Golden Heart and Pinkamena watch, the pink pony says after hearing the rumor, "Seem like this gossip got messed up and Ben might leave."

"Indeed, but like I say, things will turn good in the end." Golden Heart assures Pinkamena with a nod.

Pinkamena nods as they go back to watching the show. Onstage, Twilight smiles while saying, "Hey folks; There's a rumor that you'll love this next cartoon!"

The audience applauds as the first cartoon of the night begins.




Applejack Visits Rarity

It was a shining day in Ponyville. At her home in Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was humming while preparing an apple pie that she made. The mare is relaxing, having some fun and preparing to have a bite to eat.

Applejack made the apple pie to have for dessert after a hard day's work. Yeah, she prefers to keep in shape but one treat a day wouldn't work, right? The mare has put the pie together then put it into the oven. After 40 minutes of baking, Applejack took the pie out and put it onto a cooling rack so that it can cool off.

Applejack smiles, she is one of the fewest members in the Apple family to make good apple pies. Just then the mare heard her phone ring (Applejack has installed one recently) and answers it, "Howdy!"

"Applejack, darling! How are you doing?" The familiar voice of Rarity is heard on the other side.

"Oh, hey there Rarity; Whatcha yew been doing?'

"Nothing much; just thought I could call in one of my dearest friends to see how she's doing."

Applejack smiles at her smiles while saying, "Shucks, since yew asked so kindly, Ah done finished baking my Apple Family Famous Apple Pie!"

"Goodness! An apple pie; that sounds wonderful! I betcha Sweetie Belle or Spike would love it!" Rarity said, you can see her drooling a bit while smiling.

"Eeyup, knowing those two, no surprise."

"Applejack, I will be honest, darling. I have various apple pies but never the Apple Family Famous Apple Pie one..."

"Shucks, really?" Applejack asks Rarity with a grin. "Well, how about Ah bring 'de pie over so we can have some together?"

"Oh, that sounds great! I am currently staying at my family's beach house since the Carousel Baroque is closed right now so I will be here all day!" Rarity exclaims to Applejack with a smile on her face. The white unicorn can't wait for that wonderful apple pie!

"Okay, see you then!"

Once Applejack hangs up the phone, she stretch a bit then picks up the pie from the cooling rack, heading off to deliver the pie to the beach house, picking up the keys to take the Apple Family's Paddywagon. Boy, would Rarity love this pie!


It was an hour later that Applejack arrives at Rarity's family's beach house which is near a beach where ponies can have fun while getting suntans. Right now, the Earth pony has arrived to deliver that pie.

Applejack, getting out of the car, came over to the house, calling, "Rarity! Ah is here wit' our apple pie!" The cowpony pause then frowns in a puzzled way. Didn't Rarity hear her, "Rarity; Yew here?"

Of course, Rarity didn't hear her so Applejack peeks through a window. To her annoyance, there's her unicorn friend watching a fashion show on TV. Didn't Rarity remember that the cowpony is coming over?

Applejack taps on the window while pointing to the pie in her hooves but it didn't work. Rarity kept on clicking on the remote to find a better show. Once the white unicorn turns the TV off, she heard knocking, making her say, "Oh, a visitor?"

"Ugh, better try 'de back door." Applejack said with a sigh as she heads around the house. Unknown to her, Rarity chose that time to answer the door, missing her.

"Hello? Huh. I could've sworn that I have someone out here."

Applejack right now is at the back door of the house, knocking on it while calling out, "Dang nabbed it, Rarity! Can yew hear me?"

Once again, no answer; Applejack sighed as she trots back to the front door. Ironically enough, Rarity answers the back door, calling out, "Hello? Ugh. I don't have time for these foolish games! Applejack is coming over."

Unknown to Rarity, Applejack is back at the front door again, knocking while demanding, "Where 'de Sam Hill is 'dat girl?"

Applejack peeks through the windows and saw a sign that made her groan in annoyance. Rarity is now playing the bongos on her chairs. The cowpony taps on the window to get her attention. Her friend heard the tapping but thought it was a rhythm going, making Rarity keep on playing.

Applejack groans tries to kick the window open to get Rarity's attention but the mare kept on playing on the bongos. The annoyed Earth pony rush over to the back door and tries to ring the doorbell while knocking. Of course, Rarity herself, along with keeping the beat, is now playing a cowbell.

Applejack spots some empty bottles nearby and stop nearby, making them jingle. Of course, inside, Rarity is now seen playing with a tambourine on her head while swinging around to the music while playing a maraca, as well as the bongo and the cowbell at the same time. To her, this is amazing and fun!

To Applejack, of course, it’s annoying as the mare is at the front door, marching with garbage pails on her hooves while using hitting the lids as if they were cymbals. Of course, the noise that she's making caught the attention of an annoyed Golden Harvest who is groaning a bit. She goes over to the window and calls out, "Applejack, what the hay is you doing? Some of us are trying to have some peace and quiet around here!"

"Oh...sorry...dang doorbell's broken." Applejack said to the frowning Golden Harvest, giving a nervous chuckle. It isn't a lie; Rarity's front doorbell is indeed broken! The mare jumps off the garbage cans and head back to her car, preparing to leave. Perhaps it isn't worth going through all that trouble of delivering an apple pie, right? Applejack glances at the pie itself, asking, "Shucks, do Ah even bother?"

Applejack pauses then frowns angrily while snapping, "HAY YEAH! Ah promised 'ta deliver 'dis here pie an' Ah won't rest until Rarity gits it!"


Rarity hums while sitting in her patio in a purple bikini. The mare put her IPony on her charger and put in the headphones. As she does so, Rarity fails to realize that Applejack came back with the pie and knock on the door hard while ringing the doorbell like mad.

"Rarity, Rarity?" Applejack shouts out loudly then looks through the windows, looking for Rarity. "Rarity, Rarity? Rarity, Rarity, Rarity; Ugh! Where is 'dat girl?"

Applejack feels some suntan lotion fall onto her skin, making her look up. There's Rarity putting on suntan lotion while wearing her headphones as she sat down, relaxing. The cowpony frowns as she trots off, coming back in a four wheeler and put it near the house. Applejack then begins piling a lot of stuff on it and begins to climb up to Rarity. That ignorant pony will get that pie one way or another!

"Rare, yew better hope fer yer sake 'dat 'dis is worth 'de trouble!" Applejack groans as she begins to climb. The mare sighs as she arrives near her friend, "About time."

Of course, as Applejack reach the railing and prepares to step on it, something unexpected happened: Rarity reach for her drink but accidentally knock her bottle of sun tan lotion, causing some of it to land on the said railing. So when the cowpony steps on the stuff, Applejack screams in alarm and fell down, knocking off the pile stuff before causing the four wheeler to reverse itself onto the beach and running over a visiting Pinkie as a result, causing her to turn into a huge pink balloon.

Applejack and her pie fell right into the water. A while later, the two washed ashore, the cowpony knock two starfish and an octopus off her head. To make matters worse, the apple is now wet and ruined. But did Applejack gives up? Nope! She grabs it while declaring, "Dang it, Rarity! Ah said Ah would bring yew 'dis here apple pie an' Ah is gonna do it!"

Back on the rooftop of the beach house, Applejack looks over from her sunbathing activities and spots a flower on a rail, smiling as she said, "Aww, how beautiful."

At the bottom of the house, Rarity came back and spots a ladder with flowers growing on it. She smirks while saying, "Boy howdy, why 'de hay didn't Ah did 'dis before?"

Applejack begins climbing the ladder...but Rarity picks the flowers, causing the other ones to fall off and making the ladder itself unstable. The cowpony yelps as she finds herself on stilts, doing her best to keep her hold on the wet apple pie and having trouble walking. The mare ends up reaching the water, hanging onto the one stilt with the apple pie....but of course, a wave hits Applejack, sweeping her right off.

Applejack spits the water off and pulls the crab off her ears and hat. The cowpony is furious, enough is enough! She declares, "OH AH HAD IT; 'DIS PIE GITS DELIVERED NOW!"

Applejack grabs her pie and returns to her car. Once inside, the cowpony turns the ignition on and driving right up...and crashing right into the place! Applejack no longer cares about safely or properly damages, she will deliver that pie to Rarity!

As Applejack crashes right into the house, with Rarity unaware of what's going on still, Golden Harvest saw the whole incident from next door, making her yell, "Oh, that cowpony has gone out of her mind!" She grabs a phone and dials a number, "Royal Guard!"

Applejack growls madly as she drove the paddywagon to the roof upstairs. She will give Rarity that pie no matter what! Soon the car arrives at the roof crashing right near the still unsuspecting white unicorn. Applejack got out of the vehicle, preparing to throw the pie at her to get it over with...

Well, Applejack was by some cuffs were slapped right onto her by the Royal Guard! The cowpony looks confused as she saw a frowning General Spanish Steel. As two unicorn Royal Guard members drag her off, the mentioned Royal Guard member snaps, "Miss Applejack, you are under arrest for breaking and destruction of private property! Take her away!"

"Wait, yew making a mistake, she has 'ta taste 'dis pie! She wanted it!" Applejack protests in alarm as the Royal Guards take the poor cowpony away.

Once Applejack and the Royal Guards are gone, Rarity blinks and took her earphones off, asking puzzled, "Wait, wasn't somepony was going to deliver a pie to me right now?"


Applejack looks a bit embarrassed, now wearing an orange jumpsuit. Luckily, she manages to get a message to the princess, explaining that this was just a misunderstanding. Celestia agrees to have the charges dropped against the cowpony...but Applejack must spend a day in prison as punishment for what she did in the first place.

Applejack was allowed a visitor as she came over and picks up a phone to communicate with the pony...who happens to be an upset Rarity who spoke, "Applejack, what's wrong with you? I thought you were the Element of Honesty but you broke into my house and broke my previous stuff! I am shocked and confused; why did you did it?!'

"Grrr....AH WAS TRYING 'TA DELIVERED 'DIS APPLE PIE 'TA YEW, YEW HORN HEAD!" Applejack yells in anger to Rarity, much to her surprise.

"Oh my, darling; I guess I have forgotten. Any chance there is any left for me?"

"Oh, still want it, sugar cube? There's plenty left fer yew." Applejack said with a mad smirk. The cowpony took out the apple pie if impossible except with Pinkie Pie logic...threw the pie through the phone line and hits Rarity right in the face with it. "HERE! HAVE IT!"

Rarity blinks and sighs with pie on her face. Perhaps the mare should stop ignoring her door and be more aware often.




The audience applauds once the cartoon is over. Another great one for everyone!


The time has come for the Chaos Makers to perform. On stage, Twilight smiles as music begins to play. The mare calls out, "All right, folks, it is now time for our special guest act of the night...the Chaos Makers!" The audience applauds as the spotlight shines one? No pony is on the stage! The mare looks confused then gave a nervous smile. "Err, folks, we ran into a minor technical glitch...hang on, will you?"

Twilight gallops onto the stage. Ben was supposed to pick up the Chaos Makers so why didn't he? The mare spots Spike before saying, "Spike! Where are the Chaos Makers?"

"I don't know. Ben never picked them up." Spike explains to Twilight, much to her shock. Ben never picked up the Chaos Makers?

"What? But where's Ben? Ugh, you know what? Don't bother! He is probably running late or something. I will buy some time with another cartoon!" Twilight gallops back onto the stage, smiling as she exclaims, "Folks, the next act isn't quite ready. So until then, we will give you another cartoon to occupy you all; and for this next cartoon, we...AHHHHHH!"

Twilight screams for a good reason: the big screen for the cartoons is missing! The only thing shown where it used to be was a big hole leading outside! The mare ask in alarm, "Hey, where's the screen?!" Twilight heads to the backstage door, just in time to see Crafty Crate and Raindrops putting the screen into the van of a truck before preparing to leave. "Wait! What the hay are you two doing?! We need that screen for our cartoons!"

"Sorry, but you didn't pay the bill." Crafty Crates remark to Twilight with a grunt. "So this thing is being taken back."

"But Ben always pays the bill on time!"

"Ha! Not after what you said about him, you ungrateful mare!"

"What?" Twilight ask in confusion, not sure what's Crafty means. What did she say about Ben? The mare was forced to watch as Crafty and Raindrops left with the screen, causing her to close the door in disbelief.

During some time Pinkamena and Golden Heart sees the big screen being taken away. Pinkamena says, "Looks like without Ben, this place is going into chaos AND DON,' EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING SOMETHING, DISCORD AND ERIS OR YOU WILL BE SORRY!"

That made everyone cringe even Discord and Eris cringe. Golden Heart says to her little sister, "I understand little sister. Maybe you can work an act with Pinkie Pie."

"Oh that sounds fun."

She then heads off to the back of the stage as Golden heart says, "I wonder what will happen when the two do an act together; we will just have to wait and see."

Twlight looks confused backstage as she turns to Nyx, Phobos and Brian, the last one is look over some papers. The mare said, "But the show got to go on! Nyx, where's your father?"

"He quit." Nyx said to Twilight with a frown, much to the mare's shock. "And after what you said about him, mommy, no wonder daddy wants to leave."

"Yeah," Phobos remarks with a grunt.

"What the hay did I say to make him leave?!" Twilight demands but Nyx and Phobos scoffs and turns, not wanting to say word to her. The mare looks up to Brian and coughs, making him turn her head to Twilight, "Brian, you are one of the main ponies who hangs with gossip. Mind telling me where Ben is so I can figure out what's going on?"

"Well, rumor has it, he is very UPSET with you." Brian said to Twilight with a shrug. This made Twilight confused, she still has no clue as to why Ben is upset with her or what she said to make him quit!

"But why Ben upset with me? It's not his birthday...not our anniversary...ugh! What am I doing? I got a show to do! But what can I do for a show?" Twilight paces for a moment then her head perks up. "Yeah, I got it!"


Spike with a smile did an introduction, "Hey House of Pony fans! Feast your eyes forward for the comedy of Pinkie Pie...and Pinkamena!'

The audience applauds as they turn towards Pinkie who came out of the kitchen and stops near Pinkamena, looking surprised. The mare smiled while asking, "Comedy? Yeah, we could do that, right Pinkamena?"

"Sure can! Now two pigs wallow in the mud...wait, wait, not a good idea. That's a dirty joke." Pinkamena said with a frown. Some folks laugh regardless.

"Let's see...Ding Dong! No, wait's....Knock Knock!"

"Oooh, who's there?" The Moochick ask, eager to hear what the knock knock joke is all about.

"Awww, forget it! Knock knock jokes stink!" Pinkamena scoffs a bit. Needless to say, the Moochick frowns as he got up and prepares leave.

"Not funny, I am not laughing at all."

As the Moochick pass the table where a depressed Ben is at, Brian spots him, making him worried. The stallion gallops over while exclaiming to his friend, "Ben! We got a problem! The guests are leaving! This show is DEFINITELY NOT BETTER WITHOUT YA! You better come back and fix things!"

"And why should I?" Ben asks Brian with a scoff, still depression. After all, it was Twilight who 'said' that the show is better off without him, right?

"Simple. We all get fired and Diamond Tiara will shut the club down if she finds out. Or take it over, who knows what's going on in that filly's mind?"

"Oh why do I even care? Let her do whatever she wants. Anyway, Twilight said that nasty thing about me, okay?"

"Err, well, maybe he didn't say EXACTLY that..." Brian said nervously. The stallion did recall what Twilight said about Ben earlier before he found out the other thing. Perhaps now is the time to tell his friend what it is.

"But Ben, you always said that every gossip that you hear is always true!" Ben points out to Brian in concern. The colt pauses to think about this.

"Huh. Now that you mention it, I did say something like that..." Brian yelps as Ben begins to groan and cry a bit. The stallion tries to cheer him up, "Wait, if I give you some tissues, can you come back? Come on!"


Twilight stood on stage; her hooves are shuffling in worry. The big screen has been taken away, Ben has quit and there is no act at all. Her love as well as her daughter is upset with her and Twilight doesn't understand what she said to make Ben quit in the big place!

Spike came over and whispers, "Pssst, Twilight, hey! Everything is all set! Do your intro!"

"What? Oh, sorry, folks...I was thinking about something else." Twilight said with a sigh then tries her best to smile to the audience. "All right, this time we are going to show you a new cartoon! Sorry if this screen is a small one but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless!"

The audience applauds as they turn to a projector and a small screen which Spike and the Bushwoolies set up on short notice. The projector lit up as the next cartoon begins.




Ben Mare's Big Break

In the Golden Oaks Library, Ben Mare was playing catch of football in a room with Soarin'. The Earth pony laughs, "Come on, go long, Soarin'!"

Ben throws the football at Soarin' who flew up and caught it with his hooves, knocking down a lamp as a result. The Wonderbolt grins he yells out, "All right, here it comes!" He throws the football back to Ben who caught it before knocking down a couch.

"Long bomb," Ben chuckled, throwing the football at Soarin' who caught it again, causing a chair to fall down.

"Try to catch this one, no wings!" Soarin' teases, throwing the football long. Ben caught it before knocking down a vase. The stallion prepares to throw it again...

When a familiar voice stops him angrily, "BEN MARE!"

"SOARIN'," Another voice is heard yelling angrily. Ben yelps as he and Soarin' turns to see Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, their filly friends, frowning at them.

"Oh, Twilight...err, what's up?" Ben asks Twilight nervously.

"Uh...we can explain..." Soarin' said nervously as he glances at the mess that the two stallions has made in their roughhousing game of football.

"Ben, Soarin', Rainbow and I saw what you did, no bothering trying to make excuses!" Twilight scolds the two ponies, making them guilty. "Now stop throwing that football before you break something that is valuable to one of us or both!"

"Sorry." Ben and Soarin' said while looking down in shame.

"Well, you better!" Rainbow snaps sternly. "If you two weren't our colts, we would've kicked you both out!"

"Okay, Rainbow and I are going out shopping today." Twilight said with a smile, explaining that she and Rainbow are going out shopping today.

"Right, this is one of those big days for us so we got some cool things to go."

"We will be back within three hours...and if something else breaks when we get back, just one, you two are out of our lives for good, got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," The two stallions said at once, nervously. When Twilight speaks to you like that, she is serious! The last thing that Ben and Soarin' wants is to lose their fillies!

"Look, later, guys!" Rainbow chuckles as she and Twilight heads out to get their shopping done.

"Remember...ONE THING...and you two are gone!" Twilight snaps sternly before she closes the door on her way out. The mare really means it. One false move and it's over between the two couples.

Once the fillies are gone, Ben sighs while saying, "Honestly, I don't know why the girls have to be crazy when it comes with their stuff. I mean, we are always careful not to break something, right?"

"Right, especially Rainbow! Geez, what a hard flank! Phooey to that," Soarin' scowls as he kicks at the football in frustration.

However Soarin' kick the football too hard, causing to bounce around like mad. Ben gasps as he uses his magic to protect something valuable that would break. The ball whizzes each past each one. To the two stallions' horror, the football is heading towards a picture of Twilight and Rainbow...and slams right into it, breaking the glass and causing it to fall. And as if that isn't bad enough, a bookcase fell down and slams onto the frame, destroying it big time.

"Oh no, the picture's ruined!" Ben yells in horror as he and Soarin' took the picture out. Not good!

"Oh man! We may as well say goodbye to our fillies now. We're done for! What are we going to do?!" Soarin' ask frantically. Twilight and Rainbow will break up with the two stallions once they find out about this! Ben pauses then he smiles in realization.

"Hang on! I got an idea!"

Inside a familiar foxhole, Swiper the Fox's phone rings as he picks it up, answering, "Yeah?"

"Hey Swiper! It's me Ben Mare. Listen, I'm calling from the Golden Oaks Library and I need you to come here by..." Ben said as he checks the clock. Twilight said that she and Rainbow will be shopping for 3 hours. It is now 1:30 PM. "....3:30 PM to take a picture. Hello; Swiper?"

Swiper didn't answer as he left for a moment then came back...with a picture. The fox picks up the phone and speaks into it, "Hey! I got a picture with me and will come by early! It's a rabbit."

"No, Swiper, I want you to get your camera and..."

"Wait. Didn't you say 'take a picture'?"

"Yeah, with your camera," Ben said with a frustrated sigh. "It's important that this must be done by 3:30! We need a photograph!"

"Oh want me to take a picture figuratively, not literally!" Swiper said with a smile, getting the idea as to what Ben wants from him.

"Yeah...wait, no...I mean yeah..."

"You want me to take pictures of you...why?"

"Please just do it!" Ben exclaims impatiently to Swiper. The task must be done, without any questions asked!

"If ya do, we'll give ya Angel." Soarin' adds over the phone in exhaustion.

"Oh, well, that's more like it! All right, I will be right over!" Swiper exclaims with a smirk on his face. "Later!"

Ben hangs up the phone in satisfaction before turning to Soarin' to continue, "Okay. Swiper is on his way."

"Why not ask Pinkie Pie to take our picture?" Soarin' ask Ben, wondering what his friend didn't bother asking Pinkie to deal with the picture thing.

"Three reasons, Soar. 1, she will take the whole thing too literally and brings us a literal picture, like Swiper almost did. 2, that mare is too busy foalsitting the Cake Twins right now, and finally, Pinkie will be freaked out by what we're going to do next."

"As in tell Twilight and Rainbow? Yeah, that makes..."

"On the contrary, we aren't going to tell the fillies anything, because we're going to be them!" Ben exclaims with a smirk as he checked his watch, "Time for dress up."

Soarin, his eyes widened in horror as he realizes what Ben wants the two stallions to do, ask, ""What? Are you crazy, Ben? There is no way I'm gonna dress up like Rainbow Dash." The Wonderbolt isn't about to impersonate his filly-friend by cross-dressing!

"C'mon, Soarin. For Rainbow's sake, it's the only way."

"Forget it! You may be Celestia's son, but Rainbow and I are Wonderbolts. Spitfire is gonna kill me if I tried to pretend to be another Wonderbolt fellow. So, you can forget about it!"


Needless to say, in a costume department in the Ponyville mall, Soarin' looks upset as he is now wearing a costume that looks like Rainbow Dash's...except the coat got purple spots on it, has a X cutie mark and the mane is red, making him groan, "Oh horse feathers."

Ben found a costume that looks like Twilight, purple mane, cutie mark, wings and all. The stallion peeks over to the aisle where his friend is at and sighs, "No, no, wrong mane, Soarin'. You gotta dress up like Rainbow, like I gotta dress up like Twilight, mane, wings and all! Here, try this."

Ben hands a better costume that looks like Rainbow Dash. As Soarin' takes the costume with the Earth pony hiding his head in some costumes, the Wonderbolt looks at the costume carefully...but then looks alarmed as Caramel came along, humming until he saw Soarin', making him yelp in embarrassment, "Oh, oh! Rainbow Dash, sorry!"

"Uh, what," Soarin' ask confused as Caramel covers his eyes as if seeing something wrong that he shouldn't be seeing.

"I know that ponies are naked but I know how you are when you don't want ponies to see you trying on clothes or outfits on...oh man! I didn't see a thing! Didn't mean it, I gotta go!"

Applejack gallops away in embarrassment, much to Soarin' confusion. Ben peeks out saying, "Well, at least the costumes work. Come on, I found some dressing rooms."

The two stallions gallops into the dressing room for colts...but upon hearing the whistling of some stallions (and remembering that the two has to keep up their cover), the two rush into the mare's dressing room to try on the outfits. After buying them and putting the costumes on, Ben smiles as he looks himself over. Yeah, he definitely looks like Twilight for sure!

"All right, a perfect match!" Ben exclaims with a pleased look.

Soarin', now a lookalike of Rainbow, frowns as he ask, "How did I get into this mess?"

"Since you can't disobey Spitfire's order, but thanks to me for mentioning 'pie', you broke the rule."

"Note yourself: never think about pie, next time."

"Aww, quit whining, and I mean as in complaining. Once Swiper takes the picture, it will be over and our mares will still be ours! Come on, Twilight and Rainbow is here as well. We better sneak out before anypony spots us!"

Soarin' nods as he follows Ben, the two are hoping to get away without anyone noticing. Of course, as they sneak past the lip gloss store, a familiar voice stops them, "Ah ha! Thought you will get away with it, did it?"

Ben yelps as Soarin' hid behinds him. The two disguised stallions turned to see a frowning Rarity looking over to them. The stallion begins to speak, "Oh Rar..." He coughs to make his voice sounds like Twilight's, "...oh, hey Rarity! How are you doing?"

"Darling, I am not going to let any of you two leave..." Rarity frowns then smiles as she takes out some make-up, "...without a complete makeover; Oh, on the house, my good friends!"

The two stallions sigh in relief. It looks like that Rarity didn't see through the ruse. Soarin' ask in Rainbow's voice though not a good disguised one, "Oh, well, why the hay are you doing working here now?"

"Volunteer work, don't you love it? Twilight, darling, you need a little color on those lips."

Rarity put some lipstick onto Ben's lips. The stallions sweetened his lips a little bit, smiling while saying in Twilight's voice, "Hey, thanks Rarity! You're a true friend!"

"And the same to you, Rainbow Dash! You need it whatever you like it or not!" Rarity giggles as she put some powder onto Soarin's face, making him sneeze a bit.

"Ugh, thanks." Soarin' responds in the bad Rainbow Dash voice.

"Oh, darling, and just between us, you may want to stay away from Soarin' for a while...starting right now."

"Wait, what?"

"Sorry, I know you love him but you're starting to sound like Soarin', not healthy or good." Rarity said while patting her own mane.

"Grrr, wait just a darn minute!" Soarin' exclaims angrily. He was close in tackling Rarity for even suggesting that Rainbow leaves him of all cool Wonderbolts.

"Yes, yes, why not date a handsome Pegasus pony? I know of a perfect one who has been looking for a date for some time now." Rarity now sprays perfume on herself, unaware of Soarin' getting very steamy mad now. "And there's a hunky unicorn who is more well mattered and smarter than that Wonderbolt who has his mind focused on pie!"


Soarin' is about to attack Rarity and blow his cover but Ben grabs him in time, speaking in Twilight's voice, "Come on, Rainbow Dash, it's just Rarity's opinion, calm down." The stallion drags him off. "Okay, so long Rarity."

"Okay, have a good day...Ben Mare and Soarin'." Rarity said with a mischievous smirk. Ben and Soarin' yelps as they stop in shock. How did she figure out whom they really? The two decided not to bother finding out, they make a run for it.

The two disguised stallions are near the edge of the mall, sneaking towards the doors inside a clothes rack. Ben peeks out of the clothes and looks both ways. Good, no pony else is around.

"All right, the coast is clear, Soarin'." Ben said as Soarin' peek his head out as well. "Come we get out of here before anypony else manages to recognize us."

Ben and Soarin' jumps out of the clothes rack to make their escape. Suddenly, without warning, a spotlight is on them. Confetti fell with bells ringing as a big sign for 'One Millionth Customer' appears, much to their shock and confusion. Lucky Clover appears, smiling while exclaiming, "Congratulations, mares! You are our one millionth customers!"

"No we're not!" Soarin' exclaims in horror as he pulls Lucky Clober's hat over his eyes. "RUN!"

The two Stallions gallops right out the doors. Once they're gone however, Twilight and Rainbow chose that time to arrive towards Lucky Cover just as he fixes his hat. Twilight ask curiously, "Hey, Lucky Cover, what's going on here?"

"You're our millionth customers!" Lucky Cover explains to the two mares with a smile. He didn't question why Rainbow (really Soarin') pulls the hat over him, claiming to not be the winner with Twilight (really Ben). The stallion just presumes that she was joking in the midst of winning.

"Really; Awesome," Rainbow exclaims eagerly, not questioning as to why she and Twilight has 'won'. Lucky Clover smiles as he took a camera out.

"And of course, every pony knows that the millionth customer will get their picture taken for free!"

"Cool! Hey Egghead! Wanna pose?"

"Yeah, good plan!" Twilight exclaims with a smile. She and Rainbow smiles while posing for the camera.

"Say cheese!" Lucky Cover exclaims as he took the picture of both Twilight and Rainbow eagerly.

Now let's turn our focus back to the real stars, shall we? Ben and Soarin' rush past a stand with clothes, taking the said clothes with them unwittingly. The two ponies rush out of the mall...and collide with somepony, causing them all to fall down alongside the clothes. As Ben got up and got rid of the cape from his head, he turns to see whom he and Soarin' knocked down, somepony who zips down a zipper jacket, revealing a familiar face.

Ben, impersonating Twilight's voice, gasps in horror, "Boris?!"

"Twilight Sparkle! I knew one day that you'd finally dump that Earth Pony filth and be my prize forever!" Boris said, getting too close, much to Ben's discomfort.

Ben, in his normal voice, snaps furiously, "Shut it, Boris the ANIMAL!"

"It's just -!" Boris looks alarmed as he realizes how 'Twilight' spoke, making Ben yelps in alarm upon realizing his own mistake. "Hold the phone! I know that voice! Benjamin Mare! I should've known it's you!" The nasty red unicorn points an accusing hoof at the disguised pony, showing some underwear on it before lowering the hoof. "So let's end this."

Ben, in alarm use Twilight's voice as he yells, "HELP!"

Luckily, a certain member of the Royal Guard, General Spanish Steel, spotted Boris attacking Ben, who is acting as Twilight Sparkle. The pony yells out angrily, "What the?! Boris!" The villain prepares to attack Ben when General Spanish Steele grabs the red unicorn. "In the name of Princess Celestia, stop harassing our princess, Boris the Animal!"

"It's just -!" Boris yelps in alarm as he saw General Spanish Steel, making the villain yelp in alarm. "Yikes! General Steel! I could explain."

"Yeah. Explain this to Princess Celestia. She may have given you a chance to redeem from crimes. That doesn't mean you are allowed to bully the Earth Pony and harassed our princess."

"All right, better get out of here." Ben said to Soarin' as he recovers. The Wonderbolt nods as he and his friend gallops off, leaving Spanish Steel questioning the alarmed Boris who is trying to explain what he was doing. The two ponies turn a corner...and ran into a familiar fox holding a camera. As they recover, Ben and Soarin' saw Swiper, making a recovery, "Swiper! Thank goodness! Come on, we gotta get back to the library so you can take our picture."

Swiper, seeing the two, thought he only saw Twilight and Rainbow, making him say, "You know, that's a funny story, girls. Ben and Soarin' called me earlier to do the same thing."

"What? Oh, wait. Swiper, we are Ben and Soarin'! We are disguising ourselves as Twilight and Rainbow and we don't want to them to find out about this!"

"What? Twilight, how the hay are you going to keep yourself from finding out?"

"Swiper, I don't think you heard what I said in the first part. I am Ben." Ben explains to Swiper with an annoyed sigh. Perhaps he should've asked Pinkie to take the picture instead.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous! Ben is a colt and an Earth pony, not a filly alicorn with wings." Swiper explains to Ben, still confused on to whom the pony really is.

"Ugh! Swiper, trust me, I am Ben Mare!"

"Hey, Rainbow Dash? I think Twilight's studying has finally made her snap. Tell her that she's not Twilight Sparkle.

"I'm Soarin', you dumb fox!" Soarin' snaps to Swiper, making the fox whisper.

Swiper whispers to Soarin' in concern, "Hey, Rainbow? Just between us, perhaps you oughta stay away from Soarin', because you're starting to sound him like. Not healthy or cool."

Soarin' looks annoyed but Ben steps in before a fight could break out. The stallion explains, "Swiper, look. Let me put it simple. I'm Ben, he's Soarin' and we need a picture. Come on; let's take your camera back to the library so we can take it."


After a while of convincing, it was now 3:30 PM as the trio got back into the library. Ben calls out, "We have to hurry! The girls will be home when the clock strikes four!" Swiper got to work on setting up the camera as the colts get themselves ready. During this time, Twilight and Rainbow are getting closer to the library, they have finished early apparently. Ben and Soarin' did their poses as the Earth pony yells out, "Swiper, hurry!"

"Say cheese!" Swiper exclaims as he takes the picture of the two stallions. Once the picture was taken, the fox finds himself covered in black with his lower pant falling down somehow. "Aw man! I hate it when that happens!"

Back outside, the two fillies were carrying bags with Twilight asking, "Rainbow, can you believe it! We're the one millionth customers!"

"Yeah, who knew?" Rainbow responds with a chuckle as Twilight prepares to open the door. "I can't wait to tell Soarin' about this!"

Inside the library, Ben quickly put the photo of himself and Soarin' disguised as Twilight and Rainbow onto the mantle in a good frame. The Earth pony grins while saying, "Good! The girls won't know the difference as long as they don't get suspicious! Now..."

However without warning, the trio heard the door opening, making them turn to see Twilight and Rainbow trotting into the library. The two mares look shocked, gasping as they saw themselves. The stallions gulp, not good. The filly friends are back early.

"Oh! THAT'S Twilight and Rainbow!" Swiper exclaims, snapping his fingers while pointing to the real Twilight and Rainbow. In confusion, he turns to Ben and Soarin', saying, "Wait, guys. I thought you didn't want those two fillies to know about this. Oh, well, so where is my Angel? We made a deal."

"Fine, here." Ben said as he gave...a stuffed rabbit that looks like Angel to Swiper, much to the fox's shock.

"What the...?! This is just a stuffed bunny! I wanted Angel!"

"And you got him, we just didn't say which one! Now scram!" Soarin' snaps as he bucks Swiper right out of the library with his stuffed angel, leaving the two stallions alone to explain what happened to their fillies.


A while later, Ben and Soarin' are out of their outfits, explaining what they were doing to Twilight and Rainbow...sort of. Ben explains, " finally, in hopes to save all of Equestria from collapsing, we have to dress up like you like mother wanted!"

"Right, like the princess wanted." Soarin' said, giving an uneasy smile to Twilight and Rainbow.

Twilight blinks as she turns to Rainbow asking, "Uh, mind telling me what excuses they were trying to make up, Rainbow Dash?" Ben and Soarin' yelps in worry. That excuse didn't work; the mares suspect that their colts are hiding something.

"Eh simple; They broke a photograph of us while playing football after we left and disguised themselves as us to replace it so we won't notice and break up with them." Rainbow explains to Twilight with a shrug.

"Oh great...we're gone." Soarin' said in worry. Looks like it's Splitville for the couples...but then the two Elements of Harmony look at each other and laugh, much to their confusion.

"Whoa! You two went through a lot of trouble just to replace this?"

As Rainbow picks up the photo of the disguised Ben and Soarin', Twilight smiles while saying, "We must have the greatest someponies in Equestria." The two mares smile as Twilight and Rainbow hugs Ben and Soarin' respectively; Looks like they aren't angry after all, "You two are so sweet to do that."

"But...we got a confession: we always hated that dumb picture before you destroyed it, not our good side." Rainbow admits as she then throws the picture aside. "We got something way past 20% awesome anyway."

Twilight put a new photo of herself and Rainbow onto the mantle posing in a frame that said 'One Millionth Customer'. The alicorn explains, "Those ponies at the mall gave those for free if you're the one millionth customer...and looks like we won!"

Ben and Soarin' look stunned. They went through all that trouble and Twilight and Rainbow never liked their old picture at all! Worst yet, if the two disguised stallions would've stay around longer, they would've gotten the new picture anyway!

"Aww horse feathers," Soarin' groans in annoyance.




Once the cartoon is over, the audience applauds once more.


During the time Pinkamena came back to where Golden Heart is and says, "That did not go too well."

"It is ok but I have a feeling things will turn out good." Golden Heart said while assuring his pink pony little sister.

"I hope so."

With Ben gone, Twilight does her best to deal with the main problems happening in the backstage with Nyx's help. But both are finding it extremely difficult. The mare wishes that she can talk to Ben and find out why he left. That way, Twilight can find a way to get him back and restore the 'natural order' again.

"Twilight, you gotta talk to Ben!" Brian exclaims as he gallops over to Twilight and Nyx in concern.

"Yeah, I want to talk to him." Twilight said in hope. "Where is he?"


Twilight, Nyx, Phobos and Brian trots over to Ben's table. The stallion is still there, putting his head down in depression. The mare coughs up while saying, "Uh, hi Ben."

Ben saw Twilight then frowns while turning away from her. Nyx sighs sadly, "Daddy, come on. Can't you and mommy talk this out?"

"Yeah, I heard that you were upset, but I don't understand why."

"You should know why I'm upset, Twilight!" Ben scoffs to Twilight angrily. "You said that horrible thing about me. Nyx and Phobos should know."

"Right, you nasty," Phobos exclaims to Twilight, confusing her some more.

"What horrible thing did I even say about you, Ben?" Twilight ask her love, not understanding what's going on. "I mean, the only thing that I said related to you all night was that with you on the job, we got nothing to worry about! That was a compliment, not an insult."

"What?" Nyx and Phobos ask in surprise with Ben looking at Twilight in confusion. The mare was complimenting her colt-friend?"

"You said that?" Ben asks Brian in surprise and more confusion. He doesn't understand. If Twilight was complimenting him, why did she say that awful thing about the stallion later?"

"Right, I first said that to Brian here." Twilight explains as he motions to Brian nearby.

"Well, I did remember you saying that...but then I heard you say that we'd better off without Ben!" Brian explains to Twilight in concern and bewilderment.

"Wait, wait; hang on!" Ben exclaims, the depression is now gone. The stallion realizes that something is wrong here. "Brian, who told you that Twilight said that terrible thing?"

" know, the word on the street, the gossip..."

"Wait...Brian, after Twilight complimented me to you, what did you do afterwards?"

"Oh. Well, I told it to Rainbow Dash..." Brian said as he begins to explain what he himself did after Twilight compliment Ben.

"Wait, and then Rainbow must've told someone else..." Nyx said thoughtfully, starting to catch on as to what happened after Brian told Rainbow what Twilight told him. Just then Phobos laughs madly. "Phobos, what's so funny?"

"I think I know what's going on here!" Phobos laughs madly. "Apparently, the word went around and ends up changing a few words! There must've been a miscommunication in the gossip somehow so that Brian finally got it..."

"Twilight; what you said about me just got all turned around!" Ben exclaims with a laugh of amusement; Turns out that the whole gossip thing was just a misunderstanding.

"Hang on...hang on! Are you telling me that I had to show stories on an old projector screen...because of bad gossip?!" Twilight demands to Brian, making the stallion chuckle sternly as he saw his friend and her friend glaring at him.

"Well, it would seem that way..." Brian said nervously.

"So, I apparently said that the show was 'better off' without Ben, right, Brian?"

"I swear it wasn't my fault, Twilight! Please don't hurt me. I simply quoted what you said, but it must have gotten mixed up at some point like Phobos said. Not my fault, okay?"

"Would it have killed you to let me know what was going on earlier? Or told people what I ACTUALLY said?" Twilight demands to Ben in more frustration.

"Well, you see - all of the gossip I hear is true, so I assumed that you DID say that about Ben. Is th-" Ben begins to explain but an annoyed Twilight cut him off.

"DON'T ASSUME ANYTHING, YOU DUMB IDIOT! Because of you, we could still lose the club! I'm on the edge of losing my own family. Be careful what you say, you don't know how bad the effects can be, Brian."

"Brian! Wouldn't it kill you to just tell me instead of telling others?" Ben ask Brian in frustration.

Nyx exclaims in agreement, "Yeah! Thanks to you, like mommy said, we nearly lost the club. I nearly lost my family!"

"I'm sorry. I thought everyone or everypony deserve to know everything because we're all friends. After all, gossiping isn't only my style, telling message is what I do too." Brian explains to his friends sheepishly. "Didn't mean everypony or everyone start giving the wrong message. Sorry. Again I'd really didn't mean to."

Ben sigh, "Well, I'm just glad things are clear."

"Does that mean -?" Twilight ask Ben hopefully.

"Yup; I'm back on the job, Twiley."

"Welcome back, Daddy." Nyx said with a giggle while nuzzling Ben, relieved that her father is going to back to his job.

"Anyway, I'm glad that you two are back together and made up! Anyway, I will go tell everyone else the real truth." Brian said to Twilight and Ben with a smile. "I promise from now on to check my sources before spreading any gossip that hurts."

Brian trots off to spread the news that the gossip about what Twilight said about Ben is wrong as well as the fact that the two got back together. The stallion smiles as he hugs Twilight and Nyx, relieved to be back with his filly friend.

Fancypants and Fleur saw the two happening with the former looking confused as he said to his wife, "I say, hang on. Weren't they supposed to be mad at each other?" Fleur chuckles while shaking her head at this.

Ben soon let go of the fillies and gallops off. Twilight ask, "Ben, where are you going?"

"I got a show to save!" Ben exclaims in determination; Now that he's back on the job, time for him to set things right.

Rainbow, who witnessed what happened, groans as he said to Pinkie, "Pinkie, your colt-friend's a idiot, just like you."

"Hey, we're not dumb!" Pinkie protests to Rainbow in offensive.

"How dare you insult my cupcake," Dr. Lizardo snaps angrily to Rainbow.

"First off, she isn't your cupcake so get lost!" Rainbow snaps as she kicks Dr. Lizardo to his table. Then the mare turns to Pinkie saying, "Sorry, I'm still peeved over what happened in the previous show."

"Okie dokie lokie, I understand." Pinkie said, forgiving all of the sudden.


Ben got to work backstage as he is talking on two phones. On one phone, the stallion calls out, "Hey, I like to order a new video monitor ASAP." Then he speaks into the other phone, "Hey, Chaos Makers? Sorry that I'm running late but I am on my way over right now!"


A few moments later, things are back to normal with the big screen back into place again and the Chaos Makers finally arriving.

As Pinkamena and Golden HGart watch seeing things return like the big screen, Pinkamena says, "You were right, Goldie; things are turning out good."

"Indeed but let's keep watching, little sister." Golden Heart suggests to Pinkamena. She nods as they both keep watching the show.

Spike appears with music playing, the mare calls out, "All right, give a 'hay yeah' to the Chaos Makers!"

The audience applauds as two rams in tufus and Rainbow Chaos appears, all of them are carrying polka instruments. Te evil version of Rainbow Dash smirks while saying, "All right, let's do this!" The trio performs as they play to the tune of a familiar song that can be found on Youpony, starting with the title song of the actual franchise.

Soon Rainbow Chaos perform the song on the instruments from the Parasprites episode. Once she's done, the villainess begins to sing.

Rainbow Chaos: I was a little filly and the sun was going down...
The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown
I'd hide under my pillow
From what I thought I saw
But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way
To deal with fears at all
She said: "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall
Learn to face your fears
You'll see that they can't hurt you
Just laugh to make them disappear."
Ha! Ha! Ha!

Thread by thread, stitching it together
Twilight's dress, cutting out the pattern snip by snip
Making sure the fabric folds nicely
It's the perfect color and so hip
Always gotta keep in mind my pacing
Making sure the clothes' correctly facing
I'm stitching Twilight's dress

Rainbow Chaos and rams: I'll be the toast of the town, the girl on the go
I'm the type of pony everypony, everypony should know
I'll be the one to watch, the girl in the flow
I'm the type of pony everypony, everypony should know

The band performs some more.

Rainbow Chaos: No matter what the issue
Come from wherever you please
All this fighting gets you nothing
But hoof and mouth disease
Arguing's not the way
Hey, come out and play!
It's a shiny, new day
So, what do you say?
You gotta share
You gotta care
It's the right thing to do
You gotta share
You gotta care
And there'll always be a way through

We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders
On a quest to find out who we are
And we will never stop the journey
Not until we have our cutie marks

How 'bout this one?
He's much too flashy.
He might do,
If he weren't so splashy.
Too short.
Too tall.
Too clean.
Too smelly.
Too strangely obsessed with tubs of jelly.

Sounds of jelly being eaten are heard. The band continues performing.

Hush now! Quiet now!
It's time to lay your sleepy head!
Said hush now! Quiet now!
It's time to go to bed!
Driftin' (driftin') off to sleep!
The exciting day behind you!
Driftin' (driftin') off to sleep!
Let the joy of dream land find you!
Hush now! Quiet now!
Lay your sleepy head!
Said hush now! Quiet now!
It's time to go to BED!

The band slows down a bit as Rainbow Chaos clears her throat and sings a deep tone like when Fluttershy from the poison joke.

She's an evil enchantress
She does evil dances
And if you look deep in her eyes
She'll put you in trances
Then what will she do?
She'll mix up an evil brew
Then she'll gobble you up
In a big tasty stew
Soooo.... Watch out!

Once Rainbow Chaos clears her throat, she and her group are now in Flim Flam outfits, singing.

Rainbow Chaos and rams: Well you've got opportunity
In this very community
He's Flim
He's Flam
We're the world famous Flim Flam brothers
Traveling salesponies nonpareil

The song begins to pick up once more. Rainbow Chaos is playing the 'Cranky Doodle Donkey' song then continues to sing.

Rainbow Chaos: It's true, some days are dark and lonely
And maybe you feel sad
But Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn't that bad
There's one thing that makes me happy
And makes my whole life worthwhile
And that's when I talk to my friends and get them to smile

You stomp your whole self in
You stomp your whole self out
You stomp your whole self in
And you stomp yourself about
You do the Pony Pokey and you give a little shout-
That's what I'm talking about

What is this place
filled with so many wonders?
Casting its spell
That I am now under
Squirrels in the trees
and the cute little bunnies
Birds flying free
and bees with their honey

At the Gala, in the garden
I'm going to see them all!
All the creatures, I'll befriend them at the Gala! (at the Gala!)
All the birdies, and the critters
They will love me big and small!
We'll become good friends forever
Right here at the Gala!

Chorus: All our dreams will come true right here at the Gala, at the Gala!

The band begins up some more. Rainbow Chaos's group smile as they finish the whole thing up)

Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!

The polka parts did a few more instruments bit before the song came to an end. The audience applauds as Rainbow Chaos and her pals make their bow


"Looks like Rainbow Chaos is not bad at singing." Pinkamena said to Golden Heart, impressed by Rainbow Chaos's performance.

Golden Heart nods as he said, "Indeed."

"But she better behave or I will be making her behave like I did to the last trouble maker."

"Ok but let's keep watching on."

Backstage, Ben is talking to Rainbow Chaos, the stallion, impressed by her singing, said, "Amazing. I didn't know that you can sing that well, Rainbow Chaos."

"Well, I usually do some singing to pay the bills between the Apocalypse Ponies gigs." Rainbow Chaos explains to Ben proudly, "Gives me some time to get over my good self."

"Well, I think it's cool."

"Yeah, well, you are cooler! You kept this show going like the real McCoy!"

Brian was listening in when Ben laughs a bit, saying, "Hey, thanks for the compliment, Rainbow Chaos!"

Brian with a grin trots over to Rarity before he begins to whisper, "Hey, Rarity, wanna hear what Rainbow Chaos just said? He said that Ben..."

"Brian Maximo Tenny," Ben scolds as he pulls Brian away from Heather in annoyance. "Did you learn nothing? I thought Twilight and I told you to tell any of us before others."

Nyx is nearby agrees as she exclaims, "Yeah! Are you trying to repeat same mistake like my friends did their 'Gabby Gum' and today?"

Brian chuckled nervously, "Oops. I guess I forgot again. Sorry." He smiles sheepishly.


"Well, thanks to Ben Mare, we made it through another show barely." Twilight said as she sighs in relief onstage. "All right, Spike, take us out of here!'

"Thanks, Twilight!" Spike exclaims with a smile, "Gossip for this special episode of the House of Pony was provided by..."


"Brian Tenny!"

We see Brian as he grins while saying, "Ponies, everything, I make your business my business! Whether it's big news..." The stallion points to a smiling Crunch the Rockdog. "Or little news..." Brian now points to Snips and Snails carrying some foods. "...why there isn't anything that I can't dig up!"

Koga barks happily as he came back with a bone in his mouth that the wolf cub just dug up.

"Yep; Remember, all the gossip that I is always true!"

As Brian's picture came down, Spike is heard speaking in a low voice, "Don't believe all that you hear, and only half of what you read!"


"Psst, wanna know what I heard?" Twilight whispers to the crowd as she concludes the show. The mare smiles as she continues in a normal tone of voice. "Well, we're going to see you all real soon! So long, ponies!"

Episode Thirteen: Nyx Saves the Day

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The misunderstanding that nearly broke up Twilight and Ben has been clear up, allowing the club to resume normally like the place usually is; Even if the place has its ups and down, the club was a major success. Yes, some act were great, some flop, but Twilight has a good feeling of finishing the last show for the year before closing down for now.

Twilight felt like she, her family and her friends need a break from hosting and managing the club. That way, they can get their life done, see what's going on and the whatnot until they come back for another season. So the Mane Six and their friends planned on making the season finale of 'House of Pony' be memorable.

And it is memorable, thanks to the adopted daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Ben Mare, AKA the former Nightmare Moon known as Nyx...


Spike with a grin smiles while saying, "All right, put whatever you use for hands for the smartest, most magic-iest pony in Ponyville...TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"

The audience applauds as Twilight arrives onto the stage, smiling while saying, "Hey there, everypony! Welcome to our show!"


"Sorry, we don't allow miners in this club." Rarity said to someone at her desk.

That someone is Mosamite Sam who grunts, “How about leaving the jokes to the pink comedians?"


As Twilight was doing her usual thing on stage, Nyx trots through the area, making sure that everything is secured. The alicorn filly loves to help out at the club, especially since her mother Twilight trusts her to be here.

"So far, so good," Nyx said with a grin, satisfied that no trouble is happening.

Unknown to Nyx, trouble is about to happen in the former of a familiar fox, looking around while demanding, "Where's that stupid bunny!" Swiper then saw his target eating some carrots at a table then grabs him quickly. "Aha!"

Of course, Swiper's action didn't go unnoticed as Nyx saw what he's doing, much to her annoyance.

"Leave Angel alone, Swiper or I'll turn you into turkey!" Nyx demands angrily to Swiper who turns and saw her.

"Butt out, Nightmare Moon! Can't you see that I'm eating my food?" Swiper snaps, ignoring the kicks given to him by Angel, trying his best to get free.

"My name is NYX, not Nightmare Moon! So put Angel down before I make you do it."

"Humph! Make me, Nightmare Moon!"

Nyx use magic and blast Swiper's head. The filly asks angrily, "What did I say?"

Swiper screams and run away with Angel to the backstage while Nyx chased him. She's about to use Magic to blast or scared at Swiper to drop Angel. The fox tripped and her Magic hit the Cleveland Bays who were practicing, causing them to be hit or chased out from the attack.

Back on stage, Twilight was giving out her next announcement, "Yes, sir, we got a great show tonight! Our special guests..."

"Please let me sing!" Dr. Lizardo calls out impatiently. Twilight fires a magic blast at him in annoyance, sending the lizard running away from his stage.

"For the last time, you aren't performing unless you're on the list! Ahem, as I was saying, our special guests tonight, after being cancelled two times so far, are the Cleveland Ba..."

Suddenly, Cleveland Bays was thrown out from backstage and Twilight, who was cut off, saw everything. She's in shock. Nyx gulped for the mess that she made.

Swiper, sarcastic, made a wicked laugh, "Way to go, Nightmare Moon."

"My daddy is going to kill me." Nyx said meekly, knowing that Ben Mare is going to angry for what she just did to the guest stars.


"Nyx, what were you thinking?" Ben ask angrily as he scolds the guilty Nyx in the backstage area. "You chased off and/or injured our musical guests! We don't havet an act thanks to you! Can't you even behave?! Where you even thinking at all?!"

"Daddy, I'm sorry, I was trying to stop Swiper from getting Angel." Nyx explains to Ben sadly. "I didn't mean..."

"Nyx, no matter what happened, that incident, even if you haven't caused it, has put us all in a bind! Now I got to find another musical act, little filly! As your grandmother said to your mother before Chrysalis was exposed, you have a lot to think about."

Tears begins to form in Nyx's eyes as Ben trots up to Twilight, the mare who doesn't seem too upset over what happened. The mother knew that it wasn't her daughter's fault for what happened.

"Ben, don't you think that's harsh? Nyx's just a filly." Twilight points out to Ben gently.

"Harsh; Twilight Sparkle. As her father, it's my job to make sure Nyx be on the best of her behavior and doesn't get herself in trouble. I just want to be a good parent like what my mother did for me." Ben explains sternly to Twilight. He sighs before continuing, "It will be easier if Nyx wouldn't be involved in this."

"But Ben, Nyx is very good filly like when she saved me, and even you. Don't you remember that?"

"I know. But I think this job is too much for her. I'm sorry, Twilight Sparkle. As Nyx's father, I have to banned her from coming to House of Pony. She's grounded."

Nyx sighs sadly as she took off her headset, mumbling, "Well, if daddy feels that...perhaps tis place is better off." The sad filly head to the doors, much to the notices of Spike and Phobos who witnessed what happened. "I think I will just...go home now and stay out of everypony's way..."

Spike in concern walks up to Nyx, saying, "C'mon Nyx, Ben didn't mean to say harsh at you so badly."

"I know. But sometimes, I felt like that everypony may be right. After all, I was the Nightmare Moon, and all I did is cause nothing but trouble. Maybe daddy's right, maybe I shouldn't be involved in House of Pony business."

Phobos scoffs as he speaks, "That's crazy talk. You're not bad guy, you're the good guy. Why, if you hadn't been nice or open to me, I would never have found my true home and my true friend."

"Phobos's right. You are good pony." Spike said as he pats the sad filly on the back. "Listen, how about me and Phobos talk with Ben? If he gives you a chance, then I'm sure you will be a happy filly like we used to know."

"You can say that, Spike. We'll always be your friend. We'll help you no matter what."

Nyx smile as she said, "Thanks guys. You're the best Dragon friends I ever had."

Nyx leaves the backdoor of the club, preparing to head on home. Maybe if she's lucky, Spike and Phobos will talk Ben into letting her back in. But as the filly was preparing to head off, she heard some voices.

"Huh?" Nyx ask puzzled. Out of curiosity, the filly hid behind a box and peeks over. She saw a couple of figures talking, all of them are speaking. "Wait, it's Diamond Tiara and her pal Silver Spoon...and Diamond's bodyguard Maxin Talos. What are they doing back here and talking to the Cobra Commander and his goon Dr. Mindbender?"

Nyx watch on as Diamond is listening to the Cobra Commander (Renegades) and Dr. Mindbender. The main villain said, "Listen carefully, Miss Tiara. My scientist: Dr. Mindbender will provide you something effective in eliminating your foes without single incident."

Mindbender smirks as he holds out a vial of something. The scientist explains, "Behold my latest babies: Sleep Vipers. Trust me on this, fillies; they maybe small in a tube and not like my Bio-Vipers. But these little babies will put anyone or anypony to sleep, whether it's in a drink or food. When I said sleep, I forgot to mention: Forever! That will be 5 bucks each."

"Good. Maxin Talos, pay the man. I would myself, but daddy cut off my allowance after the previous incident here." Diamond Tiara remarks with a sinister grin.

"Yes, Miss Tiara." Maxin Talos grunts as he pays off enough cash so that his boss will have what she needs.

Silver Spoon asks in concern, "Is there any cure for Sleep Vipers? I mean what if we got it by accident?"

"Oh. By the way, there is no cure. Sleep Vipers have heavy resistance against any technologies, medicine and even magic. Not Princess Sunny Unicorn (referring to Princess Celestia) can cure them. Even if I made one, I can say boo-hoo to them. It's awesome, perfect and brilliant!" Dr. Mindbender explains eagerly. The Sleep Vipers are his best invention yet!

"With extra-help: Bio-Vipers to assist you, but you will return me a favor: the Alicorn's immortality. I want birth naturally, not 'become' naturally like Twilight Sparkle or Cadance." Cobra Commander said sinisterly.

Diamond Tiara smirks evilly as she took the vials, adding, "I've gotta admit, Commander. No wonder people or ponies are too stupid to fell for your bribes and good uses, you are one tricky, wicked and ruthless snake. Unlike most of your stupid counterparts like your G1 self except the Resolute's and the Movies ones. Those two guys are good as you are. Oh well, I wish I want Bio-Vipers but I don't know about natural Alicorns because I hate histories. Even If I know one, I wouldn't dare to touch the Alicorn. They're powerful and dangerous; Sorry, Commander."

Silver Spoon, worried, ask the G.I. Joe villain, "Seriously, why do you need born Alicorns like Princess Celestia so badly?"

Cobra Commander laughs, "So I can rule G.I. Joe Renegade Universe eternally and forever! But no matter, I will find another power to become one and to eliminate resistance like the Joes. But you can still have the Sleep Vipers formula."

Diamond Tiara smirk while saying, "Then, it's the deal, Cobra Commander. I hope I can find you again for new weapons and powers, because you're the best as the Megatrons." The filly turns to Maxin and Silver Spoon. "Oh yes, this is very dastardly and reasonable, you two! Once Twilight Fool and her friends are out like lights, this will allow us to trot right in and take over the House of Pony!"

"But I thought you wanted to shut it down. I mean, you already own it, right?" Silver Spoon ask Diamond Tiara puzzled. Even Nyx is confused by these choices of words. "So what would you want to take it over?"

"One subject at a time, Silver Spoon; Right now, we got to get these things in some food to knock out. And Maxin, we will make sure that even Brave Heart the Kilt Wearer gets his for scaring you off! Do you like that?"

Maxin Talos laughs eagerly, wanting so much to get back at Brave Heart for scaring him off the last time that he was here. Nyx looks worried as she said quietly, "I gotta warn mommy and daddy. Even if I am banned right now, they must be warned!"

But as Nyx prepares to rush back in, she accidentally knock over some empty tins cans, gaining the trio's attention, making Diamond Tiara suspicious as she leads Silver Spoon and Maxin to investigate the noise.

Nyx knocks on the door frantically while calling out, "Mommy, Spike! Let me in! Something bad is going to..."

"Hey, look what we got here, Silver Spoon!" Diamond Tiara exclaims sinisterly as Nyx turns to see that she, Silver Spoon and Maxin has discovered her. "Its little Nightmare Moon herself!"

"I know what you're up to, Diamond! You won't get away with it! I am going to tell my parents!"

"No one like tattle tattlers because they get send away; Maxin, Silver Spoon!"

Maxin grabs Nyx sinisterly, the filly struggles in his grip while Silver Spoon holds out a box with holes, saying apologetically, "Sorry for doing this!" The bodyguard throws Nyx into the box itself before the Yes Pony closes it before taping the thing shut.

Maxin then throw the box with Nyx in it into a nearby mail truck while Diamond Tiara taunts sinisterly, "Have fun in the Icy Wastelands, Nightmare Moon! Ha ha ha ha ha," Soon the truck drove off to deliver some packages, including the newest one. "Well, that little brat is gone; Time to commit Phase 1 of our plan."

Diamond Tiara laughs. Silver Spoon looks uneasy though Maxin Talos laughs madly. The leader glares in annoyance to her bodyguard while snapping, "Shut up, Maxin."

Looks like the season finale of the House of Pony just got dramatic.


As Pinkamena and Golden Heart watch, Pinkamena froze and says, "Something really really bad is going to happen, Goldie and it has to do with Diamond Tiara, Maxin Talos, Cobra Commander and Dr. Mindbender."

"I see but I like you to find this Dr. Mindbender." Golden Heart said to his little sister sternly.


She heads off as Golden Heart says, "Guess my far sight was right but it will be too late to stop the Sleep Vipers but maybe my little sis can convince him to make a cure but for now just sit and wait."

Word soon spread of Nyx's ban from the club. And of course, most of the staff is not very happy with it. As the band took their break, the CMC were speaking of what happened.

"Ah can't believe 'dat Ben banned Nyx fro' coming 'ta 'de House o' Pony." Apple Bloom said in disbelief. "It's not fair!"

"I know. But Nyx is only trying to save Angel from Swiper." Sweetie said with a frown. "Why life is so ironic?"

"If that fox hadn't caused the trouble, Nyx would still be here." Scootaloo remarks angrily. "When I get the hand on that fox, he's gonna wish that he would never done that to our best friend. I'd say we teach that fox a lesson."

"Yeah," Apple Bloom and Sweetie exclaims at once sternly.

Applejack, on her way to the control booth, saw this scene and spoke up, "Now hold up, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle an' Scootaloo. Ah know how yew fillies feel about Nyx, so do Ah, sugercube. But Ben can be an uptight pony when it comes 'ta 'de job. So don't go an' mess wit' 'dat fox, otherwise, yew'd be in big apple trouble. Beside, Ah'd just hope 'dat somepony could talk wit' Ben about 'dis."

"Yah, alright," The Cutie Mark Crusaders said in frustration. They hate to admit it but Applejack's right; Best to wait for this problem to resolve itself somehow.

Backstage, the two Dragons are trying their best to talk Ben into lifting his ban of his daughter. Needless to say, their efforts were in vain.

"The answer is no. Nyx is grounded and banned from coming here. That's my final word, Spike and Phobos." Ben said to Spike and Phobos sternly while he kept on working.

"But Ben, you've gotta give Nyx a chance." Spike pleads. "I know what she did is kinda wrong, but she's trying to save Angel from Swiper."

"Yeah. Besides, what you said to Nyx is too harsh." Phobos remarks in agreement. "Isn't what a true, true friend do like Nyx did?"

Ben sigh, "Look, guys, I don't have time to argue about Nyx. I need to find another musical act. I don't know if the Cleveland Bays are coming back or hospitalized." Ben left in a hurry.

"Well, that went well. What's next?"

Spike sigh, "I'm not sure. I just hope another pony could talk with Ben about this before things could get any uglier."

Pinkie and Fluttershy are waiting tables, with the pink pony complaining, "That stupid fox! Not only he made Ben ground Nyx, he made me very Super Duper angry! I'd swear to Celestia that I'm gonna kick his tail and flank for good."

"Now, Pinkie; let's not get any hasty. You do realize that Ben is very uptight and stubborn pony. So it's best that we should wait until the end of the show, if you don't mind that." Fluttershy insists to Pinkie, not wanting any violence to occur out of what happened to Nyx.

Pinkie Pie groans, "Fine. Besides, I don't wanna get on Ben's bad side since the last show. I just hope somepony talk with Benny."

Up front, Rainbow is ranting to Rainbow, "If there's anything that make me very angry than challenging with AJ and losing my best fan Scootaloo is that another bad guy made my cool filly Nyx be kicked out. Swiper is gonna be sorry for that! He's gonna wish that Rainbow Dash won't lose her temper"

"Though I hate to admit it, making Ben grounded his own daughter is not tolerated." Rarity sighs, agreeing with her friend. "But remember, Rainbow, Ben is not in his good mood since the Cleveland Bays got injured."

"Yeah, I get the point, Rare. But it makes me tick to kick that stupid fox. But what's the point? I just hope another pony can talk with Ben before things gets worst."

Up front, Shining is doing his job of parking cars and staying out of most of the madness, but even he heard what happened to his niece. The stallion saw his wife Cadance approaching and say, "Cadance, thank Celestia, you're just in time."

"What's with the rush, Shiny? Is the show starting?" Cadance ask Shining, noticing the upset look on her love's face.

"No, it's not about that. It's Ben."

"What's wrong? Don't tell me that Ben had an argument with Twilight again."

Shining sighs as he explains, "No. He kinda grounded Nyx and banned her from coming here."

"Why? But why do you need me to talk with Ben? I mean you and him are colts, so you two could have colt talking." Cadance said, wondering why Shining couldn't just talk to Ben about what happened with Nyx.

"From what I heard from Brian, Nyx is trying to save Angel from Swiper and kinda accidentally blast the Cleveland Bays out. As for you talking with Ben part, I feel he's much closer to you than I am. After all, you did raise and was foal-sitting Ben besides Twiley. I felt that colt-talking with Ben could make things worse and making Ben even more stubborn than Applejack. So you're suitable for this. Can you help?"

Cadance nod her head, answering, "I understand. I'll talk with Ben at the end of the show. I just hope no pony dare to impersonate me. That's kinda annoying."

"Thanks, Cadance. Now this is one pony I love the most, other than my family,” Shining said, satisfied that his wife will try to talk to Ben later.

On the stage, Twilight smiles while saying, "Sorry for the delay, folks, we are having a bit of a family crisis. Anyway, check out this Fluttershy cartoon that we dug up."

At the seats, as the audience applauds with Pinkie and Fluttershy standing near Manny Roar's table. The pink pony exclaims, "Hope you like it, starring both you two."

"That's nice." Fluttershy said with a smile. Manny roars a bit. The audience applauds as the first cartoon of the night appears on the screen.




Fluttershy's Big Kitty

A circus has arrived in Ponyville and all was quiet...okay, it's because the place isn't open yet and most likely still being prepared. The ponies are setting things up while animals that live in the zoo sat in their cages, getting a bit bored, especially one Manticore by the name of Manny Roar.

Manny walks around in case, grunting. He has been in this cage all his life, put in as a zoo exhibit for ponies all over to see. The Manticore hates living he, he wants to get out. Manny groans as he tries to shake the bars to get himself out, even rattling but there's no use.

Manny, sighing, sat down then saw a cord nearby. Out of curiosity, he pulls it...and saw to his shock that the cord opens the cage doors. The Manticore looks astounded. Why would the circus people has cords that can let the animals (probably so that the workers can get out during the feeding and cleaning) and why didn't he notice that said cord before all these years?

Wow, it doesn't matter. Manny jumps out of the cage and heads on his way, humming as he walks out of the circus; The Manticore prepares to head out into the streets when the animal heard the alarms goes off, causing him to yelp. Not good, the circus catches must've been alerted that he escaped and are going to recapture him!

Quickly, Manny, not wanting to be recaptured and wanting to enjoy freedom, rush off as Mosamite Sam, the circus manager, ran out of his officer trailer while snapping, "No animal escapes from my circus, vermint!" The stallion got his truck and drove off in pursuit of the escape Manticore.

Now during this same time, Fluttershy was returning home with a cat carrier, the pony just adopted a new kitty that she found that is in need of a home. Upon coming into the kitchen, the mare put the carrier onto the table.

"Okay, little guy, here is your new home." Fluttershy said while opening the cat carrier. A little brown cat named Mr. Mumbles came out of his cage, meowing and pouring while rubbing on the mare. "Awww, I know you will love living least until somepony wants you for a pet. Until then, you are free to live here."

Mr. Mumbles purrs then his stomach begins to growl a bit. Fluttershy giggles, "Awww, you must be hungry." The Pegasus pony flies into the kitchen and open the fridge, getting out a carton of milk. She came back to the kitty and shows it to the kitten. "Now this is milk. Not sure if you had seen it before but you are supposed to be big and strong from drinking this. Now how to open this little carton..."

Fluttershy pauses then uses her mouth to rip the top of the carton open, splitting the contents of the bottom half into the bowl. As Mr. Mumbles begins drinking the milk, the mare smiles while saying, "There you go...oh! We need to get your collar in case you wander away from the cottage. Be right back."

Fluttershy leaves the room. Unknown to her, a familiar Manticore quickly run into the cottage and closes the door, panting like mad. He was running from Mosamite so fast, he is exhausted! Manny peeks through a peephole and saw his pursuer driving around, calling out, "Manny, here boy!"

Manny is relieved; apparently Mosamite Sam didn't see him run in here. Unfortunately, that stallion knew that Manny is in this area so the Manticore hopes to stay in here until Mosamite is gone. During this time, Mr. Mumbles chose this time to turn around...then his eyes widened, causing him to scream in terror. There is a Manticore in here and that was bad news!

Mr. Mumbles jumps right onto the chandelier, hiding from sight. Manny looks confused then saw a bowl of milk unoccupied. He smiles, the creature didn't have time to drink anything yet so Manny took the bowl, chugging it all down.

Around that time, Fluttershy came in with a brand new collar in her mouth...but gasps in shock upon seeing Manny himself. Of course, in her mind, the Pegasus pony didn't see a Manticore but rather a big Mr. Mumbles. Apparently the milk must've helped the 'kitten' grow up big and strong after all!

"Oh my; I heard of 'growing up fast' but I thought that was a figure of speech!" Fluttershy exclaims to Manny in amazement. The Manticore looks confused as he looks up then points to himself. The mare apparently has mistaken him to be her pet kitty cat. She looks at the carton of milk, smiling. "This got to ve vitamin enriched. Well, at least you're a big and strong cat, Mr. Mumbles."

Manny puzzled points to himself then shrugs. Fluttershy thinks that he is her pet cat so the Manticore will play along until Mosamite Sam is gone and then he will make a break for it.

"Well, Mr. Mumbles, ready to try on your new collar?" Fluttershy ask Manny happily. The Manticore growls and roars loudly, sending the mare near the door. He doesn't wanna wear the collar. Fluttershy frowns as she opens the door. "Okay, if you wanna behave like that, then you might as well be an outdoor cat!"

Manny's eyes widen in horror as he looks out the door. Mosamite is still driving his truck around, looking for him still while calling out, "Manny, come on out, you vermint. Come on out..."

Manny closes the door in terrors then begs for forgiveness from Fluttershy before giving an innocent smile. The mare pauses to think then smiles.

"All right, much better. I forgive you Mr. Mumbles." Fluttershy said sweetly. "All right, time for your new collar."

Fluttershy pauses looking at the collar then at Manny's neck. The former appears to be too small for the latter. The mare said, "To be honest, Mr. Mumbles, I didn't plan for you to be big and...this could take time."

Fluttershy works as best as she could to put the collar onto Manny...though she is having trouble like misplacing the thing on the Manticore's neck, his snot, and a lot of places but Manny always push the Pegasus pony right off of himself and right into a kitchen sink, colliding her head with it.

Fluttershy rubs her head then got an idea. She flew upstairs and came back with a belt in her head. She put it around Manny's head and attached it right on.

"There we go!" Fluttershy giggles happily. She picks up Manny while continuing, "All right, Mr. Mumbles, I got another surprise for you."

Fluttershy takes Manny into another room near the kitchen and set the Manticore down. She then mumbles to a litter box, saying, "Here it is your next big surprise, Mr. Mumbles, your very own litter box. Okay, time for you to do your business." The Manticore's eyes widen in shock and disbelief. She wants him to go in a sand box?! "That's for when you it?"

Manny, embarrassed, shakes his head. He doesn't want to go to the bathroom in a small box especially with Fluttershy watching. The mare smiles, saying, "Come on, the whammies, the boom booms!" The Manticore frowns, he isn't going into that sandbox. "Awww, maybe you don't know how to do it. Let me show you."

Fluttershy walks around the litter box, put a hoof on it and sat down while humming as if 'doing her business', Mm-hm-mm-hm-mm. Just ate dinner, now I gotta go-de-do-de-do." The Manticore couldn't help but chuckle at this. It's extremely embarrassing if anyone else than him watch the yellow Pegasus pony act like that. She got off the litter box as she said, "All right, now you."

Manny stubbornly shakes his head. Frowning, Fluttershy open the door, saying, "Fine, if you don't want to use your litter box like a normal cat, then do your business in the yard!"

Manny screamed in terror, looking outside to see Mosamite still driving around in his truck. He has no choice but dive into the litter box which he did. The Manticore begins digging like mad in hopes to tunnel himself away from here and away from Mosamite as possible.

Unfortunately, Manny's digging end up in the middle of the road outside. He looks and screams as a tire of a car squish his head. After recovering, Manny saw that the truck is Mosamite Sam's, the stallion looks back and begins to go in reverse.

Quickly, Manny dove back into his hole and returns to the cottage, diving right into Fluttershy's upper forearms; the mare is surprised as she catches him with Manny clutching her.

"Awww, maybe you'd like to play." Fluttershy said gently. "All right, we can do that."

Now in the living room later, Fluttershy takes a mechanical mouse from a box and hold it to Manny, saying, "Now then, according to Pinkie Pie, this is the latest in cat-toy technology."

Fluttershy put the toy down, making Manny sniff it. What is this thing? The mare takes a remote control for the mouse out and turns the thing on. The Manticore looks surprised as the toy begins moving. With a giggle, Fluttershy starts fooling around with the remote while her new 'pet' tries his best to catch the mouse.

Manny fails to catch it and often ends up punching himself when the toy ends up on his fur. Angrily, the creature grabs the mechanical mouse and puts it into his mouth, swallowing the thing.

"Mr. Mumbles, no! Spit it out!" Fluttershy screams while demanding to Manny to spit the toy out. The Manticore frowns and shakes his head. "Fine, looks like I got no choice but to play hardball. Normally, I would use the Stare, but this will be much easier."

Fluttershy push the stick on her remote control, causing the mouse inside Manny's body to move around. The Manticore yelps as the toy begins pushing him around, causing him to scream as he wrecks the house like mad. Fluttershy, unaware of this, hits the remote control while trying to get the mechanical mouse out.

During the madness, the mechanical drags Manny outside, causing him to hit some stuff outside; Mosamite was busy examining the hole that he could've sworn that he himself saw the Manticore peek out of a few minutes ago, only to get run over by both the mechanical toy and Manny, pushing him into the hole.

Mosamite peeks out of the hole and saw Manny, causing him to yell, "YOU!"

Mosamite takes out a lasso and throws it at Manny who screams and run over his pursuer, heading back into Fluttershy's cottage. The Manticore slide himself and run right into a wall, causing him to spit the mechanical mouse right out of his stomach and right to Fluttershy's hooves.

"There, got it out." Fluttershy said happily while taking the toy. The mare gasps as she looks around, her home is in ruins (of course, Fluttershy had no idea of her involvement). "Oh! Mr. Mumbles, bad kitty! If you want to use a scratching post, then use a tree outside!"

Fluttershy opens the door once more, causing Manny to scream upon seeing Mosamite Sam waiting outside while yelling, "Come out of there, Manny! I know you're in there, you vermint!"

Frantically, Manny shuts the door and dives back into the cat carrier, shaking in fright. The Manticore is wondering what is more better: going back to a life of imprisonment in the circus or staying here with Fluttershy and deals with what she's doing to him for the rest of his life!

"Wow, Mr. Mumbles, you have been acting strange. Maybe I should give you your shots early." Fluttershy said thoughtfully to Mr. Mumbles in the cat carrier. She takes out a box with the words 'Kitty Shots' on it and takes out a needle. "Hold still, this won't hurt much."

That does it, Manny screams in terror. It's not worth it! The circus is way better than this! Mosamite was knocking on the door when the Manticore rush out, taking the stallion with him before he put him into the truck. Manny starts the vehicle and drove all the way back to the circus.

Frantically, Manny rushes back into his cage and pull the cage to close the cut doors before using a pair of scissors to cut the cord. He doesn't want to take the chance of considering escaping ever again! Mosamite Sam is bewildered, not sure what came over to the Manticore that day but at least Manny won't consider escaping ever again.

Back at the cottage, Fluttershy looks shocked, not sure what happened. Tears came out of her eyes while she says in sadness, "I don't understand. I raise the animals well. That's what my Cutie Mark says. But why would my beloved kitty left? I treat him well except for some angry parts. I must be a terrible animal caretaker."

But then the chandelier broke, falling near Fluttershy and making her yelp in fright. To her surprise and happiness, the real Mr. Mumbles came out, purring. To her, the kitty has returned to normal!

"Oh, Mr. Mumbles, you're home...and shrunk back to normal! But oh, you're home!" Fluttershy giggles as Mr. Mumbles rubs onto her gently.

Fluttershy never figure out that a Manticore was her pet that day, but at least the mare learnt a few things about taking care of pets, especially giving one like Mr. Mumbles a good home.




The audience applauds once the cartoon is done. Another good one!


Diamond Tiara and her cronies put the wicked plan to work. They decided to go after Twilight and Ben first since they will be on high alert for the trio. The three heard that Ben was angry at Nyx for chasing off the Cleveland Bays while Twilight wants to talk to her daughter but thinks that she went home.

With that in mind, Diamond figures that what she heard didn't bother her. The mare puts an apple with a note onto a table before rushing. Ben was coming over when Dr. Lizardo appears, saying, "So...I hear this is the finale and you haven’t got a musical number..."

"Fine," Ben groans as he moves aside. "You get ready while I prepare for the rope."

"Huh? What rope?"

"The rope for the trapdoor that you're standing on."

Before Dr. Lizardo could respond or react, Ben uses his magic to pull on a rope, causing the trapdoor underneath the villain to open; Dr. Lizardo screams in alarm as he fell through a hole before the trapdoor closers afterwards. That scientist doesn't know when to take a hint.

"Aw man, I still can't find any musical act. I've gotta find it ASAP before the end of the show." Ben groans. He then notices the apple and the note. The stallion took the latter as he begins to read it, "'This apple is for great, hardworking and sweet Ben, love Twilight Sparkle.' Aw... She's so sweet."

Before Ben eats, he had thoughts, "Maybe Twiley and everypony are right. I was too harsh and hard on Nyx. She did it to save Angel. I would've done the same thing for anypony. Aw man, I'm a terrible father. How could I become a good parent as my mom? As soon as the show ends, I'll talk with Nyx. I just hope she's not angry and upset with me."

Ben took a bite out of the apple...but then his eyes widen as he faints, going into a deep, deep slumber...


Inside Twilight's dressing room, the mare looks surprised as she saw a daffodil and daisy sandwich waiting for her on a table. The mare smiles as she reads a note that comes with it, "'For dearest and lovable Twilight Sparkle, have some delicious daffodil and daisy sandwich, love Ben Mare.' Aw, Ben is so great." She had thoughts before the mare eats, "I just hope Ben reconsider about grounding Nyx. She's only trying to help friends. Well, I guess I'll have to keep on talking with him until he says yes."

Twilight took a bite out of the sandwich but yelps as she faints, going into a deep sleep as well. Diamond, Silver and Maxin watch on as the filly calls out, "All right, so far, so good. Heh heh heh..."


Brian, Applejack and the Cutie Mark Crusaders look surprised as they saw some apple pie just waiting for them. Brian asks hopefully, "Oh my Celestia, is that what I think it is?"

Scootaloo nods while saying, "It's apple pie. Boy, I'm hungry."

"Yeah me too; it must be from our family. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Granny Smith and Big Macintosh must have thought of us." Sweetie said happily. "We must have worked very hard on this job."

"Still thinking about Nyx, Apple Bloom?" Applejack asks her sister in concern.

Apple Bloom nods her head as she said, "Yeah. It wouldn't be fair if Nyx's not here." Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked down about Nyx.

"Don't yew worry. Yew can keep one or two apple pie fer Nyx. As soon as 'de show ends, let's enjoy our meal before anything happens. Don't worry, somepony will talk with Ben."

"Okay, I guess. 'Ta Nyx."

Brian, Applejack and CMC made a toast with their own slices, "To Nyx."

The five ate their pies fully...then fell to the floor, falling into the same slumber.


Shining came into to get something to eat before heading back to his post. The stallion turns and saw a weird figure coming to him with an apple. It looks like Cadance but she appears to be huge. Unknown to him, it's actually Maxin Talos in disguise. Diamond Tiara is hiding in the disguise, planning on impersonating the voice. Silver Spoon is hiding in there as well, forced to watch and keep an look out for any trouble.

"Cadance; didn't you come in earlier? What happen to you?" Shining ask what looks like his wife in a puzzled way.

Diamond, impersonating Cadance's voice, said, "Oh sorry, Shining Armor. I must have forgotten something, so I teleported out to get something. I've got it just for you, my beloved husband." Maxin, in the Cadance's disguise, gave an apple to Shining Armor.

"Why thank you, Cadance. You promise you'll talk with Ben, right?"

"Why... sure. I'll talk to him later." Diamond gave an evil smirk in the disguise, "as everypony sleeps."

As 'Cadance' trots off, Shining chuckles and took a bite into the apple...but yelping as he faints into a deep sleep himself.


Rainbow and Rarity were talking until they heard the bell ringing, turning to see Maxin in the Cadance disguise. Rainbow looks puzzled as she ask, "Weren't you inside the club, Princess?"

Cadance AKA Diamond Tiara spoke, "I forgot something. So I brought apple pie for two of you. Enjoy it before it gets cold." Cadance (Diamond and her gang) set the apple pie onto the desk before they left.

Rarity looks suspicious as she ask Rainbow,: "Is it me or has Princess Cadance gain some muscular size?"

"I don't know." Rainbow said, eyeing the pie. "But I usually love to eat pie. Now I don't think I'm in the mood to eat."

Rarity sighs, "I know how you feel. I too miss little Nyx. But don't worry, somepony will talk with Ben. So let's enjoy our meal before we begin our job."

Rainbow sighs, "Alright."

Rarity took a slice and starts eating. Rainbow took another slice and ate one herself. Both mares yelps as they faint, falling into a deep sleep. Only two ponies and two Dragons remain to deal with...


"Yer highness, it is an honor to meet ye, lassy." Brave Heart, bowing to what looks like Cadance, but it is really Maxin Talos in disguise. The big stallion is eager to see this alicorn who scared him off before fall asleep.

Diamond, using Cadance's voice again, said, "It is honor to meet you, my loyal subject. Since you work very hard, how're about an apple?" Maxin gave the apple to Brave Heart who doesn't suspect a thing.

"It is my pleasure, your highness. I am honored of yer kindness."

Diamond snorts quietly, "Yeah, honor to see you being loser, weirdo."

Brave Heart took a bite out of the apple...but then falls to the floor, falling to the same slumber like everypony else. Maxin laughs eagerly along with Diamond Tiara. Revenge is finally theirs!


"Excuse me, Miss Pie and Miss Fluttershy?" Diamond, still using Cadance's voice, spoke as Maxin stood near the disguise with her and Silver Spoon still in the disguise. Both Pinkie and Fluttershy looks curious as they came out with the disguised stallion holding out two cupcakes. "I got two delicious cupcakes for you two."

Pinkie frowns as she shakes her head, saying, "Sorry, the family of ours told us not to take any food from any strangers."

"But I'm Princess Cadance."

"Are you sure if you don't mind? Because there's another Cadance sitting with Twilight's parents," Fluttershy said as she points to the real Cadance sitting with Twilight's parents Night Light and Twilight Velvet.

Diamond yelps quietly as she tries another idea. In Cadance's voice again, she said, “Well, you know. Eating cupcakes makes you healthy and keeps you away from any doctor."

Pinkie giggles while saying, "Aw, c'mon. I love doctors. I like Ratchet, Red Alert, Jolt, Doc (G.I. Joe) and anypony or anyone who thinks of our health." The mare holds up the mentioned characters, hugging them before sending the characters back to their table.

Fluttershy nods as she said, "Pinkie's right. We always ask them before eat anything."

Diamond, in her normal voice, snaps, "Just eat the cupcakes, will ya!"

Pinkie yelps, "Okie dokie lokie; Man, and I thought the Changeling Queen is worse than you."

Fluttershy took a cupcake with Pinkie taking the other, the former said, "Yes, you shouldn't be rude. We were just pointing out."

The two mares eat the cupcakes in one bite...but both then faints, going right into a deep sleep.

"Looks like most of the staff is now out, Diamond." Silver Spoon whispers, observing what's going on from within the disguise.

"Yeah, now to put these two blank flank lovers into the backstage. Once Spike and Nyx eat what we left them, no one is left to stop us." Diamond Tiara said in confidence.

Pinkamena meanwhile is chasing down Dr. Mindbender, demanding, "Alright, Dr. Mind, give me the cure or else!"

"Or else what; you're gonna kick my flank. Ha! As if," Dr. Mindbender scoffs arrogantly. "Sleep Vipers are impossible to cure. No magic, no technologies, not even Alicorns can do that like Princess Sunny Unicorn, Moony Unicorn or Goldie Unicorn. If you think you can talk me about giving antidote to hurt my babies, Boo-hoo to that. Cobra Commander will have my hive if I tried to help the likes of you. So forget about it, Pinky Clown!"

Pinkamena angrily snaps, "I'm not in mood of joking! So give me antidote now!" The mare notices a wicked smile on the villain's face. "Why are you smiling for?"

"Bio-Vipers! Get that freak out of me!" Dr. Mindbender orders as Bio-Vipers attacked Pinkamena. "So long, Pinky Clown. You'd never find the cure to save those ponies. My inventions are the best! Later, losers," He rush off quickly, leaving the pink clone to deal with the Bio-Vipers.

"This is not good."

Dr. Mindbender rush over to where the rest from his universe is at. Destro (Renegade) jokes, "Mindbender, what took you long? Cooking another experiment again?"

Baroness, Renegade, said, "Now, now, Destro, let's not spoil our date."

Dr. Mindbender looks disgusted as he said, "Yuck. Just be glad that crazy pony didn't chase me all the way here. Or else we're in big trouble, Commander."

Cobra Commander glances at a picture of Nyx hanging on a wall nearby, asking, "Dr. Mindbender, can you tell me about Nyx? Is she an Alicorn, isn't she? I wonder why Diamond Tiara did not inform me of this."

"Yeah, hate to break this to you. From what I heard, Nyx was created, not born naturally like us. It's sort of like cloning fossilized dinosaur, making Frankenstein alive or having voodoo magic to create life, not like yours truly. So it's possible to tell that 'unnatural' Alicorn like her could have side-effects. You do not want that to affect you, do you?"

Destro scoffs at this, "Please, save your stupid fiction stories. Commander is not interested."

"Should we capture her, Commander?" Baroness asks Cobra Commander curiously.

Cobra Commander answers, "No. Not necessary, Baroness. I now know why. Well, no matter, at least our little client is satisfied with her so-called work. I wonder what she is doing now."

As the villains talk, they are unaware of a familiar flat-mane pink pony sneaking up on them...


Outside the club, a Pegasus mail pony flew down with a familiar filly jumping out of his bag. Nyx calls out, "Thanks for dropping me off, sir." Luckily for Twilight's daughter, the mail pony heard her calls for help from inside his bag and stop to get her out. He was kind enough to turn back and drop her back off at the club.

"No problem, Nyx. Despite what some folks think, you are okay with me." The mail pony said with a chuckle. "Well, good luck!"

As the mail pony heads back on his way, Nyx rushes towards the back entrance, she got to warn the others. The filly tries to open the door but it won't open. Diamond Tiara must've had it locked. Fortunately, Nyx remembers a secret entrance that Spike shown her that he uses it to get into the club whenever the place is closed for the night and Spike has to go back inside to get something.

Nyx quickly push a hidden button on a wall nearby which opens a little hole, small enough for Spike and little fillies, and crawls into it.

Inside, Spike spot a bowl of sliced apples waiting for him and Phobos. He smiles while taking a slice, saying, "I don't know who sent it but boy I'm hungry."

But before Spike can take a bite, Phobos rushes in and slaps the slice away, exclaiming, "Don't eat it!"

"Why did you that for? Look, I know you're upset about Nyx. But there's nothing we can do instead of hitting our apples!"

"Wanna look again?"

Spike spotted the blue goo coming out from sliced apple. He exclaims, "What the -! What is that?"

"I don't know. Whatever it is, it's not good." Phobos said with a frown.

"We'd better tell everypony before they eat any of these!"

Just then Nyx came into the backstage area, calling out, "Spike, Phobos!"

"Nyx, what are you doing back?" Spike ask, surprised that Nyx has come back.

"Never mind that; Listen, Diamond Tiara is up to no good again! She has brought something to put mommy, daddy and everyone else to sleep!"

"You mean like that?" Phobos asks in shock as he points. Nyx and Spike turns and looks horrified for they saw everypony else working in position AKA Twilight, Ben, Pinkie, Rarity, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Fluttershy, Brian, Applejack, Shining, and even Brave Heart all asleep!

"No, we're too late." Nyx said in horror.

Just then the trio heard some laughing and turns to see Maxin, still in the Cadance disguise, following Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, both out of the disguise, with the leader laughing, "Oh man, I have never done something this nasty yet funny before! Well, time to stop gloating so I can get to work on closing this dump down."

"Geez, first you wanna take over the club, now you wanna club it down?" Silver Spoon ask Diamond in disbelief. "Can't you make up your mind?"

"Hey, I don't..." Diamond then smirks as she took out a gun and points it at Apple Bloom. "Ya know, it makes me wish that they weren't sleeping...makes me wish that they were actually dead!"

"Diamond Tiara," Nyx exclaims. Diamond turns and yelps as she and Silver Spoon got caught in a levitating spell, being sent right into some sort of huge prison-like structure nearby. Before Maxin could react, Spike and Phobos charges at him and head butts the bad stallion, sending Maxin right into the same thing.

As the bad trio tries to recover, Spike quickly slams the door of the structure and push some buttons, locking Diamond, Silver and Maxin inside. The baby Dragon snaps, "There! Don't bother trying to get out! We made this thing in case Twilight or one of the other members of the Mane Six has a nervous breakdown like a few times before and we need to keep them contained until they calm down! And this is one of those structures that can only be open from the outside!"

"How did you get back, Nightmare Brat," Diamond Tiara snaps to Nyx angrily. "I thought I send you away to an icy place!"

"Luckily, the mail pony was nice enough to bring me home." Nyx remarks sternly to Diamond Tiara.

"Oh, horse feathers! Why am I not surprised?! And worst yet, I ran out of what the Cobra Commander gave me! Anyway, you are too late to save everyone else, all of you!" Diamond Tiara scowls making Maxin Talos laughs sinisterly. "Shut up, Maxin."

"What's with blue goo stuffs?" Spike interrogates the prisoners, wanting to know what the blue goo stuff is.

"More importantly, where they came from?" Phobos demands but Diamond Tiara kept quiet.

"They're Sleep Vipers. Eat or drink them, they will make you sleep forever." Nyx explains to the Dragons. "They're created by Cobra Commander's scientist: Dr. Mindbender."

Spike, panicked, ask, "Cobra Commander?! Which universe he's from?"

"He's from G.I. Joe Renegade."

Spike screamed and panicked. Phobos looks confused as he asks, "What's with you? From what I heard about Cobra Commander, he's a sore loser. He's not even great as any Megatrons or any villains from Hasbro Series."

Spike exclaims, "Not G1, Phobos! After G1 version, Cobra Commander evolved into a powerful, cruel, ruthless, dark and the most evil character in G.I Joe Resolute, the Movies and even Renegade. This guy is something not to be messed with. From what I heard about Renegade's Commander, this guy is after something: immortal like natural Alicorns like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

"Including Nyx? If that snake thinks that he can take Nyx away, he's got one Dragon to mess with."

"I don't think he will." Nyx said with a frown. "He wants natural, not unnatural. So, I'm safe from him. Cobra Commander has to find something else to make him immortal. Now we need to focus on House of Pony. But I need somepony to figure it out about getting Sleep Vipers out of our friends. And I think I know who can. Only she can help about Sleep Vipers, even if they're not from our worlds."

"Forget it, Dr. Mindbender won't give you any help." Diamond Tiara scoffs. "And without any hosts or anypony running this club, there isn't any show, so ha!"

"Why not use your magic to get rid of Sleep Vipers, instead of others helping?" Spike ask Nyx in concern.

Nyx respond, "One problem, Spike; Sleep Vipers have heavy resistance against any technologies or magic, not even grandma Celly or any Alicorns could help to deal with that.

Phobos groans, Great. What's next? We're doomed."

"Yup; we're doomed. Whoever is she you had in mind, better hope she can help us sooner or later, Nyx. Or else, we're finished!" Spike exclaims in concern.

"Nope, not yet; we're not out. We've gotta keep the show going. But what could I do?" Nyx ask with a sigh of concern.

Silver Spoon suddenly suggests, "You can introduce the next cartoon?"

"Silver! What do you think you're doing?!" Diamond demands to Silver, shocked that her pal has went and gave a suggestion like that.

Silver, nervously, respond, "Slip out of my mind?"

Nyx smirk while saying, "Thanks, girls; Now if you excuse me, we've got show to run. Spike! Go into the control booth and get this cartoon!"

Nyx whispers the name into Spike's ear, the baby Dragon smirks while saying, "No problem, boss!" He gave a salute and rush off to the control booth.

"Phobos, keep an eye on our prisoners. I got to get ready."

As Nyx rushes off, Diamond slaps herself on the forehead with Silver chuckling sheepishly.


Spike rush into the control booth and works through an assorted DVDs of new cartoons. The baby Dragon found what he's looking and pull a DVD out.

"Good thing I remember this one." Spike chuckles as he put the DVD itself into the player. The baby Dragon spoke into his headset. "Nyx, all ready!"

Back in the main area, Golden Heart says, "It has begun but I wonder if my sister has caught them yet."

As if on cue Pinkamena comes wearing a gas mask with Cobra Commander and Dr. Mindbender tied up but she looks tired as she says, "These two made me chase them to many places but I got them. Luckily, those meanie Bio-Vipers made a baaaaad mistake in messing with me."

"Good, now we can make them work on a cure. Now let's get to a room so they can get to work."

As he heads off to a room, Pinkamena follows dragging them two to make them make a cure. Nyx by this time gallops onto the stage, saying, "Hey everypony and everybody."

"Nightmare Moon; what's the big bad villain doing here?! She was banned from coming here!" Swiper demands upon seeing Nyx onstage. Just then the fox got blasted from the back of his head. "Hey, who did that?"

Cadance, the real one, snaps, "Will you leave Nyx alone? Or else I'll call the Royal Guard to send you to jail, do you want that?"

Night Light and Twilight Velvet glared at Swiper with the former snapping, "If you tried to insult our granddaughter, you'll get not only our magic, but our temper!"

Twilight Velvet snaps, "Do you want that, fox? Don't think we're through with you for making our son-in-law banned Nyx from coming here. That goes to anypony, that includes you, Boris!"

Most of pony villains like Boris, Smaug and more shivered in fear. Swiper shook his head. He snaps his fingers and groans, "Oh, man!

"Thanks, Aunt Cadance, grandma and grandpa. As for me taking over my mommy's hosting job, there is technical glitch in our backstage. So I'll be honor to present you the next cartoon: Spike's cartoon. It's not from our Pony World version, but our Human World version." Nyx exclaims with a smile.

The audience applauds as the next cartoon begins.




Spike's Kittens

It was a stormy house in a parallel world that has Twilight and her friends as humans...and Spike as a dog! Speaking of which, Spike inside is sleeping in his doghouse outside, apparently used to the rain and thunder by now.

It was at this time that a car drove near the Sparkle residence before the door open, dropping off a box before the car drove off; The box that was left behind opens up to reveal three young, grey kittens peeking out while meowing in worry. They jump out and crawl through a hole into the fence, ending up right into the Sparkles' hard.

As it continues raining, the kittens look around for shelter and spots Spike's doghouse. They rush right to it and slid inside, running down the dog's dog bowl as a result. This is enough to wake Spike up and saw the kittens, much to his shock. He frowns, wondering what to do here.

Just then, Spike's spirit shoulder angel, which looks like Spike in an angel outfit, appears while saying, "Spike, save those poor kittens. Twilight would want you to do the right thing."

But then Spike's red devil angel, a red Spike with devil horns and a pitchfork, appears on his shoulder while snapping, "Awww, just throw those stupid cats into the rain! You may have a Dragon self back in Equestria but you're a dog here and Dogs hates cats! Don't go going soft on me now!"

Spike shakes his head and frowns as he looks at the shivering kittens. The dog made his decision: he put them into the bowl and toss them out into the rain. The kittens meow in fright and hid inside the bowl as thunder and lightning strike like mad.

Inside the house, Twilight was reading a book for a school subject while sitting near the fire. Her parents and her brothers Shining and Starlight are out of town so Twilight is in charge of the place until they get back. The human girl looks worried as she saw how bad the storm was outside, making her say, "Wow, what a storm. I better bring Spike in for tonight."

Outside, Spike's doghouse suddenly got hit by lightning, being disintegrated in the progress. The dog ran out with his tail a blazing. His Dragon self wouldn't have to put up with this! Now where would he sleep tonight> Spike whines due to the fact that he doesn't have any place to keep warm in tonight.

"Spike, here boy!" A familiar voice calls out, with Spike's ears perking up. The dog grins as he rushes right to Twilight who opens the door. The girl yelps as she was knocked over and got some mud onto her. After calming Spike down, Twilight got up while saying sternly, "Okay, Spike, I'm letting you sleep inside tonight. But I don't want what happened last time to happen again!"

Twilight, to prove her point, points to a wall where a face print was at. The girl explains, "My parents are still remodeling that from what happened the last time you were in here. I don't want things to get out of hand again. Remember that disaster?" Spike barks while nodding. "Okay, we will go over the rules one more time. First off, rule one, no making noise.

Spike nods but realize that he got the message wrong so the dog shakes his head. As he does this, Twilight continues, "Rule two, no midnight snacks. And rule three, no making a mess. If you break all those rules in one night, I will have no choice but to toss you right back out!" Spike yelps upon hearing the thunder and lightning outside. He doesn't want to go back out there. After seeing that she got her message across, Twilight heads upstairs, looking towards her dog. "I trust that we aren't going to have much trouble tonight, right?"

Spike barks as his ears give a salute. Satisfied, Twilight said with a yawn, "Good! All right, time to go to bed." The baby dog nods as he follows his owner upstairs to her bedroom. A while later, the human girl went to bed as Spike sat in his makeshift one, lying down, "Night, Spike."

Twilight went to sleep as Spike lay his head down to do the same thing. But the dog has trouble doing so. In the back of his mind, he felt guilt...guilt of tossing out those poor kittens earlier. Maybe Spike was cruel to do so...

Just then Spike's shoulder angel appears, saying in disappointment, "Spike, Spike, Spike, how dare you leave those poor kittens outside? Why, they are helpless, hungry, homeless, vulnerable, chilling, forsaken..."

Spike's shoulder devil appears, interrupting the angel one with a cruel laugh, "Awww, put a sock in it, good boy! Everyone knows that kittens love water!"

"Liar, liars, thou pants are ablaze! Spike, save the kitties or they will drown!"

Sure enough, the shoulder angel points towards the window. Lightning struck as Spike yelps in worry. He got to do the right thing so the dog, taking his angel's side this time, rushes out of the room. The shoulder angel stuck his tongue out at the devil one as both disappear from sight.

Because of the storm gutters, the yard is literally flooded. The kittens do their best to stay floating in the bowl...but soon they find themselves caught in a whirlpool. Spike came outside at that moment and yelps as he dives into the water, swimming over to save the poor kittens.

Spike swam pass Twilight's window, the girl miss him as she wake up sleepily for a moment to mumble, "Wow, kinda wet out tonight..."

Spike manages by this time to come back inside with the bowl of kittens before lying them down by the fire. They recover and saw the dog who smiles. He wants to make up for what he himself did to them before. Besides, any kittens this cute don't deserve to be out in the rain...or drown!

The kittens smile as they cuddle up to Spike who lay down. He smiles while preparing to sleep. His shoulder appears, frowning as he opens the dog's eyes while scowling, "Well, if those dumb kittens get you thrown out of the house, don't come boo-hoo-hooing to me!" Needless to say, Spike frowned as he slaps his shoulder devil off, not wanting to deal with him anymore tonight.

Spike prepares to sleep, but notice something's wrong: the kittens aren't with him anymore. Just then the dog heard the piano playing, making him yelp. The kittens are on the instruments, playing around and having fun! If Twilight hears the racket, she will think that he is making noise when the girl told him not to!

Frantically, Spike tries his best to shush the kittens to keep them quiet but they kept having too much fun. With a frown, the dog tries to chase them off the piano but although he succeeded, the impact made the whole thing unstable, enough to break through the floor.

Spike came back upstairs with piano key teeth before spitting them out of his mouth. As the dog frowns at his new friends, a familiar voice calls out, "Spike, is that you?"

Spike yelps in worry. Not good, Twilight has woken up! As the kittens went off to hide, the dog quickly uses a rug to cover up the hole that the piano has made. Spike then sat down, smiling nervously and hope for the best.

Twilight came back downstairs, giving a suspicious glare to Spike while saying, "Oh, there you are. You know, I had a weird dream that you were playing the piano but then again, I told you not to make any noises. Strange, if I'd known you'd practice, I would've gave you some lessons." The dog smiles nervously, wondering how his owner got that silly idea. "That reminds me, where is the piano?"

Twilight notices that the piano is missing, Spike yelps as he gave a best shrug that any dog could give. The girl frowns as she heads to the rug, saying, "I know that the piano was here before I head off to..."

Without warning, Twilight fell through the hole via the rug, causing her to scream. Spike tries to grab her, but he fails as his owner went right through the hole.


Luckily, Twilight wasn't injured too much, just some scrapes. The girl frowns at her dog while rubbing her sides. She spoke, "Honestly, Spike, you are nothing but a mutt, you know that?" I told you not to make any noise...and you send the piano right through the floor!" Spike whines sadly. "Okay, luckily, I wasn't hurt so I will let you off, mostly because I'm too tired. I'm heading back to bed, but if I hear one more noise out of you, I'll...ugh, just keep quiet, okay?"

Twilight heads back upstairs to bed while Spike sighs in relief. That was a close one, yeah, he got blamed for the trouble but at least it could be worst, right? The dog goes off looking for the kittens.

Speaking of the three mischievous ones, the kittens are messing around in the kittens, toasting bread, making eggs and setting up the table nicely. Spike came into the kitchen at that moment, yelping as he saw the felines making food.

"Spike; you aren't having a midnight snack, are you?" Twilight is heard, making Spike gulp. His owner is still up! The girl came back downstairs and enters the kitchen. The kittens hid themselves in the dog bowl in the nick of time. Twilight look surprised as she saw the table being set up with breakfast on it. "Huh? Who fixed breakfast? Spike! Are you trying to butter me up to make up for the piano incident? While I'm flattered, it isn't working mostly!"

Spike grins nervously as Twilight smiles, saying, "Still, I am hungry. Ah, cupcakes..." The girl sat at the table and begins to eat. Spike chose that time to grab the bowl with the kittens in it and prepares to sneak off. "Spike..."

Spike quickly the bowl back into the living room...which is a bad mistake as this allows the kittens to make havoc anew. Twilight frowns to her dog while saying, "This is your second strike, Spike. One more and you're out."

Unfortunately for Spike, things have gotten worst. The kittens smile as they begin to scratch up a lot of stuff, making a huge mess. Once they are done, the kittens leave the room just as Spike walks in, yelping upon seeing the noise. Not good! He is going to get blamed again...oh, why did he throw the kittens in here in the first place?!

Twilight unfortunately came into the living room after she got her midnight breakfast done. The girl gasps in horror upon seeing the living room a total mess. And of course, she frowns angrily to Spike, thinking him as the culprit!

"SPIKE; Bad dog, now look what you've done! Mom, dad and Shining are going to throw a fit! You're lucky that they're out of town with Starlight tonight and left me in charge of the house or they will be angry with you than I am now!" Twilight scolds Spike who looks down in sadness. "I don't know what has gotten into you tonight but it isn't staying in here; outside, back to the doghouse, now!"

Spike sighs as he heads to the door that Twilight opens. Once the dog is outside, his owner closes the door. Spike sighs as he sat down. Perhaps saving those kittens was a bad mistake.

Inside, Twilight sat down, sighing and wondering how to clean up the living room before the rest of her family comes home. The girl doesn't understand it, why did Spike cause a lot of trouble, especially after giving out her rules too? He knows how important they are!

Just then, Spike's shoulder angel appears next to Twilight, saying sternly, "Twilight Sparkle, how could you toss poor Spike out into the cold! Why, he's your loyal, dependable, very..."

Of course, Spike's shoulder devil appears, interrupting while snapping, "Awww, blah, blah, blah! That mutt is worthless! He disobeyed ya and you are right to make him pay for it!"

Twilight, in confusion, spoke up, "Wait, shouldn't my shoulder angel and shoulder devil supposed to talk to me, the ones that look like me? Where are they?"

"Oh, they're in bed so we're filling in tonight." Spike's shoulder angel explains to Twilight with a shrug.

"Yeah, we're your dog's shoulder angel and devil, but we will also be yours tonight since your very own are sleeping in." Spike's shoulder angel remarks to Twilight with a shrug.

"Well, yeah...anyway, I suppose you do have a point..." Twilight sighs, believing that Spike's shoulder devil is right. Her dog did disobey her and he needs to pay the price for doing so.

"Want some advice? Dump that mutt into the pound and get yourself a new dog!"

"No, you can't!" Spike's shoulder angel gasps in horror.

"Oh, wanna bet?" Spike's shoulder devil scoffs to the angel one. "Don't forget that Spike is the one who brought those dumb kittens in here in the first place!"

"Wait, kittens, what kittens?" Twilight ask in surprise and confusion. Spike's shoulder devil yelps, realizing his error.

"Err, uh...sorry, I was thinking Spike...well, you weren't supposed to know that part and...what kittens?"

Twilight then notices three grey kittens coming out from under the chair, much to her shock. The girl smiles, picking up the three kittens while saying, "Awww look, three little kittens! You must be the ones who got Spike into trouble though you didn't mean to." She pets them gently. "Awww, you are so cute!"

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?!" Spike's shoulder devil demands angrily to Twilight. "Don't pet those cats; throw them outside with the mutt!"

"No, don't!" Spike's shoulder angel protests in horror.

"Look, don't you two have anything else better to do? I mean, stay with Spike because both of you are doing one bad job at being my shoulder angel and devil. Now stop breathing down my neck!" Twilight snaps. She heads out in hopes to fix the misunderstanding with Spike.

"Well! She didn't have to be rude!"

"Ugh, I give up!" Spike's shoulder devil groans in disgust. He begins to mock Twilight, "'Oh, what cute three little kittens;' BAH!" With that, both he and Spike's shoulder angel disappear from sight.

Spike shakes sadly and cold outside within his disintegrated doghouse tonight. Looks like the poor dog may end up getting sick by mistake.

"Spike," A familiar voice is heard. Spike turns to see Twilight at the door, smiling as three little kittens follow her. "Come on, come inside, you silly doggy. You want to catch a cold?"

Spike smiles happily. Twilight now knows the true story and is apologizing for what she did!


In the bedroom a while later, Twilight pat Spike's ears, saying, "Sorry for the misunderstanding, Spike. Please forgive me?" The dog happily licks his owner's cheek, assuring her that he has forgiven her. "Spike, listen. We will keep the three kittens for a while but we will have to give them a good home. I know some of my friends will love to keep them, I know Fluttershy would."

Spike nods a bit as Twilight, preparing to sleep, said, "Good night, everyone." The dog nods as he smiles happily to the three kittens sleeping. Perhaps it was a good idea to save them anyway.

As Spike prepares to lays down, his shoulder devil appears, remarking in disgust, "You are hopeless!" The dog slaps him away before heading back for a good night's sleep.




Everyone applauds once the cartoon is over. In the audience, Princess Luna smiles while saying, "Awww, those kittens are amazingly adorable!"

"Yeah, adorable," Lorcan remarked dryly as the three kittens from the same cartoon are crawling all over him. "Now get them off, please?"


In a room, we see Cobra Commander and Dr. Mindbender working on a cure as Pinkamena with her blade out and Golden Heart are watching. Pinkamena says to her big brother, "Once they make the cure, we can help save everypony who eat the Sleep Vipers."

Golden Heart nods while saying, "Indeed but I think that the cure is closer than we think."

"If you say so."

Pinkamena keeps her blade pointing at the goons. Cobra Commander groans, "Not only had Dr. Mindbender had failed to avoid being followed, but me, the great and powerful Cobra Commander, end up being humiliated by the mere ponies!" The villain coughs a lot."

"Uh, CC, you might wanna chill with your temper or your condition is gonna be worse." Dr. Mindbender said to the Cobra Commander in concern.

Golden Heart spoke in realization, "So that's why you want the Alicorn's immortality, not only for conquest but to cure your sickness. You could have ask any of us to help, instead of doing it the hard way, Mr. DeCobray."

"Yeah, Adam, you should do the nice way, instead of nasty way!" Pinkamena remarks with a nod. "So, how about giving us the cure, please, Adam?"

"You will address me as Commander! Cobra Commander!" The Cobra Commander scowls as he coughs a lot. "I will not be tolerated to be nice to anyone, even some mere ponies!" The villain coughs again. "So return my mask! Or I'll kill you!" He cough some more.

"Yeah; CC is kinda like tempered and impatient guy, so boo-hoo." Dr. Mindbender remarks to the captors with a shrug.

"SILENCE," The Cobra Comander yelled angrily before coughing some more.

Pinkamena sigh, "Why does everypony have to do things the hard way?"

Back in the backstage area, Nyx and Spike came over to the villains, still trapped in the structure with Maxin still in the Cadance disguise. Phobos comments, "Prisoners are still locked up, Nyx."

"So Diamond Tiara, whatcha think?" Nyx ask Diamond TIara with a smirk on her face.

Diamond Tiara shrugs a bit while saying, "Yeah, yeah, nice try, Nightmare Moon, but the show won't be going on; From what we heard, you chased off the Cleveland Bays!"

"It was Swiper's fault, not mine!"

"Doesn't matter! You three don't have a musical act and I doubt you all can play cartoons all night!"

"Diamond Tiara's right! Ben couldn't find any musical act in time." Phobos said in worry. Ben didn't get a musical act to replace the Cleveland Bays before he was knocked out. "We're finished!"

"What about Dr. Lizardo?" Spike asks, recalling how Dr. Lizardo wanted to sing since the show started.

"Are you crazy?! The last thing we want to do here is to hear his worst song!"

"Calm down, guys; we're still not out yet." Nyx said, calming her Dragon friends now. "There has to be somepony else who can help."

"Or you could be on stage?" Silver Spoon suggest without even thinking.

"Silver Spoon," Diamond Tiara snaps to her friend in annoyance.

Nyx gasp and smile, "Actually, that's not a bad idea."

"Oopsy, again," Silver Spoon said with a gulp. Once again, she gave an idea to Nyx that could help save the club.

"Want a piece of advice: stop giving Nightmare Moon and her Friends ideas." Diamond Tiara scowls angrily to her friend. "This is embarrassing."

"Phobos, I need you to call our 'secret band'." Nyx said to Phobos with a determined look on her face.

Phobos gasps, "Now? I mean, yes sir, I mean, yes ma'am; Getting them at once!"


"Got the cue, boss," Spike said with a grin as he heads out to get things ready for the musical act.


Nyx gallops back onto the stage while calling, "Hey everypony and everybody. Today, our musical guest was supposed to be Cleveland Bays but they had a tight schedule. But not to worry, folks, coz we have new guests to perform; starring my 'secret band': the Cutie Mark Crusaders and me."

"You; You sing? Ha!" Swiper scowls in disbelief towards Nyx. "Cleveland Bays are injured because of you! I bet you sing the worst that I ever heard, Nightmare Moon. You couldn't even sing nursery rhymes! Besides, bad guys and villains like you will always sing negative and bad stuffs! I'd rather hear Dr. Lizardo's song than you. Face it, brat, you're a joke!" The fox laughs at this.

"Really; Thanks! I'll go perform." Dr. Lizardo exclaims eagerly. Suddenly a blast shot both Swiper and Dr. Lizardo.

"Ouch! Again?! Can't you ponies take a joke?"

"The only joke I heard is how terrible you really are, Swiper!" Cadance exclaims sternly to Swiper. "I know that Nyx and her friends can sing better than the lizard."

"By the way, fox, my granddaughter's name is Nyx, not Nightmare Moon!" Night Light scowls angrily at Swiper for calling Nyx 'Nightmare Moon'.

Twilight Velvet nod as she said, "One more insult to our granddaughter, and you will taste our temper, you no-good fox! Is that clear?! That goes to all of you, villains!"

Every villain shivered in fear of how grandmother's temper can be. Swiper groans, "Fine, I'll play nice."

"Thanks again. This performance is more than just singing, but how important family and friendship is." Nyx explains the song to the audience. "And it means not only to me, but to mommy, daddy, and even my best friends. This will not be one song but three songs from my mommy's journey from 'Mystery Magical Cure' and 'Equestria Girls'. I'd be honor to sing them. Hit it, Spike, Phobos!"

Spike quickly turns on a CD player with Phobos is conducting Nyx and the Cutie Mark Crusaders which includes Babs Seed, Dinky Doo, Twist, Pipsqueak, Apple Bloom's colt friend Lorenzo Music, Gwen Macy, Woody, Orange Bloom, Snow Pillow, Sweetie Belle's colt-friend Tito Derek, Scootaloo's colt-friend Mark 'Daredevil' Jones, Lemon, Jakk Checkers, Colby Lollygagger, Matelda, Gabby Gums (an alicorn filly, not the CMC's gossip name), another one of Apple Bloom's cousins Jenny Appleseed, another cousin Tammy Appleseed, Jade Kara, Sony Barton, Sun Glimmer, Archer and Truffle Shuffle.

5 Cutie Mark Crusaders members: Hey! Hey! Everybody!
We've got something to say.
We may seem as different,
As the night is from day
But if you look a little deeper,
And you will see:
That I'm just like you and
You're just like me.

Pipsqueak grins as he calls out, "Okay, Crusaders, let's do this."

Hey! Hey! Everybody!
We're here to shout,
That the magic of friendship is
What it's all about.
Yeah, we thought we were different,
As the night is from the day
Until Twilight Sparkle helped us see another way.
So get up, get down.
If you're gonna come around.
We can work together,
Helping Twilight win the crown
So get up, get down.
'Cause it's gonna make a sound.
If we work together,
Helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown

"Alright, here we go!" Dinky Doo laughs as she sings next.

Dinky Doo: Hey! Hey! Hands up now!
We're sending a message to the crowd!
Hands way up, then come down,
We party together all around!

"Here comes the best part." Babs Seed said as she sings the next line.

Babs Seed: Generous, honesty

Twist: Laughter, kindness, loyalty

Lorenzo Magic: Twilight helped us each to see

Pipsqueak: All that we can be

"Here comes the important cue, ponies!" Lorenzo calls as the band all sing together.

CMC: A True, True Friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help you see
A True, True Friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a True, True Friend

"Keep on singing, Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Twist exclaims eagerly.

So get up, get down.
If you gonna come around.
We can work together,
Helping Twilight win the crown
So get up, get down.
'Cause it's gonna make a sound.
If we work together,
Helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown

"Let's welcome to our best and great friend: Nyx." Pipsqueak said to the audience. Nyx came up; the audience applauds as she sings.

Nyx: I have to find a way
To make this all okay
I can't believe this small mistake
Could've caused so much heartache

CMC: Oh why, oh why?

Nyx: Losing promise
I don't know what to do
Seeking answers
I fear I won't get through
To you

CMC: Oh why, oh why?

Nyx: But I'm gonna be myself,
No matter what I do.
And if we're different, yeah,
I want you to be true to you.
If you follow me,
We'll put our differences aside.
We'll stick together and
Start working on that school pride!

'Cause a True, True Friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help you see
A True, True Friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a True, True Friend

"Alright Cutie Mark Crusaders, Let's SING TOGETHER!" Nyx calls out to her friends excitedly as the song is drawing to a big close.

"Yeah!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders cheers as they all sang together.

CMC: Jump up, make a sound. Hey!
Stomp your hooves, turn around.
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around.
Jump up, make a sound. Hey!
Stomp your hooves, turn around.
Canterlot Wondercolts
Help her win the crown.

"Let's sing together, everybody and everypony!" Nyx calls out eagerly. Everybody and Everypony in the club sing and dance including the villains, and all of Human Versions from Equestria Girls (including good Human Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon) and ny characters from Hasbro, like G.I. Joe from original to now, Kaijudo, Littlest Pet Shop and more.

Starscream (Prime) and Knockout (Prime) danced funnily and crazily until Megatron (Prime) glared at them, being annoyed by it. The G1, Movie's, Animated and Prime Soundwaves danced together in amazing tricks and 'Equestria Girls' styles.

Chorus: Jump up, make a sound. Hey!
Stomp your hooves, turn around.
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around.
Jump up, make a sound. Hey!
Stomp your hooves, turn around.
Canterlot Wondercolts
Help her win the crown.

"One more time," Nyx exclaims with a smile.

Jump up, make a sound. Hey!
Stomp your hooves, turn around.
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around.
Jump up, make a sound. Hey!
Stomp your hooves, turn around.
Canterlot Wondercolts
Help her win the crown.

"Now the finale," Nyx exclaims as the song is drawing to a close.

A True, True Friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A True, True Friend helps a friend in need
To see the light (To see the light)
That shines (That shines)
From a True, True Friend

Once the performance is over, everyone and everypony cheers wildly though Swiper just applaud in annoyance.

Discord applauds while cheering, "Bravo, Cutie Mark Crusaders! Bravo! That is the most spectacular music that I ever heard!"

Lorcan agrees while saying, "You could say that again, Discord. Well done, Nyx!"

Princess Luna comments, "I'm impressed with Nyx's performance. That was most interesting music. Pity for Celly missing this; this is indeed great and memorable show!"

Trixie cheers, "Bravo to young Nyx. The Great and Powerful Trixie applaud to you and applaud to this club!"

Sunset Shimmer smiles while saying, "Never thought that I would hear this song again. But I'm glad that I did."

Dum-Dum nods while saying, "Gotta hand it to Nightmare Moon, she did pretty good."

Boxco agrees while saying, "Dum-Dum's right, for a former villain, she did pretty well."

"Yeah. That filly is definitely something special, alright. I can see why Twilight and that Earth Pony filth care for that brat so much." Boris comments, making both Boxco and Dum-Dum surprised and shocked. "Don't even think about that one, idiots; I'm just giving a compliment. Twilight will be mine, even if I had to break through that brat and Earth Pony filth!"

Nightmare Moon, separate being, said, "Truly stupendous and interesting; that little filly had truly redeem everything. I'm impressed."

Miko (Prime) cheers, "That is awesome!"

Sari (Animated) agrees while saying, "You said it, Miko! Man, I really wish that I heard this song sooner or later."

Professor Sundac (Animated) said to his daughter, "Not to worry, Sari. I've recorded everything; so all of you can listen to it anywhere and anytime."

"Really; Thanks Daddy! You're the best dad!"

"Oh yeah. This song is in our album!" Miko remarks excitedly.

Jack (Prime) comments, "To be honest, who would have thought that music could actually give the great hits? I'd never thought that I'd starting to like this stuff."

Raf (Prime) remarks, "Yeah, this is the best day ever!"

Arcee (Prime) said, "Just be glad that we're here. That was a great show and music."

Bumblebee (Prime) made excited beeping sounds. Bulkhead (Prime) said, "You can say that again, Bee. I can't wait for the next show to come here."

Smokescreen (Prime) said, agreeing with Bulkhead, "Yeah, Bulk; this is going to be sweet and awesome as Optimus Prime."

Ratchet (Prime) groan, "Well, sorry to ruin your fun, Bulkhead and Smokescreen. We have Predacons affair to deal with for our next show and just 5 or 4 episodes left." He groans once more. "If only our producers could have kept it going, we would have become the best as these 'ponies' show."

Optimus Prime (Prime) assures his pal, "Do not be worried, old friend. While our time of story may have come to the end, there will be the new show, new story, new journey and new heroes and villains for our future generation to continue. As long as our legacy continues, fans and people will never be forgotten of us or any memorable characters. The most important lesson: Keep it going and never be forgotten as we show what we are made of and what important lies on us and them. So let us enjoy this moment."

"Very well; I'd never doubt you once in my life time, Optimus."

Starscream (Prime) panicked while exclaiming as he and his pals are confronted by their boss, "Master, Please! Don't kill us! We like the song! It's not really nice as in for good stuffs, well technically, it's nice. But it is a great song!"

Knockout (Prime) nods while adding, "Starscream's right. This is indeed a great song. Can we at least keep it?"

Megatron (Prime) snaps angrily, "No! I do not like it. It is annoying and too nice. It's giving me a headache! I will not let any of that songs play in my ship. We must be prepared for the next show. This would ruin not only my reputation, but ruined my great army Decepticons in the future."

Shockwave (Prime) comments, "Unfortunately and illogically, my liege, we have to disobey that order."

Dreadwing (Prime) agrees as he adds, "Indeed, Lord Megatron, the song of harmony had touch our sparks to listen."

Soundwave (Prime) play the recording song. Megatron was in shock. Shockwave, Dreadwing, Breakdown, Airachnid Vehicons, Seekers, Combaticons Insecticons, Predacons and even Predaking (all from Prime) danced and sang together at the last part.

Megatron groan and yell in anger, "Not you too; How could this have happened?!"

Starscream chuckle nervously, "Master, do not worry. As soon as our show comes, we'll shut it off. But please, can we at least hear this for once in our ship?"

Knockout pleads, "Please, sir. I beg of you. We need it! It's our precious! It's precious to everybots' lives!"

Megatron groan, "Very well. One day for that annoying music." The Decepticons cheered. "I'm going to regret of this. My warriors had turn into some kind of imbecile peace and harmony lovers!"

Roadblock (Renegade) spoke to T-Rat, "So what do you think, T-Rat? Better than mine? Don't you worry; I've got everything recorded in my pod."

Tunnel Rat and Ripcord (Renegade) both ask at once, "You did? Cool! Now we can listen to it every day!"

Duke (Renegade) chuckled and shook his head, "This is going to be excited."

Scarlett (Renegade) asks Duke in surprise, "Don't you like it? This is the greatest music that I ever heard." Snake Eyes (Renegade) nods his head silently.

Pinkie (Human), ask in amazement, "Whoa, who would have thought our music actually get hits?"

Rarity (Human) smiles while saying, "This is indeed smashing and fabulous perfect."

Applejack (Human) remarks, "Yeah, yew said it, partner."

Rainbow Dash (Human) said eagerly, "Look around us, the guests actually like our song from the movie. For the first time, they actually like it."

Fluttershy (Human) nods while saying nicely, "That is nice indeed."

Apple Bloom (Human) looks puzzled as she looks around, saying, "Ah wonder what happen 'ta our pony forms."

Sweetie Belle (Human) agrees in concern as she spoke, "Yeah. It will be even greater if they sang together with their friends."

Scootaloo (Human) nods while saying, "No kidding. It will be awesome and cool to have Nyx as Human."

Flash Sentry (Human) smiles as he said, "Twilight is sure lucky to have that filly with her. Who knows what happen next to the club if she hadn't shown up?"

Diamond Tiara (good Human) said, "I'd never thought that I would hear this again. This song is my life since the 'movie'. Silver, did you record it?"

Silver Spoon (good Human) nods while saying, "You bet. We can hear it every day!"

Granny Smith chuckles, "Yup! There goes another talented and brave singer. Babs Seed did well in singing. Apple Bloom is sure lucky to have a great and good cousin like her."

"Eeyup; I wondered what happen to Apple Bloom, Applejack and the rest." Big Macintosh said in concern about the mentioned absent ones. "Just hope that they're not in big apple trouble."

Cheerilee giggle, "You worried too much. This is Applejack and Apple Bloom we're talking about. Applejack had faced many dangers and villains like Nightmare Moon, by the way I'm not referring Nyx, Changelings, King Sombra. Apple Bloom maybe a little troublemaker, but she's willing to clean the mess up. Besides, Big Mac, they both had friends."

Big Macintosh nods while saying, "Eeyup. I guess I'm kinda overprotective. I mean I am their big brother."

Granny Smith said to Big Macintosh, "Well, worry about the apples, Big Mac before I lose my temper, as soon as the show ends."

Snips (Pony) spoke in amazement, "So this is the music that our Human forms hearing. This is so awesome! Did you record everything Snails?"

Snails (Pony) look confused as he ask, "Record what?"

"You mean you didn't record anything! I don't believe this! What am I gonna do with you?"

"Play golf?"

Snails (Human) commented in amazement at his and Snips's (Human) pony counterparts, "Whoa. And I thought we're the most dumb people."

Snips (Human) nods while saying, "Well, just be glad we record everything."

"You did; Where?"

"Huh? But it was right here! Honest! Somebody had stolen our tape!"

Mr. Carrot Cake chuckles as he and his wife comments on the performance, "Oh my, we're so glad that Nyx to be here. Without her, who knows what Diamond Tiara could do to this club?"

Mrs. Cup Cake agrees as she said, "I'm just glad everything is perfectly fine. As soon as the show ends, we can go back to our home and start our cake business, and our sweet little angels, Pumpkin and Pound Cakes. My, we better start everything before Season 4."

"Sure thing, sweeties; I just hope Pinkie Pie is okay. I haven't seen her since she and Fluttershy talk with Princess Cadance."

Swiper groans, "I can't believe that they actually like Nightmare Moon's song! That is so unbelievable!"

"Worst: this is the last show of this season. And I'd never get my chance to sing!" Dr. Lizardo exclaims as he cry like a baby. He stops to speak, "Hmmm...I will do ‘Distraction’ one day! I swear it!"

Night Light smiled as he comments, "That's my granddaughter."

"Yours," Twilight Velvet ask her husband skeptically.

"Ours, of course; She's our granddaughter. We're proud of her."

"So are Twilight and Ben. They have risen their daughter well."

Night Light and Twilight Velvet both said at once, "Both us and Princess Celestia raised our children well."


Nyx smiles happily; everyone in the audience loves the performance. She, Spike and Phobos head back to the imprisoned Snotty Duo and Maxin, the filly comments, "Looks like our song was a hit, Diamond Tiara."

Maxin growls as Diamond Tiara remarks, "Fine, yeah, I admit, you did really good...I may consider hiring you once this place is closed down! In case you've forgotten, your family and friends are never going to wake up!"

Diamond Tiara begins to laugh but was interrupted by a familiar stern voice, "Aha!" She stop laughing upon hearing the voice. The filly turns and gasps as the Cadance arrives in the backstage area.

"Uh oh, you're busted...and so are we." Silver Spoon said with a gulp of worry.

"So you're the responsible for this mess. I can't believe this. Not only somepony dare to impersonate me since Chrysalis, but the filly impersonated my voice. This is even more annoying and unacceptable."

"Aunt Cadance; thanks for coming." Nyx remarks with a grin to her aunt, much to the Dragons' surprise.

"She is the one? I thought you're calling Zecora." Spike said to Nyx. The baby Dragon thought that the filly would ask Zecora for help.

"Zecora told mommy that she's busy in helping with grandma Celly. So Cadance is the one who can help."

"But what does she know?" Phobos asks in concern. "Doesn't she even know about making medicine as well as Sleep Vipers?"

Cadance gasp, "Sleep Vipers? What are they?"

Nyx explained everything to Cadance. She continued to think about handling with Sleep Vipers. Diamond snaps arrogantly, "Give it up, princess. Your magic won't get rid of them."

Cadance smile as she said, "True. But magic or technology, and even Alicorn has nothing to do with saving lives, it is the courage, wisdom, hope, determination and love that does. They help anypony and any characters in every situation as long as they don't give up like Twilight and her friends. So I won't give up either. Just because I'm princess, doesn't mean that I don't learn anything else. And Phobos, I do make medicine. When I heard of how Twilight overcame Trixie in getting Alicorn Amulet away from her, I was inspired and astonished by Zecora's lesson. So I ask her to teach me everything. As for Sleep Vipers, I learn that both natural or unnatural needs something than just power or mind, they need feelings, emotions and hearts."

"We seriously don't have time for knowing about 'natural' and 'unnatural'." Spike said to Cadance in concern. The group needs a way to wake up Twilight and the ones who has fallen asleep right now!

"Yeah; so, what's that gotta to do with Sleep Vipers?" Phobos asks Cadance in annoyance.

"I get it. When I was created, I feel so lonely and scared in the forest until Twilight came and found me." Nyx said, now understanding is telling her and the Dragons. "I felt good, happy and love by not only my mommy, but everypony. Mommy gave me a heart. Without a heart, you can never be great or powerful. I'm glad to have it. Sleep Vipers may have power attacks, but they never had emotions and hearts. Dr. Mindbender maybe a great scientist, but he was never be a great and caring human like Megan or anypony."

Everyone but Cadance wase shocked by that explanation; the alicorn princess of love nods as she explains, "That's right, Nyx. To wake them up, give them a kiss. Not just a simple kiss, but one to feel with both heart and emotions of love and friendship. That is Sleep Vipers' weakness."

Diamond, shocked, protest, "That is not right."

"Quiet, you're not allowed to talk!" Spike snaps as he hit the bars to shut Diamond Tiara up. The Dragon looks at the sleeping ones. "All right, time to deal with this...oh, and I get Rarity first."

"Figures," Nyx giggles a bit at that last part. "Let's wait until Pinkamena get the blue stuff out first before we kiss.”


A while later, a miracle happened: Pinkamena has forced Dr. Mindbender into using a machine to get the Sleep Vipers out of the sleeping victims. They are still asleep but Nyx, Spike and Phobos make the next move. Twilight and the ones who fell asleep by the Sleep Vipers has woken up afterwards.

As Twilight's parents join the group backwards, Ben looks bewildered as he said, "Twiley, I have dream that Nyx kept the show going."

"Yeah, me too," Twilight said before turning to see her sister-in-law nearby, "Cadance?"

Twilight and Cadance do their childhood hoof shakes. The alicorn of love giggles, "It's not a dream. It's all real. Nyx save the day."

Night Light nods as he said, "Cadance's right, Twilight, Ben. Both of you should be proud of her. She did well in keeping the show while we keep supporting her."

Twilight Velvet nod while adding, "And nothing make us proud to see how our family grew to love and care for each other, and our friends. That is the greatest treasure in everypony's life like you."

Everypony ask in surprise, "Really?"

"If it weren't for Nyx's coming back, the show would have been closed down." Spike remarks. He, Nyx and Phobos explains about the Sleep Vipers, pointing to Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara's involvement, how Nyx kept the show going and how the victims broke out of their sleeping spell.

"And so, the day is saved, thanks to Nyx!” Phobos chuckled. "I always want to do that."

"You know I had a dream that a filly and two dragons kiss me." Pinkie said, blinking in confusion.

"Hey, me too; remember, it's not gossip, it's in my mind." Brian remarked, not wanting to give his pals the wrong idea.

"Oh dear, but I don't mind being given a kiss." Fluttershy said with a smile. "But I'd never thought that the animals would do that."

Rainbow ask in shock and disgust, "What? Yuck! No offense. But I rather be kissing with Soarin'."

"I always want Spiky-Wikey to kiss me." Rarity giggles making Spike smile widely upon hearing that.

"It looks like Nyx saves the day again, even if she's banned and grounded." Shining said with a smile. Despite being banned and grounded, Nyx has come back to save the day.

"Yew betcha, Shining Armor; Nyx is a true, true friend to all of us and ponies." Applejack comments with a smile, making Nyx beam at this comment.

"This is embarrassed, matey, but I was heroically saved by the former villain yet heroic Nyx." Brave Heart said with an embarrassing look on his face.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo cheers for their friend Nyx, "Hooray for Nyx; Nyx saves the Day!"

All CMC members cheer on, "Hooray for Nyx!"

Ben hugs his daughter as he comments, "We're proud of you, Nyx. Thank you."

"I knew you can do it. I'd never doubt or lost faith in you. Never since our 'Past Sins’," Twilight said to Nyx gently.

"Thanks, mommy and daddy. Thank you, everypony." Nyx said with a smile, shedding tears of joy from her face. "I must be the luckiest pony in Equestria to have family and friends."


Things are back to another at the House of Pony. Another one of Diamond Tiara's schemes has failed, the show was a big success and the season finale went on without any further hitch.

In the main area, Pinkamena is letting the ones responsible for giving Diamond Tiara her Sleep Vipers in the first place. She gave them an angry glare while snapping, "Okay, Cobra Commander. I'm letting you and your friends off on this day. You guys better behave. But if I capture any of you trying to scheme, sell weapons or black market, you know what happen. 'If you don't play nice with Pinkamena, and You get HARD TIME WITH HER!'"

All of Cobra's Officers, Cobra Troopers, Bio-Vipers and B.A.T.s including Destro, Baroness, Dr. Mindbender, Tomax and Xamot (Renegades), Zartan (Renegades) and Firefly (Renegades) except Cobra Commander are scared of Pinkamena's temper. Dr. Mindbender frantically exclaims, "We promise! We promise that all of Cobra will behave!"

All of Cobra nodded their heads and agreed to behave in the House of Pony. Cobra Commander mumble, "Idiots!"

Pinkamena turns to the Cobra Commander while snapping, "That includes you, Commander, unless you want me to take your pretty mask away."

Cobra Commander sighs in defeat, "Fine! I'll behave."

"Better Pinkie Promise."

"You dare order -!" Pinkamena glared at Cobra Commander. He groans while doing the Pinkie Promise, "Fine. Cross My Heart, and Hope to Fly, Stick a Cupcake in My Eye. This is the most humiliating moment in my life."

We see Golden Heart and Pinkamena sitting down as the pink pony says, "Well Goldie, this went all happy."

Golden Heart nods while saying, "Indeed."

"Yep and I kept my Pinkie Promise before I let the baddies go to cure Cobra Commander of his condition. When you are working with medicine, you can make anything happen."


"Well let's watch the last bit Goldie." Pinkamena suggests. Golden Heart nods as he, Pinkamena and Gold Wing who just flew back in watch on.

In the backstage area, Cadance in concern spoke to her cousin, "Ben, I need to talk with you."

"Sure. What is it, Cadance?" Ben asks Cadance, knowing what she wants to talk with him about.

"I want to talk with you about Nyx."

Ben sigh, "I know. I was too harsh and hard on Nyx. Everypony said the same thing to me. That wasn't my best move. I just want to be good parent as my mother. I guess I'm a terrible father."

Cadance sigh, "Ben, you are not a terrible father, you worry too much of work. Nopony is perfect in anything, even parents. Do you want to know what makes Princess Celestia a good parent?" Ben nods." It comes from the heart, Ben, not just the mind. Heart gives love and caring. It shows how much you love and care for your foals or fillies. They're willing to return those feelings to their parents. Just like how you did for your mother and how Nyx did for Twilight."

Ben nods while asking, "What about being harsh part? I mean I don't mean to offend my mother. But she was angry at me for hiding my bruises from her."

"True. But Aunt Tia was only angry at you because she was worried. Twilight scolds Nyx too but she was worried that everypony may know her identity from 'Past Sins'. There are two times of angry that parents can be. First is for worrying about the foals when they are hiding something or scared to admit, while the second is showing for disappointment and anger like what Smaug did to his own children. Aunt Tia show her harsh expression is the first part. Although you did show the second expression at Nyx, but you are not like Smaug or any bad parents because you show how much you care and love for them. You are a good father. I believe your mom and even your dad would be proud of it. Do you understand?"

Ben nods while saying, "Yes, I understand. Thanks Cadance."

Cadance giggles while saying, "I do what I can to help. After all, my Cutie Mark is Love. It is my job to help anypony in fixing their loves before things have gone wrong. I'm just glad that I help you and Lord Eric, other than that lousy and jerk Blueblood. That pony is hopeless. So what are you going to do?"

"Give Nyx a second chance." The stallion saw his daughter talking to her friends then calls her over. "Nyx, I want you back on the show."

"But, but," stammered Nyx. "But you kicked me out!"

"I know, and that was the worst mistake of my life!" cried Ben. "I'm so sorry Nyx!"

"I forgive ya daddy." said Nyx as she hugged her own father.


A while later, Ben smiles as he put some new headgear onto Nyx as she held her head up high. The stallion said, "Nyx, for stopping Diamond Tiara with help of your friends, keeping the show going and saving the House of Pony from being a disaster, we hereby promote you to the rank of official, certified, authorized, deputized, accredited and all access to the club granted. Nyx, you are now a second-in-command assistant."

"Thanks, daddy, everypony." Nyx giggles while Twilight hugs her daughter.

"Great job, Nyx, you did me proud." Twilight said in approval.

"Right, you rock!" Spike exclaims with a smile while giving a thumbs up to his sister/friend.

"And I was wrong, this club wasn't better off without ya. That proves I was wrong." Ben said with a smile on his face.

"You know...there is only one pony or person who you are allowed to chase out." Twilight remarks with a smirk as she turns to Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Maxin Talos.

"Oh really, who might that be, Twilight?" Diamond Tiara, not seeing Twilight's smirk, ask with a frown.

"Why are you looking at us like that?" Silver Spoon ask nervously as Twilight walks over and push the number on the codebar, opening the cage. It didn't take long for Diamond Tiara to realize whom the purple unicorn/alicorn was referring to.

"So what are you going to do? You can take me, but as long I had Maxin with me, there's nothing that you can do."

"Who's said that Cutie Mark Crusaders and I going to teach you a lesson? I believe somepony wish to 'honor' you in-return." Nyx said with a slight grin.

Brave Heart appears, giving out a glare while saying, "Hello, 'your highness'. I'm honored to return you your 'kindness'."

Diamond and Maxin, shocked and scared, exclaims, "Oh no! Not him!"

"Can I come out? I have nothing to do with this!" Silver Spoon insists as she got out. "By the way Diamond, take my advice: be careful of what you had said, things could get ugly."

"Enjoy it, Diamond Tiara." Nyx remarks with a devilish smirk.

"I'm gonna get you, Maxin lad!" Brave Heart said, preparing for a fight with Maxin Talos.

"Okay, bring it on then, Brave Heart." Maxin Talos growl as he charges at Brave Heart.

"Ooh, this'll be totally great. A fight," Diamond Tiara remarks with an evil grin, being arrogant and overconfident.

Silver Spoon roll her eyes while saying, "I don't like where this is going."

And Silver Spoon is right. A few seconds later, Brave Heart threw Maxin Talos out of the club and right into a manure truck that is confidentially waiting outside. As the bodyguard gets out, he groans, "Manure! I hate manure!"

Back inside, Nyx comments to Diamond Tiara, "BTW, Diamond Bratara, I was half-lying. Brave Heart will be dealing with your dumb goon. You are ours!"

"Hey, Lizard! Help," Diamond Tiara calls out frantically for some new help since Maxin Talos has been taken out and Silver Spoon won't bother giving out any help.

"Behold: The Death Lizard Robot!" Dr. Lizardo exclaims in a huge silver robot with spikes on the stomach.

"A parody of the final boss for Sonic 2,” Pinkie asks in bewilderment.

However a huge trapdoor opens underneath Dr. Lizardo's robot, the villain screams as both he and his robot are send falling through another hole like before. Phobos, the one who causes the trapdoor to open, closes the trapdoor again, saying, "Not in this club!"

"Well, everypony...get her!" Nyx exclaims with a smirk to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, including Apple Bloom, Sweetie and Scootaloo.

Diamond Tiara screams as the CMC members run inside the structure and begins beating her up like mad. The mean filly runs out screaming, "AHHHHHH; DADDY!"

"Come back, we aren't done with you yet!" Nyx laughs in amusement as she joins her friends in pursuing/tormenting Diamond Tiara.

Of course, a frowning Cheerilee appears, grabbing Diamond Tiara while saying, "Okay, foals, enough, enough." The foals stop their chasing while smiling. The teacher drags the villainess away while saying, "Let's get you clean up, Diamond Tiara...and I will have to call your father and tell him what you tried to do again!"

Diamond Tiara groans in defeat and humiliation. Twilight and Ben laughs with the former remarking, "Now that's show-biz."

"Twilight, time to finish up the show," Ben said, reminding his love that it's time to finish up the show for the season.



Spike appears on stage, smiling while saying, "Cobra Terrorist's evil plot for assisting Diamond Tiara provided by..."


...Dr. Mindbender's Sleep Vipers. Put Sleep Vipers in any food or any drinks."

We see a box of Sleep Vipers being put into a milkshake. Then we see it inside a shadowed Cadance's stomach as it begins to make blue goo and moving about.

"Simply pour them on the food. The food will absorb the Sleep Vipers like drinking your milkshake. But trust me; they are still alive and waiting for victims to attack. Eat or drink them, the Sleep Vipers will hit on every part of your pony bodies or Human bodies. And boy, you will be in sleep forever. So beware of Dr. Mindbender's Sleep Vipers."

We see Dr. Mindbender popping his head out, smirking evilly while saying, "Or you will be sleep forever! No magic or technology could save you." The villain laughs evilly.

We see a vacuum labeled 'Sleep Vipers Vacuum' while Spike speaks in a low voice, "Sleep Vipers Vacuum sold separately. If that's not enough, then try the kiss. Not just any kiss, the feeling and emotion kiss. That is the Sleep Vipers' weakness."

Dr. Mindbender snaps in annoyance, "Hey! Are you comparing my Sleep Vipers and this 'kiss' with Snow White? I'll have you know that my invention has nothing to do with -!"

Pinkamena appears while snapping, "Brian Bender Whatchacallya! What did I just said?"

"Oops; Gotta run!"


The audience applauds as Twilight and Nyx are on stage, the former ask her little filly, "Nyx, would you do the honor?"

Nyx in surprise squeak, "Me? But mommy -"

"This is mine and everypony's thanks for saving our club and lives, Nyx. You deserve it."

"Alright; so see you real soon, everypony and everybody! And thank you for your supports! Till the next show; See ya."

"That's my girl. I'm proud of you." Twilight said, nuzzling her daughter a bit while turning back to the crowd. "We will see you all again next season with more cartoons, more grand new acts, and hopefully we can get the Cleveland Bays to perform for us. We also could get new folks or whatever. Until the place is open again, like Nyx said, see you all real soon!"


Soon everypony went home as Ben locks up the House of Pony for the next season. He and Twilight turns to Nyx, Spike, and everyone else on the staff with the unicorn saying, "Got to say, despite all the problems that we have so far, we did a good season."

"Right, I wish that I didn't become a butt monkey though." Rainbow remarks with a grunt. "Well, sometimes."

"Oh, I'm sure we can make it up to you next season." Fluttershy said to Rainbow with a smile. "Well, hopefully."

"Oh, I love being a waiter, glad to help out, Twilight!" Pinkie giggles happily.

"Yeah, I am good at in being in charge of the seating arrangements, darling." Rarity said thoughtfully. "I can't wait for a chance to go onstage sometime."

"Well, I'm just glad that I can come up with new gossip for the next season!" Brian exclaims while some of the cast glares at him, "Making sure to check my resources first."

"Much better," Spike said with a nod of satisfaction.

"We are just glad 'ta entertain, still no cutie marks but it helps." Apple Bloom comments as she and her friends nod at the fun that the ponies has done in the first season.

"Eeyup, Ah will be glad 'ta git back 'ta apple bucking an' working on 'de farm full time." Applejack comments in amusement. "But Ah don't mind coming back 'ta show off them cartoons."

"And best of all, Nyx has an awesome job tonight!" Phobos exclaims with a smile, giving out his approval to Nyx who is resting on Ben's back.

"Yeah, I'm glad to still be at the club and be with those that I care for." Nyx said with a smile. "I'm ready to take on anything."

"Good to hear, shame that the princess has to miss out." Twilight said, a bit sad that her teacher and aunt in law had to miss out.

"Oh, I didn't." A familiar voice spoke up, the group turn and saw Celestia landing nearby, smiling. "Congratulations on a great work you all did today."

"Mom; You saw the show?" Ben asks in surprise and amazement.

"Yes, and everyone since the first season started. I always have my ways. You all did a great job in keeping the club and show open. You Nyx did a great job in saving the club. I'm proud of you, especially of your friends and family."

"Thanks, princess." Twilight giggles happily.

"So when are we going to open up for the next season?" Rainbow ask anxiously and a bit of impatience.

"Well, it may be a while but I will let you know when it's time to come back." Celestia said to her family and friends in approval. "Until then, you all enjoy your time off from your club duties."

"Yeah, we can't wait to come back again." Cadance remarks while nuzzling Shining playfully.

"And I'm sure you all learn your important lessons in friendship during the season's run. I suspect some mail from you all soon." Celestia said with a grin. With that, the princess of the sun flew back to head back to Canterlot.

"Well, time for us to head home." Twilight said with a smile. As everyone went their separate ways, the purple mare said, "Boy, what a big season."

"Yeah, but I betcha we won't run into Diamond Tiara again in the next one." Nyx remarks with a happy giggle. "Once her daddy finds out what she tried to pull, that jerk won't come back again for a while!"

"Yeah, I hope so. That would be good to hear." Spike said with a smile. As the group goes on home, Twilight begins to hum a little bit of a certain theme song.

Twilight: So come on in, we're going to shake this house,
We'll be having a ball at the House of Pony!

The family laughs as they kept on walking, heading on home. The first season is over but the second one is something that they all can't wait for.

The End

Cast list
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle, Oliver Oreo, Sari Sumdac, Twilight Sparkle (Human Version)
Jason Marsden: Ben Mare, Duke
Ashleigh Ball: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Various Ponies, Rainbow Droid, Rainbow Chaos, Applejack (Human Version), Rainbow Dash (Human Version)
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Mrs. Cup Cake, Pound Cake, Derpy Hooves, Photo Finish, Minty (Gen 3), Wysteria, Princess Luna, Nightmare Moon, Rarity (Human Version), Granny Smith
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Pumpkin Cake, Pinkamena Diane Pie, Pinkie PIe (Human Version), Fluttershy (Human Version)
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon, Barbara the Dragon, Golden Harvest, Spike the Dog, Spike's Shoulder Angel, Spike's Shoulder Devil
Daveigh Chase: Nyx
Chris Sanders: Phobos the Dragon
Tom Kenny: Brian Tenny, Professor Isaac Sumdac
Andrew Francis: Shining Armor, Various Ponies, PBraeburn, rince Artemis, Lucky Clover
Britt McKillip: Princess Cadance, Lyra Heartstrings
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom, Apple Bloom (Human Version)
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle, Kittens, Sweetie Belle (Human Version)
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo, Scootaloo (Human Version)
Brian Drummond: Mr. Carrot Cake, Time Turner/Dr. Whooves, Filthy Rich
Chantal Strand: Diamond Tiara, Diamond Tiara (Human Version)
Shannon Chan-Kent: Silver Spoon, Silver Spoon (Human Version)
Jim Cummings: Maxin Talos
Johnny Yong Bosch: Bumblebee
Tim Curry: Smaug
Richard Ian Cox: Snails, Snails (Human Version)
William Lawrenson: Pipsqueak
Paul Williams: Rex
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
Erin Fitzgerald: Cinderella
Kath Soucie: Megan Williams
Danny DeVito: King Hugo the Grundle King
Cathy Cavadini: Dinky Doo
Lee Tockbar: Snips, Snips (Human Version)
B.J. Ward: Surprise
Jeffrey Combs: Ratchet
Kevin Michael Richardson: Bulkhead, General Spanish Steele, Roadblock
Vic Mignogna: Lorcan
Christopher Sabat: Fireblaze
Kathleen Barr: Trixie Lulamoon, Queen Chrysalis
Jayson Thiessen: Royal Guard
Eric Idle: Dr. Lizardo
Matt Hill: Soarin', Battery
Vincent Tong: Garble the Dragon, Prince Blueblood, Flash Sentry
Maryke Hendrikse: Gilda the Griffin
Jack Angel: The Moochick
Rob Paulsen: Bucky the Griffin, Fred the Changeling, Loudmouth the Parrot
Sonny Strait: Storm the Griffin
Billy West: Morton the Griffin
Jeff Glen Bennett: How to Narrator
Ewan McGregor: Brave Heart
Neros Urameshi: Himself
Mark Hamill: Roclan the Dragon
Eric Stuart: Fred the Changeling, Seto the Changeling
Susan Blu: Baby Buttons
Marc Weiner: Swiper the Fox
Sandy Duncan: Firefly
Tom Selleck: Long Hoof
Janyse Jaud: Applejack (Gen 3)
Britt Irvin: Lightning Dust
Trevor Devall: Iron Will, Fancypants
Chipmunkfanataic: Adam
slpytlak: herself
cmara: herself
Crispin Freeman: Boris
James Arnold Taylor: Boxco
Richard Steven Horvitz: Dum-Dum
Brian Murray: Jack Silver
Chiara Zanni: Bon-Bon, Twist
Charlie Adler: Spykoran (Gen 1 Spike), Cobra Commander
Jeannie Elias: Baby Lickety-Split
Ian McKellen: Star-Swirl the Bearded
Aaron Disuke: Dexter
Frank Welker: Mr. Minky, Private Kenny, Mr. Mumbles
Yuri Lowenthal: Alpha-Prime
Brenda Crichlow: Zecora
Josh Flitter: Lorenzo Music
Peter Cullen: Optimus Prime
Steven Blum: Starscream
David Sobolova: Shockwave
Richard Newman: Cranky Doodle Donkey
Scott McNeil: Tough Apple, Lefty Ponyrocini, Chief Thunderhooves
Cree Summer: Starven Fran
Corey Burton: Sir Spell Nexus
Venus Terzo: Rainbow Dash (Gen 3)
Tony Sampson: Teddy
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia, Owlowisicious, Fleur Dis Lee, Cheerilee
Rebecca Shiochet: Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle's Singing Voice
Tress MacNeille: Hydia
Sarah Partridge: Wind Whistler (Gen 1)
Jeremy Irons: Tadaka
Sean Schemmel: Firebolt Rush
Erin Mathews: Little Strongheart
Bebe Neuwirth: Eris
Peter New: Caramel, Big Macintosh
Maurice LaMarchhe: Mosamite Sam
Charlie Schlatter: Dr. Mindbender
Clancy Brown: Destro
Tatyana Yassukovich: The Baroness
Bryanna Drummond: Babs Seed
John de Lancie: Discord
Tania Gundai: Miko Nakadai
Josh Keaton: Jack Darby
Andy Pessoa: Rafael 'Raf' Esquivel
Sumalee Montano: Arcee
Nolan North: Smokescreen
Daran Norris: Knockout
Tony Todd: Dreadwing
Isaac C. Singleton Jr.: Soundwave
Matthew Yang King: Tunnel Rat
Khary Payton: Ripcord
Natalia Cigliuti: Scarlet