> The legend of Eclipse > by Eclipse-Lunablade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia flew over the vast area that was the everfree forest the moon casting an eerie glow across Equestia. Celestia did a quick barrel roll her rainbow mane always keeping the same flowing motion as she flew over the lush yet untamed land below, Having very little time to herself Celestia enjoyed every moment she could get now that Luna had returned to her duties as the night ruler of Equestia. As she flew through the air she couldn't help the feeling that her life though Imortal was missing something she longed for company not from somepony that just viewed her as the princess but as someone that was or close to an equal she wanted a child. Celestia knew this was impossible because as the princess she chouldn't let any of the stallions be her husband as she feared they would abuse their power for their own greed. Deciding that she needed a rest to think things through about having a child she slowly descended towards a large clearing doing a quick check that there warn't any dangers such as a manticore or worse, as she searched however she noticed an odd aura coming from deeper inside the forest. Being the princess of Equestia Celestia knew it was her duty to investigate such things, Slowly she walked deeper into the forest getting ready to retaliate to any threats yet still encountered none. "How strange." Celestia muttered to herself not letting her guard down as she made her way closer to the aura deeper inside the forest. Celestia continued to follow the aura until she came to a pathway leading into a cave that looked like it had been abandoned by whatever creature lived there but Celestia didn't care about that what she was more focused on was the aura within. Carefully she walked into the cave her horn casting a light that was bright enough for her to see easily yet dim enough that it wouldn't be noticed from far away. Coming towards the end of the cave Celestia caught a faint yet terrible smell but continued walking the aura so close now that she could almost see it and sure enough there it was, but it wasn't what she expected instead she saw two strange creatures completely hairless except for their heads they had arms and hands showing they only used two legs rather than four like most creatures in Equestia but what shocked her the most was the large holes in their chests blood and organs splattered around them and in the midst of this horror there in the cold arms of one of the creatures was a bundle of blood stained blankets and in this bundle of material was the aura Celestia had found and followed to this piece of hell come to life. Celestia walked to where the aura was coming from and couldn't believe what she saw for in the bundle of blankets still living was a baby.  Celestia was speechless looking at the strange offspring of these two creatures "what should I do? Should I leave it to it's fate or should I save it?" Celestia asked herself but as she said that the baby began to stir waking up with a yawn it's sapphire blue eyes opening and began to cry. Celestia hearing this realized that letting the baby die would be a heartless thing to do, Celestia used her magic to lift the still crying baby out of the bloodied blankets and soon found that the baby was male. "You will need a name child." Celestia said thinking about what to name the child when it hit her she would name him after one of her most favorite celestial events. "Eclipse your name is Eclipse... my son." and with that Celestia  buried Eclipse's real parents and wished them well in the next world before turning to leave the cave but instead stood face to face with by the looks of the blood on it was the beast that had killed Eclipses parents. The beast was covered in blood stained fur the head showing a horrifying bird shaped head with a beak covered in dry blood it's front feet resembled paws of a lion but the hind legs were that of a birds Celestia easily knew this creature was a gryphon. "How dare you defile my home and attempt to steal my food." the gryphon yelled the voice clearly female "I came here to investigate a very strange aura that I have found to be coming from this child." Celestia replied "That 'child' is my food if you do not give it back to me I will be forced to resort to killing you to get it." "I am taking this child into my care 'he' is a living creature and deserves to be treated as such."  "How dare you, you come into my cave, steal my food and expect me let you leave?" the gryphon yelled charging at Celestia. As the griffin sped towards Celestia claws ready to tear at her flesh Celestia leaped out of the way saving herself from the attack still holding Eclipse with her magic. "Damn I can't fight back without putting down Eclipse and if I do that this grifin will just go after him instead" Celestia tought to herself barly dodging another attack from the gryphon. "You think you can dodge my attacks forever?" The gryphon yelled getting ready to attack again. "Wait maybe if I..." Celestia thought looking at the Entrance behind the gryphon as an idea came to her. "If you want him you'll have to pry him from my cold dead hooves" Celestia yelled at the gryphon In an attempt to get it to attack. "You'll make a nice breakfast in the morning then." the gryphon yelled leaping at Celestia again only too late did it realise it's mistake as Celestia dodged and immediately took flight out of the cave still carrying Eclipse and out of the everfree forest with the gryphon yelling "Run cowerd but I will find you and I WILL kill you and that little meal of mine" making Celestia double her speed towards Canterlot before the gryphon could emerge from the forest and pursue making sure to keep Eclipse floating beside her side both unknowing of the adventure that was to come to Eclipse and the adventure that would change Equestia forever. > The night princess. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 years later Eclipse woke from his slumber slowly his sapphire eyes adjusting to the light coming though the window of his room as he removed his blankets to get up. As Eclipse walked over to a closet he couldn't help but look over to a photo of himself as a baby being held or to be more accurate levitated by his mother princess Celestia causing him to let a tear run down his cheek before turning back to the closet and opening it revealing a set of light armor specialy made to fit his human body. Eclipse had grown into a healthy and strong man his eyes were sapphire blue and his hair was white as snow he had a strong yet lean build and his hight was roughly the same as Celestia's. Eclipse put on the armour fastening the many straps to hold the armored plates against his body before walking over to his bedside table and picking up his dronrak a special gauntlet that contained a blade about the length of a short sword that could be brought out and retracted with the flip of a switch on the bottom of the armband, Eclipse turned to open his bedroom door only to see the one pony he hated in all of Equestia prince Blue Blood. "What do you want Blue Blood?" Eclipse asked "Oh nothing that really matters vermin, auntie just wanted me to see if you were up yet." Blue Blood replied in his usual snobby manner "Well I'm up so why don't you get out of the way and shut the buck up." Eclipse said moving to walk past Blue Blood only to be tripped over by him landing face first on the carpet. "Ah it is so much better to have the riff raff grovel at the feet of their superiors, wouldn't you say Eclipse?" Blue Blood asked only to be kicked in the face as Eclipse did a quick move to get up that he had learned during his daily combat training with the royal guard causing Blue Blood to fall to the ground. "Yeah it is quite nice, especially when your the one groveling." Eclipse said walking off down the hall into the main court room. As Eclipse entered the court room the first thing he noticed was that instead of the light that would shine through the stain glass windows illuminating the room with all kinds of colors it was pitch black no light shining through the colored glass no Celestia to greet him and no guards at standby ready to defend their princess. Preparing his dronrak Eclipse stood prepared to fight when he heard a feminine voice through the darkness "We have been waiting for you Eclipse you have no idea of what is to came to you and now that you are right where we want you we have only one thing to say." the voice said before the room flooded with light and out of all kinds of hiding places leaped many ponies, from Canterlot residents to the royal guard and finally princess Celestia and next to her a pony Eclipse didn't recognize all yelling at the same time "Happy 18th birthday Eclipse." everypony shouted as Eclipse stood there truly surprised only to be knocked back into reality as Celestia gave him a light pat on the back. "Surly you didn't forget your own birthday Eclipse." Celestia said leading Eclipse towards the pony that had stood next to Celestia only moments ago the pony was only half Celestia's hight and was a deep blue her mane flowing like Celestia's but looked like the night sky. "Eclipse this is my dear sister Luna." Celestia said "Oh pleased to meet you." Eclipse said while mentally kicking himself for forgetting who Luna was especially after being told about her many time by Celestia. "It is I who should be pleased to meet you Eclipse." Luna replied taking in the humans appearance from top to bottom but what caught her attention was his pure sapphire eyes as they seemed to have a hypnotizing effect on her until she came back to reality by Celestia. "Well now that you two have met let's eat, drink and be merry." Celestia declared as everypony began to walk towards the meal hall. "I fucking hate recon." Adam said brushing some of his red hair out of his dull green eyes while walking of a large military ship and onto the warm sand "It's not that bad we still get paid." James replied before taking a drink from his water flask his dark brown hair blowing in the wind getting in the way of his own sea blue eyes "Will you two stop we need to investigate this place before we do anything besides you do realize that we just set foot on a possible new country after all, I mean we could be famous who knows what we'll find out here and just imagine the adventure." Leon said his black hair tied in a pony tail to stop it from getting in his cyan eyes, Adam just sighed walking with James and Leon into the forest. Celestia sat at the head of the table in the meal hall the table stocked with many fruits, vegetables and sweets each looking more delicious than the last. "So Eclipse Celestia has told me that you are part of the royal guard." Luna said  "That is correct princess." Eclipse replied  "There Is no need to be so formal Eclipse your more than welcome to use my name." Luna replied as Celestia cleared her throat. "Everypony as you all know today is my son's birthday I understand it has been difficult to accept him but I thank you all for coming to celebrate his life. A toast to Eclipse may he live long and may his dronrak never dull. " Celestia declared lifting her glass followed by everypony else except for Blue Blood who was standing by the fireplace on the other side of the room with a black eye muttering something about Eclipse and female hydra's. Eclipse lowered his glass to his lips to take a sip of his drink only to be knocked to the ground as a gray blur hit him. Quickly getting up Eclipse noticed the pony immediately as Ponyville's mail pony Derpy. "Special birthday package for a mister Eclipse from Twilight Sparkle." Derpy said pulling out a large package from her mail bag and giving it to Eclipse before flying out of the room only to smash through a window. "Wow somepony forgot to go to flight camp." Eclipse said causing the room to fill with the sound of laughter  "Well Eclipse are you going to open your gift?" Celestia asked  "Hold your dragons I'll open it when I have some spare time." Eclipse replied placing the gift among a pile of other gifts before sitting back down at the table taking a sip of his drink. "Damn it I think we're lost." James said "No shit Sherlock." Adam replied taking a swig of water from his flask "Don't worry we all have enough training to servive the night I say we find a place to set up camp and call it a day." Leon suggested "Oh so the rookie who spends more time with his head in the clouds instead of the battle thinks he's the fucking boss." Adam said "Well Adam no one said we had to stay in a group so you keep going for all I care meanwhile I'm going to find a safe place to rest for the night." Leon said walking in a completely random direction not bothering to give James or Adam to time follow him. Eclipse stood by the doorway to the gardens a soft tune floating through the room, Luna had just risen the moon and was making her way towards Eclipse her light blue eyes connecting with his own sapphire eyes. "Hello Eclipse." Luna said  "Hello Luna it Is a very beautiful night you are very good at making the many constellations." Eclipse replied  "Why thank you Eclipse." Luna said blushing.  "You know Luna I was wondering if you might care to dance." Eclipse said holding out his hand  "I would like that." Luna replied reaching out with her hoof and letting Eclipse hold it in his hand before taking the other hoof leading Luna in a waltz around the gardens under the beautiful night Luna had created. > The sciantest and the successor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eclipse stood on the balcony of his room staring at the night sky the moon casting a mysterious yet welcoming glow, the celebration of his 18th birthday was over and he had received quite a few gifts but that was expected with him being a prince. Looking over to the pile of unopened gifts he picked up the parcel he had received from ponyville and opened it revealing gifts from the six wielders of the Elements of Harmony.  Looking inside he saw a book on ancient pony warriors from Twilight, a sapphire amulet from Rarity, a jar that seemed to have a rain cloud in it from Rainbow Dash, a miniature party cannon from pinkie pie, a pair of white wool gloves from Fluttershy and a bottle of apple family cider from Applejack. Putting down the box of items on his bedside table Eclipse began to remove his clothing getting ready for bed. Just as he had removed his shirt however he heard a knock on the door "I swear if that's Blue blood again I'll make that black eye I gave him seem like a simple cut." Eclipse muttered opening the door getting ready to be bombed with all kind of insults only to be greated by princess Luna. "Oh hello again Luna." Eclipse said "Hello Eclipse I just wanted to thank you for tonight it was truly wonderful." Luna replied "Your welcome but it is I who needs to thank you for finally letting me meet you." Eclipse said  "It is fortunate that we finally met." Luna said  "You know I just got a bottle of apple family cider perhaps you would care for a drink?" Eclipse asked  "Oh thank you." Luna said walking in. Eclipse picked up the bottle of cider and took out two glasses before handing one to Luna who happily took it using her magic as Eclipse poured some of the cider into the glass before filling his own. "A toast to a night made perfect by its creator." Eclipse said tapping glasses with Luna's "Are you always this modest?" Luna joked  "Not all the time I have a tendency to boast a bit about my skill in dronrak based combat." Eclipse replied  "Oh well then perhaps I'll have to challenge you to a duel some time after all your not the only one who is skilled with that weapon." Luna suggested  "I'll have to take you up on that offer but for now let us drink to a beautiful night and a peaceful Equestia." Eclipse said holding his glass high before drinking the sweet tasting cider as Luna did the same. "Sir no sign of Alpha team I fear we lost them." a largely built solder said handing a file to a man wearing a white lab coat "Did they at least transmit the information to us?" the man in the lab coat asked "Yes sir." the solder replied "Good operation 'convert' will start when the link is finished, you are dismissed" the man in the lab coat said "But sir why do we need to do this? I mean after the incident twenty years ago with agents Katharine and Alex Johnson the continuation of this project seems risky" the solder asked  "Because our god damn world is dying in case you haven't noticed if we don't succeed the human race is done for." the man in the lab coat shouted. As the solder left the room the man in the lab coat looked over to a large portal before taking the file and copying the information onto a computer "Soon humans will breathe the air of a new world." the man said setting things up for when the link was complete. "Remember to relax your body when maneuvering through the trees Eclipse" Swift-wind Eclipse' personal mentor and captain of the royal guard said as he pursued Eclipse through the trees of the training area  "Just try to keep up old timer." Eclipse replied jumping over a branch that he proceeded to cut off with his dronrak causing the branch to fall and nearly hit the light brown pegasus on the head. "Using the environment to your advantage smart thinking Eclipse but not good enough." Swift-wind said charging at Eclipse his own dronrak ready to strike at the young prince  "Nice try." Eclipse said jumping from the tree branch he was standing on and onto the ground with a roll before jumping back up and punching Swift-wind in the chest causing the pegasus to lose his balance of his wings and crash into a tree and fall to the ground. "Well Eclipse you've defiantly gotten better at fighting in enclosed areas." Swift-wind said getting up  "I learned from the best." Eclipse said helping his mentor up  "Nevertheless you have become a very powerful fighter in the royal guard in fact as captain of the guard I hear by declare you as my successor when the time come for me to leave this world and enter the afterlife you shall take my place as captain of the royal guard." Swift-wind said placing his hoof on Eclipse' shoulder  "Thank your Captain this is truly an honor." Eclipse replied "Oh and something I think you should know." Swift-wind said  "And what's that?" Eclipse asked  "Luna's favorite flower is the midnight rose it grows on the edge of the everfree forest and only blooms at midnight hence it's name." Swift-wind answered with a wink causing Eclipse to blush slightly as he figured that Swift-wind must have seen him and Luna last night during his evening patrol. "Anyway go clean up and rest tomorrow we shall see how you handle fighting a group of opponents." Swift-wind said dismissing Eclipse before leaving himself and going over to a very well known tavern called 'The Merry Mare' as Eclipse went back to the palace to do as his mentor suggested. > First contact. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leon sat down by the fire he had made, a small rabbit roasting over it "This place is beautiful at night." Leon thought to himself reaching over to small patch of flowers only to be stopped when he heard a voice. "Beware of that plant creature beware." the voice said just as Leon's hand came within just an inch of the strange flower.  "Who's there?" Leon asked standing up and pulling out a combat knife from his belt "Do not fear for I have information that you might like to hear." the voice said again as a small zebra only half Leon's hight came into view but there were a few things off about the zebra, for one this place wasn't Africa and another was that this zebra wore some kind of tribal jewelry. "Okay sudden appearance of zebra's aside where are you and who are you?" Leon asked "Why I am right here." the zebra said startling Leon  "Talking animals okay what did that plant do to me?" Leon asked  "That plant is poison joke it only take but a poke and the effects are indeed quite a joke." "Okay then... Well if your real may I ask what is with the rhyming?" Leon asked "Oh I am sorry it is a habit that I got from my homeland that I have been trying to suppress except for special occasions such as nightmare night." the zebra replied leaving Leon to process the new information before his phone rang.  "Um excuse me for a bit." Leon said before answering the phone "Hello." Leon said "Leon where the hell are you? You were supposed to report back three hours ago with the rest of your team." a man said on the other line "Sir with all due respect I would like to report in later than planned as I believe to have incountered a local." "What a native." the man said making a small hmm sound before continuing "switch on your hidden camera and we'll keep an eye on it from here." the man said hanging up. Leon flipped a switch on his military vest activating a camera hidden in a pocket on his vest allowing the rest of the humans to see and hear the talking zebra. "Okay so if you don't mind me asking what is your name?" Leon asked the zebra  "My name is Zecora but may I ask who you are and what that item was?" Zecora asked "My name is Leon and this item I have is a um... a map yes that's what it is." Leon said trying to hide the fact that his phone was a tool for communication with the rest of the humans "All right but would you like to live in my hut for the night?" Zecora asked kindly "Um sure it would probebly be better than sleeping outside." Leon said following Zecora into the forest. "Princess Celestia our spies have returned with information that you need to hear." Swift-Wind said as he entered the throne room "What information is this?" Celestia asked "We have received information concerning sightings of massive metal boats along the western shore." Swift-Wimd replied "Thank you Swift-Wind, Eclipse." Celestia said turning towards her son "Yes mother?" Eclipse asked "I want you to take a team to the western shore to investigate this don't attack unless attacked first and return  with the information you gather." Celestia answered "Right away mother." Eclipse "How do we know Eclipse isn't part of this?" Blue Blood questioned "Because Eclipse has been loyal to Equestia ever since he was no larger than a rabbit." Celestia replied trying to suppress her anger towards Blue Blood's question "It is all right mother Blue Blood is just cranky that he can't get a marefriend without having to pay them." Eclipse mocked  "I swear I'll make you pay for that you orphaned pile of manticore dung." Blue Blood yelled back. Eclipse stood there anger showing in his eyes, he had always known he was an orphan that Celestia had found but it didn't soften the blow at Blue Blood's comment. "How dare you." Eclipse said activating his dronrak and running towards Blue Blood before moving his arm so that the blade cut Blue Blood's cheek. "If you weren't part of the royal family that strike would have ended your life." Eclipse said coldly before walking out of the throne room to gather some guards to help him in his mission. "Ah yes here we are." Zecora said approaching her hut completely oblivious of the hidden camera watching her as Leon followed her in, "Come in and rest." Zecora said kindly leading Leon over to a small bed perfect for her but far too small for Leon. "Thank you Zecora but why are you inviting me into your home so willingly?" Leon asked walking over to a chair and sitting down "Why not it is good to have company over every now and then." Zecora replied moving over to a small cauldron in the middle of the room stirring a strange orange liquid "Anyway it's much better than that small area back there" Leon said "That is good to hear." Zecora said walking over to him with a bowl full of the orange liquid "Drink this it will restore your strength."  "Thank you Zecora." Leon said taking the bowl and drinking the orange liquid oddly enough it tasted like bananas and seemed to do as it Zecora said would as Leon felt his strength rapidly return. "Your welcome my apprentice Applebloom Made it she's very gifted in alchemy." Zecora said  "Who?" Leon asked "She's my apprentice she lives in ponyville I could take you there tomorrow if you want." Zecora offered "I'd like that." Leon answered "Good." Zecora said before letting out a yawn " It's late we should get some sleep." Leon said "A wise decision but where will you sleep?" Zecora asked "I'm fine here." Leon said "Oh well if you insist here." Zecora said handing Leon a blanket "Thank you." Leon replied before turning the hidden camera off and going to sleep > Beginning the journey. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leon stirred from his sleep as daylight shone through the window of Zecora's home rising him from his sleep, Leon was is a state of where he was conscious but his mind was still waking up it wasn't long before he realized where he was. "Holy shit." Leon yelled quickly getting up waking Zecora from her sleep "Leon what is wrong?" Zecora asked "No this isn't happening this isn't happening." Leon said still coming to grips with what was happening "Leon it's all right your safe." Zecora said trying to calm him down "Your not real none of this is it's just an illusion an hilucination caused by that blue plant." Leon said pulling a 10mm pistol from his vest "Well it's not gonna work this time.". Zecora knew she had to think fast before she fell victim to whatever item Leon had just pulled out and pointed at her "Leon this isn't an illusion I am real." Zecora said beggening to panic from fear jumping as Leon shot just in front of her foot "Your not gonna trick me I'm still in the clearing I have a rabbit cooking over there." Leon said pointing to Zecora's cauldron "Leon I'm really sorry about this." Zecora said taking a bottle from the shelf and throwing the contents at Leon. Leon jumped back ready to shoot but soon found himself beginning to become tired as the blue liquid released some fumes causing him to lose caunsiousness fast. Leon struggled to fight it but soon found himself on the floor of Zecora's hut completely knocked out "I should get Twilight to get a look at him." Zecora thought as she took some rope and tied Leon so that his hands and feet where tied together before leaving to ask her purple unicorn friend to help her with the situation. Luna stood at the balcony of her room sunlight streaming down on her mane giving it a slight glow, Luna was trying to keep her mind on what star designs to do for the night but she found herself constantly wandering off back to the night Eclipse and her first met. Luna shook her head to clear her thoughts "How can I think of Eclipse like that he's Celeastia's son and therefore my nephew but... He was adopted by Celestia so technically it wouldn't be incest... Wouldn't it?." Luna said to herself sighing as she saw Celestia fly over to her. "Good morning Luna." Celestia said "Oh um Good morning Celestia." Luna replied trying to hide her inner conflict "Are you alright Luna?" Celestia asked concerned for her little sister "Well Celestia you see um..." Luna started nervously "It's about Eclipse isn't it."Celestia finished "H...how did you know?" Luna asked "I saw you two dancing on the night of his birthday and I know you well enough to know how you where looking at him." Celestia answered with a wink causing Luna to blush "But Celestia he is your son and therefore my nephew wouldn't it be incest?" Luna asked "He is my son that is true but he is only my son legally, if you wish to be with him it is allowed and would not be incest." Celestia explained. Luna thought about what Celestia had said and couldn't help but smile, it was true that Eclipse was legally Celestia's son but that didn't matter she loved Eclipse and there was no reason why they couldn't be together. "Thank you Celestia you have really cleared my mind about this." Luna said "Now if you excuse me I think I should go check on a certain captain of the guard to be." and with that Luna spread her wings and took to the sky. "All right men we'll need to leave as soon as possible go to the barracks and get what you need pack ONLY your weapons and survival equipment it's going to take us three days at the least to get to the western coast and we can't afford any casualties as the new recruits are still in training." Eclipse ordered to three solders who just nodded and whent to fulfill their duties. "Well looks like somepony is getting used to being the next captain of the guard pretty well." a feminine voice said causing Eclipse to turn around only to see princess Luna standing there. "Oh hello Luna..." Eclipse said "Hello Eclipse I have just come to notify you that I have decided to personally supervise this mission." Luna informed "Luna I am quite sure my men and I can handle any situation." Eclipse replied "I have no doubt about you nor your team but as you are to become the next captain of the guard I must view your abilities in the field myself, You wil not need to protect me either as I have come prepared." Luna said lifting her right hoof revealing a pitch black dronrak "Very well Luna you may accompany us." Eclipse said "Good I look forward to seeing how you preform when leading a group." Luna replied. Soon the guards returned with their equipment and after Eclipse explained why Luna was going with them they left Canterlot and started their journey to the western coast. Solders patrolled the beach guns ready to attack anything that came too close while scientists worked over on the deck of the ship preparing what they called 'The link' as that was happening a man with blonde hair and green eyes walked into the captains cabin at the top floor of the ship. "What is it Paul?" the captain asked  "Sir as you may know we sent out James Fleming, Adam Morin and Leon Mercer on recon yesterday and James and Adam where the only ones to return." Paul said "Yes and I'm going to send a search party to find him if he hasn't returned by 0800 tomorrow." the captain replied "Sir I believe that won't be necessary as you may want to see this." Paul said handing the captain a disk "What's this for?" the captain asked "Sir Leon has discovered that their is inelegant life here this disk is a recording of his encounter." Paul answered "I see, well then return to your duty and I will have a look at this." the captain said dismissing Paul as he turned around to watch the final preparations for 'The link'. > Truth and Revenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "...and that is why I had to knock him out." Zecora said finishing her explanation to a lavender unicorn that was examining the creature in front of her. "Well he defiantly a bipedal creature he actually looks like prince Eclipse but with black hair instead of white." the unicorn said her amethyst eyes beaming with excitement "Shhh Twilight we don't want to spook him he thinks I'm a hallucination due to the poison joke but he never touched it." Zecora said "Alright Zecora but we should examine this and figure out what it's for." Twilight replied using her magic to levitate Leon's gun.  "Be carful Twilight Sparkle I nearly lost my hoof to that thing." Zecora warned just before she heard a sound coming from where Leom was tied up. "Oh man my head." Leon mumbled beginning to wake up only to find himself tied up "What the fuck?" Leon yelled beginning to look around seeing the inside of Zecora's house. "Leon are you alright?" Zecora asked "I'm talking to a zebra what do you think?" Leon replied "No need to be racist." Twilight said "Okay talking zebras I can handle but now talking unicorns that plant has really gone and fucked up my mind." Leon said getting more frustrated as the conversation went on "Your not hallucinating Leon." Zecora replied "Don't lie to me." Leon yelled "Ah." Twilight yelled shocked by Leon's outburst causing her to lose her concentration on Leon's gun. The gun landed on the ground the slight shockwave casing it to fire a bullet hitting Leon's heel "Shit." Leon screamed in pain the bullet leaving a hole in his heel blood flowing rapidly. "By Celestia what have I done?" Twilight cried out in shock "Oh god, a bullet hole? B-but that would mean..." Leon said weakly realizing that everything that was happening was real. "I...I...d-didn't m-mean to...Oh Celestia forgive me." Twilight said in fear as the knollage that she had hurt Leon came crashing down on her like an piano "Twilight we need to heal his wound." Zecora replied examining Leon's wound "Alright but we should check and see if there is anything that needs to be removed from the wound.' Twilight said using her magic to scan the wound quickly finding the bullet. "Alright Now I just need to..." Twilight said as she began to remove the bullet only to hear Leon scream in agony. "Son of a bitch." Leon yelled in pain as the bullet moved slightly "Just lay down Leon I think I have something that can help." Zecora said quickly grabbing some sort of cream from a bench and applying it to Leon's wound. "That will make your foot become numb." Zecora said as Twilight began her spell again and slowly but carefully removed the bullet from Leon's heel and bandaging it up this time however Leon felt nothing as Twilight tended to his wound. "Thank Celestia that's over." Twilight said "Agreed." Zecora replied looking over to Leon "Rest now Leon and heal." Zecora said untying Leon before she started stroking his head like a mother would for their child, Leon closed his eyes as he fell asleep. Twilight levitated Leon onto Zecora's bed allowing him to rest his wound "I'll give him a healing potion when he wakes." Zecora said before walking over to her cauldron to prepare some potions that she had been paid to make for Ponyville while Twilight left to return home. "Shining Armor we're heading out lower the gate." Exlipse said to Twilight's older brother and general of the royal army  "Your majesty it is an honour to see you again." the white furred blue maned unicorn replied walking over to a lever "There is no need for formalities cousin you are as much as the royal family as I am." Eclipse replied "Nevertheless it is good to see you, I heard that my former apprentice has made you his successor." Shining Armor said "That is true but I won't be as good as you where." Eclipse replied "You underestimate yourself Eclipse, remember it isn't strength that makes a great warrior, it is what they are willing to do to protect the ones they love that matters." Shining Armor said pulling the lever before moving to a small sphere in the wall and using his magic to turn multiple parts to form the shape of the Equestrian flag.  As Shining Armor moved the last piece into place the large gate began to open the large polished slab of metal sliding into the floor. "I wish you luck on your mission." Shining Armor said as Eclipse, Luna and the three guards walked through the main gate before closing it as soon as the last guard walked through. "I see that Twilight has aided in the new security." Eclipse said beginning to head out onto the road leading to the Everfree forest " It would seem so Eclipse." Luna replied "Equestia is changing with all these scientific discoveries, but whether it is for better or for worse has yet to be decided." Eclipse said before turning towards the guards "Alright men here are your orders Stone Hoof you'll cover the rear." Eclipse pointed to a grey furred white maned earth pony stallion "Moonshine you'll provide healing and shielding during any possible battles." Eclipse pointed to a deep green furred blue maned unicorn mare "And finally Hawk Eye you'll scout ahead and search for possible danger and report back at noon." Eclipse pointed to a tan furred black maned pegesus stallion who had a bow and arrow quiver strapped to his side. "Well you seem to have the giving orders part worked out." Luna joked as the group reached the edge of the everfree forest, Eclipse quickly picking some deep blue roses and placing them in a satchel buckled onto the left side of his hip. Blueblood stomped into his room anger boiling within him "How dare that misshapen hideous idiotic brute lash out at me does he not know who I am." Blueblood said walking towards his mirror "I just hope this doesn't leave a scar otherwise there'll be hay to pay." "Sir are you alright?" Night Blade Blueblood's personal guard asked "Night Blade bring me the report our spies made conserving the ships along the western shore." Blueblood commanded. Shadow Blade replied with a simple "yes sir." before leaving to retreave the documents "If Eclipse isn't plotting against Canterlot I can still make it appear that he is." Blueblood said to himself plotting his revenge. > Love and Heartbreak > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eclipse walked beside Luna both on the alert for any danger,Stone Hoof walked behind looking back every now and then to make sure they wern't being followed and Moonshine was keeping her magic ready to attack anything that would try to harm them. "Your majesty." Hawk Eye called landing on a branch "The road ahead has been overrun by a diamond dog mining operation and we won't be able to pass." "Buck." Eclipse cursed pulling out a map "Let's see since we can't move through the diamond dogs mining area we will have to go through Ponyville to get around, not only is it the safer option but we can resupply while we're there however it will add another day to our journy." Eclipse ordered as the group made their way towards Ponyville. "And your certain this footage is genuine." Captain Peter said looking at the footage of Leon talking to a small zebra that he had copied onto an I-pad " Sir we both know that all footage sent through the camera on privet Mercer's vest is heavily encrypted to prevent any tampering of the footage during transmission." Paul replied "Still we now know that there is inelegant life here and that could complicate things." Peter said "True but now 'the link' is complete and ready to transport whatever we need to our location." Paul replied "Good once the green light is given I'll return to earth with the footage I have received." Peter said looking over to a large metal platform large enough to hold three fighter jets. "And Paul." Peter said looking over to the young technician "Yes sir." Paul replied "Keep an eye on Mercer we can't risk him telling the locals about what we are here for otherwise we could be at risk of a war." Peter ordered before stepping onto the platform with the I-Pad and with a bright flash disappearing returning to earth. "Princess Celestia what do you make of this?" Swift-Wind asked concerned for his princess "I-it can't be possible... It can't." Celestia said sadly as she read through the document looking like she might burst into tears at any moment "But it is true your highness these documents Where found in his room and it is also marked with his royal seal, I'm afraid Eclipse has betrayed us all." the messenger replied "Celestia I understand your upset about this after all your not the only one who has viewed Eclipse as a son." Swift-Wind said " But these documents clearly state that Eclipse has been conspiring against us." "Y-your right it is my responsibility to protect Equestia at any cost... send the guards to... A-arrest E-Eclipse." Celestia said "N-now if you'll excuse me I...I Need some time alone." and with that Celestia stood up and walked to her room. When Celestia closed her door and made sure it was locked she fell onto her bed and began to cry. Night fell over Equestia as Eclipse and his group set up camp, Luna sat by the fire as Eclipse got up for his shift to keep watch. "Get some rest Luna I'm sure you must be tired after raising the moon and stars." Eclipse said walking up to Luna "It is alright Eclipse I have risen the moon many times and have gotten used to the power needed to do so." Luna reassured "Nevertheless you should rest if we are attacked during the night we all need to be at full strength." Eclipse replied "Do not fear Eclipse if I have enough power to raise the moon I can easily handle a manticore." Luna joked "I guess your right. Anyway I wanted to give you these." Eclipse said reaching into his satchel and pulling out the midnight roses he had picked and handing them to Luna. "Eclipse how did you know?" Luna asked "As a royal guard I have my sources of information." Eclipse replied "Thank you." Luna said using her magic to hold the roses as she looked into Eclipse's sapphire eyes while looked into her light blue eyes. After what seemed to them like hours Luna brought her face closer to Eclipse's as Eclipse did the same bringing his lips to hers as they shared a kiss. The kiss lasted for five minuets before Eclipse and Luna pulled back for air "Eclipse I..." Luna said blushing and turning away before she felt an armored hand on her cheek bringing her face back towards his. "I know Luna I love you too." Eclipse replied before bringing his lips back to Luna's again. Leon woke in Zecora's hut finding himself lying on a large rug he guessed that Zecora had put him there to recover. "Good you are awake I feared that something important might brake." Zecora said "Still ryming eh Zecora." Leon joked as he tried to get up surprised to find that his foot didn't hurt "That must have been some strong as fuck potion you gave me." "Well I wanted to make sure we could get you to Ponyville so Twilight could ask you some questions."  "Fine let's get something to eat then go." Leon said getting up but still limping slightly while Zecora went over to her cauldron and pouring some stew into a bowl for Leon and handing it to him. "thank Zecora and... I'm sorry." Leon said "Why?" Zecora asked "What do you mean why? I thought you where a hallucination caused by that blue plant and I even tried to shoot you." Leon replied "It is alright Leon you where scared and where simply defending yourself from possible harm." Zecora reassured "Now eat and we will leave." Celestia cried into the pillows of her bed sorrow weighing on her heart, she just couldn't believe that Eclipse her own son would betray her, Celestia looked over to a photo of her levitating Eclipse with her magic when he was just a baby, the photo used to give her a sense of pride towards her son but now all she felt was sorrow.  "Princess are you alright?" a guard asked sticking his head through her door "I just sent the bucking guards to arrest my only son what do you bucking think?" Celestia yelled her sorrow turning to anger as she threw the photo of her and Eclipse at the guard who quickly shut the door to avoid getting hit causing the photo to hit the door leaving the frame that held the photo to shatter. Celestia looked at the photo realizing what she had just done as she took the photo and stared at it "I know your innocent Eclipse... I just know it." Celestia muttered to herself as she took a quill and paper and began to write. Dear Twilight Sparkle I call upon you to aid me in a very important investigation, just recently I have been given documents concerning my son prince Eclipse Lunablade I fear somepony may be trying to frame him for treason although it was found in his room and signed by his royal seal I believe he is innocent. However the security of Equestia must always come first even before my family, it is for this reason that I ask that you come to Canterlot immediately and investigate the situation further. I also ask that you keep this note privet and do NOT under ANY curcomstances reveal anything I have told you, I have sent the guards to arrest Eclipse and I will have to put him on trial I hope that you can find evidence of his innocence before then. Your mentor Princess Celestia. When Celestia finished her note she folded it and marked it with a red seal indicating it as a letter for Twilight's eyes only before using her magic to sent it to her student. "Twilight you gotta see this." Spike yelled running into the main room of the library "What is it Spike?" Twilight asked "A letter from Princess Celestia with a red seal." Spike replied before Twilight quickly yanked the note from his hands and running up into her room to read the letter. As Twilight read through the letter she couldn't help but feel a sense of pity for what Celestia would be feeling while sending the letter as the paper had a few wet marks from Celestia's tears, Twilight quickly finished reading before using her magic to burn the letter and packing her saddle bag with a variety of investigative equipment and running down the stairs. "Spike I need to go to Canterlot for a few days keep the library clean and remember to lock up before bed." Twilight said walking towards the door "But Twilight Zecora's bringing this Leon guy later today aren't ya meant to be asking him some questions?" Spike asked "Spike this is more important I can't tell you why but just trust me on this. Besides when he gets here just send me a letter to let me know he's here then I'll send back some questions for you to ask." Twilight replied before running out the door and running towards the train to Canterlot. Blueblood sat by his desk sipping a cup of tea looking over the many documents the royal spies had gathered his eyes scanning for anything to turn against Eclipse. "One document against Eclipse is enough to get him imprisoned but I can't risk somepony clearing his name before then I need more evidence." Blueblood muttered to himself before he noticed the sketching of an object that the spies had obtained from the strange creatures that they later found out was actually a type of weapon. "They must have gotten their hooves on one if the sketches are this accurate." Blueblood muttered to himself "Shadow Blade bring me the items the spies took from these invaders." Blueblood commanded as Shadow Blade walked out to gather what the spies had taken. "The items may have been found by the spies but that doesn't mean Eclipse hasn't been in possession of them beforehand > Investigation and Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Your majesty she's here." a guard said to princess Celestia through the door before turning towards the lavender unicorn"Remember the princess is in a very sensitive mood do not mention anything about her son unless asked to." "Understood!" Twilight replied entering the room "Princess you wanted to... See me." Twilight couldn't help but feel sorry for her mentor, Celestia's mane was messy and no longer flowed in an invisible breeze her eyes had become reddened due to crying her face was covered in tears. "Twilight my faithful student." Celestia greeted not bothering to face Twilight "Princess..." Twilight began "Twilight I do not wish for your company I want you here so you can s-s-save... S-so you can save..." and with that Celestia ran towards Twilight, pulled her into a tight hug and began to cry. "Celestia..." Twilight said beginning to shed tears of her own "Save him Twilight please save him I beg you please save my son." Celestia said between sobs "Save him so that the one who did this can pay." "I will Celestia I will." Twilight replied "Princess Celestia I fear that I must bring grave news." a messenger said walking into the room "Our investigators have found this in Eclipse's room." the messenger pony held up a plastic bag containing an item that had L shape that had a loop at where the metal turned and within that loop held a trigger, the bag also contained smaller pieces of metal that the spies had learned were shot out of the larger item. "Leave Celestia to grieve can't you understand that she's already upset over this." Twilight yelled at the messenger before using her magic to toss him out of the room and into a pillar. "Don't worry Celestia I'll save him." Twilight said before pulling away from Celestia and walking towards Eclipse's room. "Buck she'll ruin everything if she investigates this I need to get rid of her" Blueblood said looking at Twilight through his bed room window "Hmm this should send a message to her." and with that Blueblood shot a beam of magic towards Twilight. Twilight walked towards Eclipse's room thinking of how to clear his name from this crime, she knew Eclipse only left Canterlot when he was sent on a mission or to attend special events throughout Equestia, Twilight also knew that Eclipse was only in his room to sleep or to change clothing. "So how could the evidence have been found in his room. And even if that was true why didn't the maids find any of it before since they clean his room at least once a week." Twilight said to herself just before a burst of energy hit just in front of her, as Twilight jumped back in shock from the blast she noticed words scorched into the carpet. "Stay out of this or else." Twilight read to herself as the words quickly faded leaving the carpet as it was. "So he has been framed." Twilight muttered before continuing down the hall on more alert than ever. Twilight finally made it to Eclipse's room the door had two guards standing next to it with their wings spread to block the entrance. "Halt this room is a crime scene you are not allowed to pass." one of the guards said "The princess has requested my help to investigate this situation." "We were not notified about your involvement you may not enter." "I have been given this assignment from princess Celestia and have been given access to the prince's room." "Until that is proven you must send your request of access to prince Blueblood as he is leading this investigation." "Fine." Twilight said leaving to see if she could find any other clues "Well Blueblood is involved in this, he and Eclipse always did have a rivalry maybe if I where to investigate his room I can learn more, but what I really need is to get in Eclipse's room their might be some magic residue on something of his." Twilight muttered to herself as she continued down the hall. "What the buck do you mean you don't know?" Rainbow Dash yelled shaking Spike violently "I told you Twilight's been asked to go to Canterlot and that's all she told me." Spike replied "Rainbow Dash dear I think you can put him down now." Rarity said worried for the young dragon "Fine." Rainbow Dash said dropping Spike onto the ground "I hope everything is alright." Fluttershy said quietly "I'm sure Twi's as fine as a rattlesnake in a warm haystack on a cold winters night." Applejack reassured the yellow pegasus "Ooooh Maybe Twilight's helping to set up an after party for the prince's birthday party, I wonder what balloons they'll have maybe green no red or 'gasp' maybe pink what do you think?." Pinkie said looking out the window. "Is she still talking to those invisible ponies?" Rainbow Dash asked facehoofing "She says she's breaking the fourth wall whatever that is." Rarity replied "But on to more pressing matters Spike didn't you also say something about a mister... Leon was it?" "Yeah Twilight says he looks a lot like prince Eclipse but instead of a white mane his is black Zecora's bringing him over sometime today." Spike replied before hearing a knock at the door "Well speak of the devil." When Spike opened the door Zecora walked in greeting each of the ponies. "Um Zecora where's Leon?"Spike asked "Do not fear young Spike for our guest is right here." Zecora replied tossing some purple dust into the air revealing a black haired man with cyan eyes wearing a standard military uniform. "No offense Zecora but that invisibility potion tasted like shit." Leon said  "It was better than getting confused for the prince was it not." Zecora replied "Who is this prince your going on about all I've seen are talking zebras, ponies, unicorns and now pegesus' and dragons I mean what's next Gryphons and Minotaur's?" Leon asked "Well two things dearie. First prince Eclipse as everypony knows was found by princess Celestia eighteen years ago and saved him from a gryphon who had killed his real parents, Celestia took pity on him and adopted him as her own son, he is also the only one of his kind until you of course." Rarity answered "Now the second and most important thing is what is Celestia's name are you wearing it looks absolutely ghastly once this meeting is done I want you to come with me to my boutique so I can sort out that blemish upon fashion." "Well I gotta send a letter to Twilight about Leon getting here so that should give you plenty of time." Spike said "Perfect." Rarity replied "Now you come with me so we can sort this out." and with that she pushed Leon out the door dragging him to her boutique. "Wait Ririty he needs to..." Zecora begun but was interrupted when Rarity closed the door behind them. "Oh my Celestia it's the prince." a brown earth pony yelled as Leon and Rarity walked out of the library "And 'gasp' he's dating Rarity." and with that Leon and Rarity where quickly swarmed by Ponyville's many news reporters. "Hello I'm Breaking-News from Ponyville News, this just in: Prince Eclipse Noviembre Lunablade dating Ponyville resident and famous fashion designer Rarity Margret Gemstone. Will Eclipse forever be Rarity's daimond in the rough or will this so called Daimond just be another giant rock?" a blue unicorn with a purple and green mane said while walking up to Leon. "Prince Eclipse all of Ponyville is begging to know how you and Rarity discovered your feelings for each other." "What the fuck?" Leon asked clearly confused "This is just a case of mistaken identity, this is not the prince and we are not dating." Rarity told the news pony "This just in Rarity is still single and was NOT dating anypony but what of this creature that could be mistaken for prince Eclipse? Long lost brother? Clone or perhaps he is Eclipse's own father we'll be back tomorrow with an update." and with that Breaking-News gave the signal for the camera-pony to turn off the video camera. "Holy shit this Eclipse guy must be pretty damn popular to get this much attention." Leon said as Rarity used her magic to drag him by the belt "Well if we play our cards right you'll get to meet him." Rarity replied as they finally got to the boutique and walking in. "All right everypony got their equipment sorted?" Eclipse asked as he finished fastening the last strap of his armor "Yes sir." Stone-Hoof, Moonshine and Hawk-Eye replied at the same time "Ready when you are." Luna replied with a quick wink causing Eclipse to slightly blush before turning his attention back towards the mission. "Remember the plan is to get to Ponyville by midday no rest until then and keep alert." Eclipse ordered leading the group towards Ponyville. "So Luna how was he last night?" Moonshine asked "W-what?" Luna replied "Eclipse was he a good kisser?" Moonshine answered "I-I have no idea what your talking about." Luna denied "Oh come on I saw that wink you gave him and his little blush it's obvious you like him." "Well yes I like him he's Celestia's son." "Oh I get it." "Huh?" "Your worried that you the two of you would be looked down upon because he's pretty much your nephew." "Fine you caught me but is it really that obvious?" "Do dragons have scales?" "Of course they... Oh." "Don't worry he's adopted remember so it's not like it's incest or anything." "I guess your right, thanks Moonshine." "Any time your highness." "What was that Moonshine?" Eclipse asked "I was talking to princess Luna your highness." Moonshine replied as Luna chuckled at Eclipse's sudden question before stopping when she realized Eclipse was kneeling on the ground. "Um Eclipse." "This is bad." Eclipse muttered "What is it Eclipse?" Luna asked "Hydra tracks leading towards Ponyville... But why Hydra's never leave the swamps they're too much in the open for dragons anywhere else, something must have scared the manure out of it to make it leave." Eclipse replied examining the tracks "Sir what should we do?" Stone-Hoof asked "Were the royal guard Stone-Hoof we protect the citizens of Equestia." Eclipse answered "Hawk-Eye fly to Cloudsdale and gather the weather team to create a storm around Ponyville that should buy the rest of us some time to catch up to the hydra and and take it down." "Yes sir." Hawk-Eye said with a salute before flying towards Ponyville. "I just hope it isn't too late." Eclipse muttered as he and the group ran towards Ponyville. > The calm before the storm. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright darling let's start by getting this horrid thing off you." Rarity said using her magic to pull Leon's military vest off only to notice the hidden video camera. "Leon what is this for?" Rarity asked holding up the camera by the lens "Oh yeah that um I'm a..." Leon said trying to come up with a lie "A uh adventurer, I seek out foreign lands and document them, I mainly observe cultures and civilizations however some can be quite hostile and I need that so I can record what the people in the area do in their daily lives without too much suspicion." "Well nopony is going to harm you here. Now down to business." Rarity said walking over to a human shaped mannequin "I made this for the prince but I never got the right gems for it to fit his title but for you it should look absolutely fabulous." Rarity took the clothing off the mannequin revealing a navy blue top with a cloak that was black on the outside and gold on the inside attached with a pair of black pants. "Not exactly my best work but then again I'm more accustomed to making clothes for ponies and not clothes for... Whatever your species is called." "We're called humans." Leon's said "So that's what your called." Rarity replied "Yeah now how about we get this over with so I can get buck to my studying." Leon requested "Alright just get changed into the clothes I gave you and I'll return your other clothes when you leave." "Thanks." Leon said taking the clothes Rarity had given him and making his way to the change room. "Manure on a cupcake the hydra's moving too fast for us to catch up to it on foot." Eclipse said looking at the tracks on the ground as he ran "How can you tell?" Luna asked running beside him "During my training I was taught how to read animal tracks what type of animal, size, age sometimes even gender, These hydra tracks based on the distance between the paw prints tells that the hydra is moving faster than us." Eclipse explained keeping his pace "I just hope Hawk Eye can get to Cloudsdale before it's too late." "Permission to speak Captain." Moonshine said "Granted." Eclipse replied "Requesting permission to teleport to Ponyville to evacuate the civilians incase worse comes to worse." "I wanted to avoid a panic but our options are limited at the moment so permission granted." "Alleight I'll return once the citizens are safe." Moonshine said before teleporting. "Looks like it's just you, me and Stone Hoof now." Luna said as the trio made their way through the forest towards Ponyville. "Come on guys the rain in these clouds needs to be about 20% cooler." Rainbow Dash yelled out to the ponies storing water into the rain clouds. "Miss Rainbow Dash a mister Hawk Eye requests to see you about a security situation he requires your aid in." one of the workers said flaying towards her "Send him in." Rainbow Dash replied as a skin toned pegesus with a hawk carrying a bow for a cutie mark came into the weather control room. "Miss Rainbow Dash my name is Hawk Eye as a member of the royal guard I hereby request that you and your colts aid in a matter of Ponyville's protection." Hawk Eye said "What's the problem?" Rainbow Dash asked "A hydra has been reported to be approaching Ponyville and a group led by prince Eclipse is in pursuit of it, however they request that the weather team of Cloudsdale aid them by creating a storm around the hydra to slow it down enough for them to catch up to it and stop it from causing damage to Ponyville." Hawk Eye explained "Alright if the prince is leading this it must be important what kind of storm do ya need? Lightning? Tornado? Fog? What?" Rainbow Dash asked "Our best chance would be to create a fog as thick as possible around it's heads that way it won't be able to see where it's going." Hawk Eye replied "Alright one thick as hay fog coming up. Alright ya bunch of fillies get the fog generators going max power ASAP." Rainbow dash yelled towards the ponies making the weather clouds as she flew over to get a fog ready to slow down the hydra. "Be gone I refuse to talk on this matter any further." Blueblood yelled " But your highness this is your cousin we're talking about, not to mention he is Celestia's own son." Twilight said trying to keep up with Blueblood "That beast is not worth my time now be gone." Blueblood yelled back before slamming the door to his room is Twilight's face and proceeding to lock it. "Buck she's going to be a problem. Those idiots better hurry and find that orphaned pile of filth." Blueblood muttered to himself walking towards a crystal ball as a image of a black pegesus with red eyes appeared through the fog in the crystal ball. "Night watch what's your status on the pursuit of Eclipse?" Blueblood asked "We have managed to redirect him towards Ponyville using the old Diamond Dog mining trick and we have a trap set up for him when he reaches Ponyville." Night watch replied "Perfect remember bring him back alive, we must make sure that he suffers for his crimes." Blueblood said before deactivating the crystal ball severing his communication with Night watch. "Now if only I can get rid of HER then this will be perfect. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts Eclipse because you'll be in chains soon enough." Blueblood muttered to himself as he poured himself a cup of tea. "Now that is a much better outfit wouldn't you say?" Rarity said as Leon walked into the room wearing the clothes Rarity had given him. "Whatever." Leon replied before a loud dong sounded followed by another, "Oh dear what's happening?" Rarity asked running out of the shop only to see ponies running towards a bridge out of Ponyville in a panic. "Everypony please stay calm and follow me to a safe area until the situation has been dealt with." Moonshine yelled trying to calm the civilians down. "Oh dear an evacuation." Rarity said in shock before running towards the crowd completely forgetting Leon. "If whatever the problem is can cause a panic this big then shits about to hit the fan." Leon muttered to himself as he quickly grabbed his vest and put it on over the outfit he now wore and loading his pistol ready to fight. "We're nearly at Ponyville I just hope Rainbow Dash can buy us the time we need." Eclipse said while wiping some sweat from his brow. "We'll Eclipse I think that might answer your question." Luna replied using her hoof to point towards a large cloud of fog just ahead of them. Eclipse looked at the fog cloud and estimated the size of the hydra before his expression turned to one that showed he was ready to fight. "Alright here's the plan Stone-Hoof you help Moonshine evacuate the citizens Luna you and I will try to redirect the hydra away from Ponyville and back towards the swamp." Eclipse ordered as he Luna and Stone-Hoof ran into the fog to battle the hydra. "Princess I have been thinking and... Well Eclipse and Blueblood have had a rivalry for years so... Do you think it could be possible that Blueblood planted the evidence against Eclipse?" Twilight asked as Celestia paced around the room. "Twilight... Blueblood has been cruel to my son ever since I returned o Canterlot on that fateful night." Celestia said looking towards a small dronrak Eclipse had used when he started his training at ten years old. "Blublood said that Eclipse was a traitor when the spies returned with information about ships on the western shore." Celestia said looking away from the dronrak and back to Twilight "It is also far too coincidental that evidence against Eclipse shows just after his departure on his latest mission. So... Yes I believe that Blueblood has framed Eclipse." "So why not do something?" Twilight asked "Because I can't Blueblood has everypony convinced that I would be bias towards Eclipse. As such I can't do anything to help my son." Celestia yelled back before sighing "This is why you are here Twilight Sparkle, you will be my eyes and ears throughout the investigation and are to find evidence that will prove my sons innocence." "Alright Princess I promise I'll do whatever it takes." Twilight replied before leaving Celestia to her thoughts. "Please be safe my son." Celestia said to herself before looking towards the sunset as she began to sing something she had heard from a local musician. I pray you'll be my eyes and watch him where he goes and help him to be wise help me to let go. Every mother's prayer every child knows Lead him to a place Guide him with your grace Give him strength so he'll be safe Lead him to a place Guide him with your faith Lead him to a place where he'll be safe. As Celestia finished her song she looked towards the everfree forest until fatigue overcame her and she was forced to lay down and sleep. AN: The song is used is not mine it is a song called the prayer by Andrea Bocelli. > A turn for the worst. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eclipse leaped at the hydra his dronrak ready to strike at the beasts hide while Luna flew up to attack the heads. Eclipse struck the blade home as he followed up with a flip bringing himself higher towards the hydras spine. "If I remember correctly I should find a nerve that if hit right will paralyze the hydra for at least eight hours." Eclipse muttered to himself as he narrowly dodged the hydras tail that had swung at him. Eclipse stuck his dronrak into the hydra again before using his free hand to grab the spikes along its back and climbing them like a ladder towards where the hydras heads attached to the body. Leon ran through Ponyville with his phone quickly contacting the humans back at the base. "Come on come on." Leon muttered before hearing a voice on the other end. "Situation report solder." "This is Leon Mercer of Alpha Fox recon unit, I have come across a hostile creature looking like a hydra, vest camera shows evidence of creatures existence. I am requesting a Bravo 42-91 Tango ASAP." Leon replied "Copy that Alpha Fox, Bravo 42-91 Tango will be sent please verify location." Leon reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a flare before shooting it into the air resulting in a loud 'bang' followed by a bright red light. "Location verified." Leon said into the phone "Copy that Alpha Fox, Bravo 42-91 Tango is inbound." At this Leon hung up and did a quick check on his weapons. "Shit my pistol gonna do nothing against that thing." Leon said before pulling out and quickly assembling a sub-machine gun before running towards the hydra. Eclipse struck his dronrak into the hydra again to keep from falling from the building sized beast before grabbing onto the spikes along its back again before finally reaching his destination. "Please work." Eclipse said before preparing to strike with his dronrak only to stop as he heard what sounded like rapidly falling hail followed by the hydras roar and violent shaking causing Eclipse to fall from the hydra only to be saved by a field of magic supplied by Luna who quickly but gently lowered Eclipse to the ground but Eclipse didn't even notice due to the shock of what he saw at a distance fighting the hydra. Leon reloaded his sub-machine gun and opened fire once more at the hydra but was stopped when it looked like he was only making it mad and decided to retreat until backup arrived. Just as Leon turned to leave however he noticed another human fighting the hydra only this human wore what looked like gold armor that had a blade attached to one of the gauntlets. "Hey dude get your ass over here." Leon yelled to the other human who only pointed to himself before jumping away from the hydras tail. "Yeah you." Leon yelled as the human ran towards him. "Hey dude get your ass over here." The man shouted to Eclipse who had narrowly dodged the hydras tail before looking back towards the man and pointing at himself in confusion. "Yeah you." The man yelled as Eclipse began to make a run towards him. "Come on kid we need to get to cover." Leon yelled to the human who had just gotten to him. "What's your name kid" Leon asked but didn't get a response as the other human just looked at him as if he was some kind of great discovery. "Alright fuck it let's just go." Leon said to the other human just as he saw what looked like a Pegasus with a horn fly over to the human. "Eclipse Moonshine and Stone-hoof have gotten the civilians to safety." The pony said while Eclipse shook his head as if trying to clear his mind. "Alright then, Luna you and Moonshine use your magic to lasso the hydras legs together while Stone-hoof, Hawk-Eye and I try to trip it. And you." Eclipse pointed to Leon "If you are a friend to Equestia I would like to speak with you personally, in the meantime help us take this hydra down." Eclipse ordered before running towards the hydra. "Wait isn't Eclipse the name of this prince guy Rarity told me about?" Leon asked himself before reloading his sub-machine gun and preparing to fire. "Attention Alpha One this isTango One preparing for takeoff." A man said starting the engine of his fighter jet. "Copy that Tango One you are clear for takeoff." Another man said over the intercom of the jet as the pilot started the jet followed by four others. "Shit!" Leon yelled jumping out of the way of the hydras tail narrowly avoiding it. "Where's that fucking backup?" Leon yelled in frustration before he began to hear the sound of jet engines. "What the buck?" Eclipse yelled becoming distracted enough for the hydra to knock him into a nearby tree. "Eclipse!" Luna yelled hurrying over to him "Eclipse are you alright." Luna asked worried "Uhhh five more minutes mother." Eclipse muttered clearly disorientated. "Oh for the moons sake." Luna said before slapping Eclipse across the face "Ah what the buck?" Eclipse yelled in shock before noticing something flying over the town "What are those?" Eclipse asked forgetting about the hydra. "Hey you alright kid?" Leon asked helping Eclipse up, "I'm fine but what are those?" Eclipse said "Backup." Was Leon's only answer. "Attention Alpha One this is Tango One we have arrived at location awaiting orders." The pilot said "Copy that Tango One you are clear to engage hostile." The voice form the intercom replied. "Copy that Alpha One engaging hostile." The pilot said before leading the plane formation towards the hydra. "Open fire!" The pilot yelled as the planes broke formation and began to fire bullets at the hydra. "Get down." Leon yelled grabbing Eclipse and knocking them to the ground to avoid the bullets coming from the planes. "What are those things?" Eclipse asked "Fighter jets." Leon answered Eclipse stared in awe at the large flying machines for a bit before a realization came crashing down on him like a piano. "Wait what if they attack Ponyville?" Eclipse asked "...Shit." Leon muttered after realizing that he hadn't mentioned the small town. "I'll take that as a 'there going to attack Ponyville'." Eclipse said "Call them off." "I can't I can call them in but I can't call them off. That can only be done by the leader of the group." Leon explained. "Damn. Luna, Moonshine." Eclipse yelled to the two ponies currently taking cover from the bullets that where missing the hydra. "Yes captain?" Moonshine asked "Shoot those things down before they turn their sights on Ponyville." Eclipse ordered "Yes sir." Moonshine replied before charging up a ball of magic beside Luna who was doing the same thing. "What the fuck are you doing?" Leon asked "I can't let Ponyville come to harm and if you can't call your metal beasts off I have no choice but to order them shot down." Eclipse yelled "We're ready Eclipse." Luna yelled back "Fire." Eclipse yelled before Luna and Moonshine shot at the closest jet. Leon felt as if he was seeing what was happening in slow motion as two balls of magic one pink and the other dark blue flew at one of the jets and hitting its wing. "Alpha one this is tango three I've been hit going down. Mayday, mayday... AHHHHHH." The pilot yelled just before his jet crashed into the forest and exploding. "Son of a bitch!" A man yelled as he heard the jet go down and crash soon followed by two more. "Attention squads: Beta Epsilon and Gamma this is commander Jeffery of Alpha command Bravo 42-91 Tango has been destroyed. Your orders are to go to their last known location and search for survivors. If you come under attack you are clear to use deadly force." Commander Jeffery ordered before looking back at his computer and re-watching the footage from Leon's camera and stopping it so he could get a clear look at the person who the locals called Eclipse. "Alright you son of a bitch you want a fight? Then let's fight." Jeffery said as he left the room to alert his superiors that n act of war had just been placed against them. "You idiotic bastard." Leon yelled grabbing Eclipse and holding him against a tree "Do you have any fucking idea what you have done?" "I was protection my subjects from harm." Eclipse yelled "We defeated the hydra and saved Ponyville from attack." "Yeah you killed the hydra by having your living bazookas shoot down a jet so that it would crash into the hydra." Leon yelled back looking like he was about to punch Eclipse before he was knocked down by a dark blue blur only to see it was the winged unicorn Eclipse called Luna. "Don't... You... Bucking... Harm him." Luna yelled in his face. "Your idiot friend just had you attack three military vehicles. In other words he just committed an act of war." Leon replied "Yes he has." A voice said before a black pony with a blood red mane knocked Eclipse to the ground and using magic to hogtie him. "What are you doing?" Luna yelled getting off Leon and looking towards the unicorn. "Your majesty I am Night Watch and I have been given orders from Celestia herself to arrest Eclipse for the crime of treason." Night Watch replied before levitating Eclipse onto a nearby chariot. "As this has been ordered by Celestia you will have to take it up with her." Night Watch said before signaling the guards pulling the chariot to take off with Eclipse struggling to escape. "Now if you'll excuse me princess Luna." Night Watch said before teleporting onto the chariot as it flew back to Canterlot. > The spark to start the fire. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "...as the prince of Equestia I demand that you release me at once." Eclipse yelled only to get a kick to the chest from one of the guards on the chariot. "Shut up criminal scum." The guard said as the chariot landed in the palace courtyard. "Alright ya bunch of fillies get the prisoner to the dungeon and make sure he stays there until the trial." Night Watch commanded before pulling a crystal ball out of his saddlebag to contact Blueblood. Blueblood sat at his desk drinking a cup of tea when his crystal ball began to glow showing Night Watch. "Ah Night Watch I trust the mission was a success." Blueblood said "Yes my lord. Eclipse has been captured and is awaiting trial." Night Watch replied "Splendid." Blueblood replied "I'll be sure you receive a promotion for this." "Thank you my lord." Night Watch said before the crystal ball deactivated leaving Blueblood alone in his room once more. Celestia slept uneasy ever since she had ordered Eclipse's arrest her dreams had been filled with Eclipse's death, she had seen him hanged, beheaded, drowned and thrown off cliffs but what had frightened her the most was where she had seen him being burned alive. She could see him being dragged to a wooden post where he was soon tied to and surrounded by wood and ponies with torches. Eclipse would then turn his head towards her and say in a raspy voice "Please mother... Help me." however no matter how much Celestia tried she could do nothing to help him as the ponies surrounding him lit the wood and Eclipse was almost immediately engulfed in flames his cries of agony and pleas for help unheard by none but her, and then when the fire was gone Celestia saw Luna hugging Eclipse's charred dead body crying into his shoulder before his body turned to dust. Celestia tried to look away but couldn't as Luna turned towards her and yelled "You did this. You killed him you killed an innocent do you hear me you killed an innocent." And with that Celestia woke screaming. "Princess are you alright? I heard screaming." A guard asked opening the door "I'm fine just a... A bad dream." Celestia replied "That is good to hear I was afraid you where in danger." the guard replied "Also I have received word that Eclipse has been captured and is being held in the dungeon as we speak." and with that the guard left the room leaving Celestia panicked as she ran out onto the balcony and took flight towards the dungeons. "Get in there criminal" A guard yelled tossing Eclipse who had just had his weapons and armor removed into the prison cell resulting in Eclipse in lose his balance and fall hitting the ground hard. "Before anything else may I at least know why I have been placed under arrest?" Eclipse asked "You are her for the crime of treason against Equestia as you should already know." the guard replied. "I am innocent of any crime against Equestia." Eclipse replied "Thats what everypony says." The guard said before leaving Eclipse in the prison cell. "Well, well, well look what the dragon hoarded." A blood red mare said followed by five others. "Eclipse it's good to see after you put me in this rats nest." the mare said "blood rose." Eclipse replied "One of Equestias most notorious murderer." "The one and only, that is until you tossed me in here two years ago." Blood rose said "Justice was served, be thankful that it was life in prison and not death that you where sentenced to." Eclipse replied while keeping an eye on the five other ponies beginning to surround him. "And I'm sure you remember the Shadow-Trot gang." Blood rose said closing in on Eclipse "Yeah the most infamous gang of thieves in Manehatten." Eclipse answered "Until that is when you tossed them in here like you did me." Blood rose replied "But now we get to have our own fun, especially when we get to dance on your bloody corpse." Blood rose said before charging at Eclipse only to be grabbed by him and tossed to the ground. "Get him you fools." Blood rose yelled as the five other ponies charged at Eclipse who only had time to look at the closest on his right before he was tackled to the ground by another one of the ponies who then began to beat him as he was soon followed by the others. Eclipse tried to fight back but each time he raised his arm to fight back or block it would be knocked back and then stomped on leaving him with a broken bone. "How does it feel to have the tables turned Eclipse?" Blood rose asked raising her hoof to deliver the finishing blow only to get knocked away by a blast of magic. "Don't you dare lay another hoof on my son." Celestia yelled before using her magic to teleport Blood rose and the other five ponies into separate prison cells. Celestia ran to Eclipse who was currently lying on the ground in pain due to the injuries he had endured due to the loss of his armor. "Eclipse are you alright? Please say something." Celestia said worried she may have been too late. "M... Mother?" Eclipse asked weakly "Yes son I'm here your safe now." Celestia said picking up Eclipse and holding him close to her "W...why am I in prison?" Eclipse asked "Somepony has framed you but I had to order your arrest so that our subject wouldn't turn against us." Celestia answered "You did the right... the right thing mother." Eclipse reassured attempting to hug his mother only to cry out in pain from his broken arms. Celestia noticed her sons pain and lay her son back on the ground "Now hold still Eclipse this will hurt but you'll get better much faster." Celestia said as she began to use her magic to heal Eclipses wounds while desperately trying to block out his cries of pain that sounded so familiar to the cries in her dream. "Please princess you must rest after what happened." Moonshine said "And what leave Eclipse to suffer in prison?" Luna yelled while Leon sat at the bar drinking a mug of apple cider. "You." Luna said pointing towards Leon "Do you have anything to do with this?" "No I don't even know who Eclipse is apart from him A: being human and B: some kind of prince." Leon replied taking another sip of cider. "Care for another sir?" the bartender asked Leon who only nodded before the bartender poured another mug of cider. "Maybe Eclipse is guilty, you never know." Stone-hoof said only to get knocked over the head by Moonshine "Uh I mean there must be a good reason for his arrest." "But he can't be guilty of anything he's a prince of Equestia what reason could he possibly have to betray his own kingdom?" Luna asked to herself rather than anypony else in the room just as she heard what sounded like a loud rumbling coming from outside. "And here comes the shit storm." Leon muttered getting up and going outside only to be greeted by at least twenty solders who had arrived in military jeeps. "Are you Leon Mercer of Alpha Fox?" one of the solders said "You should know that answer already Paul." Leon replied smugly "Yeah, yeah it's just protocol." Paul replied "Oh you mean that bullshit they stuffed down our throats?" Leon joked "Well I see that nothings change apart from the clothes your wearing. Are you going for some kind of medieval theme or something?" Paul asked only to have a white unicorn charge up to him. "I'll have you know that that outfit is one-of-a-kind and is made to be the very pinnacle of fashion." the unicorn yelled "Woah calm down Rarity." Leon said trying to drag the unicorn away "Anyway why are you guys here?" "We came here to investigate the hostile actions towards Bravo 42-91 Tango by someone named Eclipse." Paul answered only to be charged at once again by another pony with both wings and a horn. "Eclipse was defending Ponyville from possible attack from your flying machines." the pony yelled "Luna calm down." Leon said "How can I calm down when the stallion I have come to love is in prison for a crime he didn't commit?" Luna asked "Anyway mam we are going to have to take a look around for possible survivors." Paul said "I doubt you'll find any after the kind of magic I used." Luna said coldly only to have multiple guns aimed at her. "Mam your going to have to come with us." Paul said walking towards Luna with a pair of hand cuffs. "You think you can capture me? A princess of Equestia." Luna said charging a spell resulting in Leon backing away to avoid being hit but instead felt himself being sucked into whatever spell Luna was casting as he suddenly was blinded by a flash of light and found himself in some sort of room where at the end was a golden throne and upon that throne was a white unicorn with a blonde mane. "Hello Leon Mercer." the pony said "How do you know me?" Leon asked confused "Did you really think the spies of Equestria wouldn't spot you while going through the Everfree forest?" Blueblood replied "So your spies saw me and reported to you now for the more important question, who are you and why did Luna send me here?" Leon asked "Luna didn't send you here, I did and as for who I am I am prince Blueblood." Blueblood answered "And what do you want?" Leon asked "Simple really I want you to serve me in exchange for your life." Blueblood said before using his magic to pick up what Leon recognized as a pistol and pointing it at him. "So... do we have a deal?" Blueblood asked "Get back get the fuck back." Paul yelled only to have a blast of magic shoot through him causing blood and guts to fly everywhere killing him instantly "Open fire." one of the solders yelled as him and the rest of the solders began to shoot at Luna who retaliated by using her magic to black the bullets. "This'll get the bitch." one of the solders from the back said aiming a missile launcher at Luna and firing. Luna blocked the missile but the explosion had caused a shockwave resulting in the tavern they had been recovering in to get blown to pieces. "Everypony get out of here." Luna commanded as the residents where once again forced to evacuate while the guards stayed to aid their princess. "Everypony else return fire." Luna commanded as the unicorns shot magic while the earth ponies and pegasi charged towards the enemy. "There now rest my son you've more than earned it." Celestia said "I'm so sorry this has happened but I promise I will get you out of here, cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." "Heh all we need now is for Pinkie Pie to jump out of nowhere and yell forever." Eclipse joked weakly "I'm sure she's gone and said it by now out of earshot of us." Celestia replied Pinkie walked with the ponies who where evacuating ponyville when her Pinkie sense occurred in a combo meaning Pinkie promise. "Forever." Pinkie said before running off with the rest of the group. "Anyway I'll be fine now after all the food can't be as bad as the stuff they served at the guardsman academy." Eclipse said "I'll come back and check on you later Eclipse but right now I must speak to Twilight." Celestia said before leaving Eclipse alone in the dark prison cell. "Let's see... if I can't get Blueblood to give me access to Eclipse's room I may need to try a more discreet approach." Twilight muttered in thought only to walk straight into Celestia. "Oh I'm sorry princess I..." Twilight began "Twilight, Eclipse has already been captured please tell me you have found evidence of his innocence." Celestia asked clearly panicked "I... I'm sorry princess but I've found nothing and I can't access to his room without Bluebloods permission which is impossible without a mind control spell, and those spells are highly illegal." Twilight answered "Wait... what if... of course." Celestia said getting more exited "Twilight I want you to call a meeting to the grand hall for all guardsmen in Canterlot as well as the maids." "But why?" Twilight asked "So far all evidence against Eclipse was found in his room, now since he's my son and therefore a prince he has guardsmen guarding his room 24/7 and the maids clean his room twice a week." Celestia said "So by getting the ones who where guarding his room over the past week we can have them tell us if anypony was in his room before the evidence was found." Twilight finished "I'll go get them right away." and with that Twilight ran to order the meeting. "Don't worry my son. I'll save you." Celestia muttered to herself before making her way to her room to sign some important documents. > The princess, the prisoner and the mercenary. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The battle had gone on for the past hour and both sides where suffering losses, the dead bodies of both humans and ponies scattered the streets of Ponyville but eventually Luna and the guards had driven the enemy away. "Moonshine how are the remaining solders?" Luna asked as she used her magic to disintegrate one of the dead humans bodies "We lost around ten solders the rest are wounded and tired but are still able to fight." Moonshine said walking towards Luna while Nurse Redheart Ponyvilles best nurse tended to the wounded solders. "I fear we may have started a war." Luna said sadly "They attacked us first Princess with those flying machines of theirs." Moonshine replied "I guess so." Luna said "Moonshine can you handle things here on your own?" "Yes princess." Moonshine answered "Good because I must return to Canterlot to talk to my sister." Luna said before using her magic to teleport to Canterlot "So you want me to kill Twilight Sparkle." Leon said as Blueblood led him onto a balcony that looked over a court room. "That is correct mister Mercer." Blueblood replied before handing a bow and some arrows to him. "And I'll be taking these." Blueblood said using his magic to remove Leon's weapons and leaving the room. "Great now I'm being forced to be this guys personal hitman while he sends me to kill the pony who helped Zecora heal my foot." Leon muttered as he hid with the bow as he notched an arrow. "But that son of a bitch doesn't know who he's fucking with." Leon said as he took aim at a bell hanging from the roof that was normally used to call the ponies in the room to attention. "Sister, what is the meaning of this." Luna yelled as she barged into Celestia's room "How dare you send the guards to arrest Eclipse when he has done nothing wrong, you disgust me how dare you call yourself a princess of Equestia or even his mother. You back stabbing swine." "Luna..." "No I don't want you hear your bucking excuses." "Luna... I..." "You have sent an innocent stallion to be imprisoned and trialled for TREASON of all things." "DO YOU THINK I AM NOT HURT BY THIS AS WELL." Celestia yelled back finally losing her patience "My son is in prison because of false evidence, but until that is proved to the counsel I must imprison him otherwise our subjects my turn against us." "So you would have your own son suffer so that you can maintain a pure reputation." Luna replied "If I don't Equestia would be at risk of a revolt and we both know what the consequences could be." Celestia answered. Luna looked at her sister as if she was about to burst into tears at any moment, "J-just promise me you'll do all you can to save him." Luna said sadly "Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." Celestia replied bringing Luna into a hug. Eclipse sat in the prison cell resting up after being beaten by Blood Rose and the shadow trot gang even though Celestia had healed his wounds he still needed to rest and regain his strength. While Eclipse sat he kept his ears open for any information he could use to his advantage, as this wasn't his first time in a prison cell (Although it was his first time in a Canterlot prison cell) he had picked up a few tricks and was analyzing the locks so that if worse came to worse he could at least attempt an escape. As Eclipse sat there investigating the lock on the cell door he heard a voice coming down the halls of the dungeon. "Well, well, well how the mighty have fallen." A pony said to Eclipse who by the light given was revealed to be prince Bloueblood. "Laugh it up while you can Blueblood couse when I get out of here..." "HA even an imbecile like you would know that none have ever escaped Canterlot's dungeon no matter how hard they tried." Blueblood replied "There's a first time for everything, except maybe you finding a mare that like being treated like a door mat now that's gonna be impossible." Eclipse replied smugly "That's it guard I wish to interrogate Eclipse personally to see if maybe I can loosen his tongue and get some proper information rather than tasteless jokes." Blueblood ordered "Oh that's harsh Blueblood after all my jokes can't be as tasteless as your taste of fashion." "Why you little..." "I'm just kidding that was actually a nice tuxedo you where wearing at the last Great Galloping Gala." "Oh really?" "Yeah but uh do they come in stallion sizes?" Eclipse joked "Alright that is it guard." Blueblood yelled as the guard unlocked Eclipse's cell before dragging him to the interrogation room. "Sister may we go see Eclipse?" Luna asked "Yes Luna but I fear there is something you aren't telling me." Celestia replied, so Luna quickly explained the situation about what happened with the humans and the battle that broke out in Ponyville. "I see this is troubling, go and see Eclipse I meanwhile need to attend a meeting with Twilight Sparkle. When I'm done we will talk about how to proceed with this act of war." Celestia said as she left the room. Leon stood on the balcony with the bow ready to fire but instead of shooting Twilight like Blueblood had ordered him to Leon intended to shoot the bell in the room to alert them of his presence and explain the situation to whoever was in charge. "Hold it right there." A feminine voice yelled out causing Leon to turn around finding himself face to face with what looked like a anthropomorphic dragon wearing some kind of chain mail armor. "Woah!" Leon said under his breath as he looked at the dragon in front of him. The dragon had dark blue scales and wings that where folded measuring to half her body hight, she had a pair of horns that seemed to be no longer than his middle finger, she seemed to also have two separate eye colors, blue on the left and red on that right where a small scar could be noticed. "Who are you state your business." The dragon asked poking Leon with a bolt hooked in a crossbow that Leon noticed. "L-Leon Mercer uh mam." Leon replied lowering his bow. "Sapphire, princess and emissary of the southern dragon kingdom of Drazon." Sapphire replied still keeping her weapon aimed at Leon. "Why are you armed with a weapon primed to fire up here?" Sapphire asked "You're not working for Blueblood?" Leon asked thinking that she was just here to keep an eye on him for Blueblood "Ancients no, I hate that pompous little dung pile." Sapphire said "Well you see..." Leon began as he explained everything that brought him here from meeting Zecora to Blueblood sending him to kill Twilight while Sapphire stood there her weapon lowered allowing Leon to see to his surprise that Sapphire seemed to have a pair of breasts that Leon guessed was a C cup. "My eyes are up here." Sapphire said causing Leon to look up not realizing he had been staring at her breasts "S-sorry mam." Leon apologized before his attention was taken back to the room around him as he heard the doors open revealing Twilight to Leon. "Shit." Leon said quickly drawing his bow and firing at the bell. 'DING DING DING.' Twilight looked up in shock as the bell rang and an arrow fell to the ground, as she looked up she saw Leon standing at the balcony acing to her and signaling for her to get to him. Twilight quickly teleported to Leon and began to bombard him with questions such as how he got to Canterlot and where he came from. "...I mean you couldn't use magic to get here you don't have a magic signature to indicate the ability to use magic and..." "Twilight Blueblood wanted me to assassinate you." Leon interrupted getting impatient "and I think that this Eclipse guy and his arrest is part of it." "Prince Eclipse was taken to the palace dungeons, maybe we can get some intel from him." Sapphire suggested "Alright then but how the hell will I be able to get there?" Leon asked "Simple." Sapphire replied pulling out some rope and quickly tying Leon's hands together "your going to be his cell mate." Sapphire said as she grabbed Leon and took him to the dungeons. > Forging connections. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What the fuck lady." Leon muttered as Sapphire brought him to the dungeons "Do you want to get information from prince Eclipse or not?" Sapphire replied "Now shut up we're here." As Sapphire walked up to one of the guards she cleared her thought to get his attention. "Princess Sapphire what are you doing here?" The guard asked "I was given orders to bring this prisoner to the dungeons and put him with Eclipse." Sapphire replied "Sorry princess but without the correct paperwork I can't allow this and besides prince Blueblood is busy interrogating Eclipse as we speak." The guard replied. "All right these ropes are starting to chafe so I'm just gonna skip to plan B." Leon said before he quickly turned around and knocked out the guard before grabbing one of the bolts in Sapphire's quiver and using the tip to cut the ropes. "We'll that escalated quickly." Sapphire said looking over at the unconscious guard "What can I say I'm an impatient man." Leon replied before running deeper into the dungeons. "Tell the truth you vermin." Blueblood yelled hitting Eclipse across the face "You mean the truth that I'm innocent? Or the truth that you can't fight someone unless they're tied up?" Eclipse asked jokingly as he struggled to break the ropes binding him before Blueblood hit him across the face again. "Enough of your jokes." Blueblood yelled getting ready to punch Eclipse again when he saw an arrow barely miss him and hit the wall. "Sorry I'm late to the party 'boss'." Leon said sarcastically readying another arrow to fire "Now if you excuse me I have some questions for prince boy here." Leon said looking at Eclipse. "So what do you expect me to do? Tell you the secrets of the palace?" Eclipse asked jokingly "Not exactly but here's the deal I bust you out of here and you answer my questions." Leon replied looking towards Eclipse. "No." Eclipse said "I will not break the laws of which I have sworn to defend as a guardsman, even if that means rotting in a prison cell." "It's your funeral then but at least answer my questions, first off the list: where the fuck are we? Second: Why the fuck did you blow up those planes and possibly start a war against humanity? And finally for Sapphire: Could you NOT jab me with that crossbow?" Leon asked looking towards Sapphire who had been lightly poking Leon with her crossbow. "We'll first off, this is the country of Equestia, and we are currently in the capital city of Canterlot. And the answer for your second question is that they could have caused heavy damage and civilian casualties to Ponyville." Eclipse replied "And as for your question to me Leon the answer is that I was trying to get your attention because a certain pompous pony left to get the guards." Sapphire replied "Well shit." Leon replied "is there a way out? I mean one that doesn't involve the front door." Leon asked only to see Eclipse get up and press a brick behind him revealing a secret passage beside him. "This will get you out of Canterlot on the south side. I'll stay here and try and keep the guards off your back for a bit." Eclipse replied "Sweet." Leon said grabbing Sapphire by the arm and running through the passageway before Eclipse closed it. Luna walked into the dungeons hoping to see Eclipse but stopped as she saw a group of guards approaching "What is the meaning of this?" Luna asked as Blueblood appear at the front "Dear aunt I have simply sent for the guards to arrest a creature who has attempted to free Eclipse with princess Sapphire as his hostage." Blueblood explained "Eclipse is innocent of any crime." Luna said coldly to Blueblood "I beg to differ auntie." Blueblood replied handing Luna a 'confession' that was marked with Eclipse's royal seal. Luna looked at the seal in disbelief at the 'confession' anger slowly rising within her as Blueblood held up the paper with as smug look on his face. "Guardsmen could you leave Blueblood and I with some privacy?" Luna commanded as the guards went on their way. When the last guard was gone Luna used her magic to shroud herself and Blueblood in darkness so none could see or hear them. "Now listen you backstabbing swine, if Eclipse suffers ANY harm and is found to be innocent which I will make sure he is, I will personally do the same to you tenfold." Luna yelled as Blueblood trembled in fear but soon was back to his usual pompous self again. "Dear auntie I have only Equestia's best interests in mind and besides, you have no proof of his innocence while I on the other hoof have plenty against him." Blueblood replied as Luna dissipated the darkness surrounding them. "Leave Blueblood, NOW." Luna nearly yelled as she turned her back and soon found herself nearly galloping to try and find Eclipse. "This is Leon Mercer requesting extraction at these coordinates ASAP." Leon said as he activated the beacon on his vest sending his location to the other humans. "So uh Sapphire... You're a princess eh." Leon said "That is correct." Sapphire replied "So that also means you have a kingdom?" Leon asked to which Sapphire only gave him a look that he was able to translate to "yes dumbass." "Oh right." Leon said "Is this relevant to our situation of you on the run from the guard and me being some sort of hostage?" Sapphire asked "First off you're not a hostage, and second my kind are from another world that is dying and I was hoping you could help us." Leon explained "Humph and if I was to help you what could you offer the dragons?" Sapphire asked "Advanced technology for one not to mention allies." Leon answered "Take this for example." As he said that Leon held up his phone. "What is it?" Sapphire asked "It's a phone humans use them to communicate over long distances." Leon said "Fine I will see where this agreement takes us but before anything can be made official I must return to my kingdom." Sapphire said before adding "With you accompanying me as it was you who proposed the agreement." As Sapphire finished her sentience she could begin to hear what sounded like blades cutting through the air as a large metal thing came landing in the clearing the two had been. "Ah here's our ride now." Leon said as he got up and walked to the large object "Leon what is that?" Sapphire asked as a group of human came out with more strange technology Sapphire guessed where weapons as she readied her crossbow "Get on the ground NOW." A human yelled pointing his weapon at Sapphire only to be blocked by Leon. "Mercer you are to move out of the way or I will open fire on you." The human ordered. "Adam I know you're not gonna shoot me, besides she and I worked out an agreement to help humanity in our mission." Leon explained "Alright the Sargent is gonna want to hear this when he gets back from showing that footage of yours to the United Nations." Adam replied lowering his weapon and letting Leon pass. "Hey Sapphire you coming or what?" Leon asked reaching out to take Sapphire by the hand which Sapphire took hold of before following him into the large object. "Leon you still haven't answered my question." Sapphire said as she sat on one of the seats curling her tail so that it rested on her lap. "Oh yeah, this is a helicopter we use them to fly from one place to another and since this is a military one it also comes equipped with weapons for air combat." Leon explained while Sapphire listened in fascination. "So Leon how did you and miss..." Adam began only to forget Sapphires name "Sapphire." Sapphire answered "Yeah so how'd you two meet and uh have you asked her for her number?" Adam joked "My what?" Sapphire asked clearly confused "Each person with a phone has a series of numbers that allow people to call them." Leon explained "and no Adam I haven't asked for her number." "Shame thought you might have gotten some for once." Adam replied "Some what?" Sapphire asked "This is gonna be a looooooong flight." Leon muttered. "Eclipse." Luna called out as she ran into the interrogation room only to see Eclipse being beaten by a group of solders. "Where is the being that took Princess Sapphire traitor?" a guard yelled hitting Eclipse across the face "What is the meaning of this?" Luna yelled "Y-your highness." The guard who was just beating Eclipse said in shock "Leave him NOW." Luna yelled as the guards ran off looking like they might soil themselves in fear. "Are you alright Eclipse?" Luna asked "L-Luna?" Eclipse asked "W-what are you doing here? Is Ponyville safe?" "Ponyville is fine but what about you?" "I'll be fine it's not the first time I've had the manure beaten out of me and it won't be the last." Eclipse joked earning a small chuckle from Luna "You certainly are Celestia's son." Luna replied "Listen Blueblood has framed you, I promise I will do all I can to get you out of here." "Good, and Luna... Thank you." "It's alright Eclipse." Luna replied before giving him a quick kiss on the lips "but remember when I get you out of here you owe me." "Anything for the princess." Eclipse joked "now you should get going, after all I still need to have contacts to those helping me." As Eclipse said that he sat down against the wall and fell asleep the beating leaving him tired, "Sweet dreams my dear prince." Luna said as she used her magic to carry Eclipse back to his cell despite her urge to simply teleport him out. "No if I do that he'll be chased down and killed on the spot." Luna said to herself as she used her magic to create a proper mattress to lay Eclipse on. "I will see you soon my love." Luna thought to herself as she left the dungeon unknowing of the eyes watching her. > A new ally, an old enemy. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mercer get that lizard and get your asses in here." Captain Peter yelled "Yes sir." Leon replied as he walked up to Peter with Sapphire by his side. "I trust your visit to Earth went well. World War 3 hasn't started has it?" Leon said in a joking manner "The fucking planet is getting ready to tear itself apart and you're cracking jokes?" Peter yelled angrily "I'm just trying to make light of our situation but still how was your visit home?" Leon asked "The United Nations wants you back on Earth in three weeks to debrief them on your encounters in the field." Peter answered "Understood." "Also I would like to ask this lizard..." "Dragon." Sapphire corrected "Dragon friend of yours some questions." Peter said looking towards Sapphire "If your asking me to be your mate I'll tell you now that you're not my type." Sapphire joked "Ouch right in the pride." Leon said "Actually what I wanted to ask is for you to tell us about this world and maybe accompany Leon here to Earth." Peter said "I'll think about it." Sapphire replied "Thank you. Now onto more important business, Leon here has told me about that agreement of yours and I have decided to allow it but it will have to wait until Leon's meeting with the United Nations." Peter explained "I will respect that decision." Sapphire replied "Good you are dismissed." Peter said before turning around to retire to his quarters. "Wake up prisoner, it's time for ya dinner." A guard said sliding a bowl of stew through the bars of Eclipse's cell. "Wow even the prison food is better than what they serve at the academy." Eclipse joked looking at the bowls contents "but would it kill ya to give me a spoon at least?" "Fine." The guard said tossing a wooden spoon through the bars "at least that pays you back what you did for me two years back." "Don't worry about it Lucky Shot, oh and tell the wife and kids I said hi." Eclipse replied as he took the spoon and began to eat. "Send these documents to the court immediately." Blueblood ordered one of the local mail ponies. "Yes your highness... But what is this about if I may ask." The pony replied "Eclipse has been arrested under the crime of treason the documents I give you are to be sent to the court to confer that his trial will take place three weeks from now." Blueblood explained "Very well your highness." The mail pony said bowing and leaving. "Sister I fear for Eclipse... I mean what if Twilight Sparkle can't find anything to clear his name, or Eclipse is killed by the other prisoners, or... Or..." Luna said panicking "Have faith Luna, Twilight is sure to find something and Eclipse can handle himself in a fight." Celestia reassured her. "But still I understand your concern for him. But I assure you we will save him." "Thank you sister now I can attend my duties in peace." Luna said as she walked out to the balcony and began to lower the sun and raise the moon. Once this was done the stars in her mane began to glow and flow out into the night sky forming in how she saw fit. It was then Luna remembered one of the many tales about Eclipse that Celestia had told her and soon she began to focus in the image she wanted to create, each star carefully placed and as she was done she looked up in awe at her own work as she saw the portrait of stars. Luna went back in but not before she heard the faint sound of gasping in awe from below as the ponies of Equestia where greeted with a portrait of Eclipse at the age of sixteen fighting and full grown manticore single handedly to protect an injured filly and below where the words "Are these the actions of a traitor? No! These are the actions of a hero." As Luna walked back inside she soon found herself brought into a hug by Celestia who now had tears of joy flowing down her cheeks. "Thank you Luna... Thank you." Celestia said before pulling away and staring at the portrait of her son with pride. "And thank you too Eclipse for all you've done." "Daddy, daddy come look." Star Gazer said staring out the window. "Alright I'm coming." Lucky shot said looking out the window with his daughter only to see a portrait of Eclipse as he single handedly battled a manticore that had nearly killed Star Gazer. "Thank you Eclipse, I'll pay you back what's due, in full this time" Lucky shot muttered to himself as he looked out into the night sky. "My lord everything is going to plan. The royal family is divided and the human forces are preparing for war." A being said as a large black cloud moved around before stopping. "Well done. After all these years I will have my vengeance, and you will finally be able to feast on that 'child' of Celestia's." "Oh yes indeed master, after all his parents where delicious and the boy probably even more so." The being said moving into sight revealing a gryphon, the same gryphon that Celestia had saved Eclipse from eighteen years ago. "Indeed and finally Celestia will fall and Equestia will be mine." And as the cloud dissipated there stood the pony that had brought chaos to the Crystal Empire thousands of years ago... King Sombra. > The dream, the proof, and... the beer? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna slept soundly in her bed as the night began to reach its midpoint, being the princess of the night she was tasked with battling nightmares that plagued the minds of many but tonight she was focused in the dreams of her beloved. "Eclipse are you here?" Luna asked calmly walking through the dream world, "Luna I should have known you'd come here." Eclipse said running out from the bushes dronrak activated and a crossbow in his other hand. "Now would you mind giving me some backup while you're here?" Eclipse asked as a large shadow in the form of a snake emerged from the same bushes that Eclipse had come from. "A nightmare." Luna exclaimed "Yeah managed to escape before it got to me but it doesn't know when to bucking give up." Eclipse said firing the crossbow which hit the creature dead centre. Eclipse made sure the bolt was in before focusing his mind and making the bolt explode in a burst of light stunning the nightmare. "Now banish it while it's distracted." Eclipse yelled as Luna used her magic to do as Eclipse asked. As the nightmare dissipated with a defining shriek Eclipse closed his eyes and the environment began to shift into the Canterlot gardens with a full moon glimmering upon the many flowers most of which were Midnight roses. "I didn't know you lucid dreamed, very few have that gift." Luna said "Mother had me learn so that I could handle nightmares that attacked me." Eclipse replied "Interesting." Luna said "I can't do it like you can though, I can only access my own dreams and I can only defeat the nightmares temporally, that nightmare has been chasing me down for days." Eclipse explained. "Well now it's gone and you can rest." Luna replied "Yeah." Eclipse said as he sat down and admired the beauty of the gardens. Luna could only look at Eclipse in amazement, despite what he had been through and what he is still being put through he still seemed to be happy. "Eclipse you seem so content yet you are imprisoned and could be sentenced to death for treason. Why is this?" Luna asked "Well I know that I'm innocent and mother has Twilight trying to help me not to mention I'm looking forward to Blue Blood's smug face when I am cleared of all charges." Eclipse answered with a chuckle followed by Luna which resulted in both of them bursting into laughter until they finally calmed down enough to relax. Luna sat next to Eclipse and looked him in the eyes before leaning forward and kissing him which Eclipse eagerly returned. As the kiss deepened the world around them changed from the gardens to a large bedchamber leaving them lying down in a bed big enough to hold three full sized alicorns. "Luna I love you with all my heart." Eclipse said lovingly "And I love you with all my heart." Luna replied "I promise you Luna after I'm out I am going to take you out for an evening you will never forget." Eclipse said "I look forward to it, but for now let us rest." Luna said as she closed her eyes and cuddled up to Eclipse. "Good night my dear princess." Eclipse said kissing her on the forehead. As he lay there content in the dream world he had created. "Oh Eclipse." Luna mumbled in her sleep back in the real world as Celestia walked in to check on her sister only to gasp and blush as she saw a slight wet patch on the sheets between Luna's nether regions. "At least Eclipse has company." Celestia muttered to herself as she closed the door and continued her stroll through the castle "though I should have some clothes sent down to cover him up." "Wake up prisoner." A guard said knocking on the bars of the prison cell waking up the sleeping prince "Morning 'yawn' or evening, ya just can't tell in prison cells can't ya." Eclipse joked to the guard "Save it prisoner, Princess Celestia asked the you be given these." The guard said giving Eclipse a pair of pants and a shirt. "Finally something to cover the privates, about time too I think some of the other prisoners where getting jealous." Eclipse joked putting the clothes on. "That was a bad joke." The guard said "Yeah prison life does that to ya." Eclipse replied "Anyway I have also come to tell you that your trial is in three weeks and unless you can prove innocence which I doubt, you WILL be put to death." The guard said "Understood sir." Eclipse replied "Also I overheard a group of prisoners in cells nineteen to eight are planning a prison breakout. You may want to look into that." Eclipse said "Like the guard would trust a traitor like you." The guard muttered as he walked away. As Eclipse sat in his cell he began to hear a slight chirping noise. "About time ya got here Athena." Eclipse muttered as a green scaled wyvern poked its head through the bars. Athena was given to Eclipse as both a pet and a mount for his fifteenth birthday and was given to him by Sapphire after a year long war that was ended by a treaty that had allowed peace between the two kingdoms. As Athena poked her head through she dropped from her jaws a note from one of his agents who he had hired to get information from inside criminal organizations such as underground fights to the death and drug dealers, Eclipse grabbed the note and began to read. My Lord Eclipse As this note comes into your possession I have checked through contacts who claim to have found evidence of your innocence. These contacts however aren't on the straight and narrow if you know what I mean and ask that they be rewarded. I have decided to investigate into their claims further and will report back to you ASAP. Your friend: Lucky Shot P.S this makes us even. "Thanks Athena." Eclipse said getting a happy chirp from the wyvern before she took her head out of the cell and flew back to the aviary where she lived. "Well it's better than nothing isn't it?" Leon asked nervously "so uh you want top bunk or what?" "I am grateful for you to grant me a place to stay Leon, but it is strange to share a room with a male, under dragon customs dragons only share a room with their mates or parents." Sapphire replied sitting on the bottom bunk of the small room. "It's only for three weeks and don't worry it's not like I'm that interested in inter species romantic relationships." Leon replied "At least you're not being tossed in the brig. Or sharing a room with Samuel that guy would fuck anything." "By fuck of you speak of mating?" Sapphire asked "Yep." "Your kind are strange." "You don 'to know the half of it." Leon replied pulling a can out of the bag he was carrying. "Want a beer?" Leon asked "What is beer? Is it like mead?" Sapphire asked "A bit p, it's much stronger though." Leon replied tossing a second can to her before opening his own and taking a sip if the alcoholic beverage. Sapphire tried opening the can the same way as Leon but couldn't figure it out and chose to simply poke a hole through the top with her claw. Sapphire took a sip and found the drink to have a slightly bitter taste with a type of after burn feel in her throat as she swallowed. "It's quite bitter." Sapphire said before taking another quick sip. "Well the main idea is to drink away your sorrows, and get drunk to the point where you pass out and wake up with a splitting headache as well as penis drawn on you face." Leon replied jokingly "Well since we are going to be here for a while let's drink some troubles away." Sapphire replied as she took a third sip of her beer "I'll drink to that." Leon replied happy to finally relax after his recon. 20 days later "Eclipse we finally have had a breakthrough." Lucky shot said to his friend "Really what is it?" Eclipse asked "Look at this." Lucky Shot replied handing Eclipse an orb "A security orb?" Eclipse asked "From your room, but look." Lucky Shot said as Eclipse stared into the orb in his hand as an image of his room appeared. As Eclipse looked closer he saw a pony in a cloak walk in and write something which on closer inspection where the documents that he had been accused of sending to enemy forces, not only that but he also saw the pony use magic to lift the stamp he used to sign documents as well as hiding the document in his desk draw. "Aha this can clear my name." Eclipse said "Yes and we can pin it on the real culprit." Lucky Shot replied Surprised by this Eclipse took another look and sure enough he saw the cutie mark of the pony as it fled the scene, a cutie mark that belong to Somepony Eclipse knew all too well. "Blueblood you backstabbing son of a manticore." Eclipse muttered "We present this tomorrow and your name is cleared." Lucky Shot replied "Good, keep it under lock and key and as for your contacts that helped you I ask that you give me their names so that I can pay them personally." Eclipse replied "Yes sir, the ponies are known as Sharp sight, Cloud Trotter, and Flash wing." Lucky shot replied "Thank you." Eclipse replied as Luck Shot left "You are in for a surprise tomorrow Blueblood." Eclipse said to himself as he leaned against the wall to sleep and once more travel the dream world with Luna. > The trial and the meeting. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Court is now in session, the honorable judge Fair-Judge presiding. Today we address the accusations of the defense for Eclipse Noviembre Lunablade who is under custody for suspected high treason." A pony said starting the trial. "Don't worry Eclipse I know you can do this." Celestia assured her son "Thank you mother, no doubt Blueblood will attempt to pull a few tricks, but I also have a few of my own." Eclipse assured "Eclipse Lunablade how do you plead?" Fair Judge asked "As I am under oath I must claim that I am not guilty" Eclipse answered "You have been accused of high treason, do you have any evidence against this?" Fair Judge asked "Well for one I was on a mission on the date these documents where supposedly approved, second that is not my handwriting it's far too fancy for my tastes, and third I couldn't have approved documents of military concerns outside of the Equestrian military which hasn't been called upon since the pony-dragon war three years ago." Eclipse defended "Objection your honor." Blueblood called out "How are we to know if Eclipse didn't approve those documents on an earlier date and simply change it to throw suspicions away from him? Also a weapon similarly used in an attack on Ponyville three weeks ago was found in his room." "That's a load of manure and you know it Blueblood." Luna yelled in anger "Sister please calm down." Celestia requested putting her hoof on Luna's shoulder. "Firstly Blueblood the only weapons I have used apart from my dronrak are swords and crossbows, and despite the function of a crossbow this weapon is too complex to be made with our current resources especially with no schematics or design sketches." Eclipse protested "That is irrelevant to the matter as your possession of this item could have come from an outside contact." Blueblood replied "Yes but the most technologically advanced in the world are the dragon kingdoms and even the weapon in question looks far too advanced for even them." Eclipse said "This is a fair point Blueblood." Fair Judge declared. The court continued as argument went against argument until tensions reached their peak. "Enough of this." Blueblood yelled "We lost some good stallions and mares to these invaders and now we are going to just stand by and let one of them live free? As a ruler no less? This I cannot stand for I call for a final judgment NOW." "Oh not yet Blueblood." Eclipse said with a smirk ready to play his trump card "I have one last peace of evidence to show." As Eclipse said this Lucky shot came to the front with the security orb he had shown Eclipse the previous night. "Behold your honor. I present to you the true traitor." Eclipse declared activating the security orb and showing the footage of Blueblood planting the evidence. "And since security orbs in the royal palace are well hidden none could have tampered with it." As these words left Eclipse's mouth the ponies in the court room bellowed in anger at Blueblood. "Cheat." "Scum." "Traitor." The crowd erupted in anger until Fair Judge banged his gavel to silence of court. "After the evidence being presented having shown the truth of this matter I nearby claim the defendant Eclipse..." Fair Judge began while Blueblood seethed while Celestia and Luna beamed with hope "Not Guilty." At these words the crowd cheered and Celestia cried out in joy while Luna ran up to Eclipse and kissed him on the lips. "His status of nobility shall be restored and he will return to his duties as a guardsman, while for Blueblood a new trial will be held and until then he will be kept in prison." Fair Judge declared. While guards took away Blueblood Eclipse returned to Celstia who immediately pulled him into a hug while tears of joy ran down her face. "My son my dear brave son." Celestia said "Mother ch-chocking not B-breathing." Eclipse said only to breathe deep as Celestia let him go. "Now can I finally have my equipment back? These prison rags aren't exactly made for comfort if you know what I mean." Eclipse said "Do not worry I'll be sure you have some better clothing after all you need to look your best for the feast to celebrate your victory." Celestia announced before leaning towards his ear "Not to mention your date with a certain somepony." This comment made Eclipse blush slightly as he looked over to Luna who looked about ready to kiss him again. Eclipse was happy he finally had his life back and his misadventure with these so called invaders was at an end... Or so he thought. "Eclipse Look out." Lucky Shot shouted as Blueblood broke from the guards and charged horn first towards Eclipse whose back was turned. Eclipse turned around and grabbed Blueblood by the horn before lifting him up and throwing him onto the ground and placing his foot on his side. Lucky Shot gave Eclipse some rope and soon had Blueblood tied up and immobile. "Send that traitor to the dungeons." Celestia yelled in anger as her horn and eyes glowed brightly, those who weren't wetting themselves in fear quickly grabbed ?Blueblood and took him to the dungeons. Meanwhile Leon and Sapphire walked into a large meeting hall where all the worlds leaders sat with their eyes at Leon. "My fellow humans I am professor Shaoun Riley head of operation 'Convert' on behalf of the Humanity preservation program I would like to introduce Leon Mercer of Alpha Fox team who will be sharing some intel he has found in the past three weeks." Shaun said as Leon walked up to the stand "Thank you sir. Thanks to Shaun here you all know my name so I'm going to just get down to business. Nearly a month ago I was sent out on a scouting mission on a new world we hope to move to, I found myself camping out when I discovered an equine based sentient being by the name of Zecora." Leon said pressing a button on the podium activating a projector showing a zebra. "Yes China?" Leon asked as the leader of China raised his hand, "Is this a some kind of joke?" The Chinese leader asked "Believe me sir I myself thought I was under the influence of some of the local fauna but what you are seeing here is true. I became injured and found myself with what can best be described as a unicorn named Twilight." Leon said showing another slide showing a lavender unicorn. "Finally I met a fellow human who seems to have lived there as the heir to a royal family. This man goes by the name Eclipse." Leon showed another slide with the image of a human of eighteen with white hair and blue eyes wearing gold medieval chain mail armor. "However we were attacked by a creature they call a hydra wether or not this thing has any relation to the creature described in mythology is unsure at this point. The footage you are about to see is not to leave this room." Leon instructed before showing the footage of the battle against the hydra. "Yes Germany?" Leon asked the Germany leader "Part of the files we have been given say that an attack was made on some pilots by these natives." "That is true, during the fight I requested air support, Eclipse however saw them as a threat and had two unknown accomplices shoot them down. As you all know this is an act of war and must be responded to as such however I have someone who may have a more peaceful way of retaliation. Ladies and Gentlemen allow me to introduce the princess of the Dragon kingdom: Sapphire." Leon said as Sapphire came up next to Leon while the room filled with gasps and some men wolf whistles. "Is that a human mating call?" Sapphire asked only to hear a few laughs "No that's a sign of disrespect towards a person of the opposite sex." Leon replied looking sternly at the men who had done the wolf whistling. "Oh well in that case those men can shove their disrespectful heads up my..." Sapphire started only to be silenced by Leon putting a hand over her mouth. "Ix-nay on the sas-ne." Leon muttered to her. "Now Sapphire has agrees to help us on the grounds that we help her people in terms of technological advances and as such can give us a foothold in this new world which hopefully will allow a more diplomatic solution to the problem." Leon said "Thank you Leon. Now as you know my name is Sapphire and I come from the kingdom of Draezom ruled by my father Wraith..." Sapphire confined to explain dragon society, customs and laws while Leon stood next to her taking in the information. Meanwhile "Master I have found a new pawn to use." The gryphon said approaching Sombra. "Yes and who is that Lilith?" Sombra asked "None other than prince Blueblood my lord, apparently his attempt of ending Eclipse has failed." Lilith answered "Hmm yes he could be of use I can see the darkness in his soul." Sombra said as he paced for minute before coming to a stop. "That's it. Lilith I want you to free Blueblood and bring him to me and while you are there place this in his place." Sombra said as he materialized a note and handed it to Lilith. "It will be done master. These fools will be at war soon enough and when the dust clears we will be the ones with the prize." Lilith said before slinking back into the shadows. "Rest now Eclipse and Leon for soon you two will clash your blades in the fields of war." Sombra muttered to himself as he reverted to his shadowy cloud like form. > A date, a deal and a zoologist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eclipse sat at his desk looking through the paperwork for Blueblood's trial, he had to get this sorted before he went to spend his first night of freedom with Luna. With a sigh of relief Eclipse took his stamp with his personal seal and finished the final document. "About time." Luna said getting up from Eclipse's bed and stretching. "Yeah I agree." Eclipse replied getting up from his desk and making his way to a nearby closet "So were are we going tonight." Luna asked as Eclipse took a cloak out of the closet. "You'll see." Eclipse said as he brought his index and middle fingers to his mouth and blew creating a whistling sound. As Eclipse did this a large green shape appeared by the balcony only to reveal itself to be Eclipse's wyvern Athena. Eclipse approached the large winged reptile and stroked her muzzle earning a happy chirping sound. Eclipse walked over to a chest next to his closet and took out a saddle before walking back to Athena and strapping it onto her just above her wings. Eclipse then climbed onto the saddle and reached out to Luna. "Well, you coming?" Eclipse asked as Luna nodded with a smile and approached Eclipse and took his hand in her hoof only to be carefully pulled up to sit behind him on the saddle. "Okay Luna, hold on." Eclipse said "Only if you catch me should I fall." Luna replied in a joking manner as Athena spread her wings and took off into the night. --- Roughly an hour later Eclipse found where he was searching for and told Athena to fly down. When they landed Eclipse got off first and reached out to Luna to help her down. Luna looked around and saw that she had been taken to a beautiful lake surrounded by Midnight Roses. "By the moon... This place is... Perfect." Luna said in awe as Eclipse walked over to Athena and opened the large bag Athena carried normally for transporting equipment for Eclipse but tonight held a large blanket as well as a basket of fruits and sweets. "I found this place while on a scouting mission about two years ago during the war against the dragons." Eclipse explained spreading the blanket out onto a patch of grass and placing the many foods onto it before sitting down. Luna walked over to Eclipse and sat down next to him and snuggled close to him. "You have a good taste of location." Luna said "Yeah, Swift Wind actually wanted to put an outpost here, but it would have spoiled the natural beauty so he chose to put the outpost about a kilometer away to the south." Eclipse explained "You fought in the war?" Luna asked shocked that Eclipse although skilled would have still been in training at the time. "Yeah the solders needed all the help they could get." Eclipse replied "Maybe you could tell me some stories of your adventures during that time." Luna suggested "Alright." Eclipse said taking a cupcake and biting into it. When he swallowed he began his story. "I had just been sent to scout out the enemy on the northern border of our territory when..." As Eclipse continued his story however a dark shape flew overhead towards Canterlot. --- "As the rightful heir to the throne I demand you release me." Blueblood yelled at the guard. "Shut up traitor." The guard yelled back before continuing his patrol of the dungeons. "That damned bastard. I swear Eclipse I'll kill you for this." Blueblood muttered "It can be done if you wish." A feminine voice sounded from the shadows. "Who goes there." Blueblood said slightly frightened "You want to kill Eclipse, I want to kill Eclipse. I can free you but only if you come with me." The voice sounded again "A tempting offer, very well, speak." Blueblood replied "My master wishes to see you, he has great plans for Equestia and if you join us he can make you king." The voice replied "King?" Blueblood asked "Yes but you must come with me." The voice answered. "Very well. Just get me out of here." Blueblood replied "Good." The voice sounded before a loud bang was hear from behind Blueblood and a large hole was found in his cell with a gryphon standing among the rubble. "Come, we have much to discuss." The gryphon said as Blueblood followed only to stop as the gryphon left a piece of paper in the cell along with a flag of some kind. --- "Leon." Shaun greeted as Leon and Sapphire walked back to the portal room "Yes sir?" Leon asked "I just wanted to inform you that we have decided to create a new squadron to further study this new world Ms Sapphire is from and would like you to lead it." Shaun answered "It would be an honor sir." Leon replied "Good, I'm assigning you with my colleague Professor William Striker Tomb." Shaun replied "Understood sir." Leon replied "Ah speak of the devil." Shaun said as a man of 26 walked down the hall wearing a long sleeved black shirt with fingerless leather gloves and blue jeans as well as a pair of combat boots and a pair of aviator goggles around his neck. As the man walked up the the group he looked over to Sapphire and looked her over like a predator sizing up its prey. "Ahem." Sapphire said causing the man to look up at her face. "Oh sorry." The man said "Will these are Leon Mercer and Sapphire. Leon and Sapphire this is William." Shaun introduced "Just call me Will." Will replied "Pleased to meet you." Leon greeted shaking Wills hand "Will is our best zoologist and xenobiologist meaning he studies how DNA works." Shaun explained "Nice to have you aboard." Leon said "Thanks, oh and uh miss Sapphire was it?" Will asked "Yes." Sapphire replied "Would it be possible to get a blood sample from you? Purely for scientific use of course." Will asked "We'll see when we get back." Sapphire answered "Well shall we be off then?" Will said as he walked down the hall. "You'll get used to him." Shaun said as Leon and Sapphire followed Will down the hall. --- "...they had me cornered. A sword at my throat, a sword at my chest, a sword at my..." Eclipse started pretending to hold a sword that was facing him "Pickle and eggs." Pinkie yelled running past behind Eclipse and into the trees leaving Eclipse and Luna confused. "Anyway at the last moment Stone hoof found me and fought by my side and by the sun and moon did we fight, we sent those dragons home with their tails between their legs." Eclipse finished sitting down next to Luna "Heh heh what a story." Luna said before biting down on an apple "Yeah well it was one Tartarus of a war." Eclipse said "Well at least you got back safe." Luna replied As Eclipse and Luna sat in peace Eclipse heard a small sound coming from his pack resting on Athena who was currently curled up. Eclipse got up and reached into his bag and pulled out a crystal ball as the image Swift Wind appeared in the normally cloudy ball. "Sir what is it?" Eclipse asked "Sorry to interrupt you Eclipse but you must return to Canterlot immediately." Swift wind replied "Why? Is something wrong?" Eclipse asked "It's Blueblood, he's escaped with the creatures that attacked Ponyville." Swift Wind answered as Eclipse went wide eyed at the information. "Oh no." Eclipse said putting the crystal ball back in his pouch and waking Athena. "Sorry Luna but I have to go back to Canterlot. Blueblood escaped and is working with the humans." Eclipse said only getting a nod from Luna in understanding before packing up the picnic and putting it all back with the crystal ball and hopping on with Eclipse as Athena flew back to Canterlot as fast as possible. > The traitor and the call to arms. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Whatever did this wasn't caused by magic." Eclipse stated as he removed a head-piece with a lens over his left eye. "How can you tell?" Luna asked "Swift wind gave me this for my birthday, supposedly it is able to detect magic residue and identify the being that used it." Eclipse answered putting the device away. It had already been half an hour and Eclipse was already informed of what happened, Blueblood had escaped but left behind a note to a being by the name of Leon. Eclipse took the note and began to read. Leon The plan has failed, Eclipse has been set free and I have been found out, if things had gone differently I would be back at base by now with the structural weaknesses to Canterlot and have their precious prince dead. We have no choice now but to use what we have to take over. You ally: Blueblood "So this Leon person was being given information by Blueblood." Eclipse said "Twilight said that Leon was being ordered by Blueblood but also that he was forced to do so." Celestia explained as she had decided to keep an eye on Eclipse for his safety. "He could have been faking it." Eclipse replied as he looked over at the other item left behind revealing it to be a flag of some kind that Eclipse didn't recognise. "Take this flag to the archives and see if you can find anything related to it." Eclipse commanded handing the flag to one of the prison guards, "In the meantime I want the dungeons under lockdown and the guards doubled, odds are this breakout will give the other prisoners a confidence boost." Eclipse ordered as another guard saluted and galloped off to sort out the doubling of the guard. "And what of you sir?" Lucky Shot the pony who helped Eclipse in prison asked "I'm going after Blueblood." Eclipse replied "I'm going too." Luna said looking towards Eclipse. "Thank you Luna." Eclipse replied "Good luck son." Celestia said proudly as Eclipse and Luna left to find where Blueblood had gone. --- "Take off in five minutes." The voice over the intercom said as Leon stood on the deck of the 'Phoenix' a military airship equipped with ten high speed mini-guns on each side each capable of firing 12,000 rounds per minute, five rocket pods capable of firing thirty missiles each at once, heavy duty armour, powered by a fusion reactor capable of keeping the dreadnought sized airship flying for months on end before needing to land and recharge. "Quite the ship you have Leon." Sapphire said walking out towards Leon. "Heh yeah." Leon replied "Are all your ships like this?" Sapphire asked "Hell no, this damn thing is only just out of the experimental phase." Leon said "Still it's quite a sight." Sapphire replied "Well the plan was for it to be unstoppable." Leon explained. "Take off in two minutes." The intercom informed "Well let's get back in there before we get locked out." Leon said as he walked into the inside of the ship. --- "Damn it." Eclipse cursed as he punched the ground "What's wrong?" Luna asked "Bluebloods' trail has gone cold, his hoof prints are gone. Luna hand me that device I was using in the prison." Eclipse said as Luna handed him the strange headpiece. Eclipse put it on but was surprised on what he saw, the device was made to show residue of magic in the colour associated to the one using it so the magic that Blueblood used normally taking a gold colour should have been what he saw but instead he saw a mixture of purple, green, and black. "Oh... My... Mother." Eclipse said in shock "What is it?" Luna asked worried "It's not Blueblood who used this magic." Eclipse replied "What? If not Blueblood than who?" Luna asked "It's... Sombra." Eclipse replied standing up "Luna we must return to Canterlot and warn the Crystal Empire. If Sombra has returned we MUST be prepared." Eclipse said not even waiting for Luna before he ran back to Canterlot. --- "...And that is my offer." Sombra said explaining his plan to Blueblood "So you take control of the world and I not only get to become the king of Equestia but also have my revenge on Eclipse?" Blueblood asked "That is the deal and all you need to do is give this to the one known as Leon Mercer." Sombra answered "Ah yes my runaway 'mercenary'" Blueblood replied "Remember keep with the humans, aid them in secret and when the smoke clears you will be the one holding the crown." Sombra assured. "I'll depart as soon as possible." Blueblood replied taking the note and leaving. --- Leon sat at his desk in his quarters as he took a sip from a can of beer while looking over some reports, as he turned to the next report he saw an envelope with his name on it, curious he took the envelope and opened it revealing a letter which he began to read. To Mister Leon Mercer I an anonymous ally have sent you this to tell you of a great danger to you and your people, the being known as Eclipse Lunablade is gathering his forces and plans to go to war with humanity. If you want to keep the human race safe Eclipse MUST be eliminated at all costs. This is no longer the time for peace but the time for war. The choice is yours, either lay down and let this threat end all you have fought for or fight back and take what is yours. As Leon put down the note he knew what had to be done for the good of humanity, and with that final thought Leon took hold of a phone and was immediately connected to Peter who was waiting at the beach where they had landed. " Peter, it's me I'm calling for a protocol Omega-9... Yes that's right, it's war." > Call to action. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "...and you're sure it was Sombra?" Celestia asked as Eclipse explained the situation "No doubt about it, it was him." Eclipse replied "Is he working with these humans?" Celestia asked herself more than Eclipse "I do not know but I think I might know something that might help us find out." Eclipse answered. Celestia became shocked as she knew exactly what Eclipse was suggesting, "Absolutely not, you are not going to use the Book of Shadow to locate Sombra." Celestia yelled "It's our only chance to find and stop Sombra before he can do anything." Eclipse replied "The Book of Shadow would tear your mind and soul to shreds." Celestia argued "How do you know that?" Eclipse challenged "Because it's what made Luna into Nightmare Moon." Celestia yelled tearing up "I... I can't lose another loved one to that damned book." "Mother..." Eclipse began "I'm sorry I... I didn't know." "It's alright Eclipse just... Just promise me that under no circumstances will you try to use the Book of Shadow." Celestia requested almost begging. "I promise mother." Eclipse said just as a guardsman bolted through the door. "Princess Celestia, Prince Eclipse I bring terrible news." The guardsman proclaimed panting "Calm yourself solder and tell us what happened." Celestia replied "It's Fillydelphia, it's been attacked." The guard answered causing Celestia's eyes to widen "What happened?" Eclipse asked "Creatures allot like you my lord but they where ruthless and cowardly, they struck in the night using weapons that shot arrows of light, those who didn't run where slaughtered." The guard finished. Eclipse clenched his fist as his eyes watered. "Why?" Eclipse asked "Survivors claimed to see a convoy of large metal carriages, it sounds like they're setting up a base." "Guard find Captain Swift Wind and contact the Crystal Empire, have Swift Wind and Shining Armour meet me as soon as you can. Eclipse you come too." Celestia ordered getting a salute from both the guard and Eclipse. "I swear I WILL find the ones who did this and make them pay." Eclipse thought to himself as seeds of anger and revenge became planted in his mind. "According to Sapphire we're close to her home." Leon told the pilot of the Phoenix over the intercom before he looked over towards the dark blue dragon who sat in a chair reading a book she had found. While Leon was glad to finally be free of having to keep track of her a part of him was sad that their time was coming to an end."Damn it Mercer get your head out of the gutter, she's a damned DRAGON for fuck sake, a sexy one yes but still a DRAGON." Leon thought to himself until he felt a scaled hand on his shaulder. "You seem troubled Leon." Sapphire accused "What? I mean no I'm fine." Leon replied "Are you sure? If anythings bothering you, you can always tell me." Sapphire said trying to comfort Leon "It's uh not that um simple." Leon replied "Really what couldn't be so simple that you can't tell me about it? Unless." Sapphire said with a sly look in her eyes "Is it something about me?" Sapphire asked "Uh well um..." "Oh I see." Sapphire said leaning towards Leon her lipless snout barely touching his warm lips only to be interrupted when the phone rang causing Sapphire to back away so Leon could answer it. "Saved by the bell." Leon thought still shocked that he had nearly been kissed by a dragon who was also a princess. "Hello sir." Leon said trying to act as if nothing had happened "Leon we have taken one of their cities and are using it as a base as we speak." The voice on the other end said "Good deploy troops to preform some recon but make sure they are well equipped, this world seems to be full of dangerous motherfuckers." Leon ordered "Yes sir." The voice said before hanging up. "Damn him." Blueblood cursed as he looked into a crystal ball showing Eclipse walking alongside Celestia towards a meeting room "We have a problem." "What problem is that Blueblood?" Sombra asked "That bastard Eclipse knows you're the one behind my escape. So much for your plan." Blueblood replied muttering the last part "Do not think that he has us beaten by that information Blueblood. After all if you are to be king you must know that almost any situation can be in your favour if manipulated correctly." Sombra replied "Let them think that I am aiding the humans and let them be the ones to make the next hit. After all, the attack that happened in Fillydelphia will surely bring them to retaliate, and after that the two will truly be at war." Sombra explained "As long as that morsel is torn to shreds by me I'm happy." Lilith said walking out of the shadows. "Don't fool yourself gryphon, Eclipse is mine, however you're more than welcome to have the corpse." Blueblood said "That meal has been something I have waited to kill for years and I will not let anyone get in my way of killing him myself." Lilith argued "I have spent the last eighteen years living with that son of a..." "ENOUGH." Sombra bellowed "Eclipse is more useful to us ALIVE at this current time and I will not let such a rich opportunity slip because of your personal vendettas." "Fine I may not like it but fine." Lilith replied knowing not to challenge Sombra's judgment. "As long as he falls by my blade when this is over." Blueblood agreed angrily. "Good now as for our next move..." Sombra began before explaining the next step in his plan. "We can't let these actions go unpunished but we can't just abandon the survivors." Celestia explained as she sat at the head of a table where Eclipse, Shining Armour, and Swift Wind sat. "Hmmm I suggest we send a group of solders to take back the city." Shining Armour suggested "Are you mad? If we do that they'll all be slaughtered like the guards that where posted there." Swift Wind argued "But we can't just let them get away with it." Eclipse claimed soon resulting in the three arguing and tension to rise. "STOP THIS." Celestia shouted so that she could be heard over the three "It is true that we have to do something but Swift Wind is right. Sending a group of solders will only end in more lost lives. We need a compromise." Celestia decided. "Why don't we send a small team in first?" Eclipse suggested "What are you insane? That would make our odds WORSE." Shining Armour said "No I don't think he means solders." Celestia replied "I mean we send spies to find any weaknesses in their defences that we can exploit and maybe even get our hooves on their technology." Eclipse explained "It could work but what about the survivors?" Swift wind asked "That is one of the reasons why I called Shining Armour here." Celestia answered "You see Canterlot has the resources to help the survivors but no room for them all to live, so I wanted to ask Shining Armour if he could house some of them in the Crystal Empire for the time being." "I'll see what I can do." Shining replied "But now we have another problem to deal with." Celestia said "The next potential target for them." Eclipse said answering the unspoken question. "Exactly Baltimare and Manehatten are the closest major settlements and will likely be their next targets but we don't have enough solders to defend both." Celestia explained. "We may need to bring in the treaty sooner than we thought." Swift Wind replied "I agree the dragons can help us. Eclipse I want you and Swift Wind to get to the Dragon Kingdom with the treaty and call for their aid." Celestia ordered. "Yes mother." Eclipse said with a salute "Understood Princess." Swift Wind said also saluting. "Meeting dismissed." Celestia proclaimed as the three ponies and single human left the room and set off to accomplish their given tasks.