> The Z Word > by Octavia_Melody > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Words Left Spoken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zecora the zebra lived in a hut on the edge of the Everfree forest. As per her reputation, she was well-versed in unusual potions and spells. One such potion she used to communicate with her sister Zerona, who still lived in the savanna of Zebranna, across the great ocean. Zecora peered down into the cauldron of glowing green brew, her sister’s face glimmering through the enveloping mist. “So, Zecora, how do these ponies treat you?” Zerona joked, “I hope they don’t plan to cook you and eat you.” “Hush now, Zerona, you know that’s not true.” Zecora replied, “Cannibal ponies are thankfully few.” The two sisters were interrupted by a harsh knock at the door. “Just one moment, Zerona. I hear someone knocking.” Zecora said, “Please don’t drive them away with your incessant mocking.” Zecora trotted over to the door and opened it. Her unicorn friend, Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville, gave a smile. “Please do come in, Twilight. Make yourself at home.” Zecora announced, “I can speak with my sister through magical foam.” “Hey, Zecora.” Twilight responded, stepping inside, “I just wanted to invite you to Fluttershy’s surprise birthday party that Pinkie…who else...is throwing.” “A party sounds fun. I’ll be sure to be there.” Zecora said, “Zerona, my zebba…my friend Twilight, the mare.” Twilight peered into Zecora’s cauldron and saw Zerona staring back at her. “A unicorn friend? Nice to meet you, young pony.” Zerona greeted, “At the edge of the forest, Zecora gets lonely.” “Nonsense, Zerona. I like the seclusion.” Zecora answered, “I can focus on things without frequent intrusions.” “Zecora, my zebba, I’ll speak with you soon.” Zerona concluded, “But for now I must sleep by the light of the moon. ” “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation.” Twilight observed, “I guess I’ll be going now. See you at Fluttershy’s party, my zebba.” Twilight started to giggle at her last remark until Zecora shot her a stern glare. “Dear Twilight, perhaps you don’t know what you’ve said.” Zecora explained, “But tis a sensitive subject upon which you’ve tread.” “Oh, ‘my zebba’?” Twilight pondered, “But you zebras say it all the time.” “For zebras, ‘my zebba’ is a term of endearment.” Zecora continued, “But when ponies say it, we do not like to hear it.” “If zebras can say the ‘z-word’ all the time, then ponies should be able to say it, too.” Twilight argued. “Twilight, we have feelings about such a word.” Zecora replied, “If you respect us, you will heed what you’ve heard.” “But that’s a double-standard!” Twilight countered, “If the term ‘zebber’ is hate speech, then so is ‘zebba’. It’s the same word, for Celestia’s sake!” “We have taken the word and shaped our own use.” Zecora answered, “It’s a way to fight back against its abuse.” “Just because hundreds of years ago, some evil ponies used to enslave zebras, means that only zebras can use the z-word?” Twilight complained, “My ancestors never owned a zebra as a slave.” “Why would you want to call me a ‘zebber’?” Zecora asked, “You have no good reason. Not now, not ever.” “I was only joking, Zecora!” Twilight shouted, “I didn’t know that saying ‘my zebba’ was the worst sin somepony could commit!” “Twilight, calm down, and please hear what I say.” Zecora responded, “Just don’t call us ‘zebba’ and we’ll all be okay.” “Fine, whatever.” Twilight huffed, still upset, “I guess I’d better go now.” “I know it’s a difficult thing to discuss.” Zecora said, “But speciel matters can cause quite a fuss.” “All I’m saying is that it’s a bit hypocritical for zebras to call each other ‘zebba’.” Twilight concluded, “And there are plenty of ponies that agree with me.” Zecora gave a disheartened sigh that she and Twilight had to have such an unpleasant conversation, but within zebra culture, zebras did in fact have ‘z-word privileges’. They had redeveloped the term ‘zebber’, a term of hatred and disdain, into ‘zebba’, a term of friendship. Unfortunately, it still caused discordance between zebras and ponies. Twilight began to trot out of Zecora’s hut, when a certain pink pony burst through the door and starting bouncing around in circles. “Party! Party! Party!” Pinkie shouted in glee, confetti spontaneously sprouting from thin air, “You’re so invited to Fluttershy’s party! Are you going, Zecora? Please tell me you’re going!” “Yes, Pinkie, I’m going. Don’t get so excited.” Zecora said, “I do try to go out when I see I’m invited.” “Pinkie, can I ask you a question?” Twilight spoke up, “Do you think it’s okay for anypony to say ‘zebba’?” Pinkie stopped dead in her tracks and gave a dramatically long gasp. “Twilight!” Pinkie scolded, “You said the z-word! That’s speciest!” “It’s not speciest just to say the word!” Twilight argued. “It is kind of fun to say, though!” Pinkie observed, “It just kind of rolls off the tongue! Zebber! Zebber! Zebber!” Zecora dropped her jaw in disbelief and rubbed her eyes with her hooves. “That’s it! Get out! I’ve had quite enough!” she ordered, “I won’t go to your party and put up with this stuff!” Pinkie’s hair instantly deflated and her eyes welled with tears. She gave her downcast Pinkamena glare and slowly trotted outside. Twilight gave an almost equally disappointed look and followed behind her, shutting the door. “This accidentally placed ill will,” Zecora lamented, “is why I don’t live in Ponyville.” Later that evening, Twilight had Spike compose a new letter. Dear Princess Celestia, Today, I learned that there are fundamental cultural differences between ponies and zebras that even the magic of friendship cannot undo. There are just some words that are so unfriendly and hateful that they should never be uttered, even though friends of the same species can say them all the time and they become the magic of friendship. A confusing lesson, indeed. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle “Say, Twilight.” Spike observed, “I think the lesson here was that if you really love and respect your friends, then you’ll respect their wishes, no matter what species they are.” “You know, Spike.” Twilight replied, “You’re alright, sometimes. For a dragon.”