The Way Back Home

by Idle Thoughts

First published

Not going beyond the concept of what would be considered outlandish or unreal, but would suddenly finding yourself in another world be considered normal?

Typical day of work at a gas station: eight hour shift, work the register, restock the shelves, and deal with customers as they come.

A not-so typical day of work at a gas station: eight hour shift, work the register, restock the shelves, and complete paperwork; ride home is late and not responding, and walking's the only option. And lastly, meet strangely dressed man who isn't a drunkard.

Figures... the one day I choose to walk, and now I can't even get home.

Chapter One - Another Day...

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The clock read three forty-eight as I drummed my fingers against the counter top of my work station. Four 'o clock wasn't coming fast enough and I couldn't help but to fidget. It was but another busy day here, and I wanted nothing more than to be done with my workday already just so I can go home and relax.

I can't say this line of work could leave one feeling particularly exhausted -- physically of course. Mentally, I often overexerted myself after my long shifts, as, it was a bit difficult keeping up with the amount of multitasking I had to do throughout the day. Doling out change, answering phone calls, keeping track of certain protocols and procedures, keeping a watchful eye out... there was so much to keep focus upon. Perhaps I couldn't have been an individual with a lot of brainpower to keep doing those kinds of things for long, but with what I had, I made use of it to keep things as orderly as they can be. Plus, a cheery demeanor's hard to maintain against the ignorant; it takes a lot of willpower to restrain equally rude rebuttals towards their attitudes.

Slowly realizing I was falling out of rhythm with my drumming, I stopped and stole another glance at the clock. Three fifty-one.

I sighed. The end of my shift just wasn't coming fast enough.

Bringing out my phone from my pocket, I skimmed through my messages for the ninth time that hour. My ride had been unresponsive for a while now and was possibly doing who-knows-what at this time of day. I couldn't help but to check constantly check for a response though, just in the hopes that I'd be able to catch the message of him saying he was on his way or something of the sort. Of course, it was just a false hope, I knew he'd be late.

I crammed my phone in my pocket as I heard the tell-tale sound of a customer approaching me -- the rustling of a bag of chips. Looking up, I standardly greeted a scruff-looking man with a hello as he placed a few drinks and bags of chips for purchase. I quickly scanned the items and informed him of the price. He provided the exact amount, saving me about fifteen seconds of digging through the register for change. I bid him a good weekend as he left.

The clock read three fifty-four now.

The door opened in the front of the store, immediately catching my attention as a fellow coworker of mine making a quick scan of the store. He was a familiar face here, Matthew; easy to work with, friendly, and provided capable company when the days got really busy. It looked like he dressed a little bit thinner than usual by the looks of it too, judging by the severe lack of a thicker jacket.

It was perfect weather for walking.

"What's it like out there?" I asked anyways as I grabbed my jacket off a coat-rack behind me.

"Not too cold, a bit of a mild wind out there though," he said as he made his way around to my side of the counter. "You plan on walking home?"

"Yeah," I replied with a sigh, "my ride's gonna be late by the looks of it and I'd much rather not stick around for any longer than I want to." I brought out my toque from inside my sleeve and pulled it over my head, shoving my hands into my jacket as I finished. No gloves meant I had to compromise.

"Oof, that's a long walk if he doesn't meet you half way... well, see you next weekend then," he said as he provided a small wave.

"See ya." I half-waved back as I made my way out the front of the gas station, a small burst of a cold wind greeting me as I stepped out. It didn't feel as cold as it normally would at this time of year and day, which I was greatly thankful for since I didn't have to break out the neck warmer from one of my pockets. But despite it being mid-afternoon, it was still cold enough to actually make me shiver by just standing there.

I began my walk.

Vacating the premises, I stood at a nearby four-way for the moment to see if any vehicles were coming. No stop lights here meant I, along with countless others had to take this precaution, even if the traffic was largely minimal at times. Living in a relatively small town was kinda like that. Thankfully, there were no vehicles around at the moment and I crossed without trouble onto the opposite, snow-covered sidewalk.

Crunch, crunch, crunch. The same old sound of walking on snow -- a sound that was pretty much white noise to me at that point, and the only sound that would accompany me on my hour long walk back.

Crunch, crunch, crunch-crunch. Wait a minute...

I slowed my pace slightly as I turned my head over my shoulder, spotting a rather tall looking fellow not too far behind me. How the hell he managed to get this much distance closed so quietly, I didn't know. He didn't look threatening as far as appearances went though, so that was a plus; large brown jacket, a colorful looking toque with a small, red pom on the end, and what looked like a pair of black and white checkered pants to not go with his other attire.

Strange sense of style, I thought to myself, he must have an equally colorful personality to go with it. I cracked a smile from my thoughts as I slowly picked up to my original pace once more and focused on the path ahead. As much as I'd like to say hello or something of the sort to a man like him, I kept my attention to just simply going home.

Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch-crunch. It'd been twenty minutes since I left the gas station. The clock read four seventeen as I checked my phone, hoping that my ride had at least tried to call me in the time that I'd been walking. He didn't, and I sighed. I'd probably be very cold by the time I got home judging by how I felt, and standing here with me checking my phone did me no favors either.

"Might I suggest standing a little off to the side next time? You can really get in somepony's way standing in the middle of the sidewalk like that."

"Whoa, shit!" I jumped a couple paces ahead and quickly whirled around. I clutched my phone tightly as I brought the hand that held it against my chest, trying to calm my heart as I stared at the culprit of my scare.

"Language," the man emphasized, waggling a finger at me. "I swear, you youngsters can't seem to hold your tongue like I would've expected."

Finally managing to calm my heart, I noticed it was the uniquely dressed man from earlier who was, at one point, was quite a fair ways behind me. How the hell did he manage to sneak up on me like that? I should've at least heard him...

Looking up to him, I saw that he had a bit of a mischievous look glint hidden behind a mismatched blue and green eye. A faux of a smile was plastered on his face beneath a fair amount of grayed facial hair, one that never seemed to let up as he looked at me expectantly. This was perhaps, the most strangest adult I'd ever met; probably was a bit of a man-child if I were to assume anything.

"And you are?" I asked, stuffing my phone in my pocket.

"Oh yes, do forgive... Where are my manners?" He patted himself down briefly before digging into one of the pockets in his pants. "Ahh, there they are!" Bringing his gloved hand out from his pocket, I watched as he took to tossing something into his mouth and immediately swallowing it, his eyes lightening up just a bit as he then offered his hand out before me. "My name is Drake, and have we met before?" He finished while giving me a bit of a curious look.

"Can't say we have," I said while taking his hand and shaking it moderately. "I've been working at the gas station back there for a long while now, so you might've seen me at some point there, or I might've seen you." He eventually released his grip on my hand and I quickly took to stuffing it back into my pocket, shrugging as I continued. "The latter, I don't really remember. I'm Darren by the way."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Darren," he said with a slight nod of his head; his grin only shrinking ever so slightly.

"So, what brings you to introduce yourself to me then?" I asked as I started to fidget in place.

"Oh you know... just to introduce myself, say a few things, present to you an opportunity... things like that," he said as he brought out his other, mitted hand, and twirled it about in the air nonchalantly.

I raised a brow as he finished. "An opportunity?" I asked.

I blinked, and suddenly he no longer was there. Equally confused and surprised, I blinked a few times as my brain slowly registered the abrupt change in the situation. Then and there, my immediate observations were then betrayed from what I felt.

"So how do you like working there?" I heard the old man say from behind as he slung an arm over my shoulder.

The words nearly made me jump out of my skin, as again, I quickly placed my hand against my chest in an attempt to calm my now racing heart. At this rate, I'd might as well be going to the hospital instead.

"WHAT THE--nnngh..." I strained a breath as I constantly kept trying to make a futile effort to calm myself. And by now, I could feel the fight or flight instinct starting to kick in, my legs feeling almost like feathers at that point.

"Oh come now, I deal with ponies more skittish than you and they didn't react as severely as you did," Drake said as he patted me on the shoulder. "So, is it boring working there? It must be boring."

"...Kinda?" I replied simply. The instinct to fight or flight was making me fidget even more.

I heard him hum deeply as he made his way around to face me. With a mitted hand, he began stroking his goatee as he scrutinized me with what I guessed was a thoughtful look of some sort. "It seems to me that you need a little bit of spice in your life, just to break apart the monotony you seem to have yourself stuck in. Thankfully, I know of just the fix!" He smiled, taking off his gloved hand to reveal what looked like a set of talons beneath, almost like an eagle's. The instinct to run or fight immediately changed to one of sudden confusion.

"Before I send you on your way, how fond are you of ponies?"

I blinked a few times in response, staring at his hand-claw-thing. I hardly noticed the look of impatience forming on his features as he waited for me to answer.

"Bah, no matter," he said with a snap of his claws.

Where'd that gust of wind come from?

"You'll get used to them eventually, once you get past the initial stage of them panicking." With another snap of his talons, his glove suddenly was back on his hand. "Oh, and do tell Fluttershy that I'm still around, will you?" With that, he placed a finger against my forehead and pushed.

Taking a step back to catch myself, my foot never connected with solid ground. My perspective on the world quickly changed from staring at Drake, to suddenly staring up at the sky as I flailed my arms during my sudden descent. A flash then occurred in my field of view as I caught sight of the nearby treetops, spots flickering across my vision as began falling headfirst into darkness.

This was not how I wanted to end my weekend.

I groaned. Every part of my being ached.

My head, my arms, my legs... they hurt so damn much.

I groaned again as I began forcing my body into motion. Every last fiber of my being protested as I brought my arms and legs closer to myself, digging them deeper into the snow as I helped myself up onto my hands and knees. With one great and painful push, my hands were no longer in the snow and I was now on my knees, eyes closed and still sore.

A shiver snaked its way down my body as a gust of wind tossed snow into my face. I winced from the bite of the cold, but forced myself to crack open my eyes. Another gust of wind forced me to shield my eyes as snow was being tossed to and fro throughout my environment. Slowly, my mind begun to piece together my observations.

Dark skies... nighttime. Wind and snow... a blizzard.

And there was nothing here, and it expanded for miles. There were no roads, and there were no signs; there were no trees, nor was there brush... nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing...

Where am I..?

I made an effort into forcing myself to stand, mainly so I wouldn't end up passing out while sitting in the snow. At least if I were to keep moving, I'd be able to buy myself some time to either find some place to take shelter, or to find help... if there was even any to be found. If I were to close my eyes now and rest again, that would be it for me. Now was not the time to idle away my life.

I shivered violently, nearly feeling frozen at that point. I felt little in my legs and the bottoms of my feet. I could hardly move my hands as well without the movements being sluggish, as with any other movement I tried. The wind was doing no favors in making me feel colder and colder, and with the liquefied snow now freezing into my clothing, I was left entirely without warmth.

I was cold. So, so cold.

I paced in place, slowly twisting my entire body around as I examined the empty expanse that surrounded me. There was nothing. I paced around one more time, hoping to at least spot some signs of civilization that I might've missed on the first glance.

There was nothing.