No Daughter of Mine

by Surry

First published

One of Rainbow Dash's classmates at her flight school has a secret, one that could terribly change their relationship and their lives for the worst. And what happens when one of them might have to pay the ultimate price?

Rainbow Dash gets caught up in her friend's secret by accident. Now she has to find a way to keep her friend from falling into a deep depression, while simultaneously trying to maintain a good reputation with her fellow classmates. But, then again, loyalty is Rainbow's strong suit, and almost her undoing.

Please Forgive Me

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Please Forgive Me

Rainbow Dash butted her way through the classroom door as usual and trotted confidently over to her desk. She plopped down her green sack of books on the floor next to her and calmly sat down. Acing this test was going to be a piece of cake. She enjoyed having a seat at the back of the classroom, far away from her teacher. That was where she learned best. Better than anything though, she got to sit next to one of her best friends, Windy.

Windy always seemed to show up as late as possible to class, drawing out her time for as long as she could. The other fifteen or so students took their seats as class time was rapidly approaching. Rainbow had wondered why she always took so long before, but after a while she decided it was best to stop asking questions. With only about a minute before class started, the light pink colored pegasus burst through the door looking a little winded. Her hectic demeanor received demoralizing glances from her classmates.

Rainbow, not being one to judge, waved her hoof happily at her. Seeing her familiar friend, Windy gave a slight wave back and continued to wade through the other desks to reach her. Deciding to ignore her classmates' looks, she sat down at her seat next to Rainbow and lifted off a heavy saddle bag. Her short, shaggy, purple mane fell to the sides of her face as she removed her own sack of books.

"Hey Windy. How's the weather treatin' ya today?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh well, you know... same as usual." Windy replied.

Rainbow caught sight of something on one of her hooves. She only saw it for a split second, but she was sure it was a bruise of some kind. She pointed a hoof at Windy's leg. "What happened, how did you get that?"

Windy casually tossed aside her words. "Oh this thing... I bumped it into my dresser on my way out of the house. It'll go away in a few days I'm sure."

"Can I ask you something?" said Rainbow.

"Sure, go right ahead." Windy said softly.

"Well, I can tell when you're lying Windy. Does that bruise have something to do with why you got here so late?"

"W-what? No, really I'm telling the truth Rainbow." Windy hesitantly stared at her, hoping that was a good enough response.

"Ugh... fine." mumbled Rainbow. She turned back to her desk, fiddling with a pencil between her hooves.

Windy, realizing she just dodged a bullet, nervously took a book out of her bag and began silently reading. After about a minute or so she stopped and thought of something. Maybe today was the day she would attempt to ask Rainbow something herself.

"Umm... Rainbow?" she quietly asked.

"Yeah, what's up?" she replied.

"W-why do you care about me?"

"What do you mean, Windy? You're one of my best friends." Rainbow said.

"Well yeah, but... why do you care if I'm hurt or why I'm late to class?"

"As a friend, I'm supposed to care about things like that. I wouldn't be much of one if I didn't, now would I?" Rainbow

Windy gazed back at her through her bright turquoise eyes very heavily. "So... we're just friends?" she stated bluntly.

Rainbow wasn't quite sure why she worded it like that, but brushed it off. "Yeah we're the best of friends, definitely."

Windy dropped her line of sight to the floor, slightly disappointed. She needed to tell her something that was on her mind, but this wasn't the place to do it. After some thinking she looked back up at Rainbow.

"Can we talk later Rainbow? Like I don't know... behind the bleachers of the track field during lunch break. Would that work for you?"

The blue pegasus wasn't quite sure what to say, but nevertheless agreed. "You got it, Windy. I'll be there."

The classroom door opened again and this time an old stallion with graying hair entered.

"Good morning students. I hope you're all prepared for the test today." he said gruffly.

Windy sighed heavily. She was not in the least bit prepared for anything today.


Rainbow leaned her back up against a pillar underneath the bleachers. Five minutes into lunch break, and still no Windy. She waited with extreme patience, anxiously wanting to know what her friend wanted to tell her.

"Rainbow!" said a voice from behind her.

She backed off from the pillar and turned around to see her pink friend running up.

"Huff*... sorry I'm a little late Rainbow." she said breathlessly.

"No worries." Rainbow replied. "It's still lunch break after all. So what did you want to tell me Windy?"

The pink pegasus sat down in the grass underneath the bleachers to let herself relax. Rainbow, taking her cue, planted her bottom in a spot beside her. Windy took a few breaths and whipped her purple hair out of her eyes.

"Rainbow, I...I have to ask you something very important." She sorrowfully gazed at the grass beneath them, longingly.

"Hit me with it." she confidently replied.

" you like any boys?" Windy muttered.

"S-some boys." Rainbow stammered nervously. "Wh...why do you ask?"

"Because Rainbow...I ... I don't like boys."

A tear started to well up at the corner of Windy's eye. Her voice became a little harsher with sadness.

"I... I like girls Rainbow. And my mom... hates me for it... sniff*" A river of tears started to flow from the corners of her eyes. "She totally hates me Rainbow... and the worst part is... I can't focus on anything in my life anymore. My grades are going in the trash, everyone at school looks at me differently... and I hate going home at the end of every day."

Windy pushed off her back legs and wrapped her front ones around Rainbow's chest. Her head dangled limply over her shoulder.

The whole moment kind of shocked Rainbow. She was not expecting this kind of confession at all.

Windy's tears continued to stream off of her face and down onto Rainbow's back.

"Sniff* you're the only friend I have Rainbow. No one loves me anymore, and no one ever will!" she cried.

"Windy... I'm so sorry." It was all her friend could manage to say.

Her home life had wrecked her soul so much that she felt telling Rainbow was her absolute last line of defense. But she had another secret...

After a few minutes, Windy released Rainbow from her grip and let her arms hang down loosely. She went back to staring at the grass, except now her cheeks were completely soaked in tears.

"Windy I'm glad you told me about this, but you should really tell a teacher or something--"

"NO! Please no! If anyone found out it'd be over for me!" she pleaded.

"But Windy..."

"Rainbow, I told you... because I didn't think you'd tell anyone."

"Okay, so I won't." replied Rainbow. "But I still think you should, though."

Windy didn't respond at first, letting a gentle breeze answer for her. She took another deep breath.

"Rainbow...I also told you because... I think you're amazing, and I... really like you." One last tear crossed her cheek. "As long as we're putting all the cards on the table, I just thought I'd say that."

"B-but Windy..." Rainbow averted her gaze away, trying to find something else to grab her attention. "I don't know if I--mmff..." She stopped when she felt a soft set of lips suddenly press against hers.

In shock, Rainbow turned her head slightly to see Windy, directly in front of her with her eyes closed, kissing her passionately.

"MMffff..." the blue pegasus attempted to retaliate, but Windy put a hoof on her shoulder and pulled her back in. Rainbow had never kissed anypony before and it felt so weird, at first. She thought of everything this poor girl had just confessed and gradually started to relinquish her mouth to her. It didn't exactly feel right, but second by second her attitude improved.

"mmmm..." Rainbow moaned slightly into Windy's mouth. Now for the first time in her life she had somepony else's saliva on her lips. Their tongues met briefly and fleetingly in short bursts. Full contact kissing was something neither of them were daring to attempt.

They stopped for a moment, letting each breath through their nose lightly pass over the other's muzzle.

Rainbow was the first to pull away, a slight string of saliva connected their lips for a second, and then it broke. She let her magenta eyes rest squarely on Windy's, as the pink pegasus smiled happily.

"What was all that about?" asked Rainbow.

"I-I'm sorry Rainbow, please forgive me." she replied.

"But why didn't you--" Rainbow was suddenly cut off by a rustling sound. The two girls looked around frantically when they finally saw what had made the noise.

Two colts, watching from a nearby hill, made eye contact with Rainbow and started running off at full speed.

Windy felt an icy chill run down her spine. Her worst nightmare had just been realized.

"No." she said lightly. "No! No!" Her voice began to rise in volume.

"NOOOO!!" she screamed.

At the sight of the colts running away is when Windy knew it. Her life was over.