Rarity's New Life

by dbzponyninja

First published

After being scared at a Art Gallery and then gambling in Las Pegasus Rarity wins and now is living the rich life style.

Rarity is invited to a art gallery and scared by the owner she then goes to Las Pegasus and gambles and wins now she is living the rich life style and the other six members of The Mane Six go to visit her. I got this idea from a friend of mine who said I could post his story idea on here.

Part 1

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One day in Canterlot Rarity was walking around when suddenly she was approached by a bearth pony stallion named Mr. Biggs who told her "Good afternoon Miss Rarity, I am Mr. Biggs I own a new art gallery in town and I am wishing to invite you."

Rarity asked him in a very fast tone of voice "Who are you and how do you know who I am darling?"

Mr. Biggs told her "Why I just told you I am Mr. Biggs I own a new art gallery in town and I wanted to invite you dear, I heard that you're the owner of the most fanciest boutique and I know a pony such as that had to be quite elegant."

Rarity said while blushing "Why thank you darling when is the gallery showing?"

Mr. Biggs answered her question "Tonight my dear."

Rarity said after making the squee sound while smiling "I can't wait."

Several hours later when Rarity arrived at the art gallery entrance "Hello and welcome to... boo!"

Rarity then screamed while running away scared all the way to the town of Las Pegasus where she gambled to her hearts content and won a whole lot of bits.

We then cut to Ponyville several months later where Sweetie Belle asks herself outloud "I wonder where Rarity got off too, I miss my big sister."

Rarity said to herself while thinking outloud "Oh how I love Las Pegasus I am never going back to Ponyville or Canterlot again, I hope Sweetie Belle can run Carousel Boutique without me."

After Rarity went to Las Pegasus the other members of The Mane Six got word of her being there and decided to pay her a visit.

Pinkie Pie said in the high pitch high energy voice that she talks in "Wow this place is amazing !"

Applejack said in response to Pinkie's comment in the trademark southern accent that all members of the Apple family talk in "I'll have to agree with ya there Pinkie."

Rainbow Dash is to stunned in amazement to produce words.

Princess Twilight Sparkle said "Wow pretty lights, this town is astounding."

Fluttershy said in the soft almost quiet voice that she talks in "Oh my I never knew." (cute and adorable squeak while nervous)

The rest of The Mane Six were so impressed by the town's size they actually had to ask for directions to Rarity's house.

Then when they finally got directions to Rarity's house they come across a big one hundred thousand story mansion which had a big gate with a intercom attached to the left side of the brick wall next to the gate next to the gate, The Mane Six were wondering whom it belonged to until they noticed the big italic fancy letter "R" across the gate.

When Princess Twilight pushed the button to the intercom a loud voice came over the intercom "Yes how may I help you?"

Princess Twilight Sparkle responded "We're here to see Rarity."

Twilight overheard Rarity's voice on the intercom "Fleur darling who is it?"

Fleur De Lis told her "I believe it's your friends from Ponyville m'am ."

Rarity said in in a excited and happy tone "Ah yes send them in."

Fleur De Lis then told The Mane Six "Miss Rarity has been expecting you."

As they entered Rarity's enormous mansion the gate closed behind them, they noticed a big fifty foot tall solid gold statue depicting Rarity as well as portraits of her on the walls as well.

As The Mane Six walked inside Fleur De Lis, Rarity's servant and hired hoof directed them to Rarity's main room.

As they were walking up the huge flight of stairs that reaches several stories Fleur advised them not to get lost as there was over nine hundred ninty nine million nine hundred ninty nine thousands nine hundred ninty nine rooms in Rarity's mansion.

Fleur also warned them "Once you reach the top there would be a hallway with a fountain that they would have to go straight down to enter Rarity's room, there were also rooms on the left and right but Rarity's room was in the center. To Be Continued.

Part 2

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As The Mane Six continued walking up the stairs to Rarity's room the staircase started to swirl up in a circle as they were walking up step by step, as they were walking up the long stairway they finally came to a long hallway which had many doors lined up along the walls when they started down to hallway they finally came to the end where there was a long golden door with a big "R" engraved inside it they knew who's room this must be.

As they came face to face with Rarity's room door they noticed a button inside the door, and Princess Twilight pushed the button, suddenly a voice came over the loudspeaker to Rarity's room "Yes may I help you?"

The voice they heard belonged to none other than Fancypants, Rarity's other hired hoof.

Princess Twilight told Fancypants over the loudspeaker " We are here to see Rarity, I mean Miss Rarity."

Fancypants told them "You may come in" and upon stepping in to her room they were tackled to the ground and hugged by Rarity.

Rarity told the other five members of The Mane Six "I was hoping the five of you would come down here to visit me, I missed all of you so much."

Applejack told her "I missed ya to sugarcube."

Pinkie Pie told Rarity "Me too."

Fluttershy told her "I also missed you as well."

Rainbow Dash told her "You know I missed you rare."

Princess Twilight told Rarity "I missed you Rarity it's good to see you again."

All six members of The Mane Six gathered round together and embraced each other in a big group hug.

When they finally stopped hugging Princess Twilight asked Rarity "Like I said it's great to see you again but what are you doing here and more importantly how can you afford a mansion like this anyway?"

Rarity told her "Well it's a long story my dear I wouldn't want to bore you with the details."

The other five members of The Mane Six told her at the same time "We've got time come on tell us please?"

Rarity told them "Very well, it all started on my last visit to Canterlot three months ago a pony named Mr. Biggs invited me to a art gallery opening, then on that same night when I went to the art gallery a valet pony scared me and for reasons unkwown to even myself I ran all the way here to Las Pegasus and won myself a very large portion of bits, then a few days later I built a boutique just the one I used to own in Las Pegasus, then from the large amount of business I had at the boutique I made even more money and built this extremely large mansion you see me in here today."

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash both said at the same time with a shocked expression on their faces "Wow Rarity you must be one of the richest ponies in Equestria?"

Rarity told them "Well a lady never brags but yes I am one of the richest ponies in Equestria."

Princess Twilight told her "Wow Rarity i'm so happy for you."

Rarity told her "Why thank you Twilight darling but sometimes even with Fleur and Fancypants here I get so lonely despite my wealth which is why out of the generosity and kindess of my heart I am giving each of you a large bag full of bits to buy houses to live close to me."

The other five members of The Mane Six all told her at the same time "Thanks Rarity we gladly accept your kind and generous offer but whar about Spike I mean I don't want him to stay at the library treehouse all by himself and more importantly what about Sweetie Belle she misses you just as much as Spike does?"

Rarity thought about it for a minutes and then said "Idea before you go to look for a house here in Las Pegasus how about you take the train to get to Ponyville and bring Spike along with you and as for the subject of my dear darling little sister Sweetie Belle you can go to Ponyville every few months and on holidays, bring Sweetie Belle over here and then take her back."

Princess Twilight told her "Those are both good ideas Rarity I shall do both of those things for not only you but for me as well." The End.