> The Eleventh Pony Hour > by brilliantblaze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Filly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Doctor walked into the TARDIS very faint from holding back the regeneration process. He leaned on the console about to let go of this current body. He already said farewell to all of his former companions so he decided to finally let go. The Doctor realized what he just did and a tear fell down his face, "I don't want to go." He said as his hands began to glow. The glow engulfed his head then the process hit it's peak. The relative explosion of regeneration energy almost destroyed the TARDIS itself. The Doctor began to scream, "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Then the process was finished. He looked down expecting to see his new legs but instead he saw two grey appendages engulfed in the clothes that once fit him. "Weird skin tone," He said and looked at the appendages, "No fingers," He felt his new hair, which was exceptionally long, "I'm a girl!" He shrieked then checked again, "No still male but what am I?" He continued checking his new body, "I look equine but why? I'll worry about that later," He said, "Now there was something else, something important, what was it?" The TARDIS shook and The Doctor fell over, "Oh yeah, I'm crashing!" He said taking the controls, "Geronimo!" He shouted ……….. Twilight Sparkle was a normal filly living in Canterlot with her parents, nothing exciting ever happened to her, until tonight. Twilight stared out of her bedroom window at a shining star, "I don't mean to beg Mr. Star," She said, "But there is a scary crack in my wall and it won't go away," She looked at the large crack running across her bedroom wall, "Mom and Dad say it's nothing but it still worries me," She looked back at the star, "Could you please send a police pony or maybe a doctor, to fix it that would be great." She sighed and sat down on her bed. She was about to go back to sleep when suddenly there was a huge crash that shook the whole house. Twilight got back up and looked back out her window, there was a smoking blue box in the back yard! Twilight looked back at the star and said, "Thank you Mr. Star." She grabbed her scarf and went downstairs to the back yard. She slowly walked up to the blue box which had 'Police Box' inscribed on the top of it in bright letters. Twilight walked closer when the doors to the box slammed open and a grappling hook shot out of it. The hook dragged across the ground until it grabbed a large rock on the ground. The rope shook then The Doctor emerged from the box, soaking wet, hanging on the edge. "Can I have an apple?" He asked, "All I can think about is apples, I love apples, I think I'm having a craving." He smiled at Twilight, "Thats new, never had cravings before." The Doctor climbed up and straddled the edge of the police box. He was wearing a blue shirt that was beyond to big for him and a tie that hung low. "Phew look at that." He said looking down into the police box. "Are you okay?" Twilight asked still standing there "Just a fall," He said, "Right into the library, heck of a climb back up." "Why are you all wet?" "I was in the swimming pool." Twilight rolled her eyes, "Are you a police pony?" Twilight asked "Why?" He asked, "Did you call a police pony?" "Well your box says Police Box," She said, "Are you here about the crack in my wall?" "What crack-" the Doctor began to say but he collapsed to the ground, obviously in pain. "Are you okay?" "It's fine, I'm okay it's all perfectly nor-" He said then exhaled a strange yellow gas cloud. "Who are you?" Twilight asked "Dunno, I'm still cooking," He said as his hooves glowed for a second, "Does it scare you?" "No it's just a little weird," She replied "No, the crack in your wall, does it scare you?" The Doctor asked "Yeah," She said, "Can you help?" "Sure, I'm The Doctor," He said, "Follow me, don't ask stupid questions, and don't wander off," He got up on his hooves and immediately stumbled over and got a face full of dirt. "Are you okay?" Twilight asked standing over him. "I'm fine," He said rolling onto his back, "Just new to walking on hooves I guess." The Doctor struggled to get back up and said, "Now onto that apple." Twilight brought him inside to the kitchen, "If you're a doctor, why does your box say police?" She asked him and handed him an apple. The Doctor didn't answer and took the apple. He tried to balance it on his hoof, failing as it fell on the floor, "How did you hold that apple before?" He asked frustrated "Like this," Twilight said and picked up the apple with ease The Doctor snorted and grabbed the apple, this time with his mouth. He took a bite of it and it fell to the floor. He immediately spit it out, "That is disgusting, what is that?" "An apple." Twilight said confused "Apples are rubbish, I hate apples." The Doctor said "But you just said you loved apples," "New mouth, new rules," The Doctor said, "New anatomy, I must have a new diet, what do you ponies eat?" "I dunno lots of stuff." "Well what do you like to eat?" "I like oranges." "Fine, I'll try an orange." Twilight cut an orange in four and handed a slice to The Doctor. He took a bite and sucked the juice out, he smiled for a second then spit it out disgusted from the sour taste, "Nope, let's try something else," He said, "How about butter on toast?" "Ok I guess," Twilight said and cooked a piece of toast. "I never got your name." The Doctor said "I'm Twilight Sparkle." She said spreading butter on the toast "Twilight Sparkle," The Doctor smiled, "What a wonderful name." Twilight put the toast on a plate and The Doctor took a bite, immediately running out to the back door and threw it out yelling, "And stay out!" He came back and Twilight said, "I don't see what else you can try." "Hang on," The Doctor said looking around the kitchen, "I need," He opened a cabinet and grabbed a basket of hay fries, "Whatever these are," He placed them on the table. He reached into the freezer, "And custard." "Umm Doctor?" Twilight asked "Yesh." He said with the item in his mouth "Never mind," Twilight said He placed the custard on the table next to the hay fries, "Now I don't know how to prepare this." "Let me try," Twilight said and levitated a large bowl over, concentrating very hard she poured the custard into the bowl. The Doctor stood amazed for once in a long time, "How did you do that?" He asked "That was simple levitation,"She said, "Every unicorn can do it, I'm just learning magic." "Hmm wish I could do magic," The Doctor said "I don't see why you can't," Twilight said, "You are a unicorn right?" "I am?" The Doctor felt the horn on his forehead, "I am!" He celebrated to himself "How did you not know you had a horn?" "Busy day so far and I just got this body," The Doctor said, "Now how do I levitate stuff?" "Well just focus on the object and ask it to levitate," She said, "That's what my magic kindergarden teacher told me." "Alright so focus on the object," The Doctor stared at one of the fries and scrunched up his face, "Now ask it to levitate." The Doctor closed his eyes and focused harder, the fry was surrounded by a bright yellow aura and it levitated up. The Doctor opened his eyes, "Ha ha, I did it!" He shouted as he dipped the fry into the bowl custard and took a bite of it, "Mmm, now that is food," He said, "So where are you're parents?" "They're out at an award ceremony," She said, "Something about a book my Mom wrote." "That crack in your wall must be really scary then." The Doctor said finishing the custard and sporting a custard mustache "Why do you say that?" "Well your home all alone," The Doctor said wiping off the custard mustache, "I crash in your backyard, ask for food and your still afraid of a crack in your wall." "How did you figure that out?" Twilight asked "I'm The Doctor, it's my thing," He said, "Now let's go investigate that crack in your wall." The Doctor grabbed her hoof and ran upstairs. They went into her room and he examined the crack. "I used to hate apples too but my mom carved faces into them for me." Twilight handed the Doctor an apple with a smiley face carved into it. The Doctor put the apple in his shirt pocket, "I'll save it for later," He smiled a Twilight. He ran his hoof across the crack again, "This is no ordinary crack," He said, "It's in the wall but it doesn't go all the way through, so where is the draft coming from?" He scanned the crack with his sonic screwdriver, "This is two points of time and space that were never supposed to meet." The Doctor found a glass on Twilight's dresser, he levitated it against his ear and stuck it on the crack, "Prisoner Zero has escaped," He repeated what he heard "Prisoner Zero has escaped," Twilight repeated, "I hear that all the time, what does it mean?" "Means there is a prison on the other side and a prisoner has escaped. The only way to close the breach is to open it al the way and it should collapse in on itself." The Doctor backed away from the crack and looked at Twilight, "You know whenever a adult says that everything is alright but you know they're lying?" He asked "Yes." She said The Doctor grabbed Twilight's hoof, "Everything is going to be fine." He said The Doctor pointed his sonic screwdriver at the crack and turned it on, it buzzed and the blue tip lit up as the crack lit up and slowly opened. The opening expanded across the whole wall, The Doctor walked closer and said, "Hello?" There seemed to be no pony there. The Doctor was now met by a giant eyeball. The Doctor and Twilight jumped back and the eyeball said, "Prisoner Zero has escaped." Something shot from the eyeball which landed on The Doctor's shirt pocket, the crack then shut itself the same way it opened. "There see the crack closed on it's own," The Doctor said to Twilight "What did it shoot at you?" Twilight asked The Doctor pulled a small leather case with a blank piece of paper out of his shirt pocket, "Message on my psychic paper," He opened it and read the message, "Prisoner Zero has escaped, but why tell us that?" He put the psychic paper away, "Unless Prisoner Zero escaped through here." He said looking at Twilight "What do we do?" Twilight asked with fear on her face The Doctor was about to answer her question when there was suddenly a strange noise coming from the backyard. The Doctor gasped and began running downstairs saying, "No no no no no not now." Twilight ran behind him, "Wait what is happening?" They ran out the backdoor and The Doctor said, "The engines are phasing," "It's a box how could it have engines?" Twilight asked "It's not just a box," The Doctor said wrapping the rope from the grappling hook around the doors, "It's a time machine." "You have a time machine?!" Twilight asked amazed "Not anymore if I don't stabilize the engines," He said now climbing up to the open doors, "Quick trip to the future should fix it, be back in five minutes." Twilight looked at the ground, "Ponies always say that." She said The Doctor hopped off the TARDIS and lifted her head, "Am I ponies?" He asked her, "Do I even look like ponies?" Twilight smiled and The Doctor said, "Trust me, I'm The Doctor." He hopped back up on the TARDIS and jumped in pulling the doors behind him, he shouted, "Geronimo!" Twilight smiled as the box slowly vanished before her eyes. When it was finally gone she ran back inside to her room and began packing a suitcase. Coats, extra clothes and Smartypants filled her suitcase, she closed it and ran back outside levitating it with concentration. She placed it on the ground outside and sat on it waiting for the magic box to return. Though she will actually have to wait longer than she thinks. ………. Time passed and the TARDIS materialized in the same backyard as before. The doors opened as The Doctor and a large cloud of smoke emerged. The Doctor coughed some and shut the TARDIS doors as it began repairing itself. "Twilight, I know what I missing," He said running to the back door, "Get out of there." He used his screwdriver on the lock, it shorted out a few times but then finally buzzed to life. The Doctor ran inside searching for Twilight. He ran upstairs only to be met by a cricket bat to his face. He hit the floor completely unconscious. > The Prisoner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash Sentry had been posted at the Canterlot hospital for a very important assignment. Scratch that, there's no use sugar coating it, he was in charge of watching the coma patients. Nothing ever happened to them until today. Flash was walking with the head doctor, Better Days, to the coma wing. "So you're saying they all called out at once?" Days asked as they arrived. "Yes sir." Flash replied "All of the 'coma' patients?" He asked "Yes sir." "Flash," Days said, "You do know that these patients are monitored 24/7? We will know if their breathing increases." Days sighed, "Look Flash you're a great guard but you have to stop making up stories, just so you can get a promotion." "But sir," Flash began "What?" "They called for you sir." Better Days rolled his eyes but then there was a small mumble from across the room. "Doctor." "But how?" Days said Then all the patients were slowly but surely doing the same. "Doctor." ………… When The Doctor came to, he saw a purple unicorn mare standing above him. He tried to get up but his left foreleg was attached to the heater behind him with magic cuffs. "Who the hay are you?" The mare asked him, "I'd start talking if I were you, the royal guards are on their way right now." "I'm looking for a little filly by the name of Twilight Sparkle who lived here," He said, "You wouldn't have seen her have you?" He asked, "I said I'd be back in five minutes but the engines were failing, I must have gone farther." The mare's eyes widened, "Twilight hasn't lived here in six months." She said "No I couldn't have gone that far, I said five minutes." The Doctor said, "Who lives here now?" "I live here now," She said The Doctor stared at her, "How many rooms are on this floor?" "Five." "Count them." "One, two, three, four, five-" She counted "Six." The Doctor finished "Where?" "Look in the corner of your eye, where you don't want to look." He said The mare looked in the corner of her eye to see the hidden door right behind her, "But that's a whole room," She said, "A whole room I never knew about, how?" "There's a perception filter, it doesn't want you to see it." He said The mare walked to the door, "Don't go in there," The Doctor shouted, "Un-cuff me now please." The mare seemed transfixed on the door, "I forgot the spell." She said still walking towards the door. She gripped the door knob with her magic, the door creaked open and she walked in. "Why does no pony listen to me?" The Doctor asked annoyed, "Do I just have a face no pony listen to?" He checked his pockets for his screwdriver to disrupt the magic cuffs but he could not find it, "Have you seen my screwdriver? Little silver thing with a blue tip." The mare looked in the mysterious room and said, "Silver with a blue tip?" "Yes," "It's in here." "Must have rolled under the door." The mare saw the screwdriver on the table covered in clear goo, "Yeah must have rolled under the door," She said, "And it must have jumped up on the table." The mare levitated the screwdriver off the table and shook off the goo. The Doctor's eyes widened, "Get out of there now!" The mare heard a deep growl, "What's in here?" "Whatever you do don't look at it," He said, "If you look at it, it will kill you." The mare turned around to see the eel like creature bare it's fangs at her. She screamed and ran out the door. "Give me the screwdriver." The Doctor said She dropped it on the ground and The Doctor levitated it up, "Oh what did the mean creature do to you?" He worked at the magic cuffs, trying to disperse the spell. "Will that door hold it?" The mare asked "Oh yes," The Doctor said sarcastically, "It's an inter dimensional being and it's terrified of wood." There was a bright glow under the door, "What is it doing?" The mare asked "Probably slipping into something more comfortable." The Doctor said still working at the cuffs, "You should probably run and wait for the guards." The mare gave a sheepish smile, "There are no guards, I lied." "Why did you-" The Doctor began to say but then the door flung open. A stallion walked out holding a small dog on a leash. "But it was-" "No it isn't," The Doctor said, "Look at the faces." The dog started growling, only it wasn't. The mare looked at the stallion who was actually the one growling. "What?" The Doctor smiled, "It's all one creature disguised as two." He said, "Very creative, got the voice a bit wrong didn't you." The creature barked at them. "You would need a psychic link, how did you get one?" The creature bared it's long fangs and walked closer. "You really shouldn't mess with us, you wanna know why?" He said, "She called the royal guards." "No I didn't." The mare said "Shh, he doesn't know that," The Doctor whispered, "Oh yeah they'll be here any second." ATTENTION PRISONER ZERO, THE EQUINE RESIDENTS IS SURROUNDED The creature backed up and look around trying to find the source of the audible voice. "What is that?" "That is the royal guards." ATTENTION PRISONER ZERO, THE EQUINE RESIDENTS IS SURROUNDED "Okay one more time," He said, "We did send for back up and we're safe." PRISONER ZERO WILL SURRENDER OR THE EQUINE RESIDENTS WILL BE INCINERATED "Well apart from incineration." The creature left to look outside and the Doctor began fiddle with his screwdriver to get the cuffs off. "Come on work," He said banging the screwdriver on the floor a few times. The creature looked out the window and saw that the backyard was completely empty. PRISONER ZERO WILL SURRENDER OR THE EQUINE RESIDENTS WILL BE INCINERATED The screwdriver buzzed to life once again and the Doctor dispersed the magic cuffs. As soon as they came off he looked at the mare and smiled, "Run." He got up and grabbed her hoof, "Run, come on." They ran down the stairs and out the back door. "You really didn't call the guards?" The Doctor turned to her, "And why did you hit me with a cricket bat?" "You broke into my home what was I supposed to do?" She said as they ran back to the blue box, "What is going on? Tell me!" "An alien convict is hiding in your spare room disguised as stallion and a dog, and some other aliens are about to incinerate your house." The Doctor said without taking a breath, "Any questions?" "Yes!" "Me too," The Doctor said turning the lock on the blue box, "No no no! Not now!" "What?" "It's still rebuilding not letting me in." There was a bark and the two turned to see the creature still in the house. "Come on," The mare said grabbing the Doctor. "Wait wait wait," He said noticing something, "The shed! I destroyed that shed before." "Yeah so it's a new one." "No it's old at least ten." The mare's eyes widened as the Doctor sniffed and tasted the wood, "Twelve years, I'm not six months late I'm twelve years late." "He's coming," The mare said still wide eyed. "Six months, why did you say six months?" "We have to go." "No this is important, why did you say six months?" The mare finally broke, "WHY DID YOU SAY FIVE MINUTES?" "What?" "Come on." The mare said grabbing him as they ran away.