> That's Enough Cider For You > by Eros > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Got Anything Harder? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cider flowed like water that night. Giggling, hiccuping ponies stumbled in and out of the bar, but two stallions stayed. A large red steed with an apple cutie-mark and a smaller tan stallion with three blue horseshoes as a cutie-mark. Everypony around town knew they were best friends, and they rarely did anything without each other. Including getting drunk off their hooves. "Mac?" the smaller pony asked, prodding his friends front leg as it rested on the bar. The red steed shifted. "Whaddya want Caramel?" he asked in a tone that could have been mistaken for irritation, if Caramel didn't know him better. The barpony arrived with two more foaming mugs of cider and set them in front of Caramel and Big Mac. "Mac, I'm so boooorreeed. Nothing's happening." Caramel was already pretty drunk, yet he still downed the cider, most of it missing his mouth entirely. Big Mac on the other hoof, was completely bucked up. He was so drunk he would have feared for his safety if he had any self awareness left. "Don't yah be botherin' me bout' it. Ah ain't bored, no sir, not at all" he slurred drunkenly. Looking around the bar, he saw several ponies seated around the circular tables, most of them not drinking at all. It wasn't like they had a reason to. Nor did Caramel and Big Macintosh. Both stallions just decided to go out for a drink, and then... one drink turned into two, then four and now they were both sitting on bar stools and waiting for the room to stop spinning. "Ay Foam Board" Caramel hollered to the barpony. Shaking his head at Caramel's obvious state, he ignored him. "Heeeeelllllooooooo" Caramel called again. "Mr baaaaaarponyyyyyy." He just wouldn't shut up. Trotting over to the messed up stallions, he tried not to let the stench of liquor get to him. Normally a barpony would be used to the smell of alcohol, but with these two... "What can I do for you?" he sighed, expecting more cider orders. Suddenly, Big Mac spoke up. "Yah got anythin' harder then cider?" Foam Board thought a moment. He did have something harder then cider, except it was very legal... oh well. Looking around conspiratorially, he leaned in towards the two colts. "As a matter of fact, I do. It's pretty hardcore though" he said grinning. He knew that they would want to try it. "Bring it on!" Caramel shouted. Foam Board went behind the bar and filled two shot glasses with straight vodka. Then, grinning wickedly, he reached into his pocket and brought out a tiny bag of pink dust. This was Aphrodin, a drug created by unicorns to enhance sexual desire. Foam Board decided to get a kick out of watching Caramel and Big Mac try to hit on almost every mare they saw. It would be hilarious, as they were almost too drunk to stand, let alone talk properly. Foam Board used Aphrodin himself when he had impotence problems, but since he's just a minor character, nopony reading this really cares about anypony who isn't Big Macintosh or Caramel. So back to our heroes. "Mac, we r-r-r-really should go hoooome" the beige stallion whined, making bored circles on the bar with his hooves. Seeing Foam Board return with their drinks, he tried to sit up straight, which was almost impossible. Foam Board suddenly wasn't so sure about this. They were incredibly drunk as it was and he didn't want to put them in danger just for a few laughs. Then again, unicorns could cure almost any affliction and relieve them of their drunkenness. He decided to just go for it and see what happened. Setting the glasses in front of them, he noticed that the Aphrodin had turned the liquid a light shade of pink. "Here you go boys. This stuff's pretty hard, but it's good fun." Big Mac frowned. "Now wha's that stuff?" he asked. Caramel giggled and tapped his hoof on Big Mac's head. "You worry too much buddy. Just drink it" he said, encouraging the red steed further. Neither of them really had any common sense left anyway. Picking up a glass in their hooves, they clinked them together and downed the whole thing in one go. Foam Board smiled and retreated to the other end of the bar to watch the proceedings. About five minutes later the Aphrodin kicked in. Big Mac's eyes opened wide and his pupils were the size of pinpricks as he felt pure lust rush through his veins. It was like being on heat times five. Caramel shivered and felt his adrenal glands kick in, filling him with the need and energy to buck just about anything. His eyes opened wide too, only his pupils grew huge. Beads of sweat broke out on the foreheads of the incredibly randy stallions who were shifting in their chairs with uncontrollable desire. Foam Bored giggled quietly. This was going to be such an interesting night. Big Mac started eying all the mares in the bar, which was only four. Caramel looked at Big Macintosh. Big Mac got up and stumbled over to the nearest mare, who happened to be June Bug. She was sitting alone nursing a drink and waiting for a date. "Why hey there Missy June Buggy" he slurred. June Bug looked at him with a curious look on her face. "Hi Big Mac. You feeling alright?" she asked kindly. Foam Board almost felt bad for her. Still, he hadn't given Big Mac or Caramel too much Aphrodin, just enough to make it fun. He didn't want anything bad happening and too much Aphrodin would occasionally lead to incidents involving rape, and that was why he limited the amount he gave them. "Ah'm good. Ah've never flet beeeetter actually. I bet I can make yah feel better too" he said, looking at her flank suggestively. June Bug's face contorted in disgust and she slapped him across the snout. "Big Macintosh Apple, you are a dirty cur. Buck off" she almost shouted, feeling strangely violated, despite the fact that he had done nothing much to her. Foam Board silently cracked up. Big Mac hung his head in shame of the plot he had just lost out on. He trotted back over to Caramel, who was still watching him oddly. "Struck out huh?" the tan steed asked, as if he hadn't just seen the whole thing. Big Mac was silent once again. Caramel looked at Big Mac suggestively. He leant in close to the red steed and whispered in a voice so low that Foam Board had to lean forward to hear. "Well, mares are overrated. Why don't we go somewhere private and you can try me out?" Foam Board almost choked. Big Macintosh thought a moment and nodded. Foam Board did choke. > There They Go > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did he really just say that? Foam Board thought to himself. Did Caramel seriously just ask Big Macintosh to have sex with him? And did Big Macintosh seriously just agree? "I guess that Aphrodin was stronger then I thought." he whispered. Caramel suddenly got up and pulled on Big Mac's hoof. Big Macintosh got up and stumbled out the door. They were just lucky they had paid in advance, or Foam Board would have been livid. Something made Foam Board want to follow them, although he didn't know why. Surely they weren't serious. He had to know. Even if it meant seeing something he wasn't supposed to, he had to follow them. Foam Board was a yellow unicorn with a blue mane and a mug of cider for a cutie-mark. Normally nopony reading this would care, since he isn't Caramel or Big Mac, and as a result, his description was omitted. But now that he was following them, well, you need to know what he looks like. Foam Board called one of the employees and told her to watch the bar. Stepping out into the fresh night air, he could tell that it was very late. A few paces ahead, were the stallions who, due to his interference, were going to buck each other. "Carameeeeeel" Big Mac drawled. "What is it sugarpie?" Caramel's eyes were severely out of focus, but at this point, both stallions were too hard to care. "You shure you wanna d-do this?" he asked although he already knew the answer. "Hell yeah" They walked side by side along the path leading out into the field near the Everfree Forest. The field was bathed in bright moonlight, making it very easy to see everything. They trotted closer to the forest until they were far away from town, Foam Board following them silently the whole time. He hid behind a bush and Caramel and Big Mac sat on the grass. "Caramel, maybe th-" Caramel stopped his sentence with his lips. The tan stallion pressed his warm lips against Big Mac's who decided to just let it happen. However, he had no intention of being taken advantage of. Mac forced Caramel down onto the grass and lay on top of him, never separating their snouts for a second. They kissed for a full ten minutes, with Foam Board watching the whole time. Big Mac suddenly broke their kiss and pinned Caramel's hind legs wide apart, revealing his large brown arousal. Big Mac noted proudly, that his own dick was bigger then Caramel's. Big Mac sat up, showing off his own hard cock laying across Caramel's stomach, who wrapped his front hooves around the thick meat in front of him. Big Mac's husky moans filled the air as Caramel got him off. Precum coated his dick and Caramel's hooves. Big Mac pulled out of Caramel's hooves and ran his own down his drooling dick, getting them slick with his own fluids. He grabbed ahold of Caramel's cock and, using his cum as a lubricant, he made the smaller pony squirm with pleasure. Just before Caramel came, he stopped. "W-why'd you s-stop?" Caramel panted, his fur wet and glistening. Cupping Caramel's smooth balls, Big Mac positioned himself underneath them at the sweet opening in front of him. Caramel visibly shook. "Mac, I-I don't know i-i-if I can t-take all of you." But of course, Big Mac was too drunk and turned on to care. Gently probing Caramel's ass, he pushed into the beige steed. The flared head of his 13 incher popped in and inch by inch, he got deeper and deeper in the little pony's sweet ass. Caramel was panting in a mix of pain and pleasure, mostly pleasure, his dick standing up harder then ever before. When Mac got balls deep, Caramel shivered and his dick throbbed. Big Mac lowered his lips on Caramel's cock and swallowed just the head, tickling it with his tongue, while rhythmically grinding into him. The sound of wet balls slapping against a stretched ass was one Foam Board never thought he would enjoy so much. They continued this tandem, getting closer and closer. After a few minutes, Big Mac tensed. He furiously thrusted himself into Caramel, who knew what was coming. Before too long, Caramel felt Big Mac throb once more inside him and pump what felt like half a liter of his seed into Caramel's gaping ass. The warmth of this hot red stallions cum filling him was too much and Caramel couldn't stop himself from braying. His eyes closed and he shot three jets of cum directly onto Big Mac's face. Big Mac, still buried inside Caramel, and with his face splattered in semen, kissed Caramel again forcing him to taste his seed. The whole thing was so unreal, Foam Board had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. For ponies to pinch themselves, they needed to stand up on two hooves and use their front legs to pinch their stomachs, and Foam Board was so caught up in the moment, he fell out of the bush. The lovers turned to look at him. And smiled.