Breaking the fourth wall

by bron33guy

First published

When Pinkie Pie breaks the fourth wall on a brony watching My Little Pony, he has to use his knowlege of the show to try and get back!

When Pinkie Pie breaks the fourth wall on a brony watching My Little Pony, he has to use his knowlege of the show to try and get back!
Featuring my newest OC Summer Star.

Chapter 1: The 4th Wall

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Spoiler note! If you haven't seen all the seasons and episodes contained within (at time of writing Season 4 Episode 4 had just been broadcast) then you may not want to read on.


You’re a brony, watching Season 4 of My Little Pony. You’ve just seen Episode 3 of Season 4. Your mom calls you out for dinner. Later, you come back and start watching it all from the start. Season 1 Episode 1. You’re bopping along to the theme tune, when Pinkie Pie reaches out of your screen, interrupts the tune, and breaks the 4th wall.

WAIT. What?

Before you get a chance to think, the pink pony pulls you in and you find yourself falling high up. Over what you know realise is Ponyville. The only way you recognise it is by Sugarcube Corner’s iconic roof.

Feeling over my head, I can feel something protruding outwards, then the penny drops.

A horn.

The falling, and the knowledge that you’re a magic user now, (A FREAKING UNICORN FOR CELESTIA’s SAKE!), that gives you an idea, inspired by the wings of aircraft back home. You create a harness, with wings attached to it. But not aircraft wings.

Pegasus wings. Damn ponification. Still, it’s better than nothin’

You begin to use them, and, drawing upon your memories of the show, manage to slow your descent. But you’re still going way to fast to hit the ground in anyway safe. Wait. Why am I trying to counteract the millions of air molecules hitting the wings at the moment? Time to try gliding. Instead of fighting the air, I’ll use it!

Ha! The wings on either side of you are sparkling, kinda like the Crystal Ponies do at the Crystal Empire. Wait.


You hit the ground at an angle of roughly 30 degrees (still better than the 90 that you would have hit the ground at without the wings) and start to tumble, tearing my glider harness apart in the process, while bouncing and spinning sideways about a dozen times, grunting with every bounce.

You have a horn, use it to slow you down, my brain says.

Right now, I’m too busy. Blackout.

When I wake up, I feel sore all over, but alive. And in a thicket of grass too. Groaning, I try to get up, but the balance of my body seems off. Why? Now a few things started to click as that brain of mine started to come back online.


Oh damn. Wait. Why is this bad? Who out of my brony friends can claim this? Then I realise. It’s night time, and why does the moon look like it’s… Wait, the arrangement of craters…

Oh damn. Celestia damn it. Seriously.

I am in the show right now, IN THE SHOW, right at the start. Before the Mane 6 restored Luna with the Elements of Harmony. Good thing I’m also a Whovian, and know not to bandy about future info lightly. Wait! The map of Equestria! I grab it out if my side pocket and locate my position. Never leave home without it.

Ah Celestia damn it. B*cking damn it. The Everfree Forest.

Now what?

One thought. Well a couple really.

Get out of totally creepy forest.

Go to civilisation. Ponyville. Maybe somebody, sorry, somepony in the town can offer me a place to bed down.

A clop sound. Hooves. I am total pony!

3 ponykilometres along, I stumble into the outer suburbs, reducing my horn torch to minimal to avoid disturbing other ponies in their sleep. Much as I hate to admit it, I might have to pinch Twilight’s future bed for the night.

Creeping forward, I use the map to navigate to the Golden Oaks Library.

I push open the doors to the library, and guided by my memories of the show, head upstairs to the dusty bed. A quick spell rids the bed of dust and reinforces the wood of the bed. Who knows how long the bed has been here.

Morning brings a welcome amount of light into the library. Heading downstairs, I peek outside the door and head on outside, closing the door behind me. A few shouts make me flinch, as Twilight arrives on her mission to prepare Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration, and to make some friends. A Canterlot visitor is going to attract some attention. Hang on a sec. Cutie mark check. A yellow star on top of an orange bolt. I’m red, a unicorn, have a cutie mark, and totally not meant to be here. And happen to be good at magic. Situation summed up.

“You don’t need to throw a party Pinkie” I say, out of the blue.

The party pony trots up beside me.

“Awww, but it’s a ‘new pony in town’ party!”

Rolling my eyes, I reply:

“Tell you what, go throw one for the purple pony over there. (I point) From what I’ve herd, she’s from Canterlot.”


“Omygosh! Yes! Definitely!! See you around, Red One”

“Just call me Summer Star” I say smirking, using the name of my OC. In fact, that suits me perfectly. After all, I do seem to be my OC.

I know what’s going to happen, but nothing compares to seeing the real deal.

A thought unfurls, and I start towards the purple pony, trotting by, saying:

“Howdy Twilight. Safe trip?”

The bemused expression on the student of Celestia’s begs for a meme to be created. Oh wait. No computers. Or Photoshop for that matter. A smirk inside my mind is worth it, and as I head down an alleyway, a face, right fair smack dab in front of me. A face I was sure wasn't there a second ago.


Oh damn. What a start. One very annoyed soon-to-be alicorn pony. Who could probably fire in a giant magical catapult me all the way to Manehatten and beyond. She’s probably going to ask me how I know about her trip.

“How did you know about my trip here? Celestia personally vetted all possible leaks of information”

Right on target. Damn.

“I have seen things you would not believe. And if you trust me, just as you would trust your assistant, you will not ask what I know.”

Hooves crossed she believes me. Please, Please, Please, let her believe me.

“Messing with time eh? So you’re from my future.”

What?! ‘Tis a lucky guess. I decide to play along, somewhat.


“Spoilers?” Twilight responds.

“Big ones” I respond flatly.


Then her face changes into a smirk.

“Prove that I should trust you”

I lean in close and utter but one word: Moon. [Dramatic Music]

“Nopony could possibly have known…” she whispers, almost on the verge of a Fire Rage. Not that I blame her. She was probably going through her memories making sure nopony could have spied upon her.

She sighs.

“Very well, I shall trust you”

She turns to leave.

“Oh Twilight?” I pipe up “Friends are the best thing you can have. When the time comes, you’ll understand."


Chapter 2

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Later that night, the party at Twilight's goes up, and, I see Pinkie Pie zipping around the library, putting up party stuff. 'bout the only thing I'm going to do is hang around and make sure that the time-stream plays out how I remember. As the moon starts to come out, Twilight trots by, Spike in tow. The library's dark, in preparation for Twilight's surprise party. Twilight heads inside, and a moment later, the light comes on and I can hear a faint "Surprise!" in the voice of Pinkie Pie. Might as well head on in, and join in.

Inside, there's a party atmosphere, Pinkie jumping around, pestering Twilight as she does in the show. When Twilight she takes an accidental swig of Fire Sauce, the look on her face tells me that it's awful spicy. I do smirk when Pinkie Pie snags down an entire cupcake loaded with Fire Sauce and doesn't even sweat. Twilight, rather huffily, heads upstairs, presumably to her bed where she can get some peace and quiet.

The party goes on well into the night. There was a funny moment about an hour after Twilight left. Somepony loaded a cupcake with a Fire Sauce center and left it lying around for Spike. Naturally, Spike picked it up and ate it. The dragonsfire belch that Spike made outside was so spectacular that he fell over laughing and the rest of the pony pack started lauging too.

I pulled Spike aside briefly later on, and mentioned that maybe he should go check on Twilight. Somepony shouted out: "Does anypony wanna play pin the tail on the pony??" A rampant mini stampede followed.

"Maybe you should mention that there's a pin the tail on the pony game on?"

"Yeah, sure"

Spike dissapears up the stairs to try and coax Twilight to come and join in. Well, I know how that ends. When Spike reappears, he's shaking his head. I head quietly upstairs to try my luck.

"Still concerned about 'her' I see" I say, out loud with my front hoof crossed, leaning on the doorway to the bedroom.

Twilight jumps.

"You again!"

"Me" I reply

"I'm still not sure that I should trust you"

:"And you would be right about that. But, as I said before, friends are better than what you know. Trust me on that. It'll come in handy"

The purple mare student of Celestia's sighs.

"I don't need friends."

"What would your BBBFF say about that?"

"So you know a few things. Hmph. Still, why should I trust you?"

"Let's just say that I know more than you think, and bandying about the info that I know would be rather dangerous"

"Such as?"

"That there's a game of pin the tail on the pony downstairs running. Wanna come out of your book cave and join us?"

"I know, Spike told me. But I would rather read up on 'her' as you put it, than engage in silly games when 'she' is returning"

I sigh.

"Okay then. But if you change your mind, there might still be some punch leftover"

"Oh haha."

I teleport out of there, somehow managing to re-appear next to Spike.

"There any punch leftover?"

"Nope. Pinkie Pie used the last bit, along with the rest of the Fire Sauce"

"How does she take down that much Fire Sauce in one hit?"

"There must be a trick to it." Spike groans.

"What's up?"

"I think that supersized fireball that I belched up earlier might have used a bit more dragonsfire than I expected" he replies.

"Hey, are you gonna bed down here or out in a field" comes a voice. (only just now did I realize how late it was)

"And who are you referring to"

"Both of you. You know a fair bit about stuff that most ponies shouldn't even know about, and Spike's my assistant"

"So what your saying is that you're offering me a bed to snooze on."

"No, I'm just going to keep you around for the heck of it" The purple mare staring down at us two from the stairs says.

"Was that sarcasm?"

"There's a spare bedroom down below, near the old lab's door." She replies "Come on Spike, bed. I'm going to do some late night reading"

I head downstairs and locate the door Twilight was referring to. Opening the door reveals a small room, coated with a thick layer of dust on all the ancient furniture. I light the candle and remove all the dust magically and repair the bed.

Curling up, I start to think about the events that have fallen upon me since arriving here.

Before I've reached the part where I crash land in the Everfree Forest, my eyes close and it's sleepy time.