> Equestrian Medical Service > by backdraft34 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Late night calls are the worst. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONG! The alarm on the wall sounded followed by an annoying automated voice that came over the enchanted communication stone. "AIR FIVE, TRANSPORT ONE, TRAUMA RESPONCE, (address redacted), ELDERLY MALE, GROUND LEVEL FALL, TIME OUT, ZERO TWO ONE SEVEN." "Why in Equestria would anypony be out of bed at this hour?" Lifeflight mumbled as he rolled out of bed. He grabbed his bright yellow medical vest and with a practiced flip got it on an snapped. As he trotted towards the door he slid his orange med bag over his head and across his barrel where it wouldn't interfere with his wings. With one last longing look at his nice, warm and comfy bed he turned and extended his midnight blue wings and took flight. "Air five enroute," he said into the communication stone on his vest. He banked slowly to the left and could see the transport team hitching up to the ambulance that would eventually take their paitent to the hospital. This emergency field medicine was somthing new the hospitals were trying out. They would have on pegasus medic fly to the call and provide immediate care while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. The ambulance was pulled by an earth pony while a unicorn medic rode in the back. Unfortunately only some of the larger cities were able to afford this new system as the comunication stones were very expensive, but in another year or two they should be able to provide for the smaller rural towns. The flight to the call was a short one and soon the two story duplex came into view. Lifeflight circled the building once to check the wind currents and find the best place to land. Seeing no balcony he decided that the front door was the best option. With practiced ease he glidded to the street below and neatly folded his wings back. "Air five onscene," he said into the stone as he reached for the door handle with a hoof. "Ten bits says it's locked and I have to break in through a window," he grumbled to himself. However much to his supprise the door opened easly in his grasp. "MEDICS!" he called into the dimly light house. "I'm in the kitchen, " came a gruff response. Lifeflight made his way gingerly towards the back of the house and into the kitchen. When he rounded the corner he say an elderly stallion laying on his side on the floor. One of his hips looked flat and the leg was bent at an odd angle. "My name is Lifeflight and I am with the hospital," he introduced himself. "So what's going on tonight?" "Well you see I was going to gets meself a glass of water, and when I got to this here blasted linoleum floor my hip just done went pop and downs I goes." The stalion said. "Alright, did you hit your head or neck on the way down or just kinda sit and lay down?" "Just slid on downs here. Nothing else hurts 'septin my hip here," he said while pointing to the obviously deformed hip. "Ok well I am going to go ahead and pad around your hip and see if we can't get some of that pressure off. If any thing hurts when I move it or touch it let me know ok?" Lifeflight said as he started pulling rolles of gauze and tape from his bag. "Now can you tell me your name please?" "Sure they calls me (redacted)." He said. "Ok (redacted) Have you had any recent surgeries? Any problems with your heart or need to take any medications on a regular basis?" "Well I just did have my hip fixed. Doc said it creaked and eeked when's I walked so I needed a tune up. Ticker is still going strong and I just need to take the feel goods till the pain goes way fer good." "Ok, just a few more questions for my paperwork and I need to get a blood pressure and heart rate really fast and the ambulance should be here soon," Lifeflight said. The rest of the questions were answered easly and with out much incident. Lifeflight was silently impressed with how tough this old stallion seemed to be. Haveing a dislocated hip is no walk in the park, well your not going to walk anywhere on a dislocated hip, but this oldtimer seemed to be takeing it all in stride. After about five more minutes of waiting the ambulance finally arrived. "Hey Thump, Buck we are back in the kitchen!" Lifeflight hollered down the hall. Shortly after a squat white unicorn with a brown mane and thick handlebar moustache walked in with a tan earth pony with close cropped mane and tail right behind. "This is Cardio Thump," Lifeflight motioned to the unicorn, "and this is his partner Buck. They are going to be the ones takeing you to the hospital." "So what do we have going on?" Cardio Thump asked. "This is (redacted) Recent hip surgery, ground level fall when his hip went out, no neck or back pain, vitals all in normal limits, no her pertinant medical history," Lifeflight rattled off with practiced ease. "Ok (redacted) what I am going to do is start an IV on you and give you some morphine to help take tbe edge off then we are going to use this special back board that comes apart and can slide under you. Then we will get yoh on the stretcher and head into tbe hospital. Sound good?" "Sounds good ta me boss. Not likes I can run aways from you if I wanted to," the stalion replied. "Ok Buck run out and grab the clamshell and the gurney. Lifeflight and I will start a line and get the meds in. Should be ready to transport in a couple." Cardio Thump turned to the stallion and said, "OK on the count of three you will feel a little pinch. "One, two." And before he said three the needle was in and set. "Life hoof me the tube please. Ok (redacted) you might feel a little burning sensation as the medication goes in, that's normal don't worry aabout it. I just need ylu to let me know if you start feeling like you are going to throw up or pass out on me ok? Life go ahead and open the bag to half and get me the stethoscope out of my bag since you are sooo touchy about who uses yours" "Sorry Thump but you know they go in my ears, then they go in your ears, then back in mine, and if we are swapping bodlh substances like that we may as well be kissing. Oh and your so not my type," Lifeflight snipped back sarcastically. With in a few minutes the stalion was scooped up and placed on the stretcher and placed in the back of the ambulance. "Alright if you guys don't need me I am going to go back in service," Lifeflight said as he was closing the ambulance doors. "Nope we got it from here sir. Thanks for your help and we will see you on the next one," Cardio Thump said from the back of the rig. "Alright have a good night guys, and (redacted) you vet better soon alright. I wanna see you in the running of tbe leaves next year," Lifeflight said with a grin. He then turned , spread his wings and took flight back towards headquarters. "Control air five will be clear of scene and back in service," he said i to the comunication stone. He glanced at his watch and saw it was only three forty in the morning so he could still get a couple hours of sleep before the big press interview tomorrow. He landed on his balcony silently and walked back inside, his bed beconing him like a lover. He shucked out of his vest st Nd placed his medbag on a hook by the door for easy access and sank into his bed. Stretching his hooves out Lifeflight rolled over and looked at the wall and that's when he saw the note REVENGE IS BEST SERVED ICE COLD As he read the last word his bed collapsed and a bucket of icewater fell from the ceiling drentching him from nose to rump. "You know of course this means war?" He shouted into the night air. > Meet the press (or don't say anything that will get you fired) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two things Lifeflight realized when he awoke, first the spare gurney from the garage is really comfortable, and second somepony was going to pay for dumping ice water on him and breaking his bed. The good news was the rest of the night was uneventful. After the transport team returned from their two am call there wasn't a peep out of that blasted alarm gong. Much as he would enjoy laying on the gurney for the remainder of the morning , there was some big shot reporter from tbe Canterlot Times due to show up for an interview in about an hour. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he rolled off the cot. "Well no time like the present," he said to the midnight blue pegasus in the mirror. After brushing his teeth an giving his coat a good scrub he tucked his storm cloud grey mane up under his bandana. Lifeflight's blwck bandana has become his tell tail trade mark. He was never seen in public without it on and many ponies speculated why. Rumor had it that he was infaft bald underneath and the hair hanging out the back was a ploy. Others believed he had a deformed head or suffered some injury. Truth be told he just really liked wearing it. A bandana is very useful, it helds keep your mane out of your eyes along with keeping the sweat hidden durring a stressful situation. "Flight! Report to the common room," came the strong feminine voice of the shift supervisor, Needle Stick. Not wanting tomake his supervisore angry, her temper was legendary, Lifeflight finished threw on his bright yellow vest and hurried out to the common room. When he rounded the corner the first pony he saw was Needle Stick. She was a short thin earthpony with a white coat and red mane. Her cutie mark was a red cross who's bottom point ended in a hypodermic needle. The second pony in the room he did not recognize. She was a tall and slender unicorn with a lovley aqua coat and sea foam green mane. "This is Ms. Fast Type and she is here to give you your fifteen seconds of fame. Dont mess this up Lifeflight, we need the public to like us so we can expand our program," Needle Stick said with a huff. "I thought it was fifteen minutes of fame," Lifeflight responded sounding almost hurt. "Are you kidding? Once anypony starts to read your story they will get borred and turn to the next one in fifteen seconds tops," she replied, sticking her tongue out as she turned and left the common room. "Well Ms. Type, if you just want to grab a seat anywhere you like I guess we can get this show on the road," Lifeflight said with a small chuckle. "You get right to the point, don't you Mr. Lifeflight. Is that perhaps why you are the lead flight medic? And why is there a lead flight medic and a lead transport medic?" Needle Stick asked as she levitated a note book and a pencil from her saddle bag. "First off just call me Lifeflight. Mr. Just makes me sound old. And secondly in this business you don't have time to fool around. You can be called way at any moment. Oh! That reminds me." Lifeflight pushed on the comunication stone in his vest," control air five is in last out status until further notice." "Recived, last out until further notice," came tbe responce through the stone. "Wow that is intersting," Fast Type said with her jaw hanging slack. "Ok Lifeflight, tell me about PonMed. I hear you are asking for public funds so you can expand operations? Well if you are wanting public support we are going to need a good reason to back you. Many ponies belive this is just a taxi ride to the hospital for the wealthy." "Well you see PonMed was tbe brain child of Doctor Cam Zipper, or Doc Z as we call him. Doc Z saw the need to provide emergency prehospital care to the critically sick and wounded. He knew there are these special crystals that a unicorn can enchant and they can be used to communicate with any other crystals in the area. Now this is of course very expensive so Doc Z provided all the start up money out of his own personal funds," Lifeflight explained as he poored himself a cup of coffee. "Would you like a cup?" "No thank you, drink tea myself," she responded with a shake of her head. "Well sorry but we don't have any of that here. Now where was I? I am sure yoj are aware of the red fire pull boxes located on just about every street corner? Well we are attaching blue medical pull boxes to those same poles. These boxes will have a stone secured inside so you can talk with our dispatcher and tell them what is wrong. Now it is true that some of the wealthy have bought some smaller versions they can keep in their own houses, but we hope that ten years down the road we will be able to place one free of charge in every home in Equestria." "Now I heard that Baltimare is looking to follow your example?" Fast Type asked. "Yes ma'am. They have selected Doctor Stat Treatment as their medical program director. He will be sending us a crew this summer to train with us and to learn how we do things." "Now what kind of training to you have?" "Well the pegasi are all trained as flight medics. We are able to perform wound treatment along with being able to administer some medications. We all also carry the ability to intubate patients wbo can not breath on their own. Our unicorn medics are able to do a little more by starting an IV. Since they can use their magic to hold the needle more steady than we can. Also they have access to a few more medications that we are just not able to carry durring flight," Lifeflight e plained as he looked down at his near empty cup of coffee. "So how does a typical call for help get relayed to you?" "Well there is a large gong on the wall. That will sound and then a voice will come across our stones and tell us where the call is. Now since we only have one dispatcher and they are generally busy with our patient, the voice that comes across is just a magical construct that repeates key words that are written on a peice of paper at dispatch." "So how did you get into this emergency medicin?" "I started as a field medic in the guard. After I heard that Doc Z was wanting to start this emergency care for civilians I jumped all over the idea. By good friend Cardio Thump joined me as soon as his enlisment was up and we used our knowledge to help establish the system you see today." "Very good. Well it has been a pleasure meeting you Lifeflight but I really must end the interview. You know how deadlines can be," Fast Type said with a pleasant smile. "Not a." GONG! "AIR FIVE, AIR SIX,TRANPORT ONE, MSO ONE, BALANCING MEDEX RESPONCE, MALE UNCONSCIOUS, BREATHING NOT VERIFIED, (address redacted) TIME OUT, ZERO NINE TWENTY-FIVE." "Well looks like that ends our interview! Gotta fly!" Lifeflight called over hos sholder as he raced towords the door and threw his medbag over his neck. "Air five enroute," he said I to the comunication stone and took flight. > Into the public eye > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lifeflight banked hard as he neared the crowed of ponies who were gathered around a black earth pony who was laying on the ground not moving. Lifelight landed at a full gallop, the noise of his hooves on the side walk drawing the crowd's attention. "Medics! Make a hole and give me some space!" He shouted at the crowed. He kneeled down next to the downed stalion and quickly checked for a pulse and breathing. The patient had a pulse much to Lifeflight's relife although it was weak and thready. To his dimay though the stalion was not breathing at all. "Air five on scene. Dispatch fire for additinal power," he said into the comunication stone. "Recived, dispatching fire units now," came tbe reply from a male dispatcher. "Ok who knows this pony and saw what happened?" Lifeflight asked as he proceded to explode the contents of his medical bag all around his patient. "That's my husband!" Came a paniced responce from a middle aged mare with a pink mane and blue coat. "We were on our way to see his doctor. He said his angina was acting up. Just before he collapsed he said he couldn't catch his breath." "He havevany history of breathing problems?" Asked Lifeflight as he was hooking up an oxygen to a bag vaulve mask. "Copd, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, or any other big scary medical words the doctor might have thrown at you?" "No, not that I remember. " by now Lifeflight had the mask sealed over the stalions snout and wss beginning to breath for him. "Air six onscene," came a female voice over the comunication stone. Lifeflight looked up to see a pegasus mare who looked like her coat got into a fight with an ocean blue and sky blue cans of paint and lost. Her mane wasn't much better, it wzs unkept and mixed with magenta and a deep violet. "Whatcha need Flight?" She asked as she knelt down beside him. "Go ahead and get ready to tube the guy," he replied with out missing a beat. "Set tbe scope and IT tube up then swap me places." "Ok give me one sec to get everything out. What's our ETA on fire?" "Should be here about the same time as transport one. Ok, ready? Swap!" Lifeflight said. With all the grace of a dancer the two swithced places. Air six, or rather Star Fall, pulled off the mask while Lifeflight opened tbe stalion's mouth. "Alright lets do this fast and do it right the first time. The whole city seems to be out watching us," Lifeflight wispered to his partner. "Don't have to tell me twice," Star Fall wispered back as she inserted the IT tube. "Ok got it!" She quietly exclaimed. "Alright Flight check the lung sounds." "Lungs sound good. Heart beat is diminishing," he replied. Just as he was pulling the stethoscope out of his ears he heard the clanging of the triangle bell hung from the front of the ambulance. The crowed parted as the large white wagone with a red cross on either side came rushing through the crowd. No sooner had the wagon stopped than Cardio Thump and Needle Stick jumped out of the back. "Flight, Star, give me the skinny. What are we looking at?"Thump asked as he approched the scene. "Non respnsive male, respitory arrest. Heart rate fast and thready. We can't even seem to get a rate. History of angina. Has been complaining of chest pain today." Lifeflight said. "He's crashing boss," he wispered after. Just than they all heard the loud banging of the bell from the fire wagon as the fire ponies raced to the sceen. "They do know our patient is not breath and NOT on fire right? " Star Fall asked quietly. "Buck I need you to get the hose draggers and form a conga line of compressors. We got to get ready cuz tbis guys heart is about to stop on us," Lifeflight said. "You good here Thump with fall for a minute? I am going to go gather some small clouds incase we need to zap him." "We're good," Cardio Thump said. "Horesapples! Lost the heartbeat. Start compressions guys!" Cardio Thump said to the fire ponies. With out missing a beat tn e first pony in line started pushing on the stalion's chest. In less than a minute Life flight returned with two small clouds held in his hooves. "What happened? He crash on us?" Lifeflight asked. "Affirm. Right after you left," Buck replied "Thump, go ahead and slide around to the right so I can get it in there," Lifeflight said. As soon as Cardio Thump was out of the way Lifeflight started rubbing the cloud puffs together until they were a darm black. Placing one on either side of the downed stalion's chest Lifeflight looked up. "I'm clear, your clear we're all clear?" "All clear!" Came the responce in unison. No sooner had the responce been given then Lifeflight slammed his hooves into the cloud puffs causing them to release their stored up electric engergy. The stallion's body went ridged for a monent then lay back still. "Still no beat," Star Fall reported. "Alright I am going to start an IO. Buck grab the dill and lines for a large bore IV," Cardio Thump said. "Alright I need to of you fine, able boddied fire ponies to grab the gurney and a back board," Star Fall said calmly. As soon as Cardio Thump and Lifeflight got the IO placed in the stallion's front knee and had delivered two more shocks with no change in condition, the fire ponies helped load the patient into the ambulance. "Alright Buck I need you to be a ground level Wonder Bolt!" Lifeflight said as he climbed into the back with Star Fall and Cardio Thump. His only reply was the wagon acceleration at a very high speed. The trip to the hospital was short but intense, they delivered three more shocks and enough epinephrine to bring a griffin's lunch back to life with sill no change in the stalion's condition. Upon arrival at the hospital they quickly unloaded the patient into the ER. "And that's the scoop doc," Cardio Thump was explaining to the attending physician. "Hey Thump,we're gonna hit the EMS room for some coffee. Bucks got the rig back together so soon as yojr done with your report you guys are good to go," Lifeflight said. "Alright, I'll see you guys in a bit," Cardio Thump said then turned back to the doc. With out waiting a moment longer Star Fall and Lifeflight slid into the newly added EMS room. It wasn't very big, but it did have a coffee pot and a table to sit at and write reports. As Lifeflight was filling his coffee cup and Star Fall was looking for tea packets, he noticed what looked like a small soup warmer with a sign above it. NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU DAY IS, IT WILL ALWAYS GET BETTER WITH CHOWDER!!!! Smiling to himself Lifeflight opened the soup warmer and was greated by the smell of jalapeno corn chowder."I do belive today just got better!" He exclaimed. "Why?" Star Fall asked "Cuz they have CHOWDER! " "Have I told you your an idiot yet today? " she asked with a grin. "Probably, however I can't be sure since that would mean I had to actually pay attention to what you were saying," he replied sticking his tounge out. "I'll see you back at the station. Don't hang around to long, your next in rotation remember," Star Fall said as she left the room. "Hey good news Flight! Old boy got a pulse back. They are running blood work to see what caused his hear to stop and we should know with in the next twenty-four hours!" Cardio Thump said happily as he entered the EMS room. "More good news! They have free chowder, " Lifeflight said. "Your just, well, off. You know that right?" "Been called worse," Lifeflight chuckled. "Hey I gotta fly cuz I'm next up in rotation. I'll let everypony who was on the call know wben I get back" "Alright see ya there and be safe Flight, " Cardio Thump said shaking his head. There was no denying that Lifeflight wasjusy goofy sometimes, but he was still one of the best flight medics around. And the fact they were good friends helped to. "Air five clear and in service. " > You're never going to live this down.... you know that right? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Everypony to the commons room for training!" Needle Stick yelled down the halway to the crew quarters. "Hurry up! The faster we get done here the faster I can get back to my rapid response recliner." Slowly the doors to crews bedrooms began tho open letting the sleep deprived ponies inside shuffle into the hall like zombies. "So who's bright idea was it to hold training this morning?" Lifeflight mummbled. "Z said we need to do ongoing training once a month and today is your lucky day," Needle Stick replied with as much sarcasm as she could muster. "You know what else happens once a month?" Lifeflight sneered back. "Finish that thought and I will plant my hoof so far up you flank it will quench your thirst!" She responded. With in a few minutes all the crews were in the commons room. Cardio Thump sat with his partner Buck and Lifeflight reclined near by. Star Fall sat with the crew from transport two. Musher was a tall and fairly slender earthpony with a tan coat and black main. His partner was Dandelion Fields, a short and round unicorn with a cream coat and light blue and pink mane. "Today should be short and simple, " Needle Stick said. " we are just going to review spinal inuries and how to immobilize somepony." "Quick, fast, and simple," Cardio Thump said nudgi ng Lifeflight in the side. "Should be done by lunch," Lifeflight smiled back. "Would be done a lot sooner if you two nimrods would shut you hay holes," Needle Stick interrupted. "So any pony know why we stress spinal immobilization so much?" "Cuz we ain't got x-ray vision to be able to see if anything is messed up in there or not," Lifeflight said sarcastically. "A ponie's head is disproportionately heavier than what the neck can support in the event of a sudden change in velocity. Further more any injuries to the neck or spine can cause long lasting and irreversible effects," Srat Fall said. "Show off," Lifeflight said while sticking his tongue out at her. "Would it hurt you to read a book evey once in a while?" She responded with as innocent of a smile as she could muster. Lifeflight's only response was to blow a raspberry her way wich caused the rest of the class to erupt into laughter. "You two need to grow up," Needle Stick said after geting the class to quiet down. "And yes, Fall is exactly right. There is a lot of a ponie's head is like a bowling ball sitting on a spring. The spring can hold the ball up just fine, however if there is a sudden change in velocity the spring has a hard time keeping up. So who can tell me when we want to susspect there is a spinal injury?" "Any time there is a mechanism of injury that would warrent it. Any falls greater than twice the ponies hight, any direct trauma to the head neck or face, or any time a patient complains of neck or back pain after an incident," Cardio Thump rattled off. "We don't want the B crew to show us up, do we?" He whispered to Buck and Lifeflight. They both sho their heaes in response. "Good. Lets give the nerdiest answer we can think of just to shut them up." "Good, there is another one I am also looking for though," Needle Stick said. "Anypony? Somepony? Alright how about a hint? Only a stallion can get this condition." "Priapism!" Star Fall shouted which earned her a course of chuckles. "Care to elaborate? " Needle Stick asked. "A priapism is where a stallion has a permanent erection due to a spinal injury. This is a very seriouse sign and is almost always accompanied by total loss of movement and sensation in the lower extremities." Star Fall said with a grin. "Could also be caused by OUCH WHAT THE HAY WAS THAT FOR?" Lifeflight asked glaring at Buck, who just got done whacking Lifeflight across the back of the head. "You were about to say somthing stupid, " he replied with a smile. "Besides, it's funny to watch you writh in pain." "Hate to break up your little party but we need to get back to training here," Needle Stick inturupted, and to her satisfaction seemed to get their undivided attention. "Now Fall is right on the bits as usual. In all my years as a corman in the guard I have only seen on and it was quite impress," She never got to finish her sentence as the class exploded. Buck and Cardio thump were leaning on eachother for support. Lifeflight was rolling on the ground with tears rolling out of his eyes as Star Fall hung her head trying to hide her smile. Mush and Dandelion Fields fell out of their chairs from laughing so hard, which only caused the group lo laugh harder. "Oh grow up!" Needle Stick shouted. It took a while for the class to regain control and return to their seats. After Needle Stick regained her poise she was able to continue the class. There were the usual side coments from Lifeflight and his crew, to which Star Fall and her crew were able to give the text book "better" answer. It wS always funny watching the two crews work together. The "A" crew was very hoofon. They were the best and most proficient at the actual doing aspects of the job. Now this is not to say they were not book smart as well, just they perfered things to be short and to the point when it came to books. Also big words stink. The "B" crew was a lot more book savy. They took pride in being able to comunicate using actual medical terminology and sounding smart. They were no slackers when it came to the hoofon portions of the job, they were just not as fast and fluid as the "A" crew. After finishing the classroom portion it was time for the practical application. The crews moved out into the ambulance bay where they saw what looked like two ponies laying on the ground and a ladder laying next to them. "One patient per crew," Needle Stick said. "Ready? Go." Lifeflight and his crew moved with practiced perfection. Lifeflight swooped in an held their patients head still while Buck checked the rest of the body for injuries. Cardio Thump moved in with the backboard and on Lifeflight's count the three of them got their patient rolled and onto the backboard. Cardio Thump strapped the patiant down while Buck finished restraining the head. With the patient full imobolized and all the paperwork for the transport complete they looked down at their patient and suddenly realized the knew her. The pink pony with a light blue mane was the lead physician at the foal hospital and wife to Doc Z. "Hope we didn't mess up to badly," Lifeflight said sheepishly. "No no, you did very well in fact," she responded. "I can now see why Z is so happy with the crews he has selected to pilot this program. Now if you don't mind can you just." BONG! AIR FIVE. TRANSPORT ONE. AID RESPONCE. FEMALE IN LABOR (address redacted). TIME OUT ELEVEN THIRTY FIVE. "Umm we gotta go. The other crew will unstrap you ASAP," Buck said as he was hooking up to the ambulance. "Air five enroute," Lifeflight said into his communication stone as he took flight. "Transport one same traffic," Buck said into his. The trip was a short one and both Lifeflight and the ambulance arrived at the same time. "Transport one and air five onscene," Buck said into his stone. "Did we really just leave Doc Z's wife strapped to a backboard?" Cardio Thump asked. "Absolutly! " Lifeflight chripped. "We are so dead when we get back. Ok game faces everypony," Cardio Thump said as he opened tbe door. They stepped inside to see a mare spread eagle on the bed and pushing hard. Before they could even introduce themselves the foal came out with a gush. That is the last thing Lifeflight saw before he passed out right in the doorway. "Did be just pass out?" Buck asked dumbfounded. "Umm looks like it," Cardio Thump replied. "Just kick him out of the way, we have a foal to great into this world!" > my empathy is derived from caffeine. (and smiling is not in my contract) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several things were racing through Lifeflight's mind, each jockeying for his undevided attention. First was he was not awake enough for this junk. Four calls last night, two hours of sleep and to top it off they were running low on coffee in the kitchen. Second was the very bouncy young pegasus with a black coat and silver mane standing in front of him. Somehow Lifeflight got recruited to teach this young buck how to be a flight medic. All he really wanted to do was tell him to go stand in the corner until needed. Lastly there was the paperwork sitting in front of him that no matter how hard he tried he coupdnt seem to get the text to focus right. "Alright, let's see here, Mr. Pahungawhat? Alphabet," Lifeflight grummbled. "Looks like you get to follow me around today and take notes for your guys in Baltimare. I will be putting you to work and you had better be at the top of your game before we take fight. Cardio Thump does not do well when a flight medic screws up." "Um sir?" The new flight medic started. "Don't call me sir! I work for a living," Lifeflight growled back. "My name is actually pronu." "Look, I'm sure you got a wonderful name and are very proud of it. I am just to tired to realy give a flying leap right now, so until further notice you are Alphabet. Get it? Got it? Good," Lifeflight inturupted. "Now there isn't much going on right now so why don't you go find a corner to hide in, or go read a book or somthing? I need to try and get another hour or so of sleep. We ran four calls last night so I didn't sleep well." "Ok, but if it is all the same to you sir could I do some training with the other flight medic? I heard she has a lot of practical knowledge, and it would be interesting to see how you two differ," Alphabet asked sheepishly. "First off, you call me 'sir' again and I will buck you right in the teeth. Secondly, that's a great idea. You go and see what the other crew is doing and get some good training in. Just remember you fly with me and not her. If they get a call you need to stay." Lifeflight said with a smile. "Thank you si, err, I mean Lifeflight! " Alphabet said. "You can just call me 'flight.' Everypony else does," Lifeflight chuckled as he turned to head to his room. "Kids got some potential. Just if he weren't so darn bouncy," he said to himself. Lifeflight got to his room and hung his yellow vest on the hook and made sure his medbag was still in order before climbing into bed. He rested his head on the pillow and started to doze off. BONG! AIR FIVE. TRANSPORT ONE. TRAUMA. (address redacted) ELDERLY FEMALE. FALL. TIME OUT ZERO NINE ZERO SEVEN. "Really? Come on!" Lifeflight yelled at the ceiling before rolling out of bed. He went to the wall and slipped into his yellow vest and slung his medbag across his barrel. "Ready Alphabet? " he called to the young pegasus. "All set! Lets go!" Came the response from the front room. "Air five enroute, " Lifeflight said into his comunication stone, then he and Alphabet took flight. "Alright I have been to (redacted)'s house plenty of times. She is what we refer to as a 'loyal customer.' She normally gets up and tries to walk around even though she is bedbound. What we are going to do is just do a quick check for injuries and chances are we will just assist with getting her back into bed." "Got it Flight!" Came tbe over eager response. "Look kid. Take a deep breath and calm down. Let's wait for the short report from dispatch to see what we are dealing with before you go getting all excited. " "Air five and transport one, you will be seeing a sixty seven year old female. Fell out of bed and claiming no injuries. States she just needs help back up," came tbe report over the comunication stone. "Air five copy short and transport one you can go ahead and cancel," Lifeflight said. "Thank you air five. We will put some coffee on for you, break, control transport one is clear and in service.," came Buck's voice through the stone. "Buck and Thump are good guys. I will introduce you when we get back," Lifeflight said. He continued to make small talmwith Alphabet for the rest of the trip. Partially to help calm the kid down and partially so he could get to know him better. Within a few minutes they saw the small one story house and made their circle and landed. "Air five onscene, " he said into tbe communication stone. "Alright Alphabet it's your show. I wanna see what you do." Nodding Alphabet opened the door and stuck his head in. "MEDICS!" he shouted. "Back here in the bedroom, " came a voice that obviously belonged to an elderly mare. Lifeflight and Alphabet made their way back and found the patient laying on the floor next to her bed. She was an elderly mare with a light green coat and flowing silver mane. "Well if it isn't my hero, senior flight medic Lifeflight!" She exclamed with a flutter of her eyes. " and who is this hot piece of eye candy you brought with you?" "I'm uhh, err, yeah," Alphabet mumbled, brought up short by the mares flirtatious attitude. "This is Alphabet and he is training with me today," Lifeflight said, coming to the rookies rescue. "And I am beginning to think you fall out of bed just so you can flirt with me." "Me? Fall out of bed just so I can flirt with you? Howed you guess?" She said with a chuckle. "Three calls this week," Lifeflight laughed. "Alright Alphabet lets get Ms. (Redacted) back in bed." This seemed to shake the rookie from his bewildered state and nodding he bent down and help lift the mare back into her bed. "Your not hurt anywhere or need to go to the hospital for anything?" "I don't know, are there any cute doctors working today?" She asked with a wink. "No, not today," Lifeflight responded. "Well then I think I am good. Thank you for helping me back into bed," she chuckled. "Until next time Ms. (Redacted). Alright Probie say good bye to the nice mare," Lifeflight said giving Alphabet a slight shove. "It was nice to meet you ma'am, " he said sheepishly. "You can bring this little piece of eye candy back anytime! " she exclaimed. As Alphabet turned to leave he felt somthing touch his flank. "Hey now!" He said as he jumped out of reach. Lifefligbt couldn't help himself and broke out in hysterical laughter. "Come on probie, lets get back in service." They two pegasi turned and left the house and toom flight back towards the station. "You didn't do to badly in there. Just remember that there will be patients that throw you off. You just have to be smooth and roll with what the call gives you. You ever heard the phrase 'be like a duck?'" Alphabet shook his head negative. "It means you can be paddling like there is no tomorrow under the water but on the surface you need to be calm and collected." "Thanks! I will keep that in mind," Alphabet responded excitedly. "So where you that nervous on your first call?" "No," Lifeflight dead panned. Seeing the rookies face fall he quickly added, "let me tell you about my first faoling though." The two continued to fly back to the station as Lifeflight told stories of both funny and tragic calls. "Kid you keep up that attitude and you will go far." "So does this mean you're going to start calling me by my real name?" Alphabet asked excitedly. "No."