> One for the Money > by Chelis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Disappearance of "My Lady Milan" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When it came to the list of the most prestigious museums in Equestria, The Museum of Art in Vanhoover would be at the fifth or sixth from the bottom of that list. Most of the pieces of 'art' that called the museum home were from the local unknown artists, the best of the penitentiary's prisoner rehabilitation program, and the winners of the art contest that drew in submissions from schools throughout the city. What kept the museum from being the absolute worst in the nation would be the painting called "My Lady Milan". It was a stunning piece of art: a landscape of rolling hills that was covered in the dry tall grass. On those rolling hills were small houses and farms that gave the viewer the look and feel of a small country village. Many considered "My Lady Milan" to be the last great painting from legendary artist Norman Trotwell, before he went utterly batshit insane. Even today, after all those decades after his death, there was still a rabid and loyal fanbase of the late artist. Among those who considered Trotwell to be the greatest artist to grace Celestia's sun included the guard on patrol that night. "My Lady Milan" was his favorite stop on his nightly patrol route through the fingerprint art galleries, the prison art wing (nicknamed "uncanny valley"), and the starving artist's section. Even though it was clearly the most valuable piece of art in the museum, it was framed in a simple display towards the center of the small building. The nightwatchman would stand there and stare at the painting for hours at a time on his route, amazed at how beautiful it was. Even after the countless of times he had seen it every night for the last few decades, the guard couldn't get enough of the painting. It took him back to when he was just a child, and lived in a village that resembled the town depicted in "My Lady Milan". The tradition of being lost in "My Lady Milan," and the nostalgia that it brought forth was interrupted by the thumping sounds overhead. The night guard looked towards the ventilation system and gave off a small grunt. "I told 'em to fix dat dang ventilation system months ago," the old man complained before he continued on his route. The sound that was coming from the ventilation system continued and seemed to move along the ducts before stopping in front of the grate above the painting. It seemed like an eternity between the sounds inside the ventilation system stopping and then starting again. This time however, instead of the clanking metal that indicated something was moving in the vents, it was the sound of screws being turned for the first time in years. As soon as the last of the four screws was allowed to drop to the floor, the ventilation grate above "My Lady Milan" gave way as well. The grate, however, was caught by a small hand reaching out of the duct. Whatever was in there lifted the grate into the air duct. Two black ropes fell through the opening and whatever lengths of rope that was left landed with a soft *thud* on the carpeted floor. In a choreographed fashion, Two petite figures rode the rope to the ground and landed softly. One of the petite figures immediately took the painting down from the wall and gingerly opened the frame holding the painting, while the second figure uncapped the black poster tube she was carrying on her back on a sling. The first figure took the painting off its frame, rolled it, and quickly gave it to it's companion, who traded the painting with another piece of paper that was inside the poster tube, and hastily framed it. The figures utilized the small, motorized, pulleys that were attached to their backs, and were quickly, but quietly pulled back into the hole in the ventilation system. The two, petite figures abandoned the ropes where they were and made their way back through the ventilation system where they came from, and eventually found themselves back in the building's parking lot through the opened ventilation shaft outside in the pitch black of the late winter night. They began to sprint their way through the small, hilly, lawn that surrounded the building, and to a parked car across the street from the museum with a occupant in the driver seat. "Hurry up losers!" the female figure said. The female figure started up the engine of the cherry red colored muscle car, inserted the cigarette back in her mouth, and waited for her friends to get in the car. All three girls began to laugh as they drove off into the night. *** It had been a hour since the guard discovered the theft. After the initial shock of realizing the painting was stolen, the guard managed to call the police before curling into the fetal position in tears. It didn't take long for the entire museum to be filled with patrol cars, helicopters, and concerned citizens. Inside the museum, the number of officers and forensic teams that swarmed the place doubled the average visitors the museum would get in any given week. The officers scrambled desperately, to find a clue, a idea, anything to find that painting, which was a source of pride for the community that clearly lacked talented artists. The community had one last trick up their sleeve though... "Sir, the painting has a small microchip in the bottom right corner. It has been traced it to a nearby hotel," the rookie officer informed the chief of police, who was standing in front of where the painting once stood with the mayor and the museum curator, and staring down the drawing that they found out recently was called dick butt. "What are you waiting for?! get the painting back on this wall," the chief bellowed. Within the minute, many of the officers scrambled to their cars and sped their way to the hotel. All of them hoping that whoever took the painting were still there. As the officers were scrambling out of the museum, the three old men still stood in front of the painting, with their coffees still in hand. "Ya know boys, 'The Dickbutt Bandits' kinda sounds catchy, but the media wont allow it," The older, balding mayor spoke. "Fuck them, let's go with it," The chief replied. *** Excited, but exhausted, the three all black figures moved their way into the dark room, which was remedied by the lamp next to the bed. Almost immediately one of the women began to undress "Wow Lightning Dust," Sunset Shimmer commented. "If I didn't know any better, I would of said you wanted to do phase two." "I'm taking a shower, so don't get any ideas," Lightning Dust replied with a hostile tone. Fully naked in front of her, Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but to see her glorious, naked body. I mean it was GLORIOUS: A toned bottom, perky chest, and clean shaven. As soon as Lightning Dust closed the door to the bathroom, the last figure placed the plastic tube next to the door, locked the door, and turned to Sunset Shimmer. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is exited or phase two," she said with a grin. As Trixie confessed her excitement, Sunset motioned her to the bed in a seductive manner. Before she joined, Trixie turned on the radio and sat next to Sunset. The radio was silent, but it didn't matter as both girls began to giggle as they brought their faces closer to each other and ended the excitement with a kiss. They both fell back to the bed, giggling as the other girl slipped their hands up each other shirts, massaging each other's breasts. The small peck turned to shoving tongues as soon as they took off each others shirts, pants, and bras. Those giggles earlier turned into small moans and they both moved to moving their hands down each other panties. Both gave of moans as they had fingers inside each other's wet woman hoods, moving the fingers as gingerly as possible. Sunset moved first, shoving Trixie on her back, and removing the azure colored woman's black panties. Sunset Shimmer smiled as she got off the bed and stood to remove the rest of her clothes, to the delight to an eager Trixie. Sunset Shimmer went to work, caressing the area around Trixie's trimmed opening with her tongue, and moved in, making Trixie gasp in surprise. Trixie instinctively moved her partner's face even harder towards her. The sensation of Sunset's tounge was magical. It tickled, but it made her wet and wanting more. The small moans gave way to louder moans, and from louder moans to basically screaming. Sunset Shimmer was enjoying herself as well, placing two fingers inside herself while she was pleasuring her friend. "The Great and-" Trixie tried to say, before Sunset Shimmer shoved her juice filled fingers in Trixie's mouth. "Don't give away your name," Sunset replied. What Sunset didn't know was that having Trixie taste her juices made Trixie more hornier than before. *** The Hotel that the geo-chip placed the location of "My Lady Milan" was a dump of a place at the wrong side of town. It was rundown, with paint chips falling apart all over the place. Clearly it was a place for drug deals and prostitution; because as soon as the massive amount of sirens were heard, people from all over the hotel bust down their doors and made a run for it. Screams of "Its a raid!" were heard. The hotel was surrounded by a platoon of police officers on all sides, with even more blocking off traffic and setting up checkpoints. For the boy in blue from the Vanhoover: that painting was returning to that museum one way or another. As soon as the heavily armed police arrived on the scene, they made their way to the door on the second floor, where they believed the location of the art thieves were. The all male unit heard the screams of pleasure from someone inside. "Don't stop, Don't stop, Don't STOOOOOOOP!!! OH GOD I'M CUMMING!" the female voice inside yelled. The men outside the door were exited to bust down the door. It was not because of recovering the missing art anymore, but the exciting prospect of seeing some live action porn inside. Once the signal was given they kicked down the door and rushed in weapons drawn. To their confusion and disappointment: the room was basically empty, save the geo-chip on top of a Ham Radio playing the sounds of a woman who has reached her pleasure limit and was trying to catch her breath. *** The second they heard the police storm the hotel room on their end, Sunset Shimmer stopped giving Trixie's vagoo a tounge bath and made her way to the drawer. Sunset turned off the radio, and open the only window in the room. As she hoped, the train they were on was about to pass a river bridge. Sunset unplugged the radio and threw it out the window. In the full moon, she saw the figure of the metal box splash down into the water below, never to be seen again. "My turn," said Sunset in excitement as she turned to face Trixie. She was expecting Trixie to be spread open in front of her with her wet babymaker, but she discovered the young woman was asleep. Sunset was not happy about it, but she had no other choice but to join Trixie in sleep because her eyelids were getting heavy as well. "Goodnight, Trixie." Sunset said as she pulled the covers over them and gave the sleeping woman a kiss on the forehead. "Ah. Nothing like rubbing one out during a hot shower," Lightning Dust said. Lightning was hoping to see two horny women waiting for her in the bed. They were both asleep. Lightning Dust sighed as she joined the two, slipping under the covers with her clean nude body with the sweaty girls. > Training Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- His father once said: "Son, you can tell how good your future will be by measuring the time she wakes up to the time you two are fucking." Given the time between this newlywed couple waking up to mindless sex that morning, Shining Armor could of safely assumed he chose his wife well. The second they woke up, all Cadence had to do was to give him his good morning kiss and to play with his tip with her fingers and he was good to go. As he continued pump inside of her, her moans began to get louder. The faster he moved inside her, the harder she clinched to the bed sheets, and the louder her moans. Looking at the clock, he knew he couldn't keep going much longer without missing his meeting in a few hours. He grabbed her shoulders and leaned in to the point where his sweaty body was all over hers. As Shining Armor began to push his cock as hard as he could , Cadence wrapped her legs around him. As his member began to swell, she used her legs to push his lower body to her as hard as she could, to ensure every ounce of his seed in her. Cadence let out a sharp gasp when her husband released his hot, sticky seed inside of her, Her insides was covered in the hot goo, and she actually came when she felt the goo drop down her front and lather the area around her anus. As much as she wanted to cuddle with Shining Armor after that amazing experience, she knew why he had to leave this morning: He turned the television as soon as he left her in bed and it also showed why Shining was given the call before dawn. All over the news stations across Equestria, it was reported that the entire town of Vanhoover was under distress over the robbery of their only piece of art that was of any value in their museum. Shining Armor was given the task of leading the investigation. As she laid there in bed, Cadence thought back to the crazy few years it had been: It started with reuniting with her high school sweetheart, discovering she was the heir to a throne through her parents in a kingdom far away, and a wedding that was less than perfect and more chaotic. As a teen, she knew her perfect man would give her the most spine tingling sex. Luckily for her, Shining Armor was everything she could of imagine; inside the bedroom and out. Sadly, the life of the wife to a Royal Investigator had not been kind to Cadence's ambitions: A child. She continued to lay there as he emerged from the shower in his muscular glory that made Cadence nearly cream again. As he finished getting into his business suit, Cadence continued to feel his seed slowly spill down from her. "You'll be okay without me, right?" Shining Armor asked as he put on his lucky red tie. "Mmhm, " answered Cadence, still enveloped in a state of pure pleasure. Shining Armor leaned in and shared one last kiss with his wife before he grabbed his dufflebag and made his way out the spacious bedroom, through the hallways, and out to the front door with the legion of maids and butlers wishing him well on his business trip. It was not really his mansion. It was a wedding gift from Cadence's parents. *** The drive from the hills to the royal castle was lighter today, which meant that Shining Armor was actually early enough to have a full meal, and not a bagel and coffee that was his tradition. Shining Armor was the second one to arrive at the meeting room, which even if it was in a ancient castle, it looked modern and state of the art. The Chief Inspector was there, reading over dossiers as Shining took his usual seat right next to him. "Morning Shining, how is the wife?" "She is doing well, Have been trying to have a child with no luck so far." "It's fine boy. No need to rush into something that life changing," The older and much more wiser Chief replied as the rest of the meeting's participants made their way in. "Morning," The Chief stood as he spoke. "If you are not caught up to speed to the events last night, lets go through what we know so far..." *** There was many mornings that the girls would of preferred to stay in bed. This was not one of them. As soon as they woke up, they began the next phase of the plan. Armed with a plastic bag, the girls went through their private train car, looking for anything that could of been used as evidence, even the smallest piece of trash was thrown into the large trash bag. As with the Ham Radio: Sunset threw the bag out the window, this time finding itself at the bottom of Ghastly Gorge. After a quick group shower that included a lot of touching and a few moans of joy from the girls, the girls wiped almost everything down in rubbing alcohol and a cloth. They hoped that wiping everything down would prevent the chance of fingerprints. After the deed was done, and when it was over, the girls left the cabin to the dinning car with just the clothes on their back and the plastic poster carrier Sunset Shimmer held on to. *** "Which is why we elected you Shining Armor to lead the investigation." Shining Armor could only smile. "I'll take the case," Shining said. "Very well! Even in a high profile case like this, I still believe that the up and coming academy students should have hands-on training. So as an added bonus Shining Armor, you will have the top student in this year's class. He will be waiting for you downstairs. So with that, everyone is dismissed." He wasn't given a name, he wasn't given a picture of the trainee, but he knew who the trainee was by looking at the kid's body language, who was looking around the grand lobby of the castle in wonder. The kid looked strangely familiar: Spiky blue hair, thin, and dressed less than professional standards set forth by the Royal Investigators. What was his name again? "Shining Armor!" the trainee called out as he ran to shake his hand. "Flash Sentry, I was sent as your apprentice." Shining Armor firmly grasped his hand, causing Flash Sentry to wince in pain. "Rule one," Shining Armor started. "Always have a firm handshake, It sometimes can be enough get more information out of potential leads." "Also, I know you dated my little sister. She is fine and in college. Single but NOT available" Shining Armor said as he crooked a mean eyebrow. "Y-yes sir", Flash Sentry shuddered. It kinda made Shining Armor a tiny bit happy putting the fear of Celestia into this kid, but he had to for education. "Lastly," Shining Armor said as he gave a sarcastic smile "Always act intimidating, you can get alot more information if they are slightly afraid of you." . > Reunion of Sorts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The girls were nervous between looking out the window and their clocks. They knew that the trains usually ran late all the time and that train was no exception. Luckily it was only the average late time of around five or ten minutes, so they wouldn't really get penalized for being late to meet the man who sent them to steal the painting, transport the painting, and who was to take the painting off their hands; for a large sum of cash and a free meal at their restaurant meetup location of course. In the business he was referred to as the "fence". They were to meet the fence in Canterlot's top restaurant for lunch. It was a restaurant served only the mega wealthy and the political elite of Canterlot. Lunch and dinner for four ran well into the hundreds of bits and barely anyone was alive when the wine they serve were made. "There it is girls, Canterlot!" Trixie announced in awe as the familiar skyline of the city appeared in view. it took them a half-hour from the outskirts of town to reach the downtown train station. *** "Alrighty, Flash," Shining Armor started as they were driven in a black SUV to the downtown station. "Because of rules about high-profile cases, we cannot discuss the case in public and more importantly in the train. So, lets go over this case. 1: The security system was not recording. Now why was that?" "Because the thief's cut the cameras?" Flash answered. In the academy he was taught to think like a criminal, so the first thing he would of done was find and destroy any security systems first. "Usually, but no. The Museum curator forgot to reset the camera's recordings so the cameras were out of tape when the incident happened. More often than not the victim inadvertently makes the investigation a whole lot harder for us," Shining answered. Shining's questioning continued."Number two: The thieves had a getaway car. We just found it. How do you think they would of gotten rid of it?" "Dump it in the ocean," Flash replied. Since Vanhoover was seaside and the bay was a pretty large place, the only logical explanation was to dump it in the vast bay. "No, even if they did that would leave evidence. The car was found burned within the last few minutes so chances for finding clues are little to none at this point." "So they were effective in covering their tracks?" "No. what was left of the car indicated that it caught on fire itself. The thief's were lucky that it didn't explode." "3: There was a chip attached to the painting which led the authorities to a hotel room, and according to the police on the ground they were playing a audio from pornography over it, fooling the police to believe that they were performing intercourse in the hotel room. How can you broadcast something without having your location traced?" Flash thought long and hard. He had the answer on the tip of his tongue but could not say it. At least until remembered the proper way to say it and not it's abbreviation "Citizen band radio!" "That's my boy!" Shining Armor rejoiced as he extended his hand out for a fist bump. They continued to go over the case with more questions and explanations of the clues until they arrived at the station. The files were returned to the briefcase and that briefcase was handcuffed to Shining's wrist. The investigators arrived at the station minutes before the train was set to arrive. Their drivers were next to them on the platform armed with sub machine guns, and were expecting anything. Maybe even running into the thieves themselves. "Lets go, girls" Lighting Dust commanded, and the girls made their way to the nearest door as the train was arriving at the station. The steam was blowing everywhere as the doors swung open. Without letting the passengers get off first, Shining Armor entered the train and took a empty window seat near the door, luggage in one hand and his newspaper and briefcase in the other hand. Everyone else crowded out, while the three were desperate to get out. They were the first ones out of the cabin and into the smoke. Trixie was out of the steam with out incident. Lightning Dust (and the painting) made it out as well. Sunset Shimmer, however, ran into someone in the smoke. It was the person who you would expect she would run into. "Flash?" Sunset asked when the smoked cleared. Sunset was on top of him on the ground. "Sunset!? Huh, I always remembered you liked being on top." Both laughed as they helped each other up. They had a few good minutes before the train left, so they decided to catch up. "So what are you doing these days, Sunset?" Flash asked. Trixie and Lighting were looking on from the other side of the plat form and hiding by some crates mortified. Mostly because of the investigator bureau goons next to Sunset. "Well, I became a freelance....writer?" "Not surprised. You never liked being stuck in one spot. I'm a investigator in the kingdom's guard," Flash announced with pride. Sunset was cool outside. Inside she was a nervous wreck. She connected the dots and assumed he was on the case of their theft. The girls were motioning her to leave him. Shining Armor knocked on the window to get Flash to hurry up. "Well that's my que, Sunny," Flash said. "Will we run into each other again?" "Yes, maybe sooner rather than later." > Showgirl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was through her family's history that "The Great and Powerful" Trixie Lulamoon chose to become a show magician and illisuonist. Her family on her father's side had a nearly exclusive background of magicians, illusionists, escape artists, and even a family legend of their ancestry being linked to the most famous escape artist of all time: "Harry Lulini". Trixie was a natural show boater, entertainer, and lover of magic. Her father boasted that Trixie would be the one to break the "Family Curse" (which was another legend that had someone putting a curse on the family, having Harry Lulini killed, a name change to Lulamoon to attempt to ward off the curse, and every magician in the family failing to be successful and ended up running the family magic shop, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM). He believed so due to her talents and her narcissistic personality that was essential for someone in that line of work. She followed the family tradition of leaving to Las Pegasus the day after her high school graduation, with only a suitcase of clothes and a one way bus ticket. Her family wished her luck and her mother told her there was no shame to return to work on the family shop. "The Great and Powerful Trixie will break the so called 'curse' and become the most famous Lulamoon who ever lived!" At that point her father started to cry. "That's my girl." *** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJps6O86GQI It took her almost a week to arrive to the city, and she felt like she was at home the second the second the distant glow from the city could of been seen, which was over 100 miles away. It didn't take long to get herself situated with a job and a roommate. She was washing dishes and a cocktail waitress by day, and a semi-popular street magician at night. Although she was living comfortably without any struggling over money between her two jobs and magic act; she was growing impatient about her big break. That was until she met him. Trixie was given the assignment to serve the men in the luxury suite a few months into her job as a cocktail waitress. He was one of the patrons. He was also old enough to be her grandfather, but he had a charm that she had never seen before. He also took a interest to her the second she walked through that door the first time... or how do you say... love at first sight?. Trixie abandoned her street act to be with him every night. He showered her with gifts, spending money, and extremely mind blowing sex. She didn't tell her parents, who would of objected to their 18 year old daughter dating a 70 year old man. Although he gave her almost everything she wanted, there was one thing she wanted in life: and he gave it to her. She was billed as "the most anticipated magician in recent memory". Her name and face were on billboards, flyers, and commercials all over the city. Their relationship was a secret, so the fact that she was dating the owner of the casino it was being hosted at was not part of the conversation about her. The conversation about her was "the next big thing." On the night of the premiere, all went according to plan: the warm up performers were amazing, the audience was packed and loving it, her parents were even in the audience and with her boyfriend's suite still unaware to their relationship. All that was left for Trixie to do was to the bring the house down and break the curse. Unfortunately, curses always refuse to die. Minutes before the show, it was announced that hotel owner had suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. Trixie bolted out of the stage within full view of the audience, through the casino, and to a taxi towards the hospital; all while screaming his name, the only person she had ever cared for. Trixie's parents ran into the emergency room to see their daughter on the floor crying. She was given the news moments before about her boyfriend, he died on the way to the hospital. She never got to say goodbye, she never got to thank him for everything, she never got to tell him that she loved him. The hotel was transferred over to the owner's son, which fortunately for Trixie, actually knew about the relationship and how much he cared for her. Although he didn't give Trixie the billions and the hotel, he did give her and her family a flight back home in his private jet and a monthly stipend to ensure she would love comfortably for the rest of her days. Trixie agreed with the offer. She was depressed at that point and just wanted to go home, even though the city found out about the relationship and felt sympathetic to the young magician. She was even offered to do magic at hotels where the owners were friends of her former lover, but she turned them down and announced she was done with magic for good. *** "So, how was it like fucking a old man," Sunset Shimmer asked. Trixie was doing her usual routine of enjoying a sundae from Sugar Cube Corner, a few months after her ordeal. Trixie and the old man shared together a sundae almost every day. "What?" "I know the story, you fall in love and luck strikes and then you are left with nothing," Sunset Shimmer answered as she sat with Trixie, who was staring down at the sundae and still thought about him, like she had every moment since. "Why are you here?" "The same reason why you are here: tried to make it outside this town and luck decided to say no. I'm here to make you a offer: you can still find yourself doing nothing and living off a old man's money and self-pity, or you can join me and we can make this world know who we are..." > Fence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If heaven was a physical place, it would be the restaurant where they were supposed to meet the fence. Crab legs, lobster tail, veal, caviar, the works. Not only that, it was all you can eat, so the girls were starving themselves since before the heist just to accommodate more of the delicious food in their stomachs. The fence was young, charming, and was handsome in his suit and groomed brunette hair. He just had a salad while the girls helped themselves to plates full of everything. Sitting with him was another man. Taller, more muscly, and wearing shades with a suit. He was the fence's guard. "I see you girls really like this place. Keep up the good work and there will be more where that came from," he said. "My inside sources say that the authorities have no idea who pulled off the heist, and that is important to my employer." There was smiles on the girl's faces. Between the food and the payout that was inside the briefcase next to the fence and the guard, they felt like they were on cloud ninge. Trixie was losing herself over the butter and lobster tails, Sunset was enjoying the veal and crab legs, Lightning Dust was enjoying the lobster tail and exchanging napkin notes with the guard next to her. "So, Fence... What did your employer say about out payment?" Sunset asked as she still had the tube slinged to her back. "Quarter of a million in ten's and twenty's." "I know a nice mattress we can store that in." Those two laughed at that joke. Trixie excused herself for more food, while Lightning Dust excused herself for the restroom. The guard did the same shortly after. "They are gonna fuck you know," the fence said with a smirk. "I don't invest myself in the private matters of my partner," Sunset replied. "You have came a long way between being the homeless street rat to a sophisticated thief. Even your new partners have done flawlessly for their first hit. Anyway, I think it's time for the 'trade'." Sunset took off the tube and slid it under the table. She pushed the tube towards the fence using her foot. The fence, in turn, pushed the briefcase towards her with his leg. Sunset grabbed the handle when it was within her short reach and handcuffed the briefcase to her wrist. "Now then, once you find your partner and my guard let him know that I'll be in the car waiting for him, and don't rush it on my account," the fence said as he took the tube and made his way out. "This will be Trixie's last plate," Trixie said as she began to eat before she even placed the plate on the table. "Take your time," Sunset replied as excused herself. With the briefcase in hand, she walked her way through the back area with no resistance. Want to go into areas people don't want you to go? Just walk like you belong there and people will assume you belong... or just show tits. Every door she came across she listened, trying to find the two. It took her a few tries but she found the room they were fucking. It was a medium sized room that was converted into a storage. She slowly entered the room and began creeping around, using the muffled moans from Lightning Dust to guide her. Sunset had a good view behind a pile of stacked chairs: Lightning just was bent over, taking it from the guard's long shaft, which was covered in fluids every time he pulled out. He wasn't thrusting in a fast pace, rather a show and steady rate, either way a squishy sound was heard with every thrust. He likes the taste more than getting his fill. He continued his thrusts into Lightning Dust, which made her crave his rod even more. She pushed herself into him with every thrust, and eventually she was the one thrusting. She was faster than him, and was impaling herself with every thrust. The guard seemed like he couldn't take it anymore. He held on to her hips and began to slam her as hard as he could. He knew he was about to bust at any second. "Not, Inside. Let go,"Lighting Dust said. The guard pulled out, which made a 'pop' sound. Lighting got on her knees and stuffed him in her mouth, while she jerked whatever potion of his rod was not in there. He gave out a loud pleasurable moan as he unloaded into Lightning's mouth. She began to make sucking noises as she began to clean his shaft of her's and his's juices. "That was fun," The guard said in exhaustion. "It looked like fun too, but it would of been nice if you guys were more subtle about it," Sunset replied. Sunset's voice jolted the two, and they looked at Sunset with a "scared-to-death" look. "By the way: your boss Is waiting for you it the car. He said to take your time," The guard pulled his pants, and made his way out, leaving a bottomless Lightning Dust in his wake. "That was amazing," Lightning Dust said as she started to put on her pants. "And you let him leave without saying goodbye?" "In this business, names don't matter... but the cock size does." > Act > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, this trip was a waste," Shining Armor commented. They had spent time away from their homes, families, friends, and, for Shining Armor, his smoking hot, horny, baby-crazy wife to chase three equally horny female thieves. There wasn't much to go on when it came to the crime scene. All they had was a black and white security camera that showed the three thieves. He replayed the security tape multiple times, yet still had no clue what to do even in the solitude of the broom closet where the tapes were at. "Whoever did this were pros, no doubt about it," "Art thieves, Sir?" Flash asked. "Yes, another meeting of two common enemies: the world's oldest trade meets the world's oldest media of expression." "That's beautiful, sir." "Whatever, welp. We just need to... Wait a minute." Shining said, leaning into the small television. "Do you see that tube?" "The plastic tube?" "Yes, it looks familiar.... Was there a train going from Vanhoover to Canterlot last night? What time did it leave the station?" Flash opened up the manilla folder with a random assortment of paperwork, photos, and witness statements from both eyewitnesses and police on the scene. He shifted through it and found what he was looking for: the Vanhoover Express schedule. "One left the station an hour after the heist," Flash said, "I KNEW IT! That's where it looked so familiar! " Shining hollered. "The tube they used looks exactly like the one I saw at Canterlot Station! I bet cash they are in Canterlot as we speak." "So...." Flash sad. "We are headed back. Now! Call Central and tell them what I found. Tell everyone to be on alert!" "Do you know what they look like?" Flash asked. "I don't remember, all I remember is the tube." "So...." "Let's go home! I got a wife to get home to and a lady that you need to keep your hands off!" *** "I... I don't want to!" Trixie cried. "Girl, you have to! You think we are going to carry this briefcase everywhere we go?!" Lighting replied. "But, but!" "You are an entertainer, Trixie! Why can't you just act like you are doing something legal!?" "T...T.... Trixie swore off the stage after Trixie lost 'him'." Trixie trembled. Lighting Dust groaned in frustration as she fell back on the bed. "You gave up your dreams for an old fart?!" "Shut up! He meant everything to Trixie!" she replied. "Trixie... We are not asking you to pull a rabbit out of your pussy, we just need you to make a deposit to our account and talk your way out of any.. ‘snags’." "B... But! Fine, Trixie will do it." She murmured "Atta girl!" Sunset said as she shoved the briefcase to Trixie. *** "What?" Trixie screamed. "I'm sorry, Ms. Lunamoon. They froze your account because of discrepancies." "There is all that money in there..." "Sorry, but we can look over it and unfreeze it in a few weeks. Anything else you need?" With a growing line behind her, with her suitcase in hand, Trixie was in a tough spot. She needed the money in the bank, but at the same time it would arouse the suspicions of the taller, stronger looking security guard in a suit. She bowed her head, hating the situation she was in. Trixie used to be the best boaster of all the land, and now I'm a whimp. "Sweetie, you just need to be yourself." The familiar voice said. It was the sound of her old lover during a practice performance. She had a bad day and threw a temper tantrum and quit. He stopped her before she left the stage. "Just have to remember that you are you. You like to be big loud and proud and that's what people love about you." Sexy daddy? "Just do it." his repeated Sexy daddy, I need you. "JUST DO IT!" With the line behind Trixie growing ever longer, the teller had had enough. "M'am? I need to help the rest of our cust-" "LISTEN HERE!" Trixie Snapped " The Great and Powerful Trixie worked her ass off from sun up to sunset to earn her cash. Trixie lets you take money from her account with your bullshit fees and service charges to let Trixie use it! What, jealous she makes more than you ever will?! Do you know who she is?! Unfreeze Trixie's account now or else Trixie is going to take her money and join another bank! And if the second Trixie gets her money back she is taking all of her money back and will close her account. Oh and Trixie knows the CEO of the company! Trixie has his numberon her contacts! So, should Trixie take her business somewhere else?!" By the time she had finished, an older looking gentleman stood behind the teller and gently moved her away from her computer. He began to go to work on the computer, click the mouse, then long minutes of typing on the keyboard. Trixie felt the rush and felt the fire inside grow. Trixie is back, baby! Trixie is back! "Okay, Ms. Lulamoon. Your account is unlocked and you are more than welcome to deposit your money. Would you like anything else? Trixie had her eye on it the entire time. She wanted it in her mouth to lustfully suck on for a long time. The manager had it, but she only had to ask. "Trixie would like one of those lollipops you give to the kids. Lemon flavored!" > Smear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the fence gave the girls their next "acquisition" trip, they were confused on the location and the target. Theyeven breaking the cardinal rule of not asking questions. "Wait, why is this at a place like that?" Nevertheless, they couldn't turn down the money. Even if they had a good amount from their first hit, they couldn't just stop the gravy train. In the middle of downtown Baltimare's inner harbor stood one of the oldest buildings around, a stone and stained glass cathedral that stood the test of time and centuries of beatings from the elements. Inside was a majestic and awe-inspiring hall of worship for all comers of the faith or those who took an interest to it. That night, it was particularly empty with the last mass ending hours ago and the priest retiring to the small loft across the street that was their sleeping quarters. Because of the age and cathedral, there was no air conditioning vent to go through like the last time. So another less conventional method of entering the building had to be used. "You sure it’s unlocked and unarmed?" Sunset asked. They were walking down the empty, shady looking Batimore street. The girls were looking around, hoping to not run into either a mugger or worse: a cop. "Yes. Trixie has been a cocktail waitress, and the fathers use our hotel to host their summits, and they like to talk. They keep the doors unlocked in case someone needs the help of their god. " Lightning Dust did not buy Trixie's claim. "Okay, that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever-" Trixie turned the knob to the door that was on the side of the cathedral, it swung open with no alarm, or even after Trixie turned the lights on. "-heard. Huh." "See, now you believe Trixie?" she said as she turned the light back off. "Let's get that painting " They looked around in the dark with their flashlights, looking for the art piece. As Sunset and Lighting looked for the painting in one direction, Trixie went in another. The search was less desperate as they had an alibi and time. Sunset and Lighting just searched the back of the church, the many halls, the room stores, classrooms, offices, and food pantries. But there was no art. That was until... "Hey sunset, is this it?" Lighting asked while looking at a canvas painting just left in the hallway like a cheap childhood finger painting. Sunset’s flashlight shone on the art that was hung in the hallway. "Yep, that's it." Sunset announced as she looked at the photo of it that was given to her before the mission. "is it... a vagina?" Lighting asked as she looked at the art. "The artist says no... But I think we both know the answer to that one," Sunset said with a smirk. "Well, let's not wait around! Get it in the shipping box and let's go!" *** Trixie always hated the dark, not being able to see outside the cone of light held in her hand. She was stumbling around, sometimes tripping on benches or even the donation bins. She was looking for the art, which she thought it could be valuable enough to display for the praying masses. she was still mumbling to herself when she tripped near a pillar and tried to use it to catch her fall, scratching whatever was painted on the wall up. She toppled over and spilled whatever was on the table in front of the pillar. As she got up, she took a look at what she scratched up. Oh no. Trixie got up and saw that she tripped over the paint that was being used to restore the art that was painted on the pillar. Trixie panicked. She grabbed tubes of paint in the dark and used the stool that was used to pour out colors and mix them. "Trixie messed up! Trixie doesn't want to go to hell!" She began to patch the scratches, with the paint she had and what little at skill she had when she was in Canterlot High. For Trixie, her C-minus in art would help her return the art to its former glory and... Trixie thinks this might work "Trixie! Will you hurry it up!? We got the painting!" Sunset hollered as they made it to the main hall. They were sprinting down the aisle, and Lighting had a square crate that had the painting enclosed. They slipped out of a side door which brought them back into the streets of Baltimare. The few blocks it took from the church to their hotel was a nerve-racking one, with Sunset and Trixie playing it cool while Lightning taking to the shadows trying to not be seen. The occasional cop would pass by, but only stared at the girl's tits and asses as they passed. "Better our bodies than that piece of work" Sunset said as they made it to the hotel. The night front agents were too busy worrying about getting held up at gunpoint, so seeing three ladies with a wooden box was the least of their worries. "Well, we did it," Sunset said. "Very much so," Lighting replied. "well, I'm too worked up. Pizza and lezzing out?" Sunset asked. "Yes!" Trixie and Lighting cried out in unison. *** The phone call woke Shining who, hours earlier, returned home and pumped another load of his seed into his wife for her to pump out a child. The phone call was from none other than Flash. "Y-you’re calling from Twilight's phone?" "Y-yeah, we had coffee and-" "At three in the morning?!" "Sir, the bandits struck again!" "Fuck! Okay, okay. Meet me in the station in an hour. Oh and flash?" "Yes, sir?" "Stop by the sperm bank on the way. I think it's time you learn what happens when someone fools around with my Twiley." > Push > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a background like Lightning Dust's, you would expect nothing but the best. With only a few generations of aviation under their belt, her lineage was among the best pilots in war and peace. They had flown more than any other family and had yet to lose one of their own due to a crash. Lightning dust herself was already in a plane by three and flying with supervision by seven. She excelled like her forefathers and mothers every step of the way. Even though it was peacetime, she still had her mind set to join the Wonderbolts, It was an achievement that was considered a rite of passage. When she was given the invitation to join the boot camp there wasn't a giant celebration or a party, just a hug from her family and a "you're one of us now." She was wide eyed and nervous when she arrived at the academy but, she wasn't alone. There was another girl in the ranks by the name of Rainbow Dash, friends to the princess's protege. She was as competitive and fiesty as her. She was also a fun fuck, sneaking out to the showers at night to 69 each other until they both came nearly every other day. They had become flight partners after that, with Lighting Dust the lead, which was expected with her ancestry. Rainbow believed that Lighting was pushing herself too far and was a danger. Lighting blew he off, mostly because she was told as a youngster to push her limits, so why change now? It all came to head during a flight exercise. the facts of what happened were disputed even to that day. But, what was known was everyone on that training mission had stalled their training jets, lighting herself. If it wasn't for the fact all of the pilots training were elite pilots, it would have ended with the equestrian air force losing half of their training jets. Fingers were pointed all over the place, but the general consensus was the it was Lightning Dust's actions that caused the mess. When she was given her official dishonorable discharge, it was a shock wave through the family. When they heard what happened they threw a fit. They consoled her, telling her that they did what she did and they were in the Wonderbolts and they were advanced in rank. "It's a sad day in Equestria indeed, the wonderbolts have gotten soft," her teary eyed grandfather said. Her family moved on and hooked her up with a pilot job with a friend of theirs. She spent her days piloting drunk, rich clients that wanted to introduce her to the mile high club, but didn't realize she needed to be there to fly the plane. Still, did not stop them from pinching or slapping her ass daily, no matter who was the client. From her private jet, they would go straight to their limo to continue their day of drunkness. So until they came back, she would relax in the airport bar, trying to not get drunk before her flight. On a particular day. she was on her last glass of rum and coke, feeling tipsy and the client arriving in a few hours, probably drunk and horny enough to try to bang down the cockpit door to fuck her senseless. "Not enough excitement for ya?" The mysterious woman asked as she took a seat next to lightning at the bar. Lighting raised an eyebrow. "Don't know why you would care. But, if you must know the real excitement is watching these rich drunk horndogs try to get into my panties." The mysterious woman gestured the bartender for two drinks, which he supplied without fail. "Well, Lightning Dust. I might have a more exciting job for you. You are one of the best pilots the world has ever seen. I think it's time that you use it for clients who pay you good." "You offering me a job?" She smiled as she took a sip of the drink the woman offered. "I call it an opportunity. my client isn't.... kosher per se, no taxes." "I ant no drug runner," Lighting remarked, her gaze shifting from the bottles stacked on the display case to the woman. "Who are you anyway?" "The name is Sunset Shimmer" > Close-Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In every investigation, there’s always the one moment that could solve a case or make the trail go cold. It was Shining’s moment: Apprehend the art thieves or retreat with his metaphorical tail between his legs. As Flash Sentry drove the black government car around Canterlot, Shining kept his eye on his phone, specifically the green blip on his GPS. "They’re around the corner. Who would have thought that art would have an embedded RFID chip?" Shining said as he bounced in anticipation, ready for his biggest high-profile takedown yet. "Yeah, leave it up to the priests of all people to get paranoid," Flash smirked as he turned the corner. Flash was the first to spot the suspects, three of them dressed in black walking down the crowded sidewalk. Their heads were concealed by their hoodies. On the back of three of them was a black poster tube, each strapped to the person carrying it. "There they are!" Shining jumped in joy. "Okay, we are going to do this nice and slow." They rolled up behind them, with Shining getting out of the car even before it stopped. By chance, one of the hooded figures looked back for a quick second and looked forward, tugging its partners by their sleeves. They walked faster, hoping to elude the approaching detective. Shining was too quick for it, and with enough space, he jumped in front of the girls. "Excuse me, can I talk t-" His forwardness was rewarded with a full blast of pepper spray. Shining cried out in agony as he dropped to the floor, allowing the three assailants to bolt and leave Flash to put the car's emergency lights on and tend to his superior with a plastic drinking bottle. *** With a new pair of clothes that was stuffed in the decoy tubes, and the security chip "left behind" in a bus that took prospective investigators thirty miles outside of town, the three made it on time to their usual rendezvous with their fence, even with the distraction of nearly getting caught. They entered the restaurant, Sunset ready for business while Lighting Dust and Trixie were ready for another helping of all you can eat lobster tail and veal. At the table was the fence, his guard.... and another a woman. The thing that struck sunset was the woman's eyes; blue and brown. She was older and had piercing glare. She also wore a blazer and a pencil skirt. She looked over to the three and smiled. "It seems your friends are here. I best take my leave" She said as she slipped him a business card and walked out. She gave a look over to them and walked out. "Who was she?" Sunset thought, trying not to give into her curiosity and breaking the cardinal sin of not asking questions. "Well, if it isn't my favorite ladies!" The fence rejoiced in celebration. With a nod to his guard, the guard got up and went to the reservation desk to inform the waiter to add them to his boss' tab. "So, how was Baltimare? Have any of those famous crab cakes?" He asked. "We were there for only a few hours," Trixie replied. "As you should. Go in, do business, leave. Quickly and quietly. " He said. He stopped and left the girls to eat by checking his emails on his phone. The girls had their usual assortment of extremely buttered lobster tails, veal, and all the sides that they could handle, with caviar to wash it all down. Trixie ate quickly, even more so when the guard slipped Trixie a slip of paper. It was obvious to everyone what they were planning to do, but to Sunset and the fence, they didn't mind it at all. "Trixie had enough food, time for dessert," she said as she walked out of the table, caressing the guards shoulders before leaving to the back of the restaurant. "I-I..." the guard stuttered. "Just go! Better them than my daughter," the fence commanded with a laugh. Sunset pulled out her phone and gave a quick text to Trixie, to return back to the suite when she was done. It was about that time that the girls were getting full and the fence a bit impatient. The trade was made, another briefcase of cash for a piece of valuable art taken from the walls of those who owned it. There was a big difference in this trade: a manila envelope. "I have your biggest hit yet, this one will net you all over ten million." > Change in Command > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The one thing you have to learn is that when explaining the status of an investigation, omitting isn't lying, and to always exaggerate every ‘good news,’ no matter how insignificant it is," Shining Armor said to Flash as they walked the halls of the Bureau. It was busy that day, people going to and fro in the hallways on their own cases or going to lunch. "What about yesterday?" Flash asked, alluding to the incident where Shining received a full face of pepper spray by the potential thieves. "We don't talk about that. Ever." Shining seethed. They went from the hallway to the empty elevator and rode it up. They were silent. Flash knew about progress reports, but since he was just a trainee he had nothing to worry about. Shining Armor, on the other hand, was sweating. His many years of elite police work was hanging in the balance... Then again, if he lost his job, that meant being a stay-at-home prince. Either way, it was a win for him. Still, it wasn't about the money--it was the love of the job. "So what are we gonna tell him?" Flash asked, unsure of Shining's game plan. "Same old. Nothing conclusive, but following leads," Shining answered. They entered the office of the Chief and Shining froze. Sitting in a chair in front of the Chief was a woman that Shining knew and loathed. Flash first noticed her age. Older, more of a bitchy pout that somehow set as her default emotion. Then there was the brown and blue eyes... Then Flash smelled the hint of sex and a small bit of white crust around the woman's red lips. Putting two and two together, this woman probably just got done giving the chief a blowie. Flash looked to his superior, and his white skin turned a slight red. The sight of her infuriated Shining Armor. "Hello Shining, how nice of you to join us!" The woman said with a glee. "Yes! Sit the both of you!" The chief barked. "Who is she?" Flashed asked. "Someone from my old academy." An angry Shining whispered as they took their seats. Flash on the other side of the desk, leaving Shining in the middle of the two. The chief did not make any preamble and went right into the action. "You two have been removed as the leads of the case, and this lovely lady here will be taking over." "Thank you, sir. And, as an added bonus, I know who the thieves are. Just give me the word and I will have them paraded for the entire bureau to see!" She announced. "You do that," The chief commanded. She walked out, leaving the three men alone in the room. Shining immediately objected when he heard the door close. "Sir! We had this case in the bag! You can't just change investigators-" He was cut off by the Chief, who proceeded to read the two investigators the Riot Act. The Chief knew about the pepper spray incident, the lack of leads, everything. Shining knew better than to talk back to his superior, so he took the punishment. Flash was observant to all of this, noting that Shining kept his cool during the verbal lashing. According to the Chief, Shining was still one of the best in the force, but even that distinction couldn't save him from a botched investigation, even if Shining trusted too much in the 'knuckle-dragging local police.' As the Chief continued, Flash looked over to the window behind him, showing an inconspicuous hallway. The woman approached the window, gave Shining a smug stare, and continued on with her day. > Slate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even with a new world and a new home, she still couldn't escape her past. No identification, birth certificate or social security meant no prospect for work or college. She kept lying to her friends and anyone who would ask for her future prospects, which would be going to a 'small college' upstate. In reality, her future was to survive in the streets. Panhandling was her new trade, asking the well-off and those who can afford to give her a twenty or forty. On good days, she had enough to spend the night in a cheap motel, away from the rapists and thieves that infested the homeless encampments of the city. The hotels were also literal lifesavers during the unforgiving winters, although there were the homeless shelters, but drugs and violence were common in those shelters, so Sunset never felt safe in them. There was also the p-word in her mind. Prostitution was always in the back of her mind when it came to making a buck. She saw the many of them: worn, used, old-looking by the time they were in their thirties, dead by their forties if they were lucky. Even if that was the easiest way to make money, there was still pickpocketing, a craft she picked up by an older striped man by the name of "One-eyed Jones." When the going got tough, it was her trump card. She knew it would land her in jail or worse, but it was better than having sex with complete strangers for money. Up until that one fateful day, she had one of the best pickpocketing techniques in the game, it wasn't a natural ability like most of the guys there; it was for her sheer determination to survive. The job was normal: sized up her mark, a well-off man looking like he took the day off work and could afford to do so. his wallet was in his back pocket, ripe for the taking, and he looked easily distracted in the large marketplace. The wallet was connected to a chain, but it only meant the difference between a quarter of a second and a half second. It wasn't until she actually took the wallet is where she realized her mistake: he was too perfect of a target, he was a trap. He chased after Sunset Shimmer, who tried to elude her chaser, but somehow he knew her escape route, so much so she took the big risk of an improvised route, which went against her since she ended up cornered. He was tall, pale white skin and yellow hair. his eyes were as blue as the sky. "You! You took my wallet!" he roared. "I'm sorry! I'm living on the street and -" "How did you take it without me knowing, it was tied to a chain, and how did you take it off without ripping it off?!" he questioned. "What? I just-just know how, instinct." "How did you know when to strike?!" he asked. "What?!" Sunset asked, further confused by the line of questioning. "Answer the fucking question!" "I t-tailed you for a bit and waited for you to be distracted." His anger turned into an evil grin. "Well well. Impressive. Say, would you like to come with me?" "Look, I might be in need of money, but I'm no prostitute," she replied. He charged at her and pressed his body against her, pinning her against the rough brick wall. she was swinging, clawing, biting, trying to free herself of his mass. She didn't see the rag in his hand. He pressed the rag against her face, the second he did, Sunset began to feel woozy. She collapsed on the floor, as she began to pass out, he saw him cover her with cardboard that was stacked next to her. "Now you stay right here while I get my car." *** When she woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar place. It was a massive living room, the sound of classical music was piped in through white speakers in each corner and was playing through the spacious mansion. Hardwood flooring, expensive decorative pieces, the works. She looked down to see she was stripped of her ragged street clothes, replaced with a new pair of jeans and plaid button-up shirt that felt expensive. She also smelled the rich aroma of cooking food. She went to investigate, passing through more art and pottery. Whoever lived in the mansion was loaded and was not humble about it. The man who drugged her was in the kitchen. His suit was replaced with a wifebeater and his slacks replaced with a new pair of jeans. "Welcome back! Dinner will be ready soon,” he said, moving the stir fry around with a wooden spoon. "Thanks! How was fucking me while I was unconscious?" Sunset growled. "Sweetheart, I fuck models on the daily. No offense to you, but I can do better. I didn't want your dirty clothes ruining the mink couch. You're welcome for the new clothes and shower, by the way." "Whatever, so why would someone with a job and apparently fucks supermodels when he pleases, drug, undress, and cloth a bum like me?" He stifled a giggle. "Despite my appearance, I haven't had a job in four years." Sunset took a seat on the stool, watching him slap rice from the rice cooker and the stir fry on their plates "These days, I am something that might be your alley; Jewelry thief." "Oh?" "Yeah, as you can see, it's very lucrative," he said as he placed the plate in front of her. Sunset took the fork from the man and scarfed down the food as if her life depended on it, a fresh change to the five dollar burger combos she was accustomed to. he handed him the plate, which he just gave his plate hers and helped himself a new serving of food. "Look, kid. I am looking for someone to continue the occupation. My lavish lifestyle can't continue forever, and you obviously don't have a name apparently." "Sunset Shimmer. I'm not documented anywhere. I'm not from here." "Exactly, untraceable, like most of the vagrants in the homeless district. there's no name to a face or a mailing address, or at least officially anyway. You can thieve like the best, and I think you would be someone I could train to pull million dollar heists. Of course, I take the lion's share, but you will have a free room, food, and spending cash. With the spending cash I'm talking about, you can do a few of them successfully and you can leave the business with enough money to never be in need again. What do you say?" Sunset didn't even bat an eye, "I'm in, I have nowhere else to go." > Fall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The halls of the Canterlot Library were also home many pieces of irreplaceable art, encased in glass and hung up for people to admire when they walked to and fro the vast book rooms that the library held. Its security was top of the line when it came to library standards: 24-hour surveillance cameras, laser trip wires, motion sensor, the works. Even though they had gone above and beyond the standard when it came to security, it was no match for a master thief. Much less three master thieves. Their planning, their luck, and their cunning were flawless. Their intelligence and their strategy were on the spot. Earlier in the day, the three girls staked the location, the ventilation shafts, the small buttons that were glued to the wall randomly, that indicated the tripwire. They even found the way to shut off the security system entirely, and to delay the “off” notification to the company running the after dark security so that they would have ample time to casually stroll in and take the portrait. Using a rope gun, they climbed to the roof, where a few twists of a screwdriver later they were in the ventilation system of the library. They knew where to go, mapping out the system while they were visiting the library earlier in the day. The many intersections and "T- Intersections" were navigable. They dropped out of the ventilation in front of the painting, which was a landscape portrait of the early days of Canterlot. With each girl taking a side, Trixie and Sunset lifted the glass encasement off the wall, exposing the picture. "You know gals, something is bothering me," Sunset lamented as they set the glass on the ground. "What is it?" Lighting asked. "This robbery was easy," Sunset said. "And?" Lighting Dust looked around. "Almost too easy, makes you wonder..." When Sunset took removed the photo from its frame, the first thing she noticed it was not on a canvas, rather on cardboard paper. On the back, a bar code. It was then when the trap went off. blinding spotlights beamed in from across the building. The speakers inside began to emit a sharp pitch tone, enough to bring the three would be thieves to their knees, using their hands to soften the ear piercing sound. "Headphones, Girls!" Sunset cried. All three fought the sound as they took off their backpacks and pulled out their noise canceling headphones. It didn't fully muffle the sound, but it helped. They ran deeper into the library and to the empty hallways that were reserved to the employees. Little known fact was that the building was old enough to have a manual passage to the sewer system, which doubled as an old bomb shelter system. The girls only needed to follow the black cast iron pipes above their head to guide the way. Eventually, after kicking down a janitor’s closet, they found the manhole they were looking for, but with something else. "Look at this!" Sunset observed as they found an identical plastic tube. They were shocked when they twisted the cap off. "That's the original piece?!" Trixie asked in shock. "Why would they hide it here?" Lighting asked. "I guess they were expecting us to look for it in the office," Sunset smirked. "I guess we can play this to our advantage!" Trixie took the real tube, and they went down the manhole on by one, the sound turned off and the radio chatter of the police can be heard echoing down the halls. When it was Sunsets turn, she used a crowbar to forcefully drag the manhole cover over, hopefully, to buy them at least one more minute. "This smells like shit!" Lighting complained as the ran down the ledges of the sewers, the filth of the city flowing down the concrete river beside them. the roaches and rats that called that place home retreated away from the fleeing three, their flashlights the only source of light. "We should be able to pop out in a few minutes!" Sunset proclaimed. They heard the sirens and the legions of police above them every so often when they ran under a manhole cover, and chose one that was well away from the blockade, in a dark alleyway. "Trixie, hand me your tube!" Sunset said. "Why?" Trixie asked. "Head to the hotel and pack our shit up! We have to skip town. I'll take the tubes and cash out. Wait for me at the meetup spot, no matter what happens!" They also began to strip. They were fortunate enough that the night was not cold enough to shiver since they had no time to mess around. The trade was made, and they split up. As Trixie and Lighting Dust walked out and to the streets in regular clothes, Sunset went to work moving between the abandoned buildings at the desolate side of town. It was at that time the police realized that the suspects were not in the museum, and began to spread out themselves, looking for the three thieves. Sunset knew her time was running out and had to stash her prize. In an abandoned hotel is where her time ran out. It was bad timing and being in a bad spot where the police helicopter found her through a window. She ran out of the room and through the hallway, trying to get out through the roof. She ended up in a room on the top floor, a suite. The wall was molded out, the carpet was wet and sticky, and the ceiling was collapsing. Behind the sliding closet door, covered in the broken glass, was a safe that hotels leave for their guests. Sunset wasted no time to open it up. She placed the real tube in, and closed the door and spun the dial. Free from the evidence, she knew she had mere seconds to find a way out, which she decided to go down the elevator to do it, it seemed that the place still had electricity. Against her better judgment she did, hearing the police going up the stairs, hoping to walk out of the hotel with no opposition. When the door opened at the lobby, she found out it was a mistake, her cockiness catching up to her. She soon was overtaken by many men in tactical uniforms, all with assault rifles aimed at her. She was thrown to the ground and handcuffed. When she looked up, the woman with different color eyes was glaring down on her. "Good to see my plan worked! Well, take her away for my promotion!" She said with a smile. As Sunset was led outside, she realized she was one street away from their hotel. she took a look up to her suite and noticed the two figures in the window. Trixie and Lighting were watching as Sunset was being placed in their squad car, crying because their leader was effectively gone. > Bait and Switch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From getting arrested to literally being shoved into an interview room, the whole ordeal made Sunset realize she was not into rough play. She was dragged everywhere while someone had their hands around Sunset's neck, painfully pinching her if she showed any kind of resistance. It continued from there to the booking process, all while the woman with the different colored eyes looked on at her misery with glee. She had beaten Shining Armor and would snatch that promotion right from under him... fucking his trainee at the same time would be icing on the cake... but in time. By the time the dust had settled: Sunset was still in the interrogation room. Shining left home in a defeated state, seeing his years of hard work and dedication be taken from under him because he wouldn't fuck a woman back at the academy many years back. The woman was probably getting fucked by the Chief in his office at that moment, and it was down to a skeleton crew in the station: the rest were at the bar across the street to celebrate. Sunset was resting her head on the table in the brightly lit room, asleep. A few hours earlier, investigators found the tubes in the abandoned hotel and placed them in evidence. Sunset was the thief, she was caught in the hotel where the the tubes were found, an open and shut case. It made Flash sad to think his friend would be spending the rest of her life in prison. He loved to see justice served.... but it felt wrong at the same time, as if there was something that didn’t add up about the whole thing. He had a hunch, and there was a way to see if he was right. The room he was in was a false room that was used for people watching the interrogations next door. The room was also where the security camera servers and hard drives were located. Using the computer, he screencapped each room that showed an empty police station and looped it, making the camera think that image was continuously happening. He walked in and jolted his friend awake by slamming his hand down the metallic table. "Morning!" "Flash!? What?" she moaned. "I'm the one asking the questions here, sister!" "I don't understand?" "Sorry, always wanted to do that. Anyway, what the shit, woman!?" Sunset became more awake and aware. She shoved her face to her palms. "I fucked up big time, Flash." "Yea, art theft. You are looking at an early retirement from society." "Well, yeah. But I was set up by that woman!" "What woman?" Flash asked. "The older one with two different eye colors. Before that heist, she was there sitting with my fence!" "Wait, really?" "Yea, I can prove it. All I'm asking is to let me go with the art. I will put a tracker inside and you will get our buyer," she begged. "Oh, no. I'm not falling for that." "Flash... remember that I can persuade you," she said as she adjusted her turtleneck, her breasts moving in the direction of her shirt. "Are the cameras on?" "N-no." "Because you know I might seduce you, and that I would win. Now, Flash: I will let you fuck me raw: but I will need your help. Besides, it sounded like old man Shining Armor's rising career hangs in the balance if the woman wins this one. What do you say?" *** Flash sentry walked out of the interrogation room and zipped up his zipper. He was flustered, and a wide grin to him. He went to his right and down the empty hallways. The rest of the officers were still at the bar, celebrating that the embarrassing nightmare was over, The woman and the chief were fucking in his office still, a perfect opportunity. The evidence locker was a literal hole in the wall, with a chain link gate keeping everyone in and out. Even though he was no longer assistant to the main investigator, no one had bothered to take the key to the locker. He unlocked the padlock and went inside, where the two tubes were. He unscrewed the tops to both of them and carefully pulled both pieces of art, the priceless one, and the cheap imitation. He folded the cheap one and put it in his pocket. He grabbed a transponder from a table and dropped it into the tube and carefully reinserted the art in the tube. He went back out into the hallway and grabbed the first wall decor and office supplies he could find. he dismantled the wooden frame, wrapped the art piece around the supplies and dropped it in. He took the real tube, the disassembled wooden frame, and made his way out the back door. *** The Woman and the chief looked a bit tired and disheveled when the District Attorney arrived. The DA was tall and professional looking with thick framed glasses and short, clean cut hair. He had the air of superiority around him, which was needed to do his job. "Alight, where is the suspect." "In the interview room, we have not put her in the system... identifying her has been near impossible." "How about the evidence?" "In the locker, of course." "Alright! let's go there now!" The three went from the lobby, past the still empty rooms, and to the locker room. The Chief unlocked the padlock and let his guest inside. "Where did you put the tubes?" The Chief asked. The woman was frozen, her lips were trembling. She was looking inside the lone tube on a wooden crate. "It's not here!" she panicked. "What?!" the DA hollered "Looks like this one is a art student's tube! Look around: maybe one of your guys misplaced it!" The woman commanded "speaking of, where are they?" He asked. "Across the street, drinking," Shining armor replied from behind. "Excuse me!" The Chief of Police replied. Shining armor pulled out his phone to show everyone the photos. The police officers were inside the bar, drinking on duty. The DA's face became red. And with calm ,but shaky breaths he spoke. "Release the girl, get those men back in the station, and get your office cleaned out sir, I don't think you will be chief by the end of this week," he said as he walked off. > One for the Road > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset went straight to the hotel once she was released. She quickly packed her clothes, noticing that Trixie and Lighting had gotten their stuff and abandoned the room, as part of the plan if one of them were caught. From the public computer terminal at the hotel, Sunset sent two emails before checking out: one to her girls and telling them to meet at their rendezvous spot. The other was to the fence, a chain letter that was a signal to him that she had completed the mission. She took a taxi with her duffel bag of belongings and the plastic art tube to the buffet for the last time. "Sunset! Hey!" "Hello, fence. As you heard: it was hell getting this to you." "I know. I set you up." He answered nonchalantly . "What?!" "The lead investigator came to me, and after I came in her. I set you guys up to save my ass and get a piece of hers." "I don't-" "I fucked her, both sentences were alluding to the fact she offered her pussy and my freedom in exchange for your freedom. You have to understand, its just business." "I totally understand, but I hope you understand I'm done with this business, I'm retiring." *** The fence returned home from his daily lunch to his mansion in the hills. His army of maids and butlers welcomed him home and left him to his private living room, where no one, other than friends and family were allowed to enter unless specified. He closed the door to the wood paneled room to see a woman in front of him. The woman with the different colored eyes. behind him. His teenage daughter had just got home from school. She was in revealing white booty shorts and a tank top, ignored everyone as she went to her room with her eyes glued to her phone. The Fence's guard watched her go up the stairs as he closed the door between behind him. The woman came up to him and began to kiss him, and slowly push him to the couch, where their kissing continued. He dropped the art tube on the table along the way "And the guard has to watch?" She said as she spread her legs open, letting him on top of her. they continued to kiss, his right hand between her legs, rubbing her pussy through her pantyhose. "He is probably fucking my daughter," he said between deep kisses. "Then why let them have all the fun? Hey, what's that?" The woman stopped when she saw the black tube on the table. Her eyes widen, and she began to break a cold sweat. She pushed the fence off of her and sat up, unscrewing the top. "How did you get this?" "The contact did the job... but I thought you took her in?" "I did." When she unscrewed the top, she turned it upside down, and then a black box fell out of the tube and on the table, the transponder beeping and emitting a red light from a led light indicating it was on. "Aw fuck," the woman said. Behind them, the door exploded, sending pieces of wood everywhere. An a mob of armored clad gunmen entered the room, their rifles aimed at the two. They were led out of the mansion with an armada of police cars parked in the neighborhood, most were from the city police, a good number were from the Royal Investigators. Leading the arrest was Shining Armor and Flash Sentry, grinning with their arms crossed, leaning against a black car. Shining gave her a quick "see you in hell" wave before watching her get placed in a squad car, The Fence placed in another. "You did alright rookie. I'll be sure to get you a recommendation or something," Shining said as he shared a fist bump with his subordinate. "Thanks, sir. Anyway I'm off." He said as he walked to his squad car "And where are you going?" Shining asked. "I got an errand to run, by the way...." "Yea, we are expecting. Got the news yesterday." "Congrats!" Flash shouted as he started his car and drove off. *** Sunset went to the bank across the street after the meeting and began to clean house. She was given access to, cleaned out, and closed her security box account, stuffing the money in the briefcase she had handcuffed to her, totaling in millions. Her next move was to hail a taxi to the train station. She took the first train to a station that was hundreds of miles from the city, in a small plains town. She ran into a rural farmer, overalls, John Deer hat, the works. She paid him a hundred dollars so that she could hitch a ride on the back of his beat-up truck, in the back with the piles of hay bales. she felt the warm wind and the beautiful scenery that was the countryside. he dropped her off next to a paved intersection and went along his way. from there, she saw her objective across the street: an abandoned red barn, whose paint was peeling by the day. She walked the tall grass to the barn and went in. The walls were stopped with wood, the floor was covered with the grass. In front of her was two cars. one was a cherry red convertible sports car and a Black Royal Investigation Bureau town car. "Sunset!" Trixie and Lighting cried as they ran up and hugged her. The three girls made it out of the business alive and free, as they intended. "How did you get out?!" Trixie asked. "Him," Sunset said as she nodded to Flash Sentry, sitting on the hood of his car. "Thank you," Sunset timidly said. "No problem." "It should be, I don't think I can thank you enough," Sunset rebutted. She thanked him even further by going up to him and giving him a deep kiss. The other girls giggled as they got in the convertible. "You know, I and the girls are doing an early retirement. Wherever we decide to call home, I'll let you know: you might be able to get more 'thank you's' from me and the gals." "I'll check my messages all the time then," he said with a grin. Sunset jumped in the backseat as Lighting turned on the car, the machine roared to live and they peeled out of the barn, leaving Flash Sentry in the dust, while racing down the country road, away from the city with a full tank of gas and nowhere to go. "Say, girls. How about we set up residency in... Las Pegasus?!" Lighting suggested. "I'm down," Sunset said. "Trixie?" "I.. I haven't been in the city since 'him'..... oh why not, I can finally go see his grave for the first time." "That settles it! Lighting set the course for Las Pegasus!" Trixie sat and smiled while staring into the countryside, reliving the memories of her former love with a fluttery sigh while her two friends cheered at the potential partying and hardcore sex that was waiting for them in the city of sin, the country highway that was taking them there vast and endless with corn fields.