> Lost Cause > by guitarguyjoe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been traveling for months now, hoping to remove that horrible image from my memory. I shall spare you the details because no one should have to even think of it. It's so gruesome that I still shudder thinking about it. Anyway, where are my manners? My name it Umbra and I am a black unicorn with an even blacker mane and emerald eyes. My coat has become a bit dirty due to the having to sleep in the woods for the past week on the cold hard ground. I can't really complain though, I'm finally out and found a nice little town that may very well be a new home. A bright place with no skyscrapers. Unless you count that large tree building in the distance. A few odd buildings throughout the town too, either way I hope they have room for one more here. However I need to meet some of the locals first. I just hope they're more friendly than those rude Manehattan ponies. Bastards wouldn't even give me the time of day. I approach the town anxious for new things to discover. I see so many ponies walking around and every one of them says hello to me. Definitely different from Manehatten. As I walk through the town I run into a pink pony with an even pinker mane. Who then gasps very deeply and proceeds to speak at a rapid pace. "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie. You must be knew because I didn't know you, and I know EVERYONE in Ponyville." She then gasped again "OH MY GOSH! I need to throw you a Welcome-to-Ponyville party. Seeya later Umbra." She then took off like a bullet in some random direction towards a ginger bread house. I was shocked by that last bit. How did she know my name? I just got here and already I am surprised by what I have found here. Anyway enough about me and what I experience. Let's just see what this town has to offer. Hopefully a public shower. I stink! > Chapter 1: A Shadow's Place > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am walking through this cheerful town, searching for a hotel or a house for rent. All I could find though was a nice park. Not that I could afford a room or house for that matter. I ran out of money in Manehatten trying to stay there. The landlord kicked me out the instant he heard I lost my job as a greeter at Stal-mart. I left the city trying to find somewhere cheap to live. And now here I am. Next on my list was to find a job so I could get a place to stay. I searched the town over and the only job I found was a male model at a boutique. This particular shop was in the shape of a carousel, hence the name Carousel Boutique. As I enter the shop a little bell sounds off and I hear an enchanting voice from another room. "Just a minute" the voice called. I looked at the many dresses around as I waited. Many of them were exceptionally fashionable, even by Manehatten standards. I hear the opening a door causing me to look at the source. I couldn't believe my eyes. Standing in the doorway was a white coated mare with a curled purple mane and sapphire eyes that would put anypony in a trance. "Can I help you dear" says the marvelous mare. I am suddenly snapped back to reality as I remember why I am here. "Yes, I am here for the job opening." The mare looks me over. "Hmm" she hums. She begins walking around me. "You have good posture and a decent frame. But your much to skinny and-" she sniffs "Sweet Celestial you need a shower!" I am blushing furiously. "Well I don't exactly have the luxuries of food and hot water." She then looks at me in shock "You mean you are homeless." I nod. "Then we'll have to fix that. Go upstairs and take a shower. After which you will come back down for dinner." I look at her quizzically. "Maam, are you really offering me a meal and shower." "Of course deary. Nopony should have to go so long without some comfort. The bathroom is the second door on the right. Be sure to knock to make sure Sweetiebelle isn't in there." I am dumbfounded. I only knew this mare for two minutes and she is offering me food and a shower. I think I may have hit the jackpot in coming to this town. > Chapter 2: Generosity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After taking a shower I felt rather refreshed, not to mention I also smelt fresh. I descended the stairs and found that the mare from earlier had disappeared. "In the kitchen darling." Sang a heavenly voice from behind a door across the main room. I went through the door to find not only the mare from earlier, but a filly with the same color coat and a cotton candy mane with a swirl of pink and violet. Her eyes were a very shiny emerald color. "Ahh there you are" exclaimed the mare "Now don't you feel better now that you're clean." "Actually yes I do miss..." "Oh, where are my manners? My name is Rarity and this is my sister Sweetiebelle" she stated pointing to the filly. "Hi there." The filly squeaked. "Hello there. My name is Umbra." I stated realizing that this mare had offered me so much without even knowing my name. I doubt that I would find anypony anywhere who would do that. "Well Umbra we were just about to enjoy some hayseed sandwiches. Would you like one. My stomach growled at the thought of food. Rarity giggled. "I'll take as a 'Yes, please'" I smirked at Rarity. She is amazingly generous. I had never experienced any such thing anywhere in my life. As she set the sandwich down in front of me it took all of my willpower not to devour it right then and there, but seen as though I was in the presence of a lady I controlled myself and began dining. It was the best food I've had since even before Manehatten. I know it was just a sandwich , but it was the best sandwich I had in all my life. After lunch I decided that the least I could do was help Rarity with the dishes. I picked up the plates and placed them in the sink and prepared to start washing them, but a hoof had stopped me. "Allow me deary. You just sit back and let me handle it." She then took over and began washing the dishes as I sat back at the table. "Miss Rarity" I asked "Why in Equestria are you being so generous to someone you just met." She then looked at me as if I was crazy. "Wouldn't you want to help somepony in your situation. Besides I am the element of generosity, it's in my nature." Element of Generosity. Where had I heard of that before. It was in a newspaper I had used for a blanket long ago but what did it say. I shrugged it off and then decided to break the silence. "I may as well leave and find someplace to stay for the night." "Oh no no no dear. You simply must stay here for the night. You obviously have no money and I shan't allow anypony to sleep in the streets when I can do something about it." Once again I was shocked. "Are you sure miss? I'd hate to impose." "Nonsense" she exclaimed "You can sleep on the couch and you can start work in the morning." I looked at her in disbelief. "I got the job" "Indeed, work starts at 7:00 am so get some rest while you can." she then exited the kitchen and prepared the couch for me. As she walked up the stairs I thanked her and wished her good night. "Good night Rarity." "Good night darling" she said and went upstairs. Shortly after, the lights went out and it became dark. You would never find this happening in Manehatten. Heck, you wouldn't find this happening anywhere else in Equestria either and yet here it is. I already like my job. And tomorrow my new life begins. > Chapter 3: Day 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up from my recurring nightmare at about 6:00 am. I found myself on a couch in a fancy home. "So, it wasn't a cruel dream." I said to no one in particular. I decided that I should find someway to thank Miss Rarity for showing such kindness to a stranger, so I decided to prepare her some breakfast. Let's hope I still know how to make pancakes. Rarity's POV Rarity woke up from her peaceful slumber. She checked her clock to see that it was 6:30am. She got out of the bed and noticed something she should have noticed sooner. The distinct smell of smoke was filling her nose. She facehoofed and began running for the stairs. "Didn't Sweetiebelle learn from last time?" she thought as she made it to the ground floor and went into the kitchen to find that Umbra had made breakfast. "Morning boss" said the black clad unicorn . He had set the table and prepared pancakes, coffee, and Sweetie's lunch while she was sleeping. "Umbra," Rarity began "did you do all this for me?" He nodded "I figured I wanted to try being generous to you for a change." Sweetiebelle bursted through the doors with an alarmed look. "Where's the fire!" She exclaimed. Umbra blushed and chuckled shyly "Yeah, my first attempt wasn't exactly perfect." He pointed to the garbage which had a few burnt pancakes in it. Rarity smiled "Well, I suppose thanks are in order." Sweetie had already gone up and hugged Umbra. "Thank you sir for making breakfast." She said. "And lunch" said Umbra pointing to the lunch box on the counter. "What time do you have to leave for school?" Sweetie gasped in horror. "Oh no, I'm gonna be late!" She exclaimed as she grabbed the lunch box and her book bag. She ran out the door saying "Bye Rarity, see you after school." Rarity sat at the table and began eating the pancakes with curiosity. They tasted satisfying, but she wasn't curious about the food. She was curious to see how the day would go with this mysterious stallion helping out with her work. Umbra's POV I felt like Rarity was eyeing me the whole time we sat eating breakfast. I wanted to thank her for all she did and I was determined to work hard and earn my keep, but she was making me nervous looking at me with those sapphire eyes that seemed to look directly into my soul. We finished eating and I washed the dishes despite her insistence that I let her do it. Once the dishes were washed and the table was cleaned we went into the boutique part of the house and began work. "Now darling" Rarity said "would you mind standing on the pedestal for a while and let me get some measurements." "Sure thing" I said. I walked up the small step and was immediately greeted with a measuring tape along my side. "Oh my, you're rather tall," Rarity spoke in marvel as she began measuring my width "but far to thin. We'll have to fix that." She smirked. I was beginning to have second thoughts about this job when the jingle at the door caught both our attention. Standing at the entrance was a yellow pegasis with a pink mane. Rarity looked past me at the new visitor and smiled brightly. "Why hello, Fluttershy. How can I help you." The pegasis just stood there and stared at me. I couldn't understand why considering I had taken a shower just last night. I couldn't look that bad. Rarity then looked at me and realized why the newcomer was so quiet. "Oh, how rude of me. Fluttershy this is my new stallion model, Umbra. Umbra, this is my dear friend, Fluttershy. "How do you do?" I said, politely bowing to her. Fluttershy just blushed and said "Oh, I-I'm fine. And you?" "I am doing well, thank you." I stated standing straight. Rarity was right I was rather tall considering I stood taller than the pegasis before me. Of course that could have been because of the pedestal, but still. "Good," exclaimed Rarity "Now that we're all aquainted, how can I help you, Fluttershy?" "Oh, um" she stammered and began to rub her hooves together nervously. "I just wanted to know, if you weren't busy, if you could fix my sunhat." She then held up a sunhat with many flowers decorating it and a tear in the rim. "Of course, darling" Rarity assured. She then took the hat and went in back. Fluttershy and I stood there a moment in awkward silence before I decided to break it. "So miss Fluttershy, what do you do?" I asked "Oh I-I just take care of the animals around here." she replied while trying to hide behind her mane. "W-What about you? What did you do before you came here." I was a bit reluctant to respond to this question but she was so sweet it was almost impossible to resist. "I was a greeter at Stal-Mart before this." She looked at me curiously. "But your cutie mark is a pony silhouette of a unicorn. That doesn't seem to fit a greeter." I knew she wanted more but I don't want to tell anypony about my life before Manehatten. It's too gruesome. Just then Rarity was back with the hat. "There you go deary, good as new." She smiled towards her friend. "Oh, thank you Rarity." gasped Fluttershy as she took the hat and reached for her pouch for bits. Rarity held up a hoof "No need for that darling." she said. With that Fluttershy left and again I was curious. "You do realize that if you keep being so generous your business could go bankrupt." I said. "Oh puh-lease," she retorted "I have plenty of bits to spare, practically enough to feed me and Sweetie for months." "But do you have enough business to keep it that way?" I asked and she fell silent. I had found a flaw in her plans, and I had also found a way to repay my debt. > Chapter 4: Ain't No Party Like A Pinkie Pie Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wasn't sure how, but I knew that I had to make money. However I had looked all over Ponyville and found nothing. So, I would have to look outside of ponyville for a job, but where? I had helped Rarity for the next hour or two before she had decided she was finished. Thus, I announced I would be leaving for the afternoon to explore the town. After three seconds out the door I found myself face to face with The pink mare from before. She proceeded to say "Hi again!" in a loud voice that startled me considering I hadn't seen her, causing me to fall onto my back. "WHA-oof!" I shook my head and saw her giggle. "Heehee did I scare you. I would expect someone like you to be scaring people considering your cutie mark is a shadow. What exactly is your cutie mark for anyway." I attempted to answer, but she quickly shushed me before I uttered a syllable. "No time for that. We've got a party ready to welcome you to Ponyville. Come on." And with that she proceeded to grab my hoof and pull me to a building that looked like a gingerbread house. As we entered I found that everypony in town had come. I stood there in awe for a few moments then I looked to the pink mare and smiled. "Thank you,... Pinkie." Thank Celestia I recalled her name. She waved a hoof at me. "Aw, it was nothing. Now come on everypony. Leeeet's PARTY!!" With that I looked at what appeared to be a makeshift stage and on it was the famous DJ-PON3 doing what she does best. After a few minutes I found myself bumping into a familiar figure. "Oh. I'm sorry." I heard the shy mare barely over the loud beats by the DJ. "It's ok. Hey you're the mare I saw in the boutique today weren't you. Fluttershy, right." She nodded and soon enough another butter yellow pegasis came up to us, this one a stallion with a golden mane. "How are you doing my dear?" he said., Fluttershy smiled at him. "Oh, I'm fine." I looked between the two and based on how she acted around me at first, I knew she knew him. "Hey there. I'm Umbra." I extended my hoof to the pegasis and he smiled and shook it. "Fallen Star at your service." We retracted hooves and Fallen Star continued on with the party. I smiled then realized something. "Fluttershy?" I asked "You don't know where I can find a good paying job in this town, do you?" Fluttershy pondered this for a moment, but frowned. "Not really. You could ask Twilight though. She knows just about everything that goes on around here. She's a purple unicorn with a pink streak in her mane and tail." I smiled and thanked her as I made my way through the crowd again. After a few minutes I had little luck in finding this Twilight... right up until I found the dance floor. She was doing a dance that I could only compare to the two stallions on Hooftube trying to do the Macarena. I smiled, because it was both ridiculous and adorable. I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned to me and I took note of her lavender eyes. "Twilight Sparkle I assume." I yelled barely over the speakers. She gave me a shy smile as she yelled, "Yes. Um, do I know you?" I smiled "My name is Umbra. I am new in town and I was hoping that you could help me find a place of employment." Her smile changed to a friendly one as she realized my intent. "Oh! Well, I could always ask around town if anypony needs help, but I can't gauruntee anything. I nodded to her, "That's all I needed to hear. Now continue your fabulous dancing madam." She blushed and nodded as we parted ways. I proceeded to navigate through the dance floor. I almost made it out until I bumped into an orange earth pony. "Oof" we both said as we proceeded to hit the floor. I shook my head and looked down to see nothing but a blonde mane adorned with a stetson. "Sorry miss," I began as I stood up "I didn't mean to throw off your groove." She chuckled "No worries partner," I extended a hoof and helped her up and noticed her emerald eyes. "My name's Umbra, and you are?" "I'm Applejack, but you can just call me AJ" I smiled "Well it's a pleasure to meet you AJ" She tipped her stetson and we carried on with the festivities. A while into the party I noticed a familiar ivory coat. I trotted over to her and smiled. "Finished with those suits miss Rarity?" She looked to me a smirked. "No deary, just taking a break. Are you done 'exploring town'?" I laughed. "Almost, I ran into a few ponies here and learned some names. One being the pink mare snorkling in the punch." She stiffled a giggle and pointed to a cyan pegasis behind her. "This is Rainbow Dash-" "The fastest, coolest, most awesomest pony you will ever meet!" interrupted Rainbow Dash. "Fastest, huh?" I smirked "Kinda pretentious aren't we?" She looked me dead in the eyes. "I have a reason to be too." I smiled, and thought to myself "This mare shows spunk, I like her." I backed away and looked to miss Rarity. "Well let's not just stand here there's plenty more party to enjoy." And with that everyone started cheering as the party got into full swing.