On The Moon

by Inyoface

First published

Luna's first years on the moon. But she isn't alone.

Luna is stuck on the moon. What does she do now?
The Nightmare subsides, but still remains. In the mind of a sad princess.
Princess Luna.


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The Elements spun around Celestia faster and faster as the two sisters hovered above the rubble of their former castle.

"I'm so sorry... Sister" Celestia started to tear up.

The beam of harmonic energy collided with Nightmare Moon's lazer, and pushed it back, it gained closer, and closer, until it finally reached her.

"NOOOOOOOO!" The dark princess screamed.

The night became silent as the head of a mare appeared on the face of the moon.
Celestia wept.

Lost On The Moon

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"How could I be so selfish?" Luna asked herself.
You are not selfish, my dear, you have the right to be angry. Your sister stole the spotlight from you! Nightmare Moon responded from inside her head. Luna started to cry.

"GO AWAY! It's all YOUR FAULT!" She screamed.
That is the sad thing, my little princess, I will never go away. Never. Nightmare Moon spat. Luna sat down in a particularly dark crater, and tried to cry herself to sleep.
Poor thing. Crying will not help you!Perhaps if thou shall plot thou sister's demise...

"No! Leave me alone!" The princess shuddered. She shortly fell asleep. But there were no peaceful dreams. Only nightmares, visions of the monster she had become. These Nightmares would plague her for the rest of her immortal life.

thou should be trying to find a way to get back home and destroy thou sister!

"I told you to go away!" Luna said frustratedly. Luna had walked around the circumference of the moon seven times. Now eight. The princess had only been there for a week or so, and was constantly nagged by that stupid voice. The voice itself thought that the princess was quite bothersome, and was tired of being stuck in the body of a whiny little foal.
I could be enslaving the whole world, and I have to be stuck with you! It mumbled.
I mean of all thy ponies in Equestria!

"Shut. Up!" The princess spat at the voice droning on in her head.
I really do not have much else to do, my dear!

"I really don't care!" Luna hissed. she kept walking. And walking. And walking. And walking. Luna finally returned to her landing spot. Luna levitated a few moon rocks on top of each other, and carved a face in the top rock with her horn.
What is that? Is it some sort of pretend pony, because if it is, that is absolutely terrible.

"Hello, rocky." Luna said.
Hello!Rocky replied in Luna's head.
How are you? He asked.

"Not very well, my friend." Luna replied.
Oh, dear. That is just sad.
Ah! Who is that?

"She's a bully. Don't talk to her." Luna whispered to the pile of rocks
Thou cannot hide from who is in one's own head!
I understand.

"Thank you."

A decade has passed.

Luna walked through the catacombs of the moon. She strode past stone carvings of ponies as she made her way to her throne. It only took her ten years to carve an entire underground city, complete with detailed statues of Equestrians. Luna sat atop he rocky throne and gazed at her creation.

"It's beautiful." She sighed
Thou art insane.

"Just look at it, though.. your own kingdom!" Luna gestured at the city.
The voice sighed. Luna stomped.

"I hate you!" Luna shouted at Nightmare Moon
Calm down! I have said worse...

"I try to give you a kingdom, and this is what I get? I. HATE! YOU! " Luna screamed and stormed out of the catacombs, sobbing.
Excuse thy, but, what? Give thy a kingdom?

"Y..y.. yes, I thought that if I gave you what you wanted you would go away! That you would leave me alone!"
Oh, my little Luna... It will take much more than stone to please me. She chuckled.

Another night of sobbing ensued.

Luna woke up the next cycle with red eyes and a sad disposition. she dragged herself around for her daily walk around the moon. She was more depressed than she had ever been. Ever. And that's a statement.
Luna sighed.

"When will I get to go back?"
Never, as long as I am here.
Luna teared up, and looked at the planet spinning out in the void, Equis

"But what about me?" Luna asked.
She is only concerned about her precious subjects, my dear. She does not care about you.

"That's not TRUE!" Luna fell down. Her wobbling legs finally gave in, it seemed that she had been walking for much longer than she thought.

"Not...t...t..true" She stammered.
Luna closed her eyes.
Oh, but the truth always hurts.. my dear Luna...

"I don't w...w...want t..t.. to be alone.." She cried.
You are not alone, my little puppet...

Princess Luna sobbed harder.

Little princess, thou have not spoken for days! Entertain thy, would thou!
Luna remained silent.
If you do not speak right, now, I will just have to keep talking, and I know thou does not enjoy such actions!
Luna said nothing.
Nightmare Moon grunted angrily.

"I just want to see her again.." Luna muttered.

The voice would smile at this moment, if it had a mouth, but it didn't.
I know how you can see your sister again...Luna.
Luna looked up at Equis

"Please, how do I see her?"
Let me take control, once more! And I will take you too her
Luna looked down at the dusty surface of the moon.

The mare started to float in the air, as swirls of darkness surrounded her, a red glow came from within.
what came out of the orb was not Luna.

"HAHA! YES! thy have become whole again! But now we must wait, my dear Luna.. for the stars shall aid in our escape, but not now, so we shall sleep! Until we can 'see' your sister again!" The Nightmare cackled hysterically.

Sister, i'll see you again, but not like this. I promise.

The Nightmare closed her eyes and slept.
Slept until the door opened. Then she would rule the land of Equestria in shadow.

It would forever be the land of Nightmare Moon!
