> My stupid story no pony wanna read cuz it is about random stuff and I like pewdiepie so brofist, brohoof, high five and ,butt hoof, people! > by TheBoxOfRandomNES > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Taco Bell's pizza with bombs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day in Equestria, there was Twillight Sparkle sitting on a chair in Taco Bell, enjoying her spicy taco.Before she could take the last bite, Rainbow Dash crashed in one of the windows of it and landed in front of the table Twillight was sitting. "Oh hi, Twilli, you bookworm, wanna see me do a barrel roll?" Twillight moaned and gave Rainbow Dash a dirty look. "No, you little brad, don't you see I'm enjoying my taco? Geez,and look, everypony's looking at us.Thanks Rainbow Crash!" Then suddenly, the store owner came and gave Rainbow Pie and Twilli Sprinkle a dirty and angry look: "You little piece of toast bread, what do you think you're doing?This will cost you 500 Bells!" Rainbow Dash looked confused. "Bells?Were not playing Animal Crossing, Neeeerd!" Suddenly, the owner of the taco something store began to make a weard, unnatural sound.He bagan to transform! "Holly mother of Zelda, DA FUCK is going on?", screamed Rainbow Sparkle or something and fell behind Rarity's ass, because Rarity was forced to clean the taco filled floor. She couldn't pay her taxes, so that's the reason she does this shitty work.So anyway, Reinpow Cotton or something got scared from the transforming taco dude owner and she or he or something flew away. Not for long tough...Apperantly, the owner transformed into a pokemon, a fat Snorlax with wings and he body slamed Rainbow Textbook with his fat McDonalds belly and Rainbow Tomatoe died from the impact. Meanwhile Twilli Beer flew away and that fat snorlax couldn't find her ever again.Da end? Nope, before ever that happend, George Washington Bush took an arrow to the knee. Meanwhile, Twilli got home and looked tired. "What da fuck happend Twilli, you look like you where beaten up by some drug dealer nearby",said Spike while smoking some fresh bought cocaine.It was fucking awosame! "Spike? IT IS TIME, For YOU, to fell, the FEEEAR!" And then she grabbed a random toy bow n arrow and fired directly at Spike's knee. He then, took an arrow to the knee. Because why fucking not? "HAHAHAHAHA" laughed Twillight Sankle with a Higurashi face. Then Spike said: "YO, dawg, it was nice n' all, but...WHAT THE FUCK'S the matter with you??" Twilli then did a barrel roll for no reason and said:"I play violent video gamez, thatz why!" Then for no fucking reason, Justin Biber came by and said: "oh baby, let us have some...s..." He couldn't finsish his sentence. He exploded of...I dunno, Zeus got pissed at his singing, so he let a lighting strike Justin Pingas for some good reason. Meanwhile in Canter Litterbox or something, Princess Doodle did a backflip on a playground,and screamed: "Frontflip", even tough it was a backlip. Stupid princess, she was only there as a as a statue of Liberty or something. Then for no reason, Ronald McDonald came by a motorcycle holding a RPG-7 and he fired directly at a Wal-Mart store for ...You know why, don't you? Well, he wanted to open a Mc Donald's store at Wal-Mart, but they didn't let him, so he blew Wal-Mart up for that reason. So yea, then Applejack had a 3ds and played Pokemon X on it. But then, suddenly, she found a rare shiny Pokemon! "Oh fucking god, I wanna catch that one and name it Ballzkick for no reason." She threw a masterball. It got free somehow and she threw her shiny looking 3ds at the ground.Then she took a nuclear warhead out of her pocket and threw it on the game bo...I mean 3Ds and it exploded. The area was polluted from the chemical reaction and Solid Snake commit suicide, because he forgot how to use the revival pill and he didn't woke up. Meanwhile in Ponyville, Twillight Spoinkle was playing Wii Fit for the Wii. When she wanted to try out the balance board, it broke into millions of pieces. "Damn Nintendo, why does all you're stuff breake so easy?" Spike came into the room Twilli was in. With his lit ciggar in his mouth, he sat down next to Twillight, looking deeply into her eyes and said: " Twilli, there is something important I want to tell you. I wanted to tell it to you the whole time, but I could'nt brace myself to tell you, until now." The purple unicorn began to blush. She knew that one day, he would confess his love to her. "Twillight, I..... " Her eyes began to wide out, her checks began to blush even more, she was ready for this big news, that will forever change her life. "Twillight, I am in love. In love with something purple in this room." She could'nt wait any longer for Spike to say her name. "It's me, isn't it, Spike?" Spike began to cry.Then he started to laugh and said with a loud voice: "You gotta be kidding me, right?" Twillight looked confused. " But I tought that you wanted to tell me, that you love me, and..." Spike gave her a trollface look and said: "With that purple thing I love...By that, I meant my Gameboy Advance!" After this incident, Spike was reported missing and his body was never found ever again. So anyways, now that Twillight Sparkle is forever alone, she wanted someone to live along with her. And since Twillight killed Spike for that Gameboy Advance joke earlier, she was living alone, in this damn treehouse, which is aged pretty badly. Mostly because she used parts of her house as firewood. As she felt depressed, and tought of commit suiciding, somepony was ringing at her doorbell. What she didn't know tough, is that this somepony on the door will forever change her life. To Be continued....