> The Night of the Full Moon > by InvaderSplorch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Wet Dreams Part 1: Self Indulgence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna stood atop her castle balcony, staring at the moon she admired so much. It was her duty to raise and lower it, signifying the change of day to night, and the conclusion of her shift. As she gazed into the white sphere, a reflection of Nightmare Moon glared back, an image that would be a constant reminder of the time she lost control of herself. She shook the idle thoughts from her head, returning to her task of lowering the moon. Luna's horn glowed with magic as she performed her rite. Night steadily turned to day, and she saw her sister on a nearby balcony. Celestia's horn shined yellow as she started to raise the sun, her own royal duty. Luna continued to lower the moon as flashes of her darker self became constant in her mind. She grew concerned with them, as they would only ever appear when she was feeling assertive or dominant. She often saw a flash of Nightmare Moon here and there, but the images wouldn't last long. She felt that something of significant importance had slipped her mind. She just shook her head once more, hoping to clear the idle thoughts and lingering feelings.         I'm just tired, that's all. I need sleep, yeah, that's it! Luna thought.         She continued to struggle with her duty as she lowered the moon, her head bobbing up and down from sheer lack of sleep. For the past week, she had been shaving off time for rest in order to play the new Pegasus Gaiden game for PonyStation 4. She was so determined to beat the first boss that she kept herself awake, constantly downing energy drinks and snacking on HayMix! for 3 days straight. Now, at the end of her shift, she began to feel drowsy. She didn't care much, however, as she knew she would be asleep soon anyway. She continued her duty as the thought of why she was seeing her other side crossed her mind. Tonight's moon was full, and the problem she was having must have come from the source itself. She decided that it must be the reason, but didn't know why it would cause her to react this way. She finished lowering it as the sun shone brightly in the sky. Satisfied that her duty was now complete, she turned around and began to walk back to her room.         Her head hung low, swaying back and forth as her eyes fluttered in an attempt to stay open. Her hooves merely scraped along the cold stone floor as she trudged along the path to her room. She tried her hardest to stay awake and alert. Alas, she nearly collapsed multiple times in the hallway from the ongoing struggle. A few royal guards saw this and rushed to her aid.         "Princess Luna, are you alright?" one of them asked as he lifted her up.         "Huh? Oh, thank you. It seems I'm a bit tired, that's all," Luna smiled as she continued on her route.         The guard that helped her hastily went back to his post, his wings fully erect. The other guards saw this and told him to calm down. He tried his hardest to calm himself, but couldn't get the image out of his mind. As he was helping the Princess off of the ground, he could smell a sweet scent from her marehood. When he glanced at it, he saw a single stream of excitement clinging to her outer lip.         As Luna walked, she became more alert. She noticed something peculiar about the scene that had just occurred. She wondered why the guard had helped her up, but wouldn't escort her to her room. In the past when she'd been tired, they would always do so. They’d talk with her if she were conscious, or even carry her all the way back if need be. She couldn't understand why they wouldn't so much as offer to escort her. She paused a moment and tried to think of a logical explanation as to why they wouldn't help her, and noticed she had an itch on the lower part of her abdomen. In trying to fix this unnerving sensation, she felt another one....wetness. Her eyes widened as she brought her hoof up to her face. On it was a small line of clear fluid, clinging to it ever so tightly. Her face turned a bright crimson, and her body felt like it was being wrapped in an electric blanket. She felt so ashamed, so embarrassed that her protectors had seen her like this. She dashed towards her bedroom as a voice echoed in her mind.         "How HOT was it to let them see us like this? Oh, my, if they had only followed, we could have thanked them for their hard work," it said.         Luna became immediately frightened at this inner thought and sprinted further down the winding hallways to her chambers. On the bright side, she wasn't tired anymore. Instead, she was fully awake with dismay. She desperately fled to her room, hoping that no one else had seen her. After a couple of minutes, she reached her bedroom and used her magic to remove the lock on the door. She was thankful that no one else had discovered her in this state.         It's a good thing I'm not in heat She thought to herself. If I was, I think I might have taken all four of those guards on back there...         After Luna made it inside her room, she turned on the lights and slammed the door, making sure it was locked before she ventured into her closet. In the bottom drawer of a tucked away box, there hid Luna's stash. She used her magic to undo the spell on it, then set it down on her bed. She opened her box and browsed its contents. She wasn't sure which toy she wanted to use among the vast array of sexy devices.         "Should I use one with batteries, or something that  just requires the force of my hoof instead?" Luna asked out loud.         She debated with herself over what could vanquish this feeling in her nether region. The small, compact toy she held in her hoof was shaped like an egg. A wire extended from the shell’s inner layer to a small control panel that lay on her bed. On the panel was a small dial that changed the intensity of the vibrations being submitted. It went from “Low”, with small hashes in-between to “Medium” ; then it went from “Medium” to “High”, with more hashes in-between to allow more control over the experience. She liked the idea of controlling her own orgasm, so she decided to go with the toy. It had been quite a while since she used any sort of object on herself, and her heartbeat sped up in pure excitement at the thought. She could feel the small spasms of lust in her inner walls as they craved and begged for something to penetrate them.         Luna set the dial to the “Low” setting before she sat on her wide, outstretched bed. While the bed itself wasn’t fancy, the sheets were made out of Egyptian silk, a luxury that royalty frequently enjoyed. Not wanting to stain the sheets with her love juices, Luna removed the top sheet, exposing the ones underneath. These sheets were made out of cotton, so she could have as much fun as she wanted without caring about the consequences. She knew she could easily wash them after her alone time, so she smiled as the low humming noise from the toy started to fill the air. Not wanting anypony to hear her, she turned on her stereo and plugged in her MP3. She had a playlist for just this sort of occasion, so she turned it to half volume, and laid flat on her back. She breathed a heavy sigh as the artist Ginuwine started to sing his song.         Luna’s arm trembled as she raised the setting halfway between “Low” and “Medium.” Slowly lowering the device to her crotch, her heart started to beat faster at knowing what was about to occur. She started to sweat from pure adrenaline as the device touched her most outer lip. With a soft moan, she started to carefully and sensually rub the device along her outer lip as more juices started to flow out of her. She gasped as she did a full circle of the outer lip and stopped on her clitoris. Like a pearl in a clamshell, her clit started to slowly come out of its shell. However, it wasn’t completely engorged yet, meaning that she still had some work to do.         Luna adjusted the dial up a couple of hash marks, just underneath the medium setting. The buzzing of the device intensified as She cautiously pushed it into herself. With a gasp and a moan, Luna flung her head back onto a pillow as the device started to make its way inside of her. She could feel the vibrations of the device reverberate and tingle every crevice of her inner cave. With slow inserts and removals, she could feel the device slowly working its charm on her.         The small eggshell of a device rubbed every fold of her inner walls as her love juices started to leak out of her moist, tight hole. She turned the dial slightly higher and squealed in pure bliss. She crossed her hindlegs in response to the  increasing intensity as she dug her face into the pillows underneath her. With raspy moans and short jerks, her hoof explored the misty cavern with curiosity. The device went into overtime as she shuttered and twisted violently, the pleasure being too much for her to handle. Suddenly, as she was nearing her finish, she stopped feeling the vibrations below.         Luna’s eyes went wide as she realized something. She hadn’t changed the batteries. The current ones had run out of juice, thus ending her alone time. Disappointed, she removed the device from inside herself and just gawked at it. She adjusted the dial to “Low” in hopes of somehow resurrecting the device. She knew this was a failed effort, but she was still hopeful that it had some battery life left. She grew angry, knowing that she was almost done but would not climax. She hurled the device across the room in a fit of rage. It bounced off the wall and landed with a loud thunk on top of her desk.         “This is just like the time when I was playing Mega Pony for the Pegasus Entertainment System!” She shouted. “The power went out and I couldn’t finish! I was on the last boss and ready to deliver the final blow, when wait, you’re about to finish? Fuck you, Luna! And I couldn’t even save! 2 and a half hours of hard work gone! Not finishing when you’re at the end of something is the worst feeling ever!” She cried.         Luna started to inhale huge amounts of air to calm herself. Her once ecstatic arousal was now stagnant and dead. Luna turned off her music, shut down the lights, and sat straight up in bed. She drew the top sheet over herself and lay there, trying to fall asleep. It took some time, but her eyes eventually closed, starting her trip to the dream world.         Her mind slipped into darkness. Exhausted as she was, she wandered lazily through the realm of dreams. She could feel her awareness go numb as any rational thought gave way to her subconscious perceptions and desires. Memories, fears, and fantasies appeared before her, shifting and churning as her dream fully formed.         Luna’s vision was pitch black, but her other senses had remained fully functional. She could feel the strong current blow through her mane while her vision returned to normal. She soon found herself flying through the sky. “Bwaaaghgh, ngghhh” Luna fumbled, distressed. She quickly found that she had been flying the entire time. She thought that she was merely on the ground while the gusty current blew through her long and lustrous mane. Even though she panicked, her sense of flight and its skill was unmatched. She calmed down while she continued on her predetermined path. She didn’t know where she was flying to, but she glanced from side to side out of the corner of her eyes. She saw her sister flying in the same direction. Not knowing where she was headed, she figured it would be best to just follow Celestia, as she would know where they were heading. After some time, she began to recognize small pieces of terrain. She could see a vast and frozen land start to come into view. Venturing forth, she started to feel the sting of the icy wind. The bone-chilling feeling of frostbite attacked her body ruthlessly. Luna’s body shivered in hopes of staying warm. Celestia picked up the pace in flying speed. Not wanting to lose sight of her sister, Luna sped up as she started to get a sense of where they were. “Are we heading towards the Crystal Empire?” Luna thought to herself. “If that’s true, then I should see a large structure in the middle of the kingdom.” After some time had passed, Luna started to see the faint outline of a kingdom, a tall structure looming on the horizon. As she flew towards it, she could sense a dark and powerful aura radiating near its borders, its intensity increasing as she flew closer. Luna ventured further into the sky, and recognized a tall structure in the middle as it came into view. Its foundation was strong and wide, and near the bottom stood a dark unicorn. A dark, jagged crown sat upon his head, containing his greasy, jet-black mane. His red cape dragged along the ground as he walked about, using his magic to whip the ponies in the city. Luna glided down in front of him as Celestia followed suit. The two alicorns locked eyes with the dark unicorn, and Celestia spoke.         “Who are you, and why are you tormenting these ponies?” she demanded.                  An evil laugh erupted from the unicorn’s throat. “I am King Sombra, and you are interfering with my work!”         Luna was about to say something before she realized that Sombra stopped talking. His movements were frozen as Luna took a glance at her sister. Celestia’s face still showed anger towards Sombra, but she did not move either. Luna walked over to Sombra and poked him in the face, expecting a reaction. He merely stood there, his body standing as still as time itself.         “What is going on around here?” Luna asked herself.         “I stopped time in this realm,” responded a voice.         “Who goes there? Show yourself!” Luna shouted as she took a fighting stance. Her horn glowed with magic as she looked around trying to find the source.         “Oh come now, Luna. Put that thing away before you hurt yourself,” the voice replied. A dark blue mist emerged in front of Luna’s eyes, slowly taking shape. Stepping out of the haze was her former self, Nightmare Moon. Luna was shocked to see Nightmare Moon appearing before herself.         “But, but, you’re me. I’m me. Just what is going on?” Luna frantically asked.         “Honestly, Luna, look around. Don’t you feel a strange sense of deja vu? That’s because you have already been here, Princess,” Nightmare Moon said, her words filled with poison. “You are dreaming, you lowly piece of trash.”         “Trash? I will eradicate you from existence!” Luna shouted,  her horn aglow with magic.         The dark queen of the night sighed as she disappeared. Luna looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of Nightmare Moon. The lavender alicorn felt a sharp pain to her jaw as Nightmare Moon kicked her square in the face. Luna flew through the air and landed on her back. Before she could react, the dark mare was already on top of her. Nightmare Moon laughed as she stepped on Luna’s throat with a foreleg. Gasping for air, Luna choked hard as it pressed down further, crushing her windpipe.         “Now then you dimwit, allow me to explain why I’m here,” Nightmare Moon said, smirking. She continued to step on Luna’s throat. Luna gasped while a trickle of liquid leaked out of her. Nightmare Moon moved her hind leg up to her marehood and began to slowly rub it. The princess’s face went immediately red.         Nightmare Moon merely laughed as more of the liquid crept out of Luna. “This is called self-asphyxiation, you worm. It’s when someone chokes you while you pleasure yourself, or you choke and pleasure yourself at the same time,” she said. Nightmare Moon released the princess from her submissive state.         “Now then, you waste of life. Just what were you doing in your room alone? Hmmm, you weren’t being naughty now, were you?” Nightmare Moon asked sadistically.         Luna’s face flushed red with embarrassment as Nightmare Moon just stood there, her face gleaming with arrogance and pride. “This must be a dream. How else could she knew what I had done alone? She must know that I was having fun with myself in my bedroom. Dammit, just how much does she know?” Luna thought to herself.         “Everything,” Nightmare Moon replied.         Luna suddenly stood up, horrified that her thoughts had been read..         “I am you, Luna. And you are me. We are connected by the same bonds of fate. We both hold the same body, the same state of mind. I mean look at what you did to me, you intolerable bitch,” Nightmare Moon said, bending over in front of the startled princess.         Just like Luna, Nightmare Moon’s marehood was dripping with lust and excitement. This only turned Luna on more the longer she stared at this tight, pink hole. Her plot begged for punishment as her wings sprang up, throbbing.         “Hnnnggg, Luna, you’re making it worse!” Nightmare Moon shouted, a light moan escaping her lips. “I didn’t know you were so kinky, Luna. You naughty, naughty, mare you. Uah, why are you making me this excited? Luna, let’s focus real quick. Ok? Focus! I need your answer on this question. Do you want me to get you off, or him?” Nightmare Moon asked, her hoof pointing towards a still frozen Sombra. “You see, when you are in the mood, I feel the same thing. The problem is that when you feel arousal, it intensifies this feeling in me. And Luna? You want to know why you get horny so badly when a full moon is out? It’s because of our past. When we were banished, a full moon gave us enough light to see earth. To occupy our time and enjoy this view, we started to touch ourselves. It started out simply and innocently enough, but it quickly became something else, something splendid. We found ourselves, Luna. We found that we could enjoy the time and the luxuries of our curvy bodies. Over time, we developed a habit. Every full moon, we become aroused and agitated more, knowing that we are about to find ourselves again,” Nightmare Moon said, her voice dripping with desire. “Now, Luna, what do you want me to do?”         Luna couldn't reply, her body shaking from pure adrenaline and anticipation. “I grow tired of using my hoof or a device. It has been some time since I have had a stallion,” Luna meekly replied.         “Then, let’s change the setting a bit, shall we?” With a bright flash of light, Luna was blinded immediately. After a while, she regained her vision. She found herself on top of the balcony where she performed her royal duty. Looking to the sky she saw a full moon, its shining light embracing her in its soft glow. She took comfort in this, but was soon drawn to a shuffling behind her. Turning around, she saw Sombra staring back at her. > Wet Dreams Part 2: Do You Like Love Games? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sombra was wearing a nice, formal outfit. He wore a top hat on top of his head, with a monacle over his right eye. He wore a black and white tuxedo with a ruby red bowtie firmly attached to his chest. His pants were black khakis that went over the side of his pure leather loafers. Princess Luna glanced down and saw that she was in a silky navy blue dress, complete with white laces for the shirt underneath.         “This seems a bit much, don’t you agree?” asked Luna.         “Well, I figured I would swoon you and be romantic,” Sombra replied, his horn glowing black. “But, if you’d rather take a different approach…” he chuckled. With a quick spell, he removed all of the clothing from both parties.         “Luna, I want you to enjoy every single moment tonight. I know I will. After all, what you feel, I feel 10 times more,” Sombra said, his face beaming with lust.         Luna knew just who was taking the appearance of Sombra as she was grabbed by his magic. Using the levitation spell, he lifted Luna up in the air and gently laid her on her back. The Princess’s midnight blue eyes shone brightly beneath the moon’s light.         “I am not used to being handled so suddenly,” she blushed, her eyes taking a quick gander at Sombra’s lower head. She started to chuckle at the sight, and his smile was quickly wiped away. “It’s like a spaghetti noodle!” she laughed. “It’s dangling there like it needs to be boiled in water! Bw-ahahaha!”         Sombra stood there, silent, his mouth parted a little bit. “Isn’t she aroused? Why is she making fun of me right now? I’m so confused...” he thought.         “I’m sorry, it’s just that it reminds me of one of my favorite dishes. It looked so adorable as it swayed back and forth….just like a noodle, pshhhh!” she snorted.         He was immediately flustered. While she chuckled to herself, he hatched an idea. A light bulb appeared inside of his head, letting him know that the plan was flawless. “Dear Luna, what say you to a challenge?”         “A challenge?” she repeated.         “Yes, think of it like a game.”         A small crack of joy appeared on Luna’s face. She kept this sign of confidence hidden from Sombra’s eyes. She knew that she had never been bested in all of her life at a game. After all, she had only ever lost to one pony, and she wasn’t here right now.         “Ok, Sombra, what were you thinking?” she asked.         “How about this. If you win, you get to do decide what we do the next time I meet you on a full moon. But if I win, I get to decide what we do on the next full moon. No exceptions, no complaints. The other party must whole heartedly agree to do whatever the other wants. There is no compromise. The only way to win is to not cum first,” the dark, sly unicorn proposed.         “Well, that is a big risk. I don’t know if I can even, DONE!”  she shouted enthusiastically.         Sombra was shocked that she agreed to this so easily.         “My, my, my, it seems you’re a bit taken aback. I must admit that you made a mistake, dear Nightmare Moon, er, I mean, Sombra. It does not matter what form you take, what thing you do to me, I will win. For you see, you have stepped into my domain. The realm of dreams is a thing we share together. However, when it comes to a challenge, as a gamer, it is my duty to crush my opponent, no matter the difficulty,” Luna pronounced, passion and intensity filling her eyes.         “What have I done?”  Sombra thought, tilting his head straight up. He closed his eyes, immediately regretting the challenge. Suddenly, he felt a warm sensation on his crotch. He quickly glanced down and saw Luna’s head covering his nether region.         While Sombra was occupied staring at the ceiling, Luna took the advantage and flew towards his flaccid member. She opened her jaw and planted a firm grip on his cock with her mouth. When he cast his gaze downward, she looked up at him and grinned devilishly, wet noises escaping her mouth. She cradled his tender balls, and licked around the tip of his dick. Sombra grunted as Luna licked it like a lollipop, moving her tongue oh so carefully up and down the shaft, making sure to cover every inch with her hot saliva. While juggling his balls, she sucked deeply and feverishly before stopping at the tip. She turned her head back and forth on his rod while swirling her tongue in tiny little circles, occasionally hitting the cluster of raw nerves underneath it. Sombra squinted as a rush of immense pleasure filled his brain. Luna chuckled with his meat pole still in her mouth. Her chuckles created tiny vibrations throughout his cock, sending wave after wave of fleeting joy into his mind. Sombra couldn’t lose like this, so he decided it was time to get serious. Using his levitation magic again, he lifted Luna into the air upside down. He turned her around and saw the juicy, moist hole that he craved. With an amused laugh, Sombra drew the plot onto his face. Luna mumbled in ecstasy as Sombra’s muzzle moved deep within her. He could feel the liquid in every crevice of her walls with his tongue. He lapped it up, still feeling the muffled moans from below. It seemed that Sombra had the upper hand for now as he held Luna in the air. He continued to dig his face deeper into her hole, driving Luna crazy in the process. She lustfully sucked his lower head harder. Sombra bared with this increased intensity as he shook his head between her flanks. He started to move his tongue in replica of the alphabet, making sure to stop on her clit at the end of each letter. Luna just moaned wildly as she dangled in the air, blood pooling into her brain, causing her to go insane. She jerked and bobbed her head ferociously, lewd wet noises filling the air. She moved her hooves up to his shaft and stroked it, while focusing her tongue on the tip’s raw nerves yet again. Sombra dug deeper into her hole as he squeezed her soft, plump ass with his hooves. Luna moaned again, wiggling her flank further into his face. Sombra’s magic waned, as he couldn’t concentrate on holding her up and licking her pussy at the same time. His legs finally gave out, and Luna fell to the floor with a deep gagging sound. Sombra’s flesh stick penetrated the back of her throat. Sombra moaned in sweet bliss while his dick pulsed and throbbed with joy. He held his head with his hooves briefly before arching himself on the marble floor. Luna pushed herself up and opened her jaw. A thick stream of saliva and precum drooled out of her mouth onto Sombra’s erect cock. Seeing this, she moved her mouth over his member and sucked up everything that remained. Removing her mouth, she swallowed as Sombra still lay there, his hooves clasped to the top of his head as he rocked from side to side, trying not to climax. “Having this much trouble? We’ve only just begun,” pronounced Luna. She backed her flank up to Sombra’s face. He looked up and saw yet again the moist, dripping hole dangling just a few inches from his face. He could feel the intense heat radiating from it and his dick twitched in excitement. “Your friend here wants to enter. Sorry, but access is denied. You need to collect 20 stars to enter this door,” Luna chuckled. “Don’t worry, Sombra, I’ll let you know when you reach your quota. Until then, you’re going to have to earn it. Feel blessed, as you will experience the flank of royalty. You took it by force, you naughty boy. However, this time I’ll take charge,” she said. Luna slammed her flank on top of Sombra’s face, his hard salami rising higher towards the sky. Luna looked over her shoulder to see his expression. She didn’t know how big her ass was, but she soon realized she was only able to see him from the snout up. Both of his jaws sank into the blue and black mass of flesh while she jiggled her butt with playful jerks. Muffled words tickled her outer lips, causing her to purr with enjoyment at the vibrations from below. Making sure Sombra couldn’t escape, she grabbed his member and stroked it again. She moved her wrist in slow, elongated movements up and down his shaft. She could feel his tongue pushing deeper and harder into her melting pot, a good indicator that he was getting turned on even more. With the occasional flick of her tongue, she teased his flesh worm, making it throb and twitch in between her hooves. Luna felt soft muffled moans from her ass as she let out an aroused gasp. “Well, that’s two stars, Sombra. 18 more and you may enter the door. That is, if you have enough star power,” Luna muttered, Sombra slaving away with his tongue. Enjoying the taste of her excitement, Sombra began to suck on her exposed clit, its engorged area being played with. Luna inhaled sharply, her mind fluttering with sensual chemicals. She deepthroated his rod again in thanks for his hard work. In response, he grabbed her flanks and squeezed them tightly, pushing his tongue deeper into the moist and hot darkness. He sucked on her clit when he released her flanks, and grabbed them harder when he licked her walls. He repeated this process while Luna worked her tongue up and down his shaft, circling the head before venturing down his genitals. She continued to stroke him as she licked upwards again towards the tip. Sombra’s muffled moans only provided more excitement to the Princess, her slurping becoming louder. Enjoying the sounds, Sombra swallowed Luna’s juices, tasting the sweet clear liquid that poured out from her marehood. She shuddered, her ass jiggling and moving in excitement. She still had a trick up her sleeve as she started to rotate her ass cheeks on top of his face. She turned the left cheek in a counter-clockwise manner, and rotated the right cheek in a clockwise fashion. She continued this process for some time, savoring the feeling of the thick meaty rod throbbing in her mouth, the dick visibly extending her gums. Sombra gave her shocks of pleasure through his mouth, her pussy clenching in acknowledgment. She removed him from her mouth before catching her breath. “Well, you’ve obtained your 20 stars. However, your princess is not in this castle,” she said mockingly. “But since you’ve been such a good little doggy, I’ll give you a treat. You may enter me, Sombra. But be warned, I’m armed and dangerous.” Luna removed her flank from Sombra’s face and bent her front half on the ground. Her lower half was still in the air as it flirtatiously swayed from side to side. Sombra did not like being made a fool of, so he decided to take the lead this time. He calmly raised himself from the floor before sprinting towards her. Her eyes went wide as he picked her up with his momentum and slammed her into the balcony, her chest spilling over the railing. He could see her wings completely spread out along her back and fully erect, causing him to throb with anticipation. Sombra used his hind legs to spread hers while he grabbed her forelegs with his own. He pulled them behind her back and firmly held them in place. “You say that my princess is in another castle, hmm? Well, then, guess I’ll just have to plunder this one in the meantime!” Sombra roared. Sombra plunged his erection into Luna’s messy, wet pussy. She let out another moan of pleasure as Sombra grunted from her tightness. He went to start moving inside of her, but quickly found out that he was having trouble. He wasn’t completely inside of her, and struggled to put his entire package into her box. Sombra could feel her walls slowly parting before his massive dick. “Now then, time for this dungeon to be explored,” he said. Trying to pick up the motion of bucking, he found his hips wouldn’t move, thanks to the tight hole he was plunged into. “Ahahaha, you fell for it!” laughed Luna. “I activate my trap card, Royal Pumping! With this, you’re sure to lose,” she boasted. “Really? Again with the game terminology? Honestly, it’s growing quite old. I wish you would just stay quiet!” Sombra yelled. “Oh, you don’t like my lingo? Guess I’ll have to punish you for that.” In a bright flash, they disappeared from the balcony and into Luna’s private quarters. They were still connected at the hips as Luna turned on her Equestria Move. “What are you doing?” cried Sombra.  "How did we get here?" “Well, since I know I'm dreaming, I figured I can change my surroundings. Also, I'm  teaching you a lesson you’ll never forget. I’ve always wanted to game while having sex, but now that you’re stuck like this, I want to try something,” Luna explained. She grabbed the Move remote from her desk with her levitation magic. She turned the remote on, which in turn started the system. The remote had a built-in sensor which communicated with the console. It copied the player’s exact movements and displayed these actions on the screen. Luna turned the TV on as the remote connected with the console. “Ready for some tennis?” she said, licking her lips in anticipation. “Wait, what?” replied Sombra. She selected Super Smash Tennis and set the remote on the table, searching her room for some lubricant. She opened her drawer and pulled out a bottle of Dragon Lube. Chuckling to herself, she removed it from the drawer and held it in the air where he could see it. “What are you doing?” Sombra asked as the game loaded on the screen. The remote made a pinging noise, letting them know that calibrations were complete. She coated the remote in the lubricant while selecting her character and storage unit for the game. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Sombra yelled in terror. Princess Luna just cast an evil smile. The curvy mare of the night cackled wickedly while raising her flank in the air. She used her magical talent and pure strength to keep it, and the unicorn still stuck inside, in the air. Sombra struggled to free himself as her strong vaginal walls clamped down harder on him, thus ensuring he wouldn’t escape. “Stop! Stop, you crazy lunatic! You’re Princess Luna and I’m Nightmare Moon in Sombra’s body! I’m the sadist and you’re the lowly masochistic filth of Equestria! When did we change roles?!” Sombra screamed. “We didn’t Sombra. Now role play correctly, Nightmare Moon. You’re starting to slack off. I’m beginning to become disappointed by your lack of faith in this game, and I find this...disturbing,” Luna replied, the remote inching towards Sombra’s asshole. Sombra tried to remove himself from Luna with magic, but every time he moved, he could feel the tight walls choke his lower head with extreme force. If he tried to move with all of his might, he would’ve cum inside her and lose the bet he proposed. Instead, he closed his eyes as he felt the remote slowly being inserted into his rectum. Sombra winced and yelled out in displeasure as half of the remote slid inside of him. Contrary to his belief, the remote was pressing against his prostate so much that it started to trigger his G-Spot.  Sombra occasionally let out moans of pain and gasps of pleasure. Luna giggled with glee, content that her idea was a success. “It works!” she shouted. “Wait, what works?” asked Sombra, his ass dangling in the air. “Your ass is now the controller. Where I move, you move. And since your ass is the controller, it’ll move with you. Got it, simpleton? Watch this!” Luna exclaimed in happiness. Sombra’s face melted into despair as he felt a welling desire to cry. His jaw hung agape while Luna started to focus on the television. The CPU opponent appeared, signaling Sombra’s defeat. The game flickered, her character awaiting to serve the ball. “Ready?” asked Luna. “Wait, wait, no, no, NOOOOOOOOO!” Sombra shrieked. Luna cast a quick glance at her juicy flank before focusing on the television. Sombra was lifted higher into the air and slammed down as the ball on the screen was served. The CPU returned the ball as Luna swayed her hips to the right, Sombra’s ass moving to the right due to the mare’s pure physical strength. Luna returned the ball back and scored a point against the CPU. “Alright, 15 - Love!” she cheered. “And how many points-” “Shhh, I’m in the zone, Sombra. Just make sure you focus on staying hard. If you become limp and fall out of me, the punishment will be worse.” she smirked. Sombra was scared at what this could mean, so he focused on making sure he was hard the entire time she played the game. Thankfully, this was quite easy. Every time she moved and hit the ball, the controller would vibrate inside of him. This vibration would tickle his G-Spot, causing him to thrust forward. Feeling this inside of herself, Luna occasionally moaned softly and squeezed Sombra tighter, her walls massaging his huge, rock hard cock. This “game” of theirs continued for some time, each pony nearing their imminent finish. Luna gasped for breath, her body shaking in lust and exhaustion. Sombra was equally tired, his coat drenched in sweat. Luna needed but a single point to win the match. The problem was whether she still had the stamina to accomplish the task. Her concentration on the game had weakened her control over her vagina, her pink hole now grabbing tighter onto Sombra’s dick. Sombra had concentrated so much on staying hard that he lost focus of the matter at hand: making Luna come first. While Luna still gasped for breath, a devious grin came across Sombra’s face, a devilish plan flashing in his eyes. Now the perfect opportunity came into view as Luna’s character was serving the ball. With his hooves, he grabbed Luna’s flank tightly and thrust with all of his might into her. “Ngghhhaaa!” shrieked Luna as she felt his member hit her womb. Luna’s character served the ball with such velocity that she scored an ace. Still thrusting hard, Sombra continued his unending spree of pounding her tight blue plot. Lewd squishing noises gurgled from her underside, sating her lust even more. Seeing that she had won, Luna’s focus now shifted towards the stallion pounding away at her soft, plump ass. With a glow of her horn, she yanked the controller out of Sombra’s flank. With an audible “pop” sound, the controller fell out of his backside. Now, it was her turn to take the offensive. She started to feel herself nearing climax, so she flung herself back towards the nearest wall. Sombra was now stuck in between the wall and inside of Luna. Sombra could no longer do his full thrusting motion, thus ensuring Luna’s victory. Her front forehooves rested on the ground as she slid her wet cavern on Sombra’s lower head, her contracting marehood strangling the tip and caressing the head. Sombra grunted trying to hold on. Luna was nearing her end, so she decided to finish this game here and now. “FINISH HIM!” she cried out, Sombra’s face changing into one of despair. Luna slammed her flank violently again and again on Sombra, his cock throbbing and pulsating with each thrust. Luna moaned loudly as she nibbled on her bottom lip. “N-N-Nooooooo!” Sombra cried out, his pleasure too much to take. “I-I can’t lose! I c-can-aaagghhhh!” he shouted, his dick signaling his loss. Rope after rope of thick, white cum filled Luna’s marehood. Sombra’s stallionhood continued to fire inside of Luna, and soon her vagina could hold no more. It spilled out of her and flowed down her long, slender legs. Feeling the warmth of his seed inside of her, her walls contracted tightly, causing Luna to scream out in ecstasy. Her juices poured out of her and mixed with Sombra’s, both of their fluids leaking out of her. She felt an inner bliss wash over her face while cum continued to pour inside of her. She fell onto the ground in pure exhaustion and happiness. Sombra’s cock stopped twitching, the stallion’s face locked into one of awe and despair. His jaw hung open, his eyes staring at the ceiling while drool slowly crept its way out of his mouth. He was released from Luna’s tight grip, landing in the pile of his and Luna’s cum. He did not care, only breathing heavily, his energy completely spent. They both rested on the ground, each one unable to move. They stayed still for a couple of minutes, until the scenery around Luna started to waver and shake. The room disappeared in a bright flash, revealing a white room with endless space. Luna looked over to see Nightmare Moon panting heavily. “I-It’s your victory, Princess Luna. On the next full moon, I await my punishment,” she said with a wicked smile. “I can’t wait,” she announced, her tongue slowly running over her lips. Luna awoke to her alarm clock ringing. She battered her eyes and yawned loudly, her limbs crying out in pain. She stretched, went to the restroom, freshened herself up, and returned to her room. She saw a rather large wet spot on her sheets. “Well, at least I still managed to finish. I guess I have to wash these later then,” she said with a sigh. Earlier that day, Celestia had heard a noise from Luna’s room while she was doing her rounds of the castle. She opened the door a bit and watched Luna thrash about in ecstasy while she slept. Celestia became aroused as she monitored her sister. She stayed outside of Luna’s room until she climaxed all over her sheets. Celestia’s face turned bright red, her marehood becoming wet. “Oh dear sister, I thought I had you this time. Well, until the next moon,” she whispered to herself. Celestia hummed quietly, her mane bouncing along with her trots as she returned to her post before Luna could see her. > Wet Dreams Part 3: Sombra's Special Move AKA Alt. Ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sombra was wearing a nice, formal outfit. He wore a top hat on top of his head, with a monacle over his right eye. He wore a black and white tuxedo with a ruby red bowtie firmly attached to his chest. His pants were black khakis that went over the side of his pure leather loafers. Princess Luna glanced down and saw that she was in a silky navy blue dress, complete with white laces for the shirt underneath.         “This seems a bit much, don’t you agree?” asked Luna.         “Well, I figured I would swoon you and be romantic,” Sombra replied, his horn glowing black. “But, if you’d rather take a different approach…” he chuckled. With a quick spell, he removed all of the clothing from both parties.         “Luna, I want you to enjoy every single moment tonight. I know I will. After all, what you feel, I feel 10 times more,” Sombra said, his face beaming with lust.         Luna knew just who was taking the appearance of Sombra as she was grabbed by his magic. Using the levitation spell, he lifted Luna up in the air and gently laid her on her back. The Princess’s midnight blue eyes shone brightly beneath the moon’s light.         “I am not used to being handled so suddenly,” she blushed, her eyes taking a quick gander at Sombra’s lower head. She started to chuckle at the sight, and his smile was quickly wiped away. “It’s like a spaghetti noodle!” she laughed. “It’s dangling there like it needs to be boiled in water! Bw-ahahaha!”         Sombra stood there, silent, his mouth parted a little bit. “Isn’t she aroused? Why is she making fun of me right now? I’m so confused...” he thought.         “I’m sorry, it’s just that it reminds me of one of my favorite dishes. It looked so adorable as it swayed back and forth….just like a noodle, pshhhh!” she snorted.         He was immediately flustered. While she chuckled to herself, he hatched an idea. A light bulb appeared inside of his head, letting him know that the plan was flawless. “Dear Luna, what say you to a challenge?”         “A challenge?” she repeated.         “Yes, think of it like a game.”         A small crack of joy appeared on Luna’s face. She kept this sign of confidence hidden from Sombra’s eyes. She knew that she had never been bested in all of her life at a game. After all, she had only ever lost to one pony, and she wasn’t here right now.         “Ok, Sombra, what were you thinking?” she asked.         “How about this. If you win, you get to do decide what we do the next time I meet you on a full moon. But if I win, I get to decide what we do on the next full moon. No exceptions, no complaints. The other party must whole heartedly agree to do whatever the other wants. There is no compromise. The only way to win is to not cum first,” the dark, sly unicorn proposed.         “Well, that is a big risk. I don’t know if I can even, DONE!”  she shouted enthusiastically.         Sombra was shocked that she agreed to this so easily.         “My, my, my, it seems you’re a bit taken aback. I must admit that you made a mistake, dear Nightmare Moon, er, I mean, Sombra. It does not matter what form you take, what thing you do to me, I will win. For you see, you have stepped into my domain. The realm of dreams is a thing we share together. However, when it comes to a challenge, as a gamer, it is my duty to crush my opponent, no matter the difficulty,” Luna pronounced, passion and intensity filling her eyes.         “What have I done?”  Sombra thought, tilting his head straight up. He closed his eyes, immediately regretting the challenge. Suddenly, he felt a warm sensation on his crotch. He quickly glanced down and saw Luna’s head covering his nether region.         While Sombra was occupied staring at the ceiling, Luna took the advantage and flew towards his flaccid member. She opened her jaw and planted a firm grip on his cock with her mouth. When he cast his gaze downward, she looked up at him and grinned devilishly, wet noises escaping her mouth. She cradled his tender balls, and licked around the tip of his dick. Sombra grunted as Luna licked it like a lollipop, moving her tongue oh so carefully up and down the shaft, making sure to cover every inch with her hot saliva. While juggling his balls, she sucked deeply and feverishly before stopping at the tip. She turned her head back and forth on his rod while swirling her tongue in tiny little circles, occasionally hitting the cluster of raw nerves underneath it. Sombra squinted as a rush of immense pleasure filled his brain. Luna chuckled with his meat pole still in her mouth. Her chuckles created tiny vibrations throughout his cock, sending wave after wave of fleeting joy into his mind. Sombra couldn’t lose like this, so he decided it was time to get serious. Using his levitation magic again, he lifted Luna into the air upside down. He turned her around and saw the juicy, moist hole that he craved. With an amused laugh, Sombra drew the plot onto his face. Luna mumbled in ecstasy as Sombra’s muzzle moved deep within her. He could feel the liquid in every crevice of her walls with his tongue. He lapped it up, still feeling the muffled moans from below. It seemed that Sombra had the upper hand for now as he held Luna in the air. He continued to dig his face deeper into her hole, driving Luna crazy in the process. She lustfully sucked his lower head harder. Sombra bared with this increased intensity as he shook his head between her flanks. He started to move his tongue in replica of the alphabet, making sure to stop on her clit at the end of each letter. Luna just moaned wildly as she dangled in the air, blood pooling into her brain, causing her to go insane. She jerked and bobbed her head ferociously, lewd wet noises filling the air. She moved her hooves up to his shaft and stroked it, while focusing her tongue on the tip’s raw nerves yet again. Sombra dug deeper into her hole as he squeezed her soft, plump ass with his hooves. Luna moaned again, wiggling her flank further into his face. Sombra’s magic waned, as he couldn’t concentrate on holding her up and licking her pussy at the same time. His legs finally gave out, and Luna fell to the floor with a deep gagging sound. Sombra’s flesh stick penetrated the back of her throat. Sombra moaned in sweet bliss while his dick pulsed and throbbed with joy. He held his head with his hooves briefly before arching himself on the marble floor. Luna pushed herself up and opened her jaw. A thick stream of saliva and precum drooled out of her mouth onto Sombra’s erect cock. Seeing this, she moved her mouth over his member and sucked up everything that remained. Removing her mouth, she swallowed as Sombra still lay there, his hooves clasped to the top of his head as he rocked from side to side, trying not to climax. “Having this much trouble? We’ve only just begun,” pronounced Luna. She backed her flank up to Sombra’s face. He looked up and saw yet again the moist, dripping hole dangling just a few inches from his face. He could feel the intense heat radiating from it and his dick twitched in excitement. “Your friend here wants to enter. Sorry, but access is denied. You need to collect 20 stars to enter this door,” Luna chuckled. “Don’t worry, Sombra, I’ll let you know when you reach your quota. Until then, you’re going to have to earn it. Feel blessed, as you will experience the flank of royalty. You took it by force, you naughty boy. However, this time I’ll take charge,” she said. Luna slammed her flank on top of Sombra’s face, his hard salami rising higher towards the sky. Luna looked over her shoulder to see his expression. She didn’t know how big her ass was, but she soon realized she was only able to see him from the snout up. Both of his jaws sank into the blue and black mass of flesh while she jiggled her butt with playful jerks. Muffled words tickled her outer lips, causing her to purr with enjoyment at the vibrations from below. Making sure Sombra couldn’t escape, she grabbed his member and stroked it again. She moved her wrist in slow, elongated movements up and down his shaft. She could feel his tongue pushing deeper and harder into her melting pot, a good indicator that he was getting turned on even more. With the occasional flick of her tongue, she teased his flesh worm, making it throb and twitch in between her hooves. Luna felt soft muffled moans from her ass as she let out an aroused gasp. “Well, that’s two stars, Sombra. 18 more and you may enter the door. That is, if you have enough star power,” Luna muttered, Sombra slaving away with his tongue. Enjoying the taste of her excitement, Sombra began to suck on her exposed clit, its engorged area being played with. Luna inhaled sharply, her mind fluttering with sensual chemicals. She deepthroated his rod again in thanks for his hard work. In response, he grabbed her flanks and squeezed them tightly, pushing his tongue deeper into the moist and hot darkness. He sucked on her clit when he released her flanks, and grabbed them harder when he licked her walls. He repeated this process while Luna worked her tongue up and down his shaft, circling the head before venturing down his genitals. She continued to stroke him as she licked upwards again towards the tip. Sombra’s muffled moans only provided more excitement to the Princess, her slurping becoming louder. Enjoying the sounds, Sombra swallowed Luna’s juices, tasting the sweet clear liquid that poured out from her marehood. She shuddered, her ass jiggling and moving in excitement. She still had a trick up her sleeve as she started to rotate her ass cheeks on top of his face. She turned the left cheek in a counter-clockwise manner, and rotated the right cheek in a clockwise fashion. She continued this process for some time, savoring the feeling of the thick meaty rod throbbing in her mouth, the dick visibly extending her gums. Sombra gave her shocks of pleasure through his mouth, her pussy clenching in acknowledgment. She removed him from her mouth before catching her breath. “Well, you’ve obtained your 20 stars. However, your princess is not in this castle,” she said mockingly. “But since you’ve been such a good little doggy, I’ll give you a treat. You may enter me, Sombra. But be warned, I’m armed and dangerous.” Luna removed her flank from Sombra’s face and bent her front half on the ground. Her lower half was still in the air as it flirtatiously swayed from side to side. Sombra did not like being made a fool of, so he decided to take the lead this time. He calmly raised himself from the floor before sprinting towards her. Her eyes went wide as he picked her up with his momentum and slammed her into the balcony, her chest spilling over the railing. He could see her wings completely spread out along her back and fully erect, causing him to throb with anticipation. Sombra used his hind legs to spread hers while he grabbed her forelegs with his own. He pulled them behind her back and firmly held them in place. “You say that my princess is in another castle, hmm? Well, then, guess I’ll just have to plunder this one in the meantime!” Sombra roared. Sombra plunged his erection into Luna’s messy, wet pussy. She let out another moan of pleasure as Sombra grunted from her tightness. He went to start moving inside of her, but quickly found out that he was having trouble. He wasn’t completely inside of her, and struggled to put his entire package into her box. Sombra could feel her walls slowly parting before his massive dick. “Now then, time for this dungeon to be explored,” he said. Trying to pick up the motion of bucking, he found his hips wouldn’t move, thanks to the tight hole he was plunged into. “Ahahaha, you fell for it!” laughed Luna. “I activate my trap card, Royal Pumping! With this, you’re sure to lose,” she boasted. “Really? Again with the game terminology? Honestly, it’s growing quite old. I wish you would just stay quiet!” Sombra yelled. “Oh, you don’t like my lingo? Guess I’ll have to punish you for that.” In a bright flash, they disappeared from the balcony and into Luna’s private quarters. They were still connected at the hips as Luna turned on her Equestria Move. “What are you doing?” cried Sombra.  "How did we get here?" “Well, since I know I'm dreaming, I figured I can change my surroundings. Also, I'm  teaching you a lesson you’ll never forget. I’ve always wanted to game while having sex, but now that you’re stuck like this, I want to try something,” Luna explained. She grabbed the Move remote from her desk with her levitation magic. She turned the remote on, which in turn started the system. The remote had a built-in sensor which communicated with the console. It copied the player’s exact movements and displayed these actions on the screen. Luna turned the TV on as the remote connected with the console. “Ready for some tennis?” she said, licking her lips in anticipation. “Wait, what?” replied Sombra. She selected Super Smash Tennis and set the remote on the table, searching her room for some lubricant. She opened her drawer and pulled out a bottle of Dragon Lube. Chuckling to herself, she removed it from the drawer and held it in the air where he could see it. “What are you doing?” Sombra asked as the game loaded on the screen. The remote made a pinging noise, letting them know that calibrations were complete. She coated the remote in the lubricant while selecting her character and storage unit for the game. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Sombra yelled in terror. Princess Luna just cast an evil smile. The curvy mare of the night cackled wickedly while raising her flank in the air. She used her magical talent and pure strength to keep it, and the unicorn still stuck inside, in the air. Sombra struggled to free himself as her strong vaginal walls clamped down harder on him, thus ensuring he wouldn’t escape. “Stop! Stop, you crazy lunatic! You’re Princess Luna and I’m Nightmare Moon in Sombra’s body! I’m the sadist and you’re the lowly masochistic filth of Equestria! When did we change roles?!” Sombra screamed. “We didn’t Sombra. Now role play correctly, Nightmare Moon. You’re starting to slack off. I’m beginning to become disappointed by your lack of faith in this game, and I find this...disturbing,” Luna replied, the remote inching towards Sombra’s asshole. Sombra tried to remove himself from Luna with magic, but every time he moved, he could feel the tight walls choke his lower head with extreme force. If he tried to move with all of his might, he would’ve cum inside her and lose the bet he proposed. Instead, he closed his eyes as he felt the remote slowly being inserted into his rectum. Sombra winced and yelled out in displeasure as half of the remote slid inside of him. Contrary to his belief, the remote was pressing against his prostate so much that it started to trigger his G-Spot.  Sombra occasionally let out moans of pain and gasps of pleasure. Luna giggled with glee, content that her idea was a success. “It works!” she shouted. “Wait, what works?” asked Sombra, his ass dangling in the air. “Your ass is now the controller. Where I move, you move. And since your ass is the controller, it’ll move with you. Got it, simpleton? Watch this!” Luna exclaimed in happiness. Sombra’s face melted into despair as he felt a welling desire to cry. His jaw hung agape while Luna started to focus on the television. The CPU opponent appeared, signaling Sombra’s defeat. The game flickered, her character awaiting to serve the ball. “Ready?” asked Luna. “Wait, wait, no, no, NOOOOOOOOO!” Sombra shrieked. Luna cast a quick glance at her juicy flank before focusing on the television. Sombra was lifted higher into the air and slammed down as the ball on the screen was served. The CPU returned the ball as Luna swayed her hips to the right, Sombra’s ass moving to the right due to the mare’s pure physical strength. Luna returned the ball back and scored a point against the CPU. “Alright, 15 - Love!” she cheered. “And how many points-” “Shhh, I’m in the zone, Sombra. Just make sure you focus on staying hard. If you become limp and fall out of me, the punishment will be worse.” she smirked. Sombra was scared at what this could mean, so he focused on making sure he was hard the entire time she played the game. Thankfully, this was quite easy. Every time she moved and hit the ball, the controller would vibrate inside of him. This vibration would tickle his G-Spot, causing him to thrust forward. Feeling this inside of herself, Luna occasionally moaned softly and squeezed Sombra tighter, her walls massaging his huge, rock hard cock. This “game” of theirs continued for some time, each pony nearing their imminent finish. Luna gasped for breath, her body shaking in lust and exhaustion. Sombra was equally tired, his coat drenched in sweat. Luna needed but a single point to win the match. The problem was whether she still had the stamina to accomplish the task. Her concentration on the game had weakened her control over her vagina, her pink hole now grabbing tighter onto Sombra’s dick. Sombra had concentrated so much on staying hard that he lost focus of the matter at hand: making Luna come first. While Luna still gasped for breath, a devious grin came across Sombra’s face, a devilish plan flashing in his eyes. Now the perfect opportunity came into view as Luna’s character was serving the ball. With his hooves, he grabbed Luna’s flank tightly and thrust with all of his might into her. “Ngghhhaaa!” shrieked Luna as she felt his member hit her womb. Luna’s character served the ball with such velocity that she scored an ace. Still thrusting hard, Sombra continued his unending spree of pounding her tight blue plot. Lewd squishing noises gurgled from her underside, sating her lust even more. Luna moaned in ecstasy, her face becoming redder in each passing second. "You little cheater!" she yelled, the remote flying out of Sombra's backside. "Nnaaahhhh!" he screamed in bliss, his prostate swelling up like a balloon. Knowing that he was near his limit, he decided to gamble a bit. He decided to go balls deep in a last ditch effort to win this game. He wanted to make an impact inside of her and make her cum at any cost necessary. With his mind becoming focused and full of concentration, he continued to thrust harder in her. Luna desperately tried to do a counter-attack by backing her rear end into the nearest wall. Seeing what she was doing, Sombra used his hind legs to kick himself off of the wall. With gravity on his side, Luna collapsed into the ground, her face being buried into the floor. In this position, Sombra was now in full control. With his right hoof, he grabbed the front of Luna's hip, his dick thrusting inside of her. She tried to wiggle out of the position, but he was not having any of it. With his left hoof, he shoved her face further into the floor. "Is this how you imagined it princess? Being violated like this, your entire fiber screaming no! but your entire body screaming yessssssss," he hissed. Sombra's plan of being dominant was working as he could feel her walls tightening around his stallionhood. Just a little more he thought to himself. He shifted his position so now he was leaning over her back, his stomach rubbing the topside of her long, slender ridge. With her head still buried in the floor, he thrust even harder, his large black balls slapping along the underside of her pussy. Luna moaned, her eyes slowly rolling into the back of her head. Sombra continued to spank her pussy with his balls while her marehood contracted violently. He could feel the tightness on his shaft, her folds rubbing every inch of his long member. With one long final thrust, Luna screamed out her surrender, little driblets of drool running down the side of her mouth. With her vagina contracting hard, Sombra could not hold out anymore. With his own yell, he released his seed into Luna's hot underbelly. He continued to thrust while coming, wet sucking noises escaping from each thrust. He finally finished and pulled out of her, a small pool of white seed spilling out of her onto the floor. With both of them catching their breath, the room changed to a solid white background again. After regaining their composure, Sombra's appearance faded away into Nightmare Moon. "Seems I've won the bet," she snickered. "Y-Y-Yes," Luna huffed. "And our agreement?" asked Nightmare Moon. "I will oblige. You have my word." "Good. Well, until the next full moon. I'm anxious to spank your behind again. Look forward to it," Nightmare Moon purred. Luna awoke to her alarm clock ringing. She battered her eyes and yawned loudly, her limbs crying out in pain. She stretched, went to the restroom, freshened herself up, and returned to her room. She saw a rather large wet spot on her sheets. “Well, at least I still managed to finish. I guess I have to wash these later then,” she said with a sigh. Earlier that day, Celestia had heard a noise from Luna’s room while she was doing her rounds of the castle. She opened the door a bit and watched Luna thrash about in ecstasy while she slept. Celestia became aroused as she monitored her sister. She stayed outside of Luna’s room until she climaxed all over her sheets. Celestia’s face turned bright red, her marehood becoming wet. “Oh dear sister, I thought I had you this time. Well, until the next moon,” she whispered to herself. Celestia hummed quietly, her mane bouncing along with her trots as she returned to her post before Luna could see her.