> Welcome To Apploosa > by Crulocrius of Honeycomb > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > November 1st: Pilot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes I feel like I'm the only pony who almost never feels like he's being watched. Why is this? It's because I'm usually the pony watching. Welcome To Apploosa In recent news, a ghostly apparition of a buffalo tribesman has been seen roaming around town. He glows lime green and it is advised not to engage in conversation with him. All ponies who have tried so far have been driven to insanity. We have no idea what he actually says and most likely never will because, as I said, everypony who tries is driven to insanity. It is unsure if he is a friend of the ghost of Stormhorn for the same reason. In other news, a long-dead apple tree has begun to bear ripe fruit. The town's scientist is currently studying and expirimenting with the tree to see if he can unlock it's secrets. He has yet to receive results. We all hope that maybe one day, every apple tree may be able to do the same. This has never happened before as it has only been known to occur with orange trees. The buffalo attempted to stampede earlier today. It seems the one in charge must be very forgetful. It's November after all. If you need a refresher, in the month of November, the stampeding trail gets struck by lightning literally nonstop. That's okay for you not to know. Luckily, there were no casualties. Onto trade news. A large caravan came by this morning delivering nothing but glass bottles and cough drops. The pony at the head claimed there were no illegal substances stored at the back. He was very convincing. Now on with the weather: Welcome back audience. We have received an update concerning the previously living dead tree. Apparently while conducting research, the scientist went and killed it for good. Consequences have yet to be determined for this stallion.That concludes it I guess and we still have time. Now let's get personal while we have time. Audience, do you ever feel like you never truly interact with the world around you? Do you ever feel like you can only observe? Maybe you don't. Do you feel like you interact with the world around you too much? Can that state of being ever be achieved? Maybe not, maybe so. Either way, I now must say... good night, dear viewers... good night... > November 2nd:Town Pool And Ancient Spacecraft > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes things happen. Sometimes things don't like to happen. Welcome To Apploosa Good news, everypony. Now that the oasis pipe has been completed, construction has begun on the New Town Pool. From what we've gathered on The Upcoming Town Pool, it will feature two slides, a small diving board, and a deep end of 8 Feet. The entryway will feature a koi pond for the sake of scenery, as well as offerings to be used by The Juniper Family. It will only accept lifeguards that previously worked jobs requiring utmost concentration. In other news , somepony by the name of Braeburn claims to have found a spacecraft from a long-lost civilization. He says the inside is loaded with technology far beyond our comprehension. From what I've seen, it looks much like that technologically advanced control station we found in May. We still have no idea what that does. Unfortunately his story was overshadowed by The Town Pool. We are not sure if it's another hoax, or another legitimate discovery. Trade has been quite inactive as of recent. The most we got was the koi for the pond. Although it's remarkable they survived the journey. I applaud the deliverers for that. Besides that, there was a single wagon with a few cabbages. 7 bits a piece. Now for the weather Welcome back, Audience. As an update on the ghostly buffalo apparition story we reported on yesterday, he doesn't seem to be going anywhere. He seems to be in despair. Unfortunately, there is no way to cheer him up for reasons I've stated yesterday. Now let me get personal for a minute. You know this ancient civilization? Is it true that no matter what technology we develop and what legacy we leave, it will always be erased? Is there no way to avoid that? Will time one day claim our legacy as it did to this lost civilization? It's definitely sad to think about. But now I must say... Good night,dear viewers... good night... > November 28th: Thanksgiving And Applejack. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry if we caught you off-guard. We're running the broadcast early so we can all get home for thanksgiving. Welcome To Apploosa A mare by the name of Applejack arrived in town this morning. She comes by regularly to see her relatives. This time she came to say Happy Thanksgiving. She did not mention the long-lost starship uncovered by her cousin. Maybe she is just not into science fiction. Applejack claimed she saw a crashed wagon on her way here. She says when she went to investigate, a reptilian eye made up of blue flame followed her into town before latching on to another pony. If this eye begins to follow you, please report to the mayor. It can be separated from our friendly witch's eyes due to it's tendency to ask to you deep, personal questions that you would think about asking a pony for quite some time before asking .Do not confuse this with the reptilian eyes made out of green flame. Those are very important to the ecosystem. With thanksgiving falling upon us, the major farm families of Apploosa become slightly more boxed-in than before. With that slight detail out of the way, the manager of Blood Lake State Park has asked me to give a quick safety reminder. Do not swim in the blood lake.Do not eat anything from the local plant life as it has drank from the blood lake. Do not drink from the blood lake. Doing any of these could result in burning from the inside out or sudden uncontrollable power over the dead. And most importantly, have fun. The ghostly buffalo apparition has settled down and finally purchased a home. He had been trying for a very long time and yet everypony he tried to negotiate with was driven to insanity. It must be rough for him. For trade news, the rift into Tartarus blocking the front road has not yet closed meaning no trade has gotten through from the front in quite some time. It does not seem like many ponies have caught on. Shame. Now for the weather. I'm sorry if this is a disappointment but I really have no deep personal thoughts at the moment. However a deep,personal thought comes from that.Should the fact that I have none disturb me? Is it abnormal to not have any thoughts hidden deep within your mind? Thank you listeners for always being ponies I can let loose these thoughts upon at the end of the show. Now I must say happy Thanksgiving and... good night, dear listeners... good night.