> Equestrian Japanese Club > by Brownbear96 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Enter Tom! : The Sword Dueling Diamond Dog! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area: Rocky area outside Ponyville. Time: Early morning; Sunrise POV: Tom Tom opened his eyes only for them to be greeted by the glaring sun, he picked his head up off of the rocky ground he was laying on and shook his head. He let out an exasperated sigh and brought a paw to his head. Wait, what!? He moved the appendage from his head and in front of his face so he could see it. The paw was large easily covering his whole face, the fur was black, as well as his claws, but the soft part of his paws were dark red. He let out a small gasp thinking he may have been bleeding, but saw that it was just the coloring of his skin. He stood up from where he was, as he did he felt fabric moving against his fur and some weight at his left hip. he looked down and saw he was wearing a dark red gi, he felt the fabric with his paw."hm..." This should feel heavier. He thought. Tom inspected himself further and reached for the object hanging at his waist. It was bound on him by a black rope, he pulled it out. Laying in both of his paws was a sword sheath for a katana. "Oh-ho-ho..." He pulled the blade out of it's sheath. "Yes..." He sheathed the sword and put it back by his waist. Tom let out another sigh and realized he was tired, whatever was going on he would find out later, for now, he would find a place to rest. He placed a paw on is head and felt rough matted down curls and ran it down his neck where the hair stopped, In the shade He thought. Tom walked over to a tall rock and sat under it's shadow, tilted his head down and dozed off. Rarity and Spike were out collecting gems early in the morning to fill out another order made by Sapphire Shores, that demanded many gemstones. Spike was concerned. "Are you sure it's safe to be out here Rarity? I mean, you remember what happened last time." he said. Rarity smiled. "I appreciate your concern darling, but it should be perfectly safe out here, I doubt any of those scoundrels would try anything after what happened last time." Rarity chuckled, recalling the event. "Look, there's one now!" Spike pointed to a diamond dog laying in the shade of a tall rock. This dog looked very different from the other dogs Rarity and Spike had seen. This dog had black fur and his face was wolfish and slim while the other dog's faces they had seen were wrinkled and muscled. He had hair that was curled and matted down and went down his neck between his pointed ears like a mane, he was also slimmer and his spiked tail was slim and longer than the other dogs, he also wore a dark red jacket made out of some kind of heavy fabric and had some kind of stick-like object next to him. The dog raised his head from his slumber under the rock and looked at them for a few seconds before closing his eyes and looking down again. "Well he doesn't appear to be too interested in us. But let's not wait around until he is." Rarity observed. Spike nodded in agreement and the two moved on looking for gems. Tom raised his head and opened his eyes to look at the source of the nearby conversation. He saw a white unicorn with a well done purple mane and tail as well as a baby dragon with purple scales and green spines. Tom lowered his head and closed his eyes again. ah hell... Tom knew where he was. Equestria. Tom hid his reaction and continued to think. Tom wasn't a brony, but he watches the show himself so as to have an understanding of their culture, and for his own enjoyment at times. He had recognized the two he saw as Spike and Rarity, two main characters from the show. How did I end up here? I swear if Orlando dragged me into this... Tom thought of his brony friend who, out of the three he had, was the only one who had an actual desire to come to Equestria. Tom dozed off again. "AAAAAHHHHHHH" Tom's ears perked up as his thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream, which he could only imagine belonged to Rarity. Tom stood, picking up his his sword and looked around. His hearing was sharper as well as his sense of smell, using these he ran on all fours to the direction of the scream, katana at his waist. Rarity let out a scream as she and Spike were surrounded by three diamond dogs. It was the three dogs that were presumably the leaders that had kidnapped her last time. This time the dogs said nothing but only surrounded her and spike holding crudely forged spears that their guards normally wielded. "Wh-What do you ruffians want!?" Rarity yelled. The dogs said nothing, but closed in on the two letting out low growls and even snapping at them. Spike looked closer at them and made eye contact with one. It wasn't the same look of greed they had last time but one of a ravenous animal. "I don't think we can reason with them, they've gone crazy!" Spike came closer to Rarity savoring what might be his last moments with her. "Rarity, if we don't make it, I just wanted to say-" Spike was interrupted as one of the dogs was tackled by something and let out a whimper as it landed on it's side. The diamond dogs diverted their attention from their prey and regarded the new threat. Spike and Rarity looked at what could possibly have been their savior. It was the strange looking diamond dog they saw before. Tom tackled the largest of the dogs surrounding Rarity and Spike and he went down with a whimper. It had taken him a minute for him to get here at full sprint. The other two dogs looked and growled at him and readied their spears. Oh great, they have spears, WEAPON TRIANGLE BE DAMNED! He drew his katana, ready to face them. The shortest one rushed at him pointing his spear forward. Tom sidestepped and struck the mutt between the eyes with the pommel of his sword, knocking him down. The other dog still standing threw his spear, Tom dodged it and caught the dog's paw as he swiped at him with his own left paw, Tom thrust his sword through the diamond dog's abdomen causing a crippling, but none lethal wound, the dog fell over in pain, whimpering. As Tom watched the dog fall he felt a sharp pain in his leg, he yelped and jumped back spilling some blood on the ground. The tallest dog had recovered from Tom's tackled and attacked him with his spear. Tom glared at him raising his sword to strike again but the shorter dog jumped on his back, clawing and biting. Tom pulled him off with his free paw and, grabbing him by the neck, slammed the dog's head on the ground creating a small crater in the solid rock. He then followed up by planting his sword in the dog, no longer caring where it entered, blood spattered on Tom's blade and face. Tom turned to the last dog who had his spear in a defensive position, Tom ran up and lunged at the dog slashing his sword and landing behind him. Two *thumps* could be heard, one soft, the other very loud as the diamond dog's head, then body, hit the ground. Tom made whipped his sword toward the ground causing all the blood it had accumulated to spatter on the ground. Tom turned to Spike and Rarity the latter of which looked terrified while Spike stood in front of her defensively but still held his own fear in his eyes. Tom was about to speak but was interrupted by violent coughing. Tom turned his head to look at the first dog he took down who was coughing up blood from the wound. Tom walked over to him. "Why did you attack these two?" he asked, surprisingly enough to him his voice hadn't changed. "*Cough Cough* We... didn't want to... the horned pony-" The dog managed to choke out before he broke into coughing again. Tom leaned in closer. "What pony?" He asked. "The pony... she-" The dog was cut off as his breathing seemed to stop altogether. The dog reached up to it's throat as he choked, gasping for air. His eye's fluttered and eventually stopped moving along with the rest of his body, he no longer struggled. Tom backed up from the dog and turned back to Rarity and Spike. "You two okay?" he asked. Rarity nodded hesitantly. "Yes... thank you, what was your name?" "Tom." he said brusquely. Rarity's eye involuntarily twitched at his name. "Well, thank you again darling for your help." Rarity seemed to have calmed down. "Although I have no idea why they would attack us like that." "One of them said something about a 'horned pony' a unicorn I presume." Tom answered. Rarity was a little taken back, his speech was entirely different from the other diamond dogs, more tempered and civil. "I can't believe you just ended all of them like that!" Spike exclaimed. "I mean- that was just crazy!" Spike's voice held more terror than amazement. Rarity was about to scold spike about how inappropriate that statement was but Tom answered him. He smiled "Thanks, but I didn't kill all of them, the last one choked on something." he said Spike looked confused. "What could he have choked on?" he asked. Tom shrugged "I don't know but it looked liked someone else caused it." Rarity was about to ask another question but noticed Tom's leg, it was still wounded from one of the dog's spears. "Look at you! You're hurt! We should get you back to Ponyville immediately!" Tom looked at his leg. "Huh, well we should hurry then." Tom, Spike, and Rarity were walking down a path that led to Ponyville. Rarity led, with Spike at her side while Tom staggered behind them with an injured leg, Rarity was able to bandage it but it still needed proper medical attention. Spike looked back at Tom and noticed his sword. "So, what's that thing you used to fight back there?" Spike asked. Tom looked at him and took the katana in it's sheathe out of the rope. "This is a sword, a katana to be exact, it takes a long time to learn how to use one of these, but once you do, it becomes one of the most deadliest blades anyone can use." Tom placed the sword back at his waist. Spike and Rarity were taken back by Tom's answer. they've never heard of something like that before. "Where did you ever get such a thing?" Rarity asked. Tom shrugged and smiled "I dunno." Rarity and Spike both sighed and kept walking to Ponyville. > Enter David! : The Pegasus With an Electric Presence! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area: Everfree Forest Time: midday POV: David David was awakened by the sudden cold around him. He shivered and stood up, only to lose balance and fall on his back. "Gah! Fuck!" he cursed. David sat back up and scratched his head but noticed his fingers felt odd. "Oh crap, where are my hands!?" David exclaimed looking at the two blobs that replaced his hands. He tried to stand up again only to fall forward, he put out the blobs that replaced his hands out to cushion the fall. He ended up standing on all fours, he inspected his form. Fuck, I'm a pony. Wait why..? "OH GODDAMMIT ORLANDO!" David shouted aloud. David was a brony but not the most fanatic one, he hasn't finished season 1 yet and only watches them during his free time, which he doesn't give himself much of. For the most part he enjoys looking at fan art, music, and on occasion reads fanfiction, especially grim-dark ones like cupcakes, although he had to admit that that particular fic wasn't the best written. David inspected himself a little more, he saw his coat was a brownish-red, he couldn't see much else as his head couldn't fix itself to look all the way to his side, Figures, I'm not Pinkie Pie... David looked at his surroundings. Crap, I'm in the forest, which must make this the Everfree, which means I'm screwed. David has seen enough episodes to know that ponies feared the forest because of the monsters that make their home there. "Well, might as well just start walking-" ROOOOOAAAAARRRR David turned quickly to see a pissed looking manticore charging David let out a scream, a manly scream, the kind of scream to let other manly men know that you were in trouble. He galloped full speed away from the manticore. Fluttershy was outside of her cottage giving the bunnies their lunches when she heard a scream. It sounded like it came from a little filly and it came from the direction of the forest. Fluttershy dropped what she was doing and looked at the entrance to the forest. The crusaders must have been out in the forest looking for a way to earn their cutie marks again, although she hadn't seen any of them go near the forest. Fluttershy flew over the forest but hesitated at the entrance. She quickly shook it off and went in, somepony needed her help and she didn't have time to get anypony else, she wasn't about to let somepony else suffer because she was afraid. David ran(or galloped at the moment) faster than he he'd ever ran in his life, and it was getting to him. "WHY ME!? SERIOUSLY!" he yelled as he ran wasting more energy. As David screamed for his life, he tripped and tumbled landing on his wings. He sat up on his haunches and gripped his wing in pain. "Oh crap that hu- wait... I HAD WINGS THE WHOLE TIME!? FUCK!" David smacked his forehead with a hoof after realized his stupidity while the manticore saw that David was now vulnerable and slowed it's pace deciding not to waste it's own energy. David began inching back on his haunches This figures, not even five minutes in Equestria and I'm as good as dead. David closed his eyes expecting the worst but after a minute, it never came. David opened his eyes again to see what was going on. He saw a yellow pegasus with a pink mane floating in front of the manticore staring right into it's eyes. Holy crap it's Fluttershy! David thought as he was too shocked to speak. The manticore lowered it's head and inched back eventually turning around and running with it's tail between it's legs. After staring off the manticore, Fluttershy turned to look at the pony she just saved. It was a pegasus colt with a dusty red coat and a black mane and tail, both of which were smooth and cropped short. She landed on the ground and trotted over to him. "Um, excuse me, are you hurt?" The colt shook his head as if he had just snapped out of something, "Uh- Yeah i'm fine, I just landed on my wing is all." he said. Fluttershy trotted closer to him and inspected his wing, she reached out with a hoof and moved his wing around. The colt winced in pain as she did. "That's definitely sprained." she said. "Follow me, I can treat it properly at my cottage." The colt nodded and got up to follow her. "Oh, and what's your name?" She asked. "Wha- Oh! It's David." He answered a little frantic. "Mines Fluttershy, now follow me, and be careful." Fluttershy led David out of the forest. Back at Fluttershy's cottage Fluttershy wrapped David's wing and told him to refrain from flying for a while. David was waiting on Fluttershy's couch while she tended to her animals outside. David was bored sitting around so he got up and trotted towards the window. He saw a pegasus wearing a black walking towards Fluttershy, he didn't think anything of it at first until the cloaked pony drew a kitchen knife. David rushed outside. While Fluttershy was tending to her animals while David waited in her cottage, she noticed a cloaked figure approaching her. As it got closer she saw that it was a stallion. She walked over to greet him. "Um, hello... do you need something?" The stallion smiled under his hood. "Yes... your life!" The stallion pulled out a kitchen knife in his mouth that as hidden in his cloak and lunged at Fluttershy. Fluttershy didn't have time to react as the stallion attacked, but he was tackled and knocked aside by something. David had tackled the stallion before he reached Fluttershy and was now on top of him trying to get the knife away. David smacked the stallion in the face with a hoof knocking the knife out of his grasp and cutting his mouth. "grrr, STUPID BRAT!" the stallion shouted, he threw David off of him, stood and brought a hoof to his mouth to inspect the cut. By now his hood had come off, revealing his face. His coat was yellow, his eyes brown and his mane a bright green. After seeing the blood from his face on his hoof his face twisted into an angered expression. He turned to David "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" He extended his wings revealing he was a pegasus floated a foot above the ground and charged David. David instinctively shot out his wings and flew straight up. David winced in pain but endured it, the injury didn't stop him from flying. Both pegasi flew in the air and charged each other, their front hooves in a deadlock. The cloaked pegasus had a wicked grin on his face. "Once I kill you, I'll make sure that your friend dies slowly!" the pegasus taunted. This brought a flare of anger in David. "you... won't... FUCKING TOUCH HER!" As he said this, Davids body began to spark with electricity. The cracks and surges of energy became louder and brighter. They didn't appear to phase David but as they became stronger the other pegasus began to feel it and growled in pain. He tried to break the deadlock with David but his body became stiff from the electricity. The energy became visibly stronger until in one bright surge, all of the energy transferred to the cloaked pegasus and he shrieked in pain. After all of the energy had gone through him his eyes fluttered shut and he fell from the sky and hit the ground, unconscious. David landed on the ground panting from the energy he just released. he walked over to Fluttershy who was now inspecting the cloaked pegasus, worried even for somepony who just tried to kill her. David walked over. "He'll live I think, are you alright Fluttershy?" Fluttershy nodded. "Yes I'm fine, but your wing-" "I'll be fine, but we should probably take crazy here somewhere before he wakes up." "Um, of course, Ponyville should be down this way." She started trotting down a path. David dragged the unconscious pegasus by his tail with his mouth and followed Fluttershy to Ponyville. *** (Author's Note: There are four more entrances for the Japanese club, originally I was going to publish the story when I finished all six, but decided it would take too long, for now enjoy!) > Enter Orlando! : The Zebra With a Bull's Temper! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area: Sweet Apple Acres Time: Later in the Morning POV: Orlando Orlando awoke lying on his side, his very first instinct to go back to sleep. He was about to doze off again until he noticed the oddity of his surroundings. Orlando stood quickly and looked around. He paced for a minute until his thought process was restored from it's previous dream state. As it did, he noticed he was walking on all fours. Wait why am I..? he was about to stand up, but noticed his arms. Orlando looked down to see that his arms were now a pair of forelegs, both ending in a hoof. It didn't take long for him to come to a conclusion. ohmigod I'm a pony. he grinned to himself. Orlando was a brony and was often considered to be the biggest one out of all of his friends, so ending up in Equestria was a dream come true to him. His cheery attitude ceased when he realized something, Wait, why am I here!? Orlando plopped down on the ground to think. I didn't ask for this, at least I don't remember asking. Did I die in my sleep? And furthermore, WHERE AM I!? he looked at his surroundings and saw he was surrounded by apple trees. Okay so I must be at Sweet Apple Acres, alright no problem, all I have to do is find my way... Orlando looked around again. He realized he had no sense of direction here, and remembered how large this place was from the show. Orlando suddenly became irritated. he began stomping around thinking of what to do. He gave an audible groan out of irritation, as he thought on he began to see the situation as hopeless. "Grrr... Damn it!" Orlando kicked a tree with his back leg causing a few apples to fall, one of them hit his head. He let out another growl but rather than lashing out again he walked over to a tree, sat on his haunches and leaned his back against it. I just need a few minutes to think this out and I'll be good... after what felt like a long time, Orlando gave up and decided to take a nap instead, maybe he could think clearer after that. Applejack just left her house at Sweet Apple Acres and began to trot her way down to her family's apple stall down in Ponyville but stopped. "Wait a minute..." she turned to look at the apple orchard. "Varmints messin' with mah apples!" She exclaimed before galloping into the orchard. Not many other ponies could understand, but Applejack, as well as the rest of her family, after having worked on the farm for so many years developed a sort of sixth sense towards the trees in the orchard and could tell if something or somepony was disturbing them. This ability often discouraged any thieves from wandering into the orchard and pests were chased off quickly before they could cause harm. Orlando's eyes shot open, he suddenly got a very bad feeling. There was a pulsing in his head telling him that something was about to go down and that he needed to get the hell outta Dodge. Normally he would act upon this feeling immediately but due to a combination of his calm surroundings and confused thoughts coming from his sudden awakening he chose to ignore it. He was about to fall asleep again until he heard angry hoofsteps that started getting louder real fast. He jumped up and was about to book it, "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE YA VARMINT!" Orlando froze upon hearing an angry Texan accented voice. Alright, maybe I can talk my way out of this. Applejack was galloping top speed to where the disturbance was, she could see a pony among the trees. She lowered her head and moved faster. The pony must've heard her because he jumped up and looked like he was about to run. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE YA VARMINT!" The pony froze in place. Applejack stopped in front of the pony and looked at him. He looked to be an older colt in the middle of his teens. His mane was short, curled and unkempt and his tail was similar, both were a solid black. His coat was black with red stripes, a zebra. On his flank was an outline of what appeared to be a bull's head. He tried to say something but all that came out was an inaudible mutter. Crap! he was unable to speak clearly as he was still groggy from only being awake for a minute. "Just what the hay do ya think yer doin' on mah orchard!?" she yelled. He stood there for a moment not sure of what to say, but she was waiting for an answer. The colt suddenly became flustered and started trembling a bit. "I-I was j-just-I mean-ugh." DAMN NERVOUS STUTTER! Applejack sighed "Just take a breather there partner." Orlando took a deep breath and thought out his words. "Let's start off with yer name, mines Applejack, what's yer's?" She asked. "Orlando" He answered. Applejack thought it was a strange name, but it could just be a zebra name like Zecora. "Alright, and just what're you doin' in mah orchard?" She asked. By now he seemed he'd stopped trembling and seemed to have regained his composure. "Actually, I was just-" Orlando was interrupted by a large rock that was sent flying above there heads and into the tree behind Orlando, knocking it down. They both looked to see where the rock had come from. Walking up to them was a large pony in a black cloak, about a foot taller and thicker than Big Mac. He removed his hood to reveal a short, black mane and a brown coat. As he walked forward Applejack stood in front of him "And just who in the hay are you!" She yelled at him. The large stallion just chuckled, He had a deep and slow-speaking voice. "I am your end." He took a quick charge at AJ who sidestepped out of the way. He sighed "This would be so much easier if you stayed still." He turned to face her only to be bucked in the face. He scowled at her, and responded by swinging at her with a hoof which connected with Applejack's face and knocked her into a tree. The large stallion went over to Orlando and grabbed him before she got up. When Applejack stood up again she stopped when she saw the stallion with his foreleg wrapped around Orlando's neck. "Alright, you can stand down now or I can snap this colt's neck, your call." He said. Applejack looked at the two for a minute and let out a sigh. "Alright, fine I'll stand down, there's no reason fer you to hurt 'im." "Ha! just think of the merit I'll get for destroying an elem- GAH!" The stallion yelled in pain as Orlando had bitten his the leg he was holding him with. "Grrr, why you little-" He was interrupted again when Orlando headbutted his jaw causing him to bite his own tongue and loosen his grip. Before he could recover Orlando slipped out of his grasp and took hold of stallion's foreleg. Orlando had the stallion's leg stretched out and struck it with a hoof, *SNAP*. "AH, DAMN IT!" The stallion's broken leg now bent at an awkward angle. While the stallion was still in pain over his broken leg, Orlando jumped on his back and wrapped a foreleg around his neck. "Let's see how you like it." Orlando squeezed the stallion's neck cutting off the blood flow to his head. The cloaked stallion tried to buck him off but when he applied pressure on his foreleg it buckled under him and he collapsed. Orlando tightened his choke and the stallion's face began to pale. As he continued to choke Orlando no longer felt the stallion resisting, but even so he held onto the choke. Applejack walked over to him. "Hey Ah think ya'll can let go now, he's out cold." He didn't listen, Applejack walked closer. "Hey did ya hear me? You can let go." Applejack placed a hoof on his shoulder but Orlando shrugged her off. Blood started to appear at the corner of the stallion's mouth.Applejack was getting angry. "Ah said, LET GO!" Applejack grabbed Orlando and pulled him off causing them both to fall on the ground. Orlando got up and was breathing hard, he looked at the un-moving stallion then to Applejack. He saw that her face had cut open where the stallion struck her. "You're hurt." He said. Applejack was glaring at Orlando but stopped to check where she'd been hit and saw blood on her hoof. "Ah'll be fine." she said. She only felt the pain of the stallion's strike now that the situation was over. "No, he hit you pretty hard, you should get that checked out." Orlando insisted, he still didn't know where he was, he just wanted to leave now. "Well what about him?" Applejack asked pointing to the large stallion. By now a line of blood flowed out of his mouth and his eyes were half open, his body was perfectly still. Orlando shook his head. "He won't be getting back up." he said. Applejack glared at him again. "Ah can't believe ya'll would do that, ya didn't have to kill him like that!" She yelled, stomping her hoof. She was upset that she'd just been involved in killing another pony. "This isn't the time to discuss this, let's just go." Applejack glared at him a little more then turned her head. "Fine." she said, Applejack led him out of the orchard without speaking to him again and leaving the stallion there. She'd come back to give him a proper burial later. It wasn't right to leave him there even if he'd tried to kill her. > Reunion 1: meeting at the hospital. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Author's note: In this chapter, for the sake of clarity, David's thought' will be brown, Tom's red, and Orlando's will be in bold.) Time: Afternoon Area: Ponyville Hospital POV: Tom After walking(or more accurately limping) a while with Spike and Rarity Tom had made it into Ponyville. As expected from Tom the town was excessively colorful, all of the bright colors of the buildings and ponies almost hurt his eyes. Spike returned to the library which he was looking after while Twilight was in Canterlot, when he got back he'd write a letter about the attack and the dog that had saved them and send it to Celestia. As Tom and Rarity walked to the hospital they received many curious looks from the ponies in town. Not many other ponies knew about the mane six's first encounter with the diamond dogs when they had kidnapped Rarity and even fewer had encounters themselves, however those that did reported a less than pleasant experience, though not as dangerous as Rarity and Spike's most recent meeting. Even Rarity still felt uncomfortable around Tom although she felt it was necessary to treat his wound seeing as he had just saved not only her's but Spike's life. He was completely different than all of the other diamond dogs she'd seen. He always appeared to be calm, and he'd remained silent during their walk here, the only emotion she'd seen from him so far was anger from the injury he received, which instantly disappeared in the strikes he used to finish the diamond dogs. The other diamond dogs were easy to read always blindly following their simplest needs, being unable to read Tom as easily made him frightening especially when it was clear that he was far more dangerous than any other diamond dog. Rarity shook herself from these thoughts when they reached the hospital, when they entered all of the ponies in the room turned to look at Tom. Rarity trotted up to a nurse. "Excuse me nurse, my friend is injured and needs medical attention." The nurse turned to face her, she had a short pink mane, a white coat and a red plus sign cutie mark. "Of course, where is he?" Rarity pointed near the entrance to Tom, the two walked over and the nurse inspected his wound. "Can you help him?" Rarity asked. The nurse kept looking for a moment before answering. "Well, we're used to working with ponies, but the wound doesn't seem too serious, we'll see what we can do." she motioned for Tom to follow her while Rarity remained in the waiting room. David was in the recovery ward with Fluttershy at his bedside. David had asked her to stay, but didn't know what to say to her so they just sat there in silence for a time. After a few minutes in the recovery wards David heard someone else walk in. "The wound wasn't too serious, so you should be fine if you don't strain your leg too hard for a few days, mister..." "Just Tom." "Well alright Tom, I'll go tell Miss Rarity she can see you now."Huh, I know a Tom. The nurse left the room and David heard loud foot steps walking up to a bed. David turned to look at who walked in. He saw a diamond dog, with black fur, wearing a gi setting down by his bed a... HOLY CRAP IS THAT A SWORD!? Tom noticed David staring and looked at he and Fluttershy. Tom recognized Fluttershy, who shied away when he looked at her, but he didn't know who the other pegasus was, he had a brownish-red coat and a short, smooth, black mane. He looked almost familiar. David spoke first. "Hey... where did you get that sword?" He asked. "I dunno, I sorta found it." He replied plainly. Wait, how does he know what this is? "Your name is Tom right?" David asked. "Yeah, what's yours?" Tom asked back. "David." David! Is it him!? There's only one way to be sure. "You wouldn't happen to be part of Japanese club, would you?" Tom asked. David's eyes widened. "Wait a minute, TOM!? You're here too!?" he exclaimed. "Yep, woke up here a few hours ago." Tom replied. David laughed. "That's crazy man!" Fluttershy spoke up. "Oh, you know him?" Fluttershy seemed less shy of Tom now that she saw that David knew him. "Oh yeah, he's a friend." David told her. She looked back at Tom "Oh, well it's nice to meet you Tom." she said Tom smiled at her. "Nice to meet you too, Fluttershy." Fluttershy gave a confused look. "Wait, how did you know my name?" She asked. Tom froze for a second, realizing the error he just made. He was about to say something else before another pony walked in. "Fluttershy? What're you doin' here?" Everyone turned to see Applejack with a large bandage on her face. Fluttershy walked up to her friend. "Applejack? What happened!?" She asked her. Applejack sighed. "I'll tell ya'll later, fer now who are these two?" She pointed to Tom and David, both gave a quick wave back. "Oh well David there helped me earlier today, and Tom appears to be his friend." Fluttershy told her. "Yes, and Tom actually saved me and Spike earlier." Everyone looked again to see Rarity enter the room. "Hey, Rarity." Tom greeted her. Applejack and Fluttershy gave a small look of surprise, they expected Rarity to be the last pony to be friendly with a diamond dog. Rarity smiled back. "Hello again Tom, what did they say about your injury?" she asked. "They said I shouldn't strain my leg for a while, but other than that it's fine." he replied. Rarity nodded. "That's good." "Wait a minute, yer sayin' that dog saved ya'll?" Applejack asked. Rarity nodded again. "Yes, Spike and I were out collecting gems when we were attacked by those diamond dogs again, they didn't want to take me like last time they just came at us like animals! Thankfully Tom showed up in time to..." she took a breath and shook her head. "Well it suffices to say that he stopped them." Fluttershy then spoke. "That's strange, a cloaked pony attacked me earlier and David was there to stop him, we turned him in to the guards before coming here." she told them. Applejack continued. "and Ah was hit by a pony in a cloak too, though Orlando stopped him." Everyone including Tom and David looked at her upon hearing that name. "Orlando? Who's he?" Rarity asked. "Ah found him in the orchard before this monster of a pony came outta nowhere and attacked us. He tried holdin' Orlando hostage, but..." she sighed "It didn't turn out too good fer 'im." "You mean, Orlando is..." Rarity started. "Naw, he's fine, that big pony was the one who ended up bitin' it." David and Tom looked at each other and leaned in while the other ponies talked so they wouldn't here them. "That definitely sounds like him." David said. "Yeah, she didn't say what he looked like though," Tom began "how are we gonna-" "Hey, Applejack." They both turned to look at a black and red zebra who had entered the room. Orlando was on his way to the recovery ward after a nurse told him Applejack would be there, he was a little nervous. What am I going to say to her, maybe I should apologize. He was thinking of what to say to her about the pony that had attacked her. He, along with Applejack notified the town of the pony that attacked them, and had sent a few ponies to take care of it. She hadn't spoken to him on the way to the hospital and thought that she might of hated him now. Thinking back at what happened, he actually couldn't remember much. Seeing that pony hurt Applejack invoked a lot of anger out of him, anger that he unleashed when the same pony had grabbed him and taken him hostage. He walked into the recovery room and saw Applejack speaking to Rarity and Fluttershy. Aw crap, if I don't think this out properly they might all hate me. "Hey Applejack." he called for her attention. "Oh, hey Orlando..." she replied not sounding too happy about seeing him again. "ORLANDO!" before he could say anything else he was tackled by a red pegasus colt, who was now trying his best to strangle him. "WHY ARE WE HERE!? ANSWER ME DAMMIT!" He shouted. After he recovered from his shock Orlando got out from under him and had him in a pony version of a full nelson. Two years of judo and jiu-jitsu wasn't much, but it was enough to escape from him. Applejack tried to stop him. "Orlando, no!" This time he let go immediately, he wasn't angry like he was last time and he didn't want everypony to think he was always violent. "David!" Fluttershy rushed to him. "Are you alright?" Wait a minute, David? David stood up not too phased from Orlando's hold and pointed at him. "YOU!" He said dramatically. "Um... David?" Orlando, said still unsure if it was him. His overly dramatic attitude matched David's personality but he was still unsure. "David calm down." Orlando turned to see a diamond dog, wearing a red gi and with a sword at his waste. "Okay, that has to be Tom." Orlando said to him. Tom laughed. "You would be the one to know that instantly." he said. Orlando turned to David. "So that makes you..." "Yeah it's me." David said. "What are you guys doing here!?" Orlando shouted. "You mean you don't know!?" David shouted back. Orlando shook his head. "No, I'm just as confused as you are!" "Well if it wasn't you, then why are we here?" Tom asked. "I don't- wait, you guys thought I brought you here!?"Orlando asked. "Alright, WHAT THE HAY IS GOIN' ON!?" Applejack said ending the awkward exchange. After everyone calmed down, they got to explaining their stories. Tom, David, and Orlando told each other about where they woke up and how they met a member of the mane 6. Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy told each other about how they were all attacked and saved. "Hmm, it appears all of our stories are very similar, except I wasn't attacked by a cloaked pony." Rarity observed. "Even so, one of the dog said something about a horned pony, by which I could only assume that he meant a unicorn." Tom added. The three mares looked at him. They still weren't used to hearing a diamond dog speak in such a well toned manner. "Tom, you appear to be very different from any other diamond dog I've had the displeasure of meeting, where are you from, exactly" Rarity asked. "Somewhere far I'm sure." He replied. "Although where it is from here, I can't really say." "You also said something about a "Japanese club" what is that exactly?" Fluttershy asked. This time Orlando answered. "Oh, that's a club where we try explore and understand foreign cultures as best we can." he said. Applejack piped in. "Ah think Ah get it, that's why Tom's in it, that way ya'll can learn more about diamond dogs, and he can learn more about ponies." Orlando nodded. It was actually a better explanation than any he could have come up with on the spot. "So... there are other members?" Fluttershy asked. David answered her. "Yeah it's actually pretty big, I'm not sure any other members are nearby tough..." After David said that, the three club members began to think, if they were all there, whose to say others didn't follow. "Right, well Ah think we should get hold a' Spike and send a letter to Celestia." They all nodded in agreement. Applejack turned to Tom and David. "You two think you can walk alright?" she asked. They both nodded, "Yeah We'll be fine." They both got up and Rarity and Fluttershy followed them out. Applejack was about to leave too before Orlando spoke up. "Um, Applejack." She turned to face him. "About what happened in he orchard. I-When he hit you, I don't know, I just got angry so when he grabbed me I just sort of-" Orlando was interrupted by a hug from Applejack. "It's alright, sugarcube Ah know what he would've done if you hadn't stopped him." They stayed like that for a moment before Orlando spoke again. "I'm sorry." He said. "I know" She let go and went to the exit. "We should go, they're probably waitin' fer us." Orlando nodded and followed her out of the hospital. Orlando and Applejack walked out of the hospital. Rarity greeted them. "There you two are, come on let's go get Spike so we can-" *KA-BOOOOOOOOM* Rarity was interrupted by a loud explosion. "What the hay was that!?" Applejack asked. Fluttershy pointed. "Look." They all observed a large mushroom cloud. "That looks like it's coming from Sugarcube Corner!" Tom raised his voice so everypony could hear him. "You three go get Spike, Orlando, David, and I are gonna go see what that was." "Wait! Ah'm comin' too!" Applejack said. Tom looked at her. "You know this is probably another attack." She nodded "Ah know that, Ah won't let anypony else get hurt!" She said, determined. Tom nodded back. "Alright, let's go!" the four of them rushed to Sugarcube corner wile Rarity and Fluttershy went to the library. > Enter Christian!: The Dragon of Gentle Nature! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time: Morning Area: Outskirts of Ponyville POV: Christian/Soda Pop Christian found himself lying on his back, Oh sweet hell, where am I? He sat up and his body responded by giving him a massive headache. "Ughh" He quickly brought a hand up and rubbed his head. His bald, scaly head. Wait, what!? He kept feeling his head. There was no hair or skin, just a smooth, bumpy surface. "Are these scales!?" He said to himself outloud. He looked at his hands which he'd been using to feel his head and gasped. His hands appeared twice ther original size, and were clad in bright white scales, complete with claws. His breathing went shallow as he continued to inspect his body. White scales ran up both of his arms with golden spines protruding from his elbows. What happened to me? he thought. His thoughts were inturrupted by a high pitched voice. "HI!" "AHHH!" Pinkie Pie was bouncing her way outside Ponyville, her Pinkie sense had told her that she would meet a new friend today so she was excited. She bounced her way around Ponyville but had seen no signs of a new pony in town so she decided to make her way outside of Ponyville. After a few minutes of searching outside of Ponyville, she noticed a moving figure in the distance. Adopting a large smile on her face she quickly bounced her way over. When she had gotten close enough she made the figure out to be a dragon! This dragon was definately not a baby like Spike, with his size. He stood about two feet above her own height and had large wings folded behind him. He had white scales with gold spines coming out of his elbows, and running down his back ending at his long tail. Pinkie Pie bounced up to him "Hi!" "AHHH!" Pinkie took the dragon completely by surprise. He immediatley went to the ground and put his arms around his head as if expecting an explosion. She stood there for a moment and waited for him to recover. He peeked out from under his arms. "Umm, Can I help you?" He asked. Pinkie nodded excitedly. "Uh-huh! My names Pinkie Pie! I'mreallyexcitedrightnowcausemypinkiesensetoldmeIwasgoingtomeetanewfriendbutwhenIcameallthewayouthereIwasn'texpectingadragonohyouknowwhatweshoulddo?Weshouldthrowaparty! Do you like cupcakes?" Christian just stared at the hyperactive pink pony that had been bouncing around while giving her excited greeting and paused to hear his reaction. Catching only the last part of her speech Christian responded. "Uh, yes?" The pink pony started bouncing excitedly again. "Great! Follow me and we can get this thing started!" "Well... Alright. Mine name's Christian by the way." Christian got up. "Alright Soda pop, let's go!" Pinkie Pie was about to bounce away. "Wait how did you know my nickname!?" Christian asked. Pinkie just shrugged and kept bouncing. These kind of things would just come to her, often before she noticed it herself. Christian sighed and reluctantly followed her. While following Pinkie Pie, Christian became lost in thought. Christian wasn't a brony, in fact the only thing he currently knew about them was that they enjoyed watching a show for little girls. He definitely didn't have a problem with them seeing how a few of his friends were pretty big bronies. So this made him wonder just why the hell he was brought here, of all people. "Here we are!" Christian snapped back to reality when addressed by the pink pony. He paused to gaze upon the building they stopped in front of. It looked like a giant gingerbread house with a cupcake tower, Christian drooled slightly. Pinkie Pie opened the front door creating a small bell chime. Pinkie was greeted by a yellow stallion in some kind of uniform. "Welcome back Pinkie, did you find that friend you were looking for?" Pinkie nodded. "I sure did Mr. Cake, he's right here! Come on in Soda pop!" Christian had to duck his head to fit in the door way. Mr. Cake jumped upon seeing him. "P-Pinkie! Are you sure it's alright to bring a dragon here!?" he shouted. Christian was confused, if it wasn't alright for him to be here why would she have brought him here? "It's okie dokie lokie, Mr. Cake! He's a friendly dragon! Isn't that right Christian?" Christian smiled and nodded his head sheepishly. "Honey are you alright? I heard shouting and Oh!" Mrs. Cake had just come down stairs from tucking the twins into bed. "Mrs. Cake, this is my new friend, Christian!" Pinkie gestured to the dragon in the room(Sounds like an expression, doesn't it?) Christian just smiled and waved. "Oh, well hello there. Pinkie, Mr. Cake and I will be out for a few hours so could you watch the twins for us while we're out?" "No problem Mrs. Cake!" The cakes nodded to her and left. Not a minute after, they were replaced by a tall pony wearing a black cloak, a white horn could be seen coming from her hood. Pinkie Pie ran up to greet her. "Hi! You must be new to Ponyville, because I've never seen you before. My name's Pinkie-" Pinkie Pie was interrupted by a FREAKING MORNING STAR being swung at her head. Pinkie ducked just in time and the spiked ball was lodged into the counter. "Hey! That wasn't very nice!" Pinkie shouted at her angrily. "Oh, shut up." The unicorn using her magic, pried the morning star from the counter and swung the ball end down. Pinkie dodged out of the way, the morning star leaving a small crater in the floor. The force of the impact blew off the unicorn's hood revealing a gaunt, white, face, and a short, dark brown mane, and cold, blue eyes. The weapon was levitated again and swung again. Christian rushed over. "Wait DON'T-" *CLANG* The morning star would've totally crushed Pinkie's skull had Christian not blocked it... with his head. Normally being hit with something like that would've resulted in death, but due to Christian's hard scales and thicker skull, it just really, really hurt. Everypony in the room paused as Christian gripped his head in pain. "Christian! Are you okay!?" Pinkie Pie voiced her concern. Christian looked back up directly at the white unicorn, on his face was an expression of fury. Christian opened his mouth to yell at her but instead fiery words, a fiery, gold ball of fire shout out of his mouth, sending the unicorn out of the building through the front door. The fireball sent her into a nearby stall outside of Sugarcube Corner. KABOOOOM The fire ball exploded into a giant, black, mushroom cloud. After the cloud died out, Christian ran out of Sugarcube Corner over to the site of the unintended explosion. "Oh, crap! I didn't mean to, are you alright!?" Christian panicked over the pony he just blasted, who's coat was now blackened and her mane totally singed off. Pinkie Pie trotted up next to Christian to take a look at the burned pony. She gave out a pained moan. "...Hate you, hate you both..." unable to remain conscious, her head hit the grand as she passed out. Christian took a breath of relief. "Oh thank God..." Christian and Pinkie were interrupted by four approaching figures. Pinkie recognized one of them as her friend, Applejack, but the two other ponies and... was that a diamond dog!? > Enter Geena!: Master Troll Turned Griffon! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time: Afternoon Location: Sky above Plains near Ponyville POV: Geena Geena was awoken by a sudden breeze in what she thought was her bedroom. "Ugh, who opened the window?" She lifted her head up to find the source of the unwelcome disturbance, only to be met by the endless blue of the sky. "What. The. FUCK!?" Geena quickly stood up and looked around but all she could see was the sky and what looked to be clouds around her. "... Oh sweet Jesus..." She then noticed her bed felt softer then usual. she looked down to see she was standing on a cloud, but she was more concerned about what she saw pushing down on it. "The fuck, are these..?" She brought what were once her hands to her face and was greeted by three wicked sharp talons attached to dark grey bird's feet. She kept looking at them until she lost her balance and fell back onto the clouds. "FUCK!" she stood again and realized she could only balance herself on all fours. She let out a loud irritated groan and plopped down on the cloud, mentally defeated. "Hey!" Rainbow Dash was outside of Ponyville practicing some new stunts. She was sent there by the weather team to clear out a few clouds that have gathered there but Rainbow Dash figured she'd have time to clear them out when she was done practicing. These stunts were brand new so she wanted a chance to practice them alone before showing them off, that way nopony would see her mess up. Rainbow was about to begin practicing when she heard some odd noises above her. She looked up and only saw a few clouds. She dismissed as nothing and tried to start practicing again until she heard it again, it definitely sounded like somepony yelling. She flew higher and began to look around. "FUCK!" Her head snapped to the source of the noise, but all she could see was a black blob on a cloud. She flew closer and saw it was a griffon! This griffon looked different from any other she's ever seen, she had a Black feathered torso and grey feet with black talons, the feathers on her head were grey and even her beak was black! Her head feathers were unkempt and their tips were colored black. The coat on her lion half was grey and at the end of her tail was a black plume. She appeared to be sulking on the cloud for some reason. Rainbow Dash decided to get her attention. "Hey!" Geena looked up to see who was calling for her attention, the moment she did the sound of glass breaking was audible to anyone nearby. She lifted her head to see a cyan blue. Rainbow haired. PONY. Oh fuck all kinds of duck. Geena was well aware of the brony fan base that so many full grown men, including a lot of her friends, were a part of. While she never had any problem with bronies or the show itself, she never made an initiative to watch it, because no matter how funny it was, no matter how engaging the characters were, no matter how many men watched it. It was undeniably, unarguably, GIRLY. There was just no other way to describe cute, pastel colored, ponies who learned all about friendship. So upon the realization that such a pony was interacting with her Geena entered a state of temporary shock which she was snapped out of by a light tapping on her head. "Hello? Anypony in there?" Geena shook her head and looked at the cyan pegasus before her. Geena snapped at her. "Do I look like a pony to you!?" The pony chuckled. "Umm, no you're clearly a griffon, though you don't have to freak out over it." A griffon, huh? That explains a lot. Geena felt her head being tapped again. "Hello, I'm talking to you." Geena, having regained her composure, decided to reply in one of her favorite ways. "Oh I'm sorry it's just that I'm all out of FUCKS to give at the moment!" Trolling Rainbow huffed. "Very funny." "Thank you." Geena replied smugly. She facehoofed. "Ugh, look I have to clear clouds in the area so you have to clear out." Geena shrugged. "Whatever" Geena walked to edge of the cloud and looked down, her pupils immediately shrunk. It was a looooong way to the ground. Rainbow smiled "What's the matter? You're not afraid of heights are you?" She said smugly Geena ignored her, Alright, I'm a griffon so I should have wings... There they are! Okay, let's do this. Geena stepped off of the cloud and began plummeting downwards. About half way down she opened her wings slowing down her fall dramatically and allowing her to glide safely to the ground. Once she reached the ground she looked back up to the cloud fell from. "Like a boss." she said to herself. Geena's victory, however, was interrupted by something crashing into the ground next to her creating a small cloud of dust. The same pony who she'd just been talking with was got up from her impact on the ground and glared back up at the sky. Geena looked at her. "Well that was..." Two more pegasi flew down in front of the rainbow pony, they were both wearing hooded black cloaks so only there wings showed, one pair was bright red, the other was brown. The red one was taller than the other but still wasn't taller than an average pony, this indicated that the brown one was younger. "... Why do I get the feeling that shit's about to hit the fan?" Geena said to no one in particular. The pony with red wings spoke in a deep authoritative voice indicating he was a stallion. "Get out of here griffon, before things become unpleasant." Geena responded in a mocking tone. "Wow, was that a threat? I am legitimately surprised." She didn't expect to be threatened in the land of cute and colorful ponies. The stallion began to walk towards Geena. "Don't get wise with me you-" "It's not hard to get wise with a moron." She interrupted. The stallion stopped right in front of her. "This is your last warning, LEAVE." "Alright, Alright, but I think you have something on your face." He put a hoof to his face to see what she meant, "Wait wha-" Geena interrupted him by punching him in the face and sending him a good 7 feet. "It was PAIN!" Geena shouted. The stallion got up and gave a hostile growl. Geena's punch had knocked off his hood revealing a grey mane and purple eye, as the other eye was grey and un-moving. He turned to the pony with him. "Finish off the element, I'll deal with this meddler." His companion nodded but was quickly tackled by Rainbow Dash before any orders could be carried out. Disregarding his companion the stallion opened his wings and charged Geena who quickly sidestepped and avoided him completely. The stallion turned around to charge her again only to see her face directly in front of his. Geena had a sly smile on her face. "Guess what." He hesitated before answering. "...Wha-" "JUSTICE." Geena boxed him in the face, once again sending him back a few feet. The stallion rose again, enraged, he charged her. This time he flew too quickly for Geena to react and bucked her right in the face. He taunted her while she gripped her face in pain. "Ha! Not so coy now, are you!?" He was silenced when Geena looked back up at him. She gave him a glare that chilled him to the bone, he didn't just see anger in her eyes, he saw madness, it startled him too much to move. Geena, still baring the mad look in her eyes, quickly took flight above him and landed on the stallion's back. "Those are some nice wings, be shame if they were clipped!" Gripping his wings with her talons, Geena pulled back on them until she heard something pop out of place. *CRRAACK* "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Upon hearing the screams of her victim Geena grinned madly. Sure his wings couldn't function, Geena grabbed the stallion by the neck and flew high, the use of her wings coming easily to her. Geena held him high over the ground ready to drop him. "LET ME GO, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE DOING! YOU'LL SURELY SUFFER CONSEQUENCES FOR THIS!" "So sorry." Geena replied calmly. "I don't give a fuck." She released her grip on the stallion and let him fall to the ground, he didn't scream. *THUMP* Geena lowered herself back to the ground and looked on at her fallen foe until that mad look in her eyes faded away. Satisfied, Geena finally looked away Now where is the other one? She looked around for the other ponies "I'm probably gonna have to take care of the other one too." She spotted the two in the air, Rainbow Dash chasing the other cloaked pony. Her hood had fallen off revealing that she was a young mare, with a brown coat, a short, black mane, and similar to the older pony, she had purple eyes. As she flew away from Rainbow Dash she looked down at Geena then to the body near her. She stopped. "NO!" She sped out of the sky next to her companion's corpse. Tears started flowing out of her eyes and she glared at Geena. "I-I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!" Her voice indicated that she was a teenager, probably not older than Geena. Before she could do anything else Rainbow Dash knocked her out with a swift buck to the head. Rainbow Dash looked over the unconscious mare to make sure she was dealt with before turning to Geena. She looked to the other cloaked pony. "So, is he..?" "Dead?" Geena finished for her. "Yeah, I sort of lost it back there." She didn't appear to be too bothered by it. "Well, thanks for your help..." Rainbow Dash was bothered by Geena's apparent disregard for life and how easily she just killed him. "Whatever, so what should we do with her?" Geena pointed to the still unconscious mare. She thought for a moment. "I don't know, she's just a kid. Maybe we should bring her to Ponyville." Geena sighed at that God-awful name. "Alright, lead the way." "Umm, do you think you could..." Rainbow pointed to the mare. Geena sighed again. "Fine." She walked over to her and put her on her shoulders. "By the way, I never asked. What's your name?" Rainbow said. Geena looked back at her. "Geena." Rainbow Dash smiled. "Well I'm Rainbow Dash." She wasn't in the mood for boasting her usual title of "Fastest flier in Equestria". Geena responded plainly. "Alright then, let's go." Rainbow Dash took one last look at the stallion before flying off with Geena. She could bury him properly, later. She'd have to come back, the clouds still weren't cleared. (A/N: Alright, just one more character entrance and that'll be the whole club, I'm going to try to get on that right away, so hopefully, it will come sooner.)