> Pony of the Colossus > by Tekkie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The First Colossus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The First Colossus Wander gently trotted through the overgrown mess of what was once everfree forest, Wander had heard stories about this place when he was just a colt, old stories about how the goddess Luna returned from her quest to find new lands and slay the mare of the moon with her six companions, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Wander chuckled quietly at the thought of them all, he had loved the stories about the six mares back when he was a colt but saying that those stories had been passed down for generations. Wander stopped at the edge of the forest and looked down at what remained of ponyville, the grass was overgrown and clearly untamed for years but what could Wander of expected? Nopony has here for thousands of years. That's when it hit him, he was the first pony to travel to these 'forbidden yet sacred' lands and the thought sent shivers down his spine. Wander looked down at the sacred sword he had stolen from the royal vault, it was still in its sheathe and he had only used it once to kill the strange shadowy ponies that appeared to him when he first sheathed it with his magic, something he didn't intend of doing again in case it attracted more shadow ponies. He trotted down the uneven path towards the town, stopping at a small bucket of water. Wander looked at his reflection, his long braided hair was covered with sand and rocks, his light beige coat was dirty too however what really caught his eye, was his flank. Wander had been a blank flank for fifteen years before he interrupted the execution even though he had been too late he still managed to climb up the castle walls and surprise the guards by free falling onto one of them. It was the climbing that had gotten him his cutie mark it was also what got him out of the jail they had thrown him in and what helped him steal the dead mare's body. Wander shook his head now was not the time to be thinking about that, he was here to give this innocent mare a second chance at life and he wasn't prepared to waste any more time being reminiscent about what lead him to these ruins. Wander galloped quickly towards the large building in the centre of Ponyville, it was an old library that had a large tree growing through it. Wander stopped at the front door then pushed it open with his magic, inside was a large hole in the bark of the tree with a stone bench pushed inside it, Wander gently levitated the mares body and put her onto it, grasping the edge of the blanket that he had wrapped around her with his mouth and yanked it off. When the blanket came off the mares body Wander turned around to face four shadow ponies, his horn glowing light beige along with the sword he unsheathed it and levitated it into a defensive stance. The shadow ponies disappeared as soon as they had reappeared when a loud genderless voice erupted from above the library "Who dares trespass upon my domain?" "Are you the one they call Peostrung?" "Who art thou and why art thou within my chambers?" "I am Wander, I read in a book that you had magic powerful enough to bring souls back to the recently deceased" "Such an accomplishment cannot be done if thou does not have the royal sword" Wander smiled lightly as the sword levitated upwards towards the roof. The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed to a formal and welcoming one, as if he had come home from a long holiday. "So thou has stolen the royal sword? Alright, I shalt restore this young mare’s soul in exchange for a favour" "What is this favour you speak of?" "as thou can see there are sixteen books inside of this domain, the others were stolen to be taken to thou's 'holy lands' thou needs to burn them, be warned these books shalt not burn like thou suspects them to, thou will need to defeat sixteen colossi that are scattered across this ancient desolate land." the voice instructed. Wander nodded and sat down, sheathing the sword carefully. "If thou art successful with defeating the first colossus, the first book will be engulfed in a black flame in wait for the other colossi to perish." Wander nodded quietly to show he understood what the ominous and genderless voice was saying "So where can I find this Colossus?" "To the north you will come across the forest, head north-west of there. If you get lost on your way, hold the sword up to the light and it shall lead the way." and with that, Wander got up and left the building. He smiled a little bit with a feeling of self-accomplishment at this rather large feat he had just achieved. Wander headed back up the broken road, taking his time unlike when he came down here the first time in a hurry. He stopped at the well and took another look at himself before taking a drink from it, the water was dirty but it rehydrated him at the end of the day. Wander examined the well carefully, it seemed as though somepony had been taking care of it for all these years this land had been neglected - which was virtually impossible, nopony had been here until now. A light breeze in the wind caught Wanders attention as it blew a piece of paper out from behind the well, a light beige aura appeared around the mysterious paper and floated towards Wander. He arched an eyebrow as he squinted lightly so he could read what was on it. September 21st. Nopony can see the possibilities these new spells have; I could prevent crop failures, food shortages, and fatal diseases maybe even improve teaching capabilities! I just need to show them that these spells can't harm anyone. If only I could get a moment to think. Think Twilight, think! Wander processed what he had just read, it seemed like a diary or journal of sorts,I best keep an eye out for anymore of these, they may have some important information on how to defeat these 'Colossi' Wander thought as he looked down at the hilt of the 'royal sword', he felt as though reading that journal entry had helped him gain a slight magical advantage while climbing. Wander sat down in front of the forest entrance, the beige aura appeared around the sword again as he withdrew it, levitating it up towards the light. Wander watched in awe as a bright beam of light was projected from the sunlight and the swords blade making contact directing towards a large valley to the north-west, just like Peostrung had said. He got back up on all four hooves and sheathed the sword once more, running off towards the valley. Wander stopped at a moss-covered shrine and knelt in front of it, bowing his head in respect as he muttered a prayer. As he got up Wander was suddenly filled with a new found feeling of awareness like he had just rested for a day or two. Wander shook his head this place had a large amount of curious effects; he looked up at the entrance to the large circular bowl-like grove. Wander started off at a slow jog then into a slow run, which soon turned into a sprint towards the entrance, Wander wasn't sure of what he would find, Wander was filled with both anxiety and excitement. Wander quietly trotted into the opening, looking up he noticed the broken path and a small area where he could climb up to the top of the wall-like obstacle. He walked to the end of the broken path and examined its structure; it was built like a ramp. Perfect. Wander started running up the ramp and skidded to a quick stop, he kicked his back hooves forwards in order to launch himself towards the other end of the gap, Wander landed with a quick grunt and looked up the broken grass-covered path. He smiled to himself and walked along it. Wander stopped at the top of the path and watched in awe at the sight of the Colossus, it's large hulking body was made of stone, fur and pieces of what he presumed were buildings, its horn glowed an almost none-existent grey colour that was also appearing around a large mace-like object which followed the colossus' movements through a simple levitation spell. Wander stepped into the circular opening, the colossus slowly turned to look at him the very minute his hoof came down on the fresh grass in the bowl-like area. Wander swallowed hard when the colossus looked at him, a large amount of fear and dread filling his heart when the hulking brute's eyes locked onto him. The colossus turned away and continued its repetitive walking in circles. Wander smiled a little bit as a feeling of relief came over him, Come on Wander get it together.. Remember what Peostrung said He thought as the hilt of the sword started glowing its usual light beige colour as it started levitating out of its sheath and into the light, the blade facing upright reflecting the suns light towards the colossus. Seconds later a signil appeared on its flank where its cutie mark should be " Thou hast to destroy the sigil " Peostrung said, Wander looked around confused as to where the voice had come from but the message was as clear as he needed it to be. Wander sheathed the sword again and started approaching the colossus slowly then suddenly broke off at a run towards it, unsheathing the sword again to strike its hoof only to be met with a loud ear-aching clang, The colossus looked down at him, before Wander even had a chance to turn around and run was thrown across the bowl and hit the side of the cliff with a hard thud . Wander groaned and got up on his hooves then brushed himself off, the Colossus started to slowly approach Wander. Fortunately, size and speed was in his favour. Wander darted between its gigantic hooves, lowered his head and grabbed the swords hilt in his mouth then tilted the blade against the grass as he turned around in a circle and started galloping towards the hulking colossus. Wanders horn glowed as he threw the sword at the colossus' leg, to Wanders surprised this toppled the colossus, knocking it onto its side. Seeing his chance wander turned around and sprinted at the colossus' hind leg and jumped, biting the hilt of the sword as his horn glowed again this time grabbing some of the fur on the colossus' leg which he pulled towards himself and gently started swinging, letting go of the sword to bite the make-shift rope and bit down on the fur as his horn stopped glowing and then started as the sword was ripped out of the colossus' leg and slammed into it again, this time it was a little higher up from Wander, who was now placing his hooves firmly on the colossus' legs and started running towards the sword then let go of the make-shift rope and forced his head out, grapping the swords hilt in his mouth. The colossus started to stop struggling as it got onto its front two hooves and hauled itself up, shaking Wander violently as he held onto the sword with fear of being stepped on if he fell. Wander repeated the manevour he had previously pulled off until he reached what seemed like a medium sized balcony going around the beasts’ leg; he hauled himself up and wiped his brow with a hoof. How was he going to stay on this hulking mess of a pony and destroy its cutie mark? Wander groaned quietly and sheathed the sword, examining the pony if that is what he could even consider it. The colossus' horn was made up of a large tower that was falling apart; it looked as if it belonged on a castle or a highly respectable library. Like the leg he was resting on the rest of the pony’s legs had different kinds of structures around them all of them were balconies however each had a different style of craftsmanship in fact one of them looked like a cloud, whether it was actually a cloud or not he didn't want to risk finding out. Wander inhaled slowly then exhaled before using his telekinesis to drag some of the fur towards him which he stood up on his hind hooves to bite, scowling quietly as the colossus suddenly started to shake its coat like a dog trying to dry itself after getting wet in the rain, He closed his eyes and kept them closed as his face and body was whipped by the fur, he let go suddenly when he was whipped on the throat by a stray piece of wire from a structure that proceeded out of the creatures tail, the movements of the colossus had thrown him up into the air and now he was falling towards a large circular-like pavement that ran down the back of its head and down to the tip of its tail. He hit the cracked concrete with a loud and painful thud . Wander groaned and weakly got up onto his hooves then fell back onto his side as his mind started to drift towards thoughts of failure, what would happen if he were to die at the hooves of this monstrosity of life? In fact he wasn't even sure if the Colossus was a living thing or a moving object, it had a coat of natural fur so it had to have some form of life, right? Maybe he could reason with it... Wander stood up slowly and looked over the edge of the colossus. It was a very long drop, Wander pondered on if he should jump for a minute but shook the idea out of his head; The fall would probably kill him Fall.. That's it! Wander thought as he started ripping fur off of the colossus, Wander didn't realise how bad of an idea this was until he was thrown off the spine and started hanging onto its coat for dear life. Great idea, egghead he thought at himself, out of the corner of his eye wander saw the large mace that had hit him before swinging in his direction; Wander growled as he placed his hooves against the creatures side and ran along it still holding the fur in his mouth then let go and held onto another badly-made fur rope just in time for the colossus' mace to hit it directly in the side, knocking it back onto its flank. This was his chance, Wander got up quickly and soon caught balance as he stood on the creature which was now lying down and struggling to get up; He unsheathed the sword with his mouth and tilted the blade against the Colossus' side then galloped towards its cutiemark, Wander had to close his eye in order to prevent the black dust-like blood from getting into his eye as he cut open the Colossus' body. Within a minute Wander had reached the colossus' cutie mark, acting on an instinct he wasn't even aware of he slammed the blade hilt-deep into the cutiemark, erupting a large gas-like spray of black blood to erupt from the creatures wound. Its legs started to spasm and buck with pain, Wander levitated the sword out of its flank and slammed it back again three times, upon the third time the sword penetrated the cutie mark it disappeared, Wander grimaced and yanked the sword out of the flailing beasts flank and stood watching it with pride; Finally, I did it... he thought with pride, but then he noticed something. The colossus was still writhing around on the ground, so it was obviously still alive. Growling under his breath Wander yanked the sword out and levitated it at the sky then watched as the beam of light directed to another sigil on the creatures’ forehead, it was hard to see due to its mane cover part of it. Wander knew immediately how he could get the sigil; He galloped along its body, crossing over to its back sliding down and biting its coat as it got up again, shaking itself and bringing the mace down next to Wander in an attempt to crush him. He smirked and leapt onto a crevice in the mace, which turned out to be a corridor. He followed it quickly but was thrown against the wall when the colossus started swinging the mace wildly in an attempt to throw him off. Wander sighed with relief as it came to a halt and started being dragged along the floor then yelled out of fright when the mace was brought against something hard. Rarity sighed as she watched her friend Twilight experiment on an apple that had gone rotten, it levitated in the air before collapsing in on itself and then curled up as if it was about to be thrown in the trash. When it uncurled the apple was good as new. "Well Twilight that sure is... something" She commented, she was happy that her friend was able to do something that actually helped the community, however she didn't have time to stand around and criticise Twilights magic capabilities. After all she had a new clothing branch recently opened up in cloudsdale that she needed to help make dresses, coats, ties and all of those other wonderful garments she could work on. However ever since the third branch of her clothing range had opened she never had any more time to spend with her friends; But success came with sacrifice and she knew her friends understood that, however now that it was happening to her and affecting her friendship with the other ponies she was beginning to wonder whether this was what she truly wanted.. Wander opened his eyes weakly and stood up with shaking legs "How long did I pass out for?" he asked himself while looking around, it seemed as though the colossus had stopped trying to kill him, maybe it thought he was already dead or it knew he had fallen unconscious, whatever it was Wander started walking down the corridor of the mace-shaped building and stopped at a window, looking out at the colossus; He could jump out of the window and land on its spinal path but if he did that it might alert the colossus to his whereabouts, however if he managed to climb to the top of the mace and jump towards the beast he could have a chance of grabbing hold of its mane, which would give him the perfect time to strike the sigil in-between its eyes. Wander nodded to himself "That's what I'll do then" he announced quietly then turned around and trotted down the corridor the further along he went the more carving of needles, threads and various other designer tools where engraved into it. Wander stopped at a set of stairs and started working his way up and occasionally stopped to look out the roughed out windows, watching in amazement as the colossus continued walking around in its circular pattern; Almost as if it was waiting for somepony. Wander shook his head Don't be ridiculous, she doesn't have anypony to wait on he thought while he continued down the fourth floor corridor which brought him to a sudden halt Did I just call it a she? the realisation worried him so he tried pushing his attention on to other things like how he was going to be sure he would get close enough to grab hold of its mane. Wander pondered on it for a while as he came across the final flight of stairs and started climbing them only to stop at a opening that looked as if a door was supposed to be there. Wander gulped loudly and trotted backwards and suddenly galloped forward, jumping and pressing his back hooves against the edge of the balcony to give himself an extra boost he grimaced and magically grabbed some of the mane and pulled it towards him, biting down on it violently and then cancelling the magic grip on the mane to throw the sword into the beasts forehead. As he expected the colossus threw its head back making the mane thrash in a circular motion, Wander gasped loudly and tried to breathe in after he dropped onto the creatures eye lash, which, lucky for Wander was a broken yet somehow sturdy path and right next to the colossus' second sigil, he got up slowly and tried to breath; He had been winded pretty badly and was now laying on his side gasping for air like a fish out of water. Ten minutes later the colossus had stopped thrashing around and Wander had caught his breath, He gently got up and shook his head, he was drenched in his own sweat, Wander growled and ripped the sword out of the sigil and beat it into it repeatedly, mist exploding from the multiple wounds on its weakest spot. The colossus howled in its deep demonic growl and Wander leapt off of its head, slid down its leg and hooves then watched in shock as the howl turned to that of a scream, the grey unkempt coat started rapidly going white while the black gas turned to a black liquid against the structures which collapsed and crumbled, the red liquid soon changed colour to red and the creature, which Wander now realised was a giant mare, collapsed into a bloodied white and purple mess. Wander realised exactly what he had done and turned around to leave; when a sudden searing pain spread throughout his body as something sharp ploughed into his back and side, he howled in pain before collapsing into a heavy almost dead-like coma. "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." -Bill Cosby