> Twilight's Backstory > by TheAlmightyFluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Twi ! It's you're turn to tell us about from before you met us." Said an anxious Rainbow, anxiety rushing about the room as each pony gathered around to hopefully hear a lovely tale from the purple mare, dressed in an elegant sleeping gown. "Girls it's getting quite late don't you think?" Exerting a fake yawn. "Aww c`mon Twi, we all told you ours." Stated a patient AppleJack. "So be a dear and indulge us." Chimed in Rarity in a some what aggitated tone. Twilight sighs and agrees to tell everypony about her past. "The earliest that I remember is my third birthday party so i'll start from there." Twilight said as she got seated, for she know she was going to be there for awhile. Since a young age Twilight never spoke to anypony,besides her relatives, for she was afraid that she would screw up and say something regretful. On her third birthday she was having a great time. Between rideing her brother's back and crawling about the park her party was held at, she was attempting to read her first book. Twilight kept on trying but could'nt seem to make out the words to well. Twas the expected result as most fillies her age did not even know what a book was. Time passed and eventually her mother sent her brother to fetch her for cake. "Hey sis whatcha reading?" The words cheerfully came from Shining's mouth as he trotted over to his sis. He picked up Twilight and set her on his back and picked up the book to read the cover. "Legends Of Equestria : Tales From Old" The book was quite dirty. Shining decided to let her keep the book and continue reading it. After he took his sis over to the picnic table Twilight saw a group of ponies gallop by, talking about their daily lives,smiling and laughing. But all she could think about was the cake in front of her nose. After the whole party was over they all went home and went to bed. Three years pass, and she is in first grade. One day Twilight arrives home, tears streaming down her face. As she ran through her home towards her room, Shining Armor scoops up her sister and asks whats wrong. Tears still coating Twilights face she continues sobbing between words and musters out a complete sentence. "The other ponies made fun of me and called me a worthless nobody that nopony would ever care about!" Cried Twilight. "Don't listen to them Twi. You are not worthless. Those ponies are just jealous of you." Greatly upset he put his little sister to bed and hopefully the whole situation would just blow over. Two years later, Twilights long since forgotton that unfatefull day. She now has friends as well to whom she talks to everyday. A smile always beamed off her face when she is with the two ponies. They were just like the group from her third birthday. One day the other two got into a fight and Twilight tried to intervene, but the two just continued argueing. She tried relentlessly to get the duo's attention but they simply ignored her. Aggrivated Twilight decided to physically intervene. She stepped between the two hopeing to get their attention. She got the wrong attention. The two got furious at Twilight and rashly started to blurt out hurtful remarks towards her. Twilight was hurt inside knowing her two only friends truely did'nt care much for her. She eventually had enough and began to tear up. She ran through Canterlot towards home, tears once again streaming down her face. Once she arrived at home she ran to her room and slammed the door shut. Her brother off on royal guard duties, she was all alone. Hurt deeply she realized how little other ponies cared for her. Hours passed before she got up and saw a book on the nearby table. Curious, Twilight walked over and grasped the book with her magic and read the cover. It was the same book from her third birthday. The purple mare carried over to her bed and began reading. She was interested in the book greatly she eventually forgot about the recent events that day and was finding herself at the library checking out another book...and another...and another. She realized that she had no need for any type of friend she found happiness in the words she read out of books. Laughed at a few stories, and cried at others. Twilight became all but social amongst other ponies and payed no attention to reality. Worried, her brother decided to try and figure out why his sis was not out with her friends. Not knowing of the recent event, Twilight explained to her brother why she was never outside, but always cooped up in her room. Shocked at this new information Shining Armor tried to explain to her that she can get new friends to be with. His attempt failed. Twilight denied his offer at help and continued reading her book. Sadened at the knowlage that his purple coated,once social, sister is no longer wanting friends he leaves her with her books. Ever since then she has just kept herself excluded from society. Shining was hurt to see her like this only leaveing to get a book and barely eating. He missed the days when he would let Twi ride his back, and hear her laugh and smile. Tired of seeing her like this, Shining Armor decided to try and relive those memories with her. Twilight denied his offer and went back to reading. Suddenly realizing he had lost her for good, he walked out of her room and left her there to do nothing but read. Shining Armor gave up. The once happy and active sister he once had now gone. Lost to a quiet lonely and almost motionless version of herself.