> All Gratitude Deserves A Reward > by The Keeper Of Tales > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > All Gratitude Deservs A Gift > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The old, tired stallion wandered the dark streets of the Ponyville. It was Hearths Warming Eve, and the droplets of frozen liquid particles, known to us as snow, fell from the sky above. Covering the streets and sidewalks, leaving a fluffy white blanket over the town, as if putting it to rest for the night. The sound of carols could be heard, echoing and moaning threw the streets. Dancing shadows could be seen through the bright, draped windows of the houses. Ponies from far and wide, returning to their families on the same night of every year. Strictly to enjoy themselves, and relish in the fact that they all ways have a caring, happy family to return to for the holiday season. But not the old stallion, for him, this was a yearly routine. But who was this stallion? Why would he spend one of the happiest days of the year alone, out in the freezing cold, with nothing but a tattered old cloak to protect him from the elements? But quite frankly, no pony really could have cared less for the stallion. They would watch him, as he slowly trekked through the snow covered road, and think of him as just another sad lost soul, with no place to go for the holidays. Did anyone ever offer the stallion to come into their home? Get him out of the cold; sit him down for a nice meal, and a cup of warm coco. No. Never was the stallion offered this, nor did he care. But every year, every Hearths Warming Eve, he would look for the one who actually would care for him, bring him in, and make him feel welcome. He is yet to find that pony, and began to think he never will, until that very night….. The Stallions stroll was interrupted by the sound of an old wooden door, slowly creaking. The withered pony turned to his right, to see one of the houses front doors, had been wide open, and standing in the entrance, was a little filly. He had looks of fear, and worry, but most of all, concern. “Excuse me sir” the filly yelled from across the street. “Are you all right, it’s so cold outside, and it’s Hearths Warming Eve? Don’t you have a place to go to?” The stallion greeted the filly with a warm little smile, before slowly shaking his head. The filly grew a sense of sadness towards the stallion. “Well, my parents are out, and should be back any minute, would you like to maybe….“ the filly stopped himself mid-sentence. He had just realized he would be offering a complete stranger into his own home. “Who knows what he will do” the filly thought to himself. “He could steal something, and I’m sure Mom and Dad won’t be happy with me if that happens”. “But he might freeze to death out here”. The filly must make a choice, now. “Would you like to come inside?” he asked. Without a response, the stallion slowly walked across the street, with all his might, he tried to move up the two front steps that led to the porch. The stallion and filly, now face to face, looking into each other’s eyes. The stallion still held the same smile, a warm, tender, caring kind of smile. The filly couldn’t resist but to smile back at him. The stallion was then led into the house. The feeling of warm heat rubbing up against his skin just filled him with so much joy; the feeling of finally getting out of the blistering cold weather was nothing closer to a breathtaking experience. The filly noticed the stallions joy of being in doors, and felt as if he had made the right choice of allowing him into his home. “May I take your cloak?” the filly asked, raising his arms out. The stallion gave him a nod, and handed the filly his cloak, which he then hung high on the coat hanger by the front door. “My parents had to make a run to the market place down the road, they should be back soon” the filly said. The stallion wondered what kind of parents would leave their only child alone on the happiest night of the year, but he decided it would be better to stay quiet. “Would you like something to eat, maybe a drink?” the filly asked. The stallion’s insides were bursting with delight, the thought of food in his stomach made him ecstatic. But on the outside, he still showed his calm, peaceful attitude. The stallion gave the filly another nod, his smile growing just a little bit bigger. The stallion was then lead to a dining table, where he was greeted with a simple peanut butter jelly sandwich, and a glass of water. The only meal the small filly was capable of making properly. Some might find this to be an improper, downright terrible excuse for a Hearths Warming Eve dinner, but to the stallion, he felt as if he was being treated like a king. He relished, loved, and enjoyed every bight and sip, as if they would be his last. After taking the final bights of his crust, and gulping down the last of his water, the stallion gave the filly a look, a look of thanks, and gratitude. He finally spoke “thank you,” his voice was shriveled and frail. The fillies inside blew up with joy, he had never felt so good about his actions in his entire life. “I’m glad you liked it,” the filly said, now excited, happy out of his own belief. The old stallion then got up, walked to the filly, kneeling down so there eyes met. Without a word, the old stallion reached into his back pocket, still not looking away from the child. And pulled out a single bit. He then rested the bit in the fillies hoof, and said, “All gratitude deserves a reward”. The filly was dumfounded, his eyes wide, mouth agape. He couldn’t believe the old stallion was giving him all the money he must have possessed. Before the filly could deny the stallions amazing offer, and return the money, the stallion was already up off his knee, placing his cloak back over his shoulders, and getting ready to leave. The stallion opened the door, gave the filly one more warm loving smile, and then closed it quietly behind him. THE END