Ace Kombat: Rise Of Nation.

by Libertyprime38

First published

Scootaloo even after Rainbow Dash took her in is still depressed after losing so much in her life. But in her future she will create an nation called the New Lunar Republic.

This story is a sequel to the Fimfic Gutterloo by jmj in a Ace combat story inspired by a comment on the story of Gutterloo.

Scootaloo even after Rainbow Dash took her in is still depressed after losing so much in her life, she lost her friends, and the trust of ponies around her. Somtimes the little filly couldn't take the pain anymore and just wish her life was over. But in her future she will become the first Shadowbolt captain and give rise to the New Lunar Republic.

Chapter One: The Nightmare.

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This story is the prologue to a war that engulfed three nations. It all started in a cloud mansion where a little orange filly is laying on a cloud bed trying to get some sleep. She tried to sleep for school tomorrow but she still couldn’t get over the losses she had to endure.

"Scootaloo, we ain't supposed ta be yer friends anymore. Applejack and Rarity think its best that we just steer clear of ya. We don't wanna do it, but we don't wanna get in trouble either."

Scootaloo felt a tear in the corner of her eye starting to form.

“So… they told us we weren't s'pposed ta be friends anymore. Ah'm sorry, Scoots. We still like ya, but …"

Then the filly’s water gate broke and she began to cry.

"… but we can't be friends anymore. Maybe… maybe someday, but not now. We're sorry, Scootaloo."

She still couldn’t stop crying, no matter what, she couldn’t stop. To make things worse she remembered another painful memory.

"Okay, enough of this. You are not welcome in this shop unless you have means of payment. We know what you have been up to and we're not putting up with it. I should tell the Royal Guard, Scootaloo, but I think banning you from the store until you get your act together is a better answer. Now please leave."

She didn’t want to remember these memories but she couldn't get them out of her head.


Scootaloo closed her eyes wishing they would stop but when she reopened she saw all of them around her. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were laughing at her including her former friends laughing with them, and Mr. Cake that looked like he was going to beat her. She couldn’t take it anymore and scream at the top of her lungs till she heard a voice.

“Do not cry young Scootaloo.”

With that the ponies around her disappeared and she saw from the right side of the bed a tall dark purple alicorn. This wasn’t the first time this alicorn suddenly appeared in her dreams; the first time is when she went on a camping trip with her former friends and Rainbow Dash to Winsome Falls. Scootaloo had nightmares during the entire trip till the alicorn came and helped her to conquer her fear. And the name of that alicorn is…

“Princess Luna!”

The orange filly jumped out of the bed and went to hug the princess of the night and asked. “I’m glad to see you again.” Scootaloo stopped hugging looked around the room they were in. “Please tell me this is just a nightmare.”

The princess put up a smile and answered. “I am also glad that we can see thou Scootaloo again.” She then trotted up and put her hoof on Scoots shoulder. “And yes this is another fear that has become a nightmare. And do you know what it is?”

Scootaloo looked down and answered. “I’m afraid that everypony around me would laugh at me incase they find out who I real am.”

“And who are you real young one?” Luna asked.

Scootaloo hesitated for a moment till she finally answered. “I’m an orphan princess. I don’t have a family.” Luna eyes widen of what Scootaloo revealed. “I’ve been living on the streets for almost all my life princess.”

Luna was still shocked at learning the truth about the filly in front of her, she only manage to ask one question. “Why haven’t thou Scootaloo told anypony?”

“I didn’t want to be put in an orphanage in another place far from Ponyville princess Luna.” Scootaloo then looked down to the floor. “Though it probably wouldn’t matter now, I already lost so much just recently.”

“What do you mean?” Luna asked with a worried tone.

Scootaloo was silent for a moment till she answered. “It all started four weeks ago...”

Scootaloo told Luna everything of what happened to her from losing her friends to being banned from Sugar Cube Corner. During that time Luna was listening to her story without interrupting her or telling her to stop, she just listened and finally Scootaloo finished. “And hear I am, sleeping in Rainbow Dash’s home.”

Luna couldn’t think of any words to say to comfort the little filly but couldn’t think of anything till she remembered an idea she came up with a few days ago and spoke.

“Young one I have a proposition for you.”

Scootaloo lift her head up to listen what the princess was offering and asked. “What is it?”

Luna grinned and answered. “I’ll tell you Scootaloo but first do you know who the Wonderbolts are?”

“Of course!” Scootaloo answered with a cheerful smile. “Besides Rainbow Dash there the fastest pegasi in all of Equestria, commanded by princess Celestia.”

This made Luna smile seeing Scootaloo happy even after what happened to her. Luna then noticed Scootaloo waiting so she said. “Yes, they are chosen for their speed and endurance.” Luan saw that the filly didn’t get what she was saying so. Luna decided to just tell her. “I’m forming a squadron called the Shadowbolts.”

“The Shadowbolts? Who would they be?” Scootaloo asked.

“They will be similar to the Wonderbolts except I would direct them.” Luna proudly announced but then sighed. “But it has been difficult convincing my sister for me to make the Shadowbolts.”

“Why the Shadowbolts sounds awesome.” Scootaloo questioned.

“Yes, I told Celestia the somewhat the same thing, I told her it would be a friendly rivalry for the Wonderbolts during competitions.” Luna said while looking out of the window. “She’s still thinking about.” She then turned her gaze to
Scootaloo. “But if she does give me permission I would need to find another way to recruit.”

Scootaloo was a little confused and asked. “What do you mean? Would the fastest pegasi all over would want to be a Shadowbolts?”

“No, they would want to join the Wonderbolts, so I needed another idea for recruits. And after awhile I figured out how to.” She leaned closer to Scootaloo. “I need to recruit the young ones in order to make the Shadowbolts. The young would learn about the good things about the Shadowbolts.” She then whispered into the filly’s ear.

“I could recommend you to be a Shadowbolt thou Scootaloo.”

Chapter Two: School Days

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Scootaloo woke up from her dream and saw that it was morning and that she needed to go to the place she didn’t like going to anymore… school. Scootaloo use to love school even though it was boring. Cheerilee was always nice to her and her friends played with her during recess and were always talking about getting their cutie marks. But now Cheerilee just stares at her, if expecting Scoots to do something that the teacher wouldn’t approve of. Her former friends had to stay away from her as possible, sometimes when entering the school house they run into each other and just stare blank faces before trotting inside.

“Here we go.”

Scootaloo trotted down the stares and into the kitchen for breakfast. When she entered the kitchen she saw that Rainbow Dash was making her favorite breakfast meal, pancakes. Rainbow has been really nice to her since she took Scootaloo in when she found the filly in the alleyway. Rainbow looked behind her to see Scootaloo standing in front of the door, she smile and asked.

“Hey squirt, are you just gonna stand there or do you want my famous pancakes you love.”

Scootaloo came back from her daze and answered in glee. “Of course Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow smiled and slid a plate of pancakes to her. “Well then dig in!” Scootaloo then started eating the pancakes like there was no tomorrow. “Easy squirt, don’t want to have sick stomach.” Rainbow said while eating her pancakes. Scootaloo listened to Rainbow and slowed down a bit. Scootaloo and Rainbow quietly sat in the kitchen enjoying their pancakes.

After eating breakfast, Rainbow asked. “Want me to take you to school squirt?” Scootaloo shook her head saying no because she still didn’t want anypony know who she is, so she just asks Rainbow Dash to fly to her Scooter for she could go to school.

When Rainbow put Scootaloo on the ground the filly began to put her safety gear on and hopped on her scooter, and with a wave of goodbye from Scootaloo the little filly road off towards school.


Scootaloo did tricks on her scooter just like any other time she is riding to school. But this time Scoots just scooted onward to school, she was to concentrated in what princess Luna offered her before she woke up.

“I could recommend you to be a Shadowbolt thou Scootaloo.”

“Maybe I should join.” Scootaloo said to her self. “Not like I have anything to do since I’m not a Cutie Mark Crusader...” Memories began to come back again about Scoots days with the CMC; she shook her head trying to forget those memories. “WHY CAN’T I FORGET?!” Scootaloo screamed out loud before seeing a grey Pegasus colt holding something with his right wing… that she is about to crash into.

She immediately stopped just inches from the colt before he got hit. The colt noticed, and his eyes widen by the orange Pegasus that was about to hit him. They then noticed that their muzzles were touching. Both Pegasi jump back, both with blood red cheeks. It was quiet until the grey colt spoke.

“Sorry I should have watched were I was going.” He said smiling with some red on his face.

“Nah I should have been more concentrated one the road more uumm…” Scootaloo said also some red on her cheeks.

“Rumble, that’s my name.” He said with a smile. “What’s yours?”

“Scootaloo.” She answered, and then she noticed the blueprints that he been holding with his right wing and asked. “What are those?”

Rumble looked at his back then back to Scootaloo and said. “Oh there blueprints for my invention I’m trying to build.”

“What’s your invention?” Scootaloo asked.

“It’s kind of hard to explain.” He said putting a hoof behind his head, and then he notices the time and said. “We’re late!”

“Sorry Scoots not now but what about after school?” He asked.

“Ok.” Scootaloo said preparing to ride off.

“Alright, see you after school.” He said while double checking if he had everything for school. “Oh and here’s my address.” Rumble gave Scootaloo his address and was going to run off.

“Hey Rumble.”


“Want a ride.”

Rumble got on, putting his front hooves on Scootaloo’s shoulder to hold on while riding, but unknown to him Scoots had a little blush on her face feeling his hoofs on her shoulders.

“Umm aren’t we going?”

Scootaloo got a hold of her self then scooted off to school.


Scootaloo and Rumble made it to school just after the bell rang they rushed inside. Rumble made it in but as Scootaloo was going to enter Cheerilee blocked her path. Scootaloo didn’t know why Cheerilee wouldn’t let her in, at first she thought it was because she was late but why did she let Rumble in, He was late to. After a minute Scoots finally built up the courage to ask.

“Ms. Cheerilee, I now that I’m late but-.”

Scootaloo didn’t manage to finish her sentence when Cheerilee interrupted her. “It’s not because you’re late Scootaloo. It’s because you’re not welcome here anymore.” The orange filly just stood there shock, Cheerilee always let foals in her school whether they were poor or not, but here she is not letting one of here fillies she knew for years in. “Because of your previous actions I’m expelling from my school.”

With that Scootaloo began to silently cry to her self and turned backwards to her Scooter and looked behind her to see Cheerilee giving her a look saying ‘Leave now.’ Scootaloo hopped on her scooter and scooted off still crying.


Scootaloo went to the meadow where Rainbow’s house is floating above. She got off of her scooter and just laid down on the grass, she looked at the blue sky with eyes tired of crying. She reached her right hoof towards a cloud that looked like a filly.

“I hope I’m going to the skies when I’m older.” Scootaloo said to herself. “Then I’ll be free from the pain.”

Scootaloo laid there for hours, she looked up to the sun and guest the time is between 2-3 pm. She got up and wrote a note for Rainbow Dash that she won’t be here till later. She hesitated at first of going because she might lose a new friend the same way as her previous ones because of their siblings, but she got on her scooter and scooted off to Rumble’s house to see what his idea is.

“I just hope Rumble’s brother would let us be friends.”