> The Legend of John Redheart > by JohnRedheart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Intro/Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “My Dearest Princess Celestia, I regret to inform you that I am dieing. I will be rushed back to the Pony ville hospital. My house is burnt down, my whole life has been turned upside down, and I’ve lost my best friend, but yet I am glad all this has happened John Redheart.” Coughing up blood and looking up at, lights dazed and confused on what happened look up at my two sisters, my fiancé and Derick who all were desperately trying to keep up with the gurney that which I laid on. “What the hay happened?” said, a Pegasus ER doctor. “He was assisting an officer and…” was all I heard from nurse redheart before I blacked out again. “Were losing him damn it.” Said an ER doctor. I cough up blood and daze off again. “Wipe that blood off of his cheeks, for Luna’s sake.” Said, nurse Redheart. “John stay with us, I need to tell me how many hoofs you see ok sweetie.” Said, nurse tender heart Before I can say anything I puke up blood. “Don’t talk” said redheart, whose hoofs were now dripping wet. “I’m sorry but you’re going to have to wait out here ladies.” Said, my sister with tears running down her face. Fluttershy, Derick and Fleur de Lis stop then sit in the waiting room and wait with tears also water falling from their faces holding each other. Moments later the rest of the mane six, the two princesses and almost entire Pony ville, waits for news about John. “We came here as fast as we could.” Said, rainbow dash panting. She had been caring any pony that wasn’t fast enough to the hospital back and forth. Strait as she heard the new she did a sonic rainboom on her way to the hospital, which caught every pony’s attention. “We all got here as fast we could.” Princess Celestia commented. There were too many ponies in the ER waiting room that, it was restricted so only family and friends could stay in the room. Luna was opened her mouth to speak when all of the sudden she was interrupted by a loud and unpleasant scream, “Noooooooo!!!” “Ms. Redheart restrain yourself please!” “Get her out of here damn it.” The doors swung open as two royal guards were having a hard time pulling her out of the room. Big Macintosh got up from his chair to help but still even the “Juggernaut like” pony could not fight off the force of her hind hooves. “Let me go damn it please let me stay! Let me stay! Let me sta” her words ended abruptly, as she had fainted from the stress. She was then carried to her two sisters by two royal guards. The door was still open. This drove the doctor mad “Damn it I said close that damn door!” He said looking at Celestia dead in the eyes. They all froze up, and did what the stallion demanded. Shortly nurse Cold heart came out and nodded her head left and right. “It’s not looking good I’m afraid, John is gone but we tried everything we possibly could.”Said, nurse cold heart. Moments before in the operating room the doctors are arguing with each other. One not looking steps on the life supports cord and it flat lines. “OH SHIT!!! Get the defibulator now!” Every pony in the waiting room could hear everything. Most started to cry harder when they heard the flat line and the sound of the defibulator charging up followed by a “Clear!” and a loud thud “Clear!” and another thud. “Wait stop! Look.” Nurse tender heart said pointing at the unplugged cord. “Did we just kill Joh” “Shut the fuck up! They can hear us!” whispered, Tender heart. “Damn it, I said close that damn door!” The head doctor shouted furiously, looking Celestia dead in the eyes. “Well? Plug it back in!” Behold a ripple of life sparked the life support system followed by an instant flat line. As much as they tried they could not wake the stallion that lies on the operating table, I was gone. “I’m so sorry John I wish I could have done more.” Replied the head doctor. “Well…nurse Cold heart, you know what to do.” He said. She nodded her head and said nothing. In the present moment nurse Cold heart came out and nodded her head left and right. “It’s not looking good I’m afraid. John is gone but we tried everything we possibly could.”Said, nurse cold heart. “Wait sugar-cube please don’t leave.” Says, Applejack. A second later Rainbow Dash took off crying and taking flight outside the hospital, which now had a large gathering of ponies at the ER entrance. She took off so fast she completely shattered the light spectrum, so this was no ordinary sonic rainboom this was a black and white type of rainboom that seemed to spread slowly through the sky. Every pony gasped in shock as it blinded everyone outside and for ten seconds Equestria went black and white from exposure to this intensity. When the color came back the lights went out along with the electronics within the surrounding area. The dark hospital lit up once more, thanks to a dusty old backup generator. Every pony slowly went home with a depressed look on their face. No one said that John had faded, but no one had to either. As for my sisters they stayed, and hoping that this was it was false information. Derick was fighting off the guard that held him back "let mea see em foor fuck sake! your all lyin! all of yuaw are lyen saucks of shai-" He was then cut off by a tranquilizer injected strait into his ass. For a scottish pony he put up a good fight, the remaining royal guards were all tired out from every pony trying to see John, and almost releaved to hear that John had died. It was now time for every pony to go home, and so they all did exept for one...John. Who am I? I’m John redheart, and this is my epic tale. > Part 1: The beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn’t always like this, I mean one second your taking people to the hospital then you find yourself going there. I’m a lonely earth pony that used to work as an EMT for the Equestrian Mental Institution (EMI) Named “John” and unlike other pony’s I haven’t a cutie mark other than that I look pretty normal blue mane and tail, white, and pink eyes. My foster parents had me homeschooled so I was a bit socially impaired. I am much like my new fiancé, Fluttershy, but I’ll get to that later. I grew up in Canterlot however; I was born in Pony-ville. My real parents had me by accident, they were very poor from taxation from our monarch in which I know call my friend they could not afford me, and my real sister was enough as it is. This does not make them bad parents, just more responsible. I always knew I was somehow different from my foster parents, I mean my mother is a unicorn who used to be a gold digger and my father is a Pegasus of importance. He’s a major land lord and is pretty much set for life. Last but not least my foster sister Fleur de Lis. She picked up ware my foster mother had left off; I always see her literally hanging around Sir, Fancy pants as if he is some kind of lounge chair but, I’ve met Fancy pants before. He’s only nice because he has everything he desires at his hoofs, but enough about him, and my past, let’s skip to the present. “John!” “John get your ass up were taking off… Wake up!!!”Derick said well he franticly put on his chef hat. Oh ya forgot to mention my purple Pegasus friend Derick. He has a four-leaf clover for a cutie mark and green eyes. His occupation is the head chef of the canterlot baked good’s bakery and a damn good chef too. He’s got a Scottish accent and quite the way with the mares. “Good Celestia! We need to get going or were gunna miss the damn train again! Get up!” I moan as I get up from my bed, scratching my quarter. “What time is it?” I ask. “IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO GET YOUR SHEIAT TOGETHER YOU LAZY ASS!!!” “Oh what the hay its 6:35?!? We only have five minutes!” I desperately put on my E.M.T. vest and comb my hair as quick as I can, then head out of our town house. We lived in the lower part of canterlot but our jobs were almost right next to the castle. We gallop to the station and get there just as it took off. Panting heavily, we had the most flushed/tiring look on our faces. They didn’t last long though. Mine turned to a depressed yet, scared-as-hell type of look because I knew I was fucked when I got to the hospital, my boss would chew me out for sure. As for Derick; he was madder than a mother fucker, saying stuff that was half gibberish and half Equinish. So we trotted there, and then went separate ways just like we always do. I get to the hospital; clock in very stealthy like. (Hoping that no one saw me). As I approach the ambulance, I was frightened by my boss. The angry pink earth pony approached me. “This is the last fucking straw John! We had to send a labor and delivery nurse because the first response Pegasus team was short a stallion already!” she roared. Before I could say anything she interrupted me. “You know what John? You’re done: you are an embarrassment to this hospital you make the patients embarrassed that they even have to look at you, and you have no cutie mark so you obviously don’t belong here.” We both shed a tear and she continues on. “Look John, I love you and that’s why instead of firing you, I’m gunna give you a letter of recommendation and an immediate transfer to the Pony-ville hospital. So clean off your desk your rides waiting for you out in front.” She puts her head down trying to hide her tears; aside from Derick she has been my friend since I first worked here. She found it odd, yet interesting that when I first came to work here I didn’t have a cutie mark. Ever since she’s tried to help me find my cutie mark but, failed. I try to reply with “I’m so sorry” but again she cuts me off. “John just go, I never want to see you again.” “But...” “Fucking Celestia John! Just leave p-please.” All the ponies in the ER gasp and a mother covers her colt’s ears with her hoofs. By now everyone was listening in. They stared at me, noticing my bare thigh. Over the years I have learned to channel people out when they stare, but not this time, this was different. She whispers loudly while sniffling a bit “ju-jus-just go” she loses her breath and collapses. I approach her but, was stopped by a doctor. “Go on John you’ve done enough today.” He says while shooing me out of the hospital before I can grab my stuff. I slowly climb into the taxi carriage and take one last look at the hospital. Then, at the brown taxi driver I nod my head indicating that I’m ready to go. On our way he tries to make small talk but I ignore until he mentioned my bare thighs. “Look stallion, I know you’re just trying to be nice so you can get a tip, but it’s bad enough that I myself have to pay fare after almost getting fired today. (Sigh) just…please.” The taxi driver just looks at me and shakes his head left to right. “No you don’t, she already paid for the fare and the tip…so who is she anyways yer ex or somthin?” “FUCK REALY???” I reply. “All right all right, this seems to be the highlight of my day just trying to get the full story, sorry to bother.” The carriage came to a stop with the most awful sound coming from the wheels; it was like a butter knife to a chalkboard. (go on try this it sounds way worse than nails) Every pony within the area fell to the ground with shriek in response to the sudden sound. “Well boss we be here, oh and Johnny boy…good luck and Celestia’s speed.” I step out of the taxi carriage and approach my new hospital. End of part 1 > Part 2: Love at first sight. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I approach the hospital empty hoofed and with a look of sorrow on my face. The automated doors slide open and reveal a waiting room with the most beautiful mare I’ve ever laid eyes on. She turned around to glance at me, with her brilliant sapphire blue eyes. Our eyes locked and it was if all my drama of today flew right out the window. She blushed then looked away. Me? I got lost in her stare then shook my head. “Can I help you?” she said. I snap out of my hypnotized state and reply “I-i-i-I’m Joh” she cut me off before continued to stutter. “Oh you must be the new EMT. Its john right?” she said. “Eeeyup” I say with a long loss smile on my face, and then I fall to the floor. Nurse Tenderheart gaited in at the time and asks, “What happened is he all right?” “Get a buck of icy water” Redheart commands Tenderheart. “I’m on it” she says. She gets out of her chair and then gaits around the front desk. “John? John? Wake up silly.” She says. My eyes slowly open close a little then open to reveal her smirking face and sparkling eyes. “Hi” I say with dumbfounded look on my face. Nurse Tenderheart then returns with an icy cold bucket of water. Nurse Redheart scrambles to get out of the way of the icy liquid. “Tenderheart, wait no!!!” Screamed Redheart, but it was too late. (Splash) My eyes widened and my pupils’ went small. “Oops sorry” She says, dropping the bucket. “It’s all right sweetie just get back to your station, ill handle him” Says Redheart. Nurse Tenderheart nods her apologetic face as she looked back at me. I was still breathing uneasy from the shocking wet surprise. Giggling a little redheart says “come on let’s get you out of this vest and get you all dried up.” We gait to the back of the front desk, she fetches a towel and wraps it around my shivering body. She had a puzzling look on her face and then spoke “something’s odd about you but I can’t quit put my hoof on it, what is it?” I looked around the empty room trying not to get stuck in her stare, and then I made eye contact. I had forgotten about what just happened a second ago, and blush while getting lost in her eyes. “Oh I think it’s your cutie mar…” She look up at my eyes, and now she too was now lost in eye contact. Her blush was not normal it was a blue tint instead of a pink tint. I shook my head and snapped out of the trance but she still stared at me, I wave my hoof and she snaps out of it as well. We both tried to speak to each other but we stuttered and say nothing but gibberish. We both break out laughing but then are cut off by a beeping noise coming from her desk. “What’s that?” I ask. She looks behind me and says “Oh, my shift is over and It looks like yours is too, but it was nice meeting you John. Here is your paper work that you must fill out by the end of the week, have fun.” I hesitate for a moment but I couldn’t let her go “wait…um…the night is still young do you want to get some coffee or something?” Redheart hesitated to answer, the thought of saying NO passed though her mind but the question of my cutie mark stopped her from saying it. “Hmm…why not.” She says. I squeak as a reply to her yes. We walk out the doors with our stuff then enter the parking lot and stop at her automobile. She puts her jacket and sack in the trunk I’m still holding my stuff, she says. “You can put your stuff here for now, I mean we’re not going just yet.” I give her a confused look and say “What do you mean?” “Oh sorry I already forgot you’re kinda new to Pony Ville hospital huh? Well there’s a Ciderbuck’s near the cafeteria, come on I’ll show you.” We gaited back into the slumbering hospital, through the lobby, up the escalator and into a Ciderbuck’s that reeked of cider and coffee. “Well howdy miss. Redheart how yawl been today, and who is this handsome fella of yours?” The cashier asks. Redheart leans against me with a smile and says in a playful tone, “he’s my new boyfriend.” I look back at her with a surprised smile, and then I lean against her. “Aw well arntch yawl the cutest, what can I gich yawl today?” The cashier said. We look at the menu and then take our orders. “Well have yer order in a jiffy.” The cashier says in a fast tone and disappears behind the cash register. She comes back with our drinks as if she never left. “I swear it’s like they sample their own products.” Redheart whispers, and then chuckled. I pretend to laugh as we gait to a table that had a window next to it overlooking Pony Ville. We sit down and take a sip of our drinks. I glance outside the window peering down at the town. “Beautiful isn’t it?” Redheart says. “Yes you are.” I say with a crushed look on my face. She about coughs up her drink and then giggles. “So…what’s the dealeeow with your cutie mark?” she questions. I look down at my thigh with a concerned look on my face. She gasps and says “oh no I shouldn’t have asked that I’m so sorry.” “Oh no its ok I get that question all the time.”I say. She sighs in relief. “I’ve just never had a cutie mark…yet.” She gasps “that’s horrible.” I smirk and take a sip of my coffee, then look at her with a whip cream mustache. She laughs so hard that she face plants into her coffee. We both sit and laugh at each other. (Beep Beep…Beep Beep) We look down at her thigh. “Oh it’s my iPod telling me that it’s time to feed my dog” she says. I wipe off the melted whip cream from face then glance at her and say “speaking of time what time is it anyways?” She takes another look at her iPod “its 12:05 already? Damn we gotta go, shame to this place never closes.” I then panic remembering that I had forgotten to remind Derick to take out the roast that he had been preparing since 2:00 last night. “Oh shit…I need to get home and fast!” She looks at me with a puzzled look. “Why? What’s wrong?” she asks. I then explain my situation. “Well the trains not fast enough, how far do you live?” she replies. “You’re not gunna like the answer when I tell you…well…I live on the borders of Canterlot and Pony Ville.” She looks at me with a frown and says “Damn it John…all right but you owe me one.” We get to the parking lot and we get in the automobile. She starts it up, the machine roars. “Buckle up this things got more horsepower than you’d think.” She says with a devilish smile. I do so, and then we talk on the way up. As we approach my street, it glows with orange and yellow than red and blue. She rubbernecks and says “looks like some pony’s town house is burnt to the ground.” I look at my burning apartment with my jaw down to my chest. “STOP! STOP!” I shouted. “Oh good Celestia don’t tell me that’s your house.” She says with a sad look on her face. I get out of the automobile. “Oh no, no, no, no this isn’t happening!” a firefighter approached with a pissed look on his face. “Hey you are you the one who lives in E-10...HUH?!?” before I can say yes he interrupts me with another loud “Huh?”But then I shout. “Yes…How did this happen?” He looks at me with a pissed off smirk. “John, I think you know damn well how this happened…Too many plug-in in one light socket.” I then feel relieved that it wasn’t the roast; even know it was still my fault. He takes off along with the rest of the fire fighters with a look of disapproval. The entire block was in disapproval; they shook their heads and frowned at me. “Let’s just go…you poor thing.” She says while staring back. I look at her with tears and embarrassment. “And go where?” I shout. “My house” she says while leaning on me in security, closing her eyes and then watching the blaze as pieces of my townhouse fall to the ground. End of part 2