> Teacher > by Antimilk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pants on Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: TSxRD, public, magical molesting “So I'm about to open the door for her, when she suddenly jumps up and starts pumping her fists...” “Oh, dear,” Rarity half-giggles, shaking her head behind her hand. “Yeah, she totally thought she won! She was yelling out crap like 'In your face!' and 'Not so fast now, are ya?' out to the street!” Applejack snorts, setting down her mug with a thud. “Sure you ain't talkin' about yourself, Dash?” “Hey, I'm not that bad!” Rainbow Dash protested. “Besides, if that was me, I would've won!” “Oh, undoubtedly,” Rarity said, still hiding giggles behind her manicured fingers. “Please, do go on.” Applejack leaned back, smirking, and waved her hand. “Right,” Dash continued. “So this goes on for a while, like, a long while, and I'm just standing there wondering how hard she ran if she still had that much breath in her.” Her companions had some more chuckles at this. “And finally, she turns around and sees me in the window. I swear, even through the glass, I could hear something breaking!” Applejack broke out in laughter, slapping the table. “Ha! Ah just love that sound!” “I know! It's awesome, right?” “Right! You never get tired of hearin' it!” she grinned, leaning forward. “Whenever some poor soul tries tah arm-wrestle me...” “Please, Applejack, wait your turn,” Rarity admonished her. As Applejack shrugged, she turned back to Rainbow expectantly. “Yeah, so she's just staring at me, and after a few seconds, I just wave at her like this.” She curled her lips up into a cruel grin and brought up her hand, waving her hand a few inches from side to side, before breaking into more laughter. “She just snaps! She storms inside and starts screaming at me, like about how I must've cheated, sneaking in through a back door or something! So I just turn around and ask everyone there who got here first. There was a bunch of cashiers and a bunch of people who saw the entire thing, but she still wouldn't shut up!” “Heh, a sore loser?” Applejack said. “Sore like she sat on a traffic cone!” she laughed. “Eventually, the manager chased her off, and I got myself a soda. The end.” “The poor dear,” Rarity tittered, lightly sipping her own drink. “She should've known better than to try to race you.” “Right?” Rainbow took a gulp of her beer. “She never learned her lesson. She kept challenging me to races for the rest of the year. Every time I won she just got madder and madder. After a while, I just started ignoring her, and—hey, is that Twilight?” Their heads turned to where Dash was looking. Sure enough, at the bar was a familiar straight haircut with a bright streak.”So it is,” Applejack muttered. “Wonder what's she doin' here?” “HEY!” Rainbow shouted out, waving her free hand. “TWILIGHT! OVER HERE!” Twilight turned around, a scowl on her face vanishing as she saw the trio seated at the corner table. She immediately hopped out of her stool, bringing her fruity drink with her. “Hey girls,” she said as Rarity and Applejack scooted along the circular couch to make room for her, “I didn't see you. What are you three doing here?” “What else?” Rainbow asked, raising her mug while Twilight settled down. “Hanging out, swapping stories...” “Just you three?” “Well, you know Fluttershy,” Rarity said. “The poor dear can never get comfortable on these sorts of outings.” “Yeah, I understand her,” Twilight said, “but I would've expected at least Pinkie to be with you. It's like a small party, after all.” “Yeah, well...” Applejack mumbled. “See, Pinkie Pie doesn't really like alcohol.” Twilight's eyes widened in astonishment. “She doesn't? Seriously?” “I know, right?” Rainbow said. “You'd think a party animal like her gets smashed every other day! But she's got this absolutely-no-alcohol rule for all of her parties. She even has a Pinkie Sense for when someone tries to spike the punch.” “Really?” “Eyup,” Applejack nodded. “By now, everyone in town knows better than to try it. Guess it's because she likes to keep her parties for all ages. We tell her she can come here and just drink soda or something, but she always refuses.” “Huh,” Twilight said, slumping back slightly and looking into her half-empty glass. “Guess that rules out that plan,” she grumbled. Rainbow raised a brow. “What plan?” “And you never invited me?” Twilight asked, ignoring her. The three of them looked awkwardly at each other. It was Rarity who spoke up first. “Well, Darling, it's not that we wanted to exclude you from anything; it's just that we didn't believe you'd be receptive.” “Yeah,” Applejack added. “We thought you'd rather be doin' something else instead of getting drunk.” “Didn't you just say you told Pinkie about how it's not just about drinking?” “Well you're an egghead!” Dash blurted out. “Of course you'd rather be reading a bunch of your boring books than going anywhere cool!” Rarity and Applejack shot her scathing looks. “...What?” Twilight just snorted. “I guess you're right. If you invited me, I probably would've brought a manual on having a girl's night out,” she said, tipping back her glass. Applejack and Rarity exchanged looks. She must've been drinking for a while already. “So... what were you doing here, alone?” Rarity asked. She snorted again from behind her glass. She slammed it down and gulped. “Not getting laid, that's what.” “PPFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTT!” “UGH! Rainbow!” Rarity shouted, raising her arms to look at her beer-sprayed dress. Applejack just blinked owlishly, her eyes darting between Twilight's deadpan face and Dash choking. Twilight rolled her eyes and snapped her right fingers. Instantly, the spilled liquid vanished from Rarity's outfit and the table. “You really are all prudes,” she grumbled darkly. This brought upon a fresh wave of coughs from Rainbow, who started thumping her chest even harder. The other two were now gaping at Twilight, until Applejack shook herself out of her trance long enough to give Dash a solid thump to the back. With a final cough, she propped herself up on a forearm, blinking. “Okay,” she said. She looked up at Twilight. “There's no way I heard that right! What were you doing here, again?” “Looking for a fuck.” Three faces stared open-mouthed at Twilight, who simply gulped down another mouthful of her drink. Wiping her lips, she said “Careful of the flies.” Rarity closed her mouth quickly, her eyes darting about. She opened her mouth again, but no words came out. The other two remained unresponsive. Twilight just sighed. “I knew moving to Ponyville from Canterlot would be a big change, but I hadn't counted on how hard it would be to get good one night stands,” she said. Applejack was the first to finally find her voice. “You—“ she paused. “So you're having trouble getting... laid... in Ponyville?” “Yeah. It's crazy. A lot of the guys I talk to just back off and ask if we shouldn't at least date a few times first. I don't want a boyfriend, I want a fuck!” Rainbow made a barely audible wheezing sound. “And when I tell them that, they get pale, and they're obviously lost causes, so I move on.” “But surely some men are more... open, aren't they?” Rarity asked. “Yeah, but not a lot. And I've sorted those guys into three categories.” Rainbow's mouth twitched. Twilight held up her left index finger and pointed to it with her right. “The first group is made of men who are, generally, intimidated by me.” “Intimidated?” Applejack echoed. “Of you? Ah mean, no offense or nothin'...” she trailed off self-consciously. “As much as I try to avoid abusing the privilege, I am Princess Celestia's personal protégé. Even ignoring that, I was born and raised in high up Canterlot, and there's the whole Ursa Minor thing, so yeah. Intimidated.” “...Oh.” Applejack scratched the back of her head awkwardly. She could definitely understand men getting scared off by by strength; very few of her arm-wrestling partners stuck around for much longer. Rarity, meanwhile, was no stranger to men backing off because they felt she was out of their leagues. Twilight continued on her second finger. “The second group contains men who would love to get under my skirt, but largely because of the aforementioned reasons.” “I'm afraid I don't follow,” Rarity said, frowning. “Basically, they're all assholes,” Twilight said flatly. “They see me more as a prize than anything else, so they can brag about that one time they banged the Princess's student or whatever. I'm not so desperate as to go to them, so that leaves the last group.” She extended her third finger. “The happy medium: the guys who are both actually nice guys who are capable of seeing me as more than a sex object, and aren't too timid to give me a good time.” “Alright,” Applejack said, “they sound alright, but what's the problem?” “Since I moved here, I've only encountered five men who go into that third category,” she grumbled, leaning back and crossing her arms. “And not only did they all, honestly, suck, but five's just far too few for a proper rotation.” “A what.” “As I said, I'm not looking for a boyfriend, I'm looking for fucks. If I go to the same near-stranger for one night stands too often and too regularly, they'll start expecting more out of the relationship, so I have to schedule a rotation to avoid that.” “Twilight,” Rarity groaned, rubbing her forehead with her fingertips, “where— how do you figure all of this?” “Oh, I've studied extensively on the subject of finding and having one night stands.” “Figures,” Rainbow Dash grumbled, speaking up for the first time since her question. She raised her mug and tipped it back. “So yeah, that's the guys of Ponyille. And don't get me started on the girls.” “PPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!” Twilight raised her hand, creating a barrier across the table protecting her and Rarity from Rainbow Dash and Applejack's combined spray of beer. Once it died down, she dispelled the barrier and shoved the napkin dispenser to their side of the table. While the two coughed, she turned to Rarity. “You don't seem all that surprised.” Rarity, stunned by the near-mess, was shaken back to reality by the comment. “Well, Darling,” she started, blushing, “You know me. I pay attention to how other women react around—well—attractive men, and vice versa. I certainly do notice when women are attracted to other women and men to other men as well. And, furthermore...” her blush deepened. “I've noticed the way you've look at us sometimes.” There was a strangled choke from the other side of the table. “WHAT?” For the first time that night, Twilight blushed. “Okay, I won't deny that I think that all you girls are really hot, but, your friendship means a lot more to me than your bodies, alright? I don't want to make any of you to feel uncomfortable about this.” “Wait, wait,” Applejack said, shaking her hand. “You mean girls can— how does that even work?” The other three looked at her. “You don't mean to say you've never heard of lesbians?” Rarity asked. “Well, Ah've heard of them,” she replied, “but I never paid it much mind. I always thought they were just, you know, rumors, or some such.” “Wow,” Twilight said, stroking her chin. “Ponyville's even worse than I thought.” “Hey, just because the redneck thought it was a fake...” Rainbow started. “Please, Rainbow,” Rarity sighed, “no hurtful comments you might regret.” “'Salright,” Applejack said, dismissing Dash with a wave. “I'm just... mighty confuzzled by all this. I mean, I don't see how two girls are supposed to do anythin' without any willies...” Rainbow and Twilight both snorted behind their hands. “'Willies'?” Twilight laughed. “I haven't heard anyone call them that since elementary.” Her giggles faded under Rarity's disapproving look. She coughed. “Anyway,” she continued, “that issue can easily be addressed with toys or magic...” “Magic?” Rainbow perked up. “There's spells for that?” “Hush, Dash,” Applejack told her. “The adults are talkin' here.” “Hey!” “Rainbow, Applejack,” Rarity said with a long-suffering look. “As I was saying, even without toys or spells, there are plenty of ways women can pleasure each other: they can use their fingers or mouths to pleasure each other, and you just can't engage in tribadism with a guy.” “Triba-what?” Rainbow asked. “Scissoring,” Rarity clarified. “Oh.” “Well technically,” Twilight said, “the act of scissoring is only a—“ “Twilight,” Rarity wearily cut her lecture off. “Wait, what's scissoring?” Applejack asked. The others exchanged looks, and Rainbow raised her hands, spreading out her index and middle fingers, and mashed them together. Applejack stared for a few seconds. “Oh,” she said. Then her face lit up in comprehension. “Oh! Well...” She took off her hat and began to fan herself with it. “That's sure something.” “Well, now that that's cleared up,” Rarity said, looking back at Twilight. “You're having trouble with both genders here in Ponyville. In Canterlot, it was easier?” “It was way easier,” she sighed, taking another drink. “Canterlot is big compared to Ponyville. I could just pick a bar and walk out with a suitable guy or girl in ten minutes. I didn't even have to bother with rotations because there's so many people to choose from. Even before that, it was easier. I didn't even have to leave the castle grounds—I could walk up to the Royal Guard's barracks and find some hot-blooded recruits to fuck me silly.” “Huh.” Applejack, having replaced her hat, took another sip of beer. “What changed?” “My brother got promoted to the Captain of the Guard.” “Your brother's the Captain of the Royal Guard?” Rarity asked. “You have a brother?” Rainbow piped up. “Look, I don't feel like talking about my brother while I'm talking about my sex life, okay?” Twilight growled. “The short of it is Shiny never liked the idea of other soldiers screwing me, so as soon as he could, he put up some strict rules concerning sex, and the barracks were no longer an option. I'll admit, while getting outside the castle really helped expand my horizons, I still kind of miss the gangbangs—” “Okay, no!” Rainbow suddenly shouted, slamming her fists on the table. “I'm not listening to another word of this bullshit!” “Rainbow!” Rarity and Applejack both admonished her. “Don't tell me you two actually believe a word of what she's saying!” she cried, standing up from her seat. “That Twilight, the egghead, who lives in a library, got more sex than the rest of this bar put together!” “You're taking this rather badly,” Twilight said contemplatively, leaning back. “Don't tell me you're jealous.” “Jealous? Of what?” Rainbow half-laughed, holding he hands out. “Of being as much of a lying slut as you?” “RAINBOW!” Rarity and Applejack yelled at her. “I—!” She froze, only just realizing what she had just said. Twilight's calm visage had been shattered, her jaw dropping just far enough to part her lips. Rainbow collapsed back onto her seat. “I—I'm sorry,” she said, almost whispering. “I didn't mean that. Really.” Twilight's face was unreadable. Rainbow's gaze fell down to her own hands in her lap. Applejack and Rarity were saying something, but she wasn't paying attention. She could only think about the cruel, spiteful words she said to Twilight. She bit her lip. Suddenly, Twilight spoke. “A lying slut, am I?” Her voice was quiet, flat, cold as ice. The other two fell silent. Dash trembled in her seat, not daring to look away from her lap. “Well, I don't know about slut, but I can prove to you that I'm no liar.” Dash blinked. Did she really just say that? She squeaked—actually squeaked—as her hands shot to her crotch. “W-What are you— EEP!” Her gaze snapped up, meeting Twilight's purple eyes. They were half-lidded, her lips were spread in a small grin, and she had her right hand in the air, palm up, and her fingers glowing with magic. Her middle finger twitched. Dash squeaked again as she felt another stroke against her outer lips. “Tw-Twilight....” “Shh,” she whispered, making a zipping motion with her left hand across the air. Dash felt her mouth shut tight, smothering a new squeak that had risen up. Suddenly, the phantom touch pressed harder. She crossed her legs, removing one hand to grip the edge of the table as she lurched forwards. “Oh mah stars,” she heard Applejack breath. “Is— Is Twilight really...?” Dash silently writhed in place as the presence wormed against her folds, digging into her sensitive flesh. She shut her eyes. It was too good. No human touch could possibly feel as heavenly as the magic toying with her right now. It was— Oh Celestia, it felt wet now! It was like a tongue, spreading her lips as it pushed into her, climbing, climbing to—! Suddenly, it stopped. Dash felt the pressure around her mouth release, at which point she realized she had been moaning. Her face flushed red. “Well, Dash?” She heard Twilight ask. Her head snapped up. Twilight seemed to be looming over her, her hands clasped on the table, infuriatingly still. “Do you still think I'm a liar?” “Wh-Why did you stop?” Rainbow asked, panting. “Oh?” Twilight said. “You don't want me to stop? You want me to keep going?” “Y-Yes...” she groaned, shoving a hand down her panties to rub frantically at her crotch. “You do realize we're in public, don't you?” Twilight whispered, raising her hands. “We could get caught. Or you would, at least.” She suddenly felt a pressure across her back, slowly rubbing her skin. “I could just hide my hands, and no one would be the wiser. But they'd still see you, wriggling around with a hand stuffed down your own shorts.” The phantom touched slid down and out, now stroking her sides. She shuddered, letting out another moan, before Twilight made the zipping motion and sealed her lips again. “Do you still want it?” Twilight breathed. “Knowing that anyone could see you? Catch the great Rainbow Dash with her pants down, so to speak?” The touch, agonizingly slowly, dragged across her skin, right up below her bra. Dash, unable to speak, nodded her head frantically. Suddenly, it shot up to her perky A-cup breasts. She made a strangled squeak as the pressure practically oozed all over her sensitive flesh, squeezing her breasts, molding them like a potter would clay. The hand between her legs moved even faster. She cracked open her eyes, peering at the other two girls. Applejack was squirming in her seat, her beet-red face staring down as she fiddled with her empty mug. Rarity had her hand glued over her mouth, her eyes darting between her, Twilight, and the rest of the bar. Rainbow risked a look away from the table. As far as she could tell, no one else had so much as spared them a glance. Her attention was yanked back to her own body as the phantom presence shifted, forming into rings. They started wide, covering the bases of her breasts, and slowly shrank, digging into her flesh as they moved up. When they reached her rock-hard nipples, she couldn't suppress a gasp as the touch pinched them before releasing. Free of pressure, she took a few deep breaths, before it started again. Now, the ring was just on her right breast, but as it shrank down, a new one formed on her left. The rings started alternating between her boobs, squeezing down on one just as it pinched the other's nipple. A few repetitions later, her squeals were amplified as instead of just pinching, the phantom presence felt like a a pair of lips sucking on her nipples. Suddenly, the hand down her shorts withdrew. Her eyes snapped wide open, and she made protesting grunts as her dripping wet hand unwillingly moved up over the table. She looked up at Twilight pleadingly. The magician just smirked at her, wagging a finger at her, as Dash's hand rose up. It stopped in front of her own mouth. Her eyes widened even further as she realized Twilight's intentions. As her own musk wafted into her nose, she felt herself getting light-headed. Her lips parted, but her throaty moan was cut off as her fingers were shoved into her mouth, basking her tongue in her own sweet and salty juices. Her eyes lolled back in pleasure as she licked all around and between her fingers, sucking off every drop of her essence. Then she jumped as something pinched her clit. She groaned around her hand as a new touch danced about her pussy, spreading her lips and stroking her folds vigorously. She collapsed onto the table as she shoved her other hand into her shorts, rubbing alongside the phantom touch. It squeezed her clit lightly, and she screwed up her eyes in pleasure. The phantom touch transformed again, now taking the form a series of tongues. She bit into her own hand as the wet, bumpy masses flicked all over her folds, digging into her hood to mash into her clit. It was too much. The continuous stroking of her breasts, the taste of her own juices on her tongue, the tongues and her own fingers reaching into every corner of her pussy. She reared back, squeezing her legs together and letting loose one last squeal from around her hand as her panties flooded with her juices. Eventually, the phantom presences disappeared, and her hand fell out of her mouth, letting her suck in some deep breaths. “Holy... *gasp* crap... *gasp* Twi...” she panted, staring at the ceiling. “Boy howdy,” Applejack muttered, fanning herself with her own hat again. “That was... sure somethin'.” “Indeed,” Rarity said, fanning herself with a hand. Applejack passed her her hat, which she took gratefully and began using on herself. “Was that really necessary, Twilight?” she asked. Twilight leaned back, smirking devilishly. “Firstly, no, probably not,” she said. “But it sure was fun. And secondly...” She suddenly snapped her fingers. “Who said anything about me being done?” Rainbow gasped as it all started up again: a presence flowed over her boobs, mashing them mercilessly while lips latched onto each of her nipples; a swarm of tongue-like masses returned to her pussy, madly licking away; there was a tug on her newly-soaked hand, and she immediately responded, shoving it into her mouth; and there was a new sensation, like broad presses sweeping all over the rest of her body, stroking her legs, her sides, her back, everywhere. She moaned blissfully, sagging back into her seat. Then there was something else. Her eyes snapped open at the force prodding at her lower lips. She looked down, gaping. “Oh my gosh...” she breathed. “Wait, what's goin' on?” Applejack asked, blinking at the scene before her. Before anyone could answer, Dash squealed as the thick, throbbing warmth jabbed into her. “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh...” She collapsed onto the table, narrowly missing her half-filled mug of beer. And then it withdrew. The rest of the sensations were still there, but with that mass, everything else felt muted. Rainbow looked up at her tormentor, pulling her hand free of her mouth. “Whhhyyyyyyy...?” she whined, writhing on the table. Twilight leaned in, still smirking. “Because,” she answered, “I want you to beg for it.” “What?” she whimpered. “You heard me.” Dash bit back on her hand, screwing her eyes shut. She couldn't take it. Even with everything else Twilight was doing to her, she felt stuck halfway to her next orgasm, and only that tantalizing hardness could get her there. “Please,” she whispered. “Please what, Rainbow?” She opened her eyes. “Please... fuck me.” “Who do want to fuck you?” Twilight whispered back, leaning ever closer. “You, dammit!” Twilight shook her head, clicking disappointingly. “Do we have to start over?” Dash whimpered in panic “No! Please! Fuck me! Please fuck me, Twilight!” Twilight leaned back. “Good girl.” The mass returned, and she gasped as it spread her wide open and slid into her, and slid, and kept sliding into her pussy. Dash made a croaking sound as the magic phallus nestled itself as deep in her as it could physically go without hurting her. “Ohmygosh...” she whimpered, feeling it pulse like the genuine article. After a few seconds, it withdrew halfway, paused, and started ramming into her. She squealed again, shifting her hips as if trying to shove back against an imaginary lover. “Am I a liar, Dash?” Twilight asked, tilting her head. Rainbow could barely focus on her words as the massive cock in her slid back and forth across her inner walls. “N-No,” she finally managed to breath out. She shuddered as the tongues dove into her clit. “Good,” she smiled. “Glad we cleared that up. But I won't deny the other part.” Dash moaned as she felt every other presence stroking her breasts and the rest of her body. Along with the thrusting shaft, her second orgasm was mere seconds away. “But if I'm a slut,” Twilight said, “what does that make you?” The phantom shaft suddenly came to a stop within her, pressing and throbbing. That was it. Her walls latched onto the presence, milking it for its non-existent seed. She bit onto her hand again, trying her best to keep from screaming out loud as pleasure flooded every cell of her body. After what seemed like hours, all of the magic faded once again. Rainbow let go her hand, wincing at the bite mark. As she leaned back, she blushed again: she was sweating all over, and her shorts felt like a swamp. “Um,” she said out loud. She pushed herself out of her seat. “Excuse me.” She immediately left the table and speed-walked to the restroom signs. Twilight sat back, glowing with satisfaction. Rarity and Applejack, meanwhile, were glued to their seats. Applejack's jaw was stuck open, and Rarity was clutching Applejack's hat over her mouth. “Okay,” Applejack finally said. “How did we not get thrown out yet?” “I'm curious too,” Rarity added, lowering the hat. She handed it back to Applejack, who took it wordlessly. “You two were hardly... subtle about what you were doing, and the noises Dash made...” She shuddered. Twilight grinned. That had been a shudder of pleasure. “Just some spellwork,” she answered. “Shortly after I started, I put up a muffle barrier and a notice-me-not charm around this table. The only way anyone would've noticed us if they were specifically looking for us.” “Oh.” Both of them relaxed slightly. “Magic sure is handy, ain't it,” Applejack smirked. Rarity's lip twitched. “If I knew half of what you do about magic...” She shook her head. “I could teach you if you'd like.” “Oh, no, no,” Rarity waved her hand, her eyes wide. “That won't be necessary, Darling.” Twilight's smirk just grew. “Hang on, Rainbow will be out any second now.” Her fingers twitched, and a small globe of liquid suspended in magic rose from underneath the table. The two of them stared at it. “Twilight,” Rarity asked. “Is that...?” Rainbow Dash emerged from the hallway to the bathrooms, her face and hair still wet. She looked out across the bar to the corner table and met Twilight's eyes. Twilight, holding the globule, waved it in front of her face, grinning, and popped it into her mouth. She made a show of swishing it about inside her cheeks before swallowing. Rainbow stood rooted in place, gaping, for several seconds, before she darted back into the bathroom. “Honestly, Twilight, you're just tormenting her now,” Rarity sighed. “Well,” Applejack stated. “She did have it coming, sort of.” Twilight snorted. She looked at her oddly, then face-palmed when she recognized the joke. “Land's sake, Twi,” she sighed. Eventually, Rainbow Dash returned to the table. She didn't drink anymore for the rest of the night, and was largely silent while the other girls talked, only muttering “I'm fine” when asked if she was alright. Later, as the four of them left the bar and Rarity and Applejack headed off to their own homes, Rainbow approached Twilight. “Hey, Twi,” she said, hesitantly. “Um...” “What? If you're going to apologize, there's no need. I know you didn't mean it.” “No, I mean—“ She coughed, looking intently at a small chip of rock by her shoe. “I am sorry, but I was also wondering if... do you want to... um … come back to my place? If it's not too much trouble?” She hunched her shoulders, wincing at her words. Twilight blinked at her. She stared at Rainbow contemplatively for a few moments. Then she smiled. “You what? I think I'd like that,” she said softly. Rainbow's head popped up. “Really!? I mean, cool.” She turned around, paused, and held her hand back out to Twilight. Smiling, she took it, and together, they set off into the night. > First Time's the Charm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: TSxRD, TSxPPxRD, voyeur, breast expansion, bushy, futa “Howdy, Twilight!” Applejack called as she stepped into the library. She was met with silence. “...Twilight?” She looked around the tidy book-filled shelves. “Spike? Oh wait, he's at Canterlot doin' somethin',” she muttered to herself, closing the doors behind herself. Then out the corner of her eye, she noticed a blur of purple at the top of staircase. “Oh, there y'all are—“ “Shhh!” Applejack blinked. “Rari—?” “Sshhhh!” she hissed more urgently, before curling her finger in a “come here” gesture and disappearing back over the edge of the stairs. After a couple seconds, Applejack shrugged and began walking to the stairs, pausing to set down her basket on the central table. She was only halfway up when Rarity reappeared. “Sssshhhhhh!” Applejack gaped in indignation, holding out her hands. 'What?' she mouthed. Rarity pointed down towards her boots and disappeared again. The farmer could only sigh before moving on, making her steps slightly more quietly. When she reached the top, she was met with the sight of two girls peeking through a cracked-open doorway at the end of the hall, Rarity leaning over from the right, and Fluttershy kneeling on her hands from the left. She stepped quietly towards the pair until she was close enough to whisper. “Alright, what in tarnation is going on around here?” she asked. Fluttershy's head spun in a whirl of pink hair, revealing her flushed face, while Rarity just gave her a deadpan look before turning back to the crack. Then she heard a throaty moan through the door. Her jaw dropped. This was Twilight's bedroom. “What are you two doin'?” she hissed, trying to keep her voice down. “Peepin' on Twilight like a pair o' schoolgirls? Before either of them could answer, there was another sound, this one a squeak. Applejack's fury immediately evaporated. She'd heard that very squeak before: in a bar a couple weeks ago. Wordlessly, she knelt down, pushed Fluttershy's wings out of her way, and set her gaze through the crack in the doorway. She didn't have the best view as the door was well below the ledge the bed was on, but she could still see Twilight. She had her pleated skirt on, and it was long enough to cover her even while she was kneeling over, but her dress shirt was unbuttoned and hanging open, leaving her C-cup breasts in easy access of the bed's other occupant. Rainbow Dash muffled another squeal by reaching up to catch Twilight in another open-mouthed kiss, which she readily accepted. Twilight's curled hand dug more furiously into Dash's groin, her shorts and panties out of the the way over her knees. Her body arched into Twilight's grasp. Her hands eagerly groped at the mage's hanging breasts, still in their bra, before her hands wormed up Twilight's sides, under her open shirt. In a few seconds, the bra sagged, and Rainbow began to tug it off until she hit a snag: the straps couldn't get past Twilight's sleeves. Twilight pulled back from the kiss, leaving strands of fluid between their mouths. She giggled and withdrew her fingers from Dash's snatch. Leaning more heavily on her other elbow, she snapped her soaked fingers, causing her bra to vanish and reappear over the end of the bed in a flash. Though Rainbow let made a disappointed grunt when the fingers left her, she quickly shifted down the bed until her face was even with Twilight's hanging boobs. Without hesitation, she gripped Twilight's sides and buried her head into her cleavage. Twilight couldn't help but laugh as Dash rubbed her face into her swinging breasts, but her laughter soon turned to moans as Rainbow, her eyes shut in bliss, latched her lips onto one of her nipples. Slowly, Twilight shifted her weight off of the other girl, leaning on her side while Rainbow continued to suckle devotedly on her nipple. “Mmmm... Rainbow,” she cooed. “You know we have to finish soon, don't you? We still have that picnic coming up, and who knows when our friends will get here?” Back behind the door, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy all blushed self-consciously. Rainbow, meanwhile, only responded by letting go of the nipple, dragging her tongue down Twilight's breast, across her sternum, and up to her other nipple before latching onto that one. Twilight let out a longer coo of pleasure. “You make a strong argument,” she sighed peacefully. “Alright, we'll do it your way. In the meantime...” She snapped her still-wet fingers. No one could tell what she did at first, but Dash was the first to notice. Feeling something odd, she paused her suckling and opened her eyes. Twilight's boobs were growing. She didn't remove her mouth, but remained still as if hypnotized by the swelling flesh. She brought her hands up to Twilight's breasts, cupping them, feeling them expand. Eventually, she let go of the nipple with a pop and moved her head back for a proper view of the expansive bust, just as the growth ceased. Now they were the size of volleyballs, beating out even Pinkie's massive funbags. There was a pause as Dash beheld the wonders before her, before she squealed and stuck her face back into Twilight's cleavage; cartoon hearts wouldn't have looked out of place flying from the points of contact. Twilight just responded in blissful moans as Rainbow's hands danced over and mashed into her flesh. Dash quickly discovered that there was plenty of room for her to fit both hands around one breast, which she eagerly did as she brought her lips to its nipple and sucked harder than ever before. Twilight wrapped her arms around Dash's multicolored head and held her in place. “Huh,” Applejack muttered. “Had no idea Dash liked boobs so much.” “Darling, you didn't even know she was attracted to other women until just over a week ago.” She rolled her eyes. “Still.” “Maybe because she doesn't have much of her own—eeep!” Fluttershy squeaked, clamping a hand over her mouth. “Fluttershy!” Rarity gasped. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that!” she whimpered. “Her size is fine! And they're perky, so—eeep!” Her face was tomato-red in embarrassment by now. “Hang on, don't tell me your barn door swings that way too!” “Applejack!” Rarity hissed. “It's perfectly fine and healthy to admire another woman's figure! There's no need to bring such accusations into it!” “Hey guys, why are you whispering, is it about what's going on behind the door, what's going on behind the d—OHMYGOSH!!” “AAAUUUUUGGGHHHHHH!!!" The picnic wound up being a rather awkward, silent affair. The voyeurs were discussing various topics with unnatural loudness, trying their hardest to divert attention from what they had witnessed. Rainbow sat off to the edge of the picnic blanket, nibbling at her sandwich moodily and only responded to the others' queries with monosyllabic grunts and answers. Twilight was the most unperturbed, being more annoyed than anything; occasionally, her hand would rub at her now-normal breasts, massaging the nipple Rainbow had bitten in her shock. Pinkie Pie, however, had the oddest change. Since they left the library, she hadn't said a word, just staring wide-eyed into space with a bright red blush. Anytime Twilight or Rainbow came into her field of view, she would squeak and immediately look away. No one could deny how disturbing it was for Fluttershy to be more talkative than the usual party animal. It was around the time Fluttershy brought up the new family of raccoons she'd started housing for the third time that someone snapped. “For fuck's sake, Pinkie! Say something!” Rainbow yelled, throwing her hands in the air. “Wh-what?” she squeaked, her head snapping towards Dash and instantly away. “'What' doesn't count!” Rainbow snarled, flying into her vision. “Seriously, stop weirding us out!” “What?” “Rainbow...” Fluttershy started. “English, Pinkie, do you speak it?” Rainbow went on. “I—Yes?” “Then you know what I'm saying!” “I guess...?” “Then say something!” “What?” Dash landed, grabbed onto Pinkie's shoulders, and started shaking her. “Say 'what' again! Say 'what' again! I dare you, I double dare you, Pinkie! Say 'what' one more time!” “...Wh—?” A pink aura shoved the two apart before the shouting could escalate any further. “Okay, seriously Rainbow,” Twilight said. “Pinkie being quiet is weird, but it's no reason to go crazy on her.” “Well she was asking for it!” Rainbow snarled, stepping forward before Applejack grabbed her shoulder. “C'mon, Sugercube, simmer down, will yah?” she said. “'Sides, you can't rightly blame her for askin' when you were just shoutin' at her about not talkin'.” “She was asking for it by her constant annoying what, what, what!” She mimed Pinkie's voice cruelly. “Rainbow, please!” Rarity sighed. “You're acting even more unreasonable than usual, and that says a lot!” “Oh, I'm being unreasonable, Miss Prissy Pants?” “Um,” Fluttershy muttered, “she's kind of right, Rainbow...” Suddenly, Twilight snorted and doubled up in barely contained laughter. Everyone stopped to look at her. “What's so funny?” Rainbow snapped, redirecting her anger. “Sorry, sorry,” Twilight wheezed. “It's just... you are acting grouchy, and I'm pretty sure I know why.” “I'm not being grouchy!” “Oh?” Rarity asked, ignoring her. “Then by all means, do enlighten us, Darling.” Twilight stifled a few more giggles. “I recognize her behavior; I went through it several times myself before I learned to cope better. I even snapped at the Princess a couple times.” She looked down, blushing. “Thankfully, she was really understanding.” “Dangnabbit, Twi,” said Applejack's exasperated voice. “If you know it so well, why don't you just tell—oh no,” she sighed. “What?” Rarity asked her. “Considerin' our other night out, where d'y'all think this's headed?” “Headed—?” She stopped, and then held her fingers to her forehead in resignation. The other three just look confused, or increasingly annoyed, in Dash's case. Fluttershy spoke up. “Um, what...?” “She's got blue balls,” Twilight stated. “Or whatever it's called for girls.” They were all silent for a few seconds; Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity with varying mixes of amusement and exasperation, Fluttershy bright red in embarrassment, Rainbow bright red in indignation, and Pinkie... “Snrk,” she snorted, covering her mouth in her hands. She quickly lost the battle, dissolving into lighthearted peals of laughter. “That's—hee hee—that's actually *snrk* really funny!” she giggled, before falling on her back into the grass, clutching herself in leg-kicking laughter. “You—!” Rainbow snarled, before stopping. Watching Pinkie rolling on her back in honest, childish laughter was making it hard to stay mad at her. She let out a deep sigh, her wings folding up. She felt a hand on her shoulder. “It's alright, Dash,” Twilight said reassuringly. “I understand. As I said, I went through it a few times myself, and trust me, I could get really bad.” “How bad?” Applejack asked. Twilight gave her a small, embarrassed grin. “Do you really want to know?” “Yeah!” Pinkie said enthusiastically as the other girls leaned in. “Tell us! Tell us!” She looked around bashfully. “I flipped off Princess Celestia, once.” Jaws dropped. “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Dash guffawed. “You actually—the Princess? You?” “Her back was turned.” She rubbed her own shoulder shyly. “Basically, I spent a little too long at the barracks during lunch one day, and nearly forgot I had a lesson with Princess Celestia. I shoved the guys off,” (Fluttershy and Pinkie flushed, but remained enraptured) “grabbed my clothes, and ran through the castle grounds, still dressing myself. I had to stop at my room to get my books, scrolls, and the rest, and on the way to the Princess's chambers, I tried a speeding spell on myself. I wasn't as experienced back then, and I was still running on panic, so it failed, and I ended up tripping and spilling everything I was carrying. “By the time I finally got there, well, you can imagine my state: horny, tired, panicking, frustrated, generally really stressed out... When I walked in, she pointed out about how I was late. She was both concerned about my break of habit and glad that I found something worth being late for, but I didn't realize that at the time. Without thinking, I just blew her off; I don't remember what I said, just how sarcastic I was. It only got worse from there. “The entire time, I was impatient and snappy. The lessons she was trying to teach me didn't make sense; my fingers were twitchy, so my notes looked like scratchy scribbles; and my magic kept fizzling out even when I was trying something basic like Wind Reader's Aerodynamic Flow Samophlanger...” At the the others' blank looks, she coughed. “...So I wasn't doing so well. And I took it all out on her.” She sighed, digging her face into her palms. “Oh gosh, looking back now, I can't believe Celestia didn't banish me right then! I was such a brat! I kept talking like it was her fault I couldn't figure out the new theories, blaming her for distracting me by looking at me too hard or just standing there! “Eventually, she decided I needed a break. Instead of listening to her, I just yelled at her some more about how she obviously didn't think I was good enough for this lesson. We went back and forth until she told me how it was natural for a developing girl like me to gain rebellious thoughts...” “Wait, 'developing'?” Applejack repeated. “Just how old were you?” “Sixteen, and—“ “You were sleeping with men when you were sixteen?” Rarity asked, aghast. “Looks like I'd better not mention my first time,” she muttered darkly. “The recruits started around that age too, and I usually stuck to the half plus seven rule." "But that doesn't even—" "Anyways,” she went on, “when Celestia said that, I was just speechless with rage. By the time I could think straight, she'd turned her back on me, and I... yeah. And she caught me.” “Oh no!” Rainbow laughed, throwing her head back. “Yeah, just as I was doing it, she looked back at me. She saw my finger, and I've never seen her look so surprised before, or since. As soon as I realized I'd been caught, I finally regained my senses.” She shoved her face back into her hands. “I couldn't believe the way I'd been acting! I was so sure she was going to chop my finger off and mount it somewhere, or banish me to an underground prison on the other side of Equestria, or do something even worse! “But she just laughed,” Twilight softly chuckled. “She said it'd been so long someone had ever done that to her—at least in her presence. Eventually, she managed to to calm me down enough to tell her the full story about what I'd gone through. The full story.” “You mean Celestia didn't know...?” Applejack asked. “She suspected, but she respected my privacy... at least up to the point that it was interfering with our time together. After that... well... let's just say Celestia began educating me on a new topic.” “A new...” Dash mouthed. “You scored with the Princess?” The other girls had similar expressions of disbelief. Twilight just giggled bashfully. “Oh, wow,” Pinkie said, looking down. “Princess Celestia does... sex too...” “What?” Rainbow asked. “Is the Princess getting laid so hard to believe?” “Well, Darling,” Rarity said, “you must admit, it's difficult to imagine such a being as Princess Celestia involving herself with such carnal desires.” Twilight snorted, getting a few odd looks. “Um,” Pinkie piped up before anyone could follow up. “Can I ask you girls a question?” They nodded, looking at her. She began twiddling her fingers in a very un-Pinkie manner. “Have the rest of you ever... you know... before?” There was a few astonished looks exchanged before Applejack raised her hand. Rarity soon followed, and slowly, a heavily blushing Fluttershy as well. “Oh wow. So I'm the only one...” “Wait, you really haven't...?” Rainbow asked. Twilight rolled her eyes. “I think her reaction earlier made that pretty obvious. But it's weird,” she said, looking directly at Pinkie. “At first, I thought you, out of everyone here, would have the most sexual experience.” “Yeah, totally,” Dash agreed. “Girls, please,” Rarity admonished. “There's no reason to shame her over this.” “Hey, we're just saying.” “It's okay, girls,” Pinkie sighed. “It's just that... I always thought of sex as being something only adults do...” “Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow deadpanned. “I hate to break it to you, but you are an adult.” “But I still like doing kiddy things!” she protested. “Like birthday parties! And hopscotch! And drawing coloring books with crayons! And making balloon animals! And stuffing myself with huge ice cream cakes! And trick-or-treating on Nightmare Night! And—!” “Pinkie! Sugarcube!” Applejack interrupted her, chuckling. “It's alright! You don't have to stop doing kiddy stuff before you do adult stuff! Wait...” she said. “Is this the reason you never want to come drinking with us?” “Uh, maybe?” “Hah! Seriously?” Rainbow laughed. “C'mon, Pinks, we go on pranking sprees together all the time, and you can't say that's not kiddy! But do you see me holding back from 'adult' stuff?” “I... guess not...” “Then there you go!” She leaned back casually, her speech done. “Oh...” Pinkie looked back down at her fingers. “So do you think I should try it?” There were a few coughs. “Well,” Rarity started, “only if you want to. No one's making you do anything you don't feel comfortable with.” “Yeah,” Applejack agreed. “And 'sides, it ain't something you ought'ta jump right into. It'd better be with somebody y'all can trust.” “Okay...” There was a few seconds of silence. Then her eyes darted at Twilight, and quickly away. It didn't go unnoticed. “Good choice, Pinkie!” Rainbow said loudly, waggling her eyebrows. Rarity and Applejack shot her glares while Pinkie blushed furiously “But-But... Aren't you and Twilight, you know...?” she squeaked out. “Oh, no,” Twilight told her. “We're not dating or anything like that. We're just friends who have sex on the side.” “Awesome sex!” Dash added. “Then...” “Actually,” Twilight muttered, “it's getting kind of late. We should wrap up.” Looking up, the others finally took notice of low the sun was. “Aw, dammit!” Applejack sighed as she stood up. “I gotta get back to the farm and help Big Mac sort the last harvest.” “Oh, yes,” Fluttershy said. “I promised Angel Bunny I'd be back by four.” “Hah!” Rainbow laughed. “I don't have anything to do!” “If you're bored...” Applejack grumbled, rolling her eyes. “Well, girls, this has certainly been a delightful afternoon,” Rarity said, neatly piling her plates into her basket. “Oh, yeah,” Rainbow snickered. “I'm definitely remembering that little story. Maybe the next we meet the Princess...” Twilight shot her a flat glare. “Oh, and I was just considering inviting you back over to help you release that pressure, but...” “I'll be good!” she quickly protested. “I'll be good!” “Glad to hear it. Are you coming, Pinkie?” Pinkie froze. “You— I— Really?” she squeaked. She looked at the other three girls, who'd paused their packing, as if for advice. Eventually, Applejack shrugged. “It's your call, Pinkie. I personally would've suggested a guy, but...” “Again, there are toys and spells for that.” “As long as you aren't too rough on her,” Rarity said. “I hardly think what you did to Dash would be appropriate for her first time...” “Please, I'm no one-trick-pony,” she waved dismissively. “She really isn't,” Dash agreed, nearly drooling. “C'mon, Pinks,” she said, flapping into the air and grabbing on to Pinkie's arm. “You won't regret this.” She giggled with both anticipation and nervousness. Pinkie just held her hands behind her back as Twilight locked the bedroom door. The librarian turned around and, along with Dash, looked at her with a hungry gaze. She giggled anxiously. “So, um... what fir—mmph!” In a blink, Twilight had crossed the short space between them, threw her arms around Pinkie's shoulders, mashing their breasts together, and... set her lips on Pinkie's in a surprisingly gentle kiss. There were a few confusing seconds before they parted, Pinkie staring at Twilight with a deep red blush. “You-You kissed me?” “Oh come on!” Rainbow shouted.“Don't tell me you're a kissing virgin on top of being actual virgin!” “Rainbow,” Twilight chided her. “Well I... I mean... I didn't think...” she stuttered, as Twilight waited patiently. “I didn't know you wanted me as a... as a girlfriend...” Twilight chuckled softly. “Kissing doesn't have to be about romance. For example...” She leaned back in. This time, Pinkie accepted it, the breath flowing over her mouth, the soft, warm lips, the hand rubbing her back soothingly, another stroking her cheek... Her eyelids drooped. Then it was over. “Didn't that feel fun?” Twilight finished, pulling back. Pinkie breathed heavily. “Oh wow... That was a... really different kind of fun.” She giggled. “I think I like it.” She smiled. “Glad to hear it.” She moved back in, tilting her head. Pinkie met her again, but to her surprise, Twilight's mouth was opening. Her tongue darted out and swept across Pinkie's lips, before capturing them in her own. Pinkie's eyes fluttered again as Twilight's tongue forced its way into her mouth. She contemplated the intruder curiously, then tried sucking on it. Twilight giggled, the vibrations from her throat buzzing into Pinkie's mouth. Twilight's tongue began prodding her own, until she caught on and started poking back at with hers. Pinkie was concentrating on the kiss so intensely, she didn't notice Rainbow Dash creeping up behind her until she reached around and grabbed onto her funbags. She flinched, jerking away from Twilight's kiss and inadvertently banging her head on Rainbow's nose. “OW!” “Ohmygosh! I'm so sorry, Dashie!” she squeaked. “Rainbow,” Twilight sighed. “This is her first time, remember? If you can't go easy on her...” “I was going easy! I only grabbed her tits!” Twilight just shook her head in exasperation and pulled Pinkie back into another open-mouthed kiss. She caught the hang of it more quickly this time, eventually poking her tongue into her mouth, which Twilight seemed to thoroughly enjoy. She felt Rainbow touching her again, but it was lower this time, right underneath the swell of her breasts. She tried to focus on the sensations of kissing Twilight while the hands crept upwards, gently massaging her flesh. She shuddered. Suddenly, Twilight pulled away again. Pinkie blinked in confusion as the other girl started moving down, her head dropping past her boobs, stopping at her stomach. She was kneeling now, grabbing the bottom of Pinkie's frilly shirt, and slowly peeling it up. Pinkie was shivering with nervousness as Twilight exposed more and more of her belly. Her shirt was rolled up to the bottom of her boobs, and Twilight... suddenly shoved her face into her belly button and blew a huge, noisy raspberry. She gaped, her knees buckling as she started laughing. She would've fallen over if it weren't for Rainbow's weight behind her and her grip on her boobs. “Twilight, what—?” Rainbow started, but Twilight ignored her, continuing to rub her face into Pinkie's belly button. She flicked her hands, and feather-like auras extended from each of her fingers; she immediately set them to work on Pinkie's exposed sides, doubling the intensity of her laughter. “Hahahaha! Please! Stop it! Stop it!” she cried, starting to kick her legs. Rainbow just shrugged and began lowering Pinkie to her knees, then moved her hands to Pinkie's armpits, ticking her there, and adding her wingtips to Twilight's fingerwork. “I can't breath! I can't breath! Hahaha!” Pinkie squealed. “Uncle! Uncle!” Eventually, Twilight backed away, followed shortly by Rainbow, leaving Pinkie to collapse on her back, wheezing heavily. Twilight giggled. “The Tickle Treatment:” she explained, “guaranteed to eliminate all traces of nervousness.” “Oh, so that's what you were doing,” Dash said. “Just a trick Celestia used on me our first time.” “Well... *hah* it really worked... hee hee!” Pinkie giggled, before she sat up, grinning eagerly. “Okay, all better now! So what's next?” Twilight just snapped her fingers. Pinkie floated off the ground and drifted up towards Twilight's bed, the other two following on their feet. As soon as she was in position, the magic aura disappeared, dropping her, still giggling, onto the mattress on her back. She tilted her head up to see Twilight and Rainbow climbing the stairs, pulling their shirts off. Her giggles ceased. They crawled onto the bed, Twilight on her right, and Rainbow on her left, and as one, began to peel her frilly shirt off the rest of the way. She raised her arms, allowing them to slide it off her head, and as soon her arms were free, she used them to try to hide her expansive bust, even though it was still covered by her bra. It was Rainbow who grabbed her arms and pulled them out of the way, before leaning forward to kiss her on the lips. Pinkie blinked. She hadn't really paid attention to how Twilight tasted, but now she wished she had. At the back of her mind, she'd always thought that Rainbow would taste like Skittles, but what she was tasting was more... sour. And salty. She felt disappointed that for all her confectionery experience, she couldn't put any words to it, but decided to start focusing on kissing back. Dashie was a lot more eager than Twilight had been, that was for sure. When she pulled back, Pinkie looked at her contemplatively. “You need a breath mint,” she finally announced. Rainbow's face fell, while Twilight almost collapsed in laughter. “I told you it wasn't just me!” she said. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” she grumbled, before moving back down. Pinkie looked down, and blinked. While Rainbow had been kissing her, Twilight had somehow removed her frilly bra, leaving her top completely exposed. As soon as she realized this, Rainbow and Twilight simultaneously began rubbing her bountiful breasts with one hand each and her shoulders with their other hands. “Oh, wow,” she gasped, and quickly began moaning in pleasure. She let out squeaks as their fingers pinched her nipples, Rainbow occasionally tugging hers up and releasing. Soon, they leaned down and took her nipples into their mouths, suckling. Pinkie's moans grew louder. “Oh my gosh, you guys,” she sighed blissfully. “This feel sooo good.” Twilight pulled back, smacking her lips. “It's going to get better.” She straightened up and unhooked her own bra, pulling it off. Pinkie stared transfixed at Twilight's exposed bust. She leaned forward, over Pinkie's head, and she responded by reaching out with her hands. Rainbow had now taken over both of her boobs while Pinkie grasped Twilight's. “I've never felt anyone else's before,” she breathed, squeezing. They felt firm—much less soft than hers, but pleasant in their own way. Twilight just grinned softly at her, lifting her own hands to guide Pinkie's to her nipples. Pinkie shuddered at how hard they were. Twilight leaned further down, and Pinkie opened her mouth in anticipation of tasting one of those pointy nipples. Instead, Twilight's lips met hers in another kiss. While mildly disappointed, she didn't hesitate to return the kiss furiously, taking note of the taste this time. Sweeter than Dashie, somewhat like grape. Or berry? No, definitely grape. When Twilight pulled back, her curiosity overcame her and she asked, “What do I taste like?” Twilight and Rainbow paused, looking at each other. “Bubblegum?” Twilight suggested. “No...” Rainbow popped her lips off Pinkie's right breast. “Cotton candy.” “Oh yeah, definitely cotton candy,” Twilight agreed before shimmying down, off the bed. Pinkie watched curiously, and then gasped. Twilight was plucking her socks off, then she pushed down her plaid skirt. She looked up at Pinkie, making sure she was watching, and grinned at her. Her fingers pulled at the edges of her simple lavender panties for a few seconds, then she slid them down, exposing her moist slit and perfectly-maintained patch of pubic hair. Pinkie couldn't stop staring at Twilight's entirely naked body. Soon, Twilight crawled back onto the bed, to her legs, and began peeling her striped stockings off. Pinkie gasped, moaning at the sensation. It was funny; she pulled off her own leggings every day, but when someone else was doing it... All too soon, it was over, and Twilight reached up for her frilly skirt and started pulling that off too. Pinkie raised her hips hesitantly, letting it slide off her ass. By now, Rainbow had backed off and started undressing herself, but Pinkie remained fixated on Twilight's actions. Her skirt was now off her feet, and Twilight straightened up to give Pinkie one last reassuring look. Pinkie's arms twitched, but she suppressed the urge to cover herself. Finally, Twilight leaned down and slid her fingertips under the sides of her balloon-patterned panties. Slowly, she dragged them down, exposing her wet lips and a mass of deep pink, curly hair. “Whoa, you don't shave?” Rainbow chuckled, stepping out of her shorts. Pinkie blushed. “I've never really thought about it...” “It's okay, Pinkie,” Twilight reassured her, resting a hand on her thigh. “You look beautiful.” She lowered her head, breathing in Pinkie's scent. “Though you should start,” she added. “It's more hygienic.” “Okay... EEP!” Twilight had squeezed a fingertip into Pinkie's folds, and started twitching it. “Oh my gosh, this is— Eee!” Rainbow laughed, now naked as well, and crawled back over Pinkie's bountiful bouncing boobs. Pinkie shuddered at the naked body pressed against her side and the returning attention to her breasts, as well as the sensations of Twilight's finger squirming inside her. She had no idea having something inside her could feel so amazing. Then a second finger squeezed in alongside the first, stretching her untouched walls. She gave up all attempts to speak coherently and dropped her head onto the mattress. It only got better; soon, there was a third finger, and she could feel a breeze down there, both warming and chilling her. Then there was a quick lap at her clit. She cried out in pure pleasure, arching her back, trying to shove her crotch further into Twilight's grasp. There was a faint giggle, and the fingers withdrew. Before she could gather enough of her senses to protest, Twilight spoke: “Oh, you're definitely ready.” She wasn't quite sure what happened next except that it completely blew her mind. She could feel a pair of lips against her lips, a wet, slobbering tongue digging into her wet, slobbering folds. The texture—not quite rough, but not quite smooth either—rubbed against her flesh in all the right ways, wriggling into places she never even knew she had. Meanwhile, Rainbow was still playing with her boobs, stroking them, squeezing them, massaging them, while she alternatively sucked, lightly gripped, and tugged up on them with her fingers and mouth. She felt Twilight's teeth scraping against her clit, and then everything disappeared into white, pleasure-filled noise. She couldn't even feel anything anymore—just that wonderful tingling feeling pouring through every inch of her body. Eventually, she felt herself slowly drifting back to earth. As she blinked the stars out of her eyes, she wondered how long she'd been out. Groggily, she lifted her head, and stared. Long enough for Twilight and Rainbow Dash to start playing with each other. They were seated facing each other, their legs spread out, wrapped around the other's waist. Rainbow was leaning back on both arms, while Twilight only used one, the other hanging onto Dash's shoulder. Rainbow's wings flapped sporadically as they both gasped. Pinkie propped herself up on her elbows for a better view. Their pussies were grinding against each other, making Pinkie think of the sight of two mouths kissing, but infinitely naughtier. “She's finally up,” Rainbow noted, grinning. “Mmm,” Twilight moaned in acknowledgment. A few thrusts later, she disengaged herself from Rainbow, turning to fully face Pinkie Pie. “Just in time, too. I was worried you were going to miss the big finish,” she said huskily. “The... big finish? You mean there's more?” she squeaked. Twilight just smiled, and reached out into the air with her left hand. In a blink, a purple blur zoomed from somewhere into her grip. “What's that?” Pinkie asked, sitting up. There were a bunch of black straps, but that long purple part looked kind of like... Dash grinned at her. “That's the strap-on.” “Strap-on?” she repeated. “Isn't that what...” She trailed off as Twilight slid it on, tightening the straps in various areas and tucking the loose ends away. Her lips remained exposed, and the purple, sparkling extension now definitely looked like... Her jaw dropped. She couldn't spread her legs quickly enough. “Ooh, eager,” Rainbow chuckled, moving behind Pinkie. She pressed herself against her back and gripped her arms below the shoulders. “Just wait,” she breathed into her ear. “It gets better.” Pinkie couldn't imagine how much better it could be, until Twilight snapped her fingers. Suddenly, the black straps seemed to fade away—no, more like sink into her flesh. The eight-inch purple phallus was changing, gaining a more skin-like texture and complexion, except for the smooth, pink head. She was aware that she was drooling, but she couldn't bring herself to care. A tiny part of her was scared, but a way, way bigger part of her wanted that in her right now. Twilight moved forward, stopping when her new penis was inches away from Pinkie. “Do you want this?” she asked. “This is your first time, and it's going to hurt.” “Yes! Yes! I want it!” Pinkie groaned. “I don't care if it hurts! I want you to—!” Her breath caught in her throat. “I... I want you to... to f—“ her face scrunched up in frustration. She could feel the other two leaning in closer. “F-Fuck me!” she finally burst out. “I want you to fuck me, now!” Twilight nodded silently, and thrust forward, her head meeting Pinkie's lips. She groaned as Twilight prodded at her, wetting herself in the abundant juices, until she starting sinking it in. Pinkie gasped. She thought Twilight's fingers and tongue had been amazing, but this... It was so hard, spreading her despite the resistance of her tightness. It was warm; she could feel it throbbing with Twilight's heartbeat. It hurt, but more than that, it felt amazing in every way. Then she winced. Twilight leaned into her ear. “Take a deep breath,” she said. Pinkie obeyed, and threw her arms around Twilight's shoulders, mashing their breasts back together. She thrust forward. Pinkie let out a quick squeal and clutched at Twilight hard. She squeezed her eyes shut, trembling. Rainbow was rubbing her shoulders while Twilight stroked her lower back. Eventually, the pain faded enough for her to realize how full she felt. Twilight's dick was fully hilted in her, pulsing like a real living thing. She shuddered some more. “Go on,” she said weakly. Twilight started to pull back. Pinkie whimpered, impulsively not wanting her to leave, but that ended when she thrust back in. “More,” she gasped. Twilight obeyed, quickly settling into a smooth rhythm of thrusting back and forth. Pinkie groaned, wrapping her legs around Twilight's waist, while Twilight's hands made their way down her back until they were cradling her ass. Dash chuckled huskily. “You really love it, don't you?” She shifted her hands from Pinkie's shoulders back to her boobs. Pinkie could only moan throatily. Twilight gave her a smirk and snapped her fingers again. Rainbow gasped, feeling something thrust into her as well as Pinkie. She quickly realized that Twilight had copied the sensations Pinkie was feeling to her. This went on for some time: Twilight smoothly fucking Pinkie—and by proxy, Rainbow—guiding her with her grip on her ass, slowly gaining speed; Rainbow humping back at a non-existent lover, her wings shivering, her hands clutching at Pinkie's breasts and occasionally twisting to grope at Twilight's; and Pinkie crying out nonstop as she lost herself in the sensation of being pressed on both sides by two warm, naked bodies, receiving the best, and first, fuck of her life. Eventually, Pinkie recognized that warm feeling from earlier, but this time, she could feel it coming before it hit. “Twilight,” she breathed. “I'm going to... burst... again.” “Mmm,” she responded. “Try to hold it in. We can come together.” Pinkie squeaked out her assent, trying to hold back that oncoming sensation, but it was hard. She might as well have been trying to stop the ocean's tide. “I'm sorry, I can't—!” Twilight suddenly picked up her pace, starting to slam into her. She squealed, feeling it rush at her even harder, until she screamed in bliss, that pleasure overwhelming her entire body once more, but this time, she retained some coherency. Rainbow was moaning into her shoulder, her grip on Pinkie's boobs unbreakable. Her inner walls were pulsing, milking Twilight's cock for all it had, and it answered. Twilight thrust in one last time, and from deep inside her, she could feel warmth spilling out, filling her even further. It squeezed out past Twilight's head, a trickle of warm seed slowly spilling out along her crack. Eventually, Pinkie began to fall to the side. Twilight and Rainbow went down with her, still hugging onto her tightly. “Mmmmm...” she moaned. “That was... really fun...” she murmured sluggishly, before her eyelids drooped. “What did we tell you?” Twilight sighed happily, hugging her around her back. She lifted a hand just long enough to summon a blanket to cover them, rather than pulling one from the bed underneath them. “Best... fuck... ever,” Rainbow yawned, one of her wings reaching over the other two, under the blanket. Pinkie couldn't agree more. She snuggled into their mutual grip, and felt Twilight's softening dick squirm in her, along with her cream filling. She never pulled out—she was going to be fucking Pinkie in their sleep. With that last, giggle-worthy thought, she drifted peacefully into her dreams. > Harder, Wetter, Softer, Rounder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: RDxTSxPP, TSxFs, futa, DP, bukkake, breast expansion, lactation, light bondage Rarity cracked an eyelid open as she felt Fluttershy fidget beside her for the umpteenth time. “Really, Darling,” she sighed. “If there's something on your mind, you needn't hesitate to speak up.” Fluttershy's head shot up abruptly. “What?” she squeaked. “I'm not— I mean, there's not anything on my mind!” Rarity sat up straight and looked at her partner. “Darling, you've hardly said a word since we've started, not to mention you can't seem to keep still for ten seconds. Now, tell me, what is it that has you so distracted?” “No, really,” she protested, fiddling with the edge of her towel. “It's nothing!” “It's alright, you know. We're alone here, and you can trust me to keep a secret if this is personal.” “Well, it's personal, but— I mean, no!” she squeaked. “It's not important!” “Tell me.” “No!” “Tell me!” “No!” “Tell me!” “No!” For a moment, they were still, Rarity practically leaning over Fluttershy, who was turned and shrinking away. Then Rarity suddenly leaned back against the sauna bench. “Very well,” she said. “If it's not that important, then I won't pry.” “Oh,” Fluttershy said, straightening up. “Okay. Sorry to be a bother.” “Not at all, Darling.” They were silent for a few seconds, before Rarity mentally facepalmed. What was she thinking, trying reverse psychology? This was Fluttershy she was dealing with, not Rainbow Dash! Still, she had to know. As Fluttershy's friend, it was her duty to find out what it was that was bothering poor Fluttershy so in order to help her with whatever it was. She shut her eyes, relaxing against the sauna wall, but kept her left eye open a crack, watching Fluttershy carefully. She remained tense, glancing over at Rarity every so often. Rarity resisted the urge to frown. Did she have something to do with what was bothering Fluttershy? She hadn't done anything to offend her friend, had she? Oh dear, she hoped not. Then Fluttershy pulled at the edge of the towel wrapped around her body, peering down her own meager cleavage. It suddenly clicked in Rarity's mind as to specifically where Fluttershy had kept looking. “Fluttershy,” she said out loud, startling the other girl. “Eep! Uh, what is it, Rarity?” She hesitated. “Are you... jealous of my size?” “...squeak” That confirmed it. “Darling,” she said, straightening up and looking at Fluttershy's flushed face. “I'm surprised at you! I'd never thought you might be discontented with your own size!” “meep” “Why, I can hardly imagine why anyone would want larger breasts aside from getting more attention from men!” “I don't-” “And there are plenty of other ways of attracting attention as well! Your slender figure alone is beautiful enough for any man, as far as I'm concerned! Why would you spoil that?” “eep” “You could easily become a fantastic supermodel if you wanted! And to be honest,” she continued, cupping her own plentiful mounds through her towel, “they can be quite a bother at times.” “oh my” “Not that I'd give them up for anything, but mine have the most bothersome habit of knocking over things at my workspace if I'm not careful. It can truly take me out of the zone.” “that's-” “I can hardly imagine how Applejack and Pinkie manage with theirs. Pinkie especially! I can't understand how she can bear to bounce around all day as she does!” “squeak” “And—“ Rarity's tirade cut off at the sight of Fluttershy trying to shrink into her own towel. “Oh dear, I'm not making you too uncomfortable with this talk, am I?” When Fluttershy didn't answer audibly, Rarity let out a sigh, standing up, walking over to Fluttershy, and sitting next to her. She curled an arm around the other girl's shoulders. “It's quite alright, Darling,” she said soothingly. “There's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm your friend. You may speak freely with me.” She held onto Fluttershy for a short while before she spoke up. “It's just—“ she started, tapping her index fingers together nervously. “Ever since I saw Twilight cast that spell, I've been wondering what it would be like to be... bigger.” Rarity leaned back, looking directly at her spa partner. “Fluttershy, I meant every word I said, you know.” She brushed a stray strand of hair out of Fluttershy's face. “You needn't make any drastic changes to yourself. Besides, from my understanding of transformation spells, they are always only temporary.” “Oh. That's good,” she replied, clasping her hands. “I mean, I don't think I could bear going outside with... bigger... parts. More people might stare at me...” “Then why do you want them?” Rarity asked. “I'm just curious, I guess,” she said, placing her palms over her own boobs. “Like, would they be more sensitive? How does it feel when they... bounce?” Her face flushed as she wrapped her arms back around her body. Rarity scrunched up her lips, looking away. “Well, Darling, if you're so curious, why haven't you asked Twilight about it yourself?” she asked. “The picnic was nearly a week ago!” “But— I can't!” she squeaked. “I don't want to bother her because of such a silly little thing!” “Fluttershy,” Rarity reassured her, “Twilight is our friend! I doubt that there's anything that would keep her from offering help to any of us!” “Fuuuuuck!” “Wow, you really like that, don't you?” Rainbow Dash grinned, before groaning as she took in the sensation of having a cock hilted within Twilight's ass. “Ooohh, yeah,” Twilight moaned, loosening her grip on Pinkie. She looked back at Rainbow with a steamy gaze, clenching her well-lubed hole. “I can't believe I forgot just how good this feels.” “No kidding,” Pinkie giggled, giving Twilight's pussy a few short thrusts with her own dick. “I can feel you in there, Dashie!” “Yeah, I can feel you, too,” she sighed contentedly. She wrapped her arms around Twilight's boobs and leaned down over Twilight's shoulder, giving her a peck on the corner of her lips and continuing to Pinkie, who met her in an eagerly sloppy make-out. Twilight just sagged onto Pinkie, reveling in the feeling of two warm bodies wrapped around her, Rainbow's moist fingers playing with her nipples while they rubbed against Pinkie's, and the two foot-longs stuffed up both her lower orifices. She didn't revel in it for too long, though. “Hey,” she said, interrupting her two partners. “Are you ladies going to fuck me or not?” Rainbow pulled away from Pinkie with a messy bridge of spit. “Oh, just you wait,” she growled hungrily. “We're going to fuck your brains out!” “We are?” Pinkie asked. “I dunno, that sounds messy. Twilight's got a looot of brain to—“ “God damn it, Pinkie!” Rainbow snapped, suddenly pulling her dick most of the way out of Twilight's ass. She reared up, moving her grip to Twilight's sides, and started ramming it back in and out rapidly. Twilight let out a breathless squeal, clutching at Pinkie's shoulders. Pinkie just giggled, before moaning at the feeling of Dash's cock moving so near hers. Eventually, she tightened her grip on Twilight's ass, thrusting into her herself, trying to alternate thrusts with Dash. Twilight just sagged in bliss, even as Pinkie's tongue tried to coax hers out to play. “Well, I guess you're right,” Fluttershy muttered. “Look, Darling,” Rarity told her. “I can tell the thought's been distracting you for quite some time. After today's session, why don't you go see Twilight right away?” “Eep! But I—!” The thought suddenly struck Rarity that if Fluttershy were to go with such a request, Twilight might try to coax her into becoming her latest... friend with benefits. While Rarity wouldn't judge Twilight for her... lifestyle, she wasn't sure how well Fluttershy would react. “Perhaps I should come along with you, if you're too nervous?” “Oh, no,” she said. “I don't want to bother you...” “Darling, it wouldn't be a bother at all!” “But, don't you have that big order from that client in Manehattan you need to get back to?” she asked. Rarity flinched. Oh, so even as distracted as she was, Fluttershy had caught that? “Well, yes...” Fluttershy was silent for a few moments. “It's okay, Rarity,” she declared. “I'll go myself.” “R-Really? You're really going to go?” Her face was flushed, but she nodded. “Just...” she mumbled. “Will she think I'm weird if I ask?” “G- G- Gonna cum!” Dash yelled out, pounding her muscled hips against Twilight's. “Me- Me too!” Pinkie squealed from underneath. By now, both of them were fucking in sync, driving both their cocks into Twilight together in long, powerful thrusts. All three of them were panting heavily, drenching the sheets with their sweat. For a moment, Twilight didn't respond, slumped against Pinkie's boobs. Then, in a burst of activity, she suddenly lurched forward, pulling herself off of both dicks, which slapped together. “Wha—?” Dash started, tipping forward as her grip slid away. Suddenly, a pink glow stopped her and pushed her up off the bed. She flailed her arms about until she planted her feet on the ground. “Twilight, what the fuck—?” In a second, an equally confused but still excited Pinkie was standing next to her, both their painfully erect cocks pointed at the bed. Twilight settled down, sliding to her knees in front of them, and grabbed both cocks. “Oh, fuck,” Dash groaned, leaning over Twilight, gripping the edge of the bed. Pinkie did the same, except she gripped Twilight's head in one hand. Twilight was jacking off both their dicks expertly with one hand each, easily gliding over their well-lubed lengths. Her tongue periodically flicked out over one of their heads. Within a few rounds, the licks turned into sucks, which jumped straight into deep-throating, Twilight easily swallowing each of their lengths up to where her hands remained wrapped around them. “Holy shit, Twi...” Dash breathed. A thought occurred to her hazy mind. “Wait, you did ass-to-mouth?” She felt Twilight smile around her cock before pulling off it. "I keep myself clean," she answered before immediately re-occupying her mouth with Pinkie's rod. “Oohhh fuuck... Seriously going to come now.” “Yeah,” Pinkie panted. “Here it comes!” Twilight pulled back from Pinkie's dick, jerking both of them off rapidly. Her eyes flicked between the two of them, before she shrugged and stuffed both of them into her mouth. “Gaaaauughhh!” They both screamed. Twilight could only fit a few inches in, but the warmth, the suction, and the feeling of Twilight's tongue and each other drove them both to their climaxes. She swallowed slowly, letting the rest of their combined cum splash around her mouth, enhancing their orgasms. Several spurts later, and she pulled them out of her mouth and began jacking them, coating her face, shoulders, and breasts in cum. Once their orgasms died down, she leaned forward to lap at their final dribbles with her cum-coated tongue, and slowly stood up, pushing their hands out of the way. She sat back down on the edge the bed and, looking them in the eye, swallowed. Once her mouth was clear, she smiled. “Come on,” she said, thrusting her cum-soaked boobs out. “Clean me up.” They couldn't comply quickly enough. “Darling,” Rarity said dryly. “As far as that subject goes, I don't think there's anything in Ponyville she'd find weird.” Twilight stepped out of the shower, still wrapping her hair in a towel. Stopping to look at her bed, she sighed. “As fun as you two are, you still have a ways to go in endurance.” The nude, sleeping forms of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie didn't respond. “Oh well,” she shrugged as she rummaged through her closet for clothes. “We can work on that. In the meantime, books!” she said cheerfully, pulling on some underwear. *knock knock* “Or not,” she muttered, pulling up her skirt. Buttoning up her shirt on the way, she quickly started walking down hall to the main room, making sure to shut her bedroom door behind her. Just as she reached the front door, the visitor started knocking again. *knock—* Fluttershy squeaked as Twilight swung the door open. “Fluttershy, we've gone over this,” Twilight said, smiling. “This room is a public library. You don't need to knock to come in.” “Well, I didn't want to be rude...” she mumbled. “If anything, making me walk that much further to let you in is what's rude.” “Oh! I'm so sorry!” she squeaked. “Fluttershy, that was a joke,” Twilight sighed. “It's no trouble, really. So, is there something you wanted?” “Oh, I... um...” she trailed off, twiddling her fingers fingers nervously. “It's about... I...” She looked up, as if only just now noticing the towel wrapped around Twilight's hair. “Oh, I didn't interrupt anything, did I?” “What?” Twilight jerked her head up.”Oh no, you came at the perfect time, actually. I had just finished showering.” She looked out the door past Fluttershy. “Do you want to come inside to talk about it?” she asked. “Oh, um, yes please,” she mumbled. Twilight stood aside to let her shuffle into the library proper and shut the door behind them. She pulled up some chairs at the central table, settled in, and turned to Fluttershy. “Okay, so what's up?” “I... um... want you to... um... make my... boobs... bigger...” Twilight leaned in with a confused look. “Say that again?” “Can you please... um.. cast that spell... on my... boobs?” “I heard something about a spell that time,” she said. “Come on, Fluttershy, you don't have to be nervous with me.” “I... I...” She took a deep breath. “Please make my boobs bigger!” she shouted, before slapping her hands over her mouth. Twilight's leaning forward rapidly turned into leaning backwards at the outburst. “You want me to do... that?” she asked, blinking owlishly. “Why?” Fluttershy, still shocked at herself, only managed to mumble unintelligibly through her hands. “I mean, I would've expected Rainbow Dash to ask me that at some point, but I don't get why you would.” She raised her hands from her mouth slightly. “I want to know what it's like,” she squeaked out. “I... I remember you using it with Rainbow on that picnic day, and you both were enjoying it so much that I thought...” She abruptly straightened up. “I'msorryforbotheringyouI'lljustgoawaynow...” she rapidly spat out as she made for the front door. A few steps later, she found she couldn't lift her feet. Looking down, she saw the glow of Twilight's magic surrounding her them, and they started walking her back to the table. Fluttershy could only squeak out halfhearted protests as her feet forcefully sat her in a chair facing Twilight, whose attention was on a book she'd magically pulled from a high shelf. “There's no need to be nervous, Fluttershy," Twilight said to her reassuringly. "I'll gladly cast the spell on you. Though, actually, I think I can do a little better...” She opened the book and began flipping through the pages. “I had the spell ready in case Dash ever asked for it, but I think you'd enjoy a slightly different spell more...” She set the book down on the table and slid it over to Fluttershy, pointing at a diagram. Fluttershy leaned over to look at it. A few seconds later, her wings sprung up as her face flushed. Twilight giggled, grabbing the book back. “That's what I thought.” She stood up. “Come on, to the basement!” she declared, heading to the door down. Fluttershy remained frozen at the table for a few seconds, her mind still trying to process what she was agreeing to, before jumping up and scuttling after Twilight. “Um, why are we going to your basement?” she asked as they descended down the steps. “Because Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are still in my bed, and I don't want to wake them up,” she answered. “The basement is the only other room with both space and privacy. I mean, besides Spike's room, and I'm not going to intrude there.” The other girl just blushed, realizing that Twilight had been doing... things... with those two not too long ago. She focused on keeping her footing as the steps kept getting darker the further down they went. At the bottom, Twilight hit a switch on the wall, turning on three ceiling lamps dangling over the center of the room, illuminating a clean table and a few pieces of machinery. To Fluttershy's mild alarm (and excitement? Did she really feel that?), one of them had a cold metal table with straps perfectly positioned to bind someone down. “Okay,” Twilight said, setting the book down and going over the entry one more time. “Right, I've got it down. Fluttershy, if you could stand right over there, please?” she asked, pointing to the very center of the room. She hesitantly shuffled there, glancing around at the shadows she was casting. “Good. Now... wait,” she suddenly said. “You should probably strip.” Fluttershy jumped, clutching her arms around herself. “W-What?” she squeaked. “You saw the effects of the spell,” Twilight reminded her. “You'd probably tear your clothes if you kept them on.” “B-B-But, can't you make them grow too?” She shook her head. “The spell only works for living humanoids, which doesn't include your clothes,” she said. “Look, it's either keep them on and be unable to wear them after I cast the spell, or take them off now.” She paused. “Or you could back out now, if you wanted.” “No!” Fluttershy said, with more force than she intended. She cringed slightly. “I mean... I'm going to do this, so...” she sighed, and began pulling her sweater off. “I guess it's only fair... I mean... because of the picnic...” “Huh,” Twilight shrugged. “Didn't think of it that way.” She leaned back against the desk, watching as Fluttershy removed each article of clothing, trying to fold them nicely even while she tried to hide as much skin as possible. She raised a brow when Fluttershy stopped and straightened out, still wearing her lacy bra and panties. “You're going to keep those on?” Twilight asked. “Those are definitely going to get ripped if you do.” “I... um...” she mumbled, before sucking in a breath, and reaching back to unhook her bra. Hesitantly, she pulled it off, but kept an arm up to hide her breasts. She slid her other arm down to hide her crotch as she slid her panties off, only letting a well-trimmed patch of pink show for an instant. She kept her eyes rooted to her feet, blushing furiously, even as she felt her nipples hardening under her arm. Twilight nodded. “Normally, I would suggest you keep your arms out, but I think I've pushed you enough. I'll manage,” she said, to Fluttershy's gratitude. “Though you do look really sexy,” she added, to Fluttershy's embarrassment. “Just thought you should know. Now, hold still...” Fluttershy squeezed her eyes shut, trembling slightly. She couldn't see Twilight, but she could easily envision the usual stance Twilight took for complex casting, waving her hands about slowly. She could feel tendrils of magic swirling around her feet, slowly rising up to cover the rest of her. She fought to remind herself that this was Twilight's doing, her friend, whom she asked to do this for her, and not something she should've been scared of. Soon, the swirling turn into twister of magic, surrounding her from head to toe. She could feel it not just around her, but flowing into her. She fought the urge to whimper as the light blinded her even through her shut eyelids... “Fluttershy? I said it's done.” Her eyes fluttered open. “Wh-Wha...?” she mumbled, glancing around the well-lit floor. She wobbled. It was odd; she felt so much...heavier. She lifted a foot to take a step forward, but instead started to teeter forward. She tried to compensate, but would up toppling backwards instead. Before she even had the presence of mind to cry out, a magic glow enveloped her and set her softly into a chair that she was sure wasn't there before. “Um... did the spell... wooorrk...?” she trailed off as her gaze fell to her boobs. They were massive, basketball-sized tracts of flesh, just jutting from her chest, each peaked with a bright, swollen nipple. Slowly, she raised her hands underneath them, cupping them, feeling their weight. She gasped when the sensation of her hands running over her own flesh brought more pleasure than she expected. She began squeezing at them, squealing in pleasure. They felt so tender! “Ahem.” Fluttershy froze, the blood draining from her face when she remembered she wasn't alone. She squeaked, hurling her arms back around her chest, but she could barely cover anything compared to before. She looked up to see Twilight still leaning against the table, except she'd removed the towel, letting her still-wet hair hang freely. “You're really enjoying yourself, aren't you?” she asked, smirking. Her half-lidded gaze explored Fluttershy's new body thoroughly, which only made her blush harder and shudder (in excitement? Maybe?). “Very nice,” Twilight said, nodding. She flicked a finger in the air. “See for yourself.” A full-body mirror popped up right between them. Fluttershy gasped, seeing the extent of the changes. Back in the spa, Rarity had called her supermodel material. Right now, she could only think of herself as porn star material. The thought made her flush heavily, but she didn't stop her self-examination. She slowly stood up to get a better view of herself. When Twilight had shown her the diagrams in the book, she was expecting her body to grow to about Rarity's size and proportions, but now, her hips were wider than Applejack's, her boobs were bigger than Pinkie's, her limbs were thicker, and yet, her waist was only slightly larger. Her body had become the unrealistically ideal female figure, and it was hers to do whatever she wanted with it! Her hands began flying all over her own body, running up and down and all over her new curves. She shuddered as her overly-sensitive flesh was wracked with pleasure. She began to stumble back into the chair, but hovered long enough to grab handfuls of her own generous ass, kneading her buns like dough. Her wings flapped weakly. “I'm glad you're having fun, Fluttershy,” Twilight's voice breathed from behind her. Looking up at the mirror, she could see Twilight standing behind her, though she was beyond reacting with surprise at this point. The mage leaned in, close enough for her moist hair to drag over her sensitive shoulders. “But I think you're forgetting the best part about this spell...” Suddenly, Twilight's hands reached forward, grabbed onto Fluttershy's melons, and immediately began kneading them. Fluttershy could only loll her head back, sighing in bliss. “Ah-ah,” Twilight said, pushing her head back up with a touch of magic, forcing her to watch as Twilight played with her breasts. “I want you to see it.” Fluttershy kept watching, bringing her hands up along with Twilight's to stroke her chest. Both pairs of hands kept rubbing in similar motions, squeezing from the base of her breasts up to just a hair from her nipples. Eventually, she saw it; a drop of white on the edge of her right nipple. “There we go...” Twilight whispered huskily, reaching out with her right hand. She stuck out her pinky, lightly brushing it against Fluttershy's nipple and catching the drop while Fluttershy shuddered at the touch. She brought the milk up to Fluttershy's face. Without hesitation, she reached forward to lick the milk off Twilight's finger, moaning as she tasted herself. “Do you want more?” Twilight breathed into her ear. Fluttershy nodded wordlessly. “Then...” Twilight's hands started a new burst of activity, milking her breasts eagerly. “Let's get more.” Fluttershy groaned, a joined in with Twilight again, but this time, she periodically tweaked her nipples, soaking her fingertips in milk, which she then brought up to her mouth, licking herself enthusiastically. In a minute, it wasn't enough—the flow of milk increased to the point that excess spilled over her fingers and dripped down her breasts constantly. She groaned in disappointment. Twilight just smiled, stopping her ministrations on her left breast, and began to pull it up. Fluttershy blinked at her breast until Twilight positioned her nipple right in front of her lips. Suddenly understanding, she happily reached forward and sealed her mouth over her own nipple, squealing in delight. Twilight's hands began to leave, so brought up her own to support her breast while she suckled from it. Twilight giggled and stood up. “I'll be right back,” she said, walking out of the range of the light. Fluttershy barely noticed, content to suck her own nipple. Eventually, she realized that her right boob was being neglected, so she swapped to that one, flecks of loose milk spraying from her left nipple as she let go of it. She'd gone back and forth a few times by the time Twilight returned. She felt her standing behind the chair before she spoke. “You've been really busy, haven't you?” Twilight stepped around, grabbing her currently free breast, and sucked on that nipple. Both of them groaned at this, until Twilight let go several seconds later and moved up so she-was face-to-face with Fluttershy. Fluttershy felt Twilight pull her breast down. Reluctantly, she let her nipple pop free of her lips, and faced Twilight. She opened her mouth to pant, but Twilight's lips suddenly clamped over hers. Her eyes widened, then rolled back as they shared her milk, their tongues swishing it between their mouths. Suddenly, she began to squeal, writhing about in her seat. Though surprised, Twilight recognized her actions and responded by grabbing Fluttershy's wrists in her hands and pinning them down to the chair, leaning further in to the kiss. Once Fluttershy stopped thrashing, Twilight shut her lips and swallowed before pulling away. “Holy shit, Fluttershy,” she panted. “You came just from milking?” She didn't answer, just panting contentedly with her head lolled back against the chair. Twilight giggled. “Well then, let's see how you react to this...” She bent over, reaching for something out of Fluttershy's view. Then she was back with some tubes in one hand and a narrowed-necked glass flask in the other. Twilight set the flask on the chair between Fluttershy's legs, and set to attaching the suctions cups on the ends of the three-way tube to her nipples. Fluttershy looked down to watch Twilight's progress, only to belatedly notice how soaked in milk her legs and belly were. Twilight noticed her stunned gaze, letting out another giggle. “This way, we won't waste any more,” she said, pushing the last tube into the neck of the flask. She stood up, and snapped her fingers. Suddenly, the cups started glowing, and Fluttershy squealed as they began draining her nipples on their own. A steady stream of milk began pouring down the tubes into the flask waiting below. Fluttershy reached up to help them with her hands, except she couldn't. Tugging, she realized that Twilight had somehow snuck her hands behind the chair and handcuffed them without her noticing. She looked up at Twilight, only to gape at the black dildo she was holding. “Do you want this?” she asked. Slowly, Fluttershy nodded. Twilight smiled. Twilight walked back up to her room, taking another sip from the flask and swirling it in her mouth. As soon as she opened the door, Pinkie's voice called out to her. “Hey Twilight! Ready for another round?” she shouted, shamelessly stroking her rising erection. Rainbow was also there, looking just as eager. She smiled contentedly up at them. “No, I'm done for today,” she said. “I'm actually going to go for a walk now.” “Wait, really?” Rainbow cried. “You're usually always ready!” Twilight just continued into her bathroom and set down the flask. She washed her hands and her face, and double-checked her shirt for any spots. “I've had my fun today,” she said simply. “Though I left a little present for you two in the basement.” “Ooh, a present?” Pinkie asked. “What kind?” “You'll see,” she said, walking out. “Bring the strap-ons. The safe word is helicopter.” With that, she was gone. Pinkie and Rainbow looked at each other. “Safe word?” Pinkie asked. “What does that mean?” “It means she left us a pretty kinky present,” Rainbow answered, scratching her head. She hopped off the bed and started walking down the stairs, Pinkie close behind. Neither of them bothered to cover themselves or their swinging half-hard-ons even as they passed the public area on the way to the basement. As Rainbow opened the basement door, she paused, sniffing at the darkness.”What's that smell?” Pinkie poked her head through and took a deep sniff herself. “Hmmm... I dunno! It's kinda creamy, I guess?” Shrugging, they started to descend the dark staircase. “Man, can't she put a light switch by the door?” Rainbow grumbled. “Rainbow Dash?” a voiced asked from below. Both of them blinked. “Fluttershy?” They picked up their pace, rushing to the bottom of the stairs, where Pinkie flicked the light switch on. They gaped at the sight of Fluttershy slumped naked in the chair: her body nearly twice its usual weight and stained in white; her hands tied behind the chair; her eyes covered by a blindfold; her mouth open, panting; tubes draining milk from her huge breasts into a quarter-full flask; her legs held apart by a spreader bar; the base of a black dildo protruding from dripping lips; and a bean vibrator buried deeper inside of her, visible only by the cord attaching it to the controller resting on her leg. “Oh my gosh! Fluttershy!” Pinkie cried, starting to dash forward, until Rainbow grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back. “Dashie! What are you doing? We have to help her!” “Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked. Her wings fluttered, catching the light of the lamps. Rainbow shook her head with a rueful grin. “If she wanted out, she'd say the safe word.” “What?” Pinkie asked, looking back at Fluttershy. “You mean she wants to be tied up like that?” “Pinkie, we have a lot to teach you,” Rainbow laughed. “By the looks of it, she doesn't just want it. She loves it, isn't that right, Shy?” she growled huskily, stroking her rising erection. “I... I'd love it even more... if you... came over here...” Fluttershy panted, squirming in the chair and spreading her thighs further. Rainbow and Pinkie's eyebrows shot up. “Fluttershy,” Rainbow started. “You should've told me you were into this ages ago! Come on Pinks! Let's have some more fun!” she said, strutting over to the chair. Pinkie hesitantly followed. One hour later... “Oh, shit,” Twilight gasped, jumping up from her book in the park. “Spike's going to come back to the library any minute now!” A certain dragon silently snapped a picture from the basement door while he gaped at the girls below. > Now You're Thinking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: TSxFsxPPxRD, portals, autocunnilingus, autofellatio, autofuckery, futa, horse-dick futa, deep-throating, frottage, man these tags just go on, triple penetration “Hey, Twilight! What'cha doin'?” Twilight Sparkle jumped, throwing up the metal disks she had been holding. Recomposing herself, she reached out with her hands, grabbing them in a field of magic before they could get too far. As she returned them to her grasp, she turned to the other girl, sighing. “Pinkie, what did I tell you about distracting me while I'm concentrating on something?” “Ummm...” She scrunched up her face in thought. “Not to?” “Yeah, that,” Twilight grumbled, turning back to the large machine. “So what'cha concentrating on?” Pinkie asked. “Some experimental magi-technology from PCS,” she answered, fiddling with with knobs on the machine while holding onto both disks with her free hand. “What kind of magi-tech?” Twilight looked up the basement stairs at the new voice. “Rainbow? Fluttershy? You're here too?” “Well, yeah,” Rainbow Dash said, jumping down from the stairs, flaring out her wings. “I told you she wanted to come along next time.” “Come along for wha... Oh!” she said, blinking. “Wednesday! It's that time already?” “What, you forgot?” Rainbow asked incredulously. “You're always on time for stuff! Especially this kind of stuff! Hell, you're usually waiting for us!” “I'm so sorry, girls,” Twilight sighed, looking back to the machine. “This latest project came as a surprise--I still haven't updated all my schedules." She went back to fiddling with the device, speaking aloud to the three other girls. "Just give me a few minutes. You can get started without me.” “Nah, I'm curious now,” Rainbow said, walking up to look at the disks Twilight was holding. “So what's up with these things?” “Oh, well...” she started, straightening up, and grabbing one of the disks in her other hand. “I'll show you. Careful, though. This is highly unstable and experimental. Someone at PCS literally lost a finger playing with it.” “Oh,” she muttered, stepping back from the unassuming metal disks, each barely small enough for Twilight to curl her fingertips over the edges. Pinkie and Fluttershy, who'd been leaning in, backed away as well. “Hang on, if it's so dangerous, why'd they send it here?” she asked. “Shouldn't that stuff stay at the school?” Twilight gave her a look. “I didn't think you took safety precautions so seriously.” “Are you kidding? I paid attention to some stuff back in high school, you know. And I've been in the weather factories often enough to know that if there's a warning label on something, there's a damn good reason for it.” “Right, sorry for doubting you,” Twilight sighed. “Anyways, at first, they actually called me up to Canterlot to look at it yesterday.” “Ooh! So that's why you were gone!” Pinkie said. “So... Why you? Is it because you're so smart? Because you're the Princess's student?” “Well, sort of," she answered, blushing self-consciously, "but apparently, the entire project started from some idle doodles I accidentally turned in with a paper on teleportation I did two years ago, and they wanted my name officially on it. Probably for recognition, or maybe to make sure I didn't out them over that. I guess..." Her voice lowered as she fiddled with her hair. She cleared her throat. "So I got a train ride there and helped them with it. I didn't want to stay too long though, so I got a pair of extras to take home with me and experiment on myself.” “Ooh, okay,” Pinkie said. “Now enough about the boring stuff!” she suddenly shouted. “Get to the good part! What do they do?” Twilight gave her a lopsided grin before shutting her eyes, her hands glowing with magic. The devices' borders began glowing as well, and as the girls watched, the insides seemed to fade away. In a few seconds the glow stopped, and the faces of the disks seemed to have been replaced with mirrors—except something was off. “What, that's it?” Pinkie pouted. She reached out and plucked one out of Twilight's hand before she could react. “Hey!” Pinkie ignored her, holding it up to her head. “I don't get why... whoa, what the heck?” Rainbow leaned in, looking into the face of the disk, and squinted on seeing what appeared to be one of the the ceiling lamps in it. “What is this, some sort of camera?” she asked. Twilight didn't answer, but just tilted the other disk so that it was facing them. Pinkie and Rainbow did double-takes on seeing themselves appear in their disk. “So it is some kind of camera,” Rainbow nodded. Twilight suddenly turned her disk to herself. “Nope,” she said, looking at the two through the disk, before she suddenly shoved her other hand through it and booped Pinkie on the nose. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all screamed, Pinkie dropping the disk. Rainbow quickly recovered, just in time to catch it. She turned it about, staring at the hand protruding from it. “Whoa, what the hell is this?” she said, her voice rising in excitement. “Ohmygosh! It's a portal! An actual portal! Like that game!” Pinkie shouted, quickly recovering. She reached over and grabbed onto Twilight's hand, shaking vigorously. “Hey, Twilight, how're you doing?” she asked, barely containing her gleeful laughter. “Holy shit, Twi!” Rainbow said, her face split in an uncontainable grin. She looked around at the the other side, seeing nothing but the solid metal of the disk there. She shook her head ruefully. “This is crazy!” Fluttershy just stared at it. “Twilight, is that safe?” she asked, her voice trembling. Twilight just leaned back, pulling her hand out of her disk and tossing it over to Pinkie Pie, who eagerly grabbed it. “Yes, it's safe. I just wanted to psyche you girls out a bit,” she said with a smirk. “I can handle the spell to keep this active easily. Though some guy did lose a finger back at the lab. See, if the portal shuts off, anything sticking through it gets sliced apart perfectly. Fortunately, they came up with a spell that could basically undo that kind of perfect cut before finishing the portal. That guy's fine now, and they taught me the spell too, so even if something goes wrong, I can fix it easily.” “Cool!” Rainbow grinned, sticking her own hand through her portal. Pinkie just giggled, watching Rainbow's hand pop out of hers and wave about randomly. “Hey, Fluttershy!” she called out. Fluttershy jumped when Pinkie held out the disk so Rainbow's hand was sticking out at her. “Pull my finger!” Rainbow laughed and stuck out her index finger. Fluttershy looked at the proffered finger before hesitantly pinching it between a finger and thumb and tugging a bit. “Harder, Fluttershy!” Pinkie shouted, shaking Rainbow's hand. “Honestly,” Twilight sighed, interrupting them. “I hand you girls pieces of experimental, ground-breaking magi-technology, and the first thing you do is make a fart joke?” The two of them snorted in laughter, Pinkie letting down her disk. “Oh come on, Twi, lighten up!” Rainbow said. “Ooh! Idea! Idea!” Pinkie cried out, and brought the disk down, Rainbow's hand pointed to the floor. She let it go, and Rainbow's hand, its wrist disappearing into the portal, stood on its fingers. “Holy shit,” Rainbow Dash guffawed. “This is just crazy!” She started moving her fingers, trying to make her hand walk across the basement floor. It made a few stumbling “steps”, before collapsing on its side. “Whoops!” Pinkie giggled, reaching down to set it back up straight. “Guess your hand's just clumsy!” “Oh, shut up!” Rainbow growled, though laughter wormed its way out her voice. “It's more complicated than it looks, okay?” She took a few more hesitant steps, but ended tottering over again. Pinkie just fell on her back, rolling in laughter. Twilight, meanwhile, scratched her chin. “Interesting...” she muttered, pulling a notepad and pencil from somewhere. “The portal's edge makes no contact, but the hand manages to keep it suspended. Maybe the force is being applied to the back of the disk...?” Rainbow just rolled her eyes, pulling her hand out of the disk. She walked up to the other and picked it up. She back and forth between the two. “Hey, Twi,” she called out. “What happens if I stick one in the other? Would it blow up?” “Oh no, nothing so dramatic,” Twilight answered, still writing in the notepad. “Try it yourself.” Rainbow looked back at the portals and shrugged. The edges of the disks were wider than the edges of the portal openings, but she could still fit one partially in the other. In theory. She took the one in her right hand and lowered it into the other, Suddenly, a series of disks popped out of the portals, blocking them from moving any further. “What the...?” “Yeah, the portals continue to operate normally, even recursively,” Twilight said. “So if you stick one in, a bit sticks out, which sticks back in, back out, until they run out of space.” Rainbow stared at the series of disks in her hands. “Huh.” She pulled it out and in, spinning them about. “This is weird,” she declared. Suddenly, Pinkie snatched both of them from her hands. “Hey!” Pinkie just giggled and held one up to her mouth, and the other out to Dash. “Talk to the hand!” she said, her grinning mouth almost literally in Rainbow's face. Rainbow just shook her head ruefully. Suddenly, Pinkie's grin turned contemplative. Before Rainbow could ask what was up, Pinkie shoved her hand further, pushing her own lips onto Rainbow's in a kiss. Rainbow was stunned for a second, before she jerked away. “Ack! What the hell?” “What, you didn't like it?” Pinkie said, her pout magnified in the portal. “It was weird!” she cried. “Seriously! Don't—ohhh...” she trailed off as Pinkie moved the portal to her shoulder and started nibbling there. Rainbow glanced over at the other girls. Twilight's eybrows seemed to have shot up into her hair, while Fluttershy's face was red behind her hands. Pinkie giggled, her voice both near and far, and she shifted the portal lower, sliding under her shirt and bra. “Oh, fuck,” Rainbow groaned as Pinkie's tongue started slathering over her boobs. “This is really weird, but at the same time, really hot.” Twilight threw her hands up. “It hasn't even been two minutes, and you girls have turned this experimental, ground-breaking piece of magi-technology into a sex aid,” she groaned in exasperation. “Clearly, I've taught you too well.” “Silly Twilight!” Pinkie laughed, pulling the portal out of Rainbow's shirt, to the latter's disappointment. “That's like saying you've made too many cupcakes!” She then unbuttoned Rainbow's shorts and shoved the portal down there. As Rainbow squeaked, she said, “you can never have too many cupcakes!” and began eagerly shoving her mouth onto the portal. Rainbow squealed, grabbing onto the portal in her shorts and pushing it harder against her pussy. Pinkie giggled, lapping through the disk in her hand eagerly. After several seconds, she paused, looking contemplative again. Rainbow groaned. “Pinkie, why—?” Pinkie suddenly shoved her disk into Rainbow's face. “You try!” Rainbow stared, slowly realizing that she was looking directly into her own wet pussy. Trembling, she pulled the hand in her shorts out and grabbed Pinkie's portal with both hands. She hesitated, before slowly reaching into the portal with her thumbs, spreading apart her own lips. She choked down a squeal and, unable to contain herself any longer, dove forward, thrusting her tongue into her own pussy. Only a few seconds later, she pulled out, moaning throatily. “Oh my gosh,” she groaned. “I can't even tell you girls how hot this is.” She immediately dived back in. Pinkie giggled. “It's hot just watching you!” she said, starting to climb out of her clothes. Twilight and Fluttershy, meanwhile, picked their jaws off the ground and turned to each other. “I have another set,” Twilight said. “Get it,” Fluttershy instantly replied, before shrinking. “I mean, if that's okay with you...” Twilight wasn't listening, instead striding to a set of lockers on the edge of the basement. She quickly opened one, grabbed two more disks, and—instead of walking back—teleported next to Fluttershy. Another spell later, and the disks had another set of portals. “What do you want to do?” she asked. “Um...” Fluttershy glanced over at Pinkie and Rainbow; Rainbow was now on her back while Pinkie shoved her head next to Rainbow's, so that they were eating her out together. She looked back at Twilight. “Can you get your strap-ons?” she asked. Twilight wordlessly snapped her fingers. An assortment of dildos and toys rained down from thin air next to them. Blushing, Fluttershy started looking through the pile, and froze. Hesitantly, she picked up a red, stallion-inspired strap-on. As she stood up, Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Interesting choice,” she said. “That's definitely one of my more niche toys.” Flutershy blushed, but began to strip regardless. She threw all her clothes but her bra haphazardly into another pile, put the toy on, and turned back to Twilight. The mage snapped her fingers, and Fluttershy suddenly had a massive horse-cock rising from her groin. Fluttershy froze, experiencing the sensitive extra organ for the first time. She stared at it for a few seconds before wrapping both her hands around it, squealing in pleasure before stroking it up and down rapidly. She collapsed to her knees and squeezed her eyes shut, taking in the entirely new sensations. What felt like only seconds later, Twilight suddenly grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away. She cracked her eyes open and looked at Twilight inquisitively, then she saw the disk Twilight was holding over her horse-cock. “Why don't we lube it up?” she asked, pushing the portal down. Fluttershy stared as her cock disappeared into the disk, only to reappear from the other disk Twilight had set down between them. Twilight then grabbed her dick by the base and lifted it up, causing her to gasp. Her gasp quickly multiplied as Twilight nuzzled it, stroking it against her cheek, humming in delight, then her gasps turn to squeals when Twilight began licking it in long, lingering laps. Fluttershy screwed her eyes shut again as Twilight's tongue slid up and down her horse-cock. Her hands went to grab a non-existent head at her groin, then fumbled about in confusion before settling on pressing the disk into her crotch. There was a heat near her face and an overpowering musk. Her eyes cracked open, then snapped open as she saw Twilight holding the(her!) dick up to Fluttershy's face, still licking it. Slowly, she leaned forward and extended her tongue. She shivered as she made contact, her own taste overwhelming her senses, and quickly began drooling all over it along with Twilight. Soon, she licked her way up to the flattened head and began treating it with long, languid laps, groaning in pleasure. She moved her hands up, gripping it herself, and clamped her lips over the the end. She was rewarded in both ways when she spurted precum into her own mouth. Squealing, she stretched her jaw open, trying to cram her thick horse-cock into her mouth. She didn't even notice Twilight moving away; she was too busy fighting to stuff her own meat as far down as she could, and then further. She shut her eyes again and tilted her head up, trying to make the passage easier. Even when she choked, she delighted in the feeling of having a hot, massive, throbbing cock down her throat just as much as she did the feeling of a tight, hot throat constricting her cock. She felt the disk on her crotch slide up, so she slammed her free hand down on it. The world world began to fade away as she... “Fluttershy!” Something suddenly began to pull it out. She fought, but once it popped out, she began to cough violently, tears streaming from her eyes. “Wait, what's going on?” she vaguely heard Dash say. “Fluttershy!” Twilight called again, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her off the floor. “Are you okay? Are you breathing alright?” “I-” She coughed a few more times. “I'm...fine,” she gasped out. “What...?” Twilight shook her head. “I shouldn't have let you choose one that big,” she sighed into her hand. “I forgot that was your first time with that spell. Though I didn't expect you to get so into it that you forget to breath.” “Wait, what did Fluttershy choose...?” Pinkie's voice trailed off as she saw the flared horse-cock sticking out the portal. “Oh, geez. You're into that?” “Huh,” a now naked Rainbow muttered. “You don't go in half-measures, do you? Why is it that the quiet ones are always the kinkiest...?” Twilight just pulled the portal off Fluttershy's cock and snapped her fingers, reverting it back into the red strap-on. “Do you want to try again?” she asked. Fluttershy just blinked at her once again dick-free crotch, already missing the pleasurable feelings. “I—Yes please,” she panted. “I promise to be more careful this time. I just want to feel it...” Twilight nodded, snapping her fingers two more times. The horse strap-on disappeared in one snap, and was replaced by a normal, green 10-inch in the other. One more snap, and it was human cock standing at attention. Fluttershy immediately picked up the disks herself and stuck the portal back down on her cock. She grabbed it where it emerged from the other disk, shivering at the returning feelings as she aimed it for her mouth, Twilight's hand stopped her. “Look, why don't I give you taste so don't get too wrapped up again,” she said. Fluttershy, slowly, nodded. Smiling, Twilight grabbed her dick from her hand, and brought it up to her own mouth. Her tongue poked out and spun around the head, causing Fluttershy to sag in pleasure. Twilight continued to lick all over her cock, coating it thoroughly in saliva, before she pulled away and turned to Fluttershy. “Here, watch carefully,” she said, before tilting her head up, opening her mouth wide, and slowly sliding Fluttershy's dick inside. Fluttershy fought to stay focused, despite Twilight's throat clamping down on her cock. Unlike when Fluttershy had tried it, there was no struggling, no choking. Twilight kept pushing it down in one, fluid motion, until the disk bumped against her face. Glancing down, she could see the tips of Twilight's lips and nose poking at her pubic hair through the portal. She shuddered. Twilight calmly kept her hilted for several seconds, occasionally swallowing, causing Fluttershy to squeak. Then, she pulled her cock out, running her tongue over its length as it passed, and stopping to suck on the head before finally popping it free of her mouth. “And that's how you do it,” she declared, licking her lips. She held it out back to Fluttershy, who grabbed it again. “Um... I'm sorry, I couldn't really tell how...” she muttered, wringing her hands together—at least, she tried until she remembered that her cock was between them. “It's okay, I'll walk you through it,” Twilight said, knee-walking to Fluttershy's side. “First, take some deep breaths. Get relaxed, get plenty of air.” Fluttershy obeyed, placing her hand over her chest, and slowing her breathing. “Now, tilt your head back...” she continued, placing a few fingers under Fluttershy's chin. “Open your mouth, stick your tongue out, like it's a slide for the cock...” She did so, and Twilight brought the hand holding her cock up, placing it on her tongue. She shuddered briefly, but took some more breaths. “Now here's the hard part. You have to open your throat to suppress the gag reflex,” Twilight told her. “It'll take a few tries. Try to act like you're yawning, or you're swallowing something.” Fluttershy nodded slightly, and began to push her own cock into her mouth. She shivered as the shaft brushed against her tongue, but continued to smoothly slide it in, until it hit the back of her throat. She gasped, quivered in pleasure, then started to choke, when Twilight grabbed on to the disk and smoothly pulled it away. She didn't say anything, but just held it in place while Fluttershy regained her composure. She nodded, and Twilight let go so she could slide it back in herself. They ended up having to repeat the process several times, until one time, when Fluttershy noticed that her nose was only a couple inches from the portal. She choked again, but in surprise, and when Twilight pulled it out, she smiled after coughing. “I did it!” she squealed. “I actually deep-... throated... myself...” Her face went red, realizing what she'd just said out loud. “Congratulations,” Twilight smiled, patting her on the shoulder. “Whoo hoo! We knew you could do it!” Turning, Fluttershy realized that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash had been seated to her side, watching her lesson intensely, and were now clapping and cheering for her. She turned back to her cock, flushing in embarrassment, before remembering she was still holding her own cock and was still horny. After a few moments of hesitation, she returned it to her mouth and started to slide it back in. “And there she goes,” Rainbow smirked, before smirking and heading over to the toy pile, followed by Pinkie. Fluttershy ignored them, pumping her own cock in and out of her own mouth steadily, squirming. She began to lean back until she was lying on the floor, her left hand holding the disk over her crotch while she thrust into it, and her right hand griping the other disk as she fucked her own throat. She never wanted to stop. She was practically addicted to the dual sensations of swallowing the thick, throbbing member and ravaging the warm, wet throat. It wasn't even a minute before all of the pleasure caught up to her, and she felt her shaft throbbing in her throat. She pulled it out for one great breath of air, and then shoved it back in, all the way until her nose pressed against her own pubic hair. She held it in place, quivering, as she felt something rush though it. Liquid (cum (her cum)) gushed down her throat. She slowly pulled herself out, swallowing her load, until the last few spurts went into her mouth. She popped her cock free of her lips, sighing in contentment, before swishing the cum in her mouth around, getting a taste of it. She closed her eyes. She just lay there for a few minutes, even after someone tugged the disk out of her hands and pulled the other off her cock. Eventually, someone nudged her. She opened her eyes to see Rainbow grinning down at her. “Hey,” she said, “check it out.” Fluttershy looked over where she was pointing, and saw Twilight nude, tilting a stool over and humping it. She furrowed her eyebrows, concentrating, and then noticed that the mage was still wearing her panties. One of the metal disks was clearly stuck there between her legs, held in place by the panties. “I told her to go fuck herself,” Rainbow snickered. Fluttershy stared for a few more seconds, then began to laugh, clutching her sides. “Hahaha, oh my, hee hee! That wasn't... *mmph* very nice! Hee hee!” Rainbow joined her in laughter. Meanwhile, Pinkie sat cross-legged as she watched Twilight thrust into the disk attached to the stool into her own pussy. “Sooo... How is it?” she asked, her grin stretching her face. Twilight grunted. “It's... a very unique experience,” she panted, shifting her position to try to get deeper into herself. “Though admittedly... it lacks a lot of spontaneity... Not to mention... it's a bit lonely...” She sighed. “To be honest... I like fucking and being fucked by someone else better.” “Hmmm,” Pinkie thought. “You know, you've got a point!” She stood up and raced over to where she'd thrown off her clothes. Rummaging around a bit, she pulled out her panties, pulled them on, her boner pushing it to the side, and skipped back to Twilight. Twilight looked up at her. “What are you— Ah!” Pinkie pulled her panties down and grabbed the disk, popping her dick out of her gasping pussy. She then turned the dick to her own wet lips and pushed it in, squealing in delight. She then knelt behind Twilight, grabbed her dick to aim, and slammed into Twilight, who gasped in pleasure. “How's this?” Pinkie asked, beginning to saw back and forth. “Better?” “Oh, fuck yes,” Twilight hissed, clutching the legs of the stool. “This is soo much better.” She made her own sharp thrust into the portal, and grinned as Pinkie squeaked. Pinkie, in response, stuck her tongue out and suddenly hilted herself in Twilight, causing her to groan. They went back and forth until they eventually fell into a pattern, Pinkie pulling almost all the way out just as Twilight thrust deep into the portal, and then slamming their hips together when Twilight drew back. “Hey, 'Shy,” Rainbow suddenly said, interrupting the show for Fluttershy. “Hm?” “I've got a plan.” She leaned over and whispered into her ear. Fluttershy held her hands to her mouth, her eyes widening in shock. “Can she take that?” she asked apprehensively. “I dunno,” Rainbow shrugged, “but I'm totally willing to find out.” She crawled over to the toy pile, plucked out an indigo double-ended dildo, and came back. “Okay, we should lube ourselves up a bit first,” she said. She looked down at Fluttershy with a predatory grin, her own erection looming over her ominously. Fluttershy blushed at it, but quickly spread her legs, reaching down with her hands to pull her lips open. Rainbow growled, leaning down and grabbing her own dick to position it at Fluttershy's entrance. One quick thrust later, and she was hilted in Fluttershy, both of them gasping in pleasure. Rainbow grabbed her hips and pumped back and forth a few times, thoroughly lubing herself with Fluttershy's fluids, before pulling back out, to the other girl's disappointment. “Don't sound so down,” Rainbow grinned, rising to her knees. She shuffled forward so that she was on top of Fluttershy, who gaped up at her. “Now it's your turn.” She held Fluttershy's dick up to her pussy, and then slid down. Fluttershy squealed loudly, her hands latching onto Rainbow's waist. “Oh, Rainbow Dash!” she gasped. “It's... You're so tight!” Rainbow chuckled, wriggling her hips as she bounced up and down. Her own wet cock slapped against Fluttershy's belly. Her gaze drifted up Fluttershy's body, over her breasts, which brought Rainbow's mind to the last time in the basement, when Fluttershy's body had grown to Celestia-like proportions. She shuddered, but then realized that she was drifting off. She pulled herself off Fluttershy's dick, taking a moment to relish the feeling of having fucked and ridden in rapid succession. “Okay,” she said, “now this...” she reached over and grabbed the bumpy double-ended dildo, then nudged one end into her pussy. She shuffled backwards so that she could aim the other end at Fluttershy's pussy. She looked up at the other girl's face, who nodded back at her. Rainbow thrust forward, both impaling herself and shoving the dildo into Fluttershy. They both gasped loudly, and both starting wiggling, inching as much of they toy as they could into themselves and each other. Eventually, their lower lips met, and the bottoms of their wet dicks met with a slap. They held the position for a few moments, panting. Then Rainbow reached down, wrapped her hand around both their cocks, and started stroking them together. Fluttershy squeaked, squirming in place. The movement shifted their cocks and pussies against each other, while Fluttershy's trembling seemed to travel down the dildo into Rainbow, who could only respond by groaning. “Fuck,” she sighed, “I'm not going to last long.” She reached over with her free hand and grabbed one of the disks she'd left laying to the side. “Pinkie!” she shouted. “Catch!” She tossed it over. Pinkie blinked and threw her hands up just in time to catch it. “What'cha you gonna do?” she asked, thrusting back into Twilight. Rainbow shot her a cocky grin. “You're going to pull out and stick in her ass, while you hold this over her pussy!” Twilight peeked an eye open while Pinkie blinked. “But... who's going to...” She stared. “Oh my gosh, both of you? In her pussy? Together?! While I'm...!” She held her hands up to her blushing face. “Oh my gosh, I dunno...” “Do it.” Pinkie looked down at Twilight, who stared back up at her determinedly. “What, really?” she gasped. “All three of us? Can we even fit?” “I've done it before,” Twilight panted. “Now do it!” Pinkie plucked herself out. “Okie dokie,” she said quickly, pushing the disk over the pussy she'd just left. Meanwhile Rainbow, holding the other end of the portal, slid it down over her and Fluttershy's cocks. They both gasped, while Twilight let out a throaty moan as they spread her. “Oh my goodness,” Fluttershy gasped, humping up towards the portal. “It's even tighter! I mean—yours is still nice...” she muttered to Rainbow. She just snorted. “We're stuffing her with two dicks,” Rainbow said. “Of course she's gonna... fuuuck... be tight.” She finally brought the portal all the way down. “Fuck, you both feel so good,” she sighed. “You think you're feeling good?” Twilight panted. “You two are so big in me... Pinkie!” she suddenly shouted. “Why aren't you fucking my ass?” “Oh, right,” Pinkie muttered, blinking. She positioned her dick against Twilight's rosebud with her free hand, then began to push in. Twilight bit her lip. “Fuuuucckk...” she groaned, sagging over the stool as Pinkie hilted in her ass. “You girls are stretching me so much.... I don't think I've ever had this much before...” “Wait, I thought you said you did this before!” Pinkie said. “Not with dicks this size... Mmph...” “Oh my,” Fluttershy panted, “I can feel you, Pinkie.” Rainbow groaned, rolling her hips, making both Twilight and Fluttershy moan as well. “So you're in the middle,” she smirked. “Lucky.” Suddenly, Twilight thrust into the stool, driving the dick Pinkie almost forgot about deep into her. With a gasp, Pinkie pulled back and thrust back into her ass. Twilight's pussy clenched over Rainbow and Fluttershy's cocks, and Rainbow began pumping the portal over their lengths. They were all already close, and the bombardment of intense sensations sent them into a nose-dive toward their climaxes. They continued to pound and writhe against each other. With her free arm, Rainbow grabbed on to one of Fluttershy's legs and held it close to her body, using it to grind against the other girl harder. Fluttershy cried out in pleasure, then reciprocated with one of Rainbow's legs. Their lips, spread around the shared toy, mashed against each other in an intimate kiss even as Twilight's juices spilled down over them from the portal. Pinkie moved one hand from Twilight's hips to fondle and pinch her swinging breasts as she mashed her own chest into the other girls' back. Twilight was the first to cum, her orifices clenching down on all the cocks in her, while she thrust all the way into the portal, filling Pinkie with cum. Twilight's cum and her tight ass then triggered Pinkie's orgasm, and she hilted herself in Twilight, spurting her seed deep inside. Fluttershy was next as her clit brushed against Dash's. Her pussy clenched down on the dildo and her cock painted Twilight's pussy in white. Finally, Rainbow could feel Fluttershy's cock throbbing against hers, her cum filling their shared space, and her pussy clenching on the dildo, and she peaked as well, her cum mixing with Fluttershy's. Twilight's orgasm was strengthened by all the cum swirling inside of her, filling her, so warm... She screamed, her voice drowning out the others' cries easily. Her eyes glowed... All four girls went limp, Twilight slumped over the stool with Pinkie lying on top of her, while Rainbow and Fluttershy just lay on their backs. Twilight shifted, and Pinkie's hand lost its grip on the disk. It fell, and two cum-soaked dildos slid out of Twilight's pussy after it. Wait, that wasn't right. Twilight slowly pushed herself up, away from the stool to look at... No, that wasn't right either. She looked down. Her cock was gone, only her strap-on was there. At least, part of it. It was just a stump. She looked at the portal she'd attached to the stool. It was off. She reared up onto her knees, startling Pinkie, who reared up as well. The disk, and part of Twilight's strap-on fell from her panties. Pinkie felt them fall and looked down. Meanwhile, Rainbow lifted the disc from the stumps of her and Fluttershy's strap-ons. The four of them were silent for several long moments. Finally, Twilight cleared her throat. “Girls, I believe we've learned a valuable lesson today.” They all nodded. “Experimental magi-technology is not a toy,” they chorused. “Let's be grateful that the dick spells shorted out before the portals did.” “God damn it, Twilight! Why did you have to say that!?” “I don't think I want another dick for a long time.” > Really the Best Night Ever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: AjxRy, Manex6 (But mainly AjxRyxRD, AjxPP), squirting, extendo-tongue, wow that's not very many tags for such a long chapter “Pfft, I don't know,” Pinkie giggled. “I think the Gala would've been a lot more fun if we just started throwing cakes from the start.” Applejack shook her head mirthfully. “No doubt, but I came here for business, not fun,” she said. “'Course, the way everythin' turned out, I might as well have.” “Yeah!” Rainbow laughed. “You could've given me more stuff to catch! Seriously, I was running out of stuff to show off with!” “Now, Rainbow Dash,” the voice caught everyone's attention, “while I'm sure the Wonderbolts were impressed by your enthusiasm and reflexes, there's only so many times they'll be impressed by the same trick.” “Huh? What do you mean? That was, like, the only way I could get their attention! For even two seconds!” “You go to their shows, don't you?” Princess Celestia asked. “Hell yeah!” she shouted, ignoring Rarity as she tried to reprimand her for her language in the presence of the Princess. “I go to every show I can! Every show I do go to, I miss out on all their awesome stunts! Like the Pyrospear! Or the Crackerjack Cannon!” “Do you?” she replied. “Well, what if every show you went to, the Wonderbolts preformed the Crackerjack Cannon over and over? No other tricks, just the Cannon, only getting a bit bigger and flashier each time?” Rainbow blinked at her. “Huh,” she said. “I'd still go, 'cuz they're the Wonderbolts! Buuut I guess the shows would get kinda boring.” “Exactly.” Celestia sat back, sipping at her coffee. “Yeah, I see your point,” Rainbow sighed, slumping over the table. “But what else could I do in that frumpy place?” No one answered. As pleased as the girls were to hear that at least Princess Celestia had fun at the Gala, they mostly couldn't drop all of their apprehensions about having coffee and donuts at the same table as—well—Princess Celestia. Rarity watched as Twilight refilled the Solar Princess's coffee cup, and as the Princess dumped in two, four... an unhealthy amount of sugar cubes into it, not that Rarity was judging the Princess, of course! That would be silly! She certainly looked out of place at the table. The dresses Rarity had worked so hard on were ruffled and covered in dirt, scuffs, and frosting. Princess Celestia's gown, naturally, didn't have a speck of dirt anywhere on its white folds or golden trinkets. It was a thing of beauty, flowing everywhere, but not at all obscuring her curvy, yet lithe figure. The skirt parted at the sides, occasionally revealing her bronzed, sculpted thighs, and her thin cleavage was tantalizing, but far from scandalous, both hiding and revealing her bountiful bosom. Truly, society's standards of beauty could've only been born from— “Is there something wrong, Rarity?” The Princess's voice broke her out of her thoughts. Rarity flushed, having been caught—no, not caught, that implied she had been ogling the Princess in the first place, which a lady certainly would not, and—oh no, they were still waiting for a reply, think of something quick quick quick—! “I was just thinking of, well...” Idea! “About the difference between Blueblood and you! I know I've gone on about him, and I'm sorry for that...” “Go on, Rarity,” Twilight said. “We all need to vent a little tonight.” “Thank you,” she sighed. “As I was saying, Princess, Blueblood is royalty! Related to you, if distantly, raised with to have manners and dignity—or at least he should've—and what came of it? That self-absorbed, whiny, bumbling excuse of a brute! Please, Princess, tell me they aren't all like that!” she cried. “That there are nobles who are—well—noble! Like you!” Princess Celestia only gave her a sad smile. “It is a pitiable state of affairs. I'm afraid the Canterlot nobility is perpetually consumed by its battles of power play, the Gala being among its greatest battlefields. They often lose themselves in the struggle and forget that another world exists just outside.” She looked out the window of the doughnut shop, staring into the dark streets of Canterlot. “Believe it or not, Prince Blueblood was a sweet young boy once,” she said. Rarity barely stopped herself from spewing out the mouthful of scalding coffee she accidentally inhaled. The Princess patiently waited for her to recompose herself before continuing. “Yes, it's true. He enjoyed running through the gardens, having imaginary adventures with a couple of close servants when he was a child. He had dreams of exploring beyond our borders, mapping the uncharted corners of the world. Even so, I watched as pressure from his parents and peers led him to bury those dreams so he could learn to play the political games of nobility. Not that I can blame him—nobility can be a very dangerous place to anyone who refuses to abide by its rules.” “Awww...” Pinkie sighed, her eyes swelling up. “That's so sad!” “As I said, it is a pitiable state of affairs. There are some whom I'm glad to say have learned to play the game without losing themselves in it.” Applejack snorted. “Oh yeah?” she asked. “Then where are they? I spent hours sitting with the finest vittles this side of Equestria, and I only made one sale! All 'cuz apparently, eatin' anythin' that ain't imported and served on a plate five times bigger than it ain't allowed in their damn game!” She flopped back into her seat, munching moodily on a powdered doughnut. The rest of the table exchanged looks at the sudden outburst. Just as suddenly, she sprang back up. “Ish thash vhatsh ya vantsh?” she blurted at Rarity accusingly, spewing out crumbs. Rarity blinked, flinching back. “Come again? And also, ew!” Applejack took a second to gulp down the doughnut. “I said, is that what ya really want? As long as I've known you, Rares, you've been yammering on about how glamorous and wonderful the Canterlot elite is, and how you were destined to join 'em.” She waved her hand towards the windows. “Well there you have it, Rarity! The glamorous Canterlot elite! Bunch'a uptight, snooty folks with their noses turned up so high, they're sniffin' their own asses!” “Applejack!” Rarity hissed. “I'll thank you not to place such vile imagery in my head! And while Blueblood wasn't quite the paragon of nobility I'd been hoping for, you cannot cast such a blanket judgment on all of them!” “Can too!” she growled. “The Princess admitted it! I betcha every last one of them's 'bout as noble as a worm!” “Humph! Sounds like sour grapes to me,” Rarity said, drowning out any response the Princess may have had. “You just don't know how to dream past your farm.” “'Course not! I remember the last time I left my farm behind! It was the worst month of my life! I don't get what you see in any a' it!” “Exactly, sour grapes. You couldn't be bothered to learn the game, so you dismiss it an everyone everyone who does as childish.” “Now listen here, you snooty, frou-frou, little—!” “No, you listen, you childish, backwards, simple—!” “Oh my god, just fuck already!” Rainbow suddenly cried out. “WHAT?” Rarity and Applejack shouted, their anger turned to shock. Rainbow looked around at everyone staring at her. “Hey, we were all thinking it.” she stated. “Are you kidding?” Applejack growled, her face flushing. “Just 'cuz the rest of ya'll swing that way don't mean we do!” “Pffft, yeah right. That's why you liked watching me and Twi do the dirty so much, right?” “What? No! That— that was different! I was curious! We were curious!” “Pfffffffft. Yeah. Right.” She leaned over and wrapped an arm around Applejack's shoulders. “Listen, even if Rarity were completely straight, I'll bet Prince Blueballs turned her off men for a while,” she whispered not-so-quietly. “She's probably open to experimentation now.” “Really? I— I mean, get off!” Applejack shouted, shoving her away. “And I'll thank you not to discuss my sexual preferences in my presence!” Rarity huffed. “Oh, okay. We'll have to discuss it later, then.” “Rainbow!” “Come on, Fluttershy, back me up here!” “Well, um, I don't think you should egg them like this...” she said. “Thank you, Fluttershy.” “Oh, come on!” Rainbow cried. “I think you should let them work out their feelings naturally.” “Not you too!” Applejack groaned as Rainbow burst out laughing. “Oh, welcome back, Spike,” Princess Celestia abruptly said. “You've delivered my orders?” The entire group turned to the young suited dragon, panting with his hands on his knees. “Yeah, I...” He took a few more deep breaths before standing upright. “The rooms are ready!” “Rooms?” Pinkie asked. “Of course. Have you noticed the time?” she asked, standing up from the table. “twenty-three past one in the morning. I refuse to send you back to Ponyville this late, so I'm inviting all of you to the castle for the night,” she explained as she pulled out a sizable pouch of coins and set it on the table. “Staying... in the royal castle?” Rarity squeed. “Ooh! Ooh! I can't wait!” Pinkie shouted, bouncing to her feet. The other girls echoed her sentiments and eagerly joined her, following the Princess out to the door. Pinkie took a moment to dart back to the table to bundle up the remaining doughnuts in her arms. “I've prepared five rooms for you girls,” Princess Celestia said. “I'm sure the accommodations will be to your liking.” “Wait, five rooms?” Applejack asked. “Twilight and Spike's old room is still open.” She explained. She then leaned over to Twilight's ear. “Though you won't be using it tonight,” she whispered loudly. “Wait, what do you mean she won't—oh,” Applejack said, stumbling slightly as she processed the Princess's words. Twilight just blushed and giggled. “Well, I can't say I haven't been looking forward to it.” “Lucky bitch,” Rainbow Dash grumbled, crossing her arms. “Wait? What's going on?” Spike asked. “Nothing!” Rarity stood in the darkened corridor outside Applejack's room, wearing the lovely white nightgown the castle staff had been provided to each of the girls. The accommodations were excellent, giving grand views of Canterlot's night skyline and oh-so-soft, large beds with luxurious silken sheets. And the pillows! Despite that, Rarity found herself unable to sleep. Not because of all the coffee she had—not entirely, anyways. Sighing, she raised her hand and knocked at the door. She waited a few seconds, and then she waited a few more. Several seconds later, she knocked again. “Hold your horses, I'm coming!” she heard Applejack grumble from behind the door before it swung open. “I swear, Rainbow, if you... Oh! Rarity!” she yelped, suddenly straightening out her hunched posture. Her untied hair was shining in the dim light from within the room. “Um, howdy!” Rarity blushed, realizing that the cowgirl hadn't put on the nightgown, but was wearing only a simple set of green underwear. “Hello, Applejack,” she said, keeping her voice even. “May we talk?” “Oh, uh, I don't see why not.” She stepped aside. “Come right in?” She nodded, stepping inside. Applejack's room, to little surprise, was identical to Rarity's except for the untidy state of the blankets and covers, as well as her hat hanging from a bedpost. The only illumination was the soft orange light from the bedside lamp. Applejack shut the door and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge. She patted the bed next to her—but not too close—and Rarity took a seat as well, turning her body so she was facing Applejack. “Um,” she blurted out before Rarity could open her mouth, “I mean, before you say anythin', I wanna apologize for what I said earlier,” she said. “I was out of line. Jus' 'cause you look up that kind'a life doesn't mean you wanna be an selfish snake like that Blueblood fella.” “You never said that, Darling,” Rarity said. “You've never even implied it.” She sighed. “I ought to be the one to apologize. While your accusation was out of line, it wasn't entirely baseless, and I retaliated by belittling your own ambitions.” “Well, you had a point. When I was livin' with my aunt an' uncle, I thought I knew what I was getting into. Thought it'd be a carefree life of luxury. Never realized how many rules there were for livin' like that—way too many for me. I guess, in a way, I have to respect the folks who can stand to play that game.” “Indeed,” Rarity nodded. “And in the same way, I must admit I have to respect you for not wanting to be part of it. As nice as it is to wish for something more, it's a rare talent to be able to be satisfied with what you have.” “Maybe,” Applejack smirked, squeezing her arm over Rarity's shoulders more tightly. “So, we're good?” She giggled. “We're good,” she said, snuggling into her side. Applejack smiled, leaning into Rarity's weight, sighing at her warmth—her eyes snapped open. When did Rarity get close enough to snuggle her? And what was her arm doin' way over there? They'd only been sittin' for barely a minute! “Mmph,” Rarity sighed. “Have I ever told you how nice and firm your muscles are?” “Uh, once. Or twice,” Applejack answered, her eyes shifting back and forth. “The last couple'a times you fitted me.” Was this really headed there? Rarity had been largely silent since Rainbow's outburst, but to think she'd been so fixated... “Really? I think I ought to tell you more often...” Rarity purred, her left arm coming up and stroking the arm wrapped around her shoulders. “So, uh, now that we're good, I reckon' we ought'ta, uh, tuck in, don'tcha think?” she asked, suddenly aware of how little clothing there was separating them. “Oh hush, Darling,” Rarity said, cracking her eyes open to peer up at her. “Don't pretend you don't enjoy this.” “Okay, Rarity, are you drunk? Maybe I should walk you back?” “Darling, we were at a doughnut shop,” she deadpanned. “What could I have gotten drunk on? Frosting?” “Look, it's just... aren't you straight?” she pointed out weakly. “Well, Applejack,” Rarity said, abruptly shifting. She was no longer snuggling into Applejack's side, but was now sliding into her lap, turning so that they were facing each other. Applejack's hand still rested on her shoulder, and Rarity brought her other hand up to match as she leaned forward. “It's just as Rainbow said, now's as good a time as any to... experiment...” She breathed, leaning even closer, the flawless skin of her face, her plump lips, her sparking eyes all coming into focus... They were kissing. At first, Applejack just sat in shock as Rarity did all the work. Eventually, she responded, pressing her lips intently against Rarity's, shuddering as her moan passed through their lips. Slowly, she felt Rarity part her lips and felt her tongue begin to poke out and prod at her own mouth. Applejack responded in turn, brushing her tongue against Rarity's, the cool, minty flavor she'd been tasting now stronger. Rarity pulled away, her eyes slowly opening as a half-grin formed on her face. “Apples,” she stated. “Why am I not surprised?” Applejack guffawed for a second before wrapping her arms around Rarity's neck to pull her back in. Immediately, their tongues slipped past each other to explore and taste each others' mouths. As they moaned into each other, Applejack let one arm drift lower to Rarity's back so she could pull her whole body forwards. Their covered breasts mashed into each other, and she could feel Rarity's dainty fingers scrambling at her back, reaching for the clasps... She suddenly shoved Rarity away, breaking their kiss. Before she could get a word out, Applejack's arms gripped at the sides of her nightgown. Understanding, Rarity shifted so she could pull it off entirely and throw it off to the side. Now they both stared unabashedly at each others' covered breasts, and with an unspoken agreement, simultaneously reached behind the other to unclasp and remove their bras. As they compared breasts, Applejack couldn't help but feel lacking. Yes, technically, hers were bigger, but Rarity's were perkier and much fuller. Furthermore, where Applejack's body had a ridiculous-looking farmer's tan, Rarity's light booth tan was even and flawless. She bit her lip, but gasped when Rarity brought her hands up, cupping her breasts from underneath. After a moment, she returned the favor, grasping at Rarity's perfect globes. She looked up, saw Rarity smiling back her, and then they went back to kissing, still slowly groping each other. After a while like this, Rarity pushed her body forwards, pressing her nipples into Applejack's. They both shuddered, gasping into each others' mouths. Applejack broke the kiss just long enough to whisper “more,” before diving straight back in. Rarity obliged, carefully maneuvering their bodies so their breasts and nipples would constantly slide against each other. Slowly, one of Applejack's hands slid to her back and down. It meandered down to her rear, sliding underneath her lacy panties. Rarity could feel a finger trace down the valley, over her—wait, why was she stopping there— “Applejack!” she squealed in outrage. “Oh, uh...” The cowgirl looked as if she had been caught with her hand in a cookie jar. “You don't like that?” “No, I am not comfortable with anything entering there!” “Oh. Well, shucks,” she sighed. “Sorry 'bout that.” “Good. Now, if you would please remove your finger and continue?” “Right,” she said, withdrawing her finger. Rarity went back to massaging their breasts as Applejack's hand reached further down, brushing against her flower. She gasped, leaning into Applejack's neck. Her own hand abandoned its breastplay and slid down Applejack's belly, slipping down her underwear from the front. Grinning, Rarity twitched her fingers in a way that always got her excited— “Kssssh!” Applejack abruptly hissed. “What?” Rarity cried, quickly withdrawing her hand. “Did I hurt you?” “Yer... Yer nails...” “Oh, of course,” she said, looking down. “Oh dear, how silly of me! I'm terribly sorry!” “It's fine, just... be a bit more careful?” Rarity smiled. “I suppose it's a consequence of sharing our first lesbian encounters with each other.” she brought a hand up to Applejack's face. “I'm sure we can figure out—” Suddenly, the door was kicked in. “Orgy tiiiiiiiime!” they heard, before a skin-colored blur flew at the bed, crashing straight into them with a scream. “What the hell?” Applejack cried with Rarity and the other person mashed into her in ways that weren't quite as sexy as before. She couldn't tell what was going on in the dim light. “Pinkie? What are you—Applejack? Rarity?” “Twilight?” they both asked. “Pinkie!” said another voice from the doorway. “Rainbow?” “Twilight?” “Fluttershy?” “Rarity!” “Rainbow!” “Applejack!” “Pinkie...” “Spike!” “WHAT?” “Just kidding!” Pinkie said. “No Spike!” There were a few moments of silence as everyone tried to unravel what had just happened. As far as Applejack could tell, Twilight was sprawled on top of her and Rarity, naked, while Pinkie Pie bounced in place just in front of the bed, and peeking from behind the open doorway were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. First things first. Applejack grabbed ahold of Twilight's body and pushed her upright and away from her and Rarity. “Pinkie,” she started. “Did you just throw Twilight at us?” “Yepperoni!” “Alright... Why?” “Because Dashie heard some noises from your room so she went to check it out and when she did she pulled me and Fluttershy in to watch too but then I thought about how much fun our orgies were and how it would've been even funner if you were in them but you were both pretty much straight so I couldn't invite you but since you were kissing and groping and all that I realized you weren't straight anymore which meant you could join our orgies and I was so excited that I didn't want to wait so I went to borrow Twilight from the Princess and bring her here so now all six of us best friends are here so we can have an awesome orgy and it'll be super special because it'll really be the best night ever!” There was another moment of silence. “You borrowed Twilight from the Princess?” Rarity asked slowly. “Yuppy doodles!” Rarity turned to the girl in question. “That... seems to be what happened,” Twilight mumbled, still in a daze. Her face was wet with something. “Were you in the middle of...?” “Um...” 2 minutes, 7 seconds ago “Twilight...” Princess Celestia sighed, leaning back on a mountain of pillows, her flowing hair shining in the flickering light of a few well-placed candles. Twilight Sparkle gave no reply, lying in between the Princess's legs, her face buried dutifully in her royal snatch. Celestia lowered a hand to her pupil's head, both stroking her hair and pushing her in deeper between her thighs. On either side of her grand bed were three guards, completely naked except for helmets covering their heads, showing off their muscled physiques and proud, hard erections. They stood raptly at attention with their hands at their sides. The Princess though, ignored them, focusing solely on her student's ministrations. She was getting close, but neither her face, nor her breath, nor her grip on Twilight's head betrayed this fact. Even so, Twilight's service sped up, treating her with faster and forceful licks and nibbles. Twilight then latched her lips onto Celestia's clit and bit down. Celestia only let out a long groan, her back arching ever-so-slightly, before relaxing and letting go of her student. Twilight got up onto her arms and began crawling up the Princess's body, dragging her tongue along the entire way. She'd just reached the underside of her right boob when a pink blur suddenly entered the room. “Sorryprincessigottataketwilightitsasexyemergencyweneedherreallybadokaythanksbye!” And then it was gone along with Twilight. Princess Celestia blinked owlishly at the empty air for a few seconds. Her guards weren't much better, all of them frozen in various states between standing ramrod and about to tackle an intruder. Not that she blamed them for being surprised. Her chambers should've been choked in wards and locks both magical and mundane. Then again, from what she'd heard and experienced of Pinkie's antics, this was normal for her. “Well,” Celestia finally declared several seconds later. “You heard her. It's a sexy emergency. However,” she raised her hands and made “come hither” motions with both. “She's just created another sexy emergency right here.” The guards exchanged looks, shrugged, got onto the bed, kneeling around the Princess, and began to jack off over her amazonian body. Celestia hummed in pleasure. Even though she had been deprived of a night with her faithful student, she could still indulge in some pleasure. Thought maybe she ought to send some sort of okay to Twilight. The poor girl was probably worrying herself silly right now. “Oh stars, oh stars, oh stars...” Twilight muttered, pacing back and forth in the now-fully lit room. “I can't believe you, Pinkie! You interrupted the Princess's intercourse!” “Intercourse?” Rainbow repeated, her eyes tracking her nude friend across the room. “And here I thought you knew big girl words, Twi,” she sighed. “Well, it's just...” she sputtered. “Even though I know the Princess is into a lot of activities, it feels wrong to use those kinds of words in relation to her!” She dug her fingers into her now-unkempt hair. “Ughh, this is bad! Pinkie! You have to hide!” “What? Why?” she said from her position lying belly-down on the bed. “Did you not see the guards?” she cried. “They're probably giving chase right now to arrest you for kidnapping me!” She paused. “Actually, I'm surprised they're not banging at the door right now.” All the girls turned to the still-open door. Fluttershy, the closest, quickly pushed it shut. “Well, I guess they'd have to get dressed first?” Twilight mused. “I'm not sure if there's a protocol in place for responding to kidnappings in the middle of... sex... with the Princess.” “...Hot.” “Shut up!” she snapped at Rainbow Dash. “Seriously, Pinkie! This is no time to lie around! We have to—!” Tap tap They turned to the window, blinking at what they saw. “Philomena?” Fluttershy asked, dashing over to the window. As soon as she unlatched it, the phoenix hovering outside swooped into the room, headed straight for Twilight. She backed up with a squeak just as Philomena rose up in front of her, brushing against her body, and dropped a small, brown object that Twilight barely caught. The phoenix flapped a couple laps around the room, cooing oddly, before she zoomed out the window just as suddenly as she appeared. There was another silence. “Why do I feel like that bird just ogled us?” Rarity asked, clutching Applejack's hat more tightly against her body. “Probably 'cuz it copped a feel on Twilight.” “Rainbow!” Fluttershy squealed. “Hey, that was totally what it was doing,” she said. “She wouldn't do such a thing!” she protested. “No, Rainbow's right. That definitely felt like the avian equivalent of slapping my ass,” Twilight muttered, looking down at herself. “In retrospect, I suddenly realize why she spent so much time in your cleavage.” “What? No! There's no way—! Not like that! She just liked it there because it... it was nice and warm! Because she was sick!” “Uh huh. I'm sure.” “...Hot,” Pinkie said. Suddenly, she burst into laughter. “Hah hah hah! Get it? 'Hot'! Because she's a phoenix! Hah hah hah haaaa!” “So, what did she give you?” Applejack asked Twilight over Pinkie's laughter, still crossing her arms over her chest. Twilight turned the brown box-like object in her hands, reading a sticky note on the side. She paused for a moment, and then looked up, blushing. “It's a camera,” she said. “Princess Celestia wants a video.” “A video of what?” “Duh!” Pinkie said, springing to her feet. “The totally super-awesome orgy we're going to have, of course!” “Uh, Pinkie,” Twilight said. “You might not want to get so hasty, there.” “Huh? Why?” “Look, just because Applejack and Rarity were screwing doesn't mean they want to have an orgy with all of us.” She turned to the two girls in question. “Look, we'll leave you two alone. We'll go... into another room, I guess?” “Booo.” “Shut up, Dash.” “Actually,” Rarity said, straightening up. “I find that I'm quite open to the idea.” “What?” Applejack asked, whipper her head towards her. “I'm afraid Applejack and I lack experience in this... arrangement,” she explained. She set the stetson aside, revealing her perky breasts to the room, and slid a hand down Applejack's back. “Besides, Pinkie is quite correct—this is already a special night. I see no reason to pass the chance to make it even more memorable. Don't you agree?” Applejack looked back at her for a few seconds. Suddenly, she jumped, her arms springing away from her chest. “I thought you weren't into that!” she squawked. “After that reaction,” Rarity murred, “I just might change my mind.” She brought her other hand up to Applejack's now-exposed breasts. “So...” Pinkie said, grinning. “Orgy?” Applejack let out a gasp as Rarity grasped a nipple between her fingers. She glanced up, seeing the poorly-hidden hope in Twilight and Fluttershy's faces, and the not-at-all-hidden lust evident on Rainbow's. “Alright, fine. Orgy.” She leaned back, pushing herself onto Rarity's other hand. “'Sides, the Princess's expectin' a show. I'd hate ta disappoint.” “Awesome!” Suddenly, Applejack felt the bed depress on the side opposite of Rarity and two more hands groping at her boobs. “You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this!” Rainbow grinned, having flung off her own underwear in under a second. “Yay!” Pinkie cheered. “Orgy time!” Fluttershy squeaked as she was yanked onto the bed, disappearing under a flurry of clothing. Meanwhile, Rarity felt Twilight get onto the bed behind her, and stretched herself out expectantly. Twilight didn't disappoint, her hands wasting no time in tracing along her sides, over her belly, and down into her diamond-patterned panties. “Wow,” she said, breathing into Rarity's ear. “You're really excited, aren't you?” Rarity turned her head, but her words were smothered when Twilight immediately claimed her lips. She moaned into the kiss, Twilight's expert fingers giving her other lips teasing strokes. Belatedly, Rarity realized Twilight must've still had Celestia's flavor on her. Their tongues began to swirl around each other, and Rarity removed her hand from Applejack's breast to tend to her own. When they eventually parted, Rarity quickly asked, “Darling, the camera, where...?” Twilight just gestured to the air. Rarity could see the camera floating with a magenta aura above them, tilted down with a good view of the entire bed. Suddenly, Twilight was upon her again, her lips clamping down on crook of her neck. Rarity gasped, melting into the sensation. She'd read of this act in countless cheap romance novels, but she'd never been with a man who gave her the pleasure of feeling it herself. It was unbelievable how sensitive she was there. One of Twilight's hands withdrew from from her panties. Rarity cracked open an eye to watch her moist fingers travel over to where Applejack and Rainbow were kissing. Twilight prodded their cheeks, catching their attention, before shoving her fingers between their lips. After a moment, Applejack latched on to Twilight's index finger, sucking intently, while Rainbow lavished her other digit with her swirling tongue. Rarity felt herself clench, seeing her friends accept her juices so enthusiastically. Only seconds later, Twilight shifted so that she was directly behind Rarity, her legs surrounding hers. She plucked her fingers from the other girls' mouths and gestured to the ground in front of Rarity when they opened their eyes. Rainbow caught on right away and lead Applejack off the bed and Rarity's finger, onto her knees, just as Twilight hooked her fingers under the band and pulled, forcing Rarity's legs up with her panties. Applejack's face flushed, the pose exposing Rarity's slit and the well-maintained diamond of hair over it. “Ooh, fancy,” Rainbow grinned, before the panties were suddenly dropped over her face. She pulled it off to see Twilight grinning down at her as she spread out Rarity's legs, granting them an even better view. Rarity set leaned back on her hands for balance as Twilight held onto her legs. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. One of her closest friends had her naked body pressed against hers and was completely exposing her to two more of her closest friends, who were ogling her like a prize-winning dish. And to think, that evening, she'd been fantasizing about being taken by Blueblood. The first to act was Rainbow, leaning forward to lap her tongue over her entire slit in one slow, teasing motion. She gasped, and then gasped again as Rainbow repeated her movement. She leaned her head back against Twilight's shoulder, moaning into the air. There was a pause in the licking, then it started again, but this time, tongue was noticeably hesitant. Rarity glanced down and locked eyes with Applejack, who was just pulling away with her tongue out. They were frozen in each others' eyes for a few moments, until Rainbow shoved Applejack's face back in. Rarity returned to moaning wordlessly into the air. This went on for what felt like an hour to Rarity—Rainbow Dash demonstrating a tongue technique, and then Applejack trying to imitate it. Some were simple flicks of her clit, and some were more complex, involving teeth, lips, and tongue in ways that made Rarity's toes clench, that Rainbow had to repeat multiple times before Applejack figured it out. At some point during all of this, Twilight had released Rarity's legs, only to lock them in place with her own legs, and occupied her hands by running them all over Rarity's round breasts. Rarity, in all of this burning pleasure, could only blabber out approval and accolades incoherently. Eventually, Rainbow decided she had enough of teaching and rammed her head next to Applejack's. The cowgirl began to pull back, but Rainbow held her in place, giving her a wink as her mouth joined hers. Catching on, Applejack's eyes narrowed, and her tongue began to wrestle with Rainbow's for control of Rarity's drooling pussy. “Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” Rarity cried out, her babbling devolving even further. She had just enough presence of mind to realize she was being fought over, and that fact alone doubled the heat she was already feeling from twice the service. “Ooh, she's close,” Twilight said, pinching her nipples. She looked down at the heads struggling against each other. “Rainbow. Applejack.” Their eyes turned up to her. “You like competition, don't you? How about this: whoever can deliver more of her girlcum to me gets a special prize.” She stuck her tongue out, making sure there was no doubt as to what she meant by “deliver.” They looked up at her for a few seconds, and then lightning formed between rose and green eyes. They began fighting to eat out Rarity with even more intensity, digging for both her pleasure and her seeping wetness. Rainbow had more experience and dexterity, but Applejack made up for it with brute force and tenacity, both of which Twilight could tell were driving Rarity mad. She brought the camera closer. She felt another shudder pass through Rarity's entire body. She smiled and began a mental countdown. 3... 2... 1... “WAHAAAAAAUUGGHHHHHHH!!!” Rarity screamed, her legs and arms beginning to thrash wildly. Twilight, stunned by the intensity of her orgasm, immediately summoned magic shackles, holding her limbs in place. Applejack and Rainbow, meanwhile, were in one last shove-a-war to catch her gushing juices. Applejack was closer at first, but Rainbow qucikly reached up and squeezed her left breast hard. When Applejack gasped, Rainbow took the opportunity to knock her away and gather the rest of Rarity's cum for herself. Applejack, now on her ass, growled, but didn't speak, not wanting to lose the (so salty but so delicious) liquid she'd already gathered. She scrambled back up and forced Rainbow back again, but realized that by now, Rarity's gushing had slowed to a trickle. Rainbow, meanwhile, was already standing up to reach Twilight. Applejack, thinking quickly, stuck two fingers of her left hand out and rammed them straight into Rainbow's dripping pussy. Rainbow tried to gasp, but instead doubled over coughing, spilling her mouthful. Applejack then jumped to her feet, grabbed onto Twilight's face over the now slack Rarity's shoulder, and forced their lips together. Twilight hummed, happily accepting the juices. “Hey!” Rainbow cried, wiping her mouth. “No fair!” When Applejack pulled away from Twilight, having finished her delivery, Rainbow took her place, shoving what little liquid she'd retained into Twilight's mouth. “Mmmm,” Twilight hummed when she was done. “Delicious. Sorry, Rainbow, but Applejack definitely won that one.” “Oh, come on! She cheated!” “Only 'cause you cheated first,” Applejack smirked, crossing her arms smugly. “Well, I only said you had to give me Rarity's cum,” Twilight said. “I never declared any other rules, so technically, neither of you cheated.” “Hah!” “Psh!” “Now, Applejack, for your prize...” “My what?” she asked. “Oh, right. That.” Twilight just gave her a half-smile. Carefully, she set Rarity down on her back. The fashionista, still overwhelmed, just stared blankly at the ceiling, twitching occasionally. “Pinkie,” Twilight said. “Hm?” Pinkie looked up from the blankets her head was buried in. A pair of yellow wings fluttered behind her. “Can you come over for second?” “Okay!” she said, getting up on her arms. “Sorry, Fluttershy, gotta go!” Fluttershy's head popped up from behind her bubbly rear as she crawled over to Twilight. “Alright,” Twilight said as Pinkie approached her. “Now, stick out your tongue.” “Like thith?” she asked, doing so. Then Twilight grabbed a hold of it. “Mmph?” “Uh, what's going on?” Applejack asked. “New spell,” she explained, her other hand glowing. “I had an idea after seeing Pinkie eat an entire cake at once a while back, but it took me a while to find the right spell. But now...” She snapped her fingers, and the glow vanished. “...Ehhh,” Pinkie mumbled, her tongue still in Twilight's grip. “What was that supposed to do?” Rainbow asked. “This.” Suddenly, she yanked Pinkie's tongue out, stretching it to nearly her full arm-span. Four jaws dropped. “What in Tartarus?” “Hoa! Tha's so cooh!” Pinkie shouted, her meter-long tongue waggling. Twilight released her grip, and Pinkie's tongue snapped back into her mouth like a roll of measuring tape. “Uh,” Applejack started, watching Pinkie playing around with her new taffy tongue, spinning it above her like a helicopter blade. “I don't reckon' this is my prize?” “It is,” Twilight said, crossing her arms with a serene look. “Pinkie—MMPH!” Then Pinkie ruined it by shooting her tongue into Twilight's mouth. There was a moment as Twilight struggled against the intruder clearly thrashing around in her mouth. Applejack swore she heard an odd squeak from Fluttershy, but was too absorbed in the bizarre sight to pay her any attention. Finally, Twilight managed to spit out the tongue, sending back to its owner. “Pinkie, what the hell was that?” she cried. A strand of hair sprung out of place. “Long-range make out!” she replied, making victory signs with her hands. “And Fluttershy, what was that noise about?” she cried, whipping her head towards the other pink-haired girl. “Oh, I uh...” she muttered, shrinking into the blanket. “I just thought Pinkie's tongue made me think of... um... tentacles?” “Tentacles?” Rainbow said. “Okay, milking, bondage, subbing, the horse-cock...” “The horse-what?” “...Self-choking...” “Autoerotic asph—“ “Shut up! Self-choking, and now tentacles? Is there anything you aren't into?” she cried. “Um... watersports?” Twilight slapped her hands over her face. “For fuck's sake, girls, we're making a video! For the Princess! Can't you at least try to be sexy?” “Sugercube, you turned Pinkie part-frog,” Applejack deadpanned. “If that was supposed ta be sexy, I reckon' I'm gonna hafta step out 'til Rarity wakes up. Twilight let out a deep sigh. “Pinkie,” she said, her face still buried in her hands. “Yes?” She flicked one hand out, and Applejack felt her apple-patterned boy shorts suddenly slide down her thighs. “Sic 'em.” Applejack was suddenly bowled over before she could process what was going on. “Wait, what are y'all—Ah!” she cried, feeling Pinkie's tongue snake into her snatch, and it kept going, and going, and— “Whoa, nelly,” she gasped, collapsing onto her back. Rainbow looked down at the two girls writhing on the blankets. “Oh, so that's where you were going with that. Huh.” She scratched her head. “Yeah, I guess that is kind of hot.” This wasn't the experience Applejack had been expecting when Rarity had... persuaded her into accepting the orgy. That whole deal with Rarity's pussy and fighting with Rainbow over it, that had been pretty much what she'd been hoping for, but writhing like a rattlesnake while Pinkie was latched onto her muff like a rattlesnake, stuffing a... rattlesnake-like tongue down it? Not so much. Not that it didn't feel amazing. Pinkie's tongue was reaching corners of her pussy she didn't think would ever be touched again, by cock or tongue or otherwise, and it kept shifting and doubling on itself, constantly creating folds that stretched and stimulated her inner walls. It was like getting fucked with a cock, she thought, stifling her gasps behind her sealed lips. A cock with a rougher texture, that could rotate and thrust with different parts independently, and okay, it wasn't really like a cock at all. She was just having trouble rationalizing Pinkie Pie literally fucking her with her tongue. Suddenly, something stroked her knob, causing a loud gasp to escape her lips. She looked down, but couldn't see anything through Pinkie's lips sealed over hers. It happened again, and Applejack reflexively clenched her thighs tighter around Pinkie's head. Focusing, she could feel another sensation near her opening. At some point, Pinkie's tongue had turned around completely. A lot of tongue was still stuffed in her depths, but now she could feel the tip of Pinkie's tongue sliding back out, where it was flicking her clit. Just like it did right then. She gasped again, throwing her hands onto Pinkie's head, pushing her in harder. The treatment may have been mighty unusual, but then again, she hadn't gone into a lesbian orgy for a usual experience. Might as well enjoy it. She stopped trying to restrain her pleasure and started moaning into the air freely. A minute went by. Applejack clutched onto her friend's hair more tightly while she swirled the length of her tongue inside her more rapidly. She still couldn't see a thing, but she was pretty sure Pinkie was wrapping up her engorged knob in a cocoon of tongue. Applejack was close, her chest heaving, her hands sweaty, and her pussy burning. Whatever Pinkie did next, it would be sure to finish her. Suddenly, all movement stopped. Applejack looked down at Pinkie, seeing her blue eyes twinkle back mischievously. She stared in disbelief for a few seconds. “Pinkie...” she growled. Pinkie didn't even allow her the vibrations of her giggling, instead only laughing with her eyes. Applejack narrowed her eyes in response. Each second, she could feel her high slipping away. “Oh, fuck this,” she snarled. Her legs suddenly wrapped themselves around Pinkie's head, locking her in place. Pinkie didn't even have time to blink before Applejack threw her hips up, throwing Pinkie's entire body into the air. When Pinkie came back down, she landed heavily on Applejack's body. Her lips and tongue were still firmly sealed to Applejack's muff, but she was facing the other way, with Applejack's breasts pushing into her belly, and her face... “Gotcha.” Applejack suddenly shoved her tongue into Pinkie's puffy pussy, still wet from Fluttershy's unfinished work. Her strong hands were now gripping her bubbly asscheeks instead of her head, but Applejack still had that clutched between her massive thighs, toned from years of farm work. Pinkie couldn't help herself. She squealed into Applejack's pussy, sending vibrations down the entire length of her tongue—down, twisting throughout Applejack's depths, and back out around her engorged clit. Applejack's yell was likewise muffled inside Pinkie, finally receiving her denied release. Every inch of her pussy was on fire, squeezing down on the intrusion, trying to milk it dry. Her knob was burning, being so close to the source of the vibrations. She could feel Pinkie drinking from her. Then she noticed Pinkie clenching around her tongue. Pinkie hadn't realized, but the kinkiness of what she had been doing to Applejack had gotten to her. Her own lower lips, already slick with Fluttershy's saliva, had been dripping long before Applejack had gotten to them. Now, with Applejack clutching on her tongue and crying into her pussy, Pinkie could only respond with her own screaming orgasm. Their bodies created a loop with each girl's screams and squeals throwing fuel into the fires of the others' orgasm, pulling more out of them. This went on for what felt like half an hour before they ran out of breath. Applejack's legs relaxed, letting Pinkie roll off her body onto her own back. The two girls just lay there for a while, panting deeply, Pinkie's tongue still inside Applejack's snatch. “Uh, Pinkie?” Applejack finally said. “Yeth?” “Can you pull out?” “Uh, yeah, haag oth,” she replied, getting on her arms and knees. She crawled closer to Applejack, got a grip on her tongue, and tugged. “Nngh!” Applejack gasped. “Uh, try harder?” Pinkie pulled her head back, her tongue stretching out comically. “I amph tying hadah!” she squealed, yanking on her tongue with both hands. Applejack gasped more loudly. “Pinkie,” she muttered, “somethin's coming out—Whoa nelly!“ THWACK Suddenly, a thick wad of tongue shot out from Applejack's lips and smacked right into Pinkie's face, knocking her onto her back. “Pinkie!” she cried, rushing to her side. “Thid yu geth the umbah oph tha cawath?” she mumbled dazedly, her tongue in a heap beside her head. Applejack looked down at the situation, scrunching together her eyebrows. She prodded the wad of tongue with a finger. It was definitely knotted up something fierce, but her expertise with knots only extended to ropes, and she doubted she could safely treat Pinkie's tongue like she would a rope. That, and... she couldn't bring herself to handle a yard-long tongue for too long. So there was only one solution left. “Twilight?” she called, looking over. She blinked. Fluttershy's meager bust seemed to have—scratch that—her entire meager body seemed to have inflated to amazonian proportions. Furthermore, Twilight and Rainbow Dash were latched onto her nipples, seemingly drinking from them. Twilight let an engorged nipple pop free of her lips. “What is it?” she asked, wiping the milk from her chin. Applejack blinked again for good measure. “Uh,” she muttered, wondering what she could say. She eventually settled on lifting the tangle of tongue up into Twilight's view, pinched between her fingers. “What's going on?” Rainbow asked, pulling away from Fluttershy's other nipple. She stared for two seconds, then burst out laughing, rolling onto her back. “Oh, dear,” Fluttershy giggled between her fingers. Twilight smothered her own laughter in her hand. “I suppose I should've seen that coming,” she said. She snapped her fingers. Suddenly, Pinkie's tongue began to shrink, the tip rapidly racing backwards into the tangle, which fell apart as more of it vanished. Eventually, the last of Pinkie's tongue shot back into her mouth with a snap, shocking her back into wakefulness. “Whoa! What happened?” she asked, springing straight up. “Where's my tongue?” “Back where it belongs,” Applejack sighed, leaning back on her arms. “Awwww, why? It was fun, wasn't it?” She smacked her lips. “Wow! That really tastes like apples!” Applejack shrugged. “It was fun, but...” She blinked. Wasn't Rarity supposed to be lying right there? Suddenly, a hand grabbed onto her shoulder and yanked backwards. She was dimly aware of Rainbow yelping as well when she was whirled around to face Rarity, who was was staring her and Rainbow down with a manic smile. “Umm, hey,” Rainbow grinned weakly from her other hand. “Do me.” “...What?” “You two,” she growled, “you brutes, you base savages, you absolute beasts, have given me the most glorious, the most breath-taking, the most mind-shatteringly amazing orgasm of my life!” She pulled them into her face. “Do it again!” Rainbow's eyes flicked between Rarity's to Applejack's. “Uh,” she mumbled. “We'd love to, but we... um...” “I don't think so,” Applejack snapped, easily prying Rarity's grip from her shoulder with her own hand. The fire in Rarity's eyes suddenly went out in smoke. “Wha—Aaughh!” she screeched as Applejack grabbed hold of her and threw her down on the bed. “'Way I see it,” Applejack told her, straddling her waist, “we've gone licked yah senseless, so now, you owe us a lickin'.” Rarity gaped up at her for a second, before her face split into a desperate smile. “Oh yes!” she cried, writhing underneath the cowgirl. “I have been so selfish! Please, Darlings, forgive me, and allow me to properly repay you for your...” She licked her lips. “...Generosity...” “Rainbow,” Applejack commanded, not looking up. “You first.” Rainbow hurried to wipe away the drool practically pouring from her dropped jaw. Immediately, she straddled Rarity's head, facing Applejack. “Ready, Rares?” she asked, shaking drops of her wetness onto her face. Rarity, instead of answering, wrapped her arms around Rainbow's thighs and pulled her down, getting a yell of shock and pleasure as she plunged her tongue into her depths. She moaned into Rainbow's folds, falling in love with the taste of her juices and her sweat. Her hands busied themselves clutching at Rainbow's toned ass and thighs. Where Applejack was thick and pleasantly firm all over, Rainbow was thin, wiry, and hard, but contained just as much strength. She could see Rainbow's puckered asshole near her nose as she mashed her asscheeks, but she couldn't bring herself to care. Eventually, Rainbow regained her senses. “Hey!” she shouted, suddenly clenching her thighs around Rarity's head. She squeezed an eep out of her. “Who told you you could start?” She turned her upper body around so she could look Rarity in the eye, grinning when she flinched at her gaze. “Yeah, that's what I thought! Now you can start! And do it properly!” Rarity immediately began wriggling her tongue again. “Oh yeah,” Rainbow sighed. “I'm in charge, here, and don't you forget it!” “Oh really, now?” Applejack smirked, looking up from manhandling Rarity's breasts. “Yeah, really,” Rainbow grinned at her, sweat rolling down her face from Rarity's service. “Ah don't rightly know,” Applejack said deliberately, scooting up Rarity's body closer to Rainbow. “Who was it shakin' in her boots a minute ago?” “I'm not wearing any boots, and even if I did, that'd be a lie!” she growled. “I'm not afraid of anything!” Applejack's body pressed against hers. She was tall enough that she had to curve against Rainbow's body to get face-to-face. “Then show me who's boss,” she said, before diving at her lips. Rarity, meanwhile, felt Applejack's puffy slit joining Rainbow's in licking range. She slid her tongue away from Rainbow and over to Applejack, her earthy musk making her squeal in pleasure. Feeling Rarity's tongue leave her, she snarled into her kiss. They parted long enough for her to growl, “oh no you didn't,” before they crashed back together. Her hips ground against Applejack's, fighting for Rarity's attention. She just felt Applejack chuckle into their kiss, stoking Rainbow's competitive spirit. After a while, Rainbow noticed a severe disadvantage: Applejack's massive breasts, while not on the scale of Pinkie's hooters, still dwarfed hers entirely. Her size had never bothered her much—they made her sleek and aerodynamic, and she could laugh at the back pains larger girls suffered. But right now, as she struggled against Applejack's large frame, she wanted more. She pulled away from Applejack's lips again. “Hey Twilight!” she called. “Make my boobs bigger!” Before she could hear Twilight's reply, Applejack suddenly shoved her off of Rarity onto her back. “Hey!” “Now why would you go askin' fer somethin' like that?” Applejack asked, crawling onto her body. “What?” Rainbow growled. “Scared you'll lose your biggest edge?” “Hardly,” Applejack chortled, her hand suddenly clutching her right A-cup boob. Rainbow gasped. “I just don't want to lose my chance to play with these lovely lil' things.” “What?” Rainbow cried. “She's right.” Rainbow looked over to her other side to see Rarity approaching. “It'd be such a shame to let your lovely figure go to waste,” she said, stroking the left side of her chest.” “You... like them small?” she asked uncertainly. “I consider myself a connoisseur of all sizes, Darling,” Rarity said before leaning down to plant a kiss on her breast. “Wait,” she gasped out, “I thought you were straight until now.” Rarity giggled. “That doesn't mean I cannot appreciate them.” She started planting more kisses around her chest. “It's not somethin' I thought much about before,” Applejack said, rolling her nipple between her fingers. “But right now, they're the sexiest, cutest darn things I've ever seen.” “I'm not cute,” Rainbow pouted, unable to hide her blush. “'I don't know,” Applejack said, before suddenly thrusting a finger into Rainbow's snatch. She squeaked loudly. “That sounded pretty cute to me.” Before Rainbow could respond, another set of fingers drove another squeak out of her. “Just sit back and relax, Darling,” Rarity said, stroking her fingers along Rainbow's outer lips, taking caution with her nails. She leaned into Rainbow's chest and popped her nipple into her mouth, just as Applejack did the same on the other side as well as add a second finger. After struggling to speak past her gasps for a few moments, Rainbow gave up, instead collapsing onto the bed. She couldn't do anything but pant and occasionally squeak as they both tended to her long-neglected chest and her dripping pussy. It wasn't long before Rainbow felt her climax approaching, despite their inexperience at pleasuring girls that weren't themselves. She hadn't cum at all since the orgy started, and most of the work was already done. At least, that was the excuse she was going to use if asked. They both felt her pussy clench, and doubled their efforts: Applejack shoved in a third finger and pumped harder, while Rarity dug for her clit and squeezed. Rainbow let out a shuddering sigh as she soaked their fingers, and slumped. Applejack and Rarity released her swollen nipples and exchanged fingers above her, sucking her juices off the others' fingers. Suddenly, Dash sprang straight up.”Alright, you two!” she shouted, a confident grin on her face. “Your turn!” “Huh? What are you—waaugh!” Rainbow didn't let Applejack finish, as in a flurry of activity, she pushed both her and Rarity upright, facing each other, and started rearranging their legs. “Rainbow, what do you think you're—?” “You'll thank me soon,” Rainbow told Rarity, grabbing both of them by the ass and shoving them together. They both gasped as their groins slammed into each others'. “Whoa nelly,” Applejack breathed. “This is scissorin'?” “Oh, Darling!” Rarity squealed, clutching at Applejack's right leg up near her left shoulder. “It feels wonderful!” “No kiddin'.” Applejack shifted, grinding them against each other, drawling loud moans from both of them. Rarity wrapped her legs around Applejack's waist, locking them together. Neither of them could believe how hot the other felt on them, how much pleasure they could both get from one touch. They quickly worked themselves into a steady rhythm, their wet folds sliding against one another. Suddenly, someone was leaning on Applejack's back. “Are you three just going to hog each other all night?” Twilight asked into her ear. “I hope not!” Pinkie said, popping up behind the smug Rainbow. “Then the orgy would be just two threesomes! Which would still be pretty hot, but not as hot as a six-girl orgy!” “Rarity,” Fluttershy said softly, rubbing her leaking boobs over her back. “I want to make you feel good too.” As extra hands and skin began massaging their bodies, Applejack and Rarity ground even harder against each other, both rocketing up to their second climaxes. Sparks flew as they both exploded into each other, and they collapsed backwards into the arms of the girls behind them. Over an hour later, the sky was getting lighter. The girls were all eating each other out in one big daisy chain that barely fit on the bed. Applejack ate out Twilight ate out Rainbow ate out Pinkie ate out Rarity ate out Fluttershy ate out Applejack. Twilight had cast one last spell to ensure that they all came at the same time. Moans filled the air as the heat built up. A ray of light shone in through the window. They tensed and squealed into each other at once. Slowly, they dragged each other away from the edges of the bed and collapsed into a tangle of limbs in the middle. “I feel sorry for whoever's cleaning up,” Fluttershy muttered. The rest of them giggled before exhaustion overtook them. Twilight reached out with her hand, calling back the camera. As it floated into her hands, she hit a button and dropped it to the side, before curling into Rarity's tits. Princess Celestia lowered her arms, having finished raising the sun for the morning. Her long, trailing robe was open in the front, but covered everything important. She walked back into her room from her balcony, swinging the glass doors shut with her magic. She sat on her bed, and quickly reached under her robe and curled her fingers into her slit. That camera didn't just record a video—she'd also linked it to her eyesight, and damn that was hot. She clenched around her fingers with a sigh, and then withdrew it to her mouth, licking her juices off herself. That video was definitely going into her favorites. “SISTER! THOU DID NOT INFORM US OF HOW EXCITING THE GALA HAS BECOME IN THE TIME THAT WE HAVE BEEN ABSENT!” Celestia nearly bit her finger off. “So... Twilight?” “Hm?” “How did you know Rarity was a squirter?” “What do you mean, Rainbow?” “Last night, you challenged Applejack and I—“ “Actually, 'me' is appropriate in that case.“ “What? How does that—? Nevermind. How'd you know there'd be enough to compete over?” “That, Darling, is a good question. How did you know?” “Um... Applejack, can you please pass me those pancakes?” “Twilight!” “It was an accident! I swear!” “Oh my...” “What's a squirter?” Spike asked. > Growing Pains > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: Solo Sp, TSxSp, human-dragon relations, hemipenes, young teen, pseudo-incest, panty-snatching, questionable use of Want-It-Need-It spell, cum fetish, mentioned voyeurism “Spike?” Twilight called, knocking on the wooden door of his room. “Are you in there?” She waited for a few seconds, but heard nothing. Spike would've at least answered if he was there, whether or not he was busy, which begged the question of where he was. All of his chores on today's list were checked off, and she would've noticed if he'd left. Shrugging, she pushed the door open, leaving her folded bedsheets to float in the hallway of the tree-library. She took a moment to take in the inside of Spike's room. As usual, it smelled of charcoal and musk, or growing dragon, though she noticed the smell was getting stronger. It was also dark. The thick curtains over the windows smothered out the afternoon sun. Twilight sighed. She knew Spike would come out of this “dark” mood quickly, just like the last five times. Hopefully. In the meantime, the lack of sunlight couldn't be good for him. There was the typical scattering of rock band posters—or punk. Or techno. Or grunge. She didn't exactly keep track—and his Rarity shrine around the small, white-painted cabinet in one corner, complete with a mirror, photos, candles, and everything else a young, unhealthily obsessed lover needed. That got another sigh out of her. Finally, she went to his bed, lifting the curtain so she could examine his blankets and sheets. She sighed once more. More shed scales. At this rate, shaking out his sheets would have to be upgraded from a bi-weekly chore to an every-other-day one. As she bundled them up, she took a sniff, before screwing up her face. Maybe she should upgrade washing them as well. That would be a pain. Since Spike's scales were considerably rougher than human skin, his bed and wardrobe needed tough, thick fabrics to compensate. She pulled them up with her magic and went out the door, gathering her own ones on the way. As she approached the laundry room, she paused. There was another noise, one that was becoming increasingly common in the library. The combination of moans and a rapid slicking. She lifted a hand to her forehead, groaning quietly. Stupid dragon hormones. Ever since the events following Spike's birthday a couple of weeks ago, taking care of the growing dragon had become not just several times more tiresome, but several times more awkward. It wasn't as if he had never masturbated before; she'd given him the Talk, adapted for dragons, a few years ago, the open-minded young woman she was. Now, it was like the first time he'd discovered it all over again, going at it at least six times a day, except this time, two weeks had passed and it was still happening. She slammed the door open, flooding the dark room with light from the hallway. “Spike,” she growled, “you have a room! Use it!” Spike jumped, caught like a deer in a flashlight. “Twilight! I— Ahh! Oh...” Oh geez, he was cumming. The shock made him cum. She moved to facepalm, but froze. It wasn't very clear in dark room, even with the harsh light shining in, but she could see well enough. He had his jeans down and a claw wrapped around both his short hemipenes, but that wasn't what shocked her. What shocked her was actually two things: Spike was holding a wadded hot pink thong (she had worn it visiting Applejack yesterday) near his face, and also wrapped around his twin shafts was a pair of violet, lacy panties (Pinkie Pie had dragged them off with her teeth Wednesday), now soaked in dragon cum. The two of them were frozen in place, staring at each other. A small wad of cum dripped onto the tiled floor. Twilight wordlessly shut the door. She turned on the spot, ignoring the dropped heap of blankets and sheets, and walked a few steps away before vanishing in a burst of light. A few seconds later, a magenta aura slammed her bedroom door shut. Spike was screwed. So very screwed. Like, so screwed, he could probably replace every screw needed in any of Ponyville's construction projects for the next few months. Even more screwed than that time he sneezed on some thousand-year-old first-edition tome. There were no words for how screwed Spike was. He just wished Twilight would stop stalling and screw him already! No, wait, that come out wrong. That came out entirely wrong. There was no way Twilight was going to screw him. Especially not now. Heck, not even before! There was no chance of it! There never was!Twilight was screw-free! Not that he was thinking about screwing Twilight! Especially not considering that thinking about screwing Twilight was why he was so screwed in the first place! So very screwed. Okay, “screwed” was starting to not sound like a word anymore. Spike groaned, rolling over on his bed, pulling a bunch of blankets with him. It had been two days since Twilight had caught him in the laundry room. Two whole days! Well, a bit less than two days, it was morning now, but still! What was taking Twilight's punishment so long? He'd expected her to at least yell at him, calling him a disgusting, sick little beast like he was. Or worse, tell him how Disappointed she was in him. But no, the few brief interactions they'd had since the incident, like during mealtimes, she was cordial, if curt, to him. He couldn't tell what she was thinking, though he hadn't exactly tried to watch her. He kept his eyes to the ground around her, staying on his best behavior, like a good gentledrake. The few times he glanced at her, she was staring back at him pensively, and he quickly redirected his gaze. No reason to give her anything else to punish him for. He was being a good dragon. He hadn't even touched himself! He groaned more loudly, shoving his pillow over his face. That part was painful. Way too painful. He swore, he was going to just pop soon. Like a boiling kettle shooting steam, he was going to... yeah, and he didn't want it to happen anywhere near Twilight. They kept poking out of the scales that formed his sheath and tenting his pants, forcing him to run into his room and think about algebra or Granny Smith until they went down, or, at one point, take a half-hour cold shower. Another shower might be needed at this rate. His shafts were insistently poking out of his jeans, despite his efforts to focus on how screwed he was, not about screwing Twilight. Wait. Damn it! He rolled to an upright sitting position, throwing his blankets off. He glared down at his twin pricks, quivering in the air. “Stop bugging me!” he hissed. “This is your fault!” Naturally, they didn't respond. Growling, he began to drag himself off the bed, but stopped. He looked down. His over-sensitive heads dragged against the fabric of his bedsheet. Hesitantly, he shifted, getting another jolt of pleasure. He screwed his eyes shut. “Okay, fine! You win!” He hopped off his bed and dashed over to his shrine. Second drawer from bottom, behind the false back... Oh no. Oh, no. No no no no nonononono... He thought he was screwed before? No, no, he was past screwed now. Now, he was dead. Twilight had been through here, and she found his album. An album full of compromising photos he'd snapped not just of Rarity, but of Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, Cheerilee, Lyra, Bonbon, several other girls from both Ponyville and Canterlot, and Twilight herself. There was a lot of Twilight in that album, largely because he lived far closer to her than any other girl, making the photos easier to take. Welp. It'd been nice living in Ponyville, but now, there was nothing to do but to pack up and run as far he possibly could. Maybe he'd change his name? Maybe he could find other dragons to live with? He shook his head, suddenly remembering the last dragon he'd met and why. Back when he was jealous of Owlowiscious, running away had quickly turned out to be a mistake. But last time, he hadn't been caught masturbating with Twilight's underwear or keeping a stash of voyeuristic photos. On the other hand, Twilight still hadn't confronted him about it. The only opportunity she could've had to find the album was yesterday, while he was dusting the basement. She hadn't acted differently since then, and that had to count for something, right? Spike deliberated his options for a few moments. “I can't hide anymore,” he declared to his dark room. “I have to face Twilight. Face her and... and...” and what? Let her kick him into the streets? Let her send him to Celestia to be sent to the moon? Let her rip his balls out his ass? The last image made him wince, but at least it effectively killed his already-dying erections. He shoved them into their sheath, adjusted his pants, and strode out his room with much more confidence than he really felt. He stopped in front of Twilight's bedroom door, took a deep breath, and knocked. A minute passed. He poked his head around a corner. There was no response from Twilight's door. With a sigh, he left his hiding spot and jogged back to the door. He knocked again, resisting the urge to flee to the other end of the curving hall again. Still no response. He took another slow breath, and pushed her door open, poking his head into the room. Judging by the sound of running water from the bathroom, she was showering. He sighed. He'd have to come back later. Or he could stick around... Spike slapped himself across the face. What was he thinking? He was already in enough trouble! Shaking his head, he turned to leave, but froze. Up on the upper level, a pair of lavender panties patterned with white starbursts hung from a bedpost. He gawked. Partially at the fact that Twilight's underwear was hanging in plain sight, but also because Twilight had left her underwear in plain sight! She almost never did that! And there was no way she would've neglected it so soon after... the laundry room. It was a test! It had to be! At this realization, he steeled himself. Well there was no way he was going to fail! He was going to prove to Twilight that he was her good, obedient, clean assistant! He turned around and marched out the door. Of course he wouldn't go for it! Even if he wasn't in so much trouble, he wouldn't be stupid enough to grab Twilight's panties from out in the open! He had this test in the bag! He was halfway up the stairs to the upper level. He stood frozen for a few seconds, then started slapping himself repeatedly. What was he doing? He literally just won his mental debate with no opposition! Why was his body doing the opposite of what he wanted? His gaze passed over the hanging panties again. He took another step. This was stupid! This was wrong! But he was still going. His eyes remained fixated on the underwear. Despite every bit of his brain fighting, he wanted it. He needed it! He snatched the panties off the bedpost. He froze, standing in front of Twilight's bed, staring at the underwear hanging from his claw. His twin erections, each cone-shaped and four inches, were at full attention, stretching his jeans. That was it. The Want-It-Need-It spell. The clothes Twilight was going to wear were folded up neatly on the other side of the bed, and the panties should've either been laid out with them or in the laundry basket. The curtains and windows were shut, even though Twilight would usually open them for such a bright, warm morning. Everything was set up. It really was a test. Spike, slowly, brought the panties to his snout and sniffed. It was a test, and he was failing. He sagged, propping himself on the bed with his other claw. The scent of Twilight was so fresh! So strong! He'd never dared touch any of her underwear so soon after she took it off, and now, he couldn't imagine getting her scent from any older source. He mushed it over hit snout, inhaling deeply. It didn't just smell of her—it was wet too. Twilight, during their Talk, had told him the girls masturbated as well as boys. He'd witnessed several examples since then as he grew in Canterlot and Ponyville, though Twilight had made it difficult to ever catch her in the act. All he had were still photos to fantasize over, but this! This was the fresh remains of her self-pleasure in his hands! His tongue snaked out, brushing against the damp spot. He shuddered. He couldn't fight the heat any longer. He turned around and sat down on the bed, popping open his jeans to reveal his quivering boners, dripping pre-cum. He leaned back, causing the bed to creak, and—no wait, he wasn't that heavy, was he? His head snapped up and looked around. He was big. Too big. He hadn't even noticed it happening, but his jeans were straining around his legs, and his t-shirt already had a couple rips. He screwed his eyes shut. No Spike, it's bad enough that you're about to jack off into Twilight's panties again, you don't want to grow into a giant again on top of that! Could he imagine Giant Spike terrorizing Ponyville again, but with a pair of huge, dripping boners and raiding women's underwear? No one wanted that. It was just him, and Twilight's panties. Nothing to be greedy over. Except maybe Twilight, Rarity, and every other girl in a hundred miles, but he couldn't have them. Just the panties. It sounded weird and unconvincing, even in his head, but it seemed to be working. His feet were dangling off the side of the bed like they should've been, and his clothes sagged comfortably again. However, his erections were still throbbing and leaking, and Twilight's panties were still clutched tightly in his claw. Slowly, he brought his claw down, rubbing the damp fabric against his right shaft, gasping. It absorbed his pre-cum, mixing it with Twilight's wetness. He then wrapped the entire thing around both of his cocks and started stroking rapidly. How did Twilight masturbate, he wondered. Would she have been sitting in this exact same spot, shoving her fingers in and out of her pussy? Or maybe she did it lying flat on her back, squeezing a naked boob with a spare hand, like he wanted to at times. He imagined her wearing nothing but the panties in his hand in each scenario. His pace increased, pre-cum spilling all over, and panted heavily. Maybe she used a toy, like a few other girls he'd seen had. He pictured the thick glass dildo he'd seen in Rarity's bedroom, though he had never seen her use it. Did Twilight lay on her back, using her hands to shove it in and out, with her panties pushed to the side? Did she rest it on the bed, sitting on it? He wondered if she liked it slow and gentle, like on her side, one leg stretched into the air, her magic smoothly gliding the dildo in and out; or hard and rough, on her elbows and knees, back arched, as the magic-powered toy slammed into her like a stallion. Or a dragon. He was too pent-up to go on any further. He rolled around onto his knees, still rapidly stroking his shafts with one claw. With the other, he set the panties down on the blanket, straightening it out with the soft, wet insides facing up. The entire thing was covered in off-white splotches, but it wasn't enough. He bent over, supporting himself with his free hand, and still jacking off furiously with his other. He aimed himself, pressing both his heads against the panties, against Twilight's wet remains. Unable to contain himself, he roared, green sparks flying from his throat, while he pumped wave after wave of hot seed, built up during his two-day drought, all over Twilight's panties and the blanket around it. Eventually, he sagged, and rolled onto his side, panting heavily. Both erections drooped, still leaking. He did it. He failed Twilight's test, and failed spectacularly. Even now, his heart was clenching with guilt and self-loathing. What now? Spike blinked. Something was different. The bathroom was silent. The moment he realized that, he heard the doorknob of the bathroom jiggle. He didn't think; he just threw himself off the bed and rolled under it. After a second, he bit back a curse. What was the point of hiding? Twilight's panties were lying in a pool of cum! It wouldn't take a genius to figure it out! Still, he kept silent. He watched Twilight's feet walked in front of the bed and stopped, no doubt as Twilight gawked at the mess he made. They were still for a while, then suddenly one foot lifted up. It came down, and the other went up. Something dripped onto the wood floor. Spike's jaw dropped. There was the sound of ruffling fabric, and she repeated the process, more white stuff dripping between her feet. Eventually, she snapped, creating a flash, and then turned around and walked away. Spike crawled further out, watching her go. Her hair was wrapped in a towel, her buttoned shirt was in place, and his cum dribbled down her legs from underneath her pleated skirt. As she disappeared down the stairs, Spike swore he heard her moan something that sounded like “warm...”. His half-hard shafts spurted a bit more onto the ground. Spike wasn't so screwed. He thought. He wasn't really sure. After Twilight's shock when she caught him in the laundry room, he thought she'd be disgusted with him. The events of that morning however, made it plain that whatever she felt, it probably wasn't disgust or hate. Spike was no expert in sexual mannerisms, but he was pretty sure you didn't happily wear the cum of someone you hated. After Twilight had left, he resolved to at least clean up the mess he made in her room, scrubbing away the dribble under the bed and the drops from... Twilight. He would've replaced her blanket, but when he looked, it was mysteriously spotless. His erections throbbed again, though he made no move to acknowledge them. He couldn't face her for the rest of the day—not without risk of his privates making themselves very public. He ended up sneaking instant meals from the kitchen for lunch and dinner and locking himself in his room for the rest of the time. He idly raised a claw to check behind the curtain. It was past sunset now. It was probably time to go to sleep and... not come out of his room for another day. He groaned. Maybe Twilight would have another test or something... “Spike?” Spike jumped upright in his bed. “Uh, yeah?” he answered. “Can you please come to my room in a few minutes?” he heard Twilight say from behind the door. “We should talk.” “Oh. Um... yeah, I'll... be there.” He listened to her footsteps fading away. “...Guess I'm going to have to face her head-on now,” he grumbled. He looked down. He couldn't go out with boners this obvious. A few minutes later, he realized he may have to. He'd tried everything he could think of short of a shower, and as much he didn't want to stroll into Twilight's room sporting a tent, he really didn't want to keep her waiting either. Sighing, he pulled the door open, peeked both ways down the dark, empty hall way, and sprinted to Twilight's room. He hesitated, but opened the door, blinking into the light of Twilight's bedroom. She was sitting on her bed, with a new blanket. “There you are, Spike,” she called to him. “Come here?” she patted the bed. Spike eyes darted around, looking for a sign that this was another test, but eventually stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. He tried to avoid moving so slowly that Twilight would think he didn't want to obey her, but no so quickly that he might seem... overeager. When he got to her bed, he hopped onto it, still keeping his gaze to the ground. He didn't dare look at her legs, to see if any of his seed was still there. She made no comment about the conspicuous tent, he noted. “Spike?” she finally asked. “What do you think of me?” He blinked. What kind of question was that? Did she expect him to tell her how much he wanted to rip her clothes off and take her or something? “Uh...” he made out, “I'm not sure what you mean.” “Would you think of me as a mother?” That made him pause again. Oh, so that's what she meant. “Well, you hatched me... You're kind of... um... bossy, you tell me to do a bunch of things, and you... um... you hug me a lot and tuck me in... you know, mom stuff, but...” He let out a sigh. “No. No, not really.” “I didn't think so,” Twilight said. “After all, you were born—or hatched—the same day I was accepted to Princess Celestia's School. I was way too young to really take care of you like a mom. If anything, that role belonged to Princess Celestia.” Yeah, that had been about what he was thinking. “So, I guess if you're not like my mom, you're like my older sister?” “That sounds better.” “But—!” He hesitated. “But brothers aren't supposed to... like... their sisters... like this, are they? Heck, sons aren't supposed to like their moms like that either, so I don't know—!” He jumped when she put a hand on his shoulder. “It is a major taboo, yes,” she said, “and it's not the only one at play here. But...” He could almost feel Twilight's gaze on his jeans. “...While I love you like a little brother, we're technically not really siblings. And besides, it's not like I've ever payed too much attention to taboos in the first place.” Spike silently wiped some sweat from his brow. “It's odd,” she went on. “I never really thought about you growing up like a human would. You were always just a baby dragon in my mind. When I gave you the Talk, it was at the Princess's suggestion. Even when I... caught you the first few times...” Back after she had taught Spike about masturbation, he had pretty much went at it nonstop, with minimal regard to ensuring his privacy. That had caused some awkward situations. “...I still didn't really think of you as a sexual creature.” Wait, is that where this was going? She thought of him as... that... now? “It was stupid of me, in retrospect. I knew you couldn't keep your eyes off girls, back in Canterlot or here in Ponyville. We'll be having a talk about privacy later, by the way,” she told him in a suddenly stern tone. He gulped. “But... well, after I saw you in the laundry room... once I realized that I was one of the girls you looked at... that changed. “I was confused at first, but I came to a decision. You have so many unfamiliar feelings in you right now, confusing you, distracting you. Before, I just tried to ignore them, but now, I realize there's a better way. That as your sort-of older sister, I have a duty to help you.” She leaned in. “I can help you handle them.” Spike could hardly believe his ears. “Twilight...” he muttered. “You mean it?” “Spike.” Her voice was soft, but demanded his attention. “Look at me.” He turned his head, and gaped. Twilight was topless. He could see every soft curve of her flesh, her pink nipples jutting out, everything. It wasn't a photo this time. Twilight's boobs were on full display. “You can touch them.” His arms twitched at his sides. He swung them up, reached for Twilight, and froze. Slowly, his claws brushed against her flesh. She didn't make a noise or flinch, so he pressed his palms against her boobs. They were soft. And smooth. And squishy. Like... he couldn't even think about similes, he was busy touching a girl's boobs! The flesh gave easily under his fingers. He could feel her nipples poking into his scaly palms, growing harder. There was a hand behind his head, pulling him closer. His face was now pressing into the valley between her boobs. He inhaled. The scent was nice, soothing. His tongue snaked out, sliding over all over the curves of her skin. He wasn't making any effort to restrain himself anymore. His claws squished her flash mercilessly, and he bent his thumbs to press her nipples down. He moved his right hand out of the way and turned his head so he could close his lips over her left nipple. Twilight gasped, and Spike paused. He had been so wrapped up in his first physical experience, that he forgot it was Twilight's body he was touching. He looked up, meeting her eyes for the first time in two days. She didn't hate him. Spike almost sobbed at the realization. He could he ever think she would hate him? Her gaze was kind, caring, coddling, loving, and he didn't deserve any of it. So how could he not give her the love she did deserve in return? He returned to fondling her with even more enthusiasm, delighting in her soft coos. He sealed his lips over her nipple, around the entire pink patch, and sucked while his tongue tickled her hard nub. She was breathing more audibly now, and he switched sides, giving her other breast the same treatment. His claws weren't idle, dragging up and down and all around her chest, sides, and boobs. One of her hands pressed his head into her body, and the other stroked his spines. Eventually, she let go of his head. He looked up at her inquisitively, his mouth still latched onto her breast. She just smiled down at him. Suddenly, Spike felt a tug on his jeans. Looking down, he saw Twilight's hand unbuttoning him, and he squirmed so she could push his pants all the way off. Then her hand was wrapped around his left conical shaft, almost completely covering it. “Very interesting,” Twilight muttered, twisting her hand around him. Spike gasped as her smooth skin rubbed against his hot flesh. Of course Twilight's first instinct would be to explore—his shafts weren't at all like the equipment of human men he saw in some magazines. They were widest at the base, getting slightly thinner as they went up, then rapidly tapered to points at the ends. Each was smooth, pink, and featureless, except for a ridge down the bottom much like the spines down his back, only smaller, smoothed, and no harder than the rest of the shaft. There was no loose skin, but his shafts were naturally lubricated by some secretion from with within his sheath. However, they were small. Twilight could almost completely wrap one up in her hand. Before he could even begin to feel inadequate, Twilight's hand also captured his other shaft, then began pumping them in short, rapid strokes. He gasped, throwing his arms around Twilight and burying his face back in between her breasts. No one else had ever masturbated him—or touched him, period, for that matter—before, and it felt amazing. Her fingers danced around his slick shafts, sending jolts of pleasure through him he never felt from his own claws. He panted into Twilight's chest, his claws and toes curling. “Twilight!” he cried. “It feels too good! You feel too good!” He could practically hear her grin. Her fingers continued to flit all over his shafts, constantly changing positions as she stroked. Each time, he rewarded her with more gasps. Eventually, her grip settled, with her thumb swirling over his tips and her fingers brushing his ridges as her pumping motions got faster and faster. It was too much. “Twilight, I can't—! I'm going to...!” He practically flattened himself against her as his entire body, from his claws to his head to the tip of his tail, tensed up. He squeezed his eyes shut and yelled his pleasure into her chest, green sparks flying out harmlessly. Hot dragon seed exploded from both his shafts, but Twilight kept stroking him, not slowing down even as he kept pumping thick wads of cum into the air between them. Eventually, his climax slowed to a dribble, and her grip and speed lessened. Finally, her hand left him, and he could only pant against her body, which, even through his shirt, actually felt cool next his burning heat. Slowly, he opened his eyes. Thick streams of cum painted Twilight's stomach, reaching as far up as the bottom of her breasts, and dribbled down onto her skirt. Twilight started to lean back, pulling Spike down with her. Even if he weren't too tired to resist, he wouldn't have, content to rest his scaly body on top of her soft, cum-streaked one. He snuggled his head into her left breast as she wrapped an arm around his back. A few minutes of satisfied silence later, as Twilight finished licking her other hand clean, she felt something press against her stomach. She smirked. “Ready for round two?” Spike stirred. “Hmm? Twilight? I had a nice, but weird dream. Uh, I mean—“ His voice broke off when he realized what his cheek was pressed against. “Really?” Twilight asked, stroking his other cheek. “Tell me about it.” He was frozen for a few seconds, his eyes flicking around her body. “Um... well...” After a few more seconds, his resolve seemed to harden. “It went something like this.” His tongue snaked out and began sliding over her breasts again, curling around her right nipple. She cooed in response, holding his head close as he returned to playing with her tits. Soon, she pushed him away. Spike blinked in confusion as she seated him in front of her, then his eyes widened when she reached for her cum-covered skirt, and lifted her legs to pull them off, giving him a view he'd only seen through cleverly-placed cameras. She threw the skirt to the side and spread her legs, holding them apart with her arms. She tilted her head with a seductive smile. Spike just sat there, ogling for a few seconds. Slowly, he shifted onto his hands and knees for a closer look at her damp slit. “It's beautiful,” he whispered. Twilight just giggled, while he dragged a claw over it, spreading her lips apart. His mind jumped back to the cum-soaked panties she'd put on that morning. She wasn't wearing it now, and her body had no trace of it... He looked up at her inquisitively. Quickly figuring out what Spike wanted, Twilight spoke, “I cleaned myself up after about an hour. As much as I love cum, I can't just wear it all day.” Spike briefly wondered how often Twilight got a chance to wear cum that she would admit it so casually, but then Twilight grabbed his shoulder and pulled him up. He followed along, confused, as he crawled up her body, then froze. He looked underneath herself, and saw his erections poking her thigh so near the pussy he had just been admiring. The memory of him kneeling over her panties on the same blanket just that morning flashed in his head. Twilight distracted him by tugging at his shirt, and he let her pull it off, leaving his body as bare as her own. “Spike,” she said in that same firm, but gentle tone as before. “Are you ready?” Slowly, he nodded. She smiled and reached down, grabbing one shafts and aiming it. “Go on, then.” Gulping, he pushed forward, until his tip parted her folds. His breath caught in his throat. Twilight's fingers, as amazing and breath-taking as they were, were nothing compared to this. Her wet folds squeezed around him, almost invitingly. He obliged, pressing deeper into her in jerky motions, until his base met her crotch. As a dragon, Spike was used to humans feeling cold relative to him, but now, buried in Twilight, she could feel her burning as brightly as he was. If heaven were a place on Equestria, then he was buried as far into it as possible. Twilight wrapped her hands around his back, while his hips began to shift, pumping himself in and out of her. He panted and groaned at the slick friction and the hot suction of her pussy, at her walls parting so easily for him when he thrust in, but clutching at his ridges when he pulled out. Meanwhile, his other shaft rubbed along her belly, slicking itself on the cum still splattered over her. He tried to make long, powerful thrusts, but his short length kept him from gathering any momentum, and he frequently slipped out, forcing Twilight to reach down and re-aim him. He chocked back his frustration and kept thrusting into her, groaning into the air. Suddenly, her hand wrapped around his other shaft. Before he could react, she stuffed both of his erections into her pussy. He gasped, collapsing onto Twilight's body again. His hips blurred while his tail flashed and his toes curled. His shafts were pressed against each other in the tight space of her pussy, and the feeling of them grinding together inside her was even more amazing, especially they way he felt her stretch around him. His face was, once again pressed against Twilight's right breast, but couldn't focus enough to do anything with it. Like with the handjob, he couldn't last long. He couldn't even open his mouth to warn her. He just wrapped his arms around her body as tightly as he could as his thrusts sped up, and Twilight kept her arms around him. They held onto each other, reveling in their closeness. Spike couldn't how lucky he was to be that close to Twilight. He slammed himself into Twilight a few last times, then was still, his body twitching all over. His hot cum poured into her, pooling inside her. Inside Twilight. He felt like he was giving her the warmth, the love she deserved from him. Eventually the flow ended, even though he felt that she still deserved more. He let out a fatigued sigh. He glanced up at Twilight, who'd gone back to stroking his back spines, when a sudden realization came to him. “Twilight,” he asked, furrowing his brow. “Girls can cum too, right?” “Of course they can,” she answered. Spike stared at her. “So... did you?” “No," she said with no trace of discontent, "but that's not important. You should go to sleep now. It's been a tiring evening for you.” “But—!” he sputtered. “I want to make you feel like I did!” “Aww,” she said, leaning in. She planted a kiss on his forehead. “You don't have to worry about pleasing me. Girls don't always need to cum to be satisfied, and besides, I have plenty of ways to take care of myself. Tonight wasn't about me—it was about you. So did you have a good time?” Drowsily, he nodded. “Then I'm satisfied. Now sleep. For me?” He stared at her for a few more seconds, but his eyelids began to droop. Twilight was still stroking his scaly back. Eventually, the exhaustion of his first time caught up to him, and his head dropped into the valley of her chest, snoring. Twilight giggled. With a few waves of her hand, the bright lights of her bedroom shut off, cum was cleaned from her body and where it smeared onto Spike's through his shirt, and her blankets were now on top of her and Spike instead of under them. She brought his dozing body into a tight hug, as she slipped into slumber herself. She smiled. She had to admit, that hadn't been entirely for Spike—her favorite way to sleep had always been with a spent dick inside her. “By the way, Spike, last night will be our little secret, right?” “Oh, um, of course!” “Good. I don't like keeping secrets from the girls, but... well, let's just say they can be a little conservative. For example, they kept acting like I was some poor, sexually scarred girl when I told them when my first time was.” “Uh... When was your first time?” “I was a bit younger than you.” “...Oh. Huh... Um, are there going to be anymore... tests?” “Tests?” “You know, like leaving your panties out.” “Oh. Well, I hadn't considered that a test. I just wanted you to cum in them.” "Oh... So that's why you used the Want-It-Need-It spell?” “What? No! I'm still mortified about what happened last time! Why would I ever use it again?” “...Buh?” > Between Night and Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: PCxTSxPL, PCxPL, princest, huge boobs, futa, boobjob, frottage, cum, cum, everywhere / way too much to drink, seriously, lots of cumplay here, double penetration “Now that...” Princess Luna sighed, “We found quite enjoyable.” There was no audible answer from anywhere in the room, but a conspicuous lump under the covers shifted slightly. “Clearly, much has changed in a thousand years for the better. For one, we are gladdened to hear that homosexuality has become much more broadly accepted. Before our banishment, such was the fear of taboos that our people would only allow themselves even thoughts of such 'depravity' deep within their dreams. Not even us of royalty could be free of the taboos, such was their power. It pleases us to know we may show our affections for the fairer sex without raising a scandal.” “Well...” Twilight's head poked out from under the covers. “Announcing in public that you want to sleep with a women may still raise a scandal.” “Truly?” Luna replied. Twilight was again, thankful again for her soundproofing spell. Even Luna's pillow-talk was louder than what would pass as normal conversation, to say nothing of the volumes she reached mid-orgasm. “Why is that? Is homosexuality still not as typical as we'd hoped?” “No, it's more like...” She paused, trying to put her answer to words. “It's partially the homosexuality, but it's more about the general attitude towards sexual promiscuity, especially where the upper classes are concerned.” Luna stared at Twilight for a few seconds. “Thou mean to say that it is no longer socially acceptable to take enjoyment in the pleasures of flesh?” “Sort of. The politics involving sex have always been—” “We did not give thee permission to cease massaging our bosom,” Luna suddenly interrupted her. Twilight offered her an apologetic smile. “Sorry,” she said, and resumed her hands' gentle ministrations under the covers. “As I was saying, there's a fuzzy line between, in loose terms, being seen as loser who cant get any action and being seen as a slut who'd let anyone between her legs, and the line leans towards the former the higher your class. Up at the top, for the Princesses... well, let's just say Celestia's set a precedent of angelic purity.” The princess let out a disbelieving snort. “Celestia? Pure? We cannot possibly have heard thee properly.” She just giggled. “I didn't say she was pure, she just has to project that image. Otherwise, the nobility would hound her about it for a few months before they inevitably move on to the next scandal.” Luna sighed. “So in exchange for a few scant sexual freedoms, We sacrifice the rest of them. We retract our earlier statement.” Twilight just disappeared back under the covers. After a few moments, Luna let out a hearty moan. “Then again, the freedoms We may enjoy now are so much more sensual than what We have experienced before. Thou are quite gifted.” There were a few moments of silence before Twilight let Luna's nipple pop free. “Well, I've had plenty of experience to go off... sort of. Compared to you, I hardly have any, I guess.” Luna chuckled. “Unless your appearance does not indicate your age, yes, we should think our experiences outweigh yours by a significant margin.” “Well, I guess I had good teachers?” Twilight shrugged, still lapping at Luna's tits when she could. “Clearly. Such as whom?” “Well, for starters, Princess Celestia's high on that list.” Suddenly, she felt Luna's body tense up. “Sorry, did I make it weird, bringing your sister into this?” “Thou—!” Luna suddenly threw the covers off, exposing her and Twilight's naked bodies to the moonlight. Twilight shrunk away from her fierce gaze. “Guess I did, hah hah... sorry?” “Thou have been intimate with our sister?” she asked, her voice rising. “Um... yes?” “And yet, thou hast accepted our proposition?” “I... erm...” Twilight was rapidly becoming aware that somewhere in the last few hours, she had made a huge mistake. “THIS SHALL NOT STAND! COME, THAT WE AND OUR SISTER MAY METE OUT PROPER JUDGEMENT!” “...What?” Luna clapped her hands together, creating a flash of light that blinded her. “SISTER! WE HAVE ENCOUNTERED A SITUATION AND THY PRESENCE IS REQUIRED!” Twilight wobbled on he legs and held her hands to her ears, trying to quiet the ringing. “Luna, what are you... Twilight?” Her blood went cold. “Princess Celestia?” she asked, looking up at the shade of the massive four-poster bed. A few candles lit up, revealing the rising Solar Princess, still rubbing sleep out of her eyes. “Twilight, Luna, did something go wrong at... You're naked,” she noted. “Why are you... oh no.” “Uh, can someone tell me what's going on?” Twilight asked. “What did I do wrong? Why did you take us from my bedroom to... Princess Celestia's?” “THOU CONTINUE TO CLAIM IGNORANCE OF THY CRIME EVEN AFTER THOU HAST CONFESSED TO US?” “What crime!?” she cried. “Luna, stop,” Celestia said, sighing as she massaged her temple with her fingers. “She doesn't know. Hardly anyone does anymore. That law hasn't exactly been relevant for a while now.” “What law!?” “TRULY?” Luna turned to Twilight, watching her shake in bafflement, distress, and fear. She dropped the Royal Canterlot Voice. “There is a law regarding intimacy with princesses,” she explained grimly. “Should a princess take any person to bed, that person may never bed another princess, on pain of death.” Twilight's jaw dropped. “Death? You mean I—! But I—!” She sank to her knees, tugging at her hair. “Oh stars, why didn't I listen to Shiny!?” “Twilight! You are not going to die!” Celestia shouted, leaping out of bed and placing her hands over her shoulders. “Look, the penalty isn't death; it's chosen by us, the princesses wronged by the criminal. And besides, I will take responsibility for this.” “Thou would?” Luna asked. “Why?” “Because honestly, I really should've it coming,” she sighed, standing up. “I had considered the possibility of one of you seducing the other, but I didn't make any attempts to warn Twilight of the law, or you of our relationship.” Luna was silent. “Then thou shall submit to a penalty of our choosing?” “As long as it's not something public. I'd rather not have to explain any of the circumstances to the press.” “...Very well. We have decided on a punishment.” She pointed a finger at Twilight. “We shall claim her for ourselves.” “What?” Twilight squeaked “WHAT?” Celestia cried at the same time. “We see that the penalty is fitting,” Luna smirked. “Twilight is a fine specimen indeed, and we would hate to be deprived of further contact with her.” “Absolutely not!” Celestia fumed, drawing herself to her full height. A small part of Twilight was bursting with joy that she was fighting for her, but it was quickly buried under the anxiety of watching the princesses fight. “I refuse to surrender Twilight!” “Thou are not allowed to refuse, Sister,” Luna frowned. “Hath thou forgotten the law?” “Have you?” Celestia snapped back. “The punishment is to be decided and agreed on by both of us.” “Thou forfeit thy right to choose the penalty by offering to bear it.” “And what law says that?” “Are thou arguing semantics with us, Sister?” Luna growled. “Choose. Something. Else.” Celestia's tone was more frigid than Twilight thought possible for the Solar Princess. “Um,” she piped up, suddenly gaining a sympathy for Fluttershy, “don't I have a say in this?” “NO!” Luna snapped, at the same time Celestia's expression softened. “Luna,” she said warningly. Turning back to Twilight, she said, “I'm sorry, Twilight. I hadn't expected things to escalate so drastically.” “No, really, it's my fault anyways,” Twilight sighed. “I should've at least mentioned our relationship to Princess Luna before this all happened.” “Twilight, you had no idea that there would be an issue,” she replied. “My sister, on the other hand,” she continued, glaring over, “did know the law, and should've at least suspected—she was well aware that we're close.” “Oh, so now We must bear the penalty?” Luna hissed. “Why does there have to be a penalty?” Twilight cried, grabbing both of their attentions. “Look, this was all just the result of some silly misunderstandings! Do either of you really want to... punish anyone over a mistake?” The two princesses stared at her for a few moments, exchanged looks, then leaned in towards each other in a quiet, rapid debate, while Twilight's heart pounded in her chest. They straightened out and looked back at Twilight. “We cannot simply ignore the law, so we must deliver justice,” Princess Celestia declared solemnly, walking up to her. Twilight felt herself sink as her head craned up. “Therefore, we have agreed on your punishment.” She reached out with a pointing finger. Twilight screwed her eyes shut, forcing her hands to remain clenched at her sides. She didn't expect to be flicked in the forehead. “Ow!” she squeaked, covering the spot with both her hands. Celestia just giggled. She leaned down, peeled Twilight's hands away with her own, and planted a small kiss on her forehead. “Justice is served,” she said, while Twilight's face burned. “Precious,” Luna said dryly, “but the penalty is merely a part of what we must discuss.” “Um,” Twilight muttered as Celestia backed away. “What's the other part?” “Which one of us shall claim thee.” “Luna, I don't see how that's an issue,” Celestia said. “She was mine first, and she will remain mine.” “We think not!” she snapped. “After this transgression, both our claims have been severed. Thou have no more right to her than We do!” “Then what do you propose?” she asked icily. “She must choose.” “Um...” Twilight had really been hoping that it wouldn't come to this. “That's hardly fair,” Celestia scoffed. “There is a reason I refer to her as my most faithful student, after all.” “I, erm...” That was true. Honestly, if she had to choose, Twilight would definitely choose Princess Celestia, but she really didn't want to have to reject Princess Luna, especially right after befriending her when no one else would. Luna laughed. “As if she would choose thy withered, old snatch after experiencing what I have to offer.” “Excuse me?” she growled. “Hath thou gotten hard of hearing as well, dear Sister?” “Hmph. If that's how we're playing, then how could she reject this?” Celestia suddenly pulled the robes she was wearing open, baring her massive bosom, barely constrained by a bra that could hold basketballs. The robe fell to the floor, exposing the rest of her bronzed skin and thick, amazonian figure. Luna just scoffed at the display. “Thou compensate for thy plain body with ridiculous proportions. Thy oversized figure is merely a novelty.” Twilight hated to admit it, but she had a point there. Luna posed, letting the warm candlelight highlight her pale, svelte yet plentiful curves that Twilight suddenly wanted to run her hands all over. “Admit it, Sister, thou are defeated.” “A matter of opinion,” she replied. “Since we cannot agree on this front, then onto the next. I put it to you that having over a thousand years more experience than you makes my ability to pleasure her unmatchable.” “A thousand years of clumsiness remains clumsy,” Luna countered. “But we need not debate.” She turned to Twilight, who'd spent the last minute gawking at the sisters without a single higher thought running through her brain. “We have a judge we may turn to.” Celestia followed her gaze. “Very well,” she declared, just as Twilight was shaken from her daze. “Wait, what's going on?” she squeaked out, noticing the looks the two princesses were giving her. Wordlessly, they put their hands on her shoulders and maneuvered her to Celestia's bed, pushing her onto her back. Her heart rate just about tripled when she realized that the two princesses were about to go down on her. By the time they settled onto the bed on either side of her, she was already so wet, she couldn't care less about foreplay. But they could, apparently. Celestia's hands drifted over her stomach and tits like scraps of silk blown around by wind, while Luna similarly tickled her thighs, inside and out. Clearly, she had been executed on the spot, and she was now in heaven. She clenched a handful of bedsheet when Celestia lightly pinched her rock-hard nipples and Luna spread her lower lips apart. Then they began kissing her skin. Twilight didn't even try to stay lucid—her body just went slack, and her mind blank. After about a minute, she couldn't which hand or lips was whose anymore. She only jumped when two fingers curled into her slit. Her head snapped up to see Celestia now in control of her lower body, while Luna let tendrils of her starry hair drift over her chest. Celestia's fingers spread out, stretching Twilight's walls open, prying a squeal from her. She shot Luna a smug look. Luna just returned it neutrally, and placed a hand above her pussy, in the middle of the well-trimmed patch of hair. Twilight frowned. “What are you...” She trailed off when Luna suddenly blasted her crotch with a surge of magic. She couldn't feel anything, but it looked like her flesh was melting. Twilight was too shocked to react, though Celestia just pulled back with a look of annoyance. Luna then reached into her gooey groin, grabbed a handful of her, and pulled. Twilight stared slack-jawed as before her eyes, Luna formed a column out of her solidifying flesh. In seconds, her groin was back to normal, except for the huge cock sprouting out of it, complete with a ballsack. Twilight just kept staring for a while. Luna giggled. “We realize this sensation must be new to thee...” “Flesh-shaping!” Twilight blurted out, interrupting her. “That was flesh-shaping! I didn't even know anyone could do that anymore!” “Well... yes, it was,” Luna mumbled, stunned by her outburst. “But surely thou art more intrigued by the... augmentation?” “What, the cock?” she asked, looking up from poking her hardening shaft. “No, I'm used to that.” “...Truly?” Celestia giggled into her hand. “Flesh-shaping has been a barred art for about four hundred years now. These days, we make do with transformation spells on strap-ons, which are much more accessible.” “Well, illusion spells more so,” Twilight added. “I'm pretty sure you're the only one I know who still uses a true transformation spell for that.” “'Strap-ons'?” Luna repeated. “Wait, they didn't have strap-ons a thousand years ago?” Twilight asked. “They relied on flesh-shaping? How can that be practical? No wait, lesbians weren't nearly as common or as open back then, so I guess—EEP!” Celestia cut her off with a well-timed squeeze of her cock. “Think of a dildo you wear,” she said, answering Luna's question. “You'll doubtlessly see for yourself shortly. For now...” she trailed off, turning back to Twilight, “I believe we were in the middle of something.” Her hand suddenly moving, pumping Twilight's shaft with slow, sensual movements, drawing a breathy gasp from her. Luna watched for a few moments, before tsking. “Art thou always so dispassionate, Sister?” “Excuse me?” Celestia snapped back, not altering her pace on the cock. “Do you believe intercourse to be some precise procedure one must follow carefully?” Luna reached out with one hand and cupped Twilight's ballsack. She shuddered at the unfamiliar sensation—most of the time she had a cock, it didn't come with balls, after all. Luna continued, “Twilight's flames of desire have long been stoked. Now is the time for action!” Her other hand suddenly shot out and jammed two fingers deep into dripping wet slit hiding under the balls. Twilight cried out, a mini-orgasm suddenly wracking her body, curling her toes and fingers. Then Luna rapidly withdrew her hand and shoved it back in with another finger, and the again with her pinky, pushing until hers knuckles were spreading the slit. Both times, like waves crashing onto a beach, more surges of pleasure, with only hints of pain, rushed through Twilight's body, piling on top of the aftermath of the previous ones. She felt Luna pull back one more time, and took a deep breath, wriggling her hips in anticipation. She wasn't disappointed. Luna's hand shoved forth with her thumb tucked in, jamming in her entire hand to the wrist. Twilight threw her head back and screamed her pleasure. Her new cock throbbed in Celestia's hand and shot out strings of semen into the air that splattered back onto her breasts and stomach. An impressive volume of cum later, Twilight's body finally went limp. Celestia frowned at Luna. “Sex may not be a 'precise procedure',” she said, “but neither is it a race.” “How fortunate for thee, for if it were, thou would have lost,” she retorted, pulling her soaked hand out of Twilight. She started licking her wrist. Celestia just made an annoyed grunt and turned back to her student. She was still nearly comatose, staring into the canopy of the bed, but her dick was still rock-hard. Impressive. Unlike transformed or disguised strap-ons, flesh-shaped cocks behaved much like a true male's in every aspect (except when the testicles were intentionally made sterile, which was often the case), so she was pleased to find it still ready for action. She wiped a finger along Twilight's stomach, catching a trail of her still-warm cum, and then licked it off, savoring the taste in her mouth. That certainly was the genuine cum, made by genuine testicles. Her student may have preferred quantity over quality, but for Celestia, the transmuted cum Twilight's—or even her own transformation—spell produced couldn't hold a candle to this. She concentrated slightly, unhooking her bra with a brief, yellow aura, and let the straps slide off, letting her mountainous melons bounce free. Tossing the bra aside, she settled herself between Twilight's legs and leaned forward. Luna, still licking her hand, watched as she surrounded the throbbing shaft with her breasts. Celestia gathered some more cum off of Twilight's body, then slathered her cleavage with it. Twilight chose this moment to rejoin the world of the conscious. “Oh, wow. That was really...” She broke off and looked down. “...Princess?” she asked, just as Celestia grabbed hold of each breast and squeezed them together, mashing them around Twilight's dick. She could only throw her head back and groan. Her cock was pretty big, but Celestia's boobs were big enough to completely envelop it, only letting the head poke out into the relatively cool air. Celestia chuckled, rubbing her huge breasts against each other, with the dick stuck between them. Eventually, she started to pump them up and down together, Twilight's lower head disappearing completely into the valley on every upstroke. Twilight's hands stopped clutching at the bedsheets and made their way to her own still cum-soaked tits. When was the last time she had a boobjob? Was it with Pinkie? Her big, soft boobs had squished around her wonderfully, and Pinkie herself was so enthusiastic about using her assets in such a “fun” way. No, her last time was with Applejack. After getting railed from behind hard and taking the strap-on back, she shot the idea at the farmer. Applejack had been hesitant at first, but quickly warmed up to the idea. Somewhere along the line, they had put Applejack's plaid overshirt back on her, and then Twilight was straddling Applejack atop a haystack, both gripping each others' hands, while Twilight furiously thrust through her cleavage, which was only held together by the knot the shirt was tied into. Dimly, Twilight pondered how odd it was that she was reminiscing about her friends while she was getting a boobjob from Princess Celestia. Suddenly, Luna crawled over her and sat just above her tits. Twilight simply moved her arms out of the way and began clutching at her pale ass, content to gaze at Luna's soft-looking folds and pucker. Celestia, meanwhile, shot her a dirty look when Luna reached into her cleavage, gripping the end of Twilight's cock between two fingers, and pulled, an indigo aura extending the impressive length even further. Twilight squeaked from behind Luna as she bent over and slipped her lips over the throbbing head. Celestia, of course, was silently fuming. This was the third time she'd been hijacked by her upstart sister. She didn't let her focus on pleasuring Twilight waver, though, even as she plotted retribution. Luna's time would come soon enough, she thought grimly, as she slowed an upstroke to jiggle her mounds around Twilight's cock, only to slam them down. Luna, meanwhile, stopped bobbing her head and leaned back, letting Twilight pop free of her mouth. She licked at the crown, then started to bring her head down, latching her lips to the side of the shaft. She went back and forth a few times, sucking up the fluids slathered over the length (which included the cum and sweat from Celestia's cleavage, if she though about it), before her head bumped into Celestia's on the way back. Pulling away, she saw that her sister had commandeered Twilight's lower head for herself and was now sucking it expertly, not letting it interrupt her boobjob. She shot Luna a cheeky wink. Luna pouted, pulling her drifting hair behind her shoulders. Steeling herself, she returned to Twilight's shaft, set on reclaiming her lost territory. Only a minute of oral warfare later, Celestia could feel Twilight's shaft throbbing in her deep cleavage. Her student's voice, which had been mostly quiet, was suddenly spiking in volume. She was going to cum. Her eyes met Luna's, and they realized they had both reached the same conclusion. In one rapid movement, Luna shoved Celestia's head away with her own and clamped her lips over Twilight's cock, just in time to catch the first spray. She swallowed and shoved her head further down, not minding that her own face was now in her sister's cleavage. A win was a win. Perhaps she should celebrate with a facial at the end... Then Celestia's hand struck her left ass cheek like wrecking ball, marking it red with its force. Luna's throat seized up around the thick shaft, even as cum kept flooding it. She was forced to yank her head back and cough up cum as quickly as possible. She didn't miss Celestia taking up her slack, jamming her own mouth down the dick. Her cheeks inflated as she held the cum in her mouth, letting the excess dribble past her lips and down to her breasts. She looked up at Luna, her strained lips working themselves into a smug grin, then let the head pop loose. Luna only shut her eye just in time for the last spurt to shoot into her face. Wiping the cum away, she growled and got off of Twilight's body. With one last lick of Twilight's cock, which was now shrinking to its original size, Celestia swallowed and matched Luna's movements. “How was that for taking action?” Celestia asked smugly, slowly massaging the cum into her vast bosom. Luna just scowled. “Anyway, I believe that we are tied at the moment.” Her scowl deepened, but she didn't argue. “Then the next shall be the deciding battle,” she stated. “Naturally,” Celestia agreed. She snapped her fingers, and then eleven-inch strap-ons, complete with balls, appeared on both herself and Luna. Luna looked down at hers, prodding at it with a finger. “So this is a strap-on? Hmm, accessories have certainly changed since our time.” Celestia snapped her fingers again, and both dildos suddenly took on more skin-colored hues, the straps vanishing into their skin. Luna poked at her now transformed penis. “We see what thou mean,” she said, impressed. “That was much more simple than flesh-shaping, and nearly as accurate!” She looked up suspiciously. “Thou hath not given us a hidden handicap, hath thou?” “Of course not!,” Celestia scoffed. “Are you implying I might need one?” Twilight, meanwhile, now awake from her second post-orgasmic daze, took the time to compare both princesses. She marveled at the fact that they were sisters, when they seemed as different as—well—as night and day. Celestia's own sun had baked a deep tan into every inch of her body, regardless of whether or not the sun could realistically regularly reach that inch, while Luna was nearly as pale as her own moon; each skin tone contrasted starkly with their wings. Both of them were tall, the top of Twilight's head only coming up to Celestia's shoulder and Luna's chin. As they had discussed, the size of Celestia's thighs and especially her breasts were nearly beyond belief, while Luna had a lithe, but still generous figure—like Rarity with a bit of Fluttershy and a bit of Pinkie. Both were oddly bare of any body hair. Celestia's tits had a slight sag (which still made them ridiculously gravity-defying) and her nipples soft and puffy, while Luna's couldn't be more perky and pointy. Twilight's silent examination was interrupted when the princesses turned to her. “Twilight, stand up,” Celestia commanded. She immediately obeyed, clambering to her feet, still on top of the bed. The sisters approached, climbing onto the bed and knee-walking around her, Celestia in front and Luna behind. Their cocks pointed straight at her in a way that would've been intimidating if she weren't so excited! Celestia put her hands on Twilight's shoulders and pulled her down. Looking down, she could see magic auras holding their erections, positioning them for when... She gasped. There was barely any resistance as both shafts slid into her pussy and her ass. The former, she understood, but did she somehow miss Luna lubing herself up? Her thoughts were soon banished as she kept sliding down, bending her knees further, until they were both hilted deep inside of her. She let out a deep breath, leaning into Celestia's cum-soaked bosom. Her knees still weren't touching the bed, but her weight was completely supported on the dicks and Luna's hands clutching her ass. Luna was the first to begin thrusting, driving a quiet squeak out of Twilight, and Celestia followed suit soon after. Twilight threw her hands around Celestia's body and squeezed as they each pumped into her. Her own hardening cock rubbed along Celestia's slick stomach. On their knees, the princesses couldn't thrust far, but they made up for it with sheer, ball-slapping force in every movement. Luna leaned in to nibble the back of Twilight's neck. When she curled her head back, Celestia bent down to kiss her ear. Twilight wasn't sure how long it had been. At the moment, the princesses had matched their movements, driving their shafts all the way into her together, before slowly drawing halfway out. That would change soon. Celestia was slow, but steady and powerful, where Luna favored quick strokes and variation. Their eyes were shut, letting them focus entirely on the raw, primal sensations. Twilight's head lolled to the side. Coincidentally, Luna just then tried to nibble her left ear at the same time Celestia did. They stopped thrusting, and their eyes snapped open. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna jerked away from each other, staring in shock. Twilight looked up, confused and distraught. “Princess? ...es? Why did you stop?” she asked. They didn't answer, continuing to stare at each other as if seeing each other for the very first time. They licked their lips slowly. There was a rush of movement, and Twilight found herself pulled free of the cocks she'd been enjoying and unceremoniously dumped to the side. “Wha—?” Her voice cut off when she looked back at the princess, and then she tried to permanently sear the image into her memory. They had their arms wrapped around each others' backs, highlighting the sharp contrast of their skin tones. Each of their shafts was pressed between the others' shaft and belly, leaking pre-cum. Celestia's breasts, naturally, didn't so much as squish Luna's as they consumed them. And despite the masses between them, both princesses were locked in the most passionate, almost desperate, kiss that Twilight had ever witnessed. Their great, majestic wings spread out behind them only enhanced the heavenly image. Their lips were mashed together, and it was only seconds before Twilight could see their tongues worm out around each other. Celestia moved a hand up to Luna's head, pulling her closer. Luna copied the movement, and also moved her other hand to kneed at the top of Celestia's messy mounds. Twilight could now see the shape of their tongues exploring every corner of the others' mouth and teeth, freely exchanging saliva. To be honest, their kiss seemed to had skipped straight past making out, and into the realm of eating each others' faces, and yet, remained inexplicably graceful doing so. Twilght's gaze wandered south. Celestia's other hand had migrated to Luna's ass, massaging the still-red mark she had made, but Twilight was now focused on their mighty erections as the princesses ground furiously against each other. The flow of pre-cum had gone up from a dribbles to streams which were now thoroughly lubing their desperate movements. Twilight's hand wandered down to her own throbbing shaft. Finally, the Celestia and Luna's lips parted, and they moaned together as their interlocked shafts painted the bottom of their tits and their stomachs white. Twilight was stunned, and not just by the volume. That couldn't have been more than half a minute of grinding! They didn't get that close while double-teaming her, did they? The princesses were locked in each others' steamy gaze as they panted like they had just finished a marathon. Then, as one, they got onto their sides in opposite directions, facing each others' nethers, and began pumping their heads over the others' still-hard cock. They handled each others' size masterfully, even as they pumped their hips deep into the others' throat, massing their balls and pussies with their hands in the meanwhile. Occasionally, they would pull off the others' shaft and crane their heads to lick the soaking wet pussy underneath. Twilight bit her lip, her own cock spewing another burst of cum on her own body as she stroked it furiously. As she let out a breath, the princesses suddenly tensed up, their throats swallowing... Again? That was twice in one minute! And again at the same time! And still, they were already moving, rising back to their knees, clutching their hands together, and sloppily exchanging bulging mouthfuls of cum. It was like watching porn fast-forwarded about twenty times, Twilight marveled. Then Celestia pushed Luna onto her back and crawled over her. Their lips never parted for more than a second, even as Celestia reached down, grabbing her own cock, and shoved it under Luna's ballsack. Luna's arms reached up and looped around her back. They gazed at each other with an odd serenity as Celestia slid forward, penetrating her smaller sister, until her balls were pressed against her ass. For the first time, they were absolutely still, quietly taking in the sensations. Then, ten seconds later, Celestia was pounding into Luna with loud, wet slaps. Whenever their lips weren't muffled by the others', they moaned blissfully into the air as Twilight rapidly fingered herself, as her erection was starting to feel sore. They took longer to climax this time, but only by a minute. Luna's legs locked around Celestia's waist, holding her in all the way, and at the same time, Celestia bent over, taking the tip of Luna's bouncing shaft into her mouth. They shuddered, and Celestia's throat swallowed furiously. Eventually, she pulled away, her cheeks bulging again, and slowly slid her cock out of Luna's pussy, unblocking a small stream of cum. Celestia moved so that her head was above Luna's. They both opened their mouths, and cum fell like a waterfall from Celestia's to Luna's. Twilight groaned quietly, wishing she could taste some of it for herself. Really, she wanted nothing more than to jump at the sisters and start licking all of the accumulated cum off their bodies, but it seemed a little too... private for that. She vaguely wondered if her own lust for cum was indirectly learned from Celestia. Celestia had now grabbed Luna's ass and hauled it into the air, so that her sister's legs rested over her shoulders, and pushed her balls out of the way to begin eating out her own cum from her snatch. Luna groaned, but quickly threw her weight to the side, toppling Celestia. She then climbed on top of her sister's body in a mirror of their previous position, with Luna aiming her shaft under Celestia's balls. Celestia swished around some the cum she still had in her mouth. “Don't you want some, Sister?” she asked, her voice muffled. Twilight realized that those were the first words either sister had spoken since this had started, and was somewhat stunned. Seriously, three simultaneous orgasms in multiple positions in three minutes, without a word exchanged? Was this just how princesses had sex? Luna just giggled, and licked the very top of the valley between Celestia's mounds. “Give it here,” she said huskily, then thrust into her sister. Celestia gasped in bliss, opening her mouth, and cum dripped down her chin to her chest, trickling to where Luna was waiting. She happily licked up the mixture of juices, as she began fucking Celestia in earnest. Some of Celestia's cum leaked down Luna's ballsack. Twilight screwed her eyes shut, stroking her own shaft at the same time she fingered her gushing snatch. A few tendrils of magic cupped her boobs and her unfamiliar balls. And to think, only minutes ago, she was worrying about a death penalty. Now, she was watching the princesses of Equestria, sisters, fuck each other into the sheets. Luna latched her lips onto one of Celestia's puffy nipples, tweaking the other with a hand as she continued pounding into her pussy, loving the hot, silky walls of her sister. Celestia wrapped her arms and legs around Luna's body, holding her close, while her own cock throbbed between Luna's hanging breasts. She glanced up, and on seeing her masturbating student, jumped as if she had completely forgotten Twilight was there. After a second, she looked back down at Luna. “Sister, I believe we've forgotten something.” “Hm?” Luna, without releasing Celestia's nipple, followed her gaze. She pinched it lightly in her teeth and pulled away, before letting it pop free. “So we have,” she said simply. “I believe she can be put to use cleaning us up.” Her mouth then went for the other breast. “Now that's an idea,” she sighed, still enjoying Luna's shaft ramming into her more and more rapidly. She rose her voice. “Twilight!” she called. Twilight's eyes snapped open, and her body spasmed with another orgasm. More surges of cum, both male and female, spewed over her hands. She panted for a moment, then realized that she had been called. “Y-Yes, Princess?” she blurted out, sitting straight at attention. The princesses tensed up once again. Twilight could see more cum spurting between their bodies, and leaking from under Celestia's ballsack. They relaxed for a few moments, before Luna released her sister's nipple again. “Do not let our ejaculate stain the bedsheets,” she ordered. Twilight bit down a squeal of glee. “Right away, Princess!” she replied, and immediately crawled over to the sisters and ducked her head down to where they were joined. She dragged her tongue up from Celestia's puckered ass, where some of the cum had gathered, up to where her lips were stretched around Luna's shaft. She squeezed her tongue inside, licking up as much as she could reach. She then pulled back slightly to suck on Luna's hanging balls. Luna sighed contentedly. “She is quite eager,” she stated. “You don't have to tell me,” Celestia said, cupping her face in her hands. She pulled Luna closer, and their lips locked once again. As they kissed, Luna began to pull out, prompting Twilight to lick her shaft clean as it slid out. When the head popped free, she sealed her lips over Celestia's divine snatch. Her tongue probed her depths eagerly, even well after she couldn't taste any more of Luna's cum. She felt Luna shift around, but her eyes were shut as she focused on Celestia's lower lips. Then she squeaked when a cock was suddenly shoved into her own pussy. She tried to turn her head, but Celestia's hand clamped down on her and held her in place. Luna set her hands on her ass and started pumping in and out of her, and Twilight's moans were forced into Celestia's muff. Eventually, Celestia eased her grip and let Twilight raise her head. Their eyes met, and Celestia, smiling softly, gestured at her persistent erection. Twilight happily set to her task of lovingly cleaning her mentor's shaft, licking up it in long, languid motions, even as Luna kept pounding her from behind. Celestia kept pulling her head up her body, letting Twilight lick cum off of her stomach and her breasts. She was suckling a nipple like Luna had been when Celestia suddenly picked her up and set her upright. Luna stopped thrusting to help catch her, and then the sisters kneeling, holding her between them, almost like the position from before, except Twilight's body was facing the side this time. She looked around in confusion. “Why aren't you...” she trailed off as Celelestia positioned her shaft not at her unoccupied ass, but at her stuffed pussy. She barely had a chance to gasp before Celestia shoved into where she and Luna were already joined, stretching her wide open. She groaned, throwing her arms around the shoulders of the princess on each side of her. Celestia's thick shaft squeezed in along her sister's slowly, and her inner walls squeezed back at them. Finally, Celestia was all the way in. All three of them breathed slowly, feeling each others' heartbeats through the heavy throbbing. Then Luna withdrew, sliding away from a tunnel that fought to hold her in. When she reversed directions, Celestia began pulling out. The two princesses started fucking Twilight alternatively, never leaving her completely empty. She was quiet, but her face revealed just how much pleasure she was getting, squeezing her eyes shut and biting her lip. The world seemed to fade away for Twilight. Nothing mattered except the two divine shafts pounding into her. From the way the sisters clutched onto her and each other, they felt similarly, both about her pussy, and each others' shaft sliding against theirs. They were fucking her as one again, almost pushing her body up with their powerful, combined thrusts. She opened her mouth and let out a long, shuddering groan as her tired cock weakly spurted cum across all of their chests. The princesses slammed themselves as deep into her as possible, and held on. She could feel her pussy instantly overflowing, far too stuffed to contain anymore of anything.. They looked down at the completely limp body between them. “We were hoping for more, to be honest,” Luna said as they lifted her off of their shafts. “She's only mortal,” Celestia told her as they set her flat onto the bed, and draped a blanket over her. “Really, it's impressive she lasted as long as she did, especially after whatever you two did in Ponyville.” “True.” They stared at her sleeping form, a small smile forming on her lips. “So... our claim to her...” “You know,” Celestia cut her off, “we made that law a long time ago. We meant for it to protect ourselves from the vice of jealousy, but times have changed since then.” “...We agree,” Luna nodded, looking straight back at her. “We do not believe that jealousy of our partners is a danger to us anymore. We would do well to end it.” “That we would,” she agreed, meeting her gaze. The two sisters held their stares for nearly a minute. “Much really has changed, hasn't it?” Celestia asked. “Indeed,” Luna nodded. “Though we do not know if these feelings are new, or if we simply have never realized them.” There was no answer. Their shared gaze didn't waver. They drifted towards each other and hugged tightly. “I love you, Lulu,” Celestia said. “And we love you, 'Tia,” Luna replied. Their lips and cocks met again. “Yo Twilight! When did you go to Canterlot? Spike was worried sick when you weren't... Twilight?” Rainbow Dash watched as Twilight Sparkle practically floated out of the chariot, and straight into the doors of her library, her face frozen in a blissful grin. The driver snapped his reigns, and the pegasi pulled the chariot into the air, turning it back towards the distant spires of Canterlot. The library door swung shut. Looking back and forth, Rainbow scratched her head. “Did she get laid?” she asked the air. “No, she gets laid all the time... Guess it's something dorky. Like a new book. Yeah, that makes way more sense.” > In a Big Tasty Stew > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: TSxZ, goo girl, tentacles, enema, double penetration Twilight cracked the door into Zecora's hut open, peaking around. She saw no sign of the tribal shamaness anywhere in the single room; there was only a clutter of creepy masks and shelves of exotic ingredients along the walls and an enormous cauldron, probably big enough to hold two people, in the center, occasionally making a lazy, wet pop. She hesitated for a few more moments, despite the fact that Zecora had an open invitation for all of the girls into her home regardless of whether or not she was present; outside in the Everfree Forest was a poor place to linger. Eventually, Twilight pushed the door further open, slid in herself, and shut the door behind her. Zecora's staff was there by the door, so wherever she had gone, it couldn't have been for long. At this, Twilight let herself settle down, walking over to the round table and sitting at one of the two thick stools. She slid off her bag, pulled out a tome titled Conventions of Unconventional Magicks, and set it on her lap as she waited. She'd been hoping on getting Zecora's input on the chapter regarding tribal mysticism, but she could wait. A minute passed. Twilight tapped her foot, looking around. She tugged off her sweater-vest. It was awfully warm in the hut. She glanced over at the lazily bubbling cauldron, then at the small collection of bottles and herbs littering the table. It seemed Zecora had been in the middle of brewing a potion, but had to run off to find some ingredient she was missing. Carefully setting the book aside, she approached the half-full cauldron. Despite the bubbling, there were only ashes in the pit underneath it. The potion itself was a neon green color, and it was giving off a strong scent of sweetness and...something else she was having trouble identifying. She grabbed the stirring stick resting in the cauldron and raised it slightly. From the way the liquid sloughed off it, she mentally added two more details regarding the potion: it had a syrup-like viscosity and was slightly translucent. She shuffled her feet. It was really getting warm in here, she thought as she opened a few buttons on her shirt. She turned back to look at the table and the ingredients strewn atop it. “What exactly were you making?” she asked out loud. Only silence answered her. She kept standing for a few more seconds before realizing that something was off about that. She looked back at the potion. It had stopped bubbling. Frowning, she made another stir with the stick and pulled it out. The mixture had become more translucent, and it sloughed off much more slowly. Twilight dropped the stick in shock. “Oh no,” she gasped, “did I ruin it?” She didn't think just touching the stirring stick would do anything! “What am I going to tell Zecora?” she cried, staring down into the potion. The potion stared back. Twilight blinked. The potion blinked back. There was a face in the potion. Why was there a face in the potion? Twilight's face scrunched up in utter confusion. Suddenly, two arms sprang from the brew, latched onto Twilight's shoulders, and yanked her inside mid-cry. Her entire body flipped over the cauldron's rim and disappeared under the potion's surface, which sloshed violently for a few seconds before settling, leaving no sign that anyone had been standing there. When Zecora opened the door into her hut, the first thing she noticed was the bag at the foot of her table and the book on top. The second thing she noticed was the conspicuous lack of any owner. The third thing she noticed was that her cauldron wasn't bubbling. She looked at the bunch of pale flowers sticking out of her satchel, then at the cauldron. After a few moments, she moved closer and saw that the brew inside had turned a brilliant violet and, much more shockingly, had a set of clothes floating on the surface. She reeled back, uttering a string of words in her native tongue that shall not be translated. “Can you hear me, Twilight?” she called, dashing to edge of the cauldron. “Tell me if you are alright!” Suddenly, the surface of the potion bulged upwards, bringing the soaked clothes with it. Zecora found herself watching the curious sight of a tower of purple jelly hastily dressing itself. Quickly, the shapeless mass thinned out, forming arms that leaned against the cauldron's brim, a head with a hair-like blob trailing from it, and a very feminine body. The shirt it was wearing was only halfway buttoned, revealing a distracting amount of cream-colored bra and abundant, see-through cleavage. “Hiiiiiii, Zecora!” the silme chirped brightly, its voice an echo-y facsimile of Twilight's. “I've been waiting for youuu!” Even the face was an eerie copy of Twilight's, its grin stretched twice as far as should've been possible. Zecora stepped back nervously. “You wear Twilight's form and face, I see, but is it truly she who appears before me?” she asked, one arm ready to reach for the staff she'd left by the door. “Hee hee! Of cooourse it is!” the potion said, its form quivering with laughter. “It's your potion, isn't iiit? You should knooow what it does!” The potion—or rather, Twilight—began to stretch her arms. “I meeean, I feel kinda loopy, but can you blame me? This is amaaazing! I had nooo idea that you could even brew up something like this in the first place!” She brought one of her hands in front of her face, and before Zecora's eyes, the fingers began to shift through various shapes: a pair of scissors, a fountain pen, a spoon, a short ruler, a drawing compass, a fork, and so on. Zecora allowed herself to relax at this. The Pinkie-like bubbly-ness the pure slime usually expressed was clearly heavily influencing her, but Twilight's curious nature was definitely showing through. That, and the fact that she was actually talking, rather than gurgling like the slime typically did. She pulled the satchel off and grabbed the flowers in her hand. Twilight looked up from her own hand, her fingers snapping back to their original forms. “What are those for?” she asked, gesturing at the flowers. “The petals here are the final things to be brewed,” she answered, approaching the cauldron again. “They prevent the stirrer from becoming consumed. Though it has already happened to you, with these, your mistake, I can undo.” Twilight regarded the flowers with a tilted head for a few seconds. Suddenly, she stuck her arm out, and the the stirring stick, covered by her sleeve, shot out from within her arm, smacking the flowers out of Zecora's hand. The shamaness flinched back, but Twilight stretched forward, bring the stick behind her back and pulling her up to the cauldron. Suddenly, Zecora found herself pressed against Twilight's gooey, full form by her own stirring stick, held by each of Twilight's arms. “Why would you go and do something like thaaat?” Twilight giggled, her bubbly voice gradually dropping to something deeper. They were close enough that her breath should've felt hot against Zecora's face, if she had any breath in this form. Zecora wasn't sure if the lack of the feeling was comforting or disturbing. “I'm nowhere near finished with this body, and neither are youuu...” Zecora shivered in Twilight's grip. The gooey body was pressing past the opening of her thick cloak, touching bare skin. “Twilight, the sensations you feel are new, but—!” Suddenly, a gooey hand slapped over her mouth, even though the stirring stick remained stuck behind her; Twilight had sprouted an extra arm to gag her. “Don't act so coooy, Zecora,” Twilight purred. “After I figured out what the potion did, I wondered for a bit why you wanted to brew something like this up in the first place? To create a temporary lifeform composed entirely of slime, with a natural inclination to take the shape of a human female, and to top it aaall off, infused with aphrodisiacs? I didn't have to wonder too looong,” she giggled. Still gagged and stuck in place, Zecora could only widen her eyes and flush deeply. Suddenly, she released the stirring stick and the gag, and Zecora stumbled backwards. She nearly tripped over her own cloak (when had it come off?) before regaining her footing a few steps away. She looked back up at Twilight and gasped. Twilight's clothes were dropping from her form entirely, revealing her purple, translucent body from the thighs up as she posed provocatively. “I wonder...” she breathed huskily, “did this shape come around itself, or did you have to customize these curves juuust so?” She hefted one of her massive tits, letting it bounce like jello. Zecora bit her lip, unable to look away. “Or what if...” Twilight's body suddenly began to shift, her entire surface rippling. “You'd like something a little more natural?” Her body was now back to it's original shape: small, lithe, and with average-sized, but delightfully perky breasts. Zecora's breath nearly left her. “Oooh, now that got a reaction!” the goo girl squealed. “You know, you're reeeally good at hiding it! Usually, I can tell pretty quickly when I'm being ogled, but even after all my visits, I wasn't sure about you until just nooow!” Suddenly, something in Zecora's demeanor changed. The flustered blush in her cheeks drained away, and her eyes widened in fear. She started to tremble. Twilight frowned, sensing the shamaness's panic. “Is there something wrong?” she asked, tilting her head. “No!” Zecora snapped, staring at her feet. “Don't... Don't look at me!” She turned her body away, raising her arms as if trying to hide herself. Twilight was taken aback. “Z-Zecora?” “Don't look! Don't... I'm sick! I'm disgusting!” she cried, sinking to the ground. She was starting to sob. Twilight didn't know what came over the shamaness, but she couldn't let those words stand. She threw her gooey arms out in front of her. They stretched, grabbing onto Zecora's shoulders and yanking back to the cauldron. She barely made out a sound of protest before Twilight's arms wrapped around her back in a fierce hug. “Don't say that!” she shouted, leaning into Zecora's shoulder. “You're not disgusting! You're beautiful! Who would think otherwise?” Zecora hesitated, stunned. “But I...” she stammered out. “You're a woman... This lust I feel... It's wrong for me to think...” Twilight abruptly pushed away. Zecora's heart stopped. Then Twilight's gooey lips were on hers and her heart began pounding like a thunderstorm. Her eyes stared blankly as Twilight slowly pressed more insistently. It was difficult to see, even up this close, but Twilight's eyes were shut in concentration. All too soon, the pressure receded. Twilight pulled her head back just an inch. “Did that feel wrong?” she asked softly. Zecora would've collapsed if it weren't for the strong grip on her shoulders. A million thoughts whirled through her head, but then she thought about the kiss, and the memory of it shoved everything else out. “No,” she whispered. Twilight smiled, not a face-splitting grin, but a soft, honest smile. A hand stroked her still-stunned face. “You really are beautiful,” Twilight said. Zecora tried to stifle another sob. The hand slid down, past her neck, then it was slowly slipping under her thick wrappings. She gasped, and Twilight's lips captured hers again. Zecora didn't consider herself beautiful, she thought as Twilight's slimy, sweet tongue poked through her own lips. But all the same, Twilight had two sets of arms holding and massaging her, one set gripping her shoulders, one hand pushing up her wrappings to caress her sagging breasts, and another tracing the spiral of body paint around her navel with a finger. When Twilight's lips left hers again, she spoke. “Is this a dream?” she asked. “Should I fear awakening to... sun... beams?” she finished her rhyme weakly. Twilight giggled. She was really distracted. “Wheneeever you want,” she murmured, looking her in the eye, “you can come over to the library, and I'll prove it was no dream. But for now...” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I'm going to fuck you.” Zecora shuddered. The arms on her shoulders let go, and Zecora found them pulling her thigh. She lifted the leg, and Twilight pulled it into the cauldron. The other soon followed, and Twilight lowered her into a sitting position on the brim of the large cauldron. Still dazed, she didn't protest as Twilight pulled off her wrappings entirely, exposing her breasts to the air. Twilight leaned back, her eyes taking in the golden hoops that pierced her nipples, and the white, painted stripes that stood out against her near-black, toned body. Suddenly, Twilight's face had a mischievous grin, and she leaned forward. Zecora watched as Twilight's breasts neared her own, and gasped when the gooey nipples consumed her own pierced ones. Twilight leaned back, and Zecora groaned as her nipples were tugged on. “Oh wooow!” Twilight gasped. “It's weird, but it feels like I'm sucking on them!” Her body swayed forward, causing her breasts to nearly engulf Zecora's dark pair, then she swayed back until only her own nipples were tugging on the piercings. Zecora suddenly brought up her hand and stuffed it in her jaw, muffling a loud moan. Twilight just used to her own hand to pull it out. “No holding it back,” Twilight ordered. “I want to heeear it. Every gasp, moan, and cry you make, I want it loooud and clear.” Zecora, after a pause, nodded mutely and then let out a groan as Twilight tugged a bit harder. The golden nipple piercings held Twilight's gaze captive. “You knooow, I've always wondered what it would be like to get piercings,” she mused out loud. “From what I'd seen, it seemed like fun, though it was never something I seeeriously considered. Also, my brother would compleeetely freak out...” Even through the haze of her sexual pleasure and post-emotional breakdown, a number of questions came to Zecora's mind, but after a few seconds, her mouth settled on, “You have a brother?” Abruptly, Twilight's body surged forward, mashing into Zecora's. Her gasped was interrupted as Twilight's lips captured hers, and then it seemed to fill her own mouth, as the tongue extended to probe every corner. Twilight's warm body, meanwhile, was nearly engulfing hers, pressing against every contour of her skin—no, it was entirely engulfing her, surrounding her body, the slime massaging and groping her all over. Her loincloth was being tugged off, but she couldn't bring herself to care as her ass was firmly squeezed. Suddenly, her muffled moans were replaced a muffled yelp as she felt a pressure in a new spot. Tearing her mouth away from Twilight's she gasped, “Why are you poking my... back door? Surely there are less filthy places to explore!” The goo girl just giggled mischievously. “Then we'll just have to clean it up.” Zecora blinked owlishly. “But—” Twilight cut her off by resuming their intense kiss, and her muffled protests died as another pressure began poking at a more orthodox area. The ooze that surrounded her was now massaging her labia, with an attention to detail that the pure slime could have never achieved. She groaned blissfully as a light pressure squeezed her clit, and almost didn't notice the straw-thin tendril squeezing into her sphincter. Her eyes, which had been drooping in pleasure, snapped open, but she didn't try to pull away again. The sensitive ring of muscle didn't offer much resistance to the tendril, allowing about a finger-length in. Then it thickened. Zecora gasped as a bulb of slime swelled inside her, sloshing inside as if... “You knooow,” Twilight muttered, abruptly pulling her lips away, “as new and exciting as this form is, it's got its downsides. Like, on one hand, I can taste eeeverything I touch. On the other hand, I can taste everything I touch.” Zecora blinked again. “Then why—?” Again, Twilight interrupted her by slamming their mouths back together. Zecora felt no need to complain. Her lower lips were still being teased, distracting her from her other hole. After a few seconds, the bulb of slime inside her suddenly slipped out, squeezing past her ring with an oddly satisfying feeling. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Twilight fling a bit of something out an open window. Then she broke their kiss once more. “Now,” Twilight said, grinning widely, “we can get started.” Before Zecora could ask what she meant, her body suddenly lost its shape and splashed back into the cauldron. The pool of slime then tugged on Zecora's legs, causing her to slip off the brim. Her arms flailed wildly, trying to keep her balanced, before latching onto the brim of the cauldron in front of her, leaving her bent over in the middle of the cauldron. “Peeerfect,” the slime gurgled. She looked down, and saw a clear, purple tentacle waving about slowly between her spread legs. Zecora knew of a wide variety of exotic creatures and plants, including a peculiar plant that consisted mostly of thick vines with a tendency to ensnare and penetrate humanoid females in order to insert seeds. Tentacles plants were rarely found in the wild—as far as reproduction methods went, one that depended on the availability of defenseless women wandering through the wilderness was rather ineffective—but it had always been a quiet, lingering fantasy for her to stumble upon one. The slime tentacle poked at the inside of one her thighs, picking up a trail of liquid she hadn't noticed. “Oooh,” the pool of slime she was standing in purred. It was as odd sensation. “And I~ thought you were wet before! You must be reeealy excited.” The tendril brushed against her lower lips, driving a gasp out of her. She gripped the brim more tightly and ground herself against the tentacle. “Then I won't keep you waiting.” The tentacle suddenly shoved itself between her folds. Zecora's legs nearly buckled beneath her as she let out a throaty cry. Immediately, it began pumping in and out of her. It wasn't nearly as hard as her polished stone dildo, but it was warm and pulsing and so alive inside her, and even better, it was gradually growing thicker and reaching deeper. It happily filled her again and again as her walls tried and failed to grip it. She vaguely felt a new pair of tentacles slowly wind up her legs, twisting around her calves. “Aaand... step two,” Twilight announced, just before the pressure at her back door returned. Zecora barely had time to brace herself before another tentacle slithered inside her ring and gently forced it open. Just like that, there were two tendrils pounding her, one thankfully smaller than the other. And it felt good. She didn't know why, but it felt right, being filled in both holes. The tentacle in her pussy was still pounding away, the one in her ass was slow and gentle, caressing her from the inside. Then, after a particularly hard thrust from both oozing tendrils, her legs collapsed. Her body slumped all the way into the cauldron. At least, it almost did. A thick tentacle wrapped around her stomach, holding her in place, while her legs were yanked up in front of her, leaving her ass exposed to the two tentacles fucking her, and a couple more new ones began caressing her cheeks. Even as her pleasure-addled mind took notice of them, more new tentacles were appearing and latching on to her. Her arms, which had remained latched onto the cauldron's brim, were gently pried away by slime tendrils that wrapped around them, and another pair were massaging her tits, playing with the nipple piercings. Still, more tentacles appeared, caressing her body anywhere were the others weren't. One tentacle waved around in front of her face. She watched it uncomprehendingly, but the moment she opened her mouth to ask about it, it surged between her lips. She let out a muffled cry as her mouth was filled with sweet slime, then began to choke as it reached too far. Suddenly, it yanked itself out, letting her cough into the air. “Oh, sorry!” the slime around her cried. All of the tentacles had stopped moving “I didn't expect... Have you... ever given oral?” Zecora shook her head, still trying to work the last coughs out. “I'm not sure what you mean,” she said. “That was unlike anything I've seen.” There was a pause. “Wooow, and I thought Ponyville was bad,” Twilight muttered. “Ah, well.” The all of the tendrils were moving again, pounding her holes, groping her body, and throbbing around her. “It just means I have to be caaareful.” Zecora blinked. “Wait—” she started, before the tentacle shoved itself back into her mouth. It began thrusting slightly, sliding against her tongue. This time, it was small enough that she could've just easily spit it out, but she didn't. She kept her lips sealed around it, curiously taking in the sensation of the penetration of a hole that had never occurred to her. Slowly, her eyes shut, and she decided to treat it as if it were Twilight's tongue, stroking it with her own. She was moaning noisily now. Her pussy was being pounded with more force than the pure slime had ever mustered, and there was the amazing, new feeling of her ass being filled over and over. She could almost feel the thin barrier separating them. The tendrils at her breasts squeezed particularly hard, tugging her piercings, before surging to cover her nipples and sucking on them as if trying to draw milk. She began to thrash her limbs in pleasure, or at least tried to. The tentacles holding onto her limbs only allowed the slightest movement, but were otherwise like iron. They forced her to hold her position, with her legs bent and spread out in front of her and her arms above her head, and to her surprise, that knowledge only made her shake in more pleasure. It was too much. Her groans grew louder and louder, her eyelids fluttered, and she could only slobber over the tendril probing her mouth. Twilight had to have noticed. The pace was increasing, pounding into her faster and harder. She could feel her breasts swinging up and down, even in Twilight's grip. The sensations were more than she had ever experienced in her life, more than could've even imagined. It was was too much, and she loved every second of it. Finally, the tentacles slammed into her pussy and ass, filling them up completely, and the one in her mouth pulled itself loose, letting her scream in bliss as she reached her climax. She could feel every single one of the gooey tendrils pulsated rhythmically around her, their ends shifting slightly. As one, the tentacles outside of her body aimed at her, and began to spray her with the same purple slime they were made out of, while her own body milked the ones inside her, filling her up with warm, heavenly ooze. She was lost in euphoria, having never even imagined how good her own body could feel. Slowly, the world faded back in. She was back in the cauldron, staring up at the wooden ceiling of her hut, her limbs folded in slightly to fit. Purple slime nearly coated all her skin, but most of it was behind and under her, collected in the womanly figure of Twilight Sparkle, providing a squishy, warm, and slightly erotic cushion for her body. For a moment, Zecora waited. Then she relaxed, sagging into her seat with a deep sigh. Twilight's arms came up and crossed around her body, hugging her tightly, and Zecora snuggled against her grip happily. Some time later, Twilight spoke. “I haaate to interrupt,” she said, her voice rippling through all the slime, “but I can feel the potion's time limit creeping up. You up for one mooore round?” Zecora's sleepy eyes snapped open. She sprang up from her seat and whirled around to face it. “Yes! Please! One more!” There was a pause. “These feelings I adore!” she finished. Twilight pursed her slimy lips. “I can't help but feel your rhymes are getting laaazy,” she muttered as her arms, having been torn off when Zecora jerked away, reformed by splitting from her sides. “Anyways, yooour turn!” “Huh?” “Yeah!” she giggled in her reverberating voice. “Laaast time, I threw that whole tentacle thing at you, but now, it's your turn to come up with somethiiing!” She clasped her arms in front of herself, squishing her transparent breasts together to inflate them almost exactly like balloons. “So what do you wanna do?” Zecora stared, somewhat distracted by the sight. “If you want to know what I prefer,” she eventually said, “I wish to take as you already were.” “Aaaawww,” Twilight bubbled, clapping her hands on her cheeks, “that's sweeeet. But seriously, as I said, you can do that any time you want. This should be more special! Come ooon, think of something only a slime could do!” The shamaness frowned, but tilted her head in thought. “So you wish for a greater thrill?” She tried her own hand at a seductive smile. Twilight, at the very least, didn't laugh at her. “Very well, then. Sit still.” Twilight ooh'ed and settled into a kneeling position with her arms at her sides. Zecora did her best in the cramped cauldron to maneuver back into her previous position, seated in Twilight's lap and her back resting against her great, gooey rack. She only took a second to enjoy the feeling before fiercely grinding her ass and body backwards. Twilight tilted her head in confusion, but comprehension dawned on her as her jiggling breasts completely parted around Zecora's body. “Ooh, I get it!” she cried, adjusting her own body. Zecora found her work much easier as Twilight's gooey body opened up around hers, leaving a depression to sink herself into. She then used her arms to spread the slime in front of the body, more ooze surged up from the bottom of the cauldron, and just like that, her body was once again completely enveloped in Twilight's. She could still feel Twilight's giggling and cooing head behind her own, but otherwise, the purple, slimy, and bountiful body was practically her own. She raised her arms, also encased in goo, and stood up straight to look at herself. “You wouldn't happen to have a gooood mirror somewhere in here, would you?” Twilight's head asked. Zecora just shook her head, too busy admiring the great, quivering breast-shaped blobs of goo covering her own chest. “Pity. Wish I had my magic. We definitely look sooo sexy~” Twilight then drew her hands up and down her own squishy curves, dragging along Zecora's arms to her delight. Like a water balloon, the slime responded to pressure by inflating in other areas, like when they pulled more slime up their body into their breasts, expanding them even further. Then, Twilight leaned them back until they were sitting on the rim of the cauldron. Once again, Zecora felt pressure against her pussy and ass, and she eagerly spread her legs in anticipation. Looking down, she could see the slime surrounding her nethers begin to push in while Twilight's gooey lips kissed the back of her neck. Just like that, two rods of slime were once again pounding into her, driving out gasps and moans of pleasure, but this time, rather than suspending her from a series of tentacles, Twilight was giving her an effective full-body massage and still forcing Zecora's arms to grope their shared body. She tried to sag, but the slime held her body up, in fact pushing their ass off the cauldron rim and forcing her to remain standing while getting fucked in both holes. “You looove this, don't you?” Twilight whispered into her ear. Zecora whimpered and nodded in response. “Getting pounded like a sexy slut, by a sexy slut? You wish you could do this aaall the time?” She moaned her approval out loud. “Then we're going to have sooo much fun,” Twilight continued. “Pinkie has got to try this potion out! She's already so bubbly and bouncy, just imagine what the potion would do to her!” She gasped. “What if we both tried the potion together and combined? I mean, I don't know if that's really a good idea, but I'm toootally willing to find out.” Twilight started putting more force on Zecora's arms, until the shamaness was no longer stroking Twilight's slimy body, but her own thinner, dark-skinned one inside. One arm tweaked at her nipple rings, and another rested just above her nethers, feeling the bulge from the pillar of goo slamming into her. “The other girls, they'd try it out, buuut they'd probably want to do different things to you. Applejaaack, she'd love to tie you up, maybe hang you from a ceiling? Rut you like a beast in heat. Rarity could finally get you measured and fitted. She's been waiting for so long. Give you a gooood spanking for that.” Zecora could feel extra pressure from the slime groping her ass. Twilight's voice was becoming more breathy, and her pace increased. “Get you in a slutty bikini. Show you off. Rainbow would love that. Drag you to the lake, throw you on the shore, pull your nips out, fuck you silly, again, and again, and again. And Fluttershy? Maybe she'll take charge for once. Sit on your face. Make you learn to eat a girl out. Keep touching you, but never let you finish 'till she's happy. Oh, FUCK!” All the goo surrounding Zecora quivered violently, and the tendrils inside her almost lost their shape. The pure slime had always been a passive lover, having little feeling itself, but Twilight had been pushed to orgasm by her own imagination. That realization, along with the slime in her nethers re-solidifying and slamming into her depths, brought her to her own screaming peak. The slime holding her up sagged, forcing Zecora to grab the cauldron edge in front of them to brace them. They were still for a while, then the slime surrounding Zecora suddenly sloughed off her body. Exhausted, Zecora fell to her knees, resting her head on the cauldron rim. “Wow,” she heard Twilight say. “That was different.” Odd. There was something off about her voice. She looked back and stared. Twilight staggered onto her feet as the watery remains of the potion spilled down her pale skin. “I didn't realize just how loopy the potion made me feel until it wore off,” she muttered. She snapped her fingers, and a violet, fluffy towel appeared in her arms. She immediately set to patting her legs and feet dry so she could at least step outside the cauldron on the dirty floor of the hut without picking up mud. She glanced backwards, and saw Zecora still staring, wide-eyed, at her naked body. She grinned and began to work the towel more sensually, rubbing it along her flat ass and perky breasts, putting on a show. Eventually, she beckoned at Zecora to stand up, then began drying the shamaness with her own towel. She took her time, giving Zecora ample opportunity to bask in the sights and sensations. “What do you say to one more romp today?” she said as she finished. “Your bed.” Zecora bit her lip and nodded, still unable to take her eyes of Twilight's bare skin. > Me, Myself, and I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: TSxTSxTS, selfcest, time travel, futa, rapeplay, spitroasting, sloppy seconds Twilight didn’t have anything to do. This was a highly unusual situation for her, considering how rigorously she scheduled her own life, but the chaos of the last week, caused by her own time-traveling, had thrown everything out of whack. Her attempt to redo her already redone schedule for the month was rushed, and highly suboptimal. For example, right now, she was scheduled to take a break from work, research, and even scheduling (according to a footnote written in red by Spike) and spend time with her friends, but she knew for a fact that all of her friends were currently busy, out of town, or too far to visit in the rainy weather, leaving her to do… what? She paced around her own bedroom, rereading her schedule again. Well, she could catch up on some light reading; it’d been a while since she’d been able to sit down with a good novel. Maybe stroll down the market, meet some new people? No, wait, the rain was still a thing. She hoped Spike had made it to Rarity’s before it started. She stared out the window at the downpour for a while. Actually, she was kind of horny. Since the chaos of the disaster-proofing week and the busy aftermath, she had few opportunities to fuck her friends, and her arrangement with Spike couldn’t fully scratch her itch; not that playing by herself was fully satisfying either, but it was better than nothing. With that thought, she set her schedule down, fell into her bed, lifted her skirt, and set to work on herself through her panties. As she stroked along the dampening fabric, her mind browsed through fantasies like outfits in a closet. What if Rarity was returning all the help Spike had offered her with her own “help”? She could imagine Rarity giving him a teasing strip show, then her surprise on seeing his unique anatomy. Or better, Twilight could blindfold and tie her up, and let Spike surprise her like that. She shifted her panties aside, and her free hand reached under her shirt. Who else could she share Spike with? Ooh, Princess Celestia! Spike would be dwarfed, and loving it! And spice up the pseudo-incest with actual incest by throwing in Princess Luna! She giggled out loud at the thought of Spike being happily smothered in their combined cleavage. Speaking of sisters, the girls at the spa, Aloe and Lotus, were enticing. The two always wore form-fitting uniforms that left little to the imagination, and they were always a bit touchy-feely with each other. She pictured them arms clasped, chest-to-chest, cheek-to-cheek, shooting her seductive smiles. Come to think of it, they were trained in Canterlot, weren’t they? Maybe they would be willing to provide happy endings… “Twilight!” Twilight jumped, her hands springing away from her body. She had not been expecting to be interrupted. “What? Who…?” She rose on her elbows and then stared at the fading light. Standing in front of her was Twilight Sparkle, hunched slightly, panting, covered again in a torn catsuit, a bandage, and disheveled hair, but without an eyepatch or scratch. Twilight Sparkle blinked. She hadn’t even noticed the time travel spell go off over the rain and her own imagination. “Not again!” she cried. “What is it this time?” “No time to explain!” The future her shouted, stomping forward. Twilight did not expect her future self to reach over, grab her shirt, and rip it open, sending buttons flying everywhere. “Wha— AHH!” she got out before Futurelight roughly shoved her bra up, bent over, and began fiercely sucking on a nipple. Twilight, overwhelmed by confusion, fell flat on her back and did nothing to resist even as she felt another hand shove aside her panties. And then she felt a very male intrusion shoving against her folds. “Wait!” she cried out, finally making an effort to shove the other girl away. “I’m not wet enough!” “Don’t care!” her double shot back, using both hands to restrain her. “Fifty-one out of sixty seconds left!” Then she thrust herself in. Even as Twilight gasped in both pleasure and pain at the thick cock being rammed into her, her mind was racing. Sixty seconds? She was going to travel back in time and use those sixty seconds to rape her past self? Futurelight took a deep breath, then started slamming roughly into her, driving out pained screams. Against all of Twilight’s better judgement, she was excited. She was excited to be held down and raped by her own future self, and she was excited at the prospect of eventually holding down and raping her own past self. Her pussy was already gushing, making Futurelight’s passage easier, but that was ruining the fantasy. Twilight fought to hide a grin. She knew what she had to do. She began thrashing, fighting her double’s grip on her arms. “No! Stop!” she cried, turning her head away. “Let me go! I don’t want this!” The future Twilight just growled. “Shut up, slut,” Her hands shifted, grabbing on to both of present Twilight’s wrists in one hand, and using the other to force her head back up, so they were looking each other in the eye. “How dare you tell me what I can,” she made a deep thrust, driving out a gasp, “or can’t do with my own pussy.” Twilight whimpered as her double’s fingers clenched over her face. “Why? How could you do this to yourself?” Futurelight grinned nastily. “Because you’re too adorable to not fuck.” She suddenly dove down, mashing their lips together. Twilight squeaked in shock, her cries muffled by her own mouth. The hand gripping her face let go, slid down to her exposed breasts, and began squeezing them roughly. Twilight kept struggling against her captor’s grip, screaming into her mouth, and loving it. She loved the hard, merciless cock slamming deep into her, she loved the fingers yanking at her breasts and nipples, she loved the tongue dominating her mouth, and on top of all that, she loved knowing that she would soon be on the other side of it. Far too soon, her double broke their kiss, looking up at the other side of the bed. “Here comes a better use for your mouth, slut,” she said, not slowing down her pounding in the least. Twilight followed her gaze, and saw another Twilight, this one wearing the same clothes and hair, but her catsuit was even worse off, clearly exposing her breasts and a thick, cum-covered cock. Twice! She was going to rape herself twice! Twilight fought to disguise her delight as horror, watching as Futurelight-Two sprang onto the bed and crawled over, her dripping cock swinging wildly. “No!” she remembered to scream. “No more! Please!” “I said a better use!” Futurelight-One snarled, using both hands to hold her mouth open. Twilight flailed her now released hands, but they were quickly snatched up by the third Twilight, who then shoved her cock down her open throat. She moaned at the intimately familiar tastes, recognizing her own pussy juices on top of her own illusory cum. “So, how’s our cunt?” Two asked, starting to properly fuck Twilight’s throat as she wrestled her arms. “Very tight. Wet too. The slut’s actually enjoying it!” One laughed, folding her legs and pushing her torso up so she was eye-level with Two. “How’s our mouth?” “Delightful. She definitely knows how to suck a cock.” By now, Twilight had given up her resistance. Two let go of her limp arms, which then reached around to grasp Two’s ass. “Hah! Can you believe this slut actually fought it?” “What a stupid bitch.” One sneered. “Come on, fuck her harder, like the dumb slut deserves!” Their pace increased, and Twilight moaned louder around the dick thrusting into her throat. She noticed her two future selves embrace each other above her and kiss furiously, but focused her efforts on pulling Two’s hips, encouraging her throatfuck her past self harder. Twilight was in heaven, getting spitroasted by her own merciless cock as her rapists made out above her. Unfortunately, they had a time limit. No sooner did Twilight wonder how many seconds were left than did One suddenly pull away. “Damn it, need to cum!” she cried, her pounding turning frantic. Twilight desperately tried to clench her vaginal walls around the cock to help, but it didn’t seem have an effect. Suddenly, Two reached over, tore One’s catsuit so her breasts bounced out, and then began to grope at them furiously. One finally curled her back and cried as she came, hilting herself in Twilight’s pussy and flooding it. She backed out an inch, then slammed back in, shooting another thick load inside. She repeated this one more time, and began to shine. Twilight felt one last spurt enter her before One disappeared in a flash. The moment One’s time ran out, Two tore her now cleaner cock free from Twilight’s throat, leaving her to gasp. Two quickly crawled around to her legs, wasting no time in flipping her skirt back up and penetrating her gaping pussy before One’s cum could even leak out on its own. “Thirty-two seconds,” she growled, pounding her all over again. Twilight groaned weakly, curling her legs and arms around Two. Two then suddenly yanked her back, leaving Twilight’s ass hanging off the edge of the bed. She resuming her harsh pounding, but used her new position to clamp her lips over Twilight’s left breast while using her fingers to pinch the other. Twilight squealed, grasping even more tightly at her double. They continued in furious silence, Two occasionally swapping breasts, and Twilight gasping whenever she bit down, until finally, Two’s pace slowed down, making each thrust harder and deeper than the last. Twilight, feeling her own climax rapidly approaching as well, yanked her double’s body up. Two collapsed onto her, their lips mashing together just in time for them to cum. Their crotches mashed together, Two driving herself deep inside Twilight’s already messy tunnel and pumping it full of even more cum. This time, she stayed hilted, letting her cock pour into her past self’s pussy. Finally, they broke their kiss. “That was amazing,” Twilight gasped even as Two pulled out, unstopping a torrent of cum from her gaping pussy. “We have the best ideas,” Two said, crawling back up her body and shoving her again messy cock into her face. Her body was starting to shimmer. Twilight clamped her lips around the organ as far as she could one last time, sucking her own mess off herself before Two vanished in another flash. Finally, Twilight collapsed, cum dripping from both ends. The world span around her as she took in the last minute-and-a-half. A while later, she slowly rose on her elbows, licking her lips, and pulling up her skirt to look at the mess of cum still spilling from her stuffed pussy. She couldn’t wait to get on the other ends of that. She would have to find that old catsuit, redo her hair, get herself a cock, then spend some time working herself up to the point that she would come in a minute of penetration. Twilight had a lot to do. > Happily Ever After > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: RyxAxLxFs, a little AxTSxL, twincest, happy ending, specifically nuru massages “Right this way, Miss Rarity, Miss Fluttershy, Miss Twilight,” Aloe gestured them down the hall. Rarity, her skin damp from the shower and covered in a fluffy bathrobe, hid a frown as she followed. She had been a regular of this spa for years, and liked to think that she knew her regular hosts, the twins Aloe and Lotus, like the back of each of her hands. They had always maintained a professional distance and their personas of melded entities devoted to their customers’ pleasure, beauty, and relaxation, but Rarity had caught onto the tiny details they let slip: they were both fans of jazz, but Aloe leaned towards the blues while Lotus like her music more upbeat; Lotus was a sucker for jokes and gossip, but this annoyed Aloe, who would try to reign her in; and so on. That familiarity, built over hundreds of sessions, let her know the moment she had walked into the lobby for her regular spa date that she would not be receiving the Usual this time. She just didn’t know what instead. Twilight had been there early, looking up from her magazine with a more-eager-than-usual smile, and the twins’ behaviors were subtly off: Aloe was having difficulty looking Rarity or Fluttershy in the eye, while Lotus walked with a spring in her step. It could’ve been personal business, Rarity thought, but moods were one of the many things the twins tended to share, and she didn’t know why one would be nervous while the other was giddy. “Now, lie down here, please, on your stomach.” Rarity shook her head free of her thoughts, only to realize that there was something different about the massage room. Aloe was not gesturing to her usual padded table, but to a large gray inflated bed with padding for her head, like something one would see at floating on a pool, on the floor. Next to it was a wooden bowl filled with a green-tinted liquid. “This is new,” Rarity commented, even as she moved to obey. Aloe grabbed at her bathrobe, and Rarity did not hesitate to let her pull it off. The twins—and the other girls, for that matter—had seen her nude too many times for shyness. Speaking of the other girls, she could see Fluttershy going through the same process with Lotus on another air bed and Twilight… wait, they weren’t going to provide modesty towels this time? “This is a… special massage,” Aloe answered as Rarity stretched out on the bed and rested her chin on her crossed arms. “One that we have not given since we left Canterlot.” “Canterlot?” Rarity repeated, though she noticed the tremor in Aloe’s voice. “You know how enamored I am with all things Canterlot.” She pouted. “Why would you keep anything from there, especially a special massage, from moi?” “Well…” Though Aloe was entirely out of her view, Rarity could practically see her uncharacteristically twiddling her fingers. “We were afraid of a… cultural gap, but Miss Twilight convinced us to… cross it, for at least today…” Odd, Rarity thought. She spoke as if she thought today would be the last session ever. As for Twilight, she was not on a bed like them, but seated on a plastic chair, her legs crossed, and her eyes sparking in anticipation. Twilight noticed Rarity’s inquisitive look, and just grinned. “Oh, don’t worry about me,” she said, waving a hand. “I can wait my turn. I have a show to enjoy, after all.” Then Rarity felt Aloe sit on her legs, close to her rear, and realized that her masseuse’s skirt and undergarments were missing. It was at this point that she finally connected the dots and came to the conclusion she should’ve reached the moment she saw Twilight sitting in the lobby with that enigmatic smile. Sex. It kept coming back to sex with that girl. At the very least, it explained what Aloe was so nervous about. If the twins had tried surprising Rarity with this treatment some months ago, she probably would’ve responded harshly and become unable to relax with them for a long time, losing them a valuable, dedicated customer. However, this was not some months ago. Twilight had turned her world on its head in several ways, and now, she found herself looking forwards to whatever the twins had planned. Also, Lotus’s giddiness made sense too. She let her eyes and fingers linger over her clients’ bodies for longer than her sister would, and was eager to start today’s session, as evidenced by a loud squeak from Fluttershy on her right. As for Aloe… “I see,” Rarity announced. “Then I shan’t complain.” Then she consciously relaxed herself, breathing out and sinking her head to rest on the air bed’s pillow. Just as she hoped, Aloe noticeably calmed down. She felt Aloe lean over, probably to grab the wooden bowl, and straighten back up. Then, there was the gel. Rarity nearly jumped at the unexpected coolness (massage oils were supposed to be heated!), but settled down as it warmed up quickly, even as Aloe drizzled more across her back. Eventually, Aloe set the bowl aside, then began spreading the slimy gel around Rarity’s body with broad strokes of her hands. The motions were frictionless, the gel letting Aloe’s palms glide from her waist all the way to her shoulders, then all the way back down, cupping her round ass, driving a gasp out of her. Aloe froze up. The poor darling was still nervous? She needed another push. “Something wrong, Darling?” Rarity asked, wriggling her butt under Aloe’s fingers. Aloe let out a gasp of her own, but resumed her massage, spreading the gel everywhere she could reach. When Rarity’s entire back was shiny with gel, Aloe’s hands went further, stroking her shoulders and upper arms, her sides—brushing along her breasts pressed against the air bed, drawing out an intentional moan—then further down. Aloe scooted down Rarity’s legs to cover them, occasionally reaching over to the bowl to collect more of the slime. Now, Rarity’s backside was coated in the gel, with warm drips down her sides leaving pleasant tingles. That explained the air beds—they would make clean-up much simpler. Aloe was hesitating again, but Rarity patiently lay still, waiting to be flipped over so her front could be coated in preparation for whatever— “Ah!” And then somethings that definitely were not hands pressed into her ass. Aloe’s pleasantly firm breasts moved up, gliding along the contours of her gel-slicked back, hard nipples digging into her skin, until they were spread around Rarity’s neck. “Oh my…” she gasped, feel Aloe’s entire nude body resting on hers. “Does this please you, Miss Rarity?” Aloe asked, a slight tremor of anxiety still in her voice. Now Rarity finally felt like she knew what she was in for. “Oh, yes, Darling!” she groaned, arching into Aloe. “This is certainly… invigorating!” Aloe nodded, then started moving again, dragging her breasts back down Rarity’s back. It finally felt like she was putting her all into the massage. Rarity sagged, turning her head so she could lay it fully on the air pillow, and shut her eyes to let her self bask in the sensation of another beautiful woman massaging all of her body with all of her own. Aloe’s breasts and nipples slid back down to her ass, and stopped there, swirling around them while the rest of her body rested on Rarity’s legs. Back and forth and round and round her breasts went, pressing into Rarity’s flesh, and at one point, making such a great circle that each of her nipples slid through the crevice of Rarity’s rear. Her hands weren’t idle, though, reaching up to stroke and grope at Rarity’s sides, shoulders, and breasts, and spreading the massage oil further. Then she turned around, smoothly moving until Rarity could feel her masseuse’s pussy rubbing along her back while her upper body focused on her legs. Rarity let out an audible delighted coo, just to give more encouragement, before opening her eyes to check on Fluttershy. Interestingly, Lotus had taken the opposite approach, her upper body lying between Fluttershy’s spread legs, her breasts bouncing in the air, and her ass rubbing against Fluttershy’s, and even stroking the girl’s breasts with her toes. Fluttershy herself, meanwhile, was squealing her pleasure around a cloth gag she was holding in place with her own hands. Rarity let herself take in Lotus’s nude body. The twins’ usual uniforms left little to the imagination shape-wise, so Rarity already knew they were comparable to Fluttershy in many respects (many wouldn’t suspect it at first, but both jobs, animal care and running a spa, required not-insignificant physiques), if shorter and with slightly bigger breasts; but this was the first time Rarity had seen so much of their skin exposed, and Lotus, at least, was just as smooth and flawless as she expected. The glistening gel over all her body only added to the allure. Again, Aloe was shifting, now sitting on Rarity’s thighs and pulling her legs up to stroke them with her chest and arms, taking the chance to spread more gel. Rarity looked up at Twilight, who was still slouched on that plastic chair with a wide grin spread across her face, one hand lightly groping her breast through the opening of her bathrobe. Rarity frowned. She could be so infuriatingly smug when it came to sex. She looked back at Fluttershy, who was staring right back at her. They held each other’s gaze for some time, as the twins continued to work their backs and legs, and flashed each other smiles, though Fluttershy’s quickly vanished in another squeal as Lotus slid back. Her ass passed Fluttershy’s and landed on the air bed before she got up on her knees. Fluttershy looked up inquisitively as Lotus moved to her right, grabbing one of Fluttershy’s hands in her own, but her other hand snaked under Fluttershy, aided by the gel, to grab her left arm. In one smooth moment, Lotus pulled, spinning Fluttershy flat on her back with a surprised gasp. Rarity was distracted from watching further by Aloe sliding up her back again, this time pressing her lower lips against her neck, bumping against the towel containing her hair. Aloe must’ve then noticed her twin’s pace, because she too slid off to the side and reached for Rarity’s hands in the same way. Knowing what to expect, Rarity moved her arms into easy reach, and braced herself when Aloe flipped her over. Even so, she was surprised by how quickly she went from her chest onto her back, aided by the gel all over. Now Aloe crawled on top of her and sat on her waist, giving her an up-close view of her masseuse’s lovely glistening body and her clean-shaven lower lips. Again, Aloe reached over for the gel, dangling her lovely breasts over Rarity’s face, before returning with a handful of slime, which she drizzled over Rarity’s belly and chest. Again, the cool slime tingled against her skin, but warmed quickly, especially when Aloe reached down and began spreading it with her hands. Rarity moaned out loud as she stroked her sensitive breasts. This time, there wasn’t as much skin to cover, as a lot of gel had already spilled down her sides, and Aloe quickly moved on to the next step. Rarity grinned in giddy anticipation as Aloe bent down, and delicately brushed their nipples together. She let out a shameless cry and tried to arch up, but Aloe gripped her shoulders and forced her still, teasing her rock-hard nipples with butterfly-like touches. Suddenly, Rarity was gripped with the urge to do something wildly inappropriate, even for this situation. Aloe’s teasing strokes of their nipples, however, hardened her resolve. She took a deep breath, then threw her arms up, grabbing Aloe by the shoulders and yanking her down to kiss her square on the lips. For half a moment, Aloe protested, crying into Rarity’s lips, before immediately relaxing and sinking into the kiss, her body sagging onto Rarity’s. Their slick bodies squirmed against each other, both trying in vain to keep their nipples in contact, before Aloe pulled back from the kiss far too soon. “My, my, Miss Rarity,” she giggled. “You’re getting ahead of yourself. The massage has barely begun!” “My apologies,” Rarity panted. “I couldn’t help myself.” Aloe giggled, feeling Rarity longingly squirm beneath her. “Please, Miss Rarity, calm yourself. Are you not here to relax?” Rarity whimpered, but bit her lip and attempted to hold still as Aloe resumed the massage. She, again, started sliding her body back and forth against Rarity’s, taking opportunities to kiss her neck. Eventually, Aloe reared back up, pressing her hot vulva against Rarity’s belly. They both moaned as Aloe slid up her body and then rubbed her lips against of each of her nipples. Then, Aloe suddenly spun around, showing off the lovely globes of her ass, and leaned down again. Rarity couldn’t help but grasp at her shining thighs, before she was distracted by Aloe’s next move. They were in a 69-like position, but with Aloe teasing Rarity’s needy pussy with her hardened nipples while rubbing her own slit against Rarity’s nipples, switching both sets of nipples every now and then. Rarity gripped onto those thighs, letting out mewls of yearning. After a while of this, Aloe resumed her sliding. Rarity whimpered some more, watching that ass and dripping pussy draw close and slip away, while Aloe lavished her legs with attention. Suddenly, Aloe slipped all the way back, pressing her heated lips against Rarity’s face. She didn’t hesitate to stretch forward and lick the proffered pussy, even as she felt Aloe begin to lick her own. She was prepared to ride all the way to several climaxes with Aloe, when the masseuse suddenly pulled away and stood up. Rarity almost cried, watching her walk away (despite the slippery gel on her feet), but her eyes widened when she saw Lotus coming from the same direction. The twins embraced, pressed their foreheads together, and then kissed. Rarity stared slack-jawed. A glance at Fluttershy, also staring wide-eyed at the spectacle, confirmed that the twins were in fact sharing the flavors of their clients. Their hands lazily explored each other’s curves with a calm surety that bespoke a deep familiarity. Watching each woman press against her mirror image—their hair colors the only difference between them—was intoxicating, and Rarity found herself disappointed to see it end, the twins parting with a steamy gaze and lingering touches. Then it was Lotus approaching Rarity. Lotus pushed her flat on her back (apparently, she had sat up for a better view without realizing), leaned over, and planted their lips together. Rarity moaned into her mouth, feeling Lotus’s body settle on her own. It was odd. Lotus’s body was so much like her sister’s that it might’ve been Aloe back on her, but she also knew that the heat and skin and gel she was feeling was completely unfamiliar to her; though, she realized, some of that gel came from Fluttershy. Rarity threw herself into the kiss, enjoying the cocktail of flavors in Lotus’s mouth, recognizing her own musk and Fluttershy’s flowery scent. Then Rarity broke the kiss with a gasp when Lotus slipped a finger inside her slit. She could already sense her climax on the horizon; the entire massage had been a massively erotic build-up. Lotus kept rubbing her body and breasts against Rarity’s, and the heavenly texture of her slippery, soft skin merged with the skillful touch of her fingers, shoving more in and with more intensity. Rarity reached her peak when Lotus suddenly surged her whole body forwards, driving her fingers in deep and rubbing her clit with her thumb, and shoving Rarity’s face into her cleavage. Rarity squealed, clenching her thighs and curling her toes, even getting some of the tasteless gel in her mouth, but Lotus carried on, still sliding their bodies back and forth against each other. As her friends had found, Rarity tended to be vocal during sex, even more so than Pinkie, and this massage was no exception. She was crying out rhythmically, in time with Lotus’s hand thrusts. She looked over at Fluttershy one last time to see Aloe underneath her friend, spreading Fluttershy’s legs with her arms to lick at her nethers, while her feet curled around to stroke her breasts and face, which Fluttershy certainly seemed to be enjoying, actually licking the soles and toes on occasion. The dear certainly had some of the oddest tastes out of their circle of friends. Suddenly, Lotus’s body and hand moved away, grabbing Rarity’s attention. Trembling on another edge, she looked down at her masseuse, wondering what was next. Lotus turned herself around, legs facing Rarity, belly down, slid one her legs under Rarity’s, and smiled over her shoulder. Rarity could guess the next step. Her eyes sparkled as Lotus smoothly slid back, her legs spreading around Rarity’s until their groins met. They both let out pleasured gasps, then Lotus started grinding hard, driving Rarity to wail in pleasure. Scissoring, as it had turned out, was one of her favorite acts, but she had never imagined how much better it could be with friction-denying gel. She could still feel both sets of lips slapping and sliding against and gripping each other, but there seemed to be so much more freedom of movement, and she took full advantage of it, grinding back against her host. On the other hand, the gel made it hard to brace herself, and she had to rely on the valley before the air bed’s pillow, by Lotus had little problem gripping her legs and mashing their pussies together. Her second, greater climax snuck up on her. Before she knew it, Rarity was shaking and screaming as she squirted into Lotus, who managed to keep her grip on Rarity’s legs through her own orgasm. She heroically kept grinding, dragging out their shared climax and reducing Rarity to gibbering pile of mush and Lotus was going to get a huge tip for this… Eventually, they flopped flat down on the air bed, panting heavily. Lotus slowly pulled herself away from their tangle of legs, and Rarity did nothing to resist, staring up at the lazily spinning ceiling. She could feel the gel staring to dry out at spots. “Our apologies, Miss Rarity.” She was suddenly aware of both twins on either side of her, their skin still glistening in the light. “It’s Miss Twilight’s turn, but we only have two beds…” Aloe said. “…So we must ask that you and Miss Fluttershy share one.” Lotus finished with an impish smile. After a moment to comprehend the request, Rarity lazily returned the smile. “Oh, no problem at all.” She started to get up—at least, she tried, but the gel was making it difficult for her arms to find purchase—but the twins bent over and scooped her body up in their arms. She squealed in shock and humor, feeling one conspicuously cop a feel, as they carried her over, flipped her over to face down, and gently lay her on top of the waiting Fluttershy. The two of them shared a gasp and a giggle as the twins walked away to receive Twilight. “Come here often?” Rarity cooed, drawing more snickers from them, which then drew erotic moans as their slippery chests shook against each other. Still, for the moment, they were content to bask in each of their afterglows, simply enjoying each other’s presence. Eventually, they turned their heads to watch Twilight’s massage. Rarity felt a tiny spike of envy on seeing the mage writhe between both twins’ bodies, the masseuses gliding around her back and chest in perfect synchronization. However, Rarity could see that even with a client between them, Aloe and Lotus couldn’t resist making teasing swipes at each other’s skin. She shifted in discomfort. More of the gel was drying up. Her gaze shifted onto the wooden bowl by Fluttershy’s air bed. It was still half-full. Smiling, she reached over, scooped up a handful, and slapped it against Fluttershy’s cleavage. “Ah!” she gasped, but Rarity wasted no time in spreading the gel with her own hands and her own breasts, taking care to brush and grind their nipples together as Aloe had done to her. “So, did you like your special treatment?” “Like it? Please, Darling, don’t be absurd.” “…Oh…” “I LOVED IT!” “…Oh! Ahem, well, you may reserve another one whenever you like.” “Mmmm…” Rarity lost herself in thought, imagining herself taking Twilight’s place in their finale, scissoring against Aloe while Lotus sat on her face, the twins kissing above her. “How soon can you make it?” > B.B.W.B.F. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: Twilight SparklexShining Armor, incest, a tiny bit of TwilightxCadance, personal space invasion, a feels trip, sibling teasing, a minor case of hentai quotes, a sex montage, mirrors, parents “Rainbow, can I ask you something?” “Shoot, Twi.” There was a moment of silence as the two walked through the halls of Canterlot Palace. “Alright,” Twilight Sparkle started. “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but why are you so excited to be a bridesmaid? I can see it for all the other girls, but it doesn’t really seem like your thing, especially for someone you’ve only just met.” “Psh. What, are you saying am I not girl enough?” Rainbow then chuckled at Twilight’s panicked protests. “Chill, Twi, I getcha.” She clasped her hands behind her head. “Well, for starters, it’s new. I’ve heard of plenty of schoolmates and coworkers getting bored to tears by all the weddings their families or friends or families’ friends rope them into, but I haven’t attended a single wedding since I was, like 5.” “Really?” she replied incredulously. Rainbow nodded. “Probably ‘cause my family’s not that big, and my parents got together later than their friends did. So, getting a front-row seat to one’s actually a big deal for me.” Twilight tilted her head, mentally chewing. “Even so, I didn’t think you were the type to care about weddings in the first place, novelty or not.” “’Cause they’re too lovey-dovey, gushy-gooey?” she laughed. “Twilight, I am totally down for marriage.” “You are?” she blinked. “You’re not afraid being tied down?” “Who do you think you’re talking to?” Rainbow asked, jerking a thumb at herself. “Element of Loyalty? Right here?” “Oh. Right.” Twilight realized that should’ve been obvious. “Having a partner who has your back wherever and whenever you need it? ‘Till death do you part? Always good for a bang?” She waggled her eyebrows. “Now that’s a deal!” “Careful,” Twilight smirked. “It sounds like you’re ready to pop me the question. Or one of the other girls. You’ve been bumping shoulders with Applejack and Rarity a lot, recently.” She braced herself as Rainbow punched her shoulder with a guffaw. “I guess you just need to find the right guy. Or girl. Probably girl.” “Duh, you can’t rush romance,” she nodded sagely. “And totally girl. Probably.” “Which is it? Totally or probably?” “Well… you never know, you know?” she shrugged. “I mean, I can swing both ways, but chicks way are prettier to look at. They have tits. Tits! And what do guys have?” “Pecs. And dicks.” “Psh. Tits are way hotter than pecs. And with you around, I can get all the dick I want!” “…So are you hiding a ring somewhere, or…?” Twilight managed to dodge Rainbow’s playful swipe that time. Suddenly, Rainbow’s grin turned a shade of nasty that put Twilight on edge. “Well, I can think of at least one guy I couldn’t turn down.” Twilight quickly saw where she was going. “Rainbow…” “I mean, who doesn’t like a man in uniform? I’m talking armor, and it’d better be shining…” And there it was. Twilight let out an exasperated sigh. Rainbow just went on with a shit-eating grin. “…Chill guy… captain of the guard, so you know he’s tough and reliable… and big body, big muscles, big hands, makes you wonder what else is big?” “He is getting married,” Twilight growled. “Pfft, he’s Canterlot! If he’s anything like you, he’d be down for roll in the hay, no problemo!” “Rainbow, no.” “Rainbow, yes!” With a flap of her wings, she launched herself into the air and started hovering alongside Twilight as she let her fantasies go. “I could just go ask Cadence to take him for a spin, then take him into a closet! A nice, small space so he can feel this rockin’ bod!” By this point, Twilight’s face was buried in her palms, though she only slightly slowed her pace. “…Pull down his pants, see how much he’s packing… Ooh, man, it’s gotta be a lot! Start him with a sweet BJ. Fuck, he’s gonna stretch my throat!” “This is sounding less and less hypothetical by the second.” Rainbow ignored her. “I’ve got some practice, no way he’s bigger than some of your toys. I’ll take all of him, get him to just ram it in there! Fuck!” she groaned, twisting her legs under her dress. “I’m actually getting horny thinking about it! Like, I actually want him coming in my mouth!” She paused. “Actually, maybe not. Dude jizz always tastes gross.” “His got better when he changed his diet.” “Oh, sweet,” Rainbow nodded. “I’ll let him cum in my—" She froze. She whipped her head around to look at Twilight, who had also frozen up. Rainbow would later regret not having a camera to capture her face at that moment. “Wait, why—?” “Oh, look!” Twilight yelped, rushing to a door. “We’re back!” She yanked it open and practically threw herself inside the room. “Hold the fuck up!” Rainbow yelled, flying in after her. “How do you know how your brother’s cum tastes?” There was a deafening silence as Rainbow realized that all other girls and Cadance were in that room and could hear her perfectly. Applejack was staring bug-eyed somewhere between Rainbow and Twilight, while Rarity, seated behind the farmer, fussing over her dress, let her jaw drop, along with a mass of pins and ribbons that had been floating around them. There was a wumph as Pinkie’s hair broke free of Fluttershy’s attempt to braid it, Fluttershy staring silently, and Pinkie letting out a drawn-out gasp. Oddly, Cadence, with her eyebrows so high, they disappeared in her lifted veil, seemed the least stunned. It was almost enough to abash Rainbow. Almost. Even from behind, Rainbow could practically see Twilight’s eyes darting frantically in search for an escape route. She remembered that Twilight could teleport. “Oh no you don’t,” she growled. “Pinkie! Sic’em!” Just as Twilight was gathering her magic, Pinkie closed the distance between them with a great leap and clamped her mouth over the mage’s right pointed ear. Twilight squealed as her magic fizzled out, her concentration thrown straight out the Canterlot window, and collapsed under Pinkie. “OH STARS WHY?” “Not what I had in mind,” Rainbow muttered, “but I’ll take it.” She walked over, crouched down, and pulled Pinkie away with an audible pop. She tried to ignore how much saliva spilled out. “Alright Twi, talk.” “Talk? Ha ha! What’s there to talk about?” Twilight squeaked, rubbing at her head with her dress's shoulder, drawing a cry out of Rarity. Her toothy grin was strained, and strands of her hair were starting to curl out, reminding Rainbow uncomfortably of the Smarty Pants Incident. However, Rainbow wasn’t one to back down easily. “You just said you tasted your brother’s cum. Come on, spill it, how far have you gone with him?” “Rainbow…” one of the girls muttered, but she wasn’t paying enough attention to notice which one. “What? Gross, he’s my brother!” Twilight shouted. “You must’ve misheard me!” “Pinkie, do… do whatever you just did,” Rainbow ordered. “Okee Dokee Lokee, one Soggy Simon coming right up!” “Soggy what?” “Wet Willy’s bigger, more invasive cousin, Soggy Simon!” Pinkie chirped cheerfully, as if her explanation made sense. “Sure, go for it,” Rainbow deadpanned. Before Pinkie could probably shove her tongue back into Twilight’s ear, the target grabbed her by the face and struggled to push her away. “No Soggy Simons! Look, I know the stuff I’m into is kinky by your standards, but I have limits! I’d never—!” “Twilight.” All the color drained from Twilight’s face at the voice, and the two girls stopped struggling. Slowly, she turned to face the bride, who looked down at her sternly, arms crossed. “Cadance!” Twilight shoved Pinkie away fully. “It’s— This… She’s lying! I didn’t—! Shining wouldn’t…” she choked out, every protest dying out under her former babysitter’s gaze. “Even if— I…” She gulped, tears brimming in her eyes. “Please don’t call off the wedding,” she finally whimpered. It was at this point Rainbow realized that there was more at stake than finding another one of her friend’s kinks. She gulped, and looked up at the seething glares of Applejack, Rarity, and even Fluttershy. Cadance, meanwhile, sighed, snapped her fingers, and grabbed the frilled handkerchief she’d conjured. She kneeled down and started dabbing at Twilight’s tears. “Twilight,” she said gently, “the love I share with Shining Armor was strong enough to fight off a city-wide changeling invasion. How could a little incest get in the way of that?” Twilight stared blankly for a few seconds. “I… Right, a little incest…” she mumbled. “Uh,” Rainbow interjected, despite knowing she was digging her own hole deeper, “you said Shining tasted better when he changed his diet. That sounds like more than a little incest.” Twilight whirled around and hissed, making a cutting gesture across her throat, but Cadance put a soothing hand on her shoulder. “Twilight, calm down. Breathe with me.” At Cadance’s lead, the two took a few deep breaths, each resting a hand over her chest to inhale, and extending her arm to exhale. “Better?” Twilight nodded. Cadence started wiping away Pinkie’s slobber with the handkerchief. “Okay, now, I promise you that whatever you’ve done with your brother, it won’t endanger our marriage, alright?” A sniff and another nod. “And I am sure,” she paused for emphasis, “that none of your friends will think less of you or Shining either. Right?” She was met with a round of assurances, though Rarity grumbled something about it depending on young they were when they started, which earned a snort out of Twilight. “No problem here!” Rainbow put in. “I wanted to know because I actually think it’s hot!” “Spoken like an only child,” Rarity muttered. Cadance quickly cut off any potential argument by hoisting Twilight to her feet and leading her to some stools. “Why don’t you tell us exactly how it all started?” she said as everyone got seated and gathered up. Twilight was silent for a moment, twiddling her fingers, and then took a breath. “It started soon after Shiny got promoted to Captain of the Guard. I’ve mentioned this to you girls before, but before then, the barracks were my go-to for sex. Two to three days a week, I’d go over and invite some recruits or soldiers, near my age, to sex, or often, a gangbang. I loved it, they loved it, but Shiny didn’t, for several reasons. He had complained to me, but I kept brushing him off. I never saw it as a big deal. “The day after his promotion, I went to the barracks for just another visit, but no one would even get near me. They barely even looked at me! I really wasn’t used to that treatment. Eventually, I got an explanation: the new captain had established a rule effectively banning flirting with or sexing up a superior’s immediate family, and he was apparently very strict about it in one particular case: me. “I was pissed. Remember how I said Shiny and I never fought?” The girls nodded. “That was a bit of a lie. We’re siblings, we had the odd meaningless spat we could laugh off later, but never anything like this. I stormed into his brand-new office shouting, and before long, he was shouting back.” Twilight sighed, looking down with a pained expression. Pinkie shoved a glass of water into her hands, which she gratefully took. After few sips, she continued. “As it turns out, getting respect in the Royal Guard can be an ordeal when half the recruits can look you in the eye and think, ‘yeah, well, your baby sister loves my dick.’” “Ooooh,” Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie winced. “Yeah,” she sighed. “Of course, I was angry, horny, and stinging from rejection, and I wasn’t about to care about his side of the story. We just kept trying to shout over each other, until…” She sighed again. “Well, that was the first time I was ever actually hurt by someone calling me a slut.” “He WHAT?” Everyone jumped at the shriek, and Twilight started hyperventilating when she realized it was Cadance. Cadance, for her part, let her anger subside when she noticed Twilight’s reaction and quickly tried to calm her down. Two minutes, some panicked garbling that Shining had apologized already, several hurried assurances that the wedding still wasn’t off, another round of deep breathing exercises, and a new glass of water later, Cadance and Twilight were huddled together on a loveseat while the other girls sat on stools around them. “Ok, so…” Twilight began, “that word. I just ran out crying, ignoring him calling after me. I… don’t really want to reminisce on that night, but after Princess Celestia gave me a long heart-to-heart the next morning, I was feeling better.” “Well, that explains why he was so down that night,” Cadance said, putting a finger to her chin. “He told me he got in a big fight with you, but he wouldn’t give me any details. He wouldn’t even let me comfort him…” “Wait,” Twilight cried, “you were dating even back then? Like, actually dating?” “Settle down, Twi,” Applejack said, reaching over to put a hand on her shoulder. “One thing at a time.” Twilight took a breath. “Okay, so moving back a bit, while I was having breakfast that morning, I got a letter from Shiny, apologizing and asking me come to his house that evening to talk things over. The Princess noticed, and that’s when she got involved. Anyways, when I got there…” As soon as Shining Armor shut the door behind her, Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath, ready to launch into the careful, thorough apology she’d composed with an afternoon of research. “I—” That was as far as she got before her brother threw his arms around her in a bear hug that lifted her to her toes, burying his face into her shoulder. Twilight froze, her mind a jumble as her memorized speech slipped away like water down a drain, and she had a fleeting thought that she knew she should’ve made flash cards. The next second, she slumped into his grip, immersing herself in his familiar scent, his muscles that would always protect her, everything. The second after that, however, he suddenly tensed up and pulled away, leaving her dazed and lost. “Sorry!” he yelped. “I was supposed to give you space before I—!” Twilight cut him off by leaping at him with her own hug, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, tugging him until he bent over so her feet could touch the ground. Slowly, he returned the hug, once again enveloping her in nostalgia and safety and love. Minutes passed before either of them spoke. “Twiley,” Shining spoke first, his voice thick and wavering, “does this mean I’m still your B.B.B.F.F.?” Twilight snorted into his shoulder. She hadn’t even noticed she had been crying. “Of course, you are. The last ‘F’ stands for ‘forever’, doesn’t it? You’re always going to be my B.B.B.F.F., whether you like it or not!” She felt his body shake against hers in sobbing laughter. (Most of the girls were weeping openly, and Pinkie unabashedly blew her nose with the grace of a foghorn.) A few more minutes went by, until eventually, Shining unhooked one arm from her and began to lead her deeper into the house. “Come on,” he said. “I made tea, though it’s probably cold by now.” Reluctantly, Twilight let go of his neck so they could actually walk, but insisted staying latched onto his side as they walked through the dining room into the kitchen, where Shining pried her off onto a chair at the island. He went on to pour some tea from a kettle but clicked his tongue before relighting the stove under the kettle. “Sorry,” he said, finally sitting across from Twilight with two ceramic mugs, “I started it way too early.” He pushed one over to her. Twilight just smiled gently. “Let go for a bit,” she said. He did for his cup, and she extended her hand, focusing some magic. Soon, both mugs were steaming, and Shining took his with a grin. “That’s my handy little sister,” he smirked, and her heart soared on his praise. “Still not as good as fresh, though,” she mumbled, blushing. They each took a sip, and for the first time in a day, looked each other in the eye properly. “Right,” he started, “I had a whole thing planned, but that was… sort of derailed.” “Same here,” she giggled, remembering the hours spent drafting her own apology speech. “Then let’s start over.” He took a breath. “Twilight, I am sorry for losing my temper with you, trying to control your decisions, and calling you…” He hesitated. “…A slut.” Twilight was silent for a moment, then suddenly stood up. Shining started in surprise, but Twilight walked around the island to him, and then seated herself on his knee. She gave him another hug, as his free hand came around to support her. “And I’m sorry for not listening to you, for not considering your situation, and shouting at you. I don’t ever want to fight again.” “Me neither,” he agreed, snuggling up to her. (Twilight grimaced. “Still have to work on that.” No one replied.) They basked in comfortable silence for another few minutes, sipping their tea. When the kettle began bubbling again, Twilight levitated it over for refills. Eventually, Shining broke the silence. “So… I do plan on repealing that rule I made tomorrow,” he said. “Really?” Twilight exclaimed. “Just like that?” He chuckled. “Well, as you can imagine, it’s not the most popular rule. Popular opinion calls it too controlling, biased, impractical to enforce, and so on. Also, I should trust you to be responsible for your own decisions.” She frowned. “But I wasn’t. Either way, I certainly won’t be making my visits a regular thing now that I know how hard they were on you. Things would never have gotten this bad if I had just listened to you.” “Hey now, you already apologized.” “But still.” She took another sip of tea. “I’m a bit concerned about how quickly you’re going to do it. Making a strict rule on your first day, only to repeal it a few days later? People are going to start questioning your authority.” “Better than just leaving things as they are.” Thinking, she shrugged. “You’d know better than I, I suppose.” She looked up at the chandelier as her mind wandered. “I’m going to have to find a new go-to for when I get horny. Hmm, Twinkleshine’s always inviting to me to parties. Maybe I should take her on her offer next time…” “Twiley, come on! I know you’re your own… woman, but I don’t need to hear about those kinds of plans about you!” “Sorry,” she giggled in the manner of a younger sibling who was not sorry. “Oh, I just came up with a way I can make it up to you!” Shining leaned back a bit from her sudden outburst. “A way to— Twiley! We both apologized! There’s nothing to make up!” “But you’ll enjoy it!” she said, swiveling herself around so that she was in his lap, facing him, with her legs spread on either side. “I’ve gone and messed around with a bunch of your colleagues, so you can mess around with some of mine!” “What.” “I’m sure I could easily talk some classmates into having sex with you, the brand-new Captain of the Royal Guard! Or maybe some teachers! Which would you prefer?” “Uh…” Shining shifted uncomfortably while Twilight bounced ideas off him as she bounced in his lap. “I think Lemon Heart or Minuette would be good for it! Lyra… probably not, she’s a complete lesbian. Moondancer? I know she’s straight, but she never gets any attention, not with those baggy clothes, which is shame, because her figure’s like mine but curvier in all the right places! You could—!” “Twilight!” Shining snapped, grabbing onto her shoulders. She went through a sudden rush of emotions: shock at being so suddenly restrained, fear that he was mad at her again, disappointment that he disapproved of her plans, embarrassment that she had gotten lost in her own head as usual, and a tinge of nostalgia at her B.B.B.F.F. reigning her in. All of them were quickly overtaken by stunned disbelief. At the time, Twilight’s day-to-day outfit was her school uniform with slight modifications, despite the dress code having been loosened years ago. What was once a symbol of personal pride had become a familiar staple that she rarely thought about, though she particularly liked the pleated skirt and its freedoms. That evening, she wanted to dress up a bit for her apology and wore a pretty buttoned blouse but stuck to a pleated skirt with, as usual for her, nothing underneath but her panties. This meant there was, on her end, only one layer of clothing between her and an enormous bulge that her brother’s sweatpants did little to restrain. The two siblings were completely frozen, staring at each other’s reddening face. Twilight wasn’t sure how long the silence lasted, but at some point, her brain restarted, and the first thing it did was marvel at the size. Her hips thrusted against the bulge, drawing a sharp gasp out of them both. Her brain then marveled at how good that felt. Slowly, she began to grind against it, feeling it pulse, grow, and push back, sending a warm shiver down her spine. Her gaze wandered down his chest, seeing the muscles stretching his t-shirt in an entirely new light. She laid her hands on them, only to realize he was saying something. “…Are you doing?” she heard him gasp, but she couldn’t look up at him, some faint voice in her head cried, not when seeing his face could break the illusion. “I don’t know!” she choked out, continuing to gyrate and thrust against that protrusion. Her hands started to explore, roaming over his sides, his abs, his shoulders, even his arms. She was no stranger to athletic men, but the body in front of her was exciting her in an entirely new way. Suddenly, his hands left her shoulders and clamped down on her waist. Her heart stopped. Then, they pulled, drawing her closer and pressing her harder onto that amazing bulge. She gasped, stars and hearts flashing in her eyes. Her hands starting tugging at the edges of his shirt, trying to feel his skin directly. His hands slid down and cupped her ass through her skirt, and Twilight, more than ever before, despaired that there was so little to grab. (“Twilight, Darling! You shouldn’t say that about yourself!” “Rarity, the nicest, technically accurate description for my butt is ‘compact’.” “That’s not true! It’s… Ah…” “Moving on.”) Determined to give him something better to grab, she undid a few buttons of her blouse, grabbed his right wrist, and shoved his hand inside the gap. Immediately, he began to grope at her heaving breasts through her bra. She moaned loudly, wrapping both hands around his thick wrist. Soon, that hand pulled her bra up out of the way and palmed and squeezed her tender breasts directly, occasionally pinching a small, hard nipple. Her eyes were shut, basking in the warmth of his palm when she felt the pull of magic. Looking down, she could see his aura picking apart the rest of her blouse’s buttons. Just as the last button went free, his left arm hooked around her entire ass and hauled her body up and against his. Her arms wheeled around in the air off balance until she planted them on his shoulders. Before she could question him, he planted his lips around her right nipple. She squealed, wrapping her arms around his head and clutching as if to pull him into her chest. He just continued to worship her breasts, licking and blowing on her flesh and nipple, sucking them into his mouth, and lightly nibbled her. Her grip didn’t even slow him down when he pulled away to switch to her other breast. Her legs thrashed around him as she cried into the air. Foreplay hadn’t excited her this much since—well—her first time, at that school glory hole, and maybe not even! But speaking of which, as blissful as the attention was, there was one thing missing. Her sopping groin humped against his hard abs, but he was holding her too high up to feel it: his cock. With a great, but harmless burst of magic, she forced herself out of his arms, turned his chair, and fell to her knees in front of him. Before he could respond, she hooked her hands under his sweatpants and boxers and yanked them down. To her delight, her face was perfectly positioned so that his swollen head sprang right to slap her right on the lips. She pulled back and squealed ecstatically, licking the splatter of precum off her lips, and wrapped both hands around the shaft. She would later be embarrassed at how quickly she lost control of herself, barely getting any of her usual teasing done before she clamped her mouth over the head. At first, she just suckled at the crown, circling it with her tongue and drinking every drop of pre her hands pumped out, moaning softly as his hands cradled her head and gently played with her ears. Then, she started pumping her head until he reached her throat, which left plenty of room for one fist to stroke the base while the other massaged his balls. Soon, she shoved a hand under her skirt while she swallowed his entire shaft, pressing her nose into his hair, and just stayed there. She breathed easily, every inhale saturated with musk, and every exhale releasing a blissful moan. It felt like she’d been practicing for this for years with bigger cocks, both fake and real. He made slight thrusts as her throat massaged him, and his hands held her in place—gently. Eventually, she felt him jerk. “Coming!” he gasped. Smiling as best she could, she slipped into a familiar pattern: she began to swallow, the motions of her throat constricting his shaft and milking him. He groaned, his cock throbbed, and then she felt wonderful liquid warmth being pumped straight into her belly, causing her to clench around her own fingers. After a couple waves, she backed away, though she had to resort to magic to overpower his grip. Now, the rest of his load was being spent in her mouth, and she savored every musky drop. She let him fill her mouth until she sensed one spurt left. Delicately, she let him pop out of her mouth, spraying a line over her face, across her nose, and prepared to look him in the eye as she showed off her cream-filled mouth. It was like a grand illusion had shattered the moment their eyes met. Suddenly, Twilight remembered that this was her beloved B.B.B.F.F. The one who had would always walk her to the library, who taught her how to fly a kite and ride a bike, who built model planes and a functional radio with her, and who would always be there with her. And here she was, kneeling before him, panties drenched, breasts exposed and wet with his saliva, and body full of and covered in his semen. She could see the same revelation mirrored in his eyes. She swallowed reflexively—completely forgetting about the load in her mouth. They leapt away from each other like opposing magnets, yelping and scrambling to cover themselves up. As Twilight turned away to rebutton her blouse, she heard Shining speak up. “Uh, Twiley… you’ll probably want this.” For a moment, she flushed, thinking he was handing her her own underwear before remembering she hadn’t taken her bra or panties off. She glanced back to see a wad of paper towels floating in his magic, which she gratefully took to wipe down her face and clean under her skirt. Once she was presentable, she spoke, still unable to face her brother. “I… should get going now,” she choked out. “Y… Yeah,” he mumbled. “I… um… I should walk you out…” “NO!” she shrieked before catching herself. “No, I’ll be… fine…” She walked up to the arch into the dining room, but stopped. Was this it? She had come over hoping to recover their relationship after their fight. If she walked away now, leaving him like this, would things be any better? She steeled herself, turned around, and darted back in front her brother. Before he could respond, she leaned over for a hug, a kiss on his flushed cheek, and a quick “Love you, B.B.B.F.F.”, and then she ran off. Before she left his sight, she thought she heard him reply, “Love you too.” She couldn’t sleep that night. As she lay in bed, her hair still damp from her longest shower ever, she wondered. She wondered if she could ever look her brother in the eye again. She wondered if she could ever face her parents or the Princess, knowing what she had done. She wondered what would happen if anyone found out what she had done. She wondered if it were possible for anyone to find out what she had done. She wondered if there was any hope for her life if it came out. She wondered if he was wondering the same things. She wondered if she could still have her B.B.B.F.F. And most of all, she wondered if they could do it again. She whimpered, groping her own nude body and jamming a toy into herself under her blanket. There was no denying it: her brother had been the best lay of her life, and he hadn’t gone under her skirt! Not even Princess Celestia could set her heart pumping that hard. She groaned into her pillow miserably, pounding out another quaking orgasm, wondering what it would take to replace the lifeless dildo with his cock. The next morning, after only two hours of sleep, she got another message from him over breakfast. It sounded innocent enough, bemoaning that their duties had forced a distance between them over the last few years, and that he wanted them to hang out more frequently. However, his statement that he enjoyed the last night had her crossing her thighs and biting her lip. Once again, Shining Armor closed the door behind her. They were silent for a few seconds, not quite looking at each other. With a sigh, he spoke first. “Twilight… How exactly do you feel about last night?” Looking up at him, she willed herself to say the truth. “You were the best I’ve ever had.” His eyebrows shot up into his hair. “Wow, okay…” he laughed nervously. “I was not expecting that, and I really want to say the same…” Twilight fought to crush the nugget of jealousy and disappointment building in her. “Okay, but I’m way up there, right?” “Of course.” He ruffled her hair and pulled her into a half-hug. “I didn’t even know girls could breathe going that deep.” “It took a lot of practice,” she giggled, glancing down. He was wearing the same sweatpants, and she could already see him stirring. His hands suddenly gripped her shoulders and pulled her away. “Twiley, I want to go on, more than anything, but you have to promise me this,” he said seriously, holding her gaze. “If we do, will I still be your B.B.B.F.F.?” She paused. She’d spent an entire night and day wondering, but now, she was right in front of him, and the question needed an answer. After a moment, she leaned into him and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. After a moment, he hugged back, and Twilight felt that same cocoon of memories and caring that she felt yesterday. She had her answer. “Always.” “Alright,” he replied, and they both sighed, melting into each other’s arms. After a moment, Shining backed off. “Okay, first, I should mention: I made… not quite tea, but something to help.” Again, he guided her into the kitchen, where there was a kettle waiting. “This blend is actually more like a potion than tea,” he explained with a tinge of worry. “A stamina potion, with a little aphrodisiac. One cup for each of us will keep us going until dawn. Usually. Tomorrow’s the weekend, but if you have any plans…” “I don’t. Give,” she said immediately. He snorted. “Calm down. We’ll go a bit without it first, and then if we’re sure—” She grabbed his head between her hands, pulled him down, and straight up jammed her tongue down his throat. It didn’t take him long to reciprocate, hooking his arms under her ass and behind her back to pull her up. Finally, they backed away panting. “Do I look unsure to you?” she asked challengingly. Not waiting for an answer, she wriggled out of his arms, immediately poured out two mugs, and started chugging hers. Shining laughed as she started coughing and gagging. “Yeah, it’s bitter. I could’ve warned you if you gave me any time.” He went to drinking his mug, hiding his grimaces. Twilight grumbled in annoyance. “Well, I’ll have something to wash it out soon enough,” she said, elbowing him before drinking more carefully. As soon as they were done, Twilight reached out to pull down his pants, but his arm caught her wrist. “Nope. Bedroom,” he said firmly. “But I want it nowww…” she whined. “Young lady, you are my little sister. We are going to do this properly.” (Rainbow snorted. Twilight glared.) “Not even a little suck?” she asked, wobbling her lip. Rather than continue the playfully childish debate, Shining just hauled her onto his back. She squealed, and they laughed at fact that they were several years too old for piggyback rides but weren’t letting that stop them. As he carried her up the stairs, she couldn’t resist prodding at his growing erection with her feet and grinding against his back. Finally, he dropped her onto his king-sized, four-poster bed and wasted no time pulling off his shirt, while she wasted no time getting on her belly, yanking down his pants and boxers and stroking his rock-hard cock. He chuckled and pulled her away before she could get her mouth on him. She felt like a rag doll as he dragged her by her wrists onto her back and up the bed, leaving his vast, naked form kneeling over her, and here she was still fully dressed! Like yesterday, she had dressed up for Shining, but this time, she had aimed for enticing. His magic tugged at her tank top, pulling it up over her head, raising her arms so he just had to let go of her wrists long enough to get it free before pinning her back down. Meanwhile, her magic pulled down her soaked panties, leaving her miniskirt, and unhooked her bra. When he was done with the tank top, she made sure he was looking and lifted her bra, showing off her perky breasts. Smiling broadly, he raised her arms again so they could remove the bra the same way, but this time, he leaned down and kissed her on the lips. Squealing in delight, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled herself against him, pressing her breasts into his chest. He ground back, lowering them so her back touched the bed again, and then she felt him jab between her thighs. She gasped, breaking the kiss. They looked down, though her miniskirt blocked their view of his cock sliding over her lower lips. “Do it.” Shining looked at her in surprise. “Just like that? What happened to foreplay?” “Fuck foreplay!” Twilight cried, positioning him with her magic. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve been this horny! Fuck me, B.B.W.B.F.!” He paused. “What?” “Big brother with benefits forever! Now hurry up!” Instead of hurrying up, he hmmed. “Kind of a mouthful, isn’t it?” She snarled. “You come up with something better! I’ll show you a mouthful if—AH!” His snicker turned into a moan as he slid into her, nearly filling in one smooth thrust. “You— You jerk!” she both laughed and cried, trying her best to headbutt him. “You did that on purpose!” He just smiled, pulled back slightly, and then made one more mighty thrust, hilting himself in her. She cried in bliss, curling her fingers into his and locked her legs behind him, as if to never let him go. “Oh, stars,” she panted, feeling him throb. Every pulse sent waves of pleasure across her body, bouncing around in an echo chamber of bliss. “It’s a perfect fit. It’s like you were made for me…” It was true. She felt wonderfully stretched around him, but without even the slightest discomfort she might've felt from a larger intrusion. “You’re younger than me, so wouldn’t that mean you were made for me?” His tone was joking, but strained. He probably felt the same way about her pussy wrapped so snugly around him, she thought both smugly and adoringly. Eventually, he slowly but surely broke out of her grip and pulled out, drawing out a cry of despair as that perfectly-sized rod left her, but he immediately settled into a rhythm of pounding into his little sister. His sister, her brother. Just thinking about it sent her heart aflutter. “How is it, Shiny?” she gasped, struggling to vocalize coherent words while her beloved brother ravished her. “How do you like your baby sister’s cunt?” Smirking, he turned it around. “How do you like your big brother’s cock, Twiley? Such a naughty girl...” She let out another fierce moan at those words, which was quickly consumed by his lips. She loved kissing her brother. She was amazed they hadn’t started years ago. After a couple minutes, he, to her wailing disappointment, pried himself from her clinging pussy and her grip, just long enough to pull up and spread out her thighs between them and slam right back in. She felt a tinge of disappointment, already missing how much of their skin was in contact, before that thrust drove another squeal out of her. She shuddered as the position let his perfect length reach even further inside her. He resumed his thrusting, but at a slower, more powerful pace, and it took all her concentration to put her years of sexual experience to work, clenching her insides in time with his thrusts. Before he went in, she relaxed to minimize resistance and maximize depth, but tensed to up the pressure of his shaft against her walls as he dragged himself out. “Fuck, you’re good,” he panted, groping at her breasts between thrusts. “I’m gonna cum soon.” “Do it!” she hissed, wrapping her now free arms around his sweating back. They could practically see the hearts in each other's eyes. “Cum inside me! Cum inside your baby sister! She wants her B.B.B.F.F.’s seed in her womb!” She started up a spell. “Anything for you, Twiley,” he groaned. After three last ponderous pumps, he shut his eyes, jammed himself as far inside as possible, and let loose. His quaking orgasm triggered hers as his throbbing dick delivered its burning hot payload deep inside her. His lips muffled her squeal while her spasming walls worked to milk him dry. This was heaven, she thought as her brother filled her with his love. In a perfect world, this would never end. But end it did. Finally, they slumped onto the bed, Twilight hardly caring that she was being smushed under her brother’s bigger, heavier body. Still, there was too much to do to stay like this. Eventually, she started to push him away, shuddering as his half-hard cock popped out of her. He obligingly rolled over, and she crawled on top of him, nuzzling his shaft while her crotch went over his face. Slowly, he used his fingers to spread her pussy. He paused. “Hey,” he called, “I know I came way more than this. Where did it go?” Twilight shot him a smirk over her shoulder. “Didn’t I tell you?” she said, stroking his cock in a sleeve of magic. “I wanted your cum in my womb, so I made sure it went there.” Shining blinked. “Oooh, fuuuck…” he groaned. “I had no idea you were such a slu—Mmph!” He slapped his hand over his mouth. “A what?” She squeezed his cock, only barely enough to cause pain. “A slut? Well, Shiny, let me share something with you: I am a slut.” She stopped squeezing. “I love cock, I love cum, I love getting fucked in every way possible, and that, undeniably, makes me a slut.” Her gaze bore into his. “And tonight, I’m your slut. So go on, stuff your little sister slut full of your cum.” He gaped, his cock harder than ever. “Holy shit,” he said. “I… hang on, what contraception spell are you…?” “Five Degree Protection, naturally.” “Of course you are,” he sighed, relaxing. The, he dragged her and some pillows around so his head was propped up into perfect pussy-eating position “Good, because don’t think for a second that you’re walking away before I’ve painted every inch of you. Slut,” he added as he unzipped and removed her miniskirt. She shuddered, feeling his breath and then his tongue dance over her. The tea/potion had definitely already kicked in at some point. She dragged his cock over to her mouth and starting sucking on the head. She didn’t keep track of how many orgasms either of them had. She couldn’t even count how many positions and places they fucked in. She did know that Shining had made good on his promise to claim her thoroughly. She remembered him reaming her ass from behind, his hand on her shoulder and a tit while she pressed her face into one of the bedposts hard enough to leave an imprint on her cheek. He painted her insides white, and she used magic to make sure none of it could escape. He held her by her legs as he stood up, letting her dangle in a standing 69. Before he came, she had him lower her so she could suck his balls and let him splatter her breasts and belly, and then happily rubbed it into her skin. She bounced against his pelvis as he walked down the stairs, holding her bouncing body in front of him until he could deposit her onto the dining table, where he proceeded to suck her nipples while he pounded her pussy raw. He fucked her doggystyle on literally every step of the stairs as they crawled back to the bedroom. At some point, in the early hours of morning, they had dozed of for bit. Twilight got up first to use the bathroom, but she hadn’t even finished emptying her bladder when Shining marched in, grabbed her head, and mercilessly throatfucked her, to her delight. He carried her back into the bedroom, but not without a couple stops to fuck her against the wall and cum over more untouched skin. Back on the bed, she rode him several more times, filling up her womb further. When the sun finally shone against the closed blinds, he pumped one last, tired load into her as he spooned her. She let her spell drop so she could feel it drip out, and they both collapsed into a sore, yet satisfied sleep. Later, of course, they fucked in the shower and while they ate brunch. “After that night, Shiny and I… well, we just became fuckbuddies on top of being brother and sister,” Twilight said with a shrug. “We typically had an encounter at least once a week, though every few months, we’d schedule another all-nighter. This lasted until I moved to Ponyville. Since then, we’ve only managed a quickie every month or so, each time I’ve visited Canterlot.” “…Including this time?” Rainbow asked. Twilight shook her head. “Well—ah—we definitely have to fix that.” Everyone looked at Princess Cadance, who had her legs spread and was quite conspicuously rubbing one out with her magic under her dress. “So that’s why you wanted Twilight’s sexy storytime to be extra graphic,” Pinkie chirped. “Well,” Twilight said dryly, staring, “now I know I don’t have to worry about you being upset with Shiny.” “How could I be upset?” Cadance laughed. “I knew from the start!” “…What.” “Of course!” she said with a wide, salacious grin. “After all, I was there on that first night!” “…WHAT?” Twilight’s brow furrowed, racing though her memories. “Wait, your love magic… Your love magic! You used love magic on us?” she cried, pointing. “Guilty as charged!” “Are you saying the only reason Twilight shacked up with her brother is ‘cause you made her?” Applejack nearly bellowed. “Don’t be silly, of course not!” Cadance laughed, flapping a carefree hand. “I’d already learned from that mistake.” “…What—” “I knew you two would waste an hour trying to get through your long, composed apologies, so I just made a little spark to remind you how much you loved each other. I didn’t actually stay after that; your little lap-dance was all you. I just guessed what happened from how Shining acted the next morning, along with plenty of clues from both of you that I’ve noticed since. Did you really think you could hide anything from the Princess of Love?” “…Then what was the point of all this?” Twilight cried. “Because it was hot!” Cadance suddenly pulled up each layer of her skirt, showing off a soaked pair of lacy panties pulled aside to reveal a wet, puffy pussy. “Now why don’t you be a dear and finish me off?” “…What,” Twilight said for the fourth time. “Well I can’t go to Shining, now can I? A bride can’t see the groom before the ceremony, and I can’t wait that long!” “You’re my babysitter!” “And Shining is your big brother, but that hasn’t stopped you, now has it?” “…She’s gotcha there, Twi,” Applejack pointed out. “Oh, don’t look so surprised,” Cadance giggled at her simultaneously dumbfounded and defeated expression. “I always thought you were sexy, and I know you’ve always had a baby crush on me.” Twilight was silent for a moment. “The way you say that, it sounds like you thought I was sexy back when you were babysitting me.” Cadance’s smile didn’t waver. Twilight buried her face in her palms. “Not another one,” she grumbled. “Another one?” Rainbow repeated while the rest of the girls stared disbelievingly at Cadance. “Oh, she’s probably talking ab—AHH YES!” Cadance was cut off when Twilight dove under her dress and disappeared under the layers of fabric. Everyone watched this display for several seconds. It was Pinkie who broke the silence. “So, are we sure this isn’t the evil seductress who replaced Twilight’s favorite babysitter?” “Don’t even joke about that,” Rarity sighed. “Ignoring the fact that the princess’s apparently a pedophile, I gotta admit, after all this, I’ve got some ideas itchin’ in my head…” Rarity shot her a look. “Apple Bloom?” “NO! Ah’m talking about Big Mac!” “Oh, sorry,” she squeaked, imitating Fluttershy. Applejack took a deep breath. “But seriously, ya’ll can see where I’m coming from when I say he’s fine-looking.” She got a round of murmured agreements. “And I’ve caught him checking me out once or twice. ’Sides, it’s about time he lost his virginity.” “…Wait, what?” half the girls cried. “Eyup. Half the gals in town can’t help swoonin’ over him when he walks by, and he likes it, but he’s too much of a shy boy to carry any conversation beyond ‘eyup’ or ‘eenope’, much less go dating.” She sighed. “Even that business with Cheerilee didn’t go nowhere. Still, I would’a never guessed Fluttershy would give it up before Mac did.” “Applejack!” Rarity gasped. “No, she’s got a point,” Fluttershy said. “Twilight aside, I’d still be a virgin if Rainbow hadn’t dragged me along to that one party.” Rainbow stared. “Wait, that’s when it happened? With who?” “I don’t know,” she said, her face flushing, but with a soft smile. “It was seven minutes in heaven, and I don’t who came in.” “…Oh! It must’ve been—” “DON’T!” she shrieked, causing everyone, including Twilight and Cadance, to jump. “Sorry,” she squeaked. “I’d just rather not know. If I knew and saw him again, I don’t think I could...” she trailed off, her face hidden by her hair and her blush. “Right,” Rainbow sighed. “Okay. What were we talking about? Oh yeah, Big Mac. If you were so worried about him, why not throw Twilight at him?” “Speaking of,” Pinkie cut in. “Am I crazy, or are we just going to keep ignoring Twilight sexing up her babysitter right next to us?” “Who says we’ve been ignoring it?” The girls looked at Rainbow, only just realizing she had a hand under her dress. “But you know what? You’re right, let’s cut the bullshit. Yo, Cadance! How good are you at eating pussy?” “Why don’t you—Oh, yes—come find out?” “Awesome,” Rainbow grinned, standing out of her stool to get into position. “You girls coming?” After exchanging a quick look, Fluttershy and Pinkie also rose. “At least take your dresses off!” Rarity cried, following them. “And be careful with your hair! We won’t have much time to fix them before the wedding!” “Is this gonna be a thing for us? Going to Canterlot and havin’ orgies?” Applejack asked, though everyone else was too distracted to answer. “…Fuck it. I’m in.” “Oh, Rarity!” Cadance spoke up. “Speaking of dresses, can I ask you to make a little change to Twilight’s?” Shining Armor jumped as the doors into his dressing room burst open. “Oh, Twiley, there you are!” he gasped when he saw the intruder. “I was afraid you would be late!” He smirked mischievously. “Or dare I say… tard—Mmph!” Twilight cut him off by tugging him down by the collar and planting her lips on his. His eyes darted around, double-checking for witnesses, before relaxing into the familiar kiss. Then he recognized a familiar taste that should not have been there. He broke away, wide-eyed. “Who exactly was that?” Twilight grinned devilishly and kneeled in front of him. “Don’t tell me you can’t recognize your own bride by taste.” He stared blankly as his best woman undid his pants. “…What…?” “I let our relationship slip to her and my friends, but it turns out she already knew.” She started stroking his now-exposed shaft. “That first evening, she cast a familial love spell on us to rush us through our apologies and left, but afterwards, figured out everything we did because she’s the Princess of Love and she can do things like that.” With that, she popped his slowly hardening cock in her mouth. Between the information overload and the attentions of his favorite cocksucker, Shining struggled to remain standing. He wound up shuffling backwards into a chair while Twilight followed him, easily taking him into her throat. “So, your response was to eat her out?” he asked. She withdrew from his now fully erect shaft, leaving a drooping string of saliva between them. “She can be awfully persuasive,” she shrugged. “…Well, I can’t deny that.” “And she’s usually got good ideas. For instance…” She stood up, turned around, and bent over. She snapped her fingers, and the bottom of her dress parted like stage curtains, revealing a completely bare ass and dripping pussy. “When she heard we haven’t gotten any quality time together since I came to Canterlot, she decided we should fix the problem as soon as possible.” Shining Armor had just learned, in rapid succession, that his little sister had had sex with his bride, his bride knew he was having regular sex with his little sister, his bride very much approved of him having sex with his little sister, and his bride had sent his little sister to have sex with him minutes before they would get married. He hadn’t thought he could be more in love with Cadance than he already was or hornier than either of these two women had ever made him, but here he was with his heart pounding like an army’s worth of war drums and a boner to tear the heavens asunder. He grabbed her ass and jammed her into his lap, perfectly aiming her soaking lips straight onto his cock. She squealed, but he quickly brought a hand up to turn her head, so he could muffle her with another deep kiss. They held it for several seconds, sighing in ecstasy, while his cock throbbed inside its familiar sheath and her walls readjusted to the familiar intruder. Finally, their lips parted. “We’re going to have to be quick,” he said while Twilight panted. “We’re supposed to start walking down the aisle any minute now.” “Then why are we wasting time?” she asked with a challenging smirk. With a chuckle, he stood up, holding her in place. He walked them over to the dressing room’s full-length tri-fold mirror, letting her brace herself against it with her arms, and started pounding her deep, quaking thrusts. “Oh, fuck,” she groaned, watching her own body shake under every thrust. “Why haven’t we done this with multiple mirrors before?” She met his eyes in the front reflection. “I could’ve watched you fuck me from so many angles.” He grunted in agreement. “I wish we had time for me to watch your beautiful, slutty, naked body bouncing off my cock.” She let out another shuddering groan. He wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug and groped her breasts through the dress, watching through the right mirror. “Oh fuck, wish I could teleport stuff from Ponyville,” Twilight panted, fondling his balls with her magic. “I could surround us with mirrors. Maybe Cadance could help us set something like that up? Then she can join in…” Shining groaned and started pounding faster, spreading their legs so he could reach even deeper. He knew she wished her ass was bigger, but for him, her size just made it that much easier to hilt himself in her, surrounding himself in her snug, welcoming flesh. He readjusted his grip, one arm wrapped around her waist, pulling to make sure he could reach as far into his little sister's perfect pussy as possible. Then he jumped at the sudden pounding at the door. Shit, was it already time? “Ya’ll got three minutes!” he heard a country-accented voice yell. That was Twilight’s friend, Applejack, right? “We’ll make it!” Twilight called back. She met his gaze in the front mirror again. “Isn’t that right, B.B.B.F.F.?” He nodded, planted his feet, curled over, and began hammering into her with rapid, short but deep thrusts, his balls lightly smacking her swollen clit. She squeaked and pressed her cheek against the mirror. Her knees wobbled, but his legs stood strong behind hers, and he kept a tight grip on her waist. He smirked at the thought: him, the strong, reliable big brother supporting his little sister, but in a very different way from what society would expect. He glanced up, and then gaped at the sight of his baby sister making out with her own reflection. She was watching for his reaction the entire time, sending him a coy wink. In response, he readjusted his grip to pull her torso into his, craning his neck around to kiss her again, breathing in her soothing scent amidst their musk. He felt her moan wildly into his mouth, her small body writhe in his grasp, and her burning walls clench around him, and he knew her orgasm was crashing down over her. Trying to catch up, he made a few last desperate thrusts and on the last, pulled her body back to ensure he came deep inside her. As always, her beautiful voice squealed, and her walls relentlessly throbbed around him, milking her body’s favorite treat from him so that she could keep a part of her beloved brother inside for as long as possible. They held together for several seconds before Twilight slowly, reluctantly slid off him. She didn’t hesitate to turn around and engulf his softening cock in her mouth, down to the hilt, sucking their mess off of it. Shining, to his regret, tore his eyes from the sight to examine his flushed complexion and rumpled clothes in the mirrors. “Right, gonna have to clean up…” Twilight pulled away with one final suck. “Let me,” she said, standing up. She raised one hand, palm up, and snapped her fingers on her other hand. What appeared to be a pile of sparkling powder appeared in her palm, and she blew it into the air above them. Shining immediately felt a sensation as if he were standing in a quality chilly mountain breeze (and living in Canterlot, he knew a thing or two about mountain breezes) over his entire body, even through his clothes. As it died down, he felt free of sweat and musk. “Nice. Cadance has something like that,” he said, pulling up his pants. “I know. She just taught it to me, since she knew we’d need it,” Twilight explained as closed up her dress without bothering to clean up the dribbling mess underneath. “Really? Just now? That was even better than hers!” he exclaimed, running a comb through his hair. “That’s my clever little sister,” he added, patting her head. She glowed. “Ya’ll ready?” the same voice called from behind the door. Had she been waiting there the whole time? “We’re ready!” Twilight answered. “Come on, B.B.B.F.F.!” She latched onto his arm. “Time to get you married!” Meating her beaming smile with his own, he marched with her out of the dressing room, ready to walk down the aisle for the best day of his life. “It’s adorable, isn’t it?” “It is. …What is?” “How obvious they’re being, silly!” “…Are they?” “Do you not see the way the three of them keep looking and winking at each other?” “Huh, now that you mention it…” “And those other girls, too! Her friends from Ponyville! They're definitely in on it!” “Heh. Now that brings a tear to my eye, making real friends, not just girls she got used to hanging out with. Our precious sparkle’s grown so much.” “And our knight in shining armor, too! Married! With a princess! Oooh, I’m not sure how much longer I can wait!” “Calm down, Dear, at least let him get through his honeymoon before you go suggesting any deeper ‘family bonding’.” “Pfft, I bet twenty bits they’ll invite her over to their suite for at least one night and day.” “Heh. I’d be a fool to take that bet.” “Besides, don’t go telling me you can wait. I’ve seen you checking out our sparkle far too many times to buy that!” “Fine, I won’t tell you. And you’re one to talk, you can hardly keep your hands off our big boy.” “Alas, having such sexy children. ‘Tis truly a blessing and a curse.” “Indeed.” > Country Hospitality > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: ApplejackxBig MacxRarity, incest, Biggus Dickus, advanced symmetrical docking and more breastplay, extra elasticity, apple-creampies, a little futa, and... no Twilight *dramatic thunder* Rarity strolled down the path to Sweet Apple Acres with a plan. Since the events of the Gala, her life and relationships had changed, but not as drastically as she had once feared it might. She hadn’t fallen headlong into an endless pit of debauchery; rather, an unspoken barrier between her and the other girls had collapsed, and in its place, new ways to express her fondness for her deepest friends had appeared. As an artist, Rarity had always considered herself of connoisseur of beauty in all forms, and there were certainly few stronger ways of appreciating her friends’ feminine beauty than via sensual grasps and purposeful licks, and same went for them making her feel beautiful. And all, among many other things, thanks to one Twilight Sparkle. She certainly was a fascinating one. That night in the bar, Rarity had been just as skeptical of Twilight’s blasé declaration of her sexual lifestyle as Rainbow was, but she was far more tactful about it. Twilight may have been cute, brilliant, and talented—traits that would definitely make her a lovely partner for someone—but Rarity—as much she hated to say it, even only to herself—did not consider Twilight sexy, at least, not nearly sexy enough to find hook-ups as easily as she had claimed. Her greatest assets were a cute, soft but angular face, and perky breasts on the larger end of average, but among many little things, her shoulders were too broad for the rest of her, her posture was poor (they had been working on that, and she was much better now), and from waist down, well, she could’ve passed for a middle schooler. If Rarity had to rate all her friends on conventional sex appeal, Twilight would’ve been dead last. (Also, learning how to get one night stands straight from books? Really?) And yet, it was as if Twilight had some kind of switch that she could flip and become pure sex. All those flaws would disappear under a shroud of desire, leaving her the most enticing woman in the room at any given moment. Apparently, it was a skill Twilight had developed over years of, ah, being a slut (Was thinking that insulting? Twilight freely used the word for herself, but…), and honestly, it was a skill Rarity wanted to learn. Without being a slut. Preferably. Unfortunately, Twilight had no idea how to pass the skill on. “It just happens when I want sex,” she had said, which really wasn’t helpful. At least Twilight taught her some of her actual sex spells to use on their other friends. Speaking of, none of them may have had Twilight’s mastery over the bedroom, but Rarity didn’t enjoy them any less. Pinkie Pie: a beautiful, bouncing ball of endless enthusiasm and energy with a desire to put a smile on Rarity’s face and a godly metabolism that sent all those sweets straight to her breasts—literally! Rarity kept track of all her friend’s measurements, and while Pinkie’s bubbly rear and slight, pleasant chub remained largely constant over time, her breasts just kept growing! Oh, what day couldn’t be improved by a quick feel of those tantalizing orbs? Really, she was like a living toy, bouncy and smooth and squishy all over! (There was apparently a time when she was as bushy as a forest, but she had shaven her entire body bare by the time Rarity really got see her. Probably for the best.) And Fluttershy: the tall, slender beauty who had deservedly enjoyed (alright, “enjoyed” was a strong word) a brief, but glamourous career as a model, which Rarity had totally called. Then there were times when that spell of Twilight’s that she so enjoyed essentially turned her into a fertility goddess, though Rarity actually preferred her natural form. She was a typically a gentle, passive lover, but at times, she could lose herself to her passions and take her partners for exhilarating rides—said passions including a list of fetishes that even stunned Twilight. And then there were the more athletically-inclined two, to whom Rarity found herself turning to more frequently. Rainbow Dash: endearingly bold and headstrong, but with the thought and tact of a rampaging bull. That in itself could be endearing, except when it was damning. Really, that applied much of Rainbow’s mannerisms. For example, she had a grand, lofty ambition that Rarity could relate to and admire, but rather than put all her energy into it, she spent so much of her time lazing about or playing pranks. She was an unabashed braggart, but with her speed and skills—and having actually saved Rarity’s life on a couple occasions—it wasn’t exactly unwarranted. Her character aside, Rainbow’s body was undeniably a feast for her eyes, especially in motion—a slim frame covered in hard, clearly-defined muscles, a compromise between strength for sprinting and leanness for endurance. This made it a bit of a challenge for Rarity to dominate her, since she could so easily turn the tables if Rarity wasn’t careful, but the potential reward of seeing one of Dashies’s cute, flustered expressions was always worth it. So adorable! Rarity just loved how she flipped-flopped between pride in her small, perky breasts, and embarrassment whenever someone cooed over how precious they were. It was just a pity how hard it could be to get for Rarity to get her hands on her, since she was often just snoozing on some random cloud, out of sight and reach. And then there was Applejack: oh, Applejack, where to start? Perhaps that glorious ass! If Pinkie had the breasts of a goddess, Applejack had gotten the rear, with hips that wouldn’t quit and thighs that didn’t lie (yes, Rarity knew that wasn’t how those phrases went, but she preferred the semi-rhyme)! Not that her breasts weren’t delightful as well—after all, she matched Rarity herself in that department. Where Rainbow was all lean with hard muscles, Applejack was built like a tree trunk but softer, those purely farm-grown muscles padded by just enough fat to be cuddly while still leaving the important ones visible. Rarity just loved tracing those abs and biceps and counting her freckles, and now that she had started working on it, her awkward tan was balancing out (though Rarity, oddly, felt like she would miss it). Truly, she was a rock in Rarity’s life, always dependable, always willing to bear with her need for dramatic flair. No, she was not romantically attracted to Applejack, as she had to emphasize when confronted with Twilight and Fluttershy’s insinuations during a recent spa trip. She may have learned to enjoy woman, but she was still looking for her Prince Charming, who was most certainly out there somewhere. Besides, her and Applejack? It would never work. For starters, where would they live? Rarity couldn’t make high-class dresses living on a farm any more than Applejack could reasonably do her farmwork living anywhere but! And Applejack was hardly perfect. She shared Rainbow’s occasional tactlessness, but while Rainbow’s came from thoughtlessness, Applejack knowingly employed brutal honesty, as if she didn’t think the feelings of others were worthwhile! Why just the other day… At some point during her rant, Twilight and Fluttershy had exchanged looks, rolled their eyes, and tried to tune it out. Eventually, Rarity’s train of thought meandered back to the reason she was currently walking onto Sweet Apple Acres: she had a plan. By now, she’d visited Applejack enough times to get a hold on the family’s typical schedules, and she knew that about now, both Applejack and Big Macintosh would be retreating to a barn to cool off and take a break, which would be the perfect opportunity for the “sibling bonding” Applejack had mused about at the wedding only days ago. In fact, judging by the subtle glow Applejack had yesterday, today wouldn’t be their first time. Regardless, Rarity wanted in. After all, she had already extolled the physical virtues of Applejack, and Big Mac had all her firm muscle on top of being masculine and huge! She had no more romantic inclinations towards him than to his sister, but wondering how huge certain parts of him were had her fanning herself. And really, the taboo of the two siblings together sent a thrill downstairs—yet another avenue on the road of life she would’ve never considered before Twilight. Once she found her way to a barn, being careful not to let her off-white sundress or her purse get dirty or snagged, she quietly snuck around its edge to the open doors in front. This should’ve been the right barn, as the siblings’ rotation should’ve taken them around this side of the farm. Leaning near the barn door (but not actually letting her dress touch the wood), she held a hand to her straining ear. Eventually, she could just barely hear a deep, masculine groan. Her grin threatened to split her face. That sounded promising. Hopefully, she wasn’t too late. She peered around the edge of the entry, and her eyes locked onto a certain stack of haybales in a corner, behind which she’d spent a number of afternoons with Applejack herself. The dear had even been considerate enough to set up a clean hook for her clothes and purse here! Knowing that any view of the door would be blocked, she quietly crept in, hearing more and louder moans as she got closer. Eventually, she could make out words. “Yah really like that, don’tcha?” Applejack asked softly. There was the rhythmic sound of flesh slapping against flesh. Between pants, she could hear Big Mac’s predictable reply: “…Eyup.” Since Applejack didn’t sound nearly as distracted, she could guess at specifically what they were up to. When she was finally close enough, she removed her broad sunhat, peered around the edge of the haystack, and confirmed her guess: both siblings were buck-naked, their clothes carelessly discarded in a nearby pile, and Big Mac sat on a haybale, crushing the edges in his grip while Applejack had her juicy, freckled tits wrapped around his enormous cock. Goodness! The cowgirl may have had a great rack, but that titan made her look puny, which meant there was that much more room for her to stroke him. Just as she’d hoped! Rarity couldn’t help but shudder, imagining how that thick, meaty monster would feel, filling up her own cleavage. Her thoughts were cut off by Applejack speaking again. “Just imagine how someone even bigger’d feel,” she said with a grin as she continued to slide up and down his shaft, pressing her breasts tightly around him with her palms. “Say, Pinkie Pie. Ah know you like her pair.” From her position to Big Mac’s right and a little behind, Rarity could see him redden up. “Oh, don’t you get all shy on me,” Applejack chuckled. “Who hasn’t tried checkin’ out her balloons? Let me tell you, they feel jus’ as soft an’ doughy as they look.” She paused, looking down at his shaft, and snorted. “Bet she wouldn’t need tah bring any lube. Her slobber’s plenty tah get the job done.” Rarity screwed her face up, wondering bringing up slobber was supposed to be sexy, though a pleased shudder ran through Big Mac’s body at her words. Still, Rarity found Applejack’s thick accent adorable. She usually toned it down slightly in public and even just around friends, but at home, with family, or in moments of passion, it came through in full force. “Hell,” Applejack went on, “can’t not mention Fluttershy.” Big Mac’s posture turned confused. “Ah know, she ain’t no bombshell, but Twilight’s got a spell, see? Shy loves it whenever they get together. Makes her a straight-up cow girl, as in a girl who’s like a cow, milk and all.” Rarity could practically see his imagination start to race as he tilted his head back in another deep moan. “Her milk’s sweet as she is, and she gets one fine body. More tits than Pinkie, more ass than me, all…” Suddenly, Applejack caught Rarity’s eye around the edge of the haystack, freezing up mid-stroke. Rarity quickly recovered from her own shock, leaned out further, and gave the cowgirl a salacious grin and wave. After a moment, Applejack rolled her eyes and returned a side-grin, then resumed her stroking before Mac could question her. “…all on a waist like Rarity’s,” she finished, before leaning over to lick his throbbing shaft. If he had noticed the pause, the fantasy and new source of pleasure would’ve immediately distracted him from questioning it. Quietly, Rarity set down her purse and hat on the cleanest surface available (she couldn’t use the hook, as it was in Big Mac’s line of sight) and began to disrobe. Meanwhile, Applejack was talking again. “So, tell me,” she said, smacking her lips. “What would you do if Ah were some other gal?” There was just a confused groan as she ran her tongue over his swollen head. “Ah mean if the girl kneelin’ in front of you, weren’t your little sister, but one of ‘em girls from town yah can’t keep your eyes off of? Would you sit there and take it?” There was a strained “Eenope.” “Oh? Why not?” Between questions, Applejack had taken to suckling at the pillar trapped in her cleavage, though she never entirely stopped stroking up and down. “…Wouldn’t be proper…” Applejack snorted before popping off his cock. “Proper? If yah gave half a core ‘bout doin’ it proper, yah wouldn’t’a been reaming yer lil’ sis’s pussy the last two days! Hell, Ah fell behind on work the first day ‘cause yah had me walkin’ all funny after what yah did tah me!” Oh, goodness, Rarity thought. If he could put Applejack in that state, without even touching her ass by the sound of it… “I made up the work…” he mumbled self-consciously. “Heh, you sure did,” she chuckled. “Guess Rainbow’s got that right: pussy’s a hell of a motivator.” Big Mac’s flush deepened. Really, the shade of his skin made for an excellent barometer for just how embarrassed he was feeling at the moment. By now, Rarity had neatly folded and put away all her clothing except her black, gem-lined lingerie (and the siblings had best appreciate it after all the trouble she went through to ensure it didn’t show through her sundress!) and was waiting at the corner for the perfect moment to step in. “But honestly, are you really tellin’ me yah wouldn’t be happy tah see… say… Cheerilee down here, givin’ you a nice handy?” He flushed, though Rarity could tell there was a bit of awkwardness there. “How ‘bout Carrot Top?” His blush turned a bit deeper. “Cloudchaser?” He turned a bit lighter. “Bonbon?” Deeper. “Lyra?” Deeper. Applejack smirked. “…Twilight?” A lot deeper! “How about Rarity?” Lighter. Wait, WHAT? How DARE he! “Really?” Applejack asked, shooting a quick “calm yerself, girl” look at Rarity. “You like Twi more than Rarity?” He was silent, his blush turning darker than ever. “Ah mean, yeah, she’s a better roll in the hay, but…” She coughed, looking pointedly away from the lady in question. “…You couldn’t tell jus’ lookin’ at ‘em.” Rarity was fuming, but she could still see the cogs in Applejack’s head whirring, looking for a way to salvage the situation. Suddenly, the cowgirl stood up, freeing Big Mac’s cock from her slick breasts (and giving her an unobstructed view: he was thick and veiny, uncircumcised, and surprisingly well-groomed!), held his face in her hands, and leaned over to kiss him on the lips, deeply enough that Rarity could see tongue moving around. While his eyes were closed, she flicked her eyes at Rarity in a “git over here” gesture, which Rarity silently obeyed. She pulled away from Big Mac, but quickly told him, “keep ‘em shut,” before he could open his eyes. “Head up, and let’s see about changin’ yer mind.” While he obeyed, keeping his closed eyes facing the rafters, she kneeled back down, but further back. Seeing her plan, Rarity carefully shuffled in between the siblings, letting Applejack unclip her bra. “Now picture Rarity, like she’s in the town market buyin’ a couple apples from you. She’s got her make-up on, nice gold earrings, and a pretty dress, say, that light blue one with the flowers on it. She bats her eyes at yah, a bit.” The narrative wasn’t quite up to Rarity’s standards (for starters, there was no mention of her necklace and cleavage, and none of her gold earrings really matched that dress very well anyways…), but she could tell Applejack was trying her best. “Eeyup,” he gasped, his slick, leaking cock (Goodness gracious, it was even more monstrous up close! She wasn’t entirely sure she believed it was real! Twilight did have some bigger toys, but Rarity had never actually touched them! Besides, she was pretty sure the… bestial ones were just jokes.) throbbing in the open air. Rarity was tempted to grasp it, but Applejack kept a restraining hand on her shoulder, while using the other to drizzle lubricant from a bottle over her cleavage. The cool liquid made her shiver, but she silently spread it around. “Now take it off. Her clothes, Ah mean. No more dress.” Applejack’s eyes quickly scanned the rest of Rarity’s lingerie while she rubbed the lube around. “Just lacy black underwear. Her skin’s smooth an’ spotless all over, she’s got big, perky tits, and she just took her bra off…” At this, she finally gave Rarity a light shove. She wasted no time wrapping her now lubed breasts around his shaft (She had to fight down a squeal! It was real, alright! It was burning hot, and so thick, she probably couldn’t wrap a hand fully around it!), and making slow, long strokes. “They’re nice, smooth, and round, with perfect, suckable nipples,” Applejack went on while Rarity tried her best to emulate Applejack’s technique (as hard as it was to concentrate on anything in this situation...), lapping at his foreskin-covered tip. Suddenly, the scene went off rails when Big Mac started sniffing loudly. “What the hay…?” his voice rumbled. Oh no! Her perfume! She always put on an extra dose before going to the farm, and today was no different, as she hadn’t been anticipating this much sneaking. Before she could properly react, Big Mac opened his eyes to look down, and his jaw dropped. Rarity herself could only helplessly look back in resignation, her breasts still pressed around him. In the following silence, Applejack tsked loudly. “Whelp, the cat’s outta the bag. So! Big Mac! It’s another girl ‘sides yer lil’ sis in front of yah. You still gonna back out?” “…Eey—” “Don’t you dare!” Rarity snapped, folding her arms in front of herself to squeeze herself around him even more tightly. “I didn’t come all this way and sit through your slight to walk away empty-handed!” “Rare! Cool it, girl, you’re scarin’ him!” Applejack snapped, gripping her shoulder. Unfortunately, it seemed to be true. Big Mac’s huge frame seemed to shrink under her glare, and she could feel his titan starting to soften. Taking a deep breath, she backed away and stood up, giving him a proper view of herself. “I apologize,” she said, expertly making a demure pose that subtly flaunted her assets. “I had intended this to be a pleasant surprise for the both of you.” His eyes darted back and forth between her and Applejack. “Even though we’re…” he mumbled. “Land’s sake,” Applejack groaned loudly. “Ah already told yah! Twilight’s already doin’ it with her brother, the other girls know about it, and if they don’t mind Twi doin’ it, they won’t mind us!” He still seemed conflicted, so Rarity gave him another push. “Big Macintosh, Darling, it seems you believe it wouldn’t be proper to lay with a lady without courting her? She asked. He hesitantly nodded, and she flashed a dazzling grin. “How gentlemanly. You’re quite correct, of course. That would be the proper way to do things. However…” She grabbed Applejack’s hand and guided it over, and with a few gestures, they each quickly wrapped a hand around Big Mac’s slick shaft. “…If I had cared about doing this properly, I wouldn’t be here at all.” He gasped as they started to stroke him in unison. “Right now, I don’t want a gentleman, I just want some fun.” He squirmed in place. “Ah dunno,” he mumbled between gasps. “Ah… might hurt you…” “With a beast this size?” Rarity allowed herself another drawn-out visual grope of his manhood. “That risk is very much there, but in response, I can only say… challenge accepted.” With that, she tugged down his foreskin, bent over, and gave his exposed head a great, wet kiss. Applejack chuckled as her brother’s head lolled back in bliss. “See, yah big lug?” she said, still stroking him alongside Rarity. “It ain’t nothin’ to worry about. It’s same deal as with me, Ah wouldn’ta offered if Ah didn’t think Ah’d like it as much as you.” She reached below with her free hand and began to massage his sack while Rarity busied herself with the tip. They quickly settled into roles: Applejack crouching to lap at the base of his shaft, her hands either stroking him, fondling his balls, or fingering herself; and Rarity on her knees, gently licking and eventually bobbing her head over the first couple inches of the beast in front of her, leaning forward to keep it between her breasts. It was a pity she hadn’t developed much of a deepthroat technique, and this was certainly not the place nor the target for practice. Still, she thought, seeing her own perky nipples and Applejack’s content expression in her view, she did have to some new spells to try out. Ideaaa… “Darling,” she said out loud, “would you kindly join me up here?” Applejack paused, her mouth a moment away from engulfing one of Mac’s balls. “Just a sec,” she said, darting forward for a few quick sucks, each getting a gasp out of her brother. “Alright, got somethin’ in mind?” she asked, getting to her knees on the opposite side of his shaft from Rarity. Rarity just pulled Applejack by the waist and pulled her in so that their breasts were surrounding Big Mac’s cock, pressing into each other lightly. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him look down in wide-eyed interest, and allowed herself a smirk. “I just want to show off a new trick Twilight taught me.” To her annoyance, both siblings perked up at the name, but she squashed the feeling and snapped her fingers. The effects were immediate. “Whoa,” Applejack gasped, lurching back slightly, and showing the spell’s effects off in the process. Rarity let out a delighted moan, feeling a tug on her chest as the other woman moved away, before the rebound brought them even closer than before. “That’s…” the cowgirl gasped, looking down and cupping one of her own tits, watching Rarity’s matching one move in tandem, their nipples hugging each other as if magnetized. “That’s some trick, alright.” Rarity giggled, and reached down, slipping a hand down her dampening panties to stroke her slit. “Isn’t it?” she asked as Applejack shuddered, looking down between their breasts and her brother’s cock. The spell didn’t just effectively glue two women together (Rarity suspected that was more for the enjoyment of a male audience than that of the subjects), it multiplied the sensitivity of their breasts, particularly their nipples, and turned them into sexual conduits, letting each woman feel some of the other’s pleasure. “I may not be nearly as good with spells as Twilight, but the ones she can teach me, I plan on making great use of.” With her other hand, she dragged a dainty finger from the top of her breast onto the curve of Applejack’s, making them both shiver from the sex-charged tickles. This was all lost on Big Mac, however, who made a small, impatient thrust between them, catching their attention. Rarity let out another giggle, used her arms to press herself around him, and began pumping up and down, forcing Applejack to do the same. “Easy, Rares,” Applejack gasped, still acclimatizing to the sensations. When Rarity darted forward to suck on Big Mac’s head again, she could taste a ghost of her brother’s strong musk on her own tongue. “We can’t go all out just yet.” Rarity pulled back, and Applejack to the opportunity to take him into her own mouth, swirling her tongue under his foreskin. “Oh?” Rarity asked, enjoying the sight. “You’re not typically the one to point that out.” She patiently waited for the other girl to finish, still guiding their breasts smoothly up and down the shaft between them. “Ah know,” Applejack said as they switched off, and Rarity continued exploring Big Mac’s uncircumcised head. By now, multiple strands of spit bridged between them, and a little red lipstick was staining the cock, making Rarity wonder of Applejack would pick some of it up if they kept this up. “Ah’m sayin’ ‘cuz Big Mac here can go all day in the fields, but Ah doubt we’ll get more than two loads out’ta him here. Ah ain’t walkin’ away without one in me, so unless you’re passin’ on your own…” “What?” she pouted as she popped off his head. “But I want a taste of him! Are you saying I must choose either a facial or a creampie?” Applejack just smirked back. “Hell, you ain’t usually this thirsty for jizz. That’s usually Twilight’s deal.” She paused, and her smirk turned salacious. “Though, here’s an idea: after mah turn, you can taste mah creampie.” Rarity’s eyes sparkled. “Oh, Darling—Ah!” She tried to stand up, but her breasts, still anchored to Applejack’s, threw her off balance, and she lurched forwards. Applejack caught her easily, and they shared a breathy chuckle as they rose together, rising clear off of Big Mac’s cock. He groaned in disappointment. “So, ah…” Applejack looked down, still clutching the other girl’s sides. “How long does this spell last?” “Several hours. It could potentially last an entire night.” At Applejack’s shocked look, Rarity hurried to explain. “It doesn’t have to! If we both pull hard enough, the spell will cancel automatically! Harmlessly!” “Good. Ah’ve got work to do after this,” she grumped, trying and failing to cross her arms, which got another giggle out of Rarity. With a grumble and eye-roll, she maneuvered them around so that Rarity’s back was to her brother. “Well, ladies first.” “Oh, how generous of you, Darling,” she said, looking backwards and batting her eyes. She paused, and looked back at Applejack. “Should we break the spell now?” she asked. “I plan on having a… ah… bumpy ride.” “Nah,” she smirked. “Would be a right shame to call it quits so soon. Ah’ll work with you.” She tilted her head. “What Ah want to know is how sure are you about takin’ Mac? Have you ever had anyone or anythin’ that size in you before?” Rarity could practically see Big Mac burning with the same question. “Oh, don’t either of you worry,” she said, meeting his eyes. “I came prepared. Now…” The two women moved up to him and worked in tandem: Applejack reached around to Rarity’s ass, tugging down her panties and pulling her cheeks apart giving Big Mac a jaw-dropping view; and Rarity kicked away her panties, grabbed his cock, and positioned it right at her glistening entrance. (Honestly, she was surprised she hadn’t needed to command him to sit still.) “Alright, Rares,” Applejack said, “careful now…” Ignoring her, Rarity just fell backwards, dragging her down by their linked chests, and sliding down into Big Mac’s lap over the course of only a second. Both sibling’s jaws dropped and each let out a slow, loud, “Fuuuck!”, for slightly different reasons. Big Mac was astounded by how different his second ever pussy was—silky, with no resistance, but somehow snugger than a thick blanket during a chilly winter—and overwhelmed by the sensation of being completely hilted in a woman. The deepest Applejack could manage still left a few inches in the open. Applejack, likewise, was in utter disbelief at how easily Rarity took him all the way without a hint of struggle and fought to stay standing through the ghostly feeling of being speared by her brother’s massive shaft. “How…?” she weakly made out. Rarity didn’t answer for a moment, too busy squirming and cooing in delight and stroking her belly. “Marvelous,” she sighed. “Darling, you simply must feel this!” She took one of Applejack’s hands off her hip and pressed the palm over her belly button. There was a bulge. Applejack, still utterly dazed, rubbed the hand around, feeling what could only have been her brother’s cock through Rarity’s flesh. Rarity was content to sit mostly still as her hand traveled up, and the bulge kept going, until it vanished near the ribs. Applejack was no expert on anatomy, but she was certain that shouldn’t have been possible. “How…?” she asked again. “I told you, didn’t I? I came prepared,” Rarity tutted, and from behind the haystack, her purse came floating into view. After bringing it close enough, her magic opened it and pulled out a crystal vial half-full of some sort of blue jelly, showing it off to the siblings. “A little gift from Zecora: a mixture of malleability. A bit of a mouthful, I must admit, in more ways than one, but as you can see…” She rolled her hips, drawing a sharp gasp from Big Mac, breaking his overwhelmed silence, and letting Applejack feel the shaft shifting inside her. “…It does its job very well. And lucky you, there just happens to be a spare dose for—AH!” Suddenly, Big Mac grabbed Rarity by the waist, lifted her slightly, and jammed her down with a jolt that made Rarity drop the vial, though Applejack was quick enough to grab it with her free hand. “Whoa there, Bro!” she called. “You almost—!” He completely ignored her, lifting Rarity up and ramming her back down into his lap, going further and forcing a louder squeal out of her each time. “Aw, hell, he’s goin’ outta control again,” Applejack groaned as he slid Rarity almost all the way off his shaft, still dragging her along by their chests. He paused dramatically, giving both women to clutch each other’s shoulders in anticipation, and then slammed Rarity’s ass all the way down. This time, Applejack squealed too, but she was utterly drowned out by Rarity, who’s squeal was loud and high enough that she feared Winona might come running. They barely had time to recover before Big Mac moved again, but this time, he was standing up, forcing both women up with him. “Again?” Rarity breathed as he shuffled them about. Applejack made sure to toss the vial safely onto a loose pile of hay before answering. “First time he got in me, he got like this too,” she explained quickly as she her back was pressed into the tall, sturdy haystack they’d been using as cover. “Went mad as a bronco surrounded by mares in heat, and left me sorer than an old workhorse ‘til the crack of dawn.” By now, Big Mac had lifted Rarity off her feet, holding her by the thighs, spreading them around Applejack, and pressing the women firmly into each other. “Is it too late for second thoughts?” Rarity whimpered, her eyes darting between Applejack’s and the beast behind her, who was slowly but surely planting his feet in position. “You got the potion, shouldn’t you be fine?” Before Rarity could respond, Big Mac started pulling away, still keeping an iron grip on her legs. Once again, the women braced themselves, hugging and clutching each other’s bodies, but this time, Rarity planted her lips onto Applejack’s. They shut their eyes and moaned into the kiss before Big Mac slammed himself home, making them squeal into each other. He gave them no time to recover, immediately settling into a steady rhythm of deliberate, powerful thrusts that were deeper than most men were long. Despite Rarity’s sudden apprehension, it wasn’t exactly painful—one of the potion’s effects involved cancelling the pain usually involved in stretching and shifting around her insides—but it was hardly a smooth ride either. Just being filled by the enormous cock, stretched beyond her natural limits, that was satisfying, but the pounding she was taking, like a battering ram against her inner flesh, was just… intense! There was pleasure, but it was almost overwhelmed by the sheer force behind each thrust. And on top of the beatings her rear and flower were receiving, she was being mashed against the beautiful titan that was Applejack. Her hands flew across those plush curves and padded muscles, the constant motion kept their spell-bound breasts constantly sliding against each other, and their tongues were locked in a deep duel/dance. All in all, it was everything Rarity had hoped for, in spirit if not in perfect detail. Eventually, Applejack broke their kiss so they could breath, though Rarity, mewling in disappointment, tried to chase after her. She just dodged around and nibbled Rarity’s ear. “So what were you bellyachin’ over again?” she chuckled as the fashionista cried in bliss. “If what I’m feelin’s half as good as you, I can’t wait for my turn.” She looked down their bodies in consideration. As sensual as their linked chests were, it severely limited their options. Applejack was sorely tempted to kneel down and lick at where her brother’s shaft met her friend’s pussy, or even just bend over to suck her nipples, but she couldn’t manage that like this. …Or could she? With their positioning, it wouldn’t be the easiest thing, but… Her left hand let go of Rarity’s shoulder and pulled her own left tit up, dragging the other along. Big Mac’s pace was getting quicker and shallower (which she felt through the bulge in Rarity’s stomach pressed against her own), which made it easier to steady herself as she craned her head down and fit both their nipples into her lips. “Oh, Darling!” Rarity squealed, her vision whiting out as her first orgasm washed over her. Applejack shook, doubtlessly feeling it too, but stood firm, still suckling at their nipples, taking full advantage of their shared and enhanced sensitivity. Eventually, Rarity caught her breath, though she would’ve collapsed for sure if it weren’t for the grip the siblings had on her. Big Mac still pounded away at her, pulling less of himself out every thrust and giving her more pleasure every time, and Applejack’s wonderful body still braced and cushioned her, on top of her oral attentions. Determined to be a more active participant, Rarity mirrored the cowgirl’s actions, sparing a hand to lift their breasts on the other side and clamped her plump lips over their remaining nipples. Both women squealed in delight, but neither relented, both fully intent on sharing their pleasure. In each mouth, a tongue swirled around two hyper-sensitive nipples and the areola around them, shifting them against each other, but never able to break their contact. As they periodically took breaks to breathe, Rarity was sorely tempted to cast a lactation spell on both herself and Applejack but resisted, knowing a miscast was guaranteed. Meanwhile, Big Mac had finally come to a rapid-fire pace of one-inch thrusts, and they all could tell he was getting close. Finally, Big Mac stopped, and made few more deep, powerful thrusts. Applejack, easily recognizing the cue, quickly reached down with her other hand and pinched Rarity’s clit. With one final thrust and one final ear-piercing squeal, they came. Even as Big Mac’s shaft pulsed inside Rarity and the sensation passed through to Applejack, even as the women moaned their bliss out loud, neither letting go of their nipples for half a minute. But eventually, they had to part. Their drool-slicked breasts dropped from their lips, and they panted deeply as they gazed at each other with hearts in their eyes. Applejack’s hand stroked Rarity’s belly, hoping to feel it slightly swollen with her brother’s cum. “Oh…” Big Mac’s rumbling voice interrupted their reverie. “Miss Rarity, Ah’m so sorry… Ah don’t rightly know what came over me…” “Hush, Darling,” Rarity said, managing to twist around just enough to press a dainty finger over his lips. Her head reached up, and with a little boost from Applejack, she pecked the corner of his lip. “I knew… what I was getting… into. You were… utterly delightful,” she sighed, her chest still heaving in exhaustion. Blushing, Big Mac slowly drew away, sliding his slimy cock out of her ravaged pussy, and Applejack gripped her sides to keep her from collapsing. Right before his head popped out, she snapped her fingers. Applejack raised an eyebrow. “What was that? Contraception?” Big Mac stiffened. Rarity giggled languidly. “Oh, don’t be silly, Darling,” she said, batting her eyes. “Twilight already did each of us. No, this spell… think of it as a favor returned in advance.” Applejack squinted, searching her face. She moved her hand down Rarity’s belly and stroked her slit, realizing that no cum was leaking out. “Eyup!” Rarity chirped once she had figured it out. “A delicious apple-creampie for a delicious apple-creampie!” Applejack chortled happily. “Oh, Sugar,” she said, before deciding the time for words was over and planted her lips on Rarity’s once again. The two were quickly eagerly embracing and groping and pinching and teasing each other all over again, providing an extremely fascinating show for Big Mac, who had sat back down on the original haybale to catch his breath. His shrinking boner quickly started coming back to life, and he began gently stroking his sex-slicked length. Finally, Rarity remembered the potion she brought. Waving a hand, she brought it over from its hay pile, and parted her lips from Applejack’s to present it. “Now it’s your turn, Applejack. I’ll bet you’re dying to know how he feels completely inside you.” Applejack shivered, just remembering the how her brother felt from across the spell. “Eyup.” She grabbed the vial out of Rarity’s magic, popped the cork, and paused to examine the contents. It looked and smelled mostly like some kind of smooth berry jam. Shrugging, she tilted her head back to chug it. Most of it spilled into her mouth easily (it tasted alright, but she was surprised to find that it had a sort of crunch to it), but she had to shake the vial to get the last chunks out. Once she got it all, she swallowed. She smacked her lips while Rarity nodded approvingly, levitating the empty vial back into her purse. “The effects will take a minute to activate, so why don’t we do a little clean-up first?” Rarity asked, jerking her head at Big Mac. Applejack followed her gesture to see her brother at full-mast. “Now that sounds like a plan.” Big Mac straightened up and let go of himself as the women maneuvered back in front of him. Together, they kneeled, and began cleaning his and Rarity’s combined cum from where it had spilled onto his balls. He groaned as they meticulously licked their way up his shaft—his sister with long, languid laps, and Rarity with dainty, efficient ones. Once they were half-way up, as if on some unspoken command, they both straightened up to bring their breasts over his shaft so that he was trapped in their combined cleavage once again before resuming their clean-up. Slowly, he lifted his hands and gently placed them over the girls’ necks, making sure not to disturb Rarity’s lovely hair, which earned him moans of appreciation and a wink. By the time they had cleaned out his foreskin and started making out around his head, he spoke up. “Ya’ll better wrap that up,” he panted. “Ah’m rarin’ to go.” After a second, they popped their lips away from him and each other. “Indeed,” Rarity said, examining his throbbing lower head. “How would you like to take this, Applejack?” Applejack tilted her head and hmmed. After a moment, she pulled herself and Rarity off of his shaft and stepped them away. “Alright, Bro. Get up.” He obeyed, and then she wrapped her arms around Rarity’s back and waist. She swept the seamstress off her feet (earning an excited squeal) without parting their chests, and carried her onto the haybale, where she bent over to place Rarity. With a bit of shuffling, Rarity was comfortably lying on the haybale with her legs hanging from the edge, while Applejack was bent over her, supporting herself with her arms around Rarity on the hay, and her legs spread and planted on the ground. Rarity growled appreciatively. “Oh, Darling, I love the way you think,” she purred, nuzzling the cowgirl’s neck. She wrapped her hands around Applejack’s neck, ran them through her hair, down her back, and eventually cupped her ass, flesh spilling through her fingers as she spread those cheeks for Big Mac’s viewing pleasure. His cock answered with a might throb, and he approached his sister’s vast, wiggling rear. Then he paused. Rarity tilted her head. “What’s wrong—ah!” Big Mac cut her off by leaning over his sister, burying his hands into the sides of the haybale, and heaving it off the ground, both girls included. Rarity gasped as Applejack’s weight pressed into her, but both of them, in their confusion, remained quiet and still as he carried them around. She could sense him shuffling around loose hay with his feet, but couldn’t actually see what he was doing. When he finally set them down, there was a moment of dazed confusion before Rarity realized that they were higher than where they had started. He must’ve piled up some extra hay under their haybale, which, now looking at the siblings’ heights, placed Applejack at a more comfortable altitude for him. Then Big Mac cut her thoughts off by prodding his sister’s pussy, sending a jolt of bliss down both girls’ spines. His large hands clapped over her hips as he slowly started to slide himself in. “Hoo boy,” Applejack muttered, looking back. “That’s real smooth.” Granted, their experience only included two sessions before this, but before, it took a lot of foreplay and extra lube for both siblings before they could even consider penetration, and even then, it took a lot of time, wiggling, and small thrusts before he hit the end of her passage, which was more painful than pleasurable for her. The first day, she grit her teeth and took what pleasure she could while her brother ravaged her. On the second, she controlled the pace, but when on the verge of climax, when it would be easier to bear, she let him go all out. It’s not that she regretted either time, seeing as how she was ready for a third go nonetheless, but they were, to put it mildly, a bit straining. Today, however, was easy. There was hardly any resistance as Big Mac filled her in one smooth motion, going as deep as he could ever manage, and then he kept going. When his hips slapped against her ass, Applejack was at a loss for words. She’d felt a little of this from Rarity, but there was a world of difference between magically transferred pleasure and actually being fully impaled on Big Mac’s cock. The feeling of his body pressed fully against hers was fulfilling in a way she wasn’t sure she could ever go without again. A hand delicately brushing over her belly broke her from her stupor. Looking down, she could see Rarity tracing the visible bulge pushing against her abs. “Marvelous, isn’t it?” she crooned, her other hand crawling up the small of Applejack’s back in that oh-so-perfect way. “Ah’ve got to thank Zecora for this,” she panted as Big Mac finally started moving, settling into long thrusts that were even smoother than the initial entry. She was going to need more of those potions, though she did intend on fully taking on Big Mac without outside aid, one day. Rarity grinned wickedly. “Maybe you could repay her with a turn with him.” Applejack just snorted. “Ah ain’t about to whore out Big Mac for favors,” she grumbled. Rarity just giggled before relaxing, basking in the sexual atmosphere. Applejack loomed over her, sweat rolling down her lovely freckled skin, their linked breasts bouncing as Big Mac steadily pounded her. After Rarity’s rough ride, the transferred pleasure she received felt like a soothing balm, though she couldn’t deny, lying under the fucking siblings made for an extremely effective turn-on. It was a pity Big Mac would be running on empty. The only thing that could make this better was… “Ideeeaaaa!” she squealed, her magic lighting up again. The siblings paused, startled by her outburst. Before they could say anything, the purse opened up, and a strap-on floated over in a blue aura. Applejack raised her eyebrows. “Ya’ll sure we can handle it? On top of everythin’ else?” It was no Big Mac, but it was still bigger than their usual toys. Then again, they were on the potion. “Oh, Applejack,” Rarity giggled. “I hadn’t thought you one to back down from a challenge…” Applejack’s eyes narrowed, and wordlessly, she shoved Big Mac out of her and lifted her legs so that Rarity could get the harness around her. In a snap, it was replaced by a life-like cock pointed squarely at Rarity’s filled snatch. Noticing Big Mac’s sudden apprehension, Rarity gave him a reassuring grin over Applejack’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Darling, it’s just for me. Your dear sister still needs her rutting—Aaahhoooooommmmm!” Applejack cut her off by jamming her new cock in, and both women, still sharing their pleasure, instantly melted in bliss. They both could feel Rarity’s still-stretchy pussy wrapped around a more comfortable cock and Applejack’s cock wrapped in velvety pussy and bathed in hot cum. Applejack couldn’t even managed proper thrusts—she just collapsed onto Rarity’s body, where they proceeded to stroke and gaze at each other languidly. Big Mac, meanwhile, shrugged, aimed his cock back at his sister’s exposed pussy, and quickly resumed his previous pace. Rarity and Applejack were drowning in ecstasy at this point: between their own penetration, Big Mac’s continued fucking, his motions pushing Applejack in and out of Rarity, and the two women’s sweaty bodies rubbing against each other in every way possible, they were practically cumming every second. At the back of their minds, they knew neither could keep this up, but they weren’t conscious enough to do anything but enjoy the moment. Fortunately, Big Mac was just about done. He gripped Applejack’s waist and after a few final monstrous thrusts, slammed himself deeper inside his sister than ever before, squishing her ass to wrap her drooling pussy lips around his base. His balls and dick throbbed and unleashed a sea of cum inside her. Applejack and Rarity tilted their heads back and cried out their last orgasm as Applejack’s belly was filled, trickles of excess spilling from the tight seal of her brother’s bulging shaft, while her own cock mixed her own cum with her brother’s inside Rarity. They bathed in bliss for as long as possible, until Applejack started kicking at Big Mac’s legs. “Out, out!“ she groaned. Slowly, he stumbled back, his cock sliding out of her pussy along with a flood of white. Both women kept groaning as Applejack pulled her own cock out of Rarity, without any cum spilling out thanks to the spell, and tugged their chests apart, their tits stretching until they finally snapped free, drawing out one last cry. At last, Applejack collapsed to Rarity’s side, barely avoiding falling off the haybale, as Big Mac leaned back against the haystack. For a few minutes, all three of them made no movements except to pant heavily, though Applejack cupped her hand around her pussy to keep it from leaking any more. Big Mac just enjoyed the sight of the two thoroughly-satisfied women, while the women in question just tried to recover from over-stimulation. It was Rarity who moved first, slowly pushing herself up on her elbows. Looking around, her eyes locked onto Applejack’s stiff, cum-soaked cock wagging in the air with her breath (stiff because it was, after all, just a strap-on wrapped in an illusion). She turned herself around on the haybale and rolled so that she was in position to sink her mouth down it, savoring the flavor of musky flesh and mixed cum. Applejack groaned softly. “Careful, still sensitive.” Rarity popped her head off the cock. “Me too, but I still want that creampie,” she said. “Then at least get it off me,” she sighed. Rarity complied, reaching her hands around to unbuckle some hidden straps, breaking the spell and returning the cock to its original form. She licked the last of everyone’s mess off the black dildo before pulling the entire thing away, leaving only Applejack’s hand between her and her delectable apple-creampie. Applejack rolled herself into a matching position, leaving both women on their sides in perfect pussy-eating position. Gently, each began lapping at each other’s sensitive nethers and feasting on warm seed. Big Mac, watching, shook his head, marveling at the horny girls. He eventually stood up, retrieved his clothes, and started to walk away. “Ah’ll fill a tub for when ya’ll are done,” he called. Applejack only waved a lazy hand at him in acknowledgement, before she returned to caressing Rarity’s ass. With one last, lingering look, he set out to find a water pump and a tub. “Hoo doggie, Ah feel more tuckered out than my first day with him.” “I know what you mean. I suppose the strap-on was a little much.” “Maybe. Still, no regrets.” “None whatsoever.” “…You know, Ah thought Big Mac was bein’ silly, never tryin’ tah get with any girls, but Ah think Ah get it now.” “Indeed. How many girls could take that beast without getting hurt without magic?” “…Though there are plenty of mage girls he could try…” “Like Twilight?” “Heh. That really got under your skin, didn’t it?” “Hmph…. Please don’t tell her.” “Ah won’t. Just remember, some guys like different girls, yah know?” “I know, I know…” “…” “Ooh, naked bath! Can I join?” a new voice cut in. “Get out, Rainbow,” they both growled. > The Fire's So Delightful > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: Twilight Sparkle x Shining Armor x Cadance, sibling incest, futa, fireside sex, discussed parental incest, breastfeeding, futa sandwich, slow sex, sloppy seconds, casual sex, cuddles Even bundled up from head to toe and with her arms wrapped around her brother’s waist, Twilight Sparkle’s teeth chattered violently in the freezing winds, to the point that she barely noticed when the snowmobile powered down and Shining Armor started pulling her up. It took a bit of work to pry her out of the seat, but soon (after Shining fished a tarp out from under the snow with his magic and haphazardly threw it over the snowmobile), they were stumbling towards the warm glow from the window of a snow-covered log cabin. As soon as they got close, cyan magic threw the door open, yanked them inside, and slammed it shut behind them. Twilight nearly cried as the biting cold around her eyes began to melt away, surrounded by warm air and the warmer embrace of two beloved family members. After a moment, Cadance spoke up. “Oh, goodness, what took you two so long?” Shining answered, to Twilight’s gratitude—even bundled in his jacket, she couldn’t trust herself to speak through her chattering teeth. “Her train was delayed, and she wasn’t prepared for just how cold it would get this late.” “Twilight? Not prepared?” Cadance’s voice took a joking tone as her hands framed Twilight’s face. “Are you sure you didn’t actually pick up a changeling?” Both siblings just gave her a look, even as Twilight was still shivering. “What? Too soon?” “You were the one who got kidnapped,” Shining pointed out. “And you got brainwashed so hard you couldn’t see straight,” she shrugged. “The way I see it, the sooner we can joke about it, the easier it will be to put that nastiness behind us. But that reminds me…” She pulled away from the cuddle and crouched to her sister-in-law’s eye level. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!” Twilight picked up the chant and motions halfway through the first line, despite her shivering. “Clap your hands and do a little shake!” As they turned to shake their butts at each other, Shining’s grip on Twilight’s shoulders kept her steady. With a shared laugh, the three rejoined their hug. Shortly after, the siblings discarded their luggage and slushy outerwear, and all three were seated in the living room in front of a cracking fireplace. The newlyweds arranged a fortress’s worth of cushions around them to ensure Twilight was squeezed snugly in between them. With a blanket over her back, her family at her sides, and hot cocoa in her belly, Twilight was finally capable of speaking clearly. “I think Ponyville made me forget how cold and windy mountains could get, especially at night,” she was explaining, clutching her mug. “I was concerned when the train was delayed, but I remembered a self-heating spell I picked up once for an exam.” “Are you talking about Sunbeam Song’s Heat Regulator?” Cadance asked. “It sounds like you forgot it doesn’t hold well in heavy winds.” Twilight blushed, but Shining leaned in to whisper, “don’t let that get you down. Cadance only knows that because she made the same mistake, once.” Cadance smacked him playfully. “Hey! Don’t take away from my ‘wise older sister’ act!” Twilight just giggled at this display. “Well, even after freezing my butt off, I’m still glad to be here with you two.” “Awww, so are we!” They all shared another hug. “Though it might’ve been better if you joined us in the Bahaymas,” Cadance mused. “We had an over-water bungalow there, and it was just lovely!” “Yeah, what’s with that?” Twilight asked. “Going straight from tropical islands to a snowy mountaintop? That seems like quite the leap.” “It was actually Auntie Celestia’s idea. We actually wanted to spend our entire honeymoon up here, but she suggested we spend our vacation somewhere a lot warmer.” “She was oddly insistent on that,” Shining Armor added, rubbing his chin in thought. “Like we wouldn’t get another chance for a while.” “Huh. That sounds… ominous.” “I wouldn’t worry about it,” Cadance shrugged. “But anyways, we compromised. We spent almost two weeks in the tropics, mostly at the bungalow. Oh, and on the way here, we stopped in Las Pegasus for all the rides!” “Oh?” Twilight smirked. “And how many times did Shiny throw up?” “Twilight!” he cried, mortified. “Oh, only once,” Cadance giggled. “I’m so proud of him!” “Cadance…” he groaned as both women laughed at him. “He may be a big, strong, Royal Guard Captain,” Twilight said, nuzzling his chest, “but he definitely got Dad’s stomach instead of Mom’s.” Cadance leaned over to join in on the nuzzling. “I can think of at least one other thing he got from your dad.” There was a pause as the siblings tried to parse her meaning, furrowing their brows. Cadance eventually clarified, “I’m talking about his dick.” Shining just groaned while Twilight shot her a disturbed look. “Why…?” “Cadance… spends time with Dad every now and then,” he explained, pinching the bridge of his nose “What? Since when?” “I started fucking him back when I was babysitting you. Your mom, too. Oh, come off it, you two,” Cadance tutted at their outraged sputtering. “Is it any surprise I think the parents of two of the sexiest people I know are sexy too?” “…But— they’re our parents!” Twilight squeaked. “They’re your sexy and very eager parents! Now stop pretending neither of you have gotten off thinking about either of them.” She tapped her forehead. “Princess of Love, remember? I know these things.” Wordlessly flapping their jaws, the siblings turned to each other. After a moment, they silently came to an agreement and sighed in resignation. “Yeah, they are pretty sexy,” Twilight admitted. “Mhm,” Shining grunted, sagging into the cushions. “Mom’s got a great rack.” “I knooow,” Twilight groaned. “I hope I got the genes to stay that perky when I’m her age.” His hand came up around her and groped her chest through her sweater. “I hope so too,” he said as she squeaked in delight. She retaliated by shimmying into his lap, ass-first, and grinding against him. “While I’m at it, I also hope I got the genes for her ass, and I’m just a really late bloomer,” she sighed. Shining rolled his eyes and kissed her neck. “Hush.” Cadance just watched the siblings with a growing smile. “You know what? I hope so too. I do love watching Velvet’s ass jiggle when I go to town on her with my own cock, especially while Nighty’s doing the same to me, and I would love to do that with you two.” They stopped to stare at her in shock and arousal. “Do you… do that often?” Twilight asked. “Oh, yes!” she giggled. “Almost as often as they have me in the middle, double stuffing me. And I do like it when Velvet’s tits are mashing against mine, and Nighty’s body grinding against my back.” She reached over to pat her husband’s arm. “Though yours definitely feels better, Honey.” The siblings hardly noticed, their heads filled with the fascinating mental image. Both of Shining’s hands were now buried under his sister’s sweater, each from a different direction, while she had a hand pressed against the growing bulge of his pants. Cadance’s sensual grin stretched even further. “You know, most kids don’t get off on hearing about their parents’ bedroom exploits.” They spared a quick glance at each other. “Most couples don’t invite their sister into their honeymoon bed,” Twilight retorted. “We aren’t like most people.” Shining nodded while Cadance laughed. “True enough. Then I’ll continue.” Hiding another giggle at how the siblings perked up, she thought of a particularly juicy tidbit. “Did you know I like to roleplay as their daughter? Years after I stopped babysitting you, I’d dress up and do my hair like I did back then, and I’d call them mom and dad.” She paused and tilted her head. “Technically, now they really are my mom and dad!” she giggled. “Anyways, it really got them hot. Dad would make me sit in his lap and pose for him, and Mom—did you know Velvet never let herself stop lactating? She would have me drink from her, and mmmmmm, she tasted delicious!” Both jaws dropped. After a moment, Twilight spun around in Shining’s lap, only waiting long enough for him to untangle his hands from her sweater, and began pulling blankets and clothes out of the way, him quickly joining. “Fuck, I can’t even wait,” she groaned as her brother bared and squeezed her breasts. “Dad’s got a dick like you, Mom’s got natural milk, and they’re into incest roleplay? What the hell are we waiting for?” “Roleplay and reality are different things,” he sighed as his hard cock popped free of his boxers into his sister’s grip. “After all, Cadance likes to roleplay as a kid for me, and it’s… different, but I wouldn’t dream of actually going after one.” Twilight froze. “Seriously? She got you into that too?” “A little, but she gets off on it a lot more than me,” he sighed. Twilight gave her sister-in-law another disturbed look. “Hey, don’t knock it until you try it!” she chirped. “…Yeah, I don’t think I will,” Twilight deadpanned. Cadance just pouted. Shining Armor decided to take his sister’s mind off the topic by wrapping his arms around her body, pulling her up against his, and wrapping his lips around one of her rock-hard nipples. She squealed, holding his head in her hands and pressing his face harder into her chest. “Oh, Shiny, you know me so well,” she moaned. “In fact, I think you deserve a reward for being such a good brother, and Cadance has given me a fantastic idea for one.” She snapped her fingers. After a few seconds, he started to moan in appreciation as a stream of warm, creamy milk started to pour down his throat. Cadance, watching giddily, couldn’t sit still any longer. She scooched over to her husband’s side and leaned in to lick up the trail of milk dripping from Twilight’s free nipple before claiming it herself. Twilight cried out, curling a hand behind the new head and basking in the blissful sensations of both her beloved bigger siblings drinking deeply from her, each tongue expertly teasing her teats, each stroking her breasts with a hand, and each mouth constantly drawing out the sweet, nourishing liquid from within her. The spell didn’t last for long, however. In only minutes, Twilight was drained dry, and the couple reluctantly let her go with a deep, final suck each, stretching out her tits before letting them pop back into shape. While she panted, they turned to each other and locked lips, sharing the last of her milk. Soon, Cadance pulled her head down, and Twilight squealed as her lips joined theirs, dribbling sweet milk in a three-way kiss with two of the most precious people in her life. All three of them had plenty of experience in kissing, but Twilight, overwhelmed by the sensuality and Cadance’s magic still playing with her, was utterly outmatched as both her partners dominated her mouth, hardly giving her a chance to breath. When they finally parted, Twilight’s chest was heaving, but that hardly slowed Cadance down. With a snap of her fingers, every scrap of clothing had disappeared from the trio, and the couple stood up. Twilight shivered as Cadance’s magic faded and she was left alone on the couch—while the cabin’s thick wood and enchantments kept the bitter cold out and the gentle warmth of the fire in, she missed the contact of other bodies. Before she could complain, however, Cadance snapped her fingers again, causing a pink, crystalline strap-on to appear around her hips. Twilight eyed it appreciatively, but her eyebrows rose when Cadance casted another spell. “Not an illusion?” she asked. Cadance huffed. “Of course, not an illusion! You can’t get creative with just that!” She thrust her hips forwards, jutting out her new cock which—while still looking like it was roughly carved from pink crystal—melded with her crotch seamlessly and bounced like flesh. “Really, Twilight, when’s the last time you’ve tried a transformation?” She tilted her head. “Well, besides Celestia, it would be… I dunno, almost two years ago. I never really saw enough of a benefit to switch from the illusion.” “Not enough benefit? I don’t believe you. Besides, you’re the best spellcaster of your generation! The switch should be trivial for you.” She just shrugged, chewing on her cheek. “Well, as a pet project, I have been reverse-engineering Princess Luna’s flesh-shaping magic,” she offered. Cadance’s eyes lit up. “See? Now there’s something interesting! Let’s see it!” “No.” “What?” she cried. “You can't just bring that up and not show me! Come on, pleeeease?” “I said no!” she barked. “It’s nowhere near complete enough that I can confidently cast it without risking having to rush someone to a hospital in order to avoid permanent scarring or a crippling disability, at which point I would have to explain that I’ve been experimenting with barred magic I’ve only seen used by a Princess. All-in-all, it would likely utterly ruin your honeymoon.” Cadance was about to respond when Shining Armor grabbed her hips and effortlessly thrust his hard cock right inside her wet, ready pussy. “You two are spending an awful lot of time talking about sex spells instead of having sex,” he teased over her squeak. After catching her breath, she giggled, “Sorry, Honey! You know I can’t help thinking about new ways to play.” After a quick nuzzle, the couple maneuvered Cadance’s crystalline cock over to Twilight, who spread her legs out eagerly. Cadance’s tip prodded Twilight’s dripping lower lips before quickly sinking in, and she sighed at the feeling of her first time in her sister-in-law’s pussy. Twilight, meanwhile, took in the unfamiliar sensations. She had experimented with crystal before, finding the smooth surfaces and hard, geometric edges an interesting novelty, but feeling it warm and throbbing in her was a very different experience. Cadance interrupted her thoughts by bending over and gently pressing their lips together, still hilted in her. Soon, Shining slowly slid out of Cadance, and she followed, sliding out of Twilight while filling herself back up with Shining. They settled into an easy, languid pace, gradually crawling up the sofa and rearranging cushions so none of them had to strain, lying on their sides to grind their hips together. Their hands danced everywhere, curling around each other’s fingers as often as they stroked and groped sensitive flesh. Cadance and Twilight shared a slow, tongue-filled kiss until Shining leaned over his wife’s shoulder, at which point they each took turns kissing each other, at least whenever all their lips weren’t mashed together. Minutes passed like this, and while Twilight wasn’t quite sure why they were fucking at such a sleepy pace, but she wasn’t going to complain—they had plenty of time to spend together. Maybe half an hour later, Twilight finally felt a change in pace as Cadance’s movements sped up and she started audibly panting. It looked like being in the center of the siblings’ love-making really heated her up. Mid-kiss with Cadance, she locked eyes with Shining Armor, and they silently plotted with each other, smirking deviously. Suddenly, Twilight broke the kiss, and the siblings rolled around so that Shining was hunched over his wife while Twilight cuddled her from below. Cadance barely had time to gasp before her husband started driving into her with longer, faster, but still smooth strokes while her sister-in-law rhythmically slammed her sex on her transformed cock. Both of them wrapped their arms around her, stroking her skin and tugging her breasts, and they each bent over to suckle at either side of her neck. Their plan went off perfectly, catapulting Cadance from her gentle plateau of pleasure to a peak of blinding ecstasy. Neither sibling let go as she shook in their combined grip, still smoothly fucking as she spasmed around Shining and throbbed and unloaded inside Twilight. Only when her cries and thrashing died down did they finally slow down, pulling their mouths from her neck, leaving mismatched marks. Seeing that she was too insensate to do much more than moan, they both pecked her mouth and pulled her away, glittery semen dribbling from her crystal cock as she popped out of Twilight. Gently, they set her aside as well as they could manage on the crowded sofa before finally facing each other. They wasted no time or words, Shining Armor aiming his slick cock at his little sister’s already creamy pussy and stuffing it, just the way he knew she liked it. She squealed, pulling his head down for a deep, passionate kiss as he got right to pounding her, their appetite for slow sex exhausted for now. When Shining finally broke their kiss, he leaned on his elbows so he could palm Twilight’s tits. “So, what’s this I hear about Luna and flesh-crafting?” he asked, not slowing his pounding in the slightest. “Flesh-shaping,” she corrected, her words only slightly affected by their fucking. “And I thought you’d rather have sex than talk about sex spells,” she teased. “We’re having sex now,” he pointed out. “We can multi-task.” Twilight giggled, grinding against his pelvis as it crashed against hers. “It’s what it sounds like. Flesh-shapers could almost freely transform the bodies of themselves and others, like giving soldiers tougher skin and muscles, or, you know, giving a girl a huge rack and dick. As you might imagine, it also had far less pleasant uses, and even benign, temporary changes could have nasty long-term side effects, to say nothing of—Ah!” He cut her off by pinching her nipples. “I get the gist of it; I already took an entire course on criminal magic and its history,” he sighed. “I was asking more about Princess Luna being a flesh-shaper.” “Oh, um, well, Princess Luna is a flesh-shaper,” Twilight shrugged. “I guess she had time to master it long before it was barred. Apparently, back then, they used flesh-shaping for sex spells instead of illusions or temporary transformations. She used it to give me a huge, really sensitive dick for a… contest between her and Princess Celestia.” “Whoa, both of them?” he whistled. “Way to go, Twiley! But a contest? Who won?” Twilight smirked. “Well, I guess I’d have to say incest won.” He stopped thrusting at that. He stared for a second, then burst out laughing. “The princesses joined the incest club? Oh, man, that’s just great. I mean, that’s both hilarious, awesome, and sexy!” He quickly shuffled, slightly bending her hips so he could start fucking her even faster and harder. “I’ve got to hear more about that!” Twilight opened her mouth to oblige, but was interrupted when Cadance sat on her face. “Sorry, Honey,” she giggled over Twilight’s muffled cries, “but I want a turn with her mouth.” Her crystalline cock bobbed in the air, the cum-coating glittering in the firelight. “But maybe I can tell you about me and my Aunties?” He raised his eyebrows, still plowing his thrashing sister. “Aunties? As in plural? So you’ve been with Luna, too? Why is this the first I’m hearing about it?” Cadance giggled, leaning over to smooch her husband. “Think of it as punishment for never telling me about you and Twiley here yourself.” By now, Twilight had stopped struggling and resigned herself to her fate of eating out her babysitter. “I’m sure you’ve noticed that both Auntie Celestia and Luna got more amorous after last Nightmare Night. That’s when Twilight got them to realize their long-ignored lust for each other and also repeal some stupid ancient law about princesses’ lovers being exclusive from other princesses, which, by the way, I’m pretty sure is the reason she never called you up. Since then, they’ve both gotten a lot friskier with me: I finally got an orgy with Celestia, and wow, can she handle a lot of cocks at once!” “Mm-hmm!” Twilight agreed eagerly from under them. “Luna, meanwhile, was always… distant. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought she wasn’t interested in anyone at all! In retrospect, she was just being shy and guilty and didn’t want to step on Celestia’s toes by risking going after someone who was already ‘claimed’.” Twilight grumbled something, but quietly enough that the couple ignored her. “When she got over that, well, Luna got direct. She didn’t so much proposition me as she personally dragged me into her bedroom, threw me to my knees, and demanded I demonstrate my reputed ‘oral mastery’ for her.” “Which kind of oral mastery? Pussy or dick?” Cadance smirked. “Both. A lot.” At this point, Shining Armor’s thunderous pace finally stopped, his hips slamming against Twilight’s one last time. Twilight squealed into Cadance’s pussy and locked her legs around her brother as his rod pulsed inside her, pumping his love into her and mixing it with his wife’s. When he was done, they sagged together in contentment Eventually, the couple both pulled away from Twilight, though Cadance didn’t pass up the opportunity to lick up the glittery mess from the siblings, kneeling on the ground to reach them. “So,” Shining Armor said after Cadance moved on from his softening cock, “who’s hungry?” “Me,” Twilight exclaimed/panted, raising a tired hand into the air. The princess just made a noise of disappointment into Twilight’s pussy. “What, already? Just like that?” she cried once she finished. “We each only came once! And I have plans! Twilight will never bother with the illusion spell again when I’m through with her!” “I don’t doubt it, but we have plenty of time for that,” he said, walking away from the couch without bothering to dress. “But right now, I am hungry, and I am checking the crockpot. Between Twilight’s train being late, and how long we’ve been at it, I’m worried…” Cadance sighed as she watched her husband walk into the open kitchen. Then a finger tapped her soldier. As she looked over, Twilight grabbed her chin and pulled their lips together. Though surprised, she let herself relax into her sister-in-law’s slow, wet kiss, enjoying the cocktail of flavors from all of them. "He's right, you know," Twilight stated after they finally pulled away. "We've got plenty of time to fuck and talk about fucking all we want. No need to rush it." "I know", Cadance sighed, pulling her closer so they were touching foreheads and staring into each others' eyes. "I'm just so excited to spend quality time with both my favorite people like this!" Twilight smiled back warmly, but suddenly, the smile stiffened. "What? Are we not your favorite people?" Cadance pouted. "I'm… not sure?" She pulled away, tapping her chin. "I mean, you two really do mean a lot to me, but... when you said favorite people, I actually thought about my friends in Ponyville." She was met with silence. "Not that you aren't—!" She cut her panicked backpedaling off on seeing her babysitter's expression. Cadance was mashing her hands into her cheeks, stars in her eyes, and her grin splitting her face. "Awwwww! That's so precious!" "Cadance." "My little ladybug has really grown up!" "Cadance." "It feels like only yesterday when you'd rather bury yourself in books or work glory holes than talk to people!" "Cadance." "Does this mean you're ready to start dating? GASP! What about your friends?" "That's it. I'm done here." "I know there's some serious chemistry between you and Rainbow! Also some with Pinkie! And Applejack, although that would get in the way of her and Rarity, but the heart wants what it wants... Twilight? Twilight! Don't you walk away from me, Sparky!"