> Nights I Wake Up > by Moniker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > It Ain't Real > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nights I Wake Up I trotted along the roads of Ponyville. For some reason the roads were quite quiet for a Saturday morning I remembered I had to pick up a book for my sister Applejack. She told me just as I walked out of the house. I trotted to Twilight's library opening the door. It was locked. I scratched my head thinking to myself: 'Since when did Twilight's library closed on Saturday? Normally it's open twenty-four seven.' I shrugged my shoulders and knocked the door with my right hoof. "Twi, ya in there?" I asked peaking through the window next to the door. I saw no-pony at all just . . . silence. Suddenly something came to the mind. "What if Twi's hurt?" I never knew Twilight Sparkle to keep any-pony waiting at the door, even on days where the library was closed. I was relieved as I saw a shadow of Twilight and Spike begin come down. "Thank Celestia." I said in a relieved voice as I brought my hoof on my chest. "What was I thinkin'? Why would Twi be hurt?" I chuckled mildly as I looked at Twilight's shadow. "Twi, can I come in please?!" I smiled innocently as the shadow came closer and closer to the shadowy light beaming from the lowering sun. I was in honesty confused the sun should still be up it's only 12:58 PM. Why is the sun lowering itself so soon? (Last chance) Twilight's sleek chest was not too long after right in front of me. I focused on her glowing purple coat with something on it, something red. My gaze shifted to the face of the mare. To my shock her face was painted red with what I expect (hope) is paint. Life can be cruel however, I turned my head past Twilight's shoulder in the sight of a brutally murdered Spike behind Twilight. Twilight kept that same cheerful, creepy ear to ear grin. "T-Twi, wh-what's goin' on?" I backed away from the mare coming inches closer to me the dragon's blood dripped from the mare's face as her grin widened. "What's the matter Apple Bloom?" Twilight asked blood dripping from her muzzle at every step. A trail of blood was left I began running for Applejack, if any-pony knows what to do here it'll be my sister. 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 I glanced behind me occasionally seeing the same scary Twilight following me in a slow pace of just a trot. I got to the house knowing Applejack she's in her room. I gasped as I looked around the saddlebag quickly grabbing key by key none of them working. I glanced back behind me seeing no-pony behind me. Confused I simply shook my head and slammed on the door with my hoof trying to gain the attention of Applejack, Big Mac, or even Granny Smith. As time went by as she slammed on the door it cracked open and Apple Bloom rushed inside. I raced to the door of my sister's room. As I opened it I saw something I'll never forget; my sister, her eyes clawed out and her hooves broken. I twisted my head back. Twilight with a twisted grin whispering to me. "Go to him." That was all she whispered to me. I clenched my eyes shut. A muffled sound of Twilight leap at me made my ears ring. I then woke up in completely different soundings. I was in the center of a forest, a wicked grin on a shadowy figure as it crossed its way left and right, smirking widely as it whispered into my ear. "Go to him." I knew not what the figure was talking about. But he continued to whisper the same words, muttering and swooshing around me, and finally, it felt like it was everywhere as his voice was multiplying and his smiles growing wider and wider . . . and wider. Celestia knew what was talking muttering and whispering to me, the voice said male. But, the figure nonetheless had a voice that was soothing like a mare's. "Go to him." It then leaped at me shouting the words it had previously said in a whisper. "Go to him!" I quickly jerked awake, my eyes fluttering open as I started to scream, but before the first noise escaped my lips, I shoved my hoof in my mouth to muffle the noise that would sure enough wake the rest of the family. "Another dream . . ." I muttered to myself, I looked to the outside, it was still pitch black, I could hardly see the outside other than the dark green grass that I faintly saw. My lips trembled I haven't had a good night sleep in months, give or take a year. But, I have suffered in silence not telling Applejack, or Big Mac, no one could know. I placed my hoof on my cheek, there was still a mark, a few dreams ago, I was scratched by the dream Twilight, and that mark is still there. I wondered if there was something else going on. I suffered in silence for far too long, I knew I should've told someone, anyone, I have this feeling bubbling in me telling me this is something that should've been talked about, not just ignored until it goes away, but, I've come to realize, it's not going away, in fact, it's getting worse. There are times I wished I wasn't so worrisome of this fearful feeling I have, this being I have hanging over my head, something is watching me, and I know it's not friendly. But, I also knew at the time, I was still in my prime of imagination, but such gory details in my dreams, they felt so real, like I was right there in front of the mare dissecting the baby dragon, for what she would likely call "science" it sickened me. Sickened me to the core.