> Shyoshock > by SirTreeofarbor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Bird of Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He had been wandering for a long time, a very long time, for longer than anyone would wish to wander in this... world? Whatever it was it did not matter he had to get out. Creatures of this place where made of darkness, but they were crushed beneath his claws. Unable to stop his advance the glowing eyes slowing moving ford, unable to see anything aside from what was revealed by the weak glow from his eyes. The Songbird was looking, for what he did not know. He remembered nothing, only that he had been betrayed somehow... and that he should not be here. That there was something he was suppose to protect, and he remembered what it felt like to fly, or at least that he felt good doing it, how despite the fact his programming fought his urge feel free that he would feel it for a brief moment before the delicate state of mind was crushed as chemicals entered his brain drowning them. Sadly he had to walk, the risk of flying into something was to great in such a dark place. The Songbird knew he had changed in this dark place, only a numb feeling of despair was felt as he crushed and torn and broke creatures. He had forgotten what the sun looked like, only that it was something he wished to find again, just like his purpose. It hurt him somehow, knowing he had lost... everything. He paused for a moment as he was broke from his thoughts for the first time in ages his eyes seeing the first thing in a long while that was not trying to kill him. A large set of gates with what appeared to be runes and symbols. He reached out and touched despite not being to feel much passed the heavy gloves that covered his hands. Light was just slightly viable in the crack of the heavy stone doors before him, and the Songbird closed his hands forming a large fist. The force of the punch was enough to crack the stone doors, and the machine like muscles of the Songbird did not tire the fist positioning and smashing into the stone gates repeatedly so desperate to remove himself from the darkness, not even noted that his hand began to run with dark unnatural blood. He was rewarded with his efforts when the large ancient doors crashed open revealing a moonlit valley before him, as well as a large three headed dog that seemed fearful of the Songbird, he simply ran away, sensing that the Songbird was more powerful than any foe that had come from Tartarus, and the Songbird walked from Tartarus alone, the dark creatures now made extinct by a single being. Looking up he began to Screech he felt his hopes soar for eh first time in ages his hands grabbed the handles that controlled his wings and with a movement he flew over the new world before him, a world that he was now a member of. His joy was being fought by old chemicals in his mind, programming that told the Songbird to look for a person long lost in his memory. Suddenly he felt wary, now that he was out of the dark hell that held him for so long he felt a strong urge to sleep, and a desire to relax. Of course the programmed parts of his mind fought against this, screamed that he should search endlessly, but those now weakened thoughts were not able to fight off the strong need to rest that he felt. Landing in a clearing of the green forest with a thud the Songbird wrapped himself in his wings and with his head looking down be began to sleep for the first time in what might have been centuries. ------ Fluttershy was having a wonderful time, her chorus of birds was filling the forest with sounds of tweeting and twating that attracted many creatures, all of which relaxed and enjoyed the tune played by the well trained birds before Fluttershy. There was a sudden change in the air as every animal near Fluttershy vanished, so sudden was the change that Fluttershy not realizing the tune had stopped continued humming to herself as a large creature landed right behind her, covering her in it's shadow. Fluttershy felt dread as she began to turn around and stared upon the dark creature and was transfixed by the glow of the eyes, it a... bird? Fluttershy felt herself wonder, her thoughts suddenly being ripped apart as the Creature released four harsh notes, causing Fluttershy to bring her hooves to her ears. Then it nudged her, and she jumped. "Oh, umm hi.... ummm My name is Fluttershy," She said in a whisper. Then the four same notes began to play over, again, then again and again but in a softer manner, and Fluttershy realized how dead it sounded. How hopeless it sounded, and she of course had no idea why. "Are you lost... umm Mr. Songbird?" suddenly left Fluttershys lips this time in a louder if shaky voice. She had never heard a animal speck in this manner and found herself at a lose of what it was trying to say. And the notes stopped and the creature put it's eye to her, it seemed confused, but it nudged her in a gentle manner, then stood upright and still as if it had found what it was looking for. She had to think that such a creature was kept by someone or something, it was not of the forest... it did not even seem of this world.... There was something sick in the air around it, and then Fluttershy saw it. A massive wound on the creatures leg was dripping blood, and Fluttershy was instantly shaken from any feeling of fear, gasping at the horrid opening that oozed with blood. "Oh you poor thing come on lets go back to play home where we can get that nasty thing treated," Fluttershy said while trying to keep calm, she had to keep calm, for if she was not the creature may start to panic. However Fluttershy realized that as the creature began to walk it felt no pain, and it's eyes began to cast a faint green glow around the forest instead of a yellow one, and Fluttershy felt begin to hum the four notes that she had just heard as she rushed home as Mr. Songbird began to take flight and follow her from up on high. Soon she was be home, and she would help this poor creature, no matter what. > Shattered Legs Attract Attention > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was running around in a panic. The large beast outside her house was moaning, thrashing, and clearly the effects of blood lose were starting to effect the poor creature. While it had taken a long time for the horrid wound to take it's toll on the creature it began to do so painfully, and forcefully. The blood was all over her yard, and while normally Flutter-shy was squeamish about such sights the screeches of the large bird-like creature were bringing her into action. Running from the inside of her house and out with rags, healing salve, and her knowledge of caring and helping animals. Soon the creature was seemingly at ease Fluttershy had the supplies to threat a wounded bear if need be, and soon she had the bleeding under control. Along with the healing salve dressing the wound. Panting and looking over her work Fluttershy was satisfied with her work, however this poor thing would have to be under her care for some time... she would have to get something a bit better than rags for for now they would halt the flow of blood. She was suddenly yet gently grabbed by the huge of the Bird causing her to grasp as it brought her to it's chest and caressed her, and then brought her face to face with the glowing eyes of glass that were cracked and flickering. Fluttershy said nothing, for some reason those powerful eyes were nothing like she had seen before, and she felt odd as it stared her over, his hand gently upon her tenderly holding her in it's fingers like the small creature she was. Fluttershy rubbed it's finger with her hoof and smiled, "I ummmm... hope you feel better." Fluttershy said in a near whisper, causing the creature to cock it's head to the left of her slightly. The creatures collapsed back suddenly and without warning, however the hand guided Fluutershy more gently to it's chest before letting go of Fluttershy and falling to it's side, Fluttershy was incredibly worried for a moment, but then felt her ear pick up a light breathing noise from the Bird before her. It was the noise of a sleeping creature, and it's eyes began to show a wonderful light blue that sifted and flowed with it's breath, sparks of green showing up at random as the creature slept, perhaps dreaming. Fluttershy smiled, and then realized she had to clean up! Discord was going to arrive soon for lunch, and perhaps he would be able to tell her what this.... well large creature was exactly. Yet as thoughts of getting ready, and clean brushed her mind, exhaustion brush it much hard and her eyes began to feel heavy, and she laid down for a rest in the sun on the breathing body of the Bird, intending to get ready in just a moment..... She was soon greeted by her own dreams. Discord's red and yellow eyes were absorbing the scene before him, his lips pressed together in a hard gaze as he sat down in the yard, legs crossed as he began to mutter, then the hard gaze became an smirk upon his face. Of course he would find Fluttershy sleeping next to a inter-dimensional creature ....that happened all that time.... "This is a turn of events, to see such a creature could mean everything and nothing, now lets see if I can figure out where this creature has come from..." Discord began to take in breath as magical energy began to flow from his body probing the the large metal Bird. only to find his magical energy bouncing off the creature as if the magical energy viewed his flesh as poison. Discord sighed.... "Well I did say things were getting boring, but I never said it had to be be destroy all things excitement either. This creature does not even come forma magical realm.... that makes understanding it harder, and trying to track where it came from impossible, and sending it back to whence it came out of the question, which means worrying over such a turn of events is pointless. So I may as well relax, no point getting worked up over what could be the end of all things, " Discord smiled as an thought graced his mind.Besides the chaos could be a LOT of fun... even if I am a goodie-four-hoofs now. Suddenly a set of voices began to grace his ears. "You know, this a a interesting place," A male voice said almost sounding bored. "Well what do you expect? This is a magical realm as oppose to our world, run by science and reason." A female voice that sounded off almost before the male was done talking. "Well perhaps this magic runs by some sort of logic?" The male voice said again. "I doubt it, this world is made more of variables compared to our world, after all these creatures are nothing like us." The female voice stated as Discord turned to see two very odd looking creatures, pale and standing on what appeared to be two legs, with reddish hair on each ones head. "I see your point, this creature is a mismatch, yet I suppose he knows more about this area than we do." The male said quickly a smirk gracing his lips. "The is something I agree about, we see our views dictated by the lens of science, and this neck of the woods seems...." The female stopped talking itching her chin. Discord smiled, "Chaotic, perhaps?" Discord teleported behind the two odd looking figures not be be outdone. "Hmm odd I usually finish her sentences, and I was going to say random, also I must confess I wish we could do that all the time instead of watimng for the lights to go out." The male said turning around. "I thought we made the lights flicker." The female said sounding a bit bored. "Really? I never did that." The female said quickly while Discord looked on interested. "Well outsiders please let us leave the yard and have a nice sit down for some tea, I am not quite as good as our sleeping pony over yonder but I suspect we both could gain much understanding from talking to each other. "How interesting, he offers us tea, shall we take up his offer?" The male said. "Well it is only a matter of when we will have tea, so I suppose we could have it now." The female voice said. Soon the three had entered Fluttershys cottage and were talking of things that not many creatures could comprehend. After all Discord was once a inter-dimensional being and it was nice to be able to relate with beings still in in that awful cycle. A cycle that may of just begun in this world.... starting with Fluttershy. > What am I? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy slowly awoke from her sleep and began to fly with a yawn landing in her yard and feeling her joints ache, her back hurt from sleeping on the metal covered chest of the large Bird before her, and she felt rather stiff.....She felt her vision burr lightly as she really looked at the strong creature before her, absorbing the sight as it's metal clad chest rose and fell with it's mechanically controlled breath. But her vision suddenly cleared, as Fluttershy shook her head. But she could not shake her questions away about what she was looking at. I wonder what it is exactly? I have never seen such a creature.... It makes me uneasy in a way. It seems more machine than .... well bird yet it feels pain... that is all I need to know, that it is a creature in need of a place to rest. But does it need anything else? Things like this do not just show up, was it looking for something? Fluttershy felt these thoughts run passed her mind, this creature before her was not like any other, and no answers were coming to her right now. Perhaps Discord would know, she could ask him when he came over for tea. If he did not pass by already, Fluttershy thought as she entered her humble home, then felt a bit of disappointment as she realized that there was a note left in Discord's writing. Fluttershy, I hope you enjoyed your nap, now consider your choices carefully Oh and don't worry I will be over next week for some tea. Enjoy your tea!- XOXOXOX Discord Fluttershy felt her brow furrow while reading the odd leader. What did it mean? She did not have any- Her thoughts about the odd letter were suddenly no longer immediate her concern as a knocking at the door. Fluttershy ran to her door expecting to open it and find her new Bird gentle knocking but instead was greeted by two red maned ponies. They were dressed in brown and behind them a old record player was playing odd sounding music, and in front of them was a tray presenting a black cup and a white cup. Fluttershy would have greeted them right away with a shy "hello" but something caused her to feel like she knew these two very well.... As if there surprise visit was expected to her in some way. Fluttershy expected the music to awaken the bird but that did not seem to happen, it was almost like everything slowed down around her, in fact time seemed like it was no longer even moving in a manner of speaking. As if it did not matter. "So will you chose the white cup of charming tea?" said the female pony. "Or perhaps the black cup with the black tea? It is really quite lovely," said the male pony. Fluttershy felt something odd happen, this felt... familiar, and in a unspoken rule she knew she could not chose both, she could not walk away. These two were simply not going to leave, and neither was she until she made a choice. Oh I am getting worked up over nothing, it is just a sample of tea, Fluttershy thought but something was off about her mind, as if it was blurring just ever so slightly. "Oh umm well thank you for presenting these lovely tea samples to me. Are you opening up shop nearby?" Fluttershy said with a smile trying to act kind. "I do think she will chose the white tea, oh and we are new to this place in a manner of speaking, still not quite used to it," Said the red maned female in a smart tone. "She is one who is attracted to darkness as well as light, after all look at her new pet. She will chose the black," said the male in a tone much like the female. Fluttershy shook her head, and removed the odd feelings that she was having. Calm down Fluttershy don't be rude, your just being shy. Fluttershy decided to make a choice quickly she needed to get rid of these two, and it would be rube to refuse the offer before her. So reaching out without truly think Fluttershy grabbed the black cup. "Thank you that is very kind," Fluttershy said in a light and whispering voice. "Told you," Said the male The red headed female simply sighed then said, " We start off with a new choice and yet she picked what you suggested, disappointing considering how many coins flipped your way," The female simply sighed again. Not playing attention to what exactly was happening Fluttershy looked down and took a sip from her cup, it was good black tea, looking up to praise the two ponies before her for the taste of the tea, and perhaps ask for their names Fluttershy was shocked to see no one was at her door anymore, the only sign that any-pony had offered her tea being the warm black cup in her hoofs. Turning around Fluttershy simply took another sip of the drink. Only for her nose to lightly start bleeding, and her vision to blur once again. Perhaps she could rest a bit more for now. The Song Bird was slowly walking thur his mind. Shadows of the past, a girl that he was protecting, a man taking everything away. A man making him into what he was now. Each memory leaped and jumped and bit and was trying to kill him, just as the monsters from Tartus did, he was fighting them. The pain they caused was something that he could not bear. Suddenly a girl walked up to him, and touched him, allowed him to breathe, and her touch was the most painful of all. For the first time in a very long time the Songbird felt a painful human thought enter his skull. What am I? He suddenly awoke from his rest, the burning of his mind was incredible as years of imprinting and chemicals fought to control his thoughts. Rain was beginning to fall around him as he screeched, the clouds seemed to sake and move slightly as the sounds rang out from his modified vocal cords. He was screaming the first sentence a human or pony could understand in a long time,"What am I?" Was asked in a broken, hard to understand guttural voice. But at least it was a voice. He now had a voice. > Look in the Mirror. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She was looking at herself. Fluttershy was staring in the mirror. She blinked, and she was still there. She blinked again, and she was still there. She blinked again, and she was looking at something else, a creature that was nothing like her. She blinked again, and more appeared, she blinked again, and more appeared. They looked at her, and as she moved the eyes followed her. She turned, and the record player was sitting in the corner playing a tune, and a tray with two cups, two necklaces, and oddly two snow globes. One with what she knew was the city of Cloudsdale, and the other unknown. The phase "Constants and variables," left her lips and her nose began to bloom with blood. she turned again, and looked at the mirror again as the record player moved to a new song. It was on the guitar with no words it sounded wonderful, and she sung. "Will the circle be unbroken By and by, by and by? Is a better home awaiting In the sky, in the sky?" She turned, and a creature was looking at her, a person she knew holding a guitar. It said "Look in the mirror," Then in a flicker of light he was gone. She looked, and the Songbird was looking at her, and visions began to flash, color began to blur, and a broken twisted voice asked. "Why did you do so much to trap me, to bury me, to remove me, to degrade me, to remove me, to kill me? Why do you still try? Why do you wish to kill all of us? You will wake up to us soon." The Songbird was taking other forms as it spoke, to the creatures she had just seen, and Fluttershy felt herself scream. Fluttershy awoke in a cold sweat and gasped. The SongBird was standing over her. It was starring at her with blue eyes a gentle glow coming from the coloration. It seemed to play off Fluttershy's mind infecting it perhaps. Shaking her head Fluttershy decided to think about that dream latter. "Oh hello little fellow? Are you tried?" Fluttershy said with a smile, under the blue glow of those eyes. Then it began to talk. In a deep gutter-able groan of a voice. "Not tired..... Waiting. Learning. Observing, I am." the Songbirds eyes flickered at that very moment, and two figures appeared, and the Songbird was gone. The faces they had covered in darkness. "Hmm I am not sure we are getting through to her," it was the same voice as the female pony that offered her the tea. "Or course WE aren't, she will do that for us, in fact I think she already has. What with the Songbird starting to put the pieces together it is only a matter of time." The male voice. "Yes we just need to manage it don't we?" The female voice said. "Who are you two?" Fluttershy said loudly, she was scared at this moment. "Well, we are your keepers in a manner of speaking, your debtors, and you are the debt, and here you are. In this place beyond places, really however we are not real. But because are know who we are outside your mind we can make you do what you need to in that true world you are running from," They were both speaking at the exact same time which put Fluttershy at great unease. "We however can't seem to make you remember fully, it seems that task will be left up to the more unstable part of you. We simply are the more logical figment you have," a door appeared behind them, "Well til next time in the real world," the light that played off them revealed them to be the odd pale creatures that Fluttershy had seen in her vision. "Also we are not tall pale creatures. We are human," And then Fluttershy looked down at herself.... And she was standing on two legs, was pale and was odd.... but as soon as the door slammed shut it was gone her body was no longer... human.... The Songbird stood over Cloudsdale standing on a a pillar of cloud. A forbidding energy surrounding him as he remembered another's life.... Well was forced to remember another's life... more than that... he was the life that person pushed away, hid within themselves. For the first time in a long time he had a choice. Perhaps his only choice. In a flash of light two figures he knew appeared before him. The Lutece twins. The fact that he even knew that was wrong, he shouldn't know that, it was not something the Songbird was supposed to know. The male Lutece sat at a piano and began to play. The notes the Songbird knew. But not from being the Songbird..... This world .....it was fake. It was so cheerful, and that cheerfulness was only matched by how fake it was. A world created as a escape, and he was not supposed to be here. The fact he could even think this far into the situation meant he already made a choice. He would force the answers out of this fake world. And he knew where to get them. The girl.