Escaped From the Madhouse

by pettvcv

First published

The Story of an Insane Pony and his "misadventures"

Once upon a time in equestria, there were insane ponies who were sent to what was believed to be an inescapable fortress. However, one pony manages to escape and must spend the rest of his days running away from the evil ponies who held him captive. Will he get caught and taken back to the Asylum or will he remain free and spread his bloodlust all over Equestria. Only time will tell.

Chapter 1: The Begining

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In a standard night of the Everfree Forest, the leaves were rustled by cold wind and shadows augmented the ground A commotion was sweeping across Equestria as the news of the pony who escaped the asylum spread; but here, it was peaceful. He was hiding the bushes, scared and confused. He had been locked up for so long he couldn't remember his name, age, or really anything. He knew to stay away from the Ponies in White, and that everyone called him Night Blade, but he couldn't imagine why. He was a black pony, with blue mane, it was darker before, but he didn't really eat much when he was in the soft room. Also an incident with magic turned his horn into a blade, which they had to cover up.

He was about to take another nap when suddenly he heard voices, and assumed they must be working for the Ponies in White and peered out. The two males he saw were friends, but polar opposites. One was small and kinda big around the waist; he had light-blue hair and an orange mane. The other was tall and really skinny; he had orange hair and a light-blue mane. They were both unicorns. He listened carefully and he heard them speaking the same gibberish the Ponies in White did, he now knew for a fact that they were connected. He then began to thought about playing a special game with them, like tackling them and slashing their throats open, and laughing while he thrusted his horn into them over and over again until the blood stopped disgorging out of their flailing ragdoll bodies. He must have been actually laughing a bit because he saw the two unicorns start to run but he was glad, he always loved a good chase.

They ran and ran and ran. They couldn't stop running, they knew they would be dead if they stopped running, and he was glad that they thought that. His second favorite part of the game was the running. He could smell the sweat of fear oozing from their bodies, he could feel the wind blowing through his hair. It was always cold and it was the way he liked it. He could see they way they ran and would guess about how much longer they could run for before the inevitable death. It was nothing but non-stop pleasure and adrenaline rushing through his body. Sure enough, the bigger one not only stopped running at the time he predicted, but stopped moving altogether. However, his friend didn't pay much attention because he was worried more about his own life than his friends to stop. He then stood and grinned as he started to rub his hoof across the unicorn’s back. The unicorn screamed at the top of his lungs and scrambled to get up, but was stabbed in the leg before he could run off and screamed again, this time more from pain than fear. The Unicorn started speaking the weird tongue of the men in white but his eyes said he was pleading to be spared. However, the unicorn was stupid enough to leave his throat unprotected. He then sliced it open with the knife he has on his head and bathed his mane in blood of his deceased enemy, but before he could finish his little game, the other unicorn return horrified, and yelled loudly. Only this time, he had brought guards. Guards who were going to take him to the Ponies in White. He couldn't let them do that. He had to escape and fast. So he ran, and now it was his time to be hunted.

When he thought that he had lost them he stopped running and took a breather, only to find out he had ran through the forest, and almost into a small settlement. He needed rest but he couldn't possibly stay there. He was still too close to the soft room and the men in white’s main place of operation. It was almost daytime too so the citizens living there would have woken up by the time he got there, and there was nothing close to him but… he heard a strange noise and was frightened for a second, only to see the tracks, and then out ahead, was the train. He may have been able to get inside, but he was so scared that they might see him and take him away, that he ran back into the forest.

He was now very glad that the forest was really dark because now he could lay down and take a nice long nap. He found himself a nice big bush to lay in and fell asleep, dreaming of the fun and games he might be able to play tomorrow.

Chapter 2: Playing With the Foals

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He awoke with a start to the sounds of ponies he could not understand. But there was a lot of yelling and responding to it. He peered out and saw a bunch of those guards, the guards outside the soft room, the ones who wouldn’t help him and yelled at him when he screamed. There was also one of them; A Pony in White. He wondered why one of the Ponies in White would be here, there were others still trapped. Others they could do their horrible, horrible things too. Why were they so worried about him? Was it the games he liked to play? Was it the number of ponies he played his games with? Or a combination of the two? He had just confused himself and started to get a headache, and then he felt his stomach growl and he began to get scared again. That time the growling was kinda quiet but he didn’t want the noise to be heard and give himself away, but there was nothing to eat but leaves and sticks.

Luckily the others were taking a break of some sort, so he was about to take this chance to escape, but then he noticed something. They left the pony in white alone and defenseless. He grinned because this, he felt, was the perfect time to get revenge. He slowly creeped out of the bushes, and very silently moved toward him until he was in striking distance. Then he tackled him and snapped his neck before he could let out so much as a scream. Then he got another idea and grinned even more. He used the knife on his head to slash at the flesh of his victim. Next he used his teeth to rip up the flesh and began to chew it. It didn’t taste very bad either. He continued to eat him until he was full and started to move on.

He continued walking until he reached a huge cliff and had no idea where he was. He then noticed a path not far from where he was. The path seemed pretty empty. He decided to walk across it as a means of escape of the small area he-at first thought-was confined to. The path led him to a small train town, which he cowardly tried to stay away from, but kept getting drawn closer to. He saw a bunch of small children running around and having fun, he wanted to have fun too, but he knew the children would run away and scream if he walked up to them.

His luck changed when two of the kids ran off into a train cart and shut the door. There he could play and maybe even feast all he wanted. He opened it, went inside and closed it again, grinning. The kids started screaming and that got his adrenaline started and his heart pounding. They couldn’t escape because he was in their path but one of them tried anyways. He stomped on the young filly’s back leg and broke it, then proceeded to stab the pony over and over and over again, listening to her painful screams that filled him with pleasure, then he started to slice her open and play with her organs as the colt watched terrified. First, he pulled out her large and small intestines and used them as a necklace until he grew bored of the “accessory” and threw it at the colt, who he forgot about until he heard it scream as the intestines landed on his back.

He stopped playing with the girl and started cutting him open, and then puncturing his lungs and watching the little unicorn hack up blood. He wanted more blood so he started stabbing him and gutting him as well, until there were two lifeless bodies that were only recognizable by the heads, he then started crushing them and put them close together so he could roll around in the blood and guts like a child playing in the snow for the first time. It felt so RIGHT!

He then left the train car and continued on his way, making sure to bring back some of their flesh of course. The train started moving soon after he left and he saw six parents and three foals looking for the fallen ones. He knew it was going to be a while before they found them, and by that time he could be far away, and nobody really even noticed him anyways.

He reached the cliff and realized he went away from where he originally wanted to go, but he turned and went away from the asylum, and headed straight down the path for what awaited him.

Chapter 3: Welcome to The Big City

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He was walking slowly, unaware of where he was going nor did he care. He did so while nibbling on the foal he had played with earlier, when he noticed a strange and peculiar wagon up in the distance walking towards him. He stopped and grinned, another pony for him to play with, another to be caught in his web of fun. He never expected to see so many ponies after he got out. He was beginning to think it was a dream until he remembered the pain he had felt earlier when he tripped on a rock, scraping his front left hoof. Once again he began day dreaming of all the stuff he could do to any pony, until he was rudely interrupted by a blue unicorn who had apparently owned the wagon. She didn't appear to be very strong, but he had to watch out for her horn, unaware of what kind of magic it could posses. She apparently got the same idea when she looked at the blade atop his head and screamed, then started shooting a charged him with her magic. He stopped and waited for his impending doom, but felt nothing, he could see the rays were touching him, but he did not feel a thing. He grinned more and more as his brain began realizing something. He had nothing to worry about, and that seemed to make him more and more happy.

He quickly tackled her to the ground and she screamed. This time, however, the scream wasn’t one he could get enjoyment from. It was different, very different. The scream was more of a high-pitched cry. It was very loud. In fact, it was so loud that it would make your ears bleed and would make any normal pony stop; but he as anyone could guess by looking at him, he was not normal. He then began ferociously ripping off her arm, and she screamed louder. He quickly shoved the hoof into her mouth to stop the pain in his ears. He let out a sigh of relief as he received sweet bliss and then began to think of what he was going to do.

The first thing he did to do was cut out her tongue to make sure she would shut up. He heard another glass shattering scream as he reached into her mouth, yanked her tongue out of her mouth, then swiftly cut it out, and then she stopped screaming. He then angrily shoved it into her arm socket with as much force as he could muster and began pulling her wagon. The wheels on the right side crushed her back hooves as he grinned evilly, and looked at her face to see the agony she felt. He knew she wanted to scream, but was unable to do so with the blood quickly filling her mouth. He then noticed she was crying a lot, but had very little energy, so he went over, stomped on her left eye a few times laughing as he did so until it popped. After he stopped laughing he decided to snap her neck and let her fall into her eternal sleep.

After trying some of her terrible flesh, he picked her up, dragged her over his shoulder, and put her inside her wagon so no one would see the damage he had caused to the blue unicorn and continued down the dirt path until he saw something in the distance. It seemed to be a large town. As he continued getting closer he saw a sign that read “Welcome to Baltimare”. Alone, he approached the outskirts of the town, only to be recognized by the rumors spread around the town. The civilians stopped doing whatever they were doing and immediately went inside. Once there, they locked all their doors and windows, sometimes forgetting the guests they had over. Or like what happened once, their small child. She knew who knew nothing of the man and started talking to him in her gibberish language. He wasn't really in the mood to play his game, nor attempt to translate what the mare was trying to say. He cut her with his blade and left a huge gash on her chest, that sent a large wave of blood all over his body and he continued walking along as if nothing had ever happened.

Eventually something amazing did happen. He stopped to take a bite to eat and was approached by some guards and one of the Ponies in White. He grinned and “turned himself in”, only to begin sprinting at the last second when everyone’s guard was down. He crashed horn first into the Pony in White, but looked at his face only to realize, the Pony was special. That pony was the worst White-Coated pony of them all; the one who always seemed to be working near him and didn't care what happened to him.
He laughed at the sight of him; and, after letting him off his horn, spit on him. He continued sprinting until he lost sight of the guards who were charging at him as fast as they could. He saw to his amazement that he was nearly on the other side of town. So he starting walking and decided it was time to play. So he started playing a game with every pony he could get his hooves on.

Chapter 4: Village Fun

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He grew bored. He had left the large town after being run out of it by a huge mob that couldn’t keep up with him, and continued walking. He was unsure of the next place he could to find some pony to play his game with him. He was also running low on food and that increased his reason for play time. He was drying off in the grass after bathing in the river and was about to give up hope when he noticed something; a forest. It was different from the forest he had previously visited, but he got excited when he saw a lime green mare walk into there, he grinned with delight and his heart started pounding, he began to hope there was more than just one pony in there. More ponies meant more games, more games not only meant fun to be had, but it also meant more food. He rushed into the forest and found a small village and began to walk around, the ponies being more scared of his horn that what they thought he might do to them with it and he grinned even more. There was a place where word hadn’t reached of him, at least, not yet. They all stared as he walked by and some started nervously trying to talk to him, but he stopped caring about that a long time ago.

He then began exploring the small village. It had a small restaurant and the smells coming from it were to die for. Next to it was a small inn, the cost of bedding wasn’t cheap, but the rooms and lobby looked very nice, but he thought could be improved upon by placing dead animals here and there. There weren’t a lot of houses and the village only consisted of a total of thirty people, but it had a strong community and had a nice warm feel to it. Eventually night fell, and he ended his exploration of this small place, and began to hunt. He found something perfect, a colt sneaking out of his house. He grinned and waited for him to leave town, and when he did, he was in for a huge surprise.

The next morning the town was horrified at what they saw. Hanging up in a tree near the center of town, had not only one, but two ponies hanging from a pole in town. What sickened them most, however, was not by the sight of the ponies hanging, but by what happened to them and what they were hanging from. The stallion had his genitals cut off completely. They were lying on the ground beside the trunk. The mare had her eyes gone and the sockets were filled with a strange white liquid, as if they had been popped. They both had the flesh of their chests ripped off so much; it was mostly just blood, bones, and organs. They were both also hanging by their large and small intestines. Plus, the lower half of the mare was completely gone, while the limbs of the stallion were torn off and thrown onto a random roof. They were also covered in each other’s blood.

He was hiding in the bushes, very proud of himself; but the town’s folk didn’t seem to be. They were crying, vomiting, staring at it with horrification in their eyes, or some combination of the three. He didn’t care though. It was his art, his style. It was just the way he was and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

After similar things happened to more people for the next two days, the town’s people eventually called in more of those damn Ponies in White. Some of the guards that came with them looked around to see if he was the cause of it, while others stood as protection for both the citizens of the village and the Ponies in White while they were talking to the citizens privately. Every night after that for the next three days there was a new piece of art. While most of their bodies were damaged and dismembered in some sort of new way, the only thing that stayed the same was that their chests were stripped clean of flesh and they would be hanging by their intestines on something.
After that the fun stopped because for some reason, they all stopped coming out at night. He tried to wait for a couple days to see if he could catch one sneaking about or even attempting to catch one in broad daylight. Alas, he could not, grew bored very quickly and left. He had no idea where he was going or where his next adventure might take him. The only thing he did know was that he was going to do his best to have fun anyways.