> Making Up and Making Out > by ePonymous > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Mostly Ain't > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the first soccer game of the season, and turnout to watch the Canterlot Wondercolts face off against early-season rivals the Everfree Shadowbolts was pretty heavy. For Babs Seed, it was an excuse to skip out on chores at home and catch some burgers with her friends after the game. All around her, students erupted in cheers and whoops as the Wondercolts took the field. “Man,” she grumbled, pausing to take a sip of her slurpee “why don’t we get crowds like this at our rugby games?” She kicked a foot up, propping it on the bleacher bench in front of her, very nearly whacking some magenta-haired girl with the heavy stomper. “Sorry, Roseluck!” she gave the glaring girl her most snarky smile. “Didn’t mean to getcha.” “Well, perhaps the rules of, er, rugby are a bit obscure for these sorts of crowds, Babs,” offered the girl to her right. Rarity was, as her name suggested, a surprise. A freshman who could cut it with the upperclassmen, had a sense of style and enough wit to keep up with Babs and her circle. She was a keeper. “I mean with soccer, it’s, you kick the ball into the net. How hard is it to follow?” Despite herself, Babs chuckled. “Yeah, something like that. Maybe you’re right, lots of knuckleheads in this school…” she drifted off, peering past Rarity into the crowd. "Speaking of..." To her other side, Sunflower had stopped her incessant texting to peer out over the field. “The ones in blue are our team, right? Oof!” She winced, rubbing her ribs where Babs had elbowed her “What the hell, Babs?” “I think this dweeb coming over wants to talk to you, Sunny,” Babs answered, tipping her head towards the skinny pink-haired girl slowly picking her way through the crowd towards the trio. Leaning to see, Sunflower snorted. “Oh, jeeze. Flutter-Stutter? This ought to be good.” “E-excuse me,” came the confirmation, barely audible over the crowd. Fluttershy smiled to the trio, and only Rarity returned it. “I-I wanted to talk to you,” she said to Sunflower, knotting her fingers together. “About your-your dog,” she added, seeing the Junior’s expectant glower. “I’m sorry, were you talking to me?” Came Sunflower’s reply, cupping a hand to her ear, making Babs snicker around her slurpee straw. “Couldn’t hear you!” “Y-yes.” Fluttershy took a deep breath and untangled her fingers. “I know you don’t like me, but I think your dog is sick, and I w-want to help.” Sunflower, Babs, and Rarity all turned to have a look at Sunflower’s Chihuahua, Pogo, who had his head poked out of the girl’s handbag. If you asked Babs, chihuahuas all looked diseased, but Pogo did seem a little worse-off than usual, with runny eyes and quick little pants. Sunflower sniffed haughtily, flicking her strawberry blonde hair to the side to turn a gaze as hard as emerald gemstones on the freshman. “OhI Okay! Thanks!” she said with enough saccharine sarcasm to make even Babs and Rarity wince. “I’m really glad for your totally unnecessary advice!” As Fluttershy wilted back, Sunny rose to continue, pointing her finger in the freshman’s face. “Look at you, can’t even stand up for yourself! You freshmen losers are so pathetic. You all want to be something-“ “Sunflower, that’s enough!” Rarity surprised even herself as she took to her feet and interposed herself between Sunny and her victim. “Fluttershy is trying to show you great kindness, and you’re attacking her!” “You got some nerve, treatin’ her – treatin’ us – like this! You an’ Babs are bein’ a coupla bullies!” chimed in a new voice. Applejack, seated nearby, had risen to join Fluttershy’s defense. She glared down at her wide-eyed cousin, fists balled at her hips. “I don’t know why I ever wanted to be friends with a coupla two-faced snobs!” “You’re nothing but ungrateful wretches!” added Rarity with a snarl, before she took Fluttershy’s hand and stormed off with her and Applejack. Babs’ lips loosened from around the straw of her drink. “What the hell was that all about?” Glancing over, she saw that her friend’s complexion had gone totally red from anger. “Aw, Sunny, don’t get worked up over a coupla freshmen.” “She called me two-faced!?” sputtered the blonde. “Who’s the one who’s your friend one minute, then stabs you in the back like that the next?!” Sunflower scowled, throwing her hands up in the air. Babs was watching the three head away, a frown on her face. “You know, Jittershy might have a point about Pogo, he’s been looking a little rough…” Reaching over, she scratched the little dog between his oversized ears. “Hey Sunny, I’ll catch up with you tomorrow, okay? That just sorta killed my mood.” “Sure, whatever,” came the tart reply from Sunflower, who scooped up her bag, dog and all, and stomped off to leave Babs on her own. “Well… Shit.” ~The Next Day~ “Hey, this seat open?” The back hallway was almost always devoid of students for second lunch period; it was the perfect place to mope or hide or even have a smoke. And if you knew that, you could find a student you thought was doing those things easy enough. And as it turns out, Babs’ intuition was right. Seated on the bottom of the stairs was her cousin Applejack, wearing the same western fashions Babs and sunny had been teasing her about for the better part of a month now. Applejack didn’t even look up to reply. “Free country, innit? Careful though, I heard there’s a lame freshman hayseed nearby, makin’ the place smell like a stable.” With a sigh, Babs shifted her weight and sat down beside Applejack, looping an arm through the handrail’s bars. “Oh yeah? Well I heard there’s a bully and a snob makin’ the whole place suck anyway.” She stretched a leg ahead of her, smoothing down her black plaid skirt down. Applejack frowned, turning to face her cousin “Heard the same thing.” After a silent moment, she continued “If you’re wantin’ me to apologize, ain’t happenin’. Bad enough you and Sunflower’ve been picking on me fer three weeks, but then you went after Fluttershy, and that’s just-“ Babs waved her hand, interrupting Applejack “No, cuz, no… Look… you’re right, me and Sunny have been a couple of bitches to you, and your friends.” “Yeah, you have,” Applejack affirmed. Babs wrinkled her nose at the jab, but didn’t let it stop her. “And I wanted to say, I’m sorry, alright? Even if we wasn’t family, it’s still not right to act like that.” “Planning on sayin’ the same thing to Fluttershy?” Applejack gave her cousin a suspicious glower. “Makin’ fun of my clothes ain’t nowhere near as bad as the tearin’ down you and Sunny gave her.” “Hey, hold up, that was just Sunflower!” Babs protested, ignoring Applejack’s frown “But I tried! Really, I was gonna, It’s just… She ran away. Like, she saw me coming and WOOSH.” The blonde nodded then, letting out a sigh. “Awright then, I guess. I’ll try to get her to hear you out.” For a moment she stared off into space, before looking back to her cousin. “What got into you, anyway? I remember you dressed even more country than I do! I still got a picture of you in your Osh-kosh and boots…” Applejack’s grin grew as Babs’ face flushed. “Now lookit you, with your ripped shirt and big ol’ lacey boots… And the skirt…” “I dunno, it’s different living in the city. Plus, you know… Lots of things are different, anyway.” She stared at her foot, before looking back to Applejack “Really, you still have those old pictures?” “Yup! From the last family reunion. Apple Bloom was just a little thing.” Applejack smiled, doffing her hat to comb her fingers through the hair underneath. “R’member the sack race? You so cheated.” “Hey! I didn’t MEAN to tear out the bottom, but while it was there…” Babs smirked and gave her cousin a nudge “Remember YOU stealing uncle Turnip Truck’s keys and plowing his pickup into the creek? Don’t tell me, ‘oh, Babs, you cheated’ when you’re the one committing grand theft auto!” “I didn’t steal, he dropped ‘em, and I figured, what the hay. Plus it needed to be washed anyway!” Applejack chuckled, replacing her hat, and glanced back at Babs. “A course, you were Barley Seed back then…” Babs looked away, shifting a little uncomfortably. “I told you, A-J, lots of things changed.” She looked back, smiling thinly to her cousin. “I don’t think I was ever really ‘Barley’, you know.” Then a frown. “You’re not going to tell anyone, are you?” Applejack’s eyes widened. “What? What kinda fool question is that? Why would I go spreadin’ gossip? Why would you think I would?” “’Cause of what a douche I’ve been to you and your friends?” Babs replied, her pierced brows furrowing together. “Naw, I wouldn’t do something like that. Even if I was still mad. Which I ain’t.” She paused “Uh, does anyone else know, ‘sides yer family and me?” “Well, the school nurse does, of course. Uhm, Coach Spitfire does, says that it doesn’t matter to her. Hooray for co-ed sports.” Babs smirked, “and Sunny. We’ve been trading clothes since seventh grade, it was bound to pop up…” She cleared her throat “I mean…” “I know what you mean, cuz,” Applejack replied, looping an arm around Babs’ shoulders. “Anyways, just like I said, I wouldn’t tell nobody anyhow, that’s fer you to do, if you wanna.” “Thanks, A-J.” Babs smiled, leaning briefly into the half-hug. “You sure you’re not still mad?” “Not even a little,” came the reply, Applejack waving her hand as if brushing the thought away. “So, uh, while we’re on personal topics, are you and Sunny, you know, uh… are you two?” It took a moment for Babs to follow Applejack’s train of thought. “What… wait... OH! Oh, no, no no no!” She laughed, leaning out of the hug and sweeping a hand over the short-shorn hair on the side of her head. “We’re just friends, all the way. She’s been trying to hook up with Hoops longer than I’ve known her. I’m… Well, I mostly ain’t into girls, you know?” “Well, uh, I guess that makes sense…” Applejack offered, rubbing her arm awkwardly. “She just seems awful mean, and I was wonderin’ why you’d hang out with her all the time…” Babs rolled her eyes and sighed. “She’s not mean. I mean, okay, she can be, kinda. She just doesn’t get a lot of respect at home, so she tries to make up for that in school. You’ve just got to know her, I guess, and… Yeah, I suppose she makes that hard to do…” she shrugged, shifting her legs. “Sure you’re not still mad?” Applejack nodded through the explanation, then chuckled at the question offered to her. “How many times am I gonna have to answer that? I ain’t even a little mad. What’ve I gotta do to prove it?” She paused, then smirked at Babs. “…What? What are you looking at me like that for, A-J? You don’t gotta do nothing, especially if it’s making you smirk like that.” Babs scooted away from her cousin, feigning paranoia. “I was just thinkin’ bout the Apple reunion again,” Applejack offered, still smirking. “Yeah? Thinkin’ about nicking Uncle Orange’s Mustang at the next one? Count me in if so,” Babs snickered, leaning back on her elbows. Applejack glanced around, and then scooted a little closer, leaning down to speak in a low voice to Babs. “Actually, I was thinkin’ bout when we went up into the barn to look for that tractor chain, and ever’one thought we were off somewhere slackin’ off?” Babs eyes widened at the memory, her face turning beet red, which drew a chuckle from Applejack “Oh. My. God, I’d forgotten all about… Oh my god…” Babs laughed, covering her face to hide her blush. “Yeah, well, looks like yer memory’s getting jogged right good,” Applejack quipped. Babs was about to ask what she was talking about, when she felt the other girl’s hand brush over her thigh, to her lap, where it pressed firmly against the stiffening organ beneath the fabric. “Applejack,” Babs whispered harshly, “what the hay are you doing?” “Provin I ain’t mad,” the farm girl replied with a drawl and a lazy smile, as she brushed her hand back and forth over the lump under her cousin’s skirt. “I mean, I can stop, if you want.” Her hand drew away. Babs gulped hard, conflicted. After a quick weighing of options, and a fast glance around, she took her cousin’s slender hand and put it right back where it had been. “No, don’t,” she murmured. “That felt pretty nice…” “I thought you weren’t inta girls,” Applejack teased, stroking with her fingertips, feeling the shape of the organ, grinning a little at the noise Babs made. She braced her other hand on the steps as she scooted close enough to Babs that their thighs pressed together. “Mostly ain’t,” Babs reminded her in a huskier voice, shifting herself around and opening her legs a little wider. Even with the fabric between fingers and flesh, the stroking was lighting a fire in her neglected organ, drawing it to an aching hardness. Applejack bit her lip at the feel of the pulsing, hardening tool against her hand. “Mostly, huh? You mean there’s someone you got yer eye on?” She ignored Bab’s grumble when she lifted her hand away again, this time slipping it beneath the skirt, Babs’ thigh was firm and muscular, the skin smooth and warm against Applejack’s palm. “Not, not like that,” Babs muttered, her legs parting wider. “Just some girls catch my eye…” She pulled her lip between her teeth at the feel of applejack’s short nails scraping lightly against her thigh. “Never asked anyone, though, on account of…” Babs gasped, eyes closing as Applejack’s hand cupped around her groin. “...’Cause of that.” This was different than Applejack remembered from the time in the loft. The boy she’d known then as Barley hadn’t yet come into his own, for one. But underneath’s Applejack’s hand was a hot, astoundingly stiff cock, the silky material of Babs’ panties doing nothing to mask the thick and curved shape of it. “Yeah? Like who?” She cooed teasingly, leaning closer to Babs’ ear. “Rarity’s awful pretty…” “Fuck, cuz, that’s feeling nice,” Babs muttered, her arm slipping around Applejack’s hips, her hand resting on the other girl’s denim-skirted rear. “Rarity’s pretty, but not like that. She’s, like, ‘damn, I want to be like her,’ sorta. ‘Cept she’s really frilly, too… Ohhh…” Babs paused when Applejack gave her a cock a squeeze through her panties. “No, I mean like, uh, what’s her name, Diamond Tiara?” Applejack felt a sudden, hard pulse under her hand – Babs wasn’t having her on. She paused her fondling, screwing her brow upwards. “Diamond Tiara? After all that bitchin' about freshmen? And ain't she kinda a, what’d you say, a douche?” Babs chuckled, squirming into a better position. “I didn’t say I liked her, A-J. Just, have you ever walked behind her? She’s got a cute ass, and the way she swings it? …Besides, you’re a Freshman, and look where your hand is…” Applejack’s grip returned, hard enough to make her cousin gasp in surprise. Feigning a scowl down at Babs, she stroked firmly, from the tip, where Babs’ panties were now damp from pre, down the modest length, all the way down to fondle the smallish pouch . “Eyeing up li’l girls in the halls? That’s a paddlin’,” she smirked. “Promise?” asked the ever-smartassed Babs. She gave a little rowl when Applejack tugged at her panties, lifting her ass off the step so they could be drawn down. Her own hand slipped beneath Applejack's skirt, caressing a hip before sweeping down to squeeze the freshman’s soft, rounded cheek. With a smirk, Applejack brushed the hand away. “Now hold up, Babs, this is my apology, so you jes’…” She sucked in a breath when she finally felt the flesh against her hand, warm fingers curling around the steeply-curved shaft. “Wow, things sure have changed…” Babs’ other hand gripped the stair railing, arching her hips up a second time, pushing her length through Applejack’s soft grip. “Yeah, but it feels even better this time,” she breathed, turning her head just enough to catch AJ’s neck with a soft nip, drawing a gasp from her cousin. “It won’t break off, you know.” “I was jes’…” Applejack started, and never finished, engrossed in what she was doing. A firm squeeze was rewarded with Babs groaning behind tightly-pressed lips. With a downward stroke, she drew the thin foreskin back, and brushed her thumb around the precum-slickened head. “Oh, wow…” “Y-yeah,” Babs panted in reply, another jolting throb jerking her in Applejack’s grip. She pressed her face against her cousin’s neck again, her breath making a hot, moist spot there. “C’mon A-J, don’t drive me crazy, or I’ll think you’re still mad at me…” Her neck wasn’t the only hot and moist spot Applejack was concerned with at the moment. Her legs shifted together, squeezing her thighs to find a little relief. “Don’t worry, cuz, I gotcha…” Still holding the firm grip, Applejack tugged downward, following the curve, then back up, pausing to tease the head again. With each stroke, her palm grew wetter, smoothing Babs’ burning cock in a thin coat of slick precum, until Applejack could pump with smooth strokes and the tight grip Babs was begging for against her ear. “Applejack, oh, fuck, that feels great, so good” Baps rambled breathlessly, her thighs quivering and clenching with each stroke Applejack gave her. Her pulse throbbed in her ears – and in her cock, a numb tingle spreading in waves from her tip downwards. “Still thinking about Diamond Tiara, cuz?” Applejack teased, loosening her grip to swirl her palm around that slick, throbbing head, changing up so her thumb pressed to Babs’s smooth-shaved groin with each tugging stroke. “Am now,” Babs laughed, which turned into a low, boyish groan. “I’m almost there, Applejack, oh, don’t you fucking stop… Don’t you dare.” A few more breathless threats were lost beneath another moan. In response, Applejack’s tugs picked up, squeezing rhythmically. “Good, that’s what I want… go ahead, Babs. I wanna feel this thing go off. Show me what ya got...” Any response Babs made was drowned out by the ringing of the bell signaling the end of lunch period. Her mouth pressed to Applejack’s neck while her whole body tensed, shuddered, and glorious, agonizing release. Her balls drew up, quivered a moment, and then jet after jet of heated seed pulsed up and out, each squirt making her cock jerk and contract stiffly, coating both Applejack’s hand and the underside of her skirt in thick ropes of her cum. Applejack, deeply flushed, kept her hand around the erupting shaft the whole time, until it gave no more. Hastily, she drew her hand from beneath her cousin’s skirt. With Babs watching, she cleaned her hand with a few licks, suckling the ball of her thumb. “Hmmm, better 'n’ I remember… Convinced I ain’t still mad at you?" Coming back to reality, Babs gulped, and noticed that other students were coming into the hall. “Yeah, I’m convinced… you’re, uh, persuasive. Ought to get cleaned up afore class, though…” Babs remained seated, resting her bag on her lap, hoping to mask the tent her still-turgid organ wanted to make. “Well, good!” Applejack rose, shifting her hips a little, thighs close together as if to keep the dampness she felt from escaping. “Nothin’ worse than a family feud, like the Hayfields and McColts. If y’all want, y’can come on over after school, and we’ll hash it out real good, okay?” Before Babs could respond, applejack had been grabbed by one of the pink-haired, ditzy Freshmen she hung out with, and swept away in a hurry to class. “Uh… okay, I guess… “heaving a nervous sigh, she watched the sea of students swarm past, wondering what the heck she just agreed to, and more importantly, when her secret friend would let her stand up in public. Not anytime soon, from the feel of it. “Well, shit.” > Bad Girls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Fourth Period Bell~ “Well, hey there, good-looking, just the girl I was hoping to see!” Sunflower sighed into her locker as the male’s voice came at her through the opened door. Not this again, she inwardly groaned. Stuffing her Physics 2 book into the locker, she put on as real a fake smile as she could manage, and closed the door. Leaning against the locker next to hers was a lean, athletic boy, his red-streaked hair slicked back. In addition to a silly flaming basketball charm and letter jacket, he was wearing what he probably thought passed for a smooth expression. “Hot Rod, hiiiiiii…” she started, with falsetto sweetness as she tucked some blonde hair behind her ear. “Look, I was just about to get to class, you know how Ms. Bonbon is about late—" The boy cut her off with a lift of his hand “Hey! It’s cool, I just wanted to ask you something real fast and I’ll let you go, kay?” He’ll ‘let’ me go? Sunflower felt her temper rise, knuckles tightening. She gulped it down after a short moment, however… one must be nice for the boys, dear, an unwelcome voice from memory reminded her. She took a breath. “Yeah, what’s that?” “We should hook up. What time do you want me to swing by?” Hot Rod gave her his most dashing smile. Or rather, he gave her breasts his most dashing smile, since his eyes hadn’t traveled north of her shoulders since the word ‘hi.’ What. “I’m sorry, what?” Sunflower blinked, truly wondering if she’s heard the blunt statement clearly. “You and me, Sunny. C’mon, it’ll be fun, I’ll pick you up, and you can drive my hot rod as long as you like.” Judging from the leer, she figured he wasn’t talking about his car. “I don’t really… do 'hooking up,' Hot Rod,” she said through a clenched smile. A nice girl always smiles for the boys, the voice in the back of her head spoke again. Hot Rod smirked, and ran a hand through his hair. “Huh. Yeah, that’s not what I heard…” Sunflower felt herself pale, fist balling at her hip. “What?” the smile felt more like a snarl, and she didn’t try to make it any different. Still smirking, Hot Rod moved closer, bracing his arm against Sunflower’s locker, hemming her in. “So how about it, Sunny? A guy like me, a hot piece of ass like you…” SLAM! Before Sunflower’s brain could think of a reply to that, she jumped from another hand slapping into the locker behind Hot Rod’s head. “Hey Sunflower!” Babs called over the boy’s shoulder. “Is Limpdick here bugging you?” “Oh, no, he’s just—“ Sunflower stammered “Fuck off, trailer trash,” Hot Rod growled without turning. “Sunflower’s busy.” Babs sniffed, glancing at Sunflower’s wide green eyes and pale face, then returning to the back of Hot Rod’s head. “No need to be rude, Shitclod, manners are essential." she poked at the boy's head. "Holy fuck. Did you mousse with cum, what is that gunk?” Scowling, Hot Rod Turned to face Babs. “Listen, you dumb dyke bitch, I said—“ Whatever he was going to say was stopped cold as Babs’ forehead smashed into his, knocking him backwards into the hallway. He was back on his feet and swinging in a short moment, as shouts and hoots of encouragement filled the hallway. Sunflower felt a little numb as she pushed through the ring of students into the melee, grabbing at Babs' arm, to try to pull her away. “Babs! Stop! He’s not worth it!” ~3:40 PM~ “That was so worth it,” Babs snickered as she seated herself next to Sunflower in the bare classroom that served as a detention hall. A red welt was rising on her cheek where Hot Rod had landed a good hit, and her forehead had a large lump on it from the headbutt, but she was in high spirits. Sunflower sighed at her friend, tugging her stretched sweater as well as she could over one shoulder. “He was just some dumb boy, Babs, I had it. Look, he’s not even in here, and we are!” “If he was I’d kick his ass again,” Babs asserted with a sneer. “Girls! Please be quiet!” came the sharp voice of Mrs. Harshwhinny, seated at the head of the classroom. Everyone winced and hushed up, even Babs. Casting a final smirk to Sunflower, she cracked her book to begin the detention assignment, and Sunflower did the same. Twenty minutes was an awfully long time to keep quiet, though. Peering towards the front, Babs saw that Mrs. Harshwhinny was engrossed in her reading of 25 Hues of Pink. Content the teacher was well-distracted, she leaned towards Sunflower, whispering harshly. “Hey. Applejack invited me over for the as afternoon. Was wondering if you wanted to come too.” Glancing over, Sunflower’s lips tightened. “She’s your cousin? The one who get in our face at the soccer game?” “That’s the one. She’s… she ain’t that bad, you know.” A snicker “She’s related to me, after all, so there has to be some amount of awesome in there…” Sunflower sighed softly. “I would, but I have to pick Pogo up after this,” she whispered back. “The vet closes at five.” Babs nodded at this explanation. “Another half-hour in the gaol, girls?” Harshwhinny droned “I asked you to be quiet.” She stood up, marking new times next to Sunny and Babs’ names on the blackboard, adding another half-hour to each as the other seven in the room snickered. “The fuck’s a ‘gaol’?” Babs asked, before her eyes widened and she clapped a hand over her mouth. No use. Harshwhinny glowered at the girl, and added another half hour. Well, in for a penny, in for a bit. “Fascist,” she muttered, just loud enough for the teacher to hear. Sunflower palmed her face as another half hour was added to her friend’s rap sheet, then gasped when the math came together. “Ohmigosh! Mrs. Harshwhinny, I have to make a call, can I-“ “No.” The flat finality of the reply dampened even Sunflower’s panic. “But-“ she started again, biting her lip. “No.” This time, Harshwhinny threatened to add more time to her clock,as well, chalk hovering over the board like a snake ready to strike. Sunflower groaned and dropped her face into the crease of her history book. ~4:40 PM~ Sunflower leaned back against the door of her car in the parking lot, breathing heavily from the run out after detention. Her phone was pressed to her ear, listening to it ring, twice, four times, then, “Hello?” answered the same voice as had been bothering the back of her head before the fight. “Hey! Amy, it’s me, look, I need a—" “And I need you to call me Amethyst, if you can’t at least try to call me mom,” the woman on the other end of the line intoned. Sunflower grimaced. What her father saw in this woman was far beyond her. “Amethyst,” she corrected herself, with her almost-sweet tone and a roll of her eyes. “I need to ask you for a quick favor.” “Don’t use that tone with me, Sunny. Now, tell me, it’s almost five o’clock, you’re not home, and you’re asking for a favor? It’s not bail money, is it?” “What? Why would it… No! Look, I need—“ A sigh at the other end of the line “so you’re out all day, don’t even call. Are you with that boy again?” “What boy?” Sunflower asked, puzzled, frowning into the view of the scrappy school parking lot. “Amy… Amethyst, there aren’t any boys.” “That’s not what I’ve been told,” came the reproachful tone from her stepmother. Sunflower felt very tempted to hurl the phone. One more time… She took a breath. “No, look, it’s nothing like that. I just need you to pick up Pogo from the vet for me.” Another sigh from the phone. “Sunflower, he’s your dog. That makes him your responsibility. It’s your job to take care of him, not mine.” A pause “Where are you anyway?” “I’m still at school; I had detention. Look, I’m just asking—“ “Detention?!” cried Amethyst. “What in the world did you do to end up in detention?” Sunflower sighed. “There was a fight and I—“ “You were in a fight?! Sunflower, you’re too pretty a girl to be fighting like some stupid biker-dyke.” “No, I wasn’t fighting, it was—“ Sunflower felt the heat rushing to her face, her fingers squeezing tight around the phone. “When your father hears about this, he’s going to tan your hide. Fighting. Of all the things!” Would you let me finish a sentence, Sunflower fumed, grinding her teeth together. “Is daddy there?” she managed to ask in something that might still resemble a sweet voice. “Yes he is,” came the exact saccharine-sweet tone from the phone. Sunflower winced. I don’t sound like that… Deep breath. “Can you put him on, Amethyst? Please?” “Yes I can, but I won’t.” came the same maddeningly syrupy tone. “Pogo is your dog, Sunflower, and if you can’t be responsible, getting into fights like this, and ruining your reputation with who knows what kind of boys, then maybe you shouldn’t-” Enough already. “Look, Amethyst,” Sunflower fairly snarled into her phone. “It’s not like I’m asking you to go across the entire fucking town. The vet is like four blocks away, you could have walked there by now if you weren’t so busy being a cunt—“ click. Sunflower pulled the phone away from her ear, shaking with anger. “Bitch! Ugh!” she tossed the phone into her car, thumping her fist against the sun-spotted canopy of the vehicle. Eyes squeezed shut, she brought her fingers to massage her temples, trying to drain away the stress. She sucked in a long, calming breath, and climbed into the driver’s seat. Maybe if she hurried… Click-whuh-whump. “What the…” Chick-whuh-whuh-whump. “Oh for fuck’s sake!” Sunflower yelled, slamming her hands against the wheel. “Start you domestic-model piece if shit!” Click-whuh-whuh-wha-wha-whump. With a frustrated groan, Sunflower dropped her head against the wheel, eliciting a single beep from the car’s horn. Then another. Bonk-beep, bonk-beep. Finally she just let her head rest there, letting out a long, frustrated sigh. “God dammit…” ~Five Minutes Later~ It would figure that someone would decide to butt into Sunflower’s angst, though. “Hey! Sunny!” came a girl’s voice, at the moment sounding annoyingly chipper. “What.” Sunflower fairly snarled, not lifting her head from the wheel. “Woah, jeeze, it’s just me,” Diamond Tiara sniffed as she approached the car and peered through the window. “Oh, wow. You don’t look good.” “Gee, thanks,” Sunflower sighed, lifting her head and looking to the younger girl. Diamond Tiara sometimes hung out with her and Babs, part of the school’s little fashion clique. She was a bit snotty, but tolerable. “Do you want something?” “Shyeah, you could stop being a ragmonster for a minute. I was going to offer you a ride… Since it sounds like your… uh… car is dead.” Tiara’s lip curled as she looked over the sun-burned paint and worn tires of the beater Sunflower relied on. Sunflower swallowed the urge to smack the pigtails off the other girl’s head. Taking a deep breath, she sighed. “Yeah, sorry Diamond, it’s been… it’s been a bad day. I’d appreciate a ride, thanks.” She pulled her keys and grabbed her backpack, before climbing out. “I guess I’ll have my dad come have a look at this junker when I get home… I thought I was going to have to catch a bus.” “Bus?” Tiara pulled a face, saying the word as if it were something she found on her shoe, leading the way around the lot. “Oh Sunny, public transit is for the proles. You should never subject yourself to that.” “Easy enough for you to say, you probably have a driver on call.” Sunny rolled her eyes as they walked. “No, only when daddy’s at home and not going anywhere,” Tiara said with a pout. “But that’s okay, because I have… this.” She flicked her keys, and the sound of a cart alarm turning off sounded, closer than sunny would have guessed. Tiara smirked as the older girl gawked at the lovingly-polished silver coupe before her. “This thing… this is yours?” Sunny blinked, sputtering a bit. “Your dad lets you drive this… to school?” Tiara rolled her eyes “Tchk, of course he does, why else would he have bought it for me, hmmm? C’mon, get in; don’t just stand there with your mouth open.” Sunny shook out of it, tracing her fingers along the side of the car before climbing into the leather passenger’s seat. Well, maybe today isn’t going to totally suck she thought, buckling herself in “Thanks for this Tiara, I’ll owe you one.” The rich girl flashed a shining smile at Sunny as she pulled out of the school’s parking lot. “Funny you should say that… I know just the thing…” Goddammit. > Sorta Am > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was already starting to set when Babs got off the bus at the stop nearest Sweet Apple Acres. Maybe mouthing off to Mrs. Harshwhinny wasn’t her best idea, but it sure felt like it at the time. Applejack probably thinks I bailed on her, Babs thought, checking her phone. Still no signal; Maybe something got busted when she got into that fight this afternoon. With a sigh, she stuffed the thing back into her bag, and started to trudge down the flinty cobbled road that served as a driveway to the farm. It wasn’t too terribly long before she found who she was looking for; Applejack was outside the barn, leaned over the opened hood of a tractor. With a smirk, Babs clambered over the rail fence, and started across the field towards the younger girl. As she neared, she stepped as quietly as she could in her heavy boots, biting her lip and picturing herself as a ninja, anything to help her innate gift of stealth. She reached forward, to Applejack’s skirt… “Well, howdy, cuz!” So much for innate gift of stealth; Applejack turned and beamed at Babs, a bit of tractor grime smeared on her forehead. “I figured you might’ve been spooked off after, y’know... earlier,” the farmgirl added, color rising in her freckled cheeks. Babs withdraw her hand, eyebrows going up as she tried to look innocent. “Oh, what? That? Oh, no, uh. You didn’t hear what happened?” Applejack wiped her hands off as best she could with the rag on hand, shaking her head. “Sure didn’t. You get into some trouble?” “Who, me? Trouble? C’mon cuz, you ought to know better than that!” She gave Applejack a playful cuff to the arm “I’m as innocent as the day is long!” Applejack wasn’t buying it. “Yeah well, ain’t a whole lot of day left, and it looks like someone beaned you good on the head…” “Oh, thaaaaat,” Babs rolled her eyes upwards, as if to look at her own forehead. “Right, see, there was this guy, and he was totally saying the wrong things to Sunflower, see?” Applejack stood, her arms crossed, frowning as she listened. “And so, I asked him – super politely – to not talk to a lady like that." “Yuh huh, and then what happened, miss I’m-so-innocent?” Applejack drawled, sounding unimpressed. Babs grinned broadly. “He didn’t listen, so… I gave him a piece of my mind.” She pointed to the lump where she’d whacked the boy with her head. Despite herself, Applejack chuckled at the joke. “Well, so long as you’re usin’ your head instead of your fist, I guess.” Smirking, she stepped closer, reaching up to gently touch the goose egg, ignoring her cousin’s little flinch. “Need a kiss to make it better?” Babs smiled a little down at Applejack, hands going to rest lightly at the blonde’s waist. “Uh… I kind of wanted to talk to you about that, you know?” Leaning up, Applejack planted a soft peck to the bump on Babs’ head, and then leaned back. “Talk to me about what? It’s just a kiss on your head, silly.” “I never figured you was the teasing type, cuz…” Babs smirked, blowing back some hair that had fallen in her eyes when she leaned down for the kiss. “About that, uh, apology today.” She felt her cheeks warm as she brought it up, and damned if blood wasn’t starting to flow elsewhere at the memory, too. Applejack’s cheeks warmed too, and she glanced away with a chuckle “Oh, uh… what about it?” Looking back to Babs, she cleared her throat. “I mean… it weren’t nothin’.” “Whadda ya mean, ‘weren’t nothing’?” Babs huffed, drawing Applejack a little closer. “You mean you give handjobs to say ‘sorry’ all the time?” she smirked, looking down at her cousin’s freckled, flushed face. “What? No! course not!” Applejack sent a green-eyed glare up at her cousin as she pushed out of the girl’s hold, crossing her arms over her chest. “Then what do you mean, ‘it weren’t nothin’?” Babs asked, mimicking Applejack’s drawl, flinching when the country girl slapped her arm. “I meant…” Applejack paused, setting her jaw in consternation. What did she mean? “That is, what I meant was, you don’t have to worry about me being all… weird or something over it.” “What do you mean, weird… Ow, what’s with the hitting?” Babs rubbed at her arm where Applejack had socked her. The farmgirl rubbed her knuckles, her lips pursed. “You darn well know what I mean, Barbara Seed. If you think you’re gonna get me stammering and awkward over… over that, it ain’t gonna happen. I get enough of your teasin’ at the way I dress.” “Well, you do dress like you’re goin’ on the Porter Wagoner Show…” This time her hand darted out, catching the smack that was coming her away. “Leggo… How do you even know that show?” Applejack freed her wrist, and gave Babs a glower. “If you came all this way just to make fun of me, you ken jus’ haul your scrawny butt back to the bus stop!” she barked, turning to stomp off into the barn. Babs watched her go, standing in bafflement. “Oh for f- ..Applejack!” her sneakers slapped against the packed dirt in front of the barn as she dashed in after the farm girl. “I wasn’t – “ before she could finish, a heap of hay showed down onto her from above. “Pfft! What the… Applejack, what the fuck?” Babs spit seed hulls from her lips, looking up to glower at the giggling girl hanging from the hay loft ladder. “I got you good!” Applejack called down. “Now look who’s the hayseed! …Uh oh…” “I’ll show you who’s getting who…” Babs growled, rushing for the latter. Applejack whooped and scurried up, Babs hot behind her. Just as the farmgirl cleared the ladder, Babs lunged up and over, grabbing Applejack by the knees and sending them both sprawling into the canvas-covered hay sheaves. After a brief tussle, both girls were covered in loose hay and chaff, with Babs straddling her younger, rather smaller cousin’s stomach. “Gotcha.” Applejack squirmed and struggled, trying to free her wrists, before blowing some hay from her face and giving up. The stronger girl had her good this time. She sniffed, and smirked up at Babs. “You think so? ‘Cause far as I can tell, I got you right where I want you.” “What are you talking about?” Babs wrinkled her brows, looking down at her cousin in confusion. “Dude, I’ve got your arms and I’m sitting on you, you don’t get more got than getting got like that.” “Yeah, but I got you up in the hay loft, didn’t I?” Applejack gave a smug smirk as Babs looked around in wide-eyed realization. Feeling the other girl’s grip go slack, Applejack twisted and pulled, sending the two into another sprawl of yelping girls and flailing elbows. This time, Applejack wound up on top, Babs’ arm behind her back, face-down in the straw. Applejack leaned down to murmur, “So, now I think maybe you’re the one who’s gone and got getted got.” Babs paused in her struggles, laughing. “What the hell did you just say? OW! That’s my arm, fuck, you’re so violent!” “Oh, stop yer cryin’, you big girl, I barely moved. Now say it.” “Say what?” Babs griped up at her cousin. “You say, ‘I done gone and got getted got, good,’ is what you say, Barbara-Lee seed.” Another weak struggle. “I’m not sure I can. Can’t I just say the one about sale shelling sea snails or whatever the hell it is? Youch!” “I. Done. Got-“ Applejack began, emphasizing each word with a poke to her cousin’s skirted, hay-covered butt. “Alright, okay. I done get gone and gooded got. Y’happy?” She growled up at Applejack, who after a moment of indecision, nodded her approval and let go, stepping away before any retaliation. Babs just propped her chin up to look at her cousin, smirking. “So your plan was to get me back up in the hayloft all along? What’s up with that, Applejack?” “Maybe I just wanted some company, you think of that?” Applejack replied, settling on a cloth-covered mound of straw. Babs rose halfway, creeping over to join Applejack, reclining against her. “well, what sort of company did you have in mind?” Applejack gave an exasperated huff. “Don’t you go getting all weird on – “ her breath caught at the feel of lips pressing against the back of her neck, warm breath tickling her skin. “I thought you liked weird, A-J,” Babs cooed, kissing again, one hand holding Applejack’s pale blonde hair away. A shiver coursed through the farmgirl, a warm flush creeping from her freckled cheeks to her ears. “Now you... you just cut that out…” “It was your idea!” Babs pouted, bringing her chin to rest on Applejack’s shoulder, arms wrapping around the other girl’s middle. After a quiet pause, she planted a kiss on her cousin’s flushed cheek. “Look how red you are! I thought you weren’t into girls?” Applejack grumbled, leaning back into Babs. “Maybe I sorta am. A little.” Babs chuckled, her hands brushing straw off of Applejack’s stomach. “A little? So, what, just one girl in particular?” A smirk crossed her lips, “You said you thought Rarity was awfully pretty… “ Applejack’s deep flush and silence made Babs gasp and lean back a bit. “No! Really?” A big grin was flashed at Applejack “And you were teasing me about her?” “Oh, shut it,” Applejack huffed. “Rarity’s sweet and pretty and all that, but I know fer a fact that her and Ffffff... someone else are, she’s seeing, you know, someone else. Sides She ain’t at all the girl I was thinkin’ about, thank-you-very-much.” “Oh no?” Babs’ smirk turned into a grin. “So if it ain’t Rarity’s soft, silky white thighs you want to get between, then-“ an elbow cut her off with a soft oof. “Hey! Okay… Damn. So who were you thinking of?” Applejack turned to give her red-headed cousin such a look. “Ain’t sure I want to be sayin’ now. Since she’s just gonna start teasing me again.” “Well, you brought it on yourself! Oh... wait, you meant me?” Babs fluttered her eyelashes in false surprise. “Well… I’m flattered, but I ain’t exactly a girl…” her hand climbed up, cupping around one of Applejack's breasts, giving a light squeeze to the supple flesh, making her cousin draw in a breath. “Girl enough,” came Applejack’s husky reply. She turned further, pressing her lips to Babs’ in a brief kiss, tongue darting out for a taste before she withdrew, her freckled face brightly pink. “I mean, that you got yourself, uh, a piece, just means, uhm, different way to… uhm…” She trailed off awkwaedly, until Babs returned the kiss from a moment ago. This one was not broken quickly, and Applejack shifted around, slipping her fingers through her cousin’s hair, holding her as their tongues darted and flicked together. After a breathless moment, Babs finally pulled away from Applejack’s mouth, her hands still caressing the slighter girl’s chest. “A ‘piece’, huh? I guess you were cleaning it and it went off?” she grinned at her cousin’s giggle, a thumb stroking Applejack’s nipple through fabric. “Hey, Applejack?” “Hmmm?” came the distracted reply, the blonde’s eyes half-closed as she enjoyed the feeling of the caresses. “Oh? What’s on your mind, cuz?” “You know damn well what’s on my mind,” Babs snickered, giving a gentle squeeze to the breast cupped in her hand. “But, I wanted to ask you something.” “You got a funny way of askin’, Babs,” Applejack huffed, her own fingers trailing down, catching underneath the hem of Babs’ T-shirt, exploring the skin just beneath with her fingertips. “You don’t even know what I was going to ask, hillbill-HEEEE!” Babs jumped with a gasping laugh when Applejack's fingers dug at her sides “Okay, fine, sorry! No tickling, okay?” Goddamn…” Smirking, Applejack resumed her stroking, nudging her cousin’s shirt up, and leaned forward a bit as Babs began unbuttoning her blouse “Can’t make no promises sugarcube, but I’ll try. So, what was it?” “Just a second,” Babs murmured, undoing the last few buttons, then brushing Applejack’s shirt open to reveal the white bra encasing her cousin’s full breasts. “Oh wow, cuz, you’ve got some amazing tits.” She moistened her lips, looking up at Applejack’s freckled face as she brushed a thumb along the other girl’s cleavage. “Yeah well, what’d you think?“ Applejack asked, sighing a little at the attention, her own hands beneath Babs’ shirt, finding the small, firm mounds on her cousin’s chest. With a grin, her fingers teased around the stiffening tips of Babs’ breasts “You ain’t the only one that’s changed a li’l bit since last time…” “A little bit?” Babs laughed, arching her back towards the touch “Last time we saw each other up here you were flat as that board…” Babs’ breath caught when Applejack pinched and tugged a nipple, cheeks coloring, before suddenly getting a facefull of shirt when her cousin tugged the garment up and away, revealing Babs’ toned torso, with a flat stomach, a subtle dip at the waist, and the two dark pink nipples atop handful-sized breasts. “Really now? You ain’t got room to talk, missy,” Applejack chuckled, tossing the T-shirt aside. Just look at them little things.” She looked up at Babs’ flushed face, leaning in to kiss the soft skin between. “You got a lotta nerve, makin’ smart remarks like that.” Babs’ chest rose and fell as Applejack peppered it with light, innocent kisses. She watched the blonde girl explore with her lips, never coming as close to one of those nipples as Babs would have liked. Biting her lip, she eased Applejack back, moving to straddle her lap. “I’ve still got my question, cuz.” “Yeah well, what is it?” Applejack replied, letting her hands drop down to the belt circling Babs’ hips, fingers working it free. Leaning down, Babs pressed her lips to the tender skin of her cousin cleavage. A quick flick of her tongue brought the warm taste of Applejack’s skin and a hint of salt, but even better, also brought a gasp from Applejack. “You gonna give me an answer to it?” She continued her kisses, reaching back to fiddle the latch of the bra free. Applejack’s hands were shaking as she drew the belt free from the loops binding it to Babs’ skirt, goosebumps rising along her arms and chest as she felt her bra loosen, heard the other girls’ triumphant chuckle . “Well… I can do my best…” Babs grinned and leaned back, drawing the undergarment away, and groaning softly at the sight of Applejack’s tits. “Oh man, cuz, these are great…” Soft, puffy mounds of rose-pink capped each breast, the siklky skin pale and unblemished, save for a few freckles near the top. Babs couldn't help herself; leaning close again, she brushed her lips against her cousin’s pillowy areola, a gentle nibble drawing the nipple to stiffness. Above, Applejack gave a little pant before catching her lip between her teeth. Her hands fell to Babs’ hair, feeling the silky strands and the coarser stubble where it was cropped at the side. The teasing was sending electric sparks jittering down her spine, each touch and kiss casing a small, warm throb between her thighs. She wanted to pull Babs closer, to give in… But instead, groaned and pushed her away, flushed and laughing. “Yer getting’ distracted, sugarcube.” Babs was flushed herself, and looked up with a lick of her lips. “well, you can’t blame me…” She gave a longing look to that darkened peak, before relaxing and leaning back. “You said Rarity was with ffffff…” Babs blew the letter with a tilt of her head. Applejack's eyebrow rose expectantly "...Luttershy?" Babs finished with a small smirk The farmgirl’s eyes widened. “How’d you.. .Er… I ain't never said…” Babs just grinned “Nope, you didn’t. I'm a good guesser. But tell me about it? How’d you find out?” her finger reached out, tracing along Applejack’s knee, as she gave her cousin her best expectant look. "You said you'd tell!" Applejack gulped.