> The Foal With The Anatomically Correct Necklace > by pinkiepiedoeseverything > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > New Menstruals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a cold day in June, the first month of the year, of course. The lava tree plants began their feast on infant pigeons as the Condom People's whore house reeked of gonorrhea. It had been many moons since the last birth of the festyballs. The four dead princesses have been gone since the attack of Sliklemein. Lord Sliken, a dragon of the Penis Woods, entered into Equestria in January, at the time, the first month of the year. His black wings flew through the dark blue sky, shitting with inglorious triumph. He arrived at the Canterlot Castle, with ambition that would soon be fueled by yet more testosterone. Sliken leaned towards his boyfriend, Cockfag, who was about Spike's size but totally chink. "Are you ready for the dawn?" the ebony dragon asked. "Oh ya, me riddy fore tha down," replied the red and yellow faggot. The couple entered into the castle, only to be spotted by guards. Sliken quickly grabbed hold of the first guard's tail, and proceeded to fuck him senseless. The first guard came excessively, soaking the floor into a cheesy state. The second guard, in pure terror began slurping the chunky juice off the floor. The taste was reminiscent of cucumber and puss. Sliken smiled and proceeded into the bedroom of Celestia and Luna. The two princesses were currently shitting into the other's mouth, taking no notice of the enormous red rocket of a cock that Sliken was currently rubbing out. His natural lubricants began to seep from his velvet croissant. Celestia, who was on top, eyed the massive pink sausage of a dick. Her loose pussy became moist, and then she took a final poo in her sister's orifice. Celestia climbed off of the blue bitch, and smacked the dragon's balls, which bounced and shook like a vibrator. Her wet asshole began to leak infection down her goochi. He brutally raped the royal hineys as gallons of sweet juice poured from his tip. He entered into their rectums, with the viscosity of Chris Brown. His reptilian ball sac was massaged by the godlike plot of the younger sister. Her pubic fuzz enticed him in such a way, that it was all he could do to keep from vomiting out his love hole. The older sister, Celestia, gagged at each thrust of power, often teasing the fish flavored shaft with her tongue. He quickly pulled and released his thick custard into her iris, blinding her. He plopped his majestic piece onto the floor of the castle, and ordered the princesses to fight over it using only their mouths. The two fought like dogs over the meaty pole, their tongues often sliding in and out of the other's mouth. The erection of the dragon was so fantastic, that to look upon it would make the strongest stallion cum. After many hours of passion, the new king ripped out the princesses hearts through their vaginas. He quickly scarfed them down his lubricated throat, enjoying each morsel of the splooge like blood. The Dark Lord now knew that his next task would involve the hot rack of Cadance, and soon the sweet juicy cunt, of Twilight. Sliken smiled at his faggot of a boyfriend, "come now Cockfag, we will implore the vast regions of the tuna juicy Twilight!" "Okay Dokay boyfran!" The Lord took off towards the Crystal Empire, and behind him, followed the chaotic rule. They arrived at the castle and paid no attention to the guards. They arrived in the bedroom of the crystal couple. Sliken took care not to wake the princess, as he quietly slipped his dong into the asshole of the prince. Shining Armor awoke, but was quickly silenced by the dragons hand. The dragon looked into the moist eyes of Shining, who was breathing heavily. Sliken winked at the pony, assuring him he was STD free. He then began to gently thrust in and out of the royal poo hole. Sliken did not use any lube, for the blood seeping from Shining Armor's sphincter was enough. Shining began to present an erection of his own, in which Sliken began to stroke. Shining was just at the peak of orgasm, and then the dragon snapped his neck. Sliken came, and ripped the prince's dick off and brutally fucked Cadance's love pipe with it. She screamed loudly as her vagina tingled with pain, and pleasure. She began to cum all over the hand of her rapist. Sliken smiled and then began chewing the princess's head off. He then grabbed hold of one of her nipples and shoved it into his urethra, cumming within an instant. Sliken then took hold of his midget boyfriend, and flew towards Ponyville. Sliken knew that this erotic fairy tale would end with the fucking hot ass of Twilight. He got a raging boner thinking of the mare's plump ass, bouncing up and down like a deflated basketball. He began jerking it in the air, thrusting into his palm exciting the chink cockfag. When arriving at the library they found it empty. Twilight Sparkle must have gotten word about the other's, and went into hiding from the black ass dragon. Sliken was infuriated, until he found the tampon of Twilight's in a trash can. He named this tampon, "Twipon," and began to vigorously suck all of the blood and aborted fetuses out of the vagina stick. Twipon began to speak into the ear of the muscle bound dragon. "Hello," said the tampon, in a witchy witch voice. "I must fuck." Sliken was a bit shocked by this, but he was always open to new things. He grasped the Tampon firmly in his claws, and then proceeded to shove it into his urethra. The pain was extraordinary, but he did it for Twipon. The Twipon began licking his inner dick, this aroused Sliken. He quickly came all over the tampon drowning it, for it was still in his pee pee. The tampon died and went to Hell. Sliken's only true love was dead. The dragon cried and kissed his boyfriend on the butt hole. Sliken knew who killed Twipon, who killed his tampon lover. Twilight Sparkle. Who was she to throw out the tampon in the first place, oh beautiful Twipon, how your flakes of timber whistled in the sparrow. Sliken now knew what he was to do, he must find this Alicorn Bitch, this Twilight Sparkle. He and his dumb-ass boyfriend left the library so quickly, they forgot their necklace which housed a giant ass cock. This necklace was the only thing powerful enough to stop the evil dragons. This is where our story begins, after Cockfag pooped. > Agnes Clopperbottom > --------------------------------------------------------------------------                 Agnes Clopperbottom, the hottest underage filly in Equestria, walked along the path to the fuck place.  Her big yellow plot, bounced in anticipation of whatever gross, bluewaffle penis may force into it.  Her cutie mark, which was Jenna Jameson's rack, was still red after the spankings her hot lesbian friend had previously given her.                 Agnes's wee little vadge, tingled with the sensation of twenty eels, sliding out of it into the anus of her dead dog.  Agnes had the perkiest tits, she often massaged them with erotic thoughts of the Condom People, their rubber faces motorboating the shit out of her crotch breasts. Penis. The only thing she loved more than balls.                 Agnes was disgusting, a real fartlocker who had the most gross adjectives thrown at her by the writer.  However, Agnes had a good heart, despite all the cum around it.  She had a brown mane, that was so fucking curly, that if your finger became entangled betwixt the curls, you would need to jack off and use your sperm as a lubricant to aid your finger in escape.                 As she passed the library, she eyed the cock necklace, the one that Sliken left behind.  Agnes was no fool, however, she immediately ran to the necklace, and dildoed herself in the bottom.  The pleasure was so grand, that when she came, she drowned an ant pile ten feet away.  She then picked up the shit covered dick, and placed it on her neck.  She then was transported to an unknown place, where she met, Twilight Sparkle, the Alicorn Bitch.                 "Hello young one," the hot purple bitch greeted.                 "Well fuck my asshole with that horn, and I will surely cum," the young filly replied, as this was a customary response in the land of Equestria.                 "You found that bonerific necklace, did you not?"                 "Yup, even fucked myself with it!" the young filly eagerly replied with pride so immense, that her vagina literally exploded.                 "Wow are you okay?" the hot alicorn inquired.                 "No, my vagina exploded!"                 Twilight laughed at this fact, because a vagina exploded.  That's pretty damn funny.  The vaginal mesh that covered the young pony's vagina walls, now covered the walls of the magic room.  Twilight, feeling sympathy for the now vagina-less cutie pants, began to eat out Agnes's butthole.  Her tongue slid in and out of the filly, replicating the motions of a frog that was doing the same thing.  Agnes raised her back hoof in pleasure, her rectum tingled with a sensation that could only increase.                 Just before she came, Twilight stopped and ordered the filly to do the same to her.  Agnes had never had the honor of fucking a princess.  The young filly began to simultaneously lick the anus of Twilight, while hoofing her vagina.  Twilight's pleasure meter went off the charts, and she shit all over the young filly, a mix of lime green and puss yellow to be exact.                 Twilight then chewed off her own foot, and told the foal that the necklace she wore was the only thing powerful enough to stop the dragons.  Agnes laughed, for she thought of a chicken pooping into salad, and then her grandma eating the salad, and her grandma throwing up all over the table, and then her grandma would be embarrassed, and she went home that day, and shot herself.  Hahahahaha granny suicide.                 Twilight slapped the shit out of the foal's face and told her, "listen up snatch mongler, the fate of this damn Ponyverse lies in that cock!  Now find the dragons and contain them inside of it."  Agnes was so turned on right now that her missing vagina came.                 "I won't let you down, kike!"  Agnes assured the obese mare, that was currently pissing blood all over her tail.                 "I know you won't" Twilight said, and then made out with the filly, tasting the plaque along her gum lines.  The taste and texture of Agnes's mouth was similar to sticking your tongue in a mushy banana, if the banana were a stinky turd.  Twilight then spanked the shit out of the filly, and sent her back to where she found the necklace.                 Agnes looked around to see her ejaculation all over the ground.  The cheesy liquid stuck to her hooves as she walked back onto the path she was previously taking to the fuck place.  She did not plan on that of course, for she now had a mission that was of utmost importance.  As she was walking along the Jewish corpses on the road, she eyed a pink pony bouncing on her butt, farting with each landing, which propelled her back into the air.                 This pink mare was, in fact, Pancake Poo, an erotic, sex addicted mare who was notorious for being the best snowballer in Equestria.  Her mane was white, possibly dyed by the mass amounts of sperm that were so often shot into her mane.  Her cutie mark was a stack of pancakes, with a big poo on top instead of butter. Her pink plot was so perfect, that to even see it, your penis would literally explode, much like Agnes's vagina.                 Pancake stopped passing the toxic gases from her stink hole, and went up to Agnes and crawled into her mouth.  Agnes quickly spit her out, and then pooped.                 Agnes explained what was happening, the dragons, the necklace, and the missing vagina.  Pancake was so eager to help, that she found a penguin and raped it.  Agnes was so touched by this gesture of friendship, that she too found a sweet innocent penguin, but this time unseamed it from its dick o its throat, and then pulled out all of the inner treasure, and used them to paint a flower for Pancake.                 The two set off to find the black dragon and his Asian boyfriend.  They sang songs of STDs and ate pieces of feces that Pancake already had with her.  The two friends walked in sync, their plots bouncing in a fantastic way.  The pink pony was totally aroused, her nipples sticking out a full six feet, in fact she was walking on these nipples.                 "Meanwhile, back in his new castle in Canterlot, Sliken was frantically searching for the cock necklace.  He was looking under cushions, couches, and beds, to no success.                 "Cockfag," the black dragon commanded.                 "Whatchyou wah?" the dumbass red and yellow dragon asked.                 "Where is my cock necklace, the one that is two feet long and has the wine stain from the fondue party we had a few weeks ago?"                 "I fo-get it!"