The Unknown Fighters

by Unknown Light

First published

Not being able to remember his childhood, Pegasus, Unknown Light, gets assigned to Ponyville and what he discovers there may unravel his childhood and its dark secret.

Middle-age Pegasus, Unknown Light lives in Canterlot working for Princess Celestias top science team when he discovers a book tucked away in the back of the royal libraries archives that makes him remember parts of his childhood, but before he can finish he gets assigned to Ponyville for further research on a project Twilight is working on, but is there more to this assignment then the Princess is saying.

Chapter One: The Dream

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I was in a dark cave not knowing how i got here, but for some reason this cave felt familiar like I had been here before for a long time. I wondered this cave being wary of everything for who knows what could be in here when I heard a voice echo through it. "Hello, is someone there?" I cried out. There was no response except for thuds growing louder and louder coming in my direction. Frightened, I ran away from them as fast as I could, I wouldn't dare trying to fly in this small cave for fear of slamming into a wall. As i ran i could hear the thuds getting louder and louder, my heart started pounding with a hard force like it was trying to jump out of my chest. Just as the thuds sounded like they were right behind me I could see a light coming from around a corner, as I made a final push for the light I slammed into something hard and cold and was knocked back and lost conciseness. I woke up with my vision blurred, I started looking around when it cleared up, I was still in the cave and behind me was what looked like a giant slab of metal with a straight crack down the middle of it. I started to knock on the door, "Hello, is anypony in there, I could use some help." There was no answer so I started looking around for a switch or something that could hopefully open it, when I heard what sounded like gears moving. I looked back at the door to find it moving slowly and a bright light piercing through it. Could this be the way out I though until a cold chill ran down my spine. I turned around slowly to find a large black figure standing in front of me."Who are you, what do you want!" I screamed out. As I started slowly moving back the figure started moving towards me. It reached out to grab me until I lost my footing and fell into the light.

I woke up as I slammed into the floor of my bedroom. Out of breath, I started looking around glad that it was only a dream. But what bugged me most was why I was having this dream for the past two weeks and why did it feel so familiar like I had been there before. I got up and stretched and headed downstairs to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to find an ordinary pegasus with a light tan colored skin, black mane, and brown eyes with a cutie mark I had no clue how I got, what was strange about it was it had nothing to do with my natural talent of science and mechanics, instead it was a shield with a strange symbol on it. I got ready like any other day, put on my lab coat and headed out to the cafe for breakfast, but for some reason this day didn't feel like the rest, it felt like something was going to happen today. Something important, then I got the feeling I was being watched. But by who and why?

Chapter Two: The Book

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I entered the castles royal library archives looking for a book that may explain the reason why I was having these dreams and why they felt so familiar but found nothing so I decided to go over to the Starswirl the Bearded wing and hopefully find something there that could explain. As I wondered the aisles going from shelf to shelf of scrolls and books for hours I had finally decided to give up and head back home and continue my studies when I got that feeling again like somepony was watching me. I turned around instantly to see a black figure duck be hind a bookshelf. "Hey you, stop right there," the figure wouldn't slow down going left and right through the shelves,"stop now!" I yelled out. Just when I thought I had them cornered, they vanished, no where to be found when all of a sudden the ground below me gave out.

I landed with a loud thud, all I could hear was the echo from my landing and it was all dark. I wondered around the area where the hole in the floor gave light to reveal book shelves. It must be an entire library down hear, it doesn't look like its been walked in for years. I was still thinking of where that figure went when something gleamed from one of the bookshelves. I walked over to the shelf wary of my steps for who knows how many floors there are of this place and how much weight these floors can take. When I got to the book case I blew the dust away and it exploded into a huge dust cloud, coughing and waving the dust away. I had found the source of the light, it turned out to be a book that looked a lot like Twilights book but instead of gold it was silver and instead of a unicorn on the front it was just a normal pony. What bugged me most about this book was that it was practically new and not torn like the others. I flew up out of the hole and went to the center of the library to start reading this book. When I opened the book, faint blue lines started to glow around the pony symbol and so did the pages like it knew me or something. I started on a torn up page with sketchings of what I think is a sword with the word wolfgang under it, but I payed no mind to it. I started reading about these beings called the Unknown, it said of them being able to live hundreds of years, and being more advanced than us. "Unknown Light." a guard called out from behind me.

"Yes what is it?" I replied still looking at the book.

" Princess Celestia wishes to speak to you in the throne room immediately."

"Ok and by the way there's a hole back in that section could you rope it off, don't want anypony falling in it."

"Yes sir."

With that said I put the book in my bag and headed straight to the throne room to see the princess. But still who was that back in the library and why were they be watching me.

Chapter Three: The Meeting

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I took a deep breath as the guards opened the throne room doors for me to meet with the princess. "Unknown Light how good it is to see you again." Princess Celestia said in her usual calming voice.

"It's great to see you again as well Princess Celestia, you wished to see me your majesty?"

"Yes, I would like to know how your progress is on your latest experiment."

"Oh yes, I finished it last week, the results weren't what I expected, If I can get a bit more time on it I can finish it before fall."

"That is good to hear, do you have anyone else that can continue your research for you?"

"Well yes there's Hitting Rocks the bull, but he's with his herd in the desert, wait why do you want to know, am I being reassigned to a new project?"

The princess started walking over to the window overlooking Ponyville, "I know you have worked hard on your current project but one of my star pupils, Twilight Sparkle, is in need of a pegasus scientist to assist her in an experiment she has been working on for a while now and I think you may be able to help her with it."

"Are you sure I can be any help on this experiment, I have not a clue on what it's about."

"I'm sure Twilight will be able to explain to you what the project is about, now hurry along and go pack what you need, a chariot will be waiting for you in the morning at your home."

"Yes your highness, have a good night."

"You as well and safe journey's."

With that done with, I headed out the doors straight home.

"Luna?" Princess Celestia said.

"Yes sister?" As Princess Luna walked out of the darkness behind the throne.

"Did he find the old library?"

"Yes sister and it seems I am not the only one watching him, there was someone else this morning and in the library."

"Ok then, can you keep watch over his dreams for a bit longer, I just hope sending him to Ponyville was the right action or if I put him in more danger."

"Do not worry sister I am sure he will be just fine, I have put extra night guards in Ponyville since the last encounter."

"All we can do now is hope we can stop this before it gets to him."

I couldn't help but smile when I arrived to Ponyville to all the happy faces. It was a good change from all the snoody rich people in Canterlot. I headed to a nearby apple stand for directions. "Well howdy stranger, names Applejack, what's yours?"

"Unknown Light, I just arrived and was hoping I can get some directions to Twilight Sparkles house." I replied.

"Well sure, ya see that there tree at the end of the street, that's the towns library and Twilights home, wait didn't you say your new here in Ponyville?'

"Yes, why?"

"No reason, just that Pinkies gonna be mighty happy there's a new pony around."

"Well thank you for the directions and by the way how much is one of these apples?"

"First ones on the house, now get a move on."

"Ok, hopefully I can talk to you some more later Applejack."

I walked down the street to the library and knocked on the door. A baby dragon opened the door and took me by surprise. "Hey hows it going, you must be Unknown Light, my names Spike, come on in."

"Thank you for the hospitality, where is Twilight Sparkle?"

"She's down in the basement working on something let me go get her." With that said Spike went downstairs to get Twilight. I decided to read the book I found in the library below the castles library while I waited. I opened up to the page I left off on and continued reading about the Unknown. The book also told of how they could wield magic without horns and fly without wings, there was a sketch of one of them, they stand on there hind legs and have these things called fingers and toes. All of a sudden something sparked inside my head, like I have seen these things before but how and where would I know them from. It bugged me so much it started to make my head ache."Unknown Light!" A voice screamed from behind me. Frightened, I jumped up on the horse head in the middle of the room. "Hey calm down it's only me." I was relieved to find it was only Twilight Sparkle. "My Celestia Twilight, you nearly gave me a heart attack." I replied out of breath.

"Oops, sorry about that, it's great to see you again." she replied, "What's that you have there?" Twilight started heading towards my book. I jumped in front of her. "It's nothing, just a book I found, you wouldn't be Interested in this kind of stuff." I replied frantically.

"Well ok then, there's a room waiting for you at the inn down the street, tomorrow I'll tell you all about the project I need your help with."

Twilight went back downstairs and I headed out to my room in the inn. As I was walking down the street I kept thinking about the book and the creatures in it. I arrived at the inn and went to my room and laid my bag down next to the desk and took the book out to read when I turned to a page that shocked me. "This can't be, but how!" I yelled shocked as I looked onto a sketch of a shield and symbol exactly like my cutie mark.