Man Sharks Invade Equestria

by Screwdriver

First published

Man Sharks decide to kill everypony because of reasons.

Like the title says. Though to be honest, you probably shouldn't read this. It's not very good story, I'm certain there's something else you'd much rather be reading.
Still here? Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you.
So, a new species has been discovered in Equestria, unfortunetly they just want to butcher everypony in sight. Can the ponies survive this encounter? I dunno.

This is just me having fun. Don't take anything in this seriously.

It was such a nice day too.

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Once upon a time there was a magical land of ponies called Equestria and they were having a tea party in a library tree because that's what magic ponies do.

“Please pass the sugar.” said Twilight, the recent alicorn princess.

Fluttershy, passed the sugar to Twilight suddenly Pinkie Pie jumped out of the sugar bowl with confetti.

“Pinkie Pie, you are so random.” said Rainbow Dash.

Then all six ponies laughed at the joke.

“The cake is a lie.” said Pinkie, and everypony laughed at the clever joke.

Then the door was kicked down by Princess Celestia. “My little ponies, we have a most dire disaster in our hooves.” said Celestia

“What is it?” said Twilight in a most concerned tone

“A Man Shark has invaded Equestria!” said Princess Celestia

Everypony was confused. None of them had a clue what a Man Shark was, or even what a Man was. However, they soon found out when the man shark broke through a wall, much to the annoyance to the librarian. The land shark was a fascinating beast to behold. It stood at 8 feet tall, a bulking monstrosity with two arms, two legs a shark tail, and a six pack you could grate cheese on. Its head was a sharks head, that held hundreds of teeth in its mouth.

The Man shark spoke “Who among you is the leader?”

Celestia was surprised that the beast could speak, but came to the conclusion that since it was intelligent, it could be negotiated with. She step forth to speak “I speak for my little ponies, as Co Ruler of Equestria.”

The Man Shark then bit off her head in a vicious fashion. The mane six screamed/fainted/stood shock in horror of what had transpired. Too horrified to move, the could only watch as to what would happen next.

Spike the baby dragon, walked in. “What's going on guys?” said Spike while wearing a frilly pink apron, and carrying a tray of cookies. The Man Shark leaped upon Spike, picked him up with his mouth, and shook Spike around like a dog with a chew toy.

In a panic, Twilight teleported herself and her pony friends to Canterlot castle.

The first to speak was Rainbow Dash “WHAT THE FUCK!?” she screamed

“I don't know!” screamed Twilight

“WHAT WAS THAT!?” said Rainbow Dash

Twilight again replied “I don't know!”


“I know!


Twilight answered “I know!”

It was then that Princess Luna appeared.

“Twilight!” said Luna, “Thank goodness thou are here, but where is our sister?”

Twilight spoke with tears in her eyes “Oh Princess Luna, Princess Celestia was murdered by a Man Shark!”

Princess Luna stared blankly at Twilight, and let out a sigh and said “She died as she always wanted.”

Before this could be questioned, a great roaring was heard from outside the castle. The mares quickly went to the window to find the source of the commotion, and were greeted with a both terrifying and awesome sight.

It came from the heavens, a machine giving off smoke that blackened the sky, a machine so large it dwarfed Canterlot greatly. It was an air fortress of metal and engines lurking over the castle like a great storm of rage. The ponies all stepped into the street to witness the colossal creation, with fear and wonder they watched, and waited.

The fortress gave out a voice, cold and commanding, it was heard through out the city. “This is War-master Jaw, of Air Fortress Slamma Cow. I am only going to say this once so listen up: You are all going to die. Surrender or fight, you will all die.”

The message ended. The cannons of the air fortress fired like thunder upon the castle. Citizens screamed in panic as the pony guard was assembled. The attacked ceased and the smoke began to clear. The projectiles that hit the ground appeared to be some sort of pod shaped metal device, as a few ponies began to gain some courage to investigate, the pods suddenly burst open. Each one carrying a Man Shark with his own tool for death. The screaming started again as the Man Sharks tore a bloody path through the streets of Canterlot, the cries of terror and the Man Shark. The Guard attempts to defend the kingdom was about as effective as throwing candy at the warmongering cold blooded creatures. None where spared in the stampede of ground troops, especially one grey cross eyed Pegasus who was standing in the middle of the road for no reason, and could of easily gotten out of the way by flying but was to busy eating a muffin to notice the Legion of Man Sharks. Her death was probably the most cruel and unusual from of death. It was so horrible that the original writer of this story went into a coma from shock after he first conceived the idea, and as by the law of the internet, his story has been handed to me after defeating twelve other fan-fiction writers in unarmed mortal combat. But, I digress.

So more screaming, more blood, that pony got ripped in half, and is now being used to bludgeon another pony. Now there's a fire starting, yep, Canterlot is on fire, caused by a Man Shark with flamethrower laughing like a maniac. Oh my, what is that Man Shark doing? It appears he is having a tea party, and using pony skulls as teacups. Death and destruction was all that was seen that day.
The Man Sharks reached the front gate of the Princess castle, the began binding the mutilated corpse of the ponies together with use of a ton of duct tape, The Man Sharks then lifted the construct and began slamming it into the door.

As the Man Sharks started slamming the makeshift batter, The Mane Six stood in horror and looked to Princess Luna.

The Princess only had two words “We're fucked.”