> Discord's Adventure > by Fictional Fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Unicorn Named Tyranny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a warm day in Ponyville, but the clouds were as dark as night blocking out the beautiful sun. Discord and Fluttershy were on their way to Twilight's house because, she sent them a message asking they come immediately.Not many ponies were out because if the strange weather,but that was fine with Discord because, now he had a chance to do some chaos with no pony in the way.Discord turned buildings into mismatched shades of colors, and even made some buildings start to float. Fluttershy was not happy with this behavior, so after a massive argument discord agreed to not use his magic, and he turned all buildings back to normal. Discord thought to himself "These ponies are so boring, why do I even put up with them?" He knew the answer to his question, however was the yellow mare he was walking next too, she was his only friend after all. After what seemed like an eternity to Discord the arrived at Twilight's library home. Most ponies eyes were drawn to the sight of the massive carved out tree, but not discord, because to him it was another boring old building. Fluttershy knocked on the large door three time, and after waiting for 20 seconds knocked one more time. On the fourth knock Twilight answered the door, but she had a look of concern on her face. All of Twilight's other friends were in the main room of the library too, each having a conversation that made Discord even more bored then he already was. To discord's relief Twilight silenced everyone, so she could speak. "I have called you all here because, the princesses wish to see all of us immediately "Every one looked at Twilight with interest, except Discord who was quite bored." I don't know what the princesses want,so I'm going to teleport us all to Canterlot right now, for our audience with the princesses."Twilight then looked at Discord and said " Don't cause any trouble during our time in Canterlot, okay" Discord gave her a toothy smile and replied "Now why on Earth would I ever do a thing like that." Twilight became annoyed,but ignored the spirit of chaos, because now she had to focus on other things. Twilight cast her spell and they all landed in the throne room of the rulers of Equestria. Twilight was visibly excited to see her old mentor, when they arrived at Canterlot Castle. Celestia, however looked like she was in a really bad mood today. Celestia looked at them with annoyance "Why are you all late?". All the ponies except Discord looked surprised at her upset tone. Discord laughed and said, "Some-pony woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Celestia gave Discord a serious look and said one word "Tyranny" Discord face immediately became angry at that one word. Twilight then asked, with a puzzled face "What do you mean princess?" Celestia sighed, but calmed down a bit, after a minute. Celestia replied "Long ago, after Discords first defeat there was another ruler, named Tyranny. He and Discord had been enemies long before Discord had been defeated, because booth wanted to rule over the land." Discord then continued what Celestia was about to say " Tyranny was unlike me though, he wanted to see ponies suffer through ways of torture, while I just wanted a little chaos." Celestia then nodded her head in agreement with what Discord just said. Twilight and her friends gasped with surprise. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ After the shock of what they had heard faded, Twilight asked Celestia what they should do. Celestia replied "You and Discord must travel to defeat Tyranny with the elements of harmony." Rainbowdash yelled in her raspy voice "You can count on us princess." Every pony in the room had a look of confidence on their face, not counting Discord and Celestia. Celestia said " Also, Tyranny has Luna held captive. I need you to save her or this world will be thrown into imbalance." Twilight and her companions confidence faded with that. "Go and prepare for your journey, except you Discord, I would like to have a word with you." Once Celestia and Discord were left alone Celestia said "Discord you must protect the element with your life, they will need your help. I know they don't trust you but I do." Discord was surprised at her words, he never expected Celestia to trust him of all things. Discord then said, "My magic is only Chaos though, what good would I do against a pony like Tyranny." Celestia sighed and said "You must learn about the magic of friendship, or we will all die at the hands of tyranny. You and the elements are our only hope." Discord nodded his head, even though he didn't want go on this journey he had to. He silently left the magnificent throne room, so he could prepare for an epic journey." _________________________________________________________________________________________________ In Discord's Dream he saw Luna in a dungeon that had torture equipment that gave even him the chills. He forced a casual look, and said "Princess Luna I know you like me, but isn't it going a bit far going into my dreams." Luna wasn't thrilled with his joking nature. "Thy must hurry and defeat Tyranny, and rescue me, our else Equestria will burn." Discord now was annoyed himself. "Yeah we'll find you real quick, not knowing where you are held captive, or where Tyranny is." The sarcasm in Discord's voice only pissed Luna off even more, though she didn't show it, because she was talking to one of the only things that could save her. "I think we are in the old castle in the Everfree Forest. I saw a glimpse of the outside this morning, but now I must leave you because day is coming." Discord then woke up from his dream. Today was the day his journey would begin, but he know that thing wouldn't be easy for him and his companions. After meeting Twilight and company at the gate to the castle, They started off on their journey of hardships. Discords eyes silently shed light... > The Everfree Forest Conundrum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord and his companions appeared at the edge of the Everfree Forest, because he teleported them there from Canterlot Castle. The Everfree Forest was dark and foreboding, The trees and vegetation looked strange, and there was the sounds of strange creatures could be heard. Every-pony started walking, at least all except Discord, because he could teleport all over the place at will. This mass amount of movement around her started to piss off Rarity more then it should have, but she what really made her mad was Discords constant whining about this being boring, and very stupid. After another remark from him she finally went over the edge. "This Quest could determine wether we live or die, and could possibly be the end of our world, stop being a baby, and become serious" Her whole face had wrinkled up, making her look like a witch, and her left eye was twitching from annoyance. Discord looked at her with a smile, knowing he got the best of her "Hey at least I don't make a drama out of my whole life, like you do, my dear" Discord let out a laugh, and Rarity looked like she was about to pounce on the spirit of chaos. Before any fighting could break out though, Fluttershy stopped it with a scream. "Stop fighting now, at least if that's okay with you." She said in a louder then usual tone. "Oh, and Discord stop doing magic right now, and apologize to Rarity." Fluttershy said in a very stern voice. "Sorry about simply pointing out the obvious, my dear" Discord said to Rarity, but under his breath said "Like I would apologize to you." Discord was about to snap his finger to do something to Rarity, when he realized he couldn't, his magic wasn't working. "My god!" Discord yelled, how could he lose the ability to do his magic. Twilight looked at him and asked "Are you all right, What's wrong." The other ponies around Discord looked at him, because they had never really heard him lose his cool like this before. "My magic is gone my dear, absolutely none of my spells work right now." Twilight and her friends looked at him with disbelief, because they didn't seem to believe him. "Discord that was your worst joke yet, and I thought you were great at making jokes." Pinkie Pie had a real disappointed look in her face, because she had always enjoyed Discords antics. "I wish that were true Pinkie Pie, but my chaos magic really is gone." He had the most sincere look the ponies had ever seen him have, so twilight decided to back him up this time. "Girls I think he is telling the truth this time, I can see it in his face,but if Discords lost his powers then we need to find a way to get them back." Discord was surprised that Twilight of all ponies would back him up, so he drifted off into thought for a while. "Why can't I use my magic in this forest? What is preventing me from doing what I want. I must find a way to fix this" Then an Idea came to him, and he looked directly at Twilight and said "Dear, could you possibly try to use your magic." Twilight was confused at this "Yeah, but why would you need me to use my magic, what will it prove?" "Oh, just a little experiment that came up in my mind, just use any spell you want." Discord looked at her with the pleading eyes one might see on a puppy, so she finally gave in to his demand.Twilight's horn grew a very bright purple, and then after a bright flash, Discord had a beautiful flowing mustache on his face. Discord laughed at this for a while, until he realized that it proved his theory correct. "what's wrong?" Twilight asked with concern seeing his sudden change of mood. "I just realized the reason why my magic isn't working, want to hear?" He looked at the other ponies like he cared about what they said, and after they nodded their heads continued on. "Twilight Sparkle, you and your friends use the magic of friendship which works at this point, I however have a chaotic magic style in me, which right now dose not work at all, so the problem is the style of magic." The ponies started to make sense of what he had just said, but Twilight being the scientist she is asked a decent question. "Can't you use your magic for good, isn't that the magic of friendship?" Twilight had a look of passion on her face as she said that because she really was curious. "No, I cannot use my magic even if the intent is good. You see, magic is based off a train of thought of the user, which in my case since my brain is always thinking of ways to do something chaotic, that is the style I use. You, my dear have a train of thought that has merged with the elements of harmony, so your magic is in the style of friendship. In order to have that style of magic you must have a bond that is a true friendship." Twilight interrupted him before he could continue on, and was certainly surprised with the amount of intellect he had "Why can't you use the magic of friendship, isn't Fluttershy your friend. Discord smiled before finishing what he was going to say before. "No I cannot use the magic of friendship, even being friends with Fluttershy I have nit experience all the other elements yet, to put it simply I must befriend all the element, and be true friends with them. "So you'll have to be friends with us to get your magic back, I guess I could make the effort to help a poor soul who's lost his magic." Rarity said to be nice, but Discord herd the hesitance in her voice.The rest of the elements nodded in agreement with her. "Girl's It's getting late we should set up camp now, Discord could you please collect fire wood, so we can keep away the creatures of the Everfree.Twilight said this casually, but Discord knew the real reason he was sent out was so Twilight and her friends could discus what to do with him. He decide not to argue though, and went to collect the wood he was tasked with getting. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Discord's dream was as colorful and chaotic as it should be, and Discord was having a wonderful time creating chaos all across the land. Discord was just about to change the flow of gravity, but was interrupted by a deep voice. "Did you miss me Discord, If you even remember who I am." Discord scowled at Tyranny who had appeared right in front of him. Tyranny was a grey colored unicorn with a bright red hair, his cutie mark was a lit bomb with a smile on it's face,and lastly, Tyranny had, Green eyes that were out of place considering the other parts of his body. "Discord why are you doing this what is the point of fighting for friendship, have you grown soft?" "No, Tyranny, but once I get my magic back I will kick your flank so hard you will wish you never came back to Equestria."Once Discord finished, Tyranny laughed, and Discord's dream ended abruptly. > The Cave That Never Was Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This morning, which would have been beautiful to any-pony, was not to Twilight and her friends. The trees blocked most of the sunlight that ponies adored from entering the clearing they had camped out in. Every-pony was grouchy, because the night noises prevented them from any sleep. Twilight was thought to be the worst looking,because while she was sleeping her mind was using magic to keep up a constant barrier around their camp site, though Discord was the most grouchy of all the ponies when he exited his tent he shared with Twilight. As they ate breakfast their was no conversation, which considering how much Discord usually talked was astounding. "Discord, what is wrong with you dear?" Rarity said in a curious voice, which surprised the ponies around her. "Nothing is wrong with me at all, I am Discord the spirit of chaos, nothing can bother me." Discord said in a voice that was missing its usual confidence, and playfulness. Rarity, although not being satisfied with this answer, decided that she shouldn't ask any more questions, he was already not in a good mood. Once breakfast was complete, the journey through the Ever Free Forest continued. There was some idle conversation going on occasionally, but for the most part every-pony was silent. Twilight was limping along in the back, trying to keep her tired mind awake. The rest of the ponies were deep in thought, thinking of what events will unfold in the future. The only one who was talkative was, surprisingly Fluttershy, who was trying to have a conversation with Discord. As our group moved through the dark trees of the Everfree Forest, where the day was as dark as night, and where the true monsters roamed something unexpected happened. A loud rumble was heard, that sounded like the rage of a god, and the from the ground rose a giant mountain taller then the sky. Discord scowled, "Looks like Tyranny is not going to make things easy for us." The ponies looked at discord with curious glances until Twilight broke the silence. "Discord, why did that huge mountain just rise out of the ground?" Discord looked at Twilight and her friends with annoyance before he answered. " Isn't it obvious, Tyranny knows we are on our way, and it looks like he wants to make our journey harder." Satisfied with Discord's answer everyone approached the mountain, where they found a cave entrance. Then, the wind stopped, and Discord yelled to everyone to duck. Just after he said this a blast of energy shot where the ponies heads used to be, and Tyranny appeared with a holographic look. "Discord, looks like even without your magic you sill have great senses." Tyranny said with a chuckle. Twilight's horn became a dark magenta as she prepared to attack, but Discord interrupted her spell. "This is just a message he is sending through his horn, it isn't real." Discord said looking at Tyranny with a hatred that no-pony has ever seen the embodiment of chaos ever have. "Now, Discord you and your pesky friends are going to play my game." Tyranny had a cruel and sadistic smile on his face as he said this. Then, after a pause for effect he continued, "This is a cave that never was, travel through it and you will reach me and your princess of the night,and as an added bonus once you get out of the cave Discord will get his power back." "What's the catch, I know there is one, Tyranny." Discord said with annoyance. So this is how Twilight and her friends felt when he made them play his game, he promised himself to never to that to any-pony again. "There is no catch, my friend, just have fun finding your way through my caverns." After he finished saying this, Tyranny broke into a fit of intimidating laughter, and disappeared. Every-pony in the group except Twilight and Discord started to panic, until Twilight yelled for them to calm down. "Girls, I don't like this whole cave game one bit, but like it or not we have to go through it. If we can make it through Discord will get his power back, and he can teleport us the rest of the way so we can get this over with." After a bit of convincing, the group embarked into the cave that never was. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyranny sat on his magnificent purple throne with a great smile on his face, although this castle was temporary it felt good to be king again. In front of his throne stood an ugly grey stallion, who was the general of his armies of darkness. The general looked at Tyranny and asked something that seemed to have been on his mind for a bit. "My lord, may I ask why you are going to give Discord back his powers if he gets out of the cave alive." The General know that he shouldn't question the kings decision, but this had been bothering him for a while. Tyranny gave him a sneer before answering. " If anyone else questioned me they would be dead, but you have always been faithful, so i'll give you a clue. I want Discord to get his powers back because, he could possibly be a great entertainment to me." Tyranny sneer became a smile that was of pure evil. " I maybe the most powerful being, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good puppet show." He broke into an evil laugh that could be heard throughout the land.