Helpful advice

by Faydewalker

First published

Advice can shape or destroy somepony, depending on the one who gives it.

What does every great being need? Every great leader?

Power? Sure, you can never go wrong there.
Morals? Right, they're important too.
Love? Well, that's a debate for another time.

But really think for a moment... Besides, it's in the title.

Image credited to Azalea2010 (

The distraught king

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Hmm, what’s this? Another enters my lair?

It has been far too long, and I must admit to my loneliness. But enough of that, may I acquire your purpose? Ahh! so it’s story you want eh? Well, let me tell you about my last couple of visitors.

I remember them as if I saw them yesterday, and if only that was true…

The first creature I will mention was one not unlike yourself, if maybe a bit bigger. A pony with bright fur, and a mane with a shine to rival the sun. A horn to guide magic and wings to soar the sky.

He came here looking distraught, almost like he lost something. I approached him, not in person but in mind, and asked about his troubles.

At first he looked frightened, calling out that I should show myself. After some thought I fulfilled his request, and as I joined him in the light, his eyes grew wide, fear emanating clearly, as his legs carried him out with speed unmatched. A bit disappointed, I laid myself down and once again embraced sleep. content with yet another uneventful day.

I was woken, not two hours later, by the very same pony. He looked a bit more composed, and started apologizing for his actions. I once again inquired about his troubles, keeping out of his sight. He then proceeded to tell me his tale.

To shorten it, his mate had completely disappeared after an argument. I must admit that I felt bad for the lad, although part of me wanted to laugh, but there wasn’t really anything thing I could do… So I offered him some advice.

I first asked him how she was, to get a perspective. he told me she was loving, kind, patient, strong willed and forgiving. I don’t think he noticed, but he never mentioned a mistake. It made me sick, but at the same time I couldn’t help but smile, and said to him:

“If she is as you say, wait for her. Be as patient as she and, if it comes to it, as forgiving. Because what you have described to me, is not a simple pony, but a being so pure that she is worth waiting a millenia for. And such a mare, may only come once an eon.”

Cheesy I know, but it did cheer him up a bit...

He didn’t stay long after that, deciding that waiting at his home would be best. I bid him adieu and went back to sleep, feeling somewhat fulfilled.

He returned about two days later, practically gleaming with joy and praising my advice. His mate had returned, and they had spent a day working out their problems. I felt a pinch of happiness at the way things had happened.

After that we became closer, and he started asking me about all kinds of things. At first simple ones, like how to make his subjects satisfied or how to keep them well fed. I thought these strange at first, but answered with the same vigor as the last.

These questions, of course, evolved into more personal ones. What was I? What is my name? Where did I come from?

I did not answer these questions. And when he asked me why, I simply answered that it wasn't a secret ready to be explored. He wasn't happy, but he was content nonetheless.

And then three weeks after we first met, granted it took some bloody time, he told me who he was. A king in the land of ponies, which I honestly knew already, and a name befit for the title. But his is not my name to give, so for this we shall call him the distraught king

Along with this information, he offered me a position in his court as his royal advisor. I was in quite a shock, but I already knew the answer, and before I could reply, he left and told me to answer in the next day.

My mind was at first filled with small joy, and as I began exploring the possibilities, it just became more enticing. I love giving advice, and influencing possible history, and getting offered to do so was quite nice. But I remembered how he first reacted to my form, the fear in his eyes, and the little joy I had started to disappear.

I even thought about taking the job just for their fear: But even as tempting as it sounded, my mind was once again set in stone.

He was sad to hear my answer, but I reassured him that should he need it, I would be here… But ohh, I would have never said that, had I known how he would come to depend on it.

Over the next couple of years, I gave him advice on a great many things. From ruling his kingdom to controlling the forces of magic, and anything in between.

We became friends, and his visits was now something I came to expect and enjoy greatly. One day though, he brought with him a blanket, and something moving inside. I met him halfway through the darkness, finding my interest suddenly piqued.

Inside the blanket, was a little white Alicorn, as I was told was their name, with a pink mane. The little creature opened it’s eyes, while giving of the cutest yawn. It then looked at me, and it’s eyes grew wide. But not with fear, rather the curiosity of a child. I took my right hand, and booped her muzzle, which rewarded me with an innocent giggle.

It was wonderful, truly liberating, for once not to be met by fear. And the king seemed to notice this, as he spoke with a bright smile.
“This is my daughter, princess Celestia, and she is my greatest achievement”

He asked me if I had children, I looked at him and asked. “who would mate with a monster such as I?” He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.
“Why not take my offer, and we can change that together?” I shot it down without thinking, and sent him away with an arrivederci...

What’s this? Are you taking notes now? Fine, do as you please.

Well, after that incident he didn’t return for three days. And in the visits after this, he always had Little Tia with him. She was always open and playing with me, but as time grew so did she. She became more reserved, and even stopped playing with me after a couple of years. But her tale, as well as her sisters, is for another time.

So when he one day came alone, I figured he was serious. Asking about something I would never answer.


He came to me one evening and started asking me about the griffons, small stuff at first. Of their habits and general way of life. Thinking none ill of my friend, I answered truthfully. He then asked about their ruler, their strengths and weaknesses. I decided to ask him a question, a simple one at that.

“Just what will you do with this information?” Far too long had I been left in the dark, and I wanted the answers

At first he didn’t answer, his head and eyes lowering in thought and shame. I knew from the beginning what he had planned, I just needed to be sure. After a moment he raised his head once more, looking me straight in the eyes. “The griffons are planning war, I need to be ready to defend my kingdom.”

A noble cause… Had it been the truth. I know a lie before it comes, after all I tell them myself. “You dare lie to my face? You!? Who I thought to be my friend!?”
His ears dropped at my outburst, and he stayed like that for ten good seconds.

Until he remembered who he was. “How dare You ask anything of your king? Who are you to hold that power?” His eyes didn’t waver, and he showed his true colours as the king of ponies.

“Me?” I questioned as the sun seemed to go down, and the cave descended into darkness. His stature seemed to fail, and he had a frightened look plastered on his features.

“What i-is going on? Who is controlling m-my s-sun?” His lips even quivered at the words, I would have laughed, had I not been pissed off.

“You asked me who I was? I’M YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!” I yelled at him as a thunderbolt, from the now clouded skies, crashed into the earth and illuminated the cave once more. I’m sure my green eyes and white skin glowed in that instance, as well as my predatory grin.

He once again ran from my cave, this time I left a mark though. An image to keep him away. And as I expected, he returned years later… With another blanket in his grasp.