> Remembering the Woes > by AmethystFire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Remeber When > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash slowly trots to the CMC clubhouse. There on the ground sat a gravestone, that read Scootaloo; Best friend and little sister. Died from falling to the bottom of Ponyville. Pouring down rain, hitting Rainbow's beautiful mane. She had just lost a favorite... Her favorite pony. The one pony that loved her, the one that thought she was 20% cooler, the one that was her friend. She lost... Scootaloo, the filly that she knew loved her, the filly that has nice moves. "Why did she die? What happened in her mind?" It made Rainbow cringe at the thought of what she saw, from what had happened to Scootaloo. It was now a memory, something she really doesn't want to remember. It haunted her mind; it all happened in a flash... Scootaloo falling down to the earth, passed out, not able to fly, Rainbow tried to catch her but she wasn't there in time, her sonic rainboom didn't make it either. Dead on the ground, her hooves out on the ground, bleeding for the final time in her life. When Rainbow had landed next to Scootaloo and saw her dead... She grabbed her small head in her hooves and looked at her eyes. The final words she spoke was... "I love you Rainbow, you're the best big sister ever..." "Come on Rainbow Dash, it's time to let go." "Coming... Goodbye Scoot... You're the best little sister anypony could ask for." Above Clouldsdale, there was a land were all dead ponies went; Scootaloo was looking down at Ponyville where she lived. She heard what Rainbow Dash had said. And how she had reacted to her death. She couldn't help but cry... She loved her big sis and her big sis loved her. Thanks Rainbow... I'll be your guardian angel. I'll protect you in my power. I'll help you through the grieving of my death. And I will always remember you. You'll always be awesome without me around. In Ponyville, everypony was asleep... Even Rainbow... Had a thought in her head telling her... Always remember Scootaloo... She will always remember you. She just smiled and teared up in the thought of the goodbye of her little sis. I will always remember you Scootaloo. > Never Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash goes "Home," but home wasn't the way she had always that she had remembered. Silence, is all that is there at "home." Rainbow Dash walked down a hallway to her room. Pictures mounted on the wall and placed on the dressers. They all were pictures of Scootaloo and her. A picture of her when they first became sisters. Picking up the picture, tears flowing down her face. The flashback came; What were you doing out here in the middle of the night! I'm so so so sorry Rainbow Dash I just want you to become like my big sister and teach me everything you knew! And when you started telling those stories, I got so scared and ran out here by myself. Well, I guess you know the rest. Hey, you must keep a secret. If you tell anypony else, I'm going to deny it. First time I heard those stories; I was scared too. You were? Sure, I mean I was scared at first. But then I realized that if there ever was such a thing like them. I could totally take them on. So your looking for a pony that will take you under their wing huh? MHM Well, I can be up for something like that. Really? As long as you don't go falling off of cliffs in the middle of the night. It's a deal. "Oh Scootaloo, the day we met was the best night ever. Making a little sister, and having that little one around to always cheer me on. That was so awesome!" Rainbow Dash continued on her journey down the hallway. Eyeing all the pictures that were taken of Scootaloo and her. She came around a picture that was laid on the mantle, something that Scoot drew for her, when she lost her pet; Tank. Here you go Rainbow Dash. I know it isn't perfect, but I thought that you would like it. Oh Scootaloo, it's more that perfect. Thank you. "That is my favorite picture from anypony. That one picture." Rainbow Dash came to the end of the hall. She looked towards the hall end where she started. The tears came hard at this point. The pictures, the drawings, the autographs, and the artifacts that she was given; brought so much to her memory. Your so awesome Rainbow Dash; I wish I was as awesome as you! > Letter to Celestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Celestia, It's been 3 years after Scootaloo's death; It would actually be her birthday today anyways. But I write this to you in the memory of her. I still can't believe she is gone; not seeing that little orange filly around. It kind of hurts. My friends are trying to help Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and I to get over her death, and to always remember her. But it's hard for all of us. I sit in the clubhouse above where Scootaloo is buried; before she died, she wanted me to be in the clubhouse just one time. And I made it true; I went to the clubhouse and hung out with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. It was quite fun; but it wasn't the same with Scootaloo not around. We all went Crusading, all three of us got into alot of trouble. I never knew that there was so much you could do, without being seriously injured. Everytime I go through the hall of my house and see all the pictures; I can't seem to get those great memories when we started our sisterhood. Even when she first got her biggest fan when she became a wonderbolt, just like me! She gave the best advice to that young filly; I would have never thought about that. Never Give Up I'll never forget that; she wrote that from her heart. She was thinking about me; and the way that the little filly acted when she wanted an autograph; wanting to be just like her when she grew up. And that is how she always wanted it to be with me; she was my #1 fan; and she had one herself. I still can't believe that she is gone. Silence; is all I have at my home. I can only hear my home settling in. I don't hear Scootaloo, always talking and playing around. I visited her parents after she had died. They weren't as sad as I was. They didn't seem to care; like they were waiting for this to happen. I didn't know that Scootaloo had a hard life. I had parents that split up. My father in Fillydelphia and my mother with me. After both my parents died; I wasn't the same anymore; just the same way when Tank died. But she was there for me; she must of not felt for me when both my parents died. She might of not known love in her family. That made me feel bad; now that I saw what was going on in her life; I wanted to do something. But I can't now; what for? She's already gone; I can't do much. I've had this feeling for a while that some ponies from above have been watching me. Like they are there for me; I don't really know who would do that for me. Well; I have to finish this letter later; I have a meeting at the CMC clubhouse. We are going to cause more damage. Your Loyal subject, Rainbow Dash