> The End: Triple Rainbow > by Mydnyt Rayn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part 1/3: Rainbow's Back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hi Twilight." Rainbow said. The End: Triple Rainbow Mydnyt Rayn Rainbow just stood there, sticks in her mane dirt on her coat, smiling sheepishly. Twilight could only stare at her rainbow maned friend, confusion taking over her. "B-but, didn't you..." Twilight started. Rainbow circled her hoof around, only for her to start talking slowley. "Well, dead, yes. But only one thing. I died, but not fully. You see, when I hit the ground, some white unicorn was standing there. I stood up and brushed myself off, but my body was still on the ground. I didn't know what happened. The white unicorn told me to follow, so I-" Rainbow was cut off, tears were now streaming down her face. She was simply scared. Rainbow wiped her eyes and continued. "I followed and when we stopped, there was a flash of yellow light and I was standing with the unicorn at a funeral. All of you were sitting with your heads down and I realized the funeral was mine. The unicorn talked to me, saying how I caused greif to my friends with an act that I knew would get me hurt. Then she said she'd give me a chance, that I could be with you guys again, but at a price. She said when death happens, you can't be flesh and blood. She couldn't give me my body back. I asked what was going to happen, but she just said yes or no. I didn't want to leave you guys, so I said my only choice is yes. I woke up again, but it was pitch black. I stood up and pushed on what felt like dirt. I pushed once more, light shining in front of me. Behind me, was a- my tombstone. That's how I'm here now. I don't know how or why it happened." Rainbow said, tears once again falling from her eyes. Twilight however, didn't understand. It seemed as if Rainbow were, lying. It was unlike her friend, but there didn't seem to be a second thought for it. "Rainbow, I'm, happy your back," Twilight lied. She was happy Rainbow was in fact still here, but it wasn't what she wanted to say. "I think you should tell our other friends, though. They should know too." Rainbow wanted to protest, but sighed in defeat. She turned and walked out the door. Twilight lost the smile she wore. Rainbow was back and she had no idea why. How is it possible for a pony to die and the get a chance for redemption? Rainbow was back and she had to find out why. Twilight raced over to one of the shelves in her library. She skimmed through title after title and found nothing about what Rainbow was going through. Twilight heard a knock at the door. Upon opening it, she found Rarity standing there with a confused yet annoyed look an her face. "Good afternoon Twilight. Now you may be wondering why I am here, but I think it is best we take the matter inside." She said. Twilight shook her head and waved her friend inside. That's when Rarity about lost it. "Rainbow is alive!? Now I knew Rainbow had an imagination, but I was at her funeral and saw her not with us, but in a coffin! How, why did Rainbow Dash come tell me about some white unicorn to give her a chance at redemption?" Twilight started feeling nervous under her friends hard gaze. "Rarity, I wish I could answer you, but I was as surprised as you were when she showed up at the library. Who knows, our other friends might show up as well. As if on cue, the library door opened and in came Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Flutterrshy and Rainbow Dash. All of them but dash wore confused looks. Before any pony could ask Twilight started talking. "I don't know what the white unicorn did to Rainbow or any of that, but this may be Rainbow's chance at redemption. We need to help her." All of her friends nodded. Rainbow needed help, all the help her friends could provide. ~~~ A twig snapped. A hooded figure walked through the Ever free Forest, perfectly fine, not scared, not frightened. As the figure continued walking, a large chasim came into view, a small, worn or bridge going across. Without stopping or giving a second thought, the hodded figure began walking across the bridge, having done it many times before. Reaching the other side, the hodded figure stopped at a large tree. The tree it self was smaller than the Golden Oaks Library, but large enough to fit a small home inside. The figure removed her hood and played it on a chair near the door. "Oh Rainbow Dash, you really did that and died? Eh, no worries, I've dealt with worse. Anyways, it was pretty impressive. Nopony has ever created a triple rainbow. The made levitated a small quill foreword, upon being a unicorn. She walked over to a desk where a blank scroll was waiting. She sat down and began writing. Dear Princess Celestia, Upon receving your letter a while ago, life has been going well. Other than listening to the dead ponies I have the 'joy' of meeting, everything is fine and I thank you for your time to check up on me. Today I met a new pony, dead of course, but surprising enough, she died by creating a triple rainbow, but being to beat out to make a safe landing. But this pony is none other than Ponyville's head weather pony and friend to your student, Twilight Sparkle, Miss Rainbow Dash. We all now she likes pushing her limits, but this once, I have given her a chance to redeem herself. Miss Dash is now working for redemption and will be under close watch. Thanks again and have a lovely day. Head of the After-Life Council, Angel Heaven Angel rolled the letter up and set it through magic. She was looking forward to see what Miss Dash can do.