> The Bet > by mylittlebrony15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Bet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Pinkie, What new cupcakes are you baking this time?" Fluttershy asked as she walked back to the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner, where Pinkie was baking cupcakes, and gave Pinkie a peck on the cheek. Pinkie blushed and told Fluttershy that she was baking a special order for a customer. Fluttershy asked who the customer was and as usual Pinkie responded that it was Fluttershy of course. This made Fluttershy blush and she went on explaining to Pinkie that she had a bet that would be really difficult. Pinkie got all cheery at this and asked Flutter what it was. "I bet that we can act like each other for an entire week," Pinkie thought  about this and said that whoever lost had to eat a cupcake made by her that would be pretty disgusting and had to stay in the Everfree Forest for a month . At this Pinkie and Fluttershy shook hooves and the bet began. Pinkie has had a difficult time with acting shy but Fluttershy has had it pretty nice with being outgoing. So far today, Fluttershy has made sherty for Twilight's new breakthrough in the magic of earthponies and Pinkie Pie has been filling in orders. She almost threw a party for Rainbow but instead she did what she does best and baked a cake to congratulate the cyan mare for her victory. Tomorrow was a little difficult for both mares as a new pony came to visit Ponyville. Pinkie wanted to throw a party but instead she stayed in the little apartment she rented next to Sugarcube Corner. It was up to Fluttershy to greet this new pony and make sure he had a nice welcome. Luckily she had her friends, who didn't know about the bet yet,  and were surprised to see Fluttershy wanting to be social and Pinkie closed up in her apartment. They knew something was wrong. Pinkie always throws a party for new ponies that she doesn't know. They followed Fluttershy back to Pinkie's apartment to see what was wrong, when they got there they heard Fluttershy and pinkie talking. "Hey Pinkie, I need to use your confetti cannon for the new pony's party. Is that alright?" Fluttershy asked. " Sure, go ahead, but remember it's not part of the bet. I am doing this as a friend," Pinkie replied. "Alright, I got it Pinkie, and you can come to the party but remember to act shy," Fluttershy said as she started to leave her apartment. She then heard hooves down the road and figured that she had been followed by her friends. She told Pinkie she had been followed and Pinkie said they would explain everything at the end of the week. The party planning was set up by Rarity and Fluttershy. It was really pink and purple, plus a lot of ribbons and stuff like that. It looked just like Pinkie Pie had planned this. "Well doesn't this just look magnificent, Darling?" Rarity asked. "Yes, it does Rare. It does look pretty good," Fluttershy responded. "Me and Pinkie normally do this type of stuff, you do know that Flutter," Rarity said. "Yes I do realize that Rare, and your point is what exactly?" Fluttershy responded with a confused look on her face. "W-Well what I'm saying is that... Why isn't Pinkie here is what I am saying," Rarity snapped and caused Fluttershy to eep back in response and curl up. She gained her footing quickly and immediately said "Everything will be explained at a later time, Rarity," before walking off to Twilight's place to see about guests. When she arrived she saw that most of Ponyville was in the library. She talked to Twilight about how many people could be in the library and if she could fit Pinkies confetti cannon in here. Twilight responded with no the cannon could not come in and she would worry about that. After a long discussion with Twilight it was decided that the confetti cannon was to be shot outside and Twilight would worry about the guests. Fluttershy simply told Twilight she was going to go check on Pinkie. When Fluttershy got there she was surprised to see Pinkie lying on the floor shaking with what seemed to be a mix of rage and despair, the pink mare looked different with her mane straight and a murderous look on her face. Fluttershy walked up to Pinkie and asked if she was alright. "I'm not okay, Flutter," Pinkie replied. "What's wrong Pinkie?" Fluttershy asked "Let me tell you about my childhood on the rock farm," Pinkie responded nervously. "Are you sure Pinkie? You always sound so nervous when talking about the rock farm," Fluttershy reassured her. "I need someone to explain it to." Pinkie simply stated. As Pinkie explained her childhood on the rock farm Fluttershy felt sorrow and rage and a some sort of understanding as to why Pinkie ran away and came to Ponyville. At the end of the story Fluttershy started crying and told Pinkie how sorry she felt for her. Pinkie only replied with a thank you for caring. By the time Pinkie was done with her story it was time for the party for the new pony. Everypony was there and Applejack was serving cider and Rainbow was chugging it down as fast as it was being served. Twilight was enjoying the music Vinyl Scratch and Octavia were playing. Rarity was dancing with the new stallion whom the party was for. By the time Fluttershy and Pinkie got to the party it was in full swing. Everypony was enjoying themselves. The party was a blast as all the girls playfully flirted with the new stallion and laughed at his embarrassed expression (he found out later in the evening they were just having fun so nobody got mad) and after a while he started laughing as well. > Pinkie's Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My life has always been a living hell. It started as a kid when my father would beat me daily to remind me what he would do if I misbehaved. My father was a very cruel pony, who tried to have total control over everypony who came his way, especially towards me and my mother. Thinking back now my mother was a kind woman who would sneak me food and water, talk with me in the late nights while I cried in pain and just, in general, give me enough love to keep me going. Until the day came that "IT" happened. ....................................................................,........................................ "You stupid bitch." " I couldn't let her starve you ungrateful ..." *SMACK* "I told you she was not to be fed and you fed her!" "And you would have let her starve to death!" That was just a bit of what I heard while locked in my room. What I heard maybe an hour later was extremely horrifying. "You dumb bitch, I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" " NOO please put that down please!" * THUMP THUMP THUMP* " NOW GET THE FUCK UP OFF THE FLOOR AND MAKE ME SOME DAMN FOOD!" "Dad I-I think you killed her." "What the FUCK did you just say to me!" "I said I think you killed her dad, and you did kill her, YOU FUCKING MONSTER!" ....................................................................,........................................ What happened after that was Pinkamena killed her father using a knife she carried with her to check on her mother. Pinkamena then repeatedly stabbed her father to let out years worth of anger and frustration and abuse. She then went and checked on her mother, and broke down in sobs when Pinkie saw her, she was in a pool of blood ( a mix of her and her husband's) and motionless. It was at that moment she realized her father had killed her, not her mother but Pinkamena Dianne Stone. It was also at that moment when she smiled for the first time (for the fact she ended her miserable life) and it was a genuine smile. At that moment she earned her cutie mark. > Return To The Present > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That story was very sad," Fluttershy simply stated. "Yeah, my mother did live after that but it wasn't the same. She was a vegetable in the hospital and then I told them to just let her die.  We had a funeral, everyone showed up. I was told to stay with my aunt but I ran away and came here, changed my name and now here I am with you guys," Pinkie responded. It was then that Fluttershy finally understood. Understood what? Why Pinkie was always happy, why she never showed sadness or anger. She understood why Pinkie didn't want the bet on the inside but did it for her marefriend. Fluttershy began to cry. She cried and cried for awhile. Pinkie understood this and went to comfort her marefriend. When the party started Fluttershy was ready and happy, while Pinkie was depressed and straight haired. When they got there they saw that the other girls were surrounding the new stallion. They walked over and said hello. "Hello, how are you doing this evening Mr...?" asked Fluttershy. "Thunder, and I'm fine Fluttershy is it?" "How do you know my name, Mr. Thunder?" Fluttershy asked, surprised. Thunder explained how he was an orphan and he admired the six mares in front of him and decided to move to Ponyville. The girls looked at him and laughed and each one kissed him on the cheek. "What are y'all doing?" he asked, while blushing. "We are repaying your kindness, good sir," said Applejack. " I just had nothing to look up to for as long as I can remember so I just heard about you six and I liked what y'all did so y'all became my heroes," said Thunder. "Well, I'm glad that my awesome was enough for you,  Thunder," Rainbow Dash said as she flew around his little house. ............................................................................................................     After the party Thunder found himself as red as Big Mac and the girls must have kissed him on the cheek at least a hundred times each. He recalled the events that unfolded and laughed as he remembered Fluttershy shooting the party cannon. He escorted the rest of the guests out once the party was done. He was tired and his bed was calling to him so he decided to just go to sleep and dream about the best day of his life. ............................................................................................................ As Pinkie Pie walked Fluttershy home she looked over at her marefriend and smiled a little. She remembered her days on the farm and that made her sad but Fluttershy smiling like that made her feel better. When she murdered her father she was glad the monster that tortured her so long was dead but after the happiness was gone the guilt and sadness sank in and she cried for her father whom she had killed as well as the monster. She started to cry. "Pinkie what's wrong?" asked Fluttershy. "It's just my father and mother," replied Pinkie who was still crying. "I'm sorry Pinkie... I know it's hard for you," said Fluttershy who was trying to comfort Pinkie. When they arrived at Fluttershy's cottage Pinkie said goodbye and when Fluttershy walked in Pinkie walked back to her apartment alone and she was still crying. Her guilt had come back and she slowly began to break again thinking about the joy she felt as the knife slowly entered his head. She started smiling as she entered her apartment.