The Plague Doctor

by Moniker

First published

Tybalt Lockshadow; a doctor who got his start when the black plague began, he wakes up to pastel ponies. He believes this is a symptom of the plague and decides to 'take care of' the problem.

Tybalt Lockshadow; a doctor who got his start when the black plague began. When he wakes from a slumber he sees a most unusual sight... ponies. When he feels this is a symptom of the plague (he's never got it so he is not all sure) takes matters in his own hands and 'takes care of' the sight of ponies.

The Plague pt.1

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The Plague Doctor

The Plague pt.1

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A bleak day for the Medieval times indeed - the plague spread like a wild fire - never has so many people died in the past few days. First were bumps around the infected body, then came not being able to move, finally the agony of a slow painful death.

Along the streets was what was left of the civilization and its beauty if it had any anymore. A man limped over to a stand. "Doctor, Doctor, help," the man pleaded limping over. He had no lumps so he mustn't have been infected, so, what was the problem?

"What is the problem Mr.?" the Doctor asked seeing him only limp lightly.

He panted, must've came from afar. "Help . . . me," the man panted heavily as he tried to regain his breath. The Doctor was growing impatient as the man continued to try and regain his breath.

The Doctor crossed his arms in anger. "What is your problem if you have no problem, please leave," he demanded the man still catching his breath. After a while the man regained his breath.

"Help me Doctor!" he made it sound urgent.

The Doctor ran to the man. "What is the problem?" he asked tilting the man's head left and right.

The man pointed to his leg. "I think I might have sprung my ankle," he rubbed the back of his head.

The Doctor slapped the top of his mask. "Fine, I'm Tybalt Lockshadow, please, come in," he normally gets the kind of injured that die in agony a few days after treatment.

"Asher Forthwind pleased to meet you Tybalt Lockshadow." Then, the man violently coughed - blood showing at that - Tybalt looked to the man who seemed to be scared at this point.

Tybalt looked to the man - horrified at the sight of his own blood - Tybalt put his hand on his shoulder. "When did this first start?" Tybalt asked trying to get words from this otherwise speechless Asher.

He shook his head but quickly stopped talking - maybe it wasn't a good idea to grab a big needle - again Asher shook his head. The silence filled the room - Tybalt still getting the needle ready - Tybalt saw the terror on his face, mouth still bleeding intently with another cough Forthwind saw some more . . . solid pieces in the blood: guts, some of his past meal, some of his irritating throat, and bits of his other organs.

Tybalt Lockshadow - scared yet intrigued with the coughing blood thing - he walked closer. "This is . . . new," he admitted to Asher Forthwind. Tybalt fiddled with his bird like mask making sure it was on properly. "Let's get started, shall we?" Tybalt tapped the small seat.

Asher walked up to the chair, he couldn't get comfortable - terrified for his life - he bit his lip. "This . . . this won't hurt will it Tybalt?" Asher asked - shaking slightly in terror - scared for what will happen.

Tybalt shook his head. "Goodness no Asher, it's just a little leach," he said as he pulled out a jar of leaches next to three needles - varying in size - with that Asher gulped he'd never been treated by a Doctor before.

Asher began to shake then something came over him and he began to scream - in agony Tybalt knows it well - Tybalt's eyes widening, he knew what was happening . . . The Black Plague was taking another sudden victim. Tybalt sighed as another patient fell victim of the cursed Black Plague. Tybalt stood by his stand as he normally does. He smiled under that mask. Soon seeing another potential costumer covered in bumps. Tybalt saw the man walk over.

"C-Can you help me?" the man asked hoping for a yes.

Tybalt nodded to answer the question. "Of course, come with me." With that Lockshadow showed the man - Lockshadow doesn't care to know his name - Lockshadow pat the seat where the man shall sit. The man with no fight sat down violently coughing. "C-Can you help?" he asked another loud cough escaping his lips blood dripping out of the lips.

Tybalt was glad he asked. "Of course I can, don't worry, you'll be back to your old self in no time," he assured slightly unsure of himself in honesty. He was never one to say no to the one who he would be treating. He wishes not to worry him.

The man smiled happily to the sound of the yes. "Good," he simply said his voice raspy from the coughing he had done. Soon enough just like Asher there was many solid bits and pieces of his body on the ground blending in the smell of blood. He smiled he loves that smell, the smell of fresh blood, though he would never like to take his protective mask off to get a better smell.

He quickly grabbed a leach and placed it to the man's arm. The man sighed as the leach did its job, the man beginning to cough up less blood; still coughing a bit of blood. Tybalt Lockshadow pat the man's back as the leach kept sucking the blood away - that won't work however - Tybalt saw as the man's eyes closed . . . forever. Yet another victim right?

No one else came to his stand with that he decided to close early and get some rest.

Lockshadow walked to his room having the essentials: a bed, a small kitchen where he made his meals as he was not married and had no one to cook for him, a small living room with a chair, a room leading to the street, and a small bathroom which had of course a pot, he had two, one in his true bathroom and one by his bed. Tybalt sighed as he walked to his chamber pot and relieved himself, then Lockshadow smiled as he then fell to the chair nothing special about the chair. He felt little anymore, ever since he started working. Tybalt sighed as he lay back on the bed and went to sleep. The day was a hard one. Water dripped from the roof of the house as he began to fall asleep.

Tybalt slowly opened his eyes the sudden light blinding him under his mask; his green eyes squinting at the bright scenery. "God, where am I?" he wondered he knows nothing of any land with such vibrant colors - yet that is - he rubbed the goggles of the mask he wore. With that he noticed a pony walk up to him with a small trot. His jaw fell to the ground under the mask hiding his face. "Howdy there Mister, - It can talk!? - name's Applejack, the most dependable of all ponies," she crossed her hooves in front of her. Sure his vision was still a bit blurry but he can make out that that thing . . . isn't human.

"What the hell are you!?" he fell backwards. "Are you a side effect from the Plague?" he snapped his fingers. "That's it - he's wrong about that - you have to be a side effect of the Plague! Wait, when did I get the Plague?" he tapped the tip of his mask.

Applejack fell silent as the thought of the Plague came to her. "What are ya talkin' 'bout?" she tilted her head slightly to the left.
With that Tybalt Lockshadow lunged at her beginning to strangle the life out of her. "If . . . this . . . is . . . a . . . side effect . . . I won't go down without a fight!" he protested continuing to strangle Applejack with his bare hands. Applejack trying to fight back which only led to a massive amount of both gasping for air and coughing up blood from the strangle. "Die cursed pony! DIE!" he screamed at the top of his lungs as he saw something sharp, not a sword, a syringe. He smirked as he reached for the syringe in the saddlebag. Tybalt soon followed it with a laugh as he took the syringe and pierced the orange mare's skull using her massive left eye as targets. He took it out and for good measure took the syringe and stabbed it inside the mare's other eye. She clearly got a shot and that's where the syringe came from. With that he let another scream as blood splattered on his black outfit. "Goodnight, sweet dreams," he said pulling the now bloody syringe out of the mare's right eye. "Be ready for everything I've got, I will, if I die today, put up one hell of a fight," he said as he rose to his feet the syringe dripping with the crimson red liquid slightly lighter shade than the average human's.