A Chance Encounter

by electreXcessive

First published

Lyra has just learned a new spell from Twilight and wants to test it out. Too bad for her teleportation rarely works on the first try, and that octopus is looking at her rather strangely.

After Lyra flubs up a teleportation spell, she ends up stranded and has no clue how to get back. Lucky for her that friendly octopus is there to provide her with some help. Or is it? Why is it looking at her like that? Will Lyra be able to get home? Find out here.

Warning: This clopfic is a tentacle porn clopfic. It is non-consensual this time around, so please don't read if you're offended by that. I don't condone non-consensual sex and am in fact very opposed to it. I will never write a fic depicting pony on pony rape or non-consensual fics that do not involve tentacles. The alternate endings do contain snuff and the third contains gore. Please do not read if you are easily offended by these things.

Author's Notes: Obviously a tentacle clopfic.

Some opinions on this fic:

Alexstrazsa: The mere premise pleases me.

La Barata: You have a good, solid idea, and you execute it well. You just need to work on your flow a bit more, and try to tone down the profanity.

Anonymous: If you ever see an octopus with one arm that's slightly shorter than the rest, it's a male.
And that's his penis.
And now you're probably remembering that character from Finding Nemo.

A Chance Encounter

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Lyra opened her eyes halfway to the sound of yelling from her hallway. She blinked a few times in an attempt to get her wits about her as she sat upright in her bed. Why is somepony shouting at me? Isn't it Saturday or something? I don't have work today, so that can't be it... The weekend is my only time off! I'm supposed to be able to sleep in to my heart's content, not be woken up in the morning so early! She looked around her bedroom and eyed the clock on her wall, noting that the time was around seven o'clock AM. The rhythmic tick-tock of the clock pierced her brain as she sat in place, still trying to think of why she should be up so early today. She could feel that something important was supposed to happen today, and that it was going to be an exciting day, but she couldn't quite remember why.

Is Pinkie Pie giving away free pastries again? No... That doesn't sound right. Is Bon-Bon going to make pancakes for breakfast again finally? Those things are so amazing... Lyra shook her head as little rivets of drool escaped her mouth, then tapped her head with her hoof as she thought, trying to remember what made today so special. She got off the bed and onto her hooves, nearly falling over due to her dead legs. She stomped the ground with her hooves to get their feeling back as her mind began sluggishly gaining more clarity. At this point though, all she could think was that she was tired, and whoever was yelling had better have a damn good reason for waking her up. She heard the sound of annoyed shouts and stomps coming up the stairs; now she could actually make out what the pony was yelling as her fog filled mind cleared out.

"Lyra, you better get your butt up and get ready to go! Twilight's expecting you there in thirty minutes! You don't want to be late! Again. Hurry up! You didn't forget that she was going to be giving you lessons today did you?"

Oh shoot, that's right! Twilight's supposed to be teaching me how to teleport today! She's gonna be so pissed at me if I'm late, and Bon will never let me hear the end of it! I'd better get ready to go!

Lyra ran out of her room and pushed past an annoyed Bon-Bon, running into the living room. She looked into the kitchen and eyed a large batch of freshly made pancakes. Drool started to pool in the corners of her mouth as the intoxicating scent of buttermilk and maple filled her nostrils. Not only was she learning to teleport today—which was cool in its own right—she would get pancakes too? Lyra gave a small squee of delight before running up to the batch of pancakes. She dipped her face down into the stack and chewed loudly, bits of flying pancake and loud snorts punctuating each bite. By the time she lifted her head from the plate, she'd eaten nearly half of it within the span of half a minute. Bon-Bon came down the stairs, heaving a heavy sigh as she watched her friend and room mate clear the debris from her culinary massacre off of her coat.

"Really?! Did you drink the syrup straight from the bottle? And where're all of the pancakes that were in the stack? You ate half of them alrea—" Bon-Bon shook her head and sighed as she watched her friend burp loudly and wipe the extra syrup from her mouth. "You know what? Just go brush your teeth and get ready to go. I don't even want to know..." She moved over to Lyra and grabbed her gently by the mane. "Come on. Get ready. Go on." She gave Lyra a slight push towards the stairs and turned to observe the carnage in her kitchen.

Lyra used the extra momentum to break into a run upstairs and into the bathroom, quickly uncapping her tube of tooth paste and sloppily brushing her teeth. Somehow she managed to get most of the pancake's remnants and the extra syrup syrup off of her now pristine teeth. Was there anything else she needed to do? She remembered that Twilight had told her to eat a good breakfast, get lots of rest, and show up on time. Check... Sorta check... And holy crud. She looked at the clock she'd hung over the bathroom mirror in case of emergencies like this and broke into a cold sweat as she saw the ticking hands lock on to the seven-twenty mark. Oh shoot, if I'm late again Twilight's gonna kill me. I don't even have an excuse this time.

With a quick gargle and rinse, she took off out of the bathroom. She didn't think she needed anything else, and she was about to be late, so she did the only thing she could. Sliding down the banister of the stairs, she grabbed her favorite hoodie off of the couch and leapt to the door. Lyra never went anywhere without bringing her trademark hoodie along with her.


With that, Lyra ran out the door, taking off down the street towards Twilight's library. Bon-Bon turned back towards the ravished pile of pancakes, sighing heavily. Parts of some of them had huge bite marks in them, and others had hoof prints from when Lyra had leaned on the counter to eat her breakfast.

"Eww... Gross! I am not eating these!" she said, dumping the remaining ones into the trash. "Another batch wasted... And why does she even wear that stupid hoodie anyway?"

Lyra stopped outside of the door to the library, leaning against it in an attempt to catch her breath. Now would have been a great time to know that teleport spell. Then I wouldn't have had to gallop all the way to the library and waste my energy, and I wouldn't have had to get up so early. She wheezed and hacked while trying to catch her breath for a moment. With a tired hoof, she knocked feebly on the door and waited for Twilight to open the door. She was excited to learn how to teleport finally, so that she wouldn't have to do things like... well, this for instance. Lyra dropped to the ground, exhausted from her early morning jog.

The door opened with lavender glow, revealing the buidling's owner and resident, Twilight Sparkle. For a moment, Twilight looked around, confused for a moment as she saw nopony standing in the doorway. She looked down and giggled, seeing the sprawled out Lyra lying on her doorstep, and carried her inside with her magic.

"Lyra, why did you run all the way here? You know that you still had over 4 minutes left until our meeting right?"

"Wha— You mean I didn't have to run all the way here? Ughh... Why did I agree to this again?" Lyra groaned, getting up onto her hooves.

"Because you want to learn how to finally teleport so you don't have to go running around everywhere? And because you still don't know how to teleport even though you're twenty-two years old? Or because I'm the most qualified unicorn in town to teach you, and you know that nopony else would be willing to teach you afte—"

"Alright, alright, I get it already. Gotta keep bringing up that incident with Rarity huh? When are you ponies gonna get over that?" Lyra pouted."It's not my fault that she had gel in her hair."

"As soon as you stop doing things like that," Twilight deadpanned.

Lyra just rubbed the back of her neck, grinning sheepishly.

"Alright... So... We gonna get started? I'm ready to go if you are, teach!"

"Alright," Twilight started. "First off, you need to understand the basic concepts behind teleportation. When you teleport, you are essentially moving your body and it's essence into a parallel plane, and moving yourself through that plane until you reach a certain point that you are aiming for. While you're moving, you have to keep your mind focused and clear on the point that you want to reach, or else you'll lose your course and end up teleporting to some random place that you weren't aiming for. Are you following so far?"

Lyra snapped out of her zoned state, looking around the room.

"Huh... What? Yeah... I heard everything... Teleporting... Focusing... All of that good stuff. So, can you teach me how to teleport now? I'm more of a hooves on learner."

"Ugh... Lyra... Teleporting is not something that you can just pick up and go with! Who knows what could happen? You'd just be putting yourself in danger! I swear sometimes that you're Rainbow wearing a unicorn costume..." Twilight sighed and rubbed her temples. "Now, do you understand the basics of teleportation or not?"

"Fine... Ahem... The basics of teleportation are that you are travelling through an alternate dimension plane thingy... Yadda yadda... You have to keep your mind focused and clear so that you don't end up teleporting yourself to some random place. There, are you happy now?"

"Yes... I suppose you understand the basic concepts well enough. Now, if you want to get started, here's how it works. Clear your mind and focus... I want you to imagine that you're moving to the center of the library, but keep yourself absolutely still. Just imagine yourself appearing there, right in the center of the room. Do you have it down?"

"Yeah. I've got it," Lyra said, keeping her eyes closed to help her focus.

"Alright, now I want you to channel your magic to your horn, and imagine yourself flying to that spot. Keep your focus, and just think about getting to that spot, and only about getting to that spot. Now, when I count to three, let the magic you've built up flow out, do you get it?"

Lyra simply nodded as she focused her mind on reaching that spot, channeling her magic into the tip of her horn. She was both excited and nervous; she was finally learning how to teleport! She had to be careful though; as much as she liked to be casual and nonchalant about things, she knew that this was serious business. Any mess up could mean the difference between life and death, or leaving a limb behind. Lyra gulped and tried to focus her mind even harder. She felt her magic building up as she imagined soaring like a wingless pegasus over to the spot that Twilight had indicated.

"One... Two... Three!"

On three Lyra let the magic that had built up flow out of herself, feeling it leech outward and into the world. As she imagined flying to that spot, she felt herself lifting up. Her whole body felt like it was rocketing forward almost at the speed of light as she turned to liquid. It tickled a bit as she felt her very essence being rearranged and reassembled atom by atom. As she landed, she stumbled a bit, not landing properly on her hooves as she had intended and face-planting into the floor.

"Very good Lyra! Not bad at all for your first time!"

"Ugh... That. Was... Awesome! Can we do that again?!" Lyra shouted, excited that her first teleport hadn't split her into four equal parts or anything of the like.

"It's up to you. You just need to focus a bit more when you jump next time. Other than that, it looked pretty good! If you want to keep practicing, I'll keep an eye on you."

Lyra smiled, jumping up a bit and preparing herself for another teleport. As she continued to jump around the room, she could feel that she was having the time of her life. Never before had she had experienced such a thrill; never before had she truly felt such an exhilarating rush of adrenaline. This time, she would try to teleport without counting to three. She readied herself, building up the magic in her horn as she imagined the middle of the room once more.

Alright, let's do this!

She felt herself building up the magic. It was time for another jump, and she was excited. She readied herself, getting ready to unleash the magic from the horn and launch herself through the oblivion to the middle of the room. As she released the magic from her horn once again, she felt a different feeling building up in her stomach. Almost as if... At the last second, she burped, the taste of the pancakes from that morning flowing forward into her mouth as her thoughts were momentarily drawn back to them. As her magic released, she could tell that she wasn't going where she had planned, and she could only think one thought as she raced through the ether.

Oh shit... Fucking pancakes.

Lyra felt her body finally tumbling out of the other plane, slowly skidding to a stop. She could feel something rubbing up around her from all sides, caressing her body and fitting her form perfectly. Panicking and still with her eyes closed, she started to flail, her forelegs splashing about. Slowly, she opened her, eyes, only to see a vast expanse of ocean spanning out in front of her. In every direction she turned, nothing but glistening water and the golden rays of the sun greeted her, teasing her with their beautiful emptiness. All around her, there was no land or civilization to be seen. Just mile after mile of empty expanse.

"Well heck... Now what am I supposed to do...? Twilight didn't teach me long distance teleportation, and I have no idea where I am in relation to Ponyville anyway... Think Lyra, think!"

As Lyra continued to tread water, something watched her below the surface of the waves, eyeing her every movement. It watched as she kept in place, moving her legs back and forth, eyeing her with interest. Slowly, it crept up on her, moving over to her side and brushing up against her leg.

Lyra nearly jumped out of the water with a start, looking frantically around for what had touched against her. For all she knew, there could be sharks, orcas, or any number of predators in the ocean waiting to consume her. Looking down, she caught sight of something just under the surface, rising to meet her. What was it? Was it going to eat her? She started to panic as she imagined herself being chewed apart and eaten by a vicious sea beast. Only for a large octopus to float up next to her.

Lyra eyed the creature curiously as it eyed her back. The octopus seemed to be looking at her rather strangely, swimming around her and watching her like a hawk. Still, it wasn't a shark or a sea beast right? What harm could it do to her? Heck, maybe it was even friendly?

"Uh... Hey big guy... Umm... Do you know where land is from here?"

The octopus just continued to look at her in that strange way. It was starting to unnerve her. She had the strangest feeling that she should try to get out of the area at once, or at least draw her hoodie closer around her body. Why was it looking at her like that, its eyes gazing over her body as if looking at a painting? Still where was she going to go? There was nothing around for miles, and she couldn't swim all the way to civilization.

"Uh... Buddy? Could you please just point me to where the nearest piece of land is? I'd really like to get home an—"

Lyra didn't get to finish her sentence as the strange creature dove back under the surface of the water. She looked around in every direction, searching for where it had gone off to. Maybe she had bored it? Maybe it had just swam away? These thoughts didn't do much to comfort Lyra; for some reason she had a strange tingling sensation down her spine, almost as if somepony was watching her. She didn't know why she felt so uncomfortable out here in the ocean, after all, she was all alone out here.

Her eyes shot open as she felt another something brushing against her leg. She frantically kicked out, looking into the surface of the water for her attacker. She felt something grab her leg as she continued to struggle to get away. What ever was holding her was strong, and it wasn't planning on letting her go, at least, not until it got what it wanted. She felt it trying to pull her down as she kicked out with her other leg, struggling to free herself.

She felt her other leg get immediately grabbed, forcing her to try frantically to stay afloat with only her forelegs. She felt herself slowly getting dragged under as whatever was holding her tried to pull her under the surface. Another appendage wrapped around her lower torso, causing her to squeak and tense up in surprise. Dragged down under the surface, she frantically tried to flail her limbs and get an eye on just what was attacking her. To her surprise, it was the large octopus from earlier, two tentacles wrapped around her hindlegs, and one wrapped around her bottom half.

Come on! Teleport! Anywhere! Go anywhere! I have to get out of here!

Lyra tried to gather up magic in her horn in a frantic attempt to escape before the octopus brought two more tentacles up, one wrapping around her horn and one covering her nostrils. It held Lyra down as she continued to struggle fruitlessly, slowly running out of breath. As she opened her mouth to scream, or gasp for air, or do anything, a tentacle shot into her open mouth, forcing its way inside.

The octopus pushed her to the surface and uncovered her snout, allowing her to breath desperately for air. With one swift motion, its remaining tentacles focused on her hoodie, tearing it straight off of her body. She was naked now, completely defenseless, just like it had wanted in the first place.

Lyra tried to bite down on the tentacle in her mouth, but it was no use. It's enormous volume filled her entire mouth, and it's natural slimy coating caused her teeth to slide along it's bumpy surface, unable to puncture the sturdy appendage. She could taste the briny, salty taste as the tentacle pushed itself inside of her throat. She wanted to gag, but she found that she couldn't do anything. The octopus had her totally restrained.

As Lyra continued to struggle, the tight grip of the octopus' tentacles just tightened. The tentacle around her waist started to move up and down, caressing her frame, as the remaining two tentacles began to massage her flanks. Lyra let out a large yelp at the unexpected gentle motions; in any other circumstance, they would have felt soothing, but now they just made her cringe at the thought of the bumpy tentacles caressing her. The appendage moving up and down her waist put a revolting feeling in the pit of her stomach. Slowly, the tentacle began to lower itself as the other two continued to rub her cutie marks.

The tentacle slowly brought itself closer to Lyra's nether regions, giving her clit a small flick. A sudden shock of pleasure and incredible pain shot through her, causing her body to freeze in shock. It began to rub itself in small circles around Lyra's marehood, causing her to moan slightly through the tentacle in her mouth. She tried desperately to gain enough focus to cast any spell to defend herself, but the continuous waves of pleasure kept her mind cloudy and defenseless.

As the tentacle continued its onslaught of Lyra's clit, the last unoccupied tentacle moved up, beginning to rub against her folds. The bumpy texture as the tentacle rubbed against her folds filled her with a sense of disgust, but she could feel heat rushing to her face. She struggled to hold back moans, as she felt herself filling with shame.

For a few more minutes, the tentacles continued their sexual massage until Lyra was reduced to a quivering, moaning mess. The tentacle rubbing her slit stopped its repetitive motion, instead placing its tip against her marehood and beginning to prod her nethers. She felt another surge of pleasure as her eyes shot open, causing her to try and close her hindlegs with all of her might. Sadly for her, the tentacles were too strong.

With the strength of five stallions, the octopus spread her legs apart, eyeing her pussy hungrily. Lyra let out a gasp of horror and revulsion as she felt it pierce her folds, going deep into her body. The bumps along its surface only served to excite her more, rubbing against her walls with every thrusting motion that the tentacle made. She felt her body starting to heat up as her walls clamped down on the tentacle against her will, bringing her closer and closer to the edge.

The tentacles continued their thrusting motions as the tentacles massaging her flanks slowed to a stop. Quickly, they brought themselves to her abdomen, beginning to play with her teets. Lyra felt her whole body tense up, her inner walls clamping down on the intruder like a vice grip, each thrust filling her with an intense sensation of pleasure. She wanted to fight back, but she couldn't command her body to do anything. Her mind was filled with a mixture of torturous emotions, bringing her closer and closer to the edge.

With one final thrust, she felt herself finally reaching climax. Her juices shot out into the water around her, surrounding her in a mixture of ocean water and her own bodily fluids. She felt herself close to the verge of tears and filled with shame. Shame that she had gotten herself into this situation, and hadn't been able to defend herself. She hoped that it'd had its fill, and that it would let her go now.

She let out a small sigh as she felt the octopus let pulled out and let her go, everything except for her horn and hindlegs. Her sense of relief was quickly drowned out with horror as she felt something prodding her plot. She tried her hardest to clench her muscles to defend herself.

No... Nonononon! Please Celestia don't-

Her eyes shot open in confusion and pain as she felt the octopus push its way inside of her asshole. An explosion of pain shot through her as she felt tears start streaming down her eyes. The tentacle in her mouth withdrew as she cried out in pain, sniffling as the tentacle started to thrust back and forth in her backside. Three more tentacles converged on her, two shoving them selves into her swollen pussy, and another shoving itself deep inside her asshole, joining its brother.

She felt her double stuffed holes being stretched almost to tearing as the tentacles that had been holding her quickly went back to flicking her tits and rubbing her clit. The tentacles continued their vicious onslaught of her body until she was close to the edge again. The mixture of pain and pleasure made her climax even faster than before, her juices once again exploding into the water around her.

Slowly, the octopus fully released her. Lyra just floated on the surface, crying and gasping through the pain shooting through her. Suddenly, she felt it grab her one last time, pulling her whole body underneath the surface. It quickly began to pull her further down into the ocean, the lingering light of the sun slowly going darker and darker and she began to lose breath.

Oh my Celestia... I'm going to die here... Focus! Come on! Focus! Please! Somepony save me from this!

She focused the last remnants of her energy in a moment of desperation, feeling the magic building up in her horn. Suddenly, she felt herself ready to teleport again as her oxygen supply finally ran out, causing her to panic. As she released the magic and felt herself fly away from that evil place, she could only think one thing.

Bring me somewhere... Anywhere but here...

Twilight Sparkle broke out of her concentration, surprised at the mint green mare crashing through her windowing and landing in the center of her library. The mare was dripping wet and gasping for air, crying and muttering as she shook uncontrollably. Twilight slowly drew closer to her, approaching her with caution.

"L-Lyra? What's wrong? Where did you go? I've been trying to find you ever since you disappeared earlier! H-hey, are you alright right?"

Lyra slowly brought her trembling head up, looking Twilight in the face. Her eyes were puffy and red and it was obvious that she had been crying. Suddenly Twilight noticed Lyra clenching her hindlegs together as if trying to shield herself from something.

"Lyra, tell me what happened..." Twilight said, wrapping her hoof around Lyra.

Lyra pushed it away, just trembling even more at her touch. Twilight swore that she could hear Lyra muttering something behind shuttering breaths. As she leaned her head in closer to catch what she was hearing, she caught one word over and over.


Alternate Ending One: Goodbye Sunshine

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Warning: This ending does indeed contain death. If you do not like this sort of thing, then please do not read this ending. You have been fore-warned.

Slowly, the octopus relinquished its hold on her. Lyra just floated on the surface, crying and gasping through the pain shooting through her whole body. She felt violated. She felt... used. Suddenly, she felt it grab her one last time, though this time was different... It was more forceful and violent. The tentacle wrapped around her neck and squeezed before curling back around to her mouth.

"N-no! Please, let me go! What else do you want from me?! I never did anything to you! You already finished, please!"

Tears fell down her face as she tried desperately to break free of the iron grip that held her tight. She felt the tentacle obstruct her airway again, another wrapping around her chest. She went into full panic mode as she felt it pulling her under again.

It pulled her further and further beneath the surface, the last rays of hope from the sun slowly getting darker and darker. She was running out of breath, and she had to make a last ditch move, anything to try and get out of this situation. She tried to focus, drawing all of her remaining energy into her horn for one last attempt at escape. She felt the magic building up in her horn as she felt her last reserves of oxygen running out.

Please... Please Celestia... Please let me get out of here. Anywhere... Anywhere but here, please!

She felt the magic build up and release itself, coming out only as a feeble ball of light, illuminating the dark water around her. She couldn't feel it with the water all around her, but she knew that she was crying. This was how she would die, alone, cold, and violated. She felt her precious seconds tick by as she felt her lungs crying out for air. Her focus wavered as she attempted to build up the magic required for the spell once again. Each time it fizzled out. With it died her hopes of ever escaping.

She opened her mouth in one last feeble attempt to scream. The water quickly entered her lungs, cutting of her breath and slowly strangling the life out of her. Everything around her began to get dimmer and dimmer as she felt the life fade from her body. Her chest heaved quickly in shallow breaths as she tried to suck in air, but each time she did it only got harder to breath. Before long, she felt herself drifting away, lost forever at sea.

As the octopus felt her body go limp and lifeless, it let her go. She had done her job, and he had gotten his fill; she was no longer of use to him anymore. Nothing more than a toy to be used for mere amusement. Slowly, Lyra's lifeless body floated up towards the surface, eventually breaching the top of the water. It just continued to drift there, its cold, dead eyes looking towards the sun, almost as if praying for a salvation that it knew would never come.

Alternate Ending Two: Together Forever

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Slowly, the octopus fully released her. Lyra just floated on the surface, crying and gasping through the pain shooting through her. Suddenly, she felt it grab her one last time, though this time was different... It was more forceful and violent. She suddenly felt one tentacle obstruct her airway again, another wrapping around her chest. She went into full panic mode as she felt it pulling her under again.

It pulled her further and further beneath the surface, the last rays of hope from the sun slowly getting darker and darker. She was running out of breath, and she had to make a last ditch move, anything to try and get out of this situation. She tried to focus, drawing all of her remaining energy into her horn for one last attempt at escape. She felt the magic building up in her horn as she felt her last reserves of oxygen running out.

She felt herself beginning to panic. She had to do something, anything right now or else she would undoubtedly die. She could feel tears pouring down her eyes as she thought of all of the things back home that she would miss. All of the things that she would never get to do with her life.

She felt her magic release, and immediately a strange sensation overcame her body. She could tell that she was still underwater, but for some reason, she didn't feel out of breath anymore. In fact, she was actually... breathing underwater? Her hindlegs also felt stiff, and strange to her for some reason. Her eyes shot open in terror as a sudden realization hit her.

"Please no... No, please Celestia anything but that..."

She could feel the octopus' grip go slack in shock before tightening around her abdomen again. Lyra looked down, only to see... a tail where her hindlegs should be. In her panic, she had performed a spell that would save her from drowning, but not in the way that she wanted. She had turned herself into a sea pony. Lyra looked back at the octopus in fear.

It eyed her curiously before looking at her with an almost evil smile. It brought her closer to itself as she thrashed about, trying to break out of its grasp and swim away. It eyed her body hungrily before bringing her right up to its face. Slowly, its beak started to move as the octopus addressed her.

I thought that you looked pretty before... You know, you taste pretty good for a pony. Now we'll be able to have all sorts of fun together, and I'll never. Let. You. Go.

The octopus gave her an evil smile as it continued to drag her down to its home on the ocean floor. She looked up as the sun and any hope of salvation she had completely vanished from her sight, leaving her here in the black abyss. Her screams echoed unheard through the water, marking her new start in an eternity of torture.

Alternate Ending Three: No Guts, No Glory

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Warning: This ending contains some gore and also death. If you don't like that kind of thing, then please do not read this alt ending. You have been fore-warned.

Lyra felt the octopus grab her tighter this time—more violently. She shuddered as she felt is tentacles on her coat, getting ready to pull her under the surface again. It was done with her, and now she was afraid of what it was going to do to her. She felt it getting ready to pull her under again, but this time something was different about its motions.

She felt it drag her under the surface and hold one tentacle over her nostril, blocking off her air supply and causing her to start to panic. It was going to try to drown her, that much was obvious; she had to do something to try to get herself out of this situation. Trying her best to calm and clear her mind, she felt the magic drawing into her horn and building up. This was it, with this one spell she would be able to get out of here!

Her hope was broken as she felt one of the sturdy tentacle grip onto her horn, curling itself around it. With a sharp pull downwards, she felt her horn snap in two, the magic she had built up exploding outward and lighting up the dark water around her. Extreme pain shot through her body as she felt her last hope break away. She was going to die now and she knew it, tears filled her eyes as she opened her mouth to cry out in pain.

Two tentacles shot down into her mouth, driving themselves far down her throat and completely blocking off her air passageway. Another tentacle shot into her asshole, burying its full length deep inside of her. Her eyes shot open as even more pain shot through her broken and abused body. She could feel the suction cups of the tentacles gripping onto her insides.

The tentacle around her mid-section relaxed, her whole body being held in place by the tentacles impaling her from both ends. She desperately tried to use this chance to try and pull the tentacles out of her and escape, but they were latched on tight to the inside of her body. Suddenly she felt a sharp tug inside of her, nearly knocking her out from the excruciating pain.

She cried out in pain, though it was muffled by the tentacles shoved down her throat. She begged and pleaded for her life with all of her might, praying to Celestia that somepony might come to save her. With a swift tugging motion, the octopus' tentacles pulled her intestines out of her anus, and ripped apart her trachea. She blinked with surprise for a moment as she felt her body being broken from the inside.

An explosion of blood came from her two broken ends, turning the water around her into a bright red color as she felt the water around her rushing into her body. She quickly bled out, her lifeless body beginning to float towards the surface as her internal organs floated about in the water, sinking towards the bottom of the sea.

The octopus didn't care that it had just ended a life. It had gotten what it had wanted from her; she had served her purpose and had to be disposed of. It just shrugged it off, slowly moving downwards towards the bottom of the ocean, adding yet another victim to those it had violated.

Alternate Ending Four: Revenge

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Lyra felt the vile tentacles wrap around her body once more, getting ready to pull her back into the water. Every hole in her body ached. Every part of her mind was screaming at her to give up and let the octopus have its way with her. At least that way it would hurt less in the end. At least that way she might appease the ravenous creature and convince it to let her go at last. She didn't know if she could handle any abuse. She felt... dead inside.

N-no... I can't just give. I can't! What would Bon think? I have to get out of here! What if I die? What about everypony that will miss me? What about everything that I'll leave behind and unfinished? No. No! I won't let it end like this!

Lyra's mind filled with pure, uncontrollable anger as she looked at the disgusting creature in front of her. So willing to violate... So willing to destroy. To claim innocence. In her blind rage, she barely felt the magic beginning to build itself in her horn. She barely felt the magic getting ready to release. For the first time ever, her mind was completely clear and focused on one specific goal.

"You think that you can just do this to ponies? Just because they make one mistake? You think it's okay to just..." Tears began to fall down her face as her horn shone brilliantly, lighting the air like the sun itself. "You think you can just rape them? I'm going to make this never happens again, you sick fuck!"

Lyra felt the magic release from her horn and watched in muffled awe as she saw the octopus explode outward in a cacophony of blood, gore and guts. It's over... Now I just have to get back home. Just gotta get back home. It's safe now, Lyra. You're okay. Just gotta go home... Lyra continued to cry as her horn lit up easily and she disappeared in a flash of light. This was not how she wanted to learned how to teleport.