> The True Nightmare > by Raven Shadow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Nightmare is here > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare consumed every soul within his world, yet Soul Edge demanded more. Was nothing able to sate the demonic blade? It had tasted the blood of every human, beast, and malfested. Yet it hungered for more. Nightmare cursed the blade as it cursed him. "No more souls to feed my blade!" He roared to no one. His dual voices echoed through the wasteland he created. "Worthless world." Soul Edge was plunged into the dirt. The earth forced itself over the symbol of destruction as he put himself into a deep sleep. He waited for when the world would be populated by many pure souls he could feed the cursed sword. The world would fear the Azure Knight once more. With that the earth closed itself upon his form locking him away for untold millenia. When the world would be filled with life once more the Nightmare would begin it's reign of terror. -------- Three million years later. ------ "The legend say that one creature became so fed up with the world that it set the world aflame ending the pain and corruption that the world had. And with it's powerful sword of souls it plunged the great blade deep into the earth, giving life back to the world as we know it." Cheerliee spoke with the lecture ending at the joy of her students. "Wait, so this knight killed everypony only to start again?" Sweetie Belle asked with much confusion. "Well the legend says it grew sick of the corruption of it's world and sought a more pure one." Cheerliee stated matter-of-factly. Her students looked both puzzled and tired. "So it did all that for us? That's cool, not as cool as Rainbow Dash but still pretty cool." Scootaloo said with a grin. "I bet it isn't as cool as Trixe was though!" Snips and Snails both claimed defending their idol. "Wow these losers are still giving me a headache, and it hasn't been a whole day yet." Diamond Tiara groaned, earning a snicker of agreement from Silver Spoon. "Yeah." Silver Spoon nodded. Little did they know the noble knight was just a old mare's tale. The truth was far more gruesome than what the legends would ever say. ------ Deep beneath Sun drop village an ancient evil stirred. The dual voice ripping from it's helm. "The souls are pure and ready to harvest. They will feel my darkness soon." Nightmare laughed darkly at the thought of all the innocent souls falling before Soul Edge. The feeling of the slaughter to come gave wicked being a sense of anticipation. ----- "Alright children your homework is why the knight recreated the world and it better be at least one hundred words long." Cheerliee called to her students as they filed out of the school house. "Hey you guys, what if we found the knight and bring him to class? We'd get A's for sure." Scootaloo whispered to her friends. "We don't even know where the knight is buried, so how would we find it?" Sweetie Belle dismissed quickly. "Ah gotta agree with Sweetie one this one, we ain't got a map ta find it." Applebloom chimed in. "I guess you guys are right." Scootaloo sighed in defeat as they continued their trek to their club house. ------ Sun Drop Village "Aww come on, what's the matter Blue Bell? This spot is sooo cool! The ground like has a heart beat or whatever." "Soda Pop I don't know about this. A lot of the grown ups say we should stay away from the hill." "Blue Bell are you a chicken?" "No i'm not!" "Then let's go!" The two children ran chasing each other to the hill in question, Soda Pop leading the way. The hill laid barren of all life, no trees could or even would grow. The bright green grass made a large circle around the hill. Many of the town's ponies said this spot was holy. The soil though was far from holy, the soil itself became dead as the evil being beneath it slept. It's evil staining the very earth. "Soda Pop we made and its getting late maybe we should head back." Blue Bell panted. "Aww come on chicken. The night sky is so cool from up here." Soda Pop ushered on. Blue Bell sat next to her best friend with a small smile on her face. "Hey Soda Pop." "Yeah Bell?" "I... um... wanted... to ask you... if you wouldliketogooitwithmesometime?" Blue Bell gasped for air. She blushed like mad, in return earning a blush from Soda Pop as well. "If you want to that is." Her answer came as a kiss on the cheek. Realizing what happened her smile grew bigger. Her head found it's way to his shoulder and rested there. "This spot is really pretty." "I told yo-" The ground exploded around them, Showering them with dirt and dust. The two kids were flipped backwards as they were hit with the force propelling upwards. Blue Bell rubbed her eyes free of the debris only to see a huge figure towering over them. She screamed as loud as her lungs could possibly allow her. The figure looked down upon the shrieking filly. It's deep red eyes pricing her very soul. Soda Pop shot in front of the beast and took a heroic stance. "You will not harm this fair maiden foul beast!" Soda Pop's voice cracked at the volume he had to speak. The dull red eyes turned down to him. "Innocence souls for my sword." Nightmare's voice shook the child's mind. As Soda Pop began to back away Nightmare's disfigured right hand shot forward, holding the colt's head. With a sickening crunch the colt fell to the floor. Blue Bell ran, she ran as fast as she could to the safety of her home. Behind her she could hear the deep laugh of the beast that killed her crush. "Run to where you will never be safe little one. Your soul will become apart of the Nightmare!" Nightmare called into the night. His heavy feet smashed large amounts of rock as he followed the terrified filly. Blue Bell never thought that tonight would be the night she would die, the thought never entered her mind. Yet here she was running full speed away from some monster who just killed Soda Pop. The village was just in her sight, soon she would be safe, soon she would wake up from this nightmare. Her tiny legs were growing tired as she had been running for what seemed like hours, but her mind told her to go on. There was the promised land; home. She sped faster, her body would soon collapse from fatigue. She was too close to give up now. She quickly opened the door, shutting it and locking it. Her parents quickly came down to see what made all the noise. "Blue Bell?! You are in big trouble missy." "Dad... Thing... Soda Pop... dead..." Blue Bell gasped for air. Her mother and father both shared looks of concern. "It GOT SODA POP!" "What got him? Where have you been? Your father and I have been worried sick about you!" "That thing! It killed Soda Pop! And it chased after me!" These were the only words her father needed to hear. He stepped over to the fire place to un sheath his sword. As he turned to his family the glass window shattered as a body flew inside. Blue Bell began to weep at the sight of Soda Pop's crushed head. Her father stormed outside with righteous anger. "Oh Sweet Celestiaaaaghhhhh!" Silence. The silence was the most chilling noise. No bats could be heard, no bugs flew around, nothing dared to move. The side of the house was torn asunder as the hulking form of the monster responsible for the deaths stepped inside. The red eyes flashed with pure malice, slowly it brought up its wicked weapon. "The shackles that held me are broken. Once more I shall harvest your pathetic souls!" Nightmare's blade came down. > Souls for the Sword > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare crushed Blue Bell's mother beneath the massive sword. His eyes turned back to the frightened filly. "The souls that reside in you pathetic creatures sate my sword's hunger, but it still demands more!" The filly backed away from the bipedal beast who advanced on her. It's red eyes never blinking as it moved closer. She felt the wall against her back, terror shook her body. This was the end for her. The disfigured right hand shot at her and held her high above the ground. She had no escape nor any way to escape from the monster. Then her memory thought back to old mare tales. Could this be Nightmare Moon? She at least had to know if it was. "Before I die, I want to know... Are you Nightmare Moon?" "Your Nightmare Moon is nothing compared to the darkness of the abyss!" His right hand launched the poor filly strait into the nearest wall, breaking her neck with ease. No doubt the whole commotion woke the rest of the village, Nightmare smiled to himself with wicked grin. A few residents came towards the home he was in with swords and pitch forks at the ready. "Hey anypony in there come out with your hooves up!" Called one of the males, he fumbled with his makeshift weapon. Soon his blood would stain the ground and his soul would be apart of Nightmare's being. Nightmare smashed through one of the last sturdy walls, causing the small home to crumble to the ground. Each stallion jumped backwards. "What in Celestia's name is that thing!" One cried out. Before any could answer him Nightmare picked him up. "Tremble in the darkness of the abyss!" Roared Nightmare as the hilt of the massive sword crushed the skull of the stallion. With ease the body flew towards the group, forcing many to jump away from being hit. Nightmare laughed as the petty beings scurried away from their friend's body. With the distraction in play, Nightmare swung his sword downward. Cleaving two ponies in half, their inside spilling out for all to see. They pushed their fears aside to face down the monster who was responsible for this brutal act. Nightmare spun around, Soul Edge gathered fire at it's tip. Soul Edge ripped into another pony, lighting him aflame. With ease Nightmare threw the body at a near by house, setting the building on fire. The flames danced onto each building as ponies tried to put the fire out, making this an easy slaughter. Nightmare brought his foot down crushing a random pony's back. His wicked laugh echoed into the night sky. Soul Edge was gorging itself with each innocent soul given to it. Soon the once proud group stood in shambles before Nightmare. "All that you see is the beginning of the darkness to come, all will tremble before my darkness!" Nightmare roared as his massive sword cut down the others with ease. The ground now stained with the blood was a welcome sight to Nightmare. "For too long I have slept. For too long I have been away and creature have made lives for themselves. Now comes the end!" ----- "Tia! Tia! Tia! Where are you?" Luna called out hoping to find her sister as soon as possible. During the night she felt a horrible mass a dark energy. As she brushed it off as a petty trick from her alter ego. But as the night went on the feeling of foreboding dread never left. At one point in the night a tear rolled down her cheek, not one of salty tear, no this tear was blood. The sense of overwhelming dread quickly consumed her, something was very wrong. She ran down the halls to Celestia's room only to find it was empty, a sudden chill ran down her spine. "Tia! I need to talk with you!" Luna called once again. This call was answered. Celestia came from a random door. "Tia! There you are, where were you?" "Sorry I was overseeing Twilight's date with Flash Sentries. They are both having a great time together." Celestia smiled at the last image she saw from them, each both sharing a dreamy look in their eyes. "Luna what happened? Are you okay?!" "This is why I came to find you. Something horrible has happened, I can feel the sorrow of our subjects." Luna whispered to her sister. The tone of voice Luna used was icy and serious. "Something very evil and very powerful has awakened in our lands." "Are you sure?" "I can feel the darkness inside me calling out to it. I fear Nightmare Moon may rise once more. I do know one thing so far, this is only the beginning of what is to come." Luna shook at her own words. ----- Nightmare watched as the entire village burned in a magnificent glow. His sword shined in the blaze with a unholy shade of red. Nightmare leaned backwards, letting out a roar of victory. "Soon these pathetic creatures will become apart of the unending Nightmare that is to come!" His dual voice called out to no one. A small sound caught his attention. His red eyes pierced through the darkness, a small colt. The animal was cuddling it dead mother like she would come back. Nightmare stepped closer to the whelp, each step crushing broken glass and wood alike. The colt looked up to see Nightmare towering above him. The right hand grabbed the poor child bringing it up to Nightmare's eyes. "Spread news of my resurrection to this world, tell all to quake in fear as I burn every single one of your kind into ashes. Go and bring the dreaded news of Nightmare's return!" The colt nodded his head frantically. When the monster set him down, the colt bolted off away heading for the nearest village, city, or port. He ran as fast as his little legs would allow. Once he disappeared from sight Nightmare began to follow. The colt didn't realize that the monster was using him to track down other souls for the next slaughter. The colt would not be none the wiser as he ran for dear life. ----- Rarity thought today could be any worse. Captured by Diamond Dogs, dirt in her mane, being dragged in mud. Yup this day was horrible. "Can we please just talk about this? We may have gotten off on the wrong hoof-" "Shut mouth stupid pretty pony!" The lead dog said with pure disdain at Rarity. As he finished his sentence he gave the rope a sharp tug to knock Rarity off her feet. "Soon we get where need to be, then you pay." "That is a great idea I'll give you all the gems I have at my Boutique if you would be so kind to let me go." Rarity tried to bargen with her captors. "No. First pack have way with stupid pony, then we kill pony." The dog laughed. Rarity's eyes went wide, each dog from their tribe was going to rape her, then kill her. Her struggles to escape became more evident, the dog pulled the rope even harder to get her shut up. Turning around the dog saw a colt running strait at him. A cruel smile formed on his face as he quickly snatched up the colt. "And new slave to dig! Great day for dogs!" "Please he's just a colt let him go!" Rarity began to beg the dog still holding her. "No! We find we keep thi-" Before the dog could even look to what stabbed him, the chilling voice spoke. "Worthless creature." And with a turn of the blade the body of the dog was ripped in half. Blood showered upon the colt and Rarity. Nightmare found the colt again. Some dogs heard the strange voice and came to support their brother, only to see a massive creature wear dark blue armor weilding a giant red sword turn to them. "Become apart of the Nightmare!" The dogs charged at Nightmare as he charged back. His heavy foot kicked in the skull of the first dog who jumped into the air to attack. The skull cracked underneath the foot as it pushed down, the dog yelped in pain. Soul Edge was planted into the next dog and with a grunt from the Azure Knight, the top half was separated from the rest of the body. Nightmare slashed a deep cut across one of the taller dogs with ease, leaving the dog to bleed out. The other Diamond Dogs began to cower, but that did not stop the hulking beast from ripping through them like paper. Blood soaked the dirt, turning it to sick red mud. Nightmare continued his slaughter with ease. None will no peace until none would be left alive. Rarity used this time greatly as she finally broke the bonds that held her. She grabbed the colt and sped out of the forest while the beast was busy with the dogs. As she put much distance between her and that monster she could still the screams of the dogs begging for mercy. In the back of her mind she felt this as some poetic justice being brought down upon them from above. She didn't stay to thank the knight who had saved her for fear of a blood lust it had. ------ Nightmare stood amongst the carnage, blood dripped freely from the armor and the sword. Turning to see that the small white creature and the tiny one had left. Growling in anger, Nightmare let lose his anger on a near by tree. His huge fist smashed the tree into splinters. > Bed time/War cry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity held the colt safely in her forelegs in the fabric room trying to hush the poor child. Each attempt failed. He was so young, so terrified. For once Rarity was glad Sweetie Belle was staying at Sweet Apple Acres tonight because Rarity would have a terrible time explaining what this colt was doing in Sweetie's bed. She quickly ran a bath for the colt who had the thousand yard stare. She place the colt into the warm water and washed away the dirt and grime that covered his tiny body. The water held many drifting pieces of dried blood floating upon it's surface. As she finished cleaning him, Rarity dried him off and put him to bed. She went to her bathroom. The hot water coming down on her eased some of her muscles, the sound of sobbing was too quite to be heard from anywhere other than right next to her. Even though the dogs were going to rape and kill her did they deserve to die in such a horrible way? Too many thoughts were probing into her mind to think strait. The water was cold now, she had taken longer than normal. With water dripping off of her body and a un focused attitude she flopped down on her carpet. Slowly her mind began to shut down for the well deserved rest. ------- "Captain Armor, please come forward." "Yes my princess?" "Last night my sister Luna said she felt something very dark and powerful. I want you to investigate any claims of anything of the sort. I fear for my subjects." "Right away Princess Celestia." ------ "Who dares to enter the cave of Alviun, Master of these mountains?" The large black dragon snarled at the mysterious creature who stepped inside with no fear. "I will devour your soul!" Even the great dragon was taken back by such boldness was never shot at Alviun. This thing must have been a warrior who has seen many a conflict. As the dragon rose to greet the challenge a heavy hand knocked it back down. Now the dragon got a good look at the attacker. He nearly fit the description of the holy knight that brought new life to an old world. "Before we engage in battle I must ask, who are you so I may scratch your name into my wall." "I am Nightmare." "Isn't Nightmare supposed to be a pony?" "I am the only Nightmare!" With hatred burning in Nightmare's eyes he attacked viciously. Soul Edge left a hefty mark on the dragons face. The dragon launched a wall of blue flame at the knight, striking him with a direct hit. "Ha! I remain lord of this land and-" The dual voice rose up from the rubble with a deep laugh. The explosion of earth sent the piles of gold upward causing them to shower over Nightmare as his red eyes locked with the dragon. The great dragon let out an earth shaking roar that was felt for miles. "How did you survive?" "I am Destruction incarnate!" Soul Edge sliced through one of the dragon's legs, leaving it handicapped. Blood flowed freely from the open wound like a beautiful fountain inside a well lit garden. The massive sword came down again, lopping off the tail of the beast. Alviun's mind couldn't process what was happening, first his hand now his tail? The dragon stood to his full height, fire rained down upon the ground as rain would in a nasty storm. Nightmare blocked a volly of balls of fire with ease and with surprising speed ran to the great dragon, kicking Alviun in his enormous belly. The dragon fell forward. Nightmare used his twisted right hand to lift the head up and with his left hand Soul Edge came to taste the blood of another being. The massive eyes went wide as the blade was plunged into the softer under side, Nightmare's blood red eyes stared deeply into the dragon's showing what it was to look death in the face. The gold was coated in vile liquids of the dragon but was untouched. Nightmare stalked back to the entrance of the massive cave with a new direction off in the distance. Canterlot Castle. The whole place would be a raging inferno once Nightmare was through. Raising his head, he let out a monstrous roar. "World quake in fear! I will devour each of your souls no matter what you are!" ------ Fluttershy was tending to some of her larger animal friends when she heard the loudest dragon roar she would ever care to hear. Minutes passed without a second sound or roar so Ponyvile wouldn't have to fear anything. Then the next thing she heard forced her to wet herself in terror. "World quake in fear! I will devour each of your souls no matter what you are!" The loud speech sounded like a thousand voices crying out in agony, praying for a quick death but only to suffer the most horrible fate in a vicious unending cycle. Each animal around Fluttershy shook at the horrific voice echoing throughout the land. They scrambled into the underbrush, Fluttershy felt the need to run. To get out of sight and hide from whatever could have made such a horrific demonic voice. ----- "World quake in fear! I will devour each of your souls no matter what you are!" Luna and Celestia both jumped out of fright by the sheer volume of the voice. Not since Sombra did any voice sound that dark, terrifying, and so filled with a blood lust unmatched. "Tia?" "I heard it as well dear sister. I'm no expert but that sounded like a war cry." "Tia, I can feel it. Calling to all darkness... I can feel Nightmare Moon moving inside of my mind... she calls back... wanting to be freed..." Luna's voice dripped with fear never seen before. Celestia could feel the tense air growing. "Fear not sister, I will be there with you every step of the way." > Nightmare vs Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor surveyed where Sun Drop village once stood proudly. The smoldering ruins had long been put out, but the damage was done. The whole squad prepared for something like a seige of the city or a random camp but this was beyond words. All around them was carnage on an unexpected scale. "By Celestia... What happened here?" Shining Armor could not believe what his brain was trying to comprehend. The devastation was unlike anything seen before. Nightmare Moon wanted love of her subjects, Discord never meant psychical harm, and the changelings were desperate for food. But this was something different altogether. "SIR! I found the villagers!" A random guard called to his captain. "How are they?!" Shining ran to his soldier who called out. Catching his breath as he came to a stop, his eyes widening at the sight before him. There were four soldiers puking like some civilians. "Act like guards! We gotta a job to do!" Secretly his mind wandered to what they saw to make them react in such away. A guard pointed a hoof in the way Shining's he'd should have been aimed. "Oh dear sweet plot of Luna..." The entire population of the village, it seemed to the guards, were piled up and still burned but only slightly. Small bits of fire could be seen trying to escape, only to be put out. This proved to much for the young captain as vomit threatened to spew forth from his mouth. Whatever did this had to be born straight from the pits of Tartarus. When Shining looked away from the bodies did the horror set in his mind. They were slaughtered like animals. "Sir, we have found unidentified tracks moving away from the village." Flash called out. "Also we found what looks like a massive sword in the rubble." "Good... good... good job lieutenant." Shining Armor gagged as the last of his breakfast was on display for all to see. "Ugh... Let's get back to the palace... the Princesses need to know what happened here, somepony get that sword." --------- "Come on Fluttershy, whatever you heard can't be as scary as a dragon, not that I was scared." Rainbow Dash tried her best to get the timid yellow pegasus out of her home. So far it wasn't working at all. Rainbow Dash couldn't say she heard what ever the noise was. She was at the club trying to sway a mare or stallion into a good time. "Y- you weren't there to- hear it." Came the soft voice of Fluttershy. "Fluttershy you are one of the Elements of Harmony, guaranteed whatever it was couldn't hurt you." Rainbow Dash assured her meek friend. "BLOOD, DARKNESS, COME ONTO ME!" Both squeaked in surprise. The once mighty Rainbow Dash never heard anything like that, Fluttershy again felt her bladder release itself again. Both looked for where the sound came from; Rainbow Dash bolted upwards to scan the area while Fluttershy looked out the peephole in her door. "Hey uh Fluttershy? Could I come inside for a bit?" Rainbow Dash spoke low to make sure whatever made that noise couldn't hear her. "Get inside!" Fluttershy ordered to her cyan friend. And with perfect time as the owner of the voice came into sight not a minute after. "I smell souls! Terror, anger, and a power saturate the air." Nightmare had come down upon these foolish mortals. ------ Luna shrieked in agony as a nearly black cloud seeped from her skin. Nightmare Moon had come. With a wicked laugh she disappeared as quick as she came to be. Luna gasped as the pain shoot throughout her body to every nerve and muscle. "Luna!" A voice called out as Luna's vision became murky. Slowly the world shifted into a black mass. ------ "Halt beast! By order of Princesses Celestia and Luna we place you under arrest!" "Give me souls!" Nightmare howled. His massive foot caught the chin of the guard, to all the bystanders horror, a sick crack was heard. The guard lay dead before the monster. "I will kill you all!" With no warning Nightmare rammed into the group, his shoulder breaking into the face of cream colored pony with a red mane and tail. The sick looking right hand smashed onto a cart as guards shot spells and wards onto Nightmare's form. His sword cleaved the head of one on looker. Panic was far too set in as the guards fought with the creature. A crack of lighting stopped the fighting. A tall Alicorn shape rose from the smoke. The guards became too confused to do anything at this point. ------ The rest of the mane six, minus Twilight, fled the town with anypony they could help. A crowd of at least twenty made it safely to the train. The girls couldn't help but look at the battlefield that was their home not long ago. Tears fell freely as they stole one last glance back. ------- "Who dares to attack my subjects?" Nightmare Moon questioned the biped before her. "I can feel your MADNESS!" "Answer me abomination!" Her voice dripped with venom of one hundred snakes. "Answer me or face my wrath!" "You dare to attack me?! I am Nightmare! And soon your soul will become apart of me!" Nightmare flew into city hall, the building trembled in the wake of the attack. Nightmare Moon stood triumphantly with a wide grin of victory. "I will not allow any harm come to my subjects---" "Pathetic." "What?! That should have killed you!" "You cannot kill destruction!" Nightmare charged at Nightmare Moon with his glowing eyes showing his path as he dashed at her. Her reaction wasn't quick enough as the hilt of the massive blade caught her square in the face. "Give your soul to me. I can promise a quick death." "Never foul creature!" The blast of magic hit Nightmare's face sending him back five feet. Her next shot of magic blasted the terrible monster back into city hall, the large building collapsed now. Three tons of wood, brick, and concrete settled upon the beast. Nightmare Moon stood proudly over the wrecked building in full pride of her victory. "Faithful subjects! Rejoice, I, your loving princess has saved you! I only request your love!" Those present gave in and bowed deeply. Nightmare Moon smiled with a single tear rolling down her cheek. "Pitifully weak creatures. The blood I will spill from your fragile frame!" The dual voice ripped from the rubble. > The goddess' last breath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare Moon never felt fear before. But now she felt its cold embrace as the monster stood at it's full height. Her eyes glazed over as it shambled over to her, it's right was twisted in a way that had to painful. Much to her horror the large hand grabbed the limb and twisted it back into it's correct position with ease. Nightmare heard the sound of armor grinding against armor, the fact she couldn't hear any grunts of pain or the sound of flesh being torn, or bones break and snap. And it still kept coming for more. Panic fully showered the queen of the night as one of the remaining guards struck his sword on the armor, to have it snap in two. With a swift kick from Nightmare the guard's face caved in with sickening crack. That wasn't the end for the body though. Nightmare heaved the cadaver at Nightmare Moon. The body pinned her to the ground for a brief second, but within that moment Nightmare closed the distance between them. His sword hit home in a flurry of slashes and thrusts. Nightmare Moon's body exploded in pain as the brutal beating continued by Nightmare's hands. For all present on the scene lost whatever they eaten previously in the last six hours, they could hear Nightmare Moon's pleas and begging for it to stop made them cringe. To hear the feared goddess beg was gut wrenching as the beast wailed it's fist on her body. What was to be a victory for her turned into a nightmare, it was true irony in the purest form. Nightmare punched, kicked, and slashed her until she was a mess of red stains and a lump of flesh upon the ground. "Delicious souls are readied with fear." The dual voice ripped through the tense air. Nightmare now focused on the rest of the survivors with mad glee. Nightmare saw the terror written on their faces, he assumed that this was a leader of their race, and he just massacred her. They backed away very slowly to their misguided hope. Nightmare launched forward. ------ Luna fell to the floor gasping for air. Celestia was the first at her side. "Luna what's wrong?!" Worry was in Celestia's voice. She looked over her sister to find anything wrong. Nothing. "Tia... it feels... like... a... piece of me... died..." Luna still gasping. She was just as confused as Celestia at this sudden change. A enormous explosion rocked the entire palace. Three guards barged in the room with pained expressions on their faces. Each panted with ragged breath. "Your... Majesties... it's here!" Celestia and Luna's eyes were the size of dinner plates. > Clash of Gods part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare kicked down a large portion of the wall onto a civilian, resulting in a loud squishing sound bouncing off the solid items. To many watching, this was the most horrifying thing to ever behold. Others saw the massive monster as a God who deemed each pony as sin to it's will. "We have to hold it before that thing breaches any further in Canterlot! Hold the line!" "It's coming this way!" "Hold steady!" Nightmare saw this feeble line of flesh, with a terrible roar the monster soared into the air with tremendous force, coming down atop the lead guard's back. The blood sprayed in all directions, covering any and all nearby with the crimson fluid. "The blood is intoxicating isn't it?" The blue demon laughed with a malevolent voice ringing loudly. The right hand swung at a stunned guard's head, blood shot into the air as a fountain with water. But Nightmare was only beginning to start his bloody path, whatever was in the Azure Knight's way very soon would be nothing more than a stain on the walls. His power now channelled into his demonic red blade, flames licked and bidded their time for too long, Nightmare shot the fire to terrified civilians. They bolted to and fro seeking to extinguish the flames that were consuming their flesh and bones, they caused more chaos than good, setting homes ablaze along with other businesses and carts. The scene was utter madness as the fires of hell jumped to new items, all the while giving the hulking monster a devilish glow. "This is only the beginning of the end!" --------- Celestia stomped her hoof in anger that such a savage beast was lose in her city, tearing it to bits before her very eyes. Fires shot sky wards from random blocks of Canterlot, but she couldn't see the culprit of this attack. "We have to go princess, it isn't safe here!" A guard called to the solar goddess, who fumed over the situation. "Take the bearers of the Elements and my sister and leave Canterlot, you will meet me at Manehatten in five hours... I will stop this creature." Her eyes glowed with a rage that burned for justice, even her body shook with anger. The guard stood at the door before nodding to his princess. "Whatever you are I will make you pay for what you have done!" Celestia could feel something new creeping into her mind, a small tingling sensation that grew. It grew louder after every second until it became a voice. "Celestia, you seek justice for your people... you must wield me." "Who are you?" "I am Soul Calibur, the sword that was brought to you earlier is my body and I am it's will, I am Elysium." "Elysium? What must I do?" "Wield the sword against Nightmare!" Celestia turned to the weapon that lay upon her table, it's color now shown a beautifully calming blue. Her magic took hold of the grand weapon, it felt as if this was a piece of her returning. The blade humed with power to complete the task before it, destroy this Nightmare. Celestia shot out of the window with haste, taking the great sword with her to finish the beast. As she flew over the city of Canterlot the smell of death became too great for her, forcing the princess to land to continue her search. The bodies of ponies brought new feelings of anger towards this creature called Nightmare, it would pay for this attack dearly. But as luck would have it she found Nightmare stalking a filly with it's blood red weapon poised to strike. "The end is near little soul, nothing can halt me!" "Beast! I shall run you into the very depths of hell!" The sudden voice of confrontation caused the blue demon to turn towards Celestia, the bright red eyes locked onto her with a rage unknown to any creature. "We will cut you down and bring justice upon you for your actions!" "I knew you would return Elysium, you will suffer the most! I will force you to see these souls feed my blade, and then yours will be mine." The dual voice ripped through the air with a deeply chilling demonic laugh following. Celestia didn't care for this beast in the slightest, as soon as it began to laugh she struck. The flat of the sword caught the beast's head, sending Nightmare flying into a home. "Run little filly!" The filly didn't have to be told twice as she hurried down the ablaze street. "You've only prolonged the inevitable, the destruction will never stop. Hell is waiting Elysium, you will soon see it's fires!" Nightmare tackled Celestia, his massive hand grabbed her hair and sent her into a wall with a flick. "Death is your fate!" The twisted hand took Celestia's wings in a unforgiving grip, holding her to his head. She looked deeply into his fiery eyes, her head made contact with his forcing the hand to let go. Her blade smashed into his left leg with a sick crunch, Nightmare howled in pain as the holy blade cut deeply. "Nightmare! This is your end!" Celestia screamed as she lifted Soul Calibur over her head, yet Nightmare kicked out her legs. He was fast enough to block the falling blade with his own and take hold of Celestia, dark energy pulsed throughout his form as a sphere shot her away from him. -------- Luna and the bearers of the Elements sat in the carriage as it flew over the city or what was left of it. She asked the guards if they had seen Celestia, only one said she stayed to fight whatever plagued their city. In that instant Luna felt a flurry of emotions run through her body: anger, shock, sadness, and regret she couldn't help. As the carriage reached the city's outer wall Luna saw for the first time the beast that caused all of this torment. "Hey Princess Celestia is fighting it!" Twilight called out as she peered down at the scene below. Each of the girls and Luna peeked down to see Celestia locked in combat with something not of this world, sparks flashed between the blades as they struck each other. Luna couldn't help but watch her sister battle the monster that caused the devastation of the city, her eyes widened as the two Titans clashed again. > We Flee from Death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia could feel Soul Calibur wanting to destroy the demonic blade, it called to her to smash it into a thousand pieces and send them into the darkest pit. She is so close to doing just that. "Nightmare, the very blackest pits of hell shall be your prison forever!" She charged at the monster, the holy sword held tightly with her magic. Nightmare reacted too quickly for her. His knee caught her chin sharply and without mercy, leaving her open to more attacks. His mutated fist struck home with her right cheek as her head was still in a daze, he was relentless. His head crashed upon hers with waves of energy flowing from the hit like a massive river that was held at bay for too long. Red and blue energy intertwined and battled in the skies above while below the real battle was. "Give in to your madness Elysium, it will make your death less painful." The dual voice mocked as the fist came back towards Celestia. "I am Celestia! Not Elysium, these lands and ponies are under my protection from things like you!" Her own legs aimed at the monster's left leg. Time slowed as the two opposite forces hit their marks, Nightmare's fist collided with Celestia's face as her legs knocked his at an awkward angle. The sheer force they put into these attacks shot them each backwards. Celestia got her bearings first, she stood tall and proud over the piles of rubble waiting for Nightmare to show. Minutes passed without a sound made, Celestia smiled as victory was hers. Her wings shot out, taking her into the skies quickly leaving only a broken city in her wake. A single tear fell from her as she flew to her destination. ------ Ponies dug the remains of friends and family from the war zone that once was the capitol of all Equestria. Others sought out the God whom they feared and his wonderfully powerful sword. "Over here! I found our lord!" "Well what are you waiting for dig him out! Mayhaps he will grant us power for helping him." The greed was only driving force for these few, seeking only power. "I see his sword! Quickly bring it to me!" The rubble exploded upwards as Nightmare stood once more, his leg was twisted in a unspeakable looking manner. His eyes didn't show anything but the darkest rage against Elysium. "My lord! We freed you! Ask us for anything and we shall do your will." Soon all present were bowing to the hulking monstrous form of Nightmare, they began to praise him as their God and pledged themselves to his will and his will alone. His leg twisted and snapped back into it's correct location as he stalked forward towards the group. One of his huge fingers grazed the pony who knelt before him. "Bring death and destruction against Elysium, carry the Malefested banner far to every land to welcome my hunger." He raised Soul Edge over his head, blackish red flames poured out of the blade and into the hearts and minds of everypony still in the charred city. Men, women, and children became the heralds of the Symbol of Destruction and soon every nation would know him. -------- Manehatten, the largest of all pony cities, now housed the Elements of Harmony and a frightened princess as it's new guests. Luna sat alone on the roof of marriot, recalling the battle between her sister and that monster. How Celestia fought against it with skill Luna had never seen before, not even during the battle with Discord. Something had to be driving Celestia to fight in such a brutal manner against that thing. Breathing out a sigh Luna stood up, taking in the night sky one last time before she went inside. A soft thud caught her attention. Celestia had landed two feet away from where Luna had originally been sitting, she bore many cuts and bruises from her confrontation. Luna stood in complete silence as her sister walked with uneasiness. "Lulu, I think I got him..." She collapsed on the roof, her breathing the only way of knowing she was still alive. Luna levitated her sister's unconscious form through the doorway with care, bringing Celestia to her room. As she passed by the others' rooms the mane six would peek out to try to understand what happened. -------- The Crystal Empire stood proudly with the invisible wall that the heart so graciously provided. Outside of that wall stood an army of the Malefested, awaiting Nightmare to usher in his darkness to this city. Each one felt the need to destroy grow within their hearts, only destruction would sate them. Nightmare growled at the wall, he fought off Elysium and killed the pretender to his title. He would smash this place personally, his hatred for the empire wasn't misplaced nor was it settling for one thing after another. This shinning city brought memories of Siegfried, his powerless "brother". His growls became roars of fury as each second passed before his eyes. To make matters more pressing for Nightmare, his sword cried out it's hunger for the souls that just lay beyond this wall. His anger grew and so did the glow in his eyes, this magical wall would be smashed by his hands. Four of his Malefested had their eyes locked on his twisted form that shook with rage, one thing would give into the other. Nightmare took up Soul Edge and plunged the blade into the wall before him, those who couldn't see the wall before saw it waver and burst at their lord's might.